Machine Learning Team Coursework
Machine Learning Team Coursework
Machine Learning Team Coursework
- Submit a ipynb and a html (or pdf) file with the report. You can also split the submission
into several files with clearly chosen names indicating what part of the report the file
relates to.
- Submit the input datasets.
Final checklist
• Are all preprocessing steps justified?
• Did you try different metaparameter values where appropriate?
• Are the results replicable? If you have the same data, does the report describe all steps in
sufficient detail to obtain the same results as reported by the authors?
• Were proper evaluation metrics selected? Are the results correctly interpreted?
• Are all important steps explained and justified?
• What is the quality of writing? Is the language clear and concise?
2. Review assignment
Once all teamwork reports have been submitted, they will be uploaded to OneDrive, and you will find
out which team you will be writing a review for. You will have approx 7 days to submit the review.
The review document will be submitted to InSIS in the .pdf format.
Assessment outline:
3. Review summary
a. Positives and negatives, formal aspects, improvement proposals
4. Final evaluation, recommendations
a. Accept without any changes (18-20 points)
b. Accept with minor revisions (13-17 points)
c. Accept after major revisions (8-12 points)
d. Reject (0-7 points)
3. Presentation
After submitting the review, you will have approx 7 days to prepare the presentation. All presentations
take place at the seminar.
Presentation essentials:
• Prepare slides summarizing the most important parts - they are preferred over the presentation
directly from jupyter notebooks.
• Each team has about 15 minutes to present the coursework.
• Coursework can be presented by anyone on the team or even by all of your team members.
• The presentation of the team is followed by the opponents' statements (max. 5 minutes).
• Select the most important: model description, problems, “lesson learnt“.
4. Statement of work
After the presentation, you will be required to submit a statement about your work and the work of the
other students in your team. The statement of work will be submitted via nbgrader. If the student did
not work sufficiently in the team, he or she may be penalized based on average of all statements.
The final number of student points results from the following formula:
Shortly, in order to not be penalized, a student must work at least 50% of their assigned work.
• Member 1: 25% - the member did exactly what he/she was supposed to do. Points = 30 * min{1,
2*0.25*4} = 30
• Member 2: 12,5% - the member completed 50% of his/her assigned work. However, it is enough
to get the full number of points. Points = 30 * min{1, 2*0.125*4} = 30
• Member 3: 52,5% - the student has worked more than he/she should have, so he/she naturally
has full points. Points = 30 * min{1, 2*0.525*4} = 30
• Member 4: 10% - This student worked less than required, so he/she will receive less points than
other team members. Points = 30 * min{1, 2*0.1*4} = 24