Supreme Magic Catalogue No. 30

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NO. 30




No. 30



© The Supreme Magic Co. Ltd. Ifi81

All rights reserved. No part of this pub-
lication may be reproduced, stored in
any retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without permission of The
Supreme Magic Company Limited, 64,
High Street, Bideford, Devon, England

WORKMANSHIP. A rehandling charge will be made on all permissible returns.
This Catalogue cancels all previous prices. All prices subject to change without notice.

All contents, descriptive matter, art-work, photographs etc., in this Catalogue

are Copyright with The Supreme Magic Co., Ltd.

No. 30

It Is with a feeling of pride and achievement that we present to you this our latest Catalogue.
Supreme Magic commenced trading twenty-nine years ago, over which period we have supplied some of the world's greatest
magicians, and Catalogues have been produced yearly. Usually, these Catalogues have detailed new additions to our range, although
our No.4 Catalogue was a real giant and in three sections.
In that Catalogue we promised a dedication to Magic and all those who serve it, a promise which we now renew.
"Supreme Magic" has not been created without tremendous efforts, and over the years many, many thousands of different
tricks, books and accessories have been produced. Wherever possible, we do try to keep items in stock. Our customers will rea-
lise that Magic is very much a hand-made commodity and of course over the years some of our expert craftsmen have passed on, and
we have been unable to replace some items; against this, other new, skilled craftsmen have joined our team.
Currently, we hold stocks of some sixteen thousand different tricks, books and accessories.
These tricks are supplied to professional performers all over the world. It should be understood that we are not a "Joke
Shop” or a "Trick Shop". Our Magic generally is unsuitable for the absolute beginner, and we do ask customers to carefully read
our Terms of Business.
This Catalogue is being compiled in February 1981 and we hope to have the finished product ready and advertised by Septem-
ber of this year.
Unfortunately, in this country Inflation is still with us and it should be clearly understood that all prices quoted in this Cata-
logue are correct at the time of going to press. In the event of any Increase in price, we will notify you and bill you, unless you spe-
cifically ask us not to do so.


The Supreme Magic Company Ltd., was founded twenty-nine years ago by EDWIN HOOPER of Bideford, Devon. Since then,
the business has continually expanded until It Is now the largest of Its kind in the world.
ft is a time-consuming business and a highly specialised one, as the Company sales are not made to shops or stores, but cfi-
rect to MAGICIANS ONLY, through the mail.
Edwin, the Managing Director, is himself an experienced Magician. A Past President of the British Ring of the International
Brotherhood of Magicians, a Member of the famous Inner Magic Circle with Gold Star, and with a lifetime's experience of perform-
ing, inventing and writing Magic.
He Is assisted in the business by his son, MICHAEL, also a member of The Magic Circle and the I.B.M., and a competent
demonstrator and performer, and by IAN ADAIR, a Member of the Inner Magic Circle and of the I.B.M., and author of a vast num-
ber of books on Magic.
Nowadays, the firm keeps In touch with Its customers through the pages of its House-Organ, 'THE MAGIGRAM MAGAZINE'.
Published monthly, the magazine has never been late and each Issue is packed with tricks, tips, hints, patter bits, information and
news, - In addition to details of new Items which the firm are producing, and old ones which they have re-made. The subscription Is
currently £7. 50, (U.S.A. $18.00) for a whole year, post-paid to anywhere In the world.
The cost of the production of the magazine Is, as can be Imagined, many times the modest subscription price asked, but this is
Supreme's House-Organ, its shop-window and the magazine is heavily subsidised by the firm's own advertisements.
A subscription to THE MAGIGRAM must constitute Magic's Biggest Bargain, and full details of this are given elsewhere.
THE MAGIGRAM Is Edited by KEN DE COURCY, again a most knowledgeable and experienced Magician, one who has perform-
ed at the famous Magic Castle, Hollywood, on numerous occasions.
Ken is the inventor of numerous Magical effects and the author of a great number of books.
Edwin's own speciality Is In routining and many of the Instructions and routines which accompany the effects are written by
him, as is also much of the patter, writing the advertising copy and of course seeing that everything runs smoothly.
A staff of seventeen working at the High Street premises ensure that mall is always dealt with promptly, usually the same day
as the order Is received.
Supreme Magic has made Its wav because of the wav It's made, ft has been built on a reputation of good service, good goods.
Integrity and a genuine love and enthusiasm for Magic.
Bideford is a little town situated in the south-west of England, (some 230 miles from London and away from the hustle and
bustle of city life), and with a population of some 14,000.
Bideford was Immortalised by the writer Charles Kingsley as 'The little White Town', for in olden days Bideford was a
thriving fishing and business port, with little white-washed houses tumbling down to the river.
Built on the sloping banks of the River Torrldge, the houses still huddle down to the charming quayside and the silver river
which winds below, past Appledore and Instow, and out into the open bay.
Bideford is known as a unique holiday venue and centre, being nearby to such places as Clovelly, Westward Ho!, Ilfracombe,
and other beauty spots.
It is famous for its historical bridge, a bridge with twenty-four arches, each g different shape and size, and for its associa-
tion with such famous names of Elizabethan times as Grenville, Drake and Raleigh.
But Bideford is known to many for another reason, - Magicians all over the world know Bldeford, Devon, England, as the
home of Magic's greatest organisation. The Supreme Magic Company, Ltd.
Situated in the High Street, the notice on the door may seem rather forbidding ... "Magicians Only. Appointments Only", for
this is no Magic Shop. Although callers are always welcome here, there is no full-time demonstrator of Magic, no Novelty Store;
members of the general public are not admitted. Edwin feels that his obligation is to his postal customers, to honour his promise of
immediate dispatch and here is a large building devoted exclusively to serving Magicians, principally through the mail.

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'h o l sw o r t ht
This is Kingsley's "Little White Town", at one time a thriving port.
Now known to Magicians all over the world as "where the tricks come

In addition to the High Street premises where the working stock is held, the "solid stock" - a vast array is held in the enor-
mous stores where rows and rows of boxes of indexed stock, checked and packaged ready for sale, are kept.
Who makes the Magic ? Well, outside of the High Street premises are a team of efficient and competent workmen, each pro-
ducing their own specialities. A skilled wood-worker, exclusively with Supreme for many years, employs his son, his wife and
others to assist him; a metal-worker; ladies who do sewing, and so on.
Over the last twenty-nine years, Supreme have built-up, created and sustained a team of first-class artisans, each a special-
ist in his own right.
When the products reach the High Street store, they have to be checked, assembled, packaged with the instructions and stored,
awaiting your orders.
New ideas are continually pouring into Supreme from all over the world; new makers and suppliers are always welcome.
Supreme visit some twenty or thirty Magical Societies each year, presenting and demonstrating their Magic.
Additionally, they attend the International Brotherhood of Magicians Convention which takes place usually in September each
year, releasing at that time a whole series of novel effects. Indeed, the slogan "There's always something new and novel from
Supreme" has become a world-famous one.
Over the years. Supreme have purchased the businesses of several other dealers. The late Harry Leat; the excellent metal-
work items of Bert Gardner and Ylmka; Harry Stanley's Unique Publications and the Gen; and the stock and rights on material of
Roy Baker.
Much of this material has been copied by unscrupulous dealers, often even using the same names and artwork. They have no
right whatsoever to do this, and actions have been taken against infringements.
WE SUPPLY THE TRICKS OF THE TRADE'. It should be clearly understood that we cannot sell you the real secret of Magic!
The real secret of Magic is PRESENTATION! We can supply you with the TOOLS of the trade. Moreover, we can tell you HOW you
should use those tools. In some hands, an Item may be a brilliant success, in others a dismal failure because they have failed to
study and perfect the PRESENTATION and to put into it a little of their own personality.
In the pages which follow are a selection of tricks with something to appeal to everyone, WHATEVER their taste in Magic.
There are tricks for the Close-Up Magician, for the Stage Performer, for the Children's Entertainer, for the Magician who features
livestock, for the Mentallst, you name It and It's there.
Please do make your selection wisely. Remember we do not exchange items, as sometimes a large proportion of the price
you pay for a trick Is for the secret of It.
Happy hunting through the pages which follow!
THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England.

We arc the actual manufacturers of a large
---- cturors ot largeproportion

SEPT. 1981
Those charges arc levied on us by the bank as com-
of the magic we sell and specialise la MAIL-ORDER mission and other charges. Naturally, we cannot af-
P-^85- s e l l in g ma g ic ford to lose these amounts on each remittance.
Selling magic is unlike selling any other commodity. In the event of Insufficient monies being sent by you,
Our market is limited. We do not supply the general it Is usual practice for us to bill any balance. Wo do re-
public, novelty stores, etc. Our sales are limited to quest that these balances be paid Immediately.
MAGICIANS ONLY. We trust our customers and we hope that our confi-
Most ot our items are UNSUITABLE for young children dence will not be misplaced.
or the absolute beginner unless he Is willing to study, Some of our U.S.A, customers may be rather puzzled
practice and learn. at some of our dollar prices. For example: two com-
Where a trick is described as EASY TO DO this refers pletely different Items which both retail In Britain for
to the actual mechanics. 75 pence each, might cost $2.00 and $3.00 respectively,
Tho REAL SKILL OF MAGIC LIES IN ITS PRESENTA- and U.S.A, customers may feel that an error has been
TION. which should be STUDIED and REHEARSED made. This Is not so and we would like to explain why
thoroughly before performance. there Is this difference In price.
REMEMBER PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT and you AU U.S.A, prices include a proportion of the postage
should NOT buy a trick today expecting to use it tomor- (postal charges to the States are especially high) and, if
row. or even the following week. PRACTICE - PRAC- one price is higher than another, it is because that Item
TICE - PRACTICE. may bo fragile and require extra special packaging, re-
All orders are dispatched tho same day as received. sulting in a heavier parcel. Tho other item may be a
Hat item and unbreakable, which can be popped Into an
AU letters and enquiries answered tho same day as re- envelope, and will thus take a lower postal charge.
ceived. Please note you MUST enclose a stamped ad-
Everything is worked out correctly and as fairly as pose-
dressed envelope for a reply. Please do allow SUF- ible.
FICIENT TIME for your order/reply to arrive. It is ------- REQAROfNa AIR POST
unfortunately true that the postal services throughout AU goods are sent by surface mall unless a customer
the world have deteriorated over the past few years. specifically asks AND INCLUDES SUFFICIENT EXTRA
Your local post office will always advise If they consid- CASH for goods to bo sent by air post. The cost of air
er the delay Incurred has been excessive. post Is extremely high and, in many Instances, can be
AN AIR-MAILED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Is automati- more than the actual value of tho goods themselves.
cally sent to aU our overseas customers as part ot our We do ask that you place your orders EARLY, other-
sorvlco. This la to Instantly notify the customer of tho wise you are Just throwing money away by incurring
receipt at their order here, and to advlae as to how this heavy postal charges.
has been packed and sent - the number and style of ALL OTHER OVERSEA» CUSTOMERS
packages and route used. Overseas customers from other countries, please note
We pay tho postage on all Inland orders and on all that no postage has boon aUowed on tho prices quoted.
orders to the U.S.A, on quoted dollar prices, but there Although we pay tho postage on Inland orders, (postage
is a minimum order charge, is very much lower in these cases of course), 25% must
IMPORTANTI bo added on general overseas orders. If overpayment
We regret that we are unable to accept any orders is made, we will credit you with this amount. A credit
under £10 ($20) unless £1.50 ($3) is added. This note will be sent to you with your alr-mallod acknow-
charge is to defer postage, packing and HANDLING. We ledgement, and this can be used against future orders.
feel sure that our customers will understand that orders If, on the other band, tho postal fees are higher than
under this amount are uneconomical for us to handle. B the money which has been sent, an Invoice for the bal-
takes some 15 minutes or more to "process" each order. ance will be entered and sent to you. We trust that you
AU orders over £10 ($20) are sent, post, packing and will settle this immediately. WE NEVER DEFER SEND-
Other overseas postage is charged at 25% extra. We MENT OF POSTAGE HAS BEEN MADE. It is our wish
have no wish to make a profit on tho postage and will that our customers receive their goods in tho quickest
debit or credit any balance of this 25%. possible way. without unnecessary trouble or delay.
on QUOTED DOLLAR PRICES, POST PAID on aU orders Some countries Impose some customs duty on all goods
of £10(U.S. A. $20) or over. coming in from overseas and make a small clearance
Remittances may be sent to us by cheque (your person- foe. R should be deary understood that this is nothing
al cheque is accepted), money orders, bank drafts, or whatsoever to do with us. and any complaints should bo
eash. If remitting the latter, in your own interests, we taken up with the national authorities concerned.
advise that this should be sent registered or recorded SORRY! NO CREDIT!
mall. Cheques or postal orders should be crossed Please ensure that if you have an outstanding account,
"ft Co". this is paid promptly. Our prices are calculated for
If you pay by sterling bankers dratt to Barclays Bank, 'cash with order' business, and not fox .credit trade,
High Street, Bldeford, Devon, England, Account Num- RECEIPTS
ber 00499137, or International Money/Payment Order Receipts are not normally issued unless specifically
payable in U.K., - or by Post Office Giro to Account requested. Please enclose a stamped addressed envel-
Number 29 7 6250, there is no additional charge. ope.
Otherwise please note, when remitting by cheque you Please note that where applicable VAT Is paid by u b at
must remember to include a Bank Handling Charge as the current rate, all our prices are Inclusive. Books,
foUows: _ , manuscripts and all similar items do not carry any VAT.
European cheques, £0.75n.
British cheques - No charge. Wo do not substitute! In the event of our being out of
stock of any particular item, we will advise you at once.
We do NOT substitute Items UNLESS at the customer's We feel sure that our customers will understand that
SPECIFIC REQUEST. PLEASE GIVE AN ALTERNA- it Is impossible for us to do business economically in
If an Item is out of stock it is our usual practice to We do ask that you follow our requested procedure and
issue a credit note which should be treated as cash. WIRE the money per the post office to avoid the above
This can be used against any future order for the amount charge and prevent the unpleasantness of our having to
stated on the credit note or a rotund will be made against decline your order. Our prices are calculated on a
it If you so desire. It Is Important that the credit note cash with order basis. If we were to work otherwise
is treated as cash and returned to us or Its number and we would have to increase our prices to cover our ex-
date of Issue given. Please note credit notes are not tra overheads.
transferable unless we are informed by both parties. INFLATION
DAMAGE OR LOSSI In these difficult'times of inflation we reserve the
We aro not responsible for goods Hnmn-oH or right to increase prices as necessary. In the event of
transit. Every care is taken In packing (we make no a substantial Increase we notify the customer, other-
charge for packing) and over the course of 20 years of wise bill it. This applies to all tricks, books and maga-
trading have had no more than a few breakages. zine subscriptions and notwithstanding any prices pre-
Receipts of posting aro always obtained by us and In viously advertised by us.
the event of difficulties a copy will bo sent, on re- In the event of any substantial alteration In world ex-
ceipt of a stamped adressed envelope, but Please. change rates or banking charges we reserve the right
please do give sufficient time to arrive. to amend our Terms of Business accordingly.
Customers CAN Insure their parcels as follows. If MATERIAL*
they wish;-
We reserve the right to change materials, colours
INLAND - Add post office foe, 15p. plus 20p. extra
for documentation to Insure your parcel. and specifications. These occasionally vary (although
we always do try to deliver as advertised), depending
OVERSEAS - Check with your local post office. Re-
upon supplies and availability.
member though - normally we declare the MATERIAL
value of the items sent - when seat Insured we MUST ENQUIRIES
declare the FULL retail value. A handling charge of All enquiries MUST bo accompanied by a stamped
$1 per parcel Is made for insurance. addressed envelope (overseas by International Reply
EXCHAN (UNO ITEM* Coupons obtainable from any post office). Sorry that
owing to the high cost of postage we must say 'no
We regret that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can Items
stamp, no reply'.
be exchanged. A part of the value of any trick, book or
if you live overseas and require a reply by AIRMAIL
manuscript, Iles In the secret(s) Incorporated or ex-
you must send at least FOUR International Reply Cou-
plained. Please make your selection CAREFULLY.
pons to pay the return postage. The value of a Reply
WHEN WRITING, please bo sure to write your name Coupon Is the cost of a reply letter post surface mall.
and address clearly in BLOCK CAPITALS, not forget-
ting the town, county and country. WE ARE NOT A SKOPI
IK CASE OF COMPLAINT, please advise us IMME- It will be appreciated that although we arc princip-
DIATE LY. We try to give good service and good value ally a Mall Order business, we do attend a terrific num-
for money. Please help us by bringing any deflclences ber of Magical events. Conventions and Demonstrations
to our notice. each year, where we are pleased to demonstrate our
Goods can be sent C.O.D. If desired and if there Is a We are always pleased to see callers (by appointment
C.O.D. service to the particular country in which you only please) to show them our set-up here and to supply
live. Whore goods have to be sent C.O.D. a 25% de- their specific requirements.
posit must be paid. On Inland orders, we pay the post- Our business hours are Monday - Friday, 9a.m. un-
age but not the C.O.D. charges, which will be added. til 12.30p.m. and then 2.30 until 4.30 p.m. (We have
Sorry that we cannot accept 'phons orders for goods to a small skeleton staff"only in on Saturday mornings to
bo sent C.O.D. deal with the mail then.)
URGENT ORDERS It will be understood that we do not employ a demon-
For urgent orders you can wire or 'phone the order strator on the premises or have time to DEMONSTRA-
and wire the money order. If phoning you will have to TE effects for customers. However, we are always
pay for the 'phone call of course. It Is a rule of the nlaasftd to sunnlv a customer's specific requirements
firm that reverse charge calls aro NOT accepted under and, wherever possible, to advise regarding specific
any circumstances. You can wire your order and items or effects.
Money Order from any General Post Office and It should Wherever possible, It Is requested that a customer
reach us the same day. should give a list of these so that Items can be "pick-
Many customers ask us to send goods on Invoice, per- ed out" ready for collection.
haps not realising the extra work Involved In this. If you are contemplating calling on us, why not give
us a ring when In this area (Telephone Bideford 3625)
Please note that wo are a 'Cash with order' business
and a copy of our Terms of Business Is Issued each and ascertain the best time for coming over, and lot
us know at that same time any Items which you wish
year and as changes occur to all our customers.
to purchase. We shall look forward to seeing you and
Notwithstanding, In special circumstances ONLY and
to regular customers who are 'MAGIGRAM' subscrib- to showing you around and to supplying your require-
ers ONLY, we will Invoice goods purely as an obllge-
ment and at our discretion - Our terms are Immediate Our Terms of Business are designed to enable us to
payment within the framework of our Terms of Business give you the very best possible service and to dispatch
... Orders under £10 ($20) carry a £1.50 ($3) handling your order without any undue delay. We are in busi-
charge and all invoiced orders will carry a £1 (S3) ness to sell magic to magicians and to sell the best
INVOICING CHARGE to help defray the additional work possible goods, at the best possible prices and to
Involved. give the best possible service.
Supreme Magic present the World’s greatest value
in magical reading

The modern Magazine for the 'with-it' Magician

Edited by KEN de COURCY who also contributes
to every issue subtle tricks and straight-forward
Photographs I Illustrations I Tricks I
Articles I News and Views, A fan-
tastic regular team of writers.


special showcases etc., PLUS adverts
of all the new tricks as they become
NOTE! - Magigram subscribers now
automatically receive ADVANCE IN-
Please note, we no longer maintain any PLUS ! PLUS! PLUS! PLUS !
other form of mailing list so it really
PAYS to become a Magigram subscriber I
Look forward to receiving this GREAT The Magazine you CANNOT afford to
MAGAZINE each month, every month miss.
and keep really UP-TO-DATE with the THE MAGIGRAM, subscription £7.50 ($18.0 0 per year)
Magic scene. 12 Issues post paid.

The New PENTAGRAM covers many aspects of Regular features in Peter Warlock’s New Penta-
gram include Lookback, a feature especially for
magic and offers sophisticated material of a high
quality. the collectors of magical literature. ‘Talkback’,
Here you will find a wealth of Card effects, Mental brings Peter Warlock’s own style of communication
Magic, Superb Close-up mysteries, Stage items ... .... news about the past linking it with the present
and much more. and sometimes the future.
The best magical brains present their pet effects, The New Pentagram cannot be disregarded! What-
ever field of magic you love and work in, The New
tricks which are tried and tested and performed
PENTAGRAM has got something really worthwhile
before an audience before they go into print.
to offer YOU. Don’t pass it by. Join the other
That’s why The New PENTAGRAM is such a su- enthusiastic readers today. You will never regret
perb magazine, the type which you may have to it. Each volume is one large collection of know-
study, but the type which you will enjoy reading ledge, devoid from any advertising.
and which will obtain you succes through its ex- Subscribe now. Price only £4.50 ($9) per year,
istence. 12 issues, post-paid to any part of the world.
The Face of Supreme!

W3 I

it —,
11 ..

Part of the front building of The Supreme Magic Co. FOUNDER OF THE COMPANY

A corner of our attractive showroom

■ <

ready to serve you...


One of many SUPREME exhibition stands.

Always crowds around the Supreme Magic Stand.

ALFRED GABRIEL(then President

British Ring) presents EDWIN HOOPER
the Craig Trophy for the most attractive
exhibition stand at the convention


1980 award, making a total of NINE wins.

Shelves and shelves of pre-packaged goods

15 large filing cabinets containing the secrets

of some sixteen thousand items,

U.S.A, magical inventor WARREN STEPHENS

Stephen Ware controls the massive stocks at our (Supreme market his many fabulous effects) on our doorstep.
top stores.
Edwin and John Salisse, secretary of
the Magic Circle HAPPY GATHERING (left to right) Will Ayling, British Ring
President 1981/82 Jeffery Atkins, Alfred Gabriel, Edwin,
Elinor Heslop, Cath Atkins


A friendly chat and drink with the President of the Magic Circle
and his Lady FRANCIS WHITE and ANNE

ooo Edwin Hooper (President British Ring)

[CXZJC* 1978 with Francis White at a Banquet

FOUNDER, EDWIN HOOPER is knighted by

famous personality, KEN DODD Blackpool
Convention 1979

Edwin was guest of honour, as President of The

British Ring. International Brotherhood of
A HAPPY OCCASION with The Editor
of The New Pentagram, PETER WARLOCK
and ANNE at The Magic Circle Headquarters
(note the portrait of Devant in the background)


past President International
Brotherhood of Magicians, past
President and Secretary of The
British Ring with Edwin

Supreme’s FIRST visit to the U.S.A.
1968 (Since then Supreme have made
many appearances at leading
American Conventions)

CHATTANOOGA I. B.M,. convention

With the Late Duke Stem, Edwin,
Karrell Fox and Ian Adair behind
the Supreme Magic Stand.
Prop supplied consists of a neat plastic box
with a slot at the top,
card vanishes from an envel- Any spectator is invited to drop a small coin
ope and appears threaded on inside the box. The coin can be rattled around
a knitting needle, both ends of until the very last moment. A little later the
which have been held by a SAME coin can be reproduced from a roll of
spectator. bread or from a ball of wool. The box on the table can be taken up
There are NO feked cards. and CLOSELY EXAMINED - it is EMPTY - yet there seems no pos-
NO duplicates, NO gimmicks sible way in which the coin could have escaped from the box!
and definitely NO sleight-of- Price, £2.00, (U.S.A, $5.00).__
hand or moves of any kind!
You'll thrill to the clean-
ness of the method used. By Stanton Carlisle. The inner ■Böm'SHHiaM
Half an hour after you have read our detailed, illustrated instruc- secrets on Contact and Non-Contact ■
tions, you'll be able to perform this and you'll perform it for the Mind-Reading. It's all here, nothing, ■
has been left out! STANTON CAR- ' 81
rest of your life, anywhere, stage or club, close-up and sur-
rounded! Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). LISLE'S great revolutionary tech-
nique for 'Earning in public whilst Mi
Miracle Shell learning in private' is revealed ...

coins n
, oust
Coin Routines EXACTLY as he himself learned It!
This is the ONE book that teaches
Most magicians already own a Shell Coin everything from the elementary
(Supreme can supply). Roy Baker has com- first steps to the advanced master
piled an excellent selection of some of of the art! Then, how to PRESENT
the better routines, using this versatile and ENTERTAIN with it! ______
gimmick and they are all here in mime- Nothing to buy, no props, no assistants yet without recourse
ographed form, printed cover. to trickery, fraud, apparatus, gimmicks or stooges, YOU will
An excellent compilation including some material previously ex- walk in anywhere ... Stage, Club, Parlour, T.V., Newspaper
clusive to himself. If you have a Shell Coin or are contemplating Office or wherever people are gathered to be entertained ...
getting one, you certainly need these routines. for profit or fun ... and perform the greatest magical stunts of
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).
all time. YOU are the act! The one act that will stand investi-
MODERN SWORD ’ gation and withstand ANY given challenge.
Published in the recognised Supreme book-making manner.
CABINET ILLUSION Eighty printed 7j x 9j inch pages, handsomely bound, gold titled
This cabinet has been shown a lot spine, illustrated dust jacket. A GREAT book, recommended to
recently at various magical functions ALL magical entertainers.
and is certainly very popular. A girl Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
enters the cabinet, ttoors are closed,
ten swords and a spear are pushed
through in all directions. Finally the
The 2nd edition. Just ready!
door is opened and the cabinet is seen to be empty. THE GIRL HAS 25 Years Wiser, secrets gleaned
VANISHED. The door is closed, the swords and spear removed, = mc COMB’S^- from practical, professional ex-
the door is opened again and the girl steps out. Can be performed
surrounded. Full method and instructions. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A.
mag ic / perience. Such classics as the
5 McComb Colour Changing Silk,
$1.00). The Thumb Tie, The Card in the
Wallet, Sawing a Woman in Half
A set of spirit slates in minature. Mysteriously
Lengthwise, The Egg in the Maga-
zine, The Clay Pipe - ONE pipe
a message appears. 'A -
only, yet clouds and clouds of
smoke are produced! A great
1 Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Five Ring Routine, The Hindu

Mini — Slate Magic Needle Trick and more.

The famous McComb-Himber
BY LEWIS GAMSON Ring Routine. This is a book
When Lewis Ganson sets about des- that every magician who appreciates professionalism will want.
cribing the best methods and handling A large 184, 8" x 10" page book, hard bound, two colour dust
for a standard prop, you can rest ass- jacket etc.
ured that he will succeed in collating McCOMB'S MAGIC, the experience of a lifetime, packed into
the 'cream of the cream' of material one tremendous volume. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
from all over tne world. THIS HE HAS DONE HERE. Maybe you
already have a set of Mini-Slates. If so, we are able to supply this
book of instructions on its own. Or we can supply a set of Mini-
The fastest silk knotting of three silks which
Slates advertised elsewhere. you have ever seen! Silks are counted separ-
11 items are detailed. Standard effects PLUS ideas by Peter War- ately, gathered together and swished in the air
lock, George Blake, and Edwin. 26 actual photographs of the appar- and they are joined together in a long chain!
atus in the author's hands, makes this easy to follow. There is some Marvellous as a prelude to a Dove Steal or
exceptionally good material. Price, Mini-Slate Magic, booklet only, to other silk mysteries.
£3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00), Book and Slates, £7.00, (U.S.A. $16.00). Price. £6.50 (U.S.A. $15.00). I
A Supreme Exclusive originated
by Tom Sellers. PIG BAG
A Supreme Exclusive
This gen of subtle magic appears
effect that's a splen-
to be genuine mentalisnj for the mech-
did variation on that en-
anics are so simple (no phoney-look- tertaining and clever
ing props, no moves) and the effect
concept, 'The Gag Bag'
on the audience is so great. The
but related to the chil-
performer writes a prediction, seals
dren's performer.
it in an otherwise empty envelope, A cloth bag, decor-
and stands this against a tumbler.
ated to represent a
A pack is EXAMINED AND SHUFFLED by a spectator and another House of Straw. As the
person is Invited to call Stop as you deal cards on to the table. He magician tells the story of the 'Three Little Pigs', he reaches
may choose the last card dealt, the one in hand or the next from the into the house and produces a little pig, a really cute little
pack. Then the envelope is opened and the prediction removed. A creature made from felt which you can animate and which can
spectator is seen to be correct. run all over the place, a la the "Snowy Mouse". Placed back
POINTS TO REMEMBER: Envelope DEFINITELY only contains into the house to illustrate the story, the house changes and
one slip of paper or card (it can be your visiting card, to be kept becomes a House of Sticks and again the little pig is produced
by helper at the end). Spectator can HIMSELF remove it from the from inside it! Again the bag is turned inside out and this
envelope. There is definitely NO FORCE. NO SLEIGHTS OF HAND, time the change is made to a House of Bricks. The magician
NO GIMMICKS of any kind other than mentioned in effect, NO FAK- again produces a pig from the house. A BIG SURPRISE when
ED CARDS. (Use any pack, even numbered or ESP cards). We inside the bag (or even quite visually if you wish), the pig
could almost fill this Catalogue with testimonials for this one trick. changes to a string of sausages.
Such raves as "I can see endless possibilities, for a stunning coin- The "story line" for the young children is that the Big Bad
cidence and so on. Very convincing and very different from any- Wolf fell down the chimney and was transformed into sausages!
thing I know", - Arthur Carter. (You wouldn't wish any of the little pigs any harm, would you?)
"Excellent, a wonderful trick and the sort of effect I can use in With each effect we supply Eric Hawkesworth's extended rou-
my act. " David Berglas. tine which can provide you with a full five minutes of Fun and
"Very, very good. You are selling this too cheaply." Ravelle Entertainment, especially good for the younger children.
and Andree. We'll whisper, that you can use the pig itself in your adult
"It's worth 50 times what you charge for it". Dennis H. Vickery. shows with stunning effect. When you consider that you get
And many more. Don't be put off by the price. everything complete including the pig changing to sausages and
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).__________________________________ the special bag and the routine, this is exceptional value.
RIBBONIFTY We saw the late Harold Beaumont perform Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00).
this and it was good. A single piece of rib-

I 1 bon, placed once around the body, Is cross-

ed as in the illustration. In full view the
ribbon seems to penetrate right through
y Repeat Coin Tray
/\ Six penny size coins are counted onto a
tray by a spectator and tipped into the
the magician's body! Both ends of the rib- spectator's hands or into a bowl. Three
bon are securely held, one in each hand. coins are removed and yet when the spec-
lasy to i. Price for ribbon and illustrated instructions, tator counts out the coins there are still
six left. You repeat it again and again,
£1.50, (U-S.A. $4.00). _________________________
yes four times.
Two pieces of ribbon of contrasting co)-
j Price for the special tray and routines,
no coins supplied, £5.50 (U.S.A. $15.00).
ours, each have their ends tied together.
A ribbon loop is held in each hand.
Placed together the ribbon loops MAGIC-
Symbolizing good luck, happiness, peace
ALLY LINK. That's effect no. 1! and beauty, craftsmen of the East have
Effect no. 2 comes when both ribbons ' fashioned this ring. With the instructions,
are cut right through their centre, and you can assemble the ring in minutes.
Effect no. 3 comes when the knots vanish! No. 4 - the Yet without that knowledge not one per-
BIGGEST SURPRISE of ALL when the two ribbons are seen son in 100,000 can do so!
to have joined together into ONE CONTINUOUS CIRCLE Four entwined rings create a baffling
half one colour, half the other!!! Complete with all the rib- puzzle. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
bons, price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00).___________________________
RONNIE 'Ronnie' was commissioned for us and
styled by West Country artist Philip Rose.
Silk to Golf Boll
The ideal ornament for your magic den or For those who like to go slickly
as a novelty paper-weight. from one type of magic to another,
Ronnie is naughty - he smokes! Yes, he this Is the Ideal 'quickie'. Perfect
smokes those wonderful little Pixie Ciga- for combination work and as a pre-
rettes we sell and we give a packet free lude to the Multiplying Balls.
with each one. In effect, a silk is waved between
The sight of the little white rabbit, sit- the hands and seen to get smaller
and smaller. When the hands are
ting up in the hat puffing away at a cigarette and every now and
again blowing a smoke ring is enough to make even a hardened opened, there is a golf ball - the
alcoholic sign the pledge! Ronnie stands 4|" high. silk has gone. A neat effect which is easy to perform.
A nice little novelty - also great as a gift. Price, £3.50, We supply you with the special golf ball and instructions.
Use your own silk. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
(U.S.A. $10.00).______________________________________ _____
Two lengths of rope, one red and
A thimble, an 18 inch silk and your empty
hands. Thimble is placed on the middle finger
one blue seem to make manipulation of one hand and covered with the silk. Suddenly
impossible, yet you perform an ex- the thimble pops right through the silk.. .it is
quisite Penetration effect, right removed and the silk shown. There is posit-
through your wrist! Many knots are ively no hole there and the performer still
tied by spectators, but still the im- holds just one silk and one thimble.
possible occurs. Remarking that if the thimble can be pushed
Complete with ropes and illustrated through a silk handkerchief, 'it should be possible to pull a silk hand-
instructions. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. kerchief through a thimble (!)... the silk is draped over the middle
$8.00). finger and the thimble is placed on the finger over the silk. The
four corners are gathered and then pulled up and away to reveal
the thimble still resting on the tip of the finger. A fantastically
ROPE RIGHT THROUGH unusual climax!
A length of rope with coloured ends is The trick is easy to do. The routine is by KEN de COURCY and
displayed and thoroughly examined. It no less than twelve easy to follow illustrations take you through the
is passed around your body, once only, working stage by stage.
with no old dodges like looping the rope It's a most entertaining and unusual item and one which you will
back and so on. Spectators carefully enjoy using in your programme, or impromptu.
check everything is in order. Visibly Push Thru - Pull Through Price, without silk, £2.50, (U.S.A.
the rope passes right through in slow $6.00).
motion. Push Thru - Pull Through comes complete. Special thimble, 18
Rope, routine, etc. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). inch silk and routines. Price, with 18" silk, £4.00, (U.S. A. $9.00)


The paddle is well made and large.
These are the extra strong Magnets It is banded with two elastic bands and
(especially made for Supreme Magic by one side is decorated with a brilliant
one of Britain's largest magnet manu- red spot, the other with a brilliant yel-
facturers). low one. Paddle is shown on botli
Magnets are just the right diameter to be easily inserted into sides, and, please note the usual pad-
standard magician's rope, forming an instant and secure 'join' dle move is NOT used here. The audi-
when required. ence is asked to nominate either side of the paddle and, whatever
Supreme Super Strength Rope Magnets, Price per pair, £2.50, colour they state a CHOSEN CARD visibly appears on that side!
(U.S.A. $6.00). If desired paddle can be placed into a hat or bag, a pack of cards
containing the chosen one being showered in on top of it. The re-
REVERSO CARDS sult is the same, the chosen card appearing imprisoned under the
* * Ten cards are removed from a pack and elastic bands on the actual chosen side!
held back towards the audience. Magician All the effects are easy when you have the special paddle. Use
now takes each alternative card and turns any cards. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
it over, so that every other card is facing
the opposite way.
Magic passes, a flick of the cards and
the cards are fanned out. THEY ARE ALL
A surprisingly little known illus-
FACING THE SAME WAY AGAIN. The trick can be immediately
sion which forms a "peep show".
repeated with similar effect. Finally, after having arranged the
The secret lies in a set of two
cards alternately a spectator is asked to choose any one of the face
lenses which, because they are
up cards and turn it face down. A flick of the cards and they are
concave, act as "reducers".
fanned out to show that they are all facing one way .. except for
Anything viewed through them
one card .. the chosen one!
will appear as much smaller than
Small enough for intimate shows, big enough in effect for the stage.
it really is.
Complete, cards and full instructions. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A.
Although these lenses are not on sale in this country you may
be able to get them specially made for you by a firm of manu-
ROPE WITH FOUR ENDS facturing opticians or a glass firm (they are only plain glass but
Ropes are larger than the original, hand-
woven and brightly-coloured a vivid yellow. Imagine displaying in the theatre lobby with your ad. a real
«Xi live girl only three inches high in a bottle or on top of a rose.
Visual on stage.
Imagine taking a couple of lengths of yellow She waves back at passers by etc.
rope. "This rope", you state "has four ends" OR: She is displayed in a store window in a miniature dolls
... and suddenly, sure enough it has, for now you hold two lengths house and that evening is carried to the theatre and placed in
of rope In your hands, - you count the ends, "one, two, three, four'.' the regular dolls house and grows to full size and steps out of
Ropes are held a little apart, one rope in each hand. As the hands the house!
are slowly moved from each other, the two ropes are seen to ma- OTHER EFFECTS; A live rabbit only a quarter of an inch high
gically blend into one. inside a small glass phial! A miniature witch sailing through
An extra surprise climax! - Magician ties a single knot in the rope. the air on a broom!
He tosses the rope in the air and Voila! there are now three knots MANY other ideas where you can tie up with stores and rent out
tied in it! uncanny displays.
Complete with our Exclusive, illustrated instructions. ALL THESE METHODS are fully described in the manuscript
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). we supply. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A square of paper has a one inch
hole in the centre, and this is folded
into a cone. Lengths of coloured rib-
H Here's the "Guillotine Card Trick"
performed in a novel manner with no
pocket cards, and at the end every-
thing can be examined if you wish!
bon are taken from a box, encircled

From a small plastic wallet the
with a similar length of different magician removes five cards.. .four
coloured ribbon and dropped inside of these are Jokers, one is a regular
the cone. A length of red ribbon is card. All cards have a large hole
now shown and threaded through the through the centre.
hole in the cone, one end remaining Regular card is placed in the middle of the Jokers, half-way out
in view. Drawing out the ribbon, of the packet. Magician places his thumb through the hole in the
along with it comes the yellow, follow- cards and then, to the astonishment of everyone, he proceeds to
ed by the blue and all the other ribbons knotted along into a push the card down right through the thumb!!!
long string of ribbon! The cards are immediately fanned and they can be freely shown
Exactly as used by PETER WARLOCK AND ANNE. A really back and front. The regular card is quite unharmed and in fact
STUNNING effect. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). everything can be freely scruntinised!
It's a cute twist on an 'oldie' which makes a brand-new item of it.
PLATE SPINNING COMPETITION We like it.. .and we think you will!
I Not a trick but an entertaining interlude Comes complete with our own detailed instructions.
for any children's show. Now supplied with Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).

a great routine by Jack Collins who is
DOUS LOT OF FUN. Magician gets a boy Anyone who has seen Ken perform his
and a girl to assist him, he hands each a close-up and card magic will have seen
ife-F plastic plate and stick. Magician shows how the great routine which he details here.
'Four Ace' tricks there are in plenty

! J
easy it is to spin the plate on the stick and
instructs the children to do this. Sometimes the children soon and most are effective when properly
master the technique, other times disaster! Always there are handled but they can rarely be as telling
trials and errors as the plates fall to the floor and there's and compelling of such audience reaction
lots of laughter.
Finally the entertainer sets the plate spinning for the chil-
as a complete routine.
Two spectators assist ... surprise fol- e
dren, controlling their wrists so that they are able to do this lows surprise ... Aces appear and dis-
on their own. He takes his own stick and transfers the plates appear. A great sequence leading up to a surprise climax!
back and forwards from one stick to another! Finally, the SEQUACIOUS ACES by Ken de Courcy comes to you in the form
magician decides both children have performed equally well and of a well-printed, illustrated booklet. Sixteen 8 x 10 inch pages
he gives each a prize! and light board illustrated cover.
You get three plastic spinning plates and three rods plus our A modicum of sleight-of-hand is needed but the whole routine is
exclusive instructions and suggestions, plus the Jack Collins rou- quite easy to learn and to perform.
tine, price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). SEQUACIOUS ACES is highly recommended as something really
WORTHWHILE for you to LEARN and USE.

w -o p -W
Show a sheet of news- .. , _______ Price, £3.00, (U.S.A, $7.00)._____________________
paper on both sides. The X. . -•
paper is crumpled into a X ~' PERFECTO Bottomless Glass
ball and torn up and sud- 80TTLE PRODUCTION >'.4^-' In extremely limited supply now. This is
denly an open bottle of the plastic tumbler which holds water and
beer, lemonade or coca-
cola pops into view
r/*- which can be given to a spectator to hold. It
appears to be a regular tumbler. Yet when-
through the torn news- «I I
ever you like you can convert it into a bottom-
paper! Immediately the less oie. Bottom is machined to fit the outside
bottle can be handed to so that you do not have to push anything into
a member of the audience the glass. Just a turn and the bottom is away
together with a glass for him to drink your health. Or you in you.- hand and it can be equally easily put
can visibly pour the liquid from the bottle out into the glass. back again later if you wish.
Instead of a newspaper the bottle can be produced under a Perfe;to Bottomless Glass, Price, £4.75,
cloth or large silk. A wonderful continuity gag is to produce _______________ ' (U.S.A. $12.00)._____________________________
bottles of pop or beer at intervals during the show, each time
asking one particular spectator if he would like a drink, but PERFECT CARD OR NOTE
he never gets one. Finally for a laugh finish you produce and
give him a bottle of milk. We supply the gimmick to produce
This is the famous 'Adams Matchbox'.
one bottle. Buy extra gimmicks to produce others as required. A "Swan Vestas" matchbox, gimmicked <
Price, gimmick and detailed instructions, £1.00, (U.S.A.$3.00). up, which indetectably switches one

Spectator places a penny or simi-
cigarette for another for yo~ Supplied I
with routines. This is a classic piece I
of apparatus which has been long off I
lar small coin on the table. You the market. We have a LIMITED SUP- '
cover it with the palm of your hand PLY ONLY. Crafted in metal, it ex-
which is held quite motionless for a actly resembles a real matchbox.
split second and the coin is gone. Complete with routines. Price, £6.50,
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). (U.S.A, $20.00).•
Probably the easiest system for the two-
person mind-reading act yet produced!
An unfaked clip board, unfaked papers;
A novel two-per»on act
By Ravelle and Andree. A delightful Com-
pass routine with an EIGHT INCH PLAQUE
spectators write anything they like, - names, / depicting a RED SPIDER in a GREEN WEB
dates, 'phone numbers, questions, ANY- on one side, and a GREEN SPIDER in a RED
WEB on the other. Both continually
THING. The magician pulls the paper from
the board and tears it into small pieces which
are burned in an ashtray. Finally, the climax comes when a PINK
When this has been done die medium enters, ELEPHANT APPEARS ON THE PLAQUE!! A delightful story,
sits down and is covered over with a sheet. colourful props and stunning climax.
Performer stands well away, or, at a party, can leave the room, Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
yet successfully the medium divines the thoughts and names the
people who wrote them!
Amazingly, three are NO IMPRESSIONS and the medium has NO SCHOOL-CAPERS
CODES OF ANY SORT TO LEARN. In fact you can 'cue' any spec- A gem of a "sucker" trick! Per-
tator to become your assistant for this in ten minutes and it's a former tells of how, when he was a
good trick, - with your own assistant skilled at answering questions little boy, he played a trick on the
and 'building-up' the information which she has, you have a NEAR School teacher at school.
MIRACLE! A word is written on to a small black-
'The Receptive Shroud' comes in printed form; illustrated. board and, under cover of a cloth, this
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). mysteriously changes colour! - Well,
not so mysteriously, for everyone sees the performer turn the
board around! The business of changing the colour of the writing
'M« ' A packet of ten cards is shuf- is repeated at the performer's discretion, but soon the cry goes
h i cis fiosrs^0 fled and two poker hands dealt. up with the insistent demand to "Turn it around".
Spectator selects either hand
The back of the board is eventually shown. A BIG SURPRISE,
and ALWAYS loses - YOU WIN!
for there ... accounting for the performer's reluctance to show
Finally, Stud Poker is dealt - it ... is a funny picture of the School teacher to whom the trick
one down and four face up.
bV Spectator gets HIS CHOICE of
hand and may SWITCH face up
was shown!!
Size of board is 9 Inches x 6 J inches, boldly lettered in white
and red. Nothing is added or taken away at any stage of the trick.
cards, Hole cards, and EVEN ______ Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
HANDS - YOU STILL WIN! NO sleights - New subtle principle!
The price includes special printed fake cards and a matching
regular deck. Price, £5.25, (U.S.A. $14.00).
First a clever and baffling Cut and
Restored feature: A length of rope

THE RING OF EOK is shown and the ends tied together to

form a circle. Circle of rope is cut
opposite the knot so that you have two
A borrowed signet ring is threaded on-
to an un-faked rope. Mysteriously it pieces of rope tied together. The
penetrates through it. knot is untied and ropes counted and
Part two: The trick is repeated but then suddenly ... WHAM! ... you have One piece again!
this time the ring is not only threaded No snaps! No adhesives! No gimmicks!
onto the rope, it's KNOTTED ONTO IT. The rope is now coiled up and a small piece is snipped off the
Nevertheless, the ring visibly dissolves end to prove that real rope is used. "This", says the performer,
through, leaving just a knot. "reminds me of the famous Indian Rope Trick ... whatever did
Part Three: The ring is threaded and become of that boy ... come to that ... WHAT'S BECOME OF
j knotted on the rope, the whole thing be- THE ROPE ?" The hands are brought together and shown ...
ing covered with a handkerchief and given they are empty for the rope has completely melted away!
to someone to hold. When the handker- No pulls! No elastics! No sleeving!
chief is removed, there is just a length of rope ... no ring, NOT Here's a rope trick that you only have to buy once! NO RE-
For the finish: You take up a plastic- "vending cup" which has supply over and over again, once, twice, a thousand times.
been to one side since the beginning of the routine. Make it very Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
obvious that your hand goes nowhere near the rim of the cup ...
then you pour out the ring into a spectator's hand.
No special apparatus is needed. We supply you with a length ]/ RUBBER COVERS
of soft rope four feet long. You will require an ordinary un- Heavy duty rubber covers to fit ordinary sized tum-
faked handkerchief ... that's all, to enable you to perform an bler or beverage glasses.
effective, memorable routine. These well-made covers insure against spilling of
Comes to you in printed form; 26 easy-to-follow Illustrations contents of glass, when carrying in pocket.
help to make everything clear. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). /

By the Great Ovette. Knots tied in a length of Great to cover a wine glass of liquid In your pocket
rope are magically pulled off and tossed out to the for production.
audience. You repeat it again and again. Detailed Easily removed but entirely safe.
instructions. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00). Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Effect No. 1 is Multi-coloured
A rope trick that has REAL entertainment
The magician shows three ropes.
The presentation makes use of two boys
Each is a different colour and a
(or grown-ups). One boy cuts a length of
different length. One is short,
rope from a hank of rope ... Magician at-
one medium and one long. Tak-
tempts to divide it equally. Ends are
ing an end of each rope in each
squared, rope cut, Jjut each time one length is shorter than the
hand, the performer slowly
other! It is repeated over and over! As a climax, magician re-
stretches them until they are all
stores it back again into one length!
the same length. Remember,
An audience-tested trick. Easy-to-do. The instructions are
each rope is a DIFFERENT COL-
profusely illustrated and explain the presentation in detail. Use
any rope. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Effect No. 2 is Predict-a-Rope.
Magician shows a long and A spectator ties the three ropes
in any order he wishes (if this had been a three draw football pool
I I pleated strip of letters bearing
1 the word ’SAUSAGES’. As the there are six possible combinations!), the performer pulls a
patter monologue is recited the string of three matching coloured silks from an open container
strip is folded to make differ- ... and they are in exactly the same order. You supply your own

p W!
II silks (ungimmicked) and any type container for this effect.
ent words. (We have made the
effect extremely visual by using Effect No. 3 is Sympathetic Silks and Ropes.
bright, DAY-GLO RED LETTERS The three silks are returned to the container still In the form of
AGAINST A BLACK BACKGROUND). Next the letters are re- a string and the spectator is asked to undo the two knots in the
folded, and when opened out there are the letters ’APPLAUSE’ ropes. When the silks are removed, they too, are separate in
in bright DAY-GIX) YELLOW against a black background. sympathy!
Finally as an extra SURPRISE PAY-OFF, the magician folds Effect No.4 is Instant Rope Chain.
the lettered strip into a square container; reaches into the top Here the magician ties the ends of each rope so he now has three
and produces from inside It A STRING OF SAUSAGES! separate loops. A quick pull and the three have been linked into
- WHAT A CLIMAX! - a chain, a startling end to a colourful routine and one which should
Sausages Plus comes complete with full patter AND THE SAUS- certainly get the applause for you.
AGES. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). The whole routine is quite easy to learh and to perform. We
supply three silky ropes especially woven for this effect and
SEALED SURPRISE fullj' detailed pages of illustrated instructions.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
A selected card, autographed by the spec-

V tator who chose it, is caused to vanish from
f a borrowed deck. The same signed card is
Best quality Soft White Cotton Rope.
WX L found REVERSED in a sealed deck introduced
| by the magician.
Easy to cut and to manipulate as it ^rrtrftf
does not "kink".
No deck is supplied - you use your own. Price, per (approx. 10 metres),
I We supply the illustrated instructions in
£1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
’ sealed manuscript form.
Comes complete with additional effects and ideas by Milbourne
Christopher and Bill Nord and all latest improvements.
For those who want a nice THICK rope for
The spectators will rack their brains over this one, it permits knot routines, etc. , well, we have that too.
no logical explanation in the minds of the uninitiated. Although the supply is limited. Price, per (approx. 10 metres),
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).


A clever gamblers gimmick now made
generally available. SOLD FOR AMUSE- The title on the enveloj e suggests that there is r
MENT PURPOSES ONLY. With this something shocking inside ... and so there is! - f
wonderful little aid you can "read" cards For opened brrrr!!! ... .ae simple wind-up mech-'
as you deal them from a shuffled deck, anism is set in motion ... and it's enough to
name cards freely chosen by spectators etc. You'll create fun scare anyone! <
and real mystery with this. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). In your show you can pretend that the envelope contains the in-
structions for the trick you are performing and have a spectator
open it. A sure laugh. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
Invisible inks which will baffle. Appear
as clear water, will appear perfectly ROSE TO SILK
blank if written on white paper, yet will
instantly become visible IF YOU KNOW A spring wire feke that pins to
THE SECRET. the coat and into this is slipped a
Can be used in writing spirit messages, secret correspondence, white or red silk so that it appears
etc. as if you are wearing a rose In your buttonhole. Any time you need
We supply you with a series of formulas for making various col- a silk just reach up and whip the silk out. The rose visibly changes
oured inks and also include a FADE-AWAY INK, which writes to the silk that is to be used in your next trick.
visibly and then, in a short time vanishes, also a famous Spy Looks like real magic and something that you will like and admire.
formula. Price for the complete set, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A 24-inch silk Is freely displayed and
then tied with a loose knot in the centre. Serpent Silk By Ken de Courcy. This is NOT a large book
... and sacrilege ... it doesn't contain a single
Performer holds silk by one corner and, n|

trick! It's not a patter book either, although it
whilst spectators intently watch, the COMEDY does include patter routines.
lower end of the silk comes to life and’ In its 28 illustrated, printed pages Ken de
gradually curls up, creeps upwards, Courcy gives you the secret of a new technique
glides through the knot and then straight- for the presentation of comedy magic: a tech-
ens itself out. nique already used by a few star magicians who
And this without a single movement on discovered it over years of trial and error.
the part of the performer. To any magician who wishes to ENTERTAIN
with his patter this little book can be the gold-
A trick that can be immediately repeat- en key to success, opening doors of undreamed of possibilities.
ed! Spooky and Sensational! You'll enjoy reading 'SEQUENTIAL COMEDY', you'll LAUGH
Best of all are the instructions which are in the form of a com- at the GREAT SPECIMEN ROUTINES given, but most of all,
plete photographically illustrated printed tutor by LEWIS GANSON. you'll BENEFIT FOREVER by the learning of a new TECHNIQUE
The tutor has photographs of KEN BROOKE'S own version of the FOR THE CREATION OF YOUR OWN STAR-QUALITY ROU-
Untying Silk. TINES. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Additionally, and using no extra apparatus, full illustrated in-
structions are included for the Self-Tying Silk. Plastic Self-Lighting Bulb
Another version of Untying Silk ... both ends of the silk are A great gag to include in the show used im-
held in the hand! The silk visibly penetrates through a wooden or promptu; the plastic bulb which we supply being
metal ring, or through a cane, or through a chair. easily transported without fear of breakage. <T<
Finally, a beautiful effect wherein any other un-faked silk can be The effect ? Just hold the bulb in the hand ...
looped through the one supplied, but magically the two are separ- and it lights! Blow on it and the light goes out!
ated! With each Self-Lighting Bulb we supply a
These instructions, compiled by Lewis Ganson and as previously manuscript of 12 clever ideas to get the laughs,
published in 'Reelistic Magic', make everything EASY FOR YOU. Zaney stunts and gags you'll USE.
Remember - you get the silk, the reel (simple but well-made), Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00)._______
PLUS the printed, illustrated instructions for all the effects. Purchased by Supreme as an EXCLUSIVE Carlos Corda's
Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $15.00).
___ ______________ Original
Lewis Ganson in his introduction to the
instructions which accompany this brilliant
Just what the title implies. The effect, wrote: "Watch their eyes 'pop'
simplest method for the torn and re- when you perform this fine trick, the sec-
stored card - but one of the most ef- ret of which Carlos Corda has kept to him-
fective. Any card chosen from any self for many^years. Now he has decided to release it as an
pack (no force). EXCLUSIVE for SUPREME and they are proud to present it to
Card torn into quarters and wrapped the magical fraternity.
in a handkerchief. All pieces vanish "When Edwin sent me the clever piece of apparatus which does
except one marked piece and remain- most of the work, I tried it out and it worked beautifully the very
der of card is found restored in the first time. It seemed impossible that a silk could be produced
centre of the pack held by a spectator. Piece is checked and fits seemingly from nowhere - it just materialised between the

perfectly, proving original card was restored. hands which were well away from the body and seen to be empty
Easy-to-do. No moves or sleights in the whole routine. No a fraction of a second before this flash of colour appeared be-
wax. Nothing extra to buy. The full secret method and instruc- tween them."
tions.Price, £0.50, (U.S.A,, $1.00). LEWIS' WORDS REALLY TELL THE WHOLE STORY. Both
hands are shown unmistakably empty, then suddenly a silk ap-
A handkerchief is borrowed and pears, it can be between the hands or this can be a One Handed
gripped at the centre. The hank is Production if you wish. This is not the old thread idea. You
turned over, disclosing a lead pen- will marvel at the simplicity yet sureness of the method. It's
cil, which is placed in pocket. Hank really very, very clever. A 12 or 18 inch size silk can be used.
is again turned and a second pen- We supply the special apparatus exact to Carlos Corda's own,
cil makes its appearance. This is together with the instructions, written and photographed by
repeated until seven or eight pen-
LEWIS GANSON. NINE clear easy-to-follow photographs PLUS
cils have been produced. The final a photograph of the originator, accompanying the text ensuring
production turns out to be a cigarette! _________ that you will be able to perform this the very first time.
The hank is returned as the cigarette is placed between the Use any silk, price £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
lips ready to be smoked. Pencils are special and are sup-
plied with the trick. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Anyone freely chooses a card. He places this
A deck of cards is shuffled by a spectator and
a paper bag is shown. The cards dropped in-
in contact with a Sensitised card. Both are plac-
ed within a wallet type holder and held by a spec-
tator. A moment later the Sensitised card is
O' to bag and spectator shakes bag, positively mix-
ing cards.
He reaches into bag, removes one card. He
withdrawn, the card appears to be blank, but the is not forced to take any particular card. With-
performer gazes at it and correctly names the .. ..... out any questions or moves, you name the card
chosen card. Everything can be examined. You'll or produce a duplicate from another deck.
really 'flip' over the clever principle used. Can be worked in conjunction with other card tricks. No cards
Pictures, symbols and words can be used. supplied and you can use any unprepared bag. Secret instructions
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). etc. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
This is a wonderful magical effect
You display two small glasses, one
filled with milk. Also a bottomless
that has been and is being featured carton.
by many big names in magic. It is A ring or coin is borrowed, wrap-
easy to perform. It is small, and can ped in a small square of tissue paper
be performed anywhere, even surrounded. and dropped into the empty glass
Two clay pipes are shown to be empty which is placed in the carton.
and the bowl of one is placed over Now a clever transposition occurs.
the bowl of the other. The magician places one of the The two glasses change places!
stems to his mouth and blows out smoke! Both stems The empty glass becomes filled with
are broken from the pipes to prove there is nothing conceal- milk and the glass that contained the miik now contains the borrow-
ed there, the bowls are placed together and more smoke ed article - the same borrowed article, which can be removed
is produced. Next one of the bowls is crushed underfoot from the glass, unwrapped and identified by its owner!
and the pieces are placed into the bowl of the other A clever and easy-to-do trick.
pipe. More smoke is produced! Finally the other bowl A great deal of fun can be obtained by saying that the ring is too
is crushed too and all the pieces placed in the hands. Hands large to go into the glass and pretending to bang it with a hammer
are cupped and from them the magician blows out more etc.
smoke! A mystifying effect and an applause-getter. Only one ring used and, believe it or not, the ring and milk change
NOW for the first time, in this detailed manuscript, places!
the full secrets of the pipes is disclosed and given together Complete with glasses, carton, etc.
with' many working hints that will enable you to include Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
this mystery in your programme and to get the best from
it. To further aid you in this we include THREE OUTSTAND-
especially written by BILL WEST. Here's a DIFFERENT method
that many will like. It has fea- v////
This manuscript will tell you how to create some REAL
mystery and ENTERTAINMENT. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3). tures to commend it ... boldness g'/
... easiness of working (there is J
The ONLY book which deals with no slipping the thumbs in and out I
the subject of the novel presenta- of loops) ... all this plus the I
tion of your visiting card to agents, facts that no preparation is re- I
bookers etc. quired... no gimmicks used. •
Written and illustrated by KEN Two pieces of sisal cord are used for the tying, the thumbs
DE COURCY and with suggestions being tied independently and then together, yet right away all
by EDWIN and IAN contents include the usual moves are possible. At any time the knots being
"Devilish Drink Mat", "Come Card", examined and found intact. PLEASE DON'T BUY THIS ME-
"Card on Hand", etc. THOD EXPECTING A LOT OF APPARATUS. None is supplied
Your card appears ... on your as NONE IS REQUIRED. All you need are a few pieces of cord
hand ... on the table ... in a glass and our illustrated instructions. Both of these essentials are
... a logical introduction to close-up magic - and - IMPORT- supplied to you complete at a modest charge.
ANT PUBLICITY! Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
All clearly described in a 16 page printed booklet, 20
illustrations! Light board cover! All the effects are
interesting and appear impromptu. All will benefit your MUSICMUSIC- A cute programme num-
date book, and your reputation. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4). USIC^A ber which Eric used for
25 years in his private
REFILLABLE SEALED-IN MILK JUG shows before allowing us
to release this for the
Magician forms a cone from a sheet of
magic market. When
newspaper. He takes up a jug filled with
& working as an M.C., one
W)l| milk and slowly he pours the contents of
NI merely walks on with the
ill the jug into the cone, until almost all
book under one's arm. the

III the milk has left the Jug. Cone is closed
title "MUSIC" showing.
HI over, the magician walking forward.
l! Suddenly and dramatically he crushes &
Then, on with the patter.
No magic, just a clever
the cone between his hands, tossing it stunt, it never fails to get a good hand, particularly when shown
out to the audience. The liquid has dis- before a musically minded or intelligent audience.
appeared! In this version of the effect there is no mess and Printed on light board covers, big enough to be seen anywhere.
no fuss. Furthermore, as a splendid after-effect the empty Spiral bound with chrome yellow and black illustrated board cover.
jug can be passed behind an opened-out sheet of paper, this Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
visibly filling again with liquid!
A feature is the small 'well' in the lip of the jug which can MAGNETIC PENNY
actually hold a little water or other liquid. This 'spills' during An old English penny which is gimmicked up so
the pouring, heightening the illusion that real liquid is being that it can be made to cling to the clothing or
used. Other ideas are given in the instructions which accom- to vanish under impossible conditions. As long as
pany each jug we sell. our stocks last we will supply a more-or-less
Supplied empty for you to fill yourself with any opaque liquid matching coin with each outfit.
as required. Sturdily made from plastic. The liquid can be You can use the coin in many ways. Change an old English
permanently sealed in the jug so you have no fuss or bother. penny into a new one or to a 10p piece. Price £1.50 (U.S.A.$4)
Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $45.00).
) Everyone knows the value of a few
k gags and Interludes in a magical pro-
Use any silk from 12 inches to 36
^(•0 gramme, either professional nr im- inches square. Spread the silk on the
w/ promptu.
A collection of 100 Stunts, to put pep
table top. Show hand with fingers wide
apart. Rest tips of fingers gently on
<MM $ into your programme - gags etc., that

surface of the silk and as the hand is
have been and are being used by lead- raised the silk spookily adheres to your
----- Ing performers. I fingertips and at your will floats back
M.C. Gags. Now you can be pre- to the table. Can be repeated over and
pared - advertise that you do Compere work and GET MORE over.
Can also be performed with a borrowed handkerchief. Simply
Great Impromptu Gags. You can make a hit with several of these spread it on the table or over your hand, touch it with your fin-
gags and funny catch tricks. Win your drinks! gertips and up it goes.
NOT A PATTER BOOK. No patter - but funny situations. A great effect to incorporate with other tricks or use it on its
NEVER A DULL MOMENT! The kind of material that keeps your own. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
audience awake and on the edge of their seats.
Price for the entire collections £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
By Mark Weston. The effect here On Guard is a clever sucker-type
is that a FREELY SELECTED CARD effect for the children's entertainer.
- and we do mean Just THAT, the card
being selected from a FACE-UP DECK
- suddenly VANISHES without trace.
y^ToNtvy In front of a sentry box stands a sold-,
ier resplendent in a brilliant red uni-
form. As the story progresses the
The Magician states that he will figure is lifted up, as is also the plaque
FIND the card and this he effectively . with the sentry box representation.
does ... for when he fans through (0 IS, The soldier figure is placed momen-
the deck, the whole pack is now com-
pletely BLANK except for ONE card FT tarily behind the plaque and when re-
moved, it is seen that his uniform has
in the centre ... THE CHOSEN 4C. now turned to bright blue!
ONE! "Oh dear, the Sergeant Major will be
cross", says the magician, getting the
You get the special deck of cards, plus the full routine for onlj'
children to co-operate in shouting the
£4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
magic spell to turn the uniform back to red again. This business
EDWIN'S is repeated as often as required.
The children are not impressed and are quite sure that you are
A trick that's real mystery com- merely turning the soldier figure around.
bined with wonderful ENTERTAIN- In response to their demand you show the other side of the sold-
3 ier figure, but this shows Sydney in a brilliant yellow uniform!
MENT. A giant 11" x 15" Folder
is shown blank inside and outside, But what's behind the plaque? After some amusing business,
then stood, without covering, In this is turned around to SHOW A VERY COLOURFUL AND A VERY
full view. On a small pad spec- FIERCE SGT. MAJOR!
tators write the numbers ... some- The trick packs small, very easy to do, always ready. It takes
one else adds the numbers together. The spirit of your uncle is up very little room in your bag and yet plays for quite a time dur-
to produce the answer to the addition on a panel of the folder ... ing the performance.
he goes further than that, for his picture materialises too! - a The props are BIG AND VISUAL. Plaque size is 14j x 9 J inches.
CONVICT with the number before him! Soldier is 11J inches high. All silk-screened in a profusion of
WOW! WHAT A SURPRISE!!! Day-glo fluorescent.
BIG ENOUGH TO BE SEEN ANYWHERE. No extra or double Comes complete with a wonderful routine you'll delight to per-
panels in the folder which can be EXAMINED. The pad is a clever form. Even a metal stand is included to display the props during
and subtle idea too, which you will use in many ways. performance. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
You get the complete outfit and routine for only £10.50, (U.S.A. MCDONALD'S

100 Dollar Routine
MESMER THE LEVITATOR This Routine with FOUR ACES has be-
come known as the "Hundred Dollar Rou-
A hidden assistant that is always tine" because many paid this amount for
ready to do your bidding - in the the secret!
show - in the street - in the bar - The Four Aces are placed on the table
any time and anywhere you want to and three indifferent cards placed on
show a baffling litte suspension mys- each Ace.
tery. Three Aces vanish from their packets and assemble in the
Apen, pencil, wand, cane, cigarette, box of matches, card fourth packet. This seems similar to the usual run of Four Ace
etc. , are the "subjects". Placed against the hand at any pos- tricks ... BUT ... this version is SO CLEAN in operation that
ition they remain suspended without visible support! No adhe- there appears NO POSSIBILITY OF TRICKERY. We give you a
sives of any kind used. PATTER STORY (with a gambling flavour) which together with
Articles can be borrowed as they really are unfeked. Hands the Vernon Presentation gives the "Four Aces" an entirely NEW
can be examined. Nothing concealed in them anywhere. LOOK.
Two articles can even be suspended at once! One on the back Comple with illustrated instructions by LEWIS GANSON and
of the hand, one on the front. A wonderful trick. Something spelcal fakes. Use your own pack (Waddington Blue Geometrical).
you must have. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
By Ravelle and Andree. The authors are
i A fully illustrated 23 page typescript book of
well-known for their practical ideas and in o r ig in a l / sizzling, top-notch Comedy Magical effects by
the pages of this publication they release no
less than a dozen of their favourite origina- COMFDY Val Andrews-
u \rtc Novel ideas such as "Pump-Up Rabbit", "Incred-
tions. Tricks and Presentations - audience- MAWC lble juggling Feat", "Just Wait Till I Get You
appealing effects with the accent on NOVELTY
Home" (an original double act for the Magi and
the Missus) etc. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Whether you entertain Children or Adults
you will find here material to give pep to your new season's
shows. 22 clear typescript pages, profusely Illustrated. Printed OH, CRUMBS !
covers. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). A few pieces of soft, yellow nylon
foam which the magician refers to as
By Ravelle and Andree. A list of the 'biscuit crumbs'. Every time the ma-
contents can give only a small idea of gician opens his hand, the three pieces
the quality of the material offered, but come back together again!
will serve to Illustrate its varied na- This business is repeated ... "I
ture:- Four White Mice, Ment-a-col, could go on all night doing this", says
Ladies Choice, Fun Wand, Confoos’n the magician "but that really would
Cup, Popo's Pom Pom, It's in the Bag, TAKE THE BISCUIT!"
Clarence the Cuckoo, Bamboozled. He opens his hands, the crumbs have
Different performers who have been gone and there in place of the crumbs is a biscuit.
shown the manuscript have nominated You get the "crumbs", a "biscuit" made in plastic and the
different tricks as being 'plums' of routine, all for a low, low price ...
the material and worth more than the purchase price for the Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
whole book. It all depends upon your personal preferences in
magic. In all Instances though the accent is upon ENTERTAIN- The magician (that's you) shows five
MENT and AUDIENCE APPEAL and if you believe that these are cards with large numerals; A '1' and
essentials in Modern Magic, this book is a "must" for you. four '5's. The card with the 1 sub-
An Illustrated typescript publication with printed cover. tracts itself from the others. A 5

___________________ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)._____________ changes into a 4. Another 5 becomes
a 3. Another 5 turns into a 2. Now
The MacMillan Miracle the 1 changes into a 5 ... but the last
Improved version of the Kltson Mira- byJimVfetter card ... is It a 1 or a 5 ?? ?
cle with cards which can be shown
ri I’ ’ & Phil Goldstein NEITHER! It's a veritable explosion
front and back. The latest 3 card fr* *V
\* J
A of numbers, covering the whole of the
trick. The audience can never find * i card. Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00).
the Queen. Price £3., (U.S.A. $9). \ «'
NEW MAGIC A changing bag built on a ring, like an
IMPROVED PAPER WAD TRICK ordinary changing bag, but with no handle
The usual effect of four paper wads trav- to hinder operation. Easy to use, the bag
elling under one hat, but in this method can be referred to as a Hat and many amus-
there is no stealing the wad from under the ing routines can be woven around its simi-
hat at the start etc. All sleights have been overcome. larity to one.
IMPROVED MUSCLE READING "No-handle Changing Bag" is made from a
—/ The real "know-how" on how to find objects nice material. A useful utility prop. Every conjurer needs one.
people merely think of, to carry out their thoughts. As supplied with George Blake's 'Uncanny Hankies'.
Actually using a non-contact method that does not Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
depend on guesswork, you cannot fall.
V This is inside information told in a few straight- ALL-CLEAR SUPER-TEAR
By Bill Vaughan. A piece of clear cellophane,
forward words by one who is, using it successfully. Enabling
you to understand it and to go out and work this act without fail- which you appear to remove from a cigar or from
ure. NEW COIN AND CARD TRICK a candy bar. You can tear it in two, the spectator
One of the cleverest things we have seen. A isn't able to.
blank slip of paper is initialled and placed between Four patter presentations and enough material for
two coins which are given to anyone to hold. many shows. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
The name of a chosen card appears on the
marked examined slip. No shell coin used. Performer displays three cards with
Everything can be examined. nutshells on the back. Two cards are
blank-faced and the third shows a "pea".
'New Magic' the above three effects, in sealed manuscript I
form. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). Cards are mixed and shown, but pea
has vanished! ALL THREE ’SHELLS"

Audience will be baffled at this little stick
ARE EMPTY! When shown again the
pea appears under EACH shell!

Performer explains whichever shell

through which runs a cord. The long be- is picked you always wind up "behind
come short, the short become long, a spec- the 8-ball" - A LARGE BALL appears under each shell!!!
tator cannot duplicate your actions.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Neat and baffling!
A pack of cards is passed to the
audience to shuffle. It's an ordinary
pack of cards, and without fekes of any
Attention is drawn to a wooden hou-
lette in which rests a large card bear-
ing a Question Mark.
THREE predictions are made. The
names of three cards are written onto slate or card. lOUt
any moves or sleights and without adding anything to the pack
the magician commences to deal cards onto the table. One by
one three spectators call 'Stop' at anytime, and the cards you
are holding at these times are the selected ones.
Beautifully spun from metal. These are quite the best
DEFINITELY NO FORCE. One by one the cards are placed
made. Comes complete with tubes and full routine.
into the houlette. Now the houlette is turned around and the
The magician shows a bottle and glass and two large
large card removed. One by one the predictions are read out
tubes. When he lifts the tubes, an extra bottle is seen
under one of them. "I'm so sorry", he says as he moves RECT!
the bottle a little to one side.
A really clever .notion which allows you to change three cards
Covering the bottle and the glass, he now performs the
for three others literally right under the noses of the audience.
classic "Passe Passe Bottle and Glass" effect ... the audience
It makes many other effects possible. Enables you to present
are never sure of the whereabouts of the bottle or the
a baffling 'Finding the Aces' - to discover three chosen
glass! As quick as a wink they transpose ... the bottle
cards. You'll use it in many ways. You can use ANY pack of
is where the glass should be and vice versa. Suddenly
cards. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
something seems to go wrong for the magician has two
bottles, he removes one.
But now every time he attempts to perform the effect, F3 MONEY MAKER
Show two plastic plates,
he ends up with one bottle too many, until no less than they can be examined.
TWELVE bottles have been produced and now there is no Place them together and
sign of the glass anywhere. He covers two of the bottles, a coin appears. When you
claps his hands over the tubes and now the two bottles do it again, another coin
have transformed into two glasses! appears and so on. The trick
He lifts the tubes and there are the two bottles! He is repeated over and over again. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
drops the glasses upside-down on them, says "Cheers" and
that's the end of the routine. MONSTER PENCIL
You can, if you wish, pour drinks out of three of the
Got an effect that calls for a spectator
bottles as they are made to hold liquid. Price, £95.00,
signing his name, noting down a card, etc?
(U.S.A. $250.00).
Weil, here's your chance to add a big laugh
By Jack Yates. Based on an
Just pull it out of your pocket and wait
ingenious principle, this unusual for the laughter! A good aid to magic,
mental mystery has a 'reverse' tool Got to turn that stack of envelopes
plot. Can be easily prepared over, or switch that note? Produced at
in pocket or brief-case size de- the right moment the pencil offers perfect
pending on the type of work misdirection.
you do. Complete with detailed manuscript of
Spectator secretly selects the Comedy Stunts and Gags. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
victim, all the magician knows MULTIPLYING BOUQUET
is the name of the murderer,
yet he correctly gives the identity of the victim. It's A bouquet of five feather flowers
a bit unusual, macabre and supernatural, but an effect suddenly multiplies in two. Great
that can be a hit in any mentalist programme. when used with any flower produc-
Complete instructions and routine in printed form. No tion.
apparatus supplied. All you need is a sheet of cardboard Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $60.00).
and a marker-pen. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Tie a knot in a silken cord
ONE-HANDED around a plastic tube. Thread
♦ one end of the cord through
RISING CARDS J and slip the knots off. Where's
A metal houlette which can be examined. Any the knot? In the tube or in
pack of cards. Cards are placed into the houl- ] your hand? The answer is a
ette and a small sheet of glass is placed at the Vl( BIG SURPRISE. First it's in
front and another at the back of the pack, com-x! | the tube and then it's in your
pletely isolating the cards. Nevertheless, despite _______ hand and then it VANISHES
these precautions the chosen cards rise from the centre of altogether.
the deck, they do really rise from the centre and a specta- No skill or sleights. Supplied
tor can remove them. Houlette is held in ONE HAND. complete. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Price, £7,50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
A sharp-pointed knife is shown,
Half a dozen cards are shown
a balloon is inflated and held
to members of the audience who
by an assistant who stands direct-
are asked to mentally add the
ly in front of target. Magician
number of spots on the cards.
takes his stand at some distance,
Then you show them all the
and the audience see him deliber-
cards are BLANK!
ately throw the knife at the
Easy to do, only requires
lady, bursting the balloon, and the knife becoming impaled
presenting. You get all the
firmly into the target. Knife is then removed and passed
cards and the presentation ready to work this right away.
for examination.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
illustrated Plans and full working secret only. Price, 75p.,
(U.S.A. $2.00).
the author has mixed slick "hot off
the griddle" material with some corny classics
which were too good to disappear into obliv-
ion. Be you Ventriloquist, Conjuror, comedian
You tie a knot slowly and deliberately
in a piece of rope, give the rope a
or Compere you will find, in the 20 large type- shake AND THE KNOT DISAPPEARS!
script pages of this book, material a-plenty Yes, you can really do this slow motion,
to add to your repertoire. Vai showed the proofs of this it's fantastic! Repeat it, again and
book to a well-known comedian ... he didn't say anything again.
... he was too busy writing down the gags! Proof of the NO WAX, ADHESIVES, LITTLE PINS,
pudding! This comedian only steals from the best!!!!! anything like that. A great routine. Originated by EDWIN,
You get the complete collection, bound into printed covers, (which means it's easy to do!) It's also very effective,
typescript, for only, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). you'll like it! Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).

A loop of silky cord, the ends of which Seventeen typescript pages detailing
have been SEALED, also a nylon-foam enough practical material to establish
1 inch square cube with a hole through you as an expert escapologist. Ma-
the centre. Suddenly, and without cover, ß terial originated by the author and used
the magician passes the cube onto the cord by him.
so that it is now threaded upon it! Everything Contents Include Handcuff methods;
can be RIGIDLY EXAMINED. A novel close-up De-Val's Strait Jacket; Challenge,
mysteryl Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). several members of the audience tie
you up with 60 feet of rope; The Chal-
We purchased the Exclusive Rights
DAVlDdeVAL lenge Handcuff, etc.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A.$6.00).
/ on this twenty-five or more years ago!
z O.K., now everyone sells it, all without LIGHTED PIPES
•" permission. We have NEVER at any Magician fills an imaginary pipe, placing it be-
time given permission to any other deal- tween his lips and lighting this with a regular match.
er to market this item. Withdrawing his hands, there's a regular CHERRY-
A 24 inch silk is shown, a knot is WOOD PIPE there - and smoking! Following the
9 tied in the centre and magically the production of the first pipe, three more make their
'<£> r 9 knot is shaken off the silk. You do appearance.
Please note, - All the pipes are GENUINE. No

it again and again, ending up with three holes in the silk
if you like! complicated or difficult moves.
You get the silks, etc., and routines. Price, £7.50, We supply the four pipes, etc., instructions and
(U.S.A. $17.00). ________________________________________ routine. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).


NOT a trick you will be able to learn this
morning and put into your show tonight! Not sold A saucy caper with a bat, cut out
to Juveniles! BUT ... a trick which will PAY in the shape of a KEYHOLE that's
you to STUDY and PRACTICE for it is undoubted- got a "men only" flavour.
ly one of the MASTER MYSTERIES OF ALL "Through" the keyhole can be seen
TIME. The trick which was featured and made ...a lovely, luscious brunette!
famous by HOUDINI. (You can see her twin sister on the other side.)
^ifgKl sharp needles are "swallowed" one at a time. Committee Magician momentarily covers the keyhole with his hand (to save
from the audience verify needles are definitely placed into the the maiden's blushes) and when the keyhole is uncovered - (I feel
mouth. Water is drunk. Glass is empty. Spectators may exam- faint!) - the young ladles are seen in a state of semi-undress!
ine the magician's mouth. Next a length of thread is swallowed. The trick seems over - but the magician is able to produce an
When the thread is pulled from out of the mouth the needles are "encore" in response to the demand (uncouth fellows!) to take the
found to be threaded along it at intervals! effect a step further! Both girls are shown in scanties and - NO
This is a printed book of instructions carefully going into the - we're not going to tell you what happens next! If you don't buy
REAL METHOD for this wonderful trick ... the set-up, the pre- this soon a smart magician pal is going to beat you to it - and we
sentation PLUS regular and comedy patter, are all given. A real guarantee he's going to make you laugh at the unexpected (but lo-
reputation making trick, which well presented, is a MIRACLE. gical! ) climax! (Why should we spoil the fun!)
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
A "tool" every magician should MULTIPLYING LIGHTED CANDLES
have up his sleeve! No difficult A candle is lit, it multiplies, it be-
sleight of hand is called for ...
you will soon learn the handling
comes two, three and finally four.
These candles are nice and large,
well-made in metal and are easy to

and, with some practise, it will
work. Made for the right hand.
become second nature to you;
then you are all set for some
PRINCIPLE Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
We have a few left hand sets '
Contents are: Coincidental for those who require them. If so
please be sure to specify left hand
Impromptu, effects with E.S.P.
or use two sets to produce four candles in each hand.
Cards; Additional Punch Predic-
tion; E.S. Prediction; What a
Character, an effect on sucker MY MAGIC LIFE
lines with Lexicon cards; Elimin- David Devant. To become
ation Prediction, etc., etc. 12, 10" x 8" pages, profusely
illustrated, two-colour light board cover. It's a marvellous
MY a good performer it is necessary
to know the background of your
principle that enables you to perform APPARENT MIRACLES
and all so EASILY! This could be one of your best buys
MAGIC HIE art, and between the bound covers,
of this book the reader will find
EVER. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). r. a wealth of information ... only
two chapters deal with magical
5. secrets but background details
MY PET DECK abound and here lies the beauty
of this book.
Originated by Bill Pryor. Routined by Ken de Courcy.
You show that your 'Pet Deck' has the Chapters include - The Hot
d ev a NT Pudding and the Vanishing Lady,
ability to read a spectator's mind! A specta- ! DAVID
tor thinks of a card. The pack informs him Mixing Magic with Midgets, Con-
that it is not yet ready and then, a little juring on the Continent, Magic
later, it is! in the Nineteenth Century, Magic today and tomorrow,
Cards are dealt face-up. A card appears etc., etc. 287 pages of absorbing reading!
which tells you that you should be dealing "My Magic Life" gives a peep behind the scenes and
them face-down. The chosen card should ap- reveals many facets of the character of the man who was
pear; instead the pack asks for a hint! one of the greatest genius' that magic has ever known.
You show a card stating "Your card is ..." Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20,00).
the name of the actual card is missing! When the chosen Originated
card is turned face-up, the Message card is again shown. by Tan Hock
The name of a card has now appeared and it matches the Chuan. A Su-
chosen one. preme Exclus-
An extraordinary plot, an extraordinary trick. One which ive. The outfit
you only have to learn to have an excellent piece of enter- « which we supply
tainment at your fingertips. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). IT B^/is beautifully
s läj
You can do this as a mental feat, A are fine props for a fantastic
or feature it as an extraordinary card * •• Pnmnloto
complete urifh If I
with FULL
effect and
fantastic effect
• made in SOLID
and tlthe outfit comes
effect. THE EFFECT is that a small quantity of milk or beer
You request spectator to remove is poured into the smallest glass in a set of five. Contents
deck from case, then cut and mix the cards, You at no time of this glass are poured into a larger one which, to the
touch the cards, Four cards are removed and held by one or surprise of the audience, it completely FILLS! This glass,
more spectators. There is no forcing of any of the cards re- in tum, is emptied into a larger one and once again the
moved - the selection is the fairest possible. Believe it or not, glass is mysteriously filled. This is repeated again and
you correctly name each of the four freely chosen cards. Spec- again until the largest container, (which is jug-like, with
tator does the trick; you merely direct. It's terrific! a handle), is filled with liquid. FURTHER MYSTERY IS
Supplied complete with the necessary 'It'. Price, £1.00, TO COME, WHEN THE MAGICIAN FILLS EACH OF THE
________________________(U.S.A. $3,00). FOUR GLASSES COMMENCING WITH THE LARGEST
Snap! A silk appears at the finger ONE JUG!
tips. The silk is rolled into a ball and. There is very little preparation involved and there are
held between thumb and first finger I no chemicals and so on used. Price, £75, (U.S.A. $200).
of right hand (the same position as in '
the Multiplying Billiard Balls). A sec- THE MYSTERY OF MAGIC
ond rolled up silk appears, then a third t-'!T These are the original Lecture notes.
and a fourth. These silks then unroll ■THE MYSTERY OF MAGIC, Presented
to their full 18 inch size. by Lewis Ganson at a convention some
Use differently coloured, or all the years ago. A Collectors' item!
same colour silks. Here are - 'Hula Fooler moves', 'A
This can easily become a beautiful prelude to any follow- Ring and some Rope'; 'Matched-up';
up silk trick. 'Card Production'; 'Eddie Ward's Card
We give you the illustrated instructions describing the Rise'; 'Quick Tricks'; 'Giant Fans'; - \
special fold and the gimmick. Plus Four real top quality the latter illustrated with a great photo sequence. Limited
approx. 18" silks, price £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). number only available. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A trick that's a puzzle, - a
puzzle that's a trick!
A table cloth, removed from a thin- Magician asks for the loan c*
topped table, is shown, then shaken a small coin. He shows a de-
over a clear glass bowl, when a dozen corative box. He places the box,
REAL ORANGES drop from it into the together with the coin, behind
bowl. Flowers, Presents for the kids, his back for a few moments; bringing his hands around to the
a rabbit, duck or chicken may be used front, the coin is heard to be rattling inside the box.
instead of Oranges. Straight away the box is handed to a spectator. He is
Price, without bowl (use any glass bowl). £5.50, (U.S.A. asked to try to get the coin from the box ... there's one
$15.00). stipulation ... he mustn't push, strain or damage the box in
any way. Neither must he prise up the lid. Magician explains

A large printed book of 110 clearly illustrated that, in fact, all the parts merely slide and pivot.
. pages. Contents include "The Paper and Hat Try as he might, the spectator is unable to open the box!
i Routine", The Vanish of an Electric Fire, The magician can do so instantly!
something sensational and unusual, "Sebastian", Very nicely made. Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00).
a comedy snake routine, A Production of Silks
on a Rod, and lots more magic including a
A take-off on the old 'Find the
chapter on Kids Stuff under "Laugh Children
Lady' and of almost every lady we
Laugh" giving details of "Hindu Sweets", "The know!
Great Jam Tart Fallacy" etc.
Starts off as a three-card trick,
A first-rate publication. Hard-bound. A
book to treasure. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.001.
two spot cards and the Lady. Right
before their eyes the Lady vanishes
... but she thoughtfully leaves a I
Real and practical illusions and lllusionettes message behind.
Where's the Lady? ... Well, the*
specially designed for the Night-Club perform-
er. message gives the answer!
Every illusion can be performed entirely OK A trick you can work anytime, anywhere and which will al-
surrounded by spectators ... and another fea- ways bring a chuckle. Price complete, including special
ture - they all pack small and the construction cards, £1,50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
calls for light-weight materials. Several can Enough dialogues, 'business' and ma-
be made up at the cost of a few pounds. terial to keep a ventriloquist well sup-
Effects Include Penetrations, Vanishes, plied throughout a television series!
Productions, Changes, More than enough material for sever- |
Acclaimed by Magicians all over the world as the greatest book al full-length acts! A treasure trove ..viUllllli.
ever written on the subject. for the cabaret and concert ventrilo-
Typescript form. Printed paper cover. Published by arrange- quist! In addition to dialogues of the
ment with Abbott's of America. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). more conventional 'Vent and Cheeky-
Boy' style (of which there are sev- W,/ >w/7
.. r
. < I • J 1*1. _
None of the old ideas like double-
eral sparkling examples) the book
includes many novelty ideas, and
faced or double-backed cards. Some- original ventriloquial conceptions.
thing simple - but very, good. Unlike other branches of show-business, there was never
Three cards are shown back and greater opportunity than there is to-day for a really smart
front. Cards are mixed around then ventriloquist with first-class material. Television enhances the
one card is noted and placed on the art of the voice-illusionist! Only lack of material has kept

table. Cards are again shown and many ventriloquists from gaining fresh laurels in the new me-
second card is placed onto the dium. They need search no further. Price £2.50, (U.S.A.$6.00).
table. The third card is used to MORE VENTRILOQUIAL VITALITY
draw an invisible carriage-way be- __ _ _ By Vai Andrews. Top flight material for
’ECTA.. the ventriloquist by Vai Andrews. There's
FIRMLY PLACE THEIR HANDS ON THE CARDS THEY no limit to the T.V. possibilities for a first-
CHANGE PLACES! At the end everything can be examined! class ventriloquist armed with real novelty
No rough and smooth, no pocket cards. We believe that ideas and dialogues such as are found in
you'll like this and use it often. this publication. There's "The Demon
Complete for only, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00). Nicotine", a smart five minute dialogue;
"Home Truths", a sharp routine of smart
QUEENIE repartee; "Second Childhood", etc., and
Oh my! What a gal! In a 'serious' including an unusual notion "The Ostrich
prediction you produce the wrong Jumbo
Egg". Contents typescript, printed covers.
card. It seems all you have to do is Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
■Find the Lady'. This you do ... and
how! Card drops open to show a glam-
orous 'piece of homework' guaranteed to
MONSTER SMOKING CIGAR, Approximately 8 inches long.
make their eyes pop. Ideal for dinners. Looks like a real cigar. It ac-
Not for everyone, of course, but good tually holds a cigarette, an old
for me. You too? gag but a good one. Complete
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). with FIFTEEN IDEAS by lan Adair. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7).
Modern Sliding Die Box MELTO CARDS
A startling vanish of a fan of cards.
Our 'Modern Sliding Die Box' is
Originated by Percy Abbott. Fan is
something to be proud of and a dep-
closed, a squeezing motion of the
arture from the old-fashioned cabinet
style box. Made entirely in wood, and hands, then opened and shown empty.
No pulls or body work.
lacquered blue, black and gold. Die
is 3i inches square, black with white Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
There are four doors, two which open at the front and two at the
back. The die is quite clearly placed in the box, it can be shown
Terrific ring off shoe lace effect that beats
there at any time. Yet, whenever you wish, after all the hilarious everything. No fake looping of the lace. No

business of tilting the box back and forwards, open this door and gimmicks, Yet the examined ring passes off
the other door, etc., all four doors can be opened to show the com- the lace. We predict this will be the year's
plete envanishment of the dice. favourite penetration effect. To see It is to
Finally the missing dice is produced from a borrowed hat. A be 100% fooled. There are no "twists" or
Die Box "Carlton" (who invented this trick) would have been proud tricky ties - and oh yes, we forgot to mention,
of. A Supreme quality production. Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. everything can be examined.
$88.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).


It's crazy! Two silk handkerchiefs
We put this out some years ago^'f *
\ *
are tied together by their corners. They
by permission of Allan Lambie.
Originated by Tony Taylor and Ik* ..
are not the colours you state they are.
A R ED silk is taken up and this is to k*
still a 100% effective mystery.
appear between the other two but it is
No special apparatus supplied.
not the colour you state it is. Anyway,
the silk vanishes and all Is right for Ük You use your own deck and the easily obtainable 'something'. We
supply the instructions only In sealed manuscript form.
suddenly the two tled-together silks
Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
change to the correct colours and between them is the missing silk

now also the correct colour! MIRACLE MONTE
An off-beat effect that in the right hands can be a whole load of fun. The modern version of the old three
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A $20.00).
card trick BUT with no difficult sleights
and NO HALF CARDS. Full faces and
A firmer to handle than ordinary
a backs of all three cards are shown.
The court card is placed between the
tZ' cigarettes. No tobacco to loosen and two spot cards and the three deliberately
come out. Far less chance of cigar- turned over. Try as they might the audi-
1^**“dJZ- ettes getting bent. Supreme Manipul- ence can never pick out the court card!
ate Cigarettes are made from a filter material and packed in 20 in a It all looks so perfectly fair, yet it is
packet. They are highly recommended to all manipulators as being impossible for the spectator to pick out
first-class. Price, only, per packet of 20, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). the court card unless you wish it.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
An unbreakable 1J inch bright
plastic ball that enables you to \
By Jack Yates. K's uncanny, you
perform a whole series of bre- don't TOUCH the pack. You don't SEE
athtaklng, bewildering and the pack, yet you are able to reveal
skilful-appearing "moves". in a novel manner a FREE LY selected
Produce the ball from the air, toss it in the air and it vanishes. card. Write the simple instructions
Reproduce it from behind your knee, place it into the hand and it in the form of a letter to the customer.
dissolves into nothing. In short you can run the whole gamut of The most effective bit of long distance
the usual billiard ball effects BUT WITHOUT THE USUAL SKILL! trickery you have seen. Purely automatic. Complete directions
Manipulate Ball takes the hard work away from manipulation, it and ideas based on the system. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
makes it easy for you. Complete with our fully detailed Instruc-
tions and a special Ken de Courcy routine.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A neat plastic wallet. Pack of cards
is shuffled and one card Is placed inside i». Ü \
Miracle Rope-Ring and Hat it. Wallet is closed and it is imposs-
ible for magician to see the card.. .yet V 0 ’
A Supreme Exclusive Effect by arrange- Hz 0
ment with GEORGE BLAKE. No snaps, he successfully names It!
No magnets - all you need Is a borrowed Effect can be repeated - again and
hat and the rope and ring supplied by us again if you wish!
and of course the routine that goes with it Finally the magician makes a prediction, cnosen card placed into
and you'll have a miracle that you will be wallet determines another card - and believe it or not it is the one
delighted to perform at every opportunity. you predicted!
This is the original GEORGE BLAKE You can use ANY pack of cards. Spectators own pack if you wish
effect, entertaining, practical magic. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. Mirrors a spectators thoughts - but NO mirrors are used!
$7.00). Price. £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
I By Dominic Dimelow. Magical Presentations
worked by the author over a number of years.
By Vai Andrews. 'ALL THE WORLD

MAGICAL Material that you can put into your show right LOVES A CLOWN' and here, the author
PRESENTATIONS away. "MAGICAL PRESENTATIONS" not only .... shows how you can well combine the
gives you tricks,|but valuable routines and A\ P\ glamour of this beloved character with
patter that will get audience results for you. J»-1 ») the mystery and fun of the Conjuror's
22 typescript pages and printed cover. Con- -L 1 art, and become ... 'The Magical
tents include;- The Cut Force; Burning £1 ’ f* % Clown'.
J note; The Registered Post Mystery; The ■ » Contents are, Introduction, tips on
Tr— Beanstalk; Two Pack Coincidence; A Predic- costume etc., typical Clown and Au-
tion effect; A Quick Card effect, etc. Price £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.). guste Make-ups, 'Multiplying Noses' - a trick with an off-beat
effect. 'Flowers for the Ladies' an entirely original idea for a
terrific continuity number, 'Clown's Egg Bag' - a new idea in
THE KINGS CONVERGE Egg Bags, using a clown's hat but with no sleights and NO fake
pockets in the hat! 'Bucket Balance', a new version of an old
A spectator deals cards into four tum- gag. Continuity business, 'Colour-Changing Ruffle', (between
blers, then chooses any one. The top each effect the conjuring clown's ruffle changes colour'.), 'THE
card is a King. Strangely, it matches MAGICIANS PROPS' A COMPLETE FEATURE ACT with laughter
your prediction in the form of a GIANT and pathos, The Clown Ventriloquist, Puppetry, Balloonology
King (14 x 9 ins.) in an otherwise empty plus two dialogues for the Clown Vent - 'Clown Capers' and 'Cir-
folder'. A further surprise comes when cus Time', etc., etc.
you shotv the top card of EACH OF THE Typescript form. Printed covers. Price £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.).
3 courses bound into one handsome little
FERENT SUIT! Easy to do!
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). book. - Black cloth titled in gold. Sixty-
seven pages.
The Starter! Course 1 - Entertaining
The picture on the 8" x 10" card which
you show is supposed to show Mummy
Kangaroo and Baby Kangaroo, BUT The Entree! Course 2 - Mental Magic.
The Dessert! Course 3 - Illusions.
BABY IS MISSING! Where is he, - well num Three books from the Magical Menu ser-
baby has been CAPTURED and when you iiniij
show another card with a picture of a W&AtOO i ies now in one handsome permanent form
which is a nice book for your shelf that
ZOO, there he is BEHIND BARS.
MAGICALLY, THE BABY KANGAROO KflPEI«\Lj you wiU refer to often, and which will
DISAPPEARS. He should appear back bring you great magical pleasure.
with Mummy but he doesn't ... and Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).

there's fun galore when the children BY IAN ADAIR
spot baby peeping out of Mummy's pouch. Up and down he pops
before at last he is "discovered". Magicians looking for a novelty to fill a
A lovely, different and unusual story line and colourful props. spot in their Kids' programmes will find
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). that here we have the answer. A stunt with
a long piece of coloured paper. With this
Edited and with photographs by LEWIS you can make a few 'Trouble-wit' style
GANSON. shapes prior to giving the paper a few quick
All who have watched and enjoyed JOHN n n n »ij cuts.
ALBOROUGH perform his delightful act When the paper is opened out it now shows a line of little boys
at Magical functions and Conventions must (or girls) all in colour, with flesh coloured heads and legs, red
have been impressed with the apparent
ease with which he brings about particu-
larly strong magical effects.
Now with the help of LEWIS GANSON,
M 1ft jumpers and green trousers or skirts!
You'll like our follow-up idea, which is to tell of the misfortunes
which occured to the children when they forgot their road-drill.
The papers are torn up, but at the end a touch with the wand puts
John has recorded his routines. matters right and they are all happily hand-in-hand again! Quite
Conventioneers were agape at John's restored and 'as they were'.
brilliant Thimble manipulation and it's all here, AND MUCH Finally the figures are separated and given away to the children
MORE ... New sleights with BILLIARD BALLS, including JOHN'S present. Easy to do. We supply you with 10 of the special papers
FAVOURITE BILLIARD BALL ROUTINE described in full detail; (and each one is 8| x 28 ins. - all in colour) plus illustrated in-
THE TRANSPOSITION OF A BILLIARD BALL TO FOUR THIM- structions and routine. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
BLES. A whole chapter on CANDLES ... LIGHTED CANDLES
A limited number only remain of the Lecture
ISHES. Card magic for non-card men! Entertaining
A chapter on REELS ... UNTYING EFFECTS; COLOUR CHAN- card magic that anyone can use. Notes on
GES; PENETRATIONS. what is required; 'The Box Pass' - a new
A bound book, titled in gold, two-colour dust jacket, 92 large sleight by Ken de Courcy; 'The Turn-Down
8" x 10" pages, Eight illustrations and no less than NINETY- Change' - another new sleight by Ken; 'Forcing Two Cards' ...
EIGHT photographs by the incomparable LEWIS GANSON. «nd many novel tricks, in this eight-page 8 x 10 ins. booklet.
You'll be surprised at how easy the items are, and you will Remember, - a limited number only are available.
soon be presenting many of these Miracles in your own pro- Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
grammes^____ Price, £10,50, (U.S.A. $25.00^.________________
A grand old favourite that
A 'Stung' trick for adults. (About 10 x
8 size.) Two glamorous cuties and an
old lady. A giant "pay envelope" is
has weathered the years and
always come up smiling, y 03«
bright and new, is the most
placed to one side. The "frump" rep-
popular trick, the Vanishing
resents your wife, she vanishes, but
Wand. Most magicians have
there’s something peeping into view.
worked this at some time or
What’s that, it's a sign that says 'She's
other, eventually discarding
gone!’ Turn it round and it says *Wlsh
it because of the time and
she had! ’ What's Inside the giant pay envelope, well that's exactly
trouble taken in setting It up,
where you find her, and she's 'cocking a snoot' at you'.!!
in transporting the effect to the show, or because of tne fag (and
Silk-screened cards all in colour and full routine.
expense) of continually having to buy replacements.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Now Supreme are pleased to present a Vanishing Wand trick
which requires NO replacements and which is set in a jiffy
A pocket calculator which is gimmicked up to The neat black plastic wand with white tips can be used through-
enable you to perform miracles. Complete out the show. It can be tapped around to prove its solidarity.
with a booklet of 17 effects. Slowly the wand Is rolled up in a sheet of tissue paper, the ends
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $55.00). of the paper being screwed over to preclude the wands's escape.

MODERN CABINET HAS GONE! The performer reproduces the wand from his pock-
et, using it to aid him in further mysteries.
ILLUSION PLANS Supreme NEW Vanishing Wand is beautifully made and rep-
resents an elegant-looking wand you will be proud to use. Re-
Cabinet is shown on all sides. Interior member NO SHELLS are used. Takes only a second to set or
also clearly shown. Front curtain is clos- reset. No fiddling! No fuss!
ed and from one to three persons can be We supply the special Vanishing Wand plus the matching dupli-
produced even though the cabinet is sur- cate and full instructions.
rounded by a committee. A very "GOOD BUY". Price, £7.00, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Another version - in which the Magician
puts on a cloak, beard, etc. He stands at
the front of the cabinet holding a sheet mom- If you wish to purchase the wand WITHOUT a duplicate un-
entarily in front of him. A form appears under the sheet and is feked one we will supply for £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
left standing to one side. Another sheet is held up and a second
form appears. This is repeated a third time. Audience sees three
crouching figures standing on the stage and the Magician. The MIRACLE BILL-FOLD
Magician enters the cabinet and draws the curtains closed. Two A great idea! -
of the figures throw off the sheets disclosing two beautiful girls. A regular-looking
They open the curtain and the cabinet Is empty. WHERE IS THE bill-fold made
MAGICIAN? The third figure throws off the sheet - IT IS THE from black Vinyl
MAGICIAN! which holds bank-
FULL WORKSHOP PLANS. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). notes etc. , in the
rear compartment
MNEMODEXTERITY and which has two
By L. De Bevere. Acclaimed clear compart-
as one of the best tricks of its ments in front, into which you can insert photographs etc. One
type EVER. 26 letter cards, of these compartments is cleverly gimmicked for a fantastic
they can be the popular Lexicon switch of a playing card.
type cards or similar cards The compartments are definitely seen to be empty prior- to the
obtainable from a card game. switch. You receive the MIRACLE BILL-FOLD, complete with
One unidentified card is removed four pages of instructions and ideas. You will be thrilled at the
from the deck and the rest of the versatility of this clever prop. Price. £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
deck is divided amongst three
I spectators. Spectators shuffle their cards then call out in turn the
letters they are holding. Believe it or not, the magician is able to ft a
name the single card removed from the pack. A good novelty. Show a silk, covered all over
FURTHER he is able to recite the sequence of cards held by each with dirty marks. Dip your hand in a soap packet.
of the helpers! Pass your hand over the silk and it becomes clean.
Then having the deck re-assembled he tells from memory the num- Works on the familiar Tarbell principle.
erical position of any card called out by the audience. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Then he CUTS to any letter called for. Finally, he spells out a
j short word or even a complete sentence by cutting in rapid success- — Yimka’s Comedy
ion to each of the letters required.
Almost a complete act. No Alphabet cards are supplied. Cards of
v>) V Sunflower
!/ A Ä Boutonniere immediately changes to an
this type are obtainable from any stationery or toy shop. The printed \ immense sunflower. Limited supply.
booklet we supply makes an astonishing display of Mentalism and Made by a master craftsman.
Memory possible. An exclusive mystery sold at a very low price.
Price, £10.50 (U.S.A. $25.00).
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). 4
___________________ V
TORN & RESTORED STRIP OF PAPER I maqic Saxt— A great CONTINUITY GAG. Sprinkle a little
Described by LUIS GAV1LONDO and edited and y« jX magic salt from the salt shaker on the item
Illustrated by KEN DE COURCY. tety > that is going to vanish and it does, SO DOES
Magician invites a boy on the stage to help him gf THE SALT SHAKER.
and tells him he will teach him the first piece of Later you reach into your pocket and there
magic he ever learned. The magician and the boy ■aWrt it is and you repeat this, once, twice, as many
then go into a 'Do As I Do' routine, each with a ’fir I times as you like.
strip of tissue paper and various magical spells are k Shake a little salt from the shaker and wham! IT’S GONE.
tried out. A very clever idea and continuity notion.
Finally, the magician's strip is shown still torn, - the boy's Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $9.00).
is whole againll!
Most magicians already have the apparatus for this effect
home in their magic cupboards ... Tissue paper, a Thumb Tip, MIND IN SPACE
a couple of large silks ... and you are all-set. THERE CAN Len Belcher's 'Three Prediction'
BE FEW ROUTINES USING SUCH LITTLE APPARATUS GIV- effect in which no "dummies" are
ING GREATER EFFECT. used and there are no awkward it>
No apparatus is supplied, - just the special illustrated rou- moves or switches. Predictions + o
tine for you to learn and add a WINNER to your programme. concern a word, name of a town
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00). and E.S.P. symbol. All are proved 5 b id e f 0i >0 =
JUMBO SNAKE BASKET Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). KILMARNOCK, j

A smash feature for your show that
packs laughs all the way. Your audi- MINDREADING PAST
ences will be convulsed at some of the
amazing and absurd antics this snake . If you miss this, you'll miss a cute
\//j. gets up to! As you pick up the large little trick that will enhance your
and attractive-looking real cane basket close-up reputation as a wonder card

the lid begins to move and then out ’ worker. An effect with any borrowed
comes "Horace" (or whatever you like te deck of cards. Magician names cho-
to call him) a green and yellow monster P sen cards as they are thought of.
of a reptile several feet long. He opens It builds up to a nice climax. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
and closes his mouth (and with a little
ventriloquial ability you can have a con- A complete Spirit Cabinet Act! - A small
versation with him!), bites your fingers, cabinet with a thin net curtain. A lit candle
goes after your nose and in fact quite a disturbance and a deal of spooklly rises into the air, floating about.
hilarity. Spirit writing appears on two slates. An
Then he goes down into the basket to try and find a chosen card electric bulb lights and goes out on command.
(freely chosen - no force) from a shuffled pack that has been placed A solid block of wood sealed into a trans-
there. Instead he brings up the whole deck and throws it on the parent plastic tube defies the laws of grav-
floor! Eventually, after more 'horsing around' he does find the ity and rises up and down.
chosen card - the actual chosen card it is too! Next, the ghost appears to read a specta-
We give a three-page manuscript of comedy gags that you can use tor's mind!
with our Jumbo Snake. He can perform a conjuring trick! Do im- Finally a long white object appears inside
pressions! Play a Kazoo - he even succeeds in hypnotising the per- the cabinet. Spirits indeed! for when the wrapping is torn away
former! this proves to be A BOTTLE OF WHISKY!
Supreme Jumbo Snake in the Basket is a beautiful production. No Twenty-one printed pages, spiral bound. - An unusual and
clockwork, levers, springs, etc. For Children's or Adults' show spectacular act. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
this is terrific!
Price, complete, is £18.50, (U.S.A. $45.00).
rmunu'cvxj.’n: The illustration shows all.
Edited and photographed by LEWIS CARD MAlHC
GANSON. Four superb routines. or Split the tube in half and allow
'Ultimate Aces', 'Four Blank Cards', the audience to clearly see thro-
'Nimrod', 'The Card That Isn't ugh both parts. Place them
There'. together and straight away make
Uniform in size to others in our a silk production from both ends.
TEACH-IN series. In amongst the Made in metaL
excellent tricks, you will find tips Price, E10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
on handling and much sound'advice.
This is a book for the connoisseur of Clever Card Magic and
yet it is magic that is easily performed and which puts en-
tertainment first. 28 printed pages, 65 easy-to-follow photo-
A standard joxe item that's good when used in
graphs and a photo of the author, WALT LEES and the Edi- magic. Use it as a gag with your Rising Cards'.
tor and Photographer, the one and only LEWIS GANSON. Pretend to wind up the pack (really the gimmick)
Walt Lees' cleverness at his card magic and Lewis Ganson's the noise occurs and you say you have over wound b)D
gift for clarity and expression have been superbly combined the spring. Use it in a similar way with a borr-
to produce a book which will be much sought after, read and owed watch. You'll soon devise many ideas of your
referred to. Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00). own. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $1.50).


MEN. An extremely varied collec-
This accomplishes the unbelievable -
the production of a live dove without
X v_
tion of material with items for the using body loads or holders of any r~
beginner, the advanced performer, kind. T
a whole section with Novel ideas Abbott’s have developed a hank that
for Stage setting and displays, PLUS effectively conceals the dove and we .
a mixed bag of outstanding new Dove hold Exclusive British rights. Simply I
creations. crumple the hank into a bundle and 1
Tips, Tricks and Ideas and infor- out pops the live dove!
mation for all who work with doves. There are no "its" or "ands" about
25 packed typescript pages, profuse- it, it's the greatest single dove production ever developed and it's
ly illustrated, printed covers. a perfect tie-in with the Super Dove Production advertised else-
Tremendous magical value for an insignificant price. Profess- where in this catalogue.
ional material that can help to establish you as an expert in this The handkerchief is made from a lovely heavyweight material,
popular and lucrative branch of magic. colour white, size 18 inches. Can also be used for a parakeet or
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). —i glass of liquid.
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
Tricks, stunts, notions and tips are GLOVES TO DOVE TABLE
included which will benefit any per- A startling effect of sophisti-
former including Doves in his act. cated magic.
Tells you how to prevent the Doves Magician removes his white
flying around on stage, how to pene- evening gloves, he throws these
trate the dove with a large nail. Also on to a small table, he does not
the Dove House Vanish, Dove from go near the table, - neverthe-
Paper Frame, Floating Dove, Dove 'Gone* Hank, Dove on Wand less, instantly the gloves change =’
Levitation, Noah's Ark Production, etc. Full details on the auth- into a fluttering white dove. )
or's INVISIBLE DOVE HOLDERS, an innovation in Dove Magic. Mechanically perfect, the Su- ’
A typescript book, illustrated and with printed covers.
preme 'Gloves to Dove Table
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). is made from wood and metal;
A booklet that gives you the Hints, chrome table, stand and base.
tips and advice on KEEPING AND One of the slickest tricks in
TRAINING DOVES is well as intro- Modern Magic-

ducing them into your show. Price, £50.00, (U.S.A. $130.00).
Tells you how to look after your
doves, wha. to feed them on, how
to trim them and keep them tidy, $ DOVE ON BILLIARD BALLS
how to carry them to your shows,
as well as many novelty ideas for Magicians at an l.B.M. Convention
displaying the doves in your show, gasped when, at the conclusion of Robert
etc. Swadling's Nine Billiard Ball Production,
In typescript form, printed covers, price £2.50, (U.S.A.$6.00). a live dove suddenly, miraculously, flut- .
tered into appearance as though from I
The great magical effect of remov- nowhere on top of the balls!
ing the head from a dove but with Many were the rumours as to the me- I

„ ‘ some great variations. Every known thod used - even one that a dove was
Ü5 method and variation of the effect specially trained to climb out of his
/Ö has been gathered together and is jacket onto his hands! This was not true and here and now, in
given here. Tells you how to remove printed form, you are able to obtain exact details from Robert
jkx'i the head from a white dove and the Swadling himself as to how he accomplished this remarkable
• ttrji head from a black one. Then when effect.
I ’l&M)| the doves are ultimately restored, you Everyone who performs with doves will want to add this ex-
have made a mistake and the BLACK clusive secret to their repertoire. Printed, photographically-
_ ~ DOVE HAS A WHITE HEAD AND illustrated instructions only. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
VICE-VERSA! Only two doves used! All the methods and
presentation ideas and tips. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $5.00). 'FLAP DOODLE’’
A well-made utility prop that will de-
MORE MODERN DOVE CLASSICS light magicians. A cloth bag. Take a , -«»»ir*
Ian Adair gives the reader another batch of wad of cotton wool, place it inside the -
first-class material which has proved "top- bag, rip the bag open and out flies a /
raters". Magic which has been tested and beautiful dove! I il’
presented for audiences all over the world. Of course you can use this in many /
Here are details of such popular items as ways. - Separate silks join together.
Ireland's Vanish Box; 'Red, White and Blue Use it for 20th Century Silks. Torn
Boxes', Grant's Hat Box Production, Cing- tissues can be placed in the bag and changed into a whole load of
alee's Egg Trick etc. All described and spring flowers.
Illustrated. Typescript text, printed cover. Comes complete with instructions for many tricks.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
ߣAk.ER. ßOX BIG "NEWS---------
A card is selected. A newspaper is

Show a box empty, then one at a £ "'.M mornentarily in front of it and the
y 7 card GROWS to a JUMBO ONE, four
time produce four beakers from in- J St °? ^^-7 times the size of the original! Magician
side the box. Reach into the beakers

Ik remarks that everything in the newspapers
and produce from each one a different
3 OF ■ is LARGER THAN LIFE, but at least
coloured silk, the beakers are nested V b mm k w d S J
together and the silks vanish by any
.7 J newspaper is immediately unfolded to re-
method. Then from the nest of
veal a large "Splash" STOP PRESS nam-
beakers, into four liqueur glasses ing the card.
are poured four coloured liquids to match the missing silks.
You get the Jumbo card and special Newspaper. You use any
You get the attractive box, four beakers, fekes and dyes. You regular deck of cards.
use your own wine glasses, silks and vanish.
____________ Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00)._____________________
fife Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. §40.00).


ARABIAN TENT MYSTERY A large red silk is shown. From it sud-

denly appears two other silks, one white
A tent is constructed in full view. After being
and one blue. The blue silk is in the centre
put together it is shown empty. Then you pro- then instantly the silks transpose and the
duce yards of silk, livestock, etc. Finally a white silk is now hanging down from the
girl. centre, but tied by one corner only.
Full Secret and Drawings so you can construct Next the silks are thrown into the air, the
your own. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00). white silk becomes tied at both ends be-
tween the other two. A magic pass and
Nick Trost's Snow-Monster Card all the silks drop singly to the floor. Col-
' NICK Trick. - Five blank cards and one ourful, visual magic.
TROST'S with a picture of a strange foot- Complete with 18 inch silks, necessary gimmicks and illus-

print. Spectator tries to find BIG trated instructions. Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. $28.00)._______
» FOOT but ends up with a blank card.
"I don't know how you missed", says BIG STIFF ROPE
the magician, "You must have gone A novel idea in Rigid Rope Tricks. *
snow-blind", as he shows that ALL You show a length of rope, soft and
the cards are now BIG FOOT ones! supple. It's held between the hands
The Giant
Snow-Monster 'Novel and unusual and easy-to-do. and suddenly becomes as stiff as a
Card Trick (Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). poker. Spectator can be asked to 4^
take the rope but this immediately
falls limp once more.
BINGO DIVINATION You get the special rope and full instrcutlons and routine.
Routine by KEN DE COURCY. Three spec- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
re invited to join you ano
tators are and piay Card . \ v
play taru
Bingo. Not
1 only do you predict who the win- L
ner will be but you successfully reveal every
A Book of Birds is shown. Suddenly it
card in their prize-winning hand! All you drops open and BECOMES A FULL-
need to perform this stunning effect is our LENGTH PIN-UP PICTURE ALL IN COL-
instructions and a deck of cards. OUR, 101 inches x 60 inches long. As
This is one of those cleverly conceived ef- used by JOHN STYLES recently, an ex-
fects which works, and works 100% every cellent Compere number, complete with
time. several patter presentations.
Price for the sealed instructions, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).

bamboozling “k~B Supreme sold it first and still

bunnies JLT r 1/7
Se^ I*' A picture of a baby ap-
pears in a frame. You will use
A picture of a white rabbit inside a top M/< \ the special frame in other ways
hat changes and the rabbit is now black.
/K too, to produce a Jumbo card or
"Show us the other side" ... but it's the a message.
back of the white rabbit! Turn the frame
’Baby Sham" is excellent situ-
around again and now there's a question- ation comedy with a funny cli-
mark ... the rabbit has disappeared al- max.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $15.00),
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).


Three great card effects, 'CARDOMATIC, looking half pint glass of foaming Light Ale
'n'\ i I ’
'A CHINAMAN'S CHANCE', 'SPELL OF MYS- which FLOATS in the same way as Zombie.
TERY'. Effective tricks that are easy to do. We supply the special glass, gimmick, cloth,
THE BIG THREE - In Manuscript Form - Illustrated routine and instructions.
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Seven Sensational repu- l'>- I /<
Supreme An approximately 1| inch black ball
with a hole through the centre. It's
tation-making effects with ■ threaded on two cords, one red and
patter and constructional II X
ZV 2 r one yellow. Magician can remove

details. Written by VAL IWIB | H1M
I the ball from both the cords, or a
ANDREWS. Contents in- ■■ 1 spectator can name a colour and the
elude'Mail-Order Magic', fT / >L ■ ball becomes free from that cord,
'Night-Club Trolley- . IV/ ' B remaining still threaded onto the sec-
Case', 'Target Girl', etc. ond one. Everything can be examined.
Twenty typescript pages, fully illustrated and with printed No 'Grandmothers Necklace' or similar old principle.
covers. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).

bl an k "ores t o b a n k n o t es MARCONICK’S

A few pieces of paper are shown on BLENDO

both sides. Suddenly the blank paper
changes to stage £1 notes. Then IN REVERSE
they change back to blank pieces of A large silk about 36 inches square
paper again. Originated by Supreme composed of rainbow colours. The
Magic. Can be adapted to use real magician gathers the silk between his
money! hands and shakes it out to show that
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). the colours have SEPARATED and
the silk now consists of four separate 18 inch silks tied together
at their comers to form an endless Chain!
Can be worked the other way around if you like. - No black
bags concealed in the hands. It's all in the special set of silks
supplied with our improvements. This is one of Marconick's
greatest! Price, £22.00, (U.S.A. $50.00).
Originated by Jeffery Atkins. A 100%
solid hit trick. Four 18 inch Rainbow
silks are counted from hand to hand.
Whoosh! suddenly the four silks change
into one giant Sunburst one.

Every magician should have this book, re-

gardless of whatever kind of magic you do,
Listen to this! - in this version there for it opens up new and unexplored fields in
are no pulls, no pocket silks, no sleeve magic. How to produce items from a per-
or body-work, no double silks. None son's coat collar, Eggs from his Pocket,
of the usual methods are employed. It's Playing Cards from his Sleeve, the Vanish-
simple, straight-forward, easy to do. ing Wand, Shower of Rice, etc.
Remember, the silks are unprepared. With this booklet, you'll have a fund of ef-
At the end, the silk can be used in any fects to add to your act. These added bits to your show will not
follow-up effect. only be highly entertaining but mirth-provoking as well.
This is the trick which has been televised many times. You In typescript form with printed cover.
have seen it at almost every major Magical Convention. A clever Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
principle, a great effect.
Complete with all the silks and full routines.
Price, £18.50, (U.S.A. $48.00).


A jolly-looking fat boy cut-out.
A sausage balloon is placed into
his mouth. A previously-van-
Ultra Violet Rays in the service of THE MAGI-
ished postal order, banknote or CIAN. You may well find in the pages of this typescript book an
a card appears in its place as the
'Open Sesame' to something 'different' in Magic. The 'know-
balloon bursts.
how' which will enable you to present a professional act or inter-
No projecting pins to worry lude in the vivid, entrancing colours created by BLACK LIGHT.
about. Set in a jiffy.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
taaaaa® Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).

The magician has his wrists bounc
Sympathetic with a borrowed handkerchief and
Silk Book a 12 foot length of cord is dropped
through, the ends being held by a
A score of unusual methods for this
spectator. No cover is used! Per-
great effect, many of which are sure former requests a little slack and asks the spectator to pull. The
to be new to you. rope seems to pass right through his tied wrists'.
In typescript form. Price, includes our special instructions and approx. 12 feet of
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00). coloured cord, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A New Wallet trick. Any Treasury
ii i Note is placed inside the wallet, sand-
i i i ~r T” wiched between two pieces of paper.
iiii I There's a grommeted hole in the centre

HUNTO □a of the wallet. The magician passes a

pen or even a burning cigarette right
through the hole. The wallet is opened,
Lovely new version of Harry Leat's 'Run Rabbit Run', a trick on
the paper on each side of the wallet Is
which we claim Exclusive Rights.
burnt, there are holes burnt through it,
Show a large book cover on which is printed "GHOST STORY".
BUT the Treasury Note which was sandwiched in the centre is IN-
A ghost appears, he is placed in a castle, a well-made and dec-
TACT. Clever Magic!
orated prop solidly constructed in metal. The ghost is a funny-
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
looking gawky creature, ethereal white! When the Magician
isn't looking, he glides from side to side and peeps around the
d°or- The kids scream with excitement and delight at his naughty
Finally, the ghost does vanish completely. There's more fun!
We've received raves galore for
A great bit of kids' entertainment you'll get a lot out of. this outstanding effect. An illusion
Precision-made metal-work, you've never seen a BETTER prop for the price of a trick! - Flash!
than this for this fine effect. Action! Suspense! in a great pene-
Comes complete with routine. tration effect using any lady from
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $65.00). the audience.
All the properties can be examined
Supreme FOUR BOUQUET if you wish, a long single rope col-
oured yellow, a silk, two colourful
PRODUCTION plastic bangles and the needle ... a giant one 16 inches long!
A delightful streamlined version of It begins to sound interesting ? READ ON.
the 'Garden of Allah' flower produc-
The rope is placed around the lady's waist and threaded through
tion. Limited number only available. the eye of the needle. To prevent any manipulation of the rope,
A fancy cloth is shown on both sides, the silk is tied around and bangles are threaded on ... specta-
then one at a time four beautiful tors can do this. Two spectators hold the ropes and pull ... and
feather bouquets are produced. pull the lady right through the eye of the needle!
Supplied complete with special - A NEW PRINCIPLE in release effects! -
foulard, instructions, and four SUN- Use it in any programme, Children's or Adults! A thoroughly
FLOWER BOUQUETS. entertaining presentation that you'll enjoy and you'll make a fea-
Price, £50.00, (U.S.A.$120.00). ture of.
You get everything to work this right away.
Complete, special foulard, instructions and FOUR CARNATION Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00)..
BOUQUETS, Price, £50.00, (U.S.A. $120.00).
Items are available separately. Special Foulard and instruc-
tions, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
A funny production number which
Five flower Sunflower Bouquets (Each). £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00) is great for the kids' show but which
Five flower Carnation Bouquets (Each). £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00)
can be used at any time to get a
ODD BALL’ Furry Dog folds up small and will
Three white golf balls are dropped into a pa-
go into a production box or under
per bag, together with a BALL OF A DIFFER-
the springs of an opera hat.
ENT COLOUR. A spectator reaches in and O’*
When produced he looks large and
freely chooses any one ball, HE CHOOSESTHE
SQUEAK! Easily animated Supreme
FURRY DOG is a little bit of nonsense which adds light relief
ALL the balls have changed and are all now
nil the same colour to match it! The bag can be
and comedy to any production number.
Price £8.50, (U.S.A. $22.00).
torn open and it's empty. All the balls are un-
For a variation on the effect, you can have the balls change to a BREAKDOWN LIVESTOCK VANISH
We supply the balls to enable you to work both effects, together Can be used as a vanish OR as a pro-
with a neat lacquered wooden stand, paper bags and routine. duction prop. Using it as a vanish, your
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). livestock is placed inside, the box is dis-
mantled, all sides being shown.
MIRACLE TWO-PACK COINCIDENCE Cabinet is in red, black and silver.
Three heavy duty plastic tumblers, two It's a prop you will love to own.
decks of cards. Cards freely chosen from If you wish, you can show the box, as-
one deck match those chosen from the semble it and then produce your rabbit
other. Just like genuine mind-reading. or dove from it.
Tremendous value. A Supreme Quality Product.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A.$18.00) Price, £22.00, (U.S.A. $55.00).
A wooden holder takes five dif-
ferently coloured rods. Any one
You can buy it elsewhere BUT you of the rods is freely selected ...
CAN’T BUY IT WITH THE great yet you can effectively reveal the
LEWIS GANSON routine, ONLY FROM colour! A neat and baffling divi-
SUPREME. Here with no less than 17 nation mystery, with interesting
photographs and clear, easy to follow and unusual properties. You can
text, Lewis takes you stage by stage immediately repeat the mystery if you wish, or two colours can
through some great routines, basic be revealed simultaneously.
moves, modern handling, Sponge Ball Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00)._______________________
routine, The flight of a ball in the spectator's hand ... IT'S ALL
Baa Baa Black Sheep
PLUS the famous, always popular, Multiplying Billiard Balls The trick that's got everything! -
large silk-screened cards and envel-
there's KEN DE COURCY'S own routine, illustrated by 10 clear, ope-holder in a galaxy of colours.
easy to follow illustrations. Not only does Ken give you his rou-
^*•1 Cards are 14 Inches x 9 Inches. At
tine BUT HIS ENTIRE PATTER PRESENTATION! This is first- the end the sheep disappears, and
class ENTERTAINMENT and a wonderful buy. the little boy who lives at the end
You get the sponge balls, and a shell with a sponge-like finish of the lane makes his appearance.
PLUS the GREAT ROUTINES, all for £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
This is solid entertainment.
CHICAGO BALL TRICK TUTOR Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30).

For those who already have the Chicago Sponge Ball Trick pur-
chased from elsewhere, and thus without our exclusive illustrated
printed GANSON Tutor and DE COURCY ROUTINE, we can supply You have seen this worked by
our printed booklet of Instructions ON ITS OWN, 12 pages. SEIGFRIED AND ROY, by JEFFERY
Price, for the booklet only, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). ATKINS, by all the great illusionists.
- A girl Is covered with a sheet and
COLOR CHANGING rises high into the air. Magician
KNIFE whips the sheet away and the girl has vanished. Full Workshop

Plans only. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A set of two pocket knives, (A------- s q
one especially gimmicked, A long strip of paper printed with the
and one regular to match, L~~v % words 'Apple Sauce Please' is torn and re-

XFt ;
plus the most detailed in- stored, but now it says 'APPLAUSE
structions for this effect you have ever read. The Basic Moves, PLEASE!'.!' Complete with two patter var-.
Advanced Moves, Turn Around Color Move, etc., etc. iatlons - one by LEWIS THOMAS, the other
Price for the complete set, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). by BILLY McCOMB, Plus all the papers.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
The amazing "Phantom Chips".
"Uplift" performed with black
and white poker chips. Four BALL-ANTICS
X black ones and one white. As-
tonishingly the black chip moves
from the bottom of the suck up
one place, and again, and again until it is at the top! Everything
Great for kids' shows. - Perspex contain-
er on a wooden base and three solid balls.
Magically the balls transpose, then one of
the balls is taken away, is vanished and re-
can be examined. Micro magic trick for connoisseurs. appears back again. Very clean and easy
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). to perform.
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
A playing-card is shown front and back and * f THE ATKINS’TOUCH
A limited number only of these lecture
balanced on a wine glass. The best bit
notes remain. As used by JEFFERY ATKINS
comes when the glass is filled with wine and
balanced on the card!
♦ during his American Tour.
Twenty profusely-illustrated pages. Fea-
Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
tures include a lovely switch of a pack of
atomic cards; a Ring on Stick; A spelling combin-

A small plaque with a hole in the centre.
ation, etc.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
An 18" silk handkerchief is shown and
tucked just inside the hole. Spooklly the
handkerchief begins to move, eerily creep-
Another Supreme 'First'. - Plastic
V" 4 I ing inside the hole BUT IT DOESN'T
COME OUT THE OTHER SIDE'. The silk has vanished without
bangles, displayed on a cut-out hand, ma-
gically link and unlink. Another effect is
trace. given with a chosen card appearing on the
Comes complete with routines and silk. hand!
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
An attractively decorated wooden tube,
The following quote is from Abra:-
J about 9|" high x 5j" square is shown
J through. A child can pass.his arm through 'The stamp of Theo Annemann is
clearly upon this one. Five plastic
it. It's unmistakably empty.
luggage tags are handed out for spec-
Without cover, or loading of any kind, a
tators to write on them anything they
quantity of coloured silks are magically
choose. Returned to the performer
materialised from the tube. Where have
and mixed, not only do you locate each person by studying the
they been coming from ? - why from THE
handwriting, you also give a personalised character reading.
SILK FACTORY Inside it! The tube is
Yes it's Psychometry in a neat, easy to carry guise, bringing it
lifted to disclose a cute little model house
almost into the realms of impromptu magic. So simple and ef-
which completely fills the tube. The house is so big that you can-
fective, it makes this classic mental item available to those who
not get it back inside the tube!
like something a bit more colourful than Just envelopes for ex-
Not only for your kids' shows but great in any programme. Won- ample. "
derful when used with a puppet sequence. J
Others too!
_______ Price (without silks), £15.00, (U.S. A.$43.00).._________
"Graph-Ezee is the best solution to the late Ted Annemann's
MIRACLE COIN VANISH 'Pseudo Psychometry' effect I have come across. For a menta-
A breathtaking coin vanish which is list it is a MUST. The cleverness of the apparatus you sell takes
guaranteed to mystify audiences of all / the effect Into the range of 'Test Conditlon-Mentalism'. Really
ages. It looks like real magic. fantastic value." Ted Lesley, Berlin.
A 10p piece is borrowed, tapped Top Marks!
around and proved solid. Now quite "I really must compliment you on GRAPH-EZEE this Is a really
openly and deliberately, the coin is placed against a small square wonderful way of doing Pseudo Psychometry using graphology as
of tissue paper which Is wrapped around it. There is no sleev- the medium. Actually although it only arrived this morning I
ing, there are no moves. Suddenly, the paper is crushed into a have already tried this and been most impressed by it. It all
tiny pellet, "the coin has gone". looks so genuine. Top marks! It's terrific!"
A most ingenious trick principle to bring about a self-working Peter Warlock, Wallington, Surrey.
close-up miracle. This is not the old Coin Fold. A close-up Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). BIGGA WAND
Supreme bring you a fantastic bit of busi-
THE CLASSIC VANISHING WAND ness for any entertainer. A great comedy
Unbeaten for simplicity and ease in notion, one of the funniest gag wands we have
working. An elegant wand, black with ever seen.
white tips is tapped around and proved Developed by ERIC and MARGARET
solid, then carefully wrapped in a sheet HAWKESWORTH and obtainable as a S U-
CRUSHED AND TORN UP ... THE The magician takes up a small rotund magic
WAND HAS VANISHED! Reaching into wand, just 6" long. You can bang the wand
his pocket, the magician removes the wand from there! on your table ... it is solid, but of course the wand is far too
A nicely-made outfit, complete with ideas and routines. [small to accomplish your magic.
__________________ Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20,00).______________ ! You request a child in the audience to shout the magic spell and
' incredibly and visibly, the wand grows bigger! Yes, it grows se-
A deck of cards is displayed
veral inches in length.
Another child is asked to shout the magic spell and again the
and thoroughly mixed. Despite wand gets longer. Suddenly the magician has an idea and asks all
that fact, you immediately lo- the audience to shout the magic word in unison, and there's a
cate the four Aces! There's a tremendous surprise when they do, for suddenly the wand shoots
big surprise when the Aces are out and becomes about 5ft. long! A FUNNY, WOBBLY, ZANY
turned over and there's a gen- LOOKING WAND! What a scream!
uine half dollar or British 10p Self-working, you can pick this up and use this any time in your
piece underneath each card! show; reset in a jiffy. Already praised and used as a fantastic
It's all in the special deck supplied! Other tricks are possible! novelty by many famous children's entertainers including that
You can locate and name a spectator's card, even have chosen well-loved personality TERRY HERBERT.
cards rise from this special deck. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
FuU instructions for ALL the effects are given, complete with
Price, £3,50, (U.S.A. $8.00).________________ A Flat Changing Bag but made in super-
de-luxe materials, produced in lovely vel-
RINK GOES LOOP LA-LA! vet and lined, to satisfy the most discern-
Some time ago, Supreme marketed Tommy ing performer. A real quality production
Talbot's 'Loop La-La'. Rink took the prin- supplied with a detailed manuscript, tell-
ciple to greater lengths and here in this ing you how to use the bag to its best ad-
1 booklet is the original effect, PLUS many of vantage, and including suggestions, ideas,
Rink's novel variations. - The 'Nb-Can-Do even complete effects, using it.
K I?
J) Move', 'Double-Double', 'Looped Stick',
etc., etc.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).

You'll have tremendous fun with this. Send al! orders to - The Supreme Magic Company Limited, 64. High Street,
Price for the illustrated booklet, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). Bideford. Devon, England.
The highlight of Boretti’s Cabaret Act. ■»

A correctly-made set of pocket in- - An unlit cigarette is placed between the

dexes to enable you to perform the lips. Whilst the magician is searching
TF- classic effect of "Any Card Called For" for his lighter, he blows clouds and clouds
and other miracles. of real smoke from the cigarette into the
With a view to presenting before our air.
customers a complete Collection of Magician takes the cigarette and puts it
worthwhile effects with these indexes, in his breast pocket. After the next trick he smokes it again.
we specially commissioned MARK No talcum powder or similar. This cigarette really SMOKES’.
WESTON to compile together the best Wonderful when used in conjunction with the Smoke Vase. Also
of the various effects, Including some great when used for a vanish.
of his original gems using the Indexes. This effect uses chemicals and is not sold to minors.
Now ready, "EFFECTS WITH THE CARD INDEX" is a seventeen The precision-made cigarette which we supply is made from
page typescript booklet bound into neat printed covers. everlasting Teflon material.
In addition to the methods of performing the ever-green 'Any You get the cigarette, full instructions and routine, (the chemi-
Card Called For', there's lots of other effects given, - many cals are obtainable from any chemist).
which will baffle even experienced Magicians. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
The price for the Indexes only (no instructions included) is
Nicely made in
£4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
plastic. Magician
The price for the book only is £2.50 (U.S.A. $6.00), but as we
sets the arrow with
want everyone to get the MOST from this effect, we are making a
unfailing certainty to
special offer of the book and Indexes when taken together. The
price for the complete outfit is only £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
the colour which a '/-—t j Ä® J
spectator will choose!
Repeat it, and it's
By Tony Green. A New Supreme Magic still a perfect mys-
Publication with more Punch novelties from tery! No shells, covers or magnets. Price, E2.50, (U.S.A.$7).
the author of 'Professional Punch'. Ace
Punch-man TONY GREEN has written up
some more of his terrific routines and
A beautifully made prop that's great
created some tremendous new novelties. for your adults shows, wonderful for
SUCCESSFULLY IN HIS OWN SHOWS. A small realistic-looking camera.
Also Included is TONY'S QUICK START Doors open at the front and back,
PUPPET CASE. there's no works!
Many experienced puppeteers have been surprised at the speed It's a camera used for photographing
with which Tony sets-up and works his show. Ono of Tony's se- colours says the magician as he depresses the switch on the cam-
crets has been A SPECIAL CASE which holds his puppets ready era which he points at a young lady's face. Then from the box he
for him to start using them right away. FULL DETAILS ARE IN produces a pretty pink silk.
THIS BOOK. Magician photographs a boy's face, but this turns out to bo
A BIG BOOK OF FORTY BIG PAGES, Including many illustra- bright red!
tions , and photographs of the performer and the puppets and Whatever colour the magician photographs, he seems able to
props he uses. Recommended for the Punch worker who is seek- produce a silk of similar hue from the camera.
ing something different. Finally, he photographs the whole audience and produces a
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). RAINBOW SILK!
A really exquisitely-made prop. Complete with a routine by the
SPRING TEDDY BEAR one and only KARRE LL FOX. Karrell Invented this and uses it
with tremendous success in his own programmes. You'll use it in
One of our biggest hits. Made from top
yours too.

quality fur fabric material and with real
Price, KOLOR-KAMERA, (use your own silks) £10.50,
Teddy Bear eyes. Folds up amazingly
small and will fit into a standard size , (U.S.A. $30.00).
Dove Pan. Release him and he's 19 in-
ches tall. Included with each one is CASE OF IDENTITY
EDWIN'S Feature Routine. PHIL GOLDSTEIN is just one of the
We supply a printed label for you to at- talented magicians who raves over
tach to your dove pan to turn it into a this great effect. Maybe you've
Magic Toy Machine. heard about it ... well, now we can
Spring Teddy Bear is well-made to give years of service. supply!
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). You place your I.D. Case on the
table, a plastic case which contains
a number of credit cards, membership
Jumbo Golf Ball Climax cards, etc.
A Playing card is chosen from amongst others, which are shown
A Jumbo golf ball 31- inchs in diameter, to be all different. (No Force) When the case is opened it is
made in milk-white plastic, and with a whole seen that there is a single playing card in the case which matches
sheet of ideas using it. With an Egg Bag, the one chosen by the spectator. A fantastic prediction which is
Production from a tube, etc., etc. always ready.
A useful accessory item. No skill or sleights. Use any deck of cards.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Unusual effect with two giant size
A Kreat production
pr flat discs, one red, one yellow. Each
> English felt top hat is ring is placed into a similarly colour-
figi shown to be empty. ed wallet, with a clear window. A
J Reaching up into the air Magic pass and the discs change
Magician produces a places. You can do it AGAIN and
large silk which he toss- AGAIN!
es over the hat. When removed, the hat is seen to be overflow- Just when the audience think they
ing with paper flowers, or it can contain silks, or a production have found out how it's done there's
rabbit, or a Ribbon Fountain. a big surprise when one of the discs
No 'loading', this is entirely self-contained. is seen to have changed to Red on
You get the special hat etc., and instructions. Use your own both sides, and the other is GREEN
silks, flowers, etc. on both sides! Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $33.00).
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $20.00).
The Astro Card File
By Ken de Courcy, An exclusive
STAND UP SPONGES file detailing methods and effects with
THE ZODIAC DECK, a new and fas-
A lightweight booklet with details of a great
cinating deck of cards printed in col-
routine by Ken de Courcy. Billy McComb and
our, each card clearly depicting a
Ken got together to find the PERFECT routine.
sign of the Zodiac.
They laid down a number of conditions for
In the pages of 'THE ASTRO CARD
themselves. The set-up and re-setting had to
be quick and easy; The routine had to be work- FILE', Ken shows you how regular
card effects can be given an astro-
able standing up without the use of a table:
logical slant and thus personalised.
There had to be no danger of the balls dropping off the volunteer's
The ladies love it!
hand and bouncing all over the place. The set had to be loaded in
Contents include four different methods for discovering some-
such a way that there was no bulge in a thin suit.
one's birth-sign; My Sign and Your Sign; Sign Divination, etc.
There had to be no difficult sleight of hand.
Not only can you divine the spectator's birth-sign, but you can
Well, this Is the answer, a routine that is 100% entertaining. give them an astrological reading.
You will have the properties you need already home in the cup- 'The Astro Card File' is exclusive to Supreme.
board - Just four sponge balls, a small purse frame and a wand Ten clearly mimeographed pages packed with material in a
or chopstick. printed cover, and to enable you to perform all these amazing
'Stand Up Sponges', a neat printed booklet which gives you the effects Immediately, we include a ZODIAC DECK free!
whole routine, - all you need to know. You can have fun with the Zodiac Deck and it will add novelty
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). to any of your card effects, Mental Mysteries, or Card Games.
Price for 'The Astro Card File', £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00).
A hit at the British Ring Jack and the Beanstalk
Convention at Brighton. The
Three of Diamonds and the A good novelty for the chap who
Four of Diamonds, Jumbo wants the VERY BEST. A fantastic
size, are produced but set of puppets, all hand-carved, hand-
they do not match your pre- painted and hand-dressed, together
dicted cards. Miraculously, with a complete script by TONY
the centre pip leaves the
Three (leaving you with a The traditional story of Jack and the
'Two'), and flies through Beanstalk, supplied with characters
as follows;
the air and joins the Four, transforming it into a Five, so your
prediction is correct! Mother, a charming old lady in peasant style costume; Jack,
A great comedy notion. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). typical boy in dungarees, this figure has legs; Cow, made in
similar style to our "Punch and Judy Horse" but from a leathery
type of material; the Giant, who is several times the size of the
FLYING PIP’PLUS other figures, nicely-dressed and with carved black boots.
The Goose that lays the golden eggs, a Joint rod and glove pup-
pet which gives a great variety of movement; The Beanstalk.
This is exactly the same
made of wire with green feather leaves, this can be pulled out
as our regular Flying Pip
to quite a long length.
EXCEPT that the two cards
originally shown are the The story follows the traditional one. There's screams when
Five of DIAMONDS and the the giant appears but in the end Jack returns to his mother with
the goose that lays the golden eggs!
Two of SPADES. Now not
only does the diamond pip Not a low-priced item, this is a QUALITY PRODUCTION with
leave the centre of the Five, hand-made puppets which you will be proud to own and incorpor-
ate Into your programme.
sliding off the card and fly-
All the puppets as detailed above, with the Beanstalk and the
ing through the air, but as it does so it transforms into a
SPADE , attaching itself onto the Two. A double surprise!
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £150.00, (U.S.A. $400.00).
A handful of (sponge)
cake crumbs are shown.
KEN CHAPLE'S 'Ribbon Release'
THE DUCK THAT .CAME You tell of how you love with exclusive improvements by A LI
TO DINNER>\ to feed the ducks. Sud- BONGO and EDWIN. A TRICK THAT

dw denly , there's a big sur-

prise when magically,
and without any moves of
any kind, the handful of
and has been copied (without permiss-
ion) in the U.S.A. - Why buy a very
inferior version of the effect when you
crumbs change into a CUTE SPONGE DUCK. can get the Supreme Original,
NOTHING TO GET RID OF, IT'S ENTIRELY SELF-CONTAINED. A beautifully-made wooden stand on
Supplied with printed illustrated instructions by SID LORRAINE, which are displayed four large colour-
with suggestions by Supreme; plenty of crumbs, and of course, ed spot cards, plus a large wooden
the sponge duck. frame, lacquered black and gold, from which hang long colour-
If you like, you can perform a routine with the sponge crumbs ed ribbons clipped on with clothes-pegs (pins).
first and then suddenly you are all set for the WONDERFUL Various coloured cards are chosen - THE MAGICIAN DOES
SURPRISE, the transformation of the crumbs into the large size NOT HAVE TO SEE THE CARDS - The chosen coloured ribbons
sponge duck. with the clothes-pegs still attached shoot off from the frame and
It's very amusing, easy to do, an effect which you're sure to fly high into the air! It's a winner!
enjoy. Don't be put off by the low price. This is very, very Mechanically perfect. Easy to do. Supplied complete, ready
g00d- Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). to work. price, £15#00_ (u.s.A. $42.00).


Compiled by KEN SCHOLES and with Blendo In a Tube

photographs by LEWIS GANSON. Here are Four differently coloured 18 inch silk hand-
stunts, gags and puzzles, some new and kerchiefs are placed one at a time into a
some very old, with which to amuse your clear plastic tube. Magically they transform «ES
friends when called upon to "show us a into a large multi-coloured Rainbow one!
trick". The method is simplicity itself and yet has a
Stunts with Matches, Salt and Pepper, touch of subtlety to make It fooling even to
Cigarettes, Money, Coins and Cards. knowledgeable magicians.
Two dozen clever bits which you will en- Supplied with all the silks, etc. Complete,
joy pulling on your friends at the bar. ready to work.
Twelve 9$" x 7|" printed pages and illustrated cover. Price, £18. 50, (U.S. A.$50.00). .
Price, £1,00, (U.S.A. $3.00).


Close-up novelty with four pieces of coal!
Every kids' entertainer (These are made from a black plastic ma-
is looking for a new way terial and look like the real thing), which go
of producing his rabbit, through an amazing series of perambula-
well this is it........... tions, vanishing and reappearing. "Well",
SUCKEROO. says the magician "I prefer COKE to coal
A box is shown empty, anyway" and when the left hand is opened
Magician takes some there is A PERFECT MINIATURE SIZE
cotton-wool and from it BOTTLE OF COCA-COLA. It contains real
roughly models a rabbit. liquid! An excellent close-up trick and one
The audience are disappointed, they expected a real one, so Magi- which packs a punch climax.One of the best pocket novelties we've
cian says he is going to make the cotton-wool bunny disappear, ever seen. Comes to you complete with routines.
and he DOES. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
But the audience are not impressed, for they are sure it is hid-
ing behind one of the panels, - and then there's a real big sur-
You can use 'Suckeroo' for vanishing a dove or changing a dove
into a rabbit. VERSATILE! A top-quality piece of apparatus TEM OF
A comedy prediction presented in
an entirely new up-to-date version.
made to professional standard. Complete with routine. Modern! slick! quick! The working
Price, £35.00, (U.S.A. $90.00). CLUBS is made possible by modern tech-
f s pr -ia iiv vmipc nology.
Magician shows a large 9" x 15"
_ A New Supreme Magic publication by white board. Boldly lettered in black
Stanton Carlisle containing a number of on it is the name of a playing card,
rs Pt cia l l y
VOURS Mental gems. No re-hash of previously but calamity! the magician is incor-
published material. All previously unpub- rect, the card stated is NOT the cho-
ee5- lished marvels including such masterpieces
sen one.
'Living and Dead Test', etc., etc. CORRECT ONE.
SISSS? If you work Mentalism then you MUST You'U delight at the simplicity of the working. A "first" in
have this book by an acknowledged EXPERT. innovative Magic.
Thirty six 7|" x 10" pages, illustrated by You get the beautifully-made board, accessories, routines, etc.
KEN DE COURCY; two-colour photographic light board cover. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
A candy store with

An appealing effect which
is ideal for performance to '• * u DY STORE tj shelves of sweets. Three
■* : little boys. One disap-
any type of audience, chil-
' i pears. When the candy
dren or adults. ■lUiU
jj-iiit Si store is shown, the candy
Four beautifully coloured
7£" x 10|" pictures are dis- Si has all gone. Where's
Candy Andy? He must

played on neat wooden
be hiding. When he is
stands. Each picture is
r discovered, he is several
made up of three brilliant
fluorescent colours against ! C----------------- , times as fat. An awful
I warning, but lots of fun!
a rich black background, - a spray of flowers, a galleon, a
Dutch Windmill scene and a peacock. A great item for the kids'
entertainer. Colourful,
Four single pieces of paper are shown, quite unfeked.
as you would expect from
One of the pictures is freely chosen. This can be a lot of
Supreme. Action-packed.
fun in the children's show, the children giving each a round
Price,( £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
of applause, the one that gets the biggest round of applause
is the one which you are going to "try and make by magic".
Using the 'Golden Fun Shears' there can be fun with a child THE DANCING CANE
from the audience as he tries to cut the papers, finally the
A full-length evening cane, black with
magician showing that he still holds just the four pieces of
white top and ferrule, is made to FLOAT
paper flicks these and quick as a wink, the four pieces
IN MID-AIR ... Then it SPINS and
DANCES AROUND YOU in an uncanny man-
Remember the picture has NOT been forced. You get every-
As the tempo of the music changes, so
thing COMPLETE, - the pictures, posters, papers, wooden
the movements of the cane change in time
stands and full presentation and working ideas.
to the rhythm! It looks truly magical and
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $30.00) mysterious. A sensation in the act of ROBERT SINCLAIR and
other well-known professional magicians.
R. C. BUFF'S PENETRATING ROPES We supply the specially produced, correctly balanced, wooden
cane in a plastic carrying case and with full instructions.
By R. C. Buff. Two Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
lengths of rope are
AND NOW ANNOUNCING the latest in
interlinked and tied to-
gether, many knots be-
on the above effect ...
ing tied. As the story
A Supreme Eicloalve! of the run-away horse
is told, the ropes
"»•1». ■ //
The Floatingand Dancing Cane
A booklet which tells you all you want
_ magically separate!
to know about this effect, the Original
You get the special printed illustrations, patter routine by
Ken de Courcy and a set of ropes ready for you to work this. I-' R. C. BUFF Floating Cane, the Moves;
the Levitations. A new dimension in
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Cane Magic.
Walk Past; the High Swing; the Twirl;
No less than 36 photographs take you
Supreme stage by stage through the various moves
CURIOUS CARDS which are possible and which are used to create the maximum
(Originated by HOWARD GOWER)
Price for the Teach-In only, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
We call the three large lettered
,cards "Curious" because of the way SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL!
they behave and because they spell Why not get the Cane and Teach-In TOGETHER, we'll send
ODD. After showing the cards are you BOTH at the inclusive price of £12.00, (U.S.A. $28.00).
slowly and deliberately re-arranged,
yet when the faces are shown, they
still spell ODD!
It almost works itself. The cards CRYSTAL BOX
are re-arranged again and again, but Easy to do pocket mystery. A tightly —
they always spell ODD. A highspot closed crystal plastic box only an inch or sok^>
of Entertainment. Magician explains square is shown empty and held at the fin-
that the cards are printed with a special kind of three-dimen- gertips. From a number of printed names rfäWn * I
sional ink. In fairness to purchasers we are withholding the one card is chosen and ... like a ghost ... aiij.1
climax, but it is funny - and logical! An ideal trick for compere, miniature of this actual card appears in the
club or stage work. Cards are 6| inches by 10 inches, and crystal box completely filling it. No ex-
round cornered. Faces boldly printed in Black on Chrome change of boxes. Nothing to load in or steal away. Can be
Yellow, Backs in Blue design on white. A smart outfit for a worked anywhere. Box can be examined. You get the cards,
smart trick. plastic box and routines, all for -
Price, £3.50. (U.S.A. $9.00). Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00).
hotter. It glows until it seems red-hot!
Complete with some great ideas. You scorch a chosen card ..
RED HOT Toast a slice of bread! More!
A most extraordinary idea and one which you can use close-up
WIRE to great effect. Hank Lee of Boston said "Fantastic!" Jeffery
LUBOR FIEDLER'S great novelty, which is a gag and a magical Atkins, "A great close-up stunt".
effect. Price, complete with the special wire and full routines,
An element wire held between the hands is seen to get hotter and £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).

A great "stand-up" Jumbo card
Multiplying Golf Balls
A golf ball is produced from
trick. Three Jumbo cards are
the air, it multiplies to two, to
Ci shown, two low spot cards, one of a
higher denomination. Patter is
three and finally to four balls.
There can be amusing byplay as
about the magician who was caught
the balls vanish, re-appear,
gambling with two other gentlemen.
pass through the knee, into the
The Judge asked each to take a card
pocket, etc. It all looks diffi-

the first two get the low cards, the cult but with a small amount of
Magician is in a dilemma, until he
practice, it's all very easy.
succeeds in making all the spots vanish! However, the Judge is
We supply the special set of
also very clever and there's a funny ending.
Easy to do and a certain laughter-maker. 'golf balls' which are made in plastic, plus the fake and printed
illustrated instructions and routines.
Price, complete with Jumbo cards and full patter story, etc.,
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
£3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Sam Dalal's BOOK TEST
You can carry it in your pocket, work "My Favourite Verse”
it on stage! A small flat plastic hold- SAM DALAL of India came up with a book of
er which has five pockets, each con- limericks which will enable you to perform the
taining a razor blade. The blades are cleanest Book Test ever. The book has been nice-
shown separately and tested for sharp; ly printed and produced by The Supreme Magic
' ness, then swallowed together with a Company ltd. The book Sam designed gives a
length of thread. When the thread is free choice of one out of over a hundred. No arti-
pulled from the mouth, the blades are ficial props such as dice etc., are used. It's simple and convinc-
strung at intervals along it. ing. The book looks like a regular one. The spectator is not able
Not to be confused with the old 'Cotton Reel' method. No extra to discover the secret at a casual glance. You can use the Book
loads. Test as a prediction or as a direct effect in mental telepathy.
Comes complete with blades etc., all ready for you to work. Price for the special book and full instructions. £2.50, (U.S.A.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). $6.00).
This is a cute pocket trick, easy to__
carry, always ready and puzzling in
<. effect.
A number of coloured squares are You'll delight to the
shown ... each bears the name of simplicity of the work-
a different town. A spectator is ing, the added touches
asked to THINK of any one of the of subtlety - the direct-
towns but not to say the name aloud. Squares are genuinely ness of what occurs.
mixed up and'placed haphazardly on the table. Spectator is to And like Fogel himself
mentally spell the name of his town as the performer taps the you'll vote this the
squares. When he has finished the performer surprisingly re- best, most visual and
veals the chosdn town! appealing version of
Easy to do. Cannot fail. Complete with full instructions. the classic effect yet!
Price, 30p, (U.S.A. $1.00). In a row on a tray
stand five, differently
WANDERING WABBITS" coloured tissue paper
A good trick for kids or adults. A bags. One of the bags

cut-out of a black rabbit and one of contains a £5 note.
a white rabbit. Rabbits are 8|” | Two members of the
high. Each is placed into an envel- I )
audience are invited to
ope, magically they change places. ) A participate in a little game ... a taper is lit ...
The audience is sure that you must NEEDLESS TO SAY, AT THE END IT IS THE MAGICIAN WHO
have other rabbits in the envelopes, GETS THE TREASURY NOTE!
and sure enough you have, BUT A gem from Fogel's own programme! No special apparatus
THEY ARE DIFFERENT COLOUR needed! Just the easy-to-make bags, fully detailed, together
ONES! Envelopes can be torn open, with the working, and full presentation in the well-produced
but they are empty. printed book. Illustrated with photographs of the author in
Supplied complete with a "colour changing rabbit hole on a action.
stick" and KEN DE COURCY'S full instructions and routines. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00)._______________________
L A large book 7|" x 10", which you ex-
4 I plain you've just bought. You try to Imagine showing a clear goldfish
demonstrate one of the card tricks from bowl empty, no black art or mirror /
the book. According to the book, the fekes! A decorative cloth is freely
chosen card is always the Queen of Dia- shown on both sides. No hanging bags,
monds so this is the card you name - nothing to hide. The bowl is covered
I Wrong! Checking the secret in the book with the cloth. When the cloth is lift- y
you try again, opening the pages to show ed, there is A REAL LIVE DOVE IN-
a giant Three of Diamonds - Wrong! The next try shows the Six SIDE THE BOWL! A shake of the
of Hearts, double the size - Wrong again! So you decide to use bowl and the dove flutters out, perching onto the rim! Self-
your Magic and find the right card. Spectator calls out the name contained, can be worked UNDER ANY CONDITIONS, yes,
of his card - the Five of Spades. A flick of the book and you dis- EVEN CLOSE-UP AND SURROUNDED.
play a super-Giant size Five of Spades. The last card measures We supply everything you need except a dove.
20 x 30 inches. It's fun all the way with a smashing climax. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).


LIGHT ALE . A very funny gag. The magician pro-
duces a foaming glass of beer. "Here Nicely-made in brass to take EngUsh
you are" he says, "A glass of genuine 2p. pieces. A small round box which
LIGHT ALE! What's that ? You don't has a large hole in the centre. The
think it IS genuine LIGHT ale ? Of box is filled with coins and placed in
course it is". At which the glass of the centre of a borrowed handker-
beer immediately LIGHTS up in the chief. Gathered up, mysteriously the
hands!! coins penetrate right through the box
What a novelty! What a laugh! and the handkerchief. Immediately
The whole of the mechanism is in the special glass supplied, a the handkerchief is opened out, the
realistic glass of beer. Self-contained, uses ordinary batteries, box is empty, you can see through the
replaceable in a jiffy. hole in the bottom!
You'll use this special glass in many different ways. Comes Straight away the box can be handed out for rigid examination.
complete, ready to work. Credited to two famous names in magic, AL BAKER and NATE
Price, £3^50, (U.S.A.$9). LEIPZIG (Al’n’Nate!).
Price, £7. so, (U.S.A, (including five EngUsh 2p. pieces) $18.
One of the finest close-up tricks to •VISIBLE
come out for a long time. Purely and •CLOSt-UP
yl a a t s Three playing-cards,
simply it is the visible penetration of an MACIC
two black spot ones and
elastic band by a Treasury Note, and
,we do mean VISIBLE. The note seems 'j? one normal Three of

Hearts. The Three of
to melt right through the band like a
Hearts is placed be-
phantom walking thro' a wall, and this tween the two black
is right under the noses of the specta- cards. Immediately
tors. < the cards are spread out and it is seen that the spots on the
REPEAT IT AND LEAVE THEM Three of Hearts have changed to black. AU cards can be shown
MORE MYSTIFIED THAN EVER. front and back. No palming, no skiU - it's all in the special
No fancy props. A simple gimmick and wonderful instructions. cards supplied. A great novelty effect!
Use any currency note - dollar bills, marks, francs, £1 notes or Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A.$3).
A small plastic pig is
By Ian Adair. A booklet of placed on the table in front
beautifully reproduced drawings of the magician. A screen
and text detailing no less than is placed in front, an-
EIGHT different methods of per- other card representing
forming the popular 'Dove In Bal- a roof is place over it.
loon' effect. 40 clear illustrations The magician says, "I
and a minimum amount of text am sure you have heard
a m i« makes everything easy to follow at the expression 'If pigs could fly', well this one can. " So saying,
a glance. he blows the cards over and the pig has vanished!
A most useful, instructive booklet You'll chuckle every time you do it. It's a marvellous method.
for-any dove worker. We supply a nicely-made plastic pig and pig-sty screens. Com-
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A.$4). plete with full instructions.
Price, £3.50. (U.S.A. $10.00).
The Supfeme Magic Company Limited, 64 High Street, Bldeford, Devon, England.
/ fATT ADAIR’S fantastic appearance
A most attractive plastic tube is
shown together with a crystal / of a dove inside an absolutely clear
clear lucite rod. A regular 2 inch Net Bag. A PERFECT 'OPENER'
modelling balloon is inflated and TO ANY MAGIC SHOW.
twisted so that it becomes "a rat" Suddenly, and in an instant, a real
which jumps about! Then you put live dove visibly appears inside the
the rat through the tube and bag. The bag can be shown all the
miraculously penetrates the rod way around with the dove inside it,
right through the centre of it! it can even be passed for examin-
(Who likes rats anyway!) ation.
No hidden gimmicks entirely If desired, you can have an as-
self-contained. No preparation of sistant hold the bag and magician
the balloon. This is a definitely can place a silk handkerchief inside it. or an egg. Handker-
solid plastic rod. NOT a thin chief or egg is clearly visible through the net. Suddenly, at
needle or wire! Pull it out and the magician's command, the handkerchief or egg is visibly
push it through once more if you transformed into a living dove.
wish ... it's fantastic! A startling effect and a new idea in Dove productions.
Finally, pull out the balloon and transform the rat into a Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $17.00).

balloon DOG, which you present to someone with your compli-
ments. If
In this version everything can be examined, there are no THE
fekes of any kind. A delightful routine.
Price complete with full instructions (which even include P A A GO N
how to make the balloon animals), and some balloons to start
you off.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). II , ' '' " , .. s
OUT OF THIS WORLD GEORGE BLAKE'S feature Paper Tear which is a Supreme
Nine out of ten magicians will name Exclusive. The old Torn and Restored Paper, but here
this the best of all card tricks. As fea- everything goes wrong! Every time the magician switches the
. tured by PAUL DANIELS recently (using paper he gets the torn sheet!
=jnU blanks and printed cards) on his TELE- Finally, both pieces are placed together and transformed into
A great favourite with the late DAVID It's as easy to do as tearing tissue!
NIXON. Here is the effect. Supplied complete with full patter presentation and enough
Entirely unaided, a spectator deals a complete deck of cards tissues for 12 shows.
face down into two piles, placing what he guesses are REDS in No pasting of the papers.
one pile and BLACKS in the other - red or black purely a hunch. There's fun with a Miniature Magic Wand (supplied), and
Believe it or not, when the cards are turned over, one pile is plenty of applause at the conclusion of an entertaining interlude.
RED, the other all BLACK. Use any deck. 'Paragon Paper Tear' complete.
Pr,ce- £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). Price- £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).

Three neatly-made bats or paddles,
each a completely different colour.
Magician has made a prediction on
one, - believe it or not, that is the Two pieces of tape ... you tie a specta-
one which is freely chosen. A most tor's thumbs together and they find it im-
attractive outfit. The paddles we possible to escape. Then a spectator ties
supply are 5|" long and the colours your thumbs. Without any false moves,
are actually in the plastic and will the performer catches rings on his arm,
passes his thumbs through sticks, over
not chip or come off. Easy to handle and can be easily carried.
the back of chairs etc.
The perfect pocket perplexer!
We supply this complete for only £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00). At the finish, the tapes are cut off and
again everything can be examined.
A bunch of ribbons is shown and waved KEN DE COURCY COMEDY PRESENTATION. Everything goes
around in the air. Magician states he's wrong - the magician accidentally getting fouled up with the spec-
going to make them disappear, but tator on stage, with a chair, with a hoop. It's VERY. VERY
there's a surprise for the ribbons sud- FUNNY! This routine alone is worth more than the price asked
denly chance into a long string of saus- for the trick.
ages- W
I r ibbo n s
Jeffery Atkins writes: "One of the best buys that I ever had
The late ALF BROWN used this as an^ s I MISKGBS from you."
L.C.Beattie writes: "The Delaporte Thumb Tie has already
opener in his show. ROBERT HARBIN
featured it. The effect can be a riot. caused endless fun, the assisting spectators being completely
You can pick this up and work it at any time. baffled and it's certainly been a real winner for me. "
Complete with the ribbons, sausages, etc. Price, £7.50, Price for the tapes, instructions and the full Ken de Courcy
(U.S.A. $20.00). routine, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
The Three Card Monte
as Entertainment
Written and photographed by LEWIS GAN-
do dg y
The rope that doesn't want to be cut! As you
SON, a Supreme Magic publication uniform go for it with a pair of scissors, the rope
to others in the series and probably the LAR- dodges first one way and then the other'. It's
GEST YET! FORTY large 8" x 10" pages, zany ... it's crackers! - you never do suc-
plus two-colour art-board cover. EIGHTY- ceed in cutting it!
THREE clear, easy-to-follow photographs. As used with hilarious success by Tommy
This fabulous Teach-In is divided into two
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Basic Moves, the Subtleties, the Convincers including the Bent
Corner, the Tacked Card etc. , AND A SPECIAL FEATURE the
Three separate 12 inch
Complete KNOCK-OUT THREE CARD MONTE, as demonstrated
by TUDOR BROCK. This is the routine as used by the late FRED 1440 silks, taken from a plas-
LOWE, and seen on film and is a routine which Tudor got from an 02 tic tube are tied together
by their corners. There's
Irishman, who obtained the knowledge from an operator who ac-
tually worked it, on the racecourses. some sucker by-play as
you pretend to make the
All the working of the filmed sequence is given, PLUS, THE
silks change places ...
FINAL MOVE, which makes this a real KNOCK-OUT.
but the audience's 'groan'
changes into a gasp as
'Street Traders' Three Card Monte', 'The MacMillan Miracle',
suddenly the three silks
'Chase the Ace' including CECIL KEECH'S 'CLIMAX' ... and
much more. 'blend' into one large three-colour silk!
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Please note the following:- Something 'different' in Blendo's -
No double silks! No faked tube! A great gag, it gets them shout-
ing and joining-in and then Wham! - a finish that leaves them
COMEDY The three silks which you first show can be used in any effect;
COMMERCIALS likewise the beautiful large three-colour silk can be used for any
The greatest Novelty and Continuity follow-up routine. Raves Galore,
gag for years!
"SPLENDO is a brilliant idea. For some time I have been look-
Everywhere you go these days, at
ing for a trouble-free version of 'Blendo', and along it comes in
the Cinema or on TV, you hear Com-
mercials. They've almost become the form of this GEM. I shall be including this in my kids'
part of Entertainment itself. So, not show." Rick Morgan, Ipswich.
to be outdone, you present YOUR "I never leave 'Splendo' out of my show. Makes 'Blendo' old
OWN COMMERCIALS, advertising hat. Laughs and then a smash mystery. " Bob Hayden,
Southampton. MANY MORE.
New Products on sale in the shops(?).
EVERY LINE A LAUGH! The products are advertised on Splendo, complete, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
TWENTY (20 in. x 30 in.) boldly printed, gaily coloured posters.
Between each item or trick it's "Commercial Time" and you rush FRUITIETOOTSIE
over to the posters, turn the pages and get the biggest laughs you THIS IS A CUTE LITTLE GAG
ever got - just by displaying the posters and putting over the FOR WORKING AT THE BAR
wonderful blurb that goes with each one. ETC. , AND TO THE BOYS. NO
There's material here for several acts if you wish - or work it Three special printed cards are shown, each bearing the name
for all your worth. A hundred per cent, visual. You can use of a piece of fruit. One of these is MERELY THOUGHT OF. Ma-
Supreme "COMEDY COMMERCIALS" in a drawing room or in gician states that he will lay the chosen card on the table. Spec-
the largest theatre. tator names his choice, and when the card on the table is turned
The twenty posters are easy to display, and you do not need a over the Magician is proved right ... but not quite in the way the
special stand - a handy clip enables you to hang them on the back spectator imagined he would be.
of any chair. For every one of the commercials, a fuU script A REAL SAUCY NUMBER that will make them laugh and make
is included by the late Eric (Nitwit) Williams himself. you popular! Naughty ... but NICE.
Price for tons and tons of laughter, £7. 50, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price, complete, 75p, (U.S.A. $3.00).

A funny bit to use in any show!
Two colourful feather plumes. Some- t Magician picks up his magic wand
one assists you from the audience. No and hands it to a spectator to wave,
matter how hard they try to duplicate but instead of a wand the spectator
your actions, their plume is always is WAVING A CUCUMBER! A real-
upside-down ... yours is always right- istic dark green cucumber some
way up! Something offbeat in magic! 2 inches or more in diameter and
These are beautiful feather plumes in 18 Inches long.
handling, complete with plastic tubes It's a certain laugh. Crazy! Bizarre! Supreme WAND TO
and routine. CUCUMBER is self-contained, it can be picked up and used at
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). anytime. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
The late GEORGE BLAKE wrote the
FOREWORD. He wrote; "As I finished
A pocket trick complete with an
authentic looking prop and the full reading even the first effect I said to
routine. A postcard, addressed
to YOU - (The World's Greatest
4 ro—
myself, If the reader of this book only
uses this one item he will surely have
Magician! ) all the way from China his money's-worth, for I consider this
with Chinese writing and even a es to come. This is a booka to
be gem
read. and re-read, to be digested
Chinese stamp! When a card is to the full." "However, there were more surprls-
chosen you reveal it with the aid of George recommended this book as containing first-rate Lessons
the postcard, in a very novel man- on Mental ism from an experienced teacher.
ner. Spectator definitely cannot read the card until he lays his Fifty-three printed pages. Illustrated by Ken de Courcy. Two-
chosen card on it - and then - wham! There it is for all to colour Illustrated Board Cover. Packed with miracle methods
see! Use any pack of cards. and good magic.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).


An eye-popping twist on the popular fTTJ
A fantastic idea by JOHN YEAGER of
'Stack of pence' effect. Five poker

the U.S.A, which was a hit when featur-
chips made from white plastic inlaid
ed by HAROLD TAYLOR in his lecture.
with brilliant red. Also a small die.
Chips are placed together in a stack on the back of a spectator's A loop of rope is placed over a specta-j Ve*j
tor's head; an examined bangle (which I
hand. Stack can be lifted and shown on both sides and squared to-
can be marked too), is placed behind I
gether. Chips are covered with a small plastic cover. Magician the spectator's back. A little manipu- I
places the die in his hand, gives it a squeeze and out from the hand
lation and the bangle is on the rope and
pour the five chips. When the cover is lifted, now on the back of
everything can be closely examined.
the spectator's hand is the small die!
______ Price for the complete outfit, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). _____________
Supreme does it again! - proudly pre- No threads, snaps, wires, magnets or adhesive! Just a piece of
/j sent a new masterpiece of Children's En- rope and a bangle.
tertainment. Price. £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
From the stage-coach a parcel is dellv-
ered ... It's a Do-it-yourself Indian Warren Stephens1
tf// Drum Kit. Fun with the kids as you open
this up to reveal a brightly coloured box
inside of which are some INDIAN HEAD-
DRESSES, and the parts of the Indian
drum - metal band and rings to hold pa-
per sheets in place.
Business galore but finally the drum is completed and you at-
tempt to play it. Amazement when the paper bursts and a whole Simple! Direct! A cloth mat with an open net front panel. The
assortment of articles is produced. front see-through panel is dropped open, allowing the audience to
Finally a socko climax when a large TOTEM POLE makes its see the empty "Inside". SUDDENLY ONE OR TWO LIVE DOVES
appearance! VISIBLY APPEAR IN THE NET. One moment the net is empty,
It's the old drum or Tambourine production brought right up to the next moment the doves appear.
date with a terrific new loading method. Perform it on any Instead of doves you can have a small rabbit or a load of silks
appear inside the net!
table, even a thin undraped one. Perform it close-up in the
smallest drawing room. It's still a mystery! Price, £15.00. (U.S.A. $40.00).
Outfit includes special box, screened in colour 9x9x7 inches. A yellow paper EIGHT AND A
Made to fold flat. Metal drum 6| inches diameter, red with yel- HALF INCHES X TWENTY-TWO
low metal rings. Head-dresses etc., and all accessories, ex-
cept load which can consist of silks, ribbons, beads etc., etc., - ING is torn into a number of 2T &
material you already have or can obtain from any store. Also
Included is the Totem Pole (which folds flat), and of course, the
pieces which are folded. In the
process of restoring the paper, 1%
full routine. a folded piece drops to the floor.
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $70.00). Magician looks embarrassed but
tries to act innocent and pass it
Boston Box off. The torn pieces are opened
A beautifully-made, gleaming
brass box with a fitting lid. Van-
and shown to be restored. After
the mild applause, Magician PAPERS
ish a stack of four 10p. coins i
r ':.
looks at the folded piece on the
or the coins can penetrate floor. He picks it up, and opens
through a hand or through a (■ B^*^ J it out, saying, "THIS IS THE FELLOW WHO TAUGHT ME HOW
table. fl "HU TO DO THE TRICK", displaying a large printed picture of a Chi-
Superbly-made, supplied complete with instructions. nese face.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. Size $14.00)._____________ BIG AND BOLD, you can use this anywhere and it's always a
heckuva laugh. Easy to do.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Over the years there have been many
cx versions of the 'Cockeyed Pocket Com-
pass' sold. Probably the original one A wooden tube is shown; many
holes have been drilled through
is still the best, inasmuch as all the
THE I evidence of trickery is destroyed when the top and bottom of the tube.
CHINESE I the effect is over, and you have an UN- A number of solid six inch
COMMSS £- J FEKED PROPERTY which can be ex- spikes are mounted as one unit
amined! onto a wooden frame with a
A small black octagon is shown, the magician chalks an arrow handle.
on each side, the arrows facing in the same direction. THEN Magician inflates a long saus-
MOVE AROUND. the tube.
Many novel variations are possible, finally one arrow points one The spectators are asked to imagine that the balloon is the
way and the other points THE OPPOSITE WAY ALTOGETHER! magician's arm. Spikes are now inserted at the top and slowly
THE COMPASS WE SUPPLY will take chalk easily. It caneasily lowered down. There's a bang ... the balloon BURSTS.
be cleaned off after use. We have found that the fact that the ar- Nevertheless, the Magician undergoes the 'Trial of the Spikes'.
rows are chalked on in full view of the audience adds enormously His arm is bared and inserted in the tube. The spike unit is
to the effectiveness of the presentation. placed on the top and dramatically pushed down, "penetrating
Comes complete with printed and fully illustrated instructions right through the arm".
and an amusing patter story. The cabinet is tipped over so that the heads of the many spikes
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. §3.00). are seen; spikes can also be seen protruding from the bottom of
the cabinet.
GIANT COMEDY SPRING WAND Magician says he will remove his arm but finds he is unable to
Imagine suddenly producing an do so ... of course, first of all he has to remove the spike unit!
enormous wand, black with white ... he does this and is able to show his arm is quite intact.
tips, approx 27" long, 2|" dia- INSTEAD OF YOUR OWN ARM, YOU CAN USE THAT OF YOUR
meter from the air, or from a <1X Z[| ASSISTANT OR AN ASSISTANT FROM THE AUDIENCE.
spectator's pocket or from a tin The patter supplied is great and you can use this in either a
or box, (just like the Snake Can). straight or comedy presentation.
Folds up SMALL - Springs open Made as only Supreme know how by our own skilled cabinet
BIG! maker. Cabinet and frame are made in wood and 'acquered in
WHEN YOU GIVE IT TO A SPECTATOR TO WAVE, IT WIG- red, gold and black. Spikes are plated. This is a prop you will
GLES AND WOBBLES! delight to own. A sensational reputation maker.
Supreme 'Giant Comedy Spring Wand' is made from best Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $85.00).
quality springs, cloth covered. Laughter Galore!
Complete with two pages of novel ideas. Hen Fotsch's Magic Spell is an
easily gimmicked pack of cards that
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. §12.00).
enabled one, following a single cut,
to 'spell' out any card asked for.
Magic in a Game Many well-known magicians such
By John Palfreyman
L;—J as Milbourne Christopher, Chester
ALI BONGO wrote - "So the tele- Miller and Phil Thomas thought suf-
ma g ic phone rings and the client says, 'Can ficiently highly of it to add their own
IN A you provide two hours entertainment?' variations. Ken do Courcy worked
GAME " 'Of course!' you say, doing a on it also and produced a routine
quick bit of mental arithmetic to which was a feature in his after-
double your normal fee. Having con- dinner act for many years.
firmed the booking, you make a bee- Ken shows you how to easily make-up the pack from a regular
IZ* line for the book-shelf to search for
this book. Because this book - plus
deck of cards. He tells you how to spell the cards; he gives you
some great presentations, - Be Insured; Multi-Choice; Mental
a few bits and bobs - will furnish the Choice, etc., and a fine additional climax to get a hearty laugh.
wherewithal for THAT EXTRA HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT. Full instructions brought to you in the form of a printed booklet,
"Think of the advantages! You need only do one show in an with illustrated cover. Perfect entertainment and an easy to do
afternoon instead of two - no mad dash when the first show runs effect. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. §5.00).
late - less packing - less wear and tear on your car tyres, your
props, and your nervous system. And the economics of it are Unique Rope Routine
very sound - you do less work for more money. "
l.o replacements are ever need-
A book with twenty-five years experience- behind it.
ed. All you require is just a
There is no magic in this book but a CoHection of the best of
length of rope. In the routine
the games and "mad material" which John has used for the enter-
there's comedy, you snip in the
tainment of children and for adult parties and socials.
air with your fingers to cut a
Twenty-eight Games; Twenty-four Competitions; Ten Stunts;
rope. A Stretching Rope! A
Plus hints and all the Do's and Don'ts.
restoration - (and a second one!) A Jumping Knot and a Flash
A fully printed book. Forty printed pages. Illustrated light-
Restoration. Twenty-nine illustrations make the text easy to fol-
board cover.
_____________ Price, £3,50, (U.S.A. $9.00).___________________
We supply you with a length of rope free so you are able to learn
"CONGRATULATIONS upon the excellent standard which you the routine right away, and have at your command a thoroughly
maintain with your wonderful magazine THE MAGIGRAM. " modern rope routine which can be clearly understood and which
Bernard Burke, New Zealand. can be appreciated by any audience.
The Magigram price per 1 year (12 issues), £7.50, (U.S.A. §18) Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. §5.00).
'AND THEN THERE WERE FOUR’ I Self-Contained Dove Foulard
Spectator is given a sponge cube to / This is the special type foulard which
hold in his closed hand. Magically, / F we supply with our Dove In the Goldfish
the cube MULTIPLIES INTO TWO. / ... \XZ1 B°w^ Made a little smaller and from
Another touch of hokus-pokus and now v fe,
'“ sllky patterned material.
the cubes have multiplied into THREE! / S' The slickest Dove Production ever!
Finally, the three cubes are plainly 11 I Show the cloth on both sides. Gather

7 placed into the hand. "Would you be-
lieve I have FOUR there now ?" asks
the magician, and as the hand is opened, there IS four there, just
one sponge, a larger one, but cut into the shape of the figure '4'1
I;Ml ~ VJ-—"
[t up in the hands and immediately.
without any loading of any kind, a live
dove materialises. It's all self-con-
tained. It's all in the cloth. This is the easiest Dove Production
You receive all the sponges and the routine and the "sponge you have ever seen.
four" ready for you to work this. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). — 1—
Price. £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Supreme present -EL DUCO'S SjS
sion of Scalbert's 'Mystery of the Sev- SILK IN BOTTLE/£\
A clear bottle containing a silk is handed / \
enth Card'.
The perfect Telephone Test or mental over to a spectator. He is then asked to
mystery to present under challenge unseew the lid and pull out the silk. Lid
conditions! is replaced. j
No fekes! No gimmicks'. Yet the You cover the bottle with your handker- /
medium at the other end of the 'phone chief after displaying it on both sides. /
unerringly names the thought-of card! The spectator is asked to make a knot ‘ v
The secret comes in the form of a on the silk he took out of the bottle. After '•
well-printed, illustrated booklet, receiving the silk you make it vanish into wwbjV 'll
sealed for your protection. A special bonus effect is given, thin air. The handkerchief is removed
'OBJECTIVITY', also by Ken de Courcy. from the bottle to reveal the knotted silk INSIDE THE BOTTLE!
This Is a great party mind-reading stunt. The medium is es- A NEW precision made gimmick has made it possible to make
corted from the room. A number of personal objects are bor- silks, sponge balls, cards and other objects appear Inside the
rowed. The audience decides on one of these. bottle as easy as winking.
The "transmitter" leaves the room, yet when the medium re- Clear plastic bottle, gimmick and detailed instructions.
turns, she unfailingly picks out the selected object! Price, £10.00 (U.S.A. $25.00).
Bear in mind that there's absolutely no contact between the Whilst stocks last!
transmitter and the medium and she doesn't even know what ob- Bound Volumes of PETER WARLOCK'S
jects will be on the table before she sees them. Definitely no
stooges or confederates! New Pentagram Volume 11
Two brilliant effects in one booklet. The ultimate in tele- Ninety-six pages of scintillating sorcery, to-
phone trickery plus a great number which you'll use impromptu gether with a comprehensive Index of Contribu-
to garner publicity for your act. tors and Contents.
Two great "2 person numbers" which you cannot afford to be Issues of The Pentagram from March 1979 to
without. February 1980, handsomely bound in Black Caxton cloth; em-
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A, $6.00).____________________ bossed in gold on the cover and spine.
There's Card Magic, thirty-two items; Mental items, twenty
A ten-foot patterned streamer is
stunners; Six items of Money Magic; Six items of Silk Magic,
Miscellaneous Magic including a wonderful version of The
whirled out in the air. Streamer is Smoke Vase.
then gathered up into the hands. With- Under the title 'Rope Magic', we have 'The Acrobat'; there's
out any body-loading or steals of any a Self Interview with Jon Racherbaumer.
kind a fluttering white dove makes its Add to this Peter Warlock's interesting 'Talkback' articles on
appearance from the streamer. Contemporary Givers; Programmes of some of the great Ma-
Our Dove Streamer is correctly made gicians of the past ... and you have a book packed with exciting,
and really will take a Dove and hold it practical material of lasting interest and of tremendous value
comfortably. Yet, when it is required to any working performer.
the Dove makes an instant appearance. Please note, this is a LIMITED EDITION only. Once sold,
Complete with illustrated instructions. these Volumes are not reprinted. Take our tip, send off for
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20,00), Volume 11 of the NEW PENTAGRAM right away.
STEVE DUSHECK'S brilliant ver- Price, £7.00, (U.S.A. $17.00).
Holed Up
sion of the Cork through Card.
A cork is placed through a hole in
a card, then miraculously the cork foö A copper coin is placed in one hand,
and the hole are slid into the centre a silver in the other, miraculously
of the card, then back to its orig- they change places. You can do it over
inal position! and over again, then one coin is placed
You repeat it - Again you slide into the pocket and it jumps back into
the hand. Again you can repeat it.
the cork and the hole along to the
Finally, both the coins can be exam-
centre, even to the opposite end of the card! Spectators can
ined. They are both unfeked.
examine everything. There's no additional hole in the card!
We supply you with all the coins and routine to perform this
A real cute little trick.
great effect. Price, £4. 50, (U. S. A. $12.00).
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
y— One Handed Changing Rag

MILLER Undoubtedly the last word in Change

A book of great tricks and routines ... Bags'. Originated by Harry Treleaven,
Easy to learn and Perform, because Every here is the bag that just can't be beat
move is explained in detail and all the neces- for simplicity of working and for its
sary patter supplied. THIRTY items all indetectable one-handed action.
highly entertaining ... all workable and all You do not twist the handle as in the
of Professional Quality for Close-UP ... standard Change Bag. Instead, a mere
Cabaret ... Stage. Here are just a FEW of flick of a small catch operates the bag
them ... back and forth as you wish. AMERI-
ROY BAKER'S "MENTAL ACT" as worked CAN FRIENDS - Please note this is the SUPREME ORIGINAL
by him in the country's leading Theatres. - Do not confuse with a cheap (ugh!) copy. Supreme One-handed
"SALT AND SUGAR". Spectator puts a little Salt in one piece Changing Bag is beautifully made from the flnest materials. The
of paper, and Sugar in another. He twists the paper up and bag itself is of velveteen, lined with black material and mounted
mixes them behind his back. He throws one to you, and while on a lacquered wooden handle with attractive braid etc.
it's still in the air ... you tell him which one he kept! No matter what kind of show you do, for adults or children,
"CONTACT MIND-READING", for the first time ever ... the this bag has a place in your act. With each bag, we give free,
real secret of this amazing feat is described in detail. YOU a manuscript of '27 Tricks with a Changing Bag'. You get the
can, at any time ... anywhere, locate an object secretly nomin- bag plus the twenty-seven routines, and believe us you'll soon
ated by spectator! "BISECTED BALLOON". A large inflated be devising dozens more of your own.
'sausage-type' balloon is cut in half with scissors ... leaving Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $45.00).
two half-balloons ... still inflated!
"SOCKO SILK". Eye-popper with three silks. Gives impress-
ion of great skill but is Easy to Do. "COINS ACROSS". Coins
crossing invisibly from hand to hand. Completely baffling.
^5 JU A length of twisted wire is shown.
Magician holds this in his left hand,
pulling this out, when the wire appears
"BEWILDERING MATCHES". A great pocket trick. Matches to get longer and longer. Reversal of
change places ... vanish from small container held by spectator the moves closes the wire up and yet,
and Anally end up back in their original boxes. in reality, the wire is always the same
"FANTASTIC ACES". Highly professional routine using only
Anytime during the stretching the wire can be measured, but it
two aces. "BLINDFOLD DISCOVERY". Hilarious Mental-Type
certainly doesn't Increase or decrease insize. IT'S ALL A
Routine, with big laugh-flnish. "R.B. CARD IN ENVELOPE".
One of the cleanest and most effective methods ever devised.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Three Presentations given! ETC. - ETC. - ETC.
First Class material ... suitable for AU tastes ... ALL
Practical, Workable effects which YOU can ... and will ... USE! DUSHECK'S DOLLAR PUNCH
128 well printed pages. Illustrated by Dennis Patten. Bound ... Steve's favourite effect which may
Gold Lettering on Spine ... Hlustrated Dust Jacket. soon become yours! Steve says that
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). he considers it to be the best trick he
ever invented, it has been eagerly ac- £
cepted by almost every professional who has seen it.
The linking and unlinking of a solid ring A small pocket punch is used to punch a dollar bill (or any
onto a piece of rope, the ends of which other currency) full of holes. Magically, the bill Is restored.
have been knotted to form a loop. Steve's detailed instructions include many extra tips, gags and
Several methods are explained. There's bits of business. FRED KAPS, MIKE RODGERS and KARRELL
a whole bewildering series of surprises, FOX are just three of the famous performers who are using this
the ring passes onto the rope and off ■----- r RINK'S
again. It all looks absolutely impos- ^PENETRAflONS' Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Most magicians will have the necessary
props for this routine already home in GOLF BALL SENSATION
their magic cupboard or they will be An astonishing magical effect con-
sisting of a startling vanish and re-ap-
easily able to obtain them.
What we present are all the methods and instructions in printed pearance of three golf balls.
form with no less than sixty-six clear, easy-to-follow illustra- A paper bag is opened out, three golf (
balls are removed from it and placed x
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). into the folds of a silk which has been
draped over a clear plastic tumbler. 2

FINGER CUTTA Suddenly, the silk is flicked away.

The all-metal Finger cutter which can VANISHED! The tumbler is quite deflnltely empty. '
Ml easily be carried in the pocket without da-
mage, and which is always ready, any-
The paper bag is shown and that TOO is still empty.

W i Now comes some funny business wherein the magician apparent-
time you want to present an astounding ly "catches" the invisible ball in the air and places them in the
little mystery. Blade unit is permanently bag, and Anally from the bag he produces, THE THREE GOLF
9J fastened inside the metal casing ... it will BALLS ONCE MORE!
% slice through matches, pieces of potato, TERRIFIC MAGICAL VALUE, for we supply you with all the
a cigarette, when the spectator inserts his Anger into the hole the balls, bag, fekes, special tumbler, gimmicks, plus a beautiful
blade passes right through it, without damage! Finger Cutta, 24 inch silk, full instructions, patter presentation by Vai An- 1
with routine. drews and instructions by Edwin. Everything complete for;
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00).
Five gleaming alarum clocks which
you can produce from a top hat, a 1 TUBES OF KUMA
Credit to Gil Leaney for this out-
Squared circle, a bundle of silks or
standing effect, which we have made
any suitable apparatus you may have.
Made in highly polished aluminium,
NICE! Two handsome metal tubes,
with regular clock faces. Clocks

approx. 13 inches high nest one within
nest evenly, and separate easily for
the other. Tubes are gleaming in a
smooth production. Size, 4" diameter,
smart satin-chrome finish.
5" high overall. The clocks are in-
Nested together, a production of silks
terchangeable in the nest, so that any
etc., takes place. This is followed by the production of a decor-
clock will fit Into any clock. Five
ative pot filled to overflowing with spring flowers!
clocks occupy a very small amount of
THE CLIMAX IS OUTSTANDING when from the tubes you pro-
duce A SOLID 8" GLASS GOLDFISH BOWL, filled with water and
SET OF FIVE CLOCKS and INSTRUCTIONS, £17.50, ($45.00). with real goldfish if you wish.
NOW COMES THE HILARIOUS BIT! Magician attempts to place
A Supreme Magic Reprint! (All
the bowl back into the tube from which he has just produced it and
rights purchased from Harry Stanley) it just won't go in. the bowl is LARGER than the tube.
THE BEST MAGIC BOOK VALUE We supply the handsomely finished, sturdily-made tubes, the
FOR YEARS goldfish bowl, the plastic flower holder and full routine. Use your

tai i
I “VARIED DECEPTIONS” own spring flowers, (water and goldfish if you wish - entirely op-
tional) - silks and so on. •< 4
/ I By Milbourne Christopher.
Milbourne Christopher is a magi-
Can be performed close-up and surrounded.
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $80.00). /\

cian with an international reputation

ff 4* as a creator of PRACTICAL tricks,
and clever routines. Here is a
A Nick Trost variation on the classic effect,
originated by the late Fred Lowe. "Oscar" OSCAR
grand book of PRACTICAL magic ...
A spectator THINKS of any card In the pack.
whatever your fancy ... be it with
I You say you will name his card and you do,
coins, cards, rope, handkerchiefs,
you name it OSCAR! Spectator thinks it's a
sleight of hand, mentallsm ... to be
gag until you show different names printed on
performed for the pleasure of amus-
the backs of all the other cards. The chosen
ing the folks at home, in the drawing room, or in cabaret, on
one is printed with the name OSCAR.
platform, stage or T.V. ... be you a beginner or advanced pro-
Only one deck; no rough and smooth; self-
fessional, HERE IS AN ABUNDANCE of material that you can
working. You receive the special deck of
USE. 152 pages of first-class PRACTICAL MAGIC in Nine Ex-
cards and full instructions. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
citing Chapters. Fully Illustrated. Bound, Illustrated Dust
Jacket. Over one hundred and sixty illustrations. By Ted Elliott
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). You have t0 hand 11 to tlie Baker
)] Boy, he's come up with some won-
STEEL BALL gY'derful novel notions and here is a
THROUGH BRASS BOLT t?'/ classic. A Supreme Exclusive.
- PLUS Two regular elastic bands which you
This is our new model freely show, put them together and
of this great effect and a believe it or not they are linked, yes
real beauty. In addition k genuinely linked, a really terrific
to the precision apparatus,

/ surprise.
we give you as an addition, In addition to Roy Baker's routine,
an extra, absolutely un- we include Patrick Page's vanish of
feked matching bolt, so an elastic band, Plus Edwin's routine. Plus many Illustrations
you can commence with by Ken de Courcy. A simple, novel idea which can mean real
unglmmlcked properties and end the same way, - an idea which ENTERTAINMENT in your close-up magic.
adds a new dimension to this popular effect! The special instructions are fully printed and complete with all
In performance, a brass nut and bolt can be examined, also a the necessary elastic bands.
simple brass framework. The Magician screws the bolt through Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
the framework, then rests a solid steel ball on the top. Slowly
and visibly the ball penetrates right through both. It's really Supreme FOLDING COIN
quite fantastic. Everything can be passed for examination. ,
Borrow a coin from a spectator
Price, for this Super De Luxe Outfit, £7.00, (U.S.A. $18.00)..
and magically pass this into a bottle

SQUIRTING BIC LIGHTER although the neck of the bottle is

smaller in diameter than the coin!
Not a trick, A GAG ITEM, one which is Our coin is extra-special; owing
good for a laugh and which can be used dur- to its design it opens rapidly, it is
ing your close-up chicanery. less likely to band jump than many
A spectator takes the lighter to light his coins of this type.
cigarette and presses the lever at the top. Supplied with each coin is a special
Instead of a jet of flame, a Jet of water manuscript of instructions by ROY BAKER which gives the low-
shoots out in his face! down and complete working instructions for several tricks that
New stocks just arrived allow us to now you can do with this clever conjurer's aid. 2p size.
supply this at a greatly reduced price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $11.00).
One of the most out- x . TOM FITZGERALD'S__ -+
standing Fun Makers that z —----- d a r t in g d is c s
has come on the Magic ') . • Aff’ TCAR/ I Donald Bevan wrote in
Market for a long time.
Show a piece oi paper. \
<$4 • «r« /
"Four metal discs cover-
IT LOOKS AND FEELS ed with a single card as-
LIKE ORDINARY PAPER. semble in one corner of a
Tear it in half and give \ I / /"^ 7% hanky spread on the table.
spectator one half. Ask X “ > A familiar plot, but the
him to tear it in half BUT combined ideas of George Blake and Ken de Courcy make this
HE CAN'T! TRY AS HE about the simplest ever. The discs are inlaid with coloured
MAY!!! ! It seems as x spots for easy identification, yet each disc, covered with the
though all strength has gone from his fingers! Take the paper one card, vanishes to join the others. There are clever ideas
back from him and immediately tear it in half! in the routine and the discs are expertly turned In brass. Sev-
They twist and squirm in their efforts to tear the paper, but it eral other effects are included in the comprehensive instructions
can't be done - ONLY YOU can tear it! which makes the entire outfit an excellent buy for the close-up
We give you a dozen of the special paper strips together with worker. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
the routines. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).

The performer shows
four Aces, no extra A great opening eHect to any dove
cards, just the four act or use it elsewhere in your pro-
gramme. You or your assistant dis- &
Aces. The packet is
twisted and one Ace play a full-size 20 x 30 inch poster,

magically turns over. all in colour, depicting 'Dove Decep-
Then the other two tions'. Poster is folded and Imme-
Aces turn over one by diately, without body loads or loads
one, it's automatic, no of any kind, a real live fluttering dove
sleights, the special is produced. At last something dif-
cards do It for you and ferent in dove magic.
yet all four cards appear Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.)
normal at the finish.
Just toss them down on the table and your hands are empty, no MIGRATION
extra cards, nothing to get rid of. By Steve Dusheck, Jr.
NICK TROST says that it is one of his most popular effects. I Here's an AUTOMATIC
quite agree with him, it is a piece of truly beautiful magic. coin assembly typical of
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Steve Dusheck's ingenuity.
Now one by one the coins
Sid Lorraine's latest close-up
I DOUBLE FEATURE vanish from under their
novelty ... "DOUBLE FEA-
TURE" with specially designed ^c k e t sj m ' cards, all assembling
under one card!
THE PICKETS - A trick in
F^ß35I32Q For an extra surprise, a large English coin (50p) can appear
under the cards!
which one of three picketing 1 2 AMUSIN&. UP TO DATE ’
A beautiful Magical effect - a classic - NOW - thanks to Steve's
strikers disappears. |L------- J----- —iCLOSE -UP £ f FECTSj^
Ingenuity, performed without skill or sleights.
Price, Including coins, special cards, case, etc., £4.50,
grabbing parachutist and his
(U.S.A. $12.00).
maps do a change-about with a
surprised spectator capturing Karre 11 Fox's

the skyjacker.
There are no Elmsley counts, TIME KILLER
We supply the routine and all the
buckles, glides, or rough and smooth trickery!
Easy to do. Complete with illustrated instructions; Sid Lorraine necessary props.
patter and a vinyl card case to hold the cards. A wrist watch is borrowed, wrap-
ped in a handkerchief and pounded
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). /
A Supra»« CxelMlM Kan Schclaa*
ED. That's part Number One!
DIZZY NUDIST PACK Magician then states he will show
the audience a quick trick with a piece of rope, in fact he will re-
A trick which was a hit in the tain the watch for a few moments TO TIME THE TRICK. Sus-
close-up act of KEN SCHOLES. pense builds-up and when the magician attempts to tie a metal
Different to the Nudist Deck inas- ring onto the centre of the rope using one hand, the ring clangs to
much as there is no rough and the floor.
smooth principle. .1 Magician takes another ring, - the effect is the same.
A pack of cards has faces but no k Suddenly he has an idea, HE'LL USE THE WRIST WATCH IN-
backs, then faces appear, then STEAD OF A RING. - But all is in order, a deft flick of the rope,
backs, it's a great effect. Pack can be examined at the end.
We supply the Special Deck, together with the Exclusive printed
routine by LEWIS GANSON. \ /
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). Y Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00)

-------------- 7V
A Supreme Magic Publication
Harold G. Beaumont's incred-
By George Arrowsmith ible production from a three-
Here's a book divided into three sec- fold screen.
tions. A small screen is opened out
'PSYCHIC MAGIC. Contents include and all three panels are seen,
two novel Book Tests; Spirit Photo- they are coloured gold. Screen
graphy; the antics of a playful spirit; a is now turned around to show
beauty contest ... AND MORE! other sides of panels. These
THE CARD MAGIC SECTION covers are a beautiful silver.
such unusual mysteries as 'Gentlemen- Now, right away and without
The Queen'; The Bishop's Hat; Fooled!! any moves or loading of any
- in which a spectator is well and truly bamboozled. kind, the panels are formed
MISCELLANEOUS SECTION contains effects with silks, into a triangle and the production commences! FIFTY 12 inch
Tricks for the children's entertainer; an effect with a rope and silks can be produced from the folder, or a giant streamer, or
ring, Production ideas and other mysteries. a load of latex fruit and a limp chicken!
This is an 84 page book, well-printed on good quality paper. Remember - each side is a different colour - each side is free-
Profusely Illustrated by Ken de Courcy with about seventy clear, ly shown. This is not the "Temple Screen" principle - there
easy-to-follow sketches. are no double panels - there is no tip-over principle. A lovely
You are sure to find something you can use amongst the new idea that will enthral you. Panels are 8| in. x 6 in.
clever effects detailed here. Price, Three-Folda De-Luxe £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). THREE-FOLDA - Regular
We have made up a supply of "Three-Folda" Production WITH-
THE METAMORPHIS CARD OUT the Glitter finish for those who would like an alternative
model. Same trick but with a plain plastic-like finish.
A great novelty routine by Price, Three-Folda Plain Fablon, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Inspired by STEVE DUSHECK, I ' Armandi's PERFECT TORN &
DECK OF CARDS is shown and EFFECT.
a spectator chooses one card. The Magician's hands are emp-
A large size Bulldog clip is ty except for a packet of cigarette
shown, the magician drops the papers. He removes ONE ciga-
clip into his pocket amongst the rette paper, his hands are
cards. When removed, it is EMPTY.
seen that he has succeeded in clipping one card between the jaws The paper is torn into pieces and wadded into a ball. The ball
of the clip, BUT IT’S THE WRONG CARD'. of papers is placed onto a spike WHICH IS GIVEN TO A MEM-
Spectator names his card. Watch the expression on his face BER OF THE AUDIENCE TO HOLD.
when he turns the miniature card over and finds that the card Magician shows that his hands are empty. Magic passes ...
has CHANGED to his actual chosen one! and he removes the paper from off the spike which the specta-
At the end EVERYTHING can be EXAMINED. tor is holding.
We supply you with everything to work this. Miniature deck Slowly and deliberately, the paper is opened. Miraculously,
of cards, clip, gimmick and full routine. it is now restored. The magician is left with nothing in his
Price, £5. 50,-(U.S. A. $14.00). hands to dispose of; EVERYTHING IS SELF-CONTAINED, com-
plete in the special apparatus we supply.
FANTASTIC FRAME AND CABBY If you desire the SPECTATOR can remove and open the paper.
Easy to do and you only have to practise the handling to achieve,
First offered by us as a Su- without skill the PERFECT TORN AND RESTORED CIGARETTE
preme Exclusive by permission PAPER. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
2 of Eric C. Lewis and.advertis-
ed by us since. PRODUCTO
Several coloured silks hang An easy-to-do production that
on a rod passing through an or- can be done anywhere. Two tubes
nate frame. They are openly approx. 5 in. x 10 in. are shown
removed leaving the rod bare empty and yet, quick as a wink,
and the door of the frame is silks are produced from ONE
closed. TUBE and further silks, flowers
One by one the silks are and even a ribbon fountain FROM
placed into a handsome cabinet, THE OTHER.
and one by one, in the cleanest possible manner they vanish. Finally, as a knock-out climax,
Doors at the front and back of the Cabby open and the audience a large pot of beautiful flowers is
are allowed to see the box all round, nothing to see anvwhere. produced from the tubes, 16 in-
When the door of the frame is opened there are all the silks ches high!
TIED, back on again! Apparatus is sturdily made in
a teature trick in the shows of many famous magicians. metal and tubes are lacquered in contrasting colours. Supplied
Beautifully made by our own skilled craftsman and artistically complete with pot of flowers but without silks. The load capacity
and tastefully finished in Black, Cream, Blue and Gold. of the tubes is amazing and we know that you will be thrilled and
Fantastic Frame and Cabby (without silks), complete for delighted with this marvellous production.
£50.00, (U.S.A. $150.00). Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $60.00).
Animal LVegetable, —
i Mineral
PETER WARLOCK'S effect that
A pocket perplexer which is a GAME! you'll like. For adults you can use
playing-cards ... for children use
Three cards are fairly chosen (NOT forced) and be- 'Happy Family', 'Snap' or 'Lexicon'
cause of the amusing nature of the articles printed on cards. Cards are thrown into an
the cards this can be A LOT OF FUN. Needless to say, "aquarium" and mixed about. Then
you always get the correct answers!
you show a small net ... flsh-in,
It's a real fooler but a fooler that is fun! and one by one you find the three cho-
sen cards. Lots of scope for comedy ,
You get all the special cards, wallet, instructions
and byplay. Looks big, packs flat;
and routine, for only ...
reasonably priced ... what more
Price, (we pay the postage), £5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00). could you ask for.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $35.00).



trick but made REALLY A great classic of magic. THIS
and a die 4j" square! Small enough for you to carry In
The same great your pocket but big enough for you
comedy routine. to use during your regular platform
You get everything, work. LENGTH OF STICKS IS
- the giant die and cover, 36" square pure Japanese silk, a OVER 8 inches.
circular wooden tray lacquered blue specially produced for Through the ends of the sticks runs
this stage size effect; spots and routine. a silky cord, with two tassels. Cord
A feature trick idea for cabaret as it can be performed is pulled from side to side. Magician cuts the cord but still
SURROUNDED. the cord runs from side to side!
Price, £18.50. (U.S.A. 9<0.00). The audience are quite sure they know how it is done and
they suspect the cord runs down one stick and across the bot-
Ian Adair's A Supreme Original. No other tom and up through the other stick!
CARNIVAL RIBBONS dealer is or has been authorised FinaUy, the magician separates the sticks completely, ONE
to sell this. STICK IN ONE HAND AND ONE IN THE OTHER. When one
A startling production of a tassel is pulled the other one STILL mysteriously comes up!
dove without body loads or With each set of sticks we give our OWN INSTRUCTIONS
steals of any kind! And it's so AND ROUTINES; an excellent patter presentation by TOMMY
COLOURFUL! Beautiful, just THOMAS which is entertaining and unusual. Plus a further
'4 u beautiful. routine by the one and only PERCY PRESS.
The Magician picks up and displays a number of ONE INCH Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). •
WIDE lovely silk and satin ribbons, twisting and twirling these
in the air. Ribbons (about a dozen of them) are approximately Canasta’s Miracle Card Discovery
two yards long and in many gorgeous colours making a striking
and appealing sight. Now the ribbons are gathered up in the
hands, and straightaway a dove appears from the ribbons - yes, Many will remember the astounding success
a LIVE dove - and remember this WITHOUT Body-loads or AMMACU
MMM «*
that Chan Canasta created on British T.V.
"moves". A trick you can work ANYTIME in the programme years ago.
completely surrounded. An all time hit you can obtain only The secrets he used were ingenious and un-
from Supreme. Ü known to magicians. Here is one of his best.
Price, including the ribbons, £17.50, (U.S.A. $45.00). This is more than a trick, it is a system
capable of many variations.
Soptanw CIGAR CATCHING Yes, this is the same type of • . Cards are selected and yet under Imposs-
gimmick which is sold to "Catch ible conditions. you are able to find them
Cigarettes" from the air but made right away.
with a special light-weight realistic-looking plastic cigar! Mentallst Stanton Carlisle wrote to us recently. "I consider
this one of the greatest effects of modern times and the secret
Show your hand empty, grab up into the air and a full-sizedl
cigar appears. Place it into a hat and repeat the action catch- has been guarded well! "
Now it can tie yours, to equally cherish.
ing another cigar ... and another ... and another! At the end
Canasta's Miracle Card Discovery comes in printed from.
the cigars can be dumped out of the hat onto the table, or
Nothing else to buy. Use any cards.
given away. An easy trick to do yet effective in performance.
Price, including Illustrated instructions £1.50. (U.S.A. $4.00) Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
BREAK AWAY WAND A practical j°ke item that's great
The effect that's become a classic! "T” for the Magician to include in his
Right in full view the wand slowly __'ttLy show and which always gets a laugh.

—.... •AY Wonderfully effective when used as
wilts and hangs in a broken condition.
Magician commands it to become re- a follow-up to the Cut-No-Cut
stored and the wand immediately and Scissors or the GOLDEN FUN
automatically becomes rigid again.
SHEARS. A spectator is asked to sever the rope which the
magician holds between his hands. All else has failed, so
Great with a spectator from the audi-
now the spectator is handed a regular looking table-knife. AS
ence. You give them the wand and it breaks in their hands. SOON AS THE BLADE TOUCHES THE ROPE IT SPRINGS
You take the wand back, restore it, and repeat the whole SEVERAL INCHES OUT OF THE HANDLE, HANGING DOWN
thing. It's a highlight of comedy!
FROM IT! A very funny gag and beautifuHy made. Regular-
The wand you receive is in black plastic with white tips.
looking blade, handle with a concealed spring that shoots out
Everyone needs one of these super gag wands. the blade. You'll have fun using it at the Dinner Table too.
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). Price, £3.50. fU.S.A. $9.00).

A Supreme Magic Publication First her parasol vanishes! - KARRELL FOX’S

Handbook of Horror Then her dress disappears! - VEST-POCKET SIZE
By Charles W. Cameron What happens when you make
"Handbook of Horror"
her Bikini vanish is - A BIG
contains twelve weird k I
and unusual effects
Finally, for an extra sur-
prise finish, the card CHANG- Beauty
most of which can be ES to a long strip bearing the
performed with a mini- IjiORR0“
word "APPLAUSE" - and
mum of cost and with-
that's exactly what you'll GET when you present this!!!
out requiring specially
Saucy! Cute! Clever! Easy to do! APPLAUSE GUARAN-
made apparatus. TEED!
Items include ’BURN
Yes, Applause and laughter are GUARANTEED with this cute
pocket trick the boys are going to be raving over. Beautifully
chosen wax doll bursts
produced and in many colours, red, green, pink and blue, all
into flames. THE
ready for you to work and complete 'with humorous patter
POWER OF RA MENTAZ. An unusual shaped ring, removed
from a mummified finger vanishes and returns! etc., etc. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
'HANDBOOK OF HORROR' is written and illustrated by
Charles W. Cameron, author of 'WITCHES BREW'. It is a Supreme Magician blows up an ordinary
printed book of 43 pages. Light coloured board cover with balloon, ties it securely and
illustration by George Cameron. FLOATING bounces it several times into the
It is a book for all those magicians who like to create illusions BALLOON air. At his command the balloon
of the supernatural in a pleasant but terrifying way! remains suspended in space. It
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). then floats from hand to hand and
rises high into the air over the
Magician's head. A solid hoop is
Below the Threshold passed over the balloon in every
direction and at the finish, Magician walks among audience
A spectator is asked to draw a
allowing the balloon to float into a spectator's hand. Spectator
design or write a word on a small is allowed to keep the balloon as a souvenir.
card and this is placed out of
This is a self-contained effect that requires no assistant.
sight. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
The performer stands well away
from the spectator while the draw- A real comedy trick and one
ing is being made and patters to the effect that what the spec- that always creates endless
tator draws is suggested to him by some subconscious impulse laughter. Magi taps assistant
in the beginning, however much he may modify it afterwards. on back of head, when an egg
It is an impulse that has been caUed "subliminal" - that is, an

is seen to force itself from
impulse which is below the threshold of normal sense percep- assistant's mouth. It is laid
tion. on a plate to one side. A
The spectator is asked to write or draw ANYTHING on a dozen eggs may be produced
slate at random ... something NOT associated with what he in this way. Instead of using
first drew ... and from this the performer is able to divine
the first chosen thought! He unfailingly duplicates the very
an assistant, the magi may
produce the eggs from his UL»Wl
design the spectator first drew! own mouth.
Full routine etc. is included (use any slate). An easy trick to perform - requires no great amount of skill.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, special gimmick and routine, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).

Len Belcher's —A clear capsule in
< which invisible liquid is
RABBIT HOP BRAUNS ® poured. The performer
BLACKIE, SNOWY and SPOTTY are reconstructs a series of
three lovable rabbits with personal- op , . wj bizarre happenings, the
'results are magical and
ities of their own. Their pictures
are on large cards, 9j" by 7". An- fascinating. - A car
other card shows a picture of a tall overturns, a plane starti
top hat. When one of the rabbits is to fly in the opposite di-
chosen he STEPS RIGHT OUT OF HIS CARD, leaving a cut-out rection, the price of a
where he has been, and magically appears SITTING IN THE TOP piece of art changes and
HAT! other weird things take place. At the climax, the capsule is
A wonderful trick with a delightful story and an action-filled handed out for examination and there's nothing inside!
routine. Bags of SHOUTING and AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION. An exciting principle is used to’bring about a series of unusual
magical effects.
A real riot for kids.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Price, complete ready to work, £6.50, (U.S.A. $17.00).

A 1J" solid wooden COLOR-RIBBON
cube lacquered in red As pretty a little Conjuring conceit
and gold is threaded as you could wish for.
on two ropes. The A single piece of ribbon, about 18 inches long, is shown.
ropes are pulled back Ribbon is gaily coloured and is waved around. Magician
and forth freely. Spec- strokes his other empty hand along the ribbon, and ribbon
tator can tie the ropes VISIBLY changes colour!
to the block and also the ends of the rope. Without cover of Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
any kind the block seems to melt through the ropes, free and
clear, with all the knots intact. Immediately they can be
One of the most copied
tricks in the world! Orig-
This is an old idea turned into a new one. No threads! A
lovely idea which can be dressed-up to become a real hit in
ÄTC »> inated by WERRY and given
to Supreme as an Exclusive.
your programme. Sold by us for years and still one of our
A small coin is placed on
favourites. Ideal for use in Fogel's 'Houdini Seance'; great
the table and three matches
for kids or adults. Don't be put off by the low price.
are placed around it. A
Pr*ce. £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). playing card is placed on
top. Another match is used
Baffling Beacon Paper Tear as a miniature wand. Spec-
tator himself can dismantle
Wonderful for adults because of its the assembly and show that

unusual climax. Terrific for children the coin has VANISHED
FIRST', always it's a laughter and AMAZING!
applause-getter that registers BIG Complete with'the original routine and suggestions.
in ANY programme. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Three sheets of tissue-paper, one
black, one white and one orange. CHIP CAP
Papers are torn and magically re-
fei A small
stored - But wait for it! - THEY ARE NOW IN THE FORM OF
I examined plas-
tic cap. Five
poker chips
A delight to work. No pasting etc., is needed. white plastic
We supply you with 10 sets of papers, all ready for working, inlaid in colour. Chips are shown on both sides, then formed
together with the special beacon and routines. into a stack and covered over. MYSTERIOUSLY, ONE OF
Read all about Supreme Magic products in their super maga- YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN! - and it becomes even more
zine, THE MAGIGRAM. Published monthly, the subscription mystifying!
is still only £7.50 ($18) per year, 12 bumper issues, post paid. The chip can vanish and penetrate through the table, or for
Customers say, "The Magigram is typical of the OUTSTAND- a variation, a chip can vanish and reappear under the cover!
ING VALUE FOR MONEY you get when you buy from Supreme." Looks good, works well, complete with all the chips and
THE MAGIGRAM, £7.50 per year Subscribe NOW, today, routines.
and be glad for the rest of your life. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).

Credit for the original idea
Full rights purchased by Supreme.
behind this effect must go to
This Colourful COMEDY trick, with a
ARMANDI of Holland. Full
SMASHING CLIMAX is one of the BIG-
rights on it were purchased by
The Supreme Magic Co. Ltd.,
The apparatus consists of two model rabbits and covers. In an
amusing routine the rabbits inter-change places several times.
Magician displays what he But dubious moves on the part of the performer arouses the audi-
states to be a prediction, ence's suspicion. These being voiced in no uncertain manner,
covered by a cloth. Two lead to the smashing SUCKER CLIMAX. Frankly, the finale is
packs of cards are shown in too good to give away here. But clients know that ENTERTAIN-
their cases, a red-backed MENT is the key-note, and can be confident in our recommenda-
pack and a blue. One of these packs is freely chosen. tion that E LUSIVE RABBITS is one of the best ever sucker ef-
The magician removes the cards from their case and runs fects.
through these, showing the faces all different ... he turns the
cards over, running through them, showing the backs to be all Suitable for all types of audiences, from children to the most
the same. sophisticated of adults ... they will ALL fall for it! I
The spectator is asked to freely select any card ... there is Made in Supreme Style. Can be performed on platform or
no sleight of hand involved. You explain that your prediction is drawing room. Self-contained ... Tastefully decorated in the
under the silk between two sheets of plastic and is by manner of style for which we are famed. Complete with Comedy Routine,
being a two-way one. First of all you will have correctly pre- If you want a BIG LAUGH in your programme - Don't Miss THIS!
dicted the colour of the back of the card; secondly, you will have ____________ Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $75.00).
predicted the actual card which has been chosen'.
When the silk is removed, the card sealed in the centre of the SNOOPER SNOOPED
sheets is seen to be the wrong colour back ... and the wrong Donald Bevan in Abracadabra 1763,
card! wrote - What's New? - Supreme's

i ii &
"Never mind", says the magi, "how's this for the world's fast-
est trick" ... suddenly and in the twinkling of an eye and without the Ledbury Nitwit has over the years
cover of any kind, the back of the card between the plastic plates been responsible for a number of clever
changes colour! That's the first part correct."I ideas. This is one of them. Not the
method, not the effect, which is a basic
"Would you mind repeating the name of your card", says the
vanish and reappearance, but superb ul k s
magi, he turns the plates to show that not only has the back
changed to the correct colour out the face of the card has also routining and what is termed 'Pitter-
changed and now matches the spectator's choice. patter'. Could be a real comedy item,
Remember that this is a 100% visual effect, - you do not have to or use it with your assistant in a cameo (older readers may re-
cover the plates to cause the transformation of one card to the call the late Roy Billings and Gabriel Varley making a feature of
other. this).
Well, you must admit that It sounds like a near miracle. When Eric C. Lewis made the early models and now Supreme have
one knows the secret is seems just as wonderful, - it's one of produced a splendid version with a well made, brightly lacquered
those tricks which one wants to play around with for hours, Just frame in wood, all accessories and the original Eric Williams
marvelling in watching it work. patter. For children Edwin suggests a presentation which could
We supply this ready to work. Two special packs of cards - be a winner. The effect is that four skeins of embroidery silk,
The plastic plates and the great routine - We KNOW this MUST taken from a display stand and dropped into a folded hanky, van-
be this season's WINNER. ish to re-appear back on the stand. It is simple, easy to handle,
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). colourful and first rate 'story' magic.
_____________ Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00).
The perfect "Dyeing Silks" effect The props for this are very simple - a
- the classic effect of a silk a, flat window-envelope representing a
changing colour again and again y'r' County Jail and three large cards depict-
when passed through a paper tube ing two policemen (American, naturally)
- BUT - with no feke to pick up or /SWi and Burglar Bill. What gives it tremen-
dispose of'. V \ dous potential is you, the performer, for
A couple of magazine pages are the routine is excellent and very flexible
used to make the tube and are freely shown back and front. so that other effects can be woven in to
They are single pages and there are no stuck-on pockets etc. dress the whole thing up.
Paper is formed into a tube and a white 12 inch silk tucked In- With two children and a bit of simple costuming you could have
side. Tube is tapped on the hand and when the silk emerges a ball with this one. Plenty of comedy situations and good visual
from the other end it has changed to Yellow! Next the Yellow props. The whole outfit is very colourful, silk-screened in
silk becomes red and then the red silk changes to a beautiful Supreme's unique style, and routines by Edwin and Ian Adair
purple one! At the end the tube is opened up, shown empty and give plenty of scope for Ideas. This blends well with 'Snooper
torn up. It's as easy as that. Can be performed anywhere. Snooped', reviewed here previously. Supreme offer a special
Close-up and surrounded. Silk is unprepared and can be used deal of both effects together, which I reckon is a good buy for 50
in a follow-up trick. Nothing to hook away on to the clothing. ■per cent of a children's show! Donald Bevan.
No pulls. The method is so very simple. Burglar Bill Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $22.00)._________
Including all the necessary silks and routine.
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). BURGLAR BILL and SNOOPER SNOOPED taken toaether at one time,
price. £18.50, (U.S.A. $45.00)
MYSTERIOUS MATCHING By Ken de Courcy. Tremendous material
Trust WALT LEES to come up with a with great entertainment potential. A Paper-
clever effect like this. A real EYE- Fold which you can use as a Coin Vanish,
POPPER performed without skill or and which enables you to perform great nov-
sleights of any kind. elty sponge ball effects. You can use it to
Two contrasting packs of cards; these tell someone's fortune; Turn it into a Vent
are NOT Forcing decks. Each deck is Cat; The Magic Carpet; A hit in Ken de
shown to consist of ALL DIFFERENT Courcy's lecture which tells you how to do
CARDS. ALL these tricks.
The performer reverses one card in A printed, illustrated book. Two colour
his deck. Spectator takes the second deck and does the same, cover.
reversing ANY card. Amazingly, both the Magician and the Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
spectator have reversed THE SAME CARDS.
Supplied with detailed instructions, plus two decks of cards
ready for you to work this right away.
A clever notion. Each snake has,
Price. £4.50. (U.S.A. $10.00). built into it, the HARRY LEAT
A small 'sleeve', a steel ball and a 'KWIK-KLOSE' principle. The snake
metal washer. The audience can see is brightly coloured and when pro-
that the ball will not pass through the duced it's about 30 inches long from
head to tail. Diameter, ins., at the head, tapering down to the
opening in the washer which is much
too small to enable this to occur.
The washer is placed on top of any
Fall lemonade or mineral water bottle. The
Here's the clever part ... the snake folds down into a small com-
Through sleeve is placed over the top. The pact unit, lust 2 inches long. Load into spectator's pocket for a
laugh or any time in your children's show. Re-set in a jiffy.
audience can look in through the top to
______________ Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).__________________
see that the washer is there blocking
the access into the bottle. Obviously DAGGER THRU MIRACLE CHEST

the washer cannot move from side to side. The handsome cabinet supplied is a
The steel ball is dropped into the top of the tube. Miraculously, versatile one ... it can be used for the
it is heard to hit the washer and immediately fall into the bottle, production of silks, flowers, etc. , or
having apparently penetrated right through the washer! it can be used for a vanish.
Immediately the tube is lifted up, the washer is shown still in Children's performers especially
place. will welcome this colourful prop and
Everything can be examined, but now the steel ball, is inside the possibilities for using it in their
the bottle!! shows to great effect.
There are no switches involved. There is just one ball, any Let us first assume that you are using the trick as a dove one.
bottle, the washer and covering sleeve. Magician shows a large broad-bladed dagger, thrusting this right
Comes complete as above. through the box from one side to the other. When the front panel
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). is completely removed from the box, it is seen that the dove has
A great trick pack, with exclusive [ $i Front panel is placed back, the dagger is removed and there is

the dove back again unharmed!
Supreme instructions by the incom- A double-barrelled trick - a penetration, a vanish, and a pro-
parable LEWIS GANSON. duction ... all in one.
Some (RACLES can be performed Children's performers may refer to the chest as 'Captain
including RON WILSON'S 'Miracle Cook's Treasure Chest', - the sword is brandished, then the pro-
Poker Hand'; 'Miracle Brag Hand'; duction of the treasure can commence.
'Ultimate Three Card Trick'; You Made entirely in wood and metal and lacquered to a high-quality
can use this pack to locate chosen cards and in many other ways. finish. Complete with Dagger and routines.
Price for the special pack and the Exclusive GANSON routine, _____________ Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $55.00)._______
£5.50, (U.S.A, $14.00).____________________


A Treasury Note is folded in half, then
The most compact and portable Wrist Chopper cut right through the centre. Both halves
ever made. CAN BE WORKED ON-STAGE OR of the bill were shown and then in a
CLOSE-UP AND SURROUNDED! twinkling of an eye, the bill is restored
Spectator inspects the blade. Sticks of celery and shown both sides again.
are placed underneath the hand. Spectator con- EXCLUSIVE BRITISH RIGHTS were gran-
firms the blade is on top of his wrist. Suddenly ted to Supreme.
the blade is rammed down, penetrating through "Received the parcel this morning and
the spectator's wrist and cutting the celery in just had to write and say how pleased I
half! was, especially with Dusheck's Dollar.
The apparatus we supply is sturdily constructed and beautifully It's fantastic. I tried it out in front of the mirror and it looked
finished. Stock is about llj" high; and the blade unit projects like real magic and very easy. Many thanks. "
2j" from the top so that it is at all times visible. Finished in Gerry Walker, Abergavenny, Gwent
high-class lacquers. We supply you with the printed, illustrated instructions, plus
A,thrilling effect and made to the degree of perfection you would stage money. You will perform this with real currency, and en-
expect from 'Supreme'. joy mystifying with this neat little miracle.
Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $75.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Edwin's “ Do as I do’’Rope Tricl FAN-P ?N
No gimmicks, gadgets, snaps, magnets >per-
or cement! You can use ANY rope! EASY ti aured
TO DO - AND - you'll do it often, it's ai

that kind of trick. Great for kids and

adult shows when you have someone on
stage to assist you. You show two lengths ip-
of rope, nothing else, and there's nothing pr
concealed in the hands, no extra pieces, leet
little loops, etc. co i the
Spectator himself cuts right through the centre of the ropes and de
chooses two pieces, you hold the other two. Suddenly and mys- The magician places t he
teriously YOUR two ropes join together! The spectator still has holes correctly line-up
two single pieces! coloured ribbon and pre
You claim you can join his two ropes together, too - and you do! through the stand and th
However what appears to be a gag turns out to be a reality and The whole of the asset ta-
suddenly you join his two ropes also into one. All the ropes can tors can hold the two en
be examined. sheet is imprisoned.
Complete with rope! We give you a generous supply of rope to- The effect can be pres xi-
gether with the illustrated instructions and routine. dlni escape; or as a det
A roll on the drums!
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). A crash on the cymbal
The magician pulls the
SUPREME clear through the ribbo
COLOUR-CHANGE LACp Here's a penetration wl
Here's a good one! it's one that gets the app
A long WHITE shoe lace is ick
has interest and then the In
pulled through the hand ... and
effect it can be used sile: di-
visibly it changes to BLACK! ence.
At the end the hands can be
One of those effects you
shown quite empty, you are left
own amazement and enjoj
holding nothing but the lace and
your audience too'. ... ar
there is nothing to conceal.
A self-contained little stunt complete with a nice line of patter Price, £20.
that makes it suitable for pocket or platform work. JU»B
A neat Comedy-quickie you Just can't go wrong with ... espe- A JUS
cially at the price of - £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
which f
FANTABALO •« each ca
The apparatus consists of a SKELE- magick
TON HOULETTE fitting into a neat He pass
Wooden base, plus a SLATE and a volving ti.
number of Jumbo cards. passes they ,ne
Briefly the effect is a prediction of other end ano
one or more cards which are selected Now any one of the cards is FREE re's NO
... but hear this ... this is performed with no duplicates, rough FORCE. The card is replaced in the je others
and smooth cards etc., AND NO FORCING. It's a truly stagger- and the cards can be genuinely shuffled.
ing concept in Mental magic. The cards can be different at each The magician thrusts the chopstick throu . the holes, so
performance. the cards are hanging on the chopstick. The ctator Is asked
A glance at our Illustration will give a fair idea of the effective- to name his card, and FLIP! - SUDDENLY TLE CHOSEN CARD
ness of the apparatus ... well and solidly made ... it will give APPEARS ABOVE THE OTHERS! I
you a lifetime of service, in the cause of entertainment. Complete with an alternative presentation idea, full instructions,
Price, £20.00, (U.S.A. $60.00). patter, genuine Chinese chopstick and twelve top quality Jumbo
With the special patter we supply this
Everything ready for you to work this effective, easy, applause-
compelling trick right away.
trick becomes a real feature ... one you Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $18.00).
can introduce anywhere into the show to
gather laughs and applause.
The method used too is a good one. Jimmy Bates' laughter raiser. A
Three short pieces of rope are shown 4 card held at the fingertips is stroked
and counted singly. Without any false with the other hand and changes into
moves, cutting away Uttle pieces, tying of knots etc., the three a completely different one. Next
pieces change into one long single length! As clean as a whistle members of the audience are asked to
- and as easy as pie! call out cards - the card changes into a MINIATURE FAN OF
A trick you'll enjoy presenting and present often as no replace- CARDS - the magician saying "Alright - there you are - take
ments are ever required. your pick!" A good laugh finish. No skiH or practice required.
We supply the special ropes; full patter, routine and instruc- It's all in the special card we supply, complete with patter.
tions. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Supreme Piggy By Ian Adair. “ANYTHING YOU SAY”
A cute nylon foam cut-out of a pig, about
8" across, by 4j"high. Pig-pink! Folds 9 Each of three spectators, invited up,
plays a part in the enactment of an
up small. Will provide you with lots of «t 'Orrible Murder, one being the body,
gags and comedy climaxes to what might one the witness and one the murderer.
otherwise be dull presentations. Each "chooses a weapon" - names
Use him as a climax to Three Little Sponge Ball Piggies. In- printed on large cards. (But you could
stead of sponge balls use pink coloured sponge discs. Yes, you
use real articles: rope, dagger, pistol,
are provided with a set of four diameter discs with each pig poison bottle, hammer.) Cards or weapons are hidden.
we sell. While this is afoot you have your back turned. No one (not even
Produce him from a paper bag - it's a 'Pig in a Poke', or from members of the audience) knows the "identity" of the spectators
a Piggy Bank! or the weapons held. Even the helpers themselves don't know
Produce him from between two slices of bread as a super bacon what their colleagues hold!
sandwich! Many other ideas are given. You'll say it's extra- But truth will out! Returning as a D.I., you question the sus-
ordinary good value! pects - frivolous questions that can have no bearing, and pro-
The properly cut-out pig, the set of discs, all the routines and ducing fun for that reason. But, suddenly you startle everybody
ideas all for only. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). by revealing that you know which spectator holds the weapon. In


For years, magicians from all over the
mounting suspense, you dramatically announce the identities of
body and witness, and finally unmask the murderer!
world have wondered which type of holder Complete ready to work, (we pay the postage), £2. 50,
(U.S.A. $7.00).
or harness Fantaslo used to be able to re-

lease his doves so fast.
Now a Supreme Exclusive.
The Pirate and The Parrot
SAFE: You will never be embarrassed A tremendous novelty feature for the
because of the dove moving prior to pro- Puppeteer or the Punch worker.
duction! A set of two hand-made figures, one a
SURE: You'll be able to release the dove rascally 'Long John Silver' type of char-
even blindfolded! acter the other a parrot.
SUPERB: Because the material used for Fantasio's Dove Pro- 'Heave-ho my hearties', this is a real
ducer is perfect for this effect. villainous character to bring a thrill and
Fantasio's own producer, exact to his specifications and fully a chill of excitement to any young heart.
approved by him. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). A real gorgeous figure, large - perhaps
ludicrously so but one is allowed a certain
THE HOFNER QUINTET - licence when using material of this sort. Real glass eyes.
His carved beak moves sufficiently for him to get hold of a
Five FEATURE effects by JOHN
stick, or a toy sword.
HOFNER. Edited by KEN DE You will think of many ways of using this wonderful set of pup-
COURCY and with illustrations by
pets in your programme. They really do look terrific.
the Author and the Editor. B THE Pirate adventure stories are beloved by young and old. Here
If you will make these items up, 'HOFNER are a couple of characters to bring a real breath of the Carib-
rehearse them and present them as
the author suggests, they are JUST
q u int et bean! Heave-ho my hearties for a barrel of rum or a barrel of
fun! Price, £45.00, (U.S.A. $125.00).
CHAMPIONSHIP' a prediction which
is always 100% correct. Joe Cossarl's entire routine, an act

'THE BIG BANG', 12-Bore Russian which it took many years to develop.
Roulette. Five blanks, one live cartridge, a sensational and We supply the complete outfit. The rou-
breath-taking stunt which will earn you valuable publicity. tine Itself is In the form of a printed
'WHERE IN THE WORLD', a Holiday Prediction. book with etghty-flve Illustrations. Draw-
'RECORDED DELIVERY', you have your instructions on ings by Ed Mishell, Mickey O'Malley and
tape. 'RECORDED DELIVERY' PART 2 - can be a stunner. Bob Gregg. Introduction by Dai Vernon
There are full instructions for ALL these effects in a twenty- who writes:
"Joe's act is unique. Watching him •
four page printed illustrated booklet. ;»
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).___________________ perform one can sit and enjoy it much as
people watch a display of colourful flreworks. The celebrated
An exclusive Supreme Publication which
Cardini who used card fans in his act, was quite envious of the
effectively removes the biggest snag in the
way Joe Cossarl, King of Cards formed his perfect fans."
'Eight Kings' or the 'Si Stebbins' set-up.
'A Set up Reset' John Fedko wrote; "If you use only one of Joe's routines in
GEORGE BLAKE refrained from publish-
your act, it will be worth the price you paid for Joe's Card Act. "
ing this for many years. Now here are the
Supplied with the book are two packs of Joe Cossarl's original
full details. You'll be amazed how easy it
six colour design to give maximum Impact, and a series of
is to still locate a chosen card from a deck
startling eye-catching changes'.
and yet when the deck is spread out face-up,
In addition to all this we give you a supply of fanning powder
this has no semblance of any continuity in
so you'll be all-set to go and start practising some wonderful
RBRRSMKUB&H values or suits.
As a bonus, George has added his own The Joe Cossarl Card Act could well prove to be the best buy
notes on Exchanging Decks, etc., etc. of your magical lifetime.
This is valuable material worth far more than the modest price Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
we place on it.Price, £2,50. (U.S.A. $6,00),______ __________ __
By permission of Bud Dietrich and
Dick Jarrow of Chicago, U.S.A, Although a "small" item the effect is
comes a most unusual effect, ... A one with terrific impact, so much so
hit in Dick Jarrow's lecture at the that one well-known professional ma-
recent British Ring Convention. gician ALAN SHAXON is concluding
Something really extraordinary, an his Music-Hall and Cabaret act with
effect that is unusual and that has a this, the performance of the trick
real knock-out climax. never failing to produce instant ap-
Two Jumbo-size cards are shown. preciative applause.
Let us assume that these are the King of Spades and the 3 of Dia- A half-pint tumbler is filled to the
monds. The King of Spades is marked by having a miniature King brim with water. A small square of
of Spades clipped on to it. paper is placed over the mouth of this
Cards are turned face-down and audience is asked to guess and the glass reversed. liquid re-
which card is the King of Spades. Naturally, they select the card mains in the glass!
with the miniature on it. Then the paper is removed ... still the liquid remians suspend-
Surprise No. 1 comes when a card without a miniature on it is ed, as though frozen solid!
turned over ... it is the King of Spades! The marked card is At performer's command liquid gushes out of the tumbler into
shown to be the 3 of Diamonds. a jug or basin placed beneath it! A trick which can be performed
Now here's the second surprise ... When the miniature card is under any conditions! Our new model is made from heavy-duty
turned over, it is seen that 'in sympathy' with the card to which it plastic. A great trick made right. !
is now attached, it is changed and is now the 3 of Diamonds!!'. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). /
Yes, everything can be examined!
The double climax is a really big surprise. We know that you'll Arthut Sollerinfton'a
flip when you see it, the same as we did.
Supreme have been granted Sole British Rights on this novel ef-
Our Exclusive! Praised by top ma-
fect. BANG! BANG! - That's'DOUBLE IMPACT'.
Comes complete with full routine and all the necessary cards S gicians, all over the world.
etc., ready for you to work It right away. A custom-built prop to look right -
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). j work right! Wooden Die is 4" square,
' covered with a lacquered red and gold
Often referred to as 'The Gypsy Thread'. I tube placed on an elevated platform.
The late FRED KAPS, RICKY JAY, |Then a shown-empty metal cylinder is
BILLY McCOMB, A LI BONGO, MAR- _____ 'placed on top of the wooden die and
CONICK, and others have featured this tapped down into tRe tube with a mallet.
When the cover is lifted, the large die has vanished. There is
A piece of thread is shown and torn into only the metal cylinder on the tray. Metal cylinder is shown and
pieces, the pieces are wadded into a ball die is now completely cylindrical Inside with its spots elongated.
oito one of the short lengths of thread. It's a knockout!
When slowly pulled out, THE THREAD First ones sold to Jeffery Atkins and John Sallsse. Both said
IS RESTORED. "A fantastic effect. "
All you need to know is in this one Price, £22.50, (U.S.A. $65.00).
great Teach-In by the incomparable
LEWIS GANSON. Lewis' easy to follow text PLUS twenty-two
photographs, and fourteen illustrations by ALI BONGO, make the
working easy for you. That fine Continental Magician
ASTOR has been fooling all the boys
Here you will find All Bongo's Presentation; the Marconick
Routine; Humorous Gypsy Thread; David Nixon's idea; PAT ■over there' with his brilliant Monte
CONWAY'S ROUTINE, - all this in one great Teach-In. effect using large white plastic
Printed on top quality paper, plus art board cover. A fabulous discs - spotted and plain.
Teach-In. The closer they watched the less
they would see and the metalic spot-
Price, £3,00, (U.S.A. $8.00)._________________
ted disc never seemed to be where it
A quote from "Overview of Magic" by
should be!
Finally, after all the fun, the brilliant climax came when the
Tom Zoss in the "M.U.M. " Magazine spot CHANGED COLOUR - and places with another spotted disc
of the Society of American Magicians. lain aside at the commencement of the routine (and always in full
"BIRDIES IN THE BOX is a utility view).
prop, furnished with props for several Oh! - and everything was immediately EXAMINED, but no-
effects. 'The Box' is a beautiful wood body ever did discover any feke or explanation to the miracle!
box decorated in black, orange and Now, by special arrangement, we are able to offer this bril-
gold. The basic effect involves four liant trick to you. A Supreme Exclusive we know you'll be
plastic birds and four ribbons, one for proud to own and to perform.
each colour of bird. After much byplay with misnamed colours, You'll be especially interested to know that the whole routine
the colours match up and are removed together. is easy to do. A great close-up winner.
"This prop can be used to produce silks, flowers, and other Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
items - the bottom opens to give a view clear through! Well-
made, with birds, box, ribbons, and excellent instructions for "Busy with shows. THE PLATE SPINNING COMPETITION which
only" - I purchased from you is going down extremely well. It's a REAL
Price, £14.50, (U.S.A. $45.00). HIT." George Hills, Glasgow
Knockout Version of an Australian Monte
i *!> Game. The audience are asked to follow HANDKERCHIEF
the black Ace but they never can. Com-
plete with special cards, instructions and
patter. Written and photographed by LEWIS
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). GANSON. A beautiful routine. A
large ball is produced from a silk,
the baH is covered with a cone, it
BIG-HEAD HAT vanishes, reappears in the perfor-
Lu Brent's Original, with a folded hat that gets L/ / mer's pocket. A series of vanishes
bigger and bigger. A great laugh bit tn any kids j\ j I and reappearances take place during
show. P the process of which the ball changes
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00). ' /'’VXT' colour, then back again! A trick you'll enjoy learning.
We can supply the routine only in printed booklet form, with
BANK-NOTE IN LEMON sixteen new photographs taking you phase by phase through the
complete sequence. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Any banknote is borrowed, anyone
reads the numbers off and copies We can supply the Complete Outfit. - The printed, photographic-
them down. The borrowed note is ally illustrated Instructions, PLUS an approximately 24 inch silk,
vanished and found inside an exam- PLUS three special solid rubber balls (approx, lj inches in size),
ined lemon. Several variations are given in the detailed and a top-quality real leather cone, made specially for this ef-
manuscript. Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00). fect' Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).

Barefaced Brainwave BEERO

A new Conjuring classic born Place a few drops in the bottom of a tum-
from an old one! Fifty-two bler, pour in liquid, and you have a realis-
plain blank pieces of card are tic glass of foaming, natural-looking ale.
shown. Spectator takes an in- Not drinkable, but by having an assistant
visible card ... no force, and FLUID switch the glass it can be real stuff that
throws it towards the pack is passed 'out front'.
which the performer is hold- Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $5.00).
ing. The card is removed and
shown to be printed front and
back. Audience-participation and a great surprise finish. Very ARABIAN MAT
easy to work. A great prop you'll use in many ways.
Complete with the special cards and full routine. Silks appear! You can perform a REPEAT
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). SILK PRODUCTION or they VANISH! or
ONE! Ten ideas are given with every Mat.
BEACON WAND Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
We could 1111 this Catalogue with the test-
imonials we received about this one trick.
There's never been anything like it! First

the tip jumps from end to end, then it van- KNOTS

A length of rope, half of which is
ishes, then the wand becomes a black and
white striped one. A large orange ball is dyed red, the other half is plain
produced and the wand is transformed into white. Right before the audience a
a miniature Belisha Beacon. knot is tied in each half of the rope.
Used by TERRY HERBERT, PETER GREENWOOD, JOHN Miracle of miracles! When you
STYLES ... we could go on and on. This is a truly great effect. pass your hand over the knots they
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). change places!
The white knot becomes red, and
BEACON w a n d SHELLS Yes, we can supply you with these the red knot becomes white!
for the Beacon Wand or the Vanishing Wand or similar effects. The effect can be immediately repeated and finally, you can
Supplied in flat form, ungummed, price per packet of twelve, undo the knots and throw the rope out for examination.
GOp, (U.S.A. $2.00), price per four packets of twelve, £2.00, We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw Pavel perform this
(U.S.A. $5.00). brilliant mystery, neither will you when you see it worked.
Price. £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
We made an extra large versionof this for JEFF ATKINS to
A really good novelty. You show an Old
English penny, interestingin Itself, then work on one of the I.B. M. Gala Shows and now this is generally
prove your 'Super-human strength' by available. Exactly the same as our regular Chameleon Knots
bending it. We supply you with a regular EXCEPT that this is made from a heavier quality rope and longer.
Old English penny, plus a bent one and routine. Ideal for STAGE use.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
A NO-COUNT poker hand changes iRT ADAIR’S IDEAS
to FOUR ACES! One of the easiest
to do novel card effects in the Nick
latke Ian Adair's first book, published by
The Supreme Magic Company. Thirty-

’Ho l e
Trost Collection.
Complete with cards etc. , ready six first-class items in a typescript
for you to work. book. Exciting tricks you can make
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $5.00). □2. -SC yourself.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).

■' iilll T The routine originated by Ace Gor-
A smaU container is shown and a large,
| — ham of the U.S. A. - First a borrow- solid steel, ball. Container is filled with
** /T ed rlng passes onto a cord- Next, a
water and the ball dropped inside. A cork
T ' V second borrowed ring links onto the is placed on, making removal of the ball
,\'U first sP€ctator's ring! Or merely
X. borrow two finger rings and link them When the cork is removed, the liquid
7 &JJ together! Spectators Identify their runs out of the bottom of the container in
.5 rings as they are linked and unlinked
a stream into a glass placed beneath it,
again and apart from that there's nothing there!
P’ | & KEN DE COURCY wrote a marvel- The ball seems to have apparently dissolved away into nothing!
' ' lous new routine that's included.
_______________ Price, £4.50, (U.S.A, $12.00)._______________
Great names in Magic such as ROBERT HARBIN, OSWALD
RAE and HARRY LATOUR endorsed It.
Price for the special 'Something' and routines, £3.50 (U.S.A.$8.)
Originated by LYNN SEARLES. No trick
Aces. A couple of easy-to-do moves and
Sometimes known as ’The Maverick
Card Trick1. First produced by Su-
& »ne <0. the special something makes it possible.
"ACET TRUMPS The four Aces are dealt singly on to the
preme (by arrangement with WERRY)
table. Twelve indifferent cards are shown
under the title of 'Winning Hand' in
four on top of each. Spectator chooses a
pocket size!
New large, larger than Jumbo size! pile, NO FORCE OF ANY KIND. The remaining three are turn-
ed over to show all indifferent cards. The four Aces are in the
Five cards are used, the Ace to
packet chosen.
Five of a sort. One card is removed
Price, for the routine, use your own deck of cards, £1.50,
and the Ace turned over. Surprise
Number One comes when all the other (U.S.A. $4.00).
cards 'turn over' in sympathy. The
biggest surprise is to come when you
turn the cards over and they have all CRAZY SEE THROUGH CARDS
changed to ACES - THE FOUR ACES!!! Spectators can examine the backs of
A Winning Hand! the cards, there's nothing to be seen.
Supreme Aces Trumps, price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Cards can be thoroughly shuffled yet
you only have to hold a card up and

THE WMNTED HANK A white pocket handkerchief be-

touch the back with your fingers to bo
able to name the card.
A spectator on-stage is also able to
comes animated, jumping around and name any card ... it's brilliant!
behaving in an hilariously humorous The method is fantastic. The cards are printed on card stock
manner and going through some baf- which is such that when the cards are held in front of a light they
fling manoeuvres. It stands upright become almost transparent. YOU CAN SEE THE PRINTED
in the hands, shoots from side to FACES RIGHT THROUGH ON TO THE BACK. We give you sev-
side, is crushed in the hands and eral ideas for using the cards with each pack.
still rises and jumps about! It wrig- Price, perpack, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
gles and moves in a life-like manner. Five cards printed with letters of the
The Haunted Hank can be worked alphabet. Cards are arranged some
anywhere. In this version there are no threads and no Zombie- face up and some face down, yet with a
type wires, GREAT for Floor Show when worked in 'pantomime'. N I flick all the cards face one way again.
WONDERFUL for comedy. You can repeat it again and again.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15,00).
• O' Do some of the cards have double
The simplest trick of its kind ever,
N backs or double faces ? Let the cards
answer for themselves for when flicked
out two cards have reversed to spell
yet practical and fool-proof. - Deck NO!
is fanned and shown front and back. Both sides of all cards are shown and
Three cards are selected. Magician yet still the cards perform their many mystifying capers.
demonstrates his X-Ray eye by nam- Wnat's the answer? No, it's NOT a lemon, for when the cards
ing ALL THREE CARDS. are flicked out they spell ONION.
For another effect, a card can rise No sleights, No Rough and Smooth or Stripper cards.
out of the deck, or you can use this Price, £1.75> (U.S.A. $5.00).
special deck for Forcing a card.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
A cute Bendy face which you can use as a vent i? TUE- \ A full deck of 52 regular cards, yet
novelty and for the entertainment of young children. FOUR of with the aid of it and the gimmick sup-
0'A*\o a K>S
Fingers are inserted at the back of the face, which plied you can perform a series of the
then twists and distorts into many humorous expressions. most unusual card stunts of the pre-
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $3.00).
sent day.
1. Deck is shuffled, yet you locate
The Five Star Packet a spectator's card.
2. A card is FREE LY selected, yet
cludes 'Kwik-Kut', a clever card dis- \ 7 it is one which you have predicted in
closure, Albright's comedy Neck-tie
routine, Squeezo Coin, Fly-to-Card, 3. A spectator selects a card, a second spectator peeks at one,
and Albright's Improved Ropes through both spectators choose the same card!
Neck. 4. Anyone looks at a card any number from the top. Spectator
Tricks that can be performed im- names that card.
promptu or can be 'built-up' into Four sensational and baffling tricks.
flashy programme items.
In sealed manuscript form. \\ Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. §9.00).
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00)t
Use your own cards; The little type- The original HAROLD TAYLOR Lecture
f ® script booklet tells all. - Ten play- Notes! A limited number only. Comes in
‘ *
ing cards are mixed. You turn your the form of a twenty-page printed booklet
•> a a.|
with illustrated cover and covers such
back, as, with the cards in a spec-
*11 tator's hands, he moves any number aspects as 'How much are you worth' -
of cards from the bottom to the top. 'Working for children' - 'The Party Or-
You take the cards and without a ganiser', etc. Plus details of Harold's
second's hesitation turn over one favourite tricks.
card, the value of the card showing It should be understood that this is not a book, but notes.
the number of cards moved. Nevertheless you will find these interesting and instructional,
Cards are again mixed and the ef- and full of sound advice. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
fect can be repeated - two, three,
four or five times if you wish. You are always right.
For a climax, spectator performs the trick without you in any “AND SO TO BED”
way handling the cards. You tell him to turn over, say, the fifth ■f A Supreme Exclusive! Originated
card, and sure enough the fifth card shows the number moved. by EDWIN many years ago and used
with success by TOMMY COOPER,
Price for the instructions only, 75p, (U.S.A. $1.50). ft FRANKIE HOLMES, KARRELL

FOX and other TOP performers.
Abbott’s SUPER DOVE PRODUCTION An outsize wand suddenly drops
This is the Abbott version, the Original and open into a banner, showing the per-
many consider still the Best! former all dressed for bed with
From a few bunched-up silks a live dove makes striped red and white pyjamas,
its appearance. A second, third and fourth dove night cap and hot water bottle. Performer's own face shows
can make their appearance in the same way. through a cut-out in the banner as he wishes his audience 'Good
This method of producing live doves is one of Night!'
the most beautiful effects in magic. Made from a strong linen type material which will give years
One dove production, price £4.50, $12.00. of wear. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Two doves production, price £8.50, $20.00.
Four doves production, price £16.00, $38.00.
With this special deck
and the detailed instruc-
Please note, price is for the instructions, gimmicks and holders
tions we supply, you can
predict the card a spec- Al Baker
tator will choose! Per-
ABBOTT’S METHOD 20th CENTURY form the Perfect Stop Force-Deck
SILKS trick; 'Twins'; a simple card stab, and other items.
Remember you get the special deck of cards AND FULL IN-
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).


This uses silks of all the same colour. Silks are counted sep- -SENSITIVE
arately. Two are tossed down on a chair and the third is vanished FINGERTIPS A whole act by HOWARD P. ALBRIGHT in
to appear firmly knotted between the others. Illustrated instruc- which you prove you can SEE WITH YOUR
tions only, price, 65p, (U.S.A. $1.50). HANDS, reading cards, dates on coins, num-
Vrf ■?
bers on bills, etc., etc., with your finger-
tips. It's all here.
Complete with FOUR 18 inch silks, Price £7.50, (U.S.A. $23.00)
Complete with FOUR 24 inch silks, Price £11. 50.(U.S. A. $30.00) Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Blankety Blank 7M \ CABARET «aüt Baboon

Uses a regular deck of cards. r" /Öfi, J
First the faces, then the backs dis-
appear, leaving a blank pack! S O
■ A high-grade professional prop
Comes with full instructions etc. [ and a beautiful magical creation.
Use your own deck of cards. The handsome cabinet can be
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). shown all the way around. The
lid at the top can be opened and
the magician can pass his hand
BUNTY THE BUNNY right through the cabinet and the open front, showing that this is
quite definitely empty. A long airship balloon is inflated and
Three complete routines with a Puppet placed through the cabinet, so that it projects at each end. A
Rabbit, plus tips and ideas, especially spectator touches the balloon with the magician's wand - and
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. §3.00). You do not have to be anywhere near the cabinet when this oc-
BUZZ-SAW ILLUSION Instead of a dove, thousands of spring flowers can cascade
from the Cabinet. Those who have the excellent book 'POZ-
Magician proves the effectiveness IT1VE KIDS MAGIC' by POZ will know that he uses it having
the saw by sawing through a 2 x 4. hundreds of sweets cascade from the box.
Girl is placed on the table behind the Quality magic, well-made in wood and attractively lacquered
saw. The audience gasp as they see in lemon-yellow, black and gold.
the saw CUT RIGHT INTO THE GIRL, Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $80.00).
EVEN EXPOSING HER BARE BACK and tearing her dress.
Girl is removed, dehypnotlsed(?) and seemingly is none the BUTLER’S BRAINWAVE RAZOR BLADES J
worse for her harrowing experience.
The outfit is designed to give the maximum THRILL without A number of Razor Blades pass on to a string
any possibility of danger to the girl. held by a spectator. Use any razor blades and ■
Workshop Plans to enable you to build this outstanding reputa- string. In manuscript form.
tion-mnking illusion. Price, £2. 50, (U.S. A. $6.00). Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00). —


By Ian Adair. Something different in pub- A classic feat of magic. An orange is
lications ... a COMPLETE ACT which can be handed out for inspection and is retained
presented completely surrounded right in the by a spectator. A card is selected and
centre of the cabaret floor! Not JUST Dove torn into a number of pieces. They van-
effects but some excellent general magic too.! ish, except for one piece which a spec-
Contents are: Dove Production from Hat, ' tator retains. When the orange is cut
Newspaper Vanish, Production of Cages, etc. open, inside it is the card which is fully
Also the 'Climax Television Dove Vanish', - — restored less the missing corner, which fits. Sealed manuscript
a great vanish of many doves from along a perch inside a Tele- form. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
vision Cabinet with drop-down doors at the front and back.
Remember, all these effects can be presented completely sur-
Barrel 8 Broom Illusion
Uses an ordinary barrel drilled full of holes.
A splendid value-for-money publication cracker-jack full of Assistant is fastened and locked inside the
worthwhile material. barrel. Broom after broom is thrust through.
Typescript form. Printed covers. A cloth is held up in front of the barrel and
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). the person escapes. A DOUBLE EFFECT.
Complete method, presentation and draw-
CASH IN - CHECK-OUT Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
lan Adair's trick which has tremen-
dous audience appeal, progression and
a surprising climax. rrfl COLOR I-DO-AS-U
Two large panels represent a wallet, By George Boston. Two decks of
the magician shows his way of making cards, one red and one blue. Spec-
money. When the panels are separ- tator does as you do, cutting the
ated, a genuine £1 (or $1) note appears deck any number of times, then re-
between them. moving a number of cards and plac-
Placed together again a £5 (or $5) ul o y ing them in his pocket without look-
note appears! Magician only has to ing at them. You do the same and remove the same number of
think big money and it appears. Now a £20 note appears, yes a cards, not only that, the audience are amazed to find that the per-
genuine £20 note. Magician tries again and this time there is an former has matched the spectator's cards with his own!!
enormous cheque, drawn on the Bank of Magic Unlimited for ONE No sleights. No moves, No special cards. It's just a simple,
MILLION ... Good wishes!!!! subtle idea which comes in printed, illustrated manuscript form.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
A LETTER FROM TONI TORRINI of Yes, we know we sometimes give
BE LGIUM. you too soft a sell, but we believe the
"It may seem a little late with a TUB quality of our products and our repu-
Christmas story but I feel I cannot let GREAT tation speaks for itself. PETER
you go uninformed of my success MASONI D'ARCY of Cheam, Surrey, wrote to
since that time when I purchased from us recently; this is what he had to say:
you the book, 'OUT OF THE HAT' by nUlKtf "Every so often you advertise an
The Great MASONI. effect which doesn't 'read' very well,
"After reading this book carefully, consequently it probably gets passed
studying it and putting the various over by a lot of people.
things into action, I am pleased to say Such an item is

I won the first award in a Talent Show.
This was a Variety performance with FUNNY FOTOS
dancers, singers, other magicians, which I have found an absolute riot
etc. The prize included two gold this season and, joy of joys, it needs
medals and a weekend in Paris. no re-setting!
Showmanship Out of the Hat "At £25.00, ($70.00) it's been one of my best buys.
... taught me how to move on stage - how to dress - how to co- "Every year I do a four day stint as host/entertainer at a sea-
operate with my assistant - how to make-up ... and many other side hotel (Incidentally, Mark Raffles did his great pick-pocket
things which all added up to my success. act one night) and as an experiment I put the 'Funny Fotos' on
"I recommend this book to every magician. This should be the one night. Although there were only nine or ten kids in the audi-
first buy of anyone coming into our wonderful branch of enter- ence it still got the laughs - it really is a great routine."
tainment ... indeed, any branch of entertainment. Get this book YES, we CAN supply from stock by return ...
and maybe you too will visit Paris for the price of the book!
"My thanks to Supreme for being supreme and to the late and Modesty forbids us ADDING to Peter's testimonial.
Great MASONI, who was my personal Santa Claus."
SHOWMANSHIP OUT OF THE HAT is available from stock, A great time-filling novelty presen-
price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
X£ ”d Wf
... > t
Trust BILLY McCOMB and KEN de ERIC WILLIAM'S fe-'y L >! '£■
COURCY to come up with a winner
like this ... it's -
8" x 10" autograph book ... all the <
CABARET CARD DIVINATION pages are shown blank. Suddenly the £
Any deck of cards is examined, book becomes fully printed with /') *’V<' ‘‘ttr
shuffled. A sealed envelope is given verses on each page. Iz
to a spectator. Seven cards are Does that sound funny or exciting?
dealt from the shuffled deck. One by It IS with Eric's routine and patter. A real riot when you start
one the magician names the selected to read out the verses which have appeared. Saucy! Spicy!
cards AS THE SPECTATOR THINKS Honestly vulgar!
OF THEM. Nothing to memorise for the rhymes are all printed for you.
Finally, a punch climax when he You only have to read them out to get solid 'belly-laughs' from
shows the one remaining card is the one he PREDICTED! your Club audience. A complete act in an autograph book!
No special apparatus is supplied or needed. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
As featured by BILLY McCOMB in his cruise work. Eight 8"
x 10" page printed booklet which tells you all you need to know. "SUPREME are the ONLY dealers
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). ! Hin the world to have ever received my
. Potor
'■permission to market my WILD

MINI ROAD SIGN ■■ ■■■ K«n.-.

■c a r d ." Peter Kane, March 1973.
and now here's
The popular 'Square Compass' ef- Peter-Kane's
fect ("Hi-Signs") with an amusing
line of patter, now produced small k Wild Card - Plus
■■ ■■■ Irvi.yipW bv Eight Tens, one Ace. Spectators
enough for you to include in your Ä ItWISGAMO* will vouch for the fact that they have
close-up case but it's still big enough ■<<♦1 seen the backs and faces of all the
for you to use at your more intimate type shows'. cards, yet miraculously, they change
Size of the plaque is 4.1, inches square; silk-screened with a ... Yes, the Tens change to Aces,
bold black arrow and varnished. The edges are bound for long the Aces to Tens, the cards reverse
Ihr ..v-J or r-ws ms Ihr S-r«
wear. MU' KXIIIM Irr Ihn mrjrrn rljtnr by themselves and all the cards change
As you tell the story, the arrows change, first one way and to Aces at the finish. It's an EYE-
then the other. No skill required. A great item for your close- POPPER!
up repertoire and one which you will enjoy performing. The 'Supreme' effect we sell includes a specially-printed book
Price, complete, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). of routines by PETER KANE, WILLIAM G. STICKLAND and
BOB GILL; written and with 24 photographs by LEWIS GANSON.
As a bonus, we give you the special set of cards required in a
neat plastic wallet, everything for you to include this eye-pop-
64, HIGH STREET, BIDEFORD, ping, modern classic card effect into your close-up repertoire.
DEVON, ENGLAND Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
The great classic of magic. Balls
appear under the cups, vanish, multi-
A dynamic treatise on this ever-popular favourite. The full
ply, etc. You end up by producing
routine takes 12 minutes but may be shortened to suit the per-
fruit from each cup. Supreme can sup-
former's taste. It ends up with a table covered with a large,
ply all you need to present this great number of balls, playing cards, lemons, potatoes, cigarettes,
effect. flowers, silks, etc. Typescript text, printed covers.
Please note, prices include set of Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
three cups only. No balls or instruc-
tions. (These are listed separately.) THE LAST WORD ON THE CUPS AND BALLS
STAGE SIZE DUMPIES To be used with 1" balls. These are By Eddie Joseph. Eighty six new moves, sleights and novel
great to handle, nice and light, in gleaming spun polished alloy. effects, stirring brand new routines. Just as practical for the
Set of three cups, price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $24.00). beginner as for the expert. Fully printed, seventy 6j" x 8"
pages. Book you will be proud to own and delighted to learn
STAGE SIZE COPPER DUMPIES Add a touch of luxury and from. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
class to your performance. Everyone loves the warm glow of
Set of three cups, price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $34.00). Every detail of Vernon's great routine, described by LEWIS
MINI CUPS Exactly as Stage Size cups but these use g" balls, GANSON and with sixteen easy to follow photographs. Includes
’e Spectator's Choice, Big climax, the vanish of a ball whilst spin-
they are Just that little bit smaller. A deception in design, these
are the same diameter as the large cups but look only half the ning the wand and Charlie Miller's Cups and BaUs Move.
size when they are nested! Well-printed 16 page booklet. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Set of three cups in spun alloy, price £7-50, (U.S.A. $22.00). COLOMBINI’S CUPS AND BALLS
COPPER MINI CUPS Made from solid copper. A new dimension added to this classic. The routine for which
Set of three cups, price £12.00. (U.S.A. $33.00). COLOMBINI scooped a major prize at a FISM Convention. New
HAND KNITTED CROCHETED BALLS These are cork balls routine with new moves and subtleties. 54 stage-by-stage
covered in top quality wool with hand crochet work. The perfect photos ^th illustrations too as necessary. Everything flows
balls for the Cups & Balls trick. along smoothly and logically to the climax. Fantastic magical
Set of four g" balls, price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). treat. One of the fabulous Ganson Magic Teach-In series.
Set of four 1" balls, price. £4.50, (U.S.A. $11.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Price per extra ball ordered at the same time, either size, 75p,
(U.S.A. $1.50).
A very simple basic routine which is easy to perform. Type-
JUMBO 2" HAND CROCHETED BALL script, in sealed manuscript form.
Lightweight cork ball 2" in diameter Price, 50p., (U.S.A. $1.00).
covered with hand crochet work in three
colours. Easier to carry around than
the usual lemon, apple or potato.
Price, per ball, £2.00, (U.S.A.$4.00).
Mini Rigid Rope
One of the cutest versions of the
FLOCK COVERED BALLS about 3" in diameter with velvet- 'Rigid Rope', trick. Rope remains \
like finish. Balls are weighted and won't roll off the table. Suit- completely rigid at will. Can be \
able for large size cups only. animated - it jumps about and 8 0 * X.
Price, each 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). springs from side to side! Extra I 8 ei~~.
MAGICIAN'S WAND ungimmicked rope is supplied too; %
A nice-looking wand made in plastic, black and complete with routine.
with white tips. Ideal for you to use during your Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Cups and BaUs routine.
Price, £i,75, (U.S.A. $5.00). Ä CARD CAPRICE
CRYSTAL WAND A small wand made from crystal clear
glass with coloured ends. 9g" long. THAT WAS A PROGRAMME ITEM????
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00). The answer to this is obvious ... so-o-o-o

How would you like a feature card mystery
PRACTICAL LESSON ON THE CUPS AND BALLS that can be done in your regular cabaret spot,
By Eddie Joseph. Original moves, ideas and suggestions, - «• on a stage, or Impromptu ?
The Palm, Showing One Ball when holding TWO, the Jo-Jo Intro- That can involve direct participation of up
duction, Execution, First, Second and Third Finale, etc. Type- .j thirteen members of the audience?
script text, printed covers. A trick that can be done with a borrowed pack and has an ap-
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). plause-pulling climax ?
LITERATURE ON THE CUPS & BALLS A trick involving no sleight-of-hand ?
A trick that runs for five to seven minutes and, by itself, makes
'Supreme' offer a wide range of booklets dealing specifically
an ideal encore spot ? If that's the sort of trick you could use
with this effect. The following are recommended :-
(and couldn't we all!), look no further.
A "commercial" routine which has been acclaimed by magicians by KEN DE COURCY who has also added many of his own ideas
and laymen alike. A quick-fire series of transpositions packed and presentations. Altogether, it must be the BIGGEST VALUE
in card magic you ever bought.
full of comedy. Printed illustrated booklet.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England
A wonderful and almost un-
A whole lot of fun. A silk-screened
believable production! You
plaque 8 inches x 10 inches which has
asked us to re-make it and we
a picture of 'Sidney the Seal'. A cut-
out disc (ball) vanishes. There's lots
Each dice is 2| inches
of business. The ball SHOULD appear
square! Each dice appears to
on the seal's nose BUT it re-appears
fill a hat! - Yet SIX can be pro-
elsewhere AND it's changed colour!
duced without trouble! GREAT
There's a tremendous lot more fun
in the routine which is "sustained” and built for LAUGHS before
Produce a dice between each of your effects. The advantage of
a large FISH, the titbit, which Sidney receives when he catches
this method is that all the dice appear to be exactly the same
the ball appears and our old friend BOBO THE CLOWN in a
size, obviously, they could not nest (and yet they really do!)
colourful costume.
We supply the set of SIX special dice, complete with ideas
and ways for you to introduce them into your programmes.
COMPLETE, ready to work. Something NEW and GOOD for your
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
children's shows.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).


We use this in conjunction with the 'Cry-
Two beautifully made brass
stal Cabinet1. The vanish of a giant (ap- boxes. A coin is borrowed from
prox. 10") cloth-covered ball from a a spectator and marked. A
paper bag which is crushed up flat. 'Be- signed adhesive disc can be at-
wildering Ball Vanish' is ingenious yet re- tached to it. Or you can use a
quires no skill. lady's engagement ring. The ring
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00). or coin VANISHES, the specta-
tor who Is holding the brass box can closely examine this.
The BEST "Spelling Bee" effect we LID. Inside the box completely filling it, is a SECOND brass box
have presented, and with GIANT 8" x Again there is no way into it and the spectator has to UNSCREW
10" CARDS silk-screened ALL IN THE LID. All this is done by the SPECTATOR HIMSELF. Inside
COLOUR. the second box is the vanished coin or ring. This is SUPERB
A GIANT SHOPPING LIST; when PRECISION-MADE MAGIC, made in the tradition of yester-year.
children from the audience endeavour Price, £18.50, (U.S.A. $-10.00).
to spell out the items on it, they al-
ways end up with the TOFFEES! There's DISC-DECEPTION
There's some funny business; even Two large plastic discs are GEN-
an ELEPHANT appears ... (after all, UINELY shown on both sides. They
you need him because you've got to are quite definitely BLANK, no 'Turn
pack the groceries in his trunk!)
Finally, all ends well AND THE
Over' moves or anything of that sort.
Discs are laid on the table side by
This is SOLID ENTERTAINMENT. A genuine pack of cards is shown and
Price, complete, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). two cards are selected. Magician tells
about a little ghost who is always writ-
A a inch die with coloured 'spot' sides
CUBIÖ“ ing things in crayon. - Beards and
threaded on a string. IT STARTS, IT moustaches on posters, rude words on
STOPS, JUST AS A SPECTATOR WISHES. walls. Nobody ever knows how they
Just like the old 'Obedient Ball' trick BUT get there! THIS LITTLE GHOST IS THE CHAP WHO DOES IT
here's the DIFFERENCE, - it only does ALL. Perhaps he will write on the disc tonight ... not rude
it FOR YOU, it doesn't do it for a specta- words! - but the names of the chosen cards. HE DOES TOO -
tor! They can pull the cord as much as for when the discs are turned over, there boldly crayoned onto
they like, it won't make any difference. each disc is the name of the card beside it!
For you, no perceptible movement of any THE WORKING IS VERY EASY. We supply the special discs
kind, and yet the cube is entirely under your control. and full instructions and routine. A very clever principle Is in-
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). volved. None of the usual ideas. Originated by Edwin.'
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Four playing cards printed with bril-
liant red beetles. One card is discarded
A SUPER set of cards for a SUPER
and you add a blue beetle or bug to the
red ones. Surprise, when all the bugs trick. Spectator freely chooses a
drink. You merely -ouch the back of
are now blue!
Remove a blue one and add a black one the card with a fingertip, press the
anl1 novv a" t,ie 1>ugs turn bliK’k: At the fingertip against your tongue AND
' K ~ end there is ANOTHER change and you STRAIGHT AWAY NAME THE DRINK-
now have the bugs ALL IN PAIRS! - You'll have a ball with the
Ugly Bug Ball! It's FUN, it's DIFFERENT. A great routine ... The set of cards comes complete in a neat plastic wallet with
and get this, all the cards can be EXAMINED. full instructions. Cards are printed in COLOUR.
Price £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). ____________ Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Cinderella's Magic Scoop!
and the SPIDER It looks like a dust-pan,
Screams! Screams'. from it you can produce
Screams! - with this an amazing quantity of

fantastic new number spring flowers or a Rib-
for the children's en- bon Fountain.
tertainer. A balloon can be placed
Impressive props; in the scoop, - it bursts
A colourful fairy- and a dove appears.
tale house when lift- Extremely well-made 1
ed away reveals a by an expert craftsman.
wooden frame, 8|" Will give years of ser-
x 12" high, there in vice.
the frame is a pic- Complete with ideas. Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).

ture of Miss Muffet
sitting on a little stool, again all in colour.
As the story is told, Miss Muffet VANISHES.
There's some hilarious business when an ENORMOUS GLUG
SPIDER with long wiggley legs appears from behind the Silk-screen-
stand, dangling on a long white thread. ed Jumbo
The spider moves up and down and around, creeps up on cards, an
one side of the board, then the other! THE MAGICIAN AP- open-fronted
PEARS NEVER TO SEE THE SPIDER. It's a riot! holder. Magi-
Finally, Little Miss Muffet re-appears, and all is well. cian shows
Every kids' entertainer who believes that 'BUSINESS' is as that the first
important as tricks will want this. ABSOLUTELY, DEFIN-
HMj || f card is a pic-
ture of a bot-
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $50.00). I ij RHH II I— tle filled with
wine. The
picture of a
only two-thirds^full. The next one is a quarter-full of wine,
Highly original effects that are easy the last bottle is empty.
to follow with 70 illustrations. Six eye- Now for some magic. - Mysteriously the cards change, the
popping routines, the ropes are not cut first card shows a wine glass full of wine.
at any time. The next card, a tot glass filled with whisky.
Here we have 'Colour-Changing Knots'; The final card depicts a tumbler filled with beer.
'Jumping Knots'; 'Red and White That leaves the magician with the card with the picture of an
Mystery', etc. empty bottle.
Really excellent material. However, all is put in order for when the card is shown, the
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). bottle is now full again!
Good clean, easy, visual, cunning magic with a special bonus
in the form of a delightful patter presentation by KEN DE
Cut and Restored Silk COURCY, who is using this in his own programme.
Prlce- £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Use any 18" silk, ■
apart from the silk and

a pair of scissors your
hands are empty. No A single length of rope is placed
gimmicks'. once only around the neck and tied
The silk is cut, fair- with several GENUINE KNOTS.
ly cut in half, the two Suddenly and mysteriously the rope
halves are held right penetrates right through the neck.
apart, then placed together and miraculously the silk is re- The loop and knots are still intact!
I stored. If desired the.rope can be placed
We supply the full detailed instructions and no less than seven around a SPECTATOR'S NECK and
clearly drawn illustrations which make the working easy for you. still it passes through.
No special apparatus is required for the performance of this Can also be used as a fantastic
Silk Penetration through a rope.
As used with tremendous success on T.V. by DOUG HENNING. For Cabaret, work this as a 'Rope through Leg', getting a
As used too (using an ordinary white linen handkerchief) with glamorous young lady to assist you!
tremendous success by WILL AYLING. We supply the special rope, together with full instructions.
A Professional Master Mystery. Price £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England
Miracle X A surprising vanish! su pr e me
Made in lovely black plastic. This EDWIN'S
A silk, length of ribbon, playing- j
is the wallet which produces. switches. card, treasury note or postal order]
vanishes,etc., - but more than that .. is dropped into a cone. Cone is (I
a special feature is that during these
transformations, a signed card or
slip which has been placed in the wal-
given a flick, there is a loud bang. '
the cone is opened up to show that '
it is empty!
let, remains in position!
Dozens of fantastic tricks are poss-
One moment the silk is there, the
next moment ... BANG! it's GONE'.
ible with this wallet. - An amazing You can change a silk into one of a different colour, or a
shower of confetti.

coincidence using two decks of cards; Use it for changing a
cheque into cash; for a publicity prediction stunt! The Supreme 'Original' which you simply must have.
We supply MIRACLE X complete, with a manuscript of clever Prlce' £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
tricks. A certain 'must' for the magician who appreciates the
best in magic.
A nicely-made prop at a fantastically low price. Witches Brew
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).__________________________ A 36 page book dedicated to those
kindred spirits of the author,
Poz-itive Kids’Magic CHARLES CAMERON, who tread the
J® £ "Dear Poz, paths of strange and unearthly magic!
"I am writing to say how good Saga A demonical dozen effects with
of Sarah ausage is. It is brilliant! S which you can unlock the door that
It is the only trick I know where the divides this ordinary world from the
kids ask to see it again. Instead of strange world of Mystery and Imagin-
cries of 'Oh, I've seen that one', I w ation that lies beyond, and including
hear 'great, this one again'. convincing and frightening demonstra-
"Indeed the whole book is fabulous tions of psychic forces at work. A great new addition to your
and I thank you for putting the book library of horror.
on the general market - few are so Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
generous. Congratulations on an
incredible success."
Alan Cleaver, Bilton, Rugby. Warlock’s Way
POZ-ITIVE KIDS' MAGIC has 52 8 x 10 inch printed pages, PETER WARLOCK has become a
packed with advice and routines for the modern children's en- legend in his life-time, and renowned
tertainer. "Do's and don'ts", Poz's Magic Box, a dozen great for his subtle and often colourful
routines for your programme. FUN material, complete with
In the pages of WARLOCK’S WAY
he gives you no less than 20 excellent
If you do kids' shows, this could well be one of your best in-
vestments ever.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
tricks, each a proven winner.
Then comes the BONUS, Peter
Warlock'so rPRIZE-WINNER
J Qxlfi
XUtUJ-HU’iWlk ... yco, lljffX wii
the great act with which he won the British Ring Competition
The Koran Newspaper Shield, material which he has worked all over the world. A comi
Prediction plete show of first-rate magic.
The correct routine and method used A large printed book which is an excellent buy for anyone
interested in good, practical magic.

by AL KORAN in his professional
Cabaret appearances! Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
Developed by AL KORAN in conjunc-
tion with KEN DE COURCY, 'Supreme' Mondo Monte
present this as an exclusive secret The hit of the Blackpool 1978 Con-
that's going to earn you money and en- vention!
hance your reputation. There's never been a Three Card
A sealed envelope, a double sheet of trick like this, - performed entirely
paper torn into 16 pieces. Straight in the hands ... you will be thrilled
away, without any shuffling around or as the cards change location; gasp
moving any of the pieces, a spectator as they suddenly reverse; astounded
is asked to count down and remove the as the backs change colour one at a
piece of paper lying at a number freely time!
selected by another spectator. Far more than a trick, - a complete routine of surprises.
Person holding the envelope opens it building up to a great climax.
and finds a prediction listing the headlines and details of this We supply you with the special cards and illustrated instructions
piece of paper ... they are 100%, correct, and full patter presentation and routine. It's FANTASTIC! -
A fantastic principle that's hard to believe! Subtle, nothing to Please, please, take our word for it.
remember and complete with a special aid which makes this Price, (brace yourself!) for this knockout is only
easy for you. £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).

WALTZING A Supreme British Exclusive! The Circle
DUSHECK of the U.S.A. ("Squlrcle")
This is the trick which you have

Strr« DuBheck*« 0
ORIGINAL < seen All Bongo use as an opening Ken Bowell's famous effect; -
Silk Sensation *7 to his show. Ali comes on with a a sheet of newspaper from which
silk which darts here and there as a circle is cut. The circle
GD £ he frantically tries to catch it. changes into a square! .,. there
That's just what it is ... a 12 is a surprise finish when the
^Correct Method
UM. And ha
inch silk, - a silk which you hold round hole in the paper changes
And Routine US PJpj in your hands and which you open into a square also!
sgssred out and show. Suddenly the silk We supply a sample paper, to-
gether with a SPECIAL PRINTED
.. M-ljWIU -Tw-llk'
begins to float: it darts here and
\D«lux. OlMlck r there, floating between the hands, BOOKLET which takes you move
The Original
jumping through a hoop ... then by move throughl the preparations,
, And Beat t
= going into an actual Dancing rou- the set-up, the working and the
M tine! patter. These exclusive instructions are by Master Teacher
Finally you catch the silk, open it out and display it ... Yes, LEWIS GANSON, illustrated with photographs.
It's lust a 12 inch silk! As a special bonus you also receive KEN de COURCY'S
own patter presentation. It's a laugh a line professional
We supply this with the correct method and routine. Self- routine.
contained, it can be picked up and worked at any time, no Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
attachments to the clothing etc.
Easy to do! Always ready! No threads! The special gimmick-
ed silk and Illustrated printed Instructions can be yours for just The Art of Ventriloquism
by George Tollerton
£3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Here is a printed 32 page booklet
(American magicians purchase the effect direct from
STEVE DUSHECK.) full of information for anyone who
Intends to tackle this interesting
"The trick 'Waltzing Matilda' really is a fantastic effect."
and lucrative field.
Francisco Botelho, Portugal.
Realising the difficulties encount-
ered by the beginner in Ventriloquism
A novelty by IAN ADAIR that's just these instructions have been prepared
a quick little gag to get a laugh in the Colossal Cigarette so as to enable anyone to become a
show between more serious mysteries. proficient and successful Ventril-
Great in the comedy act, the drunk oquist in a very short time. Chapters
act, or as a humorous aside during include 'What is Ventriloquism ?',
cigarette manipulations. The Magi- 'Practice', Another Amazing Secret, The Ventriloquial Face,
cian holds a regular-looking cigarette The Doll, Building Dialogues, Smoking and Drinking, Handling
between his fingers. SUDDENLY, the Figure, The Distant Voice, Tricks of the Trade, Mimicry,
’FASTER THAN A WINK, THE Publicity, Advertising and Mailing ... in fact all you need to
CIGARETTE CHANGES TO A REAL know to put you on the right road to a bright future as an ex-
MONSTER (SPRING) ONE, 1| inches in diameter, 16 inches pert Ventriloquist.
long! We feel sure that you'll benefit from this worthwhile treat-
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). ies.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
A THE MAGIGRAM. £7.50, $18 per year 12 Issues. Roy Baker's
B THE PENTAGRAM. £4.50, $9 per year 12 issues. BANKERS NIGHTMARE
TWO GREAT MAGAZINES BRINGING YOU ENJOYABLE Here is a real cute little item to
READING AND INVALUABLE MAGIC each and every month. carry around in your pocket to fool
If the answer to A, or B is "no" better remedy things M your friends.
right awav!__________ __________ . r The magician, that's you, shows
SEBASTIAN a number of pieces of blank paper.
, He says that he is going abroad and
This is the colourful
wonders if the bank would change
jointed plastic snake \ the blank pieces of paper for
which will pick ’out a +■ Bankers ® treasury notes of the country that
! chosen card! Funny and
he is to visit.
appealing to any age It is unnecessary however for
group. Sebastian will
right before the eyes of the spectators the blank papers change
pick out a chosen silk
■r-r too! An ideal novelty into printed notes. The trick is quite easy to do, and comes
enjoy. | presentation that you'll complete with full instructions, blank paper and stage money.
(Imitation dollar bills.)
We supply Sebastian the snake, made from unbreakable poly-
thene ... all gimmicked ready to use ... the necessary cards Not to be confused with other tricks of a similar nature - the
and routine. ease of handling is quite astonishing - and the effect likewise.
This will soon become one of your favourites.
ft's a whole lot of fun!
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).

Assistants Diplomas A simple little gimmick which
you can add to any deck to make
An original idea by Edwin a number of sensational effects
which has become the classic
give-away of all smart pro-
possible, without skill, without KARDANI’S
sleight of hand and without
fessionals. TEN CARD MIRACLE

A beautifully designed and Ten first-rate effects are
printed diploma, copyright

given in the beautifully pro-
with The Supreme Magic duced 12 page printed booklet
Company, especially drawn which comes complete with
for us by a top-flight artist.
The front is attractive and
gimmick. -'Mental Spelling',
'Card Vanish', ' A Prediction', "1
printed in cherry-red. There's 'Coincidence', etc.
a space for the volunteer Spectators can genuinely
assistant to fill in his or her name, and for YOUR name and
address too.
shuffle and cut the cards yet 8
Diploma has been designed so that when rolled-up it resem-
you are instantly able to lo-
cate the Aces or any pre- 8
bles p miniature wand, black with white tips. determined cards. Booklet
Instructions are included for several tricks with each supply. and gimmick.
You'll like the clever ideas given. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
This is the gift which, when you present it. to any member of
the audience, they will keep and treasure. All the time it A Supreme Exclusive!
brings you valuable publicity.
Remember, this is the original Supreme Assistant's Diplomas,
The Magic Word’
Originated by TOMMY THOMAS
Price, per 50, £ 2.75, $ 8.00. -THE MAGIC WORD-
this was first marketed by Harry
100, £ 4.00, $12.00. Stanley and published in "Magic
1000, £35.00, $95.00. for Minors".
'The Magic Word' is an effect
"Please rush me some more Assistants Diplomas. I find this that Tommy used for a number
to be a great item and I use it for all my birthday party shows." of years on his own children's
Claude Crowe, Jnr., San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. shows with great success.
The 'New Look' in this type of hand- CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINERS.
kerchief ... a handkerchief that The ideal "Opening Effect" for children's or Adult shows.
mak'es all previous types of Devil's Performer says a good Magic Word is essential for a success-
Handkerchiefs obsolete. ful performance and asks for the audience to assist him by
You use a completely white, top learning one. But, as it is rather a long word, it is best
pocket hank, so thin that it can al- learned in stages, and showing a large slip of paper asks them
most be seen through ... it is not to read what is written on it ... He then repeats this with two
a double handkerchief ... no bulges further different papers ... making sure each time that the
whatsoever, absolutely self-con- audience learn it thoroughly.
tained and worked within two feet A lot of good FUN can be had with this "rehearsal". Then
of an audience and completely sur- putting the three pieces together ... he now asks them to call
rounded. out the completed word ... and as they do so ... he opens up
Nothing to palm or get rid of, - no pulls, elastics, wires or the papers ... and it is now seen that they have magically
outside gimmicks, just a white linen handkerchief that can be joined together into ONE long piece, on which is printed the
sent to the laundry as there is nothing for anyone to discover. MAGIC WORD they are all shouting.
Will vanish any small article, any shape, any weight ... This is a jolly good Entertaining Mystery. EASY TO DO.
also a full deck of cards or a small glass. As an EXTRA we include an additional routine by JOHN
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). RHODES.
A sealed envelope is Great Magical Value, Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
shown. It contains,
TRAN- says the Magician, a
A trick with well printed The £10,000 Trick
prediction made some
SLATE centuries ago bj’ an
ancient Egyptian. A
Jumbo cards. Four of
them have a bold "O" sign
on them. When you place
card is selected and
another card with a "£1"
the prediction shown. Envelope is opened and two crystal
in front, you have £10,000!
clear plastic sheets, hinged together are displayed. To every-
As the funny patter story
one's surprise the prediction is written in hieroglyphics.
is told, one by one the "O"
Magician explains that the symbols on the top panel are the
cards are discarded. Fi-
hieroglyphics (higher glyphics) and the ones on the lower panel
are the lower glyphics.
nally, the "£1" disappears a m xü
and appears in your pocket!
Audience laugh and think they've been taken fro a ride, then,
With the unusual patter supplied, you have a REAL WINNER.
quick as a flash the symbols trans-late into the name of the
Only five cards are used throughout. NO pocket cards. NO
chosen card. double-lifts. NO sleight-of-hand.
An unusual trick! Easy to work! Packs flat and is always
Complete, ready to work.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $15.00).
A large 9" fire-cracker. There's
’plenty of fun getting ready for the ALBRIGHT'S A classic work on
bang as you prepare to light it .... cards for the magician
J? laughs and suspense as the matches who wants something
* ■;

go out, etc. The children put their
fingers in their ears and the banger
ADVANCED better than the run-of-
the mill stuff! Includ-
is lit. The fuse burns furiously
away and Wham! the 'Banger'
CARD MAGIC ing such gems as The
Persistent Card;
j- changes into 'Bangers' ... yes, a Mental Power. Educa-
A ted Cards and Lucky
’ What a riot! The appearance of a Number.
A string of sausages coupled with the Not a book for the beginner. All effects are described with
• surprise element coming at the illustrations.
period of suspense adds up to a A Supreme Magic Publication by arrangement with Abbotts.
certain laugh. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Supreme 'Banger to Bangers' can
• be picked up and worked anywhere MARVEL QUESTION BOARD
in the programme. Re-set in a jiffy.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Well-known magician, MILBOURNE
CHRISTOPHER got the first one. The great-
est innovation in reading questions since the
CRYSTAL advent of the clipboard. You do not handle the
board whilst the questions are written. There
A handsome fabricated
are no impressions, carbon or otherwise.
Spectators pass board from one to the other as questions are
fluorescent plastic casket, written and initialled.
13ä" x 7j" x 6". Casket Without assistants or stooges, you call the initials and state
has a bow of bright colour- each question written and then answer it.
ed ribbon tied around it. In addition to the apparatus and full working instructions, we
Silks can be displayed show you how to answer, working step by step to the question
through holes in the casket. After they have been removed, itself, building up the suspense so necessary in an act of this
the casket is quite clearly and obviously empty. kind.
Suddenly the magician whips away the ribbon bow and IN- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
You can use the box for the production of FLOWERS, SILKS
or'SPRING GOODS. This is ultra-smart, sophisticated magic
SID LORRAINE reviewed this
you'll enjoy doing. item in 'TOPS' Magazine. This is
Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $90.00) what he had to say:
i "WANNA BET ? is a Roy Baker

effect that should appeal to close-
CARD-O-MATIC up workers: You borrow a dollar
bill. It is openly folded into a
Z'J A really exciting item which en- small, flat package ... The hands are seen to be otherwise
' ables you to indetectably switch one
empty. The owner is asked to hold the folded bill in his
/ pack of cards for another during a closed fist ... It is seen right up until his fingers close over
V very simple action. it. Now the magician bets a dollar he can get the dollar out of
In addition to the very special the spectator's hand. It seems impossible. Yet, when the
gimmick, we supply full instruc- hand is opened, he discovers a folded paper reading 'I.O.U.
tions for performing a number of One Dollar'. Yes, there is a move, but the sleight is so
novel card mysteries. - A thought- slight and so natural, you'll do it successfully the first time
of card vanishes; Effective Princess you try it. I like it! I think it is a good buy,"
Card Trick; Card in the Wallet, etc. You'll think of many WANNA BET is available for English or American currency.
other ways of using this Ingenious item in your magic and Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
An extraordinarily good trick.


A small wooden plaque hanging
on a cord is threaded through a
ribbon which is held by specta-
Pure Chinese or Japanese silk, 5 Momme weight. Specially tors. Suddenly, the plaque VIS-
produced for us and dyed in brilliant colours, pillar-box red, IBLY penetrates through the rib-
emerald green, chrome yellow, royal blue, tangerine orange, bon. Ribbon and plaque can be
white and purple. immediately examined. Great
Sizes approx. 9" x 9" 55p ($1.50) for kids’ shows etc.
12" x 12" 85p ($2.00) Plaque which is made in wood
18" x 18" £1.75 ($5.00) is 4" x 24". It comes complete
24" x 24" £2.75 ($7.00) with ribbon and routine.
36" x 36" £5.50 ($12.00) Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $7.00).
So you want something new for kids-
CANARY CATS Here it is! It's Len Belcher's |
Five individual Jumbo-size cards W A large notice (about 13 ins. x 12 ins.)
are shown - four cats, one canary. « bearing the words "BEWARE OF THE

The Canary is burled between the ’ DOG" is shown. A story unfolds as to
other cards, some face down and how the Farmer's Boy was instructed
some face up. Now try and find the
Canary. When you think you have
him, it turns out to be a hungry grin-
to stick the notice up in a field that
contained a mad dog. The boy always
got the poster upside-down. (This
^8 r
ning Cat. At the finish, all cards happens magically as the story is told).
are shown to be Cats. The Canary After getting the notice the wrong way up three times, comes
has vanished! But as soon as the Cats d're out of sight, he the terrific climax ... the boy didn't get the notice upside-down
makes his appearance from where you'd least expect to find him. again ... it was the wrong notice! He should have had one read-
A big surprise finish to a most mystifying trick. ing "BEWARE OF THE BULL".
The cards are printed in Black, red, yellow and blue. Size of By magic the notice now shows a picture of the most ferocious
Cards - 4| x 7 inches. bull that one could imagine.
No skill - no practice. Self-contained. Do it in a few minutes. Well produced with the lettering about 2 inches high and plain
A MYSTERY-COMEDY WINNER! for all to see, and the bull which is in bright colours, has been
Complete with several excellent patter routines. drawn by a first-class artist. Not only the children ... but you
Price, complete with patter, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). too will love "BEWARE OF THE DOG".

Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Acknowledged as the world's best -
Supreme ßr(jSS Re|eaSg ACCIDENT PAPERS
A brass nut is threaded on to a cord, A useful accessory ...
the ends of which are held by a spec- We supply you with a number of
tator. Nut is covered with a handker- printed paper slips that read
chief. Reaching underneath, the "MAGICIAN HAS ACCIDENT". You
Magician removes the nut from the simply paste one on the front page
string. Everything can be minutely of your local newspaper. You now
examined and, get this, you can im- have a newspaper with big type head-
mediately do it again! lines.
PRECISION MADE IN BRASS. The feke is a real beauty - In addition, we give you a large
you'll say as magicians have throughout the world, it's the best Newspaper POSTER (Double Crown,
yet! size 20 in. x 30 in.) bearing the
Supplied with several excellent routines by Edwin, the most same wording. Very boldly printed and suitable for shows in
comprehensive ever issued with this effect, PLUS novel ones by large halls, etc., where a newspaper would not be easily seen.
the late FRED LOWE, a clever idea by HARVEY ROSENTHAL A great gag to use with Disecto, Sawing through a Woman, or
an additional presentation by DAVID JOHN and MALCOLM any form of Chopper, but good when used with almost any kind
YAFFE, a Zaney idea by KARRE LL FOX and an equally way- of trick.
out one by IAN ADAIR. All in printed form. Excellent ... With any routine involving the "destruction" of
Price for the complete outfit, only £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). a borrowed article, treasury note, watch, handkerchief, ring,
With the Omelette Pan, the Cake in the Hat, or Milk in Hat.
One of the best "sucker tricks" we With any difficult Juggling or Balancing feat.
know! As a stand-by in case of a trick mis-firing. £1. 50,
The Acrobatic Ribbons Price for FOUR slips and the Special Poster, (U.S.A. $3.00). ’
A bright, colourful programme
item for comedy or kids' shows! Centre Tear
A chrome yellow wooden rod with Given to 'Supreme' by the late
three holes in it - Through these Percy Abbott, who performed it at
holes are long colourful 2 inch rib- the Buxton Convention. A great
I bons, two of one colour, one of item for any type show.
another. The odd colour ribbon ap- Show a sheet of newspaper on both
pears to jump from end to end! Just sides, fold it, tear the centre out, the
when the audience think they know centre is mutilated and the pieces are
how it is done, surprisingly and vis- placed in the folds of the paper.
ibly it jumps to the middle of the rod! Newspaper is immediately opened
Everything can be examined! Great out and the result is an instant and
■ value in an effect which lias not been
overworked and which gets tremen-
visible restoration.
Yes, the newspaper is completely restored and whole again.
dous audience reaction EVERY time! Again it is immediately slowly shown on both sides. In fact,
A thousand times better than the old 'Monkey Bar' BECAUSE the newspaper can be used in a follow-up trick.
this is COLOURFUL - AND - At the end the climax occurs in Completely self-contained, very easy to work, can be per-
full view. Wonderful! formed close-up and surrounded.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).

The Complete Encyclopaedia of Close- Lewis Ganson's
Up Magic in two great Volumes. The Art of Close-Up Magic
Lewis Ganson's
The Art of Close-Up Magic THE ART OF


No card tricks are included! All

m a g ic
300 pages of brilliant close-up
material, all different to that in
Volume 1, and including Sections
devoted to Coin Magic, Mentalism,
novel material! Destroyed and Restored Mysteries,
The first major book on close- David Berglas' Sleeving Technique,
quarters magic, because of its size, Horace Bennett's delightful Coin
its quality, its articles on the pre- Magic, the immaculate sorcery of
sentation of close-up magic and the Bobby Bernard ... and much,
tricks and routines themselves which much more.
have come from the repertoires of Uniform to Volume 1.
great, experienced performers. Price, £10.50. (U.S.A. $24.00).
Such names as DAI VERNON, DICK
Karrell Fox's
FAUCETT ROSS, JOHN RAMSAY, and many, many others.
Over 300 pages, Illustrated by DENNIS PATTEN, Cloth KARRELL FOX created a sensation
bound. A BIG book in every way! when he used this on THE MAGIC
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $24.00). CIRC LE LONDON SHOW.
A couple of blow-outs, those carnival
Jack Bridwell's
Reviewing the book in
B-WITCHERIES favours which unwind when blown
through and then rapidly snap back
'Abracadabra', GOODLIFFE . curled up again.
Karrell had one in each hand. "Let's
"Beautifully illustrated by y Li ** have a party, folks", he said, as he
KEN DE COURCY, I VTOi A blew through one and then the other.
B-WITCHERIES contains 15 | M) I "Gee, something funny's happening",
items, some to chill the -JI--------- V-------------- he said, as he blew vainly through one
blood, some to make 'em laugh. Most are simple, uncompli- of the blow-outs which simply refused
cated and direct, which is what magic should be. " to unwind; but, the blow-out he was
PHIL WILLMARTH, Editor of The Linking Ring wrote: holding in his other hand slowly inflated.
"I enjoyed reading B-Witcheries very much! I thought the Karrell was able to inflate either of the carnival blow-outs by
ideas were all practical, the plots and dressing all novel. What blowing through one when the OTHER would blow up!
more could one want? I think the very first item was my fa- "How funny" he said, holding one of the blow-outs against his
vorite ... what a nice way to identify three different pieces of ear ... again, as he blew, the blow-out in his hand just "stayed
rope!" put" but the one which was held against his ear shot out inflated!
B-WITCHERIES is full of excellent tricks, all light-hearted Finally the blow-outs were tossed out to the audience. Apart
and yet all touching on the supernatural. B-WITCHERIES may from these his hands were empty.
well give you that 'something new' in magic which you are A real FUN BIT straight from Kartell's own show. Sold at a
seeking. low, low price, for such a GEM.
Price,' £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).

Supreme only stock THE BEST'. From all over the world comes
praises for
Appearing Cane
Anytime, any place, you just reach Bongo’s Giant Hat
up into the air and instantly a full- A Supreme Exclusive!
sized evening cane, black and white Beautifully-produced, silk-screen-
with plated ferule, appears in the ed on plastic. A small triangular
hand. It can be struck on the floor or hat gets bigger and bigger and BIG-
placed on a stand with a solid thud. It | GER and every time it CHANGES
is perfectly rigid and you have no fear ' COLOUR. The climax is TERRIFIC
that it will collapse or fold up. There I when it becomes A GIANT'S MASK!
is no limit to the ways this clever ap- Here's just a couple of the testi-
paratus can be used. Great when used monials from the dozens received.
in conjunction with the Vanishing Cane advertised elsewhere. Use "Please rush me another Bongo's
it as a Silk to Cane or a Rope to Cane. Giant Hat. I use it and love it ...
Supreme Appearing Canes are specially imported and the best it gets laughs all the time. "
obtainable. Precision made. The release is completely safe and Elaine Allen, Baldwin, N.Y., USA
yet one-handed. The cane is safely held until required, and then "Many thanks for Bongo's Giant Hat just received. Used it in
as though on command, it springs into view at the fingertips. a show today and it went over terrific. Have used the Big Hat
One, - two, - three, - a dozen can appear - a great continuity for some years but this beats all."
gag as used by Otto Wessely. Harry Carnegie, Dundee, Scotland.
Every magician should own one of the Super Appearing Canes. You get the special hat and instructions for this side-splitting
The last word in ultra-sophisticated magic. gag.
Price (complete with instructions and routines), £15 , ($30) Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Supreme ,
A cute little item that can cause Supreme Spring Cake is a GREAT
either a chuckle or a gasp, de- NOVELTY PROP. When compressed
ffKy pending upon the way it is pre- it takes up little room. One ( or a
sented. The magician, wishing whole load of them) can be produced
to light his cigarette, candle, from a Dove Pan:
etc., strikes a match, then to With each cake we include a MANU-
the amazement of the onlookers, SCRIPT of clever ideas; "A lesson in
plucks the flame with his finger- Geography"; "Cake Production from
tips and extracts a flame. The an ordinary baking tin"; "Feather-
flames at the fingertips is used to light the gasper. weight Cake" (the cake floats a la Zombie) ... and other notions.
Many ideas will come to you as to how this may be used. Supreme Spring Cake has been off the market for some years.
For instance, if you are a fire eater, you may pluck the Now it's back again ... better than ever, and with so many novel
flames from a burning torch and apparently devour them ideas that every magician will be able to find a spot for it in their
with relish. A most useful accessory item for any magician. programme. Price. Spring Cake and routine complete,
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00). £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

FADE-IN-FADE-OUT EXTRA The Linking Ring Vol. 59 No. 2

February 1979 "Hocus in Focus".
An effect that can John Braun's Reviews and Pre-
be performed com- views had this to say:-
pletely in the spec- Give a Magician ENOUGH /
tator's own hands;
repeated imme- By Lewis Ganson.
diately, yet no-one Supreme Magic Co. , Ltd.
has a clue as to Long out of print, the new
how it works'. edition is a 124 pp book 5Ö x 8J,
A solid glass disc is handed to a spectator for examination. bound in red cloth, title in gold
A card is selected, the glass is placed in the spectator's on spine; colorful jacket. En-
hand and he is told to think of his card. larged and revised, with 184
GRADUALLY, A GHOSTLY IMAGE OF HIS CARD APPEARS illustrations that make clear
ON THE GLASS! 26 rope routines and subtleties.
Alternatively, have the spectator merely breathe on the glass Very good material: equal and
and as he does so, a facsimile of his card appears! unequal ropes, cut and restored, penetration, Jay Ose thumb
The trick is immediately repeated with a second spectator - tie, fake knots - information worth many times the price of
the first image fading away and another appearing, showing the book.
the other card selected by the spectator. GIVE A MAGICLAN ENOUGH ROPE - and he'll do a trick!
The secret lies in the special manufacture of the glass. With- can benefit even the most sophisticated act in the world of
out exchanging the glass in any way, the two chosen cards magic.
miraculously appear on the glass, the images 'fading in' then Priceless material for your Magical delight!
'fading out' again. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). ______________
In addition to the precision-made Gimmicked Glass, we sup- "Let me say how much I enjoy The Magigram - it is unques-
ply you with an unfeked duplicate, plus a neat felt carrying tionablj' one of the best bargains in magic today, "
wallet which switches one glass for another. Plus a fantastic David Goodsell, Editor, M.U.M. Magazine of the Society of
routine by PETER VON WEISE, described by LEWIS GANSON. American Magicians.
This is entertainment all the way! Entitled "The 6 of The MAGIGRAM - 12 issues - a whole year for £6. 50, $13.
Spades" because during the performance, six cards are 'seen'
in the disc (?). Alex Elmsley's
In addition to the novelty provided by the appearance of the
cards, there is plenty of comedy and mystery.
A Wonder Card routine that hit
Something extra is provided also to help you get the laughs. the magic world like an atomic
Very nice! Exactly as used and recommended by LEWIS bomb.
GANSON. The effects are ...
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). Oil and Water. Aces and indiffer-
PERCY ABBOTT S THUMB TIE ent cards just won't mix.
Follow the Leader. In this you
This is the classic Thumb Tie feke. Supplied complete with
show the power of the Ace over the
tapes and Percy Abbott's own routine and instructions.
indifferent cards.
Two spectators are on-stage, your thumbs are securely and Four Ace Trick. Performed in
genuinely tied with four pieces of tape, each spectator tying the most convincing manner ever!
many knots.
Four Ace Variation and Finale.
Despite that you can catch hoops up over your arm. Pass
The fantastic routine is so cleverly worked out it requires no
your arms through a spectator's arms, through his legs.
There's comedy galore with this wonderful effect.
We supply the full instructions and the special fakes. Use
This is one of the oldest methods and was a hit when used by your own matching deck of cards.
ABBOTT. It can be a hit for YOU too!
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A simple two-panel folder which
you show on both sides: No hanging SUM TRICK THE KIDS
load bags ... this is a SELF-CON- The best opener for kids'
TAINED TRICK. Straight away shows that we know of because
you close the panels together, it immediately gets the kids 5?
reach in-between them AND PRO- ON YOUR SIDE ... it gives
DUCE FOUR 12" SILKS! them something to SEE ... it
CAN A l£O BE USED FOR A gives them a chance to SHOUT 2
... ■_
VANISH. Simply place silks be- and finally it has a good
tween the panels, drop the folder LAUGH AGAINST YOU your-
open and the silks have gone! self, the performer, to put
You can use 'Chinkotine' close- them on your side.
up and the effect can be a complete The entertainer says that T. *
mystery. when he was at school he was *7
Chinkotine looks effective, - produced in yellow with red very good at sums. Then he $ /
motif and black. Can be used in any type of programme. shows the sum, boldly letter-
Use your own silks. We supply Chinkotine and detailed, illus- ed (printed) in black, on a
trated instructions. large 8" x 19" sheet. Imagine the reaction when the children
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). see that the sum is WRONG! - they certainly lose no time in
telling the performer that!
A great production of a dove!
Crestfallen, the magician tears it up ... Maybe he wasn't
very good at addition, he says, but he was good at MULTIPLI-
A large colourful book shows CATION.
two little birds sitting on a He takes up and shows another sum but this is wrong too. Oh, Oh,
wall ... As the children recite dear, it suffers the same fate as the first one and is torn into
the well-known rhyme, one of shreds!
the birds disappears and comes Maybe he was better at subtraction. - YES, A THIRD SUM IS
back again! Finally, there's a SHOWN INCORRECT AND TREATED IN THE SAME WAY!
big surprise finish when you Performer says how teacher told him he'd get what he de-
produce a real live dove from served for being such a DUNCE and he did! - The torn papers
the book. are opened out and they have magically become transformed in-
BRIAN MILLER writes "One to a DUNCE'S HAT which the magician puts on!'.'.!
of the best Dove effects for A feature is the fact that there is no preparation needed for
children I know of - it really the trick ... no pasting papers etc. It is all there in the bottom
gets them laughing, shouting and joining in. This has been a of your bag and is ready to work any time when you want it.
real hit with me - please send me another. " ANY CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINER CAN GET SEVERAL MIN-
This is a beautifully produced silk-screened trick, all in UTES OF REALLY ROLLICKING FUN FROM THIS GREAT
colour and fully varnished.
Complete with routine, price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). We supply this complete with 36 specially-printed papers -
enough for 12 SHOWS, 2 dunce's hats, (the spare one is for use
as a replacement), and the fully detailed ROUTINE AND PAT-
MRS. MARSHALL'S TER PRESENTATION BY EDWIN that makes this such a fea-
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
The back of a giant card 19 x
12 ins. silk-screened like a

window, is shown as "empty".
Turned around, the green
shutters at the front are open-
ed to display a sign. As the
story is told, one of the Z»4P£«
shutters is closed and the sign changes. IT NOW READS AS A
There's another BIG SURPRISE when a picture of Mrs.
i t e aq
A good gag added to a classic trick to mix laughter with the
mystery! Magician tears up a sheet of plain paper. Paper is
A whale of a laugh!
wadded into a ball. Apart from ball of papers hands are
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). shown empty.
When pieces are opened out they are restored!
"I've never once been disappointed with any of the effects I've BUT WHAT'S THIS! A wad of papers has fallen to the floor!
purchased from you in over 20 years of business. " When shown it is a restored strip also, boldly printed in blue.
Arthur Evans, Bala, Gwynedd, Wales. with the word "WRONG". Audience are still not Impressed
and imagine they have again caught the performer out, but they
are proved "WRONG AGAIN".
THIS MONTH - EVERY MONTH! - TOP OF THE MAGICAL Clean magic! Good entertainment! Splendid for your kids'
HIT PARADE! - shows as well as your regular adult ones.
"THE MAGIGRAM MAGAZINE" You get plenty of papers((10-19 shows worth!) plus the
TOP VALUE TOO! £7.50, (818) FOR A WHOLE YEAR'S special printed ones and the full routine.
SUBSCRIPTION. POST PAID. Price, £1.00, U.S.A. §3.00.
THERE HAS NEVER A book of material for the man
Judy. A formula for success,
THIS ONE'. The beginner
AND experienced Punch
PUNCH PLUS some tremendous bits oi

business ... novelty stunts and
operator can both learn much gags.
of value from a close study of Items such as "Mind My Baby",
Contents are; INTRODUC-
TION. The origin of Punch.
"Playbricks", "Hiccups", "The
Baby's Cradle", "Skeleton in the
Dustbin". Material that has ALL
Why Punch remains popular, i i the essentials, - shouting, answer-
THE SWAZZLE. The real I ing back and laughter.
secret of how to use it. How r "Hint*™
"The Wilting Flower", "Soppy
to make your own Swazzles. Hints and tips. THE FIT-UP. Dragon", "Pearly King and his
t wrrr/wr
What to look for. Covering. Different kinds of fit-ups. THE 'Orse". "The Cuckoo Clock",
FIGURES. Types of figures. Advice on choosing same. THE TONY GREEN "Wiz Waz Woo the Wizard" ...
PUNCH WORKER'S FIRST AID KIT. and there's so much more!
FULL PLANS AND DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAK- In addition to all the excellent effects, routines and ideas,
ING YOUR OWN FIT-UP, "THE STANDARD FRAME". Six which you will find here a'plenty, you will find sprinkled
full pages of drawings make the manufacture easy for you. throughout, commonsense, GEMS OF INFORMATION, IN-
You'll be the owner of a full-sized light-weight easily erected VALUABLE to any Punch worker (or indeed to any kids' enter-
and dismantled "Punch frame" at very little cost. tainer). Books of this sort DON'T HAPPEN VERY OFTEN.
THE PLAY. A full length 20 minute script, EXACTLY AS Edwin's "HALLO MR. PUNCH" details the methods of the
USED BY EDWIN HIMSELF with many wonderful gags and bits Punch & Judy man, the traditional type dialogues and many
of business to keep any audience in fits of laughter! novel bits of business, plans for a fit-up etc., etc.
Also information on AMPLIFICATION, THE SLAP STICK, Neville Wiltshire's "A HELPING OF PUNCH" gives the
HANGING THE FIGURES. Punch man many novel features.
PLUS a complete chapter on NOVELTIES. Ideas and rou- And NOW to ADD to the Punch worker's repertoire here is
tines never released before that can pep up any Punch pro- a whole TREMENDOUS SERIES OF ROUTINES gleaned from a
gramme. Including details of a completely different SECOND lifetime's performance of Punch & Judy ... "PROFESSIONAL
SHOW. A different 20 minute show to the one given before. PUNCH" by Tony Green.
"FATHER XMAS APPEARS". A novelty worth pounds to any Fifty-six large (8 x 10) pages; light board, three-colour
Children's Entertainer. Enables you to introduce Father cover; fully illustrated etc., as above.
Xmas "In person" into your Christmas Shows. A CUTE VARI- Price, £3,75, (U.S.A. $9,00).
ATION that's another winner. JOEY TAKES A PHOTO, and svnaK PUNCH SWAZZLES
LITTLE PUNCHIE. Two ideas that wiH enable you to con-
It is the shrill, high-pitched voice of Mr. Punch
siderably INCREASE YOUR INCOME from Punch. MR.
which makes him so DISTINCTIVE and gives him
PUNCH'S MAGIC PHOTO, JOEY MEETS THE MAGIC RAB- such an individual personality.
BIT. Novelty interlude and Father Xmas and Rudolph.
Supreme Punch Swazzles are made for us to the standards of
If you are contemplating working Punch, or already working
a professional Punch worker, and each Swazzle comes complete
it, this is a book which you just cannot AFFORD to pass by.
with our own Copyright special printed instructions. Entitled
Price £3.75. (U.S.A. $9.00). _____________
Not a book for the beginner but 'The Secret of the Swazzle' this tells you in detail how to pro-

A Helping Of for the man with a Punch show al-

ready. Many of these, like
duce the authentic Punch squeak or call.
The use of the Swazzle takes a considerable strain from the

Neville Wiltshire, will be a semi-
pro who does magic as well. With
voice, as the vocal cords are not used at all.
True 'Punch and Judy' depends on the use of this special
magic one can change one's show Price, complete with instructions, £2‘00, (U.S.A. $6.00).
fairly easily and indeed this is
necessary working in a small area I The Bull and the Matador
with the same bookings coming in
year after year.
It is not so easy to change a Michael Hooper came
Punch show. Not a great deal has up with the original idea
been written in the way of novelty and it's a fantastic nov-
items. elty interlude which can
In the pages of this well-printed be introduced during
book there is tested material to any PUPPET SHOW.
help an established Punch worker to say to his bookers, that The BULL, really fiery-
he can give a COMPLETE CHANGE OF SHOW for the repeat looking with crooked
date. horns and the MATADOR
All the routines have been performed by Neville Wiltshire resplendent in Spanish-
hundreds of times. They are carefully worked out to allow style dress and bull-
changes of puppets to take place without rushing, or without fighter's hat. REALLY
unnecessary waits. BEAUTIFUL MATERI-
'A HELPING OF PUNCH' is a large printed 8" x 10" book of ALS ARE USED. All
44 pages and iUustrated light-board coloured covers. Large, the excitement of the bull-fight a la 'Mr. Punch's duel wit?, he
easy-to-read type, fully illustrated. A book you wiH enjoy crocodile.' No script, as it's all "business"you will l.npr se
reading and which will enhance your Punch and Judy presenta- to suit your own taste and audience you are playing to.
tion. Price, of the set of puppets, hand-made. Limited supply only.
Price £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00). £55.00, (U.S.A. $160.00).
A Supreme Exclusive! Here's the best 'buy' you'll
Originated by Harry Leat. ever have!
Three.Smash Hits with
'Supreme' purchased all rights on
LEAT items some years ago ... Cards /
Now available once more! and ACES. f
Made with top-grade 5 Momme
Two black Kings magically, I
silks which are just beautiful. An
change into two red ones. The!
effect which is BIG in performance
audience are not so impressed I
yet takes up no room in the bag.
for they are sure that you are '
This is the sort of comedy which
using four cards. The Magician proves that the audience are'"
modern entertainers go for ... smart and sophisticated.
right, but the cards he holds are the FOUR ACES!! I'.
A comedy of errors that brings forth a real howl of laughter.
Two coloured silks are tied together by their corners and
Two red Kings and two black. A member of the audience
placed partly into an assisting gentleman's pocket.
chooses either two. Spectator can hold the cards if he wishes.
A third differently coloured silk is vanished and when the
Snap! - and the two Kings which you are holding visibly change
silks are pulled from the spectator's pocket ... oh! a pretty
into two Aces'.
brassiere is there tied between!
When the spectator turns over the cards he holds it is seen
"I see you collect souvenirs", the magician can remark.
that these have changed in sympathy to two Aces also!'.'.
Eventually the missing silk is found hanging on his back!
Several alternative presentations will readily suggest them-
A single card is removed from the deck and is shown in turn
selves, for instance, the tied silks can be given to a lady to
to three spectators.
The spectators are asked to name the card and each spectator
Another idea is to place the knotted ends of the silks into the
names a different card ... When the card is turned over, it is
top of her dress and two other spectators hold the ends and
shown to be a completely different one to that named by the
pull when you count three ... you can imagine with what result!
three spectators!!'.'.
Although on the broad side, if properly and nicely presented Remember there are no difficult moves or sleights in any of
the trick need not appear vulgar or offensive. these tricks. You have only to learn the working and the hand-
No skill is required for its working. A great gag effect. ling to be able to present these outstanding miracles.
Silks are approximately 18 inches square. AU the tricks are made possible with the aid of the very
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). special set of cards which we supply.
There are FOURTEEN
READING chapters in this 104 page
printed book, divided
You get the cards plus fully-illustrated Instructions for all
three effects.

IS BELIEVING into two sections, 'CARD

Price, £2.75. (U.S.A. $7.00).

Now here's a real

and 'PRESENTATION magic trick! An eye-
AND PATTER'. popping pocket mystery
The material is OUT- that will baffle and con-
STANDING and of defi- fuse them - and you
nite and lasting value. too - for although you
There are card PRE-
do it you won't believe
and DISCOVERIES, STRETCH-A-TH READ About 12 inches of
TRANSFORMATIONS, white thread is used.
FuU details of a novel Taken from the cotton
BLACK ART TRAY, reel the hands are seen to be otherwise quite empty, as indeed
FLOURISHES, in fact something to delight the heart of EVERY they are. AH you hold is the foot of thread - you could
CARD MAN AND MENTALIST. measure it - and mark this - you have nothing to hide - no
The second part of the book is really a complete act, the pat- balled up or folded back portion of thread. 12 inches is the
ter and all working details of the author's 'AN ANCIENT correct length of the thread and you hold nothing else ... yet
CHINESE LEGEND'. ... right before the eyes of an astonished audience you com-
ALL FIRST-RATE WORKABLE MATERIAL. Profusely illus- mence to STRETCH the thread and it VISIBLY GROWS. Four-
trated. Attractive light board cover in colour. teen inches, eighteen inches, two feet, three feet, four feet,
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00).______________________________ FIVE FEET! The thread ends up five feet long and IT'S THE
Len Belcher's SAME THREAD YOU STARTED WITH! Sounds impossible? It

Divine a Disc
A great little trick. Our version
looks just that! And remember at all times your hands are
empty. It's FANTABUIOUS! As a cincher, when you hand the
thread to a spectator it vanishes altogether! A mystifying rou-
has eliminated the use of cards tine.
and uses plastic discs ... less Comes complete with a big supply of materials. Ready to
likely to get bent when carrying in work. Price, 75p, U.S.A. $2.00.
the pocket. Discs are 2|" diam- Special Offer! 4 pkts. £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
eter, the colours are in the plastic
so the discs can be easily cleaned
and used indefinitely. A spectator THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED
chooses any one ... no force , and you reveal that that is the 64, HIGH STREET, BIDEFORD,
one which you predicted. DEVON, ENGLAND
Price, £1.50, U.S.A. $4.00._______________ __ _____________ _
Another Supreme Supreme
Winner, that's a
proven WORLD
A neat MIRROR, measuring
BEATER'. approximately 4| Ins. x 6| ins.,
KE M'S KLOCK in a handsome white wooden
Ken de Courcy frame with golden filigree re-
lief, is given to a spectator to
A SERIES OF SUR- f examine. Spectator initials
PRISES LEADING UP the mirror on the front and on
TO ONE WHICH WILL the back, (the special plastic
REALLY MAKE THEM finish allows marks to be
BLINK! - and blink easily wiped off).
again! Magician takes the mirror
Amazingly, NO difficul and places it into a paper bag
sleights at all are used. which he shows to be empty. A Chinagraph pencil which the
IT'S AS EASY AS 'FALL spectator signed his name with, is placed into a tumbler. A
ING OFF A LOG'. playing-card is chosen ... and now the magic spell.
12 cards are formed into a clock. A clock hand is shown and Magician waves his wand and magically the pencil begins to
placed in the centre. A spectator has FREELY selected a num- jiggle about inside the tumbler. When the mirror is taken from
ber by SECRETLY cutting a number of cards and the hand is the bag, there is the name of the chosen card written alongside
set at that time. the person's signature.
Voila! First surprise! A miniature of the chosen card appears Straightaway, the bag can be shown empty, torn-up and tossed
on the clock hand - Voila! Second surprise! The chosen one is aside. No fakes to be disposed of!
the only one in the deck with a RED BACK! BRILLIANT! A A really cute idea!
very 'commercial' trick. Price, for the complete outfit, including many routines £7-50.
Supplied COMPLETE with cards etc. Clock hand and detailed ________________________________________________ U.S.A. $18.00.
routine. We know it's very GOOD! You'll say so too!
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00).
Making An Impression
A demonstration of the clevernessi ------- J by KEN DE COURCY
of Harry the Brain, a series of 12 \ u K K
punched cards, which is quite amazl^JLllk^L■ THIS ISN'T MAGIC but
ing and which builds up to a nice \M done properly, with ade-
quate rehearsal, this

Cards are coloured blue and buff. can be a most entertain-
ing act or interlude in
Each is printed with letters and
any programme. The
numbers. Each has a number of
Patter is a bit on the
punched out holes at one edge. Any
spectator can shuffle the cards to saucy side but can be
'varied' to suit any type of show. Ideal for night-clubs and re-
their hearts content. However, ______
commended as a first-rate 'second spot' for any magician. No
with the aid of the Selector rod and a few deft movements, the
special properties worth mentioning are required, just a few
magician is instantly able to sort the cards SO THAT THEY
bits and pieces which you already have.
The only requirement is the ability to deliver comedy lines
Harry next performs an amazing test of colour-sorting that
and to talk in different voices. (Two will do to begin with), for
would baffle a mere human brain for hours!
this is an impression act with a DIFFERENCE. Not impressions
FINALLY ... Harry discovers a chosen card, the name of
of celebrities but of such unusual things such as 'a car on a
the card being spelt out by the letters printed on the brain!
rainy day', 'a wealthy uncle talking to his nephew', 'the Land's
End Lighthouse' and so on.
If you are seeking the NOVEL and the UNUSUAL, a clever
You get him, together with the Selector rod and full routine
sophisticated spot that can be a tremendous FEATURE, then
for only, E5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
this is for you.
Supremei The full script and presentation recommended by performers
of such calibre as Billy McComb and Cardew 'The Cad1 Robinson.
SLICK TIE Twenty five comedy impressions packed with gags, gags and
With two volunteers assisting, Magi- Price, £’.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
cian is tied. One single rope is used
and is passed around both legs and then
around both wrists and fairly tied.
Punch and
Spectator is requested to remove his
coat and place it over the tied wrists Judy Figures
and legs. Quick as a wink, Magician's
hand appears outside the coat. As Not since the passing of that famous English Punch & Judy
quickly as the coat is removed, knots maker, WALKENT, have such beautiful, hand-carved, painted
are found to be secure. A glass of liquid is placed in the tied and dressed Punch figures been available as the ones offered
hands. The hand appears from under the coat and Magician by 'Supreme'. - Full-size professional figures, hand-carved,
drinks the contents, then liquid mysteriously reappears in the
hand-painted and hand-dressed.
glass. When coat is finally removed, Magician is free and even If you are genuinely interested in this lucrative branch of
the ropes have vanished. It's both mystifying and humorous • children's entertainment, write to us Including a stamped
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). addressed envelope, to receive our latest Price List.
Small plastic discs which per-
ambulate , appear and disappear as
Another item that's been out of pro-
duction but which you demanded that we
re-made. READY NOW and available
FLYIMG ® if by magic! Three small discs,
one taken away and it reappears in
the hand. You can do this again
from stock BY RETURN.
and again but there is no usual
Giant size 9" x 14" book.
A Witch figure peeks around the
cover when you're not looking, then
pops back again when you are!
__ _
'One ahead', no palming and no
sleights. Every time you take a
---- -------------- disc away it mysteriously returns
Finally the big surprise when the hand is opened, there are no
Large magic spells are printed in- longer three small discs there BUT ONE GIANT ONE.
side the book, the children are invited to shout these out, to
Neat and mystifying, complete with all the plastic discs and full
cause the magic to work.
Suddenly, a large fluorescent SPIDER appears and clambers up Price, £1-75- (U.S.A. $5.00).
the web depicted on the back of the book.
When the magician looks at the book, the spider scuttles down
out of sight! Finally, the spider VANISHES completely and then
All this business in one FANTASTIC EFFECT. Recommended
A JUMBO SIZE picture of Snow- ■»
White is shown. Placed amongst

by every children's entertainer who has seen it. other Jumbo cards in a packet the pic-
Complete with a great routine. Originated by Maurice Phillips. ture magically jumps to the top! Place
A Supreme Exclusive. it on the bottom of the packet: it jumps
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). to the top again! Take the picture
away completely and STILL its back
Jet-Propelled Card amongst the ones in your hand! Repeat
it again!
A card is chosen from a borrowed deck and Perform this for kids and they'll lose
shuffled back into it. Magician's prediction is no time in telling you that all the cards
in the form of a JUMBO CARD - but it's are pictures of Snow-White. When
WRONG! All comes right in the end by fanning they demand to see the cards, you show that these are pictures
the pack, with the card when the chosen card of the SEVEN DWARFS! WHERE'S SNOW-WHITE ? That young
jumps right out and high into the air! COM- lady is produced safe and sound from your pocket!
PLETELY SELF-CONTAINED. No elastics, No moves, double-lifts, double-faced cards or skill. The
threads, etc. It's all in the special Jumbo Card which we supply, cards are printed in colour. They come complete with full rou-
complete with routine. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00),__ tine ready to work. Easy and effective!
Price. £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).

OH, MUMMY! ftohtelfs

Jumbo cards boldly printed with part-
A cut-out Mummy Case. words on them. Members of the audi-

Door is opened to show a ence are completely astounded when it
picture of a Mummy is found that they have paired the cards
swathed in bandages. up correctly to make perfect words! -
With the door closed, the AND there's a wonderful SMASH CLI-
performer pulls an end MAX when the cards are rearranged to
of white ribbon from a [ form a message. 'GOODBYE'or
cut-out in the Mummy 'THAT'S ALL'. No Rough and Smooth, GREAT AUDIENCE PAR-
Case and continues until TICIPATION and a real surprise at the end.
he has produced many I PRICE, £5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00;._____________
yards of the bandage. When the door is opened there is a big
Silk-screened orange, green, red, grey, white and black.
Regular size 17" high. First-class entertainment.
A borrowed coin is marked and wrap-
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). ped in a square of paper. A zippered
GIANT SIZE 'OH, MUMMY!' Exactly the same effect as above purse is given to spectator to hold.
EXCEPT that it's about TWICE THE SIZE. 24" high and about The paper holding the coin is burned
12" across. As used with terrific success by PETER GREEN- to ashes: performer unzips the purse.
WOOD. By courtesy of Peter, we give his routine FREE to all It contains a second purse which is
purchasers of this giant size model. also unzipped. A small third purse is
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $36.00). removed from the second one. When
it is opened the spectator finds the
ORIENTAL SILVER marked coin within this innermost purse.
The above description was given by ED MISHELL in nis 'Tricks
A beautiful Chinese coin with a hole
of the Trade' in the 'Genii' Magazine.
in the middle and a regular 10p. piece
The purses supplied are beautifully hand-made in real leather
(or for our American friends a 25c.
and with brass zips.
piece). The coins transpose, one
Instead of a coin you can have a BORROWED RING appear in the
passes through a table, through an en-
Nest of Purses. All the fun of the Nest of Boxes BUT with really
velope etc. A routine is given and
lightweight props that you can carry in your pocket. You can work
_________________you'll soon come up with many vari-
it in cabaret, close-up and surrounded.
ations of your own.Very easy to do, great pocket magic.
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $28.00).
Six cards, each bearing a different
A regular-looking wand (black with coloured spot. One is chosen. Cards
white tips) enables you to perform an are inserted into a small wooden box
extraordinaiy effect. A card is freely which the magician places behind his
chosen, cards tossed into the air. back. Instantly, he is able to produce
Magician lounges out amongst the fall- the card bearing the chosen colour!
ing cards with his wand. IMAGINE Many other presentations are poss-
THE ASTONISHMENT OF THE SPEC- ible, including a stunning penetration effect.
TATORS WHEN THE ACTUAL CHOSEN No skill - No sleights! All the apparatus can be examined!
CARD IS SEEN TO BE IMPALED ON * No 'get-ready' - you can repeat the effect immediately.
THE WAND! Many other mystifying capers are possible. * No 'extra gimmicks' - it's all in the nicely-made box and
For instance, a playing-card can be held behind the wand and cards supplied.
rubbed against it. SUDDENLY AND EERILY THE CARD Comes complete, ready to work.
We supply the special wand, plus a manuscript of ideas using BAFFLING BOOMERANGS
it. Everything complete for ... Price,£5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00). A simple stunt and extremely ef-
fective in performance.
Rainbow Cascade Two large wooden boomerangs,
A beautiful production. Both one red and one green are shown to
hands are shown empty, back be exactly the same size. First the
and front. Right away hand red one grows longer than the green
grabs in the air and immediately one, then the green one gets longer
a length of coloured ribbon appears. than the red! Even when you know
Passes are made and the ribbon how it's done you can hardly believe
commences running from the hand, it! The boomerangs are correctly shaped, made in wood and
pouring out in a lovely kaleidoscope attractively lacquered in colour. They come complete with a
of colour. THIRTY FEET of comedy patter presentation. Stage size. About 17 inches long,
changing, eye-appealing silky rib- 3j inches wide.
Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $14.00).
bon in a glorious, shimmering
Rainbow Cascade.
We supply the ribbons, 1 inch wide. Not paper streamers but BASKET OF ROSES
REAL ribbons which you can use over and over again, the sim- A colourful silk-screened wooden
ple but clever feke and our illustrated instructions, including cut-out "basket of roses". Roses
are made-up from bunched-up silks

some delightful follow-up notions.
You can produce several Rainbow Cascades if you wish! pushed through holes in the plaque.
Silks are removed and placed into a
Price, each, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
metal flower pot. In an instant they
vanish leaving a shower of confetti,
A small trick which is big in then, there they are, all back in the

impact! basket again! Once more the silks
Four pieces of paper about 3|" are removed and placed into the
x 5", papers are in day-glo col- flower pot. Suddenly the flower pot fills to overflowing with
ours, one red, one yellow, one lovely spring flowers! Or, if you wish, to real roses which
green and there's one black.
Papers are freely shown on both
Paper can be tossed out to the audience.
Supplied without silks or spring flowers.
sides. Now the children shout We supply the basket of roses, special metal flower pot and
the magic word and instantly the detailed routines.
papers transform into one sin- Price, £18.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
gle paper FOUR TIMES THE
SIZE, with the word.'MAGIC' on SILKS. Ten 12" silks are required for the above, (five pairs»
it, all in different colours We can supply. 100% pure silk. Price each silk, 85p, (U.S.A.
against a black background. _____________________________________ $2.00).
Paper is re-folded. More fun and business! Then suddenly the
paper GROWS to FOUR TIMES ITS SIZE. Now it's a miniature Hand-made De Kolta paper flowers.
POSTER, 14" x 20", all in colour. Price per packet of twenty-five, small, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Great Magic and a fine shouting gag to 'get the kids going!' large, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Excellent as an opener but the papers can be picked up and used Silk leaf flowers, per twenty-five, price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $13.00).
at anytime in the show. NO REPLACEMENTS ARE EVER NEED
ED. You can use this over and over and over again! Do YOU subscribe to the Premier Magazine of Magic, THE
Clever Magic which is strong enough for you to use in your MAGIGRAM? Packed with interesting tricks, routines, ideas,
adult performances. adverts, for the new tricks.
Supreme 'MAGIC PAPERS' complete with full instructions, rou £7.5.1), (U.S.A. $18. ÖÖj for a whole year's subscription. (Sam-
tine and patter. pie copy £1.50, $3.00. but you won't be taking any chance
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. 518.00). on this one. A whole year's enjoyment for just £7.50 ($18)

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England

Two sets of geometrical design SUPER CANE TO TABLE Professional perfor-

cards are shown. One set is print- mers such as FRED
ed in RED, one in BLACK. The KAPS, TONNY VAN
performer takes one of the BLACK DOMMELEN and
design cards and places it, back JOHNNY HART have
outwards, in full view. used this opening
A spectator is now allowed an absolutely free choice of any one sequence to enhance their acts.
of the face up RED design cards - he can even change his mind Now we are proud to present what is acclaimed as the
if he wishes. finest model of this great opening effect.
Climax'. When the performer's card is shown it is a perfect Magician enters with hat and cane. Suddenly the cane is
match - both cards bear the same design! transformed into a table stand as three gleaming tripod legs
One of those tricks that dumbfounds any audience - it's so make their appearance from it. The hat is balanced on top
staggeringly impossible! The onlj’ apparent explanation is that of the cane providing the perfect table-top.
there was telepathic contact between you and the spectator! Complete with four-page manuscript of instructions and
Supplied complete ready to work. Both sets of cards, etc., ideas. No hat included.
and t'.ie detailed routine. Well-made prop in wood and metal which any performer will
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). be proud to own and use.
Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $100.00).

Magician picks up and

freely shows his magic
wand; black with white
Visible Two To One Ropes
tips. Wand is waved in Originated by Allan Lambie and a
the air. Suddenly and Supreme Exclusive. Two short
without cover of any lengths of rope are held between
kind the wand changes, the hands; as the hands are drawn

IT IS NOW WHITE apart they magically join into a
WITH BLACK TIPS! full-length one. No replacements
The wand can change I
X' ever needed.
from one colour to the Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
other at will, and can
form an excellent con- 11"
tinuity gag in your pro- 9 LEWIS .GANSON
gramme. A fine book dealing exclusively with
No shells, sleevework or duplicate wands! Several ideas are the continuous production of cards
given with each outfit, which consists of the well-made wand | ■'CARD . singly and in fans from the hands.
and full routines. Supreme 'Wanda' wand is always ready to MAGIC Six chapters telling you the best cards
work. Just pick it up, show it and WHAM! It changes from K* v to use, how to prepare them and
black and white to white and black! It's fooling, confusing, ^MANIPULATION^] teaching you the sleights that Lewis
amusing! performs in his own act. There is a
Price, £2.50, U.S.A. $6.00. Xi chapter on manipulating in gloves
and finally a complete and splendid
- The Ultimate in the
Unusual. - KODO Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).

Cr A
Here's a mental ef-
fect that, whilst ideal
for close-up perform- B
ances is also 100$ ef-
fective for Club oi-
St age.
A prediction is made
in full view of the audi-
ence but in a SECRET
CODE, one which
(you say) was widely used by Intelligence during the war.
A pack of cards (it can be borrowed) is dealt into heaps and a
spectator is asked to tell you to stop at any time. He is given
an ABSOLUTELY FREE CHOICE of any packet of cards and
can even change his mind. He notes the bottom card of this
packet. The others are shown to be different. There are de- Originated by PETER WARLOCK. A fantastic trick, principle!
finitely NO DUPLICATES. Two clear, transparent, light plastic tubes and an opaque one
Someone else decodes the message with the aid of the special (shown empty from BOTH ends). Tubes are nested together
"key". It reveals a card. Spectator names his card and it is with tissue paper and immediately you produce silks, flowers,
the one you predicted! candy, etc., from the tubes. The load capacity is almost that
You'll like this. No sleights, no moves. Interestingand of the nested tubes themselves! Tubes are approximately 3" in
entertaining. And remember you can use ANY PACK OF diameter, 12" long. An effect you will be delighted and proud
CARDS. to feature in your programmes.
Price, 75p. U.S.A. $2.00. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Roy Baker's
Humpty Dumpty Paper Tear
A lovely trick for the kids!
Vtatwrt Miracle
A lovely little close-up effect that
Our specially-designed printed drove 'em wild at a recent Continen-
papers are 13 x 8 inches. Big and tal Convention.
bold they show Humpty himself in Two stage notes are shown and
black and white sitting on top of a interlocked by folding one within the
red-brick wall. You'll love the other. A spectator is asked to blow
routine which is perfect children's on the notes. As soon as he does
entertainment. this ... one note seems to melt right
gea, iBEfjtsijQae H3 No pasting etc., of the papers, - | through the other. The spectators
■■ ■■■
ber d
on p ready in a jiffy. Easy to do. Great can hardly believe their eyes.
kids' entertainment. You explain that you have to use Stage Money or there would
"All the Kings Horses and all the Kings men couldn't put be no trick. After all, any silly fool can go through real money!
Humpty together again", but you can! 20 papers, (which will There is no doubt about it ... It's a real knock-out. You'U
last you for 19 shows), together with all the routines. love the trick and be even more delighted with the price. Comes
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). complete with 'Phoney Money'.
Price, £1.00. (U.S.A.$2.00).

Roy Baker's Mind Boggier

AT THE SEASIDE 'Fantastic Mentalism' or 'super- *\
natural skill' with the pasteboards, V -*\s
if* */
All the fun of the seaside packed depending on how you present it.
into one super trick, - already a it. A single red-backed card forms the

proven hit with many well-known \ magician's prediction. The spectator
children's entertainers. Big, colour- 'fal merely thinks of any card from a
ful, flat-pack magic. blue-backed pack. The red-backed

Ss' I Q0
Miss World (1935) is wearing an , card is inserted into the pack. Be-
old-fashioned red and black striped lieve it or not, it is inserted next to
costume, - it looks terrible! The the spectator's card!
magician changes the costume for A further surprise comes when the cards are turned over and
another, now she's wearing yellow it is seen that the red-backed card actually matches the specta-
and black, (he turned the envelope around ... Oh no he didn't'.). tor's freely thought-of selection!
Back and forth from red and black to yellow and black, then Not a 'once only' trick. No force, - every time you do it the
surprise ... the costume is now black and white! result can be different. Special ingenious pack of cards which is
What's this? - another card is seen, but that's the picture of supplied complete with fully detailed routine.
an OCTOPUS. At the end, the children are well and truly Price, £4.50, (U.S.A.$12.00).
CAUGHT. All the "turn it round" gags with a big build-up of
laughs. A SMASH HIT!
Complete, Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). Dizzy Dots
A clever paddle routine with nicely-
made props. Two small white plastic
Harry Leafs paddles which are freely shown. Sud-
Silk To Silkworm denly a black dot appears on one side
Magician takes up a silk handker- of one of the paddles, then another!
chief. "Here's a silk", he says, "it Mysteriously, the spot jumps from
came from a silkworm. LOOK HERE one paddle to the other until at the
IS THE SILKWORM! " Suddenly and in end there is a spot on each side of
a flash, the silk changes into a both paddles! Then for the great
LARGE COLOURFUL SILKWORM - surprise, all the spots leave one paddle so that this is plain on
a spring snake that jumps all over the both sides, the other paddle now has two spots on each side!
place! Novel, easy to do, the perfect The trick is easy to do and a real classic in pocket-magic,
'displacement' for a silk vanish. presenting a most bewildering series of events leading up to the
Merely toss the silk into the air and surprising climax. A good trick to have with you always.
show the change! Complete with fully printed, illustrated routine and paddles.
Pride, complete with silk, £7.50, Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00).
_________________ (U.S.A. $18.00).
Popular globe-trotting entertainer, HAROLD TAYLOR, was delighted when HE purchased ONE. He
wrote: "A marvellous little trick with great comedy potential which takes up no room and which is
always ready. I SHALL BE USING THIS A LOT."
He was, of course, referring to GOOF BALL by Warren Stephens.
A coloured golf baU is placed into a paper-bag ... the ball changes colour then back again. Repeat
it any number of times but the audience are not convinced, - YOU KNOW WHAT THEY'LL TELL YOU,
and indeed they are right! But you can confound them when you show that one of the balls reaHy has
changed to a completely
Great for kids ... Great for any audience! An unusual sucker trick. YOU'LL goof if you pass this up! ,
Price is only, £3.00 , (U.S.A. $8.00)._________ .. —;------- i
A Supreme Exclusive!

PREDICTION SUPREME Striptease Paper Tear

Seven cards are shown to be
all different, - only seven cards
are used ... no extra cards.
The seven cards are placed
into a small wallet which at no
time obscures them completely.
Magician writes a prediction on
one card.
Spectator takes the wallet and selects a card in the fairest iM
possible manner by dealing off cards and stopping at any time
he wishes. Wham! - Believe it or not, when your prediction
is turned over, it is correct! You don't have to be a comedian to get laughs with 'The Strip-
No sleights! No moves! This is an easy-to-do trick that you tease Paper Tear', and it's easy to do! Preparation is cut to a
will enjoy performing. Wallet can be examined. minimum and the handling has been routined to make the whole
Price, specially produced piastic holder, special cards and thing simple.
routine, all for .. £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). If you're a stand-up comedy magician, this is for you too. It
can be inserted at any point in your show and, although it's so
PANELLO easily carried, the pictures are large enough to be seen and
appreciated in a large theatre.
A card, chosen from a The patter is by Ken de Courcy and every line is a LAUGH!
deck vanishes'. You get 30 special printed papers, plus the routine and full
Two attractively- instructions etc.
coloured pieces of board It's a trick you daren't wait to see someone else perform
are freely displayed and first because it's very much your sort of magic, the type that
shown on both sides. The entertains today's sophisticated audiences, magic you enjoy do-
pieces of board are plac- ing.
ed together, and when Price. £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
separated a card has mys-
teriously appeared be- RAILWAY SANDWICH
tween them. BUT IS THE EGG
Magician again showing the panels and placing them together. Mental Mystery. Two triangular
Again they are separated and show the appearance of a second cards represent pieces of bread
card - once again the wrong card! ... others. different sandwich
Magician appears rather nonplussed at this sorry state of af- fillings. The assisting spectator
fairs, and asks the spectator to concentrate really hard on his is very surprised when you pro-
card, imagining it to be a little LARGER THAN LIFE. When duce his mentally selected sand-
the panels are separated once more, a Jumbo size replica of wich.
the spectator's card appears firmly attached to one of the panels. Price, complete with typical
Now get this: No double panels are used to work this effect. JOHNNY GEDDES routine. £1.00.
TEN l it t l e
, By arrangement with
The repeat feature of this effect, coupled with the surprise ap- Eric C. Lewis.

pearance of the large card makes it a most mystifying and enter-
taining item. Everything can be EXAMINED if you wish! ORIGINATED bi]
Complete, Plaques, Jumbo card etc. , and full routines. DeVEGA L
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). The classic 'Cards to Pocket' made
acceptable and entertaining to chil-

SNOW-WHITE SURPRISE dren! We supply you with ten special-:

ly printed Playing cards, blue-geo- (
metrical design backs. Faces of the*x
Jumbo cards cards are neatly and clearly printed
all printed in col- with an amusing picture. The adven-
our depict a pic- tures that befall the ten little boys
ture of Snow are clearly iUustrated as you recite
White amongst ,1
the accompanying rhymes, and the
the toadstools! cards disappear one at a time to ap-
Magically these pear in your previously empty
change into pic- pocket!
tures of the Maybe you already have your own favourite way of doing this
seven dwarfs! trick, but Hi case you haven't ever worked this before, Eric
There's a surprise finish ... only six dwarfs appear, for Lewis' detailed working and routine is included. One of the
'Bashful' is "hiding" and is discovered elsewhere. Complete greatest "Little tricks with big effect" that we know. Darned
with fully-printed routine ... an easy to do trick that will be- good for adults too!
come a FEATURE for you. Price, Cards, routine and instruction complete, £2.00,
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). (U.S.A. $5.00).
Arthur Hambling's The Bog of
Based on classic principles BUT
A Supreme Exclusive! with many unusual features, and
An unbelievable trick that's in the with properties which take up no
miracle class! room in the bag but which enable
An empty tumbler is covered with you to present a most delightful
a paper tube. On top of it is placed and unusual effect with lots of
a plastic sheet, on top of this a audience participation.
second empty glass. Milk is poured Not cnly is there ample scope for
into this top glass which is then business and by-play during the routine but there are TWO
covered with a paper tube, further SPLENDID OFFBEAT CLIMAXES.
milk is poured into it. Two children assist you. The properties are large, beauti-
A fantastic penetration effect now fully-made black felt bag with reinforced edges; a long Bamboo
takes place! Rod; coloured ropes; coloured Ribbon Rings represent the
Top paper tube is lifted off the tumbler which is now empty. Eastern Sim, the Chinese Moon, the Blue Bird of Happiness.
Paper tube is squashed flat, torn into pieces and tossed out to Magically all the properties come free from the ropes onto
he audience. Top tumbler is removed, the plastic sheet is which they have been threaded and tied!
3hown, and there is the milk in the bottom tumbler, it can im- Then there is a tremendous surprise when all the rings
nediately be poured from glass to glass. stream out of the bag, now all joined together in a multi-
No feke linings to steal out; No chemicals. Truly automatic coloured ribbon chain which the children hold between them.
n working - you simply pour in the quid and it works itself! Suddenly another marvellous surprise! ... "Ho-Wat-Fun" ...
\ny liquid can be used and 'Auto Milko* can be worked at any the Chinaman himself appears!
ime in the programme. Make no mistake, this is a children's effect to the high
A great effect made entirely in plastic which you can perform standard of magic and FUN which you'll come to expect from
inder any conditions, even surrounded! 'Supreme'.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). Price, absolutely complete, ready to work, £25.00,
(U.S.A. $55.00).
’A Case of Colour’ The Australian Bouncing
ball ... which doesn't
A pack of cards dealt faces t bounce for anyone but you!
towards the audience. Any j One of the best pocket
cards chosen ... they are the { tricks we have seen, this
only odd-coloured cards in the J innocent looking one-inch
pack; they have red backs ... ; rubber ball is sure to fool
all the rest of the pack is blue- them. You drop the ball
backed! No skill or sleights, to the ground and it bounces
- only requires practice in hand- back into your hand. Bounce it as often as you wish. The ball is
ling. A great trick for you to now given to a spectator, he in turn drops it to the ground and it
use in your 'mental' programme. This is the pack recom- just goes PLUNK and doesn't bounce at all ... not even an inch
mended by Ken De Courcy and Stanton Carlisle. A great ... you take the ball from spectator and make it bounce high into
trick for close-up or stage. the air. Once again spectator tries to make the ball bounce only
Special pack and routine, price £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). to find to his dismay that the bounce is out of the ball, try as he
might the ball will not bounce. It's a new type of pocket trick
Supreme and easily carried in your pocket.


Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Even a silk vanish can give a touch
if comedy to get a laugh, to earn Chinese Card Trick
ou applause! Supreme "WRONG A card is chosen. Magician shows
ILK" is a gag you can incorporate a prediction written by a Chinese
nto any number of silk effects. One friend naming the actual chosen
diich can give an extra zest and
parkle to many old favourites. iWRONG!
card! Audience are NOT impressed
for the prediction is printed in what
The special silk which we supply is appears to be Chinese! "You can't
irinted for us. It is 18 inches square with a red border and read it?" asks the Magi, "well, \
lears the word "WRONG" in bright blue lettering in the white I'LL TRANSLATE IT FOR YOU! "
entre. Big and bold enough to be seen from any stage. The Deftly he folds the prediction when
ilk folds into a small compass. We'll tell you how to use it the writing forms plain words ... naming the chosen card!
n conjunction with a Sucker Vanishing Silk, 20th Century Silks, CONFUCIOUS - he says - "THIS VELLY GOOD TUCK"!
Vith a Dye Tube, Comedy Effect with a Change Bag, etc. We supply the special paper plus the printed illustrated instruc-
Now you can perform the popular "Stung" trick using SILKS, tions and routine. Price, 35p, (U.S.A. 75<).
iut the corner of the red silk proves to be the one that proves
he audience were "WRONG" after all! TOP MAGAZINE
The special silk and the manuscript of ideas comes to you "I look forward each month to ‘THE MAGIGRAM'. It's the tops in magazines."
Oscar Peterson Jnr., Braham, U.S.A.
complete for only ... THE MAGIGRAM. subscription £6.50 (U.S.A. S13) per year, 12 issues, post paid.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
THE CINDERS STORY On a neat wooden base are
displayed three 2|" plastic
discs, each disc a different ,«IV
ft P 9 colour. Any disc is freely

chosen and signed by a spec-
tator. An envelope,shown
empty , is sealed and given
to someone to sit on. The
chosen disc is secured in a
nest of three envelopes.
Magically, the disc trans-
1 poses. The envelope pre-
viously containing the disc
is now empty and can be torn up. The spectator who has been
guarding the empty envelope since the commencement, opens
Comes complete with wooden stand, special plastic discs,
The story of Cinderella illustrated by Magic, and large, envelopes and routines. No skill required, entirely self-
beautifully coloured pictures and props. A picture of Cinder- contained.
ella in her rags changes and she is now wearing a beautiful Price, £4.50. (U.S.A. $12.00).
party gown. Together with t\vo coachmen she goes into a
golden coach. There's byplay and Cinderella has gone, leav-
ing behind the golden slipper and the two Ugly Sisters.
A fantastic opening for any
magic act! A metal torch is
Cinderella is back in the kitchen and there's another picture
and this time it's one of PRINCE CHARMING.
lit, it bursts into a really
large flame. Magician makes
A handful of confetti is produced and showered over the happy a tossing movement in the air
pair to bring the routine to its logical conclusion. with'the torch and WHAM!
A trick that can be the high-spot of any programme. ’J
it’s GONE!
Props pack flat to make a most appealing display. The apparatus we supply is
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). precision-made and works
like a charm. A truly pro-
The Tablets of fessional prop for the pro-
fessional performer.
Tutankhamen Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00)
A novel effect with two small
tablets, just 2|" square, both You've seen the top
coloured red on one side, Magical comedians use
green on the other, both with them, TOMMY COOPER.
Egyptian hieroglyphics. Yakity-Yak JOE CHURCH, KEN DE
Magician explains that these
represent tablets found in the
Tomb of Tutankhamen.
Talking McCOMB and you know :
they're a certain laugh! ;
Strange and bizarre! Sud-
denly the tablets seem to pre- Teeth / We can supply them
Just wind them up and
sent some mystical properties for placed together, although the they chatter-chatter-
tablets remain synchronised, the hieroglyphic panels change chatter!
around and turn at right angles! Say they're your wife's (or mother-in-law's teeth) - and away
The process is continued. - Tablets are separated and exam- they go nattering at you! Use them as a finish to an Egg-bag
ined by spectators. One of the tablets is genuinely changed. It routine! As an attention-getting gag in the bar! This is the
is weirdly intriguing! best-quality model
KEN DE COURCY has taken a standard effect, has extended Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
the routine and added an interesting story to make this a first-
rate pocket effect. Tablets are heavy card and artistically
silk-screened in colour.
By Tony Shiels.
The effect comes complete with KEN DE COURCY'S routine,
A Devil's Dozen of Macabre
patter and illustrated instructions. Miracles with which you can
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). flabbergast, astound, stupify,
■ «'

dazzle, mystify, baffle, amaze

VERY ODD CARD disturb, frighten, stun, aston-
ish, startle and entertain!
KELLINI'S Brainwave effect with Lifts effects into the realm
six cards. A spectator has a per- of the occult. 'Brain Storms', i
fectly free choice of any card, - 'The Devil's Picture Book', 1Z. i
IT'S THE ONE WITH THE DIFFER- 'The Frighteners' ... and
ENT COLOUR BACK! No Rough more. Spooky supernatural
and Smooth or similar principles. stunts to entertain, scare and amuse. If you are seeking the
Complete with all the cards. thrilling and unusual, send for your copy of '13' today.
Price, £1.00, U.S.A. §2.00. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Tricky Drinks Three Little Pigs
One of the most unusual pocket Ask any kids' entertainer and they'll
tricks to ever come out. A pocket tell you this is the TOPS. Packs small
Wine List; a small coloured plastic looks big; colourful; set in a jiffy;
barrel. Spectator chooses any autUence participation, singing, ac-
drink. Barrel is opened and there's (sbW tIon • • • it's all In one tremendous
a prediction inside. A prediction of
that very same drink! X Wj Mtrick- Fmr hMirtiftil
Four beautiful nurture
picture carrln
cards, 7
There's a smashing offbeat climax Inches by 10 Inches, - all in colour:
when the barrel is opened again and Three of the cards depict the Three
is now filled with the actual chosen Little Pigs and the fourth The Big
drink ... Yes, the real stuff! A Bad Wolf. The beautifully made and
great 'bar' trick. Work it any time, anywhere! You can have decorated wooden house supplied is
a different drink every time you perform the trick. It's clever! a great utility prop.
Ace journalist, ALAN KENNAUGH, feature writer for 'Tele- The Big Bad Wolf vanishes. The children try to catch him
vision Times', columnist for The Magigram Magazine, wrote: but they can't, and at the end there's a big surprise when the
"One of the most unusual tricks I have ever seen and one which House of Bricks is opened and there is the Wolf stewing in a
just has to be a winner. I like it!" - You'll like it too." cauldron of boiling water!
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). All cards are varnished and round cornered; The House of
Pavel's Bricks is ingenious, comes complete with a wonderful routine.
Quadsilx A feature children's trick.
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $60.00).
Four single 18" silks are shown and
magically transformed into a giant
four-colour one, 36 inches square. A Spectator chooses a card and
terrific 'Blendo' effect performed •another reveals its identity with the
VISIBLY without moves or sleights. aid Of an X-Ray Scope. The pay-off
The giant silk is pushed into a paper comes as a big surprise - creating
tube which has been shown to be empty. laughter and applause.
As the silk is pushed in, magician One of the features is that the spec-
snips in the air with a pair of scissors. tator who is asked to name the card zj affr
One by one, four separate silks are at first fails, he is very surprised /k
shown again! The rolled-up paper is when he does name the chosen card. Nj / I X. P/
empty again. A BIG effect you can present any- ' J1
Fantastic for any type show from the where, on the largest stage. 1
most sophisticated to the children's The size of the X-RAY SCOPE is
show. Great audience participation as the children shout out the 9 x 13 inches.
colours to bring about the Blendo effect, and with Comedy Shears It's Easy! It's Comedy! It's Magic! * fry
etc., as the magical separation takes place. We supply the Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $5.00).
special tube (which can also be used for a silk production etc.)
plus all the beautiful real silks, plus the routine.
Price £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
Comedy and entertainment in a great
/A^ z- a RD Item for your programme.
Tipple Topple Wand zj yA^ 1 Just three playing-cards, two blank-
A great gag, strictly for the kids' faced ones and a picture card, all
J Uf entertainer. In solid laughter it is i shown front and back. A spectator

worth many times its weight in gold! ' from the audience tightly holds all
What does it do ? Not a lot really! I three cards after an elastic-band has
- the end topples over! Put back been placed around them. Despite
straight again, the same thing hap- this the picture card vanishes from
pens. The kids scream with delight between the other two!
especially when, every time you look
at the wand it automatically rights Spectator examines the cards. His attempts to cause the cards
itself again. No magic - just a barrel to re-appear fail. Finally the card does appear ... ON THE
of FUN! SPECTATOR'S BACK! A howl of a finish and it's all so easy
It's a riot of 'Controlled shouting'. Made in plastic, Comes to do!
complete with instructions and routines. If you put entertainment first, then this is a definite 'must'.
Price,, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).

Wonder Bat
A neat black plastic bat with three yellow spots on each side. Suddenly the spots change and are now
blue on both sides. Again they change and this time they are all red! Three changes with just one bat
... but there's more to come. - For suddenly there's a red, a yellow and a blue spot on EACH side
of the bat!
"Obviously it's time for me to stop! " says the magician, as he waves the bat and instantly all the spots
change to red once more!
Supplied with full instructions and routine.
Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $6.00).
ROY VAN DYKE says "It's a real Fun galore with .
Elwood Rabbit’s Magic Carrot

cracker of a routine! "
It's the GREATEST for kids or for
adults! Originated by VAN CLEVE
A large 'E' twists this way and that
with additional ideas by BILLY DAY.
big f way on a square sign. If that's not con-
fusing enough the sign opens into a
Show a small cloth bag to be empty,
then produce silks from it. Suddenly
folder with a red square on one side and visibly the bag is transformed in-
and a green spot on the other. Opening to a giant carrot, A most amazing
and closing the folder makes the square and surprising transformation!
and the spot jump back and forth! You can change an Easter Egg into
There's a surprise ending when the a carrot ... a proper Easter Dinner
square turns to BLUE and the spot to for an Easter Bunny! The finer rou-
YELLOW! tine by BILLY DAY uses the bag as a
Warren Stephen's routine is great stand-up comedy .... a tre- hat!
mendous patter-logue of amusing gags. Another routine is a mar-
vellous KIDS' PRESENTATION in the form of an I.Q. Test to see We supply the well-made bag complete with a whole manuscript
of clever notions.
if the boys or the girls are the smarter! First the boys get it
wrong, then the girls get it wrong .... It's a whole lot of fun! Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Finally the silliest one is YOU for the folder is turned and Everybody's Birthday favourite, the ...
shown to read 'ME'.
Comes complete, Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). HAPPY BIRTHDAY BANNER
A great continuity gag when the vari-
You've seen it on T.V. You've seen ous coloured ribbons are supposed to
it on stage ... a really great trick.
vanish from the velvet square. - They
don't! Finally, the kids make a wish ha ppy
BALLOON PENETRATION and the words 'Happy Birthday' appear
in variegated colours.
A clear transparent balloon is in-
flated and tied. Magician shows a The end of a ribbon trails right off the BIRTW
long thin plated needle threaded with banner and tied to it is a small box
cord. Slowly he pushes the needle containing a gift for the birthday
right through the balloon ... yes, the youngster.
needle goes in one end of the balloon, Complete with EDWIN'S routine.
right through it and out the other. You Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00).
can see the needle actually passing
through the balloon. Available by return! ROY BAKER'S great effect which you can
Cord can be drawn right through. use at the dinner table or during your close-up work .
Finally, you pop the balloon and take A glass of wine is covered over
your applause!
You get the needle, specially produced for this effect, PLUS 35»] with a handkerchief and suddenly
seems possessed by a mischievous

the cord, PLUS one dozen transparent balloons free, to start spirit! First it moves slightly and
you off with this great effect, PLUS printed instructions, tips, then it seems to 'take off', floating
etc. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). around in the manner of the Floating
It's a BIG trick. Ball .... the difference being that
this is done with just an ordinary
"Please rush me another large supply of clear balloons for the wine-glass which happens to be on
Balloon Penetration as I am leaving next week for an eight-week the table at that time.
Australian tour of 42 concerts. (Roy BaMr) The secret is in the first-class,
"I'm having tremendous success with the Improved Balloon well-made special feke which is
Penetration, which with the comedy angle runs for about five supplied complete with a photographically illustrated routine and
minutes. I'll be performing this at the Sydney Opera House. " superb instructions.
John Shearer, (Scotland's International Magical Comedian). Price, £5.00. (U.S.A $12.00).
A Supreme Exclusive!

chapter is devoted to them ... fit-up
THE GAG BAG figures, etc. , in ...
This is the British-made, new
larger-size, easier working Bag. It
Introducing Bill’s Magic
changes colour over and over again WILLIAM G. STICKLAND'S great
Set*-'* in a wonderful bit of zany comedy book. Illustrated by ALI BONGO.
4 ” which is solid entertainment! Fin- Kiddies magic ... Comedy magic
K. " ishes up as a striped bag and then a ... Close-up magic ... Novel plat-
SPOTTED one. form mysteries ... Illusions in
,,m Comes complete with comedy miniature ... Sporting Sorcery ...
patter. and much more are here.
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00). 274 bound 8" x 10" pages, cloth
bound. A book to treasure and refer
tine that is abso-
Cowboys and Indians
A trick which brings to your
lutely UNBELIEV-

programme a breath of the
ABLE in effect.
Wild and wooly West!
A trick that's a
Psychic Pontooii d Three gaily silk-screened

a e> GAME'. Mentalism

that is UNUSUAL
and fun!
12| inch wooden figures are
used, together with two con-
trastingly coloured silken
tothing to memorise or learn!
cords. One figure depicts a
rnagine; cards are dealt from a pack, Three devotees of
Young Cowboy. Our artist
ntoon step forward and play a game of PSYCHIC PONTOON;
has cleverly made him a boy
t at the end, the performer can tell each spectator the name
so that the children will readily identify themselves with him.
the card which he picked up and also which of the three spec- The two other figures show two very fierce-looking Red Indians!
ors is the winner of the game!!! As the story is told the Cowboy is threaded onto one of the
lere is something which your audiences long remember; it ropes which is tied in a loop between the two Indians. Escape
n be presented as a card miracle OR as an outstanding for him IS CLEARLY IMPOSSIBLE. YET, by merely 'shouting
[RACLE OF THE MIND. the Magic spell' the Cowboy makes his escape AND PASSES
fou use any ungimmicked pack of cards. We supply you with FROM YOUR CORD ONTO ANOTHER ONE ('A Lassoo') HELD
e SPECIAL APPARATUS which makes the trick easy for you, BY TWO SPECTATORS! ('The Sheriff and a member of his
?ether with KEN de COURCY'S detailed instructions, routine Posse')
d presentation. IT'S REALLY NOVEL! NOT the old Twin-rope idea'.
’rice, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Supreme 'COWBOYS AND INDIANS' turns a clever penetra-
TELEVISION PUPPET MAGIC tion trick into a brilliant Kiddies effect. It is an item that a
lot of wise performers are going to get a lot of fun out of.
Bj' Ian Adair.
In this beautifully produced book Ian Adair Price, £8.00, (U.S.A. $22.00).
has incorporated puppetry with magic and
a great number of novel and original plots. The Unking Ring Vol. 59 No. 3
Here are chapters on 'Selecting your puppets March 1979 Hocus in Focus by
choosing a name for it, Displaying the pup- John Braun.
pets, (all sorts of novel angles), business The Crabtree Connection
and by-play etc. , etc. TOP MATERIAL Two cards with their centres torn

FROM THE AUTHOR AND A WHOLE HOST out (like two cardboard frames) are
OF STAR CONTRIBUTORS. linked together; in this condition
Hand puppets are featured exclusively in they are placed linked, one on each
this book. The author does not set out to of a spectator's thumbs, then sep-
plain how to make them, but how to make use of many of the arated. Can be examined, for there
cellent puppets which are already easily obtainable. Tips, seems to be no key slots anywhere in either card. Paul Harris
jas and routines........... AND SOME REALLY PRICELESS first devised a linked cards trick; Roger Crabtree took it from
FORMATION ON PUPPETS NEVER PREVIOUSLY REVEAL- there and Harris endorses this version. Lewis Ganson wrote
) IN PRINT. the book of instructions and supplied the 15 photos; cover
l well-produced printed book of 136 pages, cloth bound and photo is by David Goodsell and Jim Cozzens adds instructions
ibossed with title on the front and spine. Two-colour illus- for making the cards. Just learn to do it and it will look im-
ited dust-jacket. possible in YOUR hands'.
l great book which can open up new avenues of commercial M.U.M. March 1979. Overview of Magic by Tom Zoss.
igic to you.
‘rice, £5.00, U.S.A, $12.00.________________________________ _
By Lewis Ganson is Mr. Crabtree's routine for linking two
Originated by EDWIN - one Giant Ribbon Rings playing cards with centres removed. The effect is clearly photo
f our all-time HITS'.
illustrated and described, completely routined, and the result
Six large circles of lovely
is a true linking of two cards (apparently), not just an optical
WO INCH wide ribbon - two
illusion. This is stunning material.
ed, two yellow, two blue.
Price, £2,50, U.S.A. $6.00.
Rings are counted singly,

len three are placed to one ARROWSMITH’S
The remaining three are A PRINTED book of 90 PAGES,
hown, magically the yellow illustrated light board cover. 28
ing vanishes and reappears, linked between the red and blue EXCELLENT EFFECTS, mostly
nes!'.! performed without special appar-
Then amazingly, the first set of ribbons also link together! atus of any kind, a piece of rope, a
’hen for a GRAND CLIMAX, all six circles of ribbon join to- pack of cards, a sheet of newspaper,
other, to be swirled around ... a giant Catherine Wheel of etc., and WITHOUT elaborate
olour! sleights or "finger-flinging".
Easy to do; complete with all the ribbons and with a special The reader will have at his disposal
rinted book of routines. a repertoire of unusual and mystify-
GREAT FOR KIDS OR FOR ADULTS. ing effects in a well written book he will delight to read. Every
Price, complete, £10.50. (U.S.A. $25.00). trick PRACTICAL.
STANDARD SIZE r Fb BON RINGS Highly recommended for those seeking UNUSUAL mysteries
As above but with 1" ribbons, very pretty and colourful. Easy without apparatus.
> learn. A delight to perform.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). _______________ _____
Price, complete, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
This IS DIFFERENT! Three silks,
work it and you know it's FANTASTIC.
I two of one colour, one of another. Spectators bind the magician's wrists
together with rope, yet his hands are-
'i Ma8lclan 8tates they will blend togeth-
'ffj er. Apparently, unseen by him, one free in a second. Magician beckons to
spectator to be seated WITH A FREE
W'AB of the silks flutters to the floor. He
''/$&/ shakes the silks remaining and they HAND. Instantly he turns around and
the spectator examines the knots pulling WRISTj
IMAGINED, for each silk
blend together BUT NOT QUITE AS
is now HALF ONE COLOUR, HALF these tighter. He is still tightly bound.
Magician can stand behind a small
The magician sees and takes up the silk from the floor, adding table with a bell and a tambourine. Both .SUPREME
it to the mis-made ones. Suddenly he shakes the silks out and become wildly agitated. Magician shows hand and wrists and now
GIANT 36 INCH STRIPED ONE. It's AN APPLAUSE-GETTER. More effective than an illusion
No pocket or double silks used in this novel effect. costing a HUNDRED TIMES the price.
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $30.00). The illustrated instructions supplied with the rope make this
Supreme Wrist Tie easy to learn. Complete with great routine.

Venetian Silk-Blow
________________ Price, £1.50. (U.S.A. $4.00).
Entirely self-contained silk dyeing
effect. A sheet of heavy cartridge If) Magician pretends to perform a card
trick, following the instructions from a
pleated to resemble a fen or Vene-
tian blind (it's something like a nS 3 y large booklet. Card doesn't rise from
Troublewit paper), is formed into a ¥ I j the pack BUT every time the magician
tube. One by one, five 18" silks
tucked into the tube are blown u
I I looks the other way, THE CARD RISES
•t! A.
through, they emerge dyed into dif- 1 '•»io B* TIONS AND THEN GOES DOWN AGAIN.
ferent colours. Tube can be opened ' Finally, you discover the card and the
up and shown at any time. book drops open, changing into a CERTI-
’ Venetian Silk-Blow with full instructions and routine. You can FICATE OF MERIT and making you a
| use any silks.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). Real honest-to-goodness entertainment and commercial stuff
that the bookers will pay to see. Complete with Ken de Courcy's
THE ART OF ILLUSION exclusive patter routine.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
By Will Ayling. Illusions which have
been used by the world's greatest illu- BY
STON, BLACKSTONE, KALANAG, Cards are printed on regular /
HERMANN, AMAC, and many many playing card stock. The Elephant
more ... Material which until now has House is big and square and the f
been jealously kept from the majority of Giraffe House long and narrow. !£'
magicians. Now it is all laid out, in Twelve other cards have pictures ’)
of Elephants and Giraffes on them,
clear language and fully illustrated.
IT'S ALL HERE ... Levitations, Penetrations, Productions, Van- What happens when a keeper tries /fau
ishes, Substitutions, etc., - every aspect of Illusion has been to put an elephant in the giraffe 1
covered by the author. Full working details, subtleties of con- House and vice versa ? WHY, THE
struction and presentation. Illustrations by Dennis Patten. ANIMALS MAGICALLY CHANGE PLACES! Time and time
'The Art of Illusion' is the passport to ENTERTAINMENT ON A again it occurs, until all the elephants are in their house and the
A beautifully bound book, Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). Ten minutes to learn and you are all-set for the rest of your
magical lifetime.
Clear instructions and routine PLUS the FOURTEEN specially
A very much copied trick! We can printed cards. £2.50, (U.S.A .$6J)0).
still supply. First advertised by us in
our No. 2 Catalogue! Two Jumbo SUPREME
cards, one shows a rabbit sitting in a Wand to Giant Smoking Cigar
BLACK top-hat, the other a rabbit
sitting in a RED top-hat. Spectator A regular looking wand, black with
holds one card, you the other, yet white tips, suddenly changes into an
quicker than a wink the cards change SufiAemC enormous JUMBO SIZE CIGAR, 2"
places. Many variations are given. ROLLICKING diameter, 16" long and yet it AC-
TUALLY SMOKES, magician puffing
Please note, only two cards are
used, no extra cards, no half cards.
, RABBITS real smoke from it.
no double faced or double backed cards. No sleights. Absolutely A great quickie to introduce into
self-contained. IT'S ALL MOST INGENIOUS AND A LOT OF your show at any time.
FUN. Complete with patter and ideas.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England
Ken de Courcy's
Beyond Belief
HALF-FULL HOUSE Five Jumbo cards are shown, faces
A novelty with Jumbo size cards.
Two cards are shown and placed to- zv**
P* ♦
.ö« aV
and backs, to represent a full house gether face to face. Cards are TURN-
in Poker. All the cards have blue ED OVER, BUT are still in the same

backs. order! Repeat it, separate the cards,
Suddenly one of the cards changes show them, put them together, turn
and you now hold just two pairs and a the two cards over and they are still
COURT CARD! "as they were."
You are'ail set’ for an extra astonishing climax when the Court A great surprise, and there's more
Card is turned over to show it has a different colour (A RED!) to come when one of the cards VAN-
back to the other cards! ISHES and APPEARS in your pocket!
Five Jumbo cards ONLY are used. NO extra cards, gimmicks It's "something different" that's easy to do. Supplied with all the
or gadgets! You'll enjoy the novel patter plot which builds up the Jumbo cards, plus the detailed routine.
effect to a GRAND CLIMAX with CERTAIN APPLAUSE. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Ken de Courcy's 'The Half-FuU House' comes to you complete, KEN DE COURCY presents novelties,
ready to work. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). tricks, gags, stunts and miracles with
A Supreme Exclusive! WWfDBBP MATCHES. Thirty-six 8" x 10" pages
CIGARETTES TO MATCHES £ £{ »«■MIT which hold some excellent material. You'll
A neat nifty to aid your magical I* -s' never be at a loss when the party is flag-
continuity. You, the magician,
move a packet of cigarettes from
Ssssi ging or someone suggests that you show
them a trick. You'll be able to do that 'at
your pocket, open it and take out a KEN DE COURCY the drop of a match!'
cigarette. Then pass your empty Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
hand over the packet of cigarettes _
and instantly this changes to a BOX OF MATCHES! You open
the box, remove a match, strike it and light your cigarette!
Made by a Master Craftsman. An
A delightful prelude to a Cigarette catching routine. Oriental coin and shell which will defy
This is completely self-contained. No pulls are used. the CLOSEST SCRUTINY. Complete
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00). with a great "photo tutor" by Lewis
Ganson including "The Coin on Ribbon",
OUT ON STRIKE "The penetration of the coin through a
A cute version of the famous 'Out to Lunch' chopstick", "A Coin off Cord," THREE
trick. Cards show an illustration of a basket. MARVELLOUS EFFECTS THAT LOOK JUST LIKE REAL MA-
A rope emerges from the basket and climbing GIC. Highly recommended in the 'New Tops', "artistically de-
up the rope is a little boy. A spectator can sign signed, highly recommended"; in the 'Linking Ring', "De luxe,
the card front and back. When you turn the card made by a Master Craftsman", M.U.M. Magazine, "The ooin is
over, the boy has gone and there's a message very handsome, the price is small." Goodliffe in 'Abracadabra',
hanging on the rope - "OUT ON STRIKE". "Perfect precision magic."
A good pocket trick and publicity-getter. Price, £10.00, (U.S.A. $25.00)
We supply this complete. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Silver Spheres Far in advance of any other type of Cone
The nested version of the Billiard
Balls which allows you to make an in- LEWISCONE ever offered to the fraternity. With Lewis-
cone you do not have to fiddle around to
stantaneous appearance of four silver find any secret pockets. Merely drop
spheres at your fingertips, without your silks into the cone - you can show
having to resort to any body loads, them inside up until the last moment -
steals, etc, flick open the cone and the silks have gone!
A silver ball is produced. Suddenly For a production, show the cone flat,
the ball multiplies, balls appearing form it into a cone and straight away pro-
singly or altogether in a flash so you duce your silks - even allow a spectator to reach inside and
hold four shiny silver balls between your fingers. Easy to do produce them.
and entirely self-contained. A weH-made, versatile piece of equipment.
Supreme 'Silver Spheres' is made entirely in metal and chrome- price. £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
plated.Price, £8.50, (U.S.A, $22.00),

Bill-Tube Salt Shaker HUMMERS' WH/RL-AWAY CARD

A great finish to a series of card ma-
One of our most sought-after effects. nipulations. Magician spins a card out
We've re-made it and can supply by re- and to the amazement of all it goes
turn. A finely engineered product. A around the performer who catches the
borrowed Treasury Note vanishes and card as it comes in front of him.
appears inside the salt shaker amongst Used by BILLY McCOMB, by CHRIS-
salt! TIAN and many others. You'll be sur-
A fantastic twist on the "Bill Tube" prised to know that the trick - for it
principle. The shaker is handsome. In really is that - is EASY TO DO. You
turned brass and black plastic. Can be don't have to practise for hours. The
most rigidly examined. special gimmick we supply can be add-
Complete with a number of great routines and ideas. ed to any deck. Comes complete with illustrated Instructions.
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40,00). Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Another Supreme 'oldie' which we re-
made, (you'll find it in our No. 2 Cata- A-»" »I •/>
SPRINGThese balls look solid and are 4"
logue). Spots vanish from a chosen
diameter. Fold flat! Top quality
-leaving this blank. At the same
springs covered with nice material
time the missing 'pips' and indices ap- V, • and multi-coloured. Produce them
pear all in a row on the nicely-made,
from a hat, a production box,
wooden, chrome yellow bat which you have shown on both sides. paper bag, etc. Wonderful when
A paddle trick that's designed for your programme and which is used in conjunction with Supreme's
a certain applause-puller. 'Crystal Cabinet'.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price per bail, £2^00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Price per set of six balls, £10,00, (U.S.A. $25.00).

Mi 0300^

IAN ADAIR'S solid hit dove produc- CHINESE WONDER BLOCKS ,

■tfr- tion! A long piece of white paper, a Two inch square solid wooden
few deft cuts with a pair of shears and blocks are shown threaded on to a long'
when it is opened out, there is a CUT- coloured cord, which is pulled back
OUT LINE OF FIVE FLUTTERING and forth through the blocks. Specta-
tors hold the ends. The blocks are
\ o Q
WHITE DOVES. - BUT there are only
FOUR there! Magician crumples up covered with a handkerchief. Next a 1
< the LIVE ONE! ball with a hole through the centre is
A dove production with a difference shown, and placed under the handker-
and which has interest and appeal. chief which is immediately whipped
We give you a supply of prepared papers, then it's easy to make away to show that the ball has now
your own, - plus ALL the necessary fekes and full instructions passed on to the string and is securely threaded BETWEEN THE
and routine. WOODEN BLOCKS! Everything can at once be examined. Easy
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). to do.

A cute pocket trick. A neat metal pill
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Su pr e m e (a@fj ßAP.ER’S
I box lacquered blue. Box is shown emp- First advertised by'us 25 years ago with
ty and without switches is placed in full routines by the late Gilbert Wells, Ravelie
IfK i'. view on a table. When the box is open- and Andree and Graham Reed. Widely copied
throughout the world. A Supreme ORIGINAL.
» tw0 beautlfuUy Prlnted miniature
« 'V^V^cards, exact duplicates of spectators' Use these papers in conjunction with the
w chosen cards appear in the box. Full Supreme Crystal Milk Wonder Glass. When
flicked open the cone shows a picture of a
routines are given. Card can appear
singly. At the end the box can be examined. LARGE BLACK CAT! (who presumably has
You get the special box, miniature cards and routines. Use any drunk the milk!) With each set of Papers we
ordinary deck. give you EIGHT different comedy tricks and
Everything as detailed, complete for only £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00) stunts, including Edwin's COMEDY CAT ROUTINE, a delightful
sequence of surprises.
Supreme Cat Papers are large, 13 inches x 8 inches and boldly
CLEAR FOO-GLASS printed, you get TWENTY of them plus all the routines for only -
A crystal-type glass which is a com- Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
bination of a Foo Can, Lota Bowl and
Mirror Glass! Crack an egg in the CRYSTAL MILK WONDER GLASS
z glass and then pour this into a specta- A really nice-looking ''cut glass"
tor's hat! The egg has vanished! Egg tumbler (it's really made from plas-
can ba poured into a paper bag and im- tic! ), which can be filled with milk or
mediately torn up, there's no trace of any opaque liquid. Whenever you wish,
the egg. A very clever idea and versa- liquid slowly diminishes in the glass
tile prop which comes complete with until it is almost all gone. Or you can
ideas. use the tumbler a la Evaporated Milk,
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). pouring the liquid (?) into a paper cone
or a borrowed hat. Complete with de-
tailed instructions including some really novel ideas.
George Blake's close-up winner. Ten Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
* printed colour cards, you lay down any
Irx colour card, a spectator does the same
... they match! Next the spectator
/ An 18" silk, - NOT a cloth - a
J merely thinks of one of the coloured • pure silk. Silk is formed into a
cards’ the card vaDishc3 and is found F bag and a coin is dropped inside
it. Spectator may feel it
ln J,our pocket. Finally you lay all
z' ‘‘’■'ffitijgp \ \> five cards down, spectator places his through the silk. Magician snatches the silk away, the coin has
vanished. Silk may be held up to the light, there's no trace of the
' cards anywhere on your five, vet they
1 are perfect pairs! coin anywhere.
Magic in Tochnicolour comes complete with full instructions Spectator's coin can be reproduced from the centre of a bread
roll or elsewhere. A useful and versatile effect, can be used for
and routine by George Blake.
vanishing a currency note, a ring, or any similar items.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
"TRY-IT" (The Faulty Follower) CURIOUS COTTAGE
A hit on the PAUL DANIEL'S SHOW, you'll find this The beautiful little cottage upon the hand-
in our No. 1 Catalogue! Two sets of cards. A spec- some table is dismantled piece by piece,
tator exactly duplicates your actions, - at the end he each part being freely shown. Placed to-
has always got one card face-up and yours are all gether again, you are all set for a MAM-
facing the same way! You repeat it and MOTH PRODUCTION of SILKS or LIVE-
the more you do it the more perplexing it, STOCK. THE IDEAL PRODUCTION BOX
Price, with Regular Playing Card size, can be freely shown, the top is only a half
£2.00, (U.S.A. §6.00). an inch thick and stand is turned around to
JUMBO SIZE ---------- -- show nothing there either, yet the LOAD
“TRY-IT" The same as our regular "Try-It"
MOUS. The table can be used as an ordin-
but made with Jumbo cards. You get ten Jumbo cards and the
ary table throughout your show, the pieces
routine. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. §12.00).____________________
of the house brought "on" in a small parcel and yet as soon as
~ IDOVE PAPERS assembled, you can commence your production.
Almost every performer will have his own ideas on how to use
A stunning aid to good magic and
the box ...
programme continuity. Show a blue
There can be fun galore as you assemble the house, pretending
and a white paper. When you crush
to be hammering the pieces together, (with the aid of a rubber
them together they transform to show
joke hammer), hitting your thumb and so on.
a fluttering white dove against a blue
Or the effect can be presented in a suave and sophisticated man-
background! ner. It's a VERY STRONG PRODUCTION NUMBER.
Imagine; you can follow this up with
This is a really beautifully-made prop manufactured to the high
other items. Toss the paper into your
standards which you have come to expect from 'Supreme'. Lac-
own regular dove pan, set fire to it,
quered blue, silver, black, red and white
clap on the lid and produce a real live Price, £75.00, (U.S.A. §250.00).
dove! You'll think of many wavs of using these papers to enhance
your magic. JOLLY PIRATES
You get no less than THIRTY-SIX papers together with a whole John Mulholland's 3-sided box has
manuscript of different ideas. Price per set, £1.50, (U.S.A. §4). never been given a better dressing.
The treasure chest depicted in full
s pe c ia l o f f e r - So many performers have given these papers
colour on one of the heavy varnished
a permanent spot in their programme, we are making a Special
cards vanishes. There's fun with the
Price per FOUR sets of papers for only £4.50, (U.S.A. §12.00).
treasure map which persists in rolling
up when you try to unroll it - then fi-
Brema Coin Stack nally, the production of the treasure
itself in solid form from all the cards
Also known as "Nickles to
Dimes" this is a classic trick which have been assembled to form a container. Lacquered
and a masterpiece of mechani- wooden stands, cards and our routine etc. You supply your own
cal perfection. production load. Price, £18.50, §50.00).
)U, (U.S.A. fuv.w,.

A number of silver coins are

shown and formed into a stack, Well-made in a NEW LARGE
the stack being covered with a SIZE, (Die is approximately
brass cap. When the cap Is lifted, the stack of silver coins has
inches square), and with ADDI- SPECTATOR
changed into a stack of smaller sized copper ones, or it can van- FREELY / SPECTATOR
ish completely, or change into a small die. A spectator examines the die
Six clever variations are given. and places this with ANY num- TUMBLER
We supply the precision apparatus, plus the detailed routines.
ber uppermost and covers this
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. §12.00).
with a coffee cup or paper cup O-'
whilst your back is turned. DIE IS HANDED
| THE WORLD’S FASTEST CARD TRICK | Spectator doesn't have to BEHIND HIS
throw the die, he can choose
JOE KARSON produced the Original of ANY number.
this effect, an ingenious one-person Spectators are asked to concentrate on the number chosen. The
version of an old two-handed vaudeville chosen die is given to you any number uppermost. Miraculously,
you divine the number which the spectator was thinking of.
Since the original booklet, published You can perform "DIE-A-BOLIC" completely surrounded. It
over thirty years ago, Ken de Courcy can also be used as a Two-person effect, the die being taken out
has featured this repeated!}' in his pro- of the room and given to the medium by any spectator. Medium
grammes. Indeed, during this time he is instantly able to send back her revelation chalked onto a slate.
has performed it some HUNDREDS OF TIMES using different fi- We give you several other presentations. A novel Telephone
Test, and a real stunning effect where a borrowed lit cigarette
ALL these are described in this treatise, together with KEN'S is touched against a newspaper and the chosen number spookily
AND IMPROVEMENTS on the original working. A trick which defies explanation! Originated by LUBOR
A great piece of magical entertainment which we believe you FIEDLER who has given the Magical World so many cunning new
will enjoy. principles and effects. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. §28.00).
NOTE We still have a few only regular sized models of this
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. §6.00).
effect. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. §20.00).
Jack Yates of Johannesburg writes.- "Every
trick in it is PRACTICAL and COMMER-
[(WKWffiH'A'Ti Give your dove pan a rest and tiy
this novel effect in your next kids
CIAL. Here is page after page of WORK-
show. Borrow a hat, explain that you
ABLE MATERIAL, " >S should first put a pan into the hat.
The late Goodliffe wrote in 'Abra':'Tricks
The pan is passed out for examination.
suitable for stage or cabaret use, entertain-
Apparently you have forgotten it's
ing and visual to a large audience. "
still in the audience because you start
Famous children's entertainer Billy Day
dumping flour, baking-powder, milk
writes; "I've found great pleasure in
Ken de Courcy's Cards in finally SETTING IT ON FIRE;
Cabaret. This is really excellent. " When you notice the pan is still in
Sixty-seven 9%" x 7j" pages; one hundred clear easy to follow the audience, you let out a SCREAM! You put the fire out with
illustrations. Two colour illustrated light board cover. the pan. Incredible as it may seem, when the hat is turned over
If you put ENTERTAINMENT first in your magic, then you'll the pan is removed and there in it is a real DELICIOUS CAKE.
enjoy this book. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). The hat is returned unharmed.
' A great piece of comedy and fun. Price, £7.50, (U.S. A. $20.00).
. B Secrets of the Art of Fire-Eating by KAZAN,
'S S SVPreme MaR,c Publication by arrangement By Graham Reed. Reviewed by the late
HAfllL with International Magic. AUDIENCE TESTED
Goodliffe in 'Abra' who wrote - "Has 74
MLm b HMv AU the best methods are all here together in ORIGINALITIES
printed pages and contains 27 effects of the
a Printed booklet. close-up, platform or stage variety, provid-
Here is the CONSTRUCTION OF THE TORCH- ing, as those who know this author would ex-
ES; HOW TO EAT FIRE; THE GIANT BLOW - pect, some Ingenious and worthwhile ideas.
bW OUT; THE FIRE WHEEL; A COMPLETE PART TWO gives a collection of gags.
Kazan FIRE ACT. GRAHAM REED PART THREE provides information on
Illustrated and well-printed. Light board cover. PUBLICITY in which, (as the author is an
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). advertising executive), one would expect to
find practical and informative, and it is.
One of the most OUTSTANDING PARTIES, a department which as far as this reviewer can recall
Mental-Magic effects to come out has been neglected, and is as the publisher claims well worth the
in many, many years. Five large, price of the book.
(approx. 11J ins. x 7 ins.) cards, PART FIVE provides a mixture of HINTS AND SUGGESTIONS.
each with a different coloured spot, There is certainly a great deal for the money,"
and a small holder, (about 8j ins. The book packed with excellent material costs only £5.50,
square) to hold and display them. (U.S.A. $15.00).
Any spectator merely THINKS
We have never presented a
of any one of the colours ... NO better trick than this and now
'FORCE' OF ANY KIND, but this is the colour that you have with the new routines which you
UNFAILINGLY PREDICTED. get with each one, it's a fea-
This is not a 'once only' trick. Every time you do it, the re- ture! An outsize "needle", a
sult may well be different but you are always 100% SUCCESS- bobbin, a bodkin and a length of
FUL! ribbon. Children from the audi-
The presentation is superb and delves into the effect that col- ence have a competition to see who can thread the needle the quick-
ours play in your lives. est. At the end, you show how to thread it by Magic, The ribbon
Comes to you complete with detailed instructions and routine. is placed through the bobbin, the needle goes into the hole in the
This is slick, sensational adult entertainment. end and Voila! it's threaded.
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). For a smashing extra climax; they check that the needle is gen-
uinely threaded, they hold the ends of the ribbon, yet suddenly

RABBIT ROMP the ribbon comes free and everything can be examined once again.
Precision-made props that you'll love using. All complete.
A non-mechanlcal, hilarious,
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00).
shouting gag for the children's
performer, AND there's a real
magical surprise at the end.
A beautifully lacquered wood- A version of the 'Murder Game' in-
en chest. When you are looking volving spectators and played as a
the opposite way, the lid opens court-room drama. No special appar-
and it is seen that a cute little atus is supplied. You'll need a few
rabbit is pushing the lid up with typed or written cards.
his ears! When the magician looks, the lid flaps down again. Although this uses a fpmiliar princi-
This is repeated all throughout the show. ple in effects of this kind, there's a
Finally, you tell the children that you are going to produce your revolutionary improvement inasmuch
little pet from the box. This is no surprise to them, but it IS a as nothing is left on the table to give
surprise when you open the box and remove from It a large as- you a possible clue as to the identity of the criminal and his
sortment of articles finishing with a Spring Snake or a live dove. crimes.
No trace of the rabbit, he has disappeared! Full instructions, routine and some splendid additional ideas
We supply the special box complete with the Bunny and routines. by Ken de Courcy come to you in the form of a neat printed book-
Use your own laod. let. Something different in Mentallsm and entertainment!
Price, £27.50, (U.S.A. $80.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Supreme Magic proudly preeent ....
Ask a friend to give you
t o m matnALoi
THE MAN IN THE MOON a coin. In return you
hand him a small card
Originated by JIMMY FLOWERS, printed with the words -
'The Man in the Moon' is a proven "YOU HAVE JUST
successful children's effect; one JOINED THE SUCKERS
which has taken its place along with CLUB. IF YOU DON'T
the famous ever-green classics. THINK IT'S FUNNY TEAR
The props we supply are superbly- THIS CARD UP AND I'LL RETURN YOUR MONEY."
made by our Master Craftsmen. It's when they try to do this that the fun starts ... for they
Made in wood, lacquered black, blue, can't, the flimsy little paper-card is too much for them ...
white and silver, this is apparatus THEY JUST CAN'T TEAR IT!!!!
you will be proud to own. AND WE Price, per dozen untearable printed cards, 75p, (U.S. A.$2.)
ETER, bright and colourful.
Beautifully made in plastic and with
Whilst the performer is showing the cut-out of a cloud, the a Tip-Top "Supreme" routine that
bright yellow disc depicting 'The Man in the Moon' peeps up over JH will get you laughs a-plenty.
the edge. Then when the children shout, he pops back again out The arrow on the little compass goes
of sight. The magician manages to see him! The fun waxes fast "screwy" - and that's how this trick will get your audience as
and furious before he does. first it points one way and then the other.
Then 'Man in the Moon' is taken away altogether and placed be- It's a lot of fun and a swell mystery too. Just a marvellous
hind two further clouds. There's all the 'Open the other door’ pocket trick. Complete with special patter.
business, which the magician pretends to misunderstand, before Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $5.00).
the Man in the Moon really does vanish and then reappears pop-
ping up and down once again behind the single cloud first shown.

SAME TREMENDOUS REACTION AS THIS EFFECT. We would a peculiar title as this for
definitely say that this is one of the all-time hit kids' tricks. this great effect. It's a
One which no kids' entertainer can honestly afford to miss. trick on which we obtain-
'THE MAN IN THE MOON' complete with a full detailed routine, ed the Exclusive Rights
price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $85.00). from Germany. 'Das
Ding' (The Thing).
THE CHINESE BIT It's a sort of 'mat', red
One of the finest coin tricks in on one side, blue on the
magic today. other; made up from sec-
Three previously examined coins tions, fastened together and WAFER-THIN. YOU SHOW IT ON
are used, an American half-dollar, BOTH SIDES ... there are no Hanging Bags and there would ap-
an old type English penny and a pear to be no room to conceal even a pin, YET straight away you
Chinese coin. The penny and Chi- form the Ding Ding into a triangular container and immediately
nese coin are placed in the right WITHOUT ANY SECRET "LOADING" a dozen silks can be pro-
hand, the half-dollar in the left. duced!
Without any suspicious moves, the coins transpose! This is the prop that you have seen BILL STICKLAND produce
This is repeated, with variations, but at the end of all this a stack of dice from; he uses it at the commencement of his
series of bewildering surprises the coins are passed out for CLOSE-UP magic act ... yes, it's THAT good!
examination again. 'DING DING' - no silks supplied, use your own silks, price,
You will be amazed at the precision with which these coins are £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
With each set of coins we supply a routine for this classic coin
trick by SYLVIO DOKOV. The routine is in the form of a mimeo- Yimka's "FLASH" COLOUR CHANGE
graphed booklet, seven pages, printed illustrated cover. SUNFLOWER RtD I /
The routine is the product of two years of experimentation and A Supreme Exclusive Effect.
if you take the time to learn it properly, you will have in your Magician comes on with a Giant col-
hands a trick in the miracle class. oured Sunflower in his lapel. Sun- BLUE/|
Price for the booklet and the complete set of coins is £20.00, flower is 8 inches across and its very
(U.S.A. $50.00). appearance is so ludicrous as to create
THE CHINESE BIT - ROUTINE ONLY amusement. Magician asks if the '/
To all those who have purchased this set of coins elsewhere audience likes the colour. Suddenly, \
we are able to offer the SYLVIO DOKOV Routine only for this as quick as a wink the flower changes
great effect. to a completely different colour!! I
In mimeographed form; printed, illustrated cover. Great as a gag or when used with a Colour-Change Silk, or Dye-
SYLVIO is a brilliant young magician now living in Great tube change.
Britain and his routine is most lucidly described, providing a You do not have to go through your show with a large sunflower
smooth and baffling sequence. in your lapel as this can be removed now if you wish.
Instructions include handling the gimmick coin, (two different Yimka's Flash Colour-Changing Sunflower is expertly made, en-
methods), then Sylvio takes you through the routine in eight easy tirely in metal. Easy to set. INSTANTANEOUS IN ACTION.
stages. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Price for the routine only £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
LEN BELCHER has contributed to the Reports about Gambling. Cheats. Crooks I------ TO------ ,
world's major magical magazines for a
great number of years; tricks of all kinds
and Swindlers often appear in the National
and Local Press. Many times, questions
... miracles for the Mentalist. rollicking
laughter makers for the children's perfor-
about these things are put to magicians GAMBLING
... "lay" folk firmly believe that we know
mer, subtle creations for the close-up all about it ... and so we should!
a BELCHER ; o HuahMiler

I - -g} -
In the large pages of this book are a SE- tremendous amount of "background in-
LECTION of Len's brilliant notions. WHAT- formation" ... PLUS ... a great deal of
EVER BRANCH OF MAGIC YOU PURSUE, material that you can USE ... magically
EST YOU. Most of the effects require easily-made apparatus. "Cheating at Cards", Mechanical Devices ... Cheating with
Some of the routines use no special props but 'bits and pieces' you Dice ... Crooked Dice-Handling ... Race-Course and Market-
already have lying around at home.
place Swindles ... Find the Lady ... Walnut Shells and Pea ...
At a count, there are ONE HUNDRED AND TEN items! You Endless Belt, etc., etc. The 'Paraphanalia' and ruses used by
would be extraordinary indeed if you did not find at least half-a- the Sharpers are all described in fascinating detail.
dozen or more winners to appeal to your own taste. And last ... but certainly not least ... there is a section con-
One hundred and fifty-two large (10" x 8") clear, easy-to-read cerned with "SAFE BETS" ... stunts that look like fair games of
pages; dozens and dozens of illustrations. Bound titled in gold chance ... the victims are led to believe they have an equal
on the spine, and with a two-colour illustrated dust-jacket. chance of winning, but in fact, they haven't an earthly!
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Great stunts to work close-up at Home, or in the Club or Pub.
All great fun ... and you simply can't lose!
ELIMINATOR 128 well printed pages ... over 100 Illustrations ... Bound ...
Attractive Dust Jacket.
Not only a very clever trick, we be-
lieve this to be a new principle in Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $11.00).
mental magic.
A small cloth bag, four differently- The perfect "Mate" for the above - Harry Stanley's
coloured wooden beads. ALL THE ' I Wouldn’t Like to play Cards with you’
IS VIRTUALLY UNFEKED, is an Impromptu Non-Sleight of Hand Routine ... with a BOR-
Magician makes a prediction ... on a slate, on a card, - it ROWED deck ... in which you Demonstrate How Gambler's Win!
doesn't make any difference. The four coloured beads are drop- The effects run smoothly and logically one into another.
ped into the bag and thoroughly mixed around. Now one at a time Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
three spectators reach into the bag and remove one of the beads. SPECIAL OFFER..... If the above TWO items are taken together.
You do not influence their selection in any way. This material, will enable you to present an excellent LEC-
One bead remains and this you show. When your prediction is TURE on Gambling. Ideal for Rotaiy and similar mens groups,
displayed, it is seen that you predicted that this colour would be cruises, etc. You will appear to be an expert.
left until the last! I! Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
You can use Ken de Courcy's 'Eliminator' as a stunning pocket
mystery. It's a SMALL item and takes up little room in your
pocket, yet you can use it on the LARGEST STAGE to STUNNING FOUR SMART GIRLS
EFFECT. Long unobtainable we now have a limi-
Only one bag used. This is not a Changing Bag ... repeat, NOT ted supply only of this fine children's
a Changing Bag. effect which is already a proven favour-
- No chance of failure ... nothing to go wrong - ite with many of our top entertainers.
We supply Ken de Courcy's 'Eliminator' complete, - bag, A first-class item which can be a fea-
beads, full instructions, routine and ideas. ture in any show.
Four Jumbo size cards are shown,
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
each depicts a young lady in a white party dress; the backs of the
cards bear their names.
Bound Volumes Three coloured silks are shown and are draped over each of
MAGIGRAM three of the cards. When the pictures are turned around it is
• Volume Twelve Many previous Bound Volumes of The
Magigram have already gone out of print, - seen that the young ladies' dresses have CHANGED COLOUR TO
no wonder! - each and every Volume is a MATCH the SILKS, except one - and - there's a LOVELY SUR-
COLUSSUS, equal to many books in one. A PRISE when owing to an error (?) on your part, that young lady's
whole year's issues of The Magigram bound dress has become A MULTI-COLOURED ONE.
in-between handsome, black, REAL LINEN Considering the amount of handwork that goes into the produc-
covers, hand stitched and hard bound. Em- tion of each set, this is a real bargain. When stocks have gone
bossed in real gold on the cover and on the It Is doubtful if the item can ever be repeated.
spine. It would cost you at least £10.00 to Featured by EDWIN in all his recent demonstrations.
get your own issues of The Magigram bound as expertly and pro- We supply the special set of cards together with a fun-packed
fessionally as this. feature routine and three 12" silks.
LIMITED SUPPLY ONLY. Once these have gone, they are NOT Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
There's tricks for the close-up performer, for the card man, "I'm like a little boy, - I can't wait until I get my MAGIGRAM.
for the dovester, for the cabaret and stage performer, from a I get other Magic Magazines but the Magigram is No. 1 on my
whole host of star contributors. list. Thanks!" Elvin Umberger, Pa., U.S.A.
Price for this super Volume, £12.50, (U.S.A. $33.00). The Magigram price per 1 year (12 issues), E7.50, (U.S. A.$18)
Originated by LEN BELCHER.
Routined by EDWIN. PAUL DANIELS scored a hit
Here's a grand children's ef- J with this effect on T.V. recent-
feet! A sucker trick with'built-jl ly. A regular kettle, - from it
in business' which builds up toAX you pour a great number of dif-
a grand surprise finale, with a^q ferent drinks, concluding by
picture of Little Boy Blue dis- producing beer.
appearing and appearing inside No special kettle or chemicals
a farmhouse! are used. The drinks are the
The apparatus consists of the genuine thing.
farmhouse which stands up on This is the method used by JEFFERY ATKINS and fully de-
two little tumbutton feet; the hay- tailed by him in a neat printed booklet, which includes full
stack . and the various characters plans for a great portable bar. When not assembled, the bar
colourfully depicted on 8 ins. x becomes two suitcases which hold the glasses, drinks, kettle
10 ins. varnished cards. and all the properties used for the performance of this effect.
Little Boy Blue should be mind- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
ing the cow and the sheep but instead he's under the haystack
fast asleep. There's fun galore as he pops up over the top of Bolt of Lightning
the haystack, then down out of sight again!
Invented by FIN HAUGEN of Norway,
All the cards are fully shown, then surprise! - Little Boy
titled by Eddie Fechter and Gene
Gordon of the U.S.A. Exclusive
APPEARANCE! Then finally Little Boy Blue appears in the
British rights courtesy Corvello Studio, Holland! Truly inter-
national! A new principle In magic! A nut is half-way on the
GREAT MAGIC! Yes, there's a lot of clever magic involved.
threads of a bolt (and neither the nut nor the bolt is gimmicked).
A splendid trick which is colourful and bright enough to appeal
They are dropped into a glass or into a spectators cupped
to the younger children, and yet sufficiently strong magic to
hands and ... like lightning ... the nut is off the bolt! The
baffle and intrigue any audience at all. latest invention in automation! We send it to you readj- to
It's flat in the bag! Big in the show! No snags, no pocket
work - and you will be amazed to see it accomplish the miracle.
cards, no 'double turnovers'. A very clever magical idea
One of the most baffling tricks you will ever have ... you will
which you will love to work. Comes complete with a 5 page
not believe it even when you know the secret.
fun-packed routine to get the kids screaming with delight.
The Bolt of Lightning, Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.90).
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).


Something out of the usual run of A different sort of a sucker
magical effects. trick, - it packs flat in your case,
From a plate of oranges one is it's small and lightweight yet it's
FREELY SELECTED (no force), big enough to be used on-stage.
and it can be marked by a spectator. A simple plaque 12 inches x 3j
A silk is now vanished and upon the inches; on it are four coloured
performer cutting the orange open dots ... three dots are bright
the silk is pulled from the centre of green and the top one is brilliant
it! red. You explain that the object
Now listen to this ... No loading of this rather interesting puzzle
the orange - and no switching it. All is to cause the red spot to travel
other oranges on plate can be given from the top to the bottom of the
away. They do NOT contain silks. plaque, one circle at a time!
No hand gimmicks. No fumbling. The effect is absolutely You place the plaque behind your back and the red spot has
convincing and can be done anywhere, close-up and surrounded. moved down one place.
The certain something that does the trick is beautifully made Again the plaque is placed behind your back and the red
and is in the form of a specially produced TABLE KNIFE. Looks circle is now third from the top. Once more the plaque goes
exactly like a real one, but is cleverly feked. You have never behind your back and now when brought forth, the circle is
seen anything better. You'll be proud to own such a beautiful at the very bottom'.
prop. - Up and down that Daffy red dot travels - The audience
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). think thej' know how it is done! - and BOY! - are THEY in for
a BIG SURPRISE - for suddenly the red spot VANISHES alto-
An Old English Penny held at gether - there, all in a row, are FOUR GREEN ONES and on
the fingertips vanishes complete- the other side there are FOUR RED SPOTS! ! ! !
ly, then the coin reappears. With IMMIC This is just great for kids or adult shows. Well made.
'Coin-Immlc' you can go on from Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
there, you can even catch coins
from the air! It's "cleaner” than
sleight-of-hand. EASY TO DO!
You'll be delighted at the sim- "HAVING A TIP-TOP SEASON IN MAJORCA, THANKS TO
plicity and versatility of 'Coin- SUPREME."
Immic'. Nicky Ward, London N.W. 5.
prloe £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A Supreme Exclusive!
t ?rick! In performance, the
The Luck :♦ ♦ !♦ ♦ I* Jr* magician shows four
of Lucretia ^g4's of a pack of cards
Ken de Courcy. ♦ SCeiin his hand ... two face-
♦ ♦; * •:
NEW! NOW WITH A V§up, and two face-down.
PRINTED BOOK OF 5 All four suits are shown
ROUTINES! and all are seen to have
A fascinating plot in- red backs.
corporated into this Suddenly, two of the
great pocket trick, which 4's are turned over and the backs change to blue.
is one of the most appeal- Now two spectators are allowed to take one each of the remain-
ing we have had the pleasure to offer you. ing cards and turn these over. Just watch their faces ... they
Six cards showing pictures of glasses of wine; one of the find the cards they hold have changed to two entirely different
glasses depicts a large skull and cross-bones denoting poison. cards!
A person is invited to play the part of a victim. No matter An extra offbeat climax comes when the magician again shows
how hard they try to avoid the Poison glass, they find it im- the cards which he is holding and they too have changed to match
possible to do so! the cards the spectators hold, so he now has four of a kind.
Even when the Poison glass is placed to one side, it still ends Not only that, the backs have changed again too. All four cards
up in their hand or in their wallet! can be examined!
This is a trick that you can do again and again and which is 'UNFORTUNATE FOURS' is a great routine. We've had a lot
capable of infinite variation. of fun with it ourselves. The one move involved is very easy to
We know that you will be delighted with the instructions and perform ... you'll grasp it in a few minutes and it's very very
routines which come in the form of a 28-page printed booklet. deceptive.
Routines by Ken de Courcy, Edwin, George Blake, Ron The additional climax is performed "on the offbeat" and re-
Escott, Peter Rooke, Mark Lee, Arthur Carter ... and quires only boldness.
then EXTRA! - a whole series of great ideas by Leslie May We supply you with all the special cards you require, plus the
... no less than a further nine of them! These could well illustrated instructions.
have been published as a booklet on their own. - they are cer- 'UNFORTUNATE FOURS' complete, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
tainly worth the full purchase price asked for this complete
outfit to anyone who has the effect.
The specially-printed cards come to you in a specially-pro-
A 'Saucy' number to PANTIES BLENDO
always get a smile. Two ,
duced plastic wallet with envelopes (for, believe it or not, the
12 inch silks are shown, XL
cards can be placed into envelopes if you wish, without the
one coloured and one
result being effected in any way), everything you need to per-
white. To the accom-
form these most memorable mysteries right away.
panying patter they are
THE LUCK OF LUCRETIA by Ken de Courcy, with all the

tucked into the empty
additional routines, in printed booklet form, comes to you
complete, _ hand. WHAM! The
Price. E3-50' (U-S'A- $9-00)- silks have changed and
emerge as a pair of Courtesy of Lenoros
Len Belcher's FANCY PANTIES,
DUPLICATED THOUGHT COLOURED, trimmed with WHITE! Apart from the panties the
This is not a "pipe hands are otherwise empty. Nothing to get rid of as the trick
FH dream" but a 100 per is self-contained. Easy-to-do, set in a jiffy and ideal for
comedy presentation.
cent practical audience-
tested effect by one of Several rhyming couplets are given and other ideas. Also,
v Magic's top ideas men. a wonderful patter sequence especially written by KEN de
An uncanny and de- COURCY. Designed for the man who can patter and for agents
cidedly different effect who say they can book comedians but not magicians!
you will like and use. Exactly as used in Ken's own act! Just pull the silks out of
Use it in a two-person act. The medium can be blindfolded, your pocket and work the trick. The patter really is terrific!
even out of the room. Yet handed slate and chalk she will Supplied complete with all the silks, special panties, etc.
accurately and unfailingly duplicate the chosen design. Price> £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Use it solo with equal effect. The spectator chooses a design
from one of ten different ones displayed and copies this in
colour onto a slate. The performer does not have to touch, in- PRE-CLIP-TION!
deed he does not have to see the cards, the spectator or the A plaque which is divided on one
slate, vet he is instantly able to exactly duplicate the chosen side into three white squares ...
design onto another slate, on the other side into three colour-
*** It sounds impossible, it seems impossible **♦ ed squares. A free choice of the
It's a real baffler that has fooled some of the best brains in order of three different coloured
magic. clothes pegs ("pins") is made and
A mental test that can be performed under the most rigid con- these are clipped along the plaque.
ditions possible. Veiy, very clever yet simple and direct in When the plaque is turned, the
effect with nothing to memorise or learn. You can do this im- pegs and the colours match! I!
mediately you receive it from us. A mental effect that's colourful
Cards, which are silk-screened in six colours, instructions, and interesting! Appealing even to the ladies! ... (Ssh! It's
routine, and the certain "something" that does the trick for you. easy to do too!)
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00), Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
An unbiased review of a
Supreme effect from Genii Vol.
43 No. 7 July 1979 Tricks of
the Trade, Ed Mishell.
Featured by many of the greatest 4 stars - Excellent, 3 stars
magicians and mentalists of our - Good, 2 stars - Fair, 1 star
time. Starting at any given pos- - Save your money.
ition and moving from square to SUPREME
square you cover every one of the
sixty-four squares on the Chess COLOUR TRANSFER
Board WITHOUT COVERING ANY A rolled-up black 10" paper
SQUARE MORE THAN ONCE. A tube is displayed. Both hands
sensational mental or memory feat pull the tube at its edges open-
that will baffle everyone ... ing It out flat. It is decorated
including experienced Chess players! with numerous circular varie-
A terrific Blackboard stunt for the stage. Worked with Pencil1 gated colored spots. The paper is re-rolled into a tube. Three
and Paper, one of the world's greatest pocket tricks. Easy to 12" silks, white, are tucked into the tube, one at a time. They
do. You can work it right away with the special "something" consecutively change into a red silk, a yellow handkerchief and
we supply. finally a bright green hank. The tube is again opened flat AND
Simplicity and tremendous dramatic scope make this effect ALL THE COLORED SPOTS ARE NOW PLAIN WHITE. This is
almost a complete act. a very colorful effect, all necessary silks are included.
Price, 75p, U.S.A. $2.00. - EXCELLENT!
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $23.00).

A Chip Takes a Trip Australian Gambling

Here's a close-up perplexer by
PETER KANE, (of 'Wild Card' fame). Game of 31 KEN de COURCY
Here his deception is woven around In the printed, photographically-
the simplest of properties, two col- illustrated pages of this neatly-pro-
oured counters, and two unfeked duced booklet, Ken de Courcy pre-
playing cards. The chips are placed sents a most interesting routine for

on the table, well apart and over each
one Is placed a playing card hiding it
from view. A spectator freely (No
an actual gambling game, shown to
Ken de Courcy by Eddie Joseph in
Calcutta, Ken de Courcy has rou-
'conjuror's choice' here!) chooses tined the item in his usual brilliant
any of the cards and the magician in- wav AND has added an extra climax
visibly removes the chips from under the other card, throwing which makes the game even more impossible, yet you can still
it towards the chosen chip. win! ! ! !
When the cards are lifted it is seen that the chips really arc Great audience participation; - a spectator is taught to play
together! No sleights'. No 'moves'. No extra chip! No mag- the game but he must always lose!
nets! No shells! How Is it possible! A brilliant NEW idea Easy to learn, and something you will have tremendous fun
you'll love using. Coins can be used instead of counters if with. You will receive credit for immense skill - none is
desired. needed.
A really extraordinary trick. The very modest price charged Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
is out of all proportion to the fun and mystery you will create
with this. Looks like clever sleight of hand ... it will fool
magicians. Beery- Bleery
Price, with cards, counters and routine,£1.50, (U.S.A. $3.00). A speclaUy-printed picture: One side
shows a real wild-looking character.
“ADDEM ” The other side the same picture, but
An excellent programme number to I
FOUR EYES! Anyone who sees this
always get a great laugh. Takes up * picture will do a real ’double-take1
no room, yet it's big in performance. I ♦**
andthinkthey arethe worse fordrink. fg
Starts off with two cards being selec-
With thepicturewe giveyoua manu-
ted. Then there's a 'take off' on the
script, telling you how you can use it
'Snake and the Basket'. Show the pic-
as a gag in the bar, in the show, as a
ture of a basket. Snake pops up with vision-tester, as a gag with a vanish-
a chosen card ... It's the wrong one,
ing glass of beer. - We even tell you
but there's a big surprise finish.
how to vanish the card! - Yes, it's a
He's added the two cards together
big one, size 10 inches by 8 inches,
because he's an adder! A great compere number. Complete
round-cornered, well printed.
with routine. Nicely silk-so'-°‘>’'''d in colour.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). Price, £1.oo, (U.S.A. $3.00).

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, Englond
Classic Silk Knotting This can well ASTRAL DIVINER
In performance, two silks are be classed among
shown, - any size - one in each the MIRACLES -
hand. Silks are placed together for the Performer
and tossed into the air, and im- rightly divines a
mediately they come down knot- card THOUGHT
ted. OF by a spectator. A pack of cards is introduced and dropped
'Classic Silk Knotting' is indeed on the table. A slip of paper and a pencil are handed to a spec-
just that. A very old idea and tator and he is asked to THINK of a card - ANY CARD. He is
one which you cän easily dismiss then requested to write the name of the card on the slip of paper,
lightly because of the simple fold same and lay it on the table. Spectator is asked to concen-
method used. In its simpHcity trate on the card and as a result the MAGICIAN PICKS OUT
lies its beauty. , THE RIGHT CARD.
We supply a quantity of the necessary plus the clearly detail^ REMEMBER! At no time has Magician anything palmed in his
ed instructions in the beautifully-produced printed booklet. hand ... he starts with empty hands and finishes with empty
You can use any silks. hands. Every move is slow and deliberate.
Price. £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). So subtle is the ruse employed that any spectator will be con-
vinced that you ACTUALLY read his mind.
In this you will find something definitely NEW!
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).

GLORIOUS BEER Come on with a FLAT,

A Supreme Exclusive...
Len Belcher's

folded four-sided cone. MIXED-UP MENU

Cone is shown on both This is the great shout-
sides, each of its four ing gag you've seen
panels is decorated FRED BARTON work
with the picture of a with success.
glass of foaming beer. Busy performers will
Cone is shown FLAT find this a useful "bot-
to the audience, it is tom of the case" item
only an eighth of an that requires no prepa-
inch in thickness! ration , but which will probably be a high spot in the show. NO
Without any moves, MAGIC but an excellent "all join in" gag for use in children's
cone is opened. Reach- shows that acts as a useful break and gives the children a chance
ing inside it, you pull to let off steam.
out A BOTTLE OF Displaying the cover of a large Menu, the performer tells a
REAL BEER. Yes. read that again ... A REAL BOTTLE OF story of a small boy who, for the first time in his life, went
REAL BEER... a bottle of Barley Wine or a Babysham for the out to dinner ... real dinner ... eaten in the evening. It was
ladies! a very posh "do" and the small boy ate a great deal more than
You reach up into the air and produce a BOTTLE OPENER. was good for him! That night he had a nightmare! As the menu
Explaining that you consider this to be the perfect opening is opened the children are invited to call out the various dishes
trick, you open the bottle and pour the contents into a glass, in different ways, with amusing results, the noise of an EX-
passing this to a member of the audience with your compli- PRESS TRAIN being produced! We repeat there is NO MAGIC
involved - just five minutes or more of FUN with PLENTY OF
You'll marvel at the simplicity of working. Perform it three NOISE! Menu is large. Pages are 12| x 10| and very BOLDLY
feet from the spectators and it's 100 per cent deceptive. Per- LETTERED.
form it on the largest stage. Perform it in front of a mirror Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
The cone is most ingeniously made. It can be shown at close We purchased the Exclusive
quarters and you cannot detect the subtle faking. Remember
Rights on this from ALLAN

that the cone is shown FLAT; the bottle is NOT switched. LAMBIE - Now made in a new
large size. Rope has a num-
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00). ber of genuine knots tied along

it. Then a bangle is knotted
DRY BONES The little card shows the discon-
at one end ... Mysteriously,
nected bones of a human skeleton;
two others show grinning skulls. the bangle jumps back and
Quick as a flash the bones are forwards from one knot to
joined up to form a complete skele- the other, even to the centre!
ton - then they return to their dis- Great as a pocket effect,
connected state. but strong enough and VISUAL
A trick you can repeat. Always enough for you to use in your show. A great 'Stand-up' trick.
ready. The patter makes this a good comedy item - not at all All the fun of 'The Monkey Bar' and similar tricks, but this
macabre. one you can pull from your pocket, AND WORK SURROUNDED.
Very easy to work - no half-cards, double lifts, etc. Differ- Fascinating to watch, so easy to do and at the end everything
ent and good. can be examined. A simple, subtle idea.
Complete, 50p, 75p, (U.S.A. $1.50). Complete, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).


Arnold Furst's brilliant 'dressing' s GAME?
MALiNI This is one of the cutest impromptu
for the Laundry-ticket tear using AND
very large printed signs and a clever HIS MAGIC tricks for many a long day ... fooling
and amusing patter story. Signs are F91W tisu 50(0 utgt r magicians and laymen alike ... all
in min
beautifully boldly printed so they can over the world. You can do it imme-
be appreciated IN A DRAWING ROOM mu tutu diately. ........ No sleights. All you
or on THE LARGEST STAGE. The need is a copy of a great book ...

effect is SURE-FIRE and very simple for it is just ONE of the many, many
to perform. good things in

Su pr e me
Fresh Fish is recommended by IRISH US“ S010 Hl« ’00»»

many famous Magicians as a 100%

HIT TRICK. Caryl S. Fleming wrote , 'Fresh Fish is a mighty
“ K.
good trick. It has a dramatic plot, progression, and climax; By Dai Vernon - Written by Lewis
it has unlimited comedy possibilities and great entertainment Ganson
value. It is the Perfect trick'. The book everyone is raving about. At the time of publication
Now ... we give you an EXTRA CLIMAX by JOHNNY GEDDES BILL LARSEN, Editor of the famous American magazine
that gives the effect an extra 'fillip' and brings even louder "GENH" wrote ... "Certainly the Book of the Year".
laughter and applause at the end. And so said delighted readers whose comments and "rave" re-
To the great patter supplied the long printed strip, reading views came in daily from all over the world.
'FRESH FISH SOLD HERE TODAY' is torn and restored. But After its absence for some time Supreme Magic purchased the
what are those little pieces ? Well the answer is a great sur- rights on this book from Harry Stanley. Reprinted in top style,
prise. A clever addition that never fails. and available again now.
We supply you with 10 sets of papers (enough for 19 actual DON'T MISS THIS MAGICAL TREAT ... send for your copy
shows) PLUS the additional gag slips, and of course the full RIGHT AWAY!
patter routine. Handsomely bound with Gold Lettering ... plus Ulustrated
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00) Dust Jacket. Price, £7.50. (U.S.A. $20.00).

II ICT riUNiJ51™ BANK Sid Lorraine's SPACE CARDS

JUST CHANCE- NITETRAY) An unusual pocket novelty. Four .. j' 5

No doubt about it, there's no more

cards are printed with pictures of - ..
"Outer Space". A spectator mixes

appealing trick than this one. You
up the cards and lays these down.
state that, by arrangement with your
There's business as you appear to
bankers, tonight you are going to give
gaze through a telescope before
away MONEY.
X'V Three sealed envelopes are shown, you successfully name each card.
Ya/ the Magician stating that one of these The spectator can merely touch
any of the cards and you can name
contains a £10 note. Two spectators each choose one of the en-
the freely-chosen one. At the end the four cards are rearranged
velopes, leaving one envelope for the Magician. There's lots of
to surprisingly reveal a "HEAVENLY BODY" of a DIFFERENT
fun as they are Invited to change their minds.
KIND! A real slick chick!
Spectators open their envelopes to find only a blank piece of
Price, complete with cards, a pseudo telescope and Sid's pattei
paper with a consolation message on it. MAGICIAN OPENS
presentation. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $3.00).
The special tray is responsible for the Magician's success. It Edwin's SWIRI -IT RIBBONS
is extremely thin, well-made and finished, and a piece of appar- Whether you work for kids or for
atus which can be used in many ways in addition to the effect de- sophisticated adults, this is a colour-
scribed. ful piece of chicanery which you'll en-
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00). joy. You count out SEVEN approx-
imately one yard lengths of different,
brightly coloured, one inch ribbons.
SUDDENLY the ribbons all join to-
NOW we have been able to ob- gether into one line, which is swirled
tain a small number of this
PROP. A small clear plastic
o into the air. - A GIANT CATHERINE-
In your children's show you teU the children that you wiU make
box which can be THOROUGHLY a RAINBOW by magic. The kids shout the Spell and the magic

EXAMINED and which is given works!
to a spectator to TIGHTLY You get all the special ribbons etc., and the fuUy detailed illus-
Magician shows a coloured 0 0 trated routine. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
chip (counter). The chip van- PERCEPTION-DECEPTION by Edwin
ishes and unbelievably appears in the box still held tightly by the

One of the best Mental effects we
spectator. Even before he opens his hand, the spectator can sell. TWO sets of JUMBO E.S.P.
hear the chip inside the box'. After confirming that it is REALLY SYMBOLS, five blue-backed, five
there, once more the chip vanishes, this time by visibly penetra- red. Spectator freely chooses a
ting the magician's hand, and everything can be EXAMINED symbol from one packet, it matches
ONCE MORE. Originated by WERRY.
the symbol he has chosen from the other!
Requires handling! This is not a trick you can do right away, Everything is performed in a fair, unhurried manner.
but is certainly well-worth the effort. You just use the two sets of cards and five envelopes. This
Edwin sold over a hundred of these at one major Convention on looks like genuine Extra Sensory Perception. Endorsed by all
his demonstration of this great effect.
the leading Mentalists. _
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). Comes complete. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
A grand old trick that's still a lot .
of fun! A bottle-shaped vase and a VASEudCORD Topsy Turvy The Magic Clown
piece of cord, both of which can be

A rollicking kids' trick
examined. The neck of the bottle with an interesting and
is of greater diameter than the rope, appealing plot. Large
but when you place tue cord in the wooden frame with a
Vase it remains suspended, the cord picture of a Ringmaster.

from the Vase or the Vase from the The Ringmaster disap-
cord. Vase can even be swung right pears. 'Topsy Turvy
around. It comes free and every- The Magic Clown' be-
thing can be examined. The routines i \ haves in a most pecu-
we supply with this are first-class liar manner, standing
and turn the item into a splendid on his head. You put
programme number. him the right way up -
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). strange to say he is
standing on his head again! A wonderful repeat gag.
BOB-UP BUNNY Finally, the Ringmaster reappears popping up and down be-
hind the circus.
A novelty in children's effects!
A large book 14" x 11", boldly A BIG trick that takes up very little room in the case and
printed in black and red with which is a whole lot of magic and a whole lot of fun!
the title 'Mr. Bunny'. Mr. Price, complete, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
Bunny is an invisble rabbit who
becomes visible ... he pops
out of the book when the magi-
Three Silks on a Rope
cian isn't looking! Every time The most direct piece
the magician looks the rabbit of visual magic that

bobs down out of sight again! you've ever seen.
Next the rabbit bobs up from Three separate silk
the book holding a missing silk .... . V V V .-A
j j j
handkerchiefs, a piece
handkerchief ... but it's the of rope. The silk and
wrong colour! More magic spells before Mr. Bunny reappears the rope are bunched to-
with the correct coloured silk. gether and then Wham!
Bob-Up Bunny, the giant of a book and the routine. Really No moves of any kind
super fun! yet the three silk hand-
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A.$15.00). kerchiefs are now
Tino's Card Stab The finest bit of visual magic in many a long day.
We supply this with a specially It's colourful! Silks are 12" size, one red, one yellow and one
imported GENUINE TOLEDO blue, complete with the special rope and an excellent follow-up
Thrust through a wrapped deck, Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
it impales (yes, genuinely im-
pales) an actual signed card.
There's no Force, pack is
shuffled. The magician hands a specta-
A miracle of the 21st century tor half a dozen cards on which
which can be yours TODAY. are printed no less than thirty-
Comes complete with all the six different drinks. The spec-
necessary gimmicks and full tator secretly chooses his drink
detailed instructions. and lays the card on which it is
Price, £15.00, U.S.A. $35.00.. named face down on the table.
A pocket wine list is now han-
YOGI HYP ded to him with the request that
he find the page that lists his
_____ Have you ever been asked, "Do you
. fl do Hypnotism ?" and wished you might drink. The magician now runs through the page and instantly
X^Äl|answer "Yes. " Well, here is your an- names the drink!
Iswer. With this gimmick, which has If you wished to do so you could bet your pal a drink that you
been tried and tested, and with no could name his poison. How could you lose once you have the se-
practice or study, you can do astound- cret of this super pocket trick ?
ing things. Prefaced by a short talk, No skill, no secret moves ... always ready. Even when you
you cause four or five volunteers to perform it, you'll be puzzled as to how and why it works ... but
apparently fall asleep, go fishing, im- it does, and every time!
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)._
I ib»O > |itate monkeys and other funny stunts.
Here's ten minutes of comedy and real
entertainment. Don't buy this if you THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED
are not a SHOWMAN. Pseudo-Hypnotic act that's ten minutes of 64, HIGH STREET, BIDEPORD,
comedy. Gimmick, Hyp. talk and presentation. DEVON, ENGLAND
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
May we remind Magicians
that this effect was originated I sä A workable, practical and ENTER-
by KEN DE COURCY and first TAINING Collection of Magic with
offered by us some years ago. J E.S.P. cards.
At a time when there is a wave of
Now claimed as "the latest
from the States” and under an- \S ITE THE
interest sweeping the world in "the
Occult", this booklet will allow
other name! .A'

Don't be put off by the low modern magical entertainers to slant
price tag! - this is FIRST- their presentation in this direction.
CLASS CLOSE-UP MAGIC. F - All the effects contained in this
The magician drops a matchbox on the table and invites a spec- booklet have been audience-tested
tator to take out the contents. He finds two twisted, linked to- with successful results. -
gether nails inside. He is asked to separate them, and this can There are 20 effects and these
be a load of fun as the spectator tries this way and that, usually range from Direct Divinations of
confessing himself completely beaten and giving up. thought-of cards to Coincidence ef-
The performer takes them, shows they are genuine nails and fects , (two or more people taking the same card), to some fine
firmly linked. Then he drops them back into the box. This is novelty presentations.
handed to the spectator with the request that he simply WISHES Most magicians have a packet of E.S.P. Cards (or we can
for them to be separated. When he opens the box he finds that supply as under) and this booklet with enable you to present
his wish has been granted ... They are! close-up and platform Mental Mysteries and add them to your
No "ifs and buts”. Nail twist works everytime and so easily! repertoire.
No switches! No threads! No magnetic principle! Ail items are easy to perform ...
Nails are nickel-plated, so as not to rust. This is clean, Predictions! Mind-Reading! Telepathy! Brain Busters! A
straight-to the point pocket magk you'll enjoy presenting. Printed Booklet; Illustrated by KEN DE COURCY. 28 10" x 8"
Price. £1.50, (U.S.A. $4). pages; Light board illustrated cover.
With TWO sets an addition is possible (detailed in the instruc- Price. £3.50. (U.S.A. $8.00).
tions). They'll need a hacksaw to separate them after you have
linked them again! TWO SETS for only £2.50. (U.S.A. $6). "E.S.P.” (Z«nn»r) c a r d s . At the moment we can supply.
Packets of 25 cards (Five symbols repeated five times). Ideal
Jumbo Snake In A Box for all E.S.P. Experiments and as recommended in "TheMagic
of E.S.P." With the book and this packet of cards you1 re all
A light-weight edition of the Snake set for some Mind-blowing Magic. Price, £3.00,
Basket, but with a LARGE BOX - _____________________ (U.S.A. $7.00).
lettered 'LIVE SNAKE' in black on
bright, Day-glo yellow panels and SPECIAL! Get the book AND Cards TOGETHER for only £5.50,
which folds COMPLETELY FLAT (U.S.A. $12.00).
for packing.
From the box emerges a colourful
hand-made snake. It's a load of fun Here's a lovely set of polish-
for kids and grown-ups. Everyone ed aluminium Rice bowls. Each
will love the antics of this amazing bowl or basin is approx. 3
snake as it rises from the box you inches diameter, 1J" high.
hold, helps you in your magic, puts YOU under hypnosis? etc., Bowls are shown empty, then
It's really great! one bowl is filled with rice. Bowls are placed mouth to mouth
You get everything ready to include this in your programme and shaken. MYSTERIOUSLY THE RICE DOUBLES IN
right away. The Jumbo-size hand-operated snake, special QUANTITY!
box and routines and suggestions. Levelled off, the bowls are again placed together, and now
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $70.00). THE RICE CHANGES TO WATER which is poured from bowl
to bowl! A classic trick! - and a truly great one.
Supplied with a most detailed series of routines incorporat-
You've seen TERRY SEA-
BROOKE do it and you know 'Ml ing many novel suggestions and ideas. 'Confetti to Silks or
Flowers'. 'Duck on the Pond', etc.
it's a WINNER. And who can
forget - (as much as they ♦ v, Price. £4.50. (U.S.A. $12.00).

might try). Terry's brilliant ♦ «I Supplied by us and used by PAUL

patter - "One! one! one! one! DANIELS on Television. A solid
one! .Two! two! two! two! hit trick! I

Fra h »
two!" o SB ♦ ♦ Used by Magicians all over the
The card we supply is 84" x world.
11|" with large diamond spots The trick which has become a
First it's an Ace. then it's a classic in its time. A short length
Four, then it's a Five, then of rope, a medium length and a lone
it's a Six. Audience think they know how it's done and they're one, magically stretched become
in for a big surprise. At the end there are EIGHT SPOTS on
one side!
the same length. At the end, they
can be returned to their original <z 2
This is the Original. No magnets. sizes!
Complete with full instructions. Price, complete with ropes and illustrated instructions £2.50,
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). (U.S.A. $6.00).
Jack Yate's
AMAZING MEMORY A Supreme Exclusive!
More than a trick - a complete act
?b,83, in which you display what appears to
- be a phenomenal memory.
> * A number of specially printed
cards are distributed amongst the
audience. Each card carries ninety-
nine squares, numbered from one to a 's "7 W
ninety-nine, and in each square there is a different six-digit
Spectators call out the numbers of any squares and you imme-
diately call back the six-figure numbers they contain!
As a variation a spectator can call out one of the six- figure
numbers and you right away tell him the number of the square
it appears in!
Thousands of actual numbers appear on the cards and yet it
would appear that you have memorised them all!
NO MEMORY WORK INVOLVED! EASY TO DO! A Bonus! From the creator of many fine mental stunts ABOVE SUS-
ATION and in this astounding demonstration you memorise a A PERSON'S THOUGHTS ... Listen to this bewildering effect. A
huge list of articles and objects as they are called out by spec- pack of cards is SHUFFLED and a spectator merely THINKS OF
tators. The climax when you recite the whole list BACKWARDS A CARD. The pack is then cut once, twice and finally a third
is a knock-out. This is the feat that has earned nation-wide time. Before completing the last cut the spectator may, if he so
publicity for several performers, appearances on Television, wishes, shuffle both halves. Despite all this, when the specta-
etc. It can be presented "solo" or with a partner as a double- tor deals through the pack he finds there are only 51 CARDS; the
act. This feature alone is worth at least three times what we thought-of card has VANISHED! '.
charge for the complete outfit. The performer produces the card from his pocket before the
AMAZING MEMORY is AMAZING VALUE. Complete outfit, spectator names his chosen card. An astounding climax which
including special cards (which are in two colours) for only ... completely floors the audience. There is no clue to the miracle.
£2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). It must be genuine thought-reading, for throughout the routine
everything is ABOVE SUSPICION.
Cigarette to Flower Surprise NOTE THESE POINTS: There are no fake cards - no com-
plicated set-up. The cards are really shuffled. The system is
Straight from the act capable of many variations. One pack only is used and it may
of a well-known pro- be borrowed. It is easy to perform. The spectator does not
fessional performer. write anything. The card is chosen in his mind and strange to
The magician enters say you know the card BEFORE the spectator names it!!'.
smoking a cigarette. Comes in sealed manuscript form, price 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
lie takes the cigarette,

inserts It into his nfiiiriuuw
closed fist, then from A startling effect! A circle of yel- |
the fist emerges a low tissue-paper is crumpled into a
pretty flower. Magi- ball, then placed into an ashtray held
cian hands this to his by a spectator. As you tell of the
lady assistant who ritual of the ancient Aztecs, the paper
places it in her hair. bursts into flames and burns away.
The hand is still kept suspiciously closed. The big surprise No apparatus is supplied. This is The Blood Feast ;
comes when this is opened and a SECOND flower makes its ap- a clear easy-to-read printed manu-
pearance. There is no trace whatsoever of the cigarette. script. At a very minimal cost, you
< ot the Sun •
Supreme Cigarette to Flower Surprise is good for any type of can add this stunning mystery to your Ken de Courcy
programme, either one of the flowers produced can be worn in own programme.
a buttonhole. The trick is not intended as a tremendous my- Price, ei.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
stery but a pretty quickie to include amongst other flower and
sophisticated magic. Can be used anytime in your programme! I Wouldn’t Like to Play Cards
Effect comes complete with detailed instructions,
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). I With You
A routine which is easy to perform
Torn Tissues To British Flag but which will earn for the performer
Three sheets of tissue paper,
one red, one white and one blue are
LIKE TO a reputation for being a skilled
artiste with cards. A very fine se-
torn and wadded together and change PUT CARDS quence in which you "show your mas-
tery" over Card Control; your skill
Great for your kids' shows. We WITHTOÜ! I at dealing; how to stack a pack of
supply the specially made flag plus | cards; and to present a gambling dem-
enough papers for a dozen shows. | onstration to a dramatic tale. Remem-
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). | ber - No real skill is required!
, Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
A Trick with 4 Black Cards Riddle of Chung Ling Soo
This is 'Gambling Bob', altered > by WILL DEXTER
and with a great new patter-line by A well-printed, beautifully bound
book which every magician should
read. The story of Chung Ling
Four black spot playing cards Soo's death on the stage whilst
magically change to four red spots, catching a bullet in his teeth. Then
then to a Poker lyind, then a fur- T you are taken behind the scenes and
ther change, finally you hold four \ told of Soo's effects, - his life, his
black cards again. secrets, his triumphs. We guaran-
Special cards and the illustrated instructions makes this easy tee that once you have picked up this
for you. beautiful Volume, you will not lay it
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). down until you have read and enjoyed
every word of it.
From it you will learn of the great magic and magicians of
A piece is torn from a newspaper the past.
-and crumpled into a ball. Waved
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
in the air the Newspaper ball
changes to two! Balls vanish and
iHcrosPaper reappear and multiply until you
have four balls between the fingers.
One by one the balls vanish as The same book, - well-printed, but as a PAPER-BACK. Sold
mysteriously as they came until at a fantastically low price. Truly absorbing reading. Written
only one remains. This is opened by WILL DEXTER, distinguished professional journalist.
out and shown and it's just a piece Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
of newspaper.
No special holders, etc., required.
Easy to do. With each outfit we include a cute idea for restor-
Thimble,'.Rice This year's Micro-magic sensa-
tion! The classic "Rice bowls ef-
ing the Newspaper at the end. Bowls’- fect" you can perform close-up at
the Dinner table. Instead of bowls
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
two regular THIMBLES are used.
SUPREME One is filled with SALT. This
TEL-A-COLOUR doubles in quantity, then changes
One of the cleverest trick to WATER! Great! - and so EASY
principles ever! Five cards TO DO, you'll be completely DE-
each of different colour. LIGHTED! Next time someone asks
Apart from the colour, each to see a trick DON'T do a card
trick, - pull these out of your pocket and show them you' re a
of the cards is absolutely
REAL magician! This is going to be a BIG HIT! Thimbles are
identical, - None of the
metal. Complete with splendid feke and full routine.
cards are marked in any
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
wav. Any one of the cards
is reversed, all the cards Modern version of the
can be placed into envelopes, old Lamp-glass and
they can be mixed-up'... envelopes can be sealed. Handed to Silk effect but performed
you, you unfailingly pick out the chosen colour. with a clear plastic
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). tube, two long silky
cords and three gaily
coloured silk handker- |
Spectators tie the
silks around the cords |
This is the improved Devil's Hand- which go through the
kerchief with the exclusive "no sag" transparent tube, silks
feature we have made and supplied being pushed into the
to many well-known professional tube. A young lady holds the tube and one cord is tied around
Magicians. Perfect for vanishing , her. Two other spectators hold the ends of the cord. You are
a whole pack of cards or any simi- all-set. WHOOSH!
lar article but this handkerchief . Spectators pull on their cords, the young lady steps forward,
can also be used for FORCING, dramatically the cords pass through her body and are now
counters, billets with names, num- stretched out straight behind her! All the silks come free, re-
bers, etc. Many prefer the handkerchief, in this respect, to maining inside the tube. Magician takes the tube, blows the
a Changing Bag, especially if being used in a mental act, as silks into the air.
the handkerchief appears so innocent and unfeked. Supreme No 'get-ready' in this effect, no threads or bits of wire.
"Mephisto Handkerchief is made from a good quality material Comes absolutely complete with splendid instructions and
and comes complete with full instructions. ideas manuscript which also explains another effect.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).


AI IT I’S A great idea which turns any
opera hat or top hat into a
ASSORTED A BIG book of PRACTICAL . Changing Bag! All you have to
MAGIC. 44. 8" x 10" heavy gv do is push the special feke in-
MYSTERIES quality pages. New tricks and side it; it divides the hat into
new methods which require no / two, and has a spring loaded
elaborate set-up. 34 novel items, flap which moves from side to
with cards, newspapers, post- side. Place your gloves into
cards, magazines, picture frames, the hat, they change to a dove.
coins, etc. «4 Use the hat in a Mutilated
Mental mysteries, card myster- Sunshade.
ies, SOMETHING FOR EVERY- For a neat version of 20th
ONE, for the children's enter- Century Silks using 36" silk
tainer, even a platform Illusion squares ... and in so many
is Included! other ways.
You will enjoy the author's reminiscences, his good sense We include an ideas sheet with
and the fine magic presented. each one we sell.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price’ £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
A card changes to a
matchbox. We supply
----------------- -t r Supreme ,
this with some clever
new ideas which give
it a real face-lift. ~ BALL
This really is a SUPER Chameleon
Example! Have a card
ball for it changes colour as many
chosen and vanished.
times as you wish!
Reproduce the card -
A.single red ball is held at the
it's the WRONG card - pass your hand over it - it changes into
fingertips, nothing else, the hands
a matchbox - open the matchbox and inside it ;.. the actual
are otherwise empty. Hands come
chosen card!
together and the ball has changed
Offbeat ? So are the other ideas too. to green. The green ball now be-
Comes complete at a very low price with the manuscript of
comes yellow, then it changes to white, then it changes back to
green and then red again!
Price, 60p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Except for the ball your hands are empty.
A Passe-Passe card effect A delightful routine is given in which the ball continually
that's absolutely impossible changes colour to match silks.
for one of the cards has a 1" We supply the illustrated instructions and the specially pro-
hole in it! Still the cards duced unbreakable plastic ball. You can drop it, bounce it,
but you can't break it!
change places and at the end
both the cards can be minute- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
ly examined. No sleights or
You get the cards and full
Another Supreme
routine. (P.S. A hole is in- Five small plastic
cluded free with every set boxes, each box is
we sell so the trick is really ABSOLUTE LYIDENT-
readv to work). ICAL, also an exam-
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). ined cloth bag. Boxes
Glass is 24" high, ij" diam- are placed into the
eter, straight sided and special- bag. Spectator chooses
ly made in translucent plastic. any box, YOU DO
Openly the glass is filled NOT TOUCH IT. He
with liquid then covered with a
silk or a borrowed handker-
•7 places a ribbon or a
Treasury Note inside.
chief. Suddenly the glass and The box is replaced amongst the others, spectator himself can
handkerchief are tossed high mix them up.
flutters down, but the glass has VANISHED! ! ! OUT THIS BOX. No fumbling! - Remember, each box is
Magician can immediately reproduce the SAME GLASS con- definitely identical.
taining the SAME LIQUID from his previously empty pocket. Included with each effect is JEFFERY ATKINS' 'Clairvoyant
'Subtle Glass Vanish' is easy to do and requires very little Chance', a simple, direct and entertaining routine which you
practice. A SUBTLE IDEA made practical by the ingenious can use anywhere. You'll thrill at the marvellous principle
construction of the special glass we supply. and its great application to bring about OUTSTANDING MAGIC.
No pulls, elastics or covers! it's 'all' in the special glass. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England
The Best of Tiny TOPPER
by James A. ("Tiny") Payne
By Ian Adair
(The Blowhard of Balloons) BILL STICK LAND confesses that
A great book of GREAT MATERIAL! this is one of his favourites. A Card
Balloon animals and how to make Revelation with a great comedy cli-
them: Balloons with PERSONALITY: max! The props get the laughs for
Hints and kinks for clowns. There's you!
an introduction all about Tiny by A card is chosen; it's the 5 of
skilled artist, ED HARRIS who has Spades. A big plaque shows a pic-
produced the first-class art-work ture of a top-hat, card is to vanish
used in this book. and rise from the hat. Magical
There's notes on the type of bal- passes, card rises, but it's the 4 of Spades and not the 5. "Want
loons; care of balloons; balloon an extra spade", says the performer, "WELL, HAVE THIS
decor; toys in the act; 'A bit of Magic': INFORMATION ON SOME ONE."
OF THE THINGS WHICH TINY HAS USED IN HIS ACT OVER THE Suddenly the plaque drops open and shows a large GARDENING
on BIRTHDAY PARTIES: Features; A Paper Tearing routine; You've seen Bill Stickland work it, - you know it's good! We
Tiny's Button Publicity; A cute Mouse: An Elephant; Bee; Apple can supply from stock by return , complete with routine.
on a Stick; WORM IN THE APPLE: A Donkey; Seagull; Turtle; Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Long Dog Special, yes, he's got a meat-ball in his tummy; Teddy
Bear; EASTER BUNNY; Squirrel; Monkey; A Simply-made orig-
inal Swan, MADE FROM ONE BA OON; A wonderful idea. Our exclusive!
BALLOON PUPPETS; An AMERICA Swan, (he's blowing Bubble Alan Lambie's
gum!); FUN HATS ...
All this in the 36. 8 x 10 inch pages this well-produced book-
let. You are sure to find something nev. ,ind novel which you can <4 7
use. '-T}
— A new idea in coin folds. A coin
'THE BEST OF TINY' is a book of tested material which you is wrapped in a square of paper
must have. and vanishes. No steals! The
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). hands are definitely empty. Paper
is unfolded and the coin has gone. Paper can then be tom up. A
SQUARE KNOT very cute notion.
A Great Laugh Hit! Use any coins. Easy to do. We include a sample paper and
full instructions.
The zaniest thing you ever saw. A Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
spectator ties a square knot in a
rope. Immediately the square knot
becomes a square rope ... yes, the
rope forms the shape of a square IN "Abracadabra" on Saturday 31st
March 1979? pa
a 7k
which the magician holds between
Well independently reviewing the
his hands! new items, available from all the
No skill required ... pull it out of
your pocket and work It any time ... a whale of a laugh! dealers he wrote -
Self-contained! Self working and complet e with some very BLYTHE SPIRIT
funny gag lines and fully illustrated Instructions only ...
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). '1 have commented before, and do
so again, on the high quality wood-
work Supreme are now producing.
Finish and colour are of the best,
ni Nu-Style Bang Pistol making props both attractive and
This fantastic nu-style bang pistol hard wearing. ' Blythe Spirit' was
is made in plastic and please note, originally a Len Belcher idea
this is a full-size pistol for stage marketed by Roy Baker, this is a
use. Press the trigger and a real children's routine involving a friendly ghost.
silk flag shoots out with the word A haunted house, made in wood and neatly decorated, van-
'Bang' on it. ishes the ghost - pictured on a large bright varnished card -
Great in any kids' show or comedy------ ---------- i to re-appear in a previously empty carrier bag.
routine. Get the kids to put cotton- In addition a message appears on a tray placed into the bag,
wool in their ears ... there's a certain laugh, for with a 'zip' for the Birthday child, or to wish everyone Happy Christmas,
there's the silk. etc. The whole outfit is very smart, there's a great routine
You'U use 'Nu-Style Bang Pistol' to reproduce a vanished with lots of fun and excitement and the set-up looks big and
silk and in other ways too. colourful.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). The price is £15.50, (U.S.A. $50.00). it's Excellent value."

Secrets of my Magic
David Devant NU-MIRACLE
A Supreme Magic Publication Six numbered squares are shown.
We are extremely proud to pre- Each is boldly numbered on both
sent this reproduction; complete, sides. Squares are mixed together
unaltered, unabridged, for the de- and placed on the table, then whilst
light of all who love good magic, you turn your back spectator covers
be he a magical student or perfor- any three cards with the small
mer, of Devant's great book, covering cards provided.
"Secrets of My Magic". In as dramatic a manner as you
Twenty-one intriguing chapters wish you reveal the total of the
detailing Card Magic, Magic with covered squares! Everything can be examined and the more
°AV1O Billiard Balls, Flowers, Eggs, you do it the more mystifying it becomes. (Totals are different
Dev a n t (including the masters 'Eggs from every time.)
a hat'). Mechanical and Stage Price complete, 75p> (U.S.A. $2.00).
Magic, Illusions, Magical Sketches,
The Indian Rope Trick and many more. Fun! Colour! Surprise! All in one
In addition "Magic of my contemporaries" has a whole galaxy big routine. A box of felt pieces pre-
of famous names freely contributing their pet effects for the
benefit of Magicians everywhere.
sent different articles. Magically they
vanish and reappear back in the box, f unm v
Well printed on a pure-white heavy book cartridge, there are
288 pages, bound in black cloth, lettered on the spine in real
reassembled to form a cute rabbit.
Suddenly the pieces are transformed
gold. Two-colour photographic dust-jacket. A book to be once again into a colourful toy soldier.
proud of, to read, to enjoy, to learn from! Comes complete including the vanish
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). ... everything you need to work this
right away.
Sid Lorraine's TOM ZOSS wrote in The M.U.M. Magazine. FUNNY FELT is
Letter cards are shown and drop-
more than a trick - it's a whole routine, or a short act. With a
ped into an unprepared paper bag.
lot of audience participation . you tell a fun story about children
A length of ribbon is also dropped getting presents for their family. Using magic and a felt board,
into the paper bag on top of the you build pictures of the presents. This effect has humor, color.
letters, the two ends of the ribbon, magic and potential for many audience members helping. Good
however, are left hanging over the kid show material, everything included.
sides of the bag. A second set of
cards, each bearing the name of an TRICK Price, £io.5O, (U.S.A. $25.00).
article,is exhibited and endless laughter is created as Magician
gives his description of each of the articles named. One card CHALLENGE Over the years many
novel types of wallet ef-
is selected by a spectator but apparently the trick refuses to
work. The laugh is on the Magician until he blows the Magic WALLET fects have been produced,
but here is one which is
whistle, and the selected word immediately appears, spelt out
in single letters on the ribbon. both novel and surprising
IT'S A "WOW" OF A FINISH. and which has a great
touch of comedy.
You can present the A-B-C Trick at any time in your pro-
gramme, entirely surrounded by your audience. No skill is Magician pulls his wallet
from out of his pocket. He
required. Pricei £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
states that under the pic-
This is the one recommended by ture-panel on the face of
Alan Shaxon in his lecture! It's the wallet there is a dupli-
cate of a card which is go-
Supreme's ing to be selected a few
Luxury Leather- moments from now.
Add-A-NO WALLET He accidentally (?) allows the audience to see the card as he lays
A hand-made black leather wallet his wallet down on the table. A pack of cards is next shown and a
with brass corner pieces embossed card is selected. Magician states that the card on the front of the
in gold with the word "Notes" and wallet is an exact duplicate of this card, and he will bet the spec-
which contains a pad of plain papers. tator a pound, (or a five dollar bill) that he is correct.
A pencil is attached and also Sts Notes are removed from the wallet and placed on the table. Ma-
inside. gician states that if he is wrong the spectator is at liberty to keep
Spectators may write numbers on the pad, one under the other. the money. The spectator is quite delighted FOR HE IS HOLDING
You do not have to see the numbers. Someone else totals them A DIFFERENT CARD TO THAT WHICH A MOMENT AGO HE SAW
together YOU HAVE PREDICTED THAT TOTAL. Spectators ON THE FACE OF THE WALLET! He will be quick to demand his
may write questions on the pad. YOU CAN ANSWER THEM. money - but SURPRISE when the wallet is turned over the card
You'll be amazed at the versatility of this marvelous wallet. showing through the clear-panel has miraculously changed IT IS
'Add-a-No' has always been a great trick. Now it's even NOW IDENTICAL TO THE ONE WHICH THE SPECTATOR HOLDS!
better. Built into a real classy wallet, it works quietly, ef- This is a beautifully made real leather wallet. Comes complete
ficiently, inconspicously. with routine.
, * Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00). Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).

Impossible Glasses
------ \ 'rrTr||}l OUTSIZE

Three tumblers, a handkerchief and a book

are the only properties seen by the audience,
and they can all be examined, even borrowed
if you wish. The handkerchief is placed
” a logrb j/' /
laughter and
th*S 0Iie I8

around the book, proving no adhesives of any kind are used, then z' n0 exception
the tumblers are placed mouth down on the handkerchief. When IT'S ALMOST TWELVE INCHES LONG! Made entirely in plastic
the book is turned over the tumblers miraculously adhere to the it's a gag prop you'll introduce in your programme in many ways.
book! To start you off, we give with each Jumbo Toothbrush a manu-
Yes, one, two or THREE tumblers cling upside down to the script of SIXTEEN clever ideas. Gags for the Kids show, for the
book and can be removed at will. Everything can again be exam- Comedy performer and for the Magician. You'll say this is a
ined and nobody will ever guess the secret of your deception. very good buy. Price, complete, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).
We supply the neat little gimmick, which is always unseen, un- HOW TO BE A VENTRILOQUIST ~

suspected, plus the illustrated routine. You can use any book,
any handkerchief, any glasses. A book that Dlls a long-felt need,
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). packed with real information regard- H A Ve MTHIUW'IST II

ing the tricks of the ventriloquist's

art. Whether you are a beginner or a
The Hung-Too Cord Prediction
-J-*“—W A ft Ul..ft Uftftt.ft
well-qualified ventriloquist, you are
A spectator inserts a blue-backed bound to profit from the hunches it
card into any contrasting colour contains.
pack. The card bears a prediction Included in the contents are instruc-
- th- only trouble is the prediction tions on acquiring the "ventrlloquial
■ is i. Chinese'. voice", "throwing the voice", timing, character voices, smoking,
The prediction' card is removed drinking and crying effects, distant voice, and imitations.

together with the card on each side There are also chapters on writing an original ventrlloquial act
of it. The magician shows the getting new material and selecting appropriate music.
spectator how to read the predic- In addition, there are two complete ventriloquial acts, each of
tion. It names two cards, the ones them introducing various effects throughout the snappy dialogues.
between which the spectator thrust Typescript text in printed covers.
the card!'.'. Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $8.00).
You will like the routine, plus typical Ken de Courcy patter,
which makes the effect quite a feature one for your close-up Two packs of cards are involv-
shows. ed , a red backed pack and a
We supply methods, patter PLUS the special card you will re- blue. A spectator takes one of
quire, all for a very modest price. the packs and places It in his
pocket. He is next asked to

Price, 60p, (U.S.A. $1.50).
shuffle the remaining pack of
cards and after this has been |

Mr. &Mrs. Noah

Arthur Saunders' excel-
shown to be well mixed he is
permitted to choose a card. I

He has previously been asked

lent kids' effect. A mam- to name any number between
moth folder 18” x 12|" in ONE AND FIFTY-TWO (defin-
brilliant colours decorat- itely no force) and now for the staggering, unbelievable climax.
ed as an Ark. There's When he removes the pack of cards from his pocket and checks
some hilarious business through them the card that falls at the number of his choice is
when Mr. Noah depicted an exact duplicate of the one he chose from the blue-itacked pack
in many colours on a - and bear in mind the red-backed pack has been in guarded
14" x 9|" board appears. possession ever since the effect commenced! Easy to do and yet
He goes back into the utterly infallible in action.
Ark. The secret of this trick, like all good tricks is simple - in fact
The audience are asked we have no hesitation in saying that you will be able to work the
if they would like to see trick a few minutes after you receive our instructin' and the
MRS.Noah,, then Mrs. clever little gimmick.
Noah is produced but Mr. Supplied without cards, as you can use two ordinary decks you
Noah has vanished! probably already have. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
There's loads of business before finally the card is turned over,
to show A SELECTION OF ANIMALS WHO LIVE IN THE ARK. May we take this opportunity of reminding 'Magigram subscrib-
A fine effect which is also a perfect lead-in to the production of ers that a lot of subscriptions fall due shortly, and believe it or
a dove or rabbit. note, despite the increased cost of printing, postage, etc., we
If you are looking for a good item to include in your NEW are stlH maintaining this at just £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00) 12
CHILDREN'S PROGRAMME, one which is easy to do, which is issues, post paid.
extremely visual and has audience impact, THEN THIS IS FOR We publish 'The Pentagram' too, - again No increase - price is
YOU! £4.50, (U.S.A. $9.00) for 12 issues, post paid. Why not sub-
Supplied complete with routine, ready to work. scribe to both Magazines at the same time and enjoy some tre-
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). mendous Magical reading.

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England
Supreme by Harry Reeve
BEAUTY. There are two sets of
A baffling and intriguing mental master-
rings used, one for a spectator
piece that depends upon an amazing subtlety
and one for the magician. THE
you should know.
Five persons are invited to assist. Each
the type that are used to carry
is given an envelope and asked to place
one's car keys. Pass two of the
some small personal belonging inside
rings over a handkerchief and
whilst the performer has his back turned or is out of the room.
they link. Pass them over again
Envelopes are sealed, mixed up and given to the performer be-
and they unlink. In a race to link the rings the spectator wins
hind his back.
Holding one of the envelopes, the magician describes the per-
The magician's rings just melt apart before the spectator has
son to whom the object inside belongs, gives a reading of their
even started. It's all very bewildering. The climax comes
character, etc. It's a shaker. One by one the envelopes are
when a cord is draped over the magician's shoulders and one
handed back to their owners and always the performer is
of the rings vanished. Removing the cord, the ring is found
firmly knotted to the centre of the cord.
They can examine the envelopes to their heart's content, there
are no markings, etc., for them to find. RING-A-DING RINGS is supplied with all the rings necessary,
Also a great LIVING AND DEAD TEST. Complete with the cord, three foolscap pages of first class instruction PLUS
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). finest visual step by step instruction.
The price £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).

r A
22 inches long /•

pocket effect which you

can use close-up or on 2
stage. <*
The crystal cube acts i
as a "thought lens",
condensing and focussing §
thoughts. A spectator
gazes in the lens, which A swell novelty paper tear that is packed full with laughter
you show to be absolute- and mystery too! "Look at the size of that paper tear" is what
ly transparent all sides. magicians say when they see Supreme "Bunny Papers". Cute?
Suddenly a small miniature replica of a selected card appears It sure is! The mere sight of those two mischievous bunnies
in the centre of the cube. Then just as it appeared, the image is guaranteed to captivate and charm any audience! And the
vanishes leaving the cube clear again! size of that carrot - almost 10 inches long. More than TWICE
You can have a word or number appear in the cube, (which the size of a Newsletter page - inches high x TWENTY-TWO
incidentally can be examined). inches long! It's the largest paper tear of its kind. Beauti-
Complete with ideas. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). fully printed from clever art work. The paper is torn amidst
a clever patter - story and just as it is restored another bundle
falls to the floor. The magician is stuck ? Not on your life.
IAN ADAIR'S novelty with The opened paper reveals the whole family of "Pete and Daisy's"
seven Jumbo-sized playing A jolly line of prancing, dan ing baby bunnies! Perfect for
cards. children or adult audiences. You receive 10 sets of papers -
Cards are mixed, spectator enough for many shows (19). How can we do it so cheaply. Guess!
notes one-card. Card is
placed at the bottom ... snap! *0000 We juggle the books! Why not get your set today.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).

it jumps to the top! Repeat it
By arrangement with Goodliffe ...
as many times as you like!
Take the card away altogether, L2S FINGERTIP FANTASIES
Bob Ostin
it still appears back with the others! Do it again!
How's it done? Well, haven't you guessed, all the cards you The first edition of this great
are holding are THE SAME! book was soon sold out. NOW
That's what your audience will think too and they are proved AVAILABLE AGAIN AND JUST
When the cards are turned over, it is seen that all the cards IT WAS PUBLISHED.
have bold black letters printed on them ... THE SAME! Remember, EVERY item is
There's no trace of the ever-recurring card. AUDIENCE TESTED, no pipe
The audience will immediately respond to the clever climax dreams that might work, but
and as you are about to acknowledge the applause, you produce practical magic you can and will use. If you have seen
the missing card from your pocket! Bob Ostin lecture you will know this and WANT this book!
No Rough and Smooth or Double Lifts - it's easy to do, - An All connoisseurs of close-up magic will want a copy of
excellent effect for your programme. this well-produced, handsomelj’ bound book.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
Life-Like Latex
CARD RULER Budgerigar
Sensational ideas Ex- This chirpy-looking little fellow
clusive to Supreme really is fantastic'. Looks as though

Magic, make the CARD he is alive and yet is made of soft,
♦ A ♦ ♦ RULER a prop that easily compressible latex'. You'll EUDCIt
*669e2499s5s»9»S>S8?SZ<*Z? everyone who enjoys think of many ways of using him in
close-up card myster- your show right away!
ies will want to add to Produce him from a silk! Vanish
their repertoire. Wi
him in a paper bag! Use him for
A beautifully- produced ruler bearing the names of 52 cards in magic AND for laughter too!
the pack; with it a variety of startling Card Revelations are Nicely painted! Handled correctly, Supreme Realistic Latex
possible. Budgerigar cannot be told from the real thing a few feet away.
Here are THE ROUTINES THE EXPERTS USE ... 'Add the With each Budgie comes a whole book of instructions and
Spots', two excellent ways of using the ruler to bring about clever ideas! 13 illustrated pages. "MAGIC WITH LATEX
miracle card effects. BUDGIES" is written by Ian Adair and it gives you all sorts of
'Add the Date', a card is selected from the ruler via the date novel notions with the bird. Tips on Handling! Using with
on a coin. Strange to say, that card is found reversed in the Standard Props. Budgie to Flowers etc., etc.
centre of the deck! Price for one Budgerigar and the book together, £3.50, $9.
"A + B = C" Patrick Page uses the ruler for revealing a chosen Extra Budgerigars, £2.50, $7.
card merely by measuring the pack with it after a chosen card has
been replaced.
"Using the Blank Side". Anothc Pat Page idea. - Spectator Smoking the Thumb
touches the back of the ruler, the card printed opposite this spot Not a new idea but a great one,
is revealed in the pack! that we felt had been absent from
The Trick that Can't be Explained. Jay Marshall utilises the our list for far too long.
ruler as a valuable adjunct to the famous Dai Vernon trick. The old Laurel & Hardy stunt
Divide the Rule. Ken de Courcy's favourite routine with the and the effect, (not the same
Card Ruler ... an uncanny effect resulting in the revelation of method) which has been popular-
two cards cut-at by a spectator. ised by that brilliant Dutch mani-
The CARD RULER, made from white plastic, is silk-screened pulator, FRED KAPS.
in red and black with the names and suits of a deck of cards. You You form your apparently empty
get the card ruler and the manuscript of all the ideas for ... hand into a fist ... "place invis-
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). ible tobacco" in it ... "light it
Supreme with an invisible lighter" and
straight away sucking the thumb, you produce from it CLOUDS
Nothing concealed in the mouth! No chemicals! It's a very
This is one of the best and most baff- funny gag which will fit well into any presentation.
ling pocket tricks in existence. You can The gimmick we supply is a "two-part one". It can also be
show it at a party, at the bar, dinner used for the popular 'Real Smoke' effect which enables you to
table, anywhere and it will always be a
Performer shows a neat plastic die j8|
a produce smoke from almost anything ... blow smoke from a
rolled-up playing card, an empty pipe ... even from the end
of your wand ... it's all very funny and fantastic.
with a different coloured spot on each Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $7.00).
side. He picks it up and shows that it
has a Green spot on the top and Blue one underneath. Suddenly the Jesse Demaline wrote about it
underneath spot changes colour, the top spot is still Green but the in 'The Memel'. He said, "I
bottom one is now Red. Next the spot changes to Yellow, then to have just seen Edwin's latest
Black. A spectator is handed the die to examine ... and to his
surprise finds the spot BLANK! It's a clever close-up trick be-
cause it's one you can repeat, every move can be slow and deliber-
ate, and at the finish the die can be examined. I like it! The large fluorescent
Price, including the special die, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00). coloured cards can be seen on
stage easily yet can be used in
SO LONG a drawing room with equal ef-
ST# CHINAMAN fect. Three large cards 7j" x
10" with A, B and C printed on
Eric Hawkesworth's great novelty are shown back and front. They
interlude for any programme. Not are wrapped in a folder. A and
- ■.
conjuring but fun! A printed, fancy C are removed leaving "B" but
colour paper becomes a small there's still a card left - what
Chinese fan, a cherry blossom tree, is it? "B"? Yes! Outcomes
J a Chinese decoration, an Oriental the card with a picture of a real
mat, a giant fan ... and then sudden- BEE. Oh! Turn it round! And they are all STUNG. For

ly changes to a full-length facsimile children I think it's the best STUNG to date. I think it's
of 'So-Long the Chinaman' himself! great."
Complete with routine. A highspot of children's entertainment.
igy-’ * Complete, price £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Price, £2.5,0,-(U.S.A. $6.00).
There's nothing new about a Baffle PRESENTATIONS
Box but it's still a very good magical You demanded that we reprint it, we have!
I accessory for the vanish of a silk, a New Edition. Twenty brilliant magical pre-
• number of coins, a quantity of salt or sentations of top professional quality. Tricks
| anything similar. This box is made in like 'The Golden Medallion', the 'Encore
! metal and easy to handle. Supplied Card', the 'Ring on Stick', 'Black Magic',
complete with several cute ideas. The individual performer will the 'Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper'.
soon find his own uses for this bright little accessory. This is material that won acclaim throughout
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). the world.
There's not one routine in this book which
PLINK! can't be mastered by anyone who really wants
Pack of cards is placed on top of a tumbler to use the material.
or wine glass, effectively blocking entry into Clearly-printed; 131 pages; A handsome bound book.
it. Spectator cuts the cards, you place a Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
poker chip on top. Spectator can rest his
hands on the chip. Immediately the chip van- SUPREME pr.Mnt.
ishes. Plink! the chip is SEEN and HEARD PAD-I-ADD
to drop into the glass, having apparently pas- Steve Dusheck's latest ... PAD-I-
sed right through the cards! ADD, an Innocent-looking note pad
A very easy trick to do, yet clever in effect. which is a marvellous utility prop, al-
Price for chip, special gimmick etc., use any pack of cards, lowing automatic switches to be made.
£1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). You can use PAD-I-ADD in many dif-
ferent ways, for a clever prediction of
a chosen addition; of a playing card or
53 large, clear 8 x 10 inch pages, the
the appearance of a Spirit Message, etc.
You will enjoy the simplicity of this.
text is augmented with over 100 first-
rate illustrations. THERE'S FEATURES
I.'.1...© You get the special pad and all the ideas.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
GALÖRE IN THIS BOOK. 68 tremendous
items ready to use. Novelty presenta-
tions etc.; types of gimmicks; self-
Multiplying Packets of Cigarettes
contained Zombie; History and origin;
Adair's Skeleton and Floating Skull, Ani-
mated Ale, Magnetic Ball, Spinning
Double Ball, Wayne's Pranky Hanky and
f Magician opens a packet of gaspers, and
removes a cigarette. Suddenly the
PACKET multiplies into two, then THREE
many, many more. r and finally you have FOUR PACKETS OF
Everyone who is working, or would like to work this conjuring CIGARETTES BETWEEN THE HANDS.
classic should definitely get this book. Packets can vanish as mysteriously as
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $11.00). they came. The special packets supplied'
are wood-blocked, the gimmick is beauti-
lh» »•nioticKJl ............

Cheating the Gallows fully made of metal. Clips hold the

packets safely until required.
One of Fogel's top secrets.
Fogel has never devised a greater audi- § ' %
The Multiplying Ball trick with CIGARETTE PACKETS!
Novelties like this are hard to come by. Ideal for inclusion in
ence interester, talk creator, publicity any type show.
getter than this.
The Magician cheats death!
Allows Price, complete, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Developed by Maurice Fogel asthe
result of thousands of performances be-
fore paying audiences. | JUMBO MAZE
Five rope nooses are used, four of Two perspex stands, one holds a
them are unfeked, the fifth one is gim- number of regular playing-cards, the
micked but it will pull apart. AU have an identical appearance.
♦ •’? Li-'- ■ ' other a large envelope which, you
Ropes are mixed and one chosen. Rope is placed in position on jk»' V state, contains a prediction.
* *4
the mammoth gallows. There's tremendous business when the Anyone chooses one of the face-up
performer places his head in the noose. He jumps. The rope cards. When the envelope is opened,
snaps into two and the performer takes his bow to tumultuous ap- it is shown that the face does not match
plause. but the back does. That's the first surprise! - for • ALL THE
'Cheating the Gallows' is produced as a twelve page printed OTHER REGULAR CARDS ARE RED-BACKED ONES.
book; iUustrated light cover. Includes a sample of Maurice's Magician says, "Perhaps it would have been a better trick if the
Certificate for PROFICIENCY AS A FIRST-CLASS HANGMAN! face AND the back had matched, but how's this for magic ?" The
which is presented to an assisting spectator. small card is turned over and now it is found to have CHANGED
No apparatus supplied but this is not too difficult to make. (Any and correctly matches the prediction! Easy to do, great enter-
jobbing carpenter will be able to make the gallows for you.) FuU tainment.
construction plans are included, - details, set-up, routine, patter You get the regular cards, the Jumbo cards, envelope and two
and hints, and FULL PERFORMING RIGHTS from Fogel for his beautifully-made perspex holders, complete with full instructions
outstanding mystery. and routine.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
BLACKBOARD BAT The Passing Image
A neat, black paddle Ken de Courcy
made to take chalk
easily and which you
can use for all manner
of effects ... numbers,
letters, Chinese figures etc., appear and disappear, - white
chalk marks become coloured... there is no end to the clever
Based on the effect by Doug Parker, here's a card trick which
stunts which you can work with it.
will really surprise and mystify!
Not one, but 100 tricks in one!
The spectator freely cuts a pack to choose a card. The card
Complete with the full instructions and three complete rou-
is pushed into the pack which is temporarily placed to one
tines with especially written comedy patter, exclusive to
side. Five double blank cards are counted, shown and placed
Supreme. And - an extra! - JIMMY ROGERS, the popular
down. Surprise! When the pack is spread face-upwards, the
professional magician, came up with his own routine for this
effect. 'I'll Start Again' which soon became popular with ma- chosen card has lost its face! It is blank!
gicians, as a sure-fire, entertaining item. The five blank cards are eliminated one at a time by the ma-
gician or by the spectator himself, and the last one now bears
Published by HARRY STANLEY, full copyrights were pur-
chased by Supreme Magic. This excellent routine is now the missing face of the chosen card!
included with each Blackboard Bat we sell. Mysteriously, the image has passed from one card to the
The routine is a whole series of surprises , the great gag
Price, £2.00. (U.S.A. $5.00).
line throughout is "I'll Start Again!" - and you do!
In addition to this, Alan Alan has added his finishing line for
the effect. "Finishing line?" - yes, it's just that, - for sud-
denly a broad chalk line appears on both sides of the paddle!
You get the special paddle, nicely-made in wood, PLUS all
the routines so you can work these great effects. On the Green commences with the
I Gr &h 5 magician displaying an 18 or 24
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
inch silk at his fingertips. 'Strok-
ing' the silk results in the sudden
SNAKES ALIVE! feQ materialisation of a GOLF BALL!
Surprise number one! Although
A novelty plastic snake, approx. 2
the silk is shown intact the ball repeatedly penetrates right
foot long from head to tail, that's
through it, down - up - it even gets stuck half-way.
unbelievably realistic! It squirms,
When the ball is taken away from the silk and placed in the
wriggles, looks, even feels like real!
pocket ANOTHER BALL 'pops up' in the centre of the silk!
Great to produce from a spectator's
This is removed and placed in the pocket, but almost imme-
pocket, from a lady's handbag, hat, diately ANOTHER ball appears and so on, 'ad lib' until a half-
etc. Winds up small enough to con-
dozen or more balls appear to have been produced!
ceal in the hand, TERRIFIC AS A
The last ball is pushed back into the silk. The pocket into
NOVELTY FINISH TO THE EGG which aU the balls have been placed is shown EMPTY. Imme-
BAG OR THE CUPS AND BALLS'. diately the silk holding the last ball is tossed into the air. That
A marvellous continuity gag is to produce these snakes too is empty, all the balls having vanished back into oblivion.
throughout the act, dropping them into a box, and finally vanish- We supply you with the necessary balls and feke, plus a great
ing them at the end. 8 page printed MAGIC - PHOTO - TUTOR by that incomparable
"Snakes Alive", a realistic snake and full instructions and
teacher of magic LEWIS GANSON. No less than 24 clear
ideas. photos accompany the text to make everything EASY TO
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
You can use any 18 or 24 inch silk.
FUNNY FISH Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).

What a funny novelty! A realistic - NOT A NOT A CHANCE

a looking fish made from soft, easy
A Douglas Francis's sensational
compressible latex rubber. The
bank-note routine. Three sealed
fish can be produced from a hat, a
envelopes are shown. You explain
Changing Bag, a cloth or from a
folded newspaper. It can be ani- that one envelope contains a £5
mated with the fingers quite easily note or $20 bill. The envelopes
are handed to a member of the
to flip-flap about in a realistic
audience, he retains one, gives
one to a second party and returns
The fish is placed back into the bag the remaining one to you. Although
you did not choose the envelope you hold, after both other en-
or under the cloth, - it need never
velopes are opened, showing only cards of consolation, you
completely leave the sight .of the audi-
open your envelope to expose ... that's right ... the money!
ence and yet when the fish is now
Envelopes are not faked ... no sleights ... no palming ...
shown, it has been FILLETED and
no body loads or steals. Just three envelopes and consolation
TAIL ARE LEFT. Obviously the cat has got the fish! ! I ! cards.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A.-$5.00)._______________________ _
Funny! Saucy! A card is chosen FLASH CHANGING This is a lovely little gag Item to
... magician attempts to find it... include in your show.
without success ... he seeks in- The special card supplied can be
spiration in a Saucy pin-up - which shown as either the Queen of Dia-
changes into a picture of his HORSE -—_ monds or the King of Spades. The
... with the CHOSEN CARD IN HIS card can be changed quick as a
MOUTH! Nuff said! Beautifully silk- EsaY / wink from one value to the other in
screened onto a linen map-type ma- x•: :WjJ / full view of the audience!
terial for long wear. Complete with NOT A FLAP CARD. The spe-
terrific PATTER ROUTINE. Mar- / cial mechanical card is well made.
vellous Comedy material! Easy to work.
Price, £2.50, U.b.A. $6.00. Each card comes complete with a printed manuscript detail-
ing FOUR first-olass effects. "Wrong put right", "Hypnosis",
"Passing Cards", 'Three Card Monte".
The passing cards effect uses two of the special cards, the
three card monte three of them (the effect is similar to the
Giant Find the Lady but at a tiny fraction of the cost).
A lady is asked if she Price, per card and instructions, £1.00, U.S.A. $3.00.
knows her Zodiac birth Price, per THREE sets, £2.00, U.S.A. $5.00.
sign. To help her, she
is shown a list.
She then studies four
cards and picks out the
ones bearing her sign, A USUAL kind of title for an
but keeps them hidden. UNUSUAL kind of book! Magic
From his pocket the performer removes an envelope and takes with a Smile is JUST THAT!
from it a "Horoscope". He reads this to the lady and asks her Tricks with the accent on
whether she thinks any of the qualities it gives match her own HUMOUR yet not neglecting MAGIC
the MAGICAL value of each WITH*
character. He says, "They should, because they only apply to
a person under your Birth sign. Which was it?" Item. EVERY TRICK A WIN- SMILE
When she tells him, the "Horoscope" Is turned over. On the NER IN THE AUTHOR'S
back is a facsimile of her own sign of the Zodiac. OWN REPERTOIRE!
You know how everyone studies the papers to see what the A fully printed book of 34
stars have in store for them. Now you can present an effect large 10" x 8" pages, beauti-
that will gain you a reputation, not only as a mind-reader but fully Illustrated by "Corth".
as an Astrological expert. Sixteen excellent effects
What you get. You receive 120 specially-printed 'reading' are described in three
cards - at the end the spectator can keep the reading - (it ap- Chapters.
pears to be a beautifully scripted one) - with your compliments. 'Magic with a Smile' is printed on a heavy-weight book-stock,
Plus the special 'Sign' cards, Plus the Birthday list, Plus En- coloured light-board cover. Bound with a spiral "stay-open-
velopes, Plus Ken de Courcy's own detailed routine. flat" binding that will make your reading of this excellent pub-
Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $15.00).________________________ lication a real pleasure.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

Parachute Card
Originated by RALPH DELL and
Three spectators assist you. You one of the many good things which
show your X-Ray Telescope tube.
appears in hie book 'MAGIC WITH
Each spectator chooses a card and A SMILE".
with the aid of the tube you go to A novelty paper tear which has
work "divining" them. The first
a bit more to it than just that! A
two you get right but the third card
plain paper "part of a pianola roll"
gives you difficulty. A spectator is waved around but the audience
also locks into the tube but cannot
name the card, there appears to be Al t__ \
are unable to hear the chosen tune.
In frustration performer tears the
something inside the tube blocking paper up ... it's restored ... he
it. Raising the tube to your mouth opens the paper out ... there is now a picture on it ... and
to blow through it, to attempt to the climax is a neat surprise when the picture changes to a dif-
clear it WHOOSH! something ferent one, creating a laugh and a logical conclusion and cue for
hurtles from the tube into the air applause!
... opens ... and there, gracefully floating down is a miniature Real Practical Stuff. CHINA TEA has been worked by the
parachute. Attached to the parachute is a miniature card ... a originator hundreds of times. It's a hit in his programme, as
duplicate of the third chosen one! I! it can well be in yours!
We supply the X-Ray Telescope together with Parachute and You get the papers for TWENTY SHOWS, plus full instruc-
miniature card. You can use your own pack of cards or a bor- tions, patter and routine.
rowed one if you wish. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Price, 75p, U.S.A. $2.00. ____________________________

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England
Here is an extremely
pretty and puzzling effect.
StRWER TRÄN WCffOTV Puzzling because, at the
77 sensational reputation-making commencement, BOTH Z
stunts. A typescript book with printed r— ends of the two shoelaces^
covers. Exclusive secrets of Fire 5^-i». “Perek, are shown. At the end
Eating, Chewing Molten Lead, Sword 'EEVCY'-' -/ you finish up with one
Walking, The Human Pincushion, Car v--------g long plaid shoelace which
on the Head, and many more. If you can be used in any
seek the SENSATIONAL, the UNUSUAL -- follow-up routine, such
and the BIZARRE then you must get 'Stranger than Fiction'. as a "Ring Off a String"
Price, £3.00. (U.S.A. 38.00). and so on. Ideal for use
with the 'Jardine Ellis'
ring, or, for a simple
EFFECT. Magician shows two shoelaces, one black and one
Ian Adair's amusing gag and bit white. As he passes them through his hand they visibly blend

of business which goes over well into two plaid shoelaces. Suddenly they become ONE long
j with any audience, especially the black and white shoelace! '. I
younger ones. NOT intended as BLENDO LACES is nice for close-up, - and visual enough
a great mystery, but a lot of fun. for your more formal performances.
A plaque is picked up and shown Comes complete with fully illustrated instructions.
to have 6 Jam tarts vividly de- Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
picted on one side, 3 on the
other. When plaque is again A novel plot for a COMPLETE
shown there are only 4 on one ACT! Routined for two people ,
side, 1 on the other! Where the performer and his assist-
have all the jam tarts gone? The plaque drops open to reveal ant, a slight rearrangement
a picture, fully in colour of the culprit - Billy Bunter, looking will permit it to be worked
very well fed and satisfied with himself! I ! The mechanics solo if you wish.
are easy! The plaque is beautifully produced and ... note this IT'S A CUTE IDEA AND AP-
... is fully varnished so it will never soil or become finger- PEARS TO EMBRACE MAGIC
marked. Fully washable. Sold complete with some amusing FROM MANY COUNTRIES,
patter-to rhyme and many suggestions and ideas. CHINA, THE U.S.A., FRANCE,
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).__________________________ RUSSIA, INDIA. Act uses
WITH A props which are easily obtain-
able or which you may already
Magician shows a die, have.
holding this at his finger- by ALL ITEMS ARE COMPLETE
tips and showing it on all
sides. The die is placed >'z If you are looking for an act which is easy to transport, retains
on the back of a specta- the interest of the audience all the way through, and which uses
tor's hand. A small your assistant to good advantage in your show, this may well be
cover is placed over the / \ the material you are looking for.
die. Magician explains Comes fully illustrated in a printed 16 page book. Coloured
----- p.-i'H'
that he will cause the light board cover.
die to vanish. However, when he lifts the cover it is seen that
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
the die has in fact, shrunk down into a tiny, miniature one!
Cover is shown empty and die and cover can both be examined.
Other ideas given. Janito's
Price, complete, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
A super-duper, puzzling pocket
Sid Lorraine wrote in Tops:- penetration!
"YO-YO is a clever cord re- The two beer mats shown each have
lease, devised by the late Louis a large hole punched through their
Histed and improved by Peter centres. The only other thing used
A. McDonald. A plastic bobbin- is a yard or so of ribbon. Yep! All
like construction (not unlike a Yc- can be examined!
Yo) is given for examination, One of the beer mats is fairly threaded onto the ribbon which
2 along with two different colored
cords and a nail. The cords are
is passed around again and the second mat hung on. No hurried
moves. It all looks very fair and above board ... yet ... sud-
draped over the core of the denly both mats penetrate the ribbon. Ribbon ends can be held
Yo-Yo, the nail passed through by spectators yet still the mats come through - and every darned
the center hole, and held securely by the spectator. Even though thing can be examined again.
both ends of the cords are held, when one is chosen, the perfor- Highly recommended and used by RINK, BOB DRIEBEEK and
mer actually pulls it free! Everything is left in the spectator's TONY VAN DOMMELEN.
hands for thorough examination. A real baffler and typical of We supply the beer mats and ribbon for this greatest of all
Histed ingenuity. Easy to do, it comes with everything needed." penetration effects, with detailed, illustrated instructions.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Candle Surprise
A full-length candle, Two empty matchboxes and
you light it and slide it two silky ribbons. One box is
into a clear plastic con- marked with a RED cross, the
tainer. Lid is placed other with a GREEN. Green
on to extinguish the ribbog goes into the green box,
flame, removed and im- red ribbon into the red box,
mediately the candle has but they change places! Only
'liquidized' so you pour two ribbons used. Drawers of
it out as 'milk". matchboxes completely re-
Entirely self-contained, moved to show they are un-
easy-to-do! feked.
Instead of pouring milk from the tube, you can pour out salt No moves of any kind. Nothing to palm. Nothing to dispose of.
if you wish. This is surprising VISIBLE magic of the highest Price for the complete set, including ribbons and routine.
order. Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $7.00)
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).

z z
A clever piece of ap-

o Two tumblers are filled paratus which enables
71K IS1J
with milk. A borrowed ring you to indetectably va-
is taken from a spectator on nish a 12" silk, or any
a small hook and placed into thing which will fit in-
one of the glasses of liquid. side the container, a
The magician's hands are quantity of stamps, •• JB
empty yet magically the ring salt, a chosen ribbon,[
passes from one glass to the paper spots etc. [
Secret t other! You can use this cle-
ver gimmick for vanishing
Items are placed into
the container, the cap
'))»h>hn,u,-.. a borrowed ring. Apparently is placed on. Spectator can hold it. When the spectator removes
you drop a ring into a glass of the cap, the container is empty. The container- and cap can be
milk "to clean it", yet you closely examined.
have it in your possession to re-produce in any way you wish. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A.$51.
Use any glasses. We supply the hook, special gimmick and
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). "HOPPY” You show a picture of
your Educated Frog,
Learner Card Trick HOPPY, all in colour,
green, red and white
A comedy Mindreading stunt that's a against a black background
scream! Someone in the audience choos- on a heavy 4j" x 6|" card,
es a card and another spectator tries to both sides fully varnished.
read his mind. Having admitted that he's /.Ai The card is placed into an
never done anything like this before, an envelope. He is to jump
"L" for learner card is hung onto his but- across to a second envel-
ton. However, he DOES name a card and ope which is held by a
it IS the chosen one! young assistant. You are
all set for fun as supposedly Hoppy jumps over and back again.
The Learner Sign is supplied with the Finally he does jump - right out of the picture, leaving just a cut-
trick and looks like the authentic thing. out. There's loads more fun before Hoppy is discovered! Believe
Silk-screen printed and with attached me THIS IS A LOT OF FUN. Hoppy, complete with routine -
silk cord. Complete with a comedy
routine. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $8.00).
TRANSPO BALLS On three cards there's pictures of
six young ladies IN DIFFERENT
The surprising transposition of two
different coloured plastic balls which
there's one larger card silk-
are wrapped in silks. Each ball is
screened like a BATHING TENT.
..placed into a tumbler. When the silks
Spectator mixes the cards up,
are slowly withdrawn the balls remain
turning them over and covering one
in the goblets and surprise! They have
c -. — of the girls with the bathing tent.
changed places.
The magician does a 'Peeping
The trick is easy to do and very ef-
Tom' act and correctly names the colour of the covered costume!
fective in performance.
Cleverness in magic and a pocket trick you'll use again and
We supply this with balls, silks, instructions etc. You use any
again. The more you do it the more mystifying it becomes!
glasses, goblets or Sundae glasses.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A.$9). Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Supreme A miniature pack of
EXTRA EMBARRASSING ROPE The world’s cards ... a spectator
chooses a card ...
IT'S DIFFERENT. Craziest and Wow! - there's
laughter galore be-
Three pieces of rope, tied to-
gether so they form a continuous
circle, are displayed.
O' Card Trick cause the card h6 has
is almost twice the
size of the pack!
As the magician demonstrates his
Can you imagine the crazy situation when he tries to shuffle
magic, first one knot vanishes,
the card back into the pack! You locate the card and how ...
then the other! The ropes have
and Wham! Produce the card as a JUMBO-size one! I !
joined into one, BUT as the magi
If you want real professional material to get you laughs I
is taking his bow his embarrass-
ment is great as remaining knot laughs ! laughs ! then this is definitely for you.
We supply you with everything you need including a full mini-
AISO VANISHES, leaving him with a COMPLETE, UNBRO-
ature deck, regular and Jumbo cards and a full routine. We
KEN CIRCLE OF ROPE, with no ends and no knots'. Being a
have added an extra climax which gives the effect a great magi-
magician he is able to put matters right. Taking up a pair
of scissors he merely snips them in the air, right away from cal twist.
We are sure you will like it! We first demonstrated this to
the rope, BUT THE MAGIC WORKS, and the rope drops
Ken de Courcy ... he said: "That's really off-beat and good."
severed, into one long, straight piece you can use in any
follow-up routine. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00)'.
Supreme Extra Embarrassing Rope trick is always ready. CLASSIC
No skill or practice is required to perform it. It's a comedy
gem for your new programme, complete with funny patter,
and of course the special rope which you can use over and You borrow a hat. Show
a small pan and an egg. j
over again.
There is much by-play fl
Price. £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). as the performer, fol- I
lowing the spectator's ■
HANDKERCHIEF VANISHING WAND instructions, breaks the ’
A great vanish of a silk that's a real egg into the hat. Calam-
oldie in magic. It's so old it's new ity! What a mess!'. I!!
again. The spectator omitted to ____
A piece of paper is formed into a tell the magician that he should have placed the pan into the hat
cone or tube. A silk Is draped over first!
the mouth of this and pushed by the The trick has failed! - But wait! The magician passes a hand
aid of a wand completely inside it. over the hat and quickly places the hat on the spectator's head.
The paper is closed over and can be The hat is lifted and all is well. - The hat Is as good as new,
given to a spectator to hold. Later - the egg has vanished.
when he looks inside it is seen that If you like, you can produce a fried egg or a small cake or a
the silk has vanished'. Paper can be torn up, but the silk has bouquet of spring flowers from the hat!
disappeared without a trace! We supply you with the special pan, nicely spun in metal and
The special wand we supply makes the trick easy for you! You a routine which allows you plenty of scope for comedy.
can use it during your act. It's always ready to enable you to Great stuff for kids or adult shows.
perform, at any time and under any conditions, a fooling vanish Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).______________
of a silk. Complete with full Instructions.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Len Belcher, known to magicians
The Limit Wallet
Based on a Tom Seller's Idea, this is
A Supreme Exclusive!
Originated by Len all over the world as a man with a handsome wallet hand-made in real
Belcher. outstanding ideas has excelled leather which enables you to perform a
himself by thinking up this in_- miracle prediction effect.
Inside your wallet you place one card
BRAIN genious changing bag.
There is little doubt that the flat and one card only. Any card is freely
fcSTORM type of changing bag, in the past selected from a shuffled pack. When
BBAG has been one that causes the least your prediction is shown it matches.
suspicion. It has however one This is NOT a 'Two-way' or 'Flap'
small snag. If a spectator looks wallet. Something really DIFFERENT. Can be used CLOSE-UP
'right under their noses'.
in the top of the bag, it can be
Price for special Wallet and routine. Use any cards. £7.50,
seen that there is a middle parti-
tion and that items are placed in (U.S.A. $20.00).
one side whilst the selection or item removed comes from the
This bag overcomes this problem. Although there is a
Plastic Coin Tumbler
Spectator marks a 10p. piece or other coin. Co
centre partition, it cannot be seen. No turning over the top is dropped into a tumbler. A handkerchief is
of the bag is necessary. For changing small articles or crumpled-up and placed The coin is in
having a selection forced it is superb. We will not give you your possession and can be discovered in the cen
loads of routines with this prop. You yourself will know how tre of a bread roll.
it can be used. It does not do a different job than other chang- We supply the special Coin Glass - A full-sized tumbler with a
ing bags. It just does it far better. horizontal slit - and instructions.
Price, with routines, £5.50. (U.S.A. $14.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
a l ibo ng o s "n a t t y NITTING"
Straight from ALI BONGO'S
own children's show, revolving
around the magician's attempts Clever unseen gimmick. You can
to magicaHy knit himself a pair use it for the classic Torn and Res-
tored Paper Strip, the Repeat Vanish-
of socks'. The instruction sheet

ing Handkerchief, the Colour Changing (
is in the form of a Day-glo red,
yellow and blue silk-screen fol- of a silk, a great Cut and Restored
der. Help! The instructions Ribbon. This is not a Dye Tube.
seem to be written IN CHINESE! You'H find this special gimmick easier Jet?
to handle and a larger than usual silk
A large ball of wool is placed in
to a cone. Loads of business, can be effectively used.
before finally instead of pro- Complete with full instructions for
all these great tricks, together with the clever little gimmick
ducing a pair of socks, you produce a beautifully-knitted jumper! which makes them aU so clean and so very easy for you to per-
If you want a laugh sensation that gets away from all the usual
type of children's effects, then this is IT'. Price. £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)
Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $38.00).

Imagine a STAGE SIZE Compass
routine with a square plaque which
depicts bottles of beer (or, in your
kids' show call them bottles of
LEMONADE). Bottles change,
A novelty that's designed for laughter! Starts off as a regular first one way and then the other
card trick with a spectator on stage taking any card from a as the story unfolds. Suddenly,
shuffled deck. Zowie! the plaque drops open
The "Slate of Me-Sly-Wun" is shown. It's a big one, size 16 into a 10 x 20 inch silk-screened
in. x 11 in., and boldly lettered in white with the name of a display board extoUing the audi-
card. Spectator on stage is asked to NAME any card. Say he ence to drink more milk!
says the Eight of Hearts. This you state is the name of the What makes this such a good item are the NOVELTY PRE-
card on the slate! Of course only you can read It. The rest of SENTATIONS given, no less than FIVE of them. No matter
the audience can't read It! You state that you will translate the what kind of show you do, you will find one to suit you. It's
writing Into English and you do, by turning the slate around a FUN EFFECT, that's fab - for kids or for adults. You get
when the writing is transformed into English. Pretending to It all complete for only £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
hear someone in the audience say that they still can't read the
writing on the slate, the slate is turned over - and surprise! - Question-Able
Arthur Carter's great mental
the back of the slate represents a GIANT PLAYING CARD,
mystery which is an ideal item
the Eight of Hearts.
for any programme! Three 73 x
Now for the final pay-off that knocks the customers for six.
11 inch cards, each boldly printed
Spectator is asked to reach into his pocket and remove his
chosen card. He is asked to name this. That's right! It's the with a different coloured question
mark. Two of the question marks
are chosen by a member of the
A succession of surprises that gets the audience and holds
audience ... no force of any kind.
them until the end, bringing you lauster and applause.
They are shown to have regular
Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $12.00).
'playing card backs' before being
You have thrilled to the perfor- discarded. The card remaining
mance of the stage size Zombie - is turned over. On the back is
NOW it can be yours in "Pocket boldly printed a prediction naming
size"! the two colours selected. Easy to
First, give the ball for inspec- do. Result can always be different.
tion, then cover it with a bor- If you are looking for a good, smart presentation that smacks
rowed handkerchief. The ball ABBOTT’S of the psychic, then this is most definitely a 'must'for you.
moves in different directions,
always under your control. This TvtkgiloMba Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Match to Flower
is a preliminary to the effects
that foUow. Ball appears in full
view on the edge of hand. It
^Sphere4 MM
A really smart effect ... as an in-
dividual effect or as part of a routine.
At any time in the Act Magician
rises high in the air ... it vanishes from view ... it reappears.
strikes a match and whilst it is still
And for a final climax, vanishes entirely! ... the empty hank
burning brightly it instantaneously
being returned to owner. A new style gimmick is used and al-
changes to a pretty flower which can
though it is for intimate performance it is good for platform
be worn in the lapel! A self-contained
performance. Size of ball is about if". trick. Beautiful in effect.
Price, £2.50, U.S.A. $6.00. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Colourful effect which is
something different in magic.
Performer displays a large,
nine-flower bouquet. Bouquet
A trick that makes the Bill-
tube and similar notions OB-
SOLETE. A trick which has
fooled everyone who has seen
is wrapped in a single sheet it. A trick for the magician
of cartridge paper. When who wants to entertain and
removed, the bouquet has mystify.
DIMINISHED and is just A small plastic tube is shown,
HALF OF ITS ORIGINAL sealed at both ends and sealed
SIZE. in the centre with adhesive
The half-size bouquet is placed back into the paper, a fur- tape. Without switches or ex-
ther wave of the wand and now the bouquet has shrunk down changes, the tube is placed
to a QUARTER of its original size, and is just a tiny posy! into someone's pocket. A __ __
When the tiny bouquet is placed back into the paper, it is borrowed treasury note is wrapped in a borrowed handkerchief.
restored to its full size again. Suddenly the note vanishes. The spectator himself assists in
Entirely self-contained, great to work in conjunction with removing the adhesive tape. Spectator himself removes the
other Diminishing tricks, such as 'Diminishing Cards', etc. contents of the two halves of the tube, message thanking him
These are fine quality feather flowers, complete with for the loan of the cash AND THE ACTUAL BORROWED NOTE.
routine. Very easy to perform. We could have charged ten times as
Price, much for it and it would still have been a bargain. You can't
afford to miss it!
A Coca Cola bottle is filled | Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
with water. Some is poured out.
to prove no obstruction in the A set of three 1|" balls and a shell
neck of the bottle. When you in featherweight plastic, and a neat Supreme’s TRANSLUCENT
turn the bottle over THE LI- . routine that enables you to produce,
QUID REMAINS INSIDE! / VCCI apparently 'from the air', four balls
Matches can be pushed up ' between the fingertips.

through the neck of the bottle NOW HERE'S THE GIMMICK!
proving no obstruction. Magi- These are NOT solid-coloured balls
cian turns bottle right way up but are made in clear translucent 'luili
and can immediately pass the fluorescent green plastic. r vs
bottle out for examination. You'll like them! In appearance they are rather like large
Use any coke bottle. We bubbles with a green luminous shine and fluorescent ring. They
supply the special feke and can represent 'spheres from another planet' in a 'Flying
full instructions. Saucers' presentation of this magical classic. They are easy
Price, 75p, U.S.A. $2.00. to handle and to manipulate.
Supreme Translucent Multiplying Balls are sold complete
"DEAR SUPREME, with a fully Illustrated routine and instructions sheet.
You still have the BEST MAGAZINE OF THEM ALL." Prlce- £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Wally Staniforth, Balcatta, West Australia. ADDITIONAL TRANSLUCENT BALLS
It's THE MAGIGRAM. Great reading each month for only We are able to supply additional Translucent Balls, exactly
£7.50 (U.S.A. $18.00). per year 12 issues, post paid. as above, for those who wish to produce more than four or in-
tend to use them in other effects.

Price for four, e3.oo, (U.S.A. $7.00).

This is the effect
which TERRY SEA-
BROOKE has been At last an original version of
"Wowing" them with the Torn and Restored card.
oh his American tour.

Two cards are chosen and their
His lecture featuring corners torn off. The corners j

♦ ;
this has resulted in are transposed, THEN MAGIC- f-
tremendous sales. MAX THE CARDS TRANSPOSE I
card printed as a Both cards are then torn into *
poster, size 13|"x little pieces. They vanish,

♦J 4
20", with extra papers and instructions for no less than then finally appear restored
TWENTY different stunts you can work with it. PREDICTION back in the deck.
You'll find many items to interest you and find your biggest The working is made
problem is to know which to work first, they're all that good. brilliantly clear by Lewis
Whatever style you adopt there's a trick or gag here for you, Ganson in the pages of this beautifully produced booklet. 13
serious, casual, comedy, club. Something to add a little photographs. A prize winning effect which can make a reputa-
"Zing" to your present routine. Ideal for comperes. tion for you.
Add 'some BIG laughs to your show with Supreme WHOPPER. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Price, £2.50. (U.S.A. $7.00).
A couple of plain Jumbo-sized
Not a tremendous mys-
tery, BUT is a pretty
pieces of heavy board, 8x5 inches I
are shown blank on all sides. You
little effect and ' bit of state these boards are "highly

business' to include in
conjunction with other
sensitised" and will reproduce a
spectator's thoughts ... Spectator
r I
\ I 1 ♦/ /
flower mysteries. concentrates - BUT - the cards are
The performer waves still blank! Again he tries thinking 2. CABOS SHOWN
his wand in the air, of something else with the same re- BLANK. AU Slots

when a pretty flower sult.

appears at the end of Finally the pay-off when a giant picture of a previously chosen
it. He removes the card appears!
flower from the wand An "old favourite" item of ours for which we receive many re-
and places it into a quests. No skill used! Complete with a great line of patter.
basket. Wand is waved Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).__________________________
and a second flower ap-
pears. This is repeat- FUNNY! Yes sir! Magician has
ed until flve flowers a card selected and replaced in the
have been magically deck. He then states that he'll try
produced. to locate it. The card is a ten spot.
We supply the special wand, plus flve large flower heads and He draws a card up out of the
special 'Flower tank' holder, together with our instructions deck, apparently the three of dia-
monds and asks if this is the card.
and ideas sheet. "No" is the answer. 'You mean it
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). is larger than this?" 'Yes", is the
answer. So he pulls the card out
FOUR SILKS FORETELL further, it now has four diamonds,
all in a row.
A great mental routine that has Still larger? Yep; this Is con-
colour and action, and which 'fills tinued until the card is withdrawn from the deck and you have
the stage'. Two spectators are TEN of diamonds all in a row! The correct card! It's about
invited on-stage to assist. One three times as long as a regular card. A very cute stunt.
spectator is handed four silk hand- Two different cards plus routine, Price £1.50, U.S.A. $4.00.
kerchiefs which he can examine.
The second spectator receives Ian Adair's fabulous collection of OCEANS OF
four coloured cards which match ideas, tricks and effects embracing NOTIONS
the colours of the silks. These all aspects of magic.
cards are placed into envelopes Eighty-eight 8 x 10 inch pages
which may be sealed and spectator well-printed with 121 illustrations,
freely mixes these about. 21 photographs; handsomely bound XJ
The spectator holding the silks into a volume you will be proud to
freely selects any colour by dis- add to your library shelf.
carding three of the silks', one at a time, until he only holds 'Oceans of Notions' is simply
one. Definitely no force. The colour can be different every bubbling over with practical
time. material. 86 great items ranging
Second spectator holding the envelopes now spells out the from pocket tricks to children's effects to dove tricks etc. ,etc.
chosen colour, discarding each time one of the envelopes, A special feature of the book is a whole chapter on Headline
until only one remains. Predictions and includes 'The Bournemouth Headlines' by guest
Climax'. When the spectator opens the envelope he holds the author Peter Warlock.
colour which matches the chosen silk! Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
There's more to come! Spectator holding the silks places
these into a hat or paper bag, mixing these about. Time for a Drink A great novelty to work at the
The cards are similarly mixed-up and spectator is invited
to choose any envelope and to place this in his top coat pocket, Four gaily backed cards are
any envelope and to place this In his right hand pocket. One shown, the backs depict different
other envelope goes into his left hand pocket whilst the remain- drinks, and that's what the trick
is all about.
ing envelope he sits on. The four cards are freely mixed-up, the victim chooses one,
Now, you are blindfolded, with a borrowed handkerchief if
you wish, and the hat of handkerchiefs is handed to you. FOR!
Spectator holds up an envelope taken from his pocket - and
The other cards he COULD have chosen are either selected
from the hat you produce a silk handkerchief. When the col-
or just picked up and read out by other spectators. They read;
ours are checked, they match!
The effect is immediately repeated, all the colours on the "LET'S HAVE A DRINK" ... "GOOD IDEA" ... "BUT WHO'LL
cards being matched with the handkerchiefs you take from the
Billy Muggins holding HIS card turns it over and reads aloud,
hat! "I WILL" ... and it's free drinks all round on William!!!
We supply you with the cards, envelopes, four beautiful 12"
I silks and full routines. You get the cards, a neat vinyl case, and ways of using them
1 Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00). ... Very little magic, BUT A WHOLE LOT OF FUN.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
The Ultimate Hand Chopper 'GNOMES’ BANK OF SWITZERLAND’
Yes, the ultimate in Hand Choppers. The
blade unit is given to a spectator and it can A cheque book of blank pages is
be examined. shown, together with a cardboard
You can use a lady from the audience (or "Plate" which you explain is a new
for 100% maximum effect, you use your own method of printing.
assistant; or use a stooge from the audi- You simply place the cardboard plate
ence. ) against one of the plain paper sheets
Lady places her hand through the cut-out ... press it firmly down and Voila!
hole in the stock. Pieces of carrot or celery It's printed into a crisp perfect £5
are placed through the slots on either side.
Blade is placed into the stock at the top. The £5 note is torn off and it is a genuine one. - What a way to
Magician appears rather nervous and ex- beat inflation!!!
plains that this is the first time he has performed this effect. For our American friends we can supply this with a book and
Suddenly he pushes down the blade, the pieces of carrot or celery plate to produce crisp Ten dollar bills.
fall sliced and severed by it, and at the same time the spectator's Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
hand is seen to fall into a receptacle!
Magician appears horror-stricken ... he removes the blade
showing a blank space where the spectator's hand was. He reach- Premier
es into the receptacle and from it removes the lady's hand! The
lady's hand is placed back and magically is restored! Dove in Balloon
We have spared absolutely no expense to bring you THE FINEST
with a polished metal blade this is a solid prop designed to give
?r An ordinary sausage balloon Is in-
flated and placed under the wire clips
in front of a perch. A dove is vanished

you years of service and TONS of entertainment. in any manner the performer wishes.
If you want something special, here it is. Suddenly the balloon bursts and there
Price, complete routine, ready to work - £50.00, fluttering on the perch, straight from
(U.S.A. $150.00). the balloon (?) is a real live dove.
An audience-tested winner.
Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $70.00).
DELUDING DICE «0 l o r r a INEKNOT r o u t in e
A set of four dice made in soft rubber-
like plastic and which open up many ex- A most entertaining routine and with the
citing possibilities for new routines, as accompanying silk cord and large brightly
well as adding novelty to old effects. coloured four inch wooden ring, you can
Easier to manipulate than bottle caps devote all your time to the presentation
or regular dice and because of their and perfection of the various knots which
texture they do not 'talk'. are fully explained in the special printed
KEN DE COURCY has come up with a instructions.
great series of routines ... 'NUMER- The full routine and patter are given.
ICAL CHINK-A-CHINK'. (Chink-A-Chink made easy with these Routine includes The Forget-Me-Knot, The Instantaneous Knot,
dice AND with a special additional feature.) Two Knots at One Time, One-Handed Knot and Ring in the Knot,
'WITH THE CUPS AND BALLS', 'ECONOMICAL CUPS AND all linked together with Sid's own funny presentation.
BALLS', 'COIN DICE', 'ONE IN THE HAND - ONE IN THE Complete with the necessary ring and rope so you have nothing
POCKET', 'DICE DIVINATION', 'SUM FALL', 'IT'S WORTH IT'. else to buy to include a great novelty presentation into your pro-
are described with many illustrations. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
We supply the set of four dice and the Exclusive Routines,
price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). M ARCONICK'S
ZZ The startling and sensational effect of pro- METHOD.
You show an 18 inch silk on both
ducinS REAL f l a m e s at the t!Ps of the fin"
gers was a tremendous hit at an I.B.M. sides, draping this over your fist.
‘ Convention. A manipulative type of effect Giving the silk a slight shake, A
W which requires no manipulation! TINY BLOB OF COLOUR appears
' ' IMAGINE THE SCENE. The wonder- right in the centre, getting larger
worker stands centre-stage. On his table is a lit Candelabra. and larger until it is seen to be a
The Magi reaches out and one of the flames transfers from a can- silk. It seems to come to life like a
dle to the tip of his finger, burning merrily on it. Suddenly a flower.
second flame appears, then another and another! FOUR FLAMES Slowly opening there. rieht in the
AT THE FINGERTIPS. Then ... wham! ... FOUR FLAMES centre of the newly formed silk an-
APPEAR AT THE FINGERTIPS OF THE OTHER HAND AIBO! other splash of colour appears.
All the flames are placed into a bowl ... there's a flash! - and a It grows, and that TOO becomes ANOTHER silk. And so it
terrific effect has come to an end. goes on until you have a handful of silks which can be shown sep-
Simple - but you'll have to practise to do it well of course. arately: they can be used in other tricks.
We supply the special gimmicks and full instructions and rou- Very easy to do. Can be worked under any conditions at any
tine. Price, per 4 Flames, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). time during the show.
per8Flames, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). Price, £7.00, (U.S.A. $16.00).
Goodliffe in Abra No. 1809 wrote; Polished Presentations
ROVI REVEALS by Lewis Ganson.

This is a nice collection of material
Rovi is an ass. For many years he from a well-known British performer. S POLISH« ■
has baffled the lot of us with his excep- In great detail the author discusses, 3 paäSSrt-MTJOMäB
tionally ingenious magic, apparently among other things, a very nice ciga-
accomplished with an ordinary pack of rette routine (complete with how to
cards, and by means which have baf- make the gimmicks), his balloon animal
fled us all. Now in this latest, Teach- routine and how to make the animals,
In series, he reveals his pet Items to some good card and rope magic, a cup
the undeserving, at a give-away price, and ball routine, some liquid magic,
all with cards except for a most ingenious coin trick. Excellent- and much more! This is tested stuff that many working magi-
ly described and photographed, as we have come to expect from cians can use.
Lewis Ganson, this is a great book. Uniform with the others in If you want to perform magic using simple sleights and with
the series, 44pp, 4to. routines which entertain a lay audience very effectively .and
D.E. Lyon of Nottingham writes; which are tried and tested, then you will certainly find many
"I have recently purchased from yourselves the Teach-In ROVI items to appeal to you in this book.
REVEALS and I would like to pass on my favourable comments. AU the illustrations, (which are really beautifully drawn), are
by Johnny Cooper himself.
"I personally only perform a few card tricks, and I have found
it quite hard for various reasons to add to my repertoire, al- 'POLISHED PRESENTATIONS' is just that. Not world-shatter-
though I have read extensively and purchased selectively. ing mysteries but everything with the accent on ENTERTAIN-
"However, with this small book I shall now be able to add con-
siderably to my list, especially using the change of top card and The contents of this book have kept the author working as a
busy and popular pro. for many years.
excellent pass method, so well thought out.
"Incidentally, I have also purchased several TEACH-INS and The FOREWORD is by FRANCIS WHITE, President of The
Magic Circle.
found them to be very good and of practical use. This one is no
exception. It's GREAT." Sixty large illustrated pages. Two-colour illustrated light-
board cover.
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).

Dubbelkross Based on an original Idea by PETER KANE.

J-A/ and Simulkross The Elastic Card
S\ \ I ~"t'— Tw0 8ems °f intimate Coin Aldo Colombini with instructions
\\ Zf (i X Magic on a classical theme. written and photographed by LEWIS
/I I When this booklet was first
GANSON. Imagine showing three
I X ' published it was the first attempt cards quite freely front and back, two
to give a well-known coin transposition A REAL CLIMAX. It has have blue backs, one has a red one.
never been surpassed! Red backed card is STRETCHED, pulled out this way and that
KEN DE COURCY still uses the material in this book exactly as until it becomes TWICE ITS NORMAL LENGTH!!!
described, and it is appreciated by both lay-men and magical Then you squeeze the cards together again, showing that all the
audiences, in fact it has become almost a basic part of Ken's lec- cards are as they were at the commencement! Hey! but look
tures. what's happened, - there's a BIG SURPRISE when the back of the
Neither routine requires a prodigious amount of skill; merely stretched card is now shown to have turned absolutely BLANK
practice. and white with fright at the ordeal it has just suffered! 11
Twenty-nine finely drawn illustrations make the working easy to TWO FOR ONE!
follow. In the second version, four cards are dealt from a pack, freely
Printed booklet, light board cover. shown faces and backs, then one card is STRETCHED. It's re-
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). ally all quite FANTASTIC!
You get the instructions for BOTH versions of the trick PLUS
By Jim Magus of the U.S.A. If you would
two special sets of cards which for your convenience are supplied
like to haunt a house or scare some friends,
‘OR WAOICI in a neat plastic wallet.
this book is for you.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
If you would like to put on a seance and ap-
parently contact the spirit world ...
If you would like to put on a theatre ghost MAGIC VIRGIN CARDS
show ... A batch of special printed cards.
This book will enable you to do all these Cards bear the inscription "This ma- 'Hi *,

things and many others! MAQUs gic card can only be torn by a virgin”
Have fun! Read this book - then go out ... and here's the gag, - some of the ■■ kW
and scare 'em to death! cards are printed on regular paper
WARNING! Because some of the effects in this book use dan- stock, and other matching cards are
gerous chemicals, this book is NOT available to Juveniles. It is printed on untearable paper!
a book of professional effects and secrets for those who are go- Think of all the laughs you'll have with this, at the club, at the
ing to respect them and USE THEM CAREFULLY. bar.
Charles Cameron, author of 'Handbook of Horror', etc., We supply you with a dozen each of the untearable and tearable
ON THE SUPERNATURAL AND TO THE LITERATURE OF ___________ Price per set, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).________
WEIRD MAGIC". ■■Many thank* for my order. By golly, It cam* a* faat a* when I order by
Sixty pages illustrated by Ken de Courcy. Printed covers. 'phone from our local department »tore"
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). Raymond Smith, Ontario, Canada
f an t as io COLOR CHANGING
The magician displays a 15 inch red
coios oMm«aN unu
What is the P-A-T-E-0 Force? Well, its a most
ingenious force originated by ROY BAKER.
g 33

candle, he lights same and by merely It's useful, easy-to-do and has many applications
touching the flame with his fingertips, and it is completely baffling to magicians and lay- --- ——,
the red candle changes to white. But men alike.
... STILL l it : Here's THIRTY-THREE novel variations and, as Ken states:
As a wonderful climax, the white "This book has only scratched the surface!"
candle vanishes or changes into a We guarantee you'll find many entertaining effects In the
silk! twenty illustrated pages of this neat booklet. Illustrated cover.
Set includes TWO candles, one red A book which will provide interesting, unusual material, for
and one white, both candles are dif- ■ close-up, even your stage performances.
ferent in construction and specially __________ Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5,00).____________________
made for this effect. Also an adaptor ring, - use any holder. Supreme Magic presents ...
No candle holder or silks supplied. A smart piece of sophisti- THE EDDIE GIBSON COIN WATCH
cated wizardry. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Gibson assures us this is his orig-
GEORGE BLAKE'S inal and we have no grounds to doubt
The Perfected Five The magician removes his wrist-
f iv e c a r d t r ic k Card Trick watch; he shows this to be a regular
"ANY DECK USED. ANY FIVE one and hands it to a member of the
CARDS TAKEN FROM IT BY A SPEC- audience to hold. Apart from the
TATOR AND ANY ONE OF THE FIVE watch, his hands are quite definitely
CARDS IS SET ASIDE. THE PERFOR- empty. Nowfwithout steals or sleights) he reaches up into the
MER CALLS OUT THE OTHER FOUR air and magically produces a coin. Coin is placed into the hand
CARDS TO AN ASSISTANT IN AN- and surprise! - instead of vanishing, as the audience expect,
OTHER ROOM OR TO SOMEONE ON it changes to the "works" of the watch!
g e o r g e Bl a k e
THE PHONE, AND IMMEDIATE LY When the spectator holding the watch looks at this and examines
THE CHOSEN CARD IS NAMED. " it, he finds that the works of this have now gone and the missing
Everyone who does Two Person coin is firmly imprisoned inside the case! Everything can be
Mentalism will want this printed book- examined!
let. A really perfect gem of magic. When ordering, please specify whether with British or U.S.A,
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). coins. Price, complete, £30.00, (U.S.A. $75.00).
A SUPREME British Exclusive
Eight playing cards are shown and
Giz Gaz Balloon
counted. A spectator touches one card The Incredible Zig Zag Balloon effect by
which is then 'lost' back in the packet STEVE BENDER and STEVE DUSHECK.
again. A clear plastic tube with a centre decora-
Spectator himself holds the cards. An- tive trim in iridescent metallised film. Pop
other spectator is handed a miniature a balloon through the tube and Inflate it, -
gun. Lots of fun as spectator names then, incredibly pass two sharp needles right

the chosen card in the packet, and sec- through the centre.
How is it done? There's really no middle in
ond spectator takes aim at it.
He fires, there is a LOUD EXPLO- the balloon. The centre of the tube is pivoted
right to one side and there's the balloon with
SION. When the packet of cards is two ends and no centre:
run-through, it is seen that ONE Restore the centre back to its rightful place
CARD NOW HAS A BULLET-HOLE BURNT RIGHT THROUGH and either deflate the balloon or pop it with one
THE CENTRE. Yes, it is the chosen one! All the other cards are of the pins.
intact! One of the most astonishing effects which you
VOLVER, A SUPPLY OF AMMUNITION and the PACKET OF Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
SPECIAL CARDS. It's BIG in effect!
'CRACK SHOT'complete. Price, £4. 50, (U.S. A. $12.00).
FANTASIÖ The specially printed card says ...
COLOR CHANGING LIGHTER 'If you're in the mood for sex
Show a regular Bic
lighter on both sides, - "If you’re not in the mood
it's culte unfeked. Pass- TEAR THIS CARD UP."
You hand the card to any attractive
ed through the hand, my-
female. The gag comes if they try to
steriously the lighter
tear them up, BECAUSE THEY CAN'T.
changes colour! These cards appear to be flimsy paper ones but are, in fact,
We supply the special printed on that special material which is completely untearable.
gimmick and routines only. Use your own unprepared Bic lighter
What a gag! What a laugh: What can you loose: What can you
obtainable from any stores.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, per packet of 1 dozen 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
A great new book BEST SE LLERS by
Tom Sellers. Abra No. 1811 had this to
say:- A A long strip of newspaper and a pair
"By Tom Sellers. This is a hard bound of scissors ... nothing else, no con-
book of 175pp 4to, containing something ; cealed gimmicks or gadgets. You cut
i i the newspaper into two, place the
like 200 collected effects by a man who
was one of my heroes half a century ago. 7* pieces together, give them one snip of
His ideas all simple and direct, appeared ■ the scissors and the paper is whole
in many magazines and a number of again ... AND YOU CAN DO IT
books. This collection is mainly from
At the end, the two pieces of paper may be fluttered out to the
THE GEN and MAGIGRAM. There is a
audience to examine if they wish. We give you a whole sheet of
load of practical material covering cards, coins, handkerchiefs,
freshly prepared newspaper, PLUS the instructions for prepar-
mentalism, ropes, penetrations and a vast variety of apparatus.
ing and making your own replacements. IN ADDITION to all this,
The book is a fitting tribute to one of the great ideas men of this
you get a fine PATTER ROUTINE that is a real FEATURE!
century." Price, £8,00, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A Supreme Exclusive by Roy Baker.
Abra No. 1819 had this to say -
"A coin placed Into one hand and a
Peter Warlock's
Yale key in the other hand transpose. Peter Warlock performed this at
Simple, direct, nothing complicated. The Magic Circle 'Edwin and Friends'
Roy Baker showed me this almost be-*1 Night. A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS'.
fore he put it on the market some A wonderful piece of visual magic. A
years ago, now it's Supreme's, having length of ribbon, half one colour, half
purchased the Roy Baker business. another, ribbon is tugged between the
The gimmick is a gem and the effect simple to do, yet the over- hands and rolled around an 18 inch
all effect is Incredible. There's an Ali Bongo routine supplied, silk. Suddenly it is seen that the rib-
which is clever." bon, somehow or other has separated
We cannot add to that, you get everything complete. into two lengths AND THE SILK IS
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
and easy to work, you can perform this any time in your pro-
DE-LUXE CLEAR-VOYANCE gramme. Real cleverness and beauty in magic!
Price complete, ready to work. £7.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Supreme 'CLEAR-VOYANCE' is not

to be confused with any model of this
effect offered elsewhere. Tricky Cocktail Glass
The stand which we supply is hand- A good joke item and also very useful
crafted in BEAUTIFUL GLEAMING for the magic show.
COLOURED PERSPEX. Resting in the A small, stemmed wine-glass filled
stand is a sheet of CLEAR PERSPEX with attractive-looking liquid. The top
attached to which are four Bulldog is deeply bowled so that a little water *(B|
clips. can be there and "accidentally spilled" ftaBf'S
Four members of the audience assist. Four thoughts are pre- when the glass Is taken up.
dicted by you. AMAZINGLY, ALL YOUR PREDICTIONS ARE You can produce this glass of liquid
CORRECT. ander cover of a handkerchief without
This is simple, DIRECT Mentalism, - real COMMERCIAL, a rubber cover.
reputation-making stuff! We give you with each one a sheet of
The effect is simple and easy to work. This will earn you a novel ideas and ways of Introducing this into your programme.
reputation as a Master Mentalist. Price each, 85p (U.S.A. $3.00).
Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $40.00). per three, £2.50 (U.S.A. $7.00).
per six, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Trick consists of tearing a BORROW- £0DIE JOSEPH'?
ED marked bill into small pieces and Ollie the Talking Elephant
restoring it. There are no hurried A fold-flat Vent Novelty. Ollie has
moves ... no body moves ... NO the head and long shoulders of an ele-
FAKES OF ANY KIND. The bill is TORN phant with grey body, white tusks, red
mouth and black eyes. HIS MOUTH
marked by owner. Magi's hands
shown empty, bill is folded and de- OPENS AND CLOSES AS YOU WISH!
liberately torn into two parts. Each Yes, you can perform a whole VENT
section is held In plain view. Again
and again the bill is tom, BUT when Tr il l ROUTINE with Ollie and a dialogue is
included with each one, or Ollie can
make an appearance in your PUNCH OR PUPPET SHOW, or he
spectator opens out the pieces, the
bill is RESTORED. NO SWITCHING OF BILL. can ASSIST YOU, Mr. Magician in the performance of your magic.
Don't expect to be perfect in this trick in two minutes. YOU Children and adults alike love Ollie, and remember him as be-
MUST PRACTISE the moves, but then YOU WILL HAVE SOME- ing something different in entertainment. An Elephant your audi-
THING. ence will never forget!
Illustrated instructions. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). As used by the late PERCY PRESS on Nation-wide T.V.
The late WILFRED TYLER was never without him. Now re-
QUOTE ■ made, exact to the original, and from lovely felt materials and
•■The best thing that can befall a man Is to be bom lucky" supplied complete as detailed at a very modest price.
And here’s another - ■■ The best thing to befall any magician who values
magic as an art Is to discover Supreme Magic"
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Ian Adair's unusual effect with a
By Will Ayling and with an In-
troduction by Lewis Ganson and
board on a handle, (yes, it's really dozens of fine illustrations by
a paddle), and two lightweight plastic L.B. Edmunds. This is a well-
tumblers. Spectator ensures that produced one hundred and sixty-
the paddle has no adhesives of any kind four page 8 inches x 10 inches
on either side, yet the tumblers re- cloth-bound book; blocked in gold;
main suspended on the paddle. No illustrated, three colour dust-
magnets. A simple easy idea you will jacket; eight inspiring chapters.
enjoy performing! Price, £5.00, Cabaret Magic, Magic in Charac-
ter, Intimate Magic, Magic for
(U.S.A. $22.00).
the Youngsters, Lilliputians,
Carousel, working details of some great outside features, Happy
By PERCY ABBOTT. A fantastic book
Talkie Talk, ideas for the magician who wishes to present his
illustrated two-colour cover; large entertainment as a lecture; Saturday Night Spectacular with the
easy-to-read pages. Chain and Hand- big stuff. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
^’45 cuff Escapes; Box Escapes; High Dives;
Strait Jacket Escapes; THREE Wrist IAN ADAIR’S
Ties; FOURTEEN Escapes for stage, Like the old Card Sword but you can
platform or television, etc., etc. use any regular table knife. Cards
Sixty-eight illustrated printed pages. are tossed into the air. Magician
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). lunges out as all the cards fall, except
one - which is seen to be actually im-
FANTASTIC KNOT paled on the blade of the knife! It's
Another Pavel effect that's light- beautiful! A bit of card trickery which will really dazzle 'em.
weight in props but BIG in magical im- No skill; use your own cards. We supply you with the instructions
pact! A red rope, and a white one. and special gimmick. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A.'$4.00).
Knot Is tied in one of the ropes, magi-
cally the knot jumps across from one
rope to the other!
EDWIN'S novel production effect with a
There's an unexpected finish when it
giant mushroom (it's really a Ghost Tube).
is seen that it really has become part of
The top of the mushroom is an Inverted
the rope. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
bowl. Magically, silks appear inside the
Slnj-t-size ESP. COINCIDENCE tube, flowers suddenly appear brimming-
Two sets of cards, one red and one blue. over the top of the bowl. Finally, from
One card is placed back-out. Spectator free- the silks you produce a Gnome. A de-
ly chooses a card from the other packet. lightful effect that's ENTERTA1NINGAND
UNUSUAL and has a very NICE PLOT.

Amazingly, both cards match!
Complete with all the Jumbo cards, PLUS You get the Gnomes 'Ome, Display card,
the great routine. Grandpa Gnome, etc. You supply your own
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00).___________ spring flowers and silks.
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $80.00).
One of the most novel effects we've
An "oldie", but still a mystifying
ever given you. Cards 8| x 5 inches.
pocket trick. Once you know its sec-
Show them on both sides then place
ret you will know the principle used
them together. Cards are plain white.
in dozens of other tricks.
Then a message appears between them.
Three brightly-coloured wooden beads
We give you enough cards for three
are threaded on to two cords, yet magically you release them.
different messages, 'MERRY XMAS’
Everything can be examined! Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
for that festive occasion, 'HAPPY
BIRTHDAY', marvellous for your Birth- GRAND FINALE RIBBON CUT
day Party shows, and'BEST WISHES',
good at any time. \ Let us say that we consider this to
Using the Happy Birthday theme, you can have a birthday card A be the simplest and best and most
Blu-Tacked onto the card to appear as well if you wish, (or a £20 w effective of all the Cut and Restored
note!). Easy to work, you get the instructions and special cards .Vk Ribbons. A single length of ribbom
_£2.50,‘ (U.S.A. $8.00).________________________________________ _ I U and a pair of sharp scissors is all

By FRED KOLB. Seventy-six printed J JI y°u show, nothing concealed in the
P* pages. Illustrated by KEN DE COURCY. JF hands. Gather the ends together and
This book is the result of over fifteen years then deliberately cut right through the
correspondence between the author and Ken centre of the ribbon, - yes, in full
Kline, a brilliant mentalist. Collected ‘ view of the audience, leaving the cut
iJ'iÄiti gems which have been highlights in Fred ■ends hanging down, yet the ribbon is in one piece, and can be imm-
Kolb's professional show. This is top- ediately handed out for examination. Price, includes a length of
quality Mentalism. ribbon, the instructions and the special 'something'. £1.50,
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). I (U.S.A. $4.00).

E'ZEE & In Cf(a?s>

\ /,,
A small trick with a BIG effect. A large
quantity of thread and the full cleverly A novel method for
illustrated routine. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). performing a classic
effect! A regular
A book brimming over with new and orig-
pint-size tumbler
can be used. A fan-
M inal card tricks ALL PERFORMED WITH- cy handkerchief is
OUT SKILL! placed around the top
Contents include 'The Telephone Card of the glass, it can be fe. ___________
iSii Mystery', 'A Cupful of Thoughts', 'A Dem- held in place with an elastic-band. As four coins are caught,
onstration on How to win at Poker', 'An the audience hear them fall inside the glass one at a time.

o Improved Version of the Card Index System' Handkerchief can be lifted to show the appearance of the coins!
«W. with no gimmicks, etc. Finally, the handkerchief is removed and the coins are tipped
We KNOW the contents of this book to be out! Price, without coins or glass, use any available.
extraordinarily GOOD, having seen the __________________ £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
material WORKED. All the tricks are easy to do, baffling in ef- ENDLESS NECK ROPE
fect and 100% entertaining.
Thirty-six printed pages, two-colour effect board cover, dozens An endless circle of rope is twice
of expertly drawn illustrations by John Dyke. looped around the neck. A portion of
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). rope is grasped in each hand. Slowly,
the hands are extended out from the
body and the rope passes clear through
The astonishing part of this pene-
An easy, infallible, two-way prediction
tration is when it is repeated a second
that can be worked anywhere.
and third time. Let others try it with-
An envelope is given to a spectator to
out success. A good effect for your show. Also a good close-up
hold. Two sets of cards are shown.
pocket trick.
Cards are duplicates, each four of a Price, with special rope, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).__________
kind, each set of cards is numbered
on the back.
Now from one packet of cards a card HADES' EXAMINED
is chosen and from the other a number
is chosen. A spectator opens the envelope, inside he finds one
card. The face of this card is the one to match the chosen one, the A blade and wooden stocks. Apparatus
i can be closely examined before and after
back of this card is blank except for a number, the actual number
the effect. The blade unit is completely re-
chosen. You can do it again. Yes, repeat the effect and the result
movable. This is the effect which you have
is different.
seen EDWIN perform. For the magician who
You get a neat wallet, two sets of cards and the detailed routine
| wants THE BEST. Small enough to go in your
especially written by KEN DE COURCY.
pocket, visual enough for your shows.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). '________ Price, £10.00, (U.S.A. $25.00).
David Davis' great routine where a
magician shows how a cardsharper has

Ian Adair's book on Children's Ma-
gic, including many novel effects and full control over the cards, dealing
tips by ROBERT HARBIN and JOHNNY himself the winning hand in a series of
GEDDES. A fully printed book, illus- four-handed games, consisting of three
trated and with photoplates. 18 pages. "Pontoon" demonstrations, two of
Light board cover. Highly praised by "Brag", two of "Poker" and ending
all the magical reviewers and many with "Whist". No knowledge of the
top magicians.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
card games is called for and NO
SLEIGHTS are used.
All you need are our instructions and ANY DECK OF CARDS.
"EVEN STEPHEN" Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Ken de Courcy's brilliant gambling rou-
tine. This is entirely different to any- EVEN STEPHEN THE GIBSON COIN NEST
thing that has gone before, because it With an Exclusive 'Supreme'
doesn't deal with the usual card games! Routine by Ken de Courcy. A
Even with poor luck, you 'scoop the 5p. piece coin is placed in the
pool'. performer's right hand, followed
IT'S ALL SO EASY, THE MAIN SKILL by a 2p. coin, a 10p. coin and
BEING IN PRESENTATION. Ten bets then a further 10p. coin.
which get progressively more exciting One 10p. coin is removed and
... the odds appear so much against you shown on both sides. When the hand is opened, it's empty!
that it all seems impossible. In addition, we give you Ken's delightful patter routine ... it's
Sold strictly for entertainment purposes funny, logical and entertaining.
only. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). Price, for the complete outfit, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Nu-Style Flat Change Bag Show a folding card
A bag that looks smart, takes up no tube from both ends! xgSsS

room in the case, yet enables you to Fold it flat, then with-
perform numerous effects - Forcing out moves of any kind C
numbers, colours, names, etc., you can prodice from it,
Changing silks. Restoring a rope, for two dozen 12 inch silks,
a novelty Spotted Bag and Balloon, as or a twelve-foot stream-
a Novelty Egg Bag. er!
Price, complete with routines and One of our very first props, you'll find it in our Catalogue No. 1
ideas, £2.75, (U.S.A. $7.00). and still a popular favourite.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).

JlOWCr Any time you require a light, a GIANT SPRING BANANA

AJMnfchc match is removed from a box of
matches and struck. The Magician
makes a few passes towards the
burning match and this instantly
Made from cloth, a parody of the real thing,
and which always creates a smile, if only be-
cause of its size.
Produce it from a spectator's pocket. You'll
SPLITS INTO FOUR - FOUR BURN- think of many ways of using this to get you
ING MATCHES'. Slowly, and ap- some SOLID LAUGHTER.
parently entirely of their own ac-
Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $12.00).
cord, the four matches begin to
move outwards, opening up just
like a flower. GIRL CABINET 8
The matches are allowed to burn an instant, then tossed into the
air, when immediately they all vanish, leaving the hands completely
You have seen this presented on tele-
empty! vision and it's sensational. The cabinet
__________ Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00)._________________________ is lowered from the flys and set on an
Oriental tabouret. Assistant enters the
DECEPTIONS WITH A SHORT CARD cabinet and curtains are lowered and im-
mediately the cabinet is hoisted up into
A publication chock full of mysteries the air. Magician hands assistant a
that will fool the wise ones. Don't let handkerchief she has dropped as she en-
the fact of using a short card stop you - tered the cabinet and gives this to her. A gun is fired - curtains
you can make your own in a second even on all sides of the cabinet fall away, leaving only the skeleton
with the other fellow's deck. framework of the cabinet. THE GIRL HAS VANISHED!
Contents include: 'Friendly Cards', If it is impossible to fly, the cabinet illusion can be worked en-
'Light and Heavy Cards', 'Miracle in tirely on the tabouret. Full workshop plans.
Reverse', 'Guardians of the Castle', Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
'The Expert Card Stabber', "The Ubiq-
uitous Card', 'The Orderly Card', 'From
Pack to Pack', 'The Mystic Seven', 'Ex-
A set of six little bags, about 6" x 5" and
pert Poker Dealer', 'Card Calling', in assorted materials with a draw-string
'Casaubon's Reverso Calvacade', 'Card Spacing', 'Master Mind- neck. Especially handy when transporting
Reader', 'Cards from Bottom to Top', 'The Buried Cards', 'The items to and from a show as they prevent
Royal Triangle', etc. things from becoming soiled, chipped or
DECEPTIONS WITH A SHORT CARD will give you new tricks and scratched.
patter that you will enjoy doing - 29 typescript pages, printed Price, per set of six.
cover. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).


Four little black boys get up to
A packet of printed cards with Foot- some mystifying capers and there's
ball Pool combinations, over a period a surprise finish.
of some years ago, is handed out to A trick with Jumbo-sized cards
Jg ■- the audience.
ä U11U3
Cards U1C selected, duu
are JCICLICU, the uatco
and U1C dates
that does not call for sleights or
‘2 given to the performer, who calls out Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $9.00).
the correct results for those particular
Highly praised by Bayard Grimshaw.
As an extra we give full instructions These cards have specially large in-
for another effect which forms the perfect climax to the routine, and dices. The cards themselves are reg-
in this you actually predict the chosen all-correct result! A show- ular size. These enable you to perform
stopper . many regular card effects on stage as
Raymond Maynard's Football Pool Memory Test is easy to perform these are extremely visual. t> 7
and can be used impromptu, for cabaret or stage. Price, per pack. Vd
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). <s/

By IAN ADAIR. 'Dress- These have been off the market for many
* OÖlt ing Doll' is a great kids' years, but we have now managed to get a
trick, using apparatus with supply. A 'Gag' or novelty item, consist-
which they are familiar and ing of a wind-up paper butterfly. The fa-

7 can UNDERSTAND. vourite gag with these is to have one or
) A large 16" x 11 J" 'book', two of these in your wallet and to refer to
.Dressing Doll, is shown to them as 'moths' as you open your bill-
consist of a single cover and
@/fa backing piece on very heavy
fold and they fly out! These butterflies
are nicely coloured and attractive in ap-
stock with colourful press- pearance.
out pictures of a doll in her Price, each, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
undies, also a dress and jack- Get FOUR for only £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
The picture of the doll is
pressed-out ... Book cover is stood to one side.
Not a book of tricks or about Magic
The doll figure is placed Into a folder. Eventually she DISAP-
PEARS. The audience are not convinced, but all's well and you ... a book written by Fogel and pub-
lished In 1949 expounding a philosophy
prove that you've been leading everyone up the garden path!
... AN ATTITUDE TO LIFE, showing
WHERE COULD SHE BE? Look inside the book! The doll not
you How to succeed at your work, How
only appears, BUT now she's FULLY-DRESSED, two cut-outs ap-
to achieve self confidence, How to re-
pearing where the dress and jacket were previously'.!'.
lax, How to gain perfect nerve control,
The effect is produced entirely by us and is on very heavy stock.
How to make your subconscious mind
Complete with full patter routine and business.
work for you.
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00).
This is a SYSTEM which could well
bring outstanding benefits to you.
A miraculous rope escape!
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).

The performer's wrists are se- FOOEY FLORA

curely tied together by a member Warren Stephens' tremendous Wilt-
of the audience, following your ing Flower that's in a pot. You don't
instructions and using an UN-
have to be a comedian to get the
FAKED length of strong rope. laughs with this one. The "exotic
In spite of this the magician can flower" bends over and straightens
ESCAPE at any time, either In full view or as a cloth is momentarily up as required!
draped over his hands! Great for kids or comedy!
The tie is most easy to learn and to perform and in the hands of Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $28.00).
a good showman can be a real winner.
Price with rope and illustrated instructions,
____________ £1.50, (U.S.A. $4,00)._______________________________
Three Jumbo-size cards are
GEO-MYSTICAL placed into a small cover and two
removed. Can the audience re-
Pavel's novel effect which we make
member the one that is left? No
in plastic, which is higjily visual in
they cannot - for it has gone -
yellow and black. Three round holes,

and after some by-play the card
and three squares. You say you'll
they DO see turns out to have
make them change places and you do.
"FOOLED" printed on it!
Of course, the audience know that
Turn it around - and of course
A you merely turn the strip over!
Finally, there's a big surprise.
Three different presentations are given.

The audience are completely mysti-
We supply you with the special Jumbo cards, Folder, routines
fied when it is seen that the holes are
with patter etc.
alternating ... round and square holes
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
for the whole length of the strip.
A great effect!
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
This modest eight page booklet is
This is the manu- PACKED with information which will
script we give free enable you to increase your status as
with many of our a children's entertainer and increase
card effects.
your income!
EIGHT methods of

Hints and advice to enable you to
forcing using un-

start yourself up as a Games Mas-
feked decks plus ter. If you entertain kids, this is a
different methods must. The low out-lay for this
of using feked booklet and the very simple bits and
cards. If you don't
pieces required to start you off, In this lucrative side-line to ma-
have a favourite gic, may well be repaid many, many times over.
way of forcing a card then get this manuscript. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
How many times have you been accused of
using a Crooked Deck'. Now you can prove
them RIGHT'. This pack is just a >out as This is the book, printed, illustrated
crazy and as CROOKED as they make them! and with photographs prepared for KEN
Specially printed - even the pips are BENT - DE COURCY'S U.S.A. LECTURE.
and the cards are cut like a zig-zag! GREAT material, much of which has
It's great as a gag. Have a card chosen since been marketed. All described in
from a regular deck and place it in an envel- a 24 page booklet, light board illustrated
ope and ask someone to sit on it. When the cover. Practical stuff from Ken's own
card is removed it is squashed! A whole lot programme.
of fun. Price, £2.50 (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, per deck, £2.50 (U.S.A. $6.00). PACK
One of the oldest, yet one of the most fam-
A new plastic model of
ous and popular numbers, and one that is this great effect.
easy to perform. Routined by BILLY Mc-
Our routine and patter include the produc- COMB.
tion of an egg from a spectator's nose, the A plain white visiting card
bag turned inside out, etc., and the disap- is signed by a spectator and
pearance of the egg. Then follows the placed under a clear window
'sucker' gag. Audience think they know 'how of the wallet. A playing card
it is done', but find themselves more mystified than ever, as the is selected, signed and return-
Magician proceeds to explain the trick. ed to the pack.
Made to our own design and the easiest-working bags obtainable. Surprise No. 1 comes when
Price, complete with egg, £2.50 (U.S.A. $8.00). the actual name of the card

appears written on the white
card alongside the spectator's
A card sensation that really is in the signature.
super-mentality class! Twenty specta- Surprise No. 2, the stunning climax comes when the actual signed!
tors each freely select a card. As cards chosen card is produced from Inside the zippered interior of the i
are returned to the pack, magician ident- wallet!
ifies each card with a number, - No. 1 for DOUBLE-UP IS A GREAT EFFECT. With each outfit you get
the first card to go in pack, No. 2 for the the detailed routine written by Billy McComb, exactly as featured
second, etc. Pack is riffle-shuffled and by him. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
placed in performer's outside coat pocket. Without hesitation,
performer begins to produce cards, calling out their correspond-
ing number'. You can present this blindfolded! NO MEMORISING. JUMBO
NO SKILL. The sealed manuscript tells you 'how'. CHANGE-O CARDS
Pride, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). A smart routine. Four threes
change to ALL ACES! Then the
OHÄPEÄU ACT spots vanish leaving four blank
cards, each card being shown front
Many faces under one hat, the
hat consisting of a simple circle and back.
of felt. We claim no originality for the
As the artiste twists the felt principle used BUT we do say this Is
this way and that many different a REAL NOVEL SMART EFFECT
hats are produced, Napoleon, A which is suitable for any type of
Rabbit, Chinaman; A Nun etc. show. No double faced cards.
-We tell you how to produce the Complete cards and routine. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
various hats, how to routine them,
what to say, music to use etc.,
plus some novel presentation
angles. A very entertaining
Interlude in any show.
Betcha- Box
The small, well-made box has
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). two switches and two lights, one
red and one green. A spectator
is invited to 'throw' the switch
Our Chapeau felts are of our own make. Heavy quality, soft
at any time. Obviously it's just
a matter of chance as to whether
enough for easy manipulation, yet will stay correctly in shape.
he stops at the red or the green
Braded edge we can supply, in traditional Black or Burgundy.
light. - YET YOU CAN PRED-
Please specify colour required.
Price, £10.50 (U.S.A. $30.00). Light is ENTIRELY UNDER YOUR CONTROL!
The original idea for this is by R. A. Roth, this is exciting.
SPECIAL OFFER The COMPLETE outfit. Supreme Chapeaugraphy modem magic. Automatic in working, and complete with many
Act Book and Felt together. (Specify colour felt required). routines.
Price, £12.00, ( U.S.A. §35.00). Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).

" A freely chosen card is re-
turned to the deck. The first
attempt to find it turns up the
wrong card! Then the chosen
card is discovered by spelling
the spectator's name. The A clever mathematical Blackboard stunt based on the question
wrong card cannot be found in the deck. Spectator removes a given to Einstein, Who will go to Heaven first, Conservatives, Lib-
sealed envelope from the magician's wallet. Inside is the wrong erals or Socialists ? In answering the question a circle is drawn
card. No moves - no sleights - it will fool magicians. and divided and numbers are called out to represent the three groups
Complete with the necessary "it". Use your own cards. After a series of simple calculations the answer is arrived at, show-
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). ing which group will go to heaven first.
No memorising - Extremely easy to do. Supplied in MSS form,
“ DWARF SHOW ’’ Price, £0.60 (U.S.A. $1.00).
The little Dwarf stands only 2ft. 9 ins.
high and is all genuine, living, flesh
fact his versatility Is limited ONLY by Paul Curry's trick that defies des-
YOUR OWN CAPABILITIES. cription. A red backed deck of cards
Definitely NOT A PUPPET, NOT A is shown and the Joker is removed
MARIONETTE. No rods, strings, or and changes colour. A spectator
other mechanism involved. NO MIR- touches any card. All the rest of the
RORS. pack changes colour except for the
Yes, it IS a trick (though a highly il- chosen one.
lusive one) requiring two persons for its performance. We supply you with the sample gimmick (easily make your own to
So completely deceptive that spectators can even shake hands suit any cards) plus the detailed instructions.
with the Dwarf without discovering the secret. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
A 10 page manuscript with 14 detailed line drawings covers
all angles, answers all questions. TELLS you HOW. SHOWS
you HOW.
Suitable as a complete act. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). Colour Changing Flower
A single paper flower is shown. Magic-

Effects with the Riffle Count i

ally it changes colour, from red to white
to blue. Good to include amongst other
All the effects In this neat typescript r-j
manuscript depend upon one sleight * .i Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
The Riffle Count - and Mark Weston * «;* • */p
makes the learning of this not-too-
difficult for anyone. It's clearly IHustrated and explained. DYNAMIC MENTALISM
In addition some excellent effects are given, Twin Joker Loca- By Stanton Carlisle. The contents
tion, Telepathy Card, Your-Card-Your Number, Card Stab, Spell of DYNAMIC MENTALISM have all i
a Card, Any Card called for, I Guess By Weight, Sensitive Fin- been evaluated by high standards of 1
gers, etc. entertainment value, audience-
All good material by one of Britain's most expert card workers. appeal, impact, practicability, ■
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). workability and reliability and found t DYNAMIC
to be the tops'. MENTALISM
Those who have benefited by Stant- (
NU COIN IN THE BOTTLE on Carlisle's previous material
A trick to baffle the knowing ones! will snap up this collection knowing
NO FOLDING COIN IS USED in this that they will not be disappointed.
presentation. An actual borrowed coin "Dynamic Mentallsm" runs the
is apparently passed through the neck whole gamut of the subject from
of a Coca-Cola bottle and is seen in- the simple card trick "dressed-up"
side it! and made into a fortune-telling feat; through practically all the
With what we supply you'll be able to facets of the art, to outstanding mental demonstrations.
There is a special section devoted on how to personalise your

perform many tricks. A publicity
prediction, £1 note or silk appears in own effects. A complete act which you can take out as a highly
a bottle etc. paid lecture, It's a dramatic and convincing version of the
WE WILL BREAK OUR "USUAL RULES" AND WILL TELL YOU "Russian Roulette". There is brain-busters which startle and
WHAT YOU RECEIVE. You receive a regular Coca Cola bottle mystify, outstanding achievements in Magic of the Mind!
from which the bottom has been carefully ground. Yes, ground This could well be YOUR Stepping Stone to Success and it is
from the inside so that the appearance of the bottle is still ab- an investment that will pay for Itself over and over again. 84
solutely perfect. The production of these bottles is a skilled and pages plus light board cover; spiral bound, illustrated by Ken
expensive business and naturally our supply of them is very lim- de Courcy and with a Foreword by Sue de Courcy.
ited. You get the special Coke bottle, plus instructions, ideas Outstanding Mentallsm, presentations, angles and ideas,
and routines, Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
A trick that has become a classic

and which dove workers DEMAND MOUSE
we make available again. MYSTERY
I A SMASH-HIT FOR THE DOVE Something different
for your kid's shows.
A laughter hit!
TO STUNNING EFFECT. A plain white metal
Say you are working this on the tray 12" diameter. An
stage. You display a handsome 18" silk with a picture
yellow and black dove cote. But of Mickey Mouse in
here is the novelty ... it is abso- colour.
lutely flat. Yes! It really consists of two panels only, and Handkerchief vanishes
these are opened right up to show the whole of the interior. and reappears under the
No room to conceal a pin. tray, but the silk is now
The panels are closed and instantly reopened - and there, minus the picture of Mickey Mouse!
It's positively a KNOCKOUT! The greatest production of ED ON IT OF MICKEY MOUSE ALL IN COLOUR.
two doves we have ever seen! Good magic and a delightful plot with nice props, all in a
REMEMBER, you see the doves appear. No fiddling around self-contained trick which you can perform anywhere and
getting them out of bags or load chambers. Merely open the which, because of its strong magical content appeals to and
dove cote and there they are! For close-up shows, you dis- entertains not only the kids but the most sophisticated of
play the panels inside and out, reach between them, and there's adults.
Price, complete with silks, t12-50- (U.S.A. $33.00).
a dove ... and then another ... just like that!
Size of the panels is approx. 15 ins. x 10j ins.
The metal houlette we supply is
This is really a terrific trick and suitable for performance
elegant in its sheer modern sim-
to any audience. Very pretty and pretty sensational! A proven
plicity. - A chosen signed card is
placed into it, the card being in
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $33.00).
grand isolation.
Five cards are shown to different Ure Sychology The houlette is covered with a cloth
and given to someone to hold. Another
members of the audience ... but they person holds the deck.
never can decide on their identity! A The person holding the houlette re-
lot of fun is gotten out of the divers- moves the covering cloth. - the sign-
ity of their answers to questions you ed card has gone.
put about the cards! Of one thing No. the card is not in the base! In fact, the card could not be
everyone is certain - all the cards concealed anywhere in this simple display unit.
have BLUE BACKS and the one "stranger card" you add to the The spectator holding the pack of cards runs through them.
packet has a RED back. Even that is proved wrong ... for There in the centre, reversed, is the actual chosen card.
when the cards are again shown they are all red-backed ... Made entirely in metal and anodised, this is a prop you will
except one card which is blue! be proud to own and show.
EFFECTS! NO sleight of hand or skill! NO moves'. NO Rough
Young American Magician
and Smooth! NO feked cards! NO exchanging the cards! NO
tricks with Plumes in his
How's it done ... why ... PURE PSYCHOLOGY OF COURSE!
slick act on 'The Magic
Complete with cards and full routine.
Circle Show'.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
He would have loved our
Cane Plumes are a new
No-Switch Sucker Egg and novel accessory to use
in conjunction with the
This is a beauty! A silk is dis-
Vanishing Cane. As the
played and poked into the hand
cane vanishes it leaves you
and it changes to an egg. You i
then show how it's done ... turn- / holding a big TRIPLE
ing the egg you show hole and pull
out silk. Poke the silk back
ing an extremely IMPRESS-
again, explaining that the hole
should not be shown - that it is
You will think of many ways of incorporating these plumes into
best to break the egg to show that (
your show, - use them for a PRODUCTION (a la Paul Gertner)
it is real. Suiting the action to
... fix them into a wooden display stand.
the words, you break the egg, allowing contents to fall into a
Easy to steal. - the production of these plumes can form an
excellent continuity gag throughout your show.
The No-Switch Egg is made entirely of plastic. Even an imita-
Length of the plumes is just over 2 ft. and in many colours.
tion yolk is supplied. The egg you poke the silk into is the one
Especially imported by us from India.
you break. It's good, easy-to-do Magic. Complete with patter.
Price, per Triple Plume, with fixing nut, instructions and
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). routines £4.75, (U.S.A. $12.00).
So You Want To Bake A Cake?
JIMMY BATES opened up a whole and it pops up and hits him in the nose. This can be a tre-
load of comedy for the children's en- mendous lot of fun.
tertainer with the publication of his SUPREME WILTING FLOWER price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
with the classic Dove Pan. j 'Is it still the wrong kind of flower?" asks the Magician, "Well
With a girl to help you, you try to maybe there's some flour in this can".
BAKE A CAKE! Everything goes He picks up a
wrong! Gag follows gag! Laugh tin box, opens
follows laugh! Building up to a the lid and
CRESCENDO OF MIRTH! It's hilarious! Jimmy Bates' original Whoosh! out
routine was built-up over 20 years of actual performance. shoots three
We supply the complete routine and patter in typescript form, large brilliant-
with printed covers. A neat, easy-to-read booklet. 'M ly coloured
"BAKING A CAKE" Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Spring Snakes.
Of course you want a DOVE PAN and we can supply - Specially Yes, this is
imported by us and gleaming in spun polished aluminium. SUPREME SNAKE CAN and it's an hilarious gag. You've got
Standard size - about 6’ " diameter x Base is 2|" high; simi- snakes all over you so what do you do? You try to put them
lar to the old Burtini type Pan. A very nice prop, not too heavy back in the tin. The fun waxes fast and furious for as soon as
to carry around. you get one in, one of the others shoot out.
Single Load Pan, Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $40.00). It's a can full of fun, excitement and entertainment.
Double Load Spun polished aluminium but with the feature of This is not a toy item which we have adapted. These Snakes
an additional feke. Can be "stolen" from behind any piece of are about 3 ft. long and specially produced for us. Full-size.
apparatus, etc. , and after the first production there's an extra Price of the SNAKE CAN is £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
surprise when you clap the lid on again and there's a load of Alright, so you've put all sorts of ingredients in the pan, -
silks, flowers, sweets, etc. sawdust, toothpaste, dates from a calendar and so on, even a
Can be used as a single load Pan if required but you always little drop of lighter spirit "to flavour the concoction". Now
have the extra feature when you want it. you require some heat, but first you have to light a taper.
Double Load Pan, Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $45.00). Here there can be tremendous fun with our n o s t r ik e
jingle Load Dove Pan -SOLID COPPER. A really heavy ma t c h e s They look like normal matches but they just
de luxe pan made from copper, polished and lacquered. Looks won't strike! Every now and again you appear to take one
fabulous! from the box, (a palmed ordinary match), and strike it ...
Single Load only, Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $80.00). blow it out and put it to one side. "That's a good one", you
For those who require it we can supply a DUCK PAN (about
We can supply NO STRIKE MATCHES, price per box, 75p,
twice the size of a regular Dove Pan). Will hold an enormous
(U.S.A. $2)
load. Spun polished aluminium. Eventually you DO manage to light the taper. You change
Single Load, Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $80.00). your mind and ask the assisting child to blow it out, but it re-
Double Load, Price, £40.00, (U.S.A. $90.00). lights again!
Again you or the child blows the taper out. Again and whilst
you are not looking, the taper mysteriously relights.
Originally used to produce day-old chickens'. You'll use this
These are the best Re-Light Tapers and each one is supplied
in many ways. Great when used in conjunction with a puppet. A
complete with several pages of gags, ideas, etc.
really neat little pan. Size about 4" diameter, Base is 2|" high.
Four tapers, each about 5 inches long and routines are price
Single Load, Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
per pkt. £1.25, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Double Load,Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Having put your ingredients in the pan, you've got to mix
ONE OF THE GREAT THINGS about Baking a Cake is that them together and here Supreme c o m e d y b r e a k a w a y
so many other effects can be easily woven into the plot. s po o n comes into its own. The large wooden spoon which you
For example, magician use looks regular enough until you hand it to a spectator, then
requires FLOUR to bake the it breaks and hangs in a silly-looking way! You take it back,
cake. He produces a flower straighten it out and repeat the whole business for further
of a different kind. "That's laughs. An original JIMMY BATES idea.
funny", he says, there's a Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
green stalk. There's NO Finally, the lid has been clapped on and you make your pro-
FLOWER HERE." As he is
duction. You can produce a Supreme s pr in g c a k e (Price,
saying this, the flower
£3.00. $8.00) as advertised in a previous Super News, or you
slowly blossoms. When the
can produce - and here's a truly offbeat idea - a string of
magician looks at the stem,
mo n s t e r s a u s a g e s 11 yards long, each sausage a couple
the flower head promptly of inches in diameter. Or, better still, you produce a string
vanishes again! This can be repeated with hilarious results,
of our SUPER GIANT SAUSAGES». They arc about the same
then finally a young lady breathes on the stem and a flower
length but THREE AND A HALF INCHES diameter.
Price, MONSTER SPRING SAUSAGES £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
This is our SINGLE GROWING FLOWER price, £5. 50,
(U.S.A. $16.00) price, SHEER GIANT SAUSAGES £8. 50. (U.S. A. $23.00).
A good follow-up to this is to say "Oh, that's the WRONG Or produce a six f o o t g ia n t s pr in g s n a k e , Price,
KIND of flower, isn't it. I've got ANOTHER flower here," - £8.50, (U.S.A. »23.00.
another long stem is taken up, one with a pretty flower head. One thing is for sure, it you ever work 'Baking a Cake,'
As the magician attempts to smell the flower, this slowly you'll never want to leave it out of your programme, - it can
bends and wilts over! He bends over to smell the flower head be A REAL RIOT OF FUN!
ANOTHER BOOK Chinese Linking Rings
Eight shining, solid, plated rings, shown
by Kartell Fox separate, miraculously link and unlink. This
is a standard set of eight rings and with each ( J
- It’s GREAT! one we supply our own Exclusive Routine.
Abra had this to say - "Some-
No 'clever clever' stuff but simple, direct,
one who bought this author's pre-
entertaining Magic with some surprise fea-
vious Supreme book, 'Clever
Uke a Fox', reported that he
We would recommend the purchase of a
read it at one sitting. Your re- standard set of eight rings as a good invest- xÄjJjR
viewer did the same with this
ment for any magician, for with these you
one, and that is no mean feat
I can perform an Eight Ring Routine or a Six
because there are 320 big (4to) Ring Routine, or a Three Ring Routine.
pages making a fat, clothbound
Price per eight rings and basic Eight Ring Routine - ’
and handsome volume lavishly
8" £12.50 (U.S.A. $35.00)
adorned with photographs by
10" size, the ideal size for full professional use £18.50,
Sid Lorraine.
(U.S.A. $50.00).
There are, by my count, i20
items, divided broadly into Table Magic (i.e. close-up), cards, To heighten your enjoyment of the presentation of the 'Chinese
mental effects. children's tricks, compere items, stage ef- Unking Rings', we would recommend the following books. which
fects , and a miscellany which includes ideas for a magician's table detail specific routines:-
and a Punch & Judy fit-up.
It's a well-worn practice of reviewers to proclaim that a com-
pendium of tricks like this one has 'something for everyone'. I_ A delightful Eight Ring Routine that's fun and magic all the
think it would be fair in this case to say that here is LOTS for way. No 'clever clever' stuff, but a routine which is packed with
everyone. Those of us at the British Ring Convention at Hastings solid entertainment.
saw a few of the items - not many - then. We know that some of Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
the smaller stuff works, that the Invisible Card routine - a gem - DAI VERNON’S 'SYMPHONY OF THE RINGS'
is a winner, that Karrell has a sure touch with the kiddies, that Dai Vernon's methods added a new dimension to the famous
as an ideas man for MC work he is on his own, and that his drive Linking Rings. Six.rings only are used and the plated rings melt
for clean-cut, direct entertainment leads him to produce the through each other just like Magic. Written by Lewis Oanson.
maximum effect with minimum effort. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Another ingenious stratagem of the reviewer is to pick an effect
and describe it as 'alone worth the price of the book’. That must THREE CHINESE RINGS (Teach-In)
surely depend on the reader's taste. I would pick 'Outa-Shape' A superb Ganson Teach-In which teaches you a Three Ring Rou-
as my favourite, but another man might choose those perverse tine, -yes, just three rings only, but there's a bewildering ser-
party Blow-outs, 'Kiddin' Silks', the oversize Hippety Hop Rabbit ies of surprises. Rex Taylor's Routine and More.
tables, 'Mentalism in Disguise', or a marvellous stunt for the Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Thumb Tie, or ... but why not buy the book and sort them out RINGS SUPREME
yourself? Aldo Colombia's fantastic routine which is now being used by
I VERDICT: WONDERFUL VALUE. A SPLENDID BOOK. FUN the stars'. Attend any Magic Convention and you're sure to see at
TO READ AND CRAMMED WITH PRACTICAL MAGIC. WHAT least one Magician performing this beautiful sequence.
MORE COULD YOU ASK. " Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $28.00).
He FIRST Foxie Book We Published. For those who require a set of 3 rings only, we can supply. Full
A Companion Volume to ‘Another Book'. 10" size, heavily plated, two singles and a "key" ring in an ELE-
»LIKE _ CLEVER LIKE A FOX Price, per set as above, £10.50, (U.S.A. $32.00).
A book which received 'RAVE' RE- SPECIAL DEAL (1) We will supply the above outfit together with
VIEWS from all over the world. ALL Lewis Ganson's Teacn-In 'Three Chinese Rings" OR "Rings Su-
DIFFERENT MATERIAL from 'Another preme" at the special price of £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00).

I Book' and ALL GREAT! Features 'Kar-

rell on Klose-Up; Kard Koncepts-.
Show-Kards; Mentalism; Stage Magic,
SPECIAL DEAL (2) We will supply the set of rings and velvet
bag as above, PLUS. BOTH Teach-Ins at the special price of
£15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00), postpaid.
etc. Whatever kind of Magic you do there's something here for
you in this book which is just brimming over with great new ideas.
Recommended reading!
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Endless fun wlth a P°cket trlck that's a
^FZ stage one! Spectator tries to balance the
SPECIAL DEAL - To get you acquainted with the Foxie brand of fJS— peg but falls. Then you make the whole
fun and magic we'll send you both books together at the special thing more ridiculous by hanging a leather
privilege price of £19.00, (U.S.A. $40.00) only. Post and pack- strap on it.
ing paid. Wonder of Wonders! The Peg Balances!
Both books MUST be taken TOGETHER. They form a LIBRARY Even when held on the extreme tip of a fin-
in themselves of SUPER ENTERTAINMENT. gernail. No gimmicks'. The Peg IS the gim-
mick and all you need except for the waist
T4lr SUPREME u- Ö4. HIC»H ST BIDEFORP belt (you can use a spectator's). A lot of fun.
AVXGIC C? PeV O N - EN0LAND Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A good Thumb Writer or
Finger Writer which has
This is one of those daft things for the
Vi many features to recommend
children's show which get laughs, look ma-
it. »It's easy to slip on and
gical and often register better than many ex-
off. »Gives a firm grip on pensive props. A lovely bit of business.
the lead, »yet it holds an
SECRET^ ideal angle for writing.
With each gimmick we
Two cards with rabbit-in-hat pictures are
placed back-to-back. Repeatedly one rabbit
WRITER^ give a booklet of routines by
turns sideways or upside down. Finally
there appears a Magician's Assistant's
SAM DALAL, printed by
Badge for your young helper to wear around
The Supreme Magic Company his or her neck for the rest of the show.
with hints and tips on learning to use the Writer and with many
Nicely screened in red and black, with bold
presentation angles and prediction ideas.
rabbit and hat pictures. This looks to be a
With the gimmick we supply and the special manuscript you will
tremendous bit of business which is simple to handle, packs flat
Immediately have mastery over dozens of stunning mental effects.
and fills several minutes. What more is needed?
Complete outfit, Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Pick A Number
A trick that's a gag and a
gag that's a trick!
A great close-up comedy A great gag. A wrist watch that is really a
number. Show a specta- tape measure!
tor a small printed card, 1 It's a sure laugh to pull out the tape saying
asking him to think of any "It's fourteen inches past nine, time for another
number printed on there, trick." A real surprise.
and there's a big surprise "Many thanks for the Tape Measure Watch. I
finish! consider that this is excellent." Michael Bailey.
The latest in our untearable paper novelties and one that is al- Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
ways sure to get one heckuva laugh.
Simply show a spectator the front of a card, turn it over to get A Supreme Magic Publication
your first laugh (and create a MYSTERY too!) Hand it to a spec- Supreme Pjn-PointS
tator for the clincher! Safety-pins are familiar things and PIN-POINTS
Price, per dozen cards, 75p (U.S.A. $2.00). can be bought almost everywhere.
They're ideal props with which to
KEY & RING MYSTERY perform magic. As a bonus, they
As originally sold, this was are extremely portable and shine
. merely a clever puzzle. We under lights.
* give you the full instructions CONTENTS of this booklet include:
on how to use it as that. AD- 'Escape-O', the fantastic penetration;
; DITIONALLY, we have been of a pin through a handkerchief; KEN do COUHCT

able to persuade that fantastic 'Pull-Apart Pins'; 'Safety-Rip' and

_ _______ _ 'Meas Man', KEN DE COURCY then KEN comes up with some other
ideas and presents 'Pin-Weld'; 'The
to Klve J'ou llls own routines
for this effect; first the ring Chung Ling Soo Pin'; 'Ropes and Pins'; 'Pinned'; - there's even
comes off the key and then magically penetrates a shoelace. It's a cabaret effect called 'Fish-Out'; and ideas for using safety-
all very mystifying! pins as a Card-Holder and a Balloon-Burster.
This is really beautiful precision work. Looks good and is so Ken says that the Book doesn't exhaust the possibilities with
well made and with a finish to 'throw' the most informed specta- ungimmicked safety-pins, but at least it's a start.
tors! Maybe for you it will be the start of something Interesting and
Complete with full illustrated instructions and Ken's routine. unusual.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $9.00). •PIN-POINTS' by KEN DE COURCY is illustrated; 16 clearly
printed pages fully detailing all the tricks. A lot of magical
NEW CLASSIC RISING PENCIL value in a lightweight publication.
Printed, illustrated, two-colour, light-board cover.
A wooden pencil, approximately Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
6|" long, which you rest on your
hand. The audience merely con-
centrate on the pencil and "by the
power of thought" (?) the pencil VANISHING WAND «•«UOTOSUS
starts to rise, right up until it Is
in a standing position! Yes, read that again - a wand,
More passes, then slowly the regular-looking, black with white tips.
pencil sinks back onto the palm Wand can be vanished a la the Vanish-
again. Immediately, the pencil
can be passed out for the closest examination.
With the instructions we supply with each effect, the pencil is
used in a number of effects. The pencil rises from a bottle;
ing Cane either in a sheet of news-
paper or quite visually, or it can
change to silks. A very clever idea
and one which lends itself to many
"turns to rubber"; then for a finale it becomes animated and different applications.
rises. We supply the special Wand and instructions - use your own
The pencil can even rise whilst the palm is covered with a silk! silks. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
Price, Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Two plastic beakers,
one bright red, one
Jumbo Size Strip Tease Lady
bright yellow. BOTH Now in JUMBO size. Three
beakers are shown un- large cards are shown, two
mistakably empty. 'pip' cards each with a blue
THEN one of the beakers back design and one Queen,
becomes filled with The Lady, with a RED BACK
liquid which is poured DESIGN! 'Find the Lady',
from one beaker to an- the performer requests, as
other! Water or any he places the red backed card
liquid may be used. A amongst the others. 'Well
MARVELLOUS MAGI- that's easy', the performer re-
CAL PRINCIPLE AND marks, 'It's here in the middle'. He shows it to be there. 'Sir,
A MOST INGENIOUS AND WELL-MADE PIECE OF APPARATUS. please help me, we shall remove the Lady, and place it down
No double-walled beakers. ENTIRELY SELF-CONTAINED. Can upon the table just before you, and discard the other two, and
be picked up and worked at any time in the show. A most re- as you can see, these are the pip cards'. 'CONCENTRATE ON
markable effect. THE LADY ... that's enough ... QUITE enough Sir. That's no
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
lady!' The card is reversed to show a Lady of a different kind
... a nice nude pin up! Always a surprise and never fails to get
a laugh.
Tw o coloured cord Comes to you complete for only .. £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
TOMMy TALBOT'S loops are shown, one
. red, one yellow. One
/A la was folded in half and A novel pocket trick
Z? \ over this was threaded with a surprise punch! NICK TROST S
the remaining single
You show the front and
back of three cards -
Hot Do
SUDDENLY, VISIBLY two have a picture of a
AND VERY SURPRISING- bread roll and one shows
a frankfurter.
Card Trick
PLACES! During an amusing pat-
Although a small pocket ter story the frankfurter
effect the trick can form is placed between the
an excellent RUNNING rolls then the cards are
GAG throughout the show. "flexed" and the frank-
It can be presented in furter slowly and visibly
any type programme. STRETCHES TO TWICE "It 's A Wiener!"
Colours can represent ITS LENGTH! ; ! Now
those of two ladies' dresses. The ladies meet in the street and the "footlong" frank-
decide that each likes the colour of the other person's dress, so furter is squeezed to its original length.
they decide to change. This they do VISIBLY! Two of the cards are shown front and back, then when the third
For a children's show the cords are magic ones, that do as card is pushed through your hand a picture of a SLOPPY JAR
they are told. When the children shout 'jump', the loops do just OF MUSTARD appears! A great climax'.
that! A funny novelty item you'll want to carry with you! Very easy
We are able to supply by return. Coloured silk-cord loops to do. Complete with colourful cards, patter story by Sid
and fully illustrated instructions. Lorraine and directions.
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).

A folded paper bag is opened up

Magician reaches into the air and
COLOUR MIXER Two pivotted-

HAVIN’ A BALL produces a ball. Ball is dropped

into the bag. Another one is '
together black plastic
panels. When opened
By Karrall Foi
out it is seen that on
produced, and another ... a suc-
one there's a BLUE
cession of balls from the air! spot, on the other
f~l~ •X'-xi \ Now the magician gets specta-
' r 0^-5^ \ tors to toss invisible balls to- there's a YELLOW
spot. The panels are
'“bj wards the bag, - they are heard
J closed. Blue and
to arrive there. How many balls
yellow make GREEN
are in the bag? The climax is a
... when re-opened
U big surprlse when you produce there's a GREEN SPOT on view! On the other side there's an-
----------- v* / one hall: The bag Is otlier~ other basic colour, RED! Panels are closed and when re-opened
I S’- wise empty. the red and green spots seem to have blended together to make a
Entertainment Plus! BROWN SPOT! It would seem as though you have all the colours
This is just one of the novelty effects detailed in 'Another Book' of the Spectrum on the plates ... and SURE ENOUGH YOU HAVE
by Karrell Fox. It is easy to do. Always ready. - red, yellow, mauve ... THE LOT! A surprising finish!
We supply the detailed instructions, the balls, - everything you EVERYTHING CAN IMMEDIATELY BE CLOSELY EXAMINED!
need to work this right away. No magnets. Sure-fire! Easy!
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00) price. £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Magicians at The Magic Circle
CHAMELEON FUNGUS on Supreme Magic Night, had the
privilege of seeing Roy work this. ’1
A long stalk with six flower heads, alter- IT'S A SHOW-STOPPER! A superb
nating red and yellow. Magician passes his piece of magic.
hand over the stalk ... as he does so, one Now Roy has written-up his rou-
of the flowers changes colour. tine, in full, especially for you. r
This is repeated until the performer has There are no hidden fekes to worry
a stalk of six different colour flowers, about, you can spend all your time
ORANGE, VIOLET, YELLOW, RED, on the fabulous presentation. An action-packed routine which
WHITE and PINK. lasts for several minutes.
In other words there are four distinct The thumbs are securely tied by members of the audience
colour changes! yet hoops pass right through them and over the arms. The
Complete with SID LORRAINE'S delight- tied thumbs penetrate through a stick - even through a chair
ful patter presentation. back! At anytime the thumbs can be inspected. THEY ARE
(P.S. It's good for kids too!) STILL TIGHTLY TIED!
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). No replacements are ever needed, this uses ordinary tape.
We supply detailed routine, complete with sample tapes and
Is it alive? It's spooky! Creepy! three nicely-made 8 inch wooden hoops. It packs a Wallop
Eerie! - like dynamite and yet it's EASY TO DO!
It'S ALLAN LAMBIE'S SQUIRMY ROPE Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
Performer shows a piece of rope about

25 inches in length - freely - and holds it
freely between first and second fingers
with rope hanging down, the hand held
open, palm towards the audience. Sud-
denly the lower end of the rope spookily curls right up and We consider this to
encircles the thumb, apparently to make a kind of knot right be one of the best
around the thumb! This is repeated several times until rope pocket tricks we have
is completely encircled around the thumb. ever seen.
It's SNAKE-LIKE! A needle and thread
This is entirely self-contained . You can pick up the rope are given to a member
at any time during your act and present this effect. There of the audience who is
is absolutely nothing attached to the hands or to the body. asked to thread it.
The rope really does appear to be ALIVE! Spectator stretches
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). thread between his
hands, with the needle
hanging at its centre.
A handkerchief is covered over the needle and thread, yet
PRISONER SILK” performer is able to remove the needle from the thread and
can pass all out for inspection. Can be repeated.

As used with success by COLIN
Yes, the effect can immediately be repeated and the needle
again examined. A spectator can thread the needle on, yet
Stunning visual magic! Two 24"
finds it impossible to remove it.
silks are tied together. A third,
The fake we supply is a real beauty. You'll vote this your
contrasting silk is shown and
favourite pocket mystery after you've seen it and worked it.
thrown towards them. VISIBLY
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).
the silk appears tied between the other two!
Use your own silks. Special printed, illustrated instructions.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). DANCING CHARLIE
A LIVELY little fellow
(or "Miss") with which you Most magicians will
can have a lot of fun. Pro- have happy memories
duced in a show, he really of the old dancing
does appear to be most ac- skeleton or dancing
tive and animated. doll. It's a great
GREAT FOR KIDS! Popsie little item, - funny *
wriggles! Squirms'. Jumps and fantastic.
around! He'll even fool the A little cardboard
cat! Drop him into a "Devils cut-out figure, (in this
handkerchief" and vanish instance of Charlie),
him! Use him in your Punch will perform all sorts
and Judy show! As a con- of mystifying capers.
tinuity gag! You'll think of He sits up, stands up,
LOTS of other novel stunts. jumps and dances
Popsie is made from a nice Fur-fabric material. Tremendous- around! Dancing Charlie will give endless amusement to young
ly cute! EVERYONE loves POPSIE! or old. He makes a great gift or give-away item. Dancing
Comes complete with a sheet of ideas and instructions. Charlie is complete with instructions etc.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Can be performed any time in the act. Ma-
gician twirls a cane in the air and then like
A 24 page printed book packed full of .
li^itning it changes to a handsome flower novel effects and natty notions. Contents -1
growth. A stunning effect - just toss the cane include, 'Questions on Doves', 'Never *
into a champagne bucket and a change occurs. Say Dye', 'Novel Ideas with the Oriental
The change Is startling! An item you'll be Water Tube', 'Adair's Ribbon Vanish
proud to feature. DOVE
Box', 'Adair's Crash Thru Dove Screen', DEXTERITY
Price, £35.00, (U.S.A. $100.00). 'Flowers from a Scarf', etc., etc.
Printed, light board cover, four photos
P.S. For extra impact, the moment the change takes place
reach up in the air with the other hand and have the cane appear and a line drawing of the author "in ac-
tion". Over 30 Illustrations. A book no
again - A Supreme Appearing Cane, which we can supply of
course! Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $30.00). dove worker can afford to pass by.
Price, £ 2.50 (U.S.A. $6.00).
A great routine. A nice paddle ef-
fect. Pictures of top hats. First one
I cute bunny appears, then another, then
brilliant pocket trick rc o l o u r y
using apparatus which
they disappear, then the hats disappear. can be EXAMINED.
Finally the paddle disappears!
cP A Supreme Original effect. The late
A number of coloured rods, a tube and two stoppers ... any rod
is placed in the tube and the stoppers tightly placed in position,
HENRI DE'SEEVAH said The best paddle trick I've ever seen." yet you can divine the colour of the rod that's sealed in the tube.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). Recommended by many famous magicians as the ideal pocket
DIVIDED LADY ILLUSION Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).

Full workshop plans for a most un-
usual and baffling mystery. An up- CLIMAX VISION
right chest, large enough for a girl SAM DALAL'S expansion of COLOUR VIS-
to stand in, not deep or wide enough ION, not only can you repeatedly divine
for a girl to double-up in one half. chosen colours but you actually PREDICT the
Doors are closed, and two large solid colour which is to be put uppermost In the
blades are pushed through the centre box. Fantastically clever trick principle
of same. The box Is then folded back In half, the halves are spun and an almost self-working miracle.
all the way around. Not only that the magician pulls out the pins on Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
the hinges and separates each section, spinning one half of the box
off one side of the stage and the remaining half off the other side. CHINESE MAGIC AND ILLUSIONS
Absolutely baffling. Price, £1.00 (U.S.A. $3.00). By U.F. Grant. Chinese magic has colour
and mystery. It appeals to the eye and to the
mind. Here are no less than TWENTY FEA-
CIGARETTE VANISHER TURE TRICKS, typical of Grant's ingenuity. I mag ic
I Whatever kind of show you do, you are c-
A lit cigarette, pushed into the fist, in-
bound to benefit from this publication. | \tMJsm
j stantly disappears! Or the cigarette will There's a 'Ribbon and Hat', 'Gong Silk Pro- I
vanish leaving a silk or a length of ribbon!
duction', 'Baskets, Confetti and Daves', *
Looks like sleight-of-hand, VERY EASY TO 'Screen Mystery', 'Flower Garden Illusion',
DO. Complete with instructions including etc., etc.
a "Magician's Only" gag by Worry which
you'll get a lot of fun out of. Mimeographed form. Printed covers. Profusely Illustrated.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00).

De luxe CLOSE-UP PAD One of the best methods ever for
producing a real live rabbit. A hand-
Acknowledged to be the world's finest some wooden cabinet. Performer ap-
Close-up Pad, presenting for you a working pears to draw on one of the panels
surface which will make your clever Close- but the audience want to see a real
up Magic IMMACULATE. live rabbit In the box, - and that's
Large surface, 13" x 17", mat is velvet- just what the magician produces!
een on foam and rubber-backed. Already a proven favourite, we have made it better than ever.
Supplied in three different colours, - rich A new simple release principle and with woodwork produced to
purple, dark red and jet black. a high degree of perfection. A highly recommended prop.
A great working surface for 'Three Shells Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $85.00).
and a Pea', 'Cups and Balls' and similar effects.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Avxatc c? pf v o n - en ö l an d
A large well-made CHRISTMAS
A long decorative candle. An unprepared silk STOCKING with colourful sateen back-
or cloth is held momentarily in front of it. The ing and a clear net front, reinforced
flame of the candle is in full view over the top and decorated with lovely ribbons to
of the cloth. Suddenly the cloth is tossed into give years and years of service.
the air - the candle has completely vanished! You can tell a story of a little boy
This was the Original Vanishing Candle effect. who sent a note to Santa Claus for a
We still have limited quantities. Christmas stocking, but when it
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). came it was EMPTY. He did so want
some baubles to hang on the Christmas tree. Of course, he
didn't know it was a MAGIC Stocking.
CARDINI CIGARETTE HOLDER Magician catches colour from the rainbow, throwing this to-
A plastic cigarette holder, enables you to wards the stocking, then suddenly Wham! A COLOURED
add a touch of humour and novelty to any ciga- BAUBLE VISIBLY APPEARS INSIDE THE STOCKING. One by
rette sequence. A cigarette appears in the one, FOUR different coloured balls appear. No covering of any
holder - it vanishes - reappears - as fast as kind, no need-to turn the stocking inside-out etc., IT'S ALL
cigarettes are removed from the holder others^ COMPLETELY VISUAL.
appear in it! The balls are removed from the stocking. However, the last
We supply this complete with a supply of A one mysteriously disappears and then, off you go, into all the
special cigarettes and full routines. classic fun of the traditional Egg Bag if you wish.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Instead of coloured balls you can use CHOCOLATE CHRIST-
MAS TREE ORNAMENTS which can be given to your young
Typescript booklet by Ravelie and A-; helpers at the end.
Andree. This is a MUST for anyone te-J We supply you with a well-made Stocking, all the coloured
who uses Spring Flowers in their
show. Twenty-five brilliant, bewild- 2-
I SI plastic balls and routine^ A BIG trick with a BIG appeal.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).

£<Ma™ etmr
ering tricks, including Silk to Bouquet,
Flower Shower, etc. Several excel- ANI
lent continuity ideas and gag items
are also included. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
A great novelty material.
BRASS DRUM HEAD TUBE It moulds like clay and yet
A small tube is shown and capped at bounces!
each end. Tube can be held by a mem- Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
ber of the audience. When the paper
at one end is punctured, a previously
vanished silk can be removed from it. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!
Supreme Brass Drum Head Tube is The "prediction" does not predict
made by a top craftsman. Great for forcing billets. A super what will happen, but adds a grand
de luxe prop made to traditional old-time standards. climax to the routine.
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). Effect - A sealed envelope is
placed on the table.
BOTTLE Eight cards are counted from the

top of an ordinary, shuffled, pack
TO FLOWERS that has been cut by a spectator,
and they are dealt into two piles.
Magician picks up a wine bottle and pours
himself out a drink. The bottle is covered From this point the spectator makes
with a paper tube. When whisked away, the decisions of what actions take
the bottle has gone and in its place is a
colourful growth of flowers. Cards are dealt on the table or under the pile of cards as the
Well-constructed bottle; miniature spectator freely chooses and this is repeated until he finishes with
Botania and routine. two piles of cards. When the two piles of cards are turned over
Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $75.00). it is seen that one pile consists of all spades (say), the other all
BOX of Matches - There is yet another surprise - a smash finish - for now comes
the spectator's FINAL choice. He is invited to discard one packet
Eddie Joseph's HONEY of a trick of cards and to leave the other on the table. There is no 'conjur-
performed at the table, whilst folks ers force' Involved.
are sitting all round you. A match The envelope is opened. Inside is one card and one card ONLY.
clings to the fingers. The match- It Is of the same suit as those on the table and when added to the
box crawls across the table away four face up cards makes a perfect running flush!
from the performer, stops, turns O. - No skill - You only have to learn the routine in order to pres-
and comes back! Then stands up •wJ___ ** ent this amazing effect. Use your own cards. We supply you with
on end! A whole row of match- the special "something", plus the detailed Ken de Courcy routine.
boxes or borrowed articles can move along. Price, £1.00,
(U.S.A. $3). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
An "oldie" but goodie. An old

A precision-made piece of equip-

English Penny is placed in a fold of
Ik ment, - just like/a miniature Bill material of the trousers. It can be
\ / Tube; can be minutely examined. FELT BY A MEMBER OF THE AUDI-
' Three coloured rods - any one is ENCE. Then without a false move-
placed into the brass tube and the ment it VANISHES and is produced
lid is placed on, yet you are instant- from the trouser pocket, having ap-
ly able to name the colour. parently penetrated right through!
Many presentations given. A hand- Price, complete with Old English
some prop you'll treasure. Penny, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, complete with new English
10p. coin, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Climax torn 8 Restored Newspaper
Clever utility coin which makes
This is the same as the "Slydini" or vanishes and reappearances easy!
"Stanyon" Method. Both sides of a Made with an Old English Penny,
double newspaper are shown. Paper is You appear to be performing sleight-
torn in half and again, until you have of-hand with it. Penny is taken away,
pieces three or four inches square. vanishes ... reappears! Finally, It
Quick as lightning the torn pieces be- can change to a new 10p. piece!
come whole and the newspaper is open- Special coin and illustrated instruc-
ed out in one piece again, to be shown on both sides as at first. tions.
Very easy to perform. No steals or body work. We supply Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
this with a wonderful presentation idea that makes it a feature.
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00).______________________
book. Printed covers. Entertaining
stunts, tricks and gags suitable for
al Idea, MARVILLO added to it. A great
Jctost-vv performance at the bar, at the din-
ner table and in fact ANYTIME, im- Comedy routine where a card is chosen. You
1 co^ promptu and on the spur of the mo-
produce the wrong one JUMBO SIZED. At
the end, all is put right!
In addition, there is a section on Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
as an informative article on CUT-
TING SILHOUETTES, a lovely diver-
A bouquet of flowers - Assistant
sion for the table worker.
does not like the colour of the flo-
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
wers so magician picks off the
flower beads, then magically the
COBRA CORDS flowers grow once again all over the
A funny, fantastic version of
the 'Odd Ropes' with three spec- Manually-operated, completely
under your control. Real flowers
ially hand-woven cords. Each
silky cord is coloured yellow, can be used at the start , being pick-
black and white to represent co- ed off and tossed out to the audience if you wish.
bras. Price, £35.00, (U.S.A. $80.00).
In addition to the instructions
and ropes, we give with each set
presentation, entitled 'THE SNAKE PIT' . it's hilarious first- Two silks are
class entertainment. A good programme number. shown tied together
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). by their corners.
One is, say red,
COLORINGS the other yellow,
the red one being
Pavel's Masterpiece! Three flat held in the hand.
5^ inch diameter white rings are The silks are stroked with the other hand ... and suddenly they
shown on both sides, placed into a change places. Yes, THEY TURN RIGHT OVER for the yellow one
clear plastic wallet with an opaque is now in the hand with the red one hanging attached! The effect
hinged-down front; magically they can be at once repeated and can be used as an excellent little run-
change colour one at a time! One ning gag throughout the show. A good opening attention-getter or
becomes bright YELLOW, another laughable stunt to include at any spot in the programme, the trick
BLUE, another RED. The effect is absolutely self-contained and works itself. Just pull them
can be used in conjunction with silks through the hand and wow! - over they go.
If you wish. An extremely CLEVER and VISUAL trick. Price, 12-inch Silks, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). Price, 18-lnch Silks. £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
to A favourite of the Magicians of
Yesteryear. Four or five different
coloured silks are shown, one is freely
chosen and changes to a highly polished
ball of the same colour. The price for

the special ball, no silks, ^=31

£2.00 (U.S.A. $6.00).
From a fancy open-fronted cabinet the
Dr. Schram's magician removes a silky foulard. This
is shown on both sides, then thrown over
» the arm and then placed in front of the
A cleverly conceived and designed : cabinet and now the cabinet is overflow-
prop which will cause the vanish of : ing with flowers.
a silk, ribbon, etc., from a clear As an encore, the magician reaches
container. underneath the foulard and produces a
Top is placed on, escape must seem impossible! Limited stocks large plastic bowl overflowing with flowers. Straightaway he prod-
only. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). uces a SECONDlbowl, without any additional moves or loading he
produces a THIRD bowl. This time there are no flowers. Surprise!
when the magician pours water and goldfish from this bowl into the
Crystal Balance other.
No body loads. No half bowls. A big trick that can be a feature.
A "swizzle stick" of Price, complete. Cabinet, foulard, bowls and flowers, £30.00
crystal clear plastic (U.S.A. $85.00).
and two tumblers.

A tried and tested method. A piece of
Silks are placed into
cartridge paper is shown on both sides. A
each. Tumblers re- silk is tucked into the end of the tube and
main suspended on the blown through; it's still white. When blown
swizzle stick. Spec- through again the silk emerges dyed a brill—
i tators can remove them.
Finally liquid can be
J CLASSIC iant re<^- ^e second silk blown through
vj j poured into each of the * SILK
emerges yellow and the third one comes out
glasses. Spectator
BLOW Finally the paper tube Is opened up and
takes one glass, you take the other and immediately the glasses
shown. It can be crushed up, torn up or
come free. You join the spectator in drinking the audience's
thrown out to the audience if you wish.
health. None of the usual gimmicks. A first-rate programme Price for the well-made feke and routine, use your own silks,
item. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).

CROCKET CALLING Jon Gordon's eye-popping mystery.

A RED BACKED pack of cards is

A series of novel tricks by Jeremy
Crocket. Good audience-tested, ap- shown. The magician places a pre
pealing, entertaining material. No diction in full view on the table.
"Conjuring for Conjurers". Spectator cuts the pack anywhere
Contents include "Key Position", two he wishes. The card cut matches
keys held by spectators CHANGE PLA- the performer's prediction'.
CES; "Tri-Cut", an unusual paper- SECOND SURPRISE comes when
cutting routine; "Jap-Mat Production"; "J.C. Breakaway Triangle", the chosen card is shown to have a
blue back and it is the ONLY blue
etc. backed card in the red backed pack!
Profusely illustrated in typescript form and with printed covers.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). The THIRD SURPRISE is the biggest of pH for suddenly the whole
of the red backed pack CHANGES TO BLUE to match the odd card!
Now here's the FOURTH SURPRISE! - The whole routine is per-
The cleverest Coin Holder you ever IN THE SPECIAL PACK WHICH WE SUPPLY. No Rough and Smootl
saw. Will take a load of almost any principle used. No 'Hindu Shuffle'.
size coins, pinned out of sight under
Price for the special pack and routine, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
the side of the jacket.
When the coins are required the hand
simply comes underneath the Coin . /z Tarbell Colour Changing
Dumper, which pivots over, immedi- gk Handkerchiefs
ately delivering a load of coins into Simply pull the handkerchief through your
your cupped hand. Nothing could be hands and it changes colour. It can be changed
cleaner, it's almost-automatic! Obviously, you can use two, back again.
three, four of the Coin Dumpers pinned at different positions to ' 12 inch size, price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
enable you to obtain loads of coins, as and when required.
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.,00). 18 inch size, price, £4.50, (U.S.A.$10.00).
BUNNY TOPPER DO get the name right
tic pocket trick which you
can use in your regular shows This is a series which first appeared in
too'. Pictures of rabbits and 'Abracadabra'; now in the form of a neat
hats. One snip of the scissors printed booklet and with an introduction by
and you separate the rabbits BILLY McCOMB.
from the hats. Then you tear 14 printed pages with illustrated cover packed
the papers up. Surprise with invaluable material and Information which
when this is restored and the rabbits are now all sitting IN the will enable you to become a successful compere
hats! We supply you with twelve special rabbit and hat papers, Price, £1.50 (U.S.A $4.00).
twelve special rabbit hi hat papers and the full printed instruc-
tions and the routines in the form of a special printed illustra-
ted routine. One of the best tricks you'll see! DEVANT’S TRIANGLE
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). So old it's new again! Devised and performed
by the famous English illusionist, DAVID
DEVANT, the effect has recently regained pop-
A great Micro Mental Mys-

w ^eye /.
ularity since having been televised by PAUL
tery. A sealed envelope. DANIELS. It was also a favourite of the late
Four cards each with the pic-
ture of a dart with a different
It's a card trick which has built-up into the
colour flight. One is chosen —$
from a mosaic of colours. A gentleman and two ladies assist. Half the
Supreme The other side shows a fac-
) , Excfaswe simile of a dart board. Magic- cards are given to the gentleman to hold. A long length of ribbon
is displayed, the centre of this being wrapped around the half pac-
ally , the chosen dart vanishes ket of cards. The two ends of ribbon arc drawn out and one is
and appears in the envelope. given to each lady to hold. Thus you form the 'Eternal Triangle' -
You needn't have the same
one man and two women!
colour chosen each time. At the conclusion of the effect, From the remaining half-deck each lady MENTALLY selects a
everything can be thoroughly examined. No sleights, no skill. card. NO FORCE. They imagine their card is leaving the packet
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). which you are holding and travelling up the ribbon to join the packet
of cards which the gentleman is still tightly holding.
DOTTY DICE Each lady for the first time names her card and the magician deals]
out his cards, and believe it or not, the two mentally selected cards'
The 'Hat Dice' revised. An excell- have VANISHED.
ent presentation. Spots vanish and The gentleman checks his half packet of cards and now amongst his
appear all over the cube. There's cards ARE THE TWO FREELY THOUGHT-OF ONES. No skill is
a novel 'Here and there' in which the involved; the trick only requires presentation.
dice disappears and reappears. You get the special deck of cards, ribbon and fully detailed routine
Finally we give you 'Ball and Dice
Combo' in which a ball and dice change places. Price, £4.50 (U.S.A. $10.00).
Outfit supplied consists of a plain cube, spotted shell, red cover
loose spots and two plastic balls together with the routines. ELDON’S RIBBON MIRACLE
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00). A single length of ribbon is openly
sliced in half, in full view, and loose
ends are allowed to dangle loosely in

DRINK TEST A specially printed card which | the air. This same ribbon without ex-
I change, fiddling around, cutting away
the performer states is the latest
CARDS form of drink/drive test. The
performer rips the card down one
| or tying knots etc, is completely rest-
I ored exactly to its original length. May
of the printed dotted lines and the I be repeated.
spectator tries to tear the other I No extra pieces. No switching.
dotted line but is unable to do so. ' *A11 you need are the illustrated inst-
A great gag. ructions, which we sell for only:-
One dozen special cards and Price, £0.60 (U.S.A. $1.00).
$ instructions.
Price, £0.75 (U.S.A. $2.00). COMEDY STUNTS BY GUS RAPP

A collection of over 100 items

BUNNY SURPRISE for Magicians, Jugglers, M.C.'s,
Vents, Clowns, etc., made at
Not a world-beating mystery BUT a de-
the time when American Vaudeville was in its hey-day. Fascinat-
lightful bit of ENTERTAINMENT.
ing reading, valuable reference, and comedy props, gags, busin-
A cut-out top hat, - a boy from the audi-
ess etc., that you will be able to use in your act now. Wonderful
ence is to "produce a rabbit" but there's a
bits for the kids' entertainer and clown magician.
surprise finish.
Typescript book, printed cover.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A wonderful ornament for the home
or the den; a practical accessory for
the show. The pedestal and cover A Classic method which has been
are manufactured in gleaming copper. a favourite of many of the 'greats in
Torn pieces of card become restored. magic'. Two bowls, one is filled
You can change a selected card into with rice to the top and placed togeth-
7?) a card silk. You can use the Card er. The rice increases in quantity.
Tripod for a torn and restored Levelled off an astonishing transform-
paper; for mental effects, and so on. ation takes place when the rice appears
A talking point amongst magicians to have vanished and water is poured
wherever shown. A collectors piece. from one bowl to the other. In tills
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $42.00). method of performing the effect, no discs or covers are used, the
whole thing is entirely self-contained. These bowls are beautifully
spun in gleaming non-rusting aluminium.
_____ Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
A feature escape we highly recommend.
Box is thoroughly examined before Magi-
cian enters. The lid is nailed or screwed CLIP SWITCH
JOHN STUART'S cleverest Billet
down securely. Box is placed behind a
Switch which uses a regular-looking
screen or into a cabinet. Magician makes
Bulldog Clip. Sure, there have been
his escape in less than one minute! Box
clips which switch billets before but
may be bound completely with ropes or
'Clip Switch' has one tremendous ad-
chains. Full secret plans in Mimeographed form, printed
vantage, - the clip is empty before you
covers. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
start. You can place a slip into it in
full view of the audience, yet when you
BOY TO RABBIT remove it the billet has been switched.
A cabinet on casters. Boy is placed Into We supply with the effect a printed
the cabinet. He can be plainly seen. A illustrated manuscript of ideas by KEN DE COURCY and EDWIN.
cloth Is placed over, and the boy has gone,
♦ They give you a marvellous E.S.P. Prediction, Treasury Note Pre-

and there's a live rabbit. diction, and many, many others. Famous Mentalist, STANTON
The routine supplied describes the vanish- CARLISLE, wrote "Streets ahead of anything of a similar nature
ing of the rabbit and the reappearance of the previously marketed. A devastating weapon in the armoury of Ma-
boy back in the audience. gicians In general and Mentalists in particular. Your advertising
Full workshop plans for you to make this does not do it the justice it deserves".
lightweight cabinet, plus routine and patter. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Rope is cut in two different places and
the ends of each cut portion tied. Rope
Here are 50 TIP-TOP TRICKS with that is passed through the hand and it's re-
evergreen artifice - The Bottomless Glass stored in one piece. The hands are
... 50 PRACTICAL effects, each worth shown otherwise empty, rope merely
more than the price of the book. NO pad- tossed out to the audience. Only one ROPE
ding ... NO pipe dreams ... all good rope is used. No pulls. TRICK
sound WORKABLE magic to make the No, this is not a miracle. The effect
spectators eyes pop! Is possible with the aid of an indetectable feke. - Always ready,
We know you will be delighted by the versatile uses of the no preparation! Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
glass. "RAISE YOUR GLASSES" is fully illustrated in type-
script form with printed cover.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Ask for a deck of cards. These are shuf-
SPECIAL DEAL, We wiU supply you with one of our Supreme fled. You give a few simple instructions,
Plastic Bottomless Glasses AND the above book taken together and without your seeing, one of the group
for the special price of £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). places a number of cards in his pocket.
He alone knows how many and yet you give
PLASTIC the exact number.
Price, 60p, (U.S.A. $1.50).
There are DOZENS of excellent effects which you
can perform with our clear plastic bottomless tum- Hilariously funny poker trick with five blank
blers. An innovation as they are much less likely cards which change to a SUPER Poker Hand
to get broken than the normal glass ones. Another ... only to change to blanks again!
point is that the bottoms have been removed FROM THE INSIDE Complete with patter, instructions and the
so the appearance of the tumbler is perfect. Every magician special cards you will need to do the trick
can use one of these well-made tumblers. at once.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Albright’s Party Trix a la Carte
Terrific stunts and gags to make
you the 'life and soul' of any
party. Even includes a Cut and
Restored lemon!
£I A typescript booklet consisting of 15
tricks and gags. The effect of remaking
a cigarette is a feature and worth much
An excellent collection of ma- 1 more than the price of this entire collec-
tion. Other cigarette effects include
terial in booklet form, printed
Visible Elongation.. .Stretching a Cigar -
covers. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). ette.. .The Writing on the Palm... Penet-
ration, Levitation, Rising Lit Cigarette...Divisible Influence, Etc.
Colour Changing Ball to Square The stunts at the bar are real Bafflers.. .and may be done close-
up anywhere.
AL GOSHMAN'S effect where a coloured
Contents: Typescript... Illustrations by "Mel" ... Printed Cover.
sponge ball is placed into the hand. It van-
ishes and it is found in the trouser pocket. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).___
Ball is pushed into the hand, again, the audi-
ence are asked to guess where it is BUT CLOWNING AROUND FOR CHILDREN
The right hand now has a large SQUARE CLOWN).
in it. The left hand has a BLACK BALL in it.
The original coloured ball is now found in the right trouser pock- Every kids entertainer will want this
et. 'm great book by the one and only WEEDY.
Thirteen clear illustrations by MICKEY O'MALLEY and the Seventv-two big pages plus two-colour
special set of Goshman Sponges. cover.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Details of the make-up and costume for
the Clown; the White-faced Clown; removal
of make-up, etc.
A novelty card revelation. A miniature camera other odds and ends.
is used to reveal a card in a novel manner! We ; Loads of classic kids' material which you will use whether you
supply the special Novelty Camera which has been work as a Clown or as a more traditional 'Uncle' type children's
prepared with a Miniature card, and the routine. > entertainer.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). There's tricks galore. Ideas for a Rolon Table-Puppet Theatre,
Balloon Holder, Cabaret Table, Chapeaugraphy, etc.
ALL CLEAR FORCING BAG1 Then we go into COMPETITIONS... another great collection of
material not to be found in any other publication.
A useful aid to magic and mentalism. The Finally, WEEDY gives you a chapter on OTHER WAYS OF MAKING
bag is made from clear plastic yet you are . MONEY FROM YOUR CHILDRENS ENTERTAINMENT.
able to force names, numbers, counters, fl If you entertain children then you will want this book.
etc. Great for a Newspaper Prediction or The price is out of all proportion to the value of the material con -
use it with Raffle Tickets or Lucky Beans, fl tained inside it.
With each bag we give the working details 1 Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $12.00).
for ALL the effects mentioned.
Our special HEAVY DUTY Bag will give good service to any Who will be the first men on
entertainer. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Mars ? The Americans or the
Eight printed cards depict
LIGHTWEIGHT MODEL, Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00). spacemen in red and green space
suits. As the story unfolds the
~ALL CLEAR LINKING PINS cards, held at the fingertips, are
A clear plastic pot with an opaque lid. A mixed together, but then in a
dozen large safety-pins are separately drop- SUPREME flash they separate again!
ped in the pot. Lid is placed on and the pot Easy to do, a couple of very
shaken, then lid removed and the pins are HfflRZING simple subtleties to learn, and

tossed into the air. WHEN CAUGHT, THEY here's a trick you'll perform al-
ARE FOUND TO BE ALL LINKED TO- ways. Price, with special
GETHER IN A LONG CHAIN! cards and routine £3., (U.S.A.$7)
You get everything complete, price £8.50,
Especially for our American
If you have been to an American convention then friends. A small plastic cup
you have seen Tom Ogden demonstrate this
made to hold four half-dollars.
All Backs 'The Misprinted Pack' Coins vanish from the cap pene-
trating right through the hand.
A deck of cards is shown to be all backs. A comedy Other effects are given!
of errors turns the cards to all faces, then "back to j Nicely-made cap comes com-
back-to-back backs." ? plete with full routine.
Price, U.S.A. $3.00, (£1.50
CARDS AND COMEDY PATTER. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). sterling).

A great comedy, routine. One ef- CARD TRANSPOSITION

fect follows the other in rapid and A brass platter indetectably
uproarious succession ... A watch adds three cards to one set of
is borrowed and after fun and by- cards and subtracts three from
play is vanished and reproduced by another! The classic effect.
a spectator from a tied and sealed Assistant unmistakably counts
bag. Boy and Performer mysteri- off ten unprepared cards, they
ously produce some interesting objects. You finally end up hav- are tipped off the tray into a
ing to operate on the boy. Everything turns out all right at the drawstring bag which the assist-
end, rounding off an hilarious act. ant holds.
Sealed manuscript. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). The balance of the cards are
placed on the tray and presented to the second spectator who Is
asked to count off ten cards, the last three being shown to the
audience and the names written down if necessary.
The second assistant holds these cards tightly in his hand.
carnival wand After business and byplay, this spectator only has seven cards,
the three chosen ones having vanished and the first spectator
has thirteen!
outsize wand 15| inches long, 2 inches in diameter,
black with white tips, suddenly and visibly changes in- Price, £20.00, (U.S.A. $50.00).
to a most colourful one, for your young helper to wave
over an empty hat. The surprise! Sweets are tipped Tricks, Illusions and information
from the hat! Instead of producing sweets from the hat, about this new medium for magicians
Magic in the Sawdust ring. The only
you can make a Comedy Silk Production from the wand
itself. prlce. £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
CIRCUS book of its kind ever published and a
most useful guide which will help
you break Into the lucrative side of
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
The audience will gasp when you bal- Will fit any type show.
ance the plastic ball supplied onto a Vegetables are cut, to demonstrate the sharp-
cord, - not only that, when you tilt the ness of the steel blade. Blade is removed and
cord the ball rolls back and forth! the spectator's head is secured in the stocks.
We supply you with all the apparatus Magician now forces the blade down through
for this great deception. No skill is victim 's neck - REMEMBER - during this op-
really needed. The hardest part Is to eration the blade is IN FULL VIEW at all times
make it look difficult! and is plainly seen as it passes through the neck. 'ABBOTTX1
Ball, Cup, Cord and instructions, all ready for you to work. Without any fumbling, blade Is withdrawn, rest-
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). oring victim's head to body.
We supply the full method and plans for you to build your own.
CHINESE IDOL ILLUSION Price, £0.60, (U.S.A. $1.00).
One of the prettiest illusions.
A semi-open front cabinet, is turn-
ed around. Then a front slide is
removed and the cabinet is shown EDDIE JOSEPH'S 'One in the hand, one
empty. in the pocket', but with borrowed articles
The first effect is the appearance and offbeat climax. Sealed manuscript
of a bouquet of flowers, which fills form.
the interior. Six bouquets are pro- Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
duced. The last bouquet is removed
and from the empty cabinet... a GIRL is produced.
This illusion packs small.. .no hinges.. .no bolts or wing nuts to
assemble. Can be set up in two minutes and packed Just as quickly A neatly made plastic box with a fit-on lid
.. .Can be done anywhere. and a cube which fits inside it. Each side
FULL WORKSHOP PLANS. of the cube has a different coloured spot. try

Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).

Everything can be examined, but you can
ALWAYS reveal the colour that has been I®
placed uppermost.
THE BLACK TALISMAN We give you an extra stunning presentation.
which "lifts" this clever pocket trick into a PLATFORM ONE, as
A black octagon. Ribbon is threaded through an
envelope, the talisman Inserted and magically it the blindfolded medium, or magician, picks out from a hat or
bag a coloured ribbon to match the chosen colour on the die.
is threaded onto the ribbon!
You get the die, full instructions for the trick and extra routines,
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
The Improved Bill Tube THE BIG BUY K
Undoubtedly this is your BIG BUY - ______ Hfefcr
Super De Luxe apparatus makes the
the BEST BARGAIN in magic you will ‘.B
working as smooth as silk. - A bor-
rowed Treasury Note is given to ever get. Many tricks in one. Made
someone to hold. A sealed brass in milk-white plastic.
tube is given to another spectator. It's an OKITO BOX, it's a COIN CAP, it's a BOSTON COIN
Suddenly the note vanishes. The BOX ... there's more ... KAUFMAN'S NEW COIN VANISH (no
spectator holding the sealed brass "turnover move"). MIRACLE VANISH, a marvellous sucker gag.
tube is asked to open this up. The Spectator discovers a loose disc in the box ... Is the coin under
only way he can do this is by unlock- it? No! Merely an inscription embossed in GOLD - 'CAUGHT'!
ing a small lock and removing a rod MANUELLO'S COIN VANISH. Coin is dropped in the box, lid
which runs right through the cap. placed on, box shaken. Suddenlj’ the rattling stops and the coin
securing it. has gone! Werry's SUPER DIE TRICK. You reveal and predict
Inside the tube is the actual marked note. the numbers which will come uppermost when a spectator shakes
The instructions which we issue with our Bill Tube are probably a die in the box. No loaded die!
the most comprehensive ever issued with this effect anywhere in You get all the instructions for many moves and tricks and all
the world. There are different methods and presentations. Re- the gimmicks which are required. If you like good close-up ma-
member this is the Improved Bill Tube with rod, lock and keys. gic, then you certainly will want this.
A precision-made prop which you will treasure. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A.$35). RICHARD HIMBER'S


NEXUS Simple but with maximum impact.

You'll have fun learning this
Three cards are shown, three spec-
routine and in working it for a
tators each think of a card. Magician
long time to come! - Four
removes one card, it is not the
knots magically appear along
chosen one. Spectators name their
a length of rope, that's Effect
cards ... when the cards on the table
No. 1.
are flipped-over, they are blank. Where are the two missing
Effect No. 2, uses the same
cards ?
length of rope; it is coiled
Magician opens his wallet which has been in full view through-
around the magician's wrists,
out the trick, and inside arc the two cards.
the ends being tied in a single
We supply the gimmicks and routines which are by KEN DE
knot by a spectator. As the
COURCY. You'll say it's a very unusual and clever trick!
spectator tightens the knots, the rope visibly melts right
through the magician's wrists! Price, E2.50. (U.S.A. $6.00).
We supply you with a rope (with bound ends) plus the special
printed illustrated instructions. Tom Ogden’s Quick Switch
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00). Three Accs and a wild card arc
shown. Instantly, they switch to three
Korrell Fox's
Night Cap Paper-Tear wild cards and one Ace. Finally, the
ACE turns wild, too! Easy to do! No
* White papers printed in red
Sleights! Complete with cards. The
with the names of different
latest from the U.S.A.
drinks. Magician is undecided
which night cap he will have, _______________ Price. £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
gin, whisky, rum. The papers
are torn-up and transformed Bangle Wangle
into a night cap of a different
kind, a red and white striped A feature effect with a length
cap which the magician puts on of rope and a plastic bangle.
his head! Two spectators assist ... they
You get enough papers for TEN shows, plus the special night examine the bangle ... they
cap which you can use over and over again, plus the routine. examine the rope. Magician
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). throws a cloth over the rope,
places the bangle underneath,
MYSTERY. - Fin THE NORWAY NUT makes a few quick manipulations
ning" used an ingenious IN TYING IT THERE!
principle. When you read the instructions you could not believe Now comes the hard part, getting the bangle off the rope.
it was possible. The NORWAY NUT is in the same category. Magician does this by simply cutting the rope, allowing the
A brilliant new magical idea - an impossible-looking nut-off- bangle to fall free!
rod effect using a small unfeked nut and a thin unfeked steel rod. But of course he is left with two pieces of rope. However,
Nut is fairly placed in the centre of the rod, two spectators hold being a magician all is put right and magically the rope is re-
the ends but the nut penetrates right through, or even vanishes stored into one long piece again! Based on an idea by the late
altogether! ROBERT HARBIN.
This is a trick for the bold magician! No sleights are used! We supply you with the ropes, bangle etc., plus the fully de-
No fekes! Just a clever little idea. tailed routine.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
14 inches long, 4 inches diameter at the top. A "Bottom of the Case" item that's a
Folds up small, expands instantly. Produce FEATURE.
it from an opera hat, from the pocket of a A Jumbo Card is placed into a paper
spectator. Great to use with any livestock folder. It is shown to one side of the
vanish, Torn and Restored bunny Paper etc. :audience as the TWO OF CLUBS, then
Complete with a whole sheet of different the same card CHANGES and is shown
ideas. The production of this carrot is a to the audience at the other side as the
funny bit to include in almost any routine. FOUR OF DIAMONDS. Naturally the
Prioe, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). identity of the card is in dispute. Ma-
gician again removes the card from the folder and shows it ...
The Great Masoni Thumb Tie
ED MISHELL writing in his 'Tricks
and it's now BLANK! Folder is opened out and showm empty,
it can be torn up.
of the Trade' column in the GENII This is NOT a "Three Card Trick", only ONE card is Involved
Magazine had this to say:- and this is shown front and back. When placed into the unfeked
"We have seen, practised and per- paper folder, it is at all times visible through a cut-out opening
formed many a thumb tie but when in same. No threads, flaps, wax, stuck-on pieces or switching
this was titled GREAT it well de- Full Jumbo card size, 7" x 4|". Complete with comedy patter.
served such acclaim. The facility Price, £2.50, (U.S.A.$6).
with which you can get your thumbs
in and out of a tightly knotted cord CONNER THUMB WRITER
is AMAZING. It all appears legit.
Would you like to be able to predict
r ___ ■■
No trick ties, no fake knots, no
sleight of hand - just the know-how the amount of change in someone's .
pocket? ... the answer to a predic- 4 y
and one indiscernable gimmick are required. You are supplied
tion made on a blackboard unseen by 1
with a 10 page paper backed book of instructions iUustrated with
you ? The total of three darts thrown J&y /
12 large clear photographs teaching you every step - written by
by three members of the audience ? ...
Lewis Ganson. The cord is given to spectators to examine, laid
Well then, let us introduce you to the
across performer's palms and securely tied as tight as possible
'Conner Thumb Writer'. Please note this is not a 'Swami' or
with several knots around magician's thumbs. Performer now-
nail writer, and unlike 'Boon' or similar type Thumb Writers,
passes a hoop up his arm and removes it without hesitation. In
the Conner Thumb Writer actually clips onto the thumb and en-
fact the hoop may be tossed through the air and caught upon per-
ables any showman to present apparent miracles.
former's arm. The tied hands can pass through the leg of a
Well-made in metal and complete with cards and routines.
chair, a cane, spectator's arm or any solid object. Magician
then invites spectator to sever the cord by cutting it away with a Price £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
pair of scissors. An extraordinary prin-
This is the best version of this great effect I have ever seen.
**** FOUR STARS - EXCELLENT! " ^COL^!C ciple in magic.
Three plastic covers, a
Please specify when ordering if you have a normal size hand or coin is placed under any
small size. one. Magician gazes for
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). a moment at the coloured
spots on the covers and
instantly names under

BILLY BOBTAIL which cover the coin is

No magnets, no hairs
Five nicely-coloured silk-screened
Jumbo cards and an envelope. One of sticking out from the coin, any coin can be used.
We supply the three special plastic covers, they cjn be closely
the cards has a cute picture of a lov-
examined, and full instructions.
able little 'Billy Bobtail', a funny
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)._______________
little rabbit who enjoys lettuces.
Three of the cards have pictures of
the farmers whose lettuces (to their
Imported from HANK LEE'S of
dismay) Billy enjoys - and the fifth the U.S.A, here's a wonderful
card is a big surprise! stage routine. The effect is
The farmers decide to shoot the straight-forward and POWERFUL
naughty bunny. One sneaks in on one side of him, one on the The magician displays three
other. The third farmer stands guard at 'The Warren', Billy's Jumbo cards, blank both sides.
house. One by one he prints faces on the
All comes right though with the children's help. As they shout cards ... first an Ace, then a Two and then a Three of Clubs.
the magic word Billy vanishes and appears in his home and the Throughout, he shows the backs of the cards are still blank.
farmer that was there appears between the other two in Billy's Turning the cards over, he now prints backs on the Jumbo cards
place! one at a time, Anally displaying the newly-printed cards on both
The children get excited when they see another card peeping sides.
from 'The Warren' but this turns out to be a picture of one of the The method for this effect is quite easy; we supply you with the
lettuces Billy brought back with him. Turned around the card special cards and the special instructions, written and illustra-
shows another surprise! ted by Phil Goldstein. A really great little routine that you'll
Our price for the cards, envelope and feature routine is only enjoy performing.
£3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £4.50, (U.S. A.$10.00).
The Art of Eddie Joseph
'Raves' have poured in from all
so lucidly, then we have a book that should be on every con-
juror's shelf."
over the world for this New Can you disregard the opinions of the experts ? If you havs
Supreme Magic Edition of a truly 1 not yet had a copy of this book, you are stinting your Magical
great book. JOHN BRAUN wrote, Knowledge and missing out on some sheer magical enjoyment
"Eddie was one of Magic's most c54rtof THE ART OF EDDIE JOSEPH, a handsome bound book.
Inventive performers. You will Eddie Josepti
find many new Ideas here. One Price £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
of the finest Items is 'MIRAGE' ,
'his most guarded secret'. You
can use this accessory in some
A smart, sophisticated production.
reputation-making magic. Yes,
Two clear perspex panels approx-
it Is an important book! "
imately 131' square; A sheet of black
GOODUFFE said, "A hand-
tissue is placed between them.
somely produced book which is
The tissue paper is punctured and
absorbing reading ... packed
through the panels are produced a
with real gems of magic. "
number of silks. (Four 18 inch ones
JOHN HOLLAND in 'The Magic Circular' wrote this............... and a 36 inch silk to finish can be
"This is in the usual Supreme format, hard covers, some 340
pages with some of the clearest illustrations, both photographic For kids' shows, draw a picture
and line, that we have seen.
on a piece of paper, place it be-
"We can recall Eddie Joseph as a natural magical performer. tween the panels and make your pro-
Anything he did was magical, he had a simple masterly way of duction.
handling props and, above all, he had a simple approach to the
Based on a Massey effect, the clear
workings of his particular line of magic.
panels add enormously to the trick's
"There is considerable merit in re-publishing books after an effectiveness.
absence of 10 years since, with the rapid turn-over of magical Use your own silks.
ideas, there is a heck of a lot of original material in the book.
Carnival Plaques, Price, £15.00,
As usual it is quite impossible to examine the contents in any
_________________ (U.S.A. $40.00).
depth; 13 card tricks, 14 coin tricks, five reel tricks and a
useful page of tips for using the reel, 14 close-up tricks not MAGIC'S BIGGEST BARGAIN! - THE MAGIGRAM MAGAZINE.
involving cards or coins and 15 cabaret items. 12 Big 64 page issues, - a whole year's supply for only £7 50
"Some of these items require skill, some certainly don't but (U.S.A. $18.00).
all deserve the Eddie Joseph touch of perfection so far as pre- THE PENTAGRAM. 8 pages of magic. No ads. Price, £4.50,
sentation is concerned. For Eddie had a marvellous knack of (U.S.A. $9.00).
dressing or staging his effects. Card tricks in his hands be- A clever pocket trick and a
came more than puzzles, and the skilful use of tumblers, rib- well-made utility prop In one.
bons, elastic bands, etc., seemed to expand the trick out of A small tube and three peas.
the range of card puzzles. He was also expert at adapting A red pea, a black pea and a
simple gimmicks to enable difficult sleights to be avoided or in "natural" pea. Spectator drops
achieving effects that would not normally be considered poss- any pea into the tube. Magician
ible. A good example of this is Fertile Fingers which involves states that tube contains the
a gimmick formed from a strip cut from a playing card. natural pea. When the tube is
"He also had a marvellous ability to simplify. For example tipped over the hand of the
his routine for card through handkerchief avoids the need to
palm. It is all done in the natural sequence of the effect. It
is difficult as well as incorrect to select particular favourites
spectator, out pours a quantity
of water!
Apart from as a great bar
though we have to admit that 'The Critical Thrust', a form of gag, you'll think of many other ways of using this tube in your
card stab using a skewer is delightful. It depends on acting close-up magic.
ability more than anything else. Price, complete,! £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
"Copiously interspersed with the description of the tricks
are useful asides as to the philosophy of performing. As
usual we are guilty of quoting, but the quotation is an im- Die Through Silk Surprise
portant one: 'The difference between a strong and a weak ef-
fect does not lie in the mechanics of the tricks, but rather in A 24" silk, a 2|" die, black with
the ability of the performer to convince his audience. Since white spots. The die is in the cen-
mostvof the people in an audience have their own theories as tre of the silk and covered with a
to how a trick is done, one should try to work along what one small red cover. Magically, the
anticipates to be their line of thought, leading them up to the die penetrates right through the
climax where their speculation is exploded'. silk, but surprise! the die is now
"Many years ago in the 'Linking Ring', John Braun wrote plain black. AU the spots have vanished from it.
'I consider Eddie Joseph one of the magical geniuses of this The silk is quite intact. For a stunning climax, the cover
age'. Glancing through this book after an interval of ten is tipped over and aU the missing spots shower from it.
years one can only confirm this opinion. When, in addition, Supplied absolutely complete, ready to work. Can be per-
the genius in question is able to obtain his miracles by such formed under any conditions.
comparatively simple means and moreover to describe them Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).

THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED, 64, High Street, Bideford, Devon, England
A flat cone; yet you produce by Lubor Fiedler
from it an egg and then a real
live dove!
You can use this cleverly
FILM It's a gag that's a stunning
magical effect! A trick
which will mystify you your-
constructed cone for the pro- self as you perform it, for
duction of real flowers or a it uses a most ingenious magical principle.
huge load, or spring flowers, Magician shows a wooden frame (Approx. 8|" x 4") In the
silks, etc. frame there is a printed card. On the white card, boldly
For children's shows you printed in black is a word.
can produce bags of choc- Magician shows the card to the audience, asking them to
olate coins or a fur produc- remember the word ...
tion rabbit. "What word did you see", he asks. "That's quite correct.
Practical, entertaining Was it black on white, or white on black?" VISIBLY a
magic that you'll enjoy change occurs and now this is shown in big, bold WHITE
performing. letters against a black background. AN ASTONISHING
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). CHANGE!
Arthur Setterington's A truly fantastic effect you'll enjoy using.
BARE-FACED BOOK-TEST Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00).
A novel book test you will use in
/ "’S7*«
lots of different ways. posi-negative
The small book of anecdotes sup-
plied has been specially written by GIANT SIZE
Arthur Sette rington. It forms light For those who do

I dll’.'
and amusing reading and appears to stage shows we are
be just a small unfaked collection making this great
of stories. However, the book has effect in a LARGE
been written in a special way and set by our printers to enable SIZE, 17 Ins x 7 ins. I
you to perform an incredibly simple, and simply incredible - BIG - you can see It anywhere. Card Is varnished and in a
BOOK TEST. Yes, with the aid of this book you can dramatical- One-inch wide, HAND-MITRED, RED LACQUERED WOODEN
ly reveal the chosen word, although everything must seem 'Fair FRAME - Really nice.
and square'. Four times the size of our standard model.
This is a clever little concept for the book presents a normal Price. £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
innocent appearance. In fact it can be read right through with-
out fakery being apparent. The book can also be used in con- "Appreciate the excellent material and continuity of both THE
junction with other mental effects or it can be used impromptu, MAGIGRAM and THE PENTAGRAM. All material is usable
the book being lying around in your home and taken up at the items which far surpasses any material in any American publi-
appropriate time and used to demonstrate this novel mystery. cation.
Price, £2.00. (U.S.A. $5.00). "Please keep up the great job! "
Frank Novotny, Darien, Illinois, U.S.A.
We are the only British Dealers to have been given the rights THE MAGIGRAM, £7.50 ($18) per year.
on this item by Werry of Duren, Germany. It's a terrific THE PENTAGRAM, £4. 50 ($9) per year.
Magical Surprise. Sheer Magic!
The book which has undoubtedly
provided much inspiration to not
only the newcomer to magic, but
to enthusiastic practicing amateurs.
But it's not just another begin-
ner's book ... it's one with a dif-
ference. It's a book containing
refreshing ideas, many of which
could be presented in the most
Two empty tumblers are shown and placed mouth to mouth professional of acts. The Adair
in Cocktail shaker fashion. Shaken they VISIBLY become touch is prominent throughout, hill A<l‘lir
filled with cocktail which can be poured into smaller glasses with originality shining through.
and passed out to the audience! Impromptu Magic, More Am-
For Children's shows Lemonade can be used. bitious Problems, Simple Sleights, easy-to-make illusions and
A trick that is clean, clever and ENTIRELY SELF CON- Tiental magic are all covered, along with professional advice
TAINED. No mirror fekes, etc., used, in fact If desired and the do's and don'ts.
both glasses could be passed out for examination at the end! Conjuring as a Craft has become a classic. Is it on your
A quick, slick modern trick for modern audiences. bookshelf?
BEAUTIFULLY MADE AND FINISHED. Make no mistakes Beautifully printed on good quality paper. 160 pages. Bound,
this outfit is absolutely the BEST obtainable at any price. gold lettering on spine. Two-colour photographic dust jacket.
Tumblers are made in special heavy plastic. Deceptive - Illustrated throughout by 54 line drawings and 59 action
and made to work right. Supplied complete with routines. photographs produced on art paper.
I Price. £7.50. (U.S.A. $18.00).______________________ Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). _____________ _
Five plastic chips in a neat
This fantastic novelty surprise
special carrying case. The chips
is a certain laugh you can intro-
have ten different coloured spots
duce anywhere into your pro-
silk-screened on them, one on
each side of the five chips. Spec-
The magician shows a small fish-
tator mixes the chips at random
ing rod with line and hook, but his
whilst your back is turned and covers one. YOU TELL HIM
efforts to catch 'fish from the air',
from a bucket or from a hat are of
Five spectators each turn over chips any way, - and you tell no avail.
the colours on all five chips.
The magician takes hold of the
There are other routines possible and once you get the hang end of the line and WHAM! Sud-
of the clever principle you'll be all set for some GREAT
4 denly a giant fish appears, appar-
ently swafiowing the rod in the process.
The apparatus is colourful and can be freely examined.
The magician says, "I haven't caught a fish but the fish has
Price, including the complete instruction manuscript, £2.50, caught me!"
(U.S.A. $7.00). Can be worked anywhere in the programme as the fish is
'locked' until required. Then, Whoosh! there it is!
Another IAN ADAIR novelty in Many ideas are given with the apparatus. Great to use with
card effects. Always ready. No
other 'Fishy' effects too, 'Tale of Two Fish', etc.
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
You place a prediction on the
Beaumonts Corked Tube

table. Two sets of cards, one
double blank, the other regular Another Supreme Exclusive effect. A
backs. Spectator chooses one piece of apparatus you will use in many,
backed playing-card, putting it many ways. Apparatus consists of a
amongst the double blanks ... weU-made metal tube, 5Ü inches in
it's the one that you have predicted! height x 1| inches in diameter. Tube
The spectators are not altogether impressed but you really is lacquered Black and Gold and comes . . •
fool them in the end. All the cards are blank! complete with a large cork stopper 1 >
Comes complete with all the special cards and the detailed which effectively seals the end. Tube bjgfc
routine. One of Ian's best. is shown empty, sealed up, yet it be- ML
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). comes QHed with silks or ribbons.
Three silks change Into one large Blendo silk. Silks change
su pr e me b l i n d f o l d colour, Cut ropes become restored. You'll devise many
PETER WARLOCK, writing in the other ideas. We give you a very good dozen to start you off.
Old Pentagram Magazine wrote, "A Price of the special tube, cork stopper and routines, £5.00,
trouble-free device that has more (U.S.A. $14.00).
uses than we have space to list. The
/ The New
advantage of this particular method
is that the performer has full vision
All-In-One Coin Box
1 Here's a new model Okito Coin

using an examined piece of material
Box made in Milk-White plastic.
and two very solid pads to cover
Modern and streamlined looking
the eyes.
"For such things as Blindfold 4 it's MORE than an Okito Box for
you can use this box for many,
Drives, or use in a two-person
many, different effects and in
visual code act it is ideal, for the items are definitely unfaked.
many ways as our detailed instructions supplied with each one
show. Use it for the VANISH of a RING OR COIN, for the sur-
We supply the Blindfold, Cloth Pads, and full routines includ-
prising appearance of a coin, for the vanish of a whole stack
ing Information on presenting two sensational stunts. Worth
of coins. You'll say that this excellent box together with the
far more than we charge for it!
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). explicitly detailed routines that go with it, is one of your best-
ever buys in magic.
Auto-Match Rise No doubt about it, the whole outfit is really excellent value
formoney, for it costs you only £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Yes, a new twist on the popular
Rising and Floating Match effect.
Here a match is stood upright on Co l o u r t e s t
The psychology of colours! Each
a matchbox. Slowly the burning
card has two coloured spots on it.
match rises in the air! Slowly it
You place a prediction on the
descends to the box again! NOW
table. Spectator freely chooses -
definitely no force, any one of
After all this the Magician walks
the colour combinations. You
RIGHT AWAY FROM THE BOX (definitely no connections to
show (that because you under-
it). At his command and most spookily the match rises,
stand the 'make-up' of the per-
floating an inch or so above the box! Finally everything can
son) you were able to ascertain
be examined! A clever gimmick. Everyone who has seen
this has raved about it! As near to automation in magic as the colours ne would choose. Works every time... Very,
you wiH get. very easy to do, a great trick!
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
A trick with a RHYME and a HAAKON EDELING
REASON; - in fact every move is wrote: "The best coin
carefully worked out and accounted trick I have seen in
for, and the patter is not only many long years."
clever but darned entertaining too. KEN DE COURCY
AS PERFORMED WITH GREAT wrote: "An absolutely
SUCCESS BY THE LATE BOB superb routine and one
LAWRENCE. It's a variation on of the finest coin tricks
the 'Six-Card repeat' using unfeked I have ever seen in my
cards and 'The glide' but a neat life."
i 11
subtlety has been added and the Ken's letter was
trick given a stunning climax. quickly followed by one from BILLY McCOMB who wrote:
As you recite the story of 'Nap Hand Sam' you repeatedly "Ken has just shown me the best coin trick I've ever seen,
count six cards in your hand, although you repeatedly take one with a wonderful precision gimmick. It's FANTASTIC! I
card away. Things go hay-wire and now you only hold FOUR WANT ONE!"
cards! Place cards back as you will, there's only four there The trick has been praised all over the world. It's the pene-
now, but all's well at the end when Sam holds the WINNING tration of a coin through a handkerchief into a tumbler. AND
HAND. Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten! ! '.'. Two moves are YOU DO IT AGAIN!
involved but the trick is not difficult to learn. ONCE YOU'VE It's so clean and convincing, NO magnets and NO feke coins.
LEARNT IT YOU WILL WORK IT ALWAYS ... it's that sort A really clever precision-made gimmick you'll enjoy using is
of a trick. The ideal interlude in any show. Ideal for dinners, responsible for bringing about this unbelievable effect.
Cabaret etc., as the patter supplied is so exceptional it will SID LORRAINE wrote: "Heartily recommended as a really
appeal to any type of audiences. first-rate coin effect."
Complete with cards, patter and full instructions and routine. We supply you with the special gimmick, a handkerchief and
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). a beautiful book of photographically illustrated instructions.
No skill, No sleights, a clean and clever sequence you'll enjoy
by GEORGE BLAKE Available in two sizes, AMERICAN HALF-DOLLAR size or
ENGLISH lOp. size. Please state which you require.
Just imagine this. A pack of
*>> Price, complete, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
cards is thoroughly shuffled (it
may be a borrowed one). A <<*/
spectator merely THINKS of a THE MAGIC OF THE MAGI
card as they are shown to him
one by one. Immediately the
card is thought of the pack is
Reviewing this in the
cut again and again. The spec- 'Linking Ring', noted Magi-

tator is given the pack in two cal Authority JOHN BRAUN
halves, to confirm or other- wrote: "A collection from

wise, that his card is there. the members of The Order
Whether he says it is or isn't of the Magi, a British
in either half, the performer knows the card immediately and Magical Society numbering
may disclose it as he thinks fit! among its membership, past
No questions asked! If you can cut the cards you can do this. and present, some of the
Inside two minutes you know the card the spectator is thinking World's greatest names in
of and YOU CAN BUILD UP THE EFFECT INTO A COMPLETE magic. 168 pp, 7j" x 9j",
MIRACLE. clothbound, title on front THE MAGIC OF THE MAGI
Comes in the form of a printed, 8 x 10 inch booklet with an cover and spine in gold; handsome jacket; many illustrations,
extra idea for disclosing the thought-of card. both photos and line drawings. In 12 sections there's magic
Devil Divination requires no special apparatus of any kind. from 36 contributors, 10 miscellaneous tricks, 9 close-up
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).__________________________ mysteries, 20 clever card items, 4 mental mysteries, 6
Prompt! 'winners' for children's shows; the late Claude Chandler's
"I want to thank you for the extremely prompt service and all lecture on Stagecraft ... AND MUCH MORE including notions
the excellent goods received." L. Brincat, Malta. and advice.
"Edwin says 'it's a wealth of material ... priceless informa-
STRIKE-A-LITE tion ... ■ IT IS, and all of it PRACTICAL, TESTED, ENTER-
A match is removed from a TAINING MATERIAL ALL READY TO US E. The book pro-
matchbox. Matchbox is closed vides instruction as well as magical nutrition!"
and tossed into the air. As it Make no mistake, this is a great book packed with priceless
falls, the magician reaches material and information you just cannot AFFORD to miss.
out - and strikes the match on Price, £8.50. (U.S.A. $22.00). _________________________
the falling box! DO YOU SUBSCRIBE TO >
That's the effect and it's one THE MAGIGRAM. Magics biggest monthly magazine packed
which never fails to create a gasp of astonishment, yet it is with exciting new magic. Price £7.50. $18.00
a trick that's easy to do with the special gimmick we supply. THE PENTAGRAM. Peter Warlock's publication of fine
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). magic. Price £4.50 (U.S.A. $9)

A collection of ten dumbfounding card

Originated by MICHEAL ROGERS , Ulie's tricks, using a regular deck.
of Dublin. A fine trick which is suit- Duzihfounders The methods are original, and there are
able for either children or adults. With Cards times when you yourself will wonder how a
The audience are asked to take part particular effect was arrived at.

by boitJositu
in a driving test (for children a road no k a -c mt i Just a peep into the contents of the trick
safety angle is used). Three large entitled "One-Eye Joe. " Four Kings are
93 ins. x 7 ins. (approx.) cards are placed in different parts of the deck.. .deck
shown. Each card carries one of the shuffled ... and yet a spectator spells out
colours of a traffic light. the King of Spades, removing one card for
The fun builds up as the spectators each letter.. .and sure enough, the King
get involved in the test. Unsuitable appears. That's amazing, but you do it
for the Continent or the U.S.A, be- with the other three Kings, ending in a most
cause of the different types of ped- novel manner. And remember -no palms or sleights, etc.
estrian crossings there but for Great Britain it's just terrific. In typescript with printed cover.
Packs flat and ideal as a compere item, practical and very, very
effective. Price, £3.00 (U.S.A. $7.00).

Complete, Price, £6.50 (U.S.A. $15.00).

"Drumhead Candle to Silks
A beautiful concept in magic! The
metal tube which can be shown clear
through. A candle is placed inside
so that it can be seen burning over
the top of the tube. The candle Is
snuffed out then the tube is capped
with metal rings and two small
NOT ONE TRICK....BUT N I N E I squares of paper. The drumhead
which has thus been formed can be
All you need to perform 9 clever tricks. NO new principles are given to a spectator to hold.
used. BUT whereas in the past the effects were limited to certain Two different colour silks are van-
coins they can now be performed with these large plastic chips, ished by any method which the per-
each inlaid in red or black. former wishes. The papers at the
1. Show a black chip on BOTH sides. Strike it with a pencil. end of the drumhead are burst and
Chip Instantly becomes RED on both sides. from each side emerges a coloured silk. Straight away the tube
2. Spectator holds a chip tightly. You hold a different coloured can be shown clear through, there is no trace of the candle
chip. Chips change places! anywhere.
3. Show chip on both sides. Have a card selected. Miniature of An innovation in candle vanishes with beautiful apparatus. Use
the card appears on the chip! any silks. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00).
4. Multiplying Chip. One chip only in the hands - yet another

5. A chip covered with a matchbox instantly changes colour.
Missing chip is discovered INSIDE the matchbox.' f. A beautiful plume of feathers rolled
6. A small gummed label is placed onto a chip. Spirit writing ' up in a sheet of cartridge. When re-
appears revealing the answer to a sum! moved, it has changed colour. You
7. Mysteriously a chip passes from hand to hand. DO IT AGAIN repeat it, again and again, until fi-
AND AGAIN! nally it reverts back to its original
8. Two chips, one red, one black are placed into a wineglass. Zivy colour once more.
One chip penetrates right through the glass! Paper is unrolled and can be crushed
9. A borrowed handkerchief is placed over a glass. Chip placed up and tossed out to the audience.
on top. Chip penetrates right through the handkerchief into the Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
Because you KNOW your magic, after reading the above you will
have a good idea what you get! Suffice for us to say that the feke is Comedy Tricks 8 Gags BY DAVEY JONES

100% DECEPTIVE. It comes with another feked chip. PLUS a Novel ideas - Sparkling j
subtle EXTRA, plus two feked chips, PLUS a whole sheet of 52
miniature cards, plus self-adhesive labels and FULL INSTRUC -
Humour - New tricks - Funny YoYo
TIONS FOR ALL THE ABOVE. Percy Abbott saw Davey
CHIP - TRIX is an OUTFIT with tremendous possibilities, far Jones perform these effects
over-reaching the effects we have given. so knew their value to you as an entertainer.
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00). Partial contents are; Rubber Rope, Peek-a-boo Posies, Blade
Bits, Miracle of the Mike, The Egg Tube, The Foo Box, New
WHERE THE BEST TRICKS Wrist Watch trick, Tie Riffle. 26 Typescript pages, illustrated
And with a foreword by Monk Watson.
COME FROM.... Printed covers.
SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). J
EGG BAGS & EGG GAGS Cigarette-Lighter
For some reason, the EGG has Looks exactly like a cigarette but
been an object to promote laughter really it's a lighter. Yes, an end
pretty easily from any audience. pulls off and you operate the lighter
After you have tried some of the to light your cigar!
stunts and wheezes detailed in this Great to use with any Cigarette
publication we believe this will be Production routine. Great to use

aa truer than ever. with the gag "Which is the lighter?"

Contents include 'The Classic Egg A precision-made, refillable gas
Bag', 'The Egg Bag and the Greats', lighter, complete with ideas.
'Dante's Master touches', 'Productive Egg Bag', 'All-net Pro- Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
ductive Bag', Egg on Fan hints and Patter, Gags, Gags and
More Gags.
18 illustrated typescript pages bound into a printed cover. The
greatest novelties with eggs since the omelette was invented!
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Box with a metal rod
running through it. Rod

"DROP-OUT” is removable, box is

pivotted around and
A great close-up mystery! A small shown on all sides.
bottle turned from metal, also a steel Then a production takes
ball bearing. The ball bearing is drop- place from It. It can
ped into a hole in the side of the bottle. also be used for a vanish.
Amazingly, when you turn the bottle Use it with livestock,
over, this ball remains inside! You with silks, flowers,
can hear it inside still moving about spring goods, etc.
but it doesn't fall out! Price, £25.00,
Turn the bottle right way up after a few twists of the neck of (U.S.A. $70.00).
the bottle the ball will come out.
A sheet of black and a sheet of white
It works for YOU - but not for anybody else!
tissue paper are torn together. When
Mystify at the bar! Anywhere! Anytime! No magnets! It's opened they have become transformed
EASY! and you have a picture of a BLACK
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). bottle on a restored WHITE tissue!
Magician crumples up the paper, re-
CHINESE marking that there is nothing he likes
better than a BLACK AND WHITE. He
WASHING MACHINE tears the paper packet open and pro-
If we were asked to name one of the BEST duces from the centre of it a glass of
kids effects we've EVER produced, this REAL WHISKY.
would probably be IT. - A beautifully- Price, complete with ten sets of papers, glass, etc., and full
made prop. A fun-packed routine. routine, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00)._______________________________ _

T You have a "pair of socks", one red sock

and one white sock ... the machine is shown
A Supreme Magic Publication by
KEN DE COURCY. Callingall ma-
empty, a child turns the handle and what a

gicians too who are looking for hit ma-
noise that makes! There's a series of dis- terial with top entertainment value.
asters, - the socks shrink, get mutilated, Feature tricks using the Card Indexes;
blend together into one long sock and eventually come right in the some great off-beat ideas.
end. Magician produces any card but goes on from there, e. g. Birth-
We supply this complete with a great routine. Used and endorsed day Cards, Christmas Cards, etc. To conclude, there's a ter-
by almost every famous kids entertainer you care to mention. A rific climax which always gets a gasp and a laugh.
real tested winner! Price, £55.00, (U.S.A. $150.00). Typescript text, illustrated printed cover.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).

Four small coins tipped from
unprepared pay envelope,
A small metal tube which separates
taken from a neat wallet, are into two halves, a playing-card is placed
used in the best "assembly" between the two halves of the tube and
routine we have seen to date. fastened in position. The card blocks
No skill or sleights used! anything passing through the tube yet
One at a time the coins vanish you show four 2p pieces or American
from under the wallet (freely quarters, drop these into the top of
shown on both sides) and one by one they appear together under the tube and magically, one by one,
the envelope! It looks marvellously magical! Everything can they pass right through the card. A
even be examined if you wish. You get the patter story, (telling great routine by KEN DE COURCY, a
how Berliners move from one side of their City to another), the fantastic effect.
wallet, coins, envelope etc. , and full routine.
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Another Ian Adair notion.
You show both hands empty, 50 WAYS TO PRODUCE A SILK
reach up in the air and you
A collection of 50 ways of pro-
have a fan of cards in each
ducing a silk handkerchief by
Grant. Many of the methods
Looks like clever sleight-
given are of course stock items,
of-hand but no skill is needed'. as well as old ones forgotten by
Full instructions, plus the
most of the present day magicians,
secret apparatus. Complete
but also Included are a good
with cards. supply of NEW METHODS NEVER
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. EXPLAINED BEFORE.
A new match to silk method Is given that is a honey. Match is
lighted and hands are actually empty, you merely flip the match
CARDS and it changes to a silk. This alone is worth the cost of the entire
A funny sequence with a big surprise finish. |
Manuscript form.
A card is chosen, you try to locate the chosen
card four times but fall. Suddenly the four 1 Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
ordinary size cards change into a giant dup- 1
licate of the actual chosen card! Yes, quite FUTURE FUNGUS
visually and very
loiuuiy aiiu y slickly.. • 6
A ’quickie' for the illusionist to include between
The four regular size cards are shown front
his more elaborate spectaculars. A fantastic
and back at one moment, the next moment you
hold a Jumbo-sized card.
Complete with routine.
♦ > trick for the kids entertainer.
Looks magical and mysterious. A long stalk
is shown and on it are six blooms all in a row!
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
♦ Three red ones at the bottom and three yellow
at the top. Magician passes his hand over the
blooms and magically they transpose, until they
DUSHECK'S alternate red, yellow, red, yellow, red, yellow.
Kids entertainers will use this in their Cake-
baking routine. "Here", they will say, "it's
the wrong sort of flour, I'm always getting mixed-
up. Just like the flowers are getting mixed-up!"
... And so they are!!
QUICKER THAN A WINK! A Supreme British Exclusive by ar-
An excellent magical effect.
rangement with STEVE DUSHECK of the U.S.A.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Six miniature U.S.A, coins, are on the clear plastic paddle.
Spectator chooses a number and the coin at that position is the
only copper one amongst the silver ones! DEMALIGHT
Suddenly all the coins vanish with the exception of the chosen Jesse Demaline's 'Mind Det-
one. IMMEDIATELY THE PADDLE CAN BE EXAMINED! ector'. - An electronic box.
Price, complete with all the miniature coins and full routine. Spectator freely thinks of any
£6.00, (U.S.A. $14.00). number. The two numbered
switches not chosen are then
pressed, - no light comes on
the box. When the chosen
Anytime during your show you show two number is pressed the light
hard-board panels 10" x 5j" decorated comes on.
with bottles of beer. Panels are closed The more you do it the more
together FLAT. Immediately a glass Is puzzling It becomes!
picked up and you proceed to pour from Finally, a playing card is
the flat panels, A GLASS FULL OF REAL chosen. A cable is plugged into the box and the other end is passed
BEER, which you can drink yourself or over the cards. When it passes over the chosen one, the light comes
pass to a member of the audience. on!
Please note, these are not double panels. Well-made box and routine.
A full glass of liquid is produced. Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
49 A card is chosen. A coin is
Easy-to-do Card Tricks shown on both sides and placed
A bumper typescript book of easy-to-do on the table. A small piece of
material. Some tricks you have already paper is placed on top of It...
done or forgotten, others will be now to you. Momentarily covered with your
The tricks have been selected for clever- (AW-TO-«*» wallet, the paper becomes
ness in effect and ease In operation and CAIRID PRINTED with a miniature of
can earn you a reputation as a real expert the chosen card!
with the paste-boards yet any of them can I WrtMAWVO«* Complete with detailed routine
be performed right away. | and the special coin, etc.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
2^=.—" Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
A metal ring threaded on-
to a cord attached to two
By ARTHUR SETTERING- handles. Another cord is
TON. This is the Miniature
threaded through. Magician
Ghost Show which Arthur
applies a flame and Whoosh!
Setterington has presented at the spectator's string van-
various Magical Societies
____ ishes, leaving the spectator
and Conventions.
HHH holding the two handles only.
A miniature haunted house, Tho ring I«
The -In- is on rka string
the oH-ln-
during the performance a which the magician holds!
skeleton hand appears, a Originated by George Blake and a Supreme Exclusive. We supply
skull appears, together with the special handles, metal ring, flash string and regular cord.
a date on the shutters. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
There are mysterious hap-
Arthur Setterington reveals all the secrets of his Micro Magic Flash Silks at Finger-Tips
Ghost Show and many others in this 40 page, printed booklet,
The special gimmick
profusely illustrated by Ken de Courcy.
that enables you to pro-
Arthur Setterington has made a definite hit with his Micro Ma- •\>
duce, one after the oth-
gic Ghost Show. There is no reason at all why, after study of
er, three silks at the
this book, you should not do the same.
fingertips. 18 inch or
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00). even 24 inch silks can be
THE GHOST WALKS used. This effect can be
used at any time in the
A sensational and showy il- show.
lusion. A flat board, coffin We supply the special
shaped with a series of holes gimmick, no silks, use
reinforced with metal rings. any silks. I y\
A length of chain and a pad- After the production _________
lock are shown. Everything the silks are free of the gimmick and can be used in any other ef-
can be examined. fect.
Magician permits members of the audience to chain him to the Price, for the gimmick and full instructions.
board. When all is secured and padlocked, the magician appears £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
to be in a sorry plight, yet in no time at all the Escapologist is
free. ‘Flash’ Silk on Rod
We supply the workshop plans telling you how to build and pre- A silver-coloured rod, with red ball ends.
Tied around the centre is a colourful silk.
sent this.
Silk Is removed and assistant holds the rod.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Then the silk vanishes and instantly ap-
up small, springs open
pears tied around the centre of the rod
Please note, in our version of this trick
to monster size, about 4% Inches the handkerchief actually appears tied
diameter x 29 inches long. A AROUND the rod, not merely hanging from
terrific item to include in your it.
Christmas shows, but we give Supplied with detailed routines but no
you many gags and ideas with silks. Use any silks.
each one. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Nicely-made with top quality springs, cloth-covered and attract-
ively painted. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $17.00).
Gellerism Out-Done! A small wallet which holds visit-
ing cards. A card is placed in the
SAM DALAL'S novel take- wallet, it can be seen both sides,
off on the Url Geller stunt through a clear window. Spectator
of bending spoons and forks. can even initial the card through
Magician shows the pic- the window. A playing card is
tures and mysteriously the chosen, when the white card is re-
objects on them become moved, there alongside the spec-
bent, twisted and distorted. tator's signature is a ghostly im-
It is a 'Talk and thought- age of the chosen card; or it can
provoking' feat and a pock- be a message or the answer to a
et trick you'll be asked to sum or the answer to a question'.
do over and over again. The wallet is made from plastic
We supply you with the specially-printed cards, routines etc. No with 'antique leather' look and
•out of this world' talent is called for. It's plain, honest, simple comes complete with blank cards
"magic'." and routines.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
In TOPS, May, 1980, the famous
author, inventor, columnist SID LOR-
JUMBO CARDS Featuring Val Andrew's Cabaret Link-
RAINE wrote: "Gems with Jumbo
ing Ring routine; - alone worth the cost
Cards", collected by Harry Stanley,
of the book. Bijou Bar Act. "Any drink
contains six excellent effects in ad-
called for" for close-up performance!
dition to advice on handling, shuffling
Passe Passe ("in character") etc., etc.
and controlling the large pasteboards.
Typescript form, illustrated and with
If you own a jumbo deck, this booklet
E printed covers.
of twelve pages is a handy one to keep ■ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
with the cards”.
Now an exclusive Supreme Magic publication.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). Cross Your Mind
Six cards, one previously been marked
“CREDIT 5". sniII?F7F” Howard Gower's clev- with a large cross. No force, yet the one
erest trick of this type the spectator thinks of is the marked card
' —_____ we've seen. Four pieces Complete with cards.
of heavy card make up a Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
X perfect square with 49
££1 sj-mbols printed on it.
Magically, one of the £'s Great Square
*— » vanishes and appears in
your pocket. It really does! and it's now in the form of a genuine Ball Mystery
Made by Goshman. A sponge cube
£1 note! Nice routine, great novelty! Price, £2.50, ($6.00).
changes into two sponge balls, the cube

(Croton >toelö
vanishes, then they change back to a
square again.
You get everything to work this right away.
One of the most outstanding Complete with printed illustrated instructions.
childrens tricks ever, with Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
sumptuous apparatus. Jewels
are removed from a casket and
wrapped in the casket, then
Good-bye Banner
Wf’ they vanish again one at a time Performer displays a black banner,
and appear in the Royal Crown. <OQU folds it in half and places a piece of
Fun, business and byplay. BYE brightly coloured ribbon between, He
Not a cheap trick but a trick immediately allows the cloth to fall
which you will use forever. open and the ribbon has arranged itself to form "GOOD- BYE".
Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $80.00). We have added a little touch which makes for easy, worry-free
handling. We detail a number of clever presentations for this effect
CRAZY BALLOON-O-CARD using it as a cod ribbon vanish and so on. A great little walk-off
number. Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. $30.00).______________________
A novel trick. Instead of the card appear- S'"
Ing in the balloon, the name of the card /'
appears printed on it. We give you a supply / Greenwood Lighted Cigarette Act
of the special balloons, plain balloons to
The illustrated manuscript
match and a full routine. T , explains the simple fakes and
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). p' '/ how to make them, and teaches

GOZINTA BOXES Originated by Lubor Fiedler. Per-

you the complete act. This is
a tested routine, by courtesy
formed by the late David Nixon on _ of Abbott's of the U.S.A.
T.V.; by Jeffery Atkins, All Bongo, Lit cigarette after lit cigarette is produced from the air and
Ken de Courcy and scores of other tossed into a bowl and there's a surprise finish.
famous magicians. ________ Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Looking back through testimonials
which we published at the time we RMYARD FROLICS
first marketed this effect, (and there
have been hundreds!), the following
were just a few of the testimonials:
X Originated by EDWIN. Ask
any kids' entertainer and they'll
tell you this is one of the best
John Salisse : "Fantastic principle and kids' tricks ever to appear on
extraordinary effect". Topper Martyn: "I must have one whatever
the cost". GOSCH, from New York: "I really must have this fant-
4- I'lwu*' the market. Packs flat, plays
for a long time, has fun, in-
astic effect". Terry Herbert: "Ken Brooke showed me this. It's terest, by-play. The children
a WINNER. Something really different". Later Ken marketed a make various animal noises as
copy of the effect. the large pictures are shown.
A blue box, approximately 5 inch cube is opened and a red box is When you try, you get them all
taken from inside it. The red box is shown empty and then the blue mixed-up! Then one of the
box is placed Inside the red one. It's IMPOSSIBLE. Repeat it so characters disappears, (the Cat), and appears popping up and down
you are back as you were. - Ono go-zin-ta the other!'.! from behind the farmhouse. No words can do justice to the great
This is the only authorised version sold with the permission of reaction you'll get from this.
Lubor Fiedler. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). Price, complete with the fun-filled routine. £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00),
What is it? A comedy "Stag
IN FISH BOWL item". You'll get a laugh out of
it! You can read it in your shows
Wonderful as a side show illusion or
1 and your audience will laugh too! □ ?
attention-getter. Head talks, sings, Q
smiles, etc. "Broad", but very, very funny.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). The Great "W.C." Mystery, Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).

CHRISTIAN'S FLICK KNIFE An astounding effect with

a type of hunter's knife.
Another fantastic effect that's great
There is no spring to keep for the kids entertainer. A Hoop-La
the blade open or closed. board and six single rope rings which
Spectator can examine it. can be examined. Boys and girls
Magician turns the knob on throw the ropes at the board. Finally,
the handle three times and you gather them up and they all join
I to the surprise of everyone together in a long chain.
the blade automatically slams Great plot and a wonderful routine.
closed! You can <to it over and over again but no-one else can! Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Supplied with the Flick Knife is an exclusive Ken de Courcy routine.
It involves a borrowed coin and is mystifying and bewildering.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
A clear-glass tumbler is covered with

/ fa
For the performer who plays Carni- a handkerchief. A borrowed coin van-
vals, Circuses, Clubs or has a large 15 GREAT ILLUSIONS ishes and is heard to fall into the glass.
stage show. Detailed instructions and Yes, it really is there! The handkerchief
illustrations which enable you to build and tumbler are unfeked. Special gim-
your own illusions at small cost. mick which comes complete with illus-
CONTENTS INCLUDE: Girl In The trated instructions.
Balloon, Headless Man, Rajah's Tent, Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Dancing Slippers, Laundry Bag Illu-
sion, Witch's Broom and Rope, Human
X-Ray, Buzz-Saw Illusion, Light Bulbs SMALL COST!
Fantastic Five Five fantastic effects in manuscript
Thro' Girl, Book of Life, etc. form that constitutes FANTASTIC
The secrets of these Illusions would cost many times as much if VALUE FOR MONEY. Effects are
v// 'Invisible Dice', 'Fire!', 'Supreme
purchased separately.
15 GREAT ILLUSIONS, Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Lock and Keys', 'Silk Prediction Su-
preme', 'Indian Hunter'.
STEVE DUSHECK'S ILLUSIVE BUTTERFLY No properties supplied. All the
apparatus is obtainable anywhere, in any store or you have it
A funny bit with a butterfly which lying around in your home. Five unusual effects in one Bumper
flits around. It really does appear Bundle. FANTASTIC FIVE. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
alive. Not for close-up,but a 'must'
for club or stage shows.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). The FOURPENNY ONE
The cards have pictures of * s u pr e me e x c l u s iv e !
FIVE THOUGHTS AHEAD Old English Pennies on them,
'heads' upwards. Turned
PETER WARLOCK'S effect that can be
easily followed by the audience and which over, one card shows a 'tail'
gets a gasp of amazement at its climax. of a sort! You appear to
FIGURES. WORDS or CARDS may be used. palm away a card, then you
You predict the chosen numbers, - not only have three tails.
that, you mark the one which was freely Do the coins have any val-
thought-of. ue today? The word 'NO' ap-
Instructions by Peter Warlock include many pears!
ideas and suggestions. What can you buy for fourpence? Other letters now appear, to
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). turn the word to 'NOWT'. A perhaps vulgar English or common
way of saying nothing!

Five playing cards, four are If you ever saw George Blake work this, you will certainly want
RED, one is BLACK. Without it. Complete with the specially printed cards, illustrated routine

a single false move FOUR cards and full patter story.
are tossed onto the table and the ________ Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
BLACK card has vanished and “HALF RIGHT’’
is reproduced from the pocket. Magician shows three cards, cards are mixed about
Eliminating three cards you %
and the first card is shown. Spectator is asked to
proceed with only two, to bring name the card. He names the Seven of Clubs. After -
the effect to a surprising climax. sufficient byplay he turns the card over and it's a
All five cards are left on the table 3|! He's only HALF RIGHT! Full faces of all cards ||
for examination. are shown, ther are no half cards, pocket cards,etc.
Complete with illustrated instructions^ I*
No skill. Price, for the special cards and routine,
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). £0.75, (U.S.A, SI. 50). _________
TARBELL CONE The Invisible Deck (»LAVTWC
Made from a tough, A nice metal casket. An invisible pack of cards Ä
fancy paper. All edges
becomes visible and the one card reversed is the

reinforced with binding. one the spectator chose.
Show separate ribbons, Limited stocks.
place them into the cone MW Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $28.00).
and they come out joined together.
Other effects in the instructions include a Humorous Silk Vanish JACK, THE GIANT KILLER
and a Smashed Watch routine. Use it for producing or changing
A great children's effect that has
silks, producing spring flowers, and so on.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $9.00). ACTION, FUN and SUSPENSE!
Three children from the audience
play the principle parts: One rep-
“50 TRICKS WITH THE resents a Beanstalk! Jack is tied
TARBELL CONE” to it with two green ropes. Giants
A Supreme Magic publication. heads are shown, two children representing the giants. The heads
Typescript pages, flexible cover. are threaded on the ropes. Miraculously the ropes pass right thro-
Varied contents include tricks with ugh the Beanstalk, leaving it intact. JACK COMES FREE! Extremely
Eggs, Tobacco, Dominoes, Money, colourful, a stage-filling item, packed with FUN and BUSINESS.
Paper, Milk, etc. SILK TRICKS I Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $50.00).

1'’• w el l ’
Compiled by RAVELLE & ANDREE.
No mirrors are used. This is a
strong feature. Girl is seen without
CONE 50 Tricks with the Tarbell Cone. a head, all enclosed in a portable
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). cloth cabinet. The instrument panel
SPECIAL DEAL: We will supply a Tarbell Cone TOGETHER with is very elaborate looking and when it
the book '50 Tricks with the Tarbell Cone', for the SPECIAL PRIVI- is operated the coloured liquids in the cleat glass jars bubble
LEGE PRICE OF £4.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). with life and action - making this a most colourful as well as
a most mystifying illusion. Girl's hands and feet move, show-

MILK, GLASS 8 COINS ing that she is very much alive.

A FEATURE illusion for a side show. FULL WORKSHOP
Here is a smart opener. First, the PLANS. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
\ clean-cut production of a glass of milk

I (or any other liquid), from a handker-

chief. The drinking of the liquid fol-
lowed by the production of seven coins Another two great ef-
that are dropped into glass, one at a time. Glass is covered fects in sealed manu-
with handkerchief and held in place with a rubber band. Glass script form. Scoop 'Em.
inverted ... coins, seen and heard ... the hank removed ... Uses any newspaper or magazine, Word selected by spectator
COINS HAVE VANISHED ... The vanish of the coins is really is the word predicted by magician, Any newspaper or maga-
zine ... any column, and it works!
The Jogestja Living and Dead Test. John
This effect uses ordinary articles such as clear full size tum-
bler, liquid of any kind,(seven coins and a pocket handkerchief.
Full working routine and patter. No special apparatus is re-
Booth said, "A new improvement on old me-
thods. The principle is very clever and well §3
worth the price asked.
quired. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $1.50). On several similar slips the names of living
people are written; one dead name is written, Without the least
HAND-BAG - difficulty, performer removes one slip and hands it to the volun-
teer, who unfolds it to find that it bears the name of a dead
CHANGE BAG celebrity. You can present this anywhere. You can borrow
A wonderful utility-prop, great for materials entirely. No extras, not even an extra slip; the
slips are positively all alike; there is no forcing whatsoever. No
any type show, - a Changing Bag
rough edges or similar subterfuges but a really new and novel
BUT made like a Hand-Bag and with
two handles. Bag is most attractiv-
"DOUBLE TOP" the two excellent effects together, in sealed
ely-coloured and with fancy braid and
manuscript form. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
You can show the bag empty and then
produce items from it! A great trick and a utility prop in
You can change silks in the bag. one. A plain piece of paper 30" x
You can use this for any of the eff- 30" is shown BLANK ON BOTH SIDES.
ects which you would normally perform with a standard Handle- Printed slips bear the names of differ-
type Change Bag. - ent holiday resorts, one is chosen.
Use it for the 20th Century Silks ... and so on. WHEN THE PAPER IS UNFOLDED IT
Ideal for the Mutilated Sunshade effect! IS FOUND TO HAVE CHANGED TO
Supreme HAND-BAG - CHANGE BAG can be used by any type per- A HIGHLY COLOURED ONE, adver-
former, from the most sophisticated right through to the childrens' tising the CHOSEN HOLIDAY RESORT.
entertainer. Complete with full instructions for easy handling and Everything is supplied. To add to the entertainment even a
many different ideas. funny 'Patterlogue' accompanies each one.
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00). Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
A crazy trick. A pack of cards is
A collection of marvellous mental myster- MIND
shuffled and two cards shown, a red ies using subtleties instead of sleights. YOUR MAGIC
«---- > one, the Seven of Hearts and a black None of the effects are 'pipe-dreams' ...
ft? one, the Four of Clubs. The cards all of them have been audience-tested, and
are supposed to change places but only many of them are used regularly by Charles
the colours go, and you end up with Cameron in his own shows.
a BLACK SEVEN OF HEARTS AND A Striking examples of Charles Cameron's
RED FOUR OF CLUBS! creative powers. AU magicians with any
Easy to do. You get the special cards leaning to the mental side of the business
and routine. Price, £1.50. (U.S.A. $4.00). wiU find within the pages of this book, ma-
terial that will prove fascinating to both
them and their audiences.
Most of the effects given are of the one-man variety, although
Eddie Joseph's A most can be adapted to two person performance, if you wish.
15 EXCITING MINUTES A 64 page printed book in light board, Illustrated covers. Here
WITH A BORROWED DECK is material you wiU enjoy reading about and will USE.
Routine comprises FIVE different effects, each able to stand out Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
on its own merit - and when combined, even though you appear to
be doing the same thing, you will confuse the most logical minds, Do it yourself discovery
because you vary your secret procedure each time. Ken de Courcy's unusual effect
All sleights have been eliminated and even though you may never with Jumbo cards. At the end,
have done a card trick before, you will be able to earn the reput- Magician shows that he knew exact-
ation of a highly-skilled card worker. ly which card has been chosen, al-
Suitable for close-up. Be sure and use a borrowed deck. though the entire action has taken
You create such miracles as predicting two cards in a most unus- place in a spectator's hands. Suit-
ual manner, a clean vanish and location of two cards, locating a able for stage or after-dinner per-
card through the beat of the spectator's pulse. formance. Complete with cards.
Even expert card men will find this most absorbing. In typescript Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
with printed cover. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).


A handsome tapiet. Spectator tosses a Jumbo size cards with pictures of rabbits. /
deck of cards into the air and you catch Just two, wait a moment, there's a third one. Ag
the chosen card (or cards) on the blade of Magician removes the third one and starts Ate
the sword. A classic effect. again to show just the two little rabbits but
Price, £40.00, (U.S.A. $120.00). again he has three. Everytime you take one
4 away you still have three left. Finally you
have a whole handful of them! Remember
Peps up that lull at any party - Great
these are Jumbo sized cards. Easy to do. Amusing plot and pres-
entation. Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $10.00).
interludes for your performance - Laughs 2
galore .
A collection of 50 crazy card gags, THE IDIOT AT THE CARD TABLE
Here is a book with no biddies, se-
tricks, stunts, catches, etc., for wise conds, tops, middles and injogs! It's
guys and what not. All under one cover a collection of STUNTS, GAGS,
in manuscript style. TRICKS AND WHEEZES for the card-
We wager you will get pounds worth of man who does not take himself too
fun witl these card gags at the first gathering you attend. seriously! THIRTY-FOUR FUNNY
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). STUNTS that are REAL HEP! You'll
MAMMOTH GUILLOTINE get fun from them, and your audiences will too!
If you hear a slight whirring noise whilst you are reading this
__ Full plans for building this sensational
illusion which was originally developed and book, it will be Mr.Erdnase ... revolving! Typescript text,
printed covers.
made by Abbott's for the "Will Rock-Thurs-
Idiotic material - at an Idiotic Price! Only £2.50, (U.S.A.$6.)

ton sflow"' A large steel blade is raised
and locked in position. A large vegetable FANTASTIC FACSIMILE
is placed In the head position. The lever is
operated and wham! the blade falls cutting
the vegetable into two. A par-excellence mlnd-read-
The blade is again raised, the victim's Ing effect, originated by Stewart

head is secured and a small basket is placed James.
in position to catch the falling head. The Six cards, each bearing six
J—<,.j lever is operated, down comes the blade. words. Any one is secretly
The audience will swear they actually see .. selected. The chosen word Is
the head severed from the body. As the magician removes the then spelled out by the Magician, letter by letter.
head from the basket, they can plainly see the body lying flat on Can be used close-up and also on the largest stage. This looks
the platform, minus the head. It's a sensational illusion! like genuine mind-reading.
FULL WORKSHOP PLANS. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, including card, £2.00, (U. S. A. $5.00).
Something new in Diminishing Cards. A
Yes, another rope trick - and we can
deck of cards diminishes and then stretches safely say that this one is different both
back again to a full size pack! 1 in treatment and effect. The ends of a
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). piece of rope are tied, the centre cut and
A COMPLETE ACT OF FAKE HYPNOTISM the ends brought together forming two
without stooges! Yes a series of stunts which circles of rope. The circles disappear as
make you appear as a Master Hypnotist, pre- the hands are drawn apart and rope is
senting a demonstration of "Personal Magne- restored. Can be repeated immediately
,and the rope can be examined. Price £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
tism!" In fact no skill is needed and all the

stunts are easy to do! Some of the stunts

ffl. are old, but here they have been routined to-
gether and "dressed-up" as to appear new.
A full-sized card diminishes to half size,
then to quarter size, and finally vanishes.
TRIX\ All are good entertainment with the accent
on the unusual. Also included in the collec-
Always an effective number to perform. No
skill. Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
tion of material is an excellent SPIRIT HAND, wherein the hand
really does appear ALIVE, moving about, etc., and answering DIVINING CARDS
questions by tapping once for "yes" and twice for "no" in the Anyone thinks of a NAME or NUMBER picking
approved fashion. out and handing you the cards on which their se-
Mr. "Astute Showman" will find this manuscript a great in- lection appears. You are instantly able to name
vestment. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). their choice! No skill or practice required. It's
all in the cards. Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
d e v eg a s 'do it again’folder ___ Jack Yates' Master Card effect
Two cards appear in tne folder. When closed
J} ) which will appeal to lovers of subtle
and reopened, two completely different cards ap-
pear. A cute idea. You'll be fascinated by the fc principles and hidden mathematical
working. Complete with many clever ideas. I f workings. Performer lays out cards
/ I to represent a telephone dial. The
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
/ urX J/» spectator selects a 'phone number -
I®* "
entirely free choice of thousands.
Whilst the performer's back is turned
Two excellent effects in sealed manu- spectator "Dials" the number by dealing out cards. In due
script form. - Freedom of the Seize. The course, and without any moves or questioning, the performer
magician gives a remarkable demonstration tells the spectator his 'phone number. IT'S NOVEL! IT'S
of finger sensitivity by naming a reversed INTERESTING! IT'S MAGIC! Do it with an ordinary pack.
card even without seeing it. - No.2. 'Ca- Do it at once after reading the detailed instructions.
balistic Chronology'. An out-of-the-ordinary prediction effect Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
with coins. Cards are dealt in heaps to correspond to the
dates of selected coins, yet your previously written prediction
discloses the name of a card in an impossible manner. D,VS'ED thisByis Harry Leat. It should be understood that
a Collector's piece, - a book published by
Two effects. 'DOUBLE HEADER'. Sealed manuscript. otvwrico the late Harry Leat many, many years ago. We
_________________ Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00)._________________ __
have a limited number only. Fair condition.

HARMONY IN RED S BLUE zfix Besides much interesting magic, there is a sec-
tion devoted to Ventriloquism - a wonder figure,
The artiste shows and shuffles a red- /" * .flat and a capital dialogue.
backed pack of cards. He removes one / We repeat - LIMITED NUMBER ONLY and when
card from the pack and places thjs Kg» • they are sold they cannot be repeated.
FACE OUTWARDS in a clear glass,goblet. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).________________
Next he similarly shows a BLUE-backed pack of cards and
one card is FREELY selected by a spectator and this is also
placed into the glass. The card chosen by the spectator is
One of NICK TROST'S best. Six blank
turned around and exactly matches the one picked out from cards, yet the magician shows he Is able to
the other pack by the performer! print any cards to order. WINNING CARDS
No forcing! No suspicious manipulations! Almost automatic for various games are printed visually.
in working! You can use any wineglass, any pack of cards. We Finally all the cards change Into a Poker
supply you with the full instructions and the extra gimmick Hand. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
which makes the effect possible. Price £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Two discs and two silks. Myster-
iously discs change places. Discs You show 4 cards with ordinary backs
are 2) inches in diameter. claiming they have been carefully mark-
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). ed - but no one can see the "invisible"
marks. When the backs of two of the
A number of imaginary tune titles.
cards are shown again, however, a pair
of large black X's appears on each
Spectator chooses one and magician di- card! When the other two cards are
vines it. No marked cards, the method shown again - SHAZAM! - these, too,
of divination is most novel. are marked on the back with LARGE
Complete with cards, miniature wand BLACK X's!l Complete with Special cards.
etc., and routine. Price £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Appears to be just a large, fancy hand-
Hans Andersen’s
kerchief. With our Devil's Handkerchief Opening Trick
it is easy to vanish a coin, egg, ball, A cane, held between the
card, etc. Take the handkerchief and hold hands, changes to a 24" silk
it by its four corners so that it forms a with a large bouquet of flowers
little bag. Drop the article to be vanished in the centre. Unusual and
inside, give the handkerchief a shake and the article has gone! unexpected. Supplied complete.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £25.00, (U.S.A.
Qne canj jg p]aced to on0 sjde Then flve
NICK TROSTS cards are shown blank on both sides Three DEVON DRUM
FLIM-FI AMl°fthe blank cards change to Tens, then the A most useful utility prop. Perfect for
• Mr?”unknown original card is shown, it is an ACE. vanishing a silk or a burnt and restored
/untia (However, when the Tens are shown, they have treasury note. Made completely In metal
- A SUMI lYf.ROFPIR _ ' all changed to Aces too. Complete fake cards and supplied with a whole manuscript of
and routine. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). ideas. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).

J' ' /■
The famous Two-way wallet
»föKgBgraü • L;?AA which you can open either way Corinda's liquid production beaker. A
WBEjSSSal >■-. I*"*X tr and it will change cards, envel- ball appears In a tot glass, then finally
"opes, etc. , etc. Money can a real "High-Ball", for the glass is filled
appear Inside the wallet. The with liquid. Special beaker, two cork
4 Himber Style Wallet is a prop balls, glass and routine.
you will thrill to own, and de- Price, £4.50. (U.S.A. $10.00).
'light to show.
Price, complete with routines, Black pigskin, £12.50, (U.S.A. Double Flower Wand
$30.00). Touch your lapel with your magic wand and
Plastic model, Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). a red carnation appears. Pretend you don't
We have a few smaller models made in black leather, U.S.A. like the colour, touch it again and now a white
Dollar size, Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). one appears. Complete with the Dowers and
nice wand.
HIGH JUMPER Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).

A spot card on the table jumps into the
hands and changes places with all four wild Colour Changing Plumes to Bouquet
cards, one at a time. Finally, the spot
A tube of feathers passed through a paper tube,
card changes into a wild card, too'.
the PaPer is unrolled, there is a bouquet of
Dowers completely filling it.
Price, £2,50, (U.S.A. $6.00),__________
Iz>j^'l_________ Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $70,00),_______________
A pocket nifty with a safety pin and a hand- Flash Changing Bouquet
kerchief. Without cover of any kind a bouquet of
The pin is impaled in the hank which is roll- SunDowers change to a bouquet of contras-
ed around the pin. In the story the safety pin ting coloured Carnations. Real flash
represents Harry Houdini. Without any magic.
help he escapes, leaving no trace of how he
did It. Price, £0.25, (U.S.A. $0.50). Price, £35.00, (U.S.A. $80.00).


(Also known as the Buddha Papers) A coin
Which came first, the chicken or the egg!
Suddenly and surprisingly the egg changes wrapped in three thicknesses of paper, van-
to an 18" silk with a picture of a funny- ishes or changes into another! Instructions
looking hen on it! All self-contained. You include a nice little routine.
can use the egg in your egg bag routine. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $1.50).
Price. £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Twelve Mysteries with Unprepared Cards
by F.V.Schoneck. Winning at Gin Rummy;
Houdini Trick Snap Lock /ft Hole Card Wild; Cards of Unrest; Double
Lock is closed yet in a moment, without Denouement; Mental Reverse; Incredible

the aid of picklocks or similar devices, you Prediction; Four Card Finale; Thoughts
have It open again! The lock can be wrap- Across Space; Miracle from Smoke; Mi-
ped in a spectator's handkerchief or sealed racle from Smoke No.2; Impromptu Daub
In a cloth bag. When the spectator opens Location; Cards do Not Lie.
the bag, the lock Is open. Merely press the lock at the right place f.V.SotOsUK Novel principle and some great effects.
with the finger, or the key for it to snap open! It's as easy as that! < */ ■ \?/ Highly recommended. In Typescript form.
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Werry's great effect. The small A typescript book that is great
»AM I.
metal chip passes from one hand to value for money which is indispensable
the other. You do it again, this for the dove worker and those contem-
plating including dove magic in their
Again the chip passes from hand
to hand, AGAIN it changes colour!
MAGIC) programme.
A Contains effects that are showy and
‘ There's a big surprise when the
chip CHANGES TO A FOREIGN % IAN ADAH? fh have audience-appeal - Doves and
Silks Production, Trlang Dove Screen
COIN! Vanish, Dove on Perch Production
\ 'Never mind' says the magician, and many more.
w .0 'if I do this enough times I might Price, £2.50 (U.S.A. §6.00).
K even save up enough to spend a
holiday abroad!'
"CHIP-CHIP" is unsuitable for beginners in magic because it
requires a certain surity in presentation and practice. This was Ian Adair's second booklet
A new type gimmick, which we supply with this, is never seen or on dove magic. Contains dove magic
suspected by the audience and it's productive of some clever magic. with a difference, for example A LAD -
Special gimmick, chips, coins and fully illustrated Magic tutor. DER OF DOVES. A threefold screen DOVE
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. §20.00). Is made into a triangular container and AAAGIC
when lifted up, there is a long ladder by
with several doves sitting on the various IAN ADAIR


There's much more, including Adair’s
original Prize-winning Super Dove Lev-
A finely-made item. Can $ itation.
be used as an inexhaustible Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. §6.00).
bowl and It's got an excell-
ent feature. Handsomely
made in copper and stands I
about 7| Inches high. A
first-rate professional prop. You can use this as a "Foo Can"; for
5 The third booklet in this series but
different from the others. A treatise
vanishing liquid use it as a Lota Vase.
I D°X^r 1 on dove magic by Ian Adair that's

We predict that you'll be surprised at its versatility. ’ packed with information AND practical
I plNALE effects. In addition to the excellent
Price, £12.50 (U.S.A. §35.00). B ^.iiirmiiibninciill
tricks, there are HINTS AND TIPS ON
DATE-A-GIRL KEEPING DOVES by leading British
Dove-workers and Adair's own version of the CAGE AND DOVES
Who said that Stage Mental tricks have VANISH.
to be as dry-as-dust! Each curvacious In typescript form, similar format to the previous titles,
cutie wears a teeny-weeny bikini and each Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. §6.00).
| bikini is a different colour! The backs

? of the giant cards bear the girl's names.
- Spectator on stage places the cards into DOVE MAGIC ENCORE
' envelopes and decides which 'doll' he'd It really had to come - an addition
like to date. When he opens the envelope 'i • to the previous material which many
KNCOra acclaimed as THE BEST YET! We
have seen a lot of the dove magic
Cards are 9 inches x 6 inches. Heavy stock. Big enough to be from this book at work and it’s GOOD!
seen anywhere. Eleven wonderful items in a type-
You can repeat it! It's great magic and fun! script book.
The cards supplied are to Supreme's usual high standard and the Price, £2.50 (U.S.A. $6.00).
routine makes this great entertainment and certainly something
different in mind reading.
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. §18.00).
The four typescript booklets offer some EXCITING AND UNUSUAL
Chair Servante DOVE MAGIC and you should certainly have these. We will make
Any chair is turned Into a useful magical a special offer for the FOUR BOOKS, when taken together, normal
aid, enabling you to vanish a tumbler or price, £10.00, (U.S.A. $24.00). Special privilege price, £8.00,
exchange a pack of cards. This is some- (U.S.A. §20.00).
thing you have always wanted. Made on
a metal frame, fixes to any table by means FUNNY BUNNIES
of a drawing-pin. An attachment holds a Another Supreme original. A pock-
pack of cards and makes a clean switch et trick you will enjoy. A black rab-
possible. bit in a white hat and a white rabbit in
With eaoh one we supply a manuscript "Ten Tricks with a Chair a black hat change places. Complete
Servante", you'll think of many more. with special cards, routine and patter.
Price for the Servante and manuscript, £4.00,(U.S. A. §10.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. §4.00).
Blank-Mazement is what we call
Two effects in sealed manuscript form that you will certainly
this effect and blank amazement No 1 ‘OUT OF THE SMOKE'
is the reaction you will get from

the spectators when they witness Three different brands of cigarettes, S'vSyk
this new and startling effect! one is chosen, no force. The seal is ä h h e SMOKE1.
A pack of cards is cut into two broken and the cigarette removed from
piles. Two blank cards are the pack and placed between your lips.
shown on both sides, - no hinny, Borrow a dollar bill. Spectator tears
phoney moves. The blank cards a corner from the same. With a light- O» C.«A«1TTC$

are touched against one packet; ened match you set the envelope in 3A
on separating them, one card is which the bill is placed on fire and
now printed with a replica of the light your cigarette with the bill! (pfCTATo* TfAAl
0*1 ARD
cut-at card! Breaking the cigarette open the dollar Sa m Im»
faoM cioAMirr

Spectator himself takes a second blank card and simply touches bill is inside, even to the matching
it against the second half packet of cards. WHEN HE TURNS THIS corner.
All the cards can immediately be examined.
NOW GET THIS! - You do not have to learn any special Counts,
no 'Biddle Moves', 'Elmsley', 'Ascanio' or similar type sleights
You get the special cards, - sure, they are special cards ...
Revealing many new, unusual, entertaining and worthwhile routines
we did tell you the working was almost automatic, didn't we? ... that can be worked with the Television Card Frame.
supplied in a neat plastic wallet. You use any deck. (Supreme can supply). Presentations that add new life to this great
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). piece of apparatus.
Ask for "DOUBLE VALUE ! " We supply the two manuscripts to-
gether for:-

Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).

By ALLAN LAMBIE. A collec-

tion from Allan Lambie's note-
Ken de Courcy's great version of the
books embracing many spheres Cards to Pocket. Four cards vanish one at
COLLECTED in magic. Card tricks, Pocket a time from a handkerchief, to appear in
perplexers, 'Betchas', For-
TRICKSGAGS mulas, Laugh bits. A valuable
the magician's pocket.
There's a surprise finish when the last
STUNTS Price for the entire collection,
card appears In an unexpected place!
We can supply Flying Aces on its own as
£1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). a manuscript or with a Mephisto Handker-
chief, for those who do not already own this
most versatile magic prop.

Nick Trost's 'Old Sucker Manuscript only, Price £1.00, (U.S.A.
Game' with a new, surprising $3.00).
twist. Mephisto Handkerchief. This is the spec-

A spectator tries to paper- ial type of Devil's Handkerchief with the no
clip the Ace - but fails', over sag feature. Wonderful for many effects.
and over again. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Mechanical, easy-to-do'. SPECIAL OFFER Get the Mephisto Handkerchief and the instruc-
Complete with special printed
cards, clip and directions. NICK TROST tions plus the Flying Aces routine, together at the special privi-
leged price of £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)
’“"c r azy ma t c h r o u t in e Lovers of intimate pocket magic have de-
lighted at this effect from that Master of
Deception- WERRY!
A match placed in the closed fist
A marble-sized plastic ball, is examined
seems to turn itself around'. The
together with a sheet of plastic with a num -
method is changed three times. As
ber of holes in it. The magician places the
soon as the spectator thinks he has
ball on the plastic, then to block the holes
discovered one solution, then you

over he slides an extra plain square under-
perform it another way'. The climax
neath the sheet with the holes. Impossibly
comes as a big surprise.
the ball,which has remained in full view
No special apparatus supplied, be- throughout, passes right through the holes,
cause none is needed. You get the illustrated instructions. If you RIGHT THROUGH THE SOLID SHEET and lands in a crash into a
will trouble to learn this routine you will find it to be a first-class tumbler which is placed beneath it.
investment. An excellent piece of close-up magic. No hand gimmicks, no pulls. EASY TO DO.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
CHOP CUP The greatest of all the 'One
cup - one ball' effects and a
trick which is capable of infin-
ite variation once you have A 'One cup' routine using
a nice-looking plastic beak-

grasped the simple basic prin-
ciples involved. er and a few crumpled-up
The photograph will give you pieces of tissue paper. K's
some idea of the beauty of the the Chop Cup in a new guise
K? and appears semi-impromptu.
apparatus supplied, a highly
polished, anodised, spun metal Many variations are poss-
cup and a crochet-covered ball. ible, for example, use
The whole outfit goes into a neat carrying-bag which has a draw- crumpled-up Treasury
string top. When opened out and laid flat on the table the bag doubles notes, - a nice climax is given.
as a demonstration pad. We sell the whole outfit for a FANTASTICALLY LOW PRICE.
- A series of clever-looklng surprises all performed without Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
sleight of hand - (GOOD NIGHT
Show the ball and the one cup, -place the ball into the pocket and THE CHINESE GOODNIGHT SWEETHEART)
mysteriously it appears back under the cup! You do it again! There A large placard boldly printed with
is definitely nothing under the cup ... the hands are definitely empty Chinese letters. 'This', the Magic-
yet mysteriously the ball materialises under the cup once more! ian confides 'is GOODNIGHT in Chin-
The audience think they are 'catching on' but they are in for a big ese'. As the Magician quickly folds
surprise. When the cup is lifted up, underneath it is a giant ball the paper the writing CHANGES and
completely filling it! now the words 'GOODNIGHT' appear
Before the audience have had a chance to recover, the cup is lift- boldly printed in ENGLISH.
ed again and now there is a real lemon or a potato or an orange 'BUT THIS MEANS GOODNIGHT IN
Inside the cup!!! ANY LANGUAGE! SAYS THE PER-
- Supplied with a great routine and novel presentation ideas - FORMER TURNING THE NOTICE
Star performer, magician PAUL DANIELS has proved the CHOP OVER TO SHOW A GORGEOUS CUTIE
CUP when properly presented has tremendous audience appeal and ALL DRESSED FOR BED IN A LITTLE
can be visual to any audience. The skill lies in the presentation FRILLY 'NIGHTIE'!
although the CHOP CUP is largely mechanical. A sure laugh finish! BEAUTIFULLY PRODUCED AND SILK
We supply you with a handsome CHOP CUP, two special crochet- SCREENED. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
ted balls, a large ball for the climax, the carrying bag-cum-per-
forming mat, and the detailed routine, all yours for:- GOOD-LUCK GOOD NIGHT
Prlce, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
"Just received the CHOP CUP, it's great! "
Stephen Tucker, St. Helens. ’ A knock-out addition to the old but
ever popular "Good-night Banner".
POLISHED COPPER CHOP CUP The velveteen banner is shown blank
A full-sized CHOP CUP complete and exactly as above but with a on both sides and folded in two. TWO
lovely copper finish. It's heavier than the usual model, a de luxe pieces of ribbon, are shown and drop-
outlft. <r ped between. The banner is shaken
Price. £12.50, (U.S.A. $28.00). ^ED TO THE FRONT TO SPELL "GOOD
LUCK". The banner is turned around
Yes we have them! Now at
and there is the other colour RIBBON TO SPELL "GOOD-NIGHT".
A sure signal for applause. Price, £16.50 (U.S.A. $40.00).
last you can perform the eff-
ect which you have always
dreamed of performing at any BREAKAWAY DIE BOX
time. The cup is a beauty, A Die Box with a difference. The
just over two inches high. die is a real outsize one, 4 inches
Highly polished, spun alum- square, BRILLIANT CHROME YEL-
inium. The cup comes in a LOW WITH BLACK SPOTS. Die is
velveteen draw-string bag, placed into the two-compartmented
complete with two hand- chest. Chest is lacquered green,
crochetted balls. red and white and brass hinged.
We suggest as a climax There are sliding pull-up doors at
that you produce a golf ball or a dice or any of the sponge novelties the front of the cabinet and hinged
we produce or a load of crumpled up dollar bills or other treasury doors at the top.
notes. The photograph will give some indication of the size, it Now all the fun of the Die Box, but wait a moment, suddenly
can't do justice to the beauty of the outfit supplied. Completer- the box is broken into TWO PIECES, part is placed on the table
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00)._________________________ and part in the hand. STILL the die passes from one box to the
other, finally, vanishing altogether and appearing in a pre-
POLISHED COPPER POCKET CHOP CUP viously shown-empty hat.
As per our above pocket Chop Cup. But made in lovely GLEAMING SOLID PROPS you'll admire and which will give a LIFETIME'S
COPPER to add «.touch of luxury and 'class' to your performance. SERVICE. price. E40 00i (U S A $100.00).
Complete:- price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
This is the stage size eight inch com-
pass, with a bold white arrow on a black CRAZY ROPE CUT
J' background on each side. A piece of rope, the ends tied to-
SIX comedy presentations are given. gether, the knot slides backwards
Compass is nicely made, all edges are and forwards! Next the knot is un-
bound to ensure long service. tied, you are seen to be holding two
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). pieces of rope, one in each hand.
Suddenly the ropes join and become
COBRA CARD one long piece of rope, and then,
surprisingly, three knots appear
A great pocket trick. Picture of a snake
along its length! No replacements
charmer and a snake. A card is chosen and
ever needed.
when die snake is shown again he has a pic-
Comes complete with rope and illustrated routine.
ture of the card in his mouth. Looks wonder-
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
ful! It's so easy a child could present it.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). GRAVITY GLASSES
A handkerchief is spread over a book and
GIANT CHIP PRODUCTION two ordinary tumblers inverted upon it. Then
Both hands are shown empty, yet a the book is turned completely over and the

THREE INCH DIAMETER COLOURED glasses remain suspended, clinging to it.
in i n
POKER CHIP APPEARS. Two silks may be placed into the tumblers
Immediately another different col- and these can be removed whilst the tumblers
oured chip appears'. One after the are still in their upside-down positions.
other EIGHT GIANT CHIPS APPEAR. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00).
As chips appear in the right hand so they are arranged on display in
the left hand. At the end the hand is completely covered with a largt
spread of differently coloured 'counters'.
The first one was shown to and purchased on sight by TONY VAN THRU ARM
DOMMELEN the famous Dutch Manipulator.
Complete with all the Poker Chips. A well-made and decorated
Price, £7,50, (U.S.A. $26.00). K > J. I metal cylinder is pushed over
a young lady's arm - any girl
CRAZY CARDS from the audience - a long can-
We're crazy to make 'em! You're dle is lit and pushed through
crazy to buy 'em! Great for card holes in the tube AND APPAR-
We supply you with a set of spec- Tube can be shown all the way around. Girl's arm is going in one
ially designed playing cards printed end, her hand protrudes from the other.
on high-grade gummed paper. Moist- This is a beautiful and baffling effect.
en the face of any card and stick on Comes complete with full routine. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00:
a Crazy Card. You can use the
spare Jokers.
Price, £0.35, (U.S.A. $1.00).

A six foot length of soft rope is tied into a
One of the best blindfold methods series of loops. Each loop is cut leaving
extant. An opaque bag with attached four knots in the rope. The knots are trim-
tapes that fits completely over the med and the rope wound around the hands
head. Placed over a spectator's and magically this is found restored in one
head, he has to admit he is unable to piece. •M
see, and yet, even with a handker- The trick is easy to do, requires no presentation and is always
chief first tied around your eyes as ready.
an additional preventative you can Printed, illustrated instruction.
see to drive a car, total up additions Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
on a slate, read cards, describe
people and objects etc. Can be the basis for a COMPLETE ACT.
For publicity purposes this is THE BEST. CHOP CHOP
Complete with routines, Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). A Supreme Original! A playing-card is
chosen, a blank card is also shown. The
CRAZY MIND-READING name of the chosen card is to appear on this
Crazy comedy burlesque for two blank card, but instead a picture of CHOP
performers. Medium is blindfold- CHOP, THE ORIENTAL MYSTIC appears, ,.M CHOP CHOP i
ed and proceeds to answer ques- holding the name of the card BUT written in c 'IO"f JT
tions etc., in approved manner CHINESE! Naturally, the spectator fails to
but with obvious coachings from read the Chinese writing but a clever device transposes the Chinese
the performer. Not intended to into English!
fool, but a good laugh and excellent DIFFERENT CARD MAY BE USED. No skill is required. This
•second spot'. Typescript form. Printed cover. could soon become one of your favourite pocket tricks.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).

A collection of Talkie hand-puppets, This has the qualities of Mystery,

each with a mouth movement. Colour and Surprise that really hold
There's one that's a cool chick; one the interest of an audience. It
that's definitely a gay dog; one that starts with two spectators holding
looks something like a bear, (he's got length of rope taut between them.
the bare necessities'.), and there are The magician loops a silk hand-
others and they come in an assortment kerchief round the rope and then,
of gorgeous colours. THEY ARE with an end in each hand, pulls the
REALLY GREAT! hank, through the rope, with the hank still in his hand, the
Sorry we cannot guarantee to supply performer reverses the process, passing it back through the
any one specific character, they are all rope.
equally good, all equally funny, ALL As a climax, still holding the hank in one hand, he again
EQUALLY FANTASTIC VALUE. brings it free of the rope - right under the eyes of the two
assistants. A pole may be substituted for the rope, or ti.e
There's loads of "business" given with handkerchief may be pulled through the top back rung of a
each puppet that'll set your audience dining-room or club chair. Complete with purple silk
rocking with laughter and screaming for (approx. 18") and detailed instructions. Price £3.50, (U.S.A.$8.)
These puppets are large size, there's CLIMAX 3-CARD TRICK
plenty of room for your hand. ; $ IÄ» I ; Three regular cards, two spot cards and a
With each puppet we give you a whole __JlJ±^L_y-Court card are freely shown. They can be
manuscript of different ideas.. .ways EXAMINED as in fact they are UNPREPARED.
of Introducing the puppet into your show ; • ’The Queen is placed in the middle, between
Enough material for several shows; 6 4 * ;two spots.
even a full-length script. , Your first effect is successful - but the

^gjOW^audience suspect you of some jiggery-pokery,

Price, £3.30, (U.S.A. $10.00).
’*so you perform it again in slow motion! The
Queen is placed between the two spots - and
Special printed cards are used in the cards are freely shown - yet when a spec-
this novel pocket trick by Sid Lorraine tator indicates the Queen it turns out to be a spot card!
Magician explains that it's really very easy, as the Queen has
- With the Spiral Eye ... the per-
former's secret weapon ... he in- vanished. Cards are then show - they are three spot cards and
stantly names the selected picture. the Queen has gone. A spectator chooses one of the cards
Comes complete with the special and it CHANGES INTO THE QUEEN! Good? - but wait -
cards, patter presentation, extra gags, for now all the cards are shown -THEY HAVE ALL BECOME
and secret document explaining every- QUEENS!

Finally the cards change back to normal again - and once
thing you'll have to know to have a
lot of fun performing this novel effect. again they can be examined. Only ONE simple move to learn!
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).

I Nick Trost's funny trick with
three cards which form a top-

Approximately 5 feet 6 inches in
less pin-up. Magically, the
height, the blade is steel and effectively
three cards change into a
cuts through vegetables.
When the volunteer victim is in position
carrots etc., are placed in the opening
AROUND horse.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
around the head. These are cut as the
blade is pulled down over the victim's
A mental act for two people that2-y.5.o’
neck. It's really SENSATIONAL. requires no apparatus and can be “'LL — L»_€B
Used as a Leg Chopper, the base is mastered in two hours. Medium is A 'VATCa A , - y? 7/
removed. Girl may be seated as her leg »a blindfolded. Performer passes fife ' ([.-■'
is clamped in position. This illusion is massive in appearance
through audience and the medium
and yet breaks down small for packing. WORKSHOP PLANS
describes articles touched; gives dates on coins, bills; calls
ONLY, for you to build your own. Price, £1.00 (U.S.A.S3.00).
people's names; describes people touched; gives a total of fi-
gures on blackboard; calls out numbers merely touched; names
A cute competition! A colourful
plastic hoop-la toy is shown. The chosen cards, etc. AN IDEAL ROUTINE TO ADD TO YOUR
"HOOP-LA, BUNNY" interior of the Bunny is hollow and ACT. Full method in Ms. form for only, Price, £1.(U.S.A.$3.)
can be freely shown. After the ESP.dUl, By Carl Wentworth.
Competition, the Bunny is lifted-up

Fo b Fw . A lightweight publication, published by Gib-
A» Pwii'
and there's a huge pile of sweets son Magic of the U.S.A. BIG in content.
underneath it! No loading, this is
self-contained. Limited supply as + 15 clever ideas, all simple to work, re-
quiring nothing other than a packet of E.S.P.
we doubt whether we will ever be
able to obtain this particular prop
□ cards.
Especially for fun at Parties!
again. Complete with routine. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
SIXTY MENTAL TRICKS devised by fa-
The author, an enthusiast, has
g MBGIC f eht s J compiled a series of effects
which have been thoroughly audi-
mous magicians ... compiled by LEWIS
teries that will BAFFLE and INTRIGUE.
ence tested, and which are all in
There is nothing difficult to learn ... or
some respects original. Where elaborate apparatus to purchase .. these
the effect isn't original the
working is.
mysteries depend on subtle ideas which will MACK
defeat the best brains in your audience.
Carefully described by LEWIS GANSON Mind
and enhanced by 100 ILLUSTRATIONS, they
will enable you to duplicate the feats of the top line performers
'*sx s TINE'. A routine taught to the you have seen on TELEVISION and STAGE, and read about in the
t?V"7K author by De Biere smooth and National Newspapers.
worry free.
Predictions ... Book Tests ... Living and Dead Tests ... Tricks
'IMPROMPTU THIMBLES'. Four thimbles only are used, car- and Routines with Numbers ... Designs ... Cards and Slates ,..
ried in the pocket they may be secured at only a moment's no- also details of.Valuable Aids and Devices ... an abundance of
tice and performer may go straight ahead with a demonstration truly Practical Material suitable for close-up ... Drawing Room
which completely mystifies laymen, even experienced magicians
... Cabaret ... Stage or Television performance. "Magic of the
Mind" will give you hours of personal pleasure and will enable you
'A SIMPLE BLINDFOLD SYSTEM'. A clever and ingenious to entertain ... amaze and amuse your audience with real "MAGIC
way of signalling any card to your assistant. OF THE MIND".
'EXAMINED SPIRIT LAMP' which flashes on and off to answer A beautifully printed book ... BOUND in Black, with Gold Letter-
questions. 'NINEPINS' is a clever adaptation of 'BONUS ing on the spine, with attractive two-colour Dust-Jacket.
GENUS’ the vanishing doll. 'RISING MUSIC' with the aid of the Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
pianist or other musician. They play the chosen tune, and the
card with the name of the tune rises from the houlette.
'MAGIC FEATS' by Majikans, a 37 page printed book with il-
lustrated light-board cover; profusely illustrated by Roe.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Always greatly in demand each
bound volume consists of a whole
handsomely bound into one great
Four blank faced cards and a Joker. volume. Sewn, whip-stitched,
Audience never find the Joker, finally bound in black cloth, blocked in gold
he vanishes altogether and appears in with the title on the spine and cover.
the magician's pocket. A most imposing addition to any ma-
gician’s bookshelf. These are giant
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). tomes you will refer to always. The
following volumes only are now available.
JIMMY CROW VOLUME 7. Almost 800 pages, with some truly great names
Jimmy has a personality quite definitely all his in magic contributing their pet effects in all branches of magic.
own. First introdjced by Supreme Magic. As VOLUME 8. The biggest volume to date! 41bs in weight, 2}
big-looking as a medium-size'Vent Doll but Inches thick. Fantastic material including those wonderful lessons
takes up no room in the bag. Use him for Vent in magic by Lewis Ganson.
and comedy. VOLUME 9. Another fantastic volume of FANTASTIC material.
Price, £12,50, (U.S.A $35.00)._______________ Something for EVERYONE! Limited stock only now remains!

VOLUME 10. Some of the world's greatest magicians have con-
tributed to this Volume which is at once the greatest stimulator of
LET'S GET THIS STRAIGHT.. .This is NOT Ideas you've ever had! Routines, patter bits, anecdotes, dove
'just another Devil's Handkerchief' - it's very tricks, card tricks, children's tricks and the history of contem-
much MORE than that. A handy accessory z porary magic are ALL within the pages of this mammoth tome.
item in the form of a gay, but completely in- VOLUME 11. Almost a library in itself. All Volumes of The
nocent-looking 18 inch handkerchief you pull Maglgram are edited by Ken de Courcy, who contributes to most
out of your pocket or pick up from your table. issues, along with a whole star-studded list of brilliant contribu-
Appearances are sometimes deceptive and tors.
THIS handkerchief is certainly NOT so innoc- VOLUME 12. Brimming over with great magical ideas. Tricks,
ent as it appears! 5ffl talk and sound commonsense by The Magigram's Editor, Star Ma-
IT'S A MARVELLOUS SWITCHING DEVICE. gician and Lecturer, KEN DE COURCY. Routines with wonderful
A coin, card, envelope, ball, etc., can be photographs by the incomparable Lewis Ganson. (Also advertised
placed into the folds of the handkerchief (shown on both sides and elsewhere in this catalogue).
made up into a bag), when the handkerchief is opened out the article Regular columnists Billy McComb, Ian Adair, Alan Kennaugh,
is not the same one - it has been indetectably exchanged. George Johnstone, Arthur Carter.
NO FLAP PRINCIPLE USED. Remember these are the ONLY bound Volumes available and
Again the handkerchief can be freely shown on both sides. You once sold they CANNOT be repeated.
can use it close-up and it's 100% deceptive. Price, each, £12.50, (U.S.A. $33.00).____
Ideal for restoring a torn card, or for the VANISH of any article
(or the item can vanish, leaving a shower of confetti - most effect- SUPREME 64. HIÖH ST- BIDEFORD
ive) etc. Several routines included. Price, £3. 50, (U.S.A. $9.00).,
Add this subtlety to any Rope trick
or Rope routine that you are now doing
By Paul Marcus. A series of calcula-
and you'll be pleased with the result. tions. The magician attempts to arrive
Use any kind of rope, string or tape. , at a chosen card. The spectator soon
Hold one end in the left hand, scissors / realises that this is impossible, but the
in right hand. Spectators see you A performer proves he is right.
place open shears in the centre of (Eg You get the special card (Blue geo-
hanging rope - and cut. Spectators s', metrical design but stick any playing
see the cut yet the rope is restored jggh card back on it to suit your own deck),
back into one piece. Sealed manu- plus the routine. Price 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).

script only. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). X
By arrangement with STEVE DUSHECK

of the U.S.A.
The modern version of 'Find the Lady!' The
magician always succeeds in lighting the bulb, MINUS ONE
the spectator always fails! - even when Steve mixes the packet of
there's a £5 or $50 note at stake!
'Lucky Light' is a well-made prop, easy to
'J* cards up, cutting the cards to
show the different symbols. He holds the packet ofcards behind
work and to use, a whole lot of fun. Bat- his back, fanning these out and requesting that a spectator should
tery-operated. No batteries supplied. freely take one and place it out of sight in their pocket.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).________________ With the cards still behind his back, he removes four cards lay-
■ mpr o v eo HANDKERCHIEF p u l l ing these on the table. He turns these cards over to show that he
has pulled out FOUR DIFFERENT DESIGNS, the one which the
Will take an 18 inch silk. Its stream- '
lined shape ensures that it will vanish cleanlyl spectator holds completes the set!
when required. A silk squeezed between the §
Steve has added a clever climax where you have predicted the
hands gets smaller and smaller until it van- , card to be selected in advance!
ishes completely. j

We supply the instructions only in sealed manuscript form.
We supply the Pull and full instructions.
Price £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00)
An amusing and puzzling routine with a pol-
Nick Trost's new deck that drives 'em lution theme, complete with patter. No mem- /j lIsKty“"-
wild! You show a whole card which is a orising, No sleights, No marked, wide, narrow, /K S' /
prediction, then a pack of cards that's been thick or thin cards. —
cut into two. Someone selects a card from Complete with envelopes, gag lines, PLUS a "something" that
each half-pack. The two half-cards make a does the trick. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
perfect back-design AND a perfect face,
but astonishingly, one half of the pack when shown HAS NO
BACKS and the other HAS NO FACES!
_____ JHE KEY
- Bending Keys. A Superior me-
Then you show that the card selected matches your whole p_^7thod by RICHARD MARK of the
card which you first laid down! Astonishing! U.S.A. Keys are borrowed and
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). whilst stroking one in your hand it appears to bend. Upon
handing it back for examination it is warped. Your hands ne-
A series of bewildering surprises. Three ver approach your body, there is nothing to eliminate, and
cards form the word EYE. A member of the everything can be examined. You are always prepared to de-
audience is asked to find the letter 'Y' but monstrate The KEY WARPER.
he can't. You continually prove that the We supply you with the uniquely constructed gimmick - 'seen'
hand is quicker than the eye, for now the - yet 'unseen'. Complete with detailed, illustrated instructions.
cards change to become three 'E' cards. . __________________ Price. £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00)._________________
The 'Y' has vanished!
Surprise follows surprise and each card | Keenes Kard Producer Gimmick
becomes a 'Y' card.
You receive the beautifully-printed The clever gimmick which pins out
cards, plus no less than five pages of routines, which with the of sight under the edge of your
patter and presentation will make this great effect by that jacket. Holds a full pack of cards
'Master of Mystery' the late Edward Victor, one of your all- and these can be removed either al-
time favourite close-up mysteries. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). together OR in small batches as re-
quired, the balance of the cards at all times being firmly and
Joke shops and Novelty Stores shel- securely held. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
ves are packed with 'explosives' and
VKPlOSIVf Surprise items which have far too
long been regarded as 'practical jokes'
Originated by EDWIN, featured by
JEFFERY ATKINS in several British

cOlAfDY only, when in fact they can be used

to good advantage by Magi and other
Ring Gala Shows and on his Ameri-
can lecture tour.
entertainers. VAL ANDREWS Four rope rings, ALL can be ex-
SHOWS YOU HOW. amined, - yes, repeat, all can be
Here are gags, card locations, stunts, gags, gags and gags! examined, yet magically they link
Funny material - and all using easily obtainable props. Type- and unlink. A new idea and method in linking rope rings.
script booklet, printed covers. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Peter McDonald proves a book hasn't always Three cards are given to a spectator to
got to be called "The World's Greatest" to hold TIGHTLY. Magician states that he
contain excellent material, and to sell! will make one card invisible and, no marter
A fine 64 page spiral-bound 8" x 10" printed, how tightly the spectator has been holding
illustrated book. Packed with tricks depend- the cards he finds on examination that he
ing upon subtlety which you'll enjoy reading
about and using in your performances.
Tricks with cards, matches, numbers, tel-
♦1 now holds only TWO. The missing card,
quite visible again, is reproduced from the
pocket. All the cards can be examined, A clever trick, com-
ephone tests, two-pack effects, a watch trick, coins, etc. plete with cards. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Buy it! Read it! and judge for yourself how wrong the title is!
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Impromptu Ring on Pencil PLUS
DEVIL’S ASHTRAY Borrow a ring, drop it in a
Place a small tube on a spectator's handkerchief. A spectator
handkerchief, drop a lit cigarette in holds both ends of a borrowed -
/Hi but the
wuv handkerchief
me iiauurvcx remains mil
umci roiuuuia unharmed. pencil and magically the ring
I Test your brand of cigarette for• size passes onto the pencil. The effect is brought about by a spe-
— ,'Tl
saltpetre content! Then ..A.
and Q<* you'll cially-designed gimmick and has been a firm favourite in the
find you have a perfect little pocket close-up repertoire of Ken de Courcy for a number of years.
trick anc amusing novelty. As a great BONUS, Ken gives you another close-up feature
Price, E0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00). ...a dollar bill or £1 note is folded into an Origami model of
a signet ring, yet still the ring penetrates onto a pen or pen-

TttflNVADEfiS" cil! Price, complete with special gimmick and instructions

for both these effects. £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

Herb Rungie's booklet you will enthuse

"Zombie" but performed with a metal over. This is not just a work on card
Flying Saucer, approximately 5" diameter, tricks. It is a cleverly worked out, audi-
5J" high. ence-tested series of card effects, each one
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). blended into the other, and working up to a
grand climax.
WHALLEY'S Complete with special patter, if you

were suddenly given a deck of cards, what
We supply you with a clever little would you do? The Impromptu Card Rou-
gimmick. You use a borrowed deck of tine is the answer. No need to worry, just
cards. One by one, three chosen cards what trick will you do. Learn the routine

■It!!*/ rise. Immediately everything can be ex- and you have an outstanding fifteen-minute card act.
amined and returned to the lender. 24 typescript pages, printed cover. Price £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.)
There is nothing for the spectator to
The instructions have been written for HUMPTY DUMPTY EGG BAG
this effect by KEN DE COURCY who has cleverly routined the A lovely trick for the tinies. A novel
working to make for sheer simplicity and naturalness. idea by ERIC and MARGARET HAWKES-
Even when the pack is covered with a plastic bag, the cards WORTH. This is a beautifully-made
still rise!_______ Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). ___________ knitted puppet bag, complete with two
miniature Humptys and Eric's own
CARD IN WALLET Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
One of the great classics of magic.
A freely chosen card appears in a FUNNY FUNNEL
Present this trick and the fiinn'l
wallet between two metal plates,
which are tightly fastened together commence! Give a spectator a
by elastic bands. ? drink of lemonade or water and tell
them you forgot you require the
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
’ liquid for another trick. Not to
A SUPREME EXCLUSIVE BY worry, being a magician you will
- ’IMPOSSIBLE’EDD,EJ0SEPH put everything right.
The funnel is shown, liquid can be
An unbelievable coincidence card trick.
' With any shuffled deck, two chosen poured through it. Now a spectator
cards in different parts of pack come can assist by pumping the assistant's
o. arm up and down. The funnel is placed against the assistant's
Sid Lorraine says: "For one dollar I elbow, liquid spurts out into the glass.
can assure you, you'll be the proud own- Every children's entertainer needs this versatile prop which is
er of a card item that you'll work over and over again." not just an amusing trick but a really hilarious bit of business.
No preparation. Do it over and over again before the same Small, plated model, Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
spectators. Use any borrowed deck. It's foolproof. Larger capacity, Canadian spun aluminium model, Price, £7.50,
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).______________________ (U.S.A. $20.00).
H'r1 A manuscript detailing fifty
A novel and original publicity
close-up coin tricks THAT RE notion. Back of the cards is printed
QUIRE NO SLEIGHTS. Every blue with provision for you to stamp
-JU} magician should be able to work your name and publicity matter.
one or two coin tricks, as they appear truly impromptu. Front of the card depicts a Magic-
Price, for this complete collection, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00) ian looking for a rabbit. Following
DIAL X the instructions on the card, a spec-
tator unfailingly discovers where the
A great trick with a fantastic
presentation. Spectator thinks bunny is hiding!
of any hour, putting the clock to Remember, you get FIFTY of these
that hour but you reveal it. cards, complete,
/1< Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $12.00).
With our instructions you can
do more than that. You do not Sample card, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
even have to look at the clock!
Price, complete with our de-
tailed routines, £2.50, (U.S.A. FIREPLACE ILLUSION
$6.00). Great for special Christmas
TWO CLOCKS ARE BETTER shows where you want to pro-
t han one ! a first-class rou- duce Santa Claus, or you can
tine by Edwin using two sets of Dial X. Basically, you set your produce a "Fire demon", a
clock at the same time as a spectator sets his! This routine young lady to do a ritual fire

makes a completely new effect out of an old one. dance!
Order two sets of DIAL X together, (full instructions for Ed- The ordinary-looking fire-
win's routine are included), and get them at the special privilege place is empty, you shake a
price of £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). cloth in front of the opening
and there stands Santa Claus
DETECTIVE JACK with a sack of toys'.
Sometimes known as the 'Whispering Price, £1.00, (U.S.A.
Queen' effect. One of the most baff- $3.00).
ling card discoveries ever. - A shuff-
led borrowed deck yet you can find and
reveal the chosen card!
Detailed Instructions and Routine only.
|f^ Use any cards.
f Price, £0.50 (U.S.A. $1.00).
Imagine reaching up
in the air and producing
Devil’s Diary a frankfurt sausage!
Place it into a paper bag
Charles W. Cameron's printed book of
and then ANOTHER ONE
bizarre and macabre mysteries. Charles
Cameron claims no supernatural powers
for the mysteries which he presents and
ANOTHER. A success-
which he carefolly explains for you.
ion of frankfurters - a
Sorcery to make the spine tingle! In add-
dozen or more if you
ition to the many effects by Charles Cameron
wish, popping up from
himself, there are contributions by the late
Stanley Jaks, from Tony Shiels,.from Danny
You’ll use this - especially with the patter to rhyme which is
Tong and Leslie May.
Included with these most realistic yummy-looking frankfurters.
Fifty-two 8 x 10 inch pages, light-board
cover, illustrated by the author. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00)
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).____________

New Giant-Size"DIC E-IT"I

The 3j card trick to end them
By Howard A. Adams. A little
■'x printed booklet that will keep
all. Made In super size cards, /3 z\ THE you happy with a few sheets of
12 inches x 8i inches, seven

Ar CHINAMAN'S newspaper, offering a very amu-

cards for a big effect. Cards PAPER CAPER Xj sing routine with rhyming pat-
are shown from one to seven.
ter. Sid Lorraine reviewing the
Spectator freely selects any •• *item in TOPS Magazine wrote:
card. Now you set about rev- "The easy to follow instructions
ealing the suit and value of the will provide you with a sure-fire novelty that will please most audi-
card. PRICELESS COMEDY, ences. A very Informative booklet".
just when the audience think A few folds and cuts are made in a paper as the story in rhyme
you have really slipped up, you (supplied) is told.
are right after all! You get the The result is a whole succession of objects, represented by cut-
seven giant cards, four large 'Sult'cards, wooden die, and delight-
out paper shapes! An excellent novelty.
fully ENTERTAINING ROUTINE. Price, for the special printed booklet, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).


Trust KEN DE COURCY to come By MAX STERLING. A marvellous
up with a saucy number like this! trick featured by many of the GREATS
- ... A Stag routine for Edward in magic. In effect a piece of paper is
Victor's E-Y-E Trick ... which crumpled up and bounced on a fan. Vis-
is tremendous entertainment.
ibly it assumes the shape of an egg - a
Nothing much to carry, just a few full-sized egg - and this is removed
specially printed cards with ap- from the fan and broken into a glass to
propriate symbols in red and prove genuine.
This special manuscript we supply tells you all you need to
What makes this so terrific is know about this famous trick. How to make the special egg re-
the story line. Not for the pru- quired. Various steals, types of fan to use, lead-up and follow-
dish but for anyone who likes his up tricks, etc., etc.
magic to have a GOOD LAUGH!
A very valuable publication on this subject.
Price, complete with the special cards and fully illustrated in-
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
structions and routine and Ken de Courcy's own patter presen-
tation. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
"Dead Cert” FRIEND Well ... not ALWAYS anyway! -
Living & Dead Test As this marvellous card routine by
KEN DE COURCY definitely proves!
Ian Adair's simplest method of all
to accomplish a classic trick. Each There will always be a place for the
slip is clipped with a paper clip. story type effect ... The sort of
Yet you locate the dead name. We i r-. thing where the performer tells a
think you will be surprised at the story and deals cards from a pack to illustrate the various points
in the tale, especially when It is as GOOD and NOVEL as this
simplicity and subtlety of this effect.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
The requirements are simple, two packs of cards and a few mo-
ments preparation and you are all set with an easy to learn card
trick that you'll have endless fun in presenting.
CUT and RESTORED THIS IS REAL ENTERTAINMENT! We could have supplied you
with the cards and charged many times the price now asked, in-
CYCLE TUBE stead we send you the Instructions, Patter and Routine only, you
A Bicycle Inner Tube Is INFLATED. use your own card.
A portion Is twisted into a large loop. The Price? A ridiculously low £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
With a pair of scissors this is DELIB-
ERATELY CUT ... audience distinctly
A visible double appearance of a silk
a magic pass, and the tube is COM-
and a chosen card. Silk and playing-
PLETELY RESTORED and thrown out
card both vanish. Magician takes up
for examination:
two clear tumblers, standing away
Throw away your Ropes ... this is
from all stage furniture in quicker
a Modern Cut and Restored!
than an eye-wink, the chosen card ap-
Lewis Ganson has written the Routine and Instructions. Comes
pears in one glass and the silk in the
to you in illustrated, printed form. You get your own Bicycle
Tube, Scissors, etc. The detailed instructions and routine make
Both card and silk have the appear-
it all easy for you.
ance of flying into the glasses'. A tfouble visible appearance!
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Silk and card are removed. Both tumblers are empty. No silks
or cards supplied.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
It Is impossible for anyone other than
' ____ the performer to win by picking up the DOVE CLASSICS
last odd coloured counter!" By IAN ADAIR. Completely differ- fl
Thirteen counters are stacked together, ent in as much as there is only one \
twelve of the counters are all the same original effect described! All the
colour, but the one at the bottom is an others are tried and tested classics
odd colour. of dove magic. Includes details of
You and a spectator play the game. such effects as 'The Dove in Balloon',
Alternatively you pick up one or two counters from the stack. 'The Dove Banner', 'Dove Bottle',
The person who gets the last counter is the winner. Despite the 'Doves from Hat', etc. TWENTY-
apparent fairness of the procedure, the magician wins EVERY TWO ITEMS IN ALL! Forty-four illustrations by the author.
time and in fact it is QUITE IMPOSSIBLE for a spectator to win! Typescript text, a handy reference work on some of the great-
You get the full Instructions and all the apparatus. est dove magic of our time.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
CLEVER MAGICS Werry's great effect where you show
A manuscript which both hands empty, reach up into the
details three novel ef- air and INSTANTLY YOU HAVE FIVE
1. 'Gloves to Dove', OF EACH HAND. No sleight of hand.
a great effect. Throw You start off with your hands EMPTY
your gloves into the air and you end up the same way. One of
and they change to a real dove. Improved method. the biggest surprises in Magic.
2. 'Coin Thru' Ring', a great method. A borrowed coin passes ai Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
through a small finger ring. No faked ring or coin used.
3. 'Cut and Restored Light Wire'. A feature you can use in
your show. Extension cord on a light is cut, the light goes out; COLOUR-CHANGING HANDKERCHIEFS
restored, the light goes on again.
The above three effects in sealed manuscript form.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).


Different from any other type of rope
Two silks tied together by their corners both change colour
trick ever offered. Two spectators from
merely by pulling these through the hands. The ideal prelude to
the audience; each is given two tied-to-
a dove or glass of wine production.
gether ropes. One is a long rope and a
short rope, the second man is given two 12 Inch size, price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
ropes which are both the same length.
18 Inch size, price, £10.50 (U.S.A. $25.00).
They are both turned with their backs
towards the audience. Each spectator is marked so the audience
will not get confused by having a ribbon pinned on their back. At
A really clever idea, - catching coins from
the count of three the men turn around, the man that formally had
the air with an ordinary plastic beaker. In
the long and short rope is holding two ropes the same length and the
the hands of a showman this trick can become
other man now holds the long and short ropes! Q) a miracle. Makes the 'Miser's Dream' very
Illustrated manuscript only, use any ropes.
easy to perform.
Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $2.00). The hands are shown empty, the plastic
beaker is taken up and shown empty, yet you
Or, complete with ropes and ribbons,
are "all set" to catch dozens of coins from
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). the air. You can walk around the audience producing coins ad
infinitum from the spectator's hair, clothing, etc., before you
produce a whole stream of coins from your own nose!
COME-GO GOLF BALL Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).

A handy aid that makes you appear as a

skilful ball manipulator, in fact no skill is
required. With this gimmick you can ap- A fine collection of material supr
pear to catch dozens of golf-balls from the plied in typescript booklet form,
air, after first showing the hands empty) bound in neat printed cover. By
FRONT AND BACK. Golf balls are placed VAL ANDREWS, here's material
Into a hat as they are produced. Finally, the hat is shown to be for the Comic and the Conjuror
empty. which can be adapted in either di- ,
The trick makes a neat prelude to other ball tricks or a pretty rection*. Material which is calcu-
interlude on its own. lated to make you a success. Ideal tter and business for Night
Supplied complete(ball is of lightweight plastic), and illustrated Clubs and Working Mens Clybs too!
Instructions. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).__________________________
THE CANADIAN COFFEE VASE Let it be known that Supreme purchased the
A classic piece of equipment! This new full rights on this effect, which is by HOWARD
streamlined version is a real beauty! Can be ANTHONY ADAMS, from ROY BAKER.
used as a Silks to Liquids or in the usual way. A packet of E. S.P. cards, one card is sel-
ected, the remainder divided. The cards are
It will produce hot coffee, softdrinks, it can be
used for switching silks, or changing silks to turned over until two cards are found to match. I
liquids; Magic Welding, etc. This is repeated and, strange to say, the cards
With each effect comes instructions for thir- which match are of an identical design. Then .
teen tricks including a comedy routine. the spectator turns over the card which he selected, yes, it’s the
The Canadian Coffee Vase is manufactured in aluminium, highly same one.
polished and when assembled stands 10 inches high and is 3j inch- Comes complete with the routine and instructions. plus the E.S.P
es in diameter. cards.
Liquid capacity is 16 ounces. Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $70.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
r^SIDlPRRAINE'S^ An oriental message which can be fold-
^ L f o pek
ed to reveal - one at a time - the names
of FIVE different cards'.
Carry it in your wallet. Always ready'.
A number of cards printed with
many different questions. A spec-
Good for laughs! Comes complete with tator is handed a set of cards and
► S decides on the question he would like
illustrated, easy-to-follow instructions,
routine, presentation, patter and extra answered. The other cards the ma-
papers. gician takes back placing them out of
sight into his wallet. Spectator con-
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00). centrates on his question. The ma-
gician begins to reveal an amazing
knowledge of it, giving the spectator
i An aw v r s an appropriate answer.
Next time someone asks 'Can you
Come-Together Silks tell fortunes?' you'll be able to real-
The magician counts off four col- I ly ASTOUND THEM with this clever
little feat which really es appear as mindreading, and which is
oured silks and places these on a very easy to do.
chair. Four other silks are shown
quite single and separate. Magiciani z You get everything complete for only £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
says 'Come together silks' and toss-
es the silks into the air and catches , Crazy Fall-Apart Wand

them as a long chain of silks all tied For those who want a hearty laugh any
together. Again the first set of time you have an assistant on-stage, this
silks are shown and these "come to- is it!
gether” too BUT NOT QUITE AS Great for kids or for adult shows.
THE AUDIENCE IMAGINE for they change into"a GIANT 36 INCH Magician shows his regular-looking
OURS. You'll be delighted with the effect and the method. No He gives the wand to a spectator to
bag or double silks are used. Easy to work, complete with all hold; as he walks away the wand sudden-
the 18 inch silks and the 36 inch four colour silk and routines. ly falls into seven pieces, leaving the spectator holding just one
Price, £21.00, (U.S.A. $50.00). piece in his hand.
- It's the funniest thing you ever saw! -
For an extra effect, you can have the spectator pick up the
CORTINI CIGARETTE GIMMICK pieces of the wand and wrap these in a handkerchief which are
placed into your "Change Bag". You state that the pieces are
A metal feke always unseen by going to become restored, but they vanish!
the audience but by which aid you Later you can produce a regular unfeked wand from your jacket
can instantly accomplish the stun- pocket.
ning production, one at a time of We supply the special Fall-Apart Wand, perfectly representing
six cigarettes in the hand! THE a regular wand when assembled.
CIGARETTES SEEM TO POP UP Comes to you, ready for lots and lots of laughter.
FROM NOWHERE! By using two Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
fekes twelve cigarettes can be
produced, six in each hand.
One special feke, with instruc-
Eric Mason's unusual effect. You have
tions and dummy cigarettes so you can perform this right away. to have a jacket with two buttonholes in
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). it! A collar stud is placed In the lapel
buttonhole on one side. You turn around,
COTTON REEL MYSTERY PLUS the arms being raised and when you turn
back again the stud is found in the button-
A great effect. Three reels hole on the other side of the jacket.
of cotton, one black and two Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
white are threaded onto a long
needle which is held by a mem-
ber of the audience. A handker-
Workshop plans of a great illusion
chief is draped over. A silken which you can perform surrounded!
cord is displayed on which are An open-panelled chest, mounted on
threaded two white reels of casters is shown. Through the open
thread. Miraculously the black front a smaller chest is seen. The
reel of thread disappears from off the needle which is being held small chest is lifted out, the audience
so tightly by a spectator and VISIBLY appears on the loop of cord can see all the chest contains is a few
between the two white reels there'. pieces of costume. Audience see right through into the large
EVERYTHING CAN BE IMMEDIATELY EXAMINED! The audi- chest. The small chest is replaced, the costume is tossed in, lids
ence will never knqw how the reel vanished and how it reappeared closed and immediately it is opened a girl makes her appearance
again. Completely visual, an excellent effect for the programme wearing the costume.
as well as for performance under micro-magic conditions. Packs flat for travelling. Plans and routine only. Build your
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). own. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Dr. ^tljram’ö CARD DUCK
2 $. ani6I)ing (Slaöö This model of the popular

Rm i A tot glass filled with whisky or any other CARD DUCK can be a RIOT in
liquid is covered with a handkerchief. Per- any programme. DICKIE THE
OrStomj former grasps the corner of the handker- DUCK LOOKS CUTE. Cards
chief and flicks it away. The glass and are freely chosen, (not forced),
and placed into Dickie's Feed
Gl0S$>^ liquid have vanished! No body-work. It's Box. After amusing byplay
self-contained. Glass can materialise back
under the handkerchief and vanish again if Dickie pecks forward taking one
you wish. of the cards from out of the box.
Plastic tot, fancy handkerchief and the full routine. YES! it's the ACTUAL chosen
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). card!
One by one, Dickie can reveal any number of chosen cards.
Simple and foolproof action makes Dickie a delight to handle and
DYEING SILKS TO BOUQUET use. He cranes forward peering into the box! Pecks at your fin-
Large professional gers!
size. A black paper Supplied complete with fully detailed illustrated instructions, and
roll through which a feature routine that will form the basis of your own presentation
passes three large for this great classic. This is the model used by the top pro's.
silks. Silks are pull- Price, £27.50, (U.S.A. $70.00).
ed back and forwards
to prove the tube emp-
ty, then tucked back
An examined die placed into
inside. When remov- an examined box,placed into
ed, each one has another examinedbox, wrapped
changed and is a dif- in a borrowed handkerchief...
ferent colour! YET.. .you can instantly divine
All silks are tucked back into the tube and the band holding the the number of spots on the top
tube together is removed. When the tube is unrolled, there is a or bottom of the die! Imposs-
ten flower bouquet of flowers'. The flowers appear to be far too ible seeming - yet YOU do it - easily and unfailingly! For a final
large to have been concealed in the tube! Paper can be crushed effect the die can be made to vanish from one of the closed boxes
up or tossed out to the audience. and appear in the other! EVERYTHING CAN BE EXAMINED!
Price, without silks as any can be used.
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $45.00). Price, £2,50, (U.S.A. $6.00).___________________________

Ö1Ö An "oldie" but given a NEW LEASE OF MIHH UWKHUMPfn

LIFE with a brilliant routine by WBRRY. A The classic effect. A newspaper
coloured plastic tube and three tubular beads. is folded in half, a glass of liquid
Everything can be examined. The beads are is poured into the paper or an egg
CaUair placed into the tube, but somehow or other
reverse their position. Next one of the beads
is cracked into the paper. The
newspaper is turned completely
Heads vanishes and appears between the other two! V - over and around but no liquid emer-
Now the centre bead vanishes and passes through the table! ges. When the paper is opened out
Bead is placed into the tube again - BUT THIS TIME CHANGES it is seen that this has completely
INTO A MATCH!! - And everything can again be examined. vanished. The pages are dry. The
Complete with routine, Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00). magician picks up the glass, from
whence he originally poured the liquid and from the newspaper he
pours the same drink back into the glass once again!I!
CIGARETTE PRODUCTION Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A simple device for the endless production
of cigarettes from nowhere. A cigarette is
placed into a hat, then another cigarette ap- DYEING
pears, and so on. Fake and instructions. •“’
Price, £0.35, (U.S.A. $1.00). SILKS

A plain piece of paper is shown on both sides and then formed
Six tricks in one! "E-Zee Lit Cigar-
into a tube. A white handkerchief is pushed into one end, when It
ette Catching", "Climax Card in Cigar-
ette", "Cigarette to Bouquet", "Startling pops out of the other it is dyed a brilliant red. One by one four
white silks magically become coloured, each in an entirely differ-
Penetration", "Cigarette to Silk", and
ent brilliant colour. A classic effect - one of the prettiest in magic.
"Gone and Back". Instructions for all Ideal for children's or adults' shows.
six of these clever tricks, plus the "spec-
At the end the tube is opened up and shown empty, it can be torn
ial something" which makes them all
easy for you. up.
Price for the instructions, feke and eight approx. 12 inch silks,
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $6.00). £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
A new, completely up-to-date of Spiritualism are laid bare in this type-
conception with the accent on en-
tertainment. Nobody takes a Spir it s script book, produced by arrangement with
Abbott's. Complete lecture and patter in-

■ IJ
card so the audience can sit back * EcodJo seph cluded.
O :oI
1° and enjoy a card trick that be-
comes progressively more amus-
-If you are looking for a different type of
act, here it is! Quite different from any
ing! other form of entertainment.
A pack of cards is.shuffled, then cut by a spectator. Four sym- Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
bol cards are laid out on the table, indicating four mathematical
processes then four 'Answer' cards are placed face down along-
side each. CONSEQUENCES'
Cards are removed from the pack in pairs to produce the 'prob- We have re-made
lems' to be solved by 'Computor'. In each case, however im- a limited number
possible, the 'Answer' card is correct! of this great effect
We supply you with the necessary symbol cards, plus die spec- by Eric C. Lewis.
ial cards you require to add to your own pack, (Regular Wadding- Good Kids' materi-
ton Blue Geometrical). al like this is real-
Don't be put off by the low price, this is real solid entertainment. ly hard to come by.
________ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).___________________ - Gooney! Looney
to get laughs as you
Crinoline Lady present it! -
A novel effect. A picture of You start off by
a girl in a plastic frame, dres- showing six colour-
sed in white. The magician ful pictures on a
shows a number of plain white wooden display
cards and on these writes var- stand. Each of the
iuos colours. One is chosen. pictures has been
Let's say its red, when the cut into three cards, head, body and legs. A clown, mother with
picture of the lady is shown baby, schoolgirl, pirate, Zulu warrior and ballet dancer.
she is now wearing a red gown! As you remove the cards from the stand one at a time the pic-
Great for kids, or Indeed for tures all get mixed up! The ballet dancer appears to have black
ANY show. legs and a clown's head! The pirate chief is holding the baby and
We supply the special frame, wearing a skirt! The schoolgirl has become a most glamorous
plain white cards and routine. character, but with a peg-leg and so on! IT'S LUDICROUS!'.!
Price, E4.50 (U.S.A. $12.00). However, the characters established, the children are asked to
give each one a big clap and the one that gets the biggest round of
applause is the one that you are going to use. All the cards get
CONTINUITY mixed together and the magician now shows his MAGIC FISHING
GAG CARDS ROD AND AQUARIUM! A delightfully decorated folding tube which
One of those brilliant bits of the audience can see through, which fits into a wooden tray.
SALE After mixing, the cards are placed inside along with three paper
business sought after by com- CHEAP
edy magicians and those wish- clips. With suitable encouragement from the children the per-
ing to add laughs and applause BACK li former commences fishing in the pool with a magnet on the end of
to their show. Terrific as a 5 MW« a rod and line!
running gag throughout the act One at a time the clips are fished out and now in each clip is a
or as an occasional laugh-get- portion of card. Pieces are placed onto the stand AND THEY
Six large cards, 20" x 13", The props are really first-class. You can use a different pic-
boldly printed in black on both sides giving you 12 signs in all. ture each time you perform this.
Funny slogans or gags which you merely have to display at cer- Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $80.00).
tain times to get solid laughs.
We give you detailed instructions telling you when to display to
get the best results. This is just what you need to fill in those
"dead spots” in your show. No special easel or stand is required, Sucker tricks are always popular
as the cards can be displayed in the hands or stood against a chair. "S with children. Here's a new one to
Supreme were the first to introduce this unusual novelty to ma- foil and fool them! Story of a bunch
gicians. Excellent and novel entertainment. AD 609 of crooks who steal a car and change
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). the number plate to avoid detection.
The number magically changes again
CIRCLE SPONGE SURPRISE and again, but in the end the kids,
like the crooks in the story are well
Attractive sponge discs behave in an / CAUGHT and truly CAUGHT. The trick is well
extraordinary manner and then change [ produced, special folder can be used
into a giant sponge ball. in other tricks too. Complete with full patter story, and routine
by Ian Adair.
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Two coloured discs approximately This is a typescript booklet which
10p. size, perform many mystifying has put many magicians on the road
capers, passing from hand to hand, to success in performing this great
etc., without tricky moves. effect. Various silks are shown,
These Flying Saucers are made displayed and passed through the
from glittering plastic material. hands proving nothing is concealed
No shells. At the end they can be inside them. Suddenly the silks are
examined. An excellent close-up bunched together and a live dove is
trick. produced. Another dove is later
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). produced and another and another. Four or more doves are pro-
duced from silks.
Here are all the various methods of presenting this fabulous
ARNE RISING CARDS effect together with fully Illustrated instructions for the Pre-
Works on the 'Devano' principle but has a lot sentation, Moves and Working - even a full-size pattern for
of special features. This is the deck used by a holder is included!
In this method no threads are used. It's all
r** Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

self-contained in the special pack. Any number

S) *
of cards can rise. The cards are not forced.
We supply the special deck and full instructions.
Chinese Checkers Capers
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). BILLY McCOMB and KEN DE COURCY
got together, the result - not just one but
Capped MANY effects using four large highly-
coloured wooden Chinese Checkers, and

Container a piece of rope were involved.

Routines they came up with include
An UNUSUAL piece of appar- Penetrations, a Colour Change on a Rope
atus. You've seen Edwin use Loop, a Burnt & Restored Note, finish-
it in his demonstration for pro- ing up Inside the Checkers, and even a
ducing silks. Harold Taylor in Monkey Bar routine!
his lecture. It can be used for Changing Silks, producing coloured This one trick can last you for five or
liquids, etc., etc. Many effects are given with every one. At six seasons and give you and your audien-
the end the tube can be examined. Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00). ces ENDLESS FUN.
In addition to the Checkers and rope, we give you the excellent
Bill Stickland's... routines which are in printed form, and which come complete with
TWENTY-TWO illustrations detailing the many delightful effects
CHINESE TESTIMONIAL you can perform with this effect.
A large yellow placard bears bold black hier- ^i Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
oglyphics which you explain is a copy of a ^33' w if
Chinese newspaper cutting praising the effect £ p v
you have just performed. Audiences bewilder- •£ X CIGAROPE
ment changes to laughter when the "foreign RAVELLE AND ANDREE gave us this one. /,
jumble" magically changes to words tn readable b—---- r-*------ 1 The magician enters coughing and smoking «
English : "LOUSY TRICK". A HIT FROM BILL'S OWN SHOW. a cigar which he states he has just been giv- ■'/m
en. "Personally", he says, "I think it tastes
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
like old rope!" Where-upon the cigar in- 'll
By VAL ANDREWS. Twenty-page typescript stantly changes into just that A LENGTH OF
book with tip-top material to keep half-a- ROPE, ready for you to go into your favour-
dozen comperes of diversified styles happy, ite routine!
and their audiences highly amused! No gimmicks, just the rope and special cigar, and when the
When you are asked to compere a show, change takes place, the moves have been worked out so you are
this is the sort of material that will make left with just a length of rope.
audiences look forward to your appearance. Price complete, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Here is material to set you on the right
ixf road.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A lively sequence of surprises. A
cigarette which changes to a cigar,
then another one appears. The cigar
Is placed under a handkerchief and
A card with two holes in it is thread- vanishes, it multiplies ... two, three
ed onto a ribbon. You release it - a and finally FOUR cigars appearing at
spectator can't. You can make the the fingertips.
special card yourself in a few minutes Price Includes special cigars, fake,
from the detailed instructions we illustrated instructions and routines.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).

p—» l _ I 'V I t~\ L • 7

Lewis Ganson added By KEN DE COURCY. We purchased the X5 Ken de fourty

to the original inno- reprint rights of this book from Goodllffe
vations including Publications, then the book was immediate-
subtle handling , tips ly reprinted and copyright by us.
and hints. The name of Ken de Courcy spell ENTER-
Pick up a couple of TAINMENT in capital letters! Ken has a
pound notes or dollar bright, enthusiastic style of putting pen to
bills, it makes no dif- paper which carries the reader along with "*=a:
ference, both bills him.
rise from off your hand There's something for everyone. 'Magic with Cards', 'Magic
and into the air. They with the Mind', 'Magic with Anything', including 'Coins Rampant',
appear to float up and a completely impromptu coin routine and 'The Cut and Restored
away. One note can be Dope', a tongue in cheek demonstration of hypnotism.
passed around the othei Finally there's a whole series of 'CONTINUITY GAGS' - bits
proving the absence of support. and pieces to link your act together and to get the laughs.
Lewis Ganson made the working easy for you, and his descrip- Sixty-four beautifully printed pages, excellent illustrations by
tion is helped by eleven clear, concise photographs, showing all Dennis. Light board cover.
the different methods of handling. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
These clearly printed instructions, come to you complete with
two specially gimmlcked stage bills. As a splendid added bonus FURTHER DOVE CLASSICS
we give you Ken de Courcy's patter routine (again with a novel The secrets and working details
angle) and some patter bits you'll enjoy using. '/ of sixteen further classics of Dove
This is sheer simplicity, an effect you'll enjoy using, apparently
impromptu. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
r Magic. Several items are descri-
bed in print for the first time, in-
cluding the bare-handed vanish of
FUNNY FLOWERS d o ve a dove by apparently throwing it
into the air, as featured by sev-
'■^ss/cs /K
Edwin's original eral leading Dove-workers.
"Flower Power" trick All items clearly described, and
that you'll enjoy per- i illustrated with dozens of line
forming. A sort of drawings showing you 'How it's
clever 'Chase the Ace' done'.
effect but with large Secrets that would cost you pounds to discover, now revealed at
flower cards. Two of a glance.
the cards depict bril- A typescript book, with printed covers.
liant Day-glo fluores- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
cent yellow flowers
(with indices just like
playing-cards!) the
FUN with the JOKE
third, a brilliant Fire
- Orange-red one.
At the commencement A Manuscript detailing
the cards are removed from a fancy folder which has a cut-out Eleven Gags and Tricks
through it. Suddenly the odd flower disappears altogether and vis- you and your audiences
ibly appears inside the holder! will enjoy. - 'Egg and
When the card is removed there is a tremendous surprise be- Spoon Race', 'Egg Sham-
cause the flower is missing from off the card. This now just has poo', 'For a cake baking
a cut-out. routine' etc., compiled
The magician begins to search for the missing flower. He pre- by Edwin and Ian, this is
tends not to hear the shouts of the audience, for there it is an in mimeographed form.
enormous cut-out bloom IN HIS LAPEL!!! We will give one of these
If you are looking for a feature trick which is a lot of fun and free to any customer pur-
which packs flat in the bag, this is for you. chasing at one time, three
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). plastic FRIED EGGS from
FORTUNE FORMULA You would expect to pay £1.00 for the manuscript on its own,

but you get the manuscript and three FRIED EGGS together for
By Maurice Fogel. What does a Master only, £1.50, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Mentalist perform off-stage to entertain
small, intimate groups? The secret is "JOKE FRIED EGG"
revealed here. A traditional Joke item which has many applications in a Magic
Easy to do. No skill required. THE Show. Great for a comedy egg in newspaper or production during
FORTUNE FORMULA comes to you complete with detailed routine, your egg bag routine.
patter, instructions and apparatus. Price each, £0.60, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Special, get three for £1.50, (U.S.A. $5.00).


A practical illusion that is suitable Part One
under all conditions and is worked
Lewis Ganson used his
with unprepared articles.
supreme skill of descrip-
A screen is shown and formed in a
three-sided cabinet open at the front.

to bring WITHIN THE
I Performer states that in this illusion
I he will endeavour to catch a ghost.
As the saying goes, "It takes a thief
BEGINNER Master Rou-
tines of one of the World's
to catch a thief", so he will dress as
outstanding card workers.
a ghost to catch a ghost. He dons a white sheet costume and dis-
Lavishly illustrated by
plays a second sheet draping it over the front opening of the over sixty photographs; z7 -
screen. Immediately the sheet is dropped and there is a grinning beautifully printed.
full-length skeleton dangling in the centre of the screen!
Brilliant new routines,
Again he drapes the sheet over the opening and again drops it.
plus important new
This time in place of the skeleton stands the performer, smiling
sleights. Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00)
and minus his ghost costume. And the person holding the sheet, Part Two
that was formerly the magician, rips off the costume and proves
to be a girl! Uniform with Part One in size and appearance. Light-board
illustrated cover. Fifty-six pages, Fifty photographs. EIGHT
The effect is marvellous and so subtle and simple that you will
stunning chapters Include modern Card magic and sleights pre-
be amazed at it, and agree that real magic can be performed with
sented in a manner that is really entertaining.
unprepared articles in place of large tricky cabinets.
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00).
Only the performer and one girl required. Any three-fold Part Three
screen and some easy to make-up sheet costumes, etc. Special
The eagerly-awaited final instalment. Sixty-four page book.
instructions. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Each trick is produced with plots and patter stories which make
them into ENTERTAINING magic of the HIGHEST CLASS.

Even if you DON'T like card tricks, you will find the effects
A collection of Mental Mysteries refreshingly different and want to do them!
using small accessories by JACK Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00).
YATES. Illustrated by ROE. How
often in conversation have you been
asked, "can you read minds ?" Now
thanks to this great book, you can
present some outstanding mysteries ] COMPLETE BOUND VOLUME]
without tedious practise, and "at
the drop of a hat". Mentalism that's Yes, this is the complete
simple in operation, direct in effect. series, nothing has been
subtle in action. Effects that can make an impact on spectators left out. For the connoiss-
and that are quite out of proportion to the work involved. eur who requires the best,
'Minds in Close-up' contains some great material. A PRINTED all Parts have been bound
book, of 32 pages. Profusely Illustrated. Light board cover. into one handsome Volume.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Hard-bound; one hundred
and eighty pages; blocked
MINDS IN DUPLICATE in gold with the title and
author; illustrated dust-

o + □
This was the sec- jacket.
ond book by JACK Because you are buying the whole set of books at once, we are
YATES to appear as able to offer these together, bound, at a little less than you
a Goodllffe Publi- would pay for the individual paper backs!
cation. Now in its second edition (by arrangement with the late Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $24.00)._______________________
Goodllffe) and a Supreme Exclusive. 32 pages, Illustrated ty
ROE. Light board covers containing a number of routines de- MAGIC CARD SYSTEM
signed to be presented as telepathic demonstrations between the With this system you are able to perform
performer and his partner. Each effect carries conviction and apparent miracles without skill or prac-
not one of them calls for long rehearsal or extensive memoris- tice and with any deck of cards. Based
ation. upon the well-known set-up originated by
A double act can often enable you to claim higher fees and Si Stebbins in its present form the system
makes an ideal second spot. Effective routines with cards, has been brought up-to-date with added
slates, numbers, newspapers and so on. Great stuff!!! effects. It is easy to learn and will enable
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). anyone to do card tricks that are amazing.
Regardless of any other proficiency with
cards the ability to handle a set-up deck
will add to the entertaining powers of any-
For the colour-changing silks through

a tube, Mls-made flag, Silks to Ribbons one, be he professional or the veriest
and other popular feats. Tube with amateur.
Ilf®' dividing tape. In typescript form. Printed covers.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $6.001.
A fantastic utility device which you will Our Exclusive! Hey! Here's some-
use in many ways .. in your childrens thing UNUSUAL... a card trick with
show, in your adult show, for comedy. an INVISIBLE PACK OF CARDS!
A GREAT IDEA! The performer removes an INVISIBLE
A specially produced Vinyl wallet with a pack of cards from their case and af-
clear plastic window. A blank Jumbo-sized ter shuffling them, etc., a spectator is
card placed inside is visible through the asked to TOUCH any card. Performer removes this card (WITH-
window. OUT SHOWING ANYONE IT'S FACE!) and places it into his pocket
Mysteriously, a message can appear on (or it can be placed into the SPECTATOR'S pocket). Magician now
this card.... it can be a chosen E.S.P., takes a REAL blank card and an IMAGINARY pencil and writes (!)
symbol, an answer to an addition, a picture, a message such as on the card his prediction. A spectator is asked to state what he
"Happy Birthday", the name of a chosen card... and because this is sees on the card, he says "NOTHING". Another spectator gives
made Jumbo card size, this is big enough for you to use in your the same answer. A third spectator is asked to state what he
shows yet you have almost nothing to carry! THINKS he sees. HE NAMES A CARD. The magician now asks a
We give you two ways of working, - "Simplicity Switch" by ERIC spectator to reach inside his pocket and to remove the invisible
WILLIAMS and "Sam's Switch" by SAM DALAL. Further, we give card there. He removes a VISIBLE ONE ... yes ... it is the card
you a whole manuscript of 17 different routines ... routines to create the spectator named.
laughter and mystery too! In one the Jumbo card which is supposed You should buy this ... and try it ... for it's GOOD and the ef-
to "match a prediction" but DOESN'T - magically it changes! fect on an audience out of all proportion to the simple mechanics
In another.. .a selected card grows into a Jumbo sized one.. .or you used and the low price charged. Price,£1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
could work it the opposite way around if you like, - the Incredible
Shrinking Card! There's LOTS MORE!
The well-made Vinyl holder PLUS TWO special secret gimmicks John Braun writing in the 'Linking
PLUS six blank Jumbo-sized cards for you to use in any of the rou- Ring' had this to say. "Another new
tines, PLUS two regular contrasting Jumbo Cards, PLUS the five book from Supreme 'Feature Magic for
page manuscript of instructions and ideas which will set your 'grey Mentalists' by Will Dexter. - A hand-
some book of 150 pp, 5j x 8$, offset
cells' working and enable you to produce many, many more. A
printed, very nicely illustrated by the
really practical weapon in any modern magician's armoury.
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00). author, bound in red cloth with gold on
spine; attractive jacket. Will Dexter

, Sb b
is no newcomer to the world of magic

Now copied all over the world. We obtained LING SOO as well as several other ma-
rope the rights of this umpteen years ago, it was in gic books. In this book he explains ma-
our No, 3 Catalogue'. - It's been a firm favourite terial used in his own programme over a period of years, all of
since. it heretofore kept exclusive for his own use.
A length of rope remains rigid, falls over, wind Having been a professional journalist, he describes clearly
it around your finger, It's soft as silk, but right every aspect of each of the tricks. These are grouped into 8
away you repeat the Rigid Rope effect again, the rope, which is some sections: 'Is there a Mind-reader in the House?'; 'Something
18 inches long, standing Li the air! Finally, a big surprise finish more than Coincidence'; 'E.S. P. of one Kind or Another'; 'They
when the rope vanishes altogether leaving you with a silk with which Need to Laugh Sometimes'; 'Mathematical Mind Benders'; 'Look!
you wave 'good-bye' to your audience. A great 'get off' number or He does Card Tricks Too!'; 'For the Kitchen Table Mechanic';
special encore trick. and 'Not Mentalism, But It's Beautiful' which is the classic
Yes, it's a small item but big enough to close your show. Chinese Butterflies and Fan trick.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). His methods for the 'Seven Keys to Baldpate', 'The Magic of
Magic Squares', 'Naming the Day for any Date', his mind-
FADE-AWAY reading effect based on soundly tested psychological forces,
COIN BOX booktests, slates, special dice, close-up and platform magic
- all routined for effective presentation and in some cases with
An Okito Box but one patter, makes a book you will learn from as well as enjoy read-
which enables you to add ing. Recommended!" Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
a splendid extra finish.
The box looks fantastic
in bright chrome, - '"""'FOURSQUARE BLENDO
A novel trick. Four silks are shown to be quite
there's a hole tn the base single and separate. Straight away they change
and In the lid. A 10p,50p into a four-square silk. A novel method that's
or similar coin placed easy to do. Price, £20.00, (U.S.A. $50.00).
into the box vanishes, penetrates, etc.
Performer places coin back into the box and attempts to cause the
coin to disintegrate into small particles; at this stage, glitter dust
An opaque bag, any pack of cards,
is seen to run out of the box through the hole in the bottom.. .the even a borrowed one if you wish.
interior of the box is shown empty. Cards are placed into the bag. Mag-
It combines in great with the Salt Trick, - salt vanishes then salt ician is able to name cards which
runs from the box and the coin has gone. should be at the face of the pack each
May be used as a regular Okito Box but anytime you can add the time he removes the pack out of the
splendid additional climax. oag. He cuts the cards inside the bag and locates another card, anc
Box, extra feke and routines. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). so on. The bag and routine. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
PUNCH & JUDY SHOW By Arthur Setterington. First,
All the excitement of a Punch and Arthur tosses a few ideas about and
Judy show combined in one colour- explains how a small effect can be
ful trick! Mr. Punch vanishes 'OH built up. He writes about the magic
YES, HE HAS. OH NO, HE word, on assistants, a first-class
HASN'T'. It's great fun! 'What's patter bit, a great continuity gag.
THAT?' That turns out to be Then he unveils some MAGICAL MYS- Ait
JUDY. The other side of the plaque TERIES, novel effects that kids' en-
shows the policeman. tertainers are going to enjoy. Poor
Mr. Punch arrives back on view
in the Punch and Judy show again,
Illllil Mary, a safety first lesson and dem-
onstration. Hoffmann's Rings.
fljfl AND GAMS5!
but no longer is he holding the baby! Flower Colour. Where's Humpty? ARTHUR SETTERIN'CITON
There's a big surprise finish! etc., etc.
Magicians who know our chil- The next section covers the MAGI-
dren's magic will appreciate that they are on a certain WINNER. CAL PANTOMIME and offers Puss in Boots. There's Surprises,
Colourful props and an exciting action packed routine. including a Rabbit Production and Milady Returns.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). Section Five is 'Entertaining with Ventriloquism', how to get the
laughs. Chapter Six, 'Routines and Ideas for Glove Puppets'. Then
12 STUNTS WITH THE MAGIC it's ''Playtime1', Meet the Family, Crazy Races, What a Memory
and Yes and No.
The old King Tut or Lady in the Bath MUMMY This is a book for the working professional kids' entertainer.
You will enjoy reading it, principally you will learn from it and get
novelty is available at most toy and joke

material you can use from it. EIGHTY big 8" x 10" pages with
shops, you'll be amazed at what you can
illustrations galore by the author himself. Spiral bound, two col-
do with this novelty when you read Ed-
our cover. Every kids' entertainer is bound to get value from it.
die Jospeh's manuscript. Here are j Edcha. I 'Rave Reviews' include one from New Zealand's Magicana, quote:
some REAL MYSTERIES, Mummy Finds
"Well written, no padding, and a lot of good advice. All practical
the Match Levitation, Unpredictable
stuff you are sure to find something in this book".
Mummy, Super Card Divination etc.
Well known children's entertainer Mervyn Cole wrote: "Two gags
With one of the Mummy outfits and this manuscript you are all
from Magic - Fun and Games went into the show last Saturday, the
ready to go to town. same day the parcel arrived. They earned me two bookings on the
Price for 12 Stunts with the Magic Mummy by Eddie Jospeh.
spot. What a great book, worth very much more. Thanks again".
£1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
“IT’S KNOT' We received so many requests
PETER WARLOCK is able, by
(rxSlBl.h f0r details of G.W. HUNTER'S
simple and direct methods, to
PUZZLE KNOT, "The Impossible ’•‘•a y in c '
bring about what to any audience . CARDS
Knot", we just had to do some-
must appear as near miracles.
thing about it. “
Here is an effect that falls into
Ken has compiled a manuscript fully detailing the method and
giving the variations which have appeared on it over the years.
that category. FORTUNA"
A sealed envelope, - a deck of
It's a great programme item and also a wonderful impromptu
cards is cut into six heaps.
stunt, - even after a spectator has been shown how it's done, he
Spectator himself throws the die,
is still unable to work it out'.
yet you have predicted the bottom card of the chosen heap. All the
The effect is that the magician ties a single genuine knot in a
cards are different. The deck of cards really Is unfeked.
piece of unprepared rope or string WITHOUT LETTING GO OF
Complete with die.
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00).
You can have endless fun with "IT'S KNOT IMPOSSIBLE"; in-
cluded is EDWIN'S own routine, used by him over a great num-
ber of years. FIRE FROM ANYWHERE
Comes in the form of an eight-page printed booklet. These gimmicks are practical to use
SPECIAL! A rope - soft, white, right length, and with bound and make miracle effects possible.
ends is included with each book FREE! Imagine suddenly producing fire from
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). one hand, taking the fire away in the
other and apparently placing this into
You have never seen dice like this a hat or into your pocket, but there it
before because they are clear and trans- is, back in the first hand once more!
parent, just like a couple of ice-cubes - GOLCSTHNS Not for sale to juveniles, - all effects
even the spots are invisible! with fire require care in performance,
The dice creates some amazing occur- and practice in presentation.
rences with a deck of cards including Price, complete, two units and illustrated instructions. This is
the location of a selected card! Bill Stickland, who has seen exactly as used by all the leading professionals. Also as demon-
a lot of Dice Magic, said, "I've no idea how it's done but I strated by Michael Hooper at the Magic Circle and leading societies
want a set ... it's very, very good!" We think you'll say the and conventions.
same. Do not expect a showy piece of apparatus. You get the simple
You get the Invisible Dice, full instructions and routine. gimmicks, which work right.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price. £15.00. (U.S.A. $40.00).
A usefill trick coin which
will aid your magic in many
All the good methods of loading hats.
ways. The new British 2p. This is a "MUST HAVE" publication
piece we supply shows a that every magician should own, after
HEAD on both sides! all, to be a good magician, even from
Use for forcing a card or a a layman's point of view, one must be
pile of cards and for a neat able to pull a rabbit or other articles
routine with a few coins. from a hat.
A spectator tries to emulate your movements with his own coins Over 25 methods fully revealed so
but he fails. Great fun as they all want to have a go! The result that you can find a method that will
is always the same.. .your coins all face one way, theirs (??) suit your individual needs and under any conditions you have to
With this gimmick we give several other ideas to create fun and work. Even an impromptu method is included. A neat type-
mystery. script publication profusely illustrated by Mel.
Sold for amusement purposes only . Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
(Available in British coins only at present).
An amazing 'quickie'. A fan of regular
TAILS UP! size cards enlarge as though by magic and
4/vt/^ *3ecomes a JUMBO-SIZED one.. Can be
Yes, this is the same as 'Heads Up!', but the special coin we worked the other way around if you wish,
supply in this instance shows tails on both sides! Use it in con- "accomplishing an instant diminish.
junction with a regular coin. Perform the old move, showing
Supplied complete with all the cards and
first a head on both sides and then a tail on both sides ... really zour special illustrated instructions.
rolling this between the fingers. Finally switch it for the double Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
tail coin and watch the spectators' eyes pop!
This is a precision made coin. The gimmick is indetectable.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). E-ZEE SEALED ENVELOPE TEST
Spectator writes anything on the ex-
SPECIAL DEAL! Get the 'Heads Up' coin and the 'Tails Up' amined blank card which is placed into
coin at the same time for a reduced price. an examined envelope, yet the magi-
Set of two only:- £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). cian is instantly able to reproduce the
same number, word or design with un-
CLOSE-UP FLOATING BULB failing accuracy.
. Walk into any hall or club and CLEAN CUT AND FOOLPROOF.
I without any set-up cause a bulb to SENSATIONAL IN EFFECT.
I float into space and through a hoop Complete with cards, envelopes and routine.
p I - at ail conceivable angles. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8,00).
k I There are No Reels - No Hooking
Written by Lewis Ganson. The incom-
" of Threads to Walls or Furniture.
parable SLYDINI reveals his pet secrets
No apparatus supplied. This is the and Fabulous Routines in this book, des-
7 perfect method for all floating tined to take its place alongside the
lights. Comes in manuscript form - GREATEST CLASSICS OF MAGIC.
illustrated. Price 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). It is a magician's dream to be able to
perform Great Magic ANYWHERE ...
HEAVY AIR TUBE at ANYTIME ... with simple objects.
Well, here is a chance to fulfil that dream.
A decorated metal tube. A large
Slydinl will teach you ...
rubber ball passes through proving "no
"Flight of the Paper Balls" ... the audi-
obstruction". When "heavy air" is
ence is convulsed with laughter at the
placed inside the tube, the ball re-
bewilderment of one of their number with
mains suspended! Tie a knot in a
your ability to make a ball of paper vanish right under his nose!
piece of rope, pass it through the
CIGARETTE MIRACLES ... Whether or not you smoke ... you
tube and the knot disintegrates! A
can borrow a cigarette, tear it up, then cleanly RESTORE IT.
ring tied to the rope vanishes and
then at the word of command reappears back inside the tube
again! You get the tube, ball, rope, ring and the instructions
'TAPER BALLS IN HAT" ... Four balls vanish ... then re-ap-
for all these tricks! No wires or threads!
pear in a borrowed hat.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
"KNOTTED SILKS" ... the audience tie knots in silks, as tight-
ly as they can ... but in your hands they just DISSOLVE INSTANT-
.... ,
Advertised by us in 1974 as a
Plus outstanding routines with COINS - ROPES - CARDS -
/ASUPREME EXCLUSIVE and still quite SPONGE BALLS ... Illustrated with 500 PHOTOGRAPHS. Beauti-
_ the best version of this effect. A fully printed, cloth bound, attractive dust-jacket. All rights pur-
-- pure silk handkerchief is shown on both chased by Supreme from Harry Stanley's Magic Studio.
sides then folded into a 'Ghost Trap'.
"I have seen a copy of a book published in the States entitled
fcN vil Something moves inside it! Something The Best of Slydinl, which is nothing more than a re-write of The
seems alive under it! - From here on Magic of Slydlni but because it has not been written with the ex-
~ I its effectiveness is only limited by
pertise of Ganson, it is not so easy to follow. All Slydini's best
your handling. H's all in the special handkerchief which we works are in The Magic of Slydinl, expertly detailed by Lewis
supply, with George Blake's illustrated instructions which are with many photographs". Alan Alan, London.
in printed form, and additional ideas by George Blake, Travis
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
B.Wills, and Leslie May. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
CARD. NUTS and BILL. A dollar
These have been specially crafted for us and x=<
bill placed between two slates and
= -■

we can supply, full-size WHITE. Price, £6.50

js? a card chosen. When slates are
(U.S.A. $16.00). Full-size COLOURED
separated, the name of the card is £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
written on one slate and the num-
bers of the borrowed bill written on
JI the second slate!
gll) Two spectators assist. TROUBLEWIT ROUTINES
The borrowed bill is covered with A real "Handy bit". Great as a "fill-
a handkerchief and held by a spectator. Second spectator is handed in" for any kids' entertainer, but as such
a dish of walnuts. He takes one and is also given a small hammer. performers as BILLY McCOMB and
The handkerchief is opened out, the bill has vanished. The nut is CLAUDE PERRY and others have shown,
removed and inside is the bill. this can be tremendous SOPHISTICATED
The effect is repeated. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TOO. We can
A third time the spectator informs you that there are no more
nuts ... Lots of comedy here! Finally four quarters (in the WIT BY KEN DE COURCY - a full patter
States) or two 50p. pieces, apparently drop from the spectator's presentation with all the various figures. Price, £2. 50, (U.S.A.
nose and they are returned to the party who loaned you the origin- $6.00).
al dollar!
Eight minutes of real mystery with lots of laughs.
RAJAH TURBAN MYSTERY This Unique Troublewit Routine
gives you the correct dope on the Another routine by KEN with some beautiful
Burnt and Restored Turban. No art-work. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
extra pieces to cut away. A dra-
matic, as well as club method is
described. Shows you how to wind SPECIAL DEAL
a turban on the head and many oth- We will supply you with both the routines mentioned plus a Trouble'
er useful showmanship dodges to wit of your choice.
put this clever trick across Two excellent tricks, GOOD MAGIC. The Two. Routines and a plain Troublewit. Price, £8.00, (U.S.A.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). $18.00).
The Two Routines and a coloured Troublewit, Price, £10.00,
Recurrent Currency
(U.S.A. $25.00).
Using familiar prin-
ciples it's a great new
routine. The magic-
An unusual coincidence/predlctton effect
ian shows two coins, with E.S.P. cards, two sets, one printed in
a 2p piece and a 10p red and one in blue. Can be presented as a ./ Z\,
—-- piece. Apart from the
prediction or an amazing coincidence effect,
tw0 colns his hands Price, complete with cards. *'
' are empty. One coin ________ £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).-------------------------------------------------
is taken away and placed in the pocket, magically it returns to the
hand. You repeat it, again take away a coin, again it comes back
to the hand. And you repeat it once more but this time there's a
______ AlhBoba’s Coin Box ----------
If you go for precision magic you
big surprise finish. The precision set of coins we supply, together will certainly like A LI BABA'S COIN
with the detailed routine makes the whole thing easy for you. There BOX. We are now making this in
is no skill or sleight of any kind. We supply the trick complete for. TWO sizes, regular size which takes
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). coins up to IQp size and the super
The magician borrows a finger-ring, wraps giant model which will take up to 50p
The Gordian it in a handkerchief and hands it to a spec- size coins. It's a fantastic effect,

Ring tator to hold.

He takes a piece of rope and ties a single
you show the small brass box; apart
from the box your hands are empty.
knot in its centre. Then, holding the rope You take the lid off the box and ask a spectator to reach inside and
by both ends, he asks the spectator to throw take out the contents. He takes out a small sponge ball, there is
both ring and handkerchief towards the knot nothing else inside the box. The lid is replaced on the box which
in the centre of the rope. you place on the table.
The handkerchief flutters to the floor Now you take the ball and tuck it in your hands and it vanishes.
empty and the ring literally visibly appears Maybe it is Inside the box? But a surprise awaits the audience for
tied in the knot on the rope. The rope is when you open the box this is now filled and we really do mean FIL-
handed to the man who dent the ring with the LED with coins. They don't have to be all the same denomination,
request that he should undo the knot, take It can be a mixture of coins, and the coins are immediately tipped
back his own ring and return the rope. out and spread right across the table. The coins are unfeked.
We supply the coloured silk, cord and spec- This is beautiful precision work, made by a master mechanic for
ial handkerchief plus the detailed Illustrated instructions. Best of the chap who wants the very best. Price, Regular Size, £15.50,
all you get Ken de Courcy's great PATTER ROUTINE right out of (U.S.A. $40.00). Price, Giant Size, £18.00, (U.S.A. $50.00).
his own programme. P.S. We include a sponge ball but you'll have to supply ypur own
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). coins!
A small, scintillating gem-studded
clear plastic die can be examined. THE GOLIM ILLUSION ACT
Roll it on the table and it becomes a At one time this was a feature act in
perfectly round one. Yes, a perfect vaudeville. Can now be revived and
sphere, still absolutely clear and ideal for floor shows, close-up or
spotted! stage. Can be worked surrounded.
Magician attempts to put matters During the course of the routine
right but this time "exerts too much doors are always left open. Lights
pressure" and the die becomes a flat are turned on at front of cabinet and
circular one! two hands come out and pick out col-
Finally the circular die is placed in the hand, where it vanishes oured ribbons, play on musical instruments, write on a slate, etc.
completely. Then the head part comes to life and sings a song, talks etc.
You get the three special dice, made in plastic and all 'jewel'- Full secret method and instructions.
spotted, plus a clear miniature plastic wand with black tips. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10,00). A pole or broom Is shown and stood up- ,
right on a platform. I
GRANDFATHER CLOCK ILLUSION The girl stands on a stool and rests her (
n" KflSw A self-contained illusion. arm over the top of the pole. The mag-
ician makes hypnotic passes, then rem-
The cal3lnet represents a large grandfather
clock. The front door is opened exposing oves the stool, lifts the girl by her feet SUSPENSION

i I r It rWl the works. This section is removed in one to an angle, then to a horizontal position OR BROOM
where she remains suspended without ILLUSION
I 1__OTJ piece> ttie *5ac't door is opened and the audi-
M| ence can plainly see right through the cabinet. any support other than the pole.
The stool is replaced, girl lowered. She is ae-KypnStsecTanff’*2
*' ” The doors are closed, shot fired and out steps
walks down from the stool amidst the applause of the spectators.
the magician's assistant. FULL WORKSHOP PLANS. Price, £1,50, (U.S.A, $4.00).
The Illusion can be used as a production or as a vanish.
Full workshop plans.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). CWP4M5 CMzywfcl| 1/ IAn hilarious comedy routine.
- “
End of rope hanging from sleeve
is pulled down until It gets stuck;
By IAN ADAIR. An 8 inch
x 4 inch plaque has three then the other end Is discovered
1| inch spots painted on it,
red, yellow and green. As o o
in the other sleeve! This is pull-
ed down and the rope goes up one
sleeve and down the other'. Again

the plaque is covered with
a cloth the spots change i it gets stuck. Now the end is dis-
around, green at the top, /t covered at the trouser leg, pulled
ri down again, it's stuck again and
red at the bottom. Great -
until the audience 'catch on' this time the final pull dislodges it, and the magician's colourful
and see you turning the underpants!!!
plaque end for end! But hang on a bit'. - there IS some magic here Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
for now the green spot is in the CENTRE of the plaque! The other Vai Andrews has reduced some great
side? Yes, there ARE spots there - PURPLE, PINK and BLUE illusions, altering them where necess-
ONES'.'. '> ary so that they become suitable for
'Show us the first side again' - Wow! Those spots are now made intimate presentation and performance
up with vari-coloured lines, spots and squiggles!!! under ordinary Concert-platform con-
Supreme CRAZY SPOTS is a neat, amusing and surprising effect.
FOUR distinct changes occur! fö'WATiSTlÄB5 ditions, in addition several items are
Included using DOLLS in place of per-
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
tffnscwä vä tA \
sons and it should be possible for an
I adept showman to build an exciting
THE GROWING TIE | speciality act on these lines with the
You are wearing a gaudy looking tie. Notic- A material given.
ing that the ends of the tie are tied in rather f 6 Typescript, illustrated text. Printed
an uneven manner, you attempt to remedy this Kj covers, price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
by untying it and then retying it. w
As you do so, you adjust one end and then GIANT CRAZY COMB
Eight excellent notions make this a
the other end and then the other end becomes
too long, and all the time the tie is growing gag prop you'll use repeatedly. Specially
inch by inch, foot by foot until at the finish the 7 written for us by VAL ANDREWS we
ends are dragging on the floor. * give this manuscript to all purchasers
Finally, in sheer desperation you remove the tie completely and of our Giant Comb. The comb is made
clip on a bow-tie to carry on with your show! from plastic and measures 15 Inches x
Laughs with this great gag are many and built into the comedy sit- inches. It looks bright and attrac-
uation. Simple and easy-to-work! tive. Kids entertainers will use it to
You get this pne giant of a tie, special gimmick and the illustrated create GALES of merriment. It's a prop ALL Entertainers will
instructions and routine. want.
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. §16.00). Price, Including the manuscript of ideas, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).
The wallet is a genuine one,
KEN DE COURCY has done it
but one which can be opened in
again! An outstanding close-up
either one of two ways. Made
routine using a beautifully-made
from LEATHER, padded and
piece of apparatus.
A lined with silk, we supply the
Two playing-cards and an Eng-
wallet with several gimmicks
lish coin. Cards are placed
and some fine routines.
together, the coin is vanished and 1 A card placed in the wallet
it appears between the two cards! penetrates through and CHANGES ON THE WAY. You can put two
-atari. One card is placed to one side, cards in the wallet ... they can BOTH change, or one card can
the coin goes to the other and is remain as it is and the OTHER changes! - We give you several
covered by the other card.
mystifying routines. You'll soon think of many ways of using the
A pass and the coin passes from one card to the other! wallet to mystify and surprise.
Suddenly the coin vanishes completely and has passed right through
________Price, £6.50. (U.S.A. $18.00).
the table-cover or close-up mat!!!
A fine piece of precision apparatus and a smooth baffling routine. By VAL ANDREWS. Subtitled
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). 'What not to do at the Vicar's Tea
Party'. Here are bits, tricks, patter
Glamour Doll
Jeffery Atkins' illusion in miniature.
and routines suitable for every type
of cabaret performer. Including
Club-Liners, Fun-Liners, Ridiculous
Great for any kind of show. A small doll Rhymes, Song Parodies, etc.
is wrapped in tissue paper and given to a In typescript form, printed covers.
spectator to hold. Various items of cos- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
tume are shown, different colours. Spec-
tator chooses one. The chosen one van-
ishes and doll appears wearing the correct A trick that's a gag, a
coloured costume. gag that's a trick. Spec-
Recommended as one of his favourite ially printed cards to be
children's effects by the late WILFRED presented to appropri-
TYLER. BRIAN BERRY of Preston writes: ate young ladies that
state "You have been
"A great children's effect. I have been
using this for some years with success". watched by ... (and here
you sign your name) ... -------------
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $45.00).
A member of the Inter-
national Society of Girl
A WOMAN J Various "gradings" are given, the magician ticks these off ...
A card showing a young lady -X _ magically the gradings re-arrange! You'll get alot of fun out of
in a reclining position is slid -« these cards, with or without the magic! - and maybe make a few
into an envelope, whieh it al- dates too?
most fills. Telling of the fa- Price, per set, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
mous illusion, the Magician W
takes a pair of scissors and to \ SENSATIONAL
illustrate his story CUTS THE
Cabinet is shown and examined. The
HALF! When the halves of the envelope are drawn apart, the
card is found to be intact.
Magician explains that the illusion is simple and in reality there 031 girl enters and is assisted into the
cabinet. The lid is placed on, a walk-
t ing cane is placed through a hole in
are TWO girls in the box, and he merely saws down between them. y the cabinet. The cane is completely
He 'proves his point' by turning the card over and showing the pic- pushed out from inside the cabinet.
ture there but, of course, the audience are just as mystified as After proving the girl is still in the cabinet, the magician Inserts
ever as the card is quite intact! eight walking canes into the lower part of the cabinet. There is
We supply the card (size 8j inches x 3| inches), envelopes, Il- considerable by-play and the girl's costume Is pulled out through
lustrated Instructions ... everything ready for you to work this
a hole in the top of the cabinet.
right away.
Finally the canes are removed, the lids taken off and the cabinet
_______ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).________________________
flattened out. The girl has vanished. She makes her reappearance
CUTTING A CIGARETTE IN HAtF from the front of the theatre.
A little metal tube which is just No mirrors, no doubles. Full workshop plans.
large enough to contain a single ciga- Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
rette. An ordinary razor blade is An unusual mystery. A number of plain
slowly passed through the slit in the white cards. Spectator writes his name
centre of the tube "cutting the ciga-
rette in two equal pieces!1' MOST# on one and card is sealed into an unpre-
pared pay envelope with a small pencil.
Removing the blade, the tube is UWTINC- When later removed, writing appears on
handed to any spectator and upon removing the cigarette it is the card in pencil giving the answer to a
found to be unharmed. The blade, tube and cigarette can be ex- chosen addition or the name of a chosen card.
amined. The tube is a marvel of clever workmanship. We give you a supply of cards and envelopes together with the
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). routine. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Fun and Magic for Children
A tube of coloured tissue paper is opened up
By EDWIN the MAGICIAN. Twenty-four
and set on fire. As the ashes burn away, slowly
packed illustrated.pages, which were
and mysteriously they rise up into the air.
first available at the 1975 I.B.M. Con-
Magician grabs at the ashes and there at his <
vention at Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S.A.
fingertips is a silk handkerchief of the same
Packed with sound common-sense and
colour as the paper!
novel effects. It's worth many times the
Many other ideas are given.
modest price put upon this publication.
We supply a number of 'Fire Balloons' plus a dozen different
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). EDWMthelUaCUN
stunts for you to use. No silks etc. , use your own.

Only two seconds preparation and
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. §5.00).

the gimmick makes it possible for YOU The Humbling Ghoul

to BORROW a deck of cards, shuffle
them and cut, one at a time, the four You have often been asked: "Is there such
Aces! With the Gamblers Gimmick a thing as a ghost?"
and a borrowed deck of cards, you can FOGEL CAN GIVE YOU THE ANSWER!
deal a Royal Flush, Four of a Kind, Next time you throw a party, be the talk of
a Pontoon hand or practically anything you like! You can perform the town! Invite The GAMBLING GHOST.
your favourite blindfold routine with somebody else's cards, a He will brings THRILLS, CHILLS and finally
very clean card stab, a Six card repeat, - the list is never end- UPROARIOUS LAUGHTER!
ing. It is a lovely offbeat presentation ... a rou-
Full instructions and several ideas, plus the gimmick. tine that has gained good nation-wide publicity
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00). I for FOGEL many, many times.
Ian Adair's novel effect. The outside of
IONS. It can be introduced anywhere, at any
time, on a large stage or in a drawing room.
the small folders show question-marks, It is not just a secret. It is a ROUTINE, packed with drama and

W inside they are numbered. One with the comedy and employing a minimum of apparams. It is described
7 figure '1', one with figure '2', one with an down to the last detail in an eight page printed booklet, fully illus-
’ 'x'. Folders are mixed-up and placed In trated and bound in neat light covers.
any order along in tumblers. Spectator IT’S BAFFLING! IT'S SENSATIONAL!
himself chooses the order the folders will IT'S FIRST-RATE ENTERTAINMENT!
be placed in. Spectator himself decides on AND NO SKILL IS REQUIRED!
any combination of "1, 2, x." The magician THE GAMBLING GHOST comes to you fully described, fully illus-
shows that strange to say, he has correctly trated and with appropriate patter.
matched his own thoughts!'.'. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Final Forecast, complete.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).___________


Not "Another book of dove tricks",
we have published many books on that ; By JOHNNY GEDDES. Reviewing <//?! 'l///Z"/ZZ/,4
this book in 'Abra' GOODLIFFE wrote
theme. Here are articles on: Assist-
’There are several things which I
ants; on keeping and caring for your
could use. Fine workable material.
doves, twists on general tricks, turn-
Johnny's best’.
ing them into dove effects; a review of five years of dove magic in
Illustrated typescript text, printed
which many dove workers' names and acts are mentioned. How to

covers.;. Foreword ' ‘by FOGEL, who praises the material as "good
stop doves flying, here are one or two different methods.
wholesome, practical tricks and gag material". You'll agreel
Many ideas which are easy to make and perform. Mimeographed
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
contents, printed covers.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). BILLY MCCOMB'S

"Further thanks to Al Baker” Probably the first of the rigid rope
By GEORGE BLAKE. An unusual effect effects and one which is always good
with a minimal of properties which you will for a laugh and which creates a mys-
^have no difficulty in getting together from
any stationers’ stores. A paper bag, a few *1 tery too.
A length of regular-looking rope is
paper clips and you require three borrowed shown to be free from preparation.
Treasury Notes. Attempts to magnetise the rope fall
The notes are folded, clipped and tossed ... in fact this can be an excellent
into the bag. Each of the three spectators take a note ... mlracu- continuity gag throughout your show.
lously you divine the serial number of the bill they each hold. Whenever you wish the rope remains
Price fbr the printed, illustrated manuscript, which tells you rigid, standing up like the fabled Indian Rope Trick!
how and shows you how. No threads, magnets or similar ideas. Simple and good.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). Complete. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A real 'oldje' in magic is now given
The effect can be 'In-
a new lease of life with Jumbo size $ stant BEER' or 'Instant
cards. Visual to any audience, an ■G’Tjr T MILK' or 'Instant POP',
entertaining mystery to Include in any * for the special folding
programme. Four 8's become four tube we supply has a
2's, then the cards become black cards, clear plastic panel, and
* then all red cards. Complete with rou- under it can be slid
tine, and all the necessary Jumbo cards. especially printed card
♦ Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). labels which show ANY
one of these commodities!
In performance you si an empty glass. Cover it with a tube.
The children make a wish and the glass is filled with liquid.
JUMBO RED 5 BLACK Capable of many other uses. It will change a silk into a liquid
of the same colour. A ball can be transformed into a silk or con-
Three red cards and one odd black card. \ '*/
The audience are asked to carry out a test ,\t *'
We supply the special Plastic tumbler, tube, card labels and a
of observation, but they are wrong in the T
end. Price, complete with all the cards, Buky lot of clever Ideas in manuscript form.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Jumbo-size, and routine, Price, £.3.00,
(U.S.A. $7.00). W A great rope
trick! Audience
iNwyg' UQUET PRODUCTION see you display the
rope ... nothing

A clever gimmick that holds a bouquet concealed in the
of Spring Flowers. Complete with fin- hands ... they see
H ger-clip, etc. Any time you like, reach you knot the ends
yjpyj " into the air and a bouquet appears.
and cut right through the rope ... yet in an INSTANT the rope is
Price for the special feke and instructions only, use your own restored!
spring flowers, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN! NO REPLACEMENTS EVER NEEDED!
Take an INVISIBLE PAIR OF SCISSORS - snip - snap! in the air
INSTANT CHANGE and the rope falls cut! Place the cut ends together - and the rope
A spectator chooses a card ... magician is restored!
attempts to find it but prockices the Tug the rope between the hands to prove it's completely whole ...
WRONG ONE! All is put right as AL- give it a "Karate Chop" and It's in two again! Wham! and you hold
MOST VISIBLY the card changes to the one restored rope once more!
right one! Instant Rope is always ready. You get the special rope plus the
A clever Idea you'll use in many dif- detailed, illustrated instructions.
ferent ways! Card can be EXAMINED! Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Complete with several routines.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). INCIIEIHBLE COINCIDENCE
Arthur Carter's card trick which is in
“JACK'S PACK” the MIRACLE class. A wallet is tossed
down on the table. It contains any envel-

Originated by Jack Yates. A deck
arrangement in which any card can ope holding a card - nothing else. A card
be located easily by a single calcul- is selected from a blue-backed deck, you
! ation. Just imagine, any card is do not touch the pack. The spectator's
named, you are able to state'It's card Is placed in an envelope. Now get
ACKS whereabouts In the pack or you can this! The red-backed card in the wallet
locate the card by spelling, counting, Is the duplicate of the spectator's card!
using dates and other means. No sleights. No faked cards, no pocket
KEN DE COURCY has added several indexes. All you need are our instructions. Use any cards.
ingenious ideas. Everything comes to Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).

I you complete in the form of an 8" x

10" printed booklet.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
It’s the Indian Rope Trick in minia-
ture! A nicely-made wooden paddle,

lacquered black with a picture of an
Here's a colourful and surpris- Indian playing a flute. From a bask-
ing trick with six gorgeous plumes et rises a rope which a little Indian
of feathers which magically trans- boy is climbing. Yes there’s one on
pose, and CHANGE COLOUR as both sides. Magically, one of the
they are passed through an ordin- boys disappears, leaving a message,
ary paper tube which can be torn 'Gone on Strike'. The other boy
up at the end. stays in position ... he's a non-
Comes complete with routine. INO1AH
union worker! Topical! timely! cun-
Great for children or adult per- ning! An ideal trick to carry with you
formance. F“ and to get interest and create laughs.
Price, £20.00, (U.S.A. $50.00). *** —■ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
X Famous American reviewer; ED
A GOOD pocket trick, performed at I MISHELL, wrote: "A really first-
the right moment, can considerably s’ class idea and something different
enhance your reputation as a MAGICIAN In Torn & Restored Papers. Top
and may lead to lucrative engagements. - PAPER TRICK \ marks!” Later reviewing the ef-
The printed picture on the card shows ■' feet in the Genii Magazine for
the Swami gazing Intently into his k February 1981, Ed wrote: "Ma-
Crystal Ball. Someone signs their gician displays a large envelope in-
name on the face of the card, some- i scribed 'The Wonderful Torn and
one else signs the back, and yet, ) l>H .-z . Restored Paper Trick'. He states
whilst in their own hands, the name of he just purchased the effect. He withdraws a folded sheet of in-
the chosen card message, etc., ma- structions and a sheet of coloured tissue paper, from the envel-
gically appears "In the Crystal". ope. As he reads the instructions, the sheet of paper is torn
Everything can be examined and the into pieces.
spectator can keep the card as a sou- "But the trick doesn't work! In disgust he wads up the torn pieces
venir (it forms a valuable advertise- and then proceeds to tear up the instruction sheet. He waves his
ment for your magic, too!) hand over the ball of paper and the instruction sheet is fully re-
Complete, cards, etc., and a dozen different routines for ... stored! He does the same with the torn up ball of paper and the
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $3.00). instructions sheet is fully restored! He does the same with the
torn up ball of tissue paper and this too is completely restored!
Ten sets of special papers, a printed envelope and complete pat-
THE JOHN BOOTH CLASSICS ter is included".
Yes, you get everything, together with the patter routine that
By John Booth. In three distinct parts
all bound together within the pages of will get you laughs all the way through.
one handsome book. Part 1 - A CON- Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
of John Booth. The foreword is by
KARR ELL FOX which tells of two great
books that gripped his Imagination as a POLICY
youngster and which helped him to ach- Yes this is the Magician's In- V
ieve success. These two books, 'Mar- surance Policy presented in a
vels of Mystery' and 'Forging Ahead in really first-rate manner and
Magic' are both here. with an excellent routine. BIG!
18" x 23|" when opened. Beauti-
FORGING AHEAD IN MAGIC contains secrets more powerful
fully printed on top quality, _________
than magic itself ... How to sell yourself, how to get publicity, opaque paper. It really does look like an Insurance Policy and
and how to build an act. The secrets of a successful magician. then at the end, the policy opens out completely to reveal a giant
MARVELS OF MYSTERY, is a book of tricks that includes chap- card, the chosen one! Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
ters on 'Opening Smartly', 'Patter Pets','Closing Masterpieces'.
Here you will find Booth's modern Chinese Linking Rings, Indian INTERLUDE FOR TWO
Needle Swallowing Mystery and similar timeless effects. One of the most baffling effects
A book which is a definite must for anyone who loves magic, for that's a series of surprises. The
anyone who entertains, for anyone who wants to make money from magician removes a pack of blue-
magic and anyone who wants to develop their personality and improve backed cards from their cases.
their stage-craft. A delightful book which is a must for you. O’ Straight away, from the same card
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). case, he removes a full size red-

THE FAMOUS backed pack of cards! Two spec-
INK BOTTLE 8 i , tators each choose a card, one fror
< each pack. The cards are replacec
There's never been
the red-backed card In the red pad
and vice versa. Miraculously the cards transpose.
greater comedy than
this. A lady's handker- 4= No switch of card cases, no special packs of cards.
Price, without cards, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00).
chief is borrowed, it
can be one of an unusual
pattern. Only one hand-
kerchief is used. The special gimmicked card we supply Is I
"Blue Geometrical" but you can stick It onto ♦
The magician shows a
bottle of ink, pouring ____ the face of any card and you are In business. *
some of the ink onto a plate so that all can see the bottle contains You don't have to practise this, you can
what its label claims. Taking the borrowed handkerchief, he work it as soon as you receive it and it's
pushes this right down inside the bottle! This bottle Is placed something different. A card is chosen and
aside. placed in the pack in reverse. When a spec-
Now a small turnip is taken up and cut with a knife. Something tator turns the card over, he finds that it is not his card. It is
peculiar appears in the centre ... Yes', the borrowed handkerchief simply a printed card which states 'Look inside the Card Case!
which is handed back to the lady, none the worse for Its misadven- Spectator can check through the pack but his card is missing fron:
tures. But what's inside the Ink bottle. The magician picks up it and when he himself opens the card case, which has been in ful'
the ink bottle and a small glass and pours from the bottle ... jet view all the time, there inside is his chosen card!
black ink! Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). _________ Simple, easy, direct. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00).
In this book you will find not only tricks You don't touch or see the deck.
that work but more important, INTRIGUING You don't DO the trick. But the
CLOSE-UP ROUTINES with the accent on . = Griffon presentation is such that your repu-
ENTERTAINMENT. All effects have an un- = Close-up tation as an outstanding magician
usual twist, or that 'little something" that will soar to unknown heights.
makes them "different''. All are the re- You can be thousands of miles
sults of several years performing and re- away from where the trick is being done, but using the magic
fining, removing all the rough points. formula, the magician's NAME, it works. You can telephone the
Printed book of forty-eight approx. 8 instructions. You do not ask questions. You can perform the ef-
Inches x 5 inches. Attractive light-board t:
fect on the radio or on television and it will fool everyone. A
cover. Over sixty clear illustrations by 'Corth'. typical Eddie Joseph masterpiece.
Contents include 'Red Barrels', Miniature Cups and Balls, The _____________ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).______________________
ChainSmoker, Thought Snapper, Pseudo Psychometry, etc., -
Performer shows a Four-Spot
all good material. No padding or pipe-dreams! A book you will NICK TROST’S
and three blank-face cards. One
treasure and which will aid you in your magic.
blank card is laid aside. Other
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
three cards are rubbed and Four-
JUMBO WILD CARD-PLUS DOWN! When its face is shown,
You have seen Edwin work it at however, it's now BLANK! All
all the Conventions and you know cards shown front and back -
it's GOOD. The Wild Card BUT Four has DEFINITELY VANISH-
with jumbo-sized cards. Seven ED. Blank card that was laid aside is shown - IT'S NOW THE
cards are used, Backs of all cards MISSING FOUR-SPOT!
ire shown. Six of the cards are black spot cards, the odd card is a Complete with cards and instructions.
jueen. One by one all the cards change until THEY'RE ALL QUEEN'S Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
\gain the cards can be shown front and back.
You get the cards, plus the instructions which are in booklet form, This you will like! Not a world-
he routines by EDWIN and BOB GILL described by LEWIS GANSON beating mystery but a cute gag
is only he knows how. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). - item to include in your show.
CLEVER! - the trick won the
•h u g g y ’ Originality award at the I.B. M.
S.A.M. Convention in Buffalo,
The magician takes up a large cereal
BEAR WHICH YOU EVER SAW POPS RIGHT Two spectators are called on
OUT OF THE TOP OF THE PACKET AND stage to assist the Magician.
STARTS A LIVELY CONVERSATION WITH Each spectator takes a card and returns it to the deck. Deck is
YOU! cut into two and magician attempts to find the cards. THE RE-
You don't even have to do vent. It's fun SULT IS FUNNY - AND MAGICAL TOO!
and business galore to get the laughter and Not a lot of props. We supply the instructions and a couple of
the applause. special cards. You supply any deck.
We supply you with 'Huggy' made from the Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
finest felt fabrics. He's a real mad-looking bear; the col-
ourful 'Sugar Puff' packet, already gimmicked for you to use.
Tips and Ideas; and finally, for those who like to vent, or
Instead of the normal type of bag the
like to try their prowess in this direction, there's a short vent
performer uses his Fez Hat! This can
bit that's a show-stopper. Price, £8.00, (U.S.A. $18.00).
have been worn during the show. All
FIERY HANKY the usual moves and routines are poss-
A startling mystery that will leave When the Fez is turned inside out it
your audience dumbfounded. A bor- can be completely spun round, shown
rowed handkerchief is held at the on all sides. There is no pocket to be
fingertips and a lighted match is held seen. Yet straight away the Magician
underneath as if to catch it on fire.
can produce or vanish eggs in a most mystifying manner using
the Fez. Fez is bright red, made from real felt, with tassel.
FLAME AROUND THE HANDKER- Complete with a first-class routine and two plastic eggs.
CHIEF. Handkerchief is Immediately Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $28.00).
returned to Its owner unharmed.
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A most unusual publication! A collection
Supreme Dead and Alive Matches are of TWELVE magi-monologues based on the
apparently bumt-out, spent matches - > misadventure of one man - a character named
but which you can strike! JOE! "Joe Smith"! A refreshing break from the
As a gag it's just terrific. You "find" usual type of presentations. Full instructions
one on the floor, or in an ashtray - just gfe for all the tricks are Included and with the
a dead match, yet you strike it to light u
pF patter presentations.
your cigarette. Knowing Arthur Setterlngton's cleverness
Our supply of these is’ strictly limited. While stocks last - you won't be disappointed. A printed book. Illustrated, light board
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00) per box. cover. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
MAGIC •ä' ONE SIP Q) A GLKTLE 5090.71.^^’

A sheet of paper is formed into a

tube. One by one, three silks are
A pocket trick
with a punch. Trick w hisk ey !
tucked inside. Magically, the consists of five two- vT &
three silks change into balls which colour cards, each
are placed along a neat wooden
stand. The paper is opened up and shown empty. Supplied com-
card with the same
back design. Cards
are in the form of
plete with all the silks, balls, stand, etc.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). bottle labels. Each «orroa ANO TME GIRLS’
label has cute com-
JUMBO CARD TRICKS ments that are for laughs. After spectator has examined the
cards, they are mixed, and he retains one face down on his hand.
You touch the back of the card with a finger, raise the finger to
By Grant. 33 wonder-
ful tricks and stunts you your lips in a tasting motion and correctly name the chosen card.
Cards are again mixed and the effect is repeated. This can be
can work with Jumbo done Indefinitely.
Cards. Contents include The Shrinking Jumbo, Rising Card Trick,
Chinese Card Trick, Message from the Flames, etc. Also a sen- The more you dd' it, the more mystifying it becomes. Cards
sational novelty 'The Rub Off', a Jumbo card has a hole in the centre. can be thoroughly examined at any time. It's always ready.
Silk Is rubbed over the hole and rubs the hole away! Price, complete, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Tells you how to go from an ordinary card routine into one with
Jumbos, how to bring cards to the top without a pass, how to force THE FARMER & THE WITCH
cards etc.
Typescript publication. Printed covers. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. This is the famous Double Exchange
$6.00). Illusion worked with children from
■Xi the audience. Three children step up,
JUMBO FINALE two girlsand a boy. A girl acts as
the wardrobe mistress and assists in
Miniature cards grow once - then again - FOUR dressing-up the other characters, -
TIMES THEIR SIZE to reveal spectator's card for
the girl is dressed in a witch's cos-
BIG CLIMAX! Someone selects a card from a pack. tume, the boy is dressed in a farmer's costume; each is given a
Performer claims he will produce a duplicate of

mask to wear.
spectator's card. He shows a miniature Poker hand, ft I*
Al? Magician relates a story of how the old witch called at the farm-
but the hand is so small he changes it instantly into
er's door at the witching hour of midnight, asking for food and
five regular-sized cards! The spectator's card is water, and how the farmer turned the witch away, tired and hun-
NOT there. When other four cards are shown again,
however, they form one JUMBO-SIZED CARD TO MATCH spectator's gry. But this old witch had magic powers, she waved her broom in
card! An easy-to-do, knockout effect. Price, £2.50,(U.S. A. $6.00). the air and changed places with the farmer, putting him out in

MAGIC CARPET the cold.

Magician waves a wand over each child's head and on removing
The late Harold G. Beaumont the masks, it is seen that the boy and die girl have changed
gave us this one. A MINIATURE places.
CARPET and a COLOURFUL Sensational and startling! NO preparing the boys and girls
LITTLE WOODEN FIGURE of an ahead of time. Spectators will leave the show wondering how
Oriental gentleman. Figure is such a thing is possible.
placed on the carpet and then a Manuscript with method only. You'll find the costumes etc.,
fable comes true! The magic car- easy to make. Masks are obtainable from any novelty store.
pet rises in the air! Without cover Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.0Q).
of any kind it floats here and there, transporting the little pass-
enger back and forth finally carrying him back to your table.
We supply the special carpet and figure enabling you to perform
Invisible Cigarette Candle
this beautiful effect right away. ,li// A classic plot! Performer rolls an INVIS-
________ Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $20.00);_______________________ IBLE cigarette, lights it with a candle and he
/ has a real lit cigarette between his lips. The
JUMBO CARD Between whole of the working lies in the clever mech-
W anical candle which is a marvel of simplicity
Plastic Plates
For sheer simplicity and directness I
V and mechanical ingenuity. One of the best
■ methods ever devised for this great effect.
of effect this is hard to beat! Two * Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
pieces of white card, two pieces of
CLEAR PERSPEX which have been
banded together with elastic bands. JOKE PADLOCK 0®
Miraculously a Jumbo card appears The substantial-looking Padlock is actually L®
between the two plastic sheets. You'll lightweight plastic*. Silver in colour and com-
'flip' over the method - It's so easy. plete with attached hasp and staple, you have
Other ideas are supplied. Growing only to moisten the sucker to attach this to any
Card, a regular card grows and be- smooth surface!
comes a Jumbo sized one, A Comedy
Card Prediction, etc.
Stick it on the bathroom door ... the ward-
robe. .. the car ... laughs galore! ? 1
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00).
BOOKS TO READ A word in itself, coined and copyrighted by Nelson. The real
secrets of CONTACT MIND-READING. 33 large mimeographed
pages, printed covers, spiral bound. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.).
Maybe you've missed some of the following overseas and other
publications Supreme can supply - GYRATING TABLES
By Robert Nelson. Table tipping and lifting without gimmicks
JACK MILLER'S LINKING RING ROUTINE legitimately performed using an ORDINARY table and FOUR
Ah American publication with Jack Miller's famous routine SPECTATORS. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
including 'Miracle Moves with Ring and Rope'. Printed, illustra-
ted. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). MENTALISTRIX ENCORE
By The Amazing Maurice. Mental experiments that will
HOW TO DO PUNCH A JUDY hold the interest and attention of any audience. Performed in
Sydney DeHempsey. - The Know How of the P & J Show. The a simple way. You'll be amazed and surprised at some of the
dialogue. The fit-up and tips and advice on manipulation. Rare. commercial ideas in this publication. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.)
This is the Original Publication. All rights and reprint rights
were purchased by Supreme. A Supreme Exclusive. MENTALISM AND ITS PRESENTATIONS
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). By Robert Nelson and Syd Bergson. A Nelson Enterprises
publication, 24 mimeographed pages with a wealth of excellent
HOW TO DO CHALK CARTOONS information for the working Mentalist. Here is what you WON'T
Gerry Findler - A simple and easy form of drawing that any- find elsewhere including a chapter on the serious BUSINESS of
one can do. (Vampire) Rare. This is the ORIGINAL publica- mentalism. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
tion. All stocks and reprint rights were purchased by Supreme.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). DAVID BERGLAS FILE
The booklet produced by David Berglas and which details some
The Amazing Maurice. Practical, easy, mental mysteries. programme. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Highly prized all over the world. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). DAVID BERGLAS LECTURE NOTES
THE MEDICINE MAN PITCH As sold by David during his lecture and filled with brilliant im-
A la Doctor Josephu's Forrestus. A complete act using sim- material. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
pie presentation, A comedy routine which will have the audi- SPECIAL OFFER! David Berglas File AND Lecture Notes when
ence laughing. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). taken together, price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).


Robert Nelson. Giving the prospective mentalist a clear and By R-A.Nelson. Who to see! Where to book! How to book!
concise understanding of code work. A giant of a mimeographed Here's a mimeographed book which will help you with whatever
book. 80 pages. Card cover. Spiral bound. kind of magic you present, including chapters on 'Booking By
Price, £7.50, (Ü.S.A. $18.00). Mail', 'Theatrical Agencies', 'Theatres, Clubs, Hotels & T.V.'
etc. 41 large mimeographed pages, hard covers.
HOW TO READ SEALED MESSAGES Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Robert Nelson. Obtaining written information sealed and sign-
ed by a spectator. Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $10.00). HYPNOTISM ON ANIMALS
By Nelson. A field for sensational exhibits and of profound
GHOST BOOK OF DARK SECRETS interest. Rabbits, guinea pigs, ducks, even lions, tigers and
Nelson Enterprises. A spook show - entertaining spiritualistic large beasts, can apparently be placed into a hypnotic trance.
demonstration that can be blended into an evening of unusual and, A lightweight manuscript, price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
splendid entertainment. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
FIFTY TRICKS WITH THE COR1NDA UTILITY BEAKER R-A.Nelson. Methods and technique fully explained in this
Ideas and effects using this simple, easily-made, handy prop- complete course. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
erty. Booklet only. Beaker is easily made from two polythene
beakers with a pair of scissors. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). The HADE-E-GRAM MAGIZETTE QUINTENNIAL ISSUE
January 1964, Volume 6, Number 61. A mimeographed book
Ovette - Choice effects of a varied description from simple of forty pages that will surprise youl There's some really
card tricks to the production of a live rabbit. novel ideas and some controversial comments too!
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Dr. Heteward Carrington. A well planned code which en-
H.R.Rice - General magic of a High Standard - illustrated
and written in an easy to follow style. Price £2.50, U.S.A.$6.00. ables the performer's assistant to answer spectator's thought-
of question. Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $14.00)
Joseph Ovette. A lightweight U.S.A. publication detailing PROJECTED ANSWERS
sure-fire poker gambling hands. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $5.00). R.A.Nelson. Of all types of mentalism the Question and
Answer routines are the most effective and appealing. You'll
LU BRENT'S BEST MAGIC TRICKS find invaluable information here. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Novel effects with cards, pipes, coins, pins and numerous other
The Classics of Magic - POKER DEAU
items. Price,’£4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Tom Osborne. A Poker demonstration. Classic routine using
DOVE WORKERS HANDBOOK, VoL 2 a set deck. Shuffling, dealing and presentation fully described.
Darryl Hutton & Micky Hades. A further collection of novel Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
dove effects plus tips and advice on how to use and look after
the birds. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). SECRET METHODS OF PRIVATE READERS
Robert Nelson. Techniques and exposures for those who wish
E^P. SESSION WITH NICK TROST to learn the art of "foretelling the future".
Clever tricks and routines. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
By R. A. Nelson. A course of instruction in Mentalism
REELISTIC MAGIC which although slanted primarily at rhe large theatre or audi-
A terrific collection of tricks using reels. Silk penetrations; torium type audiences, gives the basic technique of SENSA-
Untying silks; Card and Cigarette levitations; Rope tricks, TIONAL EFFECTS which may be used for small as well as
and many more. 56 pages, fully illustrated, with board covers. large groups. Mimeographed form. Spiral bound.
Originally a Unique Magic Studio publication, full rights pur- Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
chased by Supreme Magic Co., Ltd. Price £3.00, U.S.A. $8.00.
By Jean Hugard & Fred Braue. A collection of'practical Leat's controversial book of interesting topics and novel magic
card effects and sleights. 21 Tricks! 11 Sleights. Printed of yesteryear. A REAL COLLECTOR'S PIECE. Now obviously
book. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). in limited supply but at the moment we can supply BY RE-
TURN. Your magical library is not complete without a copy
WHITE SORCERY of this original printed book. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Senor Mardo. General magic ot a high standard, Effects
using a great variety of objects. Printed booklet. THIS BUSINESS OF MAGIC
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $4.50). By Tom Zoss. Finding the Money in Magic featuring promo-
tional ideas, printing tips, tricks, resource, Bibliography. A
printed book. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Ward Wizard. Miscellaneous magic with originality being
the keynote. Nicely illustrated by E. Mishell. 64 printed VARIATIONS ON TWO CARD CLASSICS
pages. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). The Cards to Pocket and The Six Card Repeat by Tan Choon
Tee. Fully detailed in an illustrated typescript book and with
many, many other novel ideas. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
A Nelson Enterprise manuscript with a subtle method of
reading sealed billets. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). WARREN STEPHENS' LECTURE NOTES
Those of you who have seen Warren Stephens lecture will
OUT OF THE SPOOK CABINET certainly want a set of his wonderful lecture notes. Packed
By Herman L. Weber. Really novel material which can be with fantastic effects and fully illustrated, by the author. In
used in a Ghost Show. All practical material, - the author printed form. Limited number only available. Price £2.50, $6.
gives detail of the various theatres, etc., at which this ma-
terial has been USED. Price, £3.00,- (U.S.A. $8.00). MagiComedy by McAthy.
50 big pages of new and original comedy material for magi-
ORIGINAL DECEPTIONS cians, M.C.'s, after-dinner speakers, etc.
By Louis F. Christianer. Novel mysteries in a neat printed • 5 MagiComic Routines, *11 Brand New Ideas, • 25 Com-
booklet. If you are looking for something 'different1 in Magic, edy Bits and Gags, • 7 M.C. Stunts and Gags, • 64 Fun Lines,
you may well find it here. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
• 13 Patterettes, • 8 Magic Routines with Patter, • 49 De-
Nick Trost's CARD PROBLEMS tailed Illustrations. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
A mimeographed book of subtle card mysteries by Nick
Trost who has given the magical fraternity such a wealth of
material. New and different effects with playing cards.
A collection of the latest and best! A gold-
• rtÜMtlM
•I lk> Utfii I fen

Spiral bound book. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). mine of gags and jokes for every entertainer!
First published by Harry Stanley, now a 250
NICK'S ROUTINE WITH THE CUPS AND BALLS Supreme Magic publication. Contains such in-
An excellent routine by Nick Trost. Fully illustrated. Nine formation as OPENERS, THROW-AWAYS, MY- LAUGHS !
typescript pages. Spiral bound. Printed cover. SELF, T.V., COMPERE GAGS, HECKLER-
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). STOPPERS, etc., etc. Lines and gags you will ■ .1

PROGRAMMES OF FAMOUS MAGICIANS use. 32 printed pages, light board cover. «»»(> •al«rtaia«f1

Printed booklet of interest to the historian. By Max Holden. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Nkk Tn»f.
SECRETS By Nick Trost
Several effects in one detailed manuscript, - Two surprising
| U.IM
discoveries of the Aces; Aces flip in the pack; Spectator PSYCHIC COINCIDENCE: Spectator's
finds the Aces; Topsy-Turvy Aces, etc. SEVEN routines in three cards match performer's three! Novel
all. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). & baffling ... COURT CARD CONCLAVE:
Court cards are shown in haphazard order,
then they mystically rearrange themselves
By Bob Nelson and Others. Contents include Automated
in matching pairs! A brand new principle!
Telepathy; A Number Force; Billet Reading Routine, etc.,
PEEK-A-BOO ACES; Anyone mixes the Aces, peeks at one and
etc. Packed with interesting information for the Mind Reader
shuffles again. You instantly name the Ace peeked at! Real ma-
and Mentalist. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
gician fooler!
A look at a peculiar psychology of life. Interesting informa- ________ Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
tion which will amuse you and provide you with many interest-
ing patter lines too. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). CATALEPTIC CORD!!
Excellent pocket version of the Devil's or
Hindu Rope Trick. Cord can be given to a spec-
By Robert Nelson. Whilst the data appearing in this book
is based principally upon the technique of securing questions tator who finds it quite impossible to duplicate
the conjuror's actions. ''
on impression boards, the answers given may also be used in
Comes complete. Cord etc. , plus printed
code and radio presentation. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
instructions. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)
A Mini-Link THREE RING routine for An outstanding trick! Performed in a
close-up performance. manner so clean, so clever that you'll
Uses three plated metal rings, each just marvel yourself everytime you pres-
about 4|" in diameter. A really cute idea! ent it. A collar box, a collar and a box of
Brings the classic linking rings away from assorted bow ties.
the platform and into the realm of Close- < And here's what happens. The collar is
up Magic. FURTHERMORE, YOU ARE freely displayed, then placed into the empty
>BLE TO USE THE RINGS IN ANY ROPE & RING EFFECTS. box. Next a bow tie is chosen. The chosen
The three Mini-rings are counted... displayed, shown all the way =/ ) tie vanishes from the tie box without a
round. When struck, each ring emits a clear ringing tone, a J / trace. No! It's not in the lid! Box is only
actor exclusive to a solid ring. 7 ' the depth of the ties!
Then, magically, the rings become linked together... they unlink, When the collar is removed from the box
hey link again by merely being struck one against the other. The the chosen tie is attached to it! From the audience's point of view
ings link to form a chain of three and then in a surprising manner it's clever conjuring. Clean-cut. Direct and completely mystify-
inlink, leaving you holding one ring in your hand and one ring over ing, Magic at its very best. From your point of view it's a del-
:ach arm! ight, too. Almost automatic in working. No moves. No sleights.
The size of the rings allows a delicate touch to be imparted which Boxes are made in card, red leatherette-covered and exactly like
s visually very pleasing. authentic outfitters' storage or display boxes.
The trick needs practice! But Lewis Ganson makes it easy for you Supplied complete with all the bow-ties (six of them!), collars
o learn and perform with his beautifully-written, printed routine etc., - everything you need to work this amusing, unusual trick...
vhich includes 38 photographs. a great trick that can be a hit in any programme.
Lewis Ganson's 'Tiny Trio', a printed, photographically illustrated Price. £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Magic Tutor and a set of plated rings produced especially for this
effect, in a neat velveteen draw string bag.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Your local Telephone Directory is
shown freely and a spectator chooses
any page, and we mean any page, he
CORN & RESTORED NAPKIN chooses any column, and we mean
any column, and notes a subscriber,
A paper napkin is torn into a number —

exchange and number. Immediately
of pieces and restored again. Magician
states that he will explain "How it is the performer can reveal the freely
chosen entry!
done". He again tears and restores
You have seen Directory tests before,
the napkin, but the audience are more "R
fooled than ever! Complete routine and \ but here is one you will use, every
detail has been ironed out in a priceless
patter. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
routine which is easy to master. You only need a copy of your local

PHOENIX TAPES Directory, the fine routined instructions and with no skill, you have
a feature effect people will talk about, and remember.
Two long tapes are shown and un- Remember - NO PRACTICE or memory work is involved! Orig-
rolled. Their centres are held inated by TREVOR DAWSON.
between the hands and passed over a A masterpiece!
lighted candle. Tapes catch fire and Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
are severed after which the burning
ends are trimmed away. Tapes are BILL PRYOR'S
placed together and instantly stream
out of the hand restored again! Complete with a supply of materials SON OF OOPS
A packet of cards with blue backs is
and routine. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
shown. One is selected to be put into an
WERRY'S envelope but it has a marked back. A
SNAKY ROPE second selected card has a blank face
A piece of rope, a pack of cards and a paper - Ji and a third card selected by the spec-
tator shows up with a red back. Finally
bag are the simple properties used. A card is a blank face card with a blue back is
chosen and shuffled (by a spectator), back into placed into the envelope. You announce
the pack. The pack of cards is placed into the it will change into a certain card but you discover the name of a
empty paper bag which is stood on the table. different card is on the front of the envelope. All ends well with
Telling of a strange Indian mystery and how the a surprising ending!
rope represents a living serpent one end of the Sounds Crazy! Well it IS! It's that sort of a trick! Easy to
rope is lowered into the bag. Suddenly it begins work though and entirely self-contained. It can be HILARIOUS!
to wriggle and squirm and when it is pulled com- Price, including the special cards and routine - £3.00,
pletely from the bag the audience are AMAZED (U.S.A. $8.00).
to see that it has coiled and tied itself around one
card ... YES ... it is the actual chosen card!
In another presentation you say that you are going FISHING and STRAIT JACKET SENSATION
the cards are placed inside a borrowed hat. One end of the rope A feature crowd pulling effect that can be car-
is tied around a piece of stick on your magic wand so that it re- ried in a brief-case. Houdini, The Great Lev-
sembles a fishing rod. Imagine the comedy and the laughter you ante, Murray, Alan Alan all have featured the
create as you fish in the spectator's hat. Finally you get a catch Strait Jacket escape to sensational effect -
... the chosen card, tied to the end of the rope as detailed. AND SO CAN YOU.
Price includes the rope and special something. Use your own Price, for the special jacket £75.00,
pack of cards. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). (U.S.A. $180.00).
Fifteen minutes of Intriguing,

impromptu entertainment using Glass, Handkerchief & Ring

nothing other than a pen and paper. 2P This stunt is a real lesson in magic. A ring
Ken does not claim the items as / borrowed and wrapped in silk. This vanishes
being original with him. He has from the silk, next the silk is vanished, foUow-
collated them, polished them and ing this the glass tumbler is vanished, all three
presents them to you exactly as items appearing in a borrowed hat.
he does them himself. 16’, 8 inch by 10 inch pages, with light
board lUustrated cover, which will teach you some entertaining
mysteries. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Cut Telephone Wire J
A novel etiect in which a telephone wire is cut 'L J/
and then restored. This can be performed im- 'K&
SON OF PENTERTAIN promptu and is a trick well worth knowing.
Secret working.
The sexy sequel to 'Pentertaln'! AU
you need is pen and paper, (or a black-
board and easel. If you want to work the
material on stage or at 'Stags', etc.),
Supreme Mental Test
and you're aU set to present some very A card trick that is a real fooler. Magician
sophisticated, saucy, entertaining ma- . mentally discovers and names card placed In
terlal. IT'S NAUGHTY BUT IT'S NICE! S spectator's pocket. Can be performed impromp-
A book of 20, 8 inch by 10 inch pages. of tu.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $§.00). K "Smart Magic", ALL THREE of the above effects, In manu-
script form. Complete for £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
fe The new book ... The blue book ... It'q EDWIN'S
t spicy and saucy,, in fact some of it is down-
right dirty! Ken says "I am not going to warn
you about where to use this stuff, presumably
A great sucker trick for chil-
K you've reached the age of discretion and can
dren - to make them shout - to
work it out for yourself. You will find nothing make them laugh'.
worse in these pages than you can see and hear Using a story that all the chil-
on television".
dren know you have them scream-
Not for minors. Please don't buy this if you ing with laughter from the start
iÄ are easily shocked Limited edition.
as you attempt to recite the rhyme.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Your knowledge of nursery
SPECIAL! Why not get all three booklets at the same time.
rhymes seems to be at fault for
Special deal - you can have all three for only £6.00, (U.S.A.
Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill,
Dickery Dock and all the other
‘Learner’ Paper Tear rhymes HAVE BECOME MIXED
UP WITH YOURS1 Eventually
Good for kids or indeed for any time when
with some help from the children,
you have a spectator on-stage to help you.
Red and white sheets of paper are torn up, the rhyme is correctly recited and
when spectator opens his papers they are a picture of the little lady eating
her curds and whey is seen.
restored, but they show a RED LEARNER
on a white background! Finally, everything Keeping to the original; Miss Muffet vanishes off the plaque.
is put right. However, a magic spell brings her back.
We supply you with 20 red tissue papers, The children are not convinced and by the time Miss Muffet
20 white tissue papers, plus 10 Learner has disappeared for the second time they are screaming for
signs, (enough for 10 shows, or many more for the alternative you to "TURN IT ROUND". After some further comedy, when
presentation which we give, where you tear and restore the you pretend to misunderstand and turn it first this way and that,
papers, but apparently drop the pieces). The surprise comes the plaque is turned over to show the picture of THE WICKED
when the L sign makes its appearance. OLD SPIDER THAT FRIGHTENED MISS MUFFET AWAY!'.!
Complete with routines. Price, complete,. £3.75, (U.S.A. Outfit is nicely produced in colour. Size 10 inches x 6 inches.
$9.00). Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
A small square plas-
LEXICOGRAPHY tic box which has a dec-
An effective "memory feat" using a orative design on the
dictionary and a pack of Lexicon cards. outside. A diminutive
Members of the audience FREE LY "plastic slate" Is shown.
CHOOSE words and you immediately Suddenly the slate VAN-
give the the exact positions of their ISHES, and appears IN-
words in the dictionary. SIDE THE CASKET! , __ « ,r
For example, someone chooses the When the miniature ' / 7'~',
word "Logic" and you tell them that slate is removed, chalk- ' // / I \
"Logic" is the 6th word down on the right hand side of page 436! ed onto the back of it is the name of an actual chosen card or date
*♦* NOTHING TO LEARN OR MEMORISE *** of a borrowed coin.
Supplied in sealed manuscript form (use your own book and A great pocket mystery. Everything can be EXAMINED.
Lexicon Cards). Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $8.00).
By Dr. Harvey Graham of the U.S.A.
"In full view of the audience the magician PUFFLIGHT] MILKO
You just add water to get a creamy-looking,
removes one cigarette from a package. opaque liquid that displaces milk in all your
Without any moves or sleights he places liquid tricks. Odourless, won't rust your proos,
the cigarette in his mouth. In less than doesn't curdle and keeps indefinitely. Milko
2i seconds the cigarette lights BY ITSELF V is the perfect substitute for milk and a boon
as the magician puffs huge clouds of real smoKe! rhe magi- to all magicians. Not drinkable.
cian may now smoke the cigarette or use it in any cigarette Price per large bottle 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
We repeat there is no sleight of hand involved, no tanks,
or electrical devices used. Nothing is concealed in the
Magictan displays a large, empty Champagne
hand or under the clothes. Everything is in the cigarette. bucket. Immediately, he proceeds to pluck coin
Never have you seen a principle that is so ingenious, yet a after coin from the air ... coins here, there,
so fiendishly simple. By courtesy of Dr. Harvey Graham | everywhere, - from a spectator's ear, nose or
we are able to offer his own special illustrated instructions pocket. Spectator himself can throw a coin
in printed form. No apparatus is supplied. Instead we
tell you how to prepare the special cigarettes, materials an from the air into the bucket and hear it fail.
Truly a MISER'S DREAM come true!
This Coin Pail is designed after the famous
etc., SO YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN. By doing this we r».... .
can save you an awful lot of money and simplify our mailing 'Frakson Coin Pail' and has two built-in 'Keller
problems. Because of the latter point we are selling this Type' Coin Holders in the handles.
gem at an amazingly low price. Dr. Graham's special in- Takes old penny size coins, 10p pieces or palming coins (no
structions will enable you to be first in your area to astound coins included).
your, audiences with this mystery. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3). An important feature of any good Coin Pail js the sound.
With this Pail, coins can be heard in the largest auditorium.

DICT1ON using 13 cards of one
Manufactured in aluminium, pail is 8" high. A real reputation
maker. Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $60.00).

suit, followed by a surprising

yet logical transposition.
Professional Ribbon Cut,
A long brightly-coloured THREE
A spectator names ANY INCH WIDE ribbon is unfurled, the
CARD of a suit of cards, all performer stepping on both ends of
the cards are dealt on the this. He places a wand under the
table. The card named by the ribbon bringing this smartly upwards
spectator is the ONLY one to prove that the ribbon is solid.
which has a LARGE 'X' ON Centre of the ribbon is now grasped—_ ■
ITS FACE! THERE'S MORE TO FOLLOW! A member of the and cut. Wand is again placed B
audience chooses any of the remaining cards and magically the der the ribbon as the performer -
'X' transposes from the first card and travels over to the se- slowly takes his hand away. The watra is quickly and drama-
cond! MENTALISM AND THEN MAGIC MAGIC!! Yes! real offbeat tically brought up sharply against the ribbon to show it magi-
magic! cally restored!
Prognost-X may well become one of your favourite close-up Very clean and easy to do, Professional Ribbon Cut is a
items, - Easy to perform, quite astonishing in effect! FLASHY SPECTACULAR MYSTERY which you can perform
Price, complete with cards, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). under any conditions. On stage or in Cabaret surrounded.
Supreme P|N"PLEXER
Comes complete with wand, ribbons, etc., and full routine.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00)
By Ian Adair. Three playing cards are
shown and spectators asked to note the Something for everyone! The
centre card. Each card has a hole punch- collected effects in these pages
ed through it near one end. Cards are consist of the cream of much pub-
placed together, an elastic band being lished material by Ian Adair. Ef-
placed around. fects which have appeared in print
A safety-pin is placed through the holes and which have now been assembled
and a spectator holds the pin. A hand- together into one Bumper book.
kerchief is tossed over the spectator's A real feast of magic! Material
hand. At no time does the spectator leave go of the pin. that has been acclaimed as "abso-
The magician reaches underneath and pretends to invisibly lutely first-class". 14 wonderful
produce the card. Surprise when the handkerchief is taken items and ideas.
away and it is discovered that the card has actually gone Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
and the card is in the magician's pocket. All the cards
can be examined. MIKRO MIKRO __ „
One ot the most fascinating pock- ...
We supply the special cards, pin and routine. Price, £1.00, et tricks we've seen. A small
(U.S.A. $3.00). ______________________________ plastic tube with a screw top. A

Kangaroo Coin Set silk is placed inside and the top

screwed on. Slowly the silk is pulled

A silver and a copper coin right through the side of the contain-
repeatedly change places. er! Stopper is slowly unscrewed and
A top quality coin effect made everything can at once be examined
to a degree of accuracy and again. •z• „.."i ■- m:i
precision which will delight Another presentation includes a j
you. clever notion where water remains suspended in the tube!
British model. Price, £14.00. You get the container, feke and instructions. Use any silk.
U.S.A, model. Price, $30.00. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
KEN BROOKE’S MAGIC By Nick Trost. Two sets of cards,
spectator and magician reverse the same
The Hit book of 1981! A KB BROME'S MM® card! Are ALL the cards the same ?
Yes they are, but not as the audience
Supreme Magic Publication. expect.
Now at last a fabulous collec- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
tion of the Ken Brooke's rou-
tines released at the time when
One of the FIRST books on this
he was with the Unique Magic
subject - STILL one of the best.
Studio, together between the
two hundred and twenty-two, FUN WITH BALLOONS
8 inch x 10 inch beautifully By Van Dyke. The art of "Bal-
printed pages of this one great loon Modelling" explained in easy
book. language, supplemented with 62
- MANY OF THESE ROUTINES HAVE BECOME CLASS- clear, simple to follow illustrations.
ICS - All material copyright and paid for by Supreme. The twisting of the inflated bal-_________
Our indebtedness is acknowledged to Harry Stanley who made loons to make all manner of novelty shapes appears skilful
this book possible, a fitting tribute to a great man of magic. to the extreme, yet it's easy when you "know how".
Lewis Ganson wrote in 1962: "Ken is a fine performer Tells you how to make a Balloon Circus! "Hector Horse",
because he's always willing to learn from other great men "Dog Toby", "Jimmy Giraffe", "Peter Puppy", "Mexico Pete",
of magic; and because of this eagerness to acquire fresh "Saucy the Dachshund", "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer",
knowledge, he is able to devise and display new magical rou- "Balloon Baby", "The THING from Outer Space", A Swan.
tines." But that's not all, for in addition to this no less than THIR-
Contents are: Foreword: Harry Stanley Reminisces on the TY different STUNTS, TRICKS, HINTS AND BITS OF BY-
Unique- Years. PLAY with Balloons are included! Many of the items appear
Section 2. Wisdom, Advice and a Recommended Book. Learn in print for the first time. Tells you how to blow up three
from Ken's own experience. Get with it! Section 3. Ken on balloons so that they inflate in different ways. First you
Kards. Fan Force; The Top Change; Production of Single blow one up so that it inflates at the top and the air moves
Cards; Card Vanish; Vanishing Card Case and Cards. Section downwards! Next you blow one so that the air moves UP-
4. Fun - Magic. Twenty-two items, including such winners WARDS and rhe balloon starts inflating from the BOTTOM.
as Ken's Penknife Routine; Knife Thru Coat; Something Finally, to cap it all, you inflate one from the MIDDLE and
from Nothing; and the Banknote in the Beer Mat. the air moves out to each end! A stunt that never fails
Section 5. Some Things with Silks. - Sucker Colour Chang- to bring the applause and which is worth the price of the
ing Silk; Ken's method for the Untying Silk; Knot-Out. Sec- whole publication to anyone who works with balloons. Also
tion 6. Classic Egg Bag and Linking Ring. Section 7. Bot- tells you how to perform the famous "Eggs in Balloon"
tles and Bills. Ken's two great routines for the Padlocked trick, how to make a dog that runs off stage, etc., etc.
Bill Tube plus Ken's Passe Passe and Multiplying Bottles rou- Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
tines. Section 8. Coin Capers. The K.B. Coins through
Table; Okito Box routine; Routine for the Coin Cap and for MORE FUN WITH BALLOONS
( NX There has never been a Balloon Book like
the Cap and Coins.
Section 9. This is Packet and Other Card Tricks. The . \ . this one. Beautifully printed on heavy
Dutch Looper; Ken's routine for the Faulty Follower; Oliver VX,y white stock, illustrated light board cover.
Mackenzie's Drink Trick. NINE great items! Section 10. Professionally illustrated with dozens of clear
The K.B. Sponge Ball Routine. Section 11. Ken's Card Act. ' '*ne drawings by Corth and lan Adair, sup-
Section 12. Some of Ken's Favourites. 18 items, Close-Up, \ V plemented by photographs by L.G. Charrett.
Mental and Comedy notions. Last Section - Three Cups - How to make Monkies, Swans, Elephants, Goats, Dragon
One Cup. This includes Ken Brooke's Cups and Balls AND Flies, Etc. Children's routines, "Did William Tell", Hats,
Chop Cup Routine. Toys, Dogs changing into Giraffes. PLUS a whole chapter
One hundred and thirty-one illustrations. One hundred ar.d on Animals made from one balloon. PLUS Gags, Patter bits,
twenty-five photos. SEVENTY-THREE GREAT ITEMS which etc., etc.
helped to create Ken's WORLDWIDE REPUTATION. All new material to Fun with Balloons and the book that
In amongst the tricks, there is much sound advice on can open the door to new opportunities in entertainment
presentation and the Psychology of Magic. The material for you. Written by a Professional in clear, concise, easy-
in this book can be worth thousands of pounds to any pro- to-follow style. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
fessional performer. They are the result of years of study Note! FUN WITH BALLOONS and MORE FUN WITH BAL-
and development and of knowing what Magic is all about LOONS forms an encyclopaedic library, all you need to
... ENTERTAINMENT! A beautiful hard-bound book, titled know to present a wonderful balloon act. This is material
on the spine with an illustrated two-colour laminated dust- that has kept Roy working as a top-flight entertainer for
jacket. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).______________________ many years.
Light and correctly balanced, these clubs -PROBABILITY
A bunch of blank cards are num-
weigh a little over 9 ozs, and are approxi- bered and mixed number sides down.
mately 19 inches long, and are covered in 2 A truly sensational climax is reached
metalised foil. when a spectator, although he selects
Supreme Juggling Clubs are made by L the cards at random and does not
professional juggler and are exactly as / know the numbers on the cards, suc-
used by him in his own act. ■/ ceeds in arranging them in numerical
Price per set of three clubs £18.50, (U.S.A. $45.00). order! Chance? Not likely - the odds are over 300,000 to 1
Price for Extra Clubs each, £7.50 (U.S.A. $20.00). against it!! Easy to do. No sleights. Price £2. (U.S.A. $5.).
* JAN ADAIR’S Snip-Snap Card Prediction 0
A trick with impact because it has an Harold Taylor's 1975 Lecture. As Spark-
unusual effect. le ling as Champagne! Here is an Egg Transpo,
An envelope is placed on the table. An Egg in a Knot!, "Knotted", The Dancing
♦ A pack of cards freely shown back and Egg, Bamboo Rod Release, "Black Magic
♦ b front. A spectator selects any card, Mystery", Wonder Tray, A Novel Number
♦ «I f merely by touching it. Strangelthat
£ card has a segment cut from it ... all
Force, and lots more concluding with ten
excellent gags.
'the others are shown to be perfect and Photos of Harold etc. , and lots of illustrations. If you missed
Intact. Harold's lecture then you will certainly derive pleasure and prof-
The spectator is asked to open the envelope and remove the pre- it from these Lecture Notes, which are more than that, almost a
diction. Your prediction is there in the form of a small piece of book on magic. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
| card ... Yes, a piece of card which has been cut from , and
A smashing follow-up routine is also given whereby the muti-
Odd Man Out
Arthur Carter's Jumbo card trick
lated card is restored and found back in the pack, now reversed! that is baffling even to magicians!
We supply the special pack of cards, PLUS the detailed routine. Four cards only are used. Four of
No skill or sleights are involved! You only have to learn to a kind, one of each suit.
present this, to entertain and mystify with it ... Spectator freely names any one.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). No force of any kind. yet it's the
one odd coloured backed card
LU BRENT’S amongst the others. No sleights.
SOCKO” 20th.Centur Just a stunning subtlety. We sup-
ply the full routines plus four
Supreme are always on the look- Jumbo cards.
out for really UNUSUAL and EN- Also as a special bonus, because we know that once you have
TERTAINING EFFECTS. Here's used this effect, you will want to Include it in your close-up show,
a doozy! A winner from one of we are also giving with each outfit a set of regular-size cards,
America's leading Magical origin- so you can perform the trick close-up with equally devastating ef-
ators, Authors, Performers, the fect.
one and only LU BRENT. No Rough and Smooth cards, no Double-lifts, No sleights.
An off-beat presentation guaran- Price, complete, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
teed to get the laughs from even
the most blase of audiences. SPOOKY BANGLE
Two large silk handkerchiefs are displayed singly then placed Bangle is threaded over the rope which Is held
'to one side. A third contrasted coloured silk is taken and rolled horizontally between the hands. Of course the
between the hands. Handkerchief is seen to get smaller and small- bangle drops to the bottom. Hands are reversed
er. FlnaHy, the magician opens his hands to show that the silk ... but the bangle stops in position ... it goes ...
has completely vanished! it stops ... merely at your command! Next the
There is a big surprise when the corner of one of the two silks, bangle RISES up the rope! Then the rope spooklly
placed aside before the commencement of the effect, is lifted up. becomes animated and unthreads itself from ban-
The silks are now joined and there, between them , is ... NO! gle! Finally a miracle penetration occurs!
... NOT the missing silk ... instead, A SOCK!! A lot of effect! Good, clean, visual magic!
The magician appears rather surprised at this unexpected oc- We supply you with EVERYTHING to perform all these effects,
currence. The mystery is soon solved when he pulls up his trous- even full patter is included. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
er legs. It is seen that he is now wearing ONLY ONE SOCK.
CHIEF!! One of the most baffling card
You'll get the LAUGHS - and create mystery and surprise when tricks to any audience. Performer
you present LU BRENT'S SOCKO 20th. Century. does not appear tojtouch the cards
Comes complete, all the silks, socks, ready for you to work. yet a number of selected cards are
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). located without fail under conditions
that makes this apparently impossible. Cards are shuffled by
“SOFT GLASS” anyone and spread out onto a table or easel (the latter making
_ That brilliant effect by Tan Hock Chuan this ideal for stage use), alternatively, face up or down depending
wherein a silk penetrates right through the entirely on the will of the assistant. With the "help" of the assistant
<12 bottom of an ordinary clear glass tumbler, all the cards are dramatically revealed!
routined, and with SIX BRILLIANT PATTER Comes in sealed manuscript form. Use your own cards.
■ PRESENTATIONS BY BILL WEST. .Pjice, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Some of the routines will surprise you!
V In performance you display a coloured silk
BF and push it well down inside an examined
Solomon was renowned for his great wisdom.
^-(tumbler. Another different coloured silk, The little plastic skull supplied can detect
'is placed over the mouth of the tumbler and chosen cards, reveal dead names, or even
s' secured with a rubber band. Despite all this the sex of any person.
the silk elther^enetrates through the glass or in some of our He discovers a 'dead' name amongst living
variations DISAPPEARS ALTOGETHER! ones. It's baffling. Unusual! Creepy!
No special "props" are required, you can use any 12-inch silks, Strange!
an ordinary tumbler and an elastic band. We supply the special The skull is in a neat plastic case. Price, £1.75, (U.S.A.
patter routines and full instructions. Price. £1.50, (U.S. A. $4.00) $5.00).
Can be used a few feet away from the
audience without their being aware of
A sensationally seasonal Yule- the feke nature of the glass.
tide novelty. A REAL OLD- Now you can perform all your favour- li'TIlUj/lf
FASHIONED "BOILED PLUM- ite tricks. - Produce a vanished silk
DUFF", rich and fruity looking. from the centre of a glass of milk! Re-
A great item when produced produce or vanish a borrowed ring!
Pass a lit candle through the bottom of
from a dove pan, a production
chimney or any production box. a glass of liquid. _____
The pudding (or a NUMBER Supplied with a manuscript detailing six differenT effects, but
OF THEM), can make its ap- you'll think of many other interesting variations.
pearance from under cover of a Unlike the old Glass Okito Tumblers, the new plastic model is
silk or from a giant Christmas Card. Packs flat yet is Family surprisingly tough and will stand up to a lot of hard wear. It is
size! not unbreakable but it is certainly far less prone to damage than
A little over 5j" in diameter, well-made, as you would expect the old fragile glass ones ... A VERY GOOD INVESTMENT FOR
from 'Supreme', - best quality springs, covered in top materials. ANY MAGICIAN. You get the Okito Glass plus the routines sent
Nicely decorated. It looks good enough to eat. to you. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00)._________________________
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
STEEL BALL & TUBE Exactly as used by TERRY SEA-

A large steel ball-bearing is shown, also a pol- BROOKE. This is the ZIPPERED
ished tube. Ball is placed on top of the tube. Ob- CARD WALLET wherein a card or
viously, it cannot pass inside because the diameter treasury note appears inside an en-
of the ball Is greater than that of the tube. Ma- I velope. OR the card can appear
gician waves his hands over the ball and tube and I STAPLED BETWEEN TWO PIECES
' OF WHITE BOARD. The only way
slowly the ball begins to sink. It appears to get
smaller and smaller, until it has disappeared com-
t the spectator can get the card or
pletely Inside the tube. Waving his hand again, treasury note out from between the
produces the effect of the ball slowly emerging ■ stapled boards is to CUT THESE
from the tube and resting once again on top of it. OPEN!!!
Immediately the ball and tube are passed out for We supply you with the SPECIAL WALLET, plus the instructions,
rigid examination, without the audience having a clue as to how which come in the form of a SPECIAL 8 PAGE PRINTED BOOKLET..
the miracle which they have witnessed, was accomplished. ... you will say they are the most COMPREHENSIVE INSTRUCTION
A great pocket trick! which you have read for this GREAT EFFECT. Fantastic value,
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00). none better. Handsomely produced in real leather.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).


Here are two excellent routines which
The trick that teaches the children
children's entertainers everywhere will
welcome as first-rate entertainment.
_ No. 1. A LETTER FOR THE CONJ- Many versions of Stung have been sold,
UROR is a neat sequence with a borrowed coin. The coin should but here is one that we consider tops them
change into one of a higher value, instead it disappears. A letter all for the entertainment of children and AMBER
is delivered for the conjuror and inside the envelope is another adults.
envelope, and then another one, and then another one. Finally, Three large cards are freely shown on
along with a saucy letter comes a coin. Yes, the vanished one! both sides. Each has a large coloured
You can use this in any type programme. spot on each side, representing Traffic GREEN
Audience-tested material. No special apparatus is supplied: none Light Signals. The cards are placed in ___
is required. A few envelopes, a piece of paper and a coin, and an envelope and two are removed, being shown back and front as
you're all set to go. before. There is nothing to hide.
No. 2. DIS-A-BELL - 'Cod' comedy with a bell which is supposed Asked to name the colour remaining, the spectators are proved
to disappear: it never really does, but there's laughter all the way! wrong and wrong again. The missing card turns up elsewhere.
Both routines now Supreme Exclusives by arrangement with Unique Here is one trick you'll enjoy performing. Nothing to worry about,
Magic. Every children's entertainer will immediately want these no half-cards, pocket cards etc. Cards are large 11 in. x 7 in. wit!
fine routines, which are choc-a-bloc with fun. rounded corners. Printed in wonderful colours.
Price, for the set of two complete, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).

By VAL ANDREWS. A complete

spook show - How to work it - How to
T 5', A terrific gambling routine with a
1 make it. The magician's pet ghost patter story that is logical and 100
appears! A Poltergeist gives him percent, entertaining.
some trouble! There are levitations, ■7 t+u • i v Tl>e gambler in the story is not
tambourine playing, questions are fäfgJLcrooked - no sir - just a straight gam-
SPOOKS. answered. An open fronted cabinet bler. Five hands dealt and he gets
s t o pp ££? is shown which spectators may' walk the straights 5,6,7,8,9. He deals
through. Articles materialise! Fi- four hands - three hands - two hands,
nally a full sized Frankenstein like and always a straight for himself. Gives spectator the choice
creature materialises under a shroud! An unusual presentation of top or bottom card. It makes no difference. When he is deal-
within the reach of all" ing crooked, he gets four Aces.
Typescript booklet, printed covers. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A $6.00) No moves, no sleights. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
A simple but effective way of
producing coins from the air. The CAREY’S PAPER TEAR
fingers are opened wide, then clo- The mechanics are simple yet here's
~ sed again. The magician makes a Torn and Restored Paper that is VERY
K 3 s \ a grabbing movement in the air, effective. The late PERCY ABBOTT
and a silver coin appears. told us it was his favourite and a fea-
Price, for the special gimmick ture of his own programme. We saw
and the Instructions. him work it and thought it great! A
£1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). double sheet of newpaper is torn up,
and without fuss or bother, restored.
CHEST of ENCHANTMENT" Sample paper and full instructions.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A girl is placed in a cloth bag and
placed in the chest. The tied end of
the sack is pulled through a hole in
the top removable section of the
chest which is out of sight when the Crazy Fall Apart Stool
lid is closed. The chest is turned around showing all sides. NOW Exactly as used by ROY
the bag is pulled out through the hole in the top section. Magician BAKER In his own act.
states the girl has vanished, now showing the inside of the chest. A r io t :
Finally the chest is opened showing that it really is completely Spectator sits on a stool,
empty. the magician snaps his fin-
- No mirrors, no tip-over method, Chest can also be used gers and the spectator leaps
for the production of a girl. from the stool as if moti-
Full workshop plans for you to build your own. vated by an electric shock'.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). This is repeated many
CATCH A GHOST ILLUSION Both performer and spectator move the stool to different positions
DAVID DEV ANT performed it at The but still the spectator leaps from the stool at every snap of the fin-
Magic Circle. The late DAVID NIXON gers of the performer.
made a big feature of this on television. When the proceedings have reached the point that the spectators
Here some nice new subtleties are in- are almost helpless with laughter the spectator is told to bring the
cluded. Assistant spreads a white stool to the other side of the floor. There is one great yell as all
sheet on the stage, she exits and gets the legs of the stool fall off with a crash!
ready for the rest of the illusion. You This item has been a part of Roy Baker's act over 20 years and
state you want some men to catch a never fails to register. The complete know-how has kept Roy
ghost, the more the merrier. Assist- working as a pro.
ant enters and stands on the sheet. POZ, the famous kids' entertainer bought one on sight. Mr. Ma-
There is no possibility of escape. Screens are placed completely gic, that is LOUIS MARTELLE, of the U.S.A, wrote "The high
around her. A revolver shot and volunteers remove the screens spot of my programme. First-class ENTERTAINMENT".
and fold them flat. Where is the ghost? 'Here I am', she calls, Price, £35.00, (U.S.A $95.00).
running down the aisle and up onto the stage.
It can be performed on an open stage, no scenery, everything

can be borrowed. CRACKERJACK Originated by IAN
We supply the full secret method and detailed instructions.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
One of the best
packet card tricks
to be brought out.
A positive hit wltti all Four blue backed
magicians. cards are shown front and back. The cards are blue backed and
A feature escape that is consist of red and black suit cards arranged alternatively.
SOCKO ENTERTAINMENT! Two cards are reversed.
Solid steel chains perma- A snap of the magician's fingers and the cards are as they were
nently fastened to a welded all facing the same way again!
connecting link and two pad- The magician removes a black spot card and states that the card
locks are given for exam- will change to RED and it does but NOT as the-audience expect.
ination. A spectator is The BACK changes to red. Not only that, but the backs of ALL
helpless with them on. You the other cards change to red too! All cards can be immediately
have the chains handcuffed on your wrists behind your back. In a thrown out to the audience for examination. They are unfeked
matter of seconds you are free. With a committee on the stage cards. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
you perform stunts and cause fun and laughter. One second the
magician is securely handcuffed, the next he is free. You can have
two volunteer assistants and you are free and they are handcuffed BANG!
together. A Micky Hades Publication. Thirty-flve big
We recently saw an American magician stop a show in a Paris pages, Fifty Tips, Routines and Effects.
Night Club with this great effect.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
Borrow a handkerchief and
A spot card on the table switches g. immediately pass your cigar
with one of three Court cards in the g right through the middle of It!
hand. The Court cards then change The handkerchief is immediately
to match the spot card and finally 1/ shown undamaged! Yes, you
change to different cards altogether. \ can do it again. Then cap it all
EA§Y TO DO - Complete with ) you prove the cigar really does
CARDS AND ROUTINE. pass right through the handker-
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). chief by showing It half wav
through . Immediately the cigar
CARD PLAQUES is passed through the material
the handkerchief is returned
Two square boards or plaques are free-
intact to the spectator. At all
ly shown on all sides placed together and
times the hands are shown to
given to someone to hold. WHEN SEPAR-
be empty except for the cigar
BETWEEN THEM’. and handkerchief. Very easy
to work.
That's not all you can use these plaques
for. We give you a three-page manuscript Price includes special cigar,
which tells you how you can use the plaques for CHANGING one etc., and full Illustrated rout-
card for another, for causing supposed SPIRIT WRITING to ap- ine, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
pear and many other stunts.
We supply the plaques, illustrated instructions and routines.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Whatever next! A number of loose plastic

CARD BONANZA teeth with a manuscript detailing no less than

FIFTEEN stunts and gags you can use with them.
By Eddie Joseph. This great original mas- Some of them are ZANEY! - But they are all cer-
terpiece will make a reputation for you. No tain chuckles - and laughter is money when
skill required ... no manipulation. You it's laughter you're after!
never SEE the deck ... you can be a thou- Gags to use at the office, in the home, at the bar, in the show.
sand miles away ... and YET you name a You'll get a few chuckles yourself too when you use them!
chosen card ... a second card and a THIRD. Price, £1.00 (U.S.A. $3.00).
For a smashing climax you even tell the
volunteer how many cigarettes and how many
matches he has in his possession! All this COLOURS FOR MILADY
can be done over the 'phone!' Let the vol- A colour-changing silk routine with an interesting
unteer use his own cards ... -YOU DON'T TOUCH THEM. and entertaining patter theme and a PUNCH CLIMAX.
This is in typescript, Printed cover. We supply you with all the necessary fekes, five
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). 12 Inch silks, instructions and the routine.
Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Candle Light
Nothing new but a pretty and mysterious ef- BORROWED NOTE IN BALLOON
fect. Magician has a lighted candle burning on | / An Inflated balloon Is shown and
the stage, he blows the candle out, passes his , placed to one side. A Treasury
hand over the candle and it relights. Magician I» 1 z Note Is borrowed from a member
j T" of the audience. The note Is
can pass his hand over a whole row of candles
and they become lighted.
A' & C*» wrapped in a handkerchief and given
Just a little gimmick, plus our instructions. ,z to another spectator. Magician
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4,00). /enatnhaa snatches nuiav the handkerchief
away the handkerchief,
the note has vanished.
By Bill West. A COMPLETE PAPER Taking up the balloon and shaking it, something is seen inside
TEARING ACT with PATTER TO It. The balloon is placed In the handkerchief so that the four
RHYME by Bill West. Your audience corners can be held like a bag and the balloon burst by any
wiU'thlnk you're clever when you 1 other member of the audience by thrusting a pin into it.
quickly produce a fancy tablecloth (with I
a good gag finish!) a "Paper Pig", an I
JA^ X- Spectator himself removes the note which was inside the bal-
loon ... it is the actual borrowed one!
enormous TREE - and a LADDER to
■ There are no switches of note. only one note is used. There
climb it, and finally a STAR, all from a
sheet of newspaper. Best of all, they'll >■ is nothing to get rid of when the effect is over. No sleights of
any kind are Involved.
enjoy the highly amusing and entertain- For a WONDERFUL 'Just Chance' routine you can have three
ing patter to rhyme. balloons, two of them are shown to contain messages, one a £5
Performers (especially if you work to children), wiH find this or £10 note. You ALWAYS get the note!
of Interest, It will add variety to the magic. Great when used for a Newspaper Headline Prediction, a pre-
Nothing ever to buy. Only ordinary newspapers are used. diction can be sealed in the balloon several days before the event
Full instructions for the tears, plus Bill West's Rhyming Pat- and yet you are proved correct.
ter. Use any balloons. We supply the secret method and full in-
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). structions and routines, price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
The Talking Hand, one of the old-
A terrific routine using nothing but a
est Ideas In ventriloquism. Exactly
borrowed deck of cards, by Ken de
as used by the late Laurence Glen.
Courcy. The pack is cut into two
Figure is approximately 11 inches
muHAiour halves which are placed face to face.
«RO high, giving you a total height of
One card mysteriously rises from the
17 Inches with the head unit. Body
deck and wham! all the cards are facing
stands on a neat wooden base and
the same way.
is fully dressed. Hand is Inserted
Again half the pack is cut off, fanned
around the special metal plate which
placed face-up under the remainder
Is complete with eyes, nose, hair,
face-down. A card rises up and again
and hat. The hand is rested on the
they are all the same way! The effect is repeated, BUT this body. During the dialogue the figure can actually smoke a ciga-
time the audience are allowed to see UP TO THE LAST MO- rette.
MENT, the cards are exactly as you say they are.
Price, Boy figure or Girl figure, specify which you prefer,
Now the cards are riffle shuffled together and STILL the
£20.00, (U.S.A. $50.00).
same thing occurs.
To climax the routine, the cards are turned HAPHAZARDLY
throughout the pack. The rising of one card has the same Thompson’s Million Dollar Bridge
magical effect ... ALL THE CARDS FACE THE SAME WAY!
NOT self-working, but NOT difficult to do either! You'll
& Poker Demonstration
fool laymen and magicians too, with this fantastic effect.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Frankly, we doubt If the trick Is worth
a million dollars because that's a lot of
\\ MINDSIANIN HARMONY money, BUT we guarantee If you use It

ADAIR correctly, you will never regret the
• * \ A knock-out Prediction or "Coincl- modest sum you Invested because It is
\ dence" trick. Three playing cards are worth a lot more than we charge for It!
4 \ placed into open-fronted envelopes - "Thompson's Bridge and Poker Demonstration" Is probably one
,\\b UT you can always tell which card is of the most convincing that has ever appeared and leads up to a
. 4 /’g o in g TO BE CHOSEN! All three cards very strong climax. Tricks and routines where you demonstrate
are shown dl£fe: at. Cards are selected from a shuffled deck! that you can win at cards and always effective. This one Is highly
A neat mental mystery. Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.50). recommended.
Comes in the form of a printed booklet, plus a secret aid.
Dusheck's Changing Card Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Can be used as a flourish, or as a
trick. A single card, held at the
fingertips, instantly changes. Not
Jumbo Wand
the usual old flap card Idea. A terrific gag-item to use any-
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). time you have a spectator on-stage
to assist you. A regular wand is
By Paul Marcus. picked up and tapped around. It is
Two cards are chosen from a pack. the usual type wand, black with
These two cards are returned to the white tips. AS THE MAGICIAN
pack. A number of matches, taken HANDS THE WAND TO HIS ASS-
from a box at random by spectator, ISTANT IT INSTANTLY CHANGES
are used to locate one of the two INTO A GIANT 'SPRING' WAND about 1| inches in diameter and
cards. However, the magician's TWENTY-FOUR INCHES LONG!!!!! What a surprise! For further
attempt to find the second card ends in failure. All's well that ends laughter the assistant is asked to wave the wand and it wobbles all
well, and the performer's failure leads Into a neat 'sucker gag' that over the place! Spring wand Is black, with white tips just like the
gets a good laugh and proves him to be a REAL magician! regular one, but several times its size! A WONDEFUL COMEDY
Easy to do. A neat routine with ordinary articles. You can use STUNT, FOR KIDS' SHOWS. Good 'bits of business' are always
your own box of matches and any pack of cards. We supply the eagerly sought after by magicians who realise that they are even
"something" for the climax and fully detailed instructions. more important than good tricks. Here is a 'hit' that never fails'.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). You can pick up the wand and work it any-time during your prog-
Originated by Douglas Hood. A Sup-
Price, £6.50 (U.S.A. $15.00),
reme Exclusive.
No skill to do this trick, but the ent- Performer displays a number of Jumbo
ertainment value is positive. You have Cards which have been cut in half. After
a card selected (it's the Joker). You these are shuffled by a spectator, perform-
look through the deck and remove a —BPWMW er writes a prediction which is held BY A
card-no-it's not the right one. You SPECTATOR. Two spectators each ment-
try four more times, laying each card ally note and remember one of the half-
face up on the table. The Joker is named as the chosen card- the cards. Each spectator then removes the
cards are turned over and the backs of the cards spell J-O-K-E-R. half card of which he is thinking. When cards are turned face up,
It fools 'em. THEY MATCH! and - prediction also shown to be correct! No
Can also be used in conjunction with the rising cards. A swell gag forces. Prediction is made BEFORE cards are selected. Complete
Price, with special cards, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). With cards and instructions. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
JAP MiRAKOACr By Hugh Miller. A Course in Practical 9
Performer.announces he will do five
different things at one time'. Read a
Hypnotism that can be fully mastered by —
anyone! In this fascinating volume, you are \
selected paragraph from a book or taken step by step through the phases of
newspaper correctly forward, write this most impressive craft.

__ <sr
it upside down, write it backwards, Each phase has been carefully laid out
add a column of figures and recite a together with appropriate illustrations
poem AT THE SAME TIME. IMPOS- where necessary.
SIBLE! Well you can do it with the As an addition to the Magician's talents,
MIRAKO ACT and other effects fully explained. A real novelty to Hypnotism can gain you a tremendous repu-
add to your present act or show for return dates. tation, out of all proportion to the small amount of work involved
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). in learning the craft! There are no difficult techniques to be
learned. The course is written in clear, every-day language. The
HYPNOTIC QUEEN book will certainly take you well-beyond the range of every-day
A number of spectators each take a card from things ... with its help, YOU can become a HYPNOTIST!
the pack, each THINK they are holding the Queen Price, £4,50, (U.S.A, $11.00).____
|- of Hearts ... until the cards are turned over. The
| Queen isn't really there at all but is discovered Improved HAND DYE
elsewhere. Here's a trick which is a classic ... the
Get this one ... It'll become your favourite card trick. In- colour changing of a handkerchief through
structions only. Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00). tFie hand which Is formed into a fist. End-
less comedy possibilities can be woven
Into the routine for at any time you are
HE CAN T SEE A THIN,Ö' f ^, able to open your hand and show it empty.
A Supreme Exclusive! f 3
Now supplied with our improved HAND
Here's a terrific novelty item by DYE TUBE, (made entirely In plastic).
that well-known professional enter- I Plus two contrasting 12" silks, instructions, and a full routine
tainer ERIC SHARP. A cute 'bit of based on the famous TOM WATERMAN routine. - During the rout-
business' with an additional laugh fi- ine you appear to "tell the audience how the trick is done" but they
nish. Ideal for ANY type of show
are only bemused as you explain to them that you should always
where you have an assistant - child keep your left hand closed, for the left hand is completely empty!
or adult - on stage to assist you. Despite that fact, a silk handkerchief passed through the hand van-
The magician shows a large eye- ishes ... reappears .. changes colour, -there's a real lively se-
chart, showing the usual alphabet quence of events.
letters, and offers to test the assistant's eyes. Then'surprise Other routines are given. A silk handkerchief is tucked into the
and laughter for the spectator appears UNABLE TO READ hand, liquid is poured in, the silk changes to match the colour of
THE CHART! THEN ... there's a BIG LAUGH with a ter- the liquid.
rific gag ■ Frankly it would be unfair to purchasers to reveal Or an ink-spotted handkerchief sprinkled with detergent becomes
the gag endings. ENTIRELY VISUAL for club or stage shows. clean.
We'll say no more! Take our word for it ... it's G-R-E-A-T! Or ribbon and a silk are tucked into the hand, ribbon becomes
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). attached to the silk to form the name of a chosen card.
You get the Instructions for all these tricks, two silks and the full
THE JUJU MAN Tom Waterman routine, as featured recently on the DOUG HENNING
Tremendous excitement involving golden coins, TV SPECTACULAR! Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).___________
a Ju-Ju man’s stick complete with miniature skull,
devil masks! Experienced children's entertainers Improved HAND DYE TUBE
will need no coaxing from us. This is a new pres- The gimmick which we now offer is
entation for the old 'Cords of Cordovia', on 'The of an improved construction.
wand, cords and silks' BUT with audience part- (a) it is made entirely in plastic,
icipation, comedy and by-play. It's ALL here in (b) instead of a cloth tape across,
this effect plus a little bit of THRILLING EXCITE- it has a sliding cap inside, thus the
MENT too. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). capacity of the tube is much larger,
in fact, the fekewill take a 15" or
Pavel's amazing close-up trick.
18" silk, although in fact for most
purposes a 12 " silk is still the ideal ■
Special plastic holder, cards, die size to use ... but a larger silk can be used if so desired.
7: and Pavel's own routine. (c) Another innovation is the attachment of a flesh coloured gut to
'.-A Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). the tube at one end. This is for insertion of a thumb so that with the
hand opened, the tube will come into a palm position, hanging out of
Routined by KEN DE COURCY. , TU Ji You will find it easy to steal the tube away by passing the thumb
MAGHmSEDBen through the loop .. at the same time drawing the hand up and away.
Special gimmick, illustrated instructions and The addition of the loop in no way interferes with your using the
routine plus KEN DE COURCY'S 'laugh a line' Dye Tube as a regular Dye Tube.
patter presentation. Great for 'Liquid Silk Dye' or for changing the colour of a silk
A borrowed table knife DEFIES THE LAWS Sössertstotf
through a paper tube.
OF GRAVITY under impromptu conditions. Full instructions for both these effects and methods of handling
Even with fingers separated the knife remains are given with each one we sell.
suspended'. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, £2.00,(U.S.A. $5.00).
JUMBO POTTY SPOTS poffONL A number of slips of paper are
shown together with a paper clip. On
one of the slips the magician writes
A clever and colourful trick on "4-
Ace" lines. Unlike the usual classic, / HIHJ A the word 'poison1. This slip is folded
\*= this one is ideally suited for perform- up as are other plain pieces. Now a
7 ance to Children, but it will be found spectator is asked to imagine that he
just as effective for more sophistica- is an enemy of the magician and the
ted audiences and is a 100 per cent magi intends to poison him. No mat-
Mystery to everyone. ter how he tries to evade, the magician will succeed in making
Large (jumbo-sized) COLOURED him take the poison slip!
Spot cards are used, one red, one If you wish at this stage, after the slips have been mixed up,
orange, and one blue. Six blank-faced, blue-backed Jumbo one can be chosen by means of elimination, or a spectator can
cards are shown and two cards are placed against each of the merely hand up one of the slips to you. He can even change
Spot cards. Each card is freely shown, back and front, as it his mind if he wishes, exchanging the slip for one of the others.
is placed in position. The paper clip is placed on the slip, in order to distinguish it
One of the colours is chosen and these cards are sealed into from the others, and to ensure that the magician cannot ex-
an envelope which is given into the custody of a member of change this for one of them.
the audience. The marked slip is tossed down on the table and a brief re-
Mysteriously, the other coloured spots vanish. The appear- cap takes place as to what has occurred.
ance is as though the spots vanish from the cards. Finally, When the spectator removes the clip from the folded piece
all three coloured spots are now in the envelope which is of paper, and opens it out, he finds this is the one with the
otherwise empty. word 'poison' written on it. All the others are blank.
Spectator himself removes and examines the cards. Outfit includes papers, clips and the gimmick which makes
This is an easy clean-cut effect, a delight to watch and per- this and other effects possible. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
form. We supply all the cards together with the detailed rou-
tine and suggestions. You can use any stand; we would re- PERPLEXING MONEY PLAQÜES
commend our wonderful 'Rigid 4-Ace Stand', detailed else- A coin vanishes and reappears between
where. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). two hinged-together plaques. A novel^^
pocket effect.
SIMPLEX CARD IN BALLOON Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A clever idea which is ahead of any
other "Card in Balloon" effect as no- POCKET DICE 8 FRAME
thing is used (apparently) other than A popular effect in miniature! The
the cards and Balloon. 0 'Block and Frame' release now made
in pocket size and with a completely
A card is selected by a member of
different method to the old one! No
the audience and returned to the pack. A balloon Is chosen and in-
threads, wax etc., are used.
flated and this Is held by the magician at his fingertips. Apart B&7 A neat plastic frame and a die
from the balloon his hands are empty - there is nothing concealed
which has a hole drilled in it.
in his hands or behind them.
Through the frame and die are threaded a cord, thus securely
Suddenly, on the count of three, the balloon bursts - and there - at
imprisoning the die in the frame. A spectator holds the ends
his fingertips the magician now holds the chosen card!
of cord. Impossible as it may seem the performer can reach
If desired the pack of cards can be thrown at the performer - the
out and visibly and instantly remove the die from the frame!
balloon bursts and the card appears - a dramatic and effective pres-
Everything can be immediately examined.
The method of working is very simple ... fool-proof and
No hand gimmicks. Nothing concealed in the balloon. We supply certain. You'll get a kick out of performing it.
detailed routines plus the special gimmick. You can use your own Comes complete with full instructions etc.
deck of cards. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
RING-A-ROPE An effect for the entertainer who plays din-
So clever it even fools magicians. An ex- ner and club dates and which will run quick-
amined bangle and a length of rope are the fire for three or four fun-packed minutes.
props involved. The rope is placed into a Briefly the effect concerns a smashing
borrowed hat, the ends being left outside of "Pin-up" picture that arrives through the k] PINUP
the hat. To further convince the audience
ends are coloured.
post. As the story is told the "Pin-up" CIRL I
changes to a Modern Art Picture and the
The bangle is tossed for examination and laughs come thick and fast as the picture
then placed in the hat. When the ends of the rope are lifted up the is "explained".
audience are amazed to see the bangle is now threaded on to the The magic is really unimportant here -
rope. it's the patter, business and gags tht make
The trick is immediately repeated, but this time, as an added this such an outstanding item.
precaution, the ends of the rope are tied together. Again the The pictures are big, smart and bright, Silk-screened on a
bangle passes onto the loop of rope and the only way to remove it heavy board, colours used are red, yellow and green, also flesh,
is to untie the rope ends'. blue and black. Size of pictures approx., 15} inches x 11} in-
Very easy-to-do. No skill required. No moves. Ring appears ches. This was a BIG HIT in Eric Williams' own show over
genuinely threaded on the rope, not tied or looped on. At all times many years - it can be as big a hit in yours. If you entertain
the hands can be shown empty, nothing to hide. Only the rope and you'll entertain this. "Pin-up Girl" comes to you complete.
bangle used. ____________________ Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).______________
Price, including rope and bangle, also some novel patter angles.
£5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). SUPREME - OUTOF THIS WORLD
lan Adair's great effect with a
black paddle which the performer
divides into three sections with
white.chalk lines. One at a time
MIDDLE A card with one red end and one yellow.
Magically, a silk jumps from one hole in the
the magician divines the specta- DIDDLE card to the other. The audience are suspi-
cious but then suddenly, Wham! the silk jumps
tor's thoughts. Each of the pre-
dictions is made in a different SILK to the middle! Complete with silk.
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
colour chalk. No 'One Ahead'
principle is used. Phil Goldstein's latest is a most
Masking cards are placed over novel pocket effect using cards with PHIL GOLDSTEIN'S

the predictions. At the end it blue arrows on their faces. You show
is seen that the spectator's that the four arrows all point in the
thoughts and the performer's have been IDENTICAL.
same direction. Reverse one, and the ”
We supply the special 'Paddle-blackboard', masking cards,
other three also change direction ... by magic!
chalks and routines. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). You repeat this, and then place one arrow aside, face down.
PERPETUAL BALLS "How many arrows are left?" you ask. No matter what they
answer, they'll never guess correctly ... for you have EIGHT
An intriguing close-up and stage effect. arrows! This you show by displaying four cards in your hand,
A ball held in the right hand is placed in- each with a blue arrow ... and then you turn them over to
to the pocket - up pops another ball from show that the backs have vanished, to be replaced by RED
the left hand! This ball Is taken in the ARROWS!!
right hand and placed in the pocket - and The final kicker comes when you turn over the tabled card,
) up pops another ball in the left hand. and it's covered with a row of red & blue arrows ... your
This can be repeated indefinitely. Sev- "spares"!!! 'You'll have to learn a couple of moves (detailed)
eral suggested routines are included. and practice: a bit, but you'll achieve lots of magic for such
Nothing to get ready. Use any kind of balls. You will find it a small amount of work. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price for the illustrated instructions, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). "You're the magician ... show us -a
PREVHUE So many times, this friendly chal-
Len Belcher's mental effect. Pre- Pb^tfui\ lenge is thrown at us ... and very
sented on a psychological basis, it can often, at very awkward times ...
prove to be a sensational feature for Miracles j Dining Out ... at a Party ... at the
you. A lady from the audience is Club ... in a Pub ... after a Show
given three silks, or three ribbons,
»*•»««><*» ... Anywhere in fact. Occasionally,
and requested to tie them together in we may not "have anything with us"
a chain IN ANY ORDER. She is al- and that's a bit of a let-down ...'
lowed to choose which silk of the as far as laymen are concerned.
chain is to be AT THE TOP, yet you They think (and quite rightly) that
show that you have correctly PREDICTED the order in which a "real magician" should always be
the silks would be tied. "on duty" ... and if called upon,
There’s no forcing. Only three silks - any colour - may be should be ready and able to do a
used. The patter presentation is 100% perfect, including a test trick ... whatever the circumstances ... wherever the place.
given the lady before she ties silks. This is an outstanding So ... to meet this need ... we have republished something
trick on any programme and one that will set an audience special Hugh Miller's "A POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES". A
thinking. IT COULD BE GENUINE MIND-READING! Compendium of over FIFTY Tricks and Routines with objects
You will be relieved to know that it is not and that the ef- readily available or easily carried in the pocket.
fect is made possible by the use of the secret apparatus we The book is divided into TWO Sections ... the first is en-
supply together with the wonderful routine. titled "At The Dinner Table". Magic performed with articles
Price (without silks), use any coloured handkerchiefs or rib- found at a dining table ... Cutlery ... Crockery ... Glasses
bons, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, complete with three 12" ... Napkins ... Salt ... Sugar, etc., etc.
silks, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). The second section concerns itself with "Impromptu Magic
... Anywhere ... Anytime" its title really speaking for itself.
net for the pocKet-tnck enthu-
A Winner ________________
Magic with objects people usually carry on their person ...
Handkerchief ... Cigarettes ... Matches ... Coins ... Bank-
siast! A neat tube with three tiny holes j z*. notes ... Finger Ring, etc., etc.
bored through the centre is shown, A I "A Pocketful of Miracles" is a veritable Goldmine of Work-
borrowed cigarette is dropped into the able Tricks and Routines that makes sure YOU will never be
tube and the cap is placed over the open /% 1 caught off-balance (magically) ... whatever__ or whenever
end. Three straight pins are now passed \\ ... the occasion.
through the holes and cigarette in the Ljr /< __ No Cards ... No "Finger-Flinging" ... No "Clever-Clever"
tube. The pins protrude from the out- y ’ stuff ... just Good ... Solid ... and Highly Entertaining Close-
side as in the illustration. up Magic.
There is no question that the pins have penetrated and punc- 128 pages ... Well-printed and bound ... Profusely illustrated
tured the cigarette, yet upon removing the cigarette, the spec- with photographs and line drawings. Colourful dust-jacket. Or-
tator can find no trace of punctures or pin holes in it. Here iginally a Unique Magic publication all rights were purchased by
is a wonderful pocket trick. Every smoker should carry one Supreme from Harry Stanley. Now, after a long absence -
in his pocket and be ready to mystify "the boys". here it is again. You'll be glad we brought it back!
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
A wooden post mounted on a wooden base. A lovely simple meth-
It can be set In place by a member of the audi- od of performing a clas-
ence. A metal rod is attatched to the top of X sic trick. A fan of cards
the post. ( gets smaller and small-
Four ropes are shown; these can be exam- er - until they disappear.
ined. An effect that audiences love and which you will enjoy perform-
Your lady assistant stands on the small plat- ing. The special set of cards we supply are complete with hilly
form and against the post. A single rope is detailedl instructions and routine.
placed around the lady's wrist and arms, the Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
ends being brought to the front and tied with A MOST BEAUTIFUL SILK
several genuine knots. APPEARANCE I
Similarly, her ankles are tied and, finally,
rope is placed around her throat. SILK
Next, a long rope Is shown, knotted around
the rope loops around the young lady's ankles, IN THE MIDDLE
brought up, the rope Is tied around the rope A sensational 20th. Century
around her waist, then round her throat. Fi- silk effect. Magician takes up
nally , the ends of the rope are secured to a crystal clear perspex (hielte)
the overhanging bar with a few knots. tube and freely shows this. It
The magician stands right back and fires a can even be examined if you
pistol. Immediately the ropes swing free of wish. In one end of the tube is
* the assistant ... they are still tied, all the placed a freely shown 12 inch
' knots are genuine. The lady is free! red silk, into the other end is
THE APPARATUS is extremely innocent- placed a 12 inch blue silk.
looking and plainly finished. The silks are placed into the tube so that there is a vacant space
Complete with routines. Price, (Great Britain only), £83.00, in between them. The magician's hands are clearly empty. He
including all carriage charges. lifts up the tube and holds it between his hands.
"Watch the tube", he says, "one, two, three".

SLICK POST PLANSjn Instantly a white silk appears between the red and blue ones'.

The red and blue silks are removed and placed aside. The ma-
A 41n x 4in x 5ft. 8in post is
gician places the tube to his lips and blows the white silk up high
freely shown. Girl stands
Into the air.
against post as in illustration.
If desired, the effect can be a '20th. Century Silk' one. In other
Magician fastens a single rope
words, the white silk which appears between the red and the blue
around her neck, then her
one can be the duplicate of one which has been previously 'van-
waist and lastly her ankles.
A separate rope is now fasten-
If you work with your own assistant, she can hold the tube be-
ed to the ankle rope, fed up
tween her hands. You vanish the white silk and Instantaneously,
and fastened to rope and waist and throat, to be secured to the
it is seen to appear between the other two in the tube held by your
top section of the post.
There can be no doubt that the girl is securely fastened to the
No pulls! Work It surrounded and close-up! Mo mirrors! A
post. At the magician's command the ropes come free as the
great effect. Complete with three silks, tube etc.
girl steps away from the post. THIS ALL TAKES PLACE IN
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
FULL VIEW. The tied ropes with knots are still Intact, hang-
ing, tied to the long rope.
Full workshop plans and presentation hints. (Printed covers).
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). In the routine given a large sheet of
white paper is shown on both sides and
ROY BAKER'S crushed into a ball. The ball of paper
SKY DIVER is placed in full view on an upturned
saucer. Then a silk handkerchief is
A spectator freely selects a card which,
is returned to the pack. Magician shuf- shown and placed in the hand. A lighted
fles the pack and places it in the card match is waved around the hand which
case. when opened is seen to be empty ...
A ribbon is threaded through the bottom the silk has vanished.
of the case and out of the top. A job of r Magician touches the ball of paper with the lighted match and
a second because a special plastic tongue there is a terrific flash of flame. When this has gone it is seen
has been fixed to the ribbon. Pack is that there, standing where the paper was, is a miniature (about
held at the top of the ribbon in one hand 2 inches diameter) of a SKULL.
and the other hand is held below the rib- ! Magician reaches into top of skull and produces the missing
bon. silk unharmed.
Card is named by the spectator and the magician releases the We supply the plaster skull (which you can also use in your home
pack which sky dives down the ribbon. As the pack falls off the or den as a novelty paper-weight or ash tray) and the routinö.
end of the ribbon the selected card is seen to be dangling right You use your own silks and flashpaper.
at the very end of the ribbon. If desired, the card can be signed! Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
EASY TO DO. You can work it in ten minutes after reading the
ample Instructions. If you want a reputation maker, this is it.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
ROPE TRICK Breaking out of "Sing-Sing
Prison” may be hard; break-
In this method just an ordinary rope is
ing IN we would imagine would
used. It is tied in a circle and cut any place
be just as difficult, but if the
and restored into a complete circle. Then
stone walls of Sing-Sing are
cut in the centre and restored into one full
impenetrable then so indeed
piece without any cutting away of pieces.
are the brass walls of this
Fully illustrated instructions (Ssh! It's
small box. Yet, miraculously,
surprisingly EASY!)
a borrowed wedding ring or
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
coin wrapped in a handkerchief
folded into a piece of paper, penetrates right through the box!
SILK TO BILLIARD BALL The spectator can thoroughly examine it, there's no way in.
Perfect for combination or as a prelude Spectator himself unscrews the lid. It takes about 12 turns for
to the Multiplying Balls. A silk is waved him to open it! Inside the box, (which can further be examined)
between the hands and seen to get smaller is the actual borrowed ring.
and smaller. When the hands are opened We confess to being baffled when we saw the first model of
there is a "Billiard Ball", the silk has gone. this brilliant effect. There are no Bill Tubes or similar prin-
Special ball only. ciples involved. It's an amazing effect which is just wonderful
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). for close-up use.
Complete with full instructions. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A.
$30.00)._________________ _______________
SIX CABARET A clear plastic die is ornamented with
Another fine collection of
colourful glitter spots on each of its sides.
Performer places the die into his fist,

material for the Ventriloquist. then he shows a blank solid plastic rod to
Six sharp, saucy, scintillating be absolutely plain. Rod is passed through
scripts, ideal for floor show the Hst and now surprise! - for the rod is
work, but equally effective for flashing with colourful spots. When the
Concert and Variety. All the magician opens his fist and shows the die,
dialogues are for the Vent with it Is seen that all the spots have now van- s po i &
a Cheeky Boy type doll. Mod- ished from it!
ern comedy for modern audi- It's a glittering close-up trick you will be proud to add to your
ences - every line a laugh! close-up repertoire.
Contents are as follows: "SLIP-OF SPOTS" comes to you complete, including printed,
1. "Go West, Young Man". (Vent and Dummy in character illustrated Instructions for all the different methods of handling.
as Westerners). _______ Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00)._____________
2. "Lonely". (The Dummy is lonely and the Vent soon learns Anyone in the audience is asked to call
out the name of ANY card. Person nam-
3. "Born in a trunk". (The Dummy relates his Theatrical PREMONITION
ing the card is asked to pick up the pack
Experiences). which lies on the table, open the case
4. "Not Well" (The Dummy is under the weather and the and deal the cards face up, one at a
Vent is a somewhat incompetent doctor.) time until he comes to this card. As-
5. "The Ventriloquist". (Ventriloquist lectures the Dummy sistant deals every card in the pack but
on the art of voice-illusion). fails to find the one he named. There
6. "Caught Unawares". (Advice for those troubled with Insom- are ONLY 51 cards there. One card is
nia). MISSING. The magician reaches into
The complete collection of six scripts, bound into a neat book, his pocket and without the slightest de-
with printed covers. lay, brings out the very card named by the assistant.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). At no time does the magician ever touch the cards. THERE;
be worked anywhere.
Six Card Repeat Combined with this, you receive another effect named THE
A great idea! That wonderful classic
of conjuring, the 'Six Card Repeat' now Eddie Joseph's reputation was largely built on this one won-
performed with Jumbo-sized Cards! derful effect. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
It's easy with the specially-produced set
of cards which we supply. SIMPLICITY SWITCH FOLDER
Six Jumbo-sized cards are shown and An invaluable aid to the Magician, the Ment-
counted. Three of the cards are removed but upon re-counting the alist or the Children's entertainer, this is an
cards, there's still six there! You do it over and over again... excellent prop, for changing ENVELOPES,
the more you do it the funnier it becomes! CARDS, JUMBO CARDS, etc.
Nothing much to 'cart around' ... Just the set of cards. You will Takes the form of a neat and attractive
learn the routine in a few moments. FOLDER, strongly made.
SO VISUAL You can use the folder in HUNDREDS of
If you go for solid entertainment, then you should have this effect different ways, many of which are detailed in
"Thanks for the Jumbo Six Card Repeat ... I love it!" the instructions we give with each one.
Carl Carlsson, California, U.S.A. Whatever kind of magic you perform it's an essential addition to
Price, complete with all the cards etc., £6.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). your equipment. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Just about the zaniest bit of fun we've The square wand which the
ever seen! magician displays is in reality
The Magician says he had a present a tube through which is passed
for Christmas. His wife gave him a a piece of ribbon or a length
lovely coat-hanger (a six inch nail is of soft rope, the ends of the
shown!) ■ ribbon or rope hanging in full
Magician didn't like it. Said he would ______________ view.
rather have had a cigarette lighter. Wife says "O.K. you can use Now the id is hinged in half so that the centre of the rope or
it as a cigarette lighter!" ribbon is clearly in view. A pair of scissors is taken up, the cen-
A matchbox is taken from the pocket and the nail is "struck" on tre is pulled up a little into view, and then quite deliberately cut
the box and used to light a cigarette! Afterwards nail can be tos- right through, the cut ends being clearly visible. THE TUBE
sed to one side where it lands with a loud "clang". Magician says SUDDENLY CLOSES ON ITS OWN! The magic has worked! THE
"It seems I've dropped a clanger!" RIBBON OR ROPE IS PULLED OUT OF THE TUBE AND FOUND
We supply you with the special 6 inch nail. Hear them HOWL TOBE COMPLETELY RESTORED!Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
with laughter when you throw it on the floor and it lands with a
clatter! Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). approx 24” SPRING SNAKE
\ \ I
Just over 2ft. in length with colourful
A real surprise when it jumps out of a
TWISTS on general dove effects. New production box or use it at the end of a silk
ways of doing 'this and that' and making production.
something which is old and common in- Can be kept closed until required ... and
to something that is SPARKLING NEW then, whenever you want it, WHOOSH!
AND DIFFERENT. Material to pep up there it is, to create a tremendous sur-
any programme ... to add a touch of prise. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
VOVl ORIGINALITY ... distinctiveness!
We guarantee each and every effect as LIGHT’S OUT
practical and easy to do. Many of the
ideas cost very little to make! We are NOT a trick, just a funny bit of business by
mighty proud to present such outstanding material to the frater- JOHNNY GEDDES which any ENTERTAINER can
nity. Contents are fully illustrated. 23 packed typescript pages. get a good laugh from in his show.
Smart Red and White cover. A "MUST" addition to your library. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Now YOU can perform this sensational
After a boy or man has finished assisting _
you with a trick you notice his tie, proceed- Vs;
illusion in full stage light. No hook up.. ing to cut away a piece, saying it is too long.
.. No offstage help .... No body attach- Finally only the neck-piece is left! Taken
ments .... Just you and your lady as- $ . off it is placed in the spectator's pocket with
sistant. I the pieces and performer immediately pulls
The only piece of furniture on the stage - —J out the tie COMPLETELY RESTORED! No
is a low type couch on casters and upon changing device is used in this method. Easy
it a fancy cloth. Assistant is hypnotized and practical. Sealed manuscript. L
(?), placed on the couch ... cloth is spread over her. She slowly Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
rises high into the air ... to the right ... to the left ... makes a
complete revolution. A hoop is passed over the body. At the Based on the popular movie STAR
Magician's command, the cloth falls to the floor ... THE LADY WARS CARD TRICK is an amusing
HAS VANISHED. story-trick with a surprise ending!
WORKSHOP PLANS. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00)._____________ Luke Skywalker, with the help of
two robots, rescues Princess Leia
Supplied complete. A wonderful comedy
just in the nick of time from the
Death planet ... and the clutches
routine. A ring is borrowed and wrapped of Darth Vader. Complete with character cards, patter, direc-
in a fancy handkerchief. The lady who tionsandplasticcase. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
'<ii \
loaned you the ring is offered a large fan- Four cards with pictures of yel-
I' cy box with a gaily coloured ribbon tied ANOTHER FROM
GEORGE BLAKE low dice. - All showing four spots.
around it. The hanky is snatched away Reverse the cards showing three
and the ring has vanished. When the spot dice but these are printed in
large box is opened, inside there is a
contrasting coloured box also tied with
NEVER red. Audience catch the magician
stealing away a card but magically
a ribton and inside another one, and inside another. A NEST OF i BiPl it returns. Then all the dice turn
FIVE BOXES, one inside the other, all made from card, you can yellow except for the one red three.
drop them, you can bang them, but you won't break them. They
will give you years of service. SAY Die Finally, letters and words appear
on the cards spelling out the mes-
The largest box is 3|" x 6" x 7", the smallest is 2J" x 3" x 4" and sage. "NEVER SAY DIE"!
Inside the last one is the actually borrowed ring. The lady herself You'll enjoy learning this clever effect. Complete with typical
can open this box and remove the ring. A GREAT ROUTINE, all George Blake detailed instructions, with full patter and present-
the props, fantastic value. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). ation- price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A Supreme Exclusive Effect! WILFRED TYLER'S
The magician
A truly sensational Escape effect with an
awe inspiring piece of equipment. |
shows a box which
Solid steel chains permanently fastened to ’
he explains con-
a hand-forced cross link, to fit neck and
tains 'Silkworm
wrists, and three padlocks are given forexam-
Susie'. Consterna-
tion when he opens
It is most interesting to an audience to see
the box and this is
someone secured in this restraint. Magician
seen to be empty
can challenge them to escape in HOURS.
... Susie has es-
When Magician is locked in this device, it is only a matter of SEC-
ONDS before he is free.
The magician de-
The wrists are shackled with your hands behind the back. Then
cides to perform a
the middle link is raised and chains are locked around your neck.
trick until she is
Although escape seems impossible, you can immediately release
found. Two red handkerchiefs are tied together and held
by a child in an amusing manner in a paper, twisted and
Supreme Neck and Wrist Cuffs can be used in conjunction with a
torn, so that the child resembles the Statue of Liberty!
Another silk handkerchief mysteriously vanishes. Sudden- Sack Escape or on its own as a most impressive restraint device.
ly Susie appears, - surprisingly she materialises in the box, STUNTS TOO!
jumping high into the air! Order having been restored and There can be fun galore as your both hands are free to indicate to
one spectator and then the other, culminating in spectators being
Susie having been "caught", she is instructed to "knit a
handkerchief" to match the one which disappeared and to chained together!
drop it into the box. Supreme Neck and Wrist Cuffs are solidly-made, plated and
A handkerchief does appear ... but it's the wrong col- supplied complete with full instructions, presentation ideas and
our ... then another, then another, - but never the right routines.
colour!!! Suddenly, when all seems lost, the missing hand- Use your own, (unfaked) padlocks.
kerchief is discovered! Price, £18.50, (U.S.A. $52.00).
Sure, it's basically a standard trick but "dressed-up" into
excellent children's entertainment. We supply it complete RELEASO
... the box, six 18 inch silks, five 9 inch silks, a six page A solid cylindrical wooden peg, with a hole
typescript manuscript which fully details the working and through it is closely scrutinised, as is a
takes you phase by phase through the patter presentation wooden collar-tube into which it fits, a len-
and of course 'Silkworm Susie' herself ... a trick which gth of ribbon and a miniature wand.
can be a hit with any children's entertainer. The peg is placed into the collar, and the
Price, complete, £20.00, (U.S.A. $45.00), ribbon is pushed through holes in the tube
and the peg it encases.
A Supreme Exclusive! A spectator holds the ends of the ribbon -
wham! - suddenly you tap the peg which
Magician shows a number of falls free of the ribbon, leaving this still
cards, mixes them up, and hands threaded through the collar! - and there's
them to a spectator. Spectator 1
nothing there to reveal how the penetration
is asked to place the cards be- was performed.
hind his back and to reverse any Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00),____________
card in the packet, cutting the
cards etc. In the meantime you “ARIBBON THROUGH FINGER
grand pocket penetration. Easy to
have made a prediction, Packet of cards is spread out and
one card is seen reversed. THIS IS THE CARD WHICH YOU do and always ready. A continuous loop
Maybe the cards are all the same! Performer then
of ribbon with two rings on it is exam-
ined. W ith one ring in each hand the Wi
states to his astonished (?) and bewildered (?) spectators, ribbon is passed around a person's
"If you think the cards are all Fours of Diamonds (or what- finger or around a pencil or pen, tightly
ever the card is) you'd be wrong, as I have only ONE Four held at both ends by a spectator. In a
of Diamonds. All the rest of the cards have backs on both flash the ribbon penetrates right through without injuring the finger
sides! Now HOW did I influence you to turn over the one pencil or pen. An astounding penetration. Everything can be imm
card only in the packet which had a face!" You show the ediately examined again without anyone being wiser.
cards front and back and sure enough you have only one Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00),__________________________ _______
ordinary card - the one they chose! Complete with cards,
price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).___ _________
You show 27 large cards, on which are
Present it to your girl friend and she'll think
written words, numbers, and names of
nursery rhymes. This you explain is "The
she is getting a bottle of perfume. Wait till you Simple Simon speller", so simple that even
see the look of surprise on her face when she Simple Simon could have used it! You
opens the box and an enormous jumping spring spell out various objects mentioned in the
rat leaps out! Better start looking for a new rhymes, Dog, Curds, etc.
girl friend right away! A volunteer assistant always gets a card
In the show the box can contain "Woofle Dust". Consternation and marked "WRONG".
laughter when the rat Jumps out. (You can animate him, too!) We supply this in manuscript form. You
Price, £2.50. (U.S.A. $6.00). _______________________________ can easily make your own cards.
UlE SUPREME AVXöfC C*? BIDEFORD pex/o n Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
"SIMPLICITY CARD BOX’’ An opening routine which smacks of
Manipulative Magic, but which is not
A novel card box which will not difficult to do. You'll only have to
only vanish and produce cards but practise the handling, and the effect
also change them. is pleasing to any audience.
The method is simple but very - All classic methods are used -
effective and the prop useful in Magician Just shows three tissue
dozens of different tricks. paper strips, apart from these his hands are empty. Strips are
NOT the usual Card Box. twisted and lit.
Made in metal, box has a fit-on lid, and at the end both box and lid Waving his hand with the burning tissue paper, ashes rise into
could be EXAMINED. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00). the air. Suddenly, from the magician's hand emerges a tri-col-
our streamer, made from three lengths of contrasting coloured
A 'medium' sits blindfolded on- Having displayed this streamer, it is pleated into the hand, but
stage, whilst her partner passes suddenly another amazing change takes place for now the streamer
amongst the audience. People has gone welling up from the magician's hands is a pretty posy of
hand him anything they have in flowers! A great sequence has come to an end.
their pockets or handbags and, You get tissue Strips, the tri-colour streamer, the posy of
although the medium cannot see MESHED spring flowers and the routine. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
the objects, she describes them
accurately.* By BILL WEST. Wm. G. Stickland,
Always a popular act with aud- I M.B.E., Past President of The Inter-
iences, this is probably the per- I KEN DE COURCY national Brotherhood of Magicians wrote:
fect code method for working this I "Swot up the patter in Routines in
famous feat. I Rhyme,
'Meshed Minds' is commercial I Topicality pays - keep up with the time,
and fast! It Is not automatic. It I_____ If it's laughter you're after. Just put
takes study, memory and practice but it is far easier than it first to the test,
looks'. Work at it for a while and you will find that you'll master The patter in rhyme from the pen of
it without too much effort. Bill West".
Once you and your partner have learned it, you have a baffling 'Routines in Rhyme' is a typescript publication of some fifty
act you can do anywhere, at any time: Your props are carried in pages with printed covers.
your head! The scope for a good mental act is terrific. You can Contents include no less than THIRTY-EIGHT DIFFERENT ROU-
work it anywhere. Clubs. Cabaret, Close-up. This is one of TINES FOR STANDARD EFFECTS, divided into six sections, The
the most natural-sounding codes we have ever come across! Linking Rings, The Cut and Restored Rope, Egg Bag routines,
All the details are carefully and clearly set out for you in a beau- Multiplying Billiard Balls, Golf Balls, Soap Bubbles, Giant Four
tifully-produced spiral bound printed book. Pull-out sections inclu- Ace type effects using Kings, Queens and Rabbit Cards, Cups and
ded as an aid to easy learning. Highly recommended as the perfect BaUs and Supreme Ball'n Beakers.
act of its type. Sold at a very low price for exclusive material of Each of the routines offers a completely different and highly en-
this kind. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).____________________ tertaining patter story in rhyme, different "plots" which on their
own are very good. With the addition of the wonderful rhyming
Simplicity Sausage Gun Here's your chance to be "different" and add novelty to your show.
*3* Nothing to Jam, nothing to go wrong, and Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
WOW! what a load of sausages ... TEN
large size links shoot from the barrel and SIX SHOT LOTA
hand ludicrously from it! Hilda a terrific load of liquid for its size. In
The Sausage Pistol has always been a cer- performance, water (or whisky!) is poured from
tain laugh, but there has always been the problem of sausages the lota into a glass. Clearly the vase is now
shooting out, sometimes amongst a young audience! em jty. Yet a little later on another glass of
These sausages are FIRMLY FASTENED TO THE GUN; further- liquid is poured from it! Six "shots" of whisky
more, the gun is simplicity Itself to use ... nothing to wear loose or more from one lota! You'll be delighted at
... nothing to break or go wrong. Simply pick the gun up, aim the effect you can create with it. Laughter and
it and WHAM! - out shoot the sausages! mystery too. Made entirely in plastic.
Build up the suspense by telling the children to put their fingers Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
in their ears and that there's going to be a big bang. In the end,
instead of a big bang, you get a load of BIG BANGERS!!
First-class when used with PUNCH AND JUDY. The "Police-
man" states that he has a gun, he is going to get it and he is go-
r SlKm.lL -(EX
Apparatus consists of a neat col-
oured plastic plaque with a recess-
ing to shoot "Mr. Punch". Business ... "Shall I shoot Mr. Punch S&ad circle. A second plastic plaque
... are you SURE you want me to shoot Mr. Punch?" etc. Out ■Mdecorated with a skull.
fly the sausages. Mr Punch knocks the Policeman over the head ü5* Magician places a small coin in-
and that's that! Price, complete, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). to the recess in the plaque. On top
STOP-GO-UP AND DOWN BALL of this he drops a playing-card, finally placing the skull plaque on
An 'Obedient ball' on an elastic cord. It stops top of all. When the card is removed the coin has vanished!
anywhere you like but then comes the surprise Everything can be examined!
when the ball rises up the cord! Two clever If desired the coin can be reproduced elsewhere.
principles in one. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).

In the pages of this book are & In this very clever Spiritualistic Act, the
some of the biggest novelty =^9
usual so-called manifestations take place whilst
presentations yet to be released
by the author - ideas and rou- & the medium is securely tied and fastened in a
manner which positively precludes any possib-
tines that will earn you the reputation of being different and ahead
ility of his being able to produce them. A com-
of the other fellow. Contents are; mittee (not plants) from the audience does all
'The Talking Cane', with a neat twist. the tying, sealing, etc.. and at all times the
'Hand in Glove'. ..Talking
hand routine with ... a -lovable character. cabinet is watched by members of the commit-
'Ramblin' Rose'. A vent novelty for the buttonhole. tee. The act can be produced any place where
'Jug Toby'. A new idea for the talking beer stein. a cabinet can be erected.
'FIRED:' An original ventriloquial scene for stage or T.V. Strips of cloth are used for the tying - the arms, wrists and neck
Worth many times the price of the whole book. are tied. To prove that there can be no slipping of tie, knots may
'The Old Master'. Another first-class vent scene. be sewn through with needle and thread, or surgical adhesive may
'In Port Again'. Nautical vent-sketch. Full length act. be used. Ties are repeatedly checked.
You're bound to find something in this collection that will be of Many strange effects take place - unbelievable. Despite all this
immense value to you. Typescript form bound in printed covers. it is a ONE MAN act.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). We supply the full workshop plans, plus detailed instructions and
George Blake's presentation to enable you to make this, and feature it.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
We were delighted when George ' " SILKARO "
A yard or so of rope is shown and two
\ * ♦ *\ *

< A Blake gave us this effect as a
\* * *;r Supreme Exclusive, having happy
single knots are tied in same along its
length, one near each end.
memories of seeing George per-
Two differently coloured silks are shown
form this many years ago and indeed it was a consistent success
and handed to two spectators. Each is re-
in his show over a great period of time. A proven winner!
quested to thread their silk through one of
Recommended by many famous names in magic. the knots and to tie it in position with one,
Four times the performer commences a card trick and four times
two - in fact ANY NUMBER of genuine knots.
a 'stranger' card turns up. Yes, it's the old 'Ambitious Card' or
The magician holds the rope up and asks for a colour to be
Persistent Joker BUT with a difference ... chosen and upon snapping the rope between the hands the chosen
Unlike all the old methods It has a climax. ..A comedy climax
colour silk Jumps right off the rope into the air WITH THE KNOTS
which makes it suitable for compere, platform or close-up work,
STILL in t a c t :
and it's easy! Everything can be immediately examined: No wires, gimmicks
This is the improved method of working the effect. - Easy to
or snaps are used. A baffling mystery that can be worked when
learn, great in effect. you are closely surrounded by people.
If you want a card effect that will entertain, that has a climax,
Price, complete with Rope and two silks, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10,00)
that brings the applause. - and this is surely what you want, -
then this Is for you!
You get George Blake's detailed, beautifully illustrated instruc-
Steve looked at an old effect, 'The Ribbon
tions, together with all the cards. A tested programme item that Tube' and came up with some REVOLUT-
you will never want to leave out of your show. IONARY IMPROVEMENTS.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Magician shows a plastic tube about 5}
inches longx ’ inches square which has a
THE REVERSED LADY clear front. The tube is designed to fold
Many will like this because it can be in half. A small piece of ribbon is placed
repeated. In fact, the .more you do it, through the tube. It can be SEEN through
the more mystifying it becomes! the clear front. Magician folds the tube
Performer shows a small envelope in into two, then cutting (or allowing spectator
which, he announces, are four cards to cut) right through the centre of the ribbon. No doubt about it,
only... "the four Queens of the pack". the ribbon is genuinely cut.
He invites any spectator to name any The tube is closed, a magic pass, and now the ribbon is restored:
Queen. Sure, you can show right through the tube and of course you can see
He predicts that the named Queen will through the clear front of it.
be the second card from the top facing upwards, and the other three Apart from the length of ribbon just removed the tube is empty.
cards will be facing downwards. Steve gives you other ideas tool Using the tube for a cut and
When the card is named, the cards are removed from the envel- restored bank note, modelling balloons, etc.
ope and fanned... sure enough, the second card is the very Queen Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00)._____________
named beforehand, and it is reversed!
It is removed and shown both sides, its back matching the other The Rajah’s Tent Illusion
three cards. A canvas tent on a base on castors is
Only FOUR cards are used: Any of the four Queens can be named: wheeled around and shown. Lights are placed
- The chosen Queen is shown on both sides. around the tent and are clearly seen through
Apart from the four Queens, the envelope is empty, - it could be the thin sheeting proving no place of conceal-
torn-up or immediately you replace the cards, "together in a cer- ment. Flaps of tent are closed and when open-
tain order", then repeat the effect once again, showing that you ed there is a girl dressed as the Queen of
are again correct. Sheba sitting Inside eating a bunch of grapes!
'Reversed Lady' can be yours, complete with instructions and Same principle can be illustrated for the production of livestock
routine, for only:-£2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). etc. Illustrated secret. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).

Originated by KARRE LL Magician tells of his trip to India
Magician picks up a bou-
where he saw a snake charmer at work.
He shows a picture of a snake emerg- ’HI
quet of flowers; these can ing from a basket.
be handed over the footlights Size of the sturdy snake plaque is
to him. - "Wow", he says, 13 x 8| ins. Snake is green and black,
"there's a caterpillar on the basket yellow and black. Plaque is
flowers". Suddenly three bound around with red passe-partout.
large spring snakes fly high He requests a member of the audi-
into the air!!! ence to remove a card from a pack,
Laughs galore from a CLASSIC of Comedy. Price, £18.50, show it around and then genuinely
(U.S.A. $40.00). shuffle the card back into the pack
THE POWER OF P-E-R-C-E-P-T-l-O-N Apart from the picture of the snake in the basket the magician's
hands are obviously quite empty. The spectator is asked to throw
n A great follow-up to the 'Power of Per-
suasion'; an alternative SECOND SPOT,
the pack of cards towards the snake. Surprise when it is shown,
where it is seen that the snake is now holding one card in its
again in the form of a lecture/demonstra-
mouth. - Yes, it's THE CHOSEN CARD!
tion but based on a different aspect of
psychology. Many other clever variations are possible using this novel ap-
paratus. A chosen coloured silk can appear attached to the bas-
There are eight effects used in the dem-
ket! Happy Family, Snap, Alphabet or Number cards can be used
onstration. The items required are read-
in the children's show to equally good effect.
ily available at low cost, or similar effects
It's a clever idea, easy to work and can be productive of a lot of
already in the reader's possession may be
used in place of those described.
No threads or elastics! Nothing to break or go wrong!
TAINMENT THAT'S OFF THE BEATEN TRACK. One of these flat, bottom of the suitcase, items you'll enjoy per-
forming in any type of show and which may well become one of
Price for the complete routine. £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
your feature items. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).


Nice apparatus and a beautiful ef-
Four playing cards are shown,
fect. A sheet of clear plastic ma-

counted, and freely shown front and
gically passes through a ribbon.
back. Two of the cards are placed
You can repeat it. Thread the rib-
face down on the table. A second
bon through the case, insert the
later when they are turned over their
sheet of plastic, tip out the plastic
faces have faded away and the cards
and it's threaded on the ribbon! are BLANK.
Price, complete, £12.50,
Second two cards are now placed
(U.S.A. $30.00). down and these too become blank - FOUR BLANK CARDS! All
comes right in the end - the cards are shown once more - and
PERPLEXING PEPPER POT now the faces have returned. You hold four regular cards once
Plastic pot appears to be filled with pep- more.
per, salt, wooffle dust, or powdered Uni- You do not have to be a card expert to work this trick. It's very
corn's horn, or any other name you like easy to do. No Rough and Smooth. No printed fakes.
to give the contents'. Complete with the cards and patter story.

The top is unscrewed and the contents Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
•L: are shaken out into the hand, yet when the
PER HAS VANISHED! In a few seconds it •’SILKEN FLASH"
can appear back again inside the shaker!!! VISUAL Silk Magic that makes their eyes
Made tn plastic. Excellent for magic and for comedy. pop out! A length of rope, tied in a circle.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Two silks are tied to opposite sides ... Then
PERFORMING FLEAS Between the other two ... TIED FIRMLY ON
A typescript manuscript giving the THE ROPE!!
full routine and presentation of this The most startling VISIBLE appearance you
Screamingly Funny Burlesque. NO have ever seen!
MAGIC - NO MYSTERY - But an Easy-to-do .... No sleight of hand Complete with full instructions
item that will fit into any magic act ... Patter and ideas for adult and kiddies audiences. Also In-
which is suitable for any occasion cludes routine for making the silks DROP VISIBLY FROM THE
and ALWAYS READY. ROPE ... a nice "follow on!" The three silks and necessary
The introduction is on the lines, rope is included, in fact, you can DO IT RIGHT AWAY!
"I felt the necessity of introducing a novel feature into my pro- Instructions are in printed form - Great!
gramme, something which would make me known as the most Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
up-to-date magician in this part of the world - Let me introduce
my performing fleas'." - and then the fun begins.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2,00). BEST BUYS BY EVERY TEST
A Simple slatted frame that
The production prop for a certain laugh! Fold up Zr
small! Open out instantly into a string of five "bang- ll will take a playing card. You
ers"! will be amazed and astonished
- Always a laugh when produced from a spectator's at the visual effects you can
pocket. - % perform with it. Use it in
We supply two kinds of Sausages. your children's shows as a
Regular spring sausages, five links, spring instantly out when Sliding Card Frame. Use it
required. for a clever prediction effect. Use it for a visual card vanish.
Locking spring sausages, these are exactly the same except that It's fantastic. A very good prop, smooth working which any
they have the original Harry Leat locking device, - tube, snap and magician would be pleased to own.
tape fastening, easily released when required. Sausages are kept Supplied complete with a deck of cards, plus all the rou-
compressed until required. tines. Small enough to go into your brief-case, big enough
Supreme Regular Spring Sausages, Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00) in effect to be used during any show. Price, £15, (U.S.A.
Supreme Self-locking Spring Sausages, Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
SIMPLICITY LIT CIGARETTE Until the new items are actually advertised, we
are always unsure as to the reception they will
Now you can perform 'Lighted Cigarettes from get. Obviously, we think they're great else we
the Air' without elaborate holders, chemicals, wouldn’t put them out. But it sometimes takes
batteries, etc. Simplicity is the key-note, and a long time for magicians to realise their pot-
we believe that you will delight to the subtle v1 ential. One item which certainly gained Instant
method and neat routine, which will gain for any recognition was SILLY SNOWMAN (From an
magician credit for clever sleight of hand. original idea by Margaret Hawkesworth). Writ-
This is something DIFFERENT in effects of this type. A spectac- ing in 'Abracadabra', DONALD BEVAN had this
ular effect accomplished with the minimum of fuss and effort. to say:
The trick is made possible by the use of special cigarettes (you "Silly Snowman by Supreme is a simple, clever
can use them over and over again) and a supply of these comes to idea with a Snowman. This puppet-like charac-
you together with a fully detailed Illustrated routine. ter folds flat for production from a hat or prod-
A VERY GOOD item for the magician who would like to feature tion box and stands 19 Inches high. But that's
this clever effect without all the usual hard work and settingup only part of the story. At any time during the
Involved. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). show you pick up the snowman and, because your hands and the
room are warm, he begins to melt! This looks to me like an Edwin
A lecture/demonstratlon using staple
touch - simple idea, easy to work, loaded with fun. First he's pro-
duced - prop will stand upright on your table - then he melts, then
Items which can be carried In a brief- the children blow cold air to freeze him again. Any children's
case and which is a fresh approach to entertainer ought to get laughs galore with this super character.
mentallsm, eschewing the supernatural POWIR The prop has a comical appearance In battered hat, scarf and
and making It acceptable to modern
OF 'buttons'. A simple production prop you can bring to life and one
I imagine many performers will make the most of."
ON FACT. The techniques are up-to-
date. educational, instructive and, above


'Simple Selection' uses a flat strip of
It comes to you in the form of a twenty
eight 8 x 10 Inch page, printed and illustrated book, written by plastic along which are clipped three
ARTHUR SETTERINGTON who has given the magic world so much envelopes. Inside one is a £10 note or

fine material. It Is a book which you cannot afford to pass by. a one hundred dollar bill. The others

That well-known Mentallst, E. MALCOLM DAVISON wrote, contain blank papers. THE EFFECT
"This is one of the most practical and commercial routines that CAN BE PRESENTED COMPLETELY
I've ever seen. I can only add that If I had invented it, I would SURROUNDED. Spectators make their
never have shown It to another magician!!" selections ... they hold the envelope
'Power of Persuasion', Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). which contain the blanks ... the MAG-
Spectators may change their minds prior to opening their envel-
/ \ A sma11 gummed label which is opes.
/ I signed by a spectator, Is attached to Simple Selection can be seen in the smallest drawing room and on
i LAßy 1 a co'oure<' counter. Counter is the biggest stage. Ideal for cabaret use.
/ taken In the hand but it vanishes. Price. £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
Kl I ' ' / Magician reaches into his pocket and
A tube with a rubber band passing
1 PK | Fl l/l Ml I Tke counter is shown at the finger- through the end, also a plunger with a
\ VI 111/ “X 11 tips. Again it vanishes. Both hands little hook on the end that fits inside.
are empty. A SPECTATOR REACHES Demonstrate how you can engage the
INTO YOUR POCKET AND THERE IS THE SAME MARKED PO- band on the hook. Pulling the plunger out and letting it go aHows
KER-CHIP! it to snap back into the tube. When a spectator tries it he finds
Easy to do. A nice little 'Micro-Magic' effect. it impossible to engage the rubber band, no matter how hard he
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). tries. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00),
IAN ADAIR Similar to the popular "Patriotic Billiard
The late Goodliffe wrote: This is a Balls" BUT the procedure is different and
“ cloth-bound, very attractively pres- with an added climax. The use of Chips
ented 150pp 8vo book, covers compre- means that the trick becomes suitable for
y.Ck, hensively what the tide suggests. It performance impromptu, for the chips are
deals not only with planning parties easy to carry. Three hats, paper bags or
for adults or children, including out- basins are used, three red chips being
door parties and fund-raising events, placed in one, three white in the next, and
but it also includes games, party stunts, Origami, conjuring and three blue chips in the last.
fortune-telling, balloon modelling and hand shadows. It also deals When the chips are removed there are a
with such side issues - quite important ones - as copyright restric- red, white and blue one in each container!
tions on tapes, where to hire movies and the cost, where to buy Then the knock-out! Chips return as they were, and there are now
carnival novelties and modelling balloons, what to do about insur- three red in the first, three white in the second and three blue in
ance and suggests other book titles. Readers will find some fam- the third container. Everything can be examined.
iliar names amongst the acknowledgements: Roy Van Dyke, Robert We supply you with the nine chips, plus the routine. Nothing else

Harbin, Frances Marshall, Eric Sharp. There are plenty of line is needed save for a little practice. Then you'll be ready to go!
drawings in addition to about eight full pages of photographs. Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00)._______________________________
Obviously any children's entertainer who includes amongst his
activities the organisation of games, etc., at parties will find the
bookinvaluable. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).___________________
supreme penet r at io n r o yal e
Limited stocks only of this great effect. J\

A playing card is shown and held at the
fingertips, covered with a silk, magic-
Three initialled cards pass from one ally the silk passes right through the L
spectator to another. You give instruc- middle. You can perform this close-up
tions what to do. They each hold cards and it is still a baffling mystery. Price,
removed from pack. They have aud- for the special card etc., and full rout-
ience choose and initial cards. Under ____ ____ ine, (use your own silk), £2.50, (U.S.A.
these conditions trick works. At conclusion one has three more,
the other three less cards on the count. Sealed Manuscript.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Tricks with paddles of all kinds, shapes
PATENTLY OBSCURE and sizes to get away from the usual "Watch
the spot' type of trick. Material for the
A complete seven-minute act or interlude of pocket performer and the platform prestid-
CRAZY INVENTIONS with easily obtainable igitator. Tricks'for the mentalist! Print-
props! Complete with Patter and Full Pres- ing your business card! A novel 'twin
entation. Funny! Unusual! - with a LAUGH clock’ effect! Etc., Etc.
IN EVERY LINE! Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
dcCotwcv-— A special Supplement is included with full
details of a smashing attache-case vanish of all the props used! PAPER MAGIC
Easy to make, you can gimmick any case in 10-15 minutes. Illusions, Levitations, Vanishes, Mental
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Magic, Close-up Magic. Typescript form -
Profusely Illustrated-Magic.
PASTEBOARD SANDWICH Over forty of the most unusual, unique and
Two panels are shown on all sides and amazing new tricks that can be worked with
placed together with an elastic band around paper. A new untouched field. Easy to car-
them, then given to a spectator to hold. A ry and most effective Magic.
card is chosen from an ordinary deck. Card A few of the Outstanding Effects:-
is replaced and immediately, without any Performer makes a fir tree then actually
"moves" or funny business cards are shown climbs it!
and can be counted ... the chosen one has A cabinet made of paper is shown empty and a girl crashes thro-
disappeared! Person holding panels opens them up and the chosen ugh it from apparently nowhere!
card is found between them. Price, of Paper Magic is, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
No palming. Panels are UNFEKED and can be examined. Not the
old double-panel idea. . ^RWAEXICAN SASH MYSTERY
We supply you with the two unfeked card panels, you use any cards. The sash with rope loops at each end
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). is the only property used in this astoun-
ding penetration mystery. Two spec-
X iS» MENTAL MAGIC ><< tators assist, a lady and a Gentleman.
And now, in an enactment of a story
This is No- 2 - in the "Magic Menu"
the young lady is bound around with the
serles- A printed book in similar
SUPREME sash. You hold one rope loop, the
c o u r s e ( ?)'?//style to the first course. Stunning
spectator the other. The story reaches its climax and voila! the
”rwo Mental Mysteries are given to enhance
sash penetrates right through the ladies waist and is now out strai-
BY IAN ADAIR your reputation as a mentalist or to
ght in front of her! Very easy to perform.
make a great new reputation for you. Twelve marvellous Items
Price, £3.50, U.S.A. $9.00)._________
by Ian Adair. PLUS hints and tips on Mentallsm by Peter Warlock.
Price, £2.50, U.S.A. $6.00). ALL ORDERS UNDER £10 (R0) PLEASE ADD £1.50 (S3)
Magician demonstrates the simplicity
With a great new routine by Ken De Courcy.
Playing-size cards boldly printed with diff-
erent letters spell 'PENNY'. There's a great
climax when the cards are turned over and it io-
is seen that these now spell 'POUND'!
o J ft
in the apparatus in the raising and lower-
ing of the series of spikes - each spike
passing through a corresponding hole in
the platform table.
KEN has come up with a great up-dated 'LAUGH A LINE' ROUT- Girl takes her position on the table.
INE added his own great method of handling and a wonderful EXTRA Her head and feet are clamped into pos-
CLIMAX to get an additional laugh. ition. Inflated balloons are placed on
If you like good novelty pocket magic which is easy to perform, top of girl's body. The spikes are then
then this is recommended. pushed down. Audience hears the balloons burst as spikes punc-
Overseas magicians can present this as a trick they've seen ture them, then the spikes are seen emerging through the bottom
British magicians perform whilst on a holiday in Europe. of the table. Each one Is clearly visible. Spikes are removed
It's interesting, ENTERTAINING, and very clever! and girl arises from the table none the worse for her experience.
You get the specially printed cards, PLUS die original routine, Spikes are solid steel and do not bend, unscrew, etc. Can be
PLUS Ken de Courcy's instructions and script. surrounded by spectators.

Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). WORKSHOP PLANS ONLY. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A pretty hand dyed Rainbow-hued silk vanishes Yellow Knotted Rope m
to reappear between two "solid-coloured" ones The magician takes up a length of rope
which have been tied together. and a clear, obviously empty, trans-
Once you have used this particular method you parent plastic tube. He places an end
will never use any other. It has so many advan- of rope through the tube and begins to
tages to commend it. The variegated silks are pull the rope through. Surprise: - for I
strikingly beautiful and are especially produced suddenly, as the rope emerges, a knot
for this trick. All silks are absolutely unfaked and can be freely appears.
shown. The two tled-together silks can be placed into a tumbler, One by one, five knots appear, evenly
given to a spectator to hold, placed into a person’s pocket or a Spaced along the rope: The tube is still ______
lady's handbag. At the end all the silks can be untied by a spec- empty and is placed to one side. Magician very carefully and del-
tator if you wish and used in any form of follow-up routine. iberately unties each of the knots to show that they are genuine.
Full instructions are included for a neat vanish with a sucker- Rope is coiled up in the hands and suddenly pulled out once again,
angle which is easy to do, humorous and surprising. As perform- when it is seen that the knots have reappeared back along the whole
ed by HAROLD TAYLOR. of its length:
EXTRA! We now include with this effect Edwin's exclusive rout- - Straightaway, the knotted rope could be thrown out for inspec-
tion if you so wished:
ine as featuredon T.V., and at demonstrations to all the leading
societies. With a man or boy to help you, you are all set for sev- Supplied with clear tube, colourful rope etc., and explicit instruc
eral minutes of hilarious fun! Silks are tied together and spectator tions.
tries to get the knot.. .always without success. Finally, when you A lovely trick you'll enjoy performing.
wish it, he does succeed and holds the two tied silks up whilst you Price, £10.50, (U.S.A, $30.00).
display and vanish the rainbow one. His surprise at the sudden
appearance of the vanished silk between the two he is holding so
Edwin sold over a hundred of these
tightly is terrific: - and remember the silks are unfaked-NO bag at a British Ring Convention on demon-
silk. It's a trick you can perform anywhere-even with the light stration. One of the best close-up
behind you! - and right under their noses, too! tricks for a long time. A playing card
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $32.00). is slid into a case. A glass marble is
placed on the top and magically it pass-
SUPER RAINBOW 20th c e n t u r y Yes, it's a super-size of our
k es through a hole in the case and right
through the card. The card is still
famous trick with silks 24 inches square! The Rainbows are espec- intact. A silk is thrown over the case and pushed right through the
ially nice with extra bands of lovely colour to enhance them. hole and again right through the card. Again the card can be
Supplied complete with all the routines, etc. shown. Repeated and it's a big surprise when the spectator pulls
Price, £18.50, (U.S.A. $47.00). the silk through, the card has vanished altogether.
OUR EXCLUSIVE TAN HOCK CHUAN'S We supply the slide, card and marble and routine. Use your own
silk. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A, $6.00),
«V V Three tumblers, each tumbler contains
4? AW'
different coloured beads. Magician has
two of the colours chosen and mixes the
Two matchboxes are placed together,
in line with each other, on the table.
> beads together. It is obvious that the Between the two is placed a Playing Card, s "1* I
hW luw/" separation would take a very considerable When the drawer of one matchbox is pus- k
/' I
~~ time. Yet the magician simply places the hed in ... mysteriously the other is
V 4 1 two tumblers behind a little screen, sha-
' '' kes the tumblers around, removes the
pushed out! And when this one is pushed in the other one is pushed
out: Apparently there is a passage right through the card and the
glasses and all one colour beads are in one glass and all the other drawer of one matchbox is pushing the other one out! The drawers
in die second. can be pushed back and forth at will and finally the card is removed
Remember this is sold with the permission of the originator. A and shown to be intact. No threads!
big trick you can use close-up or on stage. You get the special Nothing extra used, just the two boxes of matches and a card.
plastic tumblers, beads, special printed book cover and routine. You'll say it’s a cute trick.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price, complete, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).

A small box is shown to be emp-

ty. This is placed over the young
This is the trick perfor-
lady's head. This box is suppor- med and recommended by
ted by four uprights as young lady David Ginn.
takes a kneeling position on a The magician shows a pic
small platform. Thirteen small swords are now examined and ture - and by Golly, it’s a
one at a time they are pierced through the box at all angles. A large one, 14|" x 91" of
long spear is also pushed through the box from the top. Remem- POLLY PARROT, in a gal-
ber the rest of the young lady's body is in full view during the axy of lovely colours ...
piercing of the small box. red, yellow, green, blue
The front door of the box is now opened to the amazement of and black.
all, the sword blades fill the box from every conceivable angle The magician displays
THE HEAD HAS VANISHED. three other cards, ON
The front door is closed, the swords removed, the box removed, EACH CARD THERE IS A PICTURE OF AN EMPTY CAGE.
disclosing the young lady unharmed. One cage is taken away and covered with a cloth. The Polly Parrot
Full workshop plans. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). is turned face downwards, and one 'Cage' card is also reversed.
The two cards are transposed. "Which is Polly?" - THE AUDIENCE
is w r o n g : :::
The cleanest method of van- One card is removed. AGAIN THEY ARE WRONG!
ishing a silk, we know. A 12" There is only one card left, but SURPRISE: it is seen to be AN-
silk is tucked into a clear cap- OTHER EMPTY CAGE!
sule and placed into a piece of The magician peeps under the cloth covering the card placed to one
paper and which is twisted in- side. He states the parrot is not yet there, but HEYI WHAT'S THIS?
to a kind of Christmas crack- ... the audience HEAR A SQUAWKING NOISE COMING FROM UNDER
er. When the paper is un- THE CLOTH! The magician can't hear anything, but the audience
wrapped the silk has VANISH- CAN: Finally, the cloth is removed and yes, indeed, the cage is
ED! Can be kised for the van- there still, and INSIDE IT IS POLLY PARROT!
ish of ANYTHING which will You get everything complete, including the cloth, to work this right
fit into it, a treasury note, a marked ribbon etc. The item is away. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
easily accessible for you to reproduce.
Not to be confused with the cheap, Imported model.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). HOW GAMBLERS WIN
Sold for amusement purposes only - Ten
Seven cards are shown blank simple, brain-cracking befuddlers fully exposed

on both sides. One card is the in this book on "How Gamblers Win". Deals
said to contain a picture of a with cards, coins and dice ... New Simplified
Methods. You will amaze and amuse your
This card is waved over one friends with this knowledge.
of the other cards by a spec- Such brain-teasers as: Any deck shuffled
tator. When he turns over by anyone and placed on Performer's out-
stretched hand. Performer cuts the deck ^ftx* JostW
that card there is a picture of
a RABBIT emerging from a any place and calls the card cut at. This is
TOP h a t : BUT WAIT ... repeated as many times as desired - Four selected cards are
When the other five cards are turned over they now each contain picked in various parts of deck and are immediately cut to ...
a letter and spell the word M A G I C !!! a most amazing location - Something brand new in second deal-
When the "magic wand" card is turned over it reveals the name ing ... no sleights - A slow-motion Three Card Monte, less
of the World's Greatest Magician. sleights or extra cards - A coin is tossed in the air and caught
and you can make the spectator call it wrong every time ...
We supply everything you need, including printed, illustrated
you always win - A die dropped in a match box and shaken up
instructions. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
and you predict what the number will be.
Magicians are always in demand for par- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
ties and shows. Supreme specialises in

Magic GOOD CHILDREN'S MAGIC AND BOOKS A book of 64 pages, hard-bound, titled,
which is why we are pleased to present by 1 N VITA flCN two colour dust-jacket.
TO MYSTERY A mixed bag of delightful mysteries.

I for
arrangement with Harry Stanley's Unique
Magic Studio this handsome cloth bound THE BUBBLE DOG CARD - a balloon
edition of MAGIC FOR MINORS. Com- animal discovers a chosen card! CUFF

Minors piled by Hugh Miller, it's a splendid col- LINK PREDICTION; THANKS FOR THE
lection of outstanding routines, stunts and MEMORY, a one-man presentation for
gags that are guaranteed to entertain. the Giant Memory Act which is FAST;
Practical ... audience-tested items, RING AWAY; LOOP DE LOOP and
plus valuable hints and advice on "Advertising and Publicity". "HITCHED"; THE MAGICIAN AND THE
If you are a children's entertainer you'll find "Magic For Minors" MIND-READER, etc., etc.
a real Investment. If you are not "Magic For Minors" will en- Effects made doubly enjoyable by the anecdotes, sage advice and
able you to add another magical string to your bow. It's a book amusing Illustrations. Foreword by Ken Spear.
you just cannot afford to miss! As Ken says... "Read this book, digest it and PERFORM, IT'S
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A.. $12.00). AS EASY AS THAT:" Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $11.00).
MAGICIAN'S There's a chapter on Bursting a
Balloon; an Explosive 20th. Century;
PAYOLA CHEQUES using balloons to add extra 'zip' to
Good for publicity. A give-away Cut and Restored Rope; The Hydro-
gimmick they will remember and static Glass; The Sharpshooter; Bal-
talk about and show to their friends. loon Bouncing; The Break-a-way Boun
Any time you are thanking an as- cer; Balloon to Billiard Ball; Balloon-
sistant from the audience, you present him with a little gift, A Tube-Flowers; an excellent notion foi
CHEQUE FOR A 'MILLION GOOD WISHES!!!' A realistic-de- Kids' entertainers, - Ropes, Balloon:
signed cheque drawn on the BANK OF MAGIC UNLIMITED. and Silks: ... and there are other
You, of course, sign the cheque and you can endorse it by ideas too, to wake any audience up
writing or rubber-stamping your NAME AND ADDRESS on the with a bang!
reverse. A VALUABLE PUBLICITY PIECE. If you want to make your magic that little bit DIFFERENT from
Sample cheque, Price £0.25, (U.S.A. $1.00), Packet of 25 the other fellow's, a little bit more SNAPPY and ENTERTAINING,
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price for TWO packets of 25, there's ideas here for you!
£4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). 30 ideas ... 36 illustrations by the author.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).

By KEN BOWELL. Tricks and

ideas all with that "certain some- The effect created by
thing" to ensure they will click
'JIMI;/ with your audiences. For the
"general" magician there's a New
the late HOWARD AL-
A deck of cards is 0
Three-fold Production screen that's shown all different. A f/,, «..x
a beauty, a novel cut and restored spectator chooses a !' \
rope trick with half the rope dyed card as you riffle the cards before his eyes.
black! and a host of other clever The cards are cut, dealt, spectator chooses a pile. The re-
notions. Nu Chinese Sticks, Super maining cards are shown, spectator's card is not there.
Production Tube, Nu Back-front Chosen cards are dealt on the table.
palm, Balancing Balloon, Living Now you introduce your pet - a cute little clockwork toy which
and Dead Test, Kentare Thimble hops and bobs along. Suddenly, as he walks down, on or by the
Holder (made in one minute for a couple of coppers) and so on. line of cards, he stops ... Believe it or not, the card at which
For the Two-person mentallsts there are two ingenious Ideas. he has stopped is the chosen card.
Other clever mental effects are "Colate" and "Stock Lock”, a Easy to do, no skill, no sleights, can't go wrong. - We supply
dressing and method for "The Seven Keys" effect that beats all. the cute little walking figure PLUS the special deck of cards
"Strip-Ease" (a different kind of Stripper Pack), Two-three- which you'll use in many other ways, plus the full routine.
four (a sponge ball notion). A couple of Card Codes and an amus- Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $12.00).
ing "Good-bye" gag.
The material Is clearly described and in typescript form.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
I.O.U. .
a suprei
Adds a touch of surprise to any treasury
note routine. A treasury note is wrapped
MAGIC VISION TESTER in a handkerchief, when the handkerchief
You test the victim's vision is opened, the note lias gone and the words
and during the operation he I.O.U are boldly printed on the handker-
sees upside down, words chief.
change and turn about in the Complte with routines.
most grotesque manner. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
The victim cannot understand
the working.
SB A crazy novelty gag with a
surprise ending. Magician "
Comes complete with instructions and cylindrical lens. comes on holding a piece of *-
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). string. At the end (he says) is
his little invisible dog. "Jump" ft
GLORIOUS POP he commands, and the string
flicks up."Down, Fido" he com-
Especially for your kiddles shows. The
panels on the folded-flat cone depict glasses mands. With a little acting
of lemonade. Cone Is opened out and Imm- ability this can be a most amus-
ediately a bottle of real pop - is produced ing situation.
from it! "Perhaps you don't believe I
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. §15.00). have a dog here at all" says
the magician, "but 1 have - in fact more than one - a whole string
of them - HOT DOGS!"
DODO THE VENT DUCK Suddenly the string changes and it is seen he is now holding a
Great fun with this parody of a duck that string of sausages! The trick is practically self-working and can
you can use to assist you in finding a cho- be used any time in the programme with equal effect.
sen card or as a vent novelty. Price, including the sausages and instructions,
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $65.00). £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
By W. A. Stevenson. One of the best
\ \ 11/
newspaper predictions ever! You can SBBk Another Supreme Innovation

apparently predict a newspaper head- " ,7 ’ (that's now been copied in an

Inferior manner and is being
line weeks before publication! No n* sold elsewhere). Represents
locked boxes or elaborate chests. Send a home safe, with doors at the
the editor of a newspaper a letter marked 'Prediction' and this 4 \ front and at the back so the
can be placed in a safe. No confederates or sleight of hand is
* audience can see right through.
used. There are two compartments.
Price, in sealed manuscript form, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). A block of solid gold!! You
place this in one side. There's screams as you tilt the box one
The ULTIMATE in way and then the other. Finally, the block of gold disappears al-
blindfold methods, made together and appears in a hat.
in SOLID METAL! No Wait a minute, there's an extra feature, for straight-away
w?'BLINDFOLD pin-holes; No fekes of
any kind! First intro-
without any loading, you can produce chocolate coins for the kid-
dies, a lemon, (the answer to the trick!), or a load of silks or
duced by the Supreme Magic Company, - copied but unequalled. flowers from the hat.
Seeing through a sheet of metal! How is such an impossibility Several alternative suggestions and ideas are given with each
possible! A tremendous novelty that can become an act on Its outfit we supply. Solidly-made prop entirely in wood and hand-
own or feature in your existing show. somely lacquered and decorated to Supreme standards.
Supreme CAST-IRON BLINDFOLD complete with routine. Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $88.00).
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).


One of the best of ALL the different Eric Williams' scream of a fun-packed
methods for performing this classic ef- routine! Great for Dinners, Club shows,
fect. - Three pieces of rope are tied to- stage! Dozens of famous magicians have
gether in a long string. Magically, they used this and acclaimed it a winner!
become restored ... No moves worth mentioning and at the end A trick with good situation comedy and
you have a single unprepared length of rope which can be tossed terrific audience appeal.
out to a member of the audience to examine! Great! Three 8 inch x 10 inch pictures of young
We supply you with the ropes and full instructions. ladies. Two spectators assist and choose
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). one apiece without seeing their faces. THEY GET SHOCKERS!
The magician gets the ravishing glamour girl.
COMEDY LIMP CHICKEN Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
A well-made comedy prop, and

guaranteed laughter-raiser. Its
very appearance brings forth spon- A simple, practical de-
1 taneous laughter from the audience,
but we supply you with a manuscript
vice that eliminates long
hours of back palming
detailing a number of excellent practice and enables you
stunts for its use that are real to emulate the feats of the
"show-stoppers"! card manipulator. With
Some of the ideas alone are worth palm towards the audi-
more than the price asked for the ence you reach up into the
complete outfit. air and a card appears at the fingertips. This can be repeated and
•If it's laughter you 're after - a number of cards are apparently picked out of the air.
this is for you! The design of the Supreme Card Producer is revolutionary. Easy
to pick up and dispose of and complete with routine.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).


An accessory item which enables you to
turn a close-up effect into a platform one! A wooden box contains six blocks,
The net we supply measures approx. each a different colour, with a hole
36" x 18", netting with a 1 J" border of rib- through the centre. At each end of
bon. the box there is a hole through which
Attached to each corner is a ring for hold- you can thread the blocks with a large
ing. ’ needle and ribbon.
Two spectators hold the net between them ssss There are holes at the bottom and
On the net you can perform your sponge ball top of the box so that each and every
routine, your 'one in the hand, one in the block can be seen at all times.
pocket' routine, and so on. Everything can be examined! Spectators choose any two blocks
The use of this Close-up Net adds class and DIMENSION. and now for some real magic when you remove the two selected
blocks! All the others are still threaded on!
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
The small neatly made,
shiny black plastic paddle is
If you are looking for THE BEST this
shown blank on each side.
is it! A handsome piece of profession-
Suddenly a coin appears on al quality magic. The cabinet stands !\
both sides! The coins are 11" high on turned ball feet. Size is / V
removed and placed down on
12"x9j". The outfit is in three parts,
the table, - the paddle is a base, a square tube with crystal Ce
again blank. Another little
clear perspex panels on all sides, and A
wave of this in the air and a FURTHER two coins appear!
a heavy decorative lid which adds a
Many variations are possible using this neat little apparatus.
final touch of elegance.
Coins can be made to vanish and appear at will. With two of
these paddles, a coin can be made to Jump from one paddle to the Casket is shown empty and INSTANTLY silks appear inside the
cabinet. The cabinet can fill with SPRING BALLS or SPRING
Comes complete with instructions. You can use any coins.
Great to use in conjunction with Supreme's Bewildering Ball
Price. £1.50. (U.S.A. $4.00). Vanish. (A large ball vanishes in a paper bag, the paper bag is
tossed towards the cabinet which fills with small spring balls.)
Other ideas are given.
Price for the cabinet and instructions, (No silks, spring balls,
etc., included.) £55.00 plus carriage £5.00. (Great Britain

Thought Explosion Wallet OLD MOTHER HUBBARD

Exciting club comedy! A book
A black leather Wallet.
of nursery rhymes, ALL SILK-
ANY spectator names
ANY card, there's no
depicting the story of Old
Force of any kind, no
Mother Hubbard WITH A DIF-
stooge. When the wal-
let is opened, inside
"Old Mother Hubbard went to
there is ONE card and
one card only. IT'S the cupboard to get her poor
daughter a dress,
"When she got there the cup-
board was bare ...
A trick which borders
so much on the imposs-
ible as to be well-nigh
After the various changes have occured, the book suddenly
unbelievable. Wallet
drops open to reveal a picture of a glamorous young lady in
is beautifully hand-made in real leather. A first-rate quality the nude.
All you have to do is to recite the patter, flip the pages and
Complete with full instructions, routines and idea. wait for the SOLID LAUGH.
• Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00)
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
"Many thanks for the Thought Explosion Wallet. An incred-
ible item, so bold and simple, PURE DECEPTION. !A SUPREME EXCLUSIVE!'
"There is no doubt about it, you have really knocked me out
with your BEAUTIFUL wallet items. They are all so fantastic Table Puzzlewit
to handle, natural in appearance and so sure in effect. KEN de COURCY
"Enclosed please find an order for more of these incredible Here's an unusual
items, (you've got me hooked'.)" pocket routine. 'Trouble-
Ben Harris, Mitchelton, Queensland, Australia. wit' has been a popular
item with magicians for
many years. Now with
Treasury Note Penetration the aid of an ancient
puzzle, nicely-made in
The penetration of a £1 plastic, you can per-
note or $1 bill locked in form a similar routine but sitting at a table.
a wooden frame by two - A PERFECT CLOSE-UP PRESENTATION -
catches and a solid As you run through the clever patter which is supplied, the
wooden bar. Parts of coloured plastic pieces are assembled first one way, and then
the bill are visible at the other, to make up the difierent characters, articles and
all times, yet suddenly objects which are relevant to the story line, concluding with
a pen or pencil is a real 'punch' finish.
thrust right through Ken de Courcy's Table Puzzlewit comes with fully printed
the very centre. When illustrated instructions, the entertaining patter, and the actual
the frame is opened, puzzle itself packed into a neat plastic box, ready for you to
the note is found to be still intact. slip it into your pocket.
Comes complete with full instructions. Remember you use This is NOT magic, but something to add several minutes of
borrowed notes and there's tremendous scope for fun and by- fun to your close-up routine. An unusual and entertaining item
play! you'll enjoy performing.
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
EL Surprise Silks off Rope
Reviewing the effect in ABRACADABRA,
Using a boy from the audience and an

noted reviewer DONALD BEVAN wrote:
examined and MEASURED strip of paper.
"Surpriso Silks Off Rope. No one, I thought
A piece is cut off the paper and deliber-
would have the nerve to produce a trick like
ately burnt. When the paper is opened out
this, especially Edwin. Then I tried it out,
it is found to be RESTORED - YES, it IS ■ slipped it into a show and was amazed at the
reaction. The method is so simple, but the
THERE IS NO EXCHANGE OF PAPERS! effect is tremendous and if you dress it with
The paper is again CUT and RESTORED, the climax being es-
patter and audience participation you'll get
pecially funny when it is seen that the paper has actually GROWN IHb HK- spontaneous applause (I did with a children's
audience and that's no mean feat). Briefly you show two ropes one
paper as a souvenir. to which spectators tie two or more silks. The ends are gathered,
NOT "Just another torn paper" but a complete AUDIENCE-TES-
you flick the ropes and the hanks are free. That's one effect, the
TED ENTERTAINING ROUTINE. second comes when the audience realises that instead of two ropes
NO sleight-of-hand or "moves". NO faked papers.
you now have one long one. That's when they clap.
NO hand-fekes or gimmicks. A gimmick IS supplied BUT it is
"Dead easy to do yet so very effective. Comes with instructions,
rope and two silks which is good value by any standards. You'll
the usual types of fekes. like this. I DID!"
Price, complete, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
MIRACLE CARD The rope can be used in any follow-up routine, as can the silks.
It's all so simply astonishing and yet so astonishingly simple!
BETWEEN GLASSES Supplied complete. Ropes, Silks and fully illustrated printed
Two sheets of glass are shown, which routine. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
are banded together. A pack of cards
is thrown towards the glass sheets,
when visibly a chosen card appears
Mentalism de Luxe
between them! Spectator has to re-
Edited by KEN de COURCY who also

move the elastic bands to release his
illustrated the book.
card. STANTON CARLISLE is well-known
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
MINIMUM for his many excellent articles on Men-
RING-OFF! talism which have appeared in magazines

I» ll'XI

throughout the world.

I Apparatus consists of NOW he presents a CHOICE COLLEC-
a single piece of colour- TION of Psychic Sorcery - truly 'MEN-
♦ bed cord at the ends of
TALEM de LUXE'. Each item is a
which are two large proven WINNER, - eight carefully selec-
beads. Cord Is threaded ted Berns polished to a scintillating per-
through an examined ring fection.
and a spectator also
In between the tricks you will find the wise words of Stanton's own
threads his handkerchief
experience; a wealth of quality Mental Magic in a slim volume of 36
or shoelace thru' the ring. Suddenly the ring penetrates right
illustrated, printed 8 x 10 inch pages. Lightboard illustrated cover.
through the cord, the magician still holds the ends, and the ring
The facts are laid before you. Practice within your range and
is left imprisoned on the spectator's handkerchief.
mastery. This is the material which will help you to achieve the
A CLEVER MAGICAL PRINCIPLE! Other startling effects are
success you are seeking.
possible with this apparatus. For example; a startling and al-
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
most unbelievable penetration through the neck; or through the
arm or leg of a volunteer assistant. NO EXTRA BEADS OR
A manuscript, illustrated with instruc-
other than the single piece of cord - and don't forget the beads tions for performing this famous feat,
at each end make any manipulation of the cord seem impossible. with numerous clever variations (FIVE
Don't forget too that EVERYTHING CAN BE EXAMINED. effects in all'.).
A very good trick for platform or impromptu performance. Imagine passing coloured threads
Complete, ready to work. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5,00). through a straw. Straw and threads are
STLK-ON-AND-OF f! cut in half yet the freely chosen coloured thread remains intact.
Restore a string! Only one straw and string used! Spectator
A length of ribbon and a silk. Silk
is tied around the ribbon with a gen- himself cuts through the straw but string is restored. Perform
the same trick with a paper tube and a ribbon or rope etc.
LL uine knot and placed into a small
Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).


Magically the silk comes free from

the ribbon! Both are shown!
Then the silk appears BACK on the

The bag is ripped open and shown empty. "Perhaps you would
''Z-ffi PS
A wonderful trick! A single silk is di s-
" played, a knot is tied in it, mysteriously
it vanishes. Suddenly, you hold two silks,
like me to do the trick WITHOUT the bag", says the magician. tossed into the air, they come down tied
BON! IT'S SURPRISING! The magician tightens the knot between his teeth and SUDDENLY
Complete with 9 inch silks, ribbon, and the special bag you'll TWO FLUTTERING WHITE DOVES APPEAR, ONE ON EACH SIDE!
use In many ways. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). Special instructions only. Price, £2. 50, (U.S. A. $6.00).
A simple gimmick which was used in yes-
teryear by many of the so-called Spirit Me- I 'FIFTY-FIFTY’ TRICK
diums, and which enables you to produce a The patter explains what a wonderful idea
clicking sound, representing a rap in a if everything was fifty-fifty. For instance,
darkened room. this gentleman has loaned me a dollar bill -
You can use the effect as a great little pock- I tear it in halves - he keeps one half and 1 have the other. The
et effect! Show a coin, snap it a few times on the table and then climax comes when the owner of the bill lights a borrowed cigarette
cover it with a tumbler, placing a handkerchief over it. and discovers the half bill that matches the half that he retained in
Now, despite the fact that you go nowhere near the tumbler, his possession. Magician previously covered this half with his poc-
the "coin" is heard to click any number of times! Yes it's all ket handkerchief.
made possible by this clever gimmick. In the second version, the borrowed cigarette is eliminated and a
Price for the gimmick, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). banana, lemon, and orange are used. One piece of fruit is selected
and retained by a member of the audience before the bill is borrowed
1 GRAHAM REED'S and at NO TIME does the Magician touch any one of the pieces of
SOCK IT TO ’EM fruit and yet, after the bill has vanished the spectator holding the
fruit (say the banana) peels same and bites into the half bill which
'Just Chance' with a NEW PLOT. Three col-
ourful socks, a £5 (or $10 or $50) note is inside matches the half held by the owner.
one of them. Spectators are allowed a free No sleights. Easily adaptable to British currency.
choice of a sock ... they get the ones with the The handkerchief idea for the vanish is entirely new and most ingen-

■ i
consolation messages. YOU GET THE ONE WITH
THE £5 NOTE! You do not even have to take this
from the sock yourself; a spectator can do this on A tested club spook act using any three-fold
your behalf. No need for you to touch the sock! All the apparatus screen, bells, tambourine, slate, etc. Where
used can be examined.
a spectator takes to Spookville and his coat
A wonderful plot and a first-rate presentation for either chil-
gets turned Inside out, etc. A great ten-min-
dren or adults. (In the children's show you win the Booby Prize!)
ute routine to add to your show. Has plenty
This Is really extraordinarily good. of mystery and laughs.
NO hand gimmicks. NO Thumb Tips! NO loading anything be- Both effects are in manuscript form. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A.
hind the socks. NO forces! It's all been worked out so cleanly $2.00).
for you, we know you'll THRILL with pleasure to perform this
outstanding effect.
Comes complete with everything except the cash!
Not only does the pole stop anywhere along the cord
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). on your word of command, it spookily climbs up it!
Want a new pocket trick? This one will soon Complete with instructions and ideas.
become your favourite! A sponge-novelty
presentation with a BIG LAUGH FINISH. SOLOMON’S Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
A Supreme Exclusive by arrangement with
Two sponge "mummies" - and a patter story
that proves magic can be educational as well
as entertaining! One mummy is a genuine
I A useful and unusual publication detailing
a number of thrilling and unusual stunts
one, one an imitation. A spectator holds both with Luminous Paint.
mummies tightly. When he opens his hand, Items explained include Spirits Lights.
one mummy is still intact - but there are A Book Test, Article Divination, Picture
several "babies" along with the other one. on the Wall, Spirit Faces, Blackout Read-
ing, etc.
Obviously this must be the REAL mummy - the other one is the
You'll be surprised at some of the novel
Another routine given! We give you a number of different ideas using this substance. If you're
"mummies" plus the excellent instructions etc. Easy to do! seeking something UNUSUAL for the show
No setting-up. A knock-out. Price, £1.50, (U.S. A. $4.00). or publicity purposes, "Spooky Stunts"
might well hold the answer.
A SUPREME BRITISH EXCLUSIVE I In duplicated form ■ Printed cover. Price. £1.50, (U.S. A..$4).
Rainbow Chips
A self-working pocket perplexer!
The Cute Little Rabbit Folder with
1,001 uses! You show it freely on
The performer shows two white both sides. (No hanging bags, sliding
chips with black spots inset in panels or loose load chambers to
them. Both chips are clearly hide). Right away you can make a
shown on both sides. He places SILK PRODUCTION from the folder!
the two chips one on top of the other. The top chip is turned over But that's not all for you can use
to show that the black spots on both chips have magically changed to RABOTINE for A VANISH, A NOVEL
The chips are turned over to show that the opposite sides are still apparently "caught" by one of Hie Happy Little Rabbits on the
black. The two black spots are placed together. When they are folder - a terrific effect!) and in many, many other ways.
opened, the black spots have changed to two other colours, giving Neatly and strongly made. Attractively coloured ORANGE AND
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Marquis has performed this act PHOENIX A different method of perform-
.thousands of times and it has made
la terrific impact wherever shown,
DOVE FROM SCARF ing this classic effect.
Performer slowly removes his
J baffling laymen and confusing magic- white evening dress scarf. With-
ians everywhere. It is now released out any false moves he produces
in its entirety. a live dove from its folds.
A number of cards are handed to In this method we have elimin-
spectators (no stooges). Each is ated the necessity to conceal the
asked to write down the name of a dove before Its production in the
deceased friend. The cards are collected and sealed in envelopes. scarf.
Now, without any hesitation, the magician reveals the names of An easy self-contained method
the dead persons. But that is only the beginning for he goes on with no holderto get rid of.
to DRAMATICALLY REVEAL A GREAT AND INTIMATE KNOW- Remember, you receive the special apparatus together with a
etc. It would appear that he had contact with the dead themselves,
and people witnessing this spine-chilling demonstration will be-
lieve that he is receiving messages from the spirit world. SPIRIT SEANCE
Even when the name of a dead celebrity is given by a spectator A one-man spiritualistic feature suitable
you can reveal the name and give many personal details of his for parlour, club or stage.
life. Unprepared articles such as a bell, tam-
NO IMPRESSIONS ... NO PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION bourine, horn, slates, etc., are placed on |
WORK. The sealed envelopes are not tampered with in any way. a table. Performer steps behind the table
You simply proceed as above and give out information with the and holds a cloth in front so that it momen-
most amazing and unfailing accuracy. tarily hides the articles (both sides of the
The superb presentation detailed Is one of the reasons that cloth are previously shown). Then In an
this la such a startling stunt. It is an act that is DIFFERENT unknown manner, the bell rings, the tambourine Jingles - things
and will create controversy and discussion everywhere. really happen. Cloth is shown on both sides repeatedly and ar-
The original Marquis patter is given word for word. Presen- ticles may be examined any time during seance. Then the table
ted as a magician's enactment of a seance given by a spiritual- itself rises and begins to float around and finally a hand appears
istic medium, this Is entertainment to which no-one can take and begins to choke the performer! It's a riot.
exception ... but it is spine-chilling entertainment with the ac- We supply the special cloth, gimmick and routine. Any toy bell,
cent on MYSTERY and the SUPERNATURAL! tambourine, slate, etc., may be used.
SPIRIT MESSAGES is a masterpiece of Mental Magic. Either Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
as a complete act'or as part of your regular show, it is a "must" MANUELLO'S
addition to your repertoire. Price, £4.50, (U.S. A. $12.00)._____


'X - A sing'e sl*k is freely displayed ...
By Tony Shiels. Adder's fork and blind- pulled through the hands ... shown on
worm's sting, lizards leg and howlet's wing Ma W \ jboth Bld®8- Hands are empty and there
... traditional Ingredients of the sorcerer's k is definitely nothing concealed in the
stew. Because of the scarity of the right \ 1 7-^ silk. Maglcian merely draws the silk
quality ingredients Tony tells us he has for- .\ over his hand and there, between finger
saken them for simpler, easier to obtain K and thumb is a miniature beaker, bright
materials. and has produced this modern , ' red in colour.
book of spells, intended as an up-to-date Beaker is "tot" size and specially made from plastic. Again
'grimolre' for the modern magician who the silk is passed over the hand and now a YE LLOW beaker ap-
wishes to cause STRANGE THINGS TO pears between the next two fingers. In a similar manner a BLUE
HAPPEN. and finally a BLACK BEAKER are produced until at the end the
Contents are ... Chapter One, STRANGE - Postcard from magician has four differently coloured beakers held in his hand,
Pigwiggen, Nightmares, Lijak Milkie's Nose; Chapter Two, between his fingers a la "Billiard Balls".
STRANGER - Red Devil, Pickled Thing, The Hornbook by Roy You'll have to learn and practice the handling of this wonderful
Fromer, The Ghost Who Walks by Karl Fulves; Chapter Three, trick of course, but it's been so well worked out for you that you
STRANGEST - Beastie, Ectoplasm, Screaming Skull; Chapter wiU find it a pleasure to perform. And with its mastery you will
Four, PRESENTING THE PRETERNATURAL. have something really different ... a colourful interlude between
SOMETHING STRANGE is a 20 page printed and fully illustrated the more usual type effects.
book. Illustrated cover. A book you'll find FASCINATING TO Miniature beakers and routine, use your own silk. Price,
READ, packed with offbeat, practical mysteries, all with a touch £4.50, (U.S.A. $12,00).______________________________________
of the MACABRE! Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
A loud-ringing bell, supplied
complete with battery and bell- _ ] sr—Jc?)
push. Easily concealed on the * x " >
Ian Adair's clever Four Ace Trick with person and operated in a number Vft’’'’ (\
a small folder with cut-out front represent- of ways without apparent move- '"F
ing a television set. The standard plot, all ment on the part of the performer, it's a prop of many uses.
the Aces come together but with some splen- Use it as a spirit bell, as a continuity gag, with a toy telephone,
did subtleties. We supply the special flat as a censorship bell (the bell rings when the gags get too warm!)
television plus the detailed routine and com- The astute performer will see many possibilities for this. We
plete patter. You can use any pack of cards. supply it with half a dozen or more to start you off.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price. £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
By Stanton Carlisle. Stanton has By Regan Gray. A collection of com-
released some of his very excellent edy material especially slanted to the
routines and bits of business for chil- Club Performer. 80 gags which have
dren's entertainers who are thinking been tested by the compiler and formed
of adding a puppet to their programmes. the basis of his night-club act. They can
They are in the pages of this well- be used on their own, or together they
printed, illustrated booklet. form an excellent routine of gags, fol-
MWPffiUX Tested material _ routines which lowing extremely well one after the 9
the author has used himself in pro- other. Seven 'Spasms', including "The Blue Sheets", in
fessional engagements: A silk pro- 8 typescript pages. Price, for the entire collection, £1.00,
duction with a very pretty finish ... (U.S.A. $3.00).
a card trick that's a bit different, PUZZLE BOLT
a silk and card combination, a delightful routine incorporat- It's enough to drive anyone
ing a couple of slates with a cardboard or metal flap. crazy. An ordinary nut and
Especially you will find this book to be a book of value bolt is shown with a ring thread
because of the hints and tips on the handling of the puppets.No ed on it. The object is to
matter how experienced a puppeteer you may be, you are get the ring off and the only
sure to find something of interest to you. way is obviously to remove the nut, then the ring will slide
26 illustrations; sixteen 8 x 10 inch pages; illustrated light- off. No matter though how the spectator tries he can't
board cover. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). even budge the nut let alone remove the ring! Whenever
you desire you can remove the nut and ring. Replacing the

ring and screwing back the nut the spectator again finds
Three examined plastic "Tots". Each is it impossible to remove. It's maddening! Price, £2.50,
numbered. Liquid vanishes from one tot (U.S.A. $8.00).
and appears in the other. Free choice of
tots. Or salt is transfromed into a white MIDDLE FIDDLE
A modern, revised version of the old
silk. Or vanish or colour change a silk or
ribbon, treasury note, pieces of card, etc. 3 'Pricking the Garter', performed with
continuous loop of felt. Routined by
Very nice magic. Ken de Courcy.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00)._______ The trick is lifted above a 'table-
THREE STROKE GOLF BALL top' one - for you can perform the
trick in your hands, and thus before
PRODUCTION very much larger audience.
Exactly the same as our famous Three A continuous loop of felt and a mini-
Stroke Ball Production, but with "Golf ature magic wand. Magician coils the
Balls" as originally featured by the Con- felt up and all a member of the audience has to do is to
tinental King of Balls, RALPH BIALLA. insert the wand into the middle! It's a fiddle for he can't
This is not "push button magic", it's a find the middle and invariably loses!
trick you will have to learn to perform, The instructions, illustrations and routine for this fine ef-
but nevertheless the confident conjuror fect are by KEN DE COURCY - that means they are very
may find it easier than he thinks. Ken good! Comes complete with the large endless loop of felt
de Courcy picked up a set of this effect and performed it beauti- and miniature wand. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
fully right away.
Double Three Stroke Golf Ball Production. The transformation
of two golf balls to six in the twinkling of an eye is a terrific finale
to get the applause. RELIEVE BLE A fantastic bit of magic!
Price, per single Three Stroke Golf Ball Production, &RREL$ A rolled signed bill van-
£3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). «V r. ishes from the hands.
Price, per two sets for the DOUBLE effect, ________________________ PREVIOUS TO THIS, a
£5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). bright plastic barrel, several inches high, has been handed to a
spectator to hold.
. , , ., , BY IAN ADAIR
The person holding the barrel now opens this, there is no secret
access into it, the barrel has to be unscrewed at the centre. Insidi
A single odd-coloured card is added to a deck
and turns out to be a duplicate of the freely thou- k J is found ANOTHER barrel of COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COLOUR
ght-of one. Special deck makes it easy. TO THE FIRST and ALSO TIGHTLY CLOSED. This is opened and
inside is ANOTHER coloured barrel. This is repeated until SIX
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). different coloured barrels have come to view.
The spectator HIMSELF opens the last, tightly closed barrel,
The most famous trick pack in the world. Cards may The barrels we supply are made in unbreakable polythene. You
be cut and shuffled shown all different. Spectator notes can drop 'em - you can bang 'em! - but you can't break 'em!
one card. This card appears on the top. in the middle, Each barrel is a different colour - the colours are in the plastic
no matter where the cards are cut the spectator's card they will never chip or wear off.
is there. Cards change to all the same as the chosen ■Unbelievable Barrels' is equally effective in the Drawing Room oi
one. Then the magician shows that the spectator must Club close-up, as it is on stage.
have been dreaming for all the cards are different and the chosen Well known magician HAMILTON KAYE writes, 'This has proved
one isn't there at all. The chosen card can be takem from the poc- a SOUND HIT in my recent Summer Show Season".
ket. No skill. You can do dozens of tricks with this amazing pack. Comes complete with detailed routine. Price. £10.50 (USA
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). $25.00). ‘ ’
Treasury Transpo SPOOKY SPOON
Close-up - Cabaret - Straight from the U.S.A. Diana's SPOOKY
Stage. SPOON. An amusing after-dinner caper. You
A £1 note is borrowed. lay your napkin on the table and casually turn
The performer places his the conversation to spooks.
signature on it, puts it in k Suddenly a form rises and falls under the
an envelope, seals it and ? ; napkin and finally crawls into view. It is only
places it in his pocket. a SPOON! After bobbing up and down a few
The performer now shows times it darts back under the napkin. You
one of his own pound notes. 1/ show the napkin, the spoon has vanished. It
It is between two sheets of appears gyrating on one side. It floats up un-
plastic, held together with der the centre. Suddenly the napkin drops to
elastic bands and locked in the table, the spoon has vanished! Then you reach over and re-
place with a small padlock that goes through both the sheets of plas- produce it from behind someone's ear!
tic and the note. A hole in the top plastic sheet enables the lender A professional routine of rapid and visual surprises including
of the other note to sign his name on the performer's note. ideas for using the gimmick to float dinner rolls, eyeglasses.
Spectator is now given the locked note to hold in his own hands. pencils etc. Acclaimed by Magic Castle magicians who use it
Under these impossible conditions, the two notes change places. regularly. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
We supply everything but the £1 notes to perform this truly miracle
effect. UNCLE HENRY’S Dn c i .^ ”
- Originated by Harry Reeves. -
Exclusive British rights on this effect were purchased by 'Supreme' COIN JUGGLE
A coin is borrowed and placed upright
from ROY BAKER. A most mystifying caper and something unusual on the horizontally-held fingers, the
in Money Magic. Copied overseas without permission. hand being palm up. The coin stays in
As performed on Television with great success by the late DAVID vertical'position
a vertical balanced!
position as if balanced! TTHIxf*»
NIXON. Then the hand is turned over, yet the
We supply this for English currency and for U.S.A, currency, At coin still stays in position. ®
the present time we do have some other sizes in stock for other The hand is turned back, the coin removed and, is returned to
overseas customers. If in doubt, send a Treaury Note or paper the lender. There is no sign of how the miracle is accomplished.
template and we will send you the nearest we have. The "how" is a small secret gimmick which we supply together
"Treasury Transpo” constitutes splendid value for money. You with Ken de Courcy's detailed illustrated routine and patter pres-
get the two nicely-made perspex sheets; a neat padlock, etc., entation. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
PLUS full routines.
"Treasury Transpo" is easy to perform and you'll enjoy 'going
to town' with this presentation. TEA FOR TWO
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).__________________fjK“- A plain piece of paper is crushed into a
REALISTIC GLASS OF LAGERlB ball. Cards are shown with different tune
titles. Spectator chooses 'Tea for two".
A novelty item. An accessory of tremendous EaSgffi
Audience are asked to imagine that the paper
value to the magician. A realistic glass, made from Baaa
is a tablecloth, he opens it out and there is
plastic, with a lager coloured liquid permanently
a perfect miniature tea-set, beautifully
sealed in. With each glass we give a detailed man-
carved in wood by an Oriental craftsman.
uscript, featuring many novel effects and notions
A complete setting of Tea for Two.
by Ian Adair and Ravelie and Andree. THE FULL
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
MANUSCRIPT OF IDEAS and the glass of lager.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Glass only, Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Manuscript only, Pr(ce, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Two sheets of glass are shown and encircled
around with many elastic bands. The sealed
You show a long pencil, push it through
glasses are placed into an elegant picture frame.xA-, /KJ
A card is chosen from a pack and replaced in *** Il N/Vl/J!
your hand point end first and it turns itself it, mysteriously the card vanishes and then...
around and comes out eraser end first! Do WHAM! ... the card VISIBLY appears between wK X. Ill
it again and again! It's self-contained. the two sealed glass sheets. Spectator has to BMm Wa w Il
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). remove the elastic bands before the card can be
taken out!
THE MAGICIAN ALWAYS WINS If you wish cards can be thrown towards the glass and WHAM!
the card appears between the glasses.
Four cards, three spot and a court card.
Spectator is asked to carefully note the pos- Comes complete with full routine. No cards as any can be used.
^=1 ition of the court card and to remove this Price, £22.50, (U.S.A. $50.00).
card as the fan is turned face down. Then
you remove a card too. When the card
spectator turns over is shown it is NOT the
A great effect. A small box and two dice.
court card but one of the indifferent ones! You can predict the numbers which will
The two cards left are turned over - they come uppermost, etc. Complete with exclus-
are indifferent cards too! That's right - THE MAGICIAN ALWAYS ive routines.
Now note this; The trick is as self-working as any trick can be. Plastic Model, Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
No moves, sleights or skill. No Rough and Smooth or double- Plated Metal Model, Price, £5. 50,
faced cards. Price, complete, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). (U.S.A. $14.00).
NOT JUST DEALERS - INVENTORS Clever routining has lifted a Jumbo JUMBO-SIZED
card trick up into the realms of a stage
“8i°n: Jumbo. cards;
NEW MAGIC!__ face outwards, and placed to one side. CARDS
A subtle magical principle you will use The remaining six are also counted, face
in dozens of different ways. For Mind-

outwards, and held in the hands.
reading, Mentalism and Magic! All we Three of these cards are deliberately
supply you with is a few label "tags". reversed, backs outwards.
That's all you need. Our manuscript of When the first set is shown they have
instruction and presentation ideas shows magically reversed in sympathy!
you how you can ... Instantly identify a Mysteriously and "by a mere snap of

dead name amongst the living ... Identify the fingers", the reversed cards turn
different persons handwriting ... Reveal the location where a spec-
tator would like to spend his holiday ... and perform many more
themselves back as they were!
In sympathy with the cards which you
exciting mysteries. hold, the others all turn around and are
All the tags can be closely examined. No marks of any kind. In all facing the same way! The magician offers to show the audience
fact you are able to perform any of the tricks detailed with the tags how the trick is done. The cards are placed together and reversed
behind your back or whilst you are blindfolded! alternatively and one chosen. Magically all the cards are turned
We give you a supply of tags, after that refills cost next to nothing back the same way but ONE card is now reversed. One by one all
and are obtainable from your local stationer at a trifling cost. the cards are discarded except this ONE card. The chosen card is
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). named and the reversed card is turned over. YES, IT IS THE
No! - Taint all magic .. but .. take CHOSEN ONE. Nothing new in the mechanics but an EXCELLENT
our word for it .. there's some jolly ROUTINE. Remember the full faces of the cards are seen. No
good entertaining material In the pages moves. Price, includes the complete set of special cards, £5.50,
of Vai Andrews latest book. (U.S.A. $14.00).
Here you will find a terrific audience RON MacMILLAN’S
participation routine, "NEXT WEEK-
EAST LYNNE", But that's not all, for SYMPHONY OF THE SPHERES
the contents also include a clever Vent < V/** • // A manipulative routine with billiard

skit, 'THIS IS YOUR LIFE'...'CHARLIE BLOGGINS', 'COD QUIZ', balls, as demonstrated to, and photo-
etc., Comedy you will use. wrote the text.
Supplied in neat typescript form illustrated. Printed covers. Ron MacMillan's greatly admired
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).____________________________________ routines are here in full.
Three routines which can be per-
TEMPLE OF BENARES ILLUSION formed separately or followed one
after the other... the Four Ball Rout-
4 Magician introduces the Temple which
is made represent a Hindu Temple. ine, the Eight Ball Routine and the full Fourteen Ball Routine as
’PgijSB The young lady who will enact the ritual performed by Ron MacMillan in his prize-winning act.
of the Yogis of Benares. India... She Includes details of a new and original device - a Billiard Ball
jjlry enters the temple, the doors are closed Holder which allows a ball to be delivered automatically into the
Tit3 ■' J'' J and without hesitation the Magician pas- palm of the hand, whenever desired. Clear descriptive writing
ses twelve swords into all parts of the temple. The audience can by Lewis Ganson is further enhanced by 29 photographs, posed
plainly see that the smallness of the temple does not permit the girl by Ron MacMillan himself, plus 7 line drawings by Dennis Patten.
to evade the swords. Temple is then opened and THE GIRL HAS One of the most important books ever published on Billiard Balls...
V.ANISHED. Temple is revolved so that all sides are visible. The it should be in the hands of everyone interested in the art of good
doors are closed, swords quickly withdrawn ... the top of the temple magic. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
breaks open and up pops the girl - unharmed.
This can be done close-up, completely surrounded by spectators. TAKE YOUR PARTNERS , BY IAN ADAIR
NO MIRRORS. Five pairs of cards are used. Four \ mi//,-'
FULL WORKSHOP PLANS. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00)._______ of them have Female names printed
on their faces. Four have matching AUWH't'V
(Oscar's Matchboxes). Originated
"twin" Male names and two black-
faced cards represent PLAIN-CLO-
V7 8ERN/C£ £
by Pat Conway. Now offered with a THES POLICEMEN! ArfSfÄNASD
great magic tutor, authored and Your story tells of the rather im- 'c^lisrinF^^
photographed by the incomparable proper behaviour of the couples after cw*vlS *| POROTHY ['
LEWIS GANSON. New moves and dark - a story sophisticates will rel- L^d o n a l d
twists! New effects! All lucidly ish! The cards are mixed up face
described as only Ganson can, and down and you lay down cards and so
with FOURTEEN clear, easy-to- does a spectator. BAFFLING BEWILDERMENT when it is found
follow photographs to backup the ALL THE PAIRS MATCH!!!
text. A fascinating trick which has Now ... Read on for you should note the following ... Magician
been a tremendous hit on television. ALWAYS lays down his card FIRST. He does NOT influence the
Two matchboxes act in sympathy. When you close the drawer of spectator's selection.
one matchbox the drawer of the other one magically opens. It's NO extra cards. Rough and Smooth or Sleights. ALL CARDS
cavorting is creepy! At any time you can remove the drawers from CAN BE EXAMINED. Impossible? So you might THINK, but
both boxes showing right through the covers. A supreme Exclusive! read our description again. This is not a pipe-dream but a prac-
Price. £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). tical reality. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
One of the BEST kids' effects we've
Developed from an idea by ALAN ever produced, and one which incorpor-
WARD, by Eric and Margaret ates everything needed to make it a riot
Hawkesworth (with touches from 'in your programme.
Edwin), the Razor Billed Scissor A delightful story! Loads of "Busi-
Snapper is a most AMUSING ness"! A colourful and intriguing "char-
character, - it lays an egg, it acter"! Comedy! and a Happy climax!
grabs hold of a length of rope the ALL these ingredients and MANY MORE
magician is holding, mistaking it for are blended into this masterpiece of su-
a worm and snaps it in two. It perb children's entertainment from BILL
eats the rope. MAGICALLY THE MILLIGAN of Australia. Already a fa-
ROPE IS RESTORED BACK AGAIN vourite "down under", Billy Blockhead has
INTO ONE PIECE. appeared with his originator on Television
THE RAZOR BILLED SCISSOR SNAPPER is a funny-looking and received quite a fan-mail afterwards!
bird; a pair of scissors inserted through a hole takes the WHO is Billy Blockhead. He's a cute
place of his beak. The scissors are opened and closed and character some 161" high, gaily dressed in fancy shirt and
with a very little ventriloquial ability, you can have a tremen- pants! His appearance gets a laugh for his head is a block of
dous amount of fun. wood! Flesh coloured, it shows Billy's hair- in black, blue eyes
A clever idea is THAT THERE'S NEVER ANY REPLACE- and a bright red nose! When he bumps his head it's alright on
MENTS TO BUY. Use the same rope over and over again. the flat bits, BUT JOLLY PAINFUL ON THE CORNERS!
We supply the effect absolutely complete, the Razor Billed WHAT DOES HE DO? It hurts to say, "It's a block release"
Scissor Snapper (use your own scissors for his beak) complete for believe us most sincerely, the magical content of this rou-
with routine, the egg, rope, etc., ready for you to use. tine is the most unimportant! Nevertheless what magic is
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). there is good, tried and tested ... and it's easy to do! Billy

is tied onto a long rope ... to stop him running away ... but
he still does! A WORD MORE ABOUT THE ROUTINE. It's
Sensational and original! terrific! Magicians know that we do not sell kids' magic UN-
"Out of production" for a LESS it has the ACTION, EXCITEMENT and FUN demanded by
number of years now BACK youthful audiences. This trick has all these things. It's trouble
AGAIN and made in an IM- free ENTERTAINMENT you'll REVEL in!
PROVED FORM and of RIGID You will find it easy to animate Billy, - you can make him
CONSTRUCTION and in wood look a perky little character. You can make his head hang
and perspex, in the superb, over in sorrow. You can get fun galore out of using this cute
de luxe style which you have little poppet in your programme.
come to expect of Supreme Comes complete. Billy Blockhead, made from nice materials,
Magic. most colourful and smart! bound rope, and ... the most import-
Both tubes are clearly ant part, Bill Milligan's laughter-making routine you'll love pre-
shown to be empty. - You senting. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
can see they are empty through tire clear, transparent windows.
The tubes are nested and silks can be produced from them. Quick Release Handcuffs
BUT WAIT! - HERE'S A SURPRISE, for suddenly the tubes are A two-second escape method! Genuine Police
turned around and now for a startling VISUAL APPEARANCE, (Haiti) handcuffs. Turn the cuffs over and they
for through the windows the audience can see that there are open! Limited number only of these precision
THE TUBES. Immediately, the tubes can be removed, leaving Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $60.00).
the rabbit or the doves on the base.
Instead of livestock, you can have a load of silks or fresh
flowers or gifts appear inside the tube. STRANGER MYSTERIES
The actual size, inside measurements of the load chamber, By Arthur Setterington.
is approx. 7" x 5" x 9i". Nine original close-up pocket tricks are performed
THIS IS A QUALITY ITEM, - not a cheap one, but one which by "The Stranger" and revealed to you by "Matt" the
you will be proud of and one which certainly presents one of know-it-all spectator.
the most startling appearances in the whole realm of Magic. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Can be performed within a few feet of the spectators to
utterly baffling effect. Price, £45.00, (U.S.A. $110.00).
Johnny Ould's
Completely soft, yet remains rigid when you
RUBBER EGGS require it to. Great for a repeat gag.
You can place a few in a paper bag, then Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $15.00).
screw the bag up and throw it away! Use
them in lots of effects for vanish or prod-
uction. KUT-A-SILK
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $1.50)._______ By Tan Hock Chuan.
Paper tube, silk placed through so an
LACED CARD end remains in full view. Tube is cut
in two halves, then miraculously res-
A playing card, a small folder and a lace. Mag-/<£.
ically, the card passes onto the lace.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). I Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
A small illusion with a big effect. Folds flat, GOOD! Use it close-up or
weighs less than 10 pounds. in your show!
Girl stands inside cabinet and with doors open, "Twisty" is a "three-card
an unprepared ribbon is threaded In front of girl. trick" with blank cards -
Ends of ribbon are held by spectators. Door is blank backs - and only one
closed and ribbon pulled back and forth, and at has a printed face. Find
magi's command girl walks out of cabinet, leav- it? - they can’t - then the
ing ribbon still threaded through. ' card changes - then two,
A girl from the audience may be used without finally three of the cards
become printed! The biggest twist on the three card mystery
knowing how she passes through the ribbon.
you ever saw! - everything is examined.
Full secret method and instructions. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. _ No Rough and Smooth, extra corners or any of that Jazz.
Just the special cards, our simple instructions and one easy
Six or more cards are placed move. You'll be glad you carried on reading this advertisement
in a row on the table and any when you add this very good new trick to your programme.
one is chosen. The little pad- FOLLOW the ARROW - DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE PRICE! IT'S WORTH A HECK
dle is shown with an arrow up OF A LOT MORE! Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
near the handle on each side.
Paddle is moved over the cards and suddenly BOTH ARROWS
One of the quickest, slickest tricks we \
CHOSEN CARD!!! Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00. have ever produced. A single 9 inch silk
A TRANS -ATLANTIC LECTURE is shown and freely displayed at the finger-
tips, Suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye,
the silk changes and becomes a 36 inch one.
Supreme printed these Lecture Notes for
Great for any type show. Real eye-popping
Phil Goldstein and he kindly allows us to sell
magic. Price, £10.00, (U.S.A. $25.00).
them in Great Britain. If you missed the
Lecture you will want the notes. NOW IN
booklet, containing a surprising variety of One of the great publicity stunts!
material - "Flushing", "Maybe", "Another The box may be made by a local con-

ill If 1
Birthday", "Calculated Theft", "In Case of cern and placed on display for examina-
ESP", "Zodiaction", "Pop-Off", "Sidewinder". tion. Magician is tied with a length of
Real novel, practical material embracing rope, placed in the box and a commit-
cards, astrological signs, funny sight gags, tee allowed to fasten on the lid with
playing cards. Novelties galore. In addi- either screws or nails. Nails may be
tion to all these effects you get the instruc- driven into any part of box. Box is lowered into the water
tions for the Hamman Count, the Elmsiey
Count, the Jordan Count. A really good buy.
L and almost immediately Magician is seen emerging from water
at some distance from the box. After he has been identified
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). he sinks from view. Box is raised from water, lid removed
and out steps the Magician. Detailed workshop plans (printed
WRONG COLOUR covers). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Three small cards are shown, one
red, one yellow, one blue and the

audience are asked to try and re- UNITED-UNTIED
Excellent Entertainment in an
member their colours.
The three cards are then dropped off-beat effect. A novel routine
into a borrowed hat. Two of the with ropes and papers.
cards are removed and a spectator Three separate ropes are dropped
is asked to name the colour of the into a small box.
remaining card. A printed word on a long paper
says 'Untied1. Paper is torn up, pieces are opened out res-
Whatever he says you remove a WHITE card bearing the word
"WRONG". In answer to the request to "turn it around" the tored, the word now reads 'United'. When the ropes are tipped
magician proves the audience "WRONG AGAIN". from the box they are all TIED TOGETHER, and a further sur-
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). prise comes when the three ropes magically JOIN INTO ONE!
You get everything to work this right away.
David Hemingway's Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
A miracle card effect! A card is
freely selected from the pack and
returned. A spectator pushes the Another winner from Steve. Two
two red Aces into the pack anywhere small clear topped containers. One
he likes. They are found either side * contains a copper coin, one a sil-
of the chosen card! This is achieved ver coin, tails up. Any spectator
without sleight-of-hand and working turns one of the coins over so that
is so clean it gives the impression of it's head side uppermost. You do not.
real magic. have to see the boxes or be anywhere near them, yet you are instan-
We supply you with the fully detailed routine, plus the se- tly able to tell which coin has been turned over. So simple but so
cret "something". You use your own deck of cards. subtle. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $9.00).
Price, 75p, (U.S.A.$2.00).
WERRY designed a set of three clever
gimmicks with a special salt shaker to bring This is an innovation in mentalism - a
about a presentation of this effect. metal casket which enables you to perform
Salt poured into your hand vanishes. It the popular Question-Answering act WITH-
passes from one hand to the other, then salt OUT STOOGES OR CONFEDERATES.
The casket is an extension of an old
starts to run simultaneously, first from one
idea, at once making it a new one, thanks
hand and then from the ohter.
to the ingenious construction and ideas
When you walk off-stage, the salt is still pouring from your fing-
which have been incorporated into it. Complete with routine.
ers. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
A precision-made piece of apparatus LIGHT 8 HEAVY GLASS PLUS
that makes possible a thrilling escape.
Magician is placed in an examined canvas J ft One spectator can lift the glass, the other

bag (not supplied). The steel bar is

threaded through grommets in the top of
■V;4 can't. Then their roles are magically trans-
posed. They'll never understand it! It's
amazing! Astonishing! Bizarre! Extra-
the bag. Borrowed locks may be used in ordinary!!
securing the bar in position and yet ma- The tumbler would seem to be 'as light as
gician ESCAPES IN RECORD TIME. a feather', and yet even the strongest man
A duplicate bar is included for display in the audience is unable to lift it off from
in the theatre lobby but the feke bar is so well made it can be the plaque!
freely handled by a member of the audience without fear of them The magician explains how he is able to make the glass heavy or
discovering the secret. Use any grommet mail bags. light, just as he wishes, and he proves it. Suddenly the glass com-
Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $40.00). mences to FLOAT.. .yes, visibly. .. IT FLOATS IN THE AIR!

SLOW CHANGE PLUMES Next the glass VANISHES. A big surprise!! Then it RE-APPEARS
again. Finally, another delightful touch when a production Is made
Another one of those ideas Supreme have the inside the glass! Yes, the glass can be EXAMINED!
happy knack of producing. A transposition of - Great for kids'. - Great for adults! -

two coloured 'plumes', one red and one yellow. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. S30.00).

However the trick only half works because only
the lower halves of the plumes transpose! Made from finest quality Jap silk.
The situation can be hilarious with magic An 18" black silk with a white tip TRANSFORMATION SILK
spells flying all over the place. Eventually, which can be used in conjunction with
all comes right. Plumes are brightly coloured, our famous Vanishing or Appearing
and a good size to make a nice flash. Every- Canes.
thing is self-contained. The advantage of using a silk of
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). this type is that no one can say when
the fantastic transformation actually
^TALENT TESTER took place. One minute you are twisting a silk, the next mo-
ment you are holding a cane or vice-versa.
I? 1
n/A\ ’ NOT a tr*c'c ’n ,he
true sense of the word! This silk has been specially produced for us, and if you have
^K\/ 7T
A novel puzzle-type mys- either of die canes, or are contemplating getting them, you
tery that creates fun and should certainly have one of these silks too.
entertainment in your Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $6.00).
close-up programme.
■(■■■I With this unusual ap- Edwin's
paratus you claim to be able to test a person's aptitude to be-
come a magician. Four novel tests are carried out to ascertain
A truly SUPER prop, - BIG. COLOUR-
whether your human guinea-pig has a steady hand, whether he
FUL, APPEALING'. All parts of the ap-
can observe accurately and think logically, whether he has sen-
paratus shown. You state you are going
sitive fingertip touch, and whether he possesses dexterity. If
A to make a rabbit. There's fun galore as
the person manages all four tests you say, he will surely be-
the bits and pieces needed go into the top.
come the world's greatest magician one day (and thus take
Consternation when they catch on fire!
YOUR place!!!). How many tests does he succeed in? Only
one ... the Observation one ... and this one you can leave out
F - — z Amusement and noise when a child turns
if you are experimenting on a person you don't especially like!
Look at the illustration of the TALENT TESTER. Do you
think it possible to direct the ball onto the other side of the
Bn a handle. Fun and business galore be-
fore both tubes are lifted completely off
the base to show the appearance of A
test track without letting it run off the track or into the hol-
Built to Supreme standards, you can use
lows? Difficult? - It's impossible! - but this is the first test
this in other ways ... in a puppet sequence; as a Sausage Machine;
you set, and perform yourself as easy as winking (when you
have read our instructions!). Other tests are equally exaspera- as a straight impressive production.
ting to the spectator and as devilishly easy for you! Approximate measurements of the load chambers; Bottom, (for
A peculiar theme for a trick? Yes, it is! - for this is not your livestock), 4 inches x 13 inches x 5 inches high; top, which
a trick for EVERYONE. From our description you have readily has plenty of air-holes 3 inches deep. Apparatus stands about 10|
realised that this can be a lot of fun in the right hands ... inches high and is 7-J inches x 14j inches high. A most IMPRESS-
maybe in YOUR hands. We supply everything complete, to- IVE-looking prop and a GREAT EFFECT which you will enjoy per-
gether with the detailed instructions. Price £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.). forming. Price, £65.00, (U.S.A. $150.00).
No old-fashioned ideas like feked eggs etc. By Charles Cameron.
Silk is tucked in the hand and it changes to Charles Cameron says in his
an egg. You show the audience how it’s Foreword that readers of his
done, but at the end they are still complete- previous books will know that
ly bamboozled, for you crack the egg into he prefers subtleties rather than
a small dish proving it to be a REAL one. sleights. The effects in this book
We supply you with the special silk, etc., plus the instructions follow the same pattern. You
and routine which comes In printed form. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. may be assured that none of the
$8.00). effects are pipe dreams, they
and have all been AUDIENCE TESTED.
A repeat ’Torn and Restored’ tissue that’s a MYSTERIES IN ONE! Part One is SATANIC
feature. The late Robert Harbin delighted audl-
iences all over the world with this one. His best
4 'I SORCERY. Nine excellent effects
which will take your audience into
ever routine in which a sheet of tissue paper is a world of fantasy. Here you will
torn into pieces and restored. "I’ll Do It Again”, find several spooky treasures.
says the magician and demonstrates how it’s done. Part Two is MENTAL MIXTURE. Ten strange gems of Mind-
Needless to say, despite the number of times you perform it, reading and mental methods. Tests which will amaze and also
the audience are still completely baffled. entertain.
Robert Harbin's patter routine and a good supply of tissues. Part Three is BEYOND THE UNKNOWN. Ten effects including two
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). "Two-handed" ones, all with the accent on the unusual, all without
complicated or extensive apparatus.
Charles Cameron believes that the simplest principles are the
best providing they achieve the desired end directly and cleanly.
TRICKS well-described and illustrated.
Over FIFTY clear illustrations add to the
printed 64 page book, dozens of illustrations, two colour illustrated
text. GEMS for you to use.
light board cover. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Printed book. Illustrated board cover.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
DISECTO Unbelievable but true. The Tube of Tet-
One of the GREATEST Choppers ever. ragon now perfomed with two clear trans-
Takes up no room in your suitcase, it packs parent plastic tubes. One by one, coins
almost flat. It makes a super show when pass through a card or a beer mat between
set up for performance. Sharpness of the them onto the table underneath. You see
blade is demonstrated, then a spectator in- them pass through. With each set we in-
serts a hand into the large opening. All clude our regular exclusive Tube of Tet-
other openings are filled with stalks of cel- ragon routine by Ken de Courcy, together
ery etc. The blade is forced down to the with his additional instructions.
wrist, cutting everything EXCEPT THE Supplied in two sizes.
WRIST! The hand is removed unharmed. Regular size, takes upto 5p coins, price, E7.50, (U.S.A.
Knife blade is 12 inches long, it is on view $18.00).
throughout the slicing. A smart illusion. Giant size, takes up to 50p coins, price, £8.50, (U.S.A.
Supreme Disecto is an illusion that you can feature. There are $20.00).
opportunities galore for comedy and audience participation for
you can use anyone from the audience in this feature effect. DOVE TO SILK SENSATION
You'll be amazed at the entertainment value it possesses. A Supreme British Exclusive. A
________ Price, £35.00, (U.S.A. $85.00).______________________ Slick, modern, unusual dove pro-
duction that's an applause-puller.
RONNAY’S Handsome cloth mat, shown on both
sides. A real live dove is placed
BLANKS inside. Suddenly the mat is snapped
Not self-working, open flat and out from it flutters
you have to PRACTISE a white silk. You can use 'Dove to Silk Sensation' for a marvel-
it but it's a great trick. lous Blendo and in many other ways.
Four cards all have We supply you with the special mat and full instructions. Price,
blank faces and red £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). _______________
backs. One card turns
face up and becomes
printed with a regular
Something from Nothing
Ken Brooke's fine routine with 8" hand-
playing card face. crochetted balls which appear, disappear,
You repeat it again and again until you have lour iaces on the appear again and finally vanish completely.
cards. Cards are shown on both sides, just four red-backed A pocket classic! Ken takes you stage by
cards. stage through the routine in the well-printed,
Ken de Courcy re-wrote Ronnay's instructions and added SEVEN illustrated pages of this fine magic tutor,
DRAWINGS to make it easier for you to learn. You'll say it's a which we supply, complete with all the nec-
great effect. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). essary hand crochetted balls. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Here's a conundrum! Bill Pryor at his best in this bamboozling
When is a trick NOT a trick? brain-bender! Four spot cards and a "dif-
When it's VERSA-GIMMICKY! Yes, ferent" card are shown. You explain that
this is NOT a trick BUT, it is an AID in every packet of cards there is a trickster
to many tricks - mysteries that are card, in this instance it is the odd card
so impossible they appear as mirac- which you have shown.
les! You place this card face-up in the middle
The 'invisible' and unseen some- Lyo
of the face-down all-alike cards. One of
thing that enables you to - the all-alike cards is placed to one side.
+Show the hands empty and materialise a silk. NOW COMES THE STUNNING CHANGE. You merely "snap"
the cards and fan these out showing they are all face-down.
+Pass the WHOLE of the contents of an unprepared salt-shaker from
When you turn the cards over, the cards are ALL ALIKE, the
one hand to the other! ■Stranger' card has VANISHED!
Vanish a full-length lit cigarette or a cigar. Spectator himself can turn the card which you placed to one
side ewer ... yes, IT'S THE ODD CARD! No skill, palming or
Perform a bare-handed linking of paper clips. sleights! No special counts either! It's as self-working as any
+Stretch a string or ribbon. trick can be. Price complete, ready to work £2., (U.S.A. $5.).

Transpose liquids - even change water to wine. SUPREME

All this with one gimmick? Yes', and much more. We give you the This is a great gag to include any-
instructions for eleven tricks with each outfit - and all are fully de- where in the show. A card is selected
tailed and illustrated by KEN de COURCY - and you'll think of many - it is a five spot card. The card is
more. replaced in the pack and the Magician
"VERSA-GIMMICKY" is VERSATILITY PLUS! One amazing gim- says he will try to find it. However, he
mick to enhance your skill, - and your reputation. only succeeds in producing a NINE spot.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). "Was this your card?" he enquires. "The
A gimmick in the way of a special nine of (say) Clubs? ... No? Well how
salt-shaker that enables you to perform about the EIGHT of Clubs?" One of the pips is apparently
MIRACLES without skill. SLID right off the card to disappear at the fingertips ..."No?
Effect No.l: Surprise Handkerchief Well how about a seven? A six? Oh! A FIVE!" One by one
the pips on the card disappear until the chosen five remains.
Vanish. This works well with a 12"
Apart from its value as a complete little comedy effect the
or 18" silk. Silk is placed into the
empty left hand. Right hand reaches up into the air and pro- card can be effectively used to enliven many other card effects
duces a salt-shaker full of salt. Some of the salt is poured - the rising cards, etc.
over the left hand. (Salt actually pours from the shaker.) The disappearance of the pips appears most magical and
mysterious. Regular-size card. Price £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Hand is opened and handkerchief has vanished!
Effect No.2: Perfect Torn and Restored Card. A chosen card
is torn up and the pieces are placed on an unprepared handker- supr eme '’TREE OF HEARTS”
chief. Salt is sprinkled on the pieces and a whole card is sha- A funny gag now made GIANT size with a
ken out of the handkerchief, the pieces have vanished. card 8| inches x 10 inches! A card Is chosen F.
Other tricks detailed are: A broken and restored match, Im-
mortal Cigarette and Cigarette Production. Special gimmicked
from a regular deck. In the meantime Mag- /<
ician shows a large white card which he
salt-shaker together with routines. Price, £3.50 (U.S.A. $8.00). places in full view. Spectator is asked to call

out the name of his card.. .it is the THREE
Attention is drawn to a large OF HEARTS. Oh, the TREE OF HEARTS?
book of SPELLS. The story is says the Magician.. .HOW ABOUT THIS! He
of Winnie the Witch, and her turns the plaque to show a brilliant green and brown TREE, covered
magic hat. This is next dis- all over with bright flourescent red hearts.. .THE TREE OF HEARTS
played and looks authentic. It 1 INDEED!
is shown empty. So too is I A real novelty in card tricks!
the book cover, except for the o Hr We supply the special heavy card as detailed, round cornered, and
picture of Winnie herself complete with detailed routinesand novel suggestions.
which is inside it, a witch in Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
full flight on her magic broomstick! The mystic spell is re-
cited by the children. 'Bits of business' are brought into play A Revelation - Twenty Outstanding
at this stage, and Hubble-Bubble ... the hat may contain a toy Card Mysteries.
cat which belonged to the witch! You can really bring your LIST OF CONTENTS: Triple Loca-
imagination to bear, producing items to suit your whim. wrru tion, Find the Lady, Vanishing Mirror,
The hat must surely now be empty but MORE incantations A The Marked Deck, Fingerprint Discov-
o n e -w a y
and SILKS APPEAR ... RIBBONS and so on! PECK. ery, Living and Dead Test, Excuse My
We give another fine presentation idea suitable for the dove Back, Odd and Even, No Dice, Sure
worker who wishes to produce a live dove inside the hat, then Location, Count Down Disc, Siamese
following this up with a silk production if he wishes. Twins, Detective Jack, Call Me Up
We supply a book cover and the witches hat, made in light Sometime, Color Monte, A Miracle,
weight plastic. No "load" included. With the hat and book Thought Transference, Say When, Nif-Trix, Any Card Thought
we give you full routines plus the special 'something' which Of. And for good measure THE DRUNK PLAYS BRIDGE. All
makes the performance of the trick easy. completely described in a neat typescript book with printed
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). covers. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
DICE CUP Neat wooden stand for displaying three
A professionally made cup, ideal for the envelopes. One envelope contains a
popular Dice-stacking, made in real black cheque, the others consolation messages.
pig-skin leather. Handles well, and here's You always keep your cheque!
another reason why you should have one... Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00).
the popular "Magnetic" feature has been
built into these cups, SO IN FACT YOU CAN
With each one we give a number of accessories, PLUS a detailed Not a trick ... but something you should have
S3 2=
manuscript of clever stunts. Coin Penetration, Living and Dead to protect your silks, transport them in, and at
Test, £1 Note effect, etc. all times to keep them in a lovely, fresh, press
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). ed condition.
No ironing necessary!
E5 THE VAMPIRE’S CURSE Supreme "Roll-O'-Silks" consists of a cloth
21in. x 40in. with a sturdy wooden rod at one end for ease in
! The legend of the living dead! illustrated
. by large 8" x 10" picture cards. The tale rolling silks and cords at the other end to tie up the finished roll.
LM which has gripped millions by the throat Quick as a wink! Simply lay your silks on the cloth, roll the
with fear now becomes a compelling piece cloth up, tie, and there you are. They take up less room in your
Bk of entertainment for your programme! bag, can't become soiled through contact with other "props" and
Iik \ For the older of the young ladies and are all ready for your next show.
3 Cloth is also handy as an emergency table cover, or to cover
Fl 111 gentlemen you entertain and, depending
an offending mirror!
/ I 11 entirely upon your acting and histrionic
/ 1 H ability, this can become a feature item. You'll be repaid many times the cost of "Roll-O'-Silk" in time
Presented 'tongue in cheek' it's great for and in longer lasting silks. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
any wider audience too.
The story of Dracula is told. The Count vanishes leaving the
gory wooden stake and the casket empty. The Count has escaped.
n illlllllllll!l
A good black cord elastic suitable for renewing
As the legend of the Vampire unfolds, a winged bat is seen. pulls, etc.
So much for the story. It's Just a dressed-up version of the ever Price, per reel of approx. 3 yards. £1.00,
popular 'Stung' effect and performed by the easy method introduced (U.S.A. $3.00).
by Supreme Magic many years ago. Thinner Grade (for Card Swords, etc.), same
The artwork is first-class. We are not suggesting that this is an price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00), per approx. 3 yard reel.
item for your programme for young children, it is not, BUT for
the right audience on the right occasion, this can be a most definite UNCANNY ROPE MYSTERY
We sent the first set to KEN de COURCY and he wrote a really Using a single length of rope, magi passes
smashing patter routine for it, which has got laughs, laughs, laughs, it fairly around the spectator's body, then
all the way! A sophisticated piece of adult entertainment. around each hand, again around the body,
It's a great routine...unusual, intriguing, surprising, and very, each time crossing the ropes. Spectator
very amusing, - from the first line, "My friends contend that my turns around so that audience clearly sees
act needs some new blood".. .right through to the final line. each circle of rope passing around the body.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). Ends of rope may now be held by two more
spectators and they are requested to "pull" and - Believe It Or
MONEY MAZE“ Not - the rope seemingly dissolves right through the spectator's
A small board with 3
The effect can be immediately repeated and It is Just as baff-
different coloured cups.
A £1 (or $1 bill), is 1 ling.
placed under one of NO GIMMICKS ... NO FAKES.
them; the cups are Can be performed "Close-Up" and surrounded by audience!
changed around but al- Any member of audience may be tied. Complete with rope ...
though the mentalist has had his back turned throughout, he Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
still tells the spectator which cup to lift to reveal the note!
This is successfully repeated ... To make things more diffi-
cult the coloured cups are replaced with three all-the-same
colour; the spectator repeats his actions. When he has finish-
ed, even he does not know which cup hides his money, yet the
mind-reader lifts the two cups and shows them both empty.
The spectator lifts the remaining cup and finds his £1 or $1 bill!
A further climax comes when the spectator is asked to con-
centrate on the number of his bill before he puts it away.
Slowly the performer divines it figure by figure until he has Folds up small, drops open into an enormous shimmering fish,
announced the whole number. With credits to Bob Hummer approximately 30 inches long! Turned over the words 'The one
and Al Koran, Ken de Courcy has built a stunning programme that got away' are revealed. GREAT IN THE KID'S SHOW WHEN
item with a definite two-part climax. YOU HAVE THE FISH APPEAR ON THE BOY'S BACK!
This is a first-rate presentation which has been one of the Use it for the old Pantomine gag "eating fish and chips" and at the
'hits' of Ken de Courcy's after-dinner entertainment for a long end the paper drops away, leaving you with the big fish! Wonderful
time and which we are delighted to have at last persuaded him as a follow up to our "Tale of Two Fish", or "Fresh Fish Plus".
to release. Price complete, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY, Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
The effect closely tollows tne original De Biere
By Eddie Joseph. routine. -
' Not the old hackneyed memorizing an The simplest of props are used. Three ordinary
' article with number, etc. This book will hoops, a short rod and a piece of whipcord.
<13 give you presentations that you never dre- The thumbs are firmly tied together ... amazingly
amed possible. the hoops are thrown and pass right through the
/ Z Effects include - Seeing Thru' a Bag, linked arms.
^ Objects in the Dark, Locating the Page, If you've found all the other methods are not for you, then try this
Double Dealing, Identifying the Personality, it may be just what you require. Eight well-printed 8” x 10" clearly
etc. illustrated pages. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A, $4.00).
The memorizing of a deck of cards is the easiest method ever pub-
lished. A feature effect and one that is very impressive on an aud-
ience and best of all, you can do it anywhere.
A packet of playing cards all have red
24 pages, typescript form. Soft board printed covers. faces. The backs are red too. A spec-
Price. £2,50, (U.S.A. $6.00).___________ tator chooses any card. Magician pass-
MASTER BLINDFOLD es his hand over the card and surprise!
The 10 of hearts (or whatever the card
The last word In Blindfold methods! A
blindfold with attached tapes is placed is), changes to a Black 10 of hearts.
around spectator's eyes, he is unable to Yes, a 10 of hearts but now printed in
see. Spectator can inspect the blindfold. black!
Blindfold is placed around YOUR eyes Magician runs through the cards and shows that (surprise No 2!)
or the eyes of YOUR ASSISTANT. Right ALL the cards have now changed and all are printed in black!
away you can carry out all manner of tests, Surprise No. 3 comes when he turns the packet of cards over and
for you CAN SEE. it is seen that the backs of the cards have now changed. All are now
This stunning method has not been avail- a completely different colour!
able for a number of years. NOW WE HAVE IT BACK AGAIN. No sleights .. it's all in the special cards supplied.
Apart from its value as a complete act, it's an easy to fasten Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
blindfold which allows you to enhance many standard effects... ~~ PIXIE
Card Revelations, Stabbing and Discoveries and many apparent CICARFTTFS Each p‘x‘e Cigarette is about an inch long
feats of skill, etc. and looks just like a tiny cigarette. In any
We supply this complete with our BLINDFOLD ROUTINES. Card photo, picture card from a pack, magazine ad-
Reading, Mental effects, for Two-Person Thought Reading and two vertisement picture, you make a small hole with
first-class stunts. a pencil point. Then you insert the Pixie Ciga-
rette, light it and either stand the picture up
Price, complete, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
or hand it around to the gang.


emitting clouds of smoke and rings and puffs
Wa won't blow our own trumpet on ALL BY ITSELF. It looks for all the world as though the
this one, we'll quote Abracadabra character on the picture is smoking the cigarette! A WONDER-
No. 1793, where, under the title of FUL ADVERTISING STUNT.
What's New?, Donald Bevan wrote: You will have a barrel of fun with these and be the centre of
"MATERIALISE. This is lovely. attraction. Remember all you have to do is light it!
The classic card in glass with no Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00). 5 pkts, for £2.00, (U.S.A. $4.00).
tray, sleight of hand or other adju-
ncts. An empty plastic tumbler,
wrapped in a hanky is held by a spec-
Coloured rabbits plus a green tree card
tator. A card is chosen, vanished and appears In the tumbler. If
depicting a forest. The cards are mixed
you can force a card (and if not Supreme tell you how), you can do
together but still the pairs match.
this amazing effect. Have a corner torn from the card to fit exactly
use picture cards for children. A really clever idea I recommend Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
We supply you with everything you need, plastic tumbler, fancy SIMPLICITY BALL HOLDER
handkerchief, everything except a pack of cards, use any deck. Made in cloth it will hold four balls. It's flat
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A, $15.00).___________________________ when empty, no bulge to inconvenience you. Pins

Hmar k ed c ar d in b a l l o o n
A truly beautiful magical effect.
under the coat out of sight and enables the per-
former to obtain the balls one at a time when
needed. Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00).
A marked card, which can be one from a
borrowed deck, appears in the centre of a
balloon! The balloon bursts and the card
A great comedy item. A green bag (In-
appears! side and out!) and a red silk CHANGE to
A classic mystery, complete with the a red bag (inside and out!) and a green
most detailed routines which have ever been silk. We supply you with the easy work-
issued with this effect. They explain some ing bag, together with two 12 inch pure
extremely novel presentations, including Japanese silks, together with the instruc-
one for the children's entertainer, - even one for the Mentalist! tions and routine. An excellent compere
'Marked Card in Balloon' is a prop you will delight to own and use.
item, one you can work any time in the
Please note that with our model, metal rings hold the balloon firmly
in place. The trick that is GUARANTEED to 'go with a bang'!
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $24.00).
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
RAINBOW RIOT IAN ADAIR’S s ma s h -it —- Q
An egg is shown and smashed down on I } i
The performer shows a the table. Has it vanished ? No! The I v
multi-coloured rope... hands are lifted and there's a FRIED ,
woven in five contrasting EGG! .
eye-catching colours. The Or make a spectator's handkerchief in- '
rope is yellow, red, white, to a bag and drop the egg inside. Wave
green and pink. He picks a match underneath. Spectator reaches ' L____
up the rope and coils it into hank and removes ... a fried egg! _s
around his empty hand. You'll get a lot of laughs from this and create some mystery too.
, The rope is now uncoiled The change is surprising and instantaneous. Hands are shown
and found to be completely knotted along its length. quite empty after the change.
- THAT'S CLIMAX NUMBER ONE! - Everything ready to work this right away.
Then he merely passes his hand over the rope and all the knots Price. £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
magically change colours! There's a pink knot on the yellow, and
a yellow knot on the red, and a white knot on the green, and a red
knot on the white, and a green knot on the pink.
Hand-made by DAVID DE-VAL. An Old Eng-
- THAT'S CLIMAX NUMBER TWO!- lish padlock which you can open. Great for all
Then the performer coils the rope around his hand once again -
types of escape work and outside stunts. Eric
and tosses out the coil to the audience. And all the knots have
Sharp said, "This is an excellent prop, highly
vanished.. .and the rope is just a beautifully woven multi-coloured
efficient. " Donald Bevan wrote, "I showed it
silken rope.
to an escapologist friend and it fooled him com-
- THAT'S THE CUE FOR APPLAUSE!!! - pletely. " ERNESTO, "I don't care how much
Originated by Sam Dalal here’s an easy-to-learn and to present it costs, 1 must have one".
trick. Comes complete with the hand-made rope and illustrated
A great "AID" to magic or a fantastic EFFECT. Because of the
routine. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). fact these are hand-made they are in limited supply.
A tiny shoe is produced, Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
then another, then another.
One shoe travels from the
pocket to the hand - the
ByTidward Maurice. NOT a book of tricks!
routine may vary. A book which teaches you SHOWMANSHIP -
There's a surprise fin- how to "walk on", how to smile, how to .IKMAJ4NSUIP
ish when you end up with project your personality, how to reach your
four shoes of a different iwavaam® audience. A book which will enable you to PßESEKTATION

colour! WITH ILLUSTRATED X get so much MORE from your magic.
DlRECnOWS • • fMTYt RC*^
As usual, Sid Lorraine has PRtStNlATKX
Chapters include those on Opening, Clos- EDWARD
written an amusing patter ing, Stage Technique, etc., with an appendix MAURICE

line, plus a lot of extra gags. You get everytlng ready to work. on "Straight" and "Stage" make-up.
Three pages of explicit, well illustrated instructions including A printed, illustrated book of 46 pages.
patter; a cute card and shoe combination; additional suggestions, Illustrated board cover.
etc., etc., and eight shoes! Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
________ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)._________________________
s e pa r a t in g c h a in
““"“'“i.PENETRA PASTEBOARD A good novelty! A length of
solid chain is tugged between
" ■l w / (]•) * v Tw0 cards are shown and placed toge- the hands, - when a spectator
PENETRA ther. The audience see spots before takes it, he finds that he has a
— », their eyes and the card that was at the number of loose links. MAGIC-
“C/AKP rear penetrates right through to the front! AL WELDING IN REVERSE!
Yes, it's repeated with some variations but always one card melts Comes complete. Price, £5.50,
right through the other! No manipulation. Just a flick of the cards (U.S.A. $14.00).
and one passes through the other. The climax is a surprise when
the two cards mysteriously change places! - again NO SKILL OR MARCONICK'S
ROUGH AND SMOOTH CARDS. Complete with cards and instruc-
tions plus patter. Price, £0.75. (U.S.A. $2.00).
Here is a trick which Eliminates all worries
for the performer as it takes only a few sec-
Ken de Courcy presents a ter- ANGA14 onds to prepare, is completely self-contained
rific collection of Ring Tricks and is so Easy to Perform that it almost WORKS
gathered over a period of years, it s e l f :
simplified, altered and revamped Magician displays a LARGE SILK (twenty-four
to suit present day working con- inches), then ties together two diagonally opposite corners so that
ditions. All the tricks can be made a Circle of Silk is formed.
for a very modest amount. Holding the circle with both hands, he stretches the silk... the
Carefully described in the illustrated typescript pages of this circle increases in Circumference and Different Colours Appear.,
book you will find Rings that crawl ... swim ... pass on and off until a HUGE RING OF DIFFERENT COLOURED SILKS IS HELD!
a cord ... penetrate the fingers ... vanish and reappear. End- A STARTLING ... SHOWY NOVELTY.
less fun and mystery created for a trifling outlay. READY TO USE RIGHT AWAY.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00).
A length of rope (which may
TELEVISION DOVE STEALS have knotted ends and can even
be measured) is shown. Rope
By IAN ADAIR. The correct pro- is cut fairly through the centre,
cedures for Doves from Silks and oth- ends are trimmed and rope is
er classic effects using "body steals". in one piece!
With the aid of the camera Ian Adair
shows the stage-by-stage moves and
Rope can be again measured
and examined and the trick IM- & Rape" A
artifices used by the leading Dove MEDIATE LY REPEATED.
workers. In addition to silks, steals Again rope is fairly cut In the
from.scarves, gloves, etc., have centre, ends cut away and rope
been included. restored. A spectator can even
Book is printed with photograph- take rope and when he pulls it out rope is whole and in one
ically illustrated light board cover. The 34 specially taken ac- piece. He can keep it as a souvenir! Nothing to give him a
tion photos are supplemented by 17 lucid illustrations. clue as to how the trick was performed. The performers
Contents include information on Types of Holders, Steals from hands are empty. No pulls or sleeve-work. This is an im-
different positions, Sleeve Steals, etc., etc., etc. You could provement on a classic method, made possible by a NEAT
easily develop a complete Dove act from the material explained GIMMICK. Supplied complete with rope and fully detailed in-
in this book. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). structions. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
TELEVISION MIND READING Two pieces of rope, one RED, one WHITE.
Here is a mind-reading act unique in its Ropes are knotted together, then magically
adaptability for close-up work. The gang can separated. Clean, visible magic.
swarm all around you and still get no inkling Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
of how you do it. It is easily carried anywhere
in your pocket and worked on a moment's no-
A two-fold screen is assembled in
Volunteer selects one word from a list of 100. Magician spells the presence of the audience. The
out the word letter by letter as volunteer writes them down on a screen consists of open frames,
slip of paper. Magician never fails to spell the word correctly. permitting audience to see right
Can be repeated as often as desired. Easy to do. No memoris- through. Girl stands on the plat-
ing. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). form and magician covers her with a large sheet. This is quickly

A 'Chop Cup' - in the form of a REGU-
pulled away ... THE GIRL HAS VANISHED.
This effect makes a wonderful finish to any platform or stage
nocent looking it can EVEN BE EXAMINED!
In the routine, a ball materialises- passes
through the cup ... the penetration is re-
A picture of a television set with cut-out screen
peated. Then the ball multiplies and be-
and backing sheet. The name of a chosen television
comes three! One at a time the balls vanish programme appears through the screen.
from the hands and congregate under the
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). ■'
cup until they are all together.
In short it's the Cups and Balls and the S'0 LORRAINE’S THUMB FUN
Chop Cup cleverly combined into one routine with one cup, a Your thumb-print can reveal the name of a sel-
MILKY-WHITE BEAKER which you could have lying around ected card, a number, a friend's initials or your
in your home and which really does appear to be THE GEN- name. Complete kit, complete witli patur and gag
UINE THING. lines. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Supplied with this beaker are four HAND-CROCHETED
BALLS - one of them gimmicked for the effect, PLUS a four- Originated by ROY BAKER, and 2
page detailed routine which will enable you to present a se- featured by him. Now available as a »*«•
quence that appears nothing short of fantastic sleight-of-hand. Supreme Exclusive.
knotted together. As the magician f
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). __________________
explains about "the very clever con-
A trick to capture the imagina-
juror he saw on TV and the marvel-
lous trick he did", he shows a con-
tion. The magician offers to prove tainer about 4 inches high clearly ,
that there are strange invisible labelled 'MAGIC POT'.
creatures all around us! To prove A contrasting silk is tucked into the'pot ... SURPRISE when
his point he captures one in a bor- instead of the SILK vanishing THE POT DISAPPEARS! When
rowed handkerchief! A weird the knotted together silks are shaken out there is the missing
spherical object materialises be- pot TIED BETWEEN THEM!
neath the handkerchief and as It's a potty piece of perverse magic that you can pick
mysteriously fades away. up and work at any time and to any audience. Easy to work!
What is it ? Is it Supernatural or We supply this complete with all the silks, the routine, and
a creature^trom Outer space? It's definitely solid and yet of course, the Magic Pot, ready for you to work this right
when it vanishes it leaves no trace! Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $!■). away. Price, complete, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
By Don Boles. A book by an exper- TWENTY-ONE by IAN ADAIR
ienced performer in the field, giving Typescript book containing some lovely magic.
all the necessary interest for anyone Flying Four: Four silks vanish from a stand
getting into outdoor show-business, and they appear back again.
especially from the magic angle. "The Crinoline Lady: You catch the colours of the
Midway" in America is what we call rainbow and there's a transformation.
the fairground here in Great Britain Instant Kit: Balls of wool play their part in
and there's plenty of money to be made, but you must this unusual item. A vanish, an appearance
know how. This book paves the way. Includes 10 in 1 and a startling change all rolled into one!
Shows, Full Tent Shows, Free Acts and much more. Print- Flowers in a Flash.. .Drink in a Wink, etc.
ed 52 pages, fascinating reading. How to work carnivals; No Utopian ideas but all good practical stuff. Clever material
practical information revealed for the first time. you'll delight in reading about today and mystifying with tomorrow.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Typescript text, printed covers. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).


A cute idea. Four cards with pictures You fold a newspaper with three holes in it, >
three different colour silks protrude through the*
of rabbits and another one with a picture r
of a sad rabbit. The sad rabbit influences holes. The paper is opened to show nothing
the happy ones and they are all sad! Then except the three silks. The centre silk is re-
they are happy again, even the unhappy moved and now visibly reappears tied between
rabbit is laughing! the other silks as they are drawn from the
Price for the special printed cards and paper.
routine, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Comes complete with all the lovely 18" pure
silks. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Las Vegas Dice
The great 'Passe-Passe' effect with Tantalising Ten
two beautifully made flat plastic dice. Two spectators are invited to assist
One of them has a 4-spot on top, a you and to choose any number between
3-spot underneath; the other one a one and ten. You hold ten cards in your
5-spot on top, a 2-spot underneath. hand and count them and remove one
Quick as a wink, the dice change card.
places, over and over again! Every- Next, cards are mixed up and you re-
thing is done visually. No shells, XW ' z move one other card at random. Climax!
Magnets, sliding parts etc. At the - When the two cards are shown they are
end both dice are tossed down for examination. ~ IDENTICAL! - BUT WAIT A MINUTE -
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). the audience are far from fooled by such obvious chicanery.
"The cards are all the same", they say - AND SO THEY ARE
KARRELL’S CHINESE TEAR ... BUT ... IT IS A BIG BUT! ... they are NOT the same as
Originated by KARRELL FOX, the two chosen cards! Say the two chosen cards were both Aces
X America's "King of the Korn". Ex-
clusive British rights on this novelty
of Diamonds, the remaining cards are freely shown - AND THEY
ARE ALL FIVES OF SPADES!! A laughable fooling finish.
effect have been granted to us. All the cards can be immediately EXAMINED, but the audience
1 A paper strip with Chinese letters
is shown and torn into pieces. The
will REMAIN fooled and never receive a clue as to how the trick
is performed.
, pieces are folded and immediately EASY TO DO AND ALWAYS READY!
THANK YOU! J opened out restored, but as they are Supreme "Tantalising Ten" is a great trick for the pocket or
opened a folded paper falls to the for the show.
floor. Magician looks embarrassed Price, with regular size cards, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
and kicks the pieces to one side, remarking, "This has nothing Price, with JUMBO-SIZED CARDS, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
to do with it". This brings a chuckle from the audience. The
paper in the hand is shown fully restored and the Magician says, KELLER COIN-CATCHER
The finest coin-catching device. Clips be-
"It's done with a duplicate", and sure enough it is, for when the
strip is turned the Chinese writing spells DUPLICATE. The tween the fingers, allows you to produce
piece of paper on the floor is now picked up and opened. It reads coins at the fingertips. A spring loaded easy
APPLAUSE. When turned over it reads THANK YOU. A real action. Indispensable for those who are fond
surprise. of conjuring with coins and would like to
Price for 10 sets of special papers (enough for 19 shows), include The Miser's Dream in their show.
£2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00), _______

k ’b . c a b a r e t c a r d r is e _ J’ . SNAKE CARD CASE

An examined wooden A Joke item - ideal to include in your ma-
houlette is hung on the gic show. Ask a spectator to remove the
centre of a wand. A bor- pack of cards from and shuffle them.
rowed pack of cards is Whoops'. When he pulls the pack from the
used. One by one, chosen case a small snake shoots out from them.
cards rise. The Great A terrific laugh - especiaUy at the expres-
Levante stated this was the sion of the victim's face. "Sorry" you ex-
best version of the Rising Cards he'd ever seen. No threads. plain, "wrong cards!"
Can be worked surrounded. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price complete, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
used in an
c-afv Jon Gordon's clever idea. Show a folding
0 Joi s effective manner to reveal a
cardboard screen on both sides, lift it up
and there is a stack of five tumblers, one chosen card.
upon the other all partially filled with liq-- A hit on television.
uid. No covers or anything required. A little propeller is shown.
The magician rubs this with his thumb-nail and shows how this
Price, complete, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). spins to the left. He shows a number of playing-cards and has one
of these chosen. The card is replaced back amongst the others, -
Two houlettes, one yellow and all the cards are placed down, back upwards.
one blue are shown on a centre Magician passes the propeller over the cards one at a time,
display unit. Magician makes a rubbing it as he does so. The propeller in each instance, spins
prediction. Cards are dealt into to the left.
one of the houlettes. Spectator Suddenly, the propeller starts spinning the opposite way around.
shouts 'stop' at any time. Now When the card at this position is turned around, it is found to be
you transfer cards from one the chosen one!
houlette to the other, again a Can be repeated! The more you do it, the more mystifying it is.
second spectator is asked to You get the special propeller, the cards and instructions.
assist and shout'stop'. Imagine Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
the surprise when both spectators
have stopped at the same card! Imagine the applause that follows
when It is seen that this is the very card that was predicted before-
Three coloured plastic balls, a tumbler
hand. and a borrowed handkerchief. Any ball
Remember the pack of cards is examined and shuffled by spectat-
.is chosen, magically it penetrates up-
ors themselves. Apparatus looks good, works good. wards through the handkerchief so that
Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00). it is resting on top of the handkerchief.
□AVID HEMINGWAY’S A wonderful classic of magic. Supplied

j A great piece of Close-up ENTER-
complete with the necessary balls, the
special tumbler, which is so deceptive it can be freely shown just
a few inches away from the spectator, and the full routine, includ-
’ yTAINMENT using only a box of match- ing instructions for another fantastic effect.
Ces! Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
8 No matter how hard the spectators
'try to outsmart you they FAIL and
Two silks are shown quite sep-
impromptu stunt! Puzzling and int- arately. One is given to a spec-
riguing. tator to hold, die other is tied
Any number of matches are placed in piles on the table. Spectator to form a circle. When the spec-
and your self take it in turn to pick up any number of matches ... tator inspects his silk that too
the one who gets the last match loses the game ... fair enough? has mysteriously become tied to
... yet we repeat YOU win every time! form a circle! The spectator holds e circles in one hand,
Sold in illustrated sealed manuscript form. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. the other in his other. One of the circles vanishes, to appear linked
$3.00). on to the other! It's unbelievable ... but like all good tricks easy

STAGGERED when you know how! We supply this complete with 18 inch silks,

(unprepared). Plus full instructions and routine.
By Eddie Joseph. It will STAGGER Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
all those who see it. Two decks of
cards, one red, one blue. Spectator NAPKIN NONSENSE
removes decks from cases. Cards
are fairly cut. You state one deck is How many times have you been
Incomplete. You give spectator a called upon to perform impromptu,
sealed envelope to place in his pocket. & at a dinner, or such?
You also place a business card on the On these occasions the usual "poc-
table. Spectator removes a card ket tricks" are too small to be easily
from the blue deck and then deals both seen and often too the audience is in
decks together. no mood to watch "clever stuff" with cards, etc.
Suppose the blue card was the 6 of Diamonds. When he comes to What they need is a quick, entertaining little act, to make them
the 6 of Diamonds in the red deck, he stops and puts the red-backed smile. Such an act we present in "Napkin Nonsense."
card on top of the blue 6 of Diamonds. Thus they are paired. Although we do not claim any of the folds to be original none of
Now you ask him to pick up from the blue deck, the card which fell them have been overworked. The folding and production of the var-
at that particular time, let us assume it was the Queen of Spades. ious items creates surprise and appreciation of your cleverness.
He removes the sealed envelope from his pocket (you do not touch Together they add up to a smart routine.
it). The card in die envelope is also the Queen of Spades. Here is something not merely for impromptu performances, for,
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. You go on from there to another stunn- well presented, the act could well earn a living for any smart young
ing prediction. performer.
Uses two ordinary decks of cards - no duplicates. In sealed manusricpt form. The folds are easy to do and illustrat-
TEN different presentations, PLUS an additional presentation for ed with over 30 drawings. The little time spent in mastering them
use in connection with a two-person mental act. will be well repayed by the fact that you have an entertaining inter-
Typical Joseph material in typescript form, with printed cover. lude always "at your finger-tips".
No cards supplied. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
SPRING LETTUCE It really is a Spring Lettuce The There never has been
or Cabbage but not quite as the a more versatile little
audience imagine, for this let- gimmick for the ment-
tuce folds flat; it is made from Swami alist than this! Used by
cloth and has a good quality the GREATS!
spring. You will think of many Gimmick With the help of this
ways of using it in your show. unseen aid you can PRE-
Have it under the tablecloth DICT THE AMOUNT OF
on which your Rabbit Production CASH IN SOMEONES
Box rests; the audience imag- POCKET, PREDICT AN E.S.P. SYMBOL TO BE CHOSEN, PRE-
ines that the rabbit is under the DICT THE ANSWER TO AN ADDITION, and perform all manner
cloth. It turns out to be rabbit food! of incredible stunts.
Produce the Lettuce from between the pages of a Gardening Supreme Swami Gimmick is a tiny little prop you'll never be
magazine. without!
You will soon think of many excellent gags using this comedy Comes complete with detailed instructions for many tricks.
prop. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).______________________ Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
KEN DE COURCY'S Special Deal. This is such a versatile prop if you work mental-
The SYSTEMATIC SER ism you will need several. We can supply THREE for £5.00,
(U.S.A. $12.00),
There's no doubt about it that one
of the most entertaining ways of By Edwin and Ian. Whatever next! ... a
o* entertaining informally is by tell- complete book full of tip-top effects utilis-
ing fortunes and, as a magician ing a commodity that is seldom used in ma- -•L
you must have been asked many gic ... STAMPS'.
Edwin and Ian got together to bring the

times if you can do this.
' ’area 6» To tell fortunes properly re- magical fraternity some real stunners. As
quires much study and memory well as fine material from the authors, in-
work, - time you can probably cluded are great effects from leading ma-
ill-afford. Now we are pleased gicians Werry, E.J. Moore, Frank Lar-
to present KEN de COURCY'S NEW SIMPLIFIED SYSTEM which son and Marvillo.
can easily be applied to Palmistry, Tarot, Sign Reading, and 'FIND THE STAMP' CHEEKY VANISH OF A STAMP, THE
almost any other form of divination! STAMP AND ATLAS MYSTERY, STAMP-IT, STAMPS BETWEEN,
Ken de Courcy's system is carefully explained in four printed THE GROWING STAMP, THE STAMP BANNER, CHANGE ABOUT
pages, illustrated with examples. STAMPS, STAMP ON THE COIN and many others, waiting to bo
No methods of Fortune-telling are given here ... these are used in your act and close-up shows.
fully gone into in many textbooks on general sale. What IS Also included is a children's routine for the popular STAMP
presented here is a SYSTEM whereby you can present a CRED- ALBUM effect by JOHNNY GEDDES; details for you to make your
IBLE STORY and LINE OF PATTER. own stamp book are given, 21 pages, typescript, printed covers.
Sold in sealed form, for entertainment purposes only. You will find that you will definitely STICK to this type of ma-
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). gic! Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).

Super Pierced Cigarette SUPER PRINCESS

A method that lifts this ef-
A different version of the famous "Plh Cushion
Cigarette" effeot. fect up to the MODERN MIR-
A small brass tube is examined. It has a screw- ACLE CLASS',
top lid. No "Bill Tube" principle used. What you use - A paper
A borrowed cigarette is placed into the tube and sack (unprepared) and three
the top is screwed carefully and tightly on. playing cards.
Magician now pierces the cigarette with five pins. A trick that gains with rep-
Pins go through holes in the brass tube ... in one etition, they'll never know
side and out the other! how you are able to produce
Pins are removed ... the top of the tube is un- the thought of card.
screwed. The cigarette is tipped out and is found Instead of dropping the cards Into the paper sack they can be
to be unharmed. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). placed into a spectator's pocket. Remember, no extra cards
are used in this method.
The cards are counted backs and faces to the audience. Now
A three card trick? - Yes - a spectator THINKS of any card. Yes, REALLY thinks of any
but read on - TWO of the reg- card, you do not influence his choice in any way.
& ular sized cards have RED The three cards are placed into the paper sack.
,. . . backs - the third (The Queen) The magician removes two cards which he states are not the
has a BLUE back. Cards are chosen ones. The spectator names his card. YES, that's the
freely shown and the Queen card remaining in the paper sack.
placed in the middle, between the other two. Where's the Queen? There's nothing else there! ONLY THREE CARDS ARE USED.
- Well it's silly - It's the one with the blue back in the centre. Immediately you can drop the cards back into the sack AND
What could be fairer, especially when the other two cards are PERFORM THE EFFECT AGAIN! A different card is thought
shown and neither of them is the Lady. of (or the same card if the spectator wishes) but still you un-
The spectator turns his card over and WOW! The girl on THAT erringly find it.
card is DEFINITELY NO LADY! She's a Saucy Pin-Up Popsie! One of the cleverest card tricks that we have seen.
No skill or sleight of hand. Nothing to get rid of. Complete The gimmick is very Ingenious and makes the trick easy for
with cards. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). you. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
cards are examined and shuf- \ /
fled. j A spectator chooses any card (no \\ .•JÖßSx' A press of the switch and the bow tie you
force) and the three cards are again are wearing LIGHTS UP!
shuffled and then laid out on the You can say you will give your impression
table. of a light-house, and as you revolve your
'Freddie the Frog' is now intro- * tie lights up! Or drink an alcoholic drink
duced, a little 2 inch green and yel- * V and your tie lights up!
low metal toy. He is placed in turn There's no end to the fun you can have with
* ♦ «
on each of the cards. When he is this prop.
placed on the chosen card HE JUMPS HIGH INTO THE AIR! Price, (no battery included), £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Yes, you are right away from him and yet he reacts in this
peculiar manner. The spectator who chose the card has to
admit that Freddie is right and has discovered his card.
You can use a member of the
Freddie the Frog, complete with cards and routine, price,
£1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). t audience. They are seated with
head in small cabinet that is at-
A smart routine with two rods stud- tached to a gold frame. The front

'// ded with imitation gems. The trick pre- is fitted with dials. You manipu-
sents a truly bewildering series of events,

late the dials, the person's head

culminating in a surprising climax. starts to change. You can see the
At the commencement both rods are colour leaving the cheeks - the
plain ... then a flashing gem appears
flesh seems to fall away - and
... vanishes ... jumps from rod to rod
this living head changes to a skull
multiplies to four ... four sparkling
of death.
jewels! ... Then a 'RUBY' appears!
NO angles to worry about - work it close-up or on the largest
A three page illustrated routine is with each set. Price,
of stages.
£2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
By again manipulating the dials, the person's head returns to


A surprising card revelation! Three Jumbo
There is nothing intricate in the mechanism.
WORKSHOP PLANS ONLY. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
sized blank cards are freely shown on both sides
and placed in full view. Next a playing card
is chosen from a regular deck. Magician holds FIVE IN ONE PUZZLE SET Ä
this at his fingertips and touches it against A lovely puzzle outfit to create
the back of one of the blank cards. Imme- endless fun and amusement. The
diately the playing card is shown BLANK! various pieces are made from last-
When the Jumbo card is turned over it is seen ing hygienic plastic. With them
to be printed with a GIANT FACSIMILE OF you can make a Square, a Diamond, a Square with a square
THE CHOSEN CARD! You get the special feke to add to hole and an oblong with an oblong hole! Watch them tear
any deck, plus the Jumbo Triple Blanks and routine. their hair as they try to do it though!
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Also included is the famous Wonder 'T' puzzle. Four
pieces have to be formed into a 'T'. All made from plastic
The cream of the tricks, ideas, and with full instructions included. Price, 85p, (U.S.A. $2).
and principles which went into BILLY MCCOMB’S
Louis Histed's monster note-book.
A lifetime's harvest of one man's

brilliant thought and patient ex- THE LEPRECHAUN
perimentation. An audience-tested effect that has
Magic to suit all tastes, the humour and surprise.
Card man who likes boldness will Two lengths of rope, one red, one white;
enthuse over "Brass!" or Pocket an incredible 'Do as I Do' routine; the in-
Pass; if he likes comedy he will use visible leprachaun managing to copy all
"One Card: Four Moves". your actions'. Finally, "Lenny himself"
The average performer who must appears, a cute little gnome.
have entertaining and eye-catching magic, but always con- Ropes, gnome, box and routine.
siders the difficulty of transportation, will find in the Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
"Chameleon Reels" and the "£1 Note Passe Passe" self-
contained items which are slight in weight but tremendous LATEST CARD FIND
in entertainment value. He will like, too, the Paint Box ef- By Hamilton. An exeptionally clever card
fect which Dr. Shackleton used to good effect in his prize- trick.
winning act for the Magic Circle.

Spectator mentally selects the card. He may
Audiences, over the years, have demonstrated their great take the cards into his own hands to make the
liking for tricks with liquids and in Chapter Six the perfor- selection and for the climax he holds the cards
mer will find plenty of material. "The Magic of Louis S. in his own hands before he names the card
Histed" is a BIG book of 160 printed pages, profusely illus- and spells out the name of the card by moving
trated by Dennis. Cloth bound with an illustrated dust jacket, one card at a time from the top to the bottom.
it is a book you will refer to often. No sleight-of-hand - No moves. Just one of those clever card
We know that this book will open up new horizons of stunts that practically works itself. Including an extra 'something'
Magic for you. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). that makes the trick easy. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Published in FOUR separate volumes, the world's greatest dove workers have contributed to this amazing series: Franklin, June
Merlin, Robert Harbin, Robert Sinclair, Clifford Hough, Dell, Fred Barton, Peter Penwarden, Devolyn and Irene, Sorcar, T. Norman
Stone, Jimmy Rogers, Billy McComb, Bill Findlay, Michael Scott, Grant. Jack Hughes, Christopher Woodward, Mark Weston, Johnny
Geddes, Derick Latham, Vai Andrews, John Martin, Oyama, Silvan, Micky Hades, Darryl Hutton, Ricky, Chen-Kai, Peter Warlock,
Ken de Courcy, Ravelle and Andree, Ralph and Barbara, Harold Taylor, Jeffery Atkins. Will Ayling, Edwin, Reg Hallam, Wallis
Reid, David Berglas, Jan Persson, Goldini, David Hemmingway, Yvonne, Jim Reilly, Fantasio, Tom Palmer, Tony Wilson, Ormond
McGill, Mel Collings, Lesley Leader, Guy Higgins, Ali Bongo, Vaughan Leader, Philip the Magician, Jerry Mentzer, Paul Britt,
Jack Bridwell, Meadro, Colin Smith, Oscar Paulson, John Kirby, Don Keller, Bill Spragg, Floyd Shotts, Hans Lee, Tony Green,
L. de Bevere, Leonard Austin, Al Cohen, Harold Beaumont, Willlard S. Smith, Harry E. Goodwin, Fred de Muth, Eric Sharp, Colin
Boardman, Paul Stadelman, Dick Gustafson, Brian Miller, Stanley Goudge, Von Fred and others.
The four books together represent a complete and comprehensive library of all that is best in Dove Magic

PLUS hundreds of new novel dove items by IAN ADAIR, covering
every aspect of dove magic.
IN THIS GREAT BOOK! TWELVE No expense has been spared in its production. Nothing has been
OUTSTANDING CHAPTERS! left out. Only the best, by any standard has been given.
"Doves in Magic", handling of the 407 giant approximately 8" x 10” printed pages, 474 detailed in-
Doves, Hints, Tips, Settings! (27 structions, 71 action photographs, over 237 wonderful practical
pages); "Dove Steals", Holders and Items ready for use.
methods, (31 pages); Dove from Silks Volume 2, Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $28.00).
etc! "Dove Productions". "Dove
Vanishes". "Dove Penetrations,
Cremations". "Dove Transpositions".
'Dove Changes". "Dove in Balloon Effects". "Tricks with the
Rubber Dove". "DYEING DOVES" - Tricks with coloured doves.
"Children's Dove Effects". "Information about Dove Books and
f \nfi di ’w on or h o v e
Literature" - including a chapter dedicated to Channing Pollock
and "The Master Index on Dove Magic" by Jack Potter, (almost
one thousand tricks are indexed).
The material described in this book
A big, beautiful, hard bound book of 316 pages. 328 Ideas, 615 is all different to that detailed in the
line drawings by three top flight artists. 39 Action photographs. previous two Volumes. Here are 317
Fascinating magic and specialities. Material which won WORLD- large 10” x 8" pages with 126 great
WIDE acclaim and set the standard for the following volumes. dove effects. 322 illustrations, 21
Volume 1, Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $28.00). photographs. "This is Your Life"
by Alan Kennaugh. Plus brand new
material by world famous dove workers.

VOLUME TWO PLUS great features such as:-

Robert Knight's concise chapter
Nine chapters covering, productions, 'Approach to Dove Magic' dealing with important aspects such as
vanishes, changes and transformations. dress, presentation, style, appearance, entrance, plus three new
Dove Pan tricks, comedy dove magic. Improvements which give old items a new sparkling "lift".
The B & W dove act and Children's HARBIN'S Topsy Turvey Dove Production. From a six-sided
dove magic, etc. j hexagon container which is turned inside out to prove without a
A detailed INDEX for both Vol. 1 and ( shadow of doubt it is empty, is produced a live dove! Full des-
2 is included, and the opening chapter cription, plus many fine illustrations.
on THE DOVE SCENE brings dove work- Designs of Deception. TED DEVOLYN offers a selection of
ings up to date with the latest happen- elegant stands made from light wrought iron-work, all suitable
ings. for displaying your doves on stage. All pack Rat and erect in
Unusual Dove Magic. TONY SHIELS provides a different type of
TWO-TONE DUST JACKET. All volumes in the series are approx-
dove presentation! Definitely something bizarre andiideal for the
imately uniform.
SPECIAL FEATURES include Ricky’s SENSATIONAL DOVE SEQ- more advanced performer. Sensational material ...
UENCE, a complete delightful blended interlude, fully photographed
worker will want to make and use one.
showing the reader every move.
DAVID LAIT'S Barehand Dove Production. His own method now
THE DOVE MAGIC OF CHEN-KAI. Action photographs explain
this young man's cherished secrets. New dove steals.
Doves to Duck by GOLDINI. Six doves dramatically change Inside
BIRTHDAY SUIT DOVE STEAL. A dove steal which could be pres-
a box to a real live DUCK! A great book.
ented in the 'altogether' by famous London Palladium performer
Volume 3, Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $28.00).
Malta. Outstanding effect, simplified principle.
OF DOVE MAGIC +JAN PERSSON'S sensational opening routine, his personal dove
VOLUME FOUR holders described and illustrated with technical photographs.
TAINS! *CHEN-KAI'S MAGIC FROM MEXICO. Four great Doves from ’
The Modern Dove Scene, More Dove
Productions, Various Vanishes, Ideas
using standard props. Silvan step by
1?-I Sjlks methods. Dove from Newspaper, Gloves to Dove and three
new methods of producing a live dove in a balloon are real winners.,
His routine for producing a ctove from a paper streamer is the tops?
step, Pages on Cages, The Geddes He divulges his three dove holders, two being completely automatic .
comedy dove file, International Dove in their working. The entire section by Chen-Kai is supplemented '
Magic, Artistry in Dove Magic, Mex- by 48 special photographs taken in Mexico. PLUS ...
ican Dove Magic, Picture Parade ... FEATURE ITEMS ... PLUMS TO BE TAKEN! Scoop! Scoop!
plus a foil index for easy reference. Introduction. Pictorial fore- Scoop! ... Volume 4 has managed to obtain the once cherished
word by ROBERT HARBIN. personal effects of the leading dove workers ...
The World's Dove Experts contribute! +Prlze-wlnning effect, I.B.M. British Ring DOVENUS, invented
worker who wishes to present dove magic without visible apparatus,
volume four has secured the rights on: ^PEPPER'S DOVES by Ken de Courcy, an entire sequence using
an old principle, suddenly bringing life into dove magic.
*GOLDINI'S sensational 'DOVES TO BUDGIES’. Actual photo-
widely advertised DOVE LEVITATION - Please note that the graphs show the finished work. Full metric measurements.

Exclusive copyright on this wonderful effect was given to Supreme PLUS MANY NOVEL EFFECTS FROM IAN ADAIR.
Magic and first appeared In this encyclopaedia.)... two of his own A TOUCH OF OOMBDY. Dove magic hasn't jot to be "sophis-
ticated" tn its presentation. JOHNNY GEDDES proves this point
personal favourites. Revealed for the first time anywhere! by contributing a superb chapter on how to obtain not only applause
but LAUGHS whilst working with doves.
+DOVE VEST, the dove worker's dream come true. FANTASIO Volume 4, Price, £12.50. (U.S.A. $28.00).
divulges his long kept secret method of loading doves on the body.
No more loading into hidden pockets ... this one Item alone is SAVE £5.001 U.S.A. $12.001
worth the entire cost of the book. SPECIAL PRICE for all four Volumes if taken together at the same
+RICKY'S PERFECTED DOVE SEQUENCES. Tried and tested time, (a complete library of Dove Magic).
... beautiful dove magic. Price, £45.00, (U.S.A. $100,00).


Written by IAN ADAIR, this is a fully printed
■J book of some 86 pages. Illustrated with scores A printed book of 55 pages! Printed
of professional line drawings. Smart red, illustrated cover! Packed with photos
white, and black board covers. Art supple- (33) of them, illustrations (25) and
ments with photos of all the leading Dove- wonderful material which can help to
stars. make you an expert Card Manipulator.
pl TOP material from TOP Dove workers ... So ... you want to perform real ma-
gic ... stand centre-stage, reach up
and produce handfuls of cards from the si|
S3 U' a i'0!
________ I
Contents include:- Treating the cards, Back and Front Palming,
CY, and many others plus terrific material from Ian himself.
Repeat production of cards at the fingertips, Production of Fans
Each trick given is a PET one from the originators' own program- of Cards, Front of Hand Production, Feke Methods of Producing
mes. Prize-winning material that has won acclaim. Cards, Holders, Split Fans, etc.
Apart from the wonderful tricks given many valuable and hitherto NOT ONLY THAT! We are both proud and privileged to In-
jnpubllshed hints, tips, and "business" with doves is given. clude two extra special chapters.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). MERRY MANIPULATIONS by Stanley Watson. Tips and advice
A small tube and a piece of
from the well-known professional which will prove tr -aluable to
you and
rope. The tube is threaded onto and explains his own prize-winning Manipulation act. He goes
the rope and a handkerchief through It with you, showing you how you too can become a skll -
thrown over. A little manipul-
led manipulator.
ation and believe it or not the A book you'll enjoy reading ... which you'll LEARN FROM.
tube is naw genuinely tied onto Study it! Practice! and we promise that soon you'll be standing
the rope with a real knot. Spectators have to release their ends there acknowledging the plaudits of a delighted audience.
of the rope for the tube to be untied. A really cute and unusual Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
mystery. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
The picture tells the whole
of the story. A ribbon is placed
By Nick Trost. Performer holds a packet of {
cards. Top card - the Road Runner, is shown I
through the wallet, and cut, the and placed on bottom. "Beep Beep" and he ap- I
pears on top! This is done again and he's
8-v. |
cut ends are seen, magically

fZ7 7\"
the ribbon is restored. It's all
in the special wallet supplied.
back! The Road Runner is placed aside on
table, but again he appears back on top! AM?
Complete with ribbon and Everyone suspects more than one Road Run-
routine. ner and sure enough 4 Road Runners are shown!
Price, £2, (U.S.A. $5.00). ... but wait ... "Beep Beep Beep" and ALL 4
VANISH, leaving BLANK cards! Card laid
aside is turned up and it's that sly, old ...
SHARP SORCERY WILE E. COYOTE!! Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
By LES SHARPS. A Supreme Magic
Publication! With an introduction by Wm.
G. Stickland, M.B.E.
A member of the audience may be used,
Section 1 is on CARD EFFECTS. SEV- or you may use your own assistant. Body
EN TRICKS! - "Cards in Transit"; "Sym-
pathetic Cards"; 'The Changing Cards"; hl]
| Id
stocks are placed around the victim -
held in place with shoulder straps. A
"Following Suits"; "Divination"; "Tele- solid chrome plated metal tube Is shown,
pathic Card'!; "Hallucinating Card". fitted into a hole in the stocks and slowly
Great easy-to-work mysteries. forced through the girl’s body from the front and coming out at
Section 2 is on DOVE EFFECTS, some the back so that both ends of tube are in full view. For further
unusual and offbeat ideas. - 'That Top proof that the rod goes completely through the body, liquid is
Hat", ... you show a top hat, knock the introduced into the front of the tube and seen to flow out at the
bottom out of it, look through it and yet back. Tube is withdrawn, stocks removed and victim unharm-
still produce a dove or a load of silks! ed. Full secret method and drawings. Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1).
'Transistorised" - If you are looking for a new production, this
Is certainly it. RISING BALL
"Cage-a-Dove" - The vanish of a large die from a cage placed
A brightly coloured ball rises and
over it and its transformation to a live dove!
descends in a most uncanny manner,
"Framed Alive" - A clever combination of a Glass Penetration
answering questions, naming cards,
and a Dove Production; "Frames of Mystery", another offbeat
telling fortunes.
effect. "Les Sharps Dove Circus", a complete routine where
Apparatus consists of a wood base
doves see-saw, operate a wheel, slide down a Heiter Skelter ...
and rod, and a 3 inch plastic ball. All
and so on, giving the impression that they are highlj- trained;
examined and then assembled. No
"Milky Dove", is an offteat effect with a milk bottle and dove.
assistants required. The ball seem-
Section 3 is on MENTAL EFFECTS. "Royalty in Cards", a clever
ingly rises up the rod and goes down
mind-reading and publicity item; "The Mysterious Four"; "What
again of Its own accord. Very effective for platform, stage
Number"; "A Mental Card Effect"; 'Triple Prediction", a repu-
and with the terrific routine we supply it's WONDERFUL EN-
tation maker! TERTAINMENT with laughs and surprises all the way.
Section 4 MISCELLANEOUS and here are "Flora Silks"; "Rope-
Price, complete, ready to work, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
a-Sllk", (an unusual variation on the Odd-Rope routine, - three
ropes become the same length and THEN THE CENTRE ONE SUD-
"Les Sharps' Cylinder", almost an act in itself ... by IAN ADAIR
A playing card has a slot through
"The Basket of Flowers"; "Nancy The Sailor's Daughter”, (great
the centre, through which runs a rib-
for the children's entertainer) and finally "The Spectrum", an ef- bon. This is pulled back and forwards.
fect which has flash and mystery. The card is held in the hand, the rib-
All these effects between the 78 printed pages of one book. Cloth bon hanging down. Suddenly the card
bound, titled in gold on the spine; illustrated dust-jacket. rises out of the hand, FREE OF THE RIBBON! Immediately
SHARP SORCERY, Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). both the card and the ribbon can be closely examined.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Roy Baker’s
A heavy plaque with a large spot in
Phantom Faces
An entirely new departure for the

each corner. Two of the spots are popular Living and Dead - uncanny,
black and two white. The layout is subtle and easy to perform. Print-
duplicated on the reverse side. Spots ed papers have faces outlined. Spec-
travel about in a bewildering fashion tators gaze at them, filling in features
until the magician is caught cheating! from their imagination. Then they
Screams, Roars, Yells ensue. write the name of the person across
Finally there is a terrific twist to the paper. All are folded alike but you
the tall of the effect that gets a huge laugh. Good comedy, and instantly locate the "dead name" - and name it! How? Your
very good Magic. Packs flat. Ideal for Adults or Children. A audience will marvel. We guarantee the method will fool every-
riot of fun. Not a flap card. Comes complete with an excellent one, magi included, it's so clever. This is really good!
routine. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
SUH AND MOON A draped table Is placed in centre of floor. Girl
A delightful classle of conjuring that can stands on table and cloth pulled up over her. Sud-
create mystery and laughter and which denly the cloth Is flipped away and the girl has van-
can 'fill' the largest stage. ished.
Red and white squares of tissue are For a climax, performer rips front drape off from
shown and a circle is cut from each. table and all may see it is merely a thin unprepared
Bunched together the papers are immedi- table. This can easily be made up with our secret and plans.
ately opened out and restored but with the Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00)._____________
centres around the wrong way! The red
• paper has a white centre and the white 99 TIPS & GAGS
It had to come' A further collection of Tips and
a red one.
Gags - all different to ones in our publication "100
Papers are next burnt and from their ashes the papers are pro-
duced intact again.
In addition to this we give another presentation using a boy from
Tips and Gags".
MAKE 'EM LAUGH! Everyone wants a good laugh
the audience that can be a riot of fun. The boy cuts the papers today - and there's PIENTY of solid laughs packed
and is apparently responsible for the further mishaps, but all into this manuscript.
comes right in the end. You owe it to yourself and to your audiences not to
Papers we supply are correctly and perfectly made by hand. pass up this clever collection.
Enough for 10 shows, plus the full instructions and routines. Price complete, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
_________Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00)._______________________
The NIKOLA CARD SYSTEM A piece of paper is rolled into a tube
f’JNÄ *
' The famous Nikola Card System, first pub-
and fastened with rubber-bands. The
bottom end is closed with a paper plug.
A silk is laid over the open end of the
lished many years ago by Harry Leat, made quite an impact and
tube then pushed Inside with a wand,
was hailed as the PERFECT ARRANGEMENT FOR A SET-UP then that end too is plugged with a paper
DECK. wad.
That famous performer CLAUDE CHANDLER wrote to us en-
The magician holds the tube to his
dorsing the system and saying that, armed with a knowledge of
mouth and blows. Out fly the two paper
it, anyone could gain the reputation of being an expert with the plugs but, when the paper is unrolled,
pasteboards. the silk has VANISHED.
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY THE WORLD'S LEADING MA- That is the original effect. With the "Super Blow-Van" several
GICIALS - ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS are possible. For example, a white
Long out of print on purchasing Harry Leats business we de-
silk is pushed into the tube and both ends are plugged. When a
cided that the reprinting of this famous card system should be
I one of our first priorities and this book offset from the original child assistant from the audience blows through the tube, out
I is the result. comes the plugs and a BLUE sllk._ Obviously he "blue" too hard!
Practical magicians, as well as the serious student of magi.*, You get the Special gimmick, wand etc., and routines.
I will find much to interest them here. The System, many effects Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).

I with it, methods of exchanging one pack for another where this
I is necessary, - and so on. This is material you will USE.
A 72 page printed book, light board covers.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Four differently coloured plastic balls I] HI
are displayed resting on plastic tubes. '■Cjfll
Any spectator is invited to come forward ’»
SUPER LONG SAUSAGES . and merely think of any one of the col-
What a whale of a laugh this giant ours. Whilst the magician's back is turn-
string of sausages is! When produced gvs ed, (even whilst he is out of the room), J^iTljl J
from a spectator it always creates the chosen coloured ball is removed from w,
roars of unrestrained laughter and in- off its pedestal and shown to the audience,
credulous disbelief for there are FIF- then replaced exactly as previously. Magician comes back into
TEEN links, the whole string measur- the room, concentrates for a few moments and names the chosen
ing about 9 FOOT long when produced! colour! The trick can be REPEATED and everything can be close-
They fold into a compact load about ly examined. There is nothing for the audience to discover.
3J inches long and are complete with easy-to-release holder. Comes complete with several excellent routines, price,
Nothing to get rid of as the holder is "built-in". When folded £3.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
the appearance is that of a single link, making an absurd but
practical comedy notion possible.
As used by EDWIN in his kiddies programme. He produces the
fhree tricks in magic that you will
"single" sausage from the nose of his boy helper, then places enjoy doing. You pass a borrowed
this into the boy's pocket.
Throughout the show the boy is told to look after the sausage,
make sure he still has it, etc.
ring on to a loop of string which spec-
tator holds. You name a word from 7
a book - any book used. You locate
Finally the sausage is removed from the boy's pocket prior to a card selected from a regular deck.
dismissing him off-stage, and WHAT A SURPRISE when not ONE All easy to do! Each is a baffling
but FIFTEEN sausages are produced in a long string! The hot
doe has HAD PUPS'.! Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
effect in magic. Sealed Manuscript.
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).

Designed and produced exclusively
for Supreme Magic!

A fantastic range of novelty figures for

the ventriloquist who wants something
DIFFERENT. Wait a moment! You don't
even HAVE to be a ventriloquist to get
FUN with these crazy characters! You
can have them assist you with your
magic, to find a chosen card etc.
All the characters are beautifully made in
lovely fur fabrics, full size with large
mouth movement. THESE ARE CHARAC-

As these figures are hand-made we cannot guarantee

to always have them in stock.
At the moment we can supply ALL by return. We will
Vent Monkey
endeavour to maintain stocks.
Here's your opportunity to create your own ANIMAL - An orange ORANG-OUTANG! A
FARM with real, dimensional figures! Your own real mischievous looking ape who's full of japes!
SUPER-ZOO! Watch out or he will make a monkey out of you! A
We are not going to give these animals names. Every funny character you will enjoy using in your show,
he's always up to his Monkey tricks !
performer who buys one will want to name the pet of
his choice with the NAME of HIS choice. Price, (we pay the postage), £30( U.S.A. $80)

Vent Rabbit
- A delightful, lovable, wild-looking Vent Cat
character. A cute novelty for the ventriloquist or
magician. We sold the first model of this at a recent This is a top cat .... a cool cat .... a
convention, it was snapped up in TWO SECONDS crazy cat .... a hip cat .... Lots of fun for any ventrilo-
FLAT by an astute children's entertainer! If you quist with this beautiful figure with real personality!
want a real novel character, KEEPING IN LINE WITH Made from fur fabric. Big, Big, Big, but takes up little
THE MAGICAL THEME OF THE MAGICIAN’S PER- room in your case. A mischievous moggy just waiting
FORMANCE, then this is DEFINITELY for you. for you to own him I Don't miss this puss I
Price, (we pay the postage), £30 ( U.S.A. $80) Price, (we pay the postage), £30 ( U.S.A. $80 )
Hot on the heels of our cat comes - our -

Vent Dog
- Hot-diggitty I It's the most personable
canine creature you ever saw! Big mouth movement.
Scope for plenty of animation, action EXPRESSIVE
BY-PLAY. He's a dog with a pedigree, he's a Sooner.
WE'D sooner you bought him than we left him on
our shelves! He'd be happier and YOU’D be happier
too for putting such a priceless NOVELTY into your
Price, (we pay the postage), £30 (U.S.A. $80 )

Vent Tiger
- Timmy or Tommy or Tammy, you name
him (or her)! Another of those characters that will
get top rating in "Who's Zoo". Grrrrrrr-eat I
Price, (we pay the postage), £30 ( U.S.A. $80)

Vent Lion
Send all orders to — - The King of the Jungle and soon he will
THE SUPREME MAGIC COMPANY LIMITED be king of the hearts of the audiences which you
64, HIGH STREET, BIDEFORD, DEVON, entertain with him. A great caricature of a lion .hat
you will just love to work with.
Price, (we pay the postage), £30(U.S.A. $80 )


One of the best books ever written on the subject by Thread-lt
A pretty quickie, ideal for close-
E‘ fl 3 one of the most prolific authors in magic. Contains up work.
k J 9 chapters covering sleights, finger practice, moves Magician holds a piece of thread
with one or more thimbles, etc. Also color changes in his left hand. He reaches into
multiplications, vanishes, various routines, etc., 42 the air with his right hand, magic-
pages, dozens of illustrations. Price,'£2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). ally producing a thimble at the tip
of his finger. THIMBLE IS AN UN- I
HOLE RUNNING RIGHT THROUGH IT. He places his forefinger
Quick! Slick! An extra large with the thimble still In position into his left hand which Is form-
coloured thimble is shown on the ed into a fist around the thread. Immediately he opens his hand
fore-finger. Nothing concealed in and it is seen that the thimble Is, In fact, now threaded on to
the hands. Just one thimble. Hand the cotton!
Is waved in the air, suddenly a The effect can be worked in reverse as an unusual release ef-
coloured thimble changes to a white one. Repeat it and it changes fect, if desired.
back to a coloured one once more! Suddenly, ONE-TWO-THREE - the thimble comes free and
Thimble Dye is a startling piece of modern magic, beautifully everything can be examined!
moulded in plastic. Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).


When WERRY introduced his "FAN- A <•
ASTIC THIMBLES', their special •> Use any deck. Spec-
4 O
design opened up remarkable poss- tator spreads it out on
<> V V
the table face up. Any-
ibilities in the realms of manipulative
magic, especially when use of the one thinks of a card.
thimbles was combined with the usual Performer writes a prediction and places it on the table in full
* AWTASTIC Thimble Palms and moves. WERRY view, then person draws out card thought of and places predic-
ih k u u i
worked out a number of stunning tion on top of it. This is repeated with two more persons. And
routines, namely The Original Rout- when the predictions are opened up they correspond with the
ine; Thimble through Silk; Thimble cards thought of. No thumb writers, pocket writing or indices
Dye and Technlcolour Thimbles. ifsed. Everything is impromptu. Use their deck, their pencil,
KEN de COURCY with his unique flair their paper. In sealed manuscript form.
for developing clever effects spent Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
much time and thought producing his own originations, Push Thru -
Ken de Courcy's novel card mystery,
Pull Thru and Uncle Henry's Thimble Trick.
Astute Magicians were quick to see the tremendous possibilities
which is easy to prepare and to perform WANKS L
of these new Jumbo-sized Thimbles, and many acquired a consider-
and which uses no special apparatus. A
pack of cards Is examined ... shuffled, I
able reputation for thimble manipulation using them. In 1979,
nine cards removed. One of these cards
DEAN METCALFE won the Magic Circle's "Young Magician of the
is freely chosen (no force). A sheet of
Year" Award with an act which brilliantly featured the production
paper is displayed bearing different let-
of eight thimbles.
ters of the alphabet written on it.
'A FANTASY IN THIMBLES' teaches you ALL the different rout-
Tom up, the pieces magically arrange
ines. .. the Basic Moves, Techniques; all the effects we have men-
themselves to form the name of the chosen card’! Just when the
tioned including - DEAN METCALFE'S own 'Fantastic Thimble' audience think the trick is over the pieces magically say, "THANK
routine. YOU" for you! Cute! You get the full instructions in a neat type-
All Items described with that great clarity as only GANSON knows script booklet. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
how, and with no less than 55 (FIFTY-FIVE) photogaphs of the
effect actually being performed.
Every magician will derive tremendous enjoyment from reading THIMBLE HOLDERS
Each to hold four thimbles - sure fire
these great routines and, with the necessary thimbles, practising
and perfecting these gems of magical presentation. easy to operate.
Remember that no great amount of skill is needed when using the Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00).
specially moulded thimbles, for with a modicum sleight of hand and
no special holder, you are able to produce thimbles at the finger- The LIVING HEAD
tips. This unique TEACH-IN shows you how, patiently taking you Magician displays a fancy box, saying
through every aspect of this brilliant conception in magic.
A well-printed publication, uniform to other GANSON TEACH-INS. 4 j that it is the home of a young lady who
has no body. Box is placed on a slender
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). type of table. The door of the box is
opened, disclosing a head that is very
much alive. A dialogue is carried on
s pec .a l ! THIMBLE DEAL! between the magician and the head, etc.
We will supply you with the GANSON TEACH-IN plus TWO sets There does not seem to be any possi-
of FANTASTIC THIMBLES, plus one set of TECHNICOLOUR THIM- bility of concealing the body anywhere,
BLES, plus an extra set too. All you need to perform any of the as the audience have an unobstructed view
many effects detailed In the publication, TOGETHER for an AST- under the table at all times.
ONISHINGLY LOW PRICE... £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Workshop plans and instructions. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2).
RINGON Tutor of instructions by LEWIS GANSON.
A combination of the Massal Tube,
incorporating a dye tube; so you are
with NO PULL ... yes, read that again able to show a piece of paper to be
... you can do this in SHORT SLEEVES empty. Paper forms into a roll.
IF YOU LIKE. White silks pushed through the tube
TOMMY ROWE writes; "This was the magically become coloured. - And
hit of the Hastings Convention". get this, there are no fekes to pick
A borrowed ring secured in the hand up or dispose of, it's all self-con-
VANISHES and APPEARS VISIBLY tained in the tube.
amongst KEYS in a leather key case. You get the special papers, all gimmicked with a dye tube ready
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). to use. You use your own silks. Complete with instructions and
ideas. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
The title of this book may lead the
reader to believe that it deals with the
exploits of Dick Turpin. Far from it. POCKET TROUBLEWIT
Miniature siz.e. first popularised
The word 'Deliver' is used in its show- by Oscar Paulson, only 5' inches
business meaning, concerning the 'de- long and about % inch thick. Easy to
livery' of patter and business by the carry yet big enough for you to be
performer. able to use this as a 'stand up' item
AND WHAT A WONDERFUL COLLEC- *>/ for small dinner groups.
TION OF FIRST CLASS PATTER AND Comes without instructions or rou-
BUSINESS HAS BEEN PACKED INTO VWLAn OR£W$ tine. Oscar "topicalised" his pres-
THESE TWENTY ONE PAGES! Something for everyone! entation, making the various shapes and mls-naming these; and
It's a 'Show-business Special' and we'll eat our hats if you don't bringing into his patter various current affairs, etc.
find something to tickle your fancy! VALue by VAL! Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
_______ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)..__________________________ TROUBLEWIT ROUTINES by Ken de Courcy. As advertised
elsewhere. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
— Ansilk-ball-egg
astonishing amount of magic from simple
UNIQUE TROUBLEWIT ROUTINES. Price, £1.50, ($4.00).
SPECIAL OFFER! We will supply the 'Pocket Troublewit'
Il props! and both sets of routines for £6.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Jffi' The magician takes up a clear plastic tumbler
* GLASS! The silk Is removed from the tumbler
Help! This crazy spot is likely to
__ ; and tucked into the hand. When the hand is cause an epidemic - an epidemic of
opened, there's a white ball. LAUGHTER when you introduce this
Where is the missing silk? Magician reaches into his pocket and in your show!
withdraws it from there. First it's at the BOTTOM! then it's
Magician gives the ball a wave in the air, and it changes into an at the TOP of the large plaque (size
EGG. Yes, a REAL egg which can immediately be cracked into 12 in. x 4} in.) The spot is in FLU-
the tumbler! ORESCENT GREEN and jumps from
We supply the special heavy duty plastic tumbler, ball, etc. one end to the other! Just when the
Use your own silks and real egg. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). audience begin to wise-up - there it
goes again - AND NOW IT'S IN THE
RINK'S MIDDLE! Its poppin' gets them hoppin' - It's the new idea in

MAGIC FROM HOLLAND spot tricks! It's cute! It's clever! It's fantastic!
THEN THE SPOT TURNS TO RED and that puts a STOP to that!
A 'Unique" publication, all rights on
this great book were purchased by us. 1 How does it do it. We only know you'll say it's the greatest trick
for years. It's a trick that's got EVERYTHING! Comedy! Sur-
DUTCH MAGIC has captured the im- prise! AND'VISIBILITY!
agination of magicians the world over. Easy to do. You just CAN'T go wrong on this one, in any way-,
In recent years, their PERFORMERS
and creators have been OUTSTAND- SPOTS A-POPPIN' complete with those Crazy Spots and lots of
ING ... their names are attached to routines and ideas is a great trick for kids' or adult shows.
some of the Finest Magical creations Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
of our time.
We are therefore delighted to pre- EDDIE JOSEPH'S
sent this sumptuous volume ... LOADED with QUALITY MAGIC.
The contributors include the top "names" in Dutch Magic. RING TIE
FRED KAPS - PHOA YAN TIONG - EDDY TAYTELBAUM - A string is wound around a pencil a
PETER ORAN - CORVELLO - FRANZ BIEMANS - AVARA - number of times, a cigarette is added
CARDINI - HENK VERMEYDEN. All giving their BEST. and the string is wound around both the
Here is exclusive material in a great book. A volume you will pencil and cigarette.
TREASURE for all time. A borrowed ring is threaded on to the
MAGIC to HIT an audience RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES!!'. string and a knot tied. Spectator holds
YES! ... It's mainly CLOSE-UP - INTIMATE MAGIC. the pencil - the string penetrates the
SIXTY SUPERB ROUTINES - 256 pages - Nicely printed - Hun- pencil the cigarette is cut In halves and
dreds of illustrations - Beautifully bound - Gold spine-title - the ring is tied securely to the string.
Hlustrated Dust Jacket. You can see it done a dozen times and you'll never do It until
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). you have the secret. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Picture of a saucy pin-up in
QJei 0
A clever little trick with a few playing
cards, three red ones and a black. With-
out exchanges, the cards are flicked out
a special stage-size book cov- and found to have CHANGED and you now
er. Reach between the pages of hold THREE BLACK CARDS AND A RED!
the book and remove a minia- If desired, the cards can be placed into
ture bra and panties. Surprise an envelope prior the change and the trick
when the book is opened up and presented as a "Test of Memory". At the
the young lady now holds a end the envelope is torn up.
towel in front of her! Regular sized cards, self-contained, easy to do.
Close the book and reach un- Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
der the cover and pull out the
Now when the book is opened,
It is always a pleasure to perform
a bird of a different kind ap- magic with top-class apparatus, for
pears ... A REAL LIVE DOVE! A smashing surprise finish. not only is it a joy to handle but its
Self-contained. If you like, you can produce a comedy rubber superior appearance elevates the
plucked chicken from the book! Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. status of the magician who uses it.
$30.00). Superbly made by a Master Crafts-
man, this set of three matching Coin
SUPERBA DOVE BAG Boxes consists of:-
This beautifully made bag is for the 1. A regular OKITO BOX, - with it
production of a LIVE DOVE, but it you can perform all the Okito Box
will also be found effective for the pro- moves, penetrations, vanishes etc.
duction of live mice, rats or silks. It has a raised base which not only facilitates easy reversal but
To prove the bag's complete empti- also allows the box to hold four 10p. pieces to match the number
ness , you open the zipper bottom and held by the Boston Box ... yes, that's the SECOND piece of ap-
thrust your arm right through! paratus.
The bag is closed and immediately 2. BOSTON COIN BOX, - a box which looks exactly like the
the Dove is produced. The bag is Okito Box but has a recess in the base to hold a 10p. (or similar
self-contained and there is no "load- coin). When used without its lid, this box becomes a GERMAN
ing". It's ail "in the bag". BOX, (sometimes known as the 'Coin Cap' or 'Foxy Coin Vanish-
This is the bag that POZ uses as a CHANGING BAG in his chil- er').
drens programme and which is so highly recommended by him in Finally, for a real laugh finish, there is the ...
his book and at his lectures. 3. SOLID BOX, - although the appearance is the same as the
Bag is made from nice material, and with zip fastener bottom. other two boxes, it is actually made from a solid piece of metal!
Effective in appearance and, whether you use livestock or not, a When secretly 'switched in' for one of the other boxes, a spec-
useful prop, productive of some beautiful effect, and which any tator is certainly in for a surprise when he picks it up for exam-
magician can use to good effect to produce some STUNNING MA- ination!
GIC. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). _________________ All the boxes are made in brass - Each box has its own cap -
K L EVE R KA RDOver c*ever methods and systems of and these can be used on their own for several fine effects.
So it will be seen that as the three boxes match each other, they
transmission between performer and me-
KODES dium clearly explained and illustrated
can be used independently OR one box can be secretly switched
for another.
with charts and diagrams. A minimum
Additionally, the Okito and Boston Boxes can be used together
amount of effort on the part of both mem-
... coins vanishing from one and appearing in the other box, etc.
.'«KJ'bers of the mental team is required as the
The number of effects possible with this set would fill Vblumes.
jC^signalling is done by natural movements
In the special instructions which have been compiled for 'Su-
or spoken instructions. No mentalist can afford to miss this preme' by LEWIS GANSON, we give you many. Methods of hand-
book. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). ling the boxes, different effects with them ... vanishes, pene-
trations , coins from hand to hand ... effect with the three brass
"Do it yourself" - Full plans for making - caps etc.
The American ROLON TABLE. These exclusive instructions are in printed form and come with
You can carry your act to your next date reproductions of 17 clear photographs.
and set up right in front of the audience. This set of boxes WITH the routines comprises an excellent
Your props may be pre-set at home. In "buy" and one which is thoroughly recommended.
fact, the audience will marvel at the sim- Price, complete, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
plicity of your setting up. The case becomes
the table for the act and the table becomes
the case for your exit. Use it as the final
Four cards; 3 are blank, one has a picture
effect for a walk off to a big hand! How? With ROLON. LESS of a clock. Clock card is put on the table:
THAN THIRTY SECONDS TO SET UP AND BE READY TO GO! Blanks go behind your back. By tapping the
This manuscript shows you how you can make your own Rolon tabled card, the clock vanishes from that
Table at little cost. Detailed measurements, list of materials, card and re-appears with the other cards.
etc., and full instructions for making and assembling are Do it again, with two blank cards and the
given. You'll have a smart and exclusive table-case that will clock.
prove a boon to you, and which will save you time and money. The third time, the spectator tries it, but it all goes wrong - he
Price, plans only, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). must have hit it too hard, for the clock is now shattered and broken!
Easy-to-do. Cards can be handed out for examination at the end
Creme de la Creme- MagicSUPREME of the routine! Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).

Magi deals five cards to as many Magi passes a rope completely around his
spectators who want to take part, then body and permits spectators to tie a number
slowly one card is reversed and placed y of genuine knots. Magi holds each end of
on the bottom of stack. THEY ALL DO ' rope, or spectators may do this. They pull
IT. Second card is now reversed, and the rope, penetrating the body of the Per-
placed on bottom. THEY ALL DO IT. former and leaving the loop and knots intact.
Third card is reversed and placed Can be repeated!
nd so on. Magi shows his cards all face the one way, SPECTAT-
On slips of paper spectators write living names
RS' CARDS DO NOT. Yet they follow every move. Try it again;
and one a "dead" name. Slips are dropped into
e results are the same, you’ll have plenty of fun with this one.
a hat or bowl and Magi passes them one at a time
is easy when you knew how.
through the flame of a candle. Suddenly magician
Illustrated instructions. Use any pack of cards.
declares one of the slips is the "dead" one, then
without opening, unfolding or glimpsing at the
slip he dramatically reveals the "dead" name.
Two packs of cards are used, Slip is passed to spectator who is suprised to find that imposed in
2d and blue backs respectively large letters over the name of the individual appears the word
ach pack freely shown back DEAD. (NO chemicals used!)
id front, ten cards placed In
le empty blue card case, and ten blue back cards in the empty red ABBOTT'S SILK AND PLATE
ird case. The Magi commands a change. Spectator is asked to The best and easiest method for performing this classic trick. A
2 move the cards from cases, and to his amazement the red back shown empty soup plate Is inverted on a folded newspaper. A silk
irds are in the red case and the blue back cards in the blue case, is vanished and appears underneath the plate. No special plate is
e fake cards, nothing added, nothing taken away, no skill. Just used. A spectator can lift the plate to find the silk underneath.
•o ordinary packs.
NO. 3 "CERTAIN" CARD TRICK "THREE INTERESTING TRICKS". We supply illustrated instructions
Magician calls for a pack of cards, enabling you to perform all three of these fine tricks.
any pack. Magi asks spectator to cut Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).

and shuffle the cards. Another spec-
tator merely peeks at one card and re-
places it back in the pack. He is now by LEWIS GAN SON
vited to cut the cards as many times as he wishes. When the pack t, Lewis' routine consists of FOUR EFFECTS
thoroughly mixed to everyone's satisfaction, spectator is asked all performed with a regular length of rope
place the cards face down upon the table. and a SOLID METAL RING, (both supplied).
NOTE HOW THE IMPOSSIBLE IS ACCOMPLISHED. During the unusual presentation, the mag-
Magi simply asks one question and immediately he names the ician explains that most conjurers do their
losen card, passing it to the spectator who selected it! dirty work whilst talking.
And it's easy. No skill - not a move. No cards supplied. For this reason he has devised something in which only three dif-
ALL of the above THREE SENSATIONAL CARD MYSTERIES in ferent words are used.
>aled manuscript form. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). As you Show the Rope and Ring, explaining these three different
words... 'Not on' or 'On' the changes occur.
MAGICIAN’S WASH DAY Finally, there is a laugh finish when the Ring is 'knotted on!’

Li If you are looking for something new (And it really is!)

ALL FOUR EFFECTS ARE EASY TO DO and Lewis has routined
... a complete Act, Here it is! The
them together into a GREAT SEQUENCE, clearly explained with
$ routine makes use of -standard equipment
such as egg bag, dye tube, laundry ticket,
If you already have the Rope and Ring you can buy the PRINTED
rope, etc., etc.
An extremely novel effect that comes ROUTINE ON ITS OWN, or we can supply you with the COMPLETE
to you in M.S. form including patter for each effect. OUTFIT.
Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00). ____________________ Price, 8 page booklet only, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

EDWIN'S RED ROPES WHITE MAGIC Complete outfit; booklet, plated metal ring (the correct size and
—rThree red ropes are counted singly. weight) and length of bound rope.
Two are placed to one side, the re- Price, £5,50, (U.S.A. $13.00).____________
»*7e maining red rope is pulled through the
hands and it changes to a white. White LOADED DICE
s. rope is now vanished. Where is it? Sold strictly for Amusement only. Useful
S Yes, that's right, it's tied between the in magic when you want to force a number,
two red ones. Something different in for a book test etc. Dice is loaded and al-
rope magic. Easy do. Each rope is 2 ft. long and has a large ways stops rolling at six. Also included is &
firm white knot tied at each end. A Colour Change and 20th a duplicate unfeked die so that you can do
Century all rolled into one. Price, complete, £5.50, (U.S.A. a switch and have the die examined. Price, set of two dice,
$14.00), £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).“
NOT a long routine, not a trick
with a Punch climax, but a delight-
ful quickie with a terrific shout-
ing gag thrown in! This is not a 'slick trick’. It has all the
Two x 191 inch cards. Each appearance of a genuine test of Extra Sensory
Perception, carried out under test conditions, I
card shows a picture of a smart
soldier. One of the cards has a you merely seem to supervise to ensure that
regular Playing-card sort of a instructions are properly carried out, so that spectators involved
back designed. The other has a T^pa t het ic do not cheat in any way.
picture of a sentry box on the
back. In a most mysteriously
So l dier s In spite of all this, you are able to control the final outcome of the
test in the simplest and most natural way, for 'The Test' is really
magical way one of the soldiers a trick!
turns over and is now standing on his head! And in sympathy the You are able to prove that the spectators have intuitional powers
picture of the soldier you are holding in your hands turns over or not, as you wish!
too! One moment the soldier is right way up, the next moment The spectators merely follow the printed instructions which they
the soldier has turned over. are given. We supply you with these instructions etc., plus the
Now follows a real hilarious bit as you attempt to turn the packet of E.S.P. cards and the secret instructions.
soldier card in your hands upright - BUT YOU CAN'T! Every- Pi’ice, complete, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
time you turn the card around the soldier boy is STILL SEEN
TO BE STANDING ON HIS HEAD! For children's shows you
pretend not to notice this and the fun waxes fast and furious.
A gimmicked card which
Finally it occurs to you WHY you cannot turn the soldier up- enables you to perform six
right. His twin is still upside down on the table. Put that sold- k>_ novel effects. Blue Geometri-
ier right and wham! The soldier in your hands instantly becomes cal design back but can be
upright too! "Aren't they clever soldiers!" says the magician. stuck onto the face of any card to match up with your own
"Let's give them a big round of applause. " pack. You get the gimmicked card and. two pages of de-
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). tailed instructions telling you how to perform all the tricks.
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Five design cards. One is placed JUMBO OUT OF THIS UNIVERSE
This is the trick you have seen FRED
to one side. The remaining four are
CASTLE work. It's great, 'Out of
mixed up. Four spectators each look
this World' using Jumbo cards. No
at one of the designs, these are con- stooges, no set-ups. The spectator
stantly being mixed. Amazingly all
succeeds in separating all the reds from all the blacks. Spe-
spectators have thought of the same
cial Jumbo cards and the routine, price £5.50, (U.S.A. $14).
design. Wait a minute when the four
cards are turned and shown the design
they thought they saw isn't even there. THREE STROKE BALL PRODUCTION
It is the one which you placed to one
side at the commencement! Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). A single ball, held at the
fingertips. Suddenly with just
TIGER LADY a shaking movement of the v A
Three SUPER-GIANT cards, size 12 hand you are holding three
inches x 10 inches, two depicting fierce- balls between the fingers) Supreme
looking TIGERS, the third a glamorous You'll have to practise this Exclusive I
young lady sitting astride another of the I
one, but it's worth it. With two sets you can have three balls in
beasts. As the story unfolds the limer- each hand. The balls can be dropped singly into a hat.

ick is recited:- Price for Three Stroke Ball Production, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00).
"A smiling young lady of Riga, I Price, for Two sets, for DOUBLE effect, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Once went for a ride on a Tiger!
They came back from the ride A pocket mystery wherein a bold
With the lady inside black spot on a card freely jumps
And the smile on the face of the Tiger!" up and down from one position to
Suddenly the lady IS seen to have VANISHED from off the
Tiger and the ending is surprising and funny when she is real-
ly found to be inside it!
2 7 another! First it's on the bottom
edge of the card, next it's on the
top! It even jumps to the centre!
•IF you want a trick which both amuses and amazes get
'TIGER LADY". It's a big laugh! {/
When the audience demand that
y°u should 'turn the card around'
Cards are in five colours. Complete with fuH patter-routine. they get a big surprise for a red spot appears!!!!!
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). Price, complete, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Three coloured ribbons, attached to pins.
MIRACLE MATCH R ibbons can be examined and given to any
Sam Dalal's clever effect with spectator who places any one of them into WE
w 0+^0 wallets and E.S.P. cards. Cards
are mixed and placed into the wal-
your hand behind your back. The magician
is instantly able to tell him the colour of
a lets. Strange to say, the cross the ribbon he is holding.
has been placed into the wallet Do it again and again! A clever little
marked with a cross, the star into one marked with a star, etc. pocket perplexer.
Five out of five! Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). Complete, Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
'Sparkle Ball” Outfit TELO- RABBITS
Specially inported, these balls Three cute plastic rabbits, eacn a different
’four) plus a flocklined shell, colour. Spectator examines them, then drops
jlus a special set of four half them into your hand behind your back,
□alls for the climax make for a instantly you are able to produce any colour
really stunning presentation. rabbit called for. Do it again and again!
The balls scintillate and spar- Rabbits are not marked in any way.
kle, showing silver. In a vari- Comes complete with rabbits and hill ins-
coloured light, they are aqua- tructions. Price. £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
marine. With a red light they
look like rubies. The brightness of the balls is dazzling to any aud- SPRING MARROW Oh, what a beauty!
About 4" in diameter
ience. and 12" long; a great
When you reach the Multiplication of four balls, because an extra
comedy production
ball is provided, you are able to load this into the shell and show the item.
balls on both sides. Shell has a plated border, even when you turn Folds completely flat
your hand it cannot be easily seen. You can produce this giant marrow from a gardening book! Easily
The "Ball Climax" is a special gimmick fastened together with loadable onto a spectator for you to produce from his pocket.
flesh-coloured plastic. The whole unit represents a diplicate four Made from top-quality material, green and yellow, striped, just
balls when held in the other hand. Price, £18.50, (U.S.A. $40.00). like the real thing!
Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $12.00).


Should you require the set of balls and shell only, (without the-
Three cards are shown, and a spectator is *:
"Ball Climax" gimmick) we can supply -
requested to remember the centre card. Cards
Complete with Instructions - 4 balls and the shell,
are then laid out on a table.
Price, £10.00, (U.S.A. $25.00).
To make this little trick the laugh-getter it is,
have your victim place a little bet on the ident-
THE SECRET MOVE ity of the centre card. You offer him good odds ... A Found note
Six cards are shown. Five cards are play- to a Penny. He places his penny on the centre card, you show the
ing-cards of the same suit and value ... the two others as the Indifferent ones and then get him to turn the cen-
sixth one is a blank. After a short "Find tre one over. IS HE SURPRISED for now, Instead of the card he
the Blank" sequence, the cards CHANGE to saw it's a plain printed one which reads "THANKS FOR THE PEN-
FIVE BLANKS and ONE regular card!! NT'. Price, £U.7b, (U.S.A. $2.1)0).
How's it done? Just the cards and a SE-
CRET MOVE. This 'move' is fully descri- , IAN ADAIR'S PEEPING TOM
bed by KEN DE COURCY. What is Peeping Tom? Why, it's just a
You get the special cards, instructions and patter.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Fo red-backed playing card with a corner
cut from it. Here's how you use it.
A spectator shuffles a blue-backed pack,
An exciting vanish of a borroweo marked doesn't matter.
it can be a borrowed deck if you wish, it

10p piece or similar coin. Not the old The red-backed card is inserted in reverse amongst the blue-back-
idea. Constructed in a novel manner to ed cards, yet strange to say, the magician has predicted the very
secretly deliver the coin into your hand. point of insertion into the spread, naming the card located by Peep-
Handkerchief is shown on both sides and ing Tom!
a borrowed coin fairly placed in the cen- But wait a moment, - there's more to come! For when a spectator
tre. Hands are seen to be empty. A again checks the cards, the chosen one has vanished.
spectator can hold the coin. At anytime Yep! No moves or sleights, yet the chosen card has gone.
you can show the coins envanishment and What's in that wallet which is lying on the table and has been there
produce the SAME borrowed coin from since the commencement of the effect? Yes, that's right. When it's
the centre of an apple, a bread roll or opened-up, there's the missing card inside it.
what have you! A complete routine is We supply the Peeping Tom card, a red-backed card which can be
given! examined, PLUS instructions, routines and ideas.
A really novel piece of apparatus which can be used under any Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5,00).__________
conditions. Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00).
pav h l s s il k CONE
Magician teaches into the air and pro-
A sheet of newspaper is formed into a
cone and the bottom torn off. A red silk
duces a sock. "Now for some real rna- is placed into the cone and pulled half-
Z gic", he says. "I will turn the single way through. Another silk is placed on
sock into a pair." He waves the sock up the top. When the first silk is pulled V
• and down until it disappears into the hand. out, the second silk is now tied onto it!
This effect is repeated with a third silk.
When the hand is opened, there indeed is
a pair ... a DELICIOUS, JUICY-LOOK1NG 'THE THREE SILKS enter singly and come
PEAR OF THE FRUIT VARIETY! out tied together and the newspaper is
shown empty.
We supply all you need! The sock! The Special Pear and
Comes without silks. You can use your own 12 inch silks or
our routine, including a novelty 'follow-up1. Price, £4.00,
(U.S.A. .110.00). __________ _ ribbons. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
'ffS / A novel Window-envelope switch, Stop - A - Card
credit for which must go to ERIC Five small playing cards
WILLIAMS and its simplicity and and a five compartment wood-
apparent open-handedness will delight en holder. One card is free-
you. ly selected and we mean that.
The well-made envelope we supply The cards are placed into
112 is a large one, and made to take
Jumbo cards. A card is slid inside,
the holder in any order the
spectator wishes. The spectator takes the holder, concentrates on
and the back is clearly visible through the card and tips the cards out of the holder. Strange ... one card
the cut-out window in the decorated front... BUT... the card has remains behind. Try as he may the spectator cannot shake the card
now been switched and whereas it was previously plain it can now from the holder! You remove it and show it ... it's the chosen one.
bear a SAUCY MESSAGE, or the NAME OF A CHOSEN CARD or a Complete with holder and Corvelo's own routine.
CHOSEN PICTURE. The routines we give with this prop are excep- Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
tionally good and whether you entertain Children or Adults, whether
you are a serious performer or a Comedy merchant you will find SUPREME
something to delight you. Ideas that can be easily built into feature
presentations. Can also be used to enhance many effects you already
Folds ttat but opens up into a cauliflower
perform, "4 Aces", etc. Price. £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). about 5" in diameter, green leaves and with
a white cauliflower centre.
"NET-EGG" You produce this from a hat. "Obviously",
Prodnced by Supreme Magic many years ago. you say, "the hat belonged to a boxer because
Copied but unequalled! there's a cauliflower 'ere!"
A scintillating new version of a grand old Use it during a flower production. Explain that you can produce
favourite. An Egg Bag with a difference for any sort of flowers, then a stooge calls for a cauliflower.. .that's
it has a complete NET FRONT! just what you produce! Great!
Without cover of any kind, an egg suddenly Supreme Spring Cauliflower is made with good quality springs,
appears In the bag! cloth covered and painted.
The egg is removed from the bag - but it van- Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
ishes! The hand doesn’t even have to enter the
bag, the egg can be merely tipped from it.
Later the egg appears back in the bag again, or UPER WHACKO WAND
Johnny Geddes gave us this loea
it can appear in your pocket. years ago.
With THIS bag you can go on producing eggs all night if you wish. It's a super-long (25"), super giant
Not one or two, but DOZENS of eggs can be produced! (9" around) wand. A real monster!
Scores of possibilities - eggs can change colour - change to lemons Great when used for fun any time
or comedy chicken. you have a child on-stage. Give the
Nothing to load into the bag. No skill or sleight. child an opera hat to wear then whack
Comes complete with eggs and full routines. him on the head with the giant wand!
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). It looks painful .. it sounds painful

By Sam Dalal. Tne principle detaueu in
.. but it won't hurt the lad at all - in
fact he'll be so surprised we guaran-
tee his reaction will be to join in with the laughter.
this unusual book is new to most magicians.
Will give years of wear!
Now the mysteries and mechanics of 'Sound We supply you with a cloth cover, black with white tips You only
Mentalism' are laid bare before you. More have to insert a rolled-up piece of corrugated into it to fill it and
versatile than a 'Swami Gimmick'! Surer
turn it into a replica of a wand.
than pencil or lip-reading! A principle
5am With each wand we give you 14 (FOURTEEN) different gags and
Dalal which can be built into an act to fool the
stunts - ideas to add PEP to any programme.
finest brains. Price, £5.00,(U.S.A. $14.00).
Geometrical designs, words, numbers, etc., are written on a
board or a slate. Performer may be blindfolded during this. All LEWIS GANSON'S
the writing is erased. With a little concentration, the performer
can correctly reproduce what the spectator wrote! No stooges. No
For an IMPROMPTU close-up i
coding. would be difficult to find a more EFFEC-
The magic detailed in this nicely printed book approaches true TIVE ROUTINE than the "Sympathetic
mind-reading. It will enable you to present the kind of mental mys- Discs".
teries that you have always dreamed of performing. The effect is that four discs, each hav-
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). ing a different coloured centre, placed
one at each corner of a handkerchief
and covered alternately with two squares
SURE-GRIP CARD CLIP of card ... pass separately until all
One of our most useful accessory items. A four are under one card.
clip that will hold single cards, or a fan of THE PERFECT POCKET TRICK ...
cards, sponge balls, treasury notes, even QUITE EASY TO DO.
a wineglass full of liquid (no cover required) This New LEWIS GANSON routine is fully illustrated. The Brass
safely on your body until required. Complete Discs are precision made ... have specially milled edges ... their
with illustrated instructions. centres are in coloured plastic. Complete and ready to work right
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00). away. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
A great new twist on the Made from nylon ioam and an excellent gag. Folds
Linking Rope routine by Edwin up small. Complete with ideas.
to give you a brand new cli- Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
max and an applause cue!
Six circles of rope are
shown and counted separately.
Three are given to a specta-
tor to hold. You show that your three rope rings are distinct-
ly separate. Suddenly they join into one long chain!
The spectator blows on the three ropes he is holding and
Wham! he is holding a LARGE CIRCLE OF ROPE consisting of A packet of tea forms the date of a chosen coin. No adhesives on
the three ropes all tied together! the plate. We supply you with the tea packet. You use your own
Magician takes the giant circle of rope and Surprise! Now tea and any white plate or saucer.
two of the knots have disappeared and he is holding one long Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
single rope tied in a circle.
The ends are untied and the rope tugged between the hands It's the PERFECT 'Stretching a
it can even be examined. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Rope' trick with all the snags
that appear in other methods

CRAZY PACK ironed out and completely re-

moved. Now you can perform {3
Crazy Pack is a pack full of laughs. the trick ANYWHERE, and at

Magician shuffles the deck and has one ANYTIME in your show. Per-
chosen. The audience think he must be form it easily and cleanly to
some form of 'nut', instead of naming make your audience gasp with
the card he describes the back of it.
There's a big surprise when the backs of
the cards are shown, for these are all
Anytime just take up a short
piece of rope, only a few inches
different. long, or pull it from your pocket. Without any ado tne rope
YES A COMPLETE PACK OF FIFTY- is pulled between the hands and it begins to grow - 12 inches
TWO CARDS AND EVERY CARD HAS A - 24 inches - 3 feet! Hands are freely shown during die
DIFFERENT PICTORIAL OR DESIGN stretching. Nothing could be fairer than this. And still the
BACK. 'Stretchability' of the rope is proven, as it continues to grow,
In addition to KEN MILLER'S original routine, we give you Edwin': 2 yards, five yards approx. TEN YARDS. This is real VISUAL
CRAZY TWINS, plus a SUPER SIMPLE method and routine by that magic. The audience actually see the rope stretching longer
great magical writer, inventor, performer, KEN DE COURCY. and longer until it is lying in a large coil over the floor. And
IT'S ALL HERE! The special pack of cards AND ALL the routines. in this method you finish 'clean'. Nothing to dispose of! You
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). start off with one piece of rope and you end up that way. The
only difference between it is about 291 feet!
If you've ever felt that you would like to include this won-
RING RELEASE / derful trick in your show, here's your chance. It's a wonder-
A coloured wooden ring 2\ inches in diameter

ful effect that appears truly magical and is one of the biggest
is threaded onto a long shoe string and two novelties in Rope magic ever to come out.
spectators hold the ends. Price complete (including rope), £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
The ring is covered with a handkerchief
and a moment later when you reach under-
neath it is free from the lace. Your hands fi''- ULTRA A new streamlined gimmick for hold-
ing a single ball ... any size ... under
are shown otherwise empty. :
There are no "twists" or tricky ties - and oh yes, we forgot to
BALL HOLDER the jacket ... under the lapel ... any-
mention, everything can be examined. a where required. Ball is really safely
held until required when it can be
cleanly and easily produced. Gimmick is
An unfaked paper bag, the ring, the lace, all are examined. The after use. No springs to rust or weak-
lace is threaded through the bag and the ends tied, then the ring en. Price per gimmick £1.50 (U.S.A.$4.).
is dropped inside. The bag is torn away and believe it or not the
ring is threaded onto the tied lace!
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). Profusion-Illusion
Two folding tubes, one has a clear IIIIP77
plastic front. First the inner tube is
A full deck of cards which shown empty and then silks appear in
can be shuffled, riffled through,
it. Then the clear-fronted one is
shown all different. When a
shown and VISUALLY silks APPEAR «
spectator cuts the cards he un-
failingly cuts at the card you I "R inside that also. Tubes are nested
together and further silks appear.
wish to force on him! Four
spectators may each cut the Finally, a full half-pint glass of milk
deck - they get the four Aces! |
Price, without silks, £12.00,
Many effects are possible. You’ get the special deck of cards
I (U.S.A. $25.00).
and full instructions. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Variations on an E.S.P. Theme
Everyone these days seem to be interested
produce this one! A hand of cards CHANGES and RUSSE LL HALL has assembled a series of
becomes the CRAZIEST ROYAL FLUSH YOU'LL interesting tests.
EVER SEE. The effects include "Symbol Synchronicity"
Call It 'Polish' Poker or adapt the patter slightly ... one symbol is freely arrived at from a
and call it 'IRISH' Poker. This novelty in card and pocket magic mixed set; two more are arrived at by elim-
is great ENTERTAINMENT. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). ination, then finally two, and only two, sym-
bols coincide in the two piles. Amazingly all the symbols match
■‘YOUR TIME - MY TIME” the one originally chosen!
Unusual platform mental effect. Two "The Rhine Reaction". The words 'Rhine', (denoting Dr. J.B.
plaques, - one plaque shows a YELLOW Rhine who carried out research into E.S. P. at Duke University)
clock, the other plaque shows a RED one. and the word 'Duke' results In two symbols matching!
You set the hand on your clock at a certain "Zenner Mate". Cards are dealt and discarded until one card
time. Spectator freely chooses any time for remains. The final card matches the chosen one!
you to set his clock and the two match. "E.S.P. Topper", - amazingly a number of cards turn up to
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). match the chosen symbol!
"E.S.P. Round-Up". Another stunning effect!
CHANDU S MAGICAL VARIETIES "Down-Under Divination". Spectators assist in this unusual
if you are looking for something different
cumin in the way of club and stage magic then you
- two effects using a little known principle.
YXRimiS much to your liking. Each magical effect and
Great too to be used in conjunction with "THE TEST", the
cards supplied with this are ideal for the various effects pre-
all apparatus is described in detail, and supple-
sented in this neatly printed booklet.
mented with 13 full pages of illustrations by
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
—I Micky Hades. Price 23.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).______
ffitfnflMROjniE noir* Performer shows two regular-sized playing
An all-wooden model of a television set:
any deck of cards. A card is chosen then KLIP cards. Each card has a matching small card
clipped to it with a paper clip. Each pair is
shuffled back in the pack which is placed in
the set so that any one card shows in the cut-
out screen. Magician waves his hand over
JOINT turned face down then the small cards ex-
changed so the pairs no longer match. After
a "mystic pass" the cards are turned up and once again the small
the set, and the chosen card appears! cards match the regular ones'. The effect is repeated.
Everything examined. Novel magic. Complete. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).


Unbelievably small tor the production
of a girl, and it breaks down so small An intriguing routine that you can work MS8H
it can be carried under your arm. without sleights or skill!! \
The illusory part is 100 per cent. Use any three plastic or cardboard beak-
Perfect - so much so that here is one ers, or metal cups, and a few sheets of
Doll's House that can be worked close- different coloured tissue paper. / \
up. Famous Magician - Author - Reviewer
Sid Lorraine had this to say in his inform-\ j
The House is shown empty, door
ative TOPS Column. \\ /
closed and then the roof bursts open
’•to and up pops a beautiful girl complete- "TRIPLE COLOUR CUPS AND BALLS"
ly filling the house. by Leo Leslie, is an 8 page printed book-
el Workshop Plans. let edited and illustrated by Ken de Courcy. The routine is
simple and colourful. Balls created from crumpled tissue paper
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
act in a magical manner. They penetrate one, two or three at a
time and finally all land under one cup. There are no sleights,
MIRROR TUBE it is self-working and with each tissue ball being a different col-
Tremendous impact has been added to the cups and balls by the
Here Is a handy accessory. Solid perspex tube
introduction of COLOUR. The whole routine ' LIVES' and we know
8 inches high by 2i inches diameter, with a band
that you'll enjoy presenting it ", Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
of decorative material at the top and bottom, and
it's a 'Mirror Tube'.
Mirror is made from heavy unbreakable plastic.
The tube can be used for vanishing silks, pro-
Incorporated into the real leather wal-
ducing silks, 20th. Century Silks, Colour Change, let is a pad of paper. Spectators write
Blendo silks, etc., etc. numbers on the pad. Someone else adds
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). them together. Strange to say you, the
MIRROR TUBE EXTRA LARGE. About twice magician, have previously predicted the
the size of our regular Mirror Tube. Price, total!!!! A simple idea, but a clever
one! Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
£17.50, (U.S.A. $50.00).
These tanks are the best obtainable and will hold
A good novelty close-up effect complete with
the cigarettes safely. routine.
The continual production of lit cigarettes during
your act can become quite a high spot, adding con- Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
tinuity and humour.
Price, Tank for TWO cigarettes ... £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00). AFTER DINNER TECHNIQUE

Tank for FOUR cigarettes ... £5. 50, (U.S.A. $13.00). Although written as a book,
Tank for FIVE cigarettes ... £6. 50, (U.S. A. $15.00). "After-Dinner Technique" first
appeared in serial-form in Good-

THE HINDU GAMING SHELLS liffe’s "Abracadabra".

It was the first book ever to
r~ EDDIE JOSEPH was one of Ma-
k S'" be written on this difficult branch

0 gic's most prolific writers and in-
ventors. Here is his Classic Publi-
of magic and received world-wide
d) cation, together with a set of gen-
uine Hindu Gaming Shells. These
Unlike most other forms of entertainment, little has chan-
fj ged in after-dinner work. It is still one of the most difficult
sea shells are used in India in games areas in which to work magic successfully. This book gives
<S) a
of chance instead of regular dice. you the techniques Ken de Courcy accumulated and used dur-
Eddie Joseph long utilised the ing many years of specialisation in this field.
Hindu Gaming Shells to produce This is a HOW-TO-DO-1T book that, if you're working in
some startling MAGICAL EFFECTS the after-dinner circus, tells you the problems AND gives you
and here they are fully detailed in eight printed illustrated the answers in 64 well-illustrated pages.
pages. The illustrations are by KEN de COURCY, and are Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
between an illustrated light board cover in book form.
'The Silent Call', 'Mystic Twenty', 'The Coin and the Shell',
Two ribbons and an invisible one. There’s a good
'Hypnotising a Matchbox', 'Burning Water', etc., etc.
gag. Finally the invisible ribbon becomes visible.
THERE'S A LOT MORE ... FIFTEEN exciting effects; 3-
twenty-seven illustrations, all this plus, with each one of Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
these books, remember we give you, free, a COMPLETE SET
OF GAMING SHELLS. Their very appearance is unusual,

bizarre and attention-getting, and we know you will derive
endless fun and create amazement and amusement by the use
The symbol of the Magician, a White Rabbit sitting
of these most unusual of conjuring accessories from the land in a black Top Hat! Designed as a tie-pin. Wear it
of mystery. THE HINDU GAMING SHELLS, complete as
in your lapel and you will be Instantly recognised by
above, price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
brother Magicians.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).

■Q.E1X L The Lecture Demonstration by Edwin

as presented at the Magic Circle,
Show a little zipper-opening purse. Place a sponge ball or Munich Convention, 1981.
coin, or any small object, into the purse. Then watch out!! Here's something for these are not
Faster than you can say WHAT THE HECK GIVES, the purse "Just Lecture Notes" but a TWENTY
is unzipped and, not only has the small object vanished, but PAGE PRINTED BOOKLET with two-
so has the purse!! All that's left is a GIANT ZIPPER!! Of coloured cover. DEMONSTRATION
course, you can use it the other way. Start out with a long Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)
zipper. Zippitup into a small square purse, reach in and pro-
duce a coin or sponge ball or whatever. SPRING PANDA
A great novelty for those who require
It's a great visual item. Father Cyprian bought the first one
and just loves it. an alternative to the Spring Teddy Bear
ZIPPITUP comes with lots of routining ideas, price, £4.50, which we put out a short time ago. The
(U.S.A. $11.00). Spring Panda is about 5" diameter and 18"
high, it folds up small and will fit into
BIRTHDAY PAPERS a regular size dove pan. Its appearance

■u ppy
A real novelty with pa-
pers and with the names You can use this in the 'Toy Making
of The Seven Dwarfs on Routine' which is given with every one,
printed cards. Surprise for with every Panda, we include the full
at the end when the pa- instructions that we normally also include
pers are restored to spell with our Spring Teddy Bear, BUT we also give you an EXTRA

It hasn't got to be just PANDA' by Ian Adair. - There's some corny gags here, and
a Birthday Trick. With we are sure you'll get a smile too from some of them!
each set we give you many routines which gets the audience join- Well-made, as you would expect from 'Supreme' and a de-
ing-in, singing and shouting. lightful notion which appears to all the world like a CUTE,
It's a low-priced item with a BIG impact ... loads of hin, loads CUDDLY TOY. Complete with a printed label (for Edwin's
of laughs and certainly an ideal trick for that Special occasion. 'Magic Toy Machine'), plus ALL the routines as above.
Price, for the complete set. £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00)._________ Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
The production of a live rabbit, D ADDIT
Doves, etc., from silks is a classic D ft B B I 1
effect, performed by many of the 'Greats' CIGARETTE PRODUCTION
in magic. The method which we present You reach out and a cigarette appears at
here is similar to that used by Okito and your fingertips. You make another grab and
an instant release principle. The usual |there's a second cigarette. Then you re-
effect is that a great number of silks, |peat it. ONE AT A TIME, FIVE CIGAR-
streamers, etc., are produced from a ETTES APPEAR! The unseen aid which we
box or tube in any manner the magician supply makes the effect easy for you. An
wishes. Silks, as produced, are dropped excellent effect on its own or as a pre-
over a chair, magician lifts the silks up lude to other cigarette mysteries.
and walks forward with them. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
He holds the silks momentarily over a table or tray, and
from them magically appears the livestock.
Supreme Rabbit Loader will also be found ideal for producing a
number of Christmas Crackers, sweets, or gifts. The next time It's a 'one in the hand, one in the pocket'
you are asked to magically produce a birthday present at a child's routine BUT with a big surprise when an
party you will be able to do it with the Rabbit Loader! odd-colour pom-pom keeps arriving! A whole
Other methods of using the Rabbit Loader are given, - With an succession of lively surprises, with all the
assistant, away from all stage furniture, Production from a Hat pom-poms changing and finally all trans-
Coil, Newspaper, etc. forming into ONE LARGER POM-POM OF A
You get the detailed instructions and the gimmick. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SHADE!
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). ________________ You get the fully detailed routine and NINE POM-POMS.
■ su pr e me ULTIMATE You will have to practise the handling but the REAL secret of
the effect is 'putting it over'. We know you'll enjoy putting
LIVING AND DEAD TEST this unusual item into your show. Price £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
<3 One of the greatest methods ever
4/ gx- aevisea performing this wonderful
for perlormlng
devised lor
effect, depending upon a MASTER
SUBTLETY. A large velvet bag, three pieces of rope
l$S$ beautifully woven, one red, one white and
Five cards are passed out, and on
four of these are written the names of one blue. The ropes are to join together
living persons, on the fifth, a Dead name is recorded. but a surprise when they become one long
Cards are sealed by spectators into envelopes, mixed up and length of rope, red, white and blue all the
handed to the performer WHO UNFAILINGLY PICKS OUT THE way along for the whole of its length, the
DEAD NAME. colours at intermittent Intervals!
The cards and envelopes are NOT marked and can be MINUTE- The ropes go back into the bag and now when
LY EXAMINED. The card on which the dead name is written is they come out, the three "original" ropes are
EXACTLY THE SAME as the other four used. The envelope is tied together! Magician dispenses with
EXACTLY THE SAME as the other envelopes. the bag, he unties the ropes, shows them, then suddenly there's
The handling is both clean and easy and all the performer's another surprise when they restore together into one long length
efforts can be directed to the presentation. of rope coloured, Red, White and Blue.
Alternative presentations are given. Complete with cards and Great for kids, great for adults. Lots of scope for comedy.
envelopes, ready to work. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Comes complete with all the ropes. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A.
'HOBBY' (the Vent Hobby Horse)
(with a Dialogue by Ian Adair) INTUITIONAL SIGHT
The subject of extra-sensory perception, EDDIE JOSEPH
■Hobby’ is an amusing character. Hobby Horse
with a moving drop Jaw mouth! He can be oper- sightless vision or X-Ray Eyes, as some
ated by inserting the fingers into the rein, work- people call it, is one that has baffled doc-
ing it so that the mouth opens and closes. tors and scientists the world over. Com-
Made from plastic with a wooden ’handle’. mon sense or reason implies that it is im-
LIMITED NUMBER ONLY AVAILABLE. Price, £12.50, possible, yet this book will definitely en-
(U.S.A. $30.00). able anyone to have large wads of dough
placed on his eyes, to have 4" x 6" HW

S' . SPRING ACROSS pieces of cotton wool laid over and the
whole securely bound up round and
round the head with 20ft. of 2" bandage.

CIRCLES Finally to ensure that normal vision is prohibited, two large
folded handkerchiefs are tied across the face!!
A red circle is held in one hand Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).___________
MITHOD a white in the other ... Zam! The
[circles change places! Back and
'forwards as slick and quick as Change-Again Traffic Lights
lightning they pass. Spectators can hold your wrists, but still Eight changes occur, appearing as
they go. They don't feel them go ... they don't see them go, many more to the audience. First
but the red is where the white one was and vice versa! Fi- one red spot appears, then a second,
nally a spectator can hold one circle ... you hold the other then a third. Then all the spots cha-
and STILL they change places. nge to yellow, then green, then there's
Price, complete with routines, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). a SPOT OF EACH COLOUR. Excellent
effect! Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
PIN-ETRATION A little ball which rattles, yet WHEN YOU
COMMAND IT TO it STOPS. A novel idea is to
A Supreme British Exclusive by arrange- show the ball which doesn't rattle, then vanish a
ment with Pat Conway. It's fantastic! Two small bead. Spectator shakes the ball and the
matchboxes, a drawing pin is pushed in the bead appears to be SEALED inside it.
end of one. Miraculously it passes right Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00).
through a piece of plastic or through a play-
ing card. An amazing effect you have to see to believe. Price,
£4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
This is Fogel's own version of the Epic Slate
using a non-feke apparatus and eliminating the
j^-SILK TO A BOX OF MATCHES use of a Force at the end. Probably as near
to genuine Mind-reading as you will ever get.
Ian Adair A 12" silk handkerchief is squeezed between
the hands. Handkerchief vanishes, and in its One by one, three predictions are made on a
place appears a box of matches! The drawer large board and all are proven correct. Price,
of the matchbox is pushed completely out, complete with board etc., £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00)
showing that it is full of matches. The cover
is shown clear through, and there is no sign
Three regular playing cards are shown,
of the silk anywhere!
one Red and two Black. Watch the Red!
Made in metal. 1Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
This becomes so bewildering it will drive
you daffy. For instance, slowly show one
PAPER BAG MAGIC Black card. Place it HALF WAY in
The Amazing Maurice breast pocket. Spectator is sure he has
This book is loaded with tricks and Ideas for the Red, but he has the Black. He re-
moves card from your pocket and it is
creating miracles with the aid of the innocent paper
the Red. All cards examined.
Includes a sensational headline prediction. Rout- i r I ** .
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
ines with an unprepared bag, specially prepared
bags, novelty bags. Illustrated to show all construe SOMETHING NEW IN MAGIC!
tion and working. -a:« Yes, a grand old classic in magic,’
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). the old Multiplying Ball trick now
available in HAND-KNIT CROCH-


Easy to handle for the balls cling

Using large (Jumbo size) to the shell. - May be tossed into
illustrated Pictorial Cards the air!
and two youthful members Balls are 1J inches in diameter.
of the audience, perform- Shell is Aluminium covered with
ler offers to give a Lesson a wool crocheted Jacket.
in Spelling, But, alas, A really GREAT Idea!
things start (and continue) Now you can perform the Chop
to go wrong ... in fact, it Cups and Balls effect finishing with
develops into A REAL 1 Inch balls. Straight away go into
OUNCE COMEDY OF ERRORS! the Multiplying Ball effect.
- Good Fun and ENTERTAINING ALL THE WAY! - The outfit is SENSATIONAL VALUE FOR MONEY when you con-
Complete with twelve Illustrated Pictorial Cards (Jumbo size). sider WHAT YOU RECEIVE. FIVE BALLS - four of them are the
Beautifully printed and LAMINATED front and back with clear same colour -
film to give everlasting protection against grubby little fingers! ONE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COLOURED BALL, plus, TWO
Cards are not too heavy for little hands to hold, but big enough to SHELLS, plus FULL INSTRUCTIONS AND ROUTINE.
be seen anywhere. PLUS ROUTINE and PATTER as used by Included with each outfit are full instructions for MORRISSEY'S
Arnold Furst. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). CLEAN CUT BALL VANISH.
Imagine - Magician holds two balls of different colours at his
fingertips, - nothing else. One ball is removed, die remaining ball
COLOURSLIP shown on both sides and discarded, it can be tossed into the air,

By BILL PRYOR, with then WHAM! THE FIRST BALL DISAPPEARS! both hands are
an Exclusive Routine by EMPTY! Performed slowly and deliberately this is a WINNER, and
usual and off-beat! This The complete outfit as detailed plus the illustrated instructions by
takes the form of a QUIZ
- and the spectator is
w j♦ »r Sid Lorraine. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).


Four red-backed cards are shown front and back ... all the Anytime you wish you can pick up the lit can-
same value but different suits. An odd card is added to them. i! dle and holder placing them both into a paper bag
Now for the questions! First one of the cards has a blue back. or wrapping them in a piece of paper. IMMEDI-
Then one has no back at all. None of the cards are as they should ATELY THE BAG OR PAPER IS CRUSHED UP
be. ALL FIVE CARDS CAN BE EXAMINED. SMALL ... the candle and holder have completely
Ken takes you stage by stage through the working to make every- vanished! No pulls are used in the amazing van-
thing CLEAR and EASY for you. You get all the special cards in ish! No replacements to buy!
a neat plastic wallet PLUS Ken de Courcy's exclusive routine. Supplied complete with comprehensive routines
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). and ideas. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
When you perform this trick (really a DESIGN-O-SILK
senes of tricks), you do not TOUCH the INVISIBLE
INFLUENCE A novelty trick with 12 inch silk and a length
cards at any time. A spectator removes
of ribbon. Ribbon becomes fastened to the silk
the deck of cards from its case and mix-
to form a chosen design.
es them, He then follows your simple
instructions, A logical patter story is $ !■ ■»> UM KT Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).

Written in the clear, concise and com-
prehensive E.J. manner with an illustra-

a «nua ma c k naucAnx
A lit cigarette is placed into a
$J \j
tion by Mel. New printed edition is small brass tube which just con- V
easy to read. Nicely produced on top quality book wove. tains it. A cap is placed onto 1
Light board, illustrated cover. Easy to learn ... to under- the tube which is given to some- (J /\
stand ... and to mystify even the world's smartest Magi- one to hold.
cians. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00) Magician shows a match, plac-
ing this into his hand. When the
hand is opened the match has
One of the finest utility props we've ever offered. SA ■ cigarette.
Holds a Jumbo deck, it will switch cards, add cards W / I The spectator HIMSELF opens the tube which he has been
to the top of the pack and so on. Box has a clear il holding all the time. From it he tips the vanished match.
lucite lid. Great for kids or adult shows. THERE'S NO SIGN OF ANYTHING ELSE INSIDE THE TUBE!
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).__________________ z --------- ’ Price, £2,75, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Baffling card divination complete
with Jumbo cards, envelopes, etc. A wonderful novelty for your home,
and a great talking-point. A seld-
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
om-seen portrait of the famous
Originated by KEN BOWELL, we * escapologist, HARRY HOUDINI,
are delighted to present this as a beautifully reproduced onto a metal
Supreme Exclusive, with a printed sheet and framed in a fine wood
Magic Tutor by Master Teacher frame with gold relief.
A single sheet of newspaper is YOUR HOME OR FOR YOUR DEN.
shown on both sides. The hands The portrait itself is fascinating,
are otherwise perfectly empty. The W ith each one we give you a short history of Houdini, especially
paper is folded in i size. A knife commissioned by us, and written by famous Magician, Author and
is inserted between the folds and Inventor, PETER WARLOCK. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
the paper is ripped through. Again
and again this action is Repeated ... each time the paper be- KARRELL FOX’S
ing clearly folded and ripped. The pieces are held in full view
and are shown on both sides. ROPE TRICK No. 221
Without a false move ... without a turn being made ... or Imagine holding just two pieces of rope,
cover of any kind the paper is immediately opened out ... one piece in each hand. You bring your
every side being clearly shown ... it is COMPLETELY RES- hands together, stretch them apart and
TORED! The hands are quite empty! now you only hold one rope. Karrell has
EASY TO DO ... NO SLEIGHT OF HAND. Complete in- simplified an old trick, streamlined it,
structions and routine, PLUS a new up-dated patter presenta- brought it up-to-date.
tion specially written for us by KEN DE COURCY. Supplied with Ken de Courcy's Illustrated
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). Routine complete with patter.
There's no doubt about it, KARRELL FOX

DUNCE’S CAP TO WIZARD’S HAT is America's greatest entertainer and we

are delighted that he has allowed us to release this gem of Magic
Edwin used this for years in his own show. as a Supreme Exclusive. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Now you can add it to yours! A novel 'bit
of business' you can use at any time in your
kids' programme! TRIPOLO
The spectators are shown three cards,

Great when you have a kid on stage to XM K'
backs outwards and these are placed on
help you.
Something goes wrong so you pick up a the table before them. You yourself
large old-fashioned DUNCE'S CAP. Made hold three cards, backs outwards in
from cloth this is white, built on a ring and •.a / y°ur hand. A spectator is asked to
with the letter D in black relief. You hold \ select one card on the table. This is
| it over the child's head for one moment or shown around to the others, and then
maybe YOU are the one that has been the placed together with the cards you hold in your hand. When these
. dunce so you hold it over YOUR OWN head! cards are shown, you hold 'four of a kind' - the other three being
Suddenly the trick 'comes' right and of the same value that the spectator selected! The card is discarded
quickly and swiftly the cap changes and now and one of the others added. Each time the cards change to the kind
becomes a WIZARD'S HAT! Well-made and easy to work. chosen by the spectator. First you have four Aces perhaps, then
The change is slick and quick and very surprising. four Kings and finally four blanks!
Price £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
A classic efffect. A large metal tube, Just two odd-shaped pieces which make a
two flat boards - the whole lot is sand- perfect pyramid.
wiched together, paper panel in the top You can do it in a second, but when you
board is punctured and a large produc- challenge a spectator to cfo the same, watch
tion of silks is made. the fun!
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price, £0.85, (U.S.A. $2.00).


Yes, now you can go one better.' Even
7W those who know the two piece pyramid are

The Okito Coin Box is indeed a con-
juring classic, a borrowed coin mys- puzzled by this. Three pieces make a per-
teriously vanishing from the examined feet pyramid. It's easy when you know
box, penetrating through a card etc. how'.
With this plastic model coin box, Price, £0.85, (U.S.A. $2.00).
made to hold a new Ip. piece you are
able to do all the usual moves etc., you can do with the more ex- MAGIC WASHING
pensive metal one.
Plastic Model Okito Coin box with full instructions and routines.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. §3.00).


Hints, tips, ideas, novelties, patter, pres-
entation and surprises, enabling you to easily
present a complete lightning cartoon act.
Mimeographed form. Printed covers. A real "oldie" great for any type of show. Two cords, a wand,
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). a number of silks. Magically the silks release themselves from
the cord.
Illustrated manuscript of instructions and routines, complete
with Roy Darnley's own pet routine. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00)
HOW DO YOU DOODLE Magic Washing, complete with 4 x 12" silks and two cords and
wand. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Lightning cartoon ideas by Vai Andrews. Magic Washing, complete, large size as above but with 4 x 18"
Excellent material complete with patter, silks, silky cords and wand and routines. Price, £12.50,
ideas and presentation angles, including (U.S.A. $30.00).
DO novelty effects. Tells you how to draw
Peter Warlock's
the laughs!!
1 Mimeographed publication. Printed
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).

Another collection of material for the mod-
ern cartoon artists by Vai Andrews. Features
a great novelty when any name which is called
out by a member of the audience__ you write
this on a board and transform it into a sketch,
supposedly of the person concerned. There's * bH *V /
lots of other novel ideas in the pages of this book. A Supreme Exclusive. Peter Warlock came up with the
VAI ANDREWS original and Jack Avis suggested the presentation.
Mimeographed publication. Printed covers.
A tremendous Prediction effect with two decks of cards
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). PtdbeafioHf. |
with contrasting colour backs. Spectator shuffles his cards
whilst the performer removes three cards from his. Specta-
tor deals his cards onto the table and freely nominates
CARTOONING MADE EASY three different positions in his shuffled pack.
Miraculously, when the cards which have been so freely
By Rex Taylor. "Doodles", Nove- arrived-at are revealed, it is seen that each of the cards
MADE EASY lty presentations, ideas for children is matched by one of the magician's! - No skill, No
and for adults plus many different sleights, Easy to do! -
aspects and ideas on this entertaining We supply you with Peter Warlock's detailed instructions
art. Each item in this book has been and special gimmicks. Use your own two packs of cards.
audience-tested by Rex Taylor him- Price, £2.75. (U.S.A. $6.00).
Mimeographed publication. Printed
TllE s u p r e me 64, HIGH ST. BIDEFORD
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
1 MESH LIT CIGARETTE PULL Now in printed form, with a light
A full-length cigarette is placed into the board cover. This is the book that
X closed right hand. A puff of the smoke you was hailed,by the critics. 'Magic in
had retained in your mouth and the cigar- Cabaret Land' is a book which teach-
ette has gone. It can be reproduced, STILL es you all the details you need to
ALIGHT, from your pocket. Made from know about this lucrative branch of
metal, and from a mesh which allows the entertainment. The Basics, the
cigarette to remain burning. You can use Supreme 'Remain Alight'
as a REPEAT vanish and production.
l IAHO F. Difficulties, Clothes and Make-up,
the Table Problem, the Type of Act,
Price, for the special gimmick, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). Ay ZZA' Of COUHcf the Attention Getters, Music, Illus-
ions, Lighting, Doubling, Bowing
SACRIFICIAL CREMATION! Off, Billing, Booking and Publicity, etc., etc., plus some excellent
routines. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Ormond McGill's illusion. Your own
assistant or a member of the audience TRICKS WITH HAIR
kneels on a prayer mat and places A manuscript describing 25 close-up
their head on a sacrificial altar. Two tricks that can be worked with hair or
metal tubes are open at each end and fine thread. Many new uncanny ef-
placed over the victim's head. A lit fects described. This publication cov-
torch is thrust into the tube. Flames ers the field with many added unu-
and smoke gush from the tops of the sual effects. Price 50p, (U.S.A.S1.00).
tubes, then the head is shown to have
vanished, leaving a grinning skull! JUMBO NUDIST DECK
All is put in order at the end.
Price, £125.00+ £10.00 Carriage.
I This is the standard Nudist Dock
BUT performed with a whole deck of

Jumbo sized cards. It's quite fantas-
FUNNY BOOKS tic. Believe it or not this is Just as
SET No. 1. ( easy to handle as a regular Nudist
EIGHT booklets with funny titles - Includes Deck but with cards four times the
For the Magician who knows them all.
r size. Full platform feature. As
used by JEFFERY ATKINS In "Illus-
(Blank pages!) ions of the Masters".
Also "HOW TO BE A SOOTH-SAYER" (do Limited supply only.
it right away!) "How to avoid paying Income Tax', plus four Spicey Mysteriously as the deck of cards become printed front and
titles, "What
• the Butler Saw"(through
;’ the keyhole of Nellie's room) back, they revert back to blank faces and backs once again!
"Paris by Night, " "what men know about women", "What women Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
know about men, " also - "Blueprint of the Indian Rope Trick". Stove Dushock’s

No magic! Just for a smile!

A novel pocket effect
with a small printed
FUNNY BOOKS card. There is a hole
SET No. 2. at one end of the card
Yes, we have produced another set of Eight which you transfer, first to the centre, then to "the end". Fi-
different books! Another series of laughter i/. nally back to the opposite side again. Price, £1.75, (U.S.A-§5.00)
Including "How to win at cards" - "Patter
for Sawing through a woman, " "Summary of A booklet which will provide you with
Government Policy" (a white paper), "The a wealth of clever and entertaining
Ultimate in Card tricks by the man who knows them all" (for the magic.

magical boor that has invented (?) every known card trick!), and No less than 25 wonderful tricks,
"What I don’t know about Magic" to Land to the same gentleman. 125 MINIATURE MIRACLES | gags and bits of business using a tiny
"How to make a fortune (Honestly)" - and two "Adults only" gags, deck of cards. Tricks for the plat-
"Advice to those about to get Married" and "Artistic Pose." form! For the club! For the pocket
ORDER BOTH SETS OF FUNNY BOOKS TOGETHER. For the bar! Tested material that
Special Price, for set of 2, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00). will give you hours of fun.
Contents include 8 methods of Forc-
ing, A Prediction Gag, The Card Knife,
IAN ADAR'S A trick with the most comprehensive ins- Card Catching, A Betcha Wise-Guy, Crystal-Gazing Extra-ordinary,
tructions you ever saw; - A printed illus- Caxton's Dream, Sixteen Cards, World's Fastest Pass, Funny Bunny,
trated booklet, which enables you to use an Telescope Card, 4 to 1 Card, Hypnosis, Express Photography, In
old magical principle in a very novel way. the Bag, etc., etc. (Forcing methods are not included in the 25 -
Special papers have printed television sets they're all extra!)
on them. They think of their favourite pro- Also included with each book is a sheet of 54 beautifully printed
grammes. Papers are destroyed BUT YOU REVEAL THEM. miniature cards, all in colour, so you will be able to "get cracking"
You can do more than that as our booklet shows. and put the contents of the book into use right away.
Price, for the booklet and approximately one hundred, yes one You'll vote this one of the best "buys" of the year.
hundred of the specially printed papers, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Complete! - Because all A brilliant effect by LENNART
three silks change! BONDESSON of ! Sweden, (Originator
J Beauty is the key-note of of ’Silkola’ another Supreme exclusive,
this colourful effect. One although widely copied throughout the
which you will enjoy doing. world). THE TRANSFORMATION OF
^(.e ! <7L A real Flash effect for any A SIMPLE WOODEN ROD INTO A
Three 18" silks, say purple, yellow and orange are tied together A flower pot is shown and a wooden
by their centres and shown like a three-point star and displayed. rod demonstrated to be merely a thin
Whilst the audience are admiring these lovely coloured silks stick. The stick is placed in the centre of the pot so it protrudes up
they are pulled through the hand and change to RED, WHITE and from it. A nice cloth is displayed both sides and draped over the
A startling change that is automatic and self-contained. ANY TIME. At any time you can remove the cloth and in place of
Price, silks approx. 18" size, £12.50, (U.S.A. $28.00). the rod is the FLOWER GROWTH.
Ready to work right away with everything complete - pot, cloth,


The effect: The performer shows two
flower growth (made from top-grade feather flowers), etc.
Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $60.00).
sets of nine cards. They each bear a SUPREME
number from 1 to 9. After mixing, they SPICEY SILKS
are laid face-downwards on the table and Here's a saucier version of the popular "Mr.
9 and Mrs. Green” effect incorporating too a
a spectator selects some from each set.
When the cards of his choice are total- ”20th Century," for those who do club shows,
led, both are the same! This is repeated sophisticated dates, stag parties etc. What
in a different way. An 'O' is added to happened down on the farm to Farmer and
each set then the magician shuffles one while the spectator Mrs. Blue when a travelling salesman came
mixes the other. The performer's ten cards are laid out on into their life is depicted by a few 18 inch
the table face downwards, then the spectator deals one of his SAH»—*
silks. We won't give away! the whole story.
face up on to each of the face down cards in any order he Sufficient to say that here is an effect that
likes. The pairs are gathered up and, when dealt, are all seen ~~ will get a lot of laughter in the right spot.
to match, 9 with 9, 6 with 6, and so on until all have been A trick with an "X Certificate"! They'll love it! No change bag is
shown. The odds against such complete pairings are astronomi- needed and the silks are always in view. You WILL need any meth-
cal; in short, coincidence has been stretched to the very od of vanishing a silk (Rabotine, Bang-Gone or what have you)..
limit! Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Everything else is supplied.
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00).
By Roy Baker. A stand is on the men-
talists table. On the stand are six window
4 —
Magician makes a prediction, writing
envelopes (the window is at one end). the name of a card on to a paper and
HI Through the window can be seen a number
dropping it into a borrowed hat.
printed in red. This number is on a card Ten JUMBO-SIZE CARDS are shown.
I that snugly fits in the envelope. On each Cards are freely displayed, and a mem-
pr, envelope is a number printed in black that ber of the audience is asked merely to
corresponds with the number on the card. All the cards are THINK of any one of the cards, then
mixed by a spectator whilst the mentalist mixes the envelopes. naming this. The hat is handed to any i
On the instructions of the spectator the cards are placed back spectator for him to remove the slip of yAMVM I
in the envelopes OF THEIR OWN CHOOSING. There is no doubt paper which it contains. WHEN THIS IS UNFOLDED, IT IS
the mentalist has no control over this. This is done whilst the SEEN THAT THE MAGICIAN HAS CORRECTLY REVEALED
envelopes are face down. When the envelopes are turned THE IDENTITY OF THE SPECTATOR'S CARD!
around it is seen that the spectator correctly forecast into Supplied with full instructions and routine and including TEN
which envelopes the cards should be placed. CARDS AND EN- JUMBO-SIZE CARDS. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
VELOPES MATCH. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
From The U.S.A. KJ
------ . A full-sized cigar, placed in the left hand, com-
pletely vanishes without trace. BOTH hands are
By Ed Wolff. The real thing. Yes it's true shown empty, the cigar has disappeared.
hypnotism! No fakery or stooges. This book by jj* A neat item to include with any manipulative

Mr. Wolff tells you exactly how to hypnotise r i « routine or splendid on its own, especially as a

any volunteer from an audience of complete 1^— quick comedy opening. Using the effect in this
strangers. It also tells you how to make use of manner you come on with the cigar which you say you had given to
hypnotism for entertainment value and medical £<(.Wctl{ you and after some amusing patter (supplied with the trick) the
uses. --------- cigar mysteriously vanishes. Ideal for the magical compere.
You'll learn how to give demonstrations, comedy stunts, awak- Nothing to "set-up" you can pull the cigar from your pocket and
enings etc. work it at anytime. No pulls or elastics.
Thirty-four printed pages with board binding. Everything necessary, complete.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
The tale of a two-faced
clock that practically defies
No. 1.—TIED BOX AND RING. ' description. Originated
(and performed with great
A sealed box is given to a spectator to success for many years) by
hold. A ring is borrowed and mysteri- Norman Conquest. A 'Com-
ously vanishes and is discovered in the , pass' routine that's really
sealed box. Full working secret. DIFFERENT. The clock
v. V- \ ' face is screened black on
No. 2.—IMPROVED MAGAZINE TEST J Iwhite and it's BIG - size 13
* inches in diameter!
This is an improved method of working the IT'S A FEATURE! The face is ROUND - an innovation for
Annemann Magazine Test. Use any two maga-\ compass effects and one which makes the working more
zines, each of a different size. You find the subtle, more amazingly inexplicable! Always ready, the
selected word in one quick glance, no counting ■'-rue. wc»o <s , trick takes no room in the bag. Produced on hardboard for
or searching around. May be repeated as DURABILITY, it will last for years. Can be worked under
many times as desired. any conditions and only needs your own personality to make
this an EXCELLENT PROGRAMME ITEM. Really first
No. 3 MILLION DOLLAR class value, magic and entertainment. Complete with a stun-
BILL MYSTERY ning routine with Cyril Fletcher-type monologue patter.
A sealed envelope is given to a ___________ Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
person to hold. Two bills are bor-
rowed and actually torn in half. TIME PLEASE
Half of each bill is given to spec- A spectator is handed a borrow-
tators to use as a reference later. ed watch and asked to set the hands
The remaining pieces are vanish- at any hour. You make a predic-
ed. Spectator opens envelope and finds the missing parts of tion, by drawing the outline of a
bills, these are found to match the pieces held by spectators. clock dial with the hands pointing at
Torn bills are wrapped in a borrowed handkerchief and when a certain time. On stage the predic-
opened are found completely restored. tion can be made on a blackboard
You will find it a pleasure to work this clean-cut trick. No or slate. In the drawing room it
mess, fuss or sleights. All you need is our instructions. The can be made with paper and pencil.
above THREE TRICKS, price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). When the spectator announces the
hour at which the watch is set you
show your prediction to be correct! A flabbergasting mystery
CLEAR ANTI-GRAVITY performed in such a simple manner - the secret will surprise
LEWIS GANSON you. Price, 50p., (U.S.A. $1.00).
Three silk handkerchiefs, of dif-
ferent colours, are placed, one in "Top Twenty" tested tricks of one of Magic's
each of three tumblers. A piece leading ideas mean, in one exciting type-
of clear "Perspex" is shown to be TOP | script booklet.
free from trickery is used as a Tricks for the Platform Magician. New clas-
tray upon which the three tumblers sic Chain Making, The Box and the Candles,
are placed, mouth downwards. The Squared Circle Cocktail Bar.
"Perspex" is inverted and the three --=----------------------- I Tricks for the Close-up Worker, Alphabeto,
tumblers, defying the law of grav- I Optica Matchbox, a Coin Transposition, A Ring Moves Up and
ity, remain suspended from it. <■ Down.
Whilst the tumblers are suspended Tricks for the Children's Entertainer. The Ribbon and the
the silks are drawn out of the tum- Bottle, Silken Merry-Go-Round, Tube off the Ropes.
blers. Now one of the empty tumblers is removed from be- Tricks for the Mentalist. Foretold by the Planets, Astro
neath the "Perspex" and placed on top, the tray is inverted; Discovery. Etc. , Etc.
it is seen that this tumbler remains suspended from the oppo- TWENTY tricks described in 26 typescript pages. Each item
site side of the tray! is clearly explained in the author's own inimitable way, without
- PIRATED BY A GERMAN DEALER. A SUPREME EX- elaboration or unnecessary wordage. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A.
CLUSIVE!- $6.00).
The instructions with each outfit are by Lewis Ganson him-
self and in the form of a well-printed, photographically- By Ravelie and Andree.
illustrated booklet. Tips and tricks with THUMB TIPS!
COMPLETE! We supply you with EVERYTHING you need to A whole illustrated typescript book
perform this great effect. Clear Perspex sheet, the right- cracker-jack full of ideas and effects,
size silks, beautifully-made gimmick, tumblers and the Gan- 23 of them! using this most versatile
son routine. This is first-rate programme material. gimmick. You'd be missing up on
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). some excellent magic without this
MIRACLE DISC William Taylor of Stainland, Nr.
Halifax writes; "A few years ago I
Great penetration. No shell disc. Flat
plastic disc penetrates through a ribbon, al- bought your Tutor on the Thumb Tip, 'Tips Galore'. It's been
though the ends are held by a spectator. a GREAT help and features many good ideas."
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. 86.00).
COTTON-WOOL DOVE UP FIDO!’ As used by Tommy Cooper
The magician picks up an 18" silk,
A pretty, self-contained effect
which gets away from the usual 'run. illustrated with a picture of a little
of the mill' dove tricks. Scottie dog.
A fancy card box. Inside is some Whenever he wishes, and on his cry
cotton-wool and a number of sheets of "Up Fido", the little dog on the silk
of coloured tissue paper. Cotton- immediately jumps to a sitting position!
wool is pressed together to roughly Price for special illustrated silk and
resemble a dove which is then instructions, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
wrapped in one of the sheets of STEVE DUSHECK'S
paper. The paper packet is slowly
shredded away. What has happened WUNDERBAR
-- - ■Wunderbar' is the Floating Rod which
to the cotton-wool inside? Sudden-
ly it is seen that this has TRANS- started Steve as a dealer and which has
FORMED and has become a real won acclaim from all over the world.
LIVE DOVE! A sell-out at every major U.S.A.
The box supplied is IDENTICAL to that which we supply Convention and at the recent I.B.M.
with 'Glamour Doll', a clever children's effect by JEFFERY Brighton Convention.
ATKINS. We received many requests to supply the box ON A silver bar floats up out of a corked
ITS OWN so here it is. test tube and from hand to hand.
Not only good for dove tricks. Kids entertainers will love MARTIN BREESE wrote after the recent Brighton I.B.M. Conven-
'The Candy Factory' - a production of sweets - or use the tion, "In fact, and you will know that I hate to boast, but at times
box for a pretty and appealing 'Flower Production' or a mam- the crowds were deep around my stand when I demmed (lovely word
moth Silk Production. You'll say it's a perfect piece of ap- that) Wunderbar - the floating silver rod in the corked glass tube.
paratus and very versatile. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $32.00). The more I performed the better I became and if you ask anyone
who saw it I suppose the word would be sensational. People brought
UNCLE HENRY’S POKER TRICK people back to the stall and said: 'Please show us the silver rod
that floats'. People asked me if it worked on sound waves or on
One of Ken de Courcy's
GREATEST. Four cards batteries or even with invisible thread. They held the tube in their
shown on BOTH SIDES to be hand and still it levitated within the canister. I not only sold out but
regular cards suddenly be- I even was forced to sell my own demonstration model. Dozens
come BLANK ON BOTH SIDES! forced money on me and asked me to order Wunderbar for them.
Then they change back into It is a superb effect and as I proved to my own satisfaction... if
ordinary cards again. SIMPLE and Ken de Courcy's patter routine you work it right you will fool them under their noses and in their
makes it first-class entertainment. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A $7.00). own hands. I haven't had a chance to work it for laymen but I'll
probably be burnt at the stake if I do".
SUPREME (You must ask Martin to demonstrate this for you).
WIZARD STRIPPER DECK WUNDERBAR is available as a Supreme Exclusive and with each
This is a full deck of 52 cards which you can
one we supply, without additional charge, ALL the full supplemen-
use for card games. You are always ready
tary instructions.
to give a good display of seemingly skilful tricks,
You won't be able to work this item overnight but if you are pre-
A chosen card can be found with the deck behind
pared to put in the effort, you will have an excellent usable effect.
the back, shuffle the cards and right away cut to
Price, including the full routines, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
the four aces, separate the red cards from the
black ones and many more. No sleight of hand
or skill.
A wonderful deck of cards.
Spectrum Spots
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). This is far MORE than a trick. It's a series
of novel TESTS with TWO SETS of coloured spot
Pipe Cleaner Thumb Tie cards.
The cards are regular playing card stock -
Two pipe cleaners secure the
printed on one side with regular playing card
thumbs together. In a flash they are
backs. On the other side of the cards are print-
separate and all the usual stunts,
ed large spots. TEN different colours in each
hoops passing over the arms etc., can
be carried out. Spectators fasten
IMAGINE a spectator chooses ANY colour - NO FORCE, you do
thumbs and may inspect pipe clean-
ers at any time! A clever gimmick
Strange to say, you have both chosen the SAME COLOUR SPOTS!
makes the effect possible.
OR, the spectator freely chooses a coloured spot and you DIVINE
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
A LA ZOMBIE by Ian Adair
We give you several different methods accomplishing these ef-
32 typescript pages, fully illustrated. Moves! - FINALLY A GREAT PREDICTION -
Tips! New Ideas! Practical material which is Two spectators think of a coloured spot. After this you write
being used by some of our leading performers. something on a card. Unbelievably, both spectators' spot cards
Everyone who does Zombie, or would like to y%i©,
are found to be identical. Then a further knock-out when it is
work this great effect should have this book-
seen that this is the colour you PREDICTED!
let. This is the original typescript edition - The colour is NOT forced ... every time you do it the result
only a few copies left. (anfldair
may be DIFFERENT. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).


A nice plot. an unusual mystery and The performer displays a large
a triple-barrelled climax with a great metal bowl and a regular pitcher full
surprise at the end. of water. Water is actually poured
A model of a Scarecrow, big, impo- into the bowl which is placed on a
sing-looking, funny with his arms out- metal tray. Bowl and tray are cov-
stretched , and so colourful! He stands ered with a foulard. The bowl Is
about 22| inches high, his arms are removed from tray under cover of
15| inches across. Base is 9 inches the foulard, its shape is clearly seen
square, (nice and big so there's no as magician carries it carefully to-
possibility of the apparatus toppling over), detachable, so the wards the footlights. Without any
whole thing packs pretty flat at the bottom of your case. false moves, magician throws the
foulard into the air... THE BOWL OF WATER HAS VANISHED!
The Silly Scarecrow is always losing his head so you take his Ideal for the performer using an assistant.
head off and give him a balloon instead. Then you have two cards Sturdily manufactured. Bowl: 8" diameter. Tray: 13” diameter.
chosen, playing cards, 'Snap' cards, Happy Family cards ... it Overall height of complete outfit 3J".
doesn't make any difference. Complete - Bowl, tray, foulard and instructions.
The two cards go together with the Scarecrow's magic head, in- Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
to a small magic bag. SURPRISE, when you suddenly rip the bag
open and the cards and the head have GONE. LtOHTNINC
Suddenly the balloon bursts, there is the Scarecrow's magic CANDLE-GO
head in its rightful place and at the same instant the two chosen
vanished cards appear, one at the end of each arm. r© Magician comes on with a lit candle. Tosses
the candle in the air and it VANISHES. Great
magic. A clever idea. Safe in working.
No words can adequately convey the beauty of the apparatus.
It's a tremendous QUALITY PRODUCTION and A FIRST-RATE Candle which vanishes is SOLID.
programme item which you will enjoy. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Complete with detailed Instructions and routine. Price, £47.50,
(U.S.A. $115.00).
One of our own favourites which
SLIDING HOLE will soon become one of yours.
Black and white paper is cut and
A hole on a plastic plaque moves to the cen- you show a white rabbit in a black
tre, then to the opposite end. Only one hole hat. Rabbit is torn away, vanished
in the plaque. An original Werry idea that's and appears back in the hat again.
great for your programme. Price £4.50, ($10.). Ten special papers, full instruc-
tions and routines, price, £3.00,
(U.S.A. $8.00).
Spectator places the rods in a matchbox
IN ANY ORDER. You can instantly tell
the order they are in. When a spectator
Unde Charlie’s Night Cap
Eric and Margaret Hawkesworth's excellent ver-
hides one of the rods in his pocket you 2 sion of the Egg Bag with a knitted woollen cap,
can tell him the colour of that rod! > red and white with a pom-pom on the top. Three
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). complete routines with every one PLUS three
eggs, suggestions etc. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.).
ian adair Four cards which have been
Crazy Mixed-Up Cards
A spectator chooses a cut in half. Mixed up NONE
card from a pack. Ma- OF THEM MATCH. Pass
gician says he will find them through the hand AND
the card. He lifts up THEY ALL DO!
and shows a card to the
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.)
spectators which, he states, is the chosen card. "This card",
he says, "I will place for a few moments inside the wallet."
A small neat plastic wallet is shown which has a cut-out THE INTERLOCKED BACK AND FRONT
front. A card is placed inside the wallet so the face is on HAND CARD PRODUCTION
view. So confident is he that he has picked out the chosen The hands are held in an interlocked pos-
card, that he will make a wager, he states, and he tosses a ition, the fingers are turned back and front
£5 note (or $10 bill) down beside the wallet. and each time a playing card arrives mys-
Of course the spectators quickly take the magician up on teriously in the cupped hands. This is
the wager for they have plainly seen the card to be the IN- allowed to flutter to the floor or to the table.
CORRECT one. HOWEVER THERE'S A SURPRISING FINISH. You repeat the procedure over and over
When the spectator himself withdraws the card from the again. Instructions are very clear and
wallet, it IS, in fact, THE CHOSEN ONE!! made easy-to-follow, by some beautiful artwork by ED MISHELL.
Cards are unfaked - AND - at the end the wallet can be If you have ever seen and admired this sleight and wanted to do it,
EXAMINED! You get the wallet and full routine. this manuscript will provide you with the answer.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
You appear to produce milk from one small cup
By Magic Ronnay. Four playing
and pour it into the other. At the end the milk
cards are placed on the table or on a
has gone and a silk is produced. Price without
silk, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). small tray. You place in full view a
£10 or $10 bill, it's there to be WON
... if a spectator is LUCKY! (?)
Supreme JUMBO SIZE CHASE THE ACE You explain that one of the cards
on the tray is printed with the
The Ace, Two and Three of Clubs.
The audience never can find the money symbol and the rest of the
Ace. No double or pocket cards. cards are BLANK. Spectators free-
The instructions we supply are by ly choose any of the three cards -
HARRY STANLEY who successfully and we really do mean FREELY
marketed this trick for some years choose, NO FORCE OF ANY KIND, - yet when they turn their
and are fully illustrated in the form cards over, they are blank. Without exchanges of any kind, you
of a printed booklet. This comes to you together with the beautifully turn YOUR card over and that's the one that's printed with
produced PiatnikJumbo Cards. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). the money sign! Fun, excitement and suspense, and rest as-
sured there is NO chance that you'll lose your money!

Silvertown Express
■■-W ■■ I - ■, . .. - ... —-------------------------------------- —— .. .■ 1

We supply the special cards, etc., and full routine.

Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Many will remember the late Wil-
fred Tyler making a feature effect of
A wacky patter story and the mysteri-
this. Two coins change places and
ous disappearance of two hieroglyphics
travel from one "station" to the other
and a piece of a wall - while they're
when a third child (who acts as a
a a u
watching! Your friends will like it and
guard) blows a whistle and waves the
/• ' / Zszo iouuiwBsX so will you.
green flag!
You get the plaques, bags, flag, ^yprianm^ Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
whistle and routine, price £6.50,
(U.S.A. $18.00). From the repertoire of WALT LEES. Printed
and published by Walt Lees himself,, here are
HERB RUNGAY’S TANTALIZING four excellent effects, which Walt has featured
for several years. Here you'll find The Case

Routined by Ken de Courcy. A clever

card trick that has an unusual plot and
startling climax. A pack of cards is
of the Off-Colour Collectors, Computer Dating,
Everywhere and Goodnes Knows Where, Trav-
shown, two cards are chosen. When ellers Without Luggage, All four effects are jM
the two cards are displayed they are described in a most amusing manner and you'll
EXACTLY THE SAME. Obviously find this to be very entertaining material.
the cards in the pack must all be the Thirty-six printed pages detailing four first class effects.
same. A surprise comes when the magician shows that the whole Price, £3.95, (U.S.A. $10.00).
of the pack except the chosen cards are BLANK. No Rough and
LdltirOS' Prolmionol
Smooth, Long and Short principles. Price, complete with the spec-
ial pack of cards, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Fountain of Silks
De-luxe HIMBER STYLE At any time during your perform-

LINKING FINGER RINGS ance, you are able to produce a

multitude of 18 inch various col-
Imagine borrowing three rings from three mem- oured silk handkerchiefs, one at
bers of the audience. Magically all the rings a time, on the palm of one hand,
link together. Spectators identify their rings. openly, without any sleights or
Then you separate them again. It's a miracle. cover. It is all self-contained and,
Complete with printed routines. for a climatic surprise finish, a
Price, £25.00, (sent by registered or rec- pretty posy of flowers dramtically
orded delivery), U.S.A. $70.00, (sent by Air opens up in the centre of the foun-
Mail). tain of silks!
- Beautiful, colourful, eye-
RAIMONDI SILX appealing magic! -
Your audience will gasp with delighted surprise as, one after the
Let it be clearly understood that this
is a VARIATION on "Blendiferous", of- other, the silks seem to magically 'blossom out' one from the cen-
fered to us by Raimondi of Italy as a tre of the other.
"twist" of the original Jeffery Atkins It's fabulous magic, easy to do, and now EASY TO SET too with
effect. However many will like this the improved loading gimmick.
and if you want it WE HAVE IT. A In the routine which we give, a single 24 inch silk is first shown.
Supreme Exclusive. A little comedy by-play and then suddenly a MOUNTAIN of differently
Four 18" silks. Each silk is plain coloured 18 inch silks begin to spurt out from it one at a time.
white with two tinted corners. Two Seventeen large silks are produced but the appearance is that-there
of the silks are placed to one side, the are many, many more than that. Silks are all top quality grade,
other t<vo are vanished. Where are they, they have joined the pure silk in marvellous contrasting colours.
two silks which have remained in full view and which has now Comes complete with all the gorgeous silks, flowers, etc. Ready
become a giant 36" TWO-COLOUR ONE. Price £18., (U.S.A.$45) to use. Price, £45.00, (U.S.A. $110.00).
br e a k in g t h e CUPS & BALLS
Ken's own routine for
SOUND BARRIER this great classic trick ex-
The greatest of all Card In Balloon actly as detailed in the
tricks. A dart on the end of a ribbon. book "Ken Brooke's Ma-
A card is freely selected, and pushed gic - The Unique Years".
by a spectator back into the centre of Ken takes you STAGE BY
, the pack. Card case is closed and the STAGE through the working in 2-1 easy to follow moves. To fur-
ribbon is wound around the card case. A regular balloon is in- ther clarify the text there are 12 ILLUSTRATIONS.
flated. Spectator himself can burst the balloon. Immediately the The routine that puts ENTERTAINMENT FIRST!
cards fall away, leaving you holding the chosen card in your Price, for the routine only, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
hand! It's great. Easy to do. Complete with a great new Ken SUPREME “ ' ————
de Courcy routine exclusive to Supreme. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. WRONG-WAY CARD
$14.00). A card is chosen and torn up and
SLI’K WONDER-WAND the pieces are wrapped in a hand-
kerchief which is given to a specta-
y J The most versatile prop in the
tor to hold. When the hanky is
■ modern magician's armoury! opened, the card is restored BUT
Maybe you'd like to perform a

))A wonderful REINCARNATION effect
THE WRONG WAY!!! That is just
wherein a BURNT slip of paper ap-
one of the effects possible with the
;\V ; Z pears in a nest of boxes. Perhaps
Card Magic is "Your Line" and you'd
"Wrong-Way" card.
Available in "Blue Lace" design
i Jenjoy presenting a trouble-free and
ONLY. Complete with routines. Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
amazing CARD DISCOVERY, or a
novel RISING CARD TRICK. You can do ALL these tricks with
the aid of the Wonder-Wand and we give you a DOZEN others ULTRA RISING WAND
just as good. Supreme "Wonder-Wand" looks like the usual ma- You say the Magic Wand is
gician's wand, black with white tips. You can use it through- supposed to be HAUNTED. On
out your show, it can even be handled by a member of the au- the count of 'three1, all the
dience. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). ’children are to wave their hands
up and down and make a wailing
Magician demonstrates the "unusual prop-
noise like a ghost!
Nothing happens! - but (when
erties of that common, everyday article - you don't notice it!) slowly, the
paper". wand rises up through your hand!
•• First there is some chicanery with two You tap the wand about, -
paper balls, during which one is repeatedly bring your hand back again to
removed, but mysteriously turns up again. the top, say, you can't understand it because something magic
The repetitions are both amusing and baffling. was supposed to happen. You repeat this several times, the
Then follows a "scientific explanation" which leaves the audi- whole thing building up to one whale of a laugh.
ence even more baffled. Suddenly you do notice the wand moving ... Consternation!
Suitable for Close-Up or Stage. Easy to do. Ready to work Say that you will try it once more. This time the boys and
right away. Complete with full Routine and Patter. girls shout EXTRA LOUD AND Wham! the WAND SHOOTS
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). RIGHT OUT OF YOUR HAND!
If you like, you can use Supreme's 'Ultra Rising Wand' as
a repeat gag throughout your show. IT'S VERY FUNNY.
Or throw a silk over the top of the wand ... it makes no
This is just about the Goofiest difference, the silk rises up on the top of the wand. Use the
WHACKIEST card trick of them all! silk to polish the wand and this time hold the wand through
Your audience will fall off their seats the silk, still the wand rises up.
f] rf's ) with laughter at the unexpected events Good 'BITS OF BUSINESS' are always welcome, loved by any

which occur as you attempt to name entertainer. We know that you will find 'Ultra Rising Wand'
the chosen card! to be an exceptionally interesting one, - always good for a
First a card is selected and return- laugh. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
ed to the pack. You begin to read
the spectator's mind to determine the
identity of his card. As you do this A Supreme British Exclusive UNBELIE VABLE
I you turn the cards over, one at a time A deck of cards legitimately riffle shuffled
from the top of the pack.. EACH CARD BRINGS A BIG LAUGH and cut. Spectator selects two suits, say
FOR THESE ARE NOT PLAYING CARDS, BUT SPECIALLY Spades and Diamonds. These two suits are
PRINTED CARDS WITH DIFFERENT OBJECTS DEPICTED ON removed from the pack and given to spectator.
.THEM! As the cards (eight of them) are turned over, the iden- He deals a < -rd face down. Magician deals I
tity of the card gradually becomes clear until finally, when the
next card is turned over THERE IS THE ACTUAL CHOSEN
a card face
ed, with a bi
on tiiis card. This is repeat- I
f variety, until all cards
have been dec in two's. Much to the
| J
CARD. We supply the Eight special cards. Stick them onto
cards from your regular pack to get a perfect match to any amazement of pectators - when cards are checked, they are
design. Complete with full patter presentation. - found to be in pairs - 26 pairs. No moves ... no skill ... use
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). any cards. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
We were astonished when recently, we
A gigantic production. Hand-
were sent by one of our customers, an
some lacquered wooden chest,
item that they had purchased from a deal- «I „12" x 11" x llj". It's really
er which purported to be a new effect.
It turned out to be PERFECT PAIR by Tom -7 an OUTSIZE Mirror Box! There
■Ci doesn't appear to be room to
MfcLri / Sellers. A Supreme EXCLUSIVE and an
conceal a silk but you can pro-
adaption by Tom of his wonderful 'Perfecto
duce hundreds of yards of silk
Prediction'. In this effect a Jumbo card
from the box, or half a dozen
is shown. This constitutes your PREDIC-
doves or a couple of rabbits.
T1ON. An ordinary deck is displayed, any spectator chooses
YVONNE used one of these in her prize-winning Convention act,
ANY card and you show that their card matches the Jumbo one
producing a giant rabbit from it. Solidly built to give a lifetime's
you hold. THE IDEAL MENTAL EFFECT, or a single mental
service. Price, £55.00, (U.S.A. $150.00). (Customers risk).
item in a magic show. Complete with Jumbo card (without a
pack of cards, as any pack can be used, even a borrowed one),
price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). ROUGH AND SMOOTH DECK
The cards are fanned out and shown all
This is a great book of practical material, i ——
different. A spectator touches any card
clever and novel ideas of all kinds. Eighty-
as they are fanned before him, yet he
eight printed pages plus an attractive two-
colour light-board cover.
MUST get the force card. You can have
predicted the chosen card in advance if

Card tricks, Coin tricks, Novelty close-
you wish, a splendid publicity stunt. As
up magic, Mental items, a fascinating
a force it's easy, sure and certain, but
Card Change. A clothes-peg which finds
that's only the beginning of the things you
a spectator's card in the spectator's
GEORGE Hills can do with this pack.
pocket. A novelty routine for the Card
A spectator can insert a knife anywhere into the pack and locate
Duck. An Envelope Prediction. Packet
a chosen card!
card tricks of all types. Children's Complete with instructions. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Magic. (Baa Baa. The Pied Piper, The Hammer Wand. Tail
of Three Mice) ... and a lot more.
Those who enjoy novel pocket magic will find a great deal to MANY FLASH ELECTRIC HAND
interest them too.
At a count there are forty-seven practical items. You will
FLASHER A different type of hand flash-
er and one that has the advan-
find some really clever and novel ideas which will add to the tage of being able to produce
entertainment value of your close-up and your stage perfor- SEVERAL FLASHES OR MORE
mances. A book which will appeal to all magicians as there during your show. Battery op-
is something for everyone! erated it is nevertheless very
Many of the tricks can be made-up with very little prepara- compact and a finger-grip
tion, none are difficult. makes it easy to keep the centre unit concealed in either hand.
You will be delighted that George has released so many of his It can be instantly loaded, even in view of the audience, by drop-
'pet' effects in the pages of this one splendid book. ping a rolled up piece of flashpaper or flash-wool inside it.
An outstanding item in any book is often described as 'one of
Then press the switch and ... FLASH!
the plums'. Well, here's a publication that's just packed with
Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. $30.00).
them , - choice items you will enjoy and use!
Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).
psycha del-trick
THREE DICE MYSTERY Werry's fascinating problem in colour.
Three examined dice are sucked up in any order. Four cards with coloured circles change
You are insuntly able to announce the total number into question-marks of four different
of all the concealed spots on the dice. colours.
Complete with three dice and instructions., 4 * Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).

Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00)._____________ FOUR DRAGONS FOLDER

Panels are plain black on one
Miniature Bang-Gun side, on the reverse they de-
The perfect little Bang-Gun. pict four fiery-looking dragons
An exact copy in miniature of the in bright green, yellow and
original HARRY LEAT BANG- white.
GUN. Both sides of the folder is
Gun is about 4 inches long. freely shown, then this is form-
Plated barrel measures approxi- ed into a triangular tube. Ma-
mately 3 inches. - Fun and sus- gician reaches into the tube and
pense ... when you pull the trig- Immediately begins a silk pro-
ger , a banner 5x4 inches drops duction.
into view with the word BANG Six 18 inch silks can be pro-
printed on it! duced, one after the other, in quick succession, from the tube,
Banner is boldly printed in black letters against a white back- which can be immediately flipped open and shown empty once again!
ground, outlined in red. No hanging bags, entirely self-contained. Neat smart magic.
Complete with a manuscript of ideas by Ian Adair, Exclusive Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
to Supreme. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
One of the great classic effects

ONE TO FOUR PIPES of card magic, Roy Bakers's own
A realistic-looking pipe which you presentation of this masterpiece,
can produce or which you can really which gets not only applause but
9 come on smoking. Apart from the one gasps of amazement too!
Twelve cards are counted from
pipe, your hands are empty.
Suddenly, the one pipe multiplies in- ____
an ordinary pack. The cards & ’
to TWO. Then without any 'steals' of are caused to pass one at a time into the performer's empty
any kind, a THIRD pipe appears ... then finally, a FOURTH. trouser pocket.
As each pipe makes its appearance, it is "puffed" and clouds of Nothing to buy, easy to learn! Nine photo-reproductions ensure
smoke appear. that you get the performance of the trick 'just right'.
A great trick to incorporate into any cigarette routine. This is a manuscript which you cannot afford to be without ...
This new set of pipes has been designed for us by SAM DALAL the Finish alone is worth the price to any working magician.
and is available for right and left hand - (specify if you have any Remember, you use an ordinary deck of cards.
preference), also in wood-grain finish for naturalness or Meers- Price for the manuscript and photo-reproductions,
chaum white for visibility. Again please specify. £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Each set is supplied complete with an EIGHT PAGE PHOTO
to Supreme.
This is GREAT magic EASY TO PERFORM. By Bill Middleton. A comedy mind-reading
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). sketch, for such it really is, has been played
with equal success on stage and in cabaret
conditions, and can be shortened or lengthen-
THREE COIN MIRACLE ed as required. Played with vigour it is a
For devilish Ingenuity and cunning, here's sure winner for both magical and non-magi-
a close-up mystery that's certainly very cal audiences.
hard to beat. The script we supply is in rather an unusual form inasmuchas
Magician shows three coins and arranges you recieve TWO copies of it. One is for your own use for you
these in a certain order under a small plas- to learn, and the other is for your medium.
tic cover. Learn the act, 'ham' it up and you have an entertaining item
Spectator is asked to take three similar coins and arrange these that you can present at any time. The dual script in a neat folder.
in any order he chooses. You do not influence his selection in any Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Incidentally, six different combinations with the coins are possible! LATEX BANANA
Amazingly, when the cover is lifted, it is seen that the magician
A soft plastic banana.
has arranged his coins in exactly the same order as the spectator's.
Always a laugh when
Did we tell you it was a clever trick?
produced from a spec-
Surprisingly, the manner in which you move the cover slightly
tator's pocket, from an
forward or back as you lift it up is responsible for giving you any
Egg Bag.. .You can use
one of the six combinations of coins.
it in many ways.
Think how you can use such a clever principle as a stunning dis-
A great comedy prop.
play of mentalism!
Price, each, 85p,
We supply you with the special plastic cover and routines.
(U.S.A. $3.00).
Price, (without coins.. .use any coins, they are not gimmicked or
SPECIAL! Get three
prepared in any way. You can use the coins of your own country).
for only £2.50, (U.S.A.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00)._________________________________
$8.00). Including manuscript.


By arrangement with BILL PRYOR
"I of the U.S.A.
A novel Micro-Magic effect. Per- Thirty gags with a Latex Banana by EDWIN and IAN. The soft
■ former shows a plastic holder and plastic banana has endless uses for the magician and comedian alike
I places six miniature cards face- Here in this mimeograph publication are no less than 30 gags and
down into it. An envelope which the bits of business using this versatile prop. Ideas for using this in
magician states contains a predic- conjunction with a puppet routine, in the children's show. There's
tion is placed in full view. even a "Thought Reading Banana"! Winners you will use to create
J Now a spectator gives ANY number mystery and lots of laughs.
from 1 - 6, the actual NUMBER is Price for the manuscript on its own, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
used, there's NO spelling. The card indicated by the number is SPECIAL DEAL! We supply you with the manuscript plus three
turned, - AND THE PREDICTION IS SHOWN TO MATCH! All LATEX BANANAS at the special price of only:- £2. 50, (U.S.A.
the other cards are different. The envelope is unfeked. $8.00).
In addition, we give you instructions for TWO OTHER EFFECTS,
- "A selected card discovered" and "A reversed card". HOLEY TEASPOON
You'll say this is a VERY good buy. A cute little effect which A great joke! Use it in the sugar bowl.
could well become one of your favourites. The cut-out in the spoon prevents the vic-
Price, including holder, all necessary cards, envelopes etc., tim from getting a spoonful of sugar!
£1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00). a
Bill Stickland's lecture notes.
An old classic effect. A borrowed ring Material from his stunning lec-
passes on to a rod held by a member of ture as presented in the U.S.A,
the audience. Wooden ball placed on the and all over the world. Limited
rod penetrates through. number only available. Clever
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). ideas and notions you'll enjoy.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
One of the most spectacular tricks obtainable^ -
Magician displays a net, mounted on a long H
pole. Assistant enters and stands ready to re- \
ceive the doves as they are caught. Performer \ f *■ frf
swings the net and a live dove appears fluttering inside it. Bird
is then tipped onto a tray. This is repeated, two doves being
caught in the same way.
A trick that has proved to be a sensation. Worked by many
of magic's "greats". Price, £75.00, (U.S.A. $200.00).
'Coinest' consists of no less than five nesting coins, - a 50p.
piece, a 10p. piece, 2p., 5p. , and Ip. AH the coins go one
over the other and appear as one 50p. piece!
A sensational effect that is also great
KEN DE COURCY has come up with some really stunning rou- for a comedy presentation.
tines. 'Denominational Chink-A-Chink', yes, Chink-A-Chink
The sharpness of the blade is demon-
with four coins of different values. strated by cutting through vegetables,
'Simplex Coin through Table'. A classic effect performed etc. The victim's head is placed in pos-
without skill or sleights. 'The Tap Change'. A visible change ition and the magician forces the knife-
of a coin. 'Pandora's Purse'. A great routine complete with
blade down and through (?) the victim's
patter. 'Come-Back Coins'. Six coins are covered by a hand-
neck, the blade coming right through
kerchief, then removed one at a time. A magical pass and five
and remaining in view. Magician pulls
of them have magically returned. The sixth coin is pulled out the blade back up through the neck, the
of the air. handle of knife coming out at the top. It's all most convincing.
'Coin and Card Changeover'. A coin covered with a card You would swear the blade was being pushed up and down
changes place with a coin held in the hand. You get the illus- through the victim's neck.
trated instructions to perform all these effects, PLUS the spe-
Perfect for close-up or stage. Chopper Guillotine has a metal
cial coins. Price for the complete outfit, £13.50, ($32.00).
blade, is well-made in wood and attractively decorated.
Price, £60.00, (U.S.A. $150.00).


An attractive cabinet is shown. The front

A collector's piece. You won't be able to buy
the tricks from us at the advertised prices, A door is removed so that spectators have
but you will find the perusal of the Catalogue a clear view of the interior. Front panel
to be of absorbing interest. A limited number is replaced, back door of cabinet is open-
only. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00)._________ ed. Cabinet is now placed over the victim's
head ... back door closed. Twelve daggers
HINDU BASKET TRICK are impaled through the cabinet at every
angle. How is it possible ? The answer is given when the front
If you can get a basket-maker to make you
this, it's an excellent item;Girl enters bas- door of the cabinet is removed, showing the cabinet filled with
ket, the lid is placed on - a sharp sword is daggers ... the head has vanished.
plunged through at all angles. Cloth is The front panel is replaced, daggers withdrawn and cabinet
x thrown over after lid is removed. The ma- removed. The victim's head is intact. Breaks down for
ps. gician jumps into the basket showing that the packing. Price, £55.00, (U.S.A. $140.00).
__ girl has vanished. Magician steps out ...
there are 'passes', and the girl materialises under the cloth.
Price, 75p. , (U.S.A. $2.00). t u mbl er
Works like a Gung Ho Box. Show the
Sack is passed out for close examination box empty and then produce a glass
and then the magician steps into the sack and of liquid. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25,00).
has the mouth of same securely tied with
rope. Knots may be tied by a committee of
spectators and sealed. A screen is then

By Ian Adair. \ SECRETS
placed around the sack and in less than Classical dove effects detailed for you to study
three minutes the Magician makes his ap- and to put into practice. Typescript text. Print-
pearance, free from the sack, which may again be examined ed Cover. A book of practical dove magic for
before the seals are broken and the rope untied. all who entertain and mystify.
Complete with full instructions. Price, £12.50, ($30.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Clever magnetic novelty. Yogi dances for
Lubor Fiedler's offbeat effect! Spec- you but not for anyone else!
tator drops a small dice into a paper Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
tube but you can always predict the num-
ber he will place uppermost. CONTINENTAL
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). MATCH PRODUCER
A spring loaded gimmick for producing
JUMBO LATEX EGG lit matches from under the lapel.
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00).
The 'Supreme' Original effect now back again! A ________________

Mag ic bl o t t er
large Jumbo size OSTRICH EGG made in latex
rubber. Complete with a whole manuscript of
clever ideas and ways of using it. First introduced
d el ben
Looks like an old-fashioned desk blotter
by us in 1953 and used with success by the late but you can use it to print money, res-
TOM HARRIS and GOODLIFFE. A Supreme ORIG- tore a card, etc.
INAL. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). • Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $75.00).^^^^B


By Dwight Damon. Button badge, pin fastener. Flashes a tiny
The "ins and outs" of the art of Balloon bright red light on and off. Light-weight.
modelling. Openings and routines, games, No extra wires. Takes two Calculator bat-
stunts, lots of ideas. igic. teries (not included).
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
By John D. Pomeroy. Many magicians will have a Puppet Vent
All you need to know about the subject of Dog, (Supreme used to supply an excellent 'll * au °r » p -3'
making-up, A Hades Publication. Vent one under the name of 'FIDO').
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). Nowadays we supply a small one under Va
----- the name of 'FURRY FRIEND' and we ’

I""" CIG SWITCH supply a LARGER stage-size model un-

der the banner of 'ANIMAL CRACKERS'.
John Booth's "Master gimmick". (Please see the special pages In this issue. Our large Vent Dog Is
price, £30.00, U.S.A. $80.00.)
I i Switches one cigarette for another,
an unlit one for a lit one, if you wish. For those who require It, we can supply an excellent booklet
Ideal for the note or card in the ciga- containing Three Dialogues by VAL ANDREWS, entitled 'A BIT

I. _ ___ I rette.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $11.00).
OF A DOG', this is in typescript form with printed covers.
Price for the special script is, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).


The finest Jumbo cards on the market; full size,
Just a saucy novelty for a laugh. A

AW ?/
perfect linen finish, good card stock. Usually
available in either red or blue backs. Full pack of' miniature bra made in plastic. "A sure
52 cards plus Jokers. Price, £7.50, U.S.A.$20. cure for a Hang-over!"
Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
These are slightly smaller than the regular Jumbo HAUNTED DECK
cards, these cards are exceptionally good value.
Red backs only, and good for all Jumbo card effects.
The deck that mysteriously cuts itself and lo- -aS»
cates three chosen cards, one at a time.
Note the low price! Price, £4. 50, U.S. A. $10.00. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).


oti nrndune
You produce the duolicate card, hut
duplicate of a chosen card but
fl) w
Flesh-coloured plastic. Ideal accessory
it's the wrong card. Suddenly and visually, the
for silk work. For a production or vanish.
red spot card changes to a black one! Well-made
Small size for a 12" silk (or 18" diagonal
in plastic. An exclusive item you'll enjoy using,
silk). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
limited supply. Price, £7. 50, (U.S.A. $18.00).


By Werry of Germany. Production of several
A Mentallst's device, complete with an illus- silks fron a self-contained plastic ring covered
trated booklet by PHIL GOLDSTEIN. Gimmick with paper. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
is merely a punched card which enables you
to perform a fantastic Book Test. Spectator IMITATION LIT CIGARS
Good for the manipulator. An ideal finish
appears to have the free choice of a word, vet
it is the one you predicted. to a cigarette production.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
We would fail to be human if we didn't have at least one or two mistakes in this Catalogue, and we're sure you'll pick
up a few yourself. We would like to just mention Pavel's 'Yellow Knotted Rope', two prices are given, £6.00, $12.00, and
£10.50, $30.00. £6.00, $12.00 is a CHEAPER VERSION with a thin plastic tube. £10.50, $30.00 is the DE LUXE VERSION
with the heavy perspex one. At the moment we can supply BOTH MODELS from stock.
Also throughout the Catalogue there are some Testimonials for THE MAG1GRAM Magazine which give an OLD AND
EARLIER PRICE FOR THIS. The price for The Magigram is and has been since JANUARY, 1981, £7.50 (U.S.A. $18.00) PER
YEAR, 12 ISSUES, post paid to anywhere in the world.
We are well-aware that even as we write these words postal increases have been announced. Nevertheless, we intend
to keep our prices steady during 1981. At least 48 pages of great Magic each month, post paid for just £7.50 ($18.00) 12
issues, post paid. Please note that this is the CORRECT PRICE and as shown in the advert, page at the commencement of
this Catalogue.
We are continually adding new tricks to our range and re-making old ones too. It pays to keep in touch with 'Supreme'!


Here's a novelty! A 36" silk but which has The picture on the reverse side of a mirror
been DYED into four squares of solid colour. suddenly changes. A novelty item that's a
Imagine the effects you can do with this. Per- useful gift. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
fect for the Pavel effect with a paper with four holes. You show
four silks, go behind the paper, actually switching the silks from
your pocket and passing the corners of the special silk through
By Phil Goldstein. Phil Goldstein's first book on
the holes in the paper. Then "the silks" are pulled out and are
found to have blended. the subject of Mentalism including such winners as
'Desire', 'Burnt Offerings', 'The Tempermental
No matching silks supplied! Just the specially expertly dyed
Guest', 'Geometric Coin', etc. Printed booklet of
four square silk. Please note this is not a sewn silk but a spe-
28 pages, lightboard blue cover. Gems you could
cially dyed one. Price, £14.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
easily miss. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).


Sold strictly for entertainment purposes, here
are three methods of Fortune Telling by cards By Phil Goldstein. Phil Goldstein's search for the pw l c o l d h u h
for magicians; Pseudo-Palmistry; Pseudo- unusual, brought about this second of his series.
Graphology; Pseudo-Astrology, etc. Such mysteries as the 'Four-Sided Triangle',
HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN 'Satan's Nightmare' and 'Vision Version' a novel
ASKED CAN YOU TELL FORTUNES. act with figure cards. There's lots more for the 1
Howard Albright's FORBIDDEN WISDOM will gain you a reputa- working Mentalist. 20 pages, uniform in format
tion for the psychic. YET IT'S ALL EASY TO DO. A great book to The Blue Book of Mentalism but with a bright
of UNUSUAL MYSTERIES. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). red cover. Same price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).

KELLER TYPE COIN HOLDER Special offer. Get both booklets together for £5.50,U.S. A.$10.

This is the special spring drum type (

holder which pins inside a hat or under
your clothing and delivers 10p or old
Before writing this booklet Phil Goldstein care-
penny size coins, one at a time into your fully researched his work and believes that all
----- hand. Or allows you to push them into a this material is original with him. Ten novel
hat to which you had previously placed a bowl or saucer so they classic card mysteries. ALL with the "Phil Gold-
fall individually with a tinkle. The spring drum brings the next iGQ stein touch". A small printed, Illustrated booklet.
coin into place. Price, regular size £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). Price. £3.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Extra large size £7.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).


Allan Lambie's specially printed gag card, that's Harry Stanley's second Gag Bag which will provide
always a good laugh. Stick it onto the face of any you and your audiences with loads of good laughing,
regular card so that it matches in with the pack Openers, Talking about Tricks and Things. 32 feßSÖ (S'! 7
you are using for a certain smile. printed pages with amusing illustrations. ;Tn
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). »UV 2
Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).


This Japanese make finger reel, sprayed flesh Something really different. A solid wand
colour is ideal for the Untying Silk and similar which you can tap around. Black with metal
effects. Controlled by a spring drum. Can be _ ends. Suddenly and visibly the wand gets
used as a "bill catoher" gag and you'll think of ( z c— smaller. Yes, you see it actually go smaller
many other ways of using this reel. Not re- \ '1 in your hands. Suddenly the effect is repeated ________
pairable, when the strong nylon gut breaks, once more so now the wand is only just over half its original size.
throw the reel away and buy a new one'. Finally for a smash climax the wand vanishes completely! Please
Price, 85p. , (U.S.A. $1.50). note our stock of this item is limited and once sold cannot be re-
peated.Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $22.00).
ALL-METAL SQUARED CIRCLE PLUS A new way of performing this great
classic. The effect is the same as the *
We are pleased to have re-made
and added this back to our list, BUT ■ original EXCEPT that the balloon is , tfij
we have added several REVOLU- taken up from the table at any time. yijgr
T1ONARY IMPROVEMENTS which ; Hi J A silk handkerchief is vanished or ,ar
will at once make this an item which __ ' your assistant can hold the balloon and §
can be a definite hit in any program- «Qt you vanish a silk with the aid of a
me. Made entirely in metal. The "Bang Gone", a "Silk Gun" or in any
outer casing consists of a metal cab- & other manner. (Use your own vanish.)
inet with a cut-out front. The audience can see into it. The Suddenly and visibly the vanished silk
tube can also be shown through. appears inside the balloon, BUT HERE'S THE EXTRA SUR-
There's some fun when the magician shows a book, "What I PRISE for sticking outside of the balloon is a corner of the
Know About Magic" and a laugh when the inside page is seen silk; apparently, the silk did not go ALL the way into the
to be BLANK. balloon! The magician takes hold of the corner and pulls the
However, the magician knows a little more magic than he silk -ight through the balloon without any apparent damage to
has been given credit for, for straight away he can reach into it. Magician bursts the balloon showing that this is a regular
the apparatus and make a production from it ... silks, flowers, ordinary balloon.
spring goods, anything which will fit inside the tubes. We supply all you need, balloons, gimmick, even a couple of
• The size of the tube is 71 inches high x 4) inches diameter. silks so you can work this right away.
• Size of the Cabinet is 7i inches high x 5 inches square. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
The Cabinet is lacquered in red and black and the tube is
chrome yellow and black, offering a startling contrast. NEW JUMBO CARD SENSATION“

NOW HERE'S THE NEXT BIG SURPRISE. - Magician takes It was some years ago that Supreme
the tube up and holds this in his hand. More magical spells presented Norbert Graf's Jumbo Card Sen-
and when he lifts it there is a DECORATED CANISTER AL- sation effect with four court cards chang-
CANDY! Magician tips the candy into a bowl and children WE ARE NOW PLEASED TO PRESENT
coming up to assist you later during the show can be given A NEW VERSION OF THE EFFECT IN
a piece or the candy can be passed around after the program- WHICH ALL THE PREVIOUS DISADVAN-
me. A wonderful surprise 'PUNCHY' climax. TAGES HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED!
Price complete (but you have to supply your own sweets), Basically four court cards are shown.
£15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00). The magician displays these one at a time to the audience and
places three of these in a small plastic stand. The fourth one
COLOUR CHANGING (Christian's Original) remains in the hand.

CIGARETTE LIGHTER By Christian of Vienna. Rou- With the remaining single court card the magician touches
the backs of each of the court cards which he has placed on
tined by LEWIS GANSON. A display.This is added to the display. He turns the stand around
cigarette lighter shown BLACK and the audience are astonished to find that each and every
on both sides changes to RED card has changed to a SPOT CARD.
back to black again. Finally MISSING COURT CARDS.
the lighter is given to a spectator to examine. Excellent magic EASY TO DO! You'll say this is a great, magical effect
which you will enjoy working. Complete with TWO lighters and which can form the basis of perfect entertainment.
routine. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). Price, £9.50, (U.S.A. $22.00).



Originally produced by Harry Stanley's

Unique Magic and long unobtainable, we
are delighted to present this great stage-
size effect that will get a smile from any An exceptional trick, excep-

audience. tionally good magic and excep-
Made GIANT SIZE, - the body of the tionally good entertainment.
hen is approx. 13" x 14". The head ex- Two nesting tubes are shown
tends some 6" on one side and its tail to be unmistakably empty, one
feathers some 6" or 7" on the other, so of these has a cut-out hole in
it's BIG, amusing and visual; suitable the front through which the
for the drawing-room performer or for interior can be seen.
the largest stage, yet you can put this BIG item in a CORNER Placing the tubes together,
OF YOUR BAG! the magician makes a large
Children can be invited on-stage, they can put their hand silk production from the tubes. THEN THERE'S A SURPRISE
inside and you can see their fingers through the net bottom. FINISH. For your adult shows, you can first produce the bottle
Whenever, you wish, (remember this is entirely self-contained) of milk and then, as a surprise, pour BEER from the bottle.
an egg visibly appears in the net ... the egg is removed and NO EXTRA FEKE USED! An effect that is simplicity itself
another egg appears and so on, until as many as SIX eggs are to work and is suitable for performance under any conditions.
produced. The bag embodies a new, novel construction feature. Tubes are attractively spray-painted in yellow, red and black.
For good measure, we include SIX EGGS PLUS many novel The bottle is a special one and supplied with the trick. Every-
suggestions and ideas. This is a grand piece of entertainment thing nests together which makes for convenience in packing.
to entertain and mystify any audience. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
> Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
By Bill Lainsbury. Edited by Ken de Two fluorescent plastic
Courcy. plaques about Jumbo card
A selection of routines, tricks, wheezes, size. Each plaque is Day-
dodges, gags and games from 'The Billy W.VI glo rose on one side and
Benbow All in One Show'. Every kids en- «WWWS Day-glo yellow on the
tertainer will find something he can use «Si other. Two sheaths,
here. No pipe-dreams, no impossible cards are slid Into the
moves, just 'working' bits and business sheaths and a spectator
from 'The Billy Benbow All in One Show'. tries to duplicate your
Printed. Illustrated twenty-eight 10 x 8 actions, but they never can! Your plaque always ends up one
inch pages. Light board cover. Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. colour uppermost, their's the opposite colour! DO IT AGAIN
$9.00). AND AGAIN! The more you do it the more mystifying It becomes!
KEN Finally, for a gag finish, you can "instruct the spectator in the
BROOKE’S SPONGE BALL ROUTINE magic" and he gets it right too!
Comes complete with routine. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
We offer KEN'S own word for word A brass box, three coins - two
description of the Routine and pat- silver and a copper. A silver coin
ter, which enables you to add this is placed in the box, next the
splendid entertainment to your act - copper one is placed on top of it.
AT ONCE! Finally, the other silver one goes
The DETAILED ROUTINE , PATTER and instructions are in inside. A tap on the box and
printed form, and exactly as given in the book "The Magic of MIRACULOUSLY THE COPPER
Routine only, Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). COINS, RIGHT THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE BOX!
SPECIAL! The routine as above PLUS ALL the necessary Immediately, the lid of the box is removed and the two re-
sponge balls (seven in all). Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00). maining coins are tipoed out and shown.

Expensive? You'd expect it to be. You get the box (Bos-
TISSUE PAPER STRIPS ton Coin Box turned in brass), the special magnetic nesting
silver/copper coin and the routine.
Coloured tissue paper strips
At the moment, available with English coins only.
30 inches long by 1 inch wide.
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00).
Just right for Torn & Restored
or Burnt & Restored effects, etc., using a Thumb-Tip. Approx.
100 in a packet. Price, per 4 packets, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Q»M8« Blak«
A Supreme Exclusive! Complete
Supreme SUPER SPRING DIE__ _ with George Blake's wonderful rou-
tine. The Silver Sceptre is a me-

Folds flat, square tal rod approximately i" diameter
when produced. Black with white and about 16j" long. The rod is
spots. Because of the special ma- contained in a neatly-made bag.
iciial which we have used, it's shiny There are four phases in the rou-
and solid looking. MB tine ... the rod rises from a hand-
SPECIAL BONUS we kerchief; it rises from the bag sup-
each die Lucky Thirteen ideas plied; there are horizontal move-
ments, left and right from the same
great number to use bag; and finally, the bag shoots out
on own or from the wand high into the air!
other effects. Price £3.00, (U.S.A.S8). MARVELLOUS FOR KIDS SHOWS. They tell you that the
rod is rising out of the bag BUT YOU NEVER SEE IT. It
THEZELKAHAT FEKE seems to have a will of its own. No threads, - THIS IS AN
A prop from the past, now re-made ENTIRELY SELF-CONTAINED TRICK.
and available once more! It enables Complete with George Blake's amusing patter and instruc-
you to pick up a hat, turn it over, tions - AND AS A SPECIAL BONUS, MICHAEL PETTITT'S Ad-
flash it to the audience and show it ditional Routine that's great fun and an ideal opener, to get
empty, then immediately without you immediate ATTENTION and RESPONSE.
loading of any kind, reach into the Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
hat and produce an enormous load
of silks, ribbons etc. This is the A long strip of paper show- —
feke used by the late DAVID DEV- ing the word 'LOGIC. Magi-
ANT for his wonderful classic com- cian tears the paper up; after |
edy presentation, "The Eggs from a Hat". all LOGIC has no place in a
Supreme ZELKA HAT FEKE is made from a nice velveteen to magic show! When the paper
give a good "black-art" effect, this overlapping to form a "trap",
yet enabling easy access for your hand. An adjustable metal
is opened it is restored and
now bears the word 'MAGIC
Paper 1 ear
band means that it will fit any size hat. on it. We supply you with enough papers for ten shows, more
Price, for the special feke, £3.75, (U.S.A. $12.00). if you use the papers carefully. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Originated by JOE KARSON. • A Supreme Magic Publication.

ZOMBIE has become a classic! - I
The famous One Man Floating Ball MARCONICK’S

using no threads ... an effect which I
can be performed anywhere, and MARCONICK’S
under almost any conditions. / s il k \ We know you'll be delighted that this excel-
A 5 inch ball is seen resting on a / MAGIc\ lent book is available again following Supre-
pedestal. A foulard is shown on me's purchase from Harry Stanley of all
both sides. The magi covers the

rights on his publication and the material
ball and holds an end of the foulard therein.
in each hand. AW.JJrr Written by LEWIS GANSON, this is a great
Slowly, the ball under the cloth collection of silk routines, all of which have
rises in a ghostly manner ... first up and down .. the ball comes been published or marketed. Now here they
over and rests on the edge of the cloth. The ball floats over the are gathered into one fine volume. MARCON-
cloth, along the arm .. at one stage it appears to almost get away ICK has tremendous flair for updating classics of silk magic. A
from the performer! It's all very spooky and surprising! performer of QUALITY AND EXPERIENCE injecting into them
Like most effects, IT'S EASY TO DO - but you must practice to do PRACTICAL WORKING IDEAS.
it well! But no matter how good 'ideas' are, they can be lost to another
We supply a large, lightweight, spun aluminium ball, a pedestal; magician by indifferent description. LEWIS GANSON'S talent for
the gimmick; and full illustrated instructions. clear, instructional writing, plus a tremendous number of drawings
(You can use any 30 inch cloth). Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). and photographs, GUARANTEES that the reader will be able to per-
form EVERY ONE of the SEVENTEEN brilliant routines.
Zombie the Floating Ball Workable, colourful, audience-tested, mystifying magic!
There has never been a book which has taught A fine book printed on good quality paper ... 128 pages. Bound
with illustrated dust jacket.
'Zombie' like this one. Written and photograph-
, Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Here is The 'Supreme' sequence .. 'The get
ready', the ball rises, the ball floats along the y^MENTAL MEANDERINGS

is 5
arm, around the body, suspends on the cloth,
bounces on the cloth! A complete routine!
o l
A booklet for you - whether you are
a mentalist or just like to Include one
Additionally, there is GAVILONDO 'Start S or two mental effects in your magic
and Finish'; then there's WILL AYLING'S ■fl programme. Written by a practical
Zombie routine, a lovely routine, exactly as mentalist, all the effects described
7- are being used by him in his own
used by Will in his famous 'Genie' show, fully
described move by move. show.
Then there is a whole beautiful Zombie routine by LUIS GAVI- Some of the methods described are
LONDO, 'The Sacred Sun Ball', - the one which received'rave' very ingenious and you cannot fail to
press reviews when it was first performed. benefit from a study of them.
There is an "Additional sequence for Zombie routine" and, for In typescript form. Printed cover. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A.
good measure, the "Wrong side Ball appearance" .. ALL this plus $6.00).
hints, tips and ideas, all described in LEWIS GANSON'S own con-
cise, inimitable manner and with no less than 66 (yes, SIXTY-SIX!) MIRACLE DICE PREDICTION^
clear, easy-to-follow photographs. David Hemingway's routine for the old 'Dice
If you work ZOMBIE - if you've ever wanted to work ZOMBIE -you in the Matchbox'. V
must have this book. Produced in first-class style on good quality Routine Only.
paper with a photographic two-coloured art-board cover; uniform Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). CP
to other booklets in this series. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
SPECIAL! If you want to learn ALL about this effect, then you need Here's a Supreme Exclusive that’s a Stunner!
GANSON'S fabulous TEACH-IN, which details many previous unpub- i Ken Bow ell's WORD”
lished routines. Price, of the ZOMBIE 'TEACH-IN' is £3.00,
(U.S.A. $8.00). From a neat wallet the magician removes
We'll make a special price for the Zombie outfit and booklet when two sets of printed cards which he freely
taken together of... Price, £14.00, (U.S.A. $35.00). (displays. Each set consists of part-words,
an individual card from each set being re-
POP-AWAY WAND quired to form a full word. All are different

and it is difficult to pair the cards to make a
An all-time winner! Giant wand,
word. Both sets are shuffled and two cards are FREELY CHOSEN -
end repeatedly shoots away. A
there is definitely NO FORCING.
Supreme original.
STRANGE AS IT MIGHT SEEM, when the cards are turned over
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).

THE GLOBE OF MU the effect can be INSTANTLY REPEATED, when, of course, a

different word is formed.
"ZOMBIE". Maybe you already work this effect, ual that it is bound to be remembered and talked about. "MYWORD"
or have it by you, lacking a suitable presentation. requires NO get-ready; you- can work it any time. "MY WORD"
Either way this is for you. A weird story con- requires no skill to perform; it is completely SELF-WORKING.
cerning the lost Island of Atlantis that will appeal "MY WORD" comes to you complete with special printed cards,
to every boy, and the boy in every man. a nice wallet and TWO complete routines by the originator, Ken
Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00). Bowell. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
LEWIS GANSON had that wonderful
Supreme THREE GOOD ‘ UNS ’

knack of making what would other- TELEPHONE MAGIC

wise appear complex or complicated A baffling effect in which a spectator calls any
tricks simplicity itself. This he did telephone number and yet the party at the phone
with 'Mirror Cards', a brilliant called names, dates, cards, etc. No code used.
effect with a most startling climax. Full working secret.
Lewis wrote: "This is a routine which
will be remembered and talked about long afterwards." AXIOM BLINDFOLD .
The effect is simple. Four cards are shown and attention drawn Le Pages glue is put all around performer's eyes and nose and a
to the fact that these run in sequence, and in sequence] magically, large piece of cotton glued all around eyes tightly, and over this is
one by one the cards turn over. placed a 10-thickness blindfold that comes way down over the chin.
The effect is repeated four times. Each time a different card Still performer is able to see perfectly and drive a car, pick out
turns FACE DOWN and the previous card turns face up again! people, describe articles placed on a table, etc.
Tlie performer explains that "It is all done by MIRRORS" and
again shows every card singly - BUT ASTONISHINGLY THE FACES CARDECTO
AND BACKS ARE NOW MIRRORS!!!! A clever idea, wherein a performer’s
Great for close-up but can also be used on-stage during your assistant, acting as a medium, names a
shows with equal effect. Lewis's Magic Tutor with 17 photographs selected card. No words spoken. Easy to
makes it easy for him. Complete. Price, £3.50. (U.S.A. $8.00). do, and a startling, mystifying effect to any
We are now making our famous MIRROR CARDS
Three good 'uns' in sealed manuscript form,
in JUMBO CARD SIZE, in addition to the reg- /* \ Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
ular size cards. Xj *
You will find the handling is just as easy as with«tj/\_
our regular size cards and the same Magic Tutor I
included. The only difference is that you hold _____ |
the cards by their short edges instead of their long ones. A beautiful bouquet OF DEVON-
AMAZING CLIMAX. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). CARNATIONS. Ten flowers with
a ring for easy production. Com-

Thrhe latest BOX
in Supreme Spring
press up small, expanding instantly
into a full-sized bouquet when re-
items! quired. Mostly in single colours.
Supreme GIFT BOX is approxi- Price, per bouquet, £20.50,
mately 8" x 4" x 2J" when opened (U.S.A. $55.00).
out. Made of top quality springs,
covered with a gaily-coloured ma- PREDICT IT
terial and embellished with a bright Comedy gag and a sliding pip effect in
ribbon, finishing with a pretty bow. Looks solid yet folds up one great novelty.
flat. You can have one or more of these inside a folded Complete with routine.
magazine, newspaper, or comic paper. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00).
Price each, £3.75, (U.S.A. $9.00).
As a special feature why not produce a whole stack of SUPERSONIC SPACEMEN
these gift boxes: Use their production as a RUNNING GAG Pictures of two spacemen are shown. One
THROUGHOUT THE SHOW. We can supply you with SIX ' ; I is dressed in a brilliant red space-suit (from
at the special price of £18.50, (U.S.A. $45.00). I Mars!), the other a vivid green (from Venus!).
Cards are placed into envelopes which have
“LOUIE THE LIP” & cutouts in the shape of a flaming sun, and these
■ ■ are given to spectators to hold.
They all love Louie! A card is sel- Now the spacemen change places!
ected. A photo in a handsome wooden They really do! - Faster than the speed of
frame, size approximately 6" x 41" sound! The red spaceman is found where the
is shown. It contains a picture of a green one was, whilst the green one has flown
funny-looking ginger cat, looking very into the other envelope.
sorry and sad. ALL SILK-SCREENED Our new model of this effect is extra-large.
IN COLOUR. "”i3 Cards are now 9| x 6>, inches, extra heavy
The spectator names various cards. card stock too! A first-class trick that can
When he names his chosen one, Louie be seen from any stage, yet it's small enough to pack flat in your
slowly begins to SMILE , showing a bag. Price. £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
grinning row of teeth! THE CHANGE
If you have a ventriloquial ability, Louie can actually name the By Ed Mishell. Ed has captured the magic of
chosen card. When the spectator checks through his cards, the Jack Miller and added many of his own ideas in
chosen one is missing and Louie finds it, for now the chosen card this 64 page, profusely illustrated book. You’ll
actually appears on the back of the picture! be amazed at the magic you can easily perform.
You get the whole routine, everything ready to work this right
away. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Site #^44C£TW7
If you are looking ----- irI-----
Yes, we can supply it, it's a
fantastic trick! And we make
fi for the CHEAPEST ..
pass this by. If you
are looking for PER-
A folding carton., .from the FECTION IN MAGIC
carton you remove and show one
at a time eight bottles. ALL
A and a trick to always
win you APPLAUSE
You appear to be having difficulty in making up your mind which by YEARS of actual USE before paying audiences! All the "cor-
drink you prefer, finally choosing one to your liking and pouring ners" have been taken off! All the snags removed!
yourself a glass of the beverage. Obviously you don’t need the - The classic plot! - PLUS! -
other bottles any more, and Wham! Bam! the carton is folded The four Aces - outsize cards - 7j" x 4|" are placed along the
flat...all the bottles have vanished into thin air! top ledge of a display stand. Twelve other cards are counted
For comedy you can work the effect on top of a draped table. At BACKS OUTWARDS towards the audience. There are no false
the end, the audience are sure that the bottles must be under the counts, no moves. Three indifferent spot cards are shown and
table... .but there's nothing there! placed against the first Ace, three are shown and placed against
You get the well-made outfit, complete, ready to work, and it's a the second, three against the third and the fourth. In each in-
very good buy. Price, £40.00, (U.S.A. $100.00). stance the cards are shown to the audience faces and backs.
A pile of cards is chosen and placed into an envelope (unfeked).
ACROBATIC MATCHBOX There's lots of fun as a lady sits on the cards .. and real MA-
GIC as one at a time the remaining Aces vanish from off the stand
It's CREEPY! It's CRAWLY! A box of matches, appearing in place of the indifferent cards which the lady is so
placed on the hand, slowly It slides and slithers carefully guarding! She opens the envelope. SHE removes the
along! It stands on end, then slowly opens itself. £ A*
A great novelty effect. X The vanish of the various Aces is most effective, for several
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). clever subtleties are woven into the routine which is now care-
fully detailed in a PRINTED 8 PAGE illustrated Magic Tutor.
Complete with all the fine quality imported Jumbo cards. No
JON TREMAINE’S ROUTINE’™;™“™ stand included. (We would recommend our RIGID "FOUR ACE
STAND"). Price, for the complete routine and Jumbo cards,
This is great and in the form of a FOUR PAGE PRINTED MANU-
SCRIPT. With no less than EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS by Jon Trem- £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
aine himself.
The 'Acrobatic Matchbox' is an OLD trick but Jon has some nice
su t r e me RIGID “ FOUR ACE STAND ”
moves that are VERY WORTHWHILE. Everything Is freely dis- "As Firm as a Rock"
played, yet the matchbox comes to life, makes a complete "about A really nice-looking prop you will
turn", becomes agitated, jumps a backward somersault! be proud to own and use. TASTEFUL,
Price for the Jon Tremaine routine alone which includes full MODERN APPEARANCE.
instructions which will enable you to gimmick up your own box, Patent locking strut to ensure abso-
only £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). lute rigidity.
Displays ordinary or Jumbo sized
cards, envelopes etc., perfectly.
PRICE FOR THE ACROBATIC MATCHBOX is £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00 Supreme quality apparatus at a reasonable price. Nothing
SPECIAL DEAL! We will supply you with an Acrobatic Matchbox better made. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
with Supreme routines, PLUS the JON TREMAINE routine for the
Special Privilege price of £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00). THE COLOSSUS OF CARDS During a recent trip to Hungary,
No-Feke Gravity Glasses George Kovari purchased exclus-
A ive rights to this amazing new
lan Adair's innovation that turns the c
popular Anti-Gravity Glasses Into some- “ item by Molnar, Hungarian Mag-
thing better than you ever dreamed it ILJ *L K-
/<$^\\ \ ician.
could be! No fakes of any kind are used. hn / ’ He was amazed to find just how
All the apparatus used could be examined. J XL • EASY and TROUBLE-FREE it
Famous Star laughter maker, TOMMY 1 '—-SsX-J \__ “ i was to work. ueorge
i jwastowort. George saw it
COOPER, said "A Great routine 1 shall " performed in a night club a few feet from where he was sitting and
get a tremendous lot of fun from it - I it received solid applause and genuine gasps from the audience,
want one!" that made him realise WITHOUT QUESTION that this effect was a
You'll vote it the tops in entertainment. sure-fire winner.
Apparently you do not notice it when the glasses remain on the tray, Here now, for the benefit of Supreme customers, is 'The Colossus
and as far as ypu are concerned you never succeed in performing of Cards - AN ENORMOUS FAN OF SUPERB GIANT CARDS PROD-
the miracle you set out to do! A presentation in the modern idiom UCED FROM 'NOWHERE'.-
that packs laughs all the way through! We supply all you need. Once you become familiar with the handling of this prop you will
Plastic tumblers, neat red and black tray. (NO GIMMICKS! - FOR find a great number of uses for it. Such as a surprise production
NONE ARE REQUIRED!) Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). or for the climax of a Diminishing Card Routine.
George's instructions tell you how to produce the Colossus of
Cards. The Super Giant Fan. From an unprepared silk. You'll
1HE SUPREME^ 64. HIGH ST- BIDEFORD soon think of other ways of using this in your shows.
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
A "secret-gimmick" that enables you
to vanish a coin, a thimble or any similar
article when covered with a handkerchief.
This is - "OPEN SESAME" by
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). Eric Lewis and Wilfred Tyler.
Acclaimed by the critics all

05 Sw an k y -Ha n k y over the world. Publication of

this book some years ago, paved
A chosen card becomes imprinted nxcyms the way to many successful child-

WUl»nue ren's entertainers' reputations
on an ordinary white handkerchief.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). and fortunes. ORIGINALLY A


ON THIS GREAT BOOK. ____________ ________
A Supreme Magic ______ .
By Geoffrey Scalbert. A BIG book,
of one hundred and
Packed with undated material, gags, 'business' and fun for the
children's entertainer.
eighty five approximately 10 x 8 inch There has NEVER been a book like "Open Sesame". Sections in-
pages, by one of Magic's Great Orig- clude one WITH GLOVE PUPPETS; CHARACTERISED MAGIC;
iiumosiam inators. ROUTINING STANDARD EFFECTS- STORY MAGIC and still more.
Well-printed and Illustrated and with The book is PACKED full of gems of ENTERTAINMENT. All this
a two-colour illustrated, printed, lam- PLUS a chapter on 'THE GAMES MASTER'. A book that every child-
inated, dust-jacket. ren's conjuror must have. It's a constant source of INSPIRATION
Because many of the items overlap and WORTHWHILE PRESENTATIONS. A large book of 156 pages,
in nature, for example Thought-read- well-printed, beautifully illustrated by DENNIS and HANDSOMELY
ing tricks with cards and so on, it was BOUND. ATTRACTIVE DUST JACKET. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A.
decided not to "sectionise" the contents, $20.00).
but rather to present them as a Super Selection, a varied assort-
ment, a pot-pourri of prestidigitation with something to appeal to
every magical palate.
(It's not Magic PLUS) by David Hallett. <
FRED CASTLE wrote the 'Foreword' and said, "The magician A BIG BOOK'. A BEAUTIFUL BOOK! A book '
who wants long and involved routines will be unlucky when he
which is filledwith PRACTICAL, COMMER-
reads this book, but what he will find will be tricks with a plot
and methods simplified wherever possible to Include the minimum
It is some years ago now that famous soc-
of sleights but the maximum of effect.
iety entertainer, DAVID HALLETT, wrote
"I recommend this book to magicians everywhere with every
a booklet, "IT’S NOT MAGIC". Full rights
confidence, because I ALREADY use some of'Geoff's tricks in on this book were purchased by The Supreme '
most of my OWN performances. I AM PROUD TO BE ASSOCI-
Magic Company. We were delighted indeed -in mi ■■tn-
when David agreed to modernise "IT'S NOT
There's SIXTY FIVE items. If you go for CLEVERNESS in Ma-
gic or are looking for some outstanding Mental routines for one
ANOTHER BOOK to be ADDED to it, the whole making up to a WON-
or two persons, then you will find them in this book. Price, DERFUL GUIDE TO PARTY ENTERTAINMENT. Our friend, that
£10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). wonderful artist and artiste, ALI BONGO, kindly did the drawings
in his usual, superb, inimitable style.
Two playing cards and four coloured
This is a book of ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE PAGES. Section
plastic 'counters' or 'chips' are the
One enables you to MEET DAVID HALLETT. It tells you the David
propert'es used. All four counters
Hallett story. Then we go into "IT'S NOT MAGIC" with amendments
are placed under one card, and mys-
by David to his original book and amusing and explanatory drawings
teriously and one at a time they disappear to appear under the
from AU that really makes this book to be ENJOYED as well as to
other card which is a good foot or so away. It must be magic!
PROFIT from.
It certainly looks that way! In fact you can perform the trick
without magic, and what is more, without sleight-of-hand or "Wonderful" says David and wonderful it is! We can assure you
skill. It's a great trick for close-up performance.
that if you work as David tells you and shows you how to work, you
We supply it complete. Chips, cards etc., and the full routine
will get repeat bookings which will mean that you perform at house
and instructions. Price, £1. 50, (U.S. A. $4. 00).
parties, two or three times a year, maybe two or three times for
four years following!
GOSHMAN’S DICE CUP This is not a book of tricks, it is a book of novelties and "fun bus-
iness" which no professional children's entertainer can afford to
A regular dice cup made from hard black leather.
Perfect for Dice Stacking, etc. Size of cup is 3j" miss. Hard bound, titled in gold on the spine and with a beautifully
diameter and 4j" high. illustrated two-colour plastic laminated dust jacket by ALI BONGO.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). A book that will enable you and your audiences to gain the maxi-
mum enjoyment from your work as an entertainer.
Help us to deal with your orders promptly. PROFIT AT THE PARTY, Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Use an Order Form have one.
Keep all other correspondence etc., separate. STREAMLINED JUMBO 3^

If you are able, give an alternative selection. 2 CARD TRICK
Be sure to state your name and address clearly using block Entertainment value plus! Jumbo sized
letters. If you are using a stage name, please give your cards, one is chosen, the magician attempts
real name also for our own reference. to reveal it with a giant die.
Cash or coins should be registered. Something seems to have gone wrong. At
A stamped addressed envelope MUST accompany all enquir- the end you DO successfully divine the cho-
ies. (If you live overseas International Reply coupons.) sen card. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $15.00).
The Original
GOLDEN GALAXY OF ROSES Ian Adair's offbeat effect
Coloured tissues change into coloured ribbons.
for the kids' performer.
Ribbons become white and a picture in a wooden
perspex frame, which was previously black and One of the most novel items
we have produced and so
white, changes and becomes a galaxy of colours.
clever in method we know
Price, £45.00, (U.S.A. $115.00). that you will 'flip' when
you see it. - One by one
SUPREME METAL GENII TOBE pictures of coloured dri-
2|" square, 5|" high, hinges open. Convincing- nks vanish from giant
ly shown empty. cards and there is a big I
Will change or produce silks. surprise finish when a
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). picture of "your Pop" (or it can be the school-teacher or the store-
keeper) appears. If you like clever principles, then we know you
EGG VASE will go for this in a really big way. Great fun for kids: It can be
Very much like the Ball Vase but made with an egg. easily adapted to the entertainment of any audience.
Useful for combination work. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Price. £3.50, (U.S.A. $8,00).__________________
Three silks VISIBLY change into a
GIANT 36" ONE. In this method only a
Spring Fish
single 36" silk is used. A really SUPER new prod-
Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). uction prop. Folds up small,
yet opens out to 15 inches
PAVEL’S SILK KNOTTING long! Made from a wonderful type of material, silver lurex, with
black and green markings. The fish glistens and shimmers as
Three silks are tucked into a clear tube. you hold it. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
When blown through they emerge tied to-
gether. Our method makes it logical. Tube
and detailed instructions, use your own Super SizeShimmering Spring
silks. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Candle is placed into a case. When opened Now we've made our marvellous Shimmering Spring Fish
later silks are produced and the candle has GIANT SIZE. - A miniature JAWS! Size of the fish is approxi-
gone. Price without silks, £12.50 (U.S.A.S30.). mately THIRTY INCHES LONG, about TWICE the size of our
regular spring fish; great to use in conjunction with the lat-
PUZZLE TIME No. 1 ter. This MUST be the one that got away!
Made of the lovely super lurex material, black with green
Everybody is interested in a good puzzle and markings, as per our regular Shimmering Spring Fish.
here is a fine collection of real Brain-teasers. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00)
Six wire puzzles that will give you hours of fun.
Set No. 1 consists of the famous Three „
Triangles, Halved Rings, Angles, Trian- @ INVISIBLE BLOWING AND DYEING SILKS
gle and Link, Snake and Ring, and Curley . II fee’ VS* A simple idea, this is really just the production
No forcing them open! They FALL apart wherr of two silks from a piece of paper.
you know how!
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00)


Another selection of wire puzzles, com- BILLIARD BALLS
pletely different from set No. 1 in this ser-
The effect of the Multiplying Billiard
Balls is too well known to justify descrip- / «
Contents are "Two rings on a V" (a wond- tion here. One, two, three and finally
erful puzzle), "Link and Snake", "Three four billiard balls are prodiced between
Twists", "Triangle and Ring," "In theMid- the finger-tips of the hand. This set of
dle, " and "Linked Ring.." 1J inch balls are especially attractive in self-coloured plastic and’
Price, per set, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). have the added advantage of being very light and easy to manipulate.
Price, for both sets when purchased together, £1.75, (U.S.A. Supplied complete with easy-to-follow instructions and an illus-
$5.00). trated routine. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).


A nice greetings card and voucher made COLOURED BALLS
out to any amount of £5.00 and over. A set of four 1| inch balls to match those in our Multiplying Bill-
Please add 75p. for the card and handling iard Balls trick. Each ball is a different colour. Perfect for using
when ordering. in all kinds of colour-changing routines.
(U.S.A. Add $2,00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
The latest version of the old 'Vase BY CLARENCE]. WENGER.
and Cord' effect. Roy Baker, one of Great Britain's most
Vase Is made of plastic, and has a A accomplished Hypnotists, had this to say
clear base, thus allowing the end of fl" about the book, "This is one of the best H
the rope used to be visible at all books on the subject that I've ever read, TO z
The rope clings to the vase, and the
and MUST for anyone who wishes to use
Hypnotism, Much of the information con-
vase to the rope, but the end of the rope is visible at all times. tained in this book, I have never seen printed elsewhere, and it's
Others may try at anytime to duplicate your actions without so very important; especially invaluable is the information on Self-
success'. Hypnosis and undoubtedly if anyone follows the methods which
Great for kids shows as you explain there is a GENIE in the Clarence J. Wenger gives in this book, his success will be assured".
Vase of Aladdin and he is hanging on to the rope'. This is not a book of Stage Hypnotism, this is a scholarly thesis
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). which will help you to present a lecture-demonstration on hypnotism.
Printed. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).

Santa Claus Paper Tear
Red, white, green and black tissue
CÄ_._ Un t y in g s il k
A most unusual effect that always
papers are torn up and opened out re- appeals. Magician ties silk in a knot and
sorted as a picture, all in colour, of at his command the silk slowly and mys-
that lovable old gentleman 'SANTA teriously unties itself! Can be repeated.
CLAUS' himself! We supply this complete with a silk and
Enough tissues are supplied for full instructions, etc., ready to work.
TWELVE shows. No pasting-up! Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
A moment's preparation and you're
Comes complete with a MARVEL- A bottle of milk changes into a glass of a selec-
LOUS ROUTINE and full patter presentation. Great VALUE! ted soft drink. Amusing routine.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
PRICE. £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

s u p r e me SPOOKY MATCHES Nick Trost s FOOL’S MATE

Six or more cards are shown and one is chosen. Performer shows a fan of blue-backed
Cards are mixed together and placed in a row cards and one red. The red-backed card - an
on the table. Magician now removes a couple ACE - is laid aside as a 'prediction'. Now
of matches from a box and says these will rep- someone FREELY selects any blue-backed card
resent his DIVINING STICKS. They are held which SHOULD MATCH the red-backed ACE -
as illustrated and passed over the cards. but it doesn't - it's a KING! This proves
Suddenly, and in a very eerie, spooky manner quite puzzling for the rest of blue-backed
the matches move apart. YES, they have correctly revealed the cards are ACES! To set matters straight, per-
chosen card! former CHANGES the red-backed ACE to a KING which NOW
You can use any cards, Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). MATCHES SPECTATOR'S CARD!
We supply you with the cards and illustrated instructions.
INCA’S STICKS Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Two rough bits of wood which you rub together UNCANNY HUMAN X-RAY A light weight cabinet covered
and a flame is produced! ILLUSION with white cloth in hospital style,
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). j Any person from the audience
j steps into this open front cabinet
and a small two fold screen is
Torn & Restored of
T* * _ ‘ placed in front of them. Then
Lecture Notes JARROW
These are the lecture notes which were issued I ■W'1.
performer walks over to an elec-
trical panel and throws a switch.
As he does so lights go on around
for Dick Jarrow's lecture at the Brighton 1980
the outside of the cabinet, making it completely transparent.
Convention. Printed and illustrated with twenty
You can wave your hand up and down behind the cabinet and
three line drawings by the author. Here's some
they can see a shadow of your hand right through the person's
real novel magic. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A.$3.00).
body. A very sensational and effective illusion. Full secret
The weird book by that somewhat weird char- and workshop plans. Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
acter Tony Shiels. DAEMONS, DARKLINGS

'I J Ribbons ■ Ribbons - Ribbons

AND POPPELGANGERS. Yes, we reprinted it.
Tony's largest collection to date. Hard bound A novel twist on the old 'Colour Rib-f^j
in green, embossed title in silver. Two-col- bon' effect. The ribbon changes täL uu»4/ .
our illustrated dust jacket. A book you'll be TWICE, AND we've turned the thing I \—<-
proud to own, thrill to read. into a COMPLETE ROUTINE which ■
If you like your magic with a whiff of the su- incorporates a 20th. Century theme. RS*
pernatural, Daemons, Darklings and Doppel- Price for all the ribbons and the routine. £4.00, (U.S.A.
gangers will enable you to fulfil your blood curdling ambitions. $9.00).
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Yes, this is the IMPROVED "Chase No assistant required and you can work It any

the Ace" with a RED ACE and TWO place. No reels. No setting up, walk into any-
BLACK SPOT CARDS. LESLIE where and you are always set to go ahead. Per-
DRAKE'S trick from many years ago former ties a silk into a knot at the top and tnls
made bigger and BETTER than ANY-
5 silk floats from hand to hand, is thrown into a
hat and crawls out. Complete illustrated routine.
are 14,', x 9.1,- inches, beautifully silk- Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
screened and correctly proportioned.
The cards are laminated with a
clear protective film front and back. Cardswill never soil; fin-
MENTA BOXSupreme 'Menta Box'Ts a
ger-marks are merely wiped-off with a damp cloth. PLAIN but neat wooden box,
In addition to Leslie Drake's original routine, we give you KEN varnished with clear lacquer
DE COURCY'S presentation and patter; Ideas by RAVELLE & to prevent soilage. During
ANDREE; and the great presentation and handling by PETER PIT. your show it can containe Chal-
Peter's routine is published by us and given to all purchasers as ks, Pencils, Envelopes etc.,
a Supreme EXCLUSIVE! or it can hold cigarettes or
Peter calls his routine 'Ace Supreme - an ancient card classic sweets.
with a new twist' and it's just that! In the mere action of lifting
- THIS IS THE VERSION USED BY THE STARS - the box up, the pack of cards you are holding is changed for another
The instructions include ten clear, easy-to-follow photographs one! The pack doesn't appear to leave the sight of the audience for
which Peter specially commissioned during a performance by him an instant, yet it has been switched!
of this effect at the famous Magic Castle in Hollywood. The in- ••You'll be thrilled at some of the wonderful Ideas given with each
structions are in die form of a 16 page fully printed booklet. box«*
You get the cards and all the routines. With Supreme 'Menta Box' is issued a whole manuscript bubbling
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). over with the most wonderful effects, all using the apparatus supp-
lied, plus cards and a few other 'bits and pieces' - you probably
already have.
Remember the box is well-made in wood - yet it looks nothing more
ALREADY have tne cards but would like all the UPDATED ROU-
than an ordinary box to hold the various accessories you need.
TINES, we are able to offer the booklet ON ITS OWN as an 'After-
Sales Service'. (Please note, we are unable to supply cards sep- Price, for the 'Supreme' 'Menta Box', and routines,is...
arately). Price for the 16 page booklet, £2.50,. (U.S.A. $6.00). £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).


RIBBON PREDICTION Ian Adair's clever dove vanish with
Pavel has come up with another one
just a simple folder. A dove vanishes,

of his colourful creations, - this time
a mental effect but one which uses leaving the audience baffled and con-
unusual properties. founded.
Magician shows a cardboard cover, Price, £7.50. (U.S.A. $20.00).
through slots in this are threaded red,
yellow and blue ribbons, each tied in Lubor Fiedler's
a decorative bow.
The Magician/Mentalist states that he has a prediction inside the
folder, this is the one colour that will be left after two spectators
A packet of cards, a disc and a rod. Visit
have made their choice. So confident is he that he has placed along- the cards penetrate through the disc.
side it a $50 (£5) bill to be divided between the two participants in
the event of his being wrong! Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
Two spectators freely assist ... there is no 'force', one chooses
one colour, one of the remaining colours ... they may change their DAVY CROCKETT (AND THE B’ARS)
minds if they wish. A large card with silhouettes of Bears (Sorry,
The chosen colour ribbons are removed; one colour remains for B'ARS!) ... Six on one side and three on the
the magician. When he opens the folder, there inside is a silk other. Now there's only FOUR on one side
handkerchief of that colour and alongside it is the $50 (£5) bill and ONE on the other! Where's all the B'ars?
which the magician pockets!'.! DAVY CROCKETT SHOT THEM ALL!!!'.!!
No double folder or similar outdated principles. - Good, simple, The card suddenly drops open to show a pic- <3
direct magic which appears to be genuine mind-reading, performed ture of the Indian Hunter himself. A surprising
by a so-simple method that you will delight and thrill everytime finish. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).
you perform it.
Definitely no force. In fact-each time you perform it you can have
a different colour ribbon left and a different colour prediction inside
A new idea in Drawer Boxes. Pull the
the folder. drawer completely out and allow the audi-
Sounds like a miracle? - it's really a very good trick! ence to see through a hole in the cover.
Comes to you complete, - cover, ribbon, silks.. .you have to Not the old idea. Close it, it's empty!

supply your own $50 or £5 treasury note... don't worry, there's no Open it, it's full!
chance of your loosing it! I
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Can is filled with confetti, covered over
and all the confetti vanishes. Covered again
and from the same container silks are pro- A great pocket trick.
duced. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). It's fun!
Four coloured keys, four
pictures, one of a glamor-
REEL MAGIC BY ALBENICE ous young lady, the other
Imported from the U.S.A. Twenty-five novelties using a reel. three old 'has beens'.
A book every magician should have. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. Each lady is behind one of
$8.00). the bedroom doors. The
keys are different colours,

there's the key of the Red
Room, the Yellow Room,

4 the Blue Room and the Pink

^An amusing gag item to conclude any show. A black
:nd white wand changes to a banner with a picture of a Room. - Needless to say, you always end up with the 'cutie' - not
skeleton and the words "THE END". Complete with only that, a wad of notes are thrown in for good measure, to ensure
amusing patter. you have a pleasant evening.
A great plot, nice props and the very comprehensive printed ins-
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). tructions make this a certain MUST for you.
Edwin's Original Routine, plus Michael Hooper's additional pres-
HANKIRISE entation ideas (as shown by him at the British Ring Picnic this year),
plus a great patter routine by Ken de Courcy, (Ken's plot involves
A card is selected and returned to the
pack. A handkerchief is held momenterily
^'£V/-z wife-swapping! and some additional notions). You get all these
in front of it. Spookily the chosen card wonderful routines and all the apparatus, - the four doors, each
rises from the pack, right up over the lettered with the name of a young lady; four cards, plastic keys,
edge of the handkerchief until it is balanc- etc.
ing on it! Simple, direct, entertainment. We predict that Edwin's "Key of the Door” will be the hit pocket
trick of the year.. .COMMERCIAL close-up material that's saucy
Price, for the special handkerchief and and tremendous fun. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
routine, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

s u c t io n Van is h er "I THE KEY TO LOCK PICKING by DAVID

Exclusive information for MAGICIANS
Great for the vanish of a ball, plastic egg, etc.
ONLY are contained within the pages of
Complete with instructions.
this well-printed and produced book, the
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). results of over twenty-five years of THE KEY
DAVID DE-VAL'S personal research TO LOCK
IN THE RED! and records on this subject.
Here are chapters on The Lure of the
Seven Jumbo-sized cards, one is freely chosen.
Lock, Types of Locks, sizes and types
This is the only one with a red back amongst the of Picks, Pin Tumbler Cylinder Locks,
blue ones. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
The Lock Gun, Picking Pin Tumbler DAVID


SUPREME Without Tension Wrench, Practice

Session, Raking, Warded Padlock, etc.
THROUGH RING All the information is in sixty-two 10 inch x 8 inch pages; with
A classic effect performed in a new manner, about sixty complex illustrations; and over thirty clear photographs
f- so astonishingly simple, - so simply aston- which take you stage by stage through this intriguing subject.
We cannot stress too strongly that this book is sold to MAGICIANS
j i shing!
' All the properties used can be exa mined: - ONLY, for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Obviously, we
A borrowed 10p piece or similar size would not wish this book to get into the wrong hands. We are there-
coin, fore only prepared to sell this on the strict understanding that,
A finger ring, (ladies or gentleman's), when ordering, you give us a WRITTEN UNDERTAKING that the
A silky top-pocket handkerchief. - You book is for your own personal and private use; that it will not be
can use your own if you wish. re-sold or loaned to anyone. On no account is the book to be placed
In performance, you show your hands empty. Request the loan into any Public or Magical Society Library.
of a 10p piece.. .only one coin is used. You take the coin at your We will only supply you if you send us a signed note of promise to
fingertips and show that apart from this coin your hands are quite abide bv these rules.
definitely empty. A silk handkerchief is placed over the coin and - We cannot hold ourselves responsible for any improper or mis-
spectator can thread the corners of the handkerchief through the use of the information which is given in this book. -
finger ring. The coin is trapped by the ring. Handkerchief is Each book has been sealed to keep the contents exclusive and
spread out so that the coin is at the top. reaches you double sealed inside a strong polythene bag.
The four corners of the handkerchief are held by spectators. We do ask you to keep the information contained in this book to

Magician places one hand underneath the handkerchief, one on the yourself , and the book itself in a safe place when not being studied.
top. He makes a rubbing movement of the coin, and surprise! 'The Key to Lock Picking' by David De-Val.
Suddenly his hand comes out with the coin from underneath the Price, £10.00, (U.S.A. $25.00, sent by AIR MAIL).
handkerchief and the coin is tossed on to the handkerchief, along- MARCONICK’S ORIGINAL MAGIC No. 3
side the ring.
- Everything can at once be examined - Novel ideas in a fine booklet by Marconick.
Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
REPRODUCTION ONCE MORE. Yes, a tremendous book. At long last we have
Originally produced by Harry Stanley's Unique Magic Studio, for you all three of the Routined Manipulation ri wwitn
.■ toUIlMP
The Routined Manipulation series won acclaim all over the world. series under one cover, in one GIANT book. -Sman if v l at io n
Unfortunately the "American reprint rights" were disposed of by "Complete Routined Manipulations", consists
Harry, resulting in cheap paperback editions appearing elsewhere. of Part One. Part Two AND Finale. Each a
Naturally, these shoddy reproductions deterred us from the con- separate book on its own, each leading in
siderable investment required to reprint the books to Supreme clear continuity from one to the other, build-
standards. We have always felt the books deserved to be present- ing up to what must surely be one of the great
ed and available in this form, for the benefit not only of British books of all time.
Magicians but to discerning magi all over the world, and worthy Handsomely bound. Titled in gold. And with
of the original publisher, Harry Stanley, and the author, the in- a newly designed two-colour laminated photo-
comparable LEWIS GANSON. graphic dust jacket. Nothing has been left out. Everything is
WE'VE DONE IT'. Now we are proud to offer these volumes, here that is in the individual volumes.
quality publications which do justice to the originals. Books which So easy to refer to in one BEAUTIFUL book.
are modern classics to add to your library, to treasure and to A handsome tribute to Lewis Ganson the author and also to
refer to. Remember in The Supreme Magic editions each of these Harry Stanley, the original publisher.
books is a handsome hard bound book with a two-colour photo- Remember these are the Supreme Magic editions, books you'll
graphic, plastic laminated dust jacket. be proud to own.
We do not believe that we can do better than allow the original Complete Routined Manipulation, price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $38.00).
publisher, to tell you in his own words about these great books.
ROUTINED MANIPULATION Full stage size approximately
16 inches long, exceptionally
Oi t ,-,T PART ONE - This wonderful book of photo smooth working and silent, these
Ü illustrated magic is completely routined and are the non-tangle square-type
well deserves the popularity that has sold out sticks. A decorative plastic
f~2 many editions. strip finish adds to their appear-
kJ A great Cigarette Routine, terrific routine ance. Complete with the detailed
I with Candles, Card Manipulations, Coin Manipu- routines as given with our pocket size Chinese Sticks.
Price, £16.50, (U.S.A. $45.00).
•'-j lations, including The Miser's Dream and many
kJ others with photographs showing each and every
Highly recommended. 118 pages, 167 illus- These exactly resemble pieces of BAM-
trations. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). BOO, yet in reality they are made from a
durable plastic material. Each set of
PART TWO - If you have Part One, you'll these sticks is supplied in a cloth bag and
demand Part Two. This volume contains the as an addition to all the routines mentioned
tops in manipulative magic ... routines with above, we include two extras, Danny Ray's
Balls, Thimbles, Handkerchiefs, Knives, Chinese Sticks routine, plus 'Plugology' by
Ropes, Cards, all completely explained with TERRY SEABROOKE.
every move, sleight and action photographed. Excellently smooth and silent.
The Egg Bag Routine is unique and the sec- As used and recommended by many top pro's. Tassels are extra-
tions on Billiard Balls and Thimbles as well large for complete visibility. Bamboo sticks are about 16 inches
as the Card Section are simply out of this long. Price, £18.50, (U.S.A. $50.00).
133 pages, illustrated. Price, £6.50, ROUTINES FOR
(U.S.A. $14.00).
A neat PRINTED BOOKLET, 8" x 10"
FINALE - The tremendous success of the two size. Illustrated, printed cover. Pat-
previous books resulted in requests from all
ter presentations by Vai Andrews,
over the world for "another one, please'."
Tommy Thamas, Percy Press, Danny
Lewis obliged ... and what a book! An enor-
Ray, and Terry Seabrooke.
mous amount of magnificent material and photo-
Information on the Chinese Sticks
graphs, to make up the BIGGEST and BEST of
and routines you can use.
this wonderful series.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
A galaxy of star magicians gave their best ma-
terial, including Fred Kaps, Jack Chanin, Al
Koran, Ken Brooke, Peter Warlock, Alex [Ufffi DOUBLE PREDICTION
' ? A clever prediction effect using cards. You
Elmsley, Hans Trixer, Billy McComb, Doug-
las Francis, etc., etc., MTate proved right TWICE. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A.S10.)
This book teaches how to perform the wonderful routines ...
almost equal to personal instructions ... and earned for itself
the proud title of a "Classic of Magic". 256 pages ... over 250
You can instantly divine the coloured
photographic illustrations ... Full Page Photographs of the Fa- circle which has been placed into your hand
mous Magic Contributors. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). behind your back. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.).
A game of observation played with four blue- A fantastic trick principle! An English 10p. g ( r-
backed cards. Three are blank, one has an coin Is placed into a small box, head or tail i if*
"x" on its face. The spectator seems to win I
uppermost and given to you behind your back.
X. but suddenly the "x" changes to a SPOT ? No way can you look inside the box yet right
When the spot card is turned over, there's a away you can state whether the head or the tail
big "x" across its back and here's another surprise, the back is uppermost! No magnets! Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
has changed colour! Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
PhilGoldstein's’lNSIDE Qjjp
SERPENTINE CARD TRICK Five cards, four on the outside, one on the in-
A card is selected, initialled
side. Then you really confuse your audience.
and mixed back in the pack.
The cards change. Instead of Aces of Spades
Magician has stated that the
with Queen on the insides, you've got Queens
colourful box on his table con-
with an Ace on the inside, and then, another wig-
tains the name of a selected j 1' gle of your fingers and that turns inside out too!
card. The box is opened and
a prediction removed and
<4. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
read by a spectator. It's
wrong. "Everyone is entitled cSo GIANT SPONGE BALLS
to a second chance. " The A 3" sponge ball, layered in colour, A good
prediction is placed back in climax to any sponge ball routine.
the box. A few incantations Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
and the _spectator
r _____ is invited to \'♦'J
open the box again, and POW!, a snake zooms into the air with a
loud squeal from the box holding the selected, INITIALLED card.
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Made in plastic; this pins under the
jacket to hold a single billiard ball or
egg. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.50).
A neat and puzzling trick and the presentation we THE SKELETONS DINE AN EIGHT MINUTE THRILLER

A complete act for stage use, using Ultra-

give with it makes it darned good entertainment.
Three loops of paper are shown and cut right violet paints, three persons and special
through lengthways. The first loop becomes two props. You could build it yourself follow-
separate bands of paper. The second loop becomes
a LARGE Intact loop of paper DOUBLE the size of
ing our instructions and you would certain-
ly have something different. From coffins
I Efr'Ä'x I
the original one, and the third loop becomes TWO skeletons appear and have a "tea party".
intact loops-LlNKED TOGETHER! Then the Devil himself calls'. In sealed
Supply of papers and Instructions. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00). manuscript form. Price 50p, U.S.A. $1.

No. I. A DOUBLE EXCHANGE Always a perplexer. The skull is fastened to
A smart idea in illusions in which an unpre- the tag, but only you can get it off!
pared tnink is used. Magician is locked in Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
a trunk, and quick as a flash he makes his
escape, his assistant being discovered in the
Working secret. Three small egg-cups, a number of pieces of
sponge. You are all set to perform a neat ver -
No. 2. CHINESE STRAIGHT JACKET sion of the famous Cups & Balls trick.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
With some coloured 4 •S
ribbon and an ordinary 4| A MAGICIAN EXPLAINS
Chinese Coat and Jacket BY LEWIS GANSON. An exclusive Supreme
you can work one of the ' 77 Magic publication. Full copyright purchased by
prettiest flash stunts that has ever come out. v The Supreme Magic Co. , from Harry Stanley's
Unique Magic Studio.
No. 3. BOX ESCAPE Contents of this printed book are Charles Har-
An ordinary rough box is used for
rison's "MARVELLOUS MARBLES", Harry G.
1 this novel escape. Magician is fairly
Franke's "THE VANISHING LADY", and Cy End-
nailed in box and yet he makes his i - field's "TORN & RESTORED TREASURY NOTE".
escape. No fake panels.
Three masterpieces of magic described by a master teacher, and
Full working secret.
with 33 clear easy to follow photographs.
Three smart illusions that can be the making of your show. Inex- Just imagine borrowing a treasury note and deliberately tearing
pensive. Easy to perform. The above three effects are in sealed this into two pieces, showing a piece of the note in each hand,
manuscript form. then restoring it. Yet, that's only just one of the effects you can
■Three Bafflers', Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). perform from "A MAGICIAN EXPLAINS". Price, £2.50 U.S. A.$6.
if Two decks of cards are shown thorough- MARK WESTON'S
RING A WAND CABINET ly mixed. Cards are spread out onto the
table and it is seen that there is no re-
'C Small box which makes the classic effect of
■ ring passing onto a wand easy. lationship between the order of any of the
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). cards. Now - a spectator chooses one
pack and places this on the palm of his
hand, covering it over with a handker- 4
Supreme BRAIN BUSTER chief. The other pack goes into the per-
former's empty pocket (and the pocket is empty - no pocket
Six Jumbo size cards are displayed in indexes or similar ideas used). Spectator removes one of his
a fan, faces towards audience. A spec- cards and places on to the table, magician does likewise. This
tator is asked to THINK secretly of any is continued. NOW - at ANYTIME the spectator may call
one of the cards. There Is absolutely "STOP" and bring out a card face downwards. The magician
free choice; you do not influence him in does likewise and then the cards are turned up - they are dup-
any way, and in fact the spectator can licates in every way! This can be repeated time and time
even go as far as to change his mind if again and everytime the spectator calls "Stop" the magician
he wishes, before naming his card. produces a duplicate of his card (otherwise the cards are dealt
The surprise comes when the magician displays the backs of face-up and are different). You can go right through the pack
the cards. Five of the cards are red backed ones, one card - in this manner and we guarantee the reaction of the spectator
the card which the spectator chose - is the stranger card, the which is to be ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDED.
odd blue-backed card amongst the reds! We supply the detailed instructions, together with a pack of
IT'S AMAZING! The trick is so simple and easy that it must cards. Another pack is needed - any pack - you can use your
surely delight the heart of every magician. There are no forces own. The trick is completely self-working. No moves or
or phoney-looking moves, no rough and smooth cards, no dou- sleights of any kind. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
ble facers or double backs. The trick is self working and prac-
tically foolproof. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).


A popular item. A handsome key ring
Card magic at its best - and for
that's uniform in design to the brooch
the magician who loves to do a
and medallion described above. A very
classic in close-up Magic, this
nice luxury item.
is for you. Two cards chosen
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
from deck, say the four of dia-
monds and the ten of spades. A
clip is placed on one, the four NEW CONCEPTS IN MAGIC.
for example. This is done openly By Aldlni. Twenty seven outstanding effects,
- and there can be no doubt about it. The ten is placed to one thirty six big mimeographed pages, fifty seven
side. The clipped four changes in spectator's hand to the ten clear illustrations. Includes 'Coke Magic' - seven
novel effects with Coke bottles requiring little lAGIC
and the ten to the four. Both cards are examined. No sleight
of hand moves. An easy to do, startling effect in card magic. skill in making up and presenting.
Do it close up - anywhere. We supply the HOW, etc. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $3.00).
By Tom Palmer. Fascinating material, novel
Mysta's Card Frame which is different to all
the others. You open out the back and show
ways of vanishing a cage of doves in mid-air. right through it. Place it in an envelope yet a
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). Jumbo card appears.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). J
For the suitcase performer. Has a MY FAVOURITE CARD TR IC KS
puppet body with hand-carved hands By Harry Lorayne. Transposition methods,
and'boots'. Folds to approx. 10 One-eyed Jack Sandwich, Impromptu Out of
inches'. Head is about the size of a This World, etc., etc.
large orange. Lower lip movement, Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
balanced eye movement.
Limited number of these only

now in stock. Price, £30,00, (U.S.A. $70.00).
We imported a limited number of
RIBBONS PASS I these. No doubt about it, they are
Three cones. Ribbons change places from the best,
one cone to the other ... vanish and then PRODUCTION OF FOUR BALLS AT
reappear back in the cones again. A good J THE FINGERTIPS. (3 balls and a
children's item. Price £10.50, U.S.A.$25. k—shell). Price, £18.00.
FLASH FOUR BALL PRODUCTION. Splendid extra finish when
BURN-IT four further balls appear. Price, £18.00.
An unusual effect. Four 30 inch strips of tissue DIMINISHING GOLF BALL. Complete with two completely dif-
paper, each a different colour. Any one is chosen ferent routines. A regular size golf ball diminishes to half,
and set Are to. The same colour strip appears then to quarter size, finally vanishing completely, A high qua-
at the fingertips completely restored'. No thumb lity product. Price, £10.50.
tips or hand fakes. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). (American magicians buy these direct from Frank Radtke).
You show an envelope containing a "pre-
YES, following the success of Peter's
diction” card, you bet will match one of

first two booklets, he was encouraged to
six face-up miniature cards freely selec- EjEilffl produce another one. Again, this is not
ted. Spectator selects ANY mini-card
a book for the beginner. It's a book for
but when compared to card in envelope,
the man who knows his card magic and
the faces DON'T match! Somehow the Vrith who is already familiar with sophisticated
spectator selected the ONLY card with a MATCHING BACK! The card sleights and moves.
final surprise comes when the face of the selected cardos shown
Unusual material. 'Fiver!', a five spot
again - it's face has now changed to MATCH the face of the "pre-
from a pack changes to a £5 or $5 bill. 'The Diamond Robbery';
diction" card! A good sucker effect with a double wallop!
'Gil's Game'; 'Blue Angels', etc. Unusual magic in the form of a
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). neatly-produced 28 page booklet. All different material from
Peter's previous two books. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
A most unusual effect performed
without skill or sleights of any kind.
In performance, one, two or even By EL DUCO. Two
three cards are freely selected from cards are shown, each
a pack of cards which is fanned face one has a different col-
uppermost. No forcing! oured die printed on it.
A real die is taken from
The cards are taken out and freely
shown and then replaced back into the pack. The pack is closed and the pocket. Magically
turned back upwards. A simple snap of the cards and when these are it changes colour. When
the card is shown the
fanned out, to the amazement of the spectators, the selected cards
die on that is also found
are seen to be reversed and face-up in the centre of the face-down
pack! No moves! No skill! The trick almost works itself! to have changed colour.
A great trick principle AND a cute effect made possible by the use The props are by EL DUCO and the routine for the effect is sup-
of the VERY SPECIAL deck of cards which we supply. plied by us ... it has been SPECIALLY WRITTEN FOR US BY
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10,00). LEWIS GANSON. Fully-printed, the instructions include no less
At last a new idea in Thimble Magic!
EL DUCO'S 'COLOUR DICE', Plus the Supreme Magic GANSON
TUTOR. Price. £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
A new technique designed to fully exploit
the possibilities of a clever notion in
specially moulded extra-large thimbles.
A number of plastic bangles and
Show both hands empty ... reach out a length of ribbon. First one ring
and a thimble appears on a finger. is threaded on, then both ends are
Apart from this, hand holding the thim- 25 threaded through the remaining
ble is empty. Now a second thimble ap- bangles. Ends of ribbon are tied.
pears. BOTH hands shown on both sides. They're off! All the rings fall to the floor except the first ring
Apart from the two thimbles they are empty. Without going near which is still threaded on. Price, £1. 50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
the clothing, holders; stage furniture etc. , one at a time two other
thimbles appear!
Four thimbles from the air!
Three playing-cards with a hole
No threads! No holders! You'll be thrilled and delighted with punched through at one end. Wool-
this revolutionary idea in thimble magic! Thimbles can appear len cord is threaded through and
and disappear in the twinkling of an eye! Real clever magic you'll an elastic band placed around.
use. Easy to learn! Magically ■ the chosen colour
Outfit supplied consists of four really LARGE pure-white thim- card penetrates through the cord.
bles ... VISUAL on any stage, plus the illustrated, detailed in- Easy and self-contained.
structions and a whole routine. You'll soon add "bits" of your Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
own and earn a reputation as a fabulous thimble manipulator.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). __^====i Patter Punches
Popular "Mis-Made Flag" effect PATTER * A little book of LAUGH-TESTED material.
performed with beautiful "Blendo" PUNCHES Suggested patter routines and hints on pres-
silks. A piece of cartridge paper is entation.
rolled into a tube. Three differently No attempt has .been made to write the comp-
coloured silks are shown. Accident- lete patter to any one effect ... instead it is
ally one of the silks falls to the floor. packed full of classified comedy.
When the silks are pushed through the 'Alibis', 'Apartments', 'Automobiles', 'Child-
tube, the magician has made a two-colour silk! Noticing his error LAUCHS * hood', 'Cigars', 'Drinking'... there are gags
he pushes the "Mis-made" silk, together with the dropped silk, back mu c h s to cover all these subjects in this book and many
into the tube and a gorgeous three-colour one pops into view. more! PLUS instructions suitable for M.C.'s.
ENTERTAINING MAGIC at its best. Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. 31 page printed book with illustrated cover.
$25.00). Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Lifelike-PLASTIC THUMBTIP Performer displays a small gleaming
metal tube. It is unmistakably empty
Magic's most versatile gimmick! and may be passed for examination. Two
So you want to burn and penetrate a rings are also shown and examined if
borrowed handkerchief? desired. One end of the tube is capped
To cause a lit cigarette to vanish in- with tissue and a ring, to form a drum-
to thin air? head. The other end of the tube is
To cause salt to vanish from one capped in a similar manner, thus form-K
hand and appear in the other ? inga completely sealed, empty drum. X
To perform all manner of other baff- Nothing can get inside without breaking
ling effects - then you need ... the paper, but when the magician breaks,
Supreme Lifelike PLASTIC THUMB-TIP. - Made in hard plas- the paper, he proceeds to produce yards and yards of colourful
tic, the colour is actually IN the plastic ... cannot chip or wear silk hankies from the tube.
off. The DRUMHEAD TUBE is a production prop, with all the elements
Supplied in two sizes, small/medium fitting and medium/large that make up good magic. A highly empressive effect with flash
fitting. Specify which you require. (Why not have one of each and colour.
as they can be used for different effects). Size of tube 6j" long, 2" diameter.
COMPLETE WITH PRINTED ROUTINES for ALL the tricks Manufactured in aluminium, spun, seemless.
described plus other ideas. Price, each, £1.50, (U.S. A. S4.00). COMPLETE - tube, rings and instructions (no silks).
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).


As soon as we show this Thumb-Tip to After producing silks from one end of the tube, (as above) per-
our customers we are ready for the reply - former breaks the paper at the other end and produces a second
"What Thumb Tip?" colourful string of silk hankies.
Every magician in the world has used and
still uses this most versatile of all magical
gimmicks. - This is the finest we have
With the addition of the double load principle, a seemingly impos-
sible production is made.
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
seen. One size fits all thumbs! Can be
moulded to fit your thumb simply by placing into hot water and
squeezing the tip to size. Tip is unbreakable, fireproof and
semi-transparent, which allows it to take on the natural colour DOVE DRUMHEAD TUBE
of your skin. Tip only. No routines supplied. Price, each, We also manufacture a JUMBO SIZE DRUMHEAD TUBE. May be
£2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). used to protkice a LIVE DOVE or a huge quantity of silk hankies.
Large aluminium, seemless tube. Size, 10|" high, 3j” diame-
RUBBER THUMB-TIP ter. Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $60.00).
Yes, we have them. - A thumb-tip made
in soft rubber, natural coloured with the
colour actually in the latex itself. Great
for the Torn & Restored Strip of Paper,
The Golden Pyramid
etc., and it doesn't 'talk' when you dispose Exclusive rights on this were given by Tom
of it. Waterman to Supreme Magic Company. Show
A great favourite with magicians of yes- the pyramid all the way around, allowing it to
ter-year, now available once more.
Tips only, no routines supplied. Price, each £1.50, (U.S.A. t' drop open flat. Refold it so the black side is
now outwards, again show it all the way around.
Right away reach into the top and produce silks
from it. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
Get the BEST out of your Thumb-Tip!
Magician takes a box of matches
May we remind you of two excellent publications advertised else-
from his pocket to light his cigarette. Thf!
where in this Catalogue dealing specifically with Tricks with
Match is removed, struck and cigar-
ette lit. The box suddenly MULTI-
They are:-
PLIES and he now holds TWO boxes
between the fingertips.
‘UPS GALORE’ By Ravelle & Andree Boxes are freely shown. Apart
from these two boxes his hands
Novel Tricks & Ideas using the most valuable accessory in the
magician's armoury. You are bound to find interesting informa- are empty. However, a puff of o
tion in this publication which you can use. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. smoke, blown towards the boxes
$6.00). results in the appearance of a THIRD box, and, finally, a
FOURTH! Four boxes of matches magically produced between
THUMBS UP! the fingertips. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Tricks with a Thumb-Tip by JOHN KENYON. The Thumb-Tip is
the magician's secret assistant and in this book you will find mys- CRYSTAL CLEAR HOULETTE
teries to add to your repertoire that are real eye-poppers. Not We have a limited number of these hand-made
Just close-up tricks but stage ones too. houlettes. Regular card size. A
Thirteen Chapters containing many illustrations beautifully done
by DENNIS. Printed. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
'' 3 MAGIC!
The magician picks up and A regular pack, spectator cuts any-
freely displays a two inch wide where. Several spectators are shown
sash of coloured ribbon. Sash the cut-at card.
is held at the fingertips. There A LARGE plaque SIZE 21 ins. x 9 ins.
is nothing concealed in the hands. L, is decorated with question-marks and A
OURED SILK HANDKERCHIEF ” Spectators who saw the chosen cards are
APPEARS TIED AROUND THE asked to concentrate. The magician ex-
CENTRE OF THE SASH''. plains that if they concentrate REALLY
Straight away the sash can be tossed to a member of the audi- HARD, the image of their card will ap-
ence who can actually untie the silk which can be used in a fol- pear ON THE RED SQUARE. - There's
low-up effect. fun and byplay here when nothing happens. After a couple of
AS A SPLENDID ADDITIONAL TOUCH THE SILK CAN APPEAR abortive attempts to see the card in the Square, a spectator is
AMIDST A SHOWER OF COLOURED CONFETTI OR GLITTER asked to NAME the chosen card ... he names the FOUR OF
DUST! SPADES. The magician says: "Oh that explains it, that's A
Wonderful magic! Other ideas are to have a silk appear between BLACK card, it only works for REDS".
two others tied on the ribbon ... or a silk penetrates off the rib- HE TURNS THE CARD AROUND TO SHOW THE INSCRIPTION,
bon and then appears back on it again! 'MADE IN RUSSIA'.
COPIED OVERSEAS WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. After the laughter has subsided he says, "Never mind, how's
Supreme Supersonic Silk on Sash is original in conception. It this for a REAL BIT OF MAGIC". The plaque is turned around
can be picked up and worked at anytime in your programme. again to show a red FOUR OF SPADES! There indeed IN THE
No threads, no elastics, no extra pieces of ribbon etc. We CENTRE OF THE PLAQUE, right in the very middle of the Red
showed this to ROY VAN DYKE who said: "The best piece of Square, has magically appeared A LARGE RED FOUR OF
visual magic I have seen for a long time. I want one!" SPADES!!!
- THE BEST - The effect takes up no room in the bottom of your case, yet it's
"The best effect I have purchased lately is SUPERSONIC SILK a BIG ITEM that anyone can see anywhere.
ON SASH. I have now got the presentation absolutely right with If you are looking for a good, LAUGHTER PRODUCING NOVEL-
my assistant, and it looks an absolute miracle. My assistant is TY, then this is definitely FOR YOU.
at one side with the sash - whilst I am at the other side - and I Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
vanish a yellow silk. At the same moment I thrust my hands to-
wards her with all fingers open, instantaneously the silk appears
on my assistant's sash!
Three lightweight plastic shells and
"It's so simple, but fabulous to watch". piece of sponge. With these simple props
James S. Sandys-Renton, (FOO MAN SOO). you can present a mystifying performance
We supply the special ribbon sash and detailed illustrated in- of the famous swindle "Find the Pea”, No
structions. You use your own silks (12 inch or 18 inch sizes are matter how closely the audience watch they
ideal). Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $8.00). can never guess correctly. Comes com-
From the U.S.A. - plete with instructions, and routine.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
ROPE ETERNAL Purchased on sight by PAUL DANIELS.
This collection of cut and restored rope tricks
was originally titled, "The Only Six Ways to Re- Supreme PENTA-BLOCK
store a Rope". This book contains dozens of That brilliant Wandsman effect wherein
routines. Every one of the six basic methods .o a solid wooden block VISIBLY and AUDIBLY
explained and illustrated with dozens of vari- penetrates right through a SOLID PLASTIC
ations. pl a t e :
If you DO rope tricks you must get this book.
& Two decorated wooden tubes are shown
If you DON'T do rope magic you have to have it! 52 pages, clear through to be empty. Each tube has
139 Illustrations. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). two cut-out holes in it. Also displayed is
a lacquered 2ij inch wooden cube, which
TELL-TALE TAGS could be examined if you wished, together
Three white, plastic tags you can with a six inch square of plastic.
carry upon your key chain. With One tube is placed on top of the other .. BETWEEN THEM GOES
them you can perform a NUMBER of THE PIECE OF PLASTIC.
baffling mental mysteries. "Watch:" says the magician. He places the block into the top
Here's one of the effects you can tube, lets it fall, and WHAM! The block is seen to pass right
do;- Three people each choose a card from a pack. Each is through the solid plate and drop out of the lower tube!
handed a plastic tag and a pencil and asked to write the names We must confess this did not stike us as being an hilarious kids
of their cards on to the tags. The tags are then mixed up and or comedy trick - UNTIL Peter D. Brooke came up with the idea of
placed into your hands behind your back. You name the chosen using this as a penetration through an assistant's head! - In one
cards and identify the tags, handing each to the person who wrote ear and out the other.
on it! What a fantastic piece of situation comedy.
You easily and unerringly pick out the called-for tags. Tags Here's real top quality apparatus and an excellent effect you will
can be easily cleaned and used over and over again. A VERSA- feature in your programmes.
j TILE TRICK you'll use in many ways. Tags can be examined at Supplied with our usual first-class instructions and ideas, includ-
. any time. ing several patter suggestions.
• TELL-TALE TAGS, complete with routines. Price, £3.50, Price, complete, £25.00, (U.S.A. $70.00).
’ (U.S.A. $9.00).__________ _________________________________ ___
A glistening, glittering, full-size golden
PARASOL AND SILKS br>ck. You'll think of dozens of ways of us-
ing this. Made from a metalised cloth over

A pretty parasol is placed into a tube.
good quality springs. Folds up small. Looks
Silks go into a bag. A change occurs.
solid when produced. Great for the kids'
Inside the bag is the cover of the sun-
entertainer and indeed for any type performer.
shade. When the parasol is pulled
from the tube, the silks are now hang- Price, £3.00, (U.S.A $8.00).
ing from the ribs of it. The whole pro-
cess can be reversed, leaving you with a regular parasol again.
We supply the special tube, lady's parasol, parasol cover, dup- UMBRELLA TO FLOWERS
licate parasol with special silks attached plus extra special silks »LaL *•>>
and full routine. (No changing Bag). Price, £40.00, (U.S.A. Magician enters carrying a neat
$95.00). thin rolled-up umbrella over his arm.
’ . yTlUySMKy Then holds this between his hands.
Handbag Changing Bag for the above effect, Price, £15.00,
(U.S.A. $35.00). Suddenly, this changes into a GIANT
SPECIAL'. The complete outfit for, Price, £50.00, (U.S.A. GROWTH OF FLOWERS. - A splurge
*= °* co*our: - The magician tosses the
growth into the air, when it lands on
“CHANGE ABOUT” the stage it does so upright as though it were growing out of the
4. ground. Price, £55.00, (U.S.A. $150.00).
Four cards are shown and one is placed
face down on the table. One of the cards
left in the hand appears on the table and
the card that was on the table appears in
"Three Coin Monte”
(The three shell game with coins).
your pocket! All this takes place with just

one simple move! No half or pocket cards.
Devised and with instructions by Eddie
No palming. We think you'll like it.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Three coins are shown, two COPPER COINS, ONE SILVER. The
ULTIMATE UPLIFT SILVER COIN is positioned in the middle of the TWO COPPER
COINS and all three are covered with METAL CAPS. Spectators
'Uplift' - Yes, but with what a diff-
erence! - instead of blocks, crystal are asked to keep their eyes on the CAP COVERING THE SILVER
clear Lucite containers are used. COIN, as you attempt to prove that the hand is quicker than the eye.
Into each empty, transparent con- The METAL CAPS are then quickly moved around and the positions
tainer is tucked a silk, one red, one interchanged. A spectator is requested to point out the SILVER
yellow, one blue. COIN. The first time spectator is SUCCESSFUL, but when the
A neat circular base on ball feet magician speeds up the action, each time the helper attempts to
effectively displays the apparatus FIND THE SILVER COIN, he FAILS EACH AND EVERY TIME.
in splendid isolation. A decorated EVEN WHEN THE POSITION OF THE SILVER COIN IS MARKED
The routine supplied has progres- EVERYWHERE, BUT NEVER WHERE THEY THINK IT IS!
sion and surprise! Placed into the tube, magically the coloured Price, complete, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
containers transpose, it's all very bewildering and very magical!
When the silks are placed altogether into one container the mys-
terious antics continue and then - wham! - the climax from the
A packet of cards is shown and
container and it is seen that they have fused into one large three- shuffled. Spectator stops you at
colour silk!!! Whatever kind of act you do there's a spot in it for any time and notes the chosen card.
this colourful conjuring creation. Now you attempt to divine it. First
Price, complete, £35.00. (U.S.A. $80.00). of all, you state the card is an
______ _ ODD card... and it is, it Is the only
Two 24 inch silks, ends are tied
BLUE-BACKED card amongst the others which are all RED-BACKED
together so both silks are in loops, Tile second surprise comes when the rest of the cards are shown,
yet magically the loops join together. they are ALL THE SAME. The spectator stopped you at the ONE
Without the magician touching or tam- INDIFFERENT CARD:
pering with the knots, he pulls the The third surprise corned when the chosen card is turned over and
silks free again. Startling and self- it is seen that the pips have changed colour, IT'S A VERY ODD
contained! Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. CARD INDEED!
$18.00). Yet, all the cards can be examined for the audience will never
A novel close-up mystery. Vanish a small
discover how your chicanery was accomplished, and so simply!
A series of surprises building-up to a real offbeat one.
dice and it appears under the cover of a Complete with all the cards, plus the detailed instructions.
matchbox. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price. £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00),


Three playing cards. The audience A handy utility prop. A box with two lids which
are asked to find the lady without suc- will exchange silks, produce them, vanish them
" cess. Price 75p, (U.S.A. $3.00). etc. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).1
2/ IHSB88 L This is an amazing concept in which you
f apparently display your skill as a math- WATER TUBE
28 If 30 2J 88 ematical marvel! Large tube. You pour water inside

Z 31 22

2} IB
In fact, no intensely complicated math-
ematics are involved! It can be presented
and then produce silks, etc. You can
produce a dove from the tube.
Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
as a neat and baffling pocket mystery and
88 8S 88 we supply special printed papers for you
to carry in your pocket for this. At the
conclusion of the feat you hand it to the TULIPS IN AMSTERDAM
A most delightful, colourful and ap-
spectator as a souvenir. Believe us, they will keep it, show it
to their friends, and talk about it AND ABOUT YOU for a very pealing mystery designed to entertaii.
long time to come. An excellent idea is to rubber-stamp your and enthrall any youthful audience.
name and address on the rear of the pages ... an excellent ad- PIET, a cute little Dutch boy is de-
vertisement for you. picted in colour on a large (approx.
For stage work, the effect can be presented by chalking the 9" x 11") plaque. He is dressed in a
squares on to a blackboard. Other suggestions are given includ- red National costume. "That's his
ing a WONDERFUL MENTAL STUNT. In this a spectator is SATURDAY suit", says the performer.
asked to THINK of any number and whilst he is thinking of it you "Perhaps you would like to see his
write down various numbers. When the spectator calls out his SUNDAY suit".
number you show, without any more writing, that the numbers The plaque is slid into a large envel-
written down total his thought of number when added up from any ope, incantations are made, and the
direction! Down and across each column totals his number, colour of Piet's suit changes to YEL-
diagonally any way, any four corner cells, the four centre fig- LOW! Just when they are beginning to think they understand.
ures! This is the MAGIC SQUARE and believe us it's STAGGER- Piet's suit changes again, this time to a bright GREEN! What's
ING AND UNBELIEVABLE. on the other side of the plaque ? Piet's girl friend, RIET! (and
WHAT a marvellously colourful picture SHE presents). The audi-
Price, for our special directions and a supply of printed papers ence positively gasp with delights.
is £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). And inside the envelope ? FLOWERS!!! (Spring ones!) Flow-
MN ADAIR'S ers that Piet was taking to Riet and which are produced from it.
The envelope is otherwise empty and may be torn up and tossed
Snow-White out!
How many Dove effects are there Good magic! A lovely story and props. Comes complete with
which are suitable for children? envelopes. Flowers and full routine. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A.
Very few, yet many performers $30.00).
would like to introduce a dove into
their kiddy programme. The PIMPERNEL CARD
beautiful, white, gentle Dove is at A court card represents the "Elusive
once a source of interest and ex- Scarlet Pimpernel", and two spot cards
citement. The magician picks up a large beautifully coloured represent French soldiers.
book ... SNOW WHITE. The Snow White referred to, the ma- "Elusive" is the word, for the audience
gician points out, is the beautiful Princess who lived with the "Seek him here, they seek him there," but
Seven Dwarfs. "1 have a little Dove at home called Snow they can never find him! Suddenly he's
White too" he confides. Would the children like to see a pic- gone altogether, the next moment he's
ture of Princess Snow White? They certainly would, and when back! Price, including special cards
the book is opened - it is seen to be a simple cover with a ________ £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).____________
large, beautiful picture of Snow White all in colour. Offering
to show the kiddies a trick, they are all invited to shout 'Snow SUPER PACK SWITCH
White ... GO'. The book is closed ... the spell shouted ... Metal houlette on a decorative stand. Pack
and when the book is opened Snow White is seen to have left of cards is placed in the houlette in full view.
the picture ... Again the kiddies shout ... this time 'SNOW Front card is always in sight, yet the balance
WHITE COME BACK'. The book is opened - and out flutters of the pack has been exchanged, for a pack
* "all the same" or for a "set-up deck", or
YOUR snow white - a beautiful LIVE DOVE. A trick that
gets a gasp of astonishment. Price £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). what-have-you.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Imagine the horror of your friends when they MILK MILK MILK
see you with a safety pin apparently right thro- Six glasses of milk are produced from the airj
ugh your nose! A good gag to finish off a pin Unusual manipulative style effect.
trick, too. The Original "Punk" Pin!
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
BLANK-LOOK- Wind up a spectator's watch and it
Four blanks of a pack magically become makes a loud CLICKETY-CLICK.
printed with faces. FOUR OF A KIND! With each one you get an instruction
■ A little gem. We supply Peter Kane's and several special gags that will
H instructions and all the cards ready to bring laughs from anyone.
J work this right away. A SUPREME EX- Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
CLUSIVE. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A'. $6.00).
The Reviewer« - the Critics -
This in our opinion is quite de- LUXURY LEATHER
finitely the best switch wallet on TH0 BAY WALLET TELE-FRAME the Performers - ALL agree
Supreme TELE-FRAME is
the market for general work and g r ea t ;
we'll tell you why. First of all The following are brief extra-
it looks like a REGULAR WALLET cts from the many rave reports
BIRTH- received.
It's not an American "Bill-Fold", DAY/ ABRACADABRA.
it's a REGULAR-LOOKING wallet Twenty-five or thirty years
(and one which MICHAEL uses all the time - that's why his ago the word utility meant sec-
wallet is always empty when it's his turn to buy the drinks!). ond best or lower quality. Ap-
You can go to a store and buy a GOOD QUALITY LEATHER plied to magic today it stands
WALLET and pay MORE for it than you can for this PERFECT for versatility and here's a
MAGICAL ACCESSORY. versatile prop with a host of
The words, "no magician can afford to be without one" are uses.
often used but they are never truer than when used of this Tele-frame. There are seven
prop. SUPREME LUXURY TWO-WAY WALLET is made entire- pages of instructions and ideas
ly in LEATHER and with each one we give a MANUSCRIPT of provided, plus about a dozen
no less than TWELVE FIRST CLASS EFFECTS YOU CAN PER- large cards (8|ins. x lOjlns.)
FORM WITH THE WALLET. They range from such quickies bearing E.S.P. symbols, car-
as blank papers changing to bank notes, to a novel Just Chance toon characters, Happy Birthday
routine and a lovely mental effect with cards. message, numbers, playing
The price for Supreme's Luxury Two-Way Wallet complete cards, etc. Frame itself is open

with all routines is -£7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). _ fronted and you can use it as a prediction, stop trick, magic mess-
Three discs on a stand, you don't
WEARING ENAMEL. The whole outfit looks to be great value and
another winner Edwin can chalk up.
have to be anywhere near the stand. NEW TOPS.
The spectators remove the discs and Tele-frame is a piece of equipement that has many uses. 1 can
place them in the pocket. You tell i recommend it for all who do platform magic, whether it be straight
which spectator has which disc. Very comedy, or an act for children. It is a well constructed, neatly
clever. AT NO TIME DO YOU HAVE TO SEE THE STAND. decorated wooden frame.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). There are no flaps, blinds, or moving parts. It is extremely
“ simple to operate and can be re-set in a moment. Trade show
A STAGGERING transformation!
workers will find this a marvellous device for introducing a spon-
sor's product, logo or message ... You receive everything needed
Four blank faced cards with normal plus extra blank cards for special Ideas of your own. Well made
playing card backs are shown. Sudden- and well worth the price.
ly you SEE one of the cards change M.U.M. Magazine of The Society of American Magicians,
and it becomes an Ace, and immedi- Tele-frame is a large wooden frame with a television-style open-
ately ALL the cards are ACES. YES, ing for a large card to show through. You use the prop with a large
THE FOUR ACES OF A PACK WITH supply of big 8 by 10-inch cards carrying all sorts of symbols for
REGULAR INDICES ETC! It's ail so easy! NO extra cards different tricks. Using the right cards, the long and detailed instru-
used! A Supreme Exclusive! Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $5.00). ctions give you ESP effects, mental, for kids with cartoon characters
“ and also playing cards. Very fine effects, and they require absol-

(jypry BANGLE ILLUSION , utely no skill. Appropriate for parlor or stage.

t h e pe r f o r m e r s :
Flashy! Colourful! A trick with I * "7—
15 3 "I've been having terrific fun with TELE-FRAME which I find
audience participation! Surprise! 1 especially good for birthday parties. I have the card with words
Colourful ribbons and plastic ban- "Z —') •" written on them. - CHRISTMAS, EASTER, BIRTHDAY, HOLIDAY,
gles are the properties used. Every- APRIL FOOL'S DAY, and let the birthday child find the correct
thing is examined. Two spectators l\\I card for his or her own day.
take part. One spectator threads the ■ "Strangely (?) the card in the frame becomes printed with the
bangles onto one coloured length of ribbon ... the ends of the words 'Happy Birthday'.
ribbon are tied. It must be impossible to release any of the ban- "Thank you for A FIRST-CLASS effect. "
gles from the ribbon without untying this. Ribbon is placed around Michael Pettitt, Bexhill.on Sea, Sussex.
spectators waist. One bangle is to the front, you hold the others "Thank you for the quick delivery of Tele-frame which is a SUP-
one in each hand. Second differently coloured ribbon is threaded ERIOR EFFECT in every way with many possibilities. "
through the odd bangle, the ends of ribbon being firmly held by Connay Ray, Sweden.
second spectator. THEY ALL AGREE!
You are all set for the magic. On the count of three ... wham! A prop you must definitely have.
You stretch out your arms and unbelievably the ribbon passes
right through the spectator. The centre bangle miraculously Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $50.00).
comes free from your ribbon and remains firmly threaded on
the second ribbon!!! GOBLET OF SILKS g $
Easy to do! Packs small! A small trick which looks so BIG An empty glass suddenly fills to overflow-
and which will earn you a BIG round of applause! ing with beautiful silks. We supply the
Comes complete with plastic bangles, coloured ribbons, fully goblet, detailed instructions and routine, I
illustrated instructions. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). (use your own silks), price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10)?

n o s o ap L
An improvement on the
Tommy Windsor Dye-box!
One of the most unusual effects we've ever The box supplied can be
seen. A flat folder, yes FLAT, made from used OVER AND OVER
hard-board and decorated 'Happy Times' is AGAIN! It can be shown
shown all the way around, no hanging bags I' //// '/ C0NVINC1NGLY EMPTY
or anything of that sort, no body loads. Open !///////' after the change and ls
the folder like a screen, then drop the front F *0* X 7 w/ ir RE’SET IN A SECOND!
r T-
down to show the appearance of an enormous Y/Wtfm '' An 18" white silk covered
gaily coloured box, about 11J inches x 7| with INK STAINS is placed
inches x 5| inches deep, beautifully'gift- ■ into the box. After suit-
wrapped and with a colourful ribbon and bow. able byplay it is removed clean and the box is ripped open and shown
It's fun throughout the show and when finally the box is opened, flat, it is completely empty. Easy to do! Set in a second!
silks etc., are produced from it, and finally a REAL LIVE RABBIT. Price, for the special tex and routine only, £3.50, (U.S.A.
- We did tell you it was unusual, didn't we.
Price, Edwin's Surprise Box, £40.00, (U.S.A. $100.00).
For those their magic complete - we can supply two approx
EDWIN'S SURPRISE BOX EXTRA 18" white silks, one ink stained, one clean. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A
ATUS to the SURPRISE BOX, which adds
enormously, to its versatility and all- THE COMPLETE OUTFIT, Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
ows you to use the effect even when
you are working close-up, for example
in a drawing room with minimal other
Edwin's "off-beat" idea that has won
acclaim. A piece of rope with bound
'Surprise Box' can be effectively used
ends is magically cut and restored.
without this addition. It will provide
Sample rope included free. Illustrated
you with an added bit of fun, at the same
time greatly enhancing and simplifying the trick.
Famous Magician R.C. Buff, of
Well-made, of course, handsomely finished, of course. Made
Tennessee U.S.A, wrote - "The Climax
rigtit to work right. Rope Trick is one.of of the best methods
Price for Surprise Box is £40.00, (U.S.A. $100.00).
I've seen and well-worth the price. The
Price for Surprise Box Extra, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
clever routining greatly appeals to me.
Complete outfit, £55.00, (U.S.A. $140.00).
I have nearly every rope trick. "
ELEPHANT Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).


.o A small plastic elephant,
screen is placed around and on
A most UNUSUAL card effect by
top; the ELEPHANT VANISHES. HERB RUNGAY of the U.S.A., des-
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). cribed by KEN DE COURCY and
A novel idea. Paper is held
We are pleased to present this as
in the grip of a special pair of
tweezers and burnt, BUT YOU
This is an effect which Herb Run-
gay has been having a lot of fun with and which is certainly A FOOL-
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Two specially printed cards, each is numbered from one to twenty-
six. Half the cards are listed on one and half on the other. AU
V TRIPLE TRANSIT • fifty-two cards are used.
\\ Streamlined "Cards Across" using a •' Two spectators, mentally choose a card from the list, remembering
v ■■
special stand. Complete with compre- its name and list number.
- x, ,5.x Jk- hensive routine. Magician makes two predictions, one for each spectator. The first
spectator names his number and cards are counted down to that num-
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).______
ber. When the Magician's prediction Is read, the number the magic-
Two dice are dropped into the
ian has predicted is added, so the count is continued, and the card
which turns up ... yes, IT'S THE SPECTATOR'S CHOSEN ONE!
matchbox. You can ALWAYS pre- Immediately, the effect is REPEATED with the second spectator,
dict the numbers which have been except that he is allowed A CHOICE of numbers, but still, strange
chosen. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). to say HIS CHOSEN CARD IS DISCOVERED.
No sleights! No skill! You use your own pack of cards. An unus-
ual and effective card or mental effect. Price, £2.50. (U.S.A. $6.00)
Fun with a little barrel which remains SLOW MOTION BALL PENETRATION,
suspended on a rope. Spectator is unable
to control the barrel. Can be used close-
up or on stage.
A clear tube and a plastic bar. A solid steel ball
passes right through the bar SLOW MOTION!
L Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $10.00). I


Every kids' entertainer will want
A good comedy production item. Reach up into the air and prod-
uce a fish. Or show a piece of newspaper, crumpling it into a ball,
What a surprise! Now you can in-
"There's nothing I like better than fish and chips", you say, "and
troduce Santa Claus into your kids'
here's the fish! " as you produce the fish. Cloth covered'springs,
shows in a novel way.
painted a parody of the real thing.
Great to finish any production with,
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
the ideal closing number for your
shows over the whole of the festive
ORLANDO season.
The Magic Frog Our production Santa Claus folds up
small, is over 2 foot long when open-
By Jean Merlin, courtesy of Roy
ed. Easily 'stolen' behind a few silks.
, Baker. A puppet made out of card
Beautifully made with a real moulded, hand painted face, red
, which is a most lovable character. You
robe and hood.
1 can use him for vent, he can find a
Easily animated, he can be a real riot when Introduced into your
I selected card, in his mouth, blind-
i folded, he even finds one when lying show. All the kids love 'Santa' not just at Christmas time but ALL
1 on his back with his foot. the year round. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
A hilarious routine. Complete with pack of cards.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Spring Cucumber
A dark green CUCUMBER 18" long
SUPREME THREE CARD FOOLER 2" in diameter, yet which folds up
Three cards are shown, two spots and a court SMALL, - you can pull this from out of
card. The spectators are asked to keep track of the spectator's pocket, or use it in con-
the Picture card and they are mixed up and covered junction with other spring vegetables,
over with a handkerchief. The two spot cards are producing it from a production box.
removed and the performer says the court card For a good gag have the spring cucum-
has disappeared but the audience is rather dubious ber hidden between two slices of bread
as they see a corner of the card over the top of the which you display as a "cucumber sand-
wich". Open the bread slices and allow the cucumber to expand.
Hie trick is brought to a humerous conclusion. Made in top quality springs and material.
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).

Edwin's ims t a NT ART SPRING BABIES^

A great children's effect or good indeed for
ANY audience, as this looks like real magic.
A plain picture becomes coloured and a rain-
bow coloured scarf becomes plain black!
Complete with routines.
Price, £18.50, (U.S.A. $52.00).

One of the most incredible coin effects
which you'll EVER see.
The special Coin set which you receive
consists of a regular 2p. piece, a beautiful A terrific comedy prop that always gets a scream of mirth and
Oriental type coin, and a special gimmicked delight! Spring open an Opera hat and immediately out jumps an
coin which is really THREE COINS IN ONE! enormous-looking baby, dressed in cute baby clothes with frilly
Imagine! - Three coins are placed in one bonnet and cute baby-face.
hand, - nothing else - two coins are removed, then an amazing You can animate the baby, making it jump about in your arms!
transposition occurs WITHOUT A SINGLE MOVE. Size of the baby is 24 inches long. Folds up small. Can easily be
THE TRANSPOSITION CAN IMMEDIATELY BE REPEATED produced from a cloth or from a large dove-pan, squared circle
AND THEY'LL NEVER KNOW HOW! or similar prop.
Complete as above. Price, £15.50, (U.S.A. $40.00). If you go for comedy, this is definitely for you.
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
. A small empty wallet is shown with Now we've made our SPRING BABIES multi-racial!
■»A. a clear window. You simply touch In addition to our regular Spring Baby, we can supply a dusty -
skinned one, MAMMY’S LITTLE BABY.
the ends of the deck and the chosen
• card appears inside it! Elastic And we can supply an Oriental Baby, CHINESE BABY.
bands have to be taken off from the Both nicely and appropriately dressed.
wallet before the card can be removed. Hand-made from real The same size as our regular Spring Baby. Same price too!
leather. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
A variation on Edwin's "Farmyard Fro-
A deck of cards front and back are shown
lics" by Reg Webb. Now a Supreme Ex-
to be unprinted. A spectator names ANY
CARD, - you pass your hand over the cards
A terrific routine, action-packed with
surprises, fun and magic! A zoo folder
with a picture of the monkey house inside
Yes, it matches the spectator's choice!
is shown empty - no monkey! Then the
Card is shown and it has a back too!
zoo animals are shown. These are cartoon
NO Rough and Smooth cards. It's all in
characters on large cards (almost 10" x
special pack which is supplied. Instructions are illustrated with
7"). As each animal is shown there is a
photographs in a superb Magic Tutor. Price, £4.25, (U.S.A.
lot of business with the children putting
the magician right when things get mixed
up! Having shown the monkey, he's supposed to disappear and
reappear, in the monkey house. Well, HE DOES DISAPPEAR!
When the monkey house is opened there he is - GONE! No
monkey! Where CAN he be? Suddenly the children shout
'THERE HE IS!', but you, being the clever actor you are, can- A card with a hole in it is secured in a case
not see him peeping from behind the zoo folder. The shouts with a cork. Miraculously, you release it!
continue until eventually the magic man spots the monkey and
hauls him into view. You get everything complete, ready to Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
work right away - the cards, zoo folder, mat for the monkey
vanish, stands for display, plus the ACTION-PACKED ROUTINE.
Setting up is the work of seconds - important to the busy per-
former. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00) Two small containers, a silk placed into
* each magically transpose. Complete with
silks. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A, $14.00).
A card is shown, a hole thrown towards it PIG IN A POKE MOJO/
appears in the card.
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Just a gag effect. You try to
tear a pig out of paper but pro- s.&T
duce a litter instead, a line of
A Supreme Magic Publication by ar- newspaper pigs!
rangement with HARRY STANLEY.
Hundreds of magicians at the great Price, £3.50, (U;S.A. $8.00).
international Convention at Miami Beach,
STOP! Read every word! It's for
Florida, U.S.A., also in Chicago, Pitts-
burg, New York and Buffalo, acclaimed 3 2 <5 S' SUPREME “SUM-DO”
it as a GREAT selection of TOP-CLASS
A sensationally new approach to
MAGIC LEWIS GAXSON’S 0 t> 4 figure magic. Magician asks for


Reprinted! Now in its ORIGINAL
S' H' o 1
four spectators to think of a series
of numbers, such as 6-5-1-3. They
clear, easy to read form. A chance to can be any numbers. He gazes at
I 8 1 3

secure a COMPLETE record of the GAN- each in turn, writes some numbers
SON MAGIC that took America by storm! —- ~-------~— down, totals
- uuwu, vn a slip
uieiu on
luuus them anp of
ui paper
Tricks for CLOSE-UP, DRAWING ROOM, CABARET and / 4 * 6 4 gives this into a spectator's custody.
STAGE - "UNCONVENTIONAL MAGIC" has them all! This 1 — A large piece of paper printed with
book contains FIFTEEN AUDIENCE-TESTED items, Routined 16 squares is handed to one of the assisting spectators, who
and explained with every detail necessary for their successful is asked to write the figures he's thinking of one in each
performance. Nearly ONE HUNDRED ACTION PHOTO'S and square, in any order. He initials the paper and passes it to
line illustrations, make certain of YOUR SUCCESS. Spectator 2, who does the same. (The Magician does not
BERTRAM MILL1DGE presents an entirely NEW MOVE with have to stand near the spectators or know what they are
the JARDINE ELLIS RING, also TWO splendid PENETRATION writing.) The 16 squares filled and initials verified, a spec-
effects using an ordinary ring and ribbon or silk. tator totals the figures, and when the performer's slip is
CARDS". Everyone agrees that this is the BEST and EASIEST prediction! NO carbon or copying papers or any kind. NO
method for doing this great effect. A pack of cards is fan- tricky moves or manipulation. VERY EASY to perform. A
ned, and Diminished THREE TIMES. Each time a card of Each one-man effect. Practice required is NIL. We give you every-
diminished size is removed from the pack! Finally, the cards thing including patter and presentation.
are expanded to normal size, and the same cards are used for Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
further tricks if desired, for you have a perfectly normal pack
of cards!
These tricks ALONE are worth more than the price of the Read our terms of business carefully.
whole book! WE GUARANTEE that even the most MODEST Positively no exchanges so make your selection carefully.
of performers will be able to do ALL the tricks in the book, Remember we can only sell you the 'tricks of the trade'
and thus be able to add to his repertoire a fine selection of and the secrets of how to use them. The REAL SECRET
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $9.00).

Starts out with the usual selection of Performer removes a man's or boy's
a card, but, as the trick progresses, shirt in record time without removing
you certainly become confused as tb bow coat or vest. Great for comedy.
it is possible for the trick to come to
a successful conclusion. Yet, the selected card is produced - with-
out sleights or moves of any kind - and using any deck.
Bv Mel Stover.
Girls from the audience remove an equal

( For you fellows who want a new
twist to the Four Ace Trick com- TO h number of oranges from a bowl - yet one
ä v girl always finishes with the most oranges!
plete with a dandy story.
The trick ends with a novel
finish that will even surprise magicians. Swell for close-up, use
the other fellow's deck. NO PREPARATION. NO FAKE CARDS.
One move that is easy to do, does tfie trick. No. 2—THE POTATO RING.
•• ALL FAIR " CARD TRICK. Three potatoes are threaded on a cord. A ring
An unprepared pack is shuffled and 6 cards are dealt face down. is borrowed and one potato selected by a member
A 'Spectator selects a card which is replaced, pack is again shuffled of the audience. Ring is vanished and on cutting
and placed on th£ table. Spectator is asked to choose any one of the open the chosen potato, the borrowed ring is
six cards, which will be used as a Count Card. Spectator then takes discovered. Easy to do.
the pack and counts down to that number and sure enough he finds THREE STUNNERS in manuscript form,
his selected card. A real smart trick. Use any pack. Price, complete, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
Illustrated instructions for ALL THREE TRICKS, Price, £0.75,
(U.S.A. $2.00). _________________________
While performer's back is turned two Performer relates a story of the Hindu
persons each mentally select cards from mystery in which a Magician has a
an unprepared shuffled deck. Performer, I serpent coil its body around a wand,
returns and fails in four different attempts to find the cards until r then grasping the head in one hand
it begins to look as if he is hopelessly lost. But suddenly to the and tail in the other he pulls the colled
utter surprise of all he has the spectators find their own cards, body right through the wand.
merely by cutting the deck. Performer illustrates this with a length of rope which he coils
around a wand several times. He allows a spectator to hold the ends
of the wand and visibly pulls the colled rope right through same!
/ Spectator shuffles and cuts pack. He A clear glass tumbler is suspended from a pencil by a cord and
while surrounded by spectators the suspended glass rings out ans-
y o g o -Ca 9-0 place« a rubber band around one half. wers to questions, names of cards, etc., in the usual spirit fashion.
A card is freely selected from the Everything may be examined and is unprepared.
other half. NO FORCE. Magi places
the selected card, reversed half way A card is selected, torn and wrapped in a borrowed handkerchief.
in the pack, then asks spectator to Tobacco is poured in a cigarette paper and ZAM, PERFORMER
push it all the way in. Spectator names ROLLS A PERFECT CIGARETTE WITH ONE HAND IN FULL VIEW.
his card and magi proves that he is wrong, giving three reasons. He lights same and then shakes out the handkerchief and all the
The reversed card proves to be an entirely different card, the sel- torn sections of the card except one, vanish. On breaking open the
ected card is not to be found in the pack where it was placed. Spec cigarette there's the missing card fully restored minus the corner
tator removes the rubber band from the other half of pack disclos- which fits perfectly.
ing the selected card reversed. Selected card can be marked. No Three featurettes -Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
duplicates. No difficult moves.
VANISHING A novel twist on the old
•••STEWART JAMES'S FAMOUS '' LAC-LITE" RAI I CHI/ Vanishing Billiard Ball
PzA uu.Jeir trickl Ball is light-weight
A number of cards (postcards, playing cards, or business cards) and covered with Silko.
are dealt into a pile with groups of them face up and other groups ’ With the ball and our
face down. Any spectator secretly cuts the pile a number of timed detailed instructions you
and hands the cards to you behind your back or in total darkness. are all set to present a little interlude of what appears to be
Quickly you separate them again into little packets and there are no clever sleight-of-hand. NO SKILL IS REQUIRED 1
cards reversed in any of the packets. We include a neat routine with each outfit, A strand of
Unusual. Puzzling.and Entirely Impromptu with borrowed cards. thread changes into the ball WHICH REPEATEDLY VANISHES
3 STAR SPECIAL - Three Excellent effects together in sealed man- AND REAPPEARS, finally changing into a ribbon.
uscript form. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). You get the ball and instructions for only 75p, (U.S.A.J2.).

9 9
Ken de Courcy's novel effect with different COMEDY CLOCK
<5^1 coloured squares of tissue paper. One in the A beautifully produced solid piece of equip-
hand, one in the hand, one in the pocket effect ment which you will delight to own and which
BUT with a REAL SURPRISE FINISH. It's will stand you in good stead for many years
bound to get an astounding reaction for you. to come.
One of the greatest comedy tricks ever to [
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. S5.00).
be released.

Decorative Magic Motifs A modernistic clock, a two-compartment cabinet. Clock (made

from wood) is in chrome yellow with black and white clock face.
Silk-screened printed onto the reverse of a transparent plastic Very Visual.
material. Self adhesive. Ready for you to cut out and press on- Cabinet is entirely in wood and is finished in red, black, and gold
to your props to give them a most attractive, decorative appear- lacquers.
ance. From inside the box you remove an outsize silver key. There's
CHINESE DRAGON MOTIF comedy when the clock is wound up with the giant key, making a
clickety clack!
'N Silk-screened in green, yellow, red, Next the bottom of the clock is removed and a production is made
blue and black on a circle 6 inches in from die inside. Loose pieces, springs etc. can be shaken out too!
^4 \ diameter. A symbolic Oriental design You can find a string of suasages inside if you wish or one of our
j to add a flash of colour and authenticity Snowy Mice is excellent and works in well with the theme ... "Hick-
BA& / to your Magic props. Price, 75p each, ory Dickory Dock" ... the mouse jumping all over the place!
M/ three for £1.50, five for £2.00.
Now comes the 'cod' stuff a la the Die Box.
A decorated folding carton - tube is shown, the clock passing from
the tube into the box, and back again! The audience are unimpres-


Finally, the clock does disappear completely from the box. -
MOTIF There's a LOT of fun on the 'open the other door' theme; all four
doors, (doors at the top and the front), being eventually opened up
Silk-screened in pink, blue, yellow,
to allow the audience to see completely inside.
rose and black. Price, 75p each, three
for £1.50, five for £2.00 . Turned upwards, the word 'GONE' is seen emblazoned on the bot-
tom of the cabinet. - Gone... but where?
The vanished clock makes its appearance from under the empty

A real winner in any children's show ... you can get as much out
Tremendous novelty. Baby has balanced
of this as you put into it. A really handsomely-made solid prop
eyes and bottom lip movement. Head is
and a great routine.
Ak approximately 5" in diameter, made like
Comes complete (without load which may be varied to suit the
> Di? a regular vent head but operated by finger- discretion of the individual performer).
jW/ tip control. Very limited supply.
Price, £45.00, (U.S.A. $125.00).
91 Price, £45.00, (U.S.A. $120.00).
with all the special chips you re-
T/?1CKS| THREE clever tricks in one sealed manuscript.

ClHp P s
WlT H _
quire for a baffling sequence. No. I. HANDCUFF ESCAPE
Routine is in printed form. Il- Any pair of handcuffs can be used,
lustrated. An act in itself. Ai can be done impromptu. Working
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). secret.


DISINTRIGATOR The best and most ptact- (Q i C-z

A folding cardboard tube is freely shown ical club performer's
empty, being opened right up flat. Audi- method. No table, wells, (I F yW' H
ence are permitted to see right through etc., required. The hand- - -J \TT
the tube. kerchief is changed into an
A piece of rope is displayed and a gen- egg. you explain how it is done, and the audience are even more
uine knot is tied in the centre of this, the rope being lowered into bewildered at the end!
the tube until the knot goes out of sight. Slowly the rope is raised
The secret lies in the simple tube! In this presentation the y
Supplied complete with rope and illustrated instructions. performer plays a new - ——>
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). type gambling game in
which Poker chips are used. The big surprise and kick-off
TRICKS AND STUNTS WITH A PLATELIFTER comes when the performer scoops all the chips. All the above
Ideas, effects, stunts that turn the old Plate Lifter Joke into a three effects. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
first-rate aid to mystery and magic.
Special! With each manuscript we are including a Plate lifter TÜE SUPREME 64. H I OH ST- BIDEFOR.D
FREE. Price, complete £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). AVXGIC C? DEVON - EN0LANO

An imported book with E LEVEN clever Mental Mys-

CHEF SILK teries by the Immortal Annemann. includes 'New
Great to use in conjunction with 'Baking a Cake' Double Telepathy Routine', 'Penetrating Vision', etc.
or any similar routine. Design is in black on white Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
background, tinted red border.
Price, per silk, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Published by Hades. 50 big mimeographed
pages, 82 detailed illustrations, containing
YOUNG GENIUS 39 choice effects by the "King of the Quickies".
An 18" white silk with a tinted red border and Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
which has bodly in black printed on it, a picture
of a cheeky looking boy wearing a Mortar board. MARC de MILO'S
A good laugh when produced from any prop as a
picture of the boy who is helping you. "My, you
This is IT'. An excellent card rout-
look CLEVER", you say, "I can just see you as a Professor yet". ine that's almost a complete close-up
Price, per silk, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). act! It's EXCITING: UNUSUAL! In

g ir l ie s ii X
s-TvVosr three parts, each completely different
from the others, each utterly baffling,
Here's a delicately drawn picture which never- r following smoothly after each other.
theless can be seen anywhere. Printed in black At the end of the routine the pack can
on a white silk and with a tinted green border. You be used for any other card tricks!
can produce the silk as a picture of your assistant's , The magician tells his audience about
girl friend. a recent trip to the races. The first thing he saw was a man doing
Price, per silk, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). the Three card Trick, or Find the Lady. He demonstrates how the
man did it, proving conclusively that the audience haven't a chance

. BABY SILK of winning.

Then, on to the actual Horse Racing. From a small, Patience-
? The gag of allegedly producing a picture of a sized pack the Four Aces are removed and laid in a line. They
I chosen film star is still popular. When you pro- represent the horses. Other cards dealt are used to declare the
j duce the picture, it is of the film star when he or odds. Three spectators are asked to place bets on the horses they
J she was a few months old! fancy, leaving one horse unbacked (for the performer).
U 18" silk will fold up small and can be produced The main pack is shuffled and cut, then cards are dealt off one at
at the fingertips. It shows a picture of a baby a time, face upwards. As a Heart is dealt the small Ace of Hearts
boldly printed on in black, blue border. moves up the course one card. The same happens with the other
Price, per silk, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). suits. The winner is the Ace that reaches the end of the course
All 'Supreme' Illustrated Silks are made from 100% pure silk, first. The excitement mounts.. .but the Magician always wins!
no synthetic fibres. This is repeated, and again the Magicians horse (Ace) wins,
even though he was left a different Ace. He tells the audience he

MOTHER-IN-LAW SILK, always wins because he has a lucky Bean and offers to loan it to
one of the spectators. NEEDLESS TO SAY WHEN THE THIRD
A picture of a real old battleaxe, guaranteed to RACE IS WON, THE WINNING HORSE IS THE ONE BACKED BY
get a chortle from any audience. Always a laugh'. THE SPECTATOR WITH THE BEAN!
In your children's show, you can refer to it as a IT'S FUN!
picture OF YOUR OLD SCHOOL-TEACHER! After a successful days racing the performer was invited to join
Price, per silk, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). a Poker game in the train going home. Four kind gentlemen offered
to teach him how to play.
The cards are shuffled and cut, the performer asks a spectator to
FIREMAN SILK name his favourite suit, then deals five hands of Poker. The high-
est each of the four hands can show is a Pair. THE MAGICIANS
A good gag to use with the Dove-Pan when the con-
tents catch on fire, or any similar effect involving HAND IS A ROYAL FLUSH IN THE SUIT NOMINATED BY THE
flames. SPECTATOR!
Price, per silk, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). The cards are gathered up, then the pack is handed to a SPECTAT-
OR to deal five more hands. Again no hand shows higher than a pair
except the Magician's which is ANOTHER ROYAL FLUSH IN A
Uniform to our other Illustrated Silks, this shows
a caricature of a bearded gentleman, bold in black EVER RELEASED.........
and with' a tinted green border. Produce it as a pic-| Originated by Marc de Milo and routined by Ken de Courcy we
ture of the assisting boy when he is 90 years old; supply this complete. Regular Bridge-sized deck, faked in a subtle
or your old grandfather. way to make the trick easy, a Patience pack, three Poker Chips and
Price, per silk, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). a 'Lucky Bean'. Everything you need complete with the detailed
instructions, routine and full patter presentation.
supernatural silk Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).

& A picture of a devil changes into a monk. PINCUSHION COM

Harry Leats original patter is supplied.
A coin is placed into a small casket and is pen- I
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $9.00). etrated with four pins. Complete with coin.£10.50, (U.S.A. $23.00)
entirely in felt and fur fabrics 1® «*(
and with real glass eyes. A A great novelty to introduce in
very cute figure. your PUNCH & JUDY or puppet
show. A black cat with an extra-
long teil which is wildly animated!
PANDA PUPPET.. Another Cat's head is made from wood
great novelty; made in black (just like a regular Punch & Judy
and white fur fabric with real figure) but covered with fur fab-
glass eves. ric as is the whole of the body.
Lucky Cat has fluorescent green
eyes, white marking, pink ears.
SCOTTY DOG. Black fur Made for professional use. You'll
fabric dog with a cute person- use him alongside your W itch pup-
ality, made to our usual stan- pet, or he's great to use at any
dard. time, bobbing up and down to the
annoyance of Mr. Punch or Joey!
SAMMY THE SNOWMAN. Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $75.00).
Another fur fabric puppet
novelty. Great when used in IVOR HERNIA THE STRONG
conjunction with our Santa Originated by TONY
ma n .
Claus puppet. GREEN.


PHANT PUPPET. As used by made to Supreme's high stand-
Percy Press. A most unusual ard of workmanship gives you a
character. Made from grey chance to cash in on this sport,
and white felt. keeping your Show 'UP TO DATE!'
We supply you with the beautiful
puppet, plus a Bar with weights,
SPLINKY. Yes, an ele-
phant similar to our 'Chummy plus a bendable "metal bar". Most
Jumrny' figure but made in important of all, we supply you
pink felt. with a splendid routine. £
Ivor takes the dumb-bells and
PUPPET DUCK. Fur fabric lifts them over his head. The
with yellow beak, very cute children yell as with lots of grunts
figure. and groans the Strong Man man-
ages his feats of strength.
Then he takes a steel bar and
TEDDY BEAR. A cuddly- slowly bends this! A great nov-
looking Teddy Bear all the elty.
kids will love. Yellow fur
Price, for the puppet, dumb-
fabric, real glass eyes.
bells, bar, and routine together,
£25.00, (U.S.A. $80.00).
OWL. A wise-looking owl THE LION TAMER & THE
made in brown and white felt LION. A fantastic novelty to
material etc. add THRILLS to your Punch
& Judy or Puppet show.
These are beautiful hand-
BLACK CAT. Cat has a carved puppets with an EX-
white front, long tail, green
eyes; made entirely in felt. puppet master Tony Green.
The lion has apparently
THE OWL AND THE PUSSY escaped from the circus and
CAT. 'The Owl and the Pussy makes his appearance. Then
Cat went to sea, In a beauti- along comes the Lion Tamer
ful pea-green, boat1. Set of and there's FUN GALORE.
two puppets. Price, £21.00, Price, for the set of two pup-
$60.00 pets and routine, £65.00,
(U.S.A. $175.00).
quality felt puppet rabbit with
mouth movement. Cute per-
sonality. A real wild looking
< Can
rabbit. Appears from a top
hat, over the edge of the SUPREME
playboard etc. Price, £5.50,
CHIC-PAN. Miniature type
Dove Pan which is just perfect
T Accessories

for use with a puppet, it. will THE BABY. Small wooden
actually hold a couple of day figure you can have walk ac-
old chicks ... or a snake can ross the play-board. Price, / C
jump out of the Pan ... or £7.50, $22.00.
/, £5
you can produce a cake from SLAP-STICKS. Makes a re-
there! Or it's the ideal way of sounding crack due to their
producing your string of saus- special construction. Price,
ages. Single load Chic-Pan £2.50, $7.00.
price, £10.50, $25.00.
Also available as a Double
load Pan for the Magic Show
price, £12.50, $30.00.
l\ SAUSAGES. Stuffed cloth.

BLOWEY THE CLOWN. Per string of five. Price,
£3.50, $10.00.
Great novelty. A clown pup-
pet blows up a balloon until it SAUSAGES. Stuffed cloth.
bursts! Price £30.00, $85.00. String of five, PULL-APART.
V The Crocodile can EAT these
A real "cartoon-looking wizard"
be used during a magic show.
with pointed ears, 'Goatee'
Price, £5.50, $15.00.
beard, hooked nose, wearing a
tall cone-hat, dressed in a RED-HOT POKER. (For
robe decorated with cabalistic the Devil.) Made from wood.
signs. As used by TONY Price, £2.50, $7.00.
GREEN; described in his ex- 'c
cellent book "Professional are not making these at pre-
Punch". Price £30.00, $85.00.
sent, but see the book 'Hallo i
Mr. Punch' elsewhere in this WALLO
MAGICIAN. A great novelty. Catalogue which contains full
SPLIN WIN is resplendent in plans for a traditional type
Chinese costume. With dex- Punch fit-up (easily modified £dwtfi.

terity he spins a coloured to individual tastes). Price of
plate at the end of a long Hallo Mr. Punch £3.75, $9.00.
stick. There's an action-
SWAZZLES. Mr. Punch's
packed routine (supplied).
squeaky voice. You should use
Comes complete with two col-
a Swazzle if you want your
ourful unbreakable plastic
Punch & Judy show to be an
spinning plates and a hand-
authentic one. Complete with
made carved puppet. Price,
instructions for use. Price,
£35.00, $95.00. £2.00, $6.00.
BIN. Tony Green's stunning
novelty ... a skeleton popping
up and down from a dustbin!
A novel routine which can be
used in any Punch & Judy Additional Puppets that can be incorporated into a Punch &
show. Price £35.00, $110.00. Judy or Puppet Show.
These are NOT designed as Punch & Judy figures, but can
BLACK SAMBO. A tradi- be nevertheless incorporated into the show to add novelty and
tional piece of Punch & Judy variety.
made in the style of the late
Wai Kent. Sambo wears a fez
and is an amusing-looking The following puppets are
character. It can also be in- available at the same price,
corporated into the magic £10.50,$30.00.
fhow. Price, £25.00, $75.00.
MR. LONG-NECK. Back DOG TOBY. Fur fabric
Toby Dog, full-size for adult
again! Yes, it's 'Scaramouche'
himself, beautifully-dressed. As
he peers this way and that,
his neck gets longer and longer PUPPET RABBIT. A cute
until it has grown 8 inches fur puppet rabbit, pure white
long, the height of the figure in colour. In the Magic show
is now over 2 feet. A great he can come out of a top-hat.
novelty! TRADITIONAL Punch. Also ideal for inclusion in a
Price, £35.00, $95.00. Punch or Puppet show.
Hand-made, hand- hand-dressed figure of a sailor.
painted, hand-dressed puppet, Good Punch & Judy novelty. (As
carved from wood. Made like supplied with 'Oceans of Fun'.) r0
an Indian Chief to add excite- We hope this will be ready ap-
ment and novelty to any Punch prox. September 1981. Price,
show. Price, £30.00, $85.00. £25.00, $75.00.


BUSTER BUNNY. A great TONY GREEN'S book! A wow
rabbit puppet, ideal for you to of a laugh! Great to use as a
include in a Punch & Judy show. novelty in the Boxing Match
As used by TONY GREEN in etc. He knocks them BOTH
his own Punch show. Price, OUT!!! We hope this will be
£20.00, $65.00. ready approx. Sept. 1981.
Price, £25.00, $75.00.


Puppet Playlets With Routines
GREEN'S fun-packed routine
with a dragon which belches LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD.
smoke! An odd 'goofy look-
ing' lovable dragon with large A complete puppet interlude -
bulging eyes ... he looks soppy. An outstanding novelty to add
Great fun in any Punch & Judy to your Punch show or as a
show. Price, £37.50, $110.00. special puppet feature on its
own. Red Riding Hood, Grand-
mother, the Woodcutter and the
WIGGLEY WOO. is it an Big Bad Wolf. The complete
octopus? Is it a creature from set of figures - £95.00, $250.00.

Outer Space? No, it's a great
novelty for the Punch & Judy
or puppet show. Made from
lovely fur fabric. Price, £4.50, OCEANS OF FUN. Complete
$12.00. outfit. Wonderful alternative
for the Punch show. The sailor
- Sea-serpent - boat - sea -
SNAKE CHARMER & THE, SNAKE. etc., and scripts supplied. We
A Punch & Judy nov- hope this will be ready approx.
Sept. 1981. Price, £125.00,
elty, hand-carved, hand-dressed.
Authentic-looking Indian gentle-
man, large snake rises up from GHOST. a 'traditional-
the playboard! Set of two type' Ghost, shrouded in white,
puppets. Loads of opportunity which flaps up behind Mr.
for FUN! Price £50.00, $150.00. Punch and 'frightens the living
daylights out of him!' A very
SNAKE. Fine novelty for nice figure. Price £25., $75.
the Punch & Judy show. Joey
becomes a snake charmer and a
large snake appears. Snake
body painted like a skeleton
only Price, £25.00, $75.00.
with a wooden skull head with
a long boney neck which comes
RINGMASTER.'. Another up. Head rises, then as Punch
great puppet. All the fun of grapples with the skeleton
the circus in the Punch & Judy the head comes off completely!
show. Dressed with top hat, As used by Edwin (see 'Hallo
red coat etc., like a real Ring- Mr. Punch'). Price £25., $75.
master. Price, £25.00, $75.00.

CHEF. A great novelty fi-

gure which can be a highlight
ELEPHANT Fantastic puppet in any puppet or Punch show,
novelty to introduce into the great for the magic act too.
Punch show with 'Howdah'. The Chef is dressed in a white
Squirts water! Blows sawdust costume with a tall Chef's
through his trunk! His tail hat. In the magic show he
stretches! All the fun of a can assist you with a Cake-
circus. Price, £55.00, $175.00. baking routine and in lots of
other ways! Price £30., $85.
grand fellow dressed in red beautifully-made horse which 9
velvet with yellow trim, etc. cain be a tremendous feature I.
Mr. Punch because he is the in any Punch & Judy programme.
dominant character in the play, Straight from the original Punch
has an extra-large head; carv- & Judy script. Mr. Punch jumps
ed hands, legs and feet, so he onto the horse's back and this
can swing these over and sit on goes galloping madly around.
the playboard. Price, £45.00, Punch is thrown off, there are
$115.00. shouts from the Doctor, and
Smaller size MR. PUNCH. the horse goes galloping away.
Made from fur fabric, etc., and
For those who require a
wood. (P.S. His tail is on an
SMALLER Punch figure (lady
elastic and pulls away too!)
operators etc.) we will make
Price, £35.00, $95.00.
a figure to the same style, but
approximate in size to our HANGMAN. Dressed in
other characters. Price £37.50 black and Wearing a mask.
$100.00. Can also represent 'Batman'
or a hold-up man. Price,
JUDY, a nicely-dressed fi- £25.00, $75.00.
gure, Judy has an apron (on
DEVIL. Real traditional
which to blow her nose!); a
Punch & Judy. A character
perfect mate for Mr. Punch.
dating back to the play's
Price, £25.00, $75.00.
early religious origins. Dressed
in red shiny material. The
JOEY THE CLOWN. A great devil has a red face, yellow
favourite in the Punch & Judy eyes, white horns. Price,
show. Joey has a white face, £25.00, $75.00.
pom-poms, is dressed in a col-
ourful costume. Price, £25.00 WHITE BOXER., Dressed,
$75.00. "ready for the fight" and with
boxing-gloves. Price £25., $75.
CROCODILE. (Wai Kent type)
WHITE BOXER, but with a
An excellent figure which never
different face and differently
fails to get screams of delight. dressed. Price, £25., $75.
(This one is good on its own in
a magic shew too!) Crocodile
can actually eat the sausages. BLACK BOXER., The boxing
Made in fabric and wood and match can be a tremendous
beautifully painted. Price, novelty feature during a Punch
£35.00, $95.00. & Judy show, as anyone who
saw Professor Stafford of
THE BEADLE. ("Not the Paignton work can confirm.
Beetle in the porridge, the Price, £25.00, $75.00.
Beadle of the Parish!"). A
really pompous-looking charac- SANTA CLAUS. (Father
ter, grandly dressed. Price, Christmas). A splendid novel-
£25.00, $75.00. ty figure ideal for your Christ-
mas shows but equally good
DOCTOR. Dressed in black all the year round. All the
with a tall top-hat from which kids love Santa! Price, £30.00
his curls project. When Mr. . 1 $85.00.

bald! Price £25.00, $75.00.

THE POLICEMAN. A tradi can have your own Puppet
tional English 'copper' or Pantomime! Figure is in
'Bobby' dressed in blue, with fluorescent green with hooked
helmet, etc. Price £25., $75. nose and chin. Tall witch's
hat. Price £30.00, $85.00.

sparkling touch of magic to
your Punch & Judy or puppet
entertainment with this beauti- TOMMY. A great puppet
character to add a touch of
ful figure. Blonde hair, blue
eyes, dressed in white with an pathos and comedy to any
Punch & Judy or puppet show.
over-lay of white net. Com-
plete with a fairy wand which A little boy figure. Cute!
is detachable. Price £30., $85. Price, £25.00, $75.00.
To introduce animation and fun into any programme. Supreme Punch and Judy figures have attained a reputation as THE
WORLD'S BEST. Please note, these are not toys, but each is hand-made. The prices are high but in proportion to the cost
of skilled labour and materials, clients will understand the amount of work involved in the specialised business of hand-carving
from wood, the figures, and then the careful hand-painting and hand-dressing. Each figure is most carefully and exquisitely
made. Each is UNIQUE.
For those who require Professional standard Punch & Judy figures, we will say that these are truly first-class.
Remember how in the past we have told you that Punch figures were an investment and certainly this has been well-proven.
The value of these figures is always increasing as skilled hand-work becomes at a premium.
Each of these figures, - and they are full-size professional figures, - is carved from wood and has an individual personality.
Made in the style of the late WAL KENT, these are traditional English Punch & Judy figures and will match-in well with the
figures which you have purchased from us previously.
The purchase of Punch & Judy figures is a 'once only' affair and when ail is considered, the figures present splendid value
for money at today's prices. We are sorry that because the figures are in short supply we are unable to supply dealers.

Ex Puppet master Edwin

with two of the Supreme
range ... Santa Claus &
Mr. Punch.

"May 1 say how pleased 1 was with the Punch & Judy figures, the craftsmanship and the wonderful value. 1 would like to or-
der more." Matthew Smith, Puppeteer, Southampton.

"You may be interested in my new brochure enclosed which features your Punch figures. My photographer turned out to be
a collector of Punch & Judy ornaments and prints - small world!
"1 have just made the Punch frame from your book 'HALLO MR. PUNCH' - this has turned out really fantastic.
"Many thanks for starting me off on Punch & Judy and supplying all the BEST in equipment." Colin Peter, Dorking, Surrey.

"Many thanks for Punch etc., to hand - absolutely delighted. Please find further order to complete my set. This will make
a nice puppet interlude in my children's magic show." Donald Chambers, Nottingham.

"Many thanks for the Punch and Judy Policeman received, excellent as usual." Quentin Reynolds, Dublin.

"Thank you for the Punch & Judy figures safely received. I am quite delighted with them. They are really MAGNIFICENT in
every way. The size is right, the characterisation superb, the costumes colourful and authentic and their whole appearance
MOST PROFESSIONAL." Alan Keys, Riverton, West Australia.

"Recently, I've had’a lot of publicity, National and local performing 'Punch and Judy' for under-graduates at Oxford Univer-
sity as light relief for them whilst taking their finals, My dolls used were purchased from you eight years ago and 1 made the
fit-up from the plans in your book Hallo Mr. Punch. The craftsmanship and professional appearance of your Punch figures has
certainly enhanced my performances.
"My show at the College was filmed and excerpts were seen on A.T.V., Today programme, there was a story in 'Sun' daily
newspaper, and a feature on B.B.C. Radio Oxford.
"The Punch figures came over very well on the T.V. screening." Brian Grant, Oxon.
There is a no more appealing branch of magic than that of Silken \n OT ALWAYS AVAILABLE)
Silks are colourful and appealing to any audience, from the most These silks are hand-dyed into beautiful Rainbows. The larger
sophisticated of adults to the youngest of children. sizes are also available in Sunburst Silks. When ordering, please
Silks take up no room in the bag but make a splendid showy, col- state whether Sunlxirst or Rainbows are preferred. As available -
ourful production. Furthermore, almost every effect in magic can Approx: 12" £1.75 U.S.A. $5.00
be performed with silks! ... Levitation, Transformation, Anim- 18" £3.00 U.S.A. $7.00
ation (or Motivation), Transportation, Suspension, Vanish, Prod- 24” £4.75 U.S.A. $11.00
uction, Restoration ... and of course, combinations of all these 36" £10.00 U.S.A. $25.00
different effects!
Silks are a splendid investment. The world price of silk is SPECIAL! SPECIAL! GIANT 6ft RAINBOW OR .
continually on the increase. Good quality silk is in constant short SUNBURST SlLKS-exactlv as used by JEFFERY
supply BUT ’SUPREME’ HAVE IT! ... THE BEST! 5 Momme, just ATKINS on Gala Shows at the International Brother-
right for conjuring purposes except for a few specialised effects. hood of Magicians British Ring Conventions. Spec-
Please note, what we supply is pure silk, NOT synthetic fibre ially-produced for him, we now have a limited
but the best quality Chinese or Japanese silk, dyed into gorgeous number only available for general sale. They are
colours. just GORGEOUS! Not always available. Hand-
Sizes of silks are always approximate as silk is usually one yard dyed.
wide and allowances have to be made for hemming in the size. Remember that 4 square yards of silk go into
the making of each of these - hand-sewn, hand-
SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! The dyed, top-quality silks. Price each, £37.50,
best for conjuring purposes. Fold U.S.A. $80.00.
up small, expand instantly... there Hand-dyed RAINBOW STREAMERS
is no substitute for good quality silk. A tremendous production flash! These streamers are approximat-
Our silks are usually available in ely 12" wide and dyed all along their length into beautiful blended
the following colours but where it is rainbow colours ... the ideal production flash.
essential that colours match, please Two sizes: As available -
order at one time and stipulate "Mat- Approx: 12ft. long, £15.00 U.S.A. $40.00
ching Colours", as dyeings are in- 24ft. long, £30.00 U.S.A. $70.00
clined to vary slightly. As available -
please give alternative colours if MAMMOTH SILK STREAMERS
possible. This de luxe streamer is 18" wide and from 48-50 YARDS long...
Pillar-box Red, (or Crimson), Emerald Green, Daffodil Yellow, yes, read that again.. .almost 150ft. of beautiful silk - hand-dyed
(or Gold), Royal Blue, Tangarine Orange, White and Purple. (Black into a beautiful Rainbow. Prlce> £iso, (U.S.A. $310.00).
to order only).
Approx: 9" £0.55 U.S.A. $1.50 A NEW idea which can be a tremendous flash. Two, three, four
12" £0.85 U.S.A. $2.00 or more of these can be joined; Or you can use them on their own,
18" £1.75 U.S.A. $5.00 swirling these out to A TREMENDOUS SPECTACLE. Each streamer
24" £2.75 U.S.A. $7.00 is approximately 12 Inches wide and are available in all the regular
36" £5.50 U.S.A. $12.00 colours as per our normal silks, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Orange
and Purple, (White to order only).

Whip-Away Vanisher
Here's the famous 'Go Go' vanisher
Price, per approx. 12 ft. Streamer £10.50 U.S.A. $22.00
Price, per approx. 24 ft. Streamer £25.00 U.S.A. $52.00.
but with improvements in manufacture
and handling, and fully explained by
Ken de Courcy. • A great effect. Two £1 notes are
Exactly as used by Ken in his own borrowed and tucked in the hand. Mys-
programmes and commented on by teriously, they change into four 50p
Goodliffe and others as being a SEN-
SATIONAL VANISH! An egg, a ball or any small object is van-
ished in a miraculous fashion without it being touched by the
H pieces. The four 50p pieces are pla-
ced along a bar on a neat stand.
hands. With this handkerchief you can vanish things off a THE FOUR COINS VANISH.
table-top, or off a spectator's hand, or off of your own hand, This you have got to see to believe
simply by draping the vanisher over it. and when you see it, YOU DON’T!
The 'Whip-away Vanisher' complete, ready for you to work. One moment the coins are there,
____________________ Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).________________ the next, in a twinkling of an eye they've gone!

QUAD CARDS When the person holding the sealed envelope opens it up, there
inside the envelope is another and another, and inside the last
Four Court cards are envelope are the two £1 notes. The numbers are checked and
shown, front and back. notes returned.
Audience are asked to - A sensational routine in every way. -
remember the order The Coin Stand supplied can be used in other ways; as a flash app-
in which they are earance of four coins. Please note, the coins are genuine and un-
placed into the tum- feked also the bar they rest on is not as thick as the diameter of the
blers BUT THEY CAN'T: BECAUSE ALL THE CARDS HAVE coins. The coins do not drop down into the base of the stand. After
CHANGED TO BLANK CARDS WHICH CAN BE TOSSED OUT the vanish they can be made to visibly reappear if you wish.
TO THE AUDIENCE FOR EXAMINATION. Price £3., (U.S.A.S8.). Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Three Card Monte and a i Koran's De Luxe MILK CHURN

Note on the Cup FOO CAN

The great Harry Stanley Publication, now in Made in heavy gleaming COPPER with a really
PRINTED FORM. All the information you re- fabulous warm finish. A PROP YOU'LL BE PROUD
quire for the Original Hummer's Masterpiece. OF!
Use any three cards from anyone's pack... Show it empty yet water appears inside, or pour
the effect can be repeated ad infinitum... the water into the can and it vanishes!
I mystery does not diminish but grows the more Marvellous for kids shows. Fill it with liquid,
you do it. Unfathomable to the wise guys! put the whole lot upside down on a child's head but no
In addition to the original effect. AL KORAN'S 'NOTE ON THE water flows from the can, - apparently it's VANISHED.
CUP' is included. - Any three tea-cups.. .note is placed underneath Using it in conjunction with a Comedy Funnel, you can now pump
and you discover the whereabouts of it. missing liquid out of the child's elbow.
Additional ideas and a climax are given. Size of the De Luxe Milk Churn Foo Can is 7|" high; 3|" top dia-
An eight page printed booklet. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). meter; 4?" bottom diameter.
For those who want the BEST in magical equipment, there's no
A Supreme British Exclusive! need to look further.
SILKS AND RINGS Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $60.00).
Two flat 5| inch coloured rings,
The five cards the Magician shows are each
- one red and one yellow can be
boldly printed with a £1 symbol. As the amus-
examined. To the red ring is
ing patter story is told £1 signs are repeatedly
tied an (18 inch red silk whilst to
discarded...(12 of them in all!)... yet the
the yellow ring is tied an 18 inch
magician always has five left! A surprise
yellow silk.
Magician holds one ring in each
hand; momentarily, he places
'■ 1u [p7 comes towards the end of the routine when it
is discovered that he now only holds two cards.
but all comes right in the end, bringing the trick to its applausable,
these behind his back. Quick
as a wink, the silks change
You will gain credit for skill as you present this mystery, BUT NO
places! The red silk is now
SKILL IS NEEDED. You can perform it right away. The script
tied to the yellow ring and the yellow silk Is tied to the red ring!
supplied concerns the adventures of your slightly mad Uncle and will
Magician repeats it again and again. Finally both silks are
bringyou many laughs! Price, £2.75, (U.S.A. $8.00).
removed and everything is freely shown again.
Comes complete, price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00).
Ian Adair's


A certain laugh for the patter-man
This Exclusive Publication describes a or the silent performer who uses doves
■P . B performance which will make people think
during his show, the special dove sup-
yOU have the power to look into the depths
plied has been machine cut from pure
yV of their minds and, from there, into their
white, easily compressible NYLON
------ futures. Worked well, it is a compelling
FOAM SPONGE! Folds up very small,
\ “demonstration. you can easily conceal one or more of
\_/ This type of act is not new; it has been
these in your hand.
worked in America, but rarely in this Produce the Flat Dove from a silk; from a spectator. Use it
country. Nor, as far as we know, is it performed today by cur- as a gag with any Breakdown Box - there's 12 gags and ideas in
rent mentalists. That, of course, is all to the good ... the field the special manuscript we give with each one.
is wide open. As currently used By TOMMY COOPER.
The apparatus required is easy to obtain, the necessary re- The sad story of the Magician who sent his suit to the cleaners
newals are cheap. The act also opens up other commercial out- without removing the dove from his pocket!
lets, ones not generally available to magicians. Flat Dove and the complete manuscript comes to you for a
You will find that, for the small outlay, this presentation, if modest £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
intelligently worked, will repay your efforts a hundred, EVEN
THE THOUGHT STE-ALER is a detailed, profusely illustrated,
A simple subtle card effect
well printed book which covers EVERY facet of this astonishing using only six cards, with no
act, the Secrets, Presentation, Opening Lecture, Making Pre-
fakes or any kind, and no diffi-
dictions, Answering Questions, Music, Dressing and so on. All cult sleights to learn!
you need to know to branch out into a lucrative side-line to your One card, magi explains, is
magic which could well turn into something very much bigger different to all the others.
than that. A spectator is invited to shout
THE THOUGHT STEALER COULD BE YOUR KEY TO GOLDEN stop at any time and to freely select any one of the cards. There
OPPORTUNITIES. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). is no force of any kind.
Magician shows that all the cards left in his hands are all blank
faced cards. Each and every one of the cards is shown.
When the card that was placed to one side is turned over it is
the only one with a printed playing card face!!!
c r a 1Lk Er R No rough and smooth; no false counts; no double-faced or double-
backed cards! - and we did tell you it was easy-to-do, didn't we!
A continuous production of different coloured poker chips at the
You get the necessary cards and instructions.
fingertips. A novel principle in Magic. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
An escape illusion that is nothing
short of SENSATIONAL. You require It is said that this neat penetration was originated
as assistant - in addition to the sack
and ropes which we supply! j r ‘J by Chung Ling Soo. A small brass disc is threaded (j
on a cord. Magician attempts to remove it but only
Sack is thrown out to be examined seems to have made matters worse, because it is

then your assistant steps inside. now tied on. However, all is put right and the coin ' i *
Sack is made from a heavy black ma- is removed in the end. Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).
terial and pulls right up over assist-
ant's head. A member of the audience
can assist in tying the top of the sack with any number'of genuine COIN IN BALL OF WOOL
knots. A'borrowed Jp piece is wrapped in a handker-
To add to the impossible nature of the feat two further lengths of chief and given to someone to hold. A ball of
rope are tied around the OUTSIDE of the sack. One piece around wool is handed to another spectator. Hank is
the girl's neck, the other around her waist. Again all knots are snatched away, coin has vanished and it's in the
genuine. centre of the ball of wool!
A screen is placed around the tied figure (or a cloth on a rod Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
can be held up in front of her). Within a minute the tied sack
comes sailing over the top of the screen. Your assistant is free!
Push a silk into a tube of tissue paper. Set
Your assistant does not have to struggle to release herself from
fire to it and the ashes rise into the air, the
this sack, in fact she is free almost the instant the screen is
silk has gone! Grab hold of the ahses and
placed around her! Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00).
there's the silk back again.

Marl; W e ft t o n ’ x Price, for one dozen paper cylinders and

special gimmick, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
A playing card taken from a pack
is shown. Suddenly a FACE AP-
PEARS ON BOTH SIDES! Then this A joke item.
I * changes to a completely DIFFERENT Magician has a nail examined and then
card - again on BOTH SIDES. Then passes same through his finger!
the card becomes an ORDINARY Price, complete, £0.50, (U.S.A.
one again - in fact it can be EXAMINED! Only one simple
move is used throughout, and this is fully detailed in the rou-
tine. Supplied complete with the "special something" and il-
lustrated instructions. Use any pack of cards. By Vai Andrews. An unrivalled col-
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). lection of sketches, black-outs, bits,
gags, patter, cross-overs, 'interruptions'
and other material for REVUE, CLUB,
A 12 inch silk is picked up and tucked and CABARET. Funny material by
no ft into the hand. WHEN THE HAND IS
I Funny-man Vai Andrews, written for
gx?’’4 2 Entertainers who like to Entertain!
SILK. INTO A BALL’. A handy collection of material to

Here's the difference. - The silk is
picked up by a forefinger and thumb. 1 have by you, especially if you work with
a partner and would like a couple of
Yet still the change occurs!
quick little sketches to add variety to your show, Comes in
typescript form. Printed covers. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). TONY GRIFFITH’S
A TRIO of subtle mysteries with a length
SPOOKY CARDS of rope and a specially produced heavy plated
The performer shows two playing ring. Instructions take the form of a well-
cards, freely, front and back. Then, printed 16 page booklet, 26 photos, 6 illustra-
holding a card in each hand one card -4.',-^' tions! Items are Ring Away, Loop de Loop,
is slowly and deliberately passed through and Hitched. A feature Routine with the
the other! The card is seen to dissolve 'M1 correct accessories. Price, booklet only, -
right through the centre of the other, f/tL/b / ® / £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, complete ex-
to be removed from the back! At the '(’ XjJ ( actly as above, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00).________
end the cards are again shown to be
"ordinary". Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
V Av.
A jug containing rice. Tumbler is filled,
another tumbler placed against it and the
A MAGICIAN AT THE CASINO rice doubles in quantity. One of the
glasses of rice is wrapped in a sheet of
Sam Dalal's novel effect with poker chips.
One marked 500, three marked with just a paper, then liquid is poured out of the
1. Chips are shown on both sides. Myst- tumbler. Glass is otherwise empty, the
eriously they change and all chips show 500 liquid is vanished. Rice on the tray is
on each side. now tipped back into the jug, and now the magician has so
It can be £500 or $500 depending on your patter. much rice he is able to fill all of each of the four tumblers!
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Jug, tumblers, tray and routine, price £14.50, (U.S.A. $40.).
Sympathetic Silks 'Sr •*’ HUDSON’S VANISHING KNOT|
Another in this great series of fan- Tie a knot in a length of rope, it gets small-
tastic Teach-in booklets written and er and smaller and then completely vanishes.
photographed by LEWIS GANSON, and You can repeat itl — a good continuity gag.
which are guaranteed to make the clas- __________ Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00),____________
sics of conjuring easy. KB ~~~
Colourful visual magic - certainly
A cute trick in which a spectator be-
comes a mind-reader and succeeds in
classic of effects with silk. Performed
naming two chosen cards!
by most of the old top-of-the-bill magicians on the variety stages
It's all made possible with the aid of
around the world, It can be just as big a hit today as it was then.
the special gimmlcked card we supply
HOUDINLperformed it in his full evening show and often declared
together with our detailed Instructions.
that this was his favourite trick.
Price, £0.50, (U.S.A, $1.00).
CHRIS CHARLTON opened his show with It; CECIL LYLE featured
it; JANE THURSTON performed it beautifully in her spot in the
THURSTON SHOW and it was certainly a masterpiece in the hands
HORACE GOLDIN taught his routine to WILL AYL1NG. He went !>’ With nothing other than a pack of cards
over the finer points of it with him. LEWIS GANSON spent many, Lionel held the audience in the palms
many hours photographing Will's hands performing the moves to of his hands, - fascinated and spell-
provide the explanation presented here of a really great trick. bound.
Sure-fire, the actions are smooth and natural-looking. The whole Without appearing to touch the pack,
routine is completely mystifying and ENTERTAINING. which had been shuffled and had been
IN FACT, ALL THE INGREDIENTS DEMANDED BY THE PROF- dealt by spectators on-stage, he pre-
ESSIONAL. ambulated the audience, telling each
With the aid of photographs, LEWIS GANSON has made the task spectator which cards they should play. The person who appeared
of learning this effect as easy as possible for you by presenting the to have the worst hand scooped the kitty!
accumulation of what are considered to be the simplest and best At the end, the audience's applause was loud and prolonged.
moves for the performance. Over the years we have many times been asked for details of
THE EFFECT conforms to the recognised procedure. Six single this excellent effect and we were delighted when a friend of Lionel's,
silks are shown, three are placed to one side, three are tied to- 'Magigram' Columnist, Mentalist and Author, ARTHUR CARTER,
gether. Magically the other three become tied, in sympathy. agreed to fully detail the routine exactly as it had been taught to
The first three become single and then magically the second set him by LIONEL KING himself.
become single! You will require a couple of packs of cards.
As a climax, all six silks are tossed into the air and come down We supply you with a couple of small secret gimmicks... that,
tied together. plus the necessary SHOWMANSHIP, Is all you need. Use your own
In the pages of this beautifully produced booklet, everything is set cards.
out so nicely for you to follow with no less than 32 easy to follow All the details are here we know you will enjoy the presentation of
photographs. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). this great Classic of Magic.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).

Readers of Magic Magazines will al-
The best size silks for this effect are (in our opinion) 24 inch ready know of the first-class material
size. Price each, £2.75, (U.S.A. $7.00). devised by Mark Weston. He is cele-
As a special offer we will supply all the six necessary silks to f hrated for his clever and original ideas
perform the effect. Two each of three colours (please specify if using all sorts of items, mostly things
any preference). Plus the fabulous Ganson Teach-in, TOGETHER which can be found around your home.
at the special privileged price of, £18.50, (U.S.A. $40.00). This is a complete book detailing many
good new effects, featuring Conjuring
AMKMHUIC No methods here just four Exceptional Routines, NOVELTY ACES, JOKER PREDICTION, PASSING THOUGHTS,
■SILK BOOK two for Children, two for Adult shows, by ROY etc. - All practical card items. All In print for the first time!

DARNLEY and ARTHUR F.G. CARTER. For the performer who wishes to present a more general type of
Typescript text, printed covers. magic, or comedy, items such as "What, no Finger", "Gag it
If you already work this great classic trick you up", "Menta-Clip", etc., will brighten up their acts and mystify
will want this. too! Yes, there is magic for ALL. A book brimming over with
Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). bright ideas released for the first time. It's great stuff!
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Picture of a magician in a top hat. A r
"ball" appears when the plaque Is passed 1 More material from the pen of a clever
I ideas man. A further collection of stun-
around the back. Turn it round and the MORE— / ning mysteries. Gags, novelties, card and
magician is holding a ball of a different
MAGfC 14- I comedy tricks and much more. 20 pages,
colour. Turn It around once more and ÖPFA w,TH SxS- uniform with Mark's first book, all
now the picture on the other side shows POPP, MARK'Sg<-
items profusely illustrated and clearly
the figure with two balls. Picture Is zr- i-r
turned once more, the magician is holding two balls too. And described.
all balls are different colours. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Imagine showing a hat EMPTY. An effect with AUDIENCE PARTICIP-
'q u a c k Now without loading of any kind you ATION, EXCITEMENT and SURPRISE!
make a SILK PRODUCTION from the The conjuror displays 12 wide strips
hat, producing any colour silk that of tissue paper of varied colours and
QUACK! is called for! Even a black one when
shares these with a boy or girl who is
named! assisting him.
NOW HERE'S THE GAG! Through- The assistant is allowed the choice
out the entire production a QUACK- of two pairs of scissors and Is given
ING NOISE is heard coming from the a brush. A jar marked "GLUE” is on
hat and now and then a DUCK'S HEAD the table.
pops up over the top of the hat. Magician quickly pushes this down Performer also takes a brush and explains that it is a "Cutting
saying "NOT YET" as he carries on pulling silks out of the hat, Out Competition". He asks the audience to call out the names of
and pattering about "the amazing production he is going to make anything they wear and these names are written upon cards. He
from the hat, to bring the effect to A STARTLING CLIMAX". mixes them up and allows a member of the audience to take one.
Later the quacking starts again, and again the duck's head app- Asking his assistant to copy his actions the conjuror folds up the
ears and is shoved down and this is repeated several times through- strips of tissue paper and commences to cut and stick (tons of fun
out the effect. here) and the climax is that the assistant has a collection of bits
the hat is EMPTY except for a few FEATHERS! THE SELECTED CARD!
The Magi shakes the feathers out of the hat, saying, "I'm sorry We supply plenty of tissue paper - enough for 10 shows - and
I'M AFRAID THE DUCK GOT AWAY! " once you have the outfit you can easily buy your own tissue paper
Several alternative comedy finishes are given. if you wish for further shows. A very funny, strongly made, pap-
ROUTINE. You use any hat (the hat is not gimmicked in any way) jam-jar, white cards, full routine and instructions.
and your own silks. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Supreme "Funny Duck" can also be successfully incorporated into
any production routines from a box, tube, etc. A Super deluxe Supreme version of a
Price, complete, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
classic effect by DR. JAKS and ALEX
ELMSLEY, first introduced to the Magical,
MASTER BANK NOTE IN fraternity by Harry Stanley. /

There have been many methods for
NEST OF BOXESaccomPlishlngth‘s Outsold and mar-
keted over the years. Here is one There are many ways of revealing a \
which for sheer simplicity and direct-
ness is hard to beat. This is the rout-
ine demonstrated by MICHAEL HOOPER
chosen card, the main difficulty is, to do
it in a Novel and Interesting Manner, so
that an audience will Remember and Talk
at the British Ring Picnic Close-Up. about it! /
We have received many requests for it Here is the most entertaining we have ever seen! Using just
so now here it is, A £5 note is shown four pieces of BLACK card - LETTERED on BOTH SIDES - the
and placed in an envelope. Note can be performer spells out the question "WHAT CARD?" In so doing
seen up to the last moment, yet when BOTH SIDES of each card are seen.
the envelope is burnt there’s no remain- Now without any false moves whatever - the answer to the ques-
ing trace of it. A spectator has prev- tion mysteriously appears in the form of an image of the chosen
iously been given a small box when card, superimposed on one of the lettered cards!
they open it they find another box, then another, then another. In Only Four Cards Used ... NO ROUGH AND SMOOTH or FAKED
the innermost, the fifth box, they find the £5 note is immediately CARDS. Easy to do - A novelty you will work on every possible
tipped out and handed back to the spectator who loaned it to you, occasion. Complete and Ready to Work.
it's the same fiver! The black cards we supply are SUPER. Laminated with clear
film on both sides to give everlasting protection and round-corn-
Small enough to carry in your pocket, big enough to become a
ered to give years of wear and enjoyment.
feature attraction for your show. Unbelievably clean and easy to
Complete with printed instructions. Price, £3.50, (U.S. A. $8.00'
work. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).


A most unusual trick principle. A
A TREMENDOUS PRODUCTION FLASH consis- box just big enough to hold two packs
ting of RED, WHITE AND BLUE pure silks moun- of cards enables you to perform a
ted on light-weight metal staves which fold small, clever 'Do as I do’.
are easy to produce, yet mammoth in appearance.
Commencing with the production of a SPRAY of Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
small silks ALL IN PATRIOTIC COLOURS, a lar-
ger one is produced from it and then another one PAVEL'S YELLOW KNOTTED ROPE Pavel has
given the magical fraternity many great effects, - this is . ■ Z?
larger than the first, and then yet another even probably one of his best. Yellow rope is pulled through a ' fff/
larger still.
clear perspex tube and knots appear all along it. Untie HUA
The spray fits together to make A PYRAMID OF RED, WHITE
the knots and magically they reappear back on the rope
AND BLUE - all most patriotic-looking, approximately 36" wide
again! Price, £6.00, ($12.00).
at the base and 42" high. A MAGNIFICENT FINALE TO ANY
Price, £55.00, (U.S.A. $150.00). /^AGIC C? PFVON - EN0LAND
Ken Brooke's
An excellent vanish of a Ken sez:- "Gentlemen - here's the com-
watch which can form a plete word for word routine I have been
wonderful continuity gag using at the country's leading hotels for
throughout the show. the past few years. NOT JUST A SINGLE
As though checking-up on t r ic k : :: - b u t a c o m pl e t e a l l -
the time of the performance,
the magician removes his IF, and only if, you are willing to prac-
pocket watch from his inside waistcoat (vest) pocket. He holds it tise this for a few minutes each evening
to his ear as though to check the time etc. for a fortnight, I. in return, will teach
you a coin fantasy that will remain with
Suddenly, he opens his hands, the watch has gone! & you ALWAYS. It is something I use con-
A little later during his performance, he goes to his pocket and
again removes a watch, apparently the watch has vanished and has stantly for the simple reason that it can
appeared back in his pocket again! - and this business can be rep- be done under almost any conditions, even with them sat all around
eated. you. It took me a long time to find the climax - but I found it and
- A splendid continuity gag to get continual laughter - it's right here for you.
Also great when used in conjunction with the other Watch effects Alone, this is worth pounds to any performer. I don't care what
whichwesell. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). you know about the trick, I'll teach you more and I'LL TEACH

^MULTIPLYING WATCHES Let me make it clear:- This is a well printed booklet only. You
get no gimmicks, no apparatus. Don't buy it if you are not prepared
A great novelty effect. to learn and practise one simple move."
A regular-looking pocket watch

This is the routine fully detailed and explained in the book "Ken
is magically produced and held at Brooke's Magic - The Unique Years", available here separately for
the fingertips. those who require it. In neat printed form, the text made easy to
SUDDENLY, THE WATCH MUL- follow by six illustrations.
TIPLIES AND BECOMES TWO. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
One of the watches is removed, and mysteriously vanishes. Imm-
ediately, it returns to the hand!
Then a watch is taken and placed in the pocket, yet still the watch
returns and you hold two in the hand! It's an eye-popper!
Trust Magic Ronnay to come up with
A WHOLE CONTINUOUS STREAM OF WATCHES APPEAR TO BE a clever notion like this. Not for the
COMING FROM THE FINGERTIPS. beginner but once you have mastered ♦/ r*
Finally, the single watch in your hand VANISHES, leaving your moves and routine, you'll have some-
both hands empty. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). thing really unusual.

Four red backed cards are shown.
As they are counted, the Ace, Two
and Three of Clubs turn face up one
The magician shows a piece of
at a time, but the expected Four of
Clubs does not. Instead a Four of Diamonds appears. All four cards
paper and forms this into a cone. turn face up then, when spread face down, all have different coloured
He makes a "catching movement" backs!
in the air, apparently producing When spread face up again, all the cards are Fours of Diamonds
some invisible "somethings" and which, when turned over and counted, all have red backs once more!
throwing them into the cone, - We passed this effect over to KEN DE COURCY, who has made
nevertheless, the cone can still the working easy to follow with four pages fully detailing the routine,
be tipped over and would still with seven clear illustrations.
appear to be still empty. How- If you go for clever, packet, pocket Card Magic, then this is cer-
ever, WHENEVER HE LIKES, the magician reaches into the cone tainly for you.
and produces a large, regular-looking pocket watch. The watch Ronnay's SUPER TWIST, Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $8.00).
is chrome-plated and has a regular watch face. Watch can be
hung on a hook on the front of the magician's table, or on a small FLASH- BALL TO SILK
stand if required. One moment you hold a ball, the next
ONE BY ONE, TEN - YES T.E.N! - WATCHES ARE PRODUCED moment it's GONE and you hold a SILK
Price, for the special nest of watches and routines, £8.50, plete with silk. Price £4.00 (U.S.A.$10.00).
(U.S.A, $20.00).________________________
A devil's head, cards spookily rise from Pavel's novel pocket effect with circles 'O
o ra
the houlette when the devil's beard is that change into a square. Missing circles
pulled. Non-mechanical. turn up all on one card!
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14,00) Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). k 1
FRUltY TRICK perplexing pocket rings
« A novel mystery with REAL Pavel's clever prediction effect, with four black
' j FRUIT - an orange and an ' plastic wallets and perspex rings.
'/ apple change places. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Bound Volumes of The Penta- Maurice Fogel's gripping presentation.
gram are eagerly sought after The properties are simple - length of rope,
by collectors everywhere. block of wood, candle and candlestick, two
Each Bound Volume contains a unfaked pieces of board. Plus a portrait of
whole year's Pentagram be- Houdini. The first named properties you
tween handsome black, caxton probably already have ... we supply the
cloth, hard bound covers. portrait, beautifully drawn by Corth and
Titled in gold with the Penta- especially commissioned and exclusive to us.
gram motif on the cover and Fogel's Houdini Seance is a complete act,
titled on the spine. Each issue an interlude of superb and gripping drama.
of the Bound New Pentagram is a book in itself, one to treasure The effects are clearly described, each one
and to refer to. simple but with the Fogel touch of greatness. In this 16-pagc
Copies are in limited supply and once sold they are not reprinted. book, 25 lucid drawings and two photographs of the author take
Some of the most famous names in the world of magic have con- you step by step through the masterly presentation. Word by
word the absorbing patter story is unfolded creating DYNAMIC
tributed to The New Pentagram.
At the time of this catalogue going to press, the following Vol- ENTERTAINMENT for your audiences. Fogel's HOUDINI
umes only are available. Some are in extremely short supply. SEANCE is a modern masterpiece we are proud to offer and
VOLUME 7 one you will be proud to perform. The whole superb feature
VOLUME 8 detailed in a printed book and including the wonderful Houdini
Portrait. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
All at £8.50, (U.S.A. $23.00), post paid, whilst stocks last! Extra Houdini Portrait if ordered WITH the HOUDINI SE-
VOLUME 11, Price, £7.00, (U.S.A. $17.00). ANCE £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00). Houdini Portrait ON ITS OWN -
VOLUME 12, (Just Ready!) Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $23.00). £1.50, (U.S.A. $3.00).


An old trick that's so old it's new again. The By ALAN LAMBIE. Make it yourself in
effect is that a ring is borrowed from a spec- a few minutes from the Instructions we
tator and placed over a wand which is held ver- supply.
tically. The ring becomes imbued with life Use it for dozens of tricks. Two given
and runs up and down the wand at the perform- are "Knock-Out Prediction" and "Simplex
er's command. Colour Change".
Finally, everything can be given for examin- Every magician and card worker should
ation. Instructions and routines in sealed manuscript form. have this. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00). A gag or patter trick

id o pr ain e s ' ■ which is good for a laugh
fc»/ and simple to do;
Three small dice in a plastic box, com-
pletely filling it.
Remove one of the dice, vanish it and it
I Three specially printed
cards are shown with pic-
tures of flies. As you tell
comes back again. ■Ml t‘*o <»'41
the story, supplied, one
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). of the flies vanishes and
cowan w it h v k ia l UM.wttffbiiuisnAiiDaittaoti leaves ? ? ? ? A real zippy
Comedy with Cigars! Three climax!
cigars are shown and held be- You get the special set of cards, supplied in a neat vinyl wallet;
tween the fingers. One, two, PLUS Sid Lorraine's illustrated detailed instructions and patter
three... FOUR! Yes! Another presentation. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
TU REt \
one has appeared! The extra
cigar is discarded and the cig- PULL THRU’
CIGAR ars are recounted - One, two,
three... FOUR! To the de-
A most amazing silk penetration.
Using a 36" silk, you twist it rope
light of the audience and the fashion and tie the ends thus form-
TRICK performer's apparent dismay ing a silk loop. The silk is twice
he STILL HOLDS FOUR CIG- looped around your wrist. Spectator
ARS! !!!! AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN THE EFFECT IS RE- holds the tied ends in his right hand
PEATED! and your hand is in his left. He
Everytime the performer commences his 'little trick with three pulls and the loops of silk pass
cigars' mysteriously from nowhere a fourth one appears between through the wrist.
his fingers - ALTOGETHER NINE CIGARS ARE SHOWN! Finally Use any silk. No preparation of
all the cigars are discarded. 'Never mind' says the Magician, any kind. IT'S GREAT. In sealed manuscript form.
I'll show you a trick with three CIGARETTES instead!' - and THAT Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
APPEARED IN HIS HANDS! IAN ADAIR uses the apparatus for a
A cigar appears, next a thimble, now a THIS
DUCTION of Cigars? and cigarettes from the air. His routine is
included as an extra, with the original Werry routine.
sponge ball and finally a cigarette. Skilful
looking magic with the minimum effort on
your part. Supplied complete with all the
You get everything complete. Nine special cigars, three special
properties and" full instructions.
cigarettes, five pages of illustrated routines.
Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $9.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
X L- b l in d f o l d THE TRADE OF THE TRICKS
A simple but very effective method using a
By John Wade. A hard-bound book full of fascin-
subtle principle. The felt blindfold supplied ap-
ating interest for the beginner in magic.
pears the acme of simplicity. It can be placed 2
over a spectator's dyes and he cannot see, yet, I Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
strange to say when the blindfold is placed
over YOUR eyes you can see perfectly. U .)
X.L.Blindfold complete with routines, for - A much copied trick. This is the original
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). version, sold by permission of the Abbott Co.
A length of rope is shown and cut into two
COLOUR VISION pieces by a spectator. Magician holds one
piece in each hand. He waves the ends of the
Another fantastic effect by RON-
NAY of Austria, offered as a rope together - and in a flash the pieces seem
Supreme British Exclusive. Eye-pop- to visibly melt together into one piece. This rope is the same
ping Magic! length as first shown and may be given out for examination, or a
Four cards are counted face down, spectator may keep it as a souvenir.
they are RED backs. Turned face up No snap or screw gimmicks - No magnets - No wires - No threads.
they are fanned and shown to be, say Rope can be marked by a spectator before the cutting. Only one
all Fives of Clubs; turned face down rope used.
the top card is lifted, turned face up and placed on the packet. Complete with Rope and gimmick, also full illustrated instructions
The cards are counted again and now they ALL HAVE BLUE by the originator. Bill Neff. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
BACKS and once again they are spread face up to show their
faces. Squared, they are turned face down again, the top GANSON'S MAGIC TEACH-IN
card removed and replaced face up. SERIES
This time when the cards are counted, all but the face up BERNARD'S LESSON ON
cards are seen to have REVERTED TO RED BACKS. The face
up, card is turned over and that TOO now has A RED BACK.
lt‘s all just been an hallucination! Palming! Sleights! stratagems:
The trick is not self-working but with the special cards we COIN MAGIC And featuring T. NELSON DOWNS'
supply together with the detailed illustrated instructions spe- "COIN STAR".
cially written for us by KEN DE COURCY, it's a trick you'll Written and photographed by LEWIS
enjoy learning and you'll certainly enjoy performing. A Mas- GANSON.
terpiece of Modern Card Magic! Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). BOBBY BERNARD'S advice is always
carefully thought-out, stemming
from dedicated experimentation and
BAKER’S BRAINWAVES the result of years of experience.
A new Supreme Magic publication by Roy Bobby excels at close-up magic
Baker. A hard bound book of 160 printed with coins and we were delighted when he consented to contribute
pages. Illustrated, printed, laminated dust 'A Lesson on Coin Magic' for this great series of Teach-In books.
jacket. Here is professional know-how in This is NOT a book with lots of coin tricks. No attempt has
six sensational sections including Card been made to set down long routines, but each and every item the
Chicanery, Cunning Close-Ups, Kids Kor- book contains is something which the reader will find of excep-
ner, Laughter-Makers and much more. tional value.
Throughout the book Roy gets over his phil- If it is your intention to perform Coin Magic in a mystifying
osophy of making magic entertainment and and ENTERTAINING MANNER, then this is for you.
fun. You'll admire Roy's enthusiasm and MAO IC*I «, Here you are told about "The Coins" - the best type to use;
this enthusiasm comes through to inspire Ml... "Care of the Hands"; "Palming a Coin"; "The Thumb Grip";
you on every page. "The Stretch Palm"; "The Crease Palm"; - Not only are the
A magical must! Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). sleights clearly described but you are told how to actual PRE-
IMPROVED RABBIT SHOW "After Ramsay" - a simple coin vanish and the psychology be-
hind it. "Production in the Air" - a playing card is wiped across
The magician tells the story of Poppa and the tips of the fingers, a large coin appears on those fingers!
Momma Rabbit. Repeatedly one rabbit van- "Double Production"; "The Miser's Misers Dream" ; - with the
ishes and appears back with the other! Then simplest of apparatus, indeed it can be called such ... only
p all the little baby rabbits appear and Oh boy! BOBBY BERNARD could have thought of this; "The Spellbound
how they multiply!!! Move" with Bobby's variation, "The Hummer Coin Penetration";
A grand little interlude for the close-up "THE DOWNS' COIN STAR", an unusual item of coin manipu-
* worker -
lations which was almost T. Nelson Downs' TRADEMARK, one
Certainly an effect that will be remembered and talked about a of those gasp-provoking effects which gained instant attention
long time after a lot clever ’’Finger-flinging'' has been forgotten. and which is talked about a long time afterwards.
We supply you with Momma and Poppa and a whole family of Here are stories on the effects PLUS 14 very rare old photo-
little rabbits plus full instructions by the incomparable LEWIS graphs of T. NELSON DOWNS' himself performing the effect
GANSON illustrated with SEVEN PHOTOGRAPHS. Add excellent and then THE BERNARD LESSON ON THE COIN STAR - Bobby
PATTER ROUTINES by EDWIN, GENE GORDON, KEN de COURCY, takes you STAGE BY STAGE through his own presentation of
PLUS a cute notion by BILLY McCOMB and you have SOMETHING this effect.
The instructions are in the form of a 12 page printed booklet. If you aspire to perform GOOD COIN MAGIC then certainly
A great effect made JUST PERFECT for you. this is a book which you must have.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
Volume 1
In Volume 4 is presented, in complete detail, the ever-en-
A full course in Mental Magic, con- tertaining psychic act known as The X-Ray Eye Act. In this
sisting of a series of six volumes. All
PSYCHIC • magicians who are interested in Men-
Act, Mr.McGill tells how to stage the act, explains a new
MAGIC tal work will want these volumes., if
blindfold method and then proceeds to outline a novel presen-
you are now doing Mental work, or if Also included in this volume is Animal Magnetism, under
you have never tried it on an audience which you will find explanations of Visible Astral Radiation,
we suggest that you use this oppor- The Human Aura and Distant Magnetic Force. This volume
1 tunity to increase your repertoire or will help you add a tested Act to your show.
to get started right.
Each Volume gives numerous tricks . PSYCHIC MAGIC - Volume 5
and tests in Mental Phenomena, all easily accomplished by the This outstanding volume deals with Spirit
average Magician and Mentalist. Manifestations and Hindu Mysteries which
Volume 1 includes Contact Telepathy, No Contact Telepathy, are thoroughly described for performance.
Psychic Magic and a Deck of Cards. Each volume consists of Under the title "Let the Spirits Manifest" the author details
25 typescript pages. "Spirit Communications" - Ectoplasmic Lights - Automatic slate
PSYCHIC MAGIC -Volume 2 writing and br.Q's Gyrating Tables.
In the second volume of the series is included items for The second part of the volume is devoted entirely to a work-
Lodge Room Mind-reading; The Monthly Lodge Meetings - The ing description of "The East Indian Mystery Act" including the
Smoker - The annual Convention - Ladies' Night at the Club - patter and lecture and full presentation. The demonstrations
Telepathic Drawing - Mind-reading for School Assemblies. Al- include Blood and Pulse Control - Black Death - Yogi Anaes-
so Theatrical Mind-reading; Secrets of the "Theatre" Menta- thetic and Hindu Introspective Presentation.
list ; A Theatrical Mind-reading Act - Answering the Questions
- A Climatic Test. PSYCHIC MAGIC - Volume 6
Here is the concluding volume of this
PSYCHIC MAGIC - Volume 3 splendid course in PSYCHIC MAGIC.
Carrying on with the same high It contains instruction on some interest-
standard of material - all thoroughly ing experiments and demonstrations along
practical and audience-tested - Vol- the occult line, and also hints on presen-
ume 3 deals with Crystal Gazing; The tation of "miracles" of the psychic type.
Art of Visualization - Crystal Seer- An Appendix goes into detail on the work-
ship - Crystal Gazing for Mentalists. ing of the pendulum device.
Also under Modern Psychometry are This volume is divided into three sections: Some Occult
such chapters as Developing the Power Amazement: The Brain Illusion - Eyes in the Dark - The Trap
together with Annemann's Pseudo- Mystery - Levitation with a Bar of Iron - Levitation with a
Psychometry and Larsen's Psychometric Presentation in full - a Chair. Second section on the Presentation of Miracles, and the
very practical Act. third, the Appendix - The Pendulum.
This is a volume packed with material of invaluable aid to Price per volume, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). Price for complete
the Mental Worker. 6 volumes, £15.00, (U.S.A. $34.00).

y How many different methods are there MIRACLE CARD

for producing doves from silks? We
-a j -' thought the author had covered most of
them in his book "Doves from Silks" PLATES
Same as the Card between Glasses but in
i 'OiS ' but we were wrong!
this case, two sheets of heavy perspex are
Here are more methods of performing
used. No frames or stand. A feature trick
I **
y this great effect. Details of not only
x sleights and steals, BUT METHODS audiences remember. You can use any pack
of cards. Price. £12-50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
As well as describing holders, he gives
a full routine of the NON-HOLDER METH- The KEY TAG is made
from heavy white plastic
OD - an act in itself, using no holders on the birds.
embossed in black. The
Another nifty is the flash production of THREE DOVES WITH
story by Graham Reed is
a saucy one ... it's adult, with a pYop which is adult and in keep-
The effect of producing TWO doves, one from each of two
ing with your senior status. Many performers mix with top ex-
bunches of silks held in both hands will surely be a winner in the
performer's act - and its ALL in the book. ecutives during their working day and logically require impromp-
tu tricks that use the kind of items which a business man would
ALMOST A DOZEN first-class ideas, first time described -
all in one book. Typescript printed cover. £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). reasonably be expected to have on his person.
The KEY TAG supplied is made by the Company which supplies
A silk handkerchief is shown and slowly
Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. - Only the best is good
waved up and down between the hands. To prove it, we give with each set KEN de COURCY'S routine
As this is done it is seen to get smaller also, carefully detailed and with 13 easy-to-follow illustrations
and smaller. When it has disappeared en- ... plus the KEN de COURCY patter routine.
tirely the performer opens his hands and the handkerchief is You get the props, 10 detailed pages of routines, plus every-
seen to have changed into an egg! Price, (without silk), thing you need to work this splendid effect right away.
£1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Jumbo-sized version of "Supersonic"
with a wooden display stand and Jumbo BERNARD'S LESSON ON
cards. Your prediction is always correct.
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A, S30.00). DICE STACKING
TiMXrsvm Written and photographed by LEWIS
A new look at the -
GANSON, here is a Supreme Magic
A nn> kx4 « the -

OKITO BOX Publication that's a certain winner.
By Lewis Ganson

s *
The purpose of the TEACH-IN series
Most magicians already have an Okito of books is that each one should deal with a particular magical
Box in their C4ose-Up Case, now is your subject.
opportunity to take a new look at it with LEWIS GANSON, with this in mind, presented what he considered
by LEWIS GANSON. TATION for its performance.
Here there are moves, ideas and nov- There is a particular fascination in using a dice shaker to first
elties. pick up the dice one by one, then lifting the shaker to reveal a
single stack of say five dice. It certainly looks SKILFUL, but
First of all you are taught BASIC MOVES ... "The Okito Turn-
over"; "The Toss from hand to hand"; "Righting the Box", etc. here BOBBY BERNARD has given much more than the informa-
Then some BASIC EFFECTS ... "Coin through Box and Hand"; tion to do that. Not only are the methods here necessary to be-
come proficient in Dice stacking, BUT Bobby has shown how it
"Coin through Card"; "Repeat Penetration through Card".
can be made to appear MAGICAL and ENTERTAINING.
A chapter on MAGNETIC COINS ...’ "Two Times Ten"; "Box
Lewis has transformed Bobby's teaching clearly, in his usual
Clever" by BOB GILL; SYMPATHETIC OKITO, a fine routine by
impeccable style, into words and, with the aid of his camera
(which worked overtime!) produced 33 (THIRTY-THREE) most
ADDITIONAL MOVES ... Including the "Colombini Turnover";
concise photographs. He succeeded in producing a TEACH-IN
"Turnover Move - after Gus Davenport"; Variation on Kaplan's
Righting Move; EDWARD J. MCLAUGHLIN'S Moves with the which we know will fill a long-felt want.
Contents are: Introduction; The Materials Needed for Dice
Okito Box.
Stacking; Some Useful Tips; ... and then into The Routine, which
We believe that this exciting Teach-In will add a NEW DIMEN-
includes the full patter and presentation and an additional effect.
Here are the Pick-Ups; the Dice Stacks; Reading the Top Num-
All the effects present the appearance of UNCANNY SKILL yet
ber; White in the Middle, a great 20th. Century sort of effect,
with a modicum of practice you can do them BRILLIANTLY.
With this box, it's not what you do but how you do it and LEWIS
Dice Stacking is a fascinating skill to acquire and this TEACH-
GANSON has excelled himself with the lucid text and accompany-
IN will certainty make the acquisition of the art possible for you.
ing photos which take you stage by stage through the various
Uniform to other Teach-Ins - 24 clearly printed pages, two-
moves and effects.
colour art-board cover. Fantastic material.
40 pages plus two-colour photographic cover. 82 photographs
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. 89.00).
were specialty taken for this book to make the working of the
various effects clear.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. 89.00). TEACH-IN SERIES


All those who enjoy GOOD SO you want to include a novel
POCKET MAGIC will want cigarette production in your pro-
this Teach-In. Methods, gramme with a minimum of fuss?
ideas and routines for the be- Well here it is!
wildering effect where three Cigarettes appear singly in the
small objects are shown, 'two hand, a cigarette being openly removed ... then another ciga-
being placed into the left hand, rette pops into view! The impression is that the operator is
the third one being placed into the pocket'. THE ARTICLE PLA- able to make cigarettes at will and the effect is that of real ma-
THE HAND. THERE'S A SURPRISE FINISH! During the production, 'the hands can be shown at any time.
Here are Methods; The Climax; Gerald Kosky's 'How Many?'; Also included is a colour change, plus "Everything happens
The Hand Over Move; Solid Dust; Sweet Trick; Back Again; The for Ken Miller" ... a series of surprises which form the per-
Magic Ring; Bells, with a splendid Climax; Coke Capers; "Other fect lead-in to a Cigarette Production by BENGT NILSSON, plus
routines". (You'll get inspiration galore from this last chapter). a fine Cigarette Vanish by LUIS GAVILONDO.
You'll be surprised at how EASY the effect is and how decep- All this in one fabulous TEACH-IN booklet. Photographs of
tive. MARK WESTON and BENGT NILSSON , PLUS eight super-sized
Once mastered you'll have a trick which can be performed photos of the MARK WESTON routine and an illustration, PLUS
ANYWHERE, with ANY article, at the drop of a hat. an additional SIXTEEN photographs going stage by stage through
36 PAGES; 44 PHOTOS OF THE TRICKS IN ACTION. the other effects which are described.
Lewis Ganson's "Two in the Hand and One in the Pocket" Teach- Uniform to other GANSON TEACH-IN SERIES booklets. A
In will open up new horizons of close-up chicanery for you. booklet you will derive both PLEASURE and PROFIT from, as
Production uniform to previous Teach-Ins, that means "Great!" you gain in magical knowledge and are able to add this first-rate
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. 89.00). sequence to your show. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. 89.00).
A plastic skull -(about the size of a
small lemon) with a built in clock-
work motor. A replica of a human BEWITCHED BOTTLED & BEWILDERED
skull. Whenever you wish the SKULL MAURICE FOGEL'S
STARTS CHATTERING WILDLY AT YOU!! i hj- sensational effect
Great as a gag! As a climax to with five bottles con-
the Cups and balls! As a novelty taining different bev-
finish to the Egg Bag! As a close- erages. Each bottle
up Card revelation! < is covered with a
Chattering Skull is an imported Novelty item. Comes neatly boxed cloth bag. Bottles
and complete with key. As a free EXTRA we include, with each one are moved around.
ELEVEN different stunts and routines using the Skull! Numbers are placed
Price, complete, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).______________________
against the bottles
SUPREME “TRIO” in a haphazard man-
SLOW MOTION PASS ner. Spectator
names his favourite
A card is selected and replaced in the deck. It is shown to be
drink NO-ONE
neither at the top or the bottom, yet, "Bingo, " right under their
noses the card comes to the top! Magicians who look for "moves"
will see none, for there are none. You can do this as soon as you
receive our instructions.
From a small
TORN CARD TRICK SUPREME wooden box is taken out a sealed envelope containing a post
Qard is freely selected, no force. card with a boldly written Prediction. When read out aloud
Before card is handed to performer THE PERFORMER'S PREDICTION IS FOUND TO BE ABSO-
the SPECTATOR TEARS OFF A LUTELY CORRECT, and the spectator gets the drink of his
CORNER AND RETAINS IT. Then choice with your compliments!
spectator marks his initials on the Remember, there is only one box. It's in full view the
corner, also the card. Following this the complete card is torn, whole time. It contains only one sealed envelope. Spectator
this and the torn corner are wrapped in a borrowed handkerchief, removes and opens the envelope. The spectator reads out
shown up to last minute. Another person holds the deck. On com- the Prediction. No forcing. No Swami gimmick. Can be
mand all the pieces of the card except the marked corner vanish used under any conditions ... drawing room, stage, cabaret.
from the handkerchief. Any person holding the deck fans it out and New de luxe outfit, nice wooden box, five covers in VELVET,
finds the missing card in the deck completely restored, minus the and Fogel's own detailed Instructions which gives you several
one corner. Initialled corner that was left behind in handkerchief different routines. Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
is found to fit the restored INITIALLED CARD.
HUMMER CARD MYSTERY Hole Card — Whole Card
A card stunt that Bob Hummer fooled
all the magicians with. Steve Dusheck’s quickie which is Just the
Any deck is taken and a person shuf- thing if you are looking for something diff-
fles it and while the performer's back erent. i .
Two small plastic cases, a red one and a
■ is turned and the performer is out of
the room they remove any number of
cards from the deck and count them. If they remove 18 cards they
'M black one. A card is placed into each case
where it shows through the plastic window.
then make two piles of cards that total 18. For example in one pile Miraculously, the cards change places. Old
one card and in another pile 8 cards to make a number 18. From stuff? Dort*t you believe it, for one of the
those remaining they remove any number and place this number of cards has a large hole in the centre! Yet still the cards change
cards in their pocket. The rest of the deck they hide also. The
other cards are covered with a handkerchief. Still the performer You get the plastic cases, cards, and Steve Dusheck’s full routine.
is able to tell the person the number of cards they have in their Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
"TRIO" ... three amazing mysteries, in sealed manuscript form, RING OF FIRE TABLE
Price, complete, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). The FLUORESCENT PLASTIC TOP GLOWS
as though it were LIT with a hidden battery!
“INFLUENCE” A Magician's Table which really is elegant
A great trick for comedy - and the and startling in appearance. 32 inches high,
person assisting is fooled as complet- the stand is made from metal and chrome
ely as the audience! plated. Legs unscrew from the centre rod
Two, three, four - any number of (which unscrews from the top), so the whole
spectators MENTALLY choose cards thing is extremely portable. The weight of
from a regular deck. Another spec- the table, including the top is under 4 lbs.
tator is invited on stage to act as a Top is circular, 16 inches in diameter,
guinea-pig in an experiment in "Hyp- and made of lovely gleaming red fluorescent
nosis." Passes are made in front of his eyes and then the cards Lucite, - the perfect table for the manipul-
are fanned before him. To the amazement of the audience HE ator or ideal side tables for any larger act,
NAMES THE CHOSEN CARD!!I adding a touch of beauty and class to any stage
Please note, the cards are NOT forced. Different cards are setting.
chosen at every show. Until the spectator names the cards you It should be understood that these tables are unsuitable for very
yourself have no idea of the cards chosen. No telling the spectator heavy props. They are ideal tables for holding your lightweight
what to say! Easy to do. There is not a single sleight or move in items, top hats, silks, cards, etc. Most highly recommended.
the whole effect. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £30.00, (U.S.A. $80.00).
jack Shepherd's Comedy Mystery
Thriller ... in one act!
The trick is already a
“WHO DONE IT?” proven hit and endorsed
A wonderful routine, right off the by such famous chil-
beaten track. Using only the sim- dren's entertainers as
plest of articles and NO elaborate POZ, WAL MAYNE, TIMESgt.
conjuring properties the clever plot
is chockful of novelty and suspense.
The magi tells a story of a
•or/ R U I l
HARVEY and other top
line professional chil-
'orrible murder and a member of the dren's entertainers.
audience is invited to play the part of the Detective called in 'Double Mix-Up' is
on the case, Detective Inspector N.Parker, complete with dis- not just a trick, IT'S
guise! As the mystery unfolds various clues come to light, a AN INVESTMENT. Originally a "Mixed-up Santa Claus" trick,
bloodstained handkerchief, some cigarettes, a gory pair of Roy Baker realised that it was 'dated' so he added ANOTHER
scissors, two hands of cards. The excitement mounts, as fol- CLIMAX so that you can work it ANYTIME, ANYWHERE THE
lowing a series of surprises, clever deduction leads to the WHOLE YEAR ROUND. Here's the effect!
murderer being revealed in a dramatic manner. No skill is A large .wooden frame is shown, the front of which has four
called for throughout the entire routine other than that of slots, each slot containing part of a picture. The frame is
"putting it over.". Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). turned round, the four pieces removed and then mixed up. A
child calls out where the various pieces should be placed in the
slots. When the picture is turned round all the pieces are
jumbled up with the legs where the head should be, etc. Again
A small vest-pocket horoscope book is passed the pieces are taken out of the frame and mixed up. Again
for examination. Any person opens it to the month the small helper chooses the pieces but this time as each one
of their birthday and notes a word whilst your back goes into the frame he says a MAGIC WORD. At last a big
is turned. You turn and gaze in person's eyes and magic spell is cast and when the frame is turned round, there
tell them the word they are thinking of. A clever is the picture assembled in the correct order. The frame is
trick that can be repeated. Complete with special turned around again and the back flaps open to reveal the
printed book. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).l words 'Merry Christmas' OR for other occasions 'HAPPY
TIMES'. There's another surprise when from behind the pic -
SUPREME WUN CUP ture you produce a bag of chocolates or sweets for your young
(Corinda's "Multi-Move Beaker". helper. SOLID FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT! Some great
A Supreme Exclusive.) laughs are built into the routine as you pretend to misunder-
An intriguing series of effects with stand the instructions of your young helper. IT GETS THE
one plastic cup and some sponges. A CHILDREN REALLY YELLING!
sponge is vanished and appears under A FANTASTIC CHANGE: Presented exactly as we have de-
the cup. This is repeated until tailed, the trick is a WINNER BUT Roy came up with ANO-
three sponges appear under cup. THER notion. It really gives an effect which packs A TRE-
There is more effect with this one MENDOUS WALLOP!
cup (Wun Cup) than the customary Roy performs the effect exactly as detailed, say with a pic-
three. NOT a "Chop Cup". Simple but effective. Very easy to ture of a fairy, the pieces of the fairy being assembled ...
do. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). and then WHAT a climax when it is seen that the children's
magic spell, being so vociferous, has really effected A STUN-
Dell's fabulous NING TRANSFORMATION, - for the picture of the fairy has
RIBBON FOUNTAIN now CHANGED into a picture of Santa Claus!!!
ket this effect. Those who saw Dell's beaut- IF YOU LIKE!
iful act must have thrilled to the tremendous The comedy of the mis-made pictures, the audience parti-
finale, when suddenly a STREAM OF LOVELYl "• II' cipation, the stunning surprise, the greetings and the final
RIBBON COMMENCED TO RUN "ENTIRELY V production from behind the picture, all add up to one of the
ON ITS OWN ACCORD" OVER THE TOP OF / 1 BEST bits of children's entertainment to come out for a long,
THE CONTAINER WHICH SHE HAD JUST | \ long time. You get all the super props, complete with rou-
SHOWN. .As the ribbon cascaded forth its / j tines. Price, £35.00, (U.S.A. $100.00).
colour changed continuously and CONFETTI
flew into the air from the container, pres- Mr. Card Lover, this you should
have. It would take more space than
entinga picture of movement of real magic..
The complete method was revealed by Supreme for the first time ft 1WELVF we have at our disposal to adequately
in a NEATLY PRODUCED BOOKLET. The Ribbon Fountain can give a detailed description of these
appear from any apparatus, a dove pan, box, Squared circle, etc. latest Joseph Creations. Just keep
NO GIMMICKS OF ANY KIND ARE USED. You'll be amazed and in mind card masterpieces like PREM-
delighted at the simplicity of the method used. You can work it ONITIONS, STAGGERED, DUMBFOUN-
The full exclusive secret, preparation and working are all fully etc. This will give you some idea of
described in a neat printed booklet. Price, for the booklet only, what to expect in TWELVE BRAND NEW TRICKS.
£1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). In our opinion any one of them is worth more than the price asked
for the set of Twelve.
RIBBON FOUNTAIN COMH.ETE YES we can supply! The We know that you will agree with us when we say "Eddie Has Done
Supreme Booklet COMPLETE with approximately 28 yards of It Again".
LOVELY RIBBON, in vari-coloured lengths etc.. In typescript form - Printed cover. By arrangement with Abbott
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). Co. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Fantasio Plastic Appearing Cane NOUGHTS & CROSSES
A large square of paper which you
Made from unbreakable Polyester film. show is printed with NOUGHTS AND
(Tw — Magician's hand reaches forward when CROSSES.
instantly a full size black evening cane There's a fun-packed routine with
appears at his fingertips. an assistant from the audience before
Can also be used to change a ribbon or silk to a cane.
Price for Cane and instructions, £8.00, (U.S.A. $15.00).
you fold the paper and give it one
single snip right through with a pair
of scissors.
FANTASIO’S VANISHING CANE Magically, you have separated all
the noughts from the crosses.
TO DOUBLE SILKS "That was very clever", you say,
"but this is the bit 1 don't understand, how with the aid of the magic
l^i The magician steps forward on the stage scissors we managed to cut all the noughts away, LEAVING THE
twirling a black cane between the fingers. CROSSES ALL NEATLY STILL IN PLACE", and here you open out
Then he taps it on the floor to prove it is the paper which you are holding, showing a LATTICE-WORK made
solid. Holding the cane with both hands, up from crosses, just held together by their corners! All the
one on each end, it instantly changes into squares with the noughts have been neatly cut out, with a single
two silks or four silks. It may be done snip of the scissors!
. ...... surrounded and very close to the audience. The trick has immediate appeal for the children because it involves
Cane, cap and Instructions.. .Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). a game which they understand and which they frequently play, but
you can "go on from there" and in the instructions we give you
FANTASIO COLOR CHANGING EDWIN'S presentation, also another by IAN ADAIR, both of which
add fun and humour to the plot. Also a sophisticated ADULT routine
You get ALL these routines in the form of an EIGHT PAGE PRINT-

Prior to the Vanishing effect, the Performer -<M> ■' ■
changes the color of the Cane. Then, as a ED BOOKLET. In addition, we supply you with TEN of the special
beautiful ending, the cane vanishes and changes printed papers, so you are ALL-SET ready to add some FUN and
into silks, ribbons, etc. real ENTERTAINMENT to your programme, with minimal proper-
A SURE HIT! ties.
( Silks not included). Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. $25.00). A flat 'bottom of the case' item that you'll always have with you as
a STAND-BY, but which could well become A FEATURE in your pro-
fantasio TRIPLE A novel idea, PLUS routines you'll be able to use for ENTERTAIN-
MENT in both your children's or your adult shows, as well as in

your close-up magic.

COLOR WW« (one to Silks Price, for the complete outfit, as detailed, £2.50, U.S.A. $7.00
EFFECT: The performer twirls a black cane
between the fingers. Suddenly, the black cane A Supreme Exclusive ELUSIVE LADY
changes to RED. The magician now twirls By Ken de Courcy,
the red cane and instantaneously, it changes to Three Jumbo cards are shown. One
GREEN. But this is not all! Believe it or not. as a Climax, the is a King and the other two are Jokers.
green cane changes into two large silks. (Silks not included). DURING THE ENTERTAINING PAT-
Price. £18.50, (U.S.A. $35.00). TER STORY, WHICH IS IN THE IN-
all the cards become Jokers, then
E*----- f- DANCING CANE the King reappears.
*antas*°pluS (one to Silk THEN ALL THREE CARDS BECOME
Finally, two of the cards are shown, one is a King and one a Joker;
The magician steps forward with a solid cane IVE LADY, the card is turned over to show a punch, surprise clim-
in his outstretched hands. The cane begins to ax. A SAUCY PIN-UP, boldly printed in FLESH AND BLACK!
dance and jump around without any supports This is modern, JUMBO size, adult entertainment, especially suit-
This is the lightest cane for performing Dancing Acrobatic Rout- The size of the cards is Jmpressive and only two easy moves are
ines. In addition, as a wonderful Climax, the Dancing Cane chan- used. They are fully detailed and illustrated, as is the whole rout-
ges into a large silk. USE YOUR OWN SILK. ine. in a special FOUR PAGE PRINTED MAGIC TUTOR.
Price. £8.50, (U.S.A. $19.00). This is the effect which has been a FEATURE in Ken's own cabaret
performances over the last few years. IT'S AN EYE-POPPING SEQ-
Magician displays a tall candle and lights same. He
We are deliberately keeping the price reasonably high to ensure
then shows a silk and covers the candle after he exting- that this remains reasonably EXCLUSIVE. It is a TOP PROFES-
uishes the flame. Magician removes the candle with SIONAL routine that TOP PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE are going to
silk from its holder and ... suddenly the CANDLE VAN- be using in their lets, price. £7.50, (U.S.A. $17.00).____________
ISHES. It may be done surrounded and very close to
pevoN - EwauANP
Price. £9.00, (U.S.A. $20.00).
An unprepared length of rope is cut many
times into small pieces. Thrown into the Written and photographed by
air it becomes restored and may be passed LEWIS GANSON
for examination. A routine for the magician
who enjoys producing magical
FAST SNAPPY s u r e f ir e :
Illustrated instructions only. AND UNFEKED OBJECTS. We
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). are not going to minimise the
amount of time and practice
THE GHOST WRITES required to master the handling,
With this method you will be in possession but once learnt the magician
of one of the most simple and effective slate will have a feature effect which can be incorporated into any
writing methods ever conceived. type routine.
Two ordinary slates or pieces of board are In the routine Lewis Ganson describes, the accent is on qual-
shown and the different sides are numbered ity of the productions rather than quantity. Four balls only are
from one to four. Placed together and given used, the effects being obtained by subtle moves and sleights.
to a spectator to hold, yet a message, name • Here are the simple basic sleights woven into a routine, des-
of a chosen card etc., appears on the slates. cribed in meticulous detail and with the clarity which charac-
No gimmicked apparatus. Manuscript only. terises all Lewis Ganson's writings.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $1.50). Experienced magicians may vary the methods, however, Lewis
-has given ail the information necessary for performing the rou-
The most versatile single coin ever
tine, so the newcomer will have everything he needs to master
the handling.
made! This is the fantastic magnetic, Four unfeked balls are used. No holder, No shells, yet com-
locking coin, A set of two coins, a mencing with the empty hands a ball appears, vanishes, reap-
2p. piece and a 10p. piece which lock pears, changes colour, and one by one different coloured balls
together into a genuine-looking 10p. appear until the magician holds four large coloured balls be-
piece. Some great effects are supp- tween his fingertips.
lied with our instructions. "Hand to Famous manipulator ERIKSON produced a novel effect
hand transposition", "Coin through a during his manipulations, a ball floating uncannily from one
glass", "Coin through a sealed box", hand to the other. Full details of this are also included.
etc. A special feature is that five separate pages of photographs
Special coin and all the routines. are also supplied. The TWENTY-EIGHT photographs are on
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A.$20.00). one side only of these sheets, which you can lay out before
you as you go through the routine.
Some of the world’s greatest Dove- Famous Magician and Manipulator ROGER CROSTHWA1TE
workers are now using coloured doves w rites:- "The Rainbow Balls supplied with the Rainbow Ball
with tremendous effect. A welcome routine are really beautiful to hold, excellent value."
novelty which makes a change from Price for the Rainbow Ball Routine, complete with photo-
the more usual type of Dove act. graphs, (no balls included), £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
In the various effects described in
the 17 typescript pages of this book
the colours of the birds play as important a role in the various
lighted to have obtained some BEAUTIFUL PLASTIC BALLS
"plots" as the birds themselves! Here we have Colour-changes,
especially for this effect. About li" in diameter, these are of
Dove Dyeing by Magic and new types of effects released for the
good weight and the surface is of a type which although pol-
first time. You will also find hints and tips on how to dye your
ished in appearance has a CLINGING PROPERTY which makes
doves and what to use.
them easy to palm and manipulate.
Contents include.. .Dove Plume, Flippo Colour, Confetti Dove,
The balls are unbreakable, - if you drop one it will merely
Doves in Sympathy, Mexican Dove Tent, etc. Fully illustrated. bounce back into the hand!
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). As a SPECIAL DEAL, we will supply a set of four of these
balls complete with the fantastic GANSON routine.
The Card Sword out done, for now you use
Nothing else to buy as no holders and shells are used. You
an ordinary looking table knife, yet the table
will be all-set for lots of fun in practising this great sequence
knife is prepared!
.nd including it in your programme.
No clumsy handle, nothing!
Price, for the four balls, (each a different colour), PLUS the
A borrowed pack of cards can be used. A
Photo's and routine, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
card is freely chosen, no forcing, no dup-
licates, no special cards. The card is
replaced in the pack. Magician shows the PATTER SUPREME
ordinary looking table knife on both sides, By Vai Andrews.
throws the cards into the air, lunges forward amongst the falling
cards and is seen to have caught one card on the knife. Yes: Half- Pithy patter and business which will prove
way on the knife. The actual chosen one. It can have been SIGNED a tonic. Written for standard props and
if you wish. effects these routines can turn some of the
We supply the special knife only and instructions. You can use tricks in your cupboard from dust-collectors
any pack of cards. This is brilliant magic. into bread-winners: 17 presentations: First-class material you
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). will USE. Price. £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Originally a Goodliffe Publication, full NIFTY RING
reprint rights on this book were granted Magician displays a loop of silky cord. The
to The Supreme Magic Company. sealed ends of cord are always in full view
The Thumb Tip is one of the most and may be held by a spectator. Magician
versatile gimmicks in magic and you'll draws attention .o the ring he wears on a
be amazed at many of the offbeat ef- finger of opposite hand.. .ring is removed
ATuuMan». ... pished into hand with cord and voila!
fects described in the forty-four illus-
trated pages of this publication. ?nyon ... the ring falls onto the loop, genuinly
Since this book was first written threaded and SEALED on it! This is just ONE of the clever effects
there has been a great advance in tech- Mimwi m. .. with this outfit! You get everything, including the ring and routines.
nology in the materials used for Thumb Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Tips, it is no longer necessary to use a metal one. Whatever
kind of Thumb Tip you use should always be concealed, - it's HIPPITY-HOPPETY CHIPS MflS!
the Magician's secret assistant and you'll find mysteries to
add to your repertoire that are real eye-poppers. Not just No fekes are used. Counters mysteriously passL L '
close-up tricks but stage ones too. from one card under the other. Compelte with
Here is THE TORN AND RESTORED CARD TRICK; PASS- chips and routines. A A * *
ING THE SALT; CLIPPO PLUS; MAGIC DOUGH, (the money Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
not the stuff bakers use); MAKING YOUR MONEY GO A
LONG WAY; CIGARETTE MAGIC - a series of minor effects
leading up to a vanish of a cigarette. A combination that NYLON FOAM BALLS
makes a very pleasing routine which is thoroughly audience- Yes, we have them and can supply the following sizes.
tested and effective. PENCIL MAGIC; SENDING MONEY BY All sets of four:-
POST - a trick with a Postal Order (you can't buy postal or- £ $ (U.S.A.)
ders for sixpence any more nevertheless you can still use two Mini size, J" 0.75 2.00
i" 1.25 2.50
i" 1.50 3.50
AND RIBBONS - a gaily coloured set of ribbons changes into 2" 2.50 6.00
a cigarette. After performing several sleights with the cigar- 2j" 3.25 7.00
ette it is thrust alight into the left fist. The fist is opened 3" 4.50 10.00
and it is found that the cigarette has vanished and the ribbons
are again back in place. Finally, there is MAGICAL SURGERY
a particularly good publicity trick. CARDS TO CANDY BOXES
THIRTEEN Chapters! The many illustrations are beauti- Throw a few cards into a hat, then produce
fully done by DENNIS as is the TWO-COLOUR ILLUSTRATED a number of gaily coloured boxes!
LIGHT-BOARD COVER. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, per set of SIX boxes, £4.50,
(U.S.A. $12.00).
The Marble and Pedestal effect we sup-
Worry's KING PIN
ply is exceptionally nicely produced, made A very clever penetration with built-in subtleties.
in India and from polished wood, it comes
complete with detailed routines including Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
a 'Chop Cup' type of routine. Continuous
production of marbles etc. MINI BALL VASE
An "oldie", but "goodie", you'll be glad A nicely-made Ball Vase in TURNED
we brought it back. WOOD which is well made and neat and
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). which makes a nice 'pocket piece'. Not
only is it an interesting 'talking point',
but a PUZZLING MYSTERY even to
those who know the old secret!
Best German spring steel model. Cane van- A ball placed in the box vanishes and

ishes or changes into silks or a shower of ( reappears.
confetti. Fast action. This is the trick which used to be found in almost every

Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $35.00). ffl’ child's box of conjuring tricks until the cost of production be-
came prohibitive. With the PRESENTATION which we give, you
will fool even those who used to own one of these, yet it's
Flash Silk Vanisher quite easy to do! Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A simple, DRAMATIC, way of vanishing
St' a silk handkerchief, a Treasury Note, a DOVE PRODUCTION ROYALE
W length of rope, a borrowed ring! Place an One of the most convincing of all the
M 18 inch silk into the tube, warming the tube Dove productions! Silk is twisted,

by waving your cigarette lighter under it. twirled, freely shown on both sides.
Immediately there's a brilliant flash of flame Without the usual type steals the silk
from the tube ... the silk handkerchief has GONE; yes, the tube is bunched up and from it flutters a
really is completely empty. real live dove.
The 'flash' feature really is SOMETHING and uses regular flash- The foulard is solid coloured but
paper or wool. Price, for the Vanisher and illustrated instructions, more hard-wearing than normal silk, Use at any time in the
____ ________________
(no flash paper supplied), £4.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). programme. Clever
C' and very good. Price £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.).
Ken de Courcy demonstrated this to By Harry Reeve. Plastic tube and a wooden
us. We were FOOLED! The effect is block. Block is placed into the tube. Mys-
just this. teriously it penetrates right through a steel
The four face up Tens turn face down pin.
one at a time. Then the cards are Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
\* turned over and shown to have FOUR
Originated by Magic Ronnay of Vienna.
The cutest production of a rabbit that you'll
Ken has written the instructions in his ever see. - An open-barred cabinet from
usual lucid way, and illustrated them too. which the magician removes a large weight
You'll have to learn the moves. Then you'll have a very which completely fills it and which is marked
good trick. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). 100 kilos! Magician inflates an airship bal-
Supreme loon , pushes the weight down on top of the

WATCH-CATCH balloon. There's a bang and a surprise, for

when the weight is lifted there inside the cabinet, alive and
The hands are shown empty. A watch ap- kicking, is a real live rabbit! Price, £32.50, (U.S.A.
pears at the fingertips and disappears just $105.00).
as magically. A whole succession of watches
can be produced from the air and placed into
a hat. At the end, from the hat you can pro-
duce a number of alarm clocks! A comedy production item that is a sure
Great for a continuity gag and in conjunction laugh-getter no matter how It is used.
with other Watch effects. For example, vanish and produce a Produce it from under spectator's coat,
watch using our "Watch-Catch", then you "find" the watch in from a production box, chafing dish, etc.
your waistcoat pocket and go into our "Vanishing Watch" routine, It's the funniest-looking production item
etc. Special gimmicked watch and instructions. Price, £2.50, you have ever seen.
(U.S.A. $6.00). It folds up small. Coloured right and
has the appearance of a real "plucked
TWO TIER TABLE chicken".
Complete with manuscript of Stunts and Gags.
A novel table that will take you a moment or
so to put together (as there are quite a few Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
parts to it). However, once it is put together
An impromptu men-
it's FIRM, RIGID and it has TWO first-class
ONE DREAM tal effect which is

working surfaces. The top approximately
useful for after-din-
24| x 15.3/8" has a beaded edge all the way
around it.
Two-thirds of the way down there's another surface almost as
^BOTTLE : ner shows! NOT of-
| <-> fered as an improve-
KEN de COURCV ment to Fogel's
fabulous effect BUT
Table stands firmly on two legs and it's a good convenient height,
as an alternative
(some 34j" high). Weight is just about 3.1, kilos. - A table that method that can be worked at anytime - "at the drop of a hat".
every magician will be able to use in his show. Price, £35.00,
Five bottled drinks, all different, but in bottles the same
(U.S.A. $100.00).
size. A spectator MENTALLY CHOOSES ONE, then they are
covered with five identical covers, paper napkins or bags can
SEALED-IN BEER GLASS be used. The bottles are mixed so no one can know the position
Looks like a glass of beer. Regular jtfTT*1.*1*'''. |l^. of any particular drink.
tumbler shape but liquid is permanently At this point the performer turns his back and directs the spec-
sealed-in. 'M ' •.-•.fK tator to move the bottles himself. Then one by one they are
Useful in many effects. Made in plas- eliminated until only one remains.
The spectator is asked to name the drink he chose, then lift
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00). '---- ** the cover from the remaining bottle. IT IS THE ONE HE
WANTED! He is presented with a glass and the magician opens

RECORD GO the bottle and asks him to drink the health of the audience!!!
A novel vanish of a record based on the old We supply you with the secret only, fully detailed in a neatly
and ever popular 'Card Go'. A regular record produced printed, illustrated booklet ... THAT'S ALL YOU
is placed in complete isolation in a stand, cov- NEED!
l ered momentarily with a sheet of paper or a You can use ANY bottled drinks! ANY covers!
K cloth or silk, - the record vanishes without Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
■trace. Price, £22.00, (U.S.A. $50.00).
SEVERED PLASTIC HAND The finest Rope cement available. Can be
used for making up feke ropes and in many
Here's a hand made in plastic which exactly
resembles a severed human one! different routines. A little Ropo is applied
Ideal for a touch of comedy in any Wrist to the obliquely cut rope ends and allowed JpEfAEW
to dry. When ends are pressed together the "1J>
Chopper routine.
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). result is a strong and practically invisible Join. Ideal for close-
up or stage use. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $2.00).
NEW! THIMBLE THROUGH SILK HAND MADE These mice can be animated a la 'Snowy'.
ICE Made from a fur fabric. These mice are
Truly a delightful effect to watch, - the IVIkJU JL made by a permanently handicapped per-
penetration of a silk with an extra large-
son. Add a novel animated mouse to your

sized thimble accomplished without difficult
Z; K 7 show and help a good cause at the same

sleights or moves. Thimble is definitely time. Very limited supply only.
seen on the right hand which is covered / Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
with the silk, thimble is seen until the /1
very last moment under the silk, then /J fi J
suddenly ... Wham! - it penetrates
right through! A real innovation in this classic trick! The spe-
cially moulded, very large PURE WHITE Plastic thimble makes
the effect easy and practical. A small plated tube complete with
Comes complete with detailed, illustrated instructions. No silk rings for producing silks.
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
supplied, use your own. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).


A Supreme Exclusive!
A Mirror Tumbler made in f- — Five cards are shown on both sides.
plastic, it's fluted, heavy duty Strange! They have BACKS on both
... this tumbler overcomes the f sides but NO FACES! A spectator
disadvantages of Mirror Tum- I chooses one, the magician claims that
blers in the past, which have ' I > N he will change it to any value the spec-
been difficult to transport to and tator wishes. When the card is turned over there is a surprise
Not only is the Tumbler made LADY! Obviously the spectator's thoughts were elsewhere.
in tough plastic, but the Mirror The trick is quite easy to do and Ken de Courcy has written the
is unbreakable and REMOVABLE. This is a prop of many uses.
instructions for it. We supply you with all the cards, including
You can use it with silks, ribbons, for a Lesson in Magic, for the special gimmick, in a neat plastic wallet.
rope and flower magic.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
ten a booklet explaining the different ways of using the Mirror
Tumbler; taking care of the glass; different handling techniques JUMBO GUILLO CARD 4*111 —- ntb|K>
... and GET THIS ... they have worked out no less than 23 dif- Five Jumbo cards, each has a hole punched
ferent effects using the tumbler. through it. Magician pulls one of the cards
All kinds of tricks, some which will surprise you! clear of the others and a spectator places his
The manuscript is entitled '23 TRICKS WITH A MIRROR TUM- finger through the cards. Magically, the one
BLER'. It is in printed form, an 8 page 8" x 10" booklet. We card penetrates RIGHT THROUGH THE
will be selling this manuscript separately. AS A SPECIAL OF- SPECTATOR'S FINGER!
FER we will be including one of these booklets with every Mirror This new Jumbo size of this novel effect makes this quite a
Tumbler we sell. ABSOLUTE LY FREE! feature. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Supreme Special MIRROR TUMBLER, Plus '23 Tricks with a
Mirror Tumbler' ... Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).


A really beautiful Change Bag made
MIRROR TUMBLER^ from high-quality materials; lovely
Here's a great printed booklet filled 1*«** velveteen lined with satin and with a
with great ideas using this prop. Col- silk drawstring through the top.
our Changes, Knotted Silks, "I'll Do «IT« *
Silks etc., can be placed into the
It Again", Billet Force ... WHAT- ,0^ bag, then the drawstring closed and
EVER KIND OF MAGIC YOU DO, the bag given to a spectator to hold.
THERE IS SOMETHING HERE FOR A little later on you take the bag
YOU. With many of the effects you from the spectator and open It out,
are left "all-clean" with an unfaked and all the silks have changed!
tumbler. Many different methods of handling the apparatus are You'll be so proud of the Superbo
given. "23 TRICKS WITH A MIRROR TUMBLER" is a unique Change Bag you'll use it in your close-up show, as well as your
manuscript which will enable you to get the VERY BEST out of a platform and kids' shows.
versatile piece of equipment. Price for the booklet only - £1.50, Comes complete with ideas. Price, £6.25, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Please read Supreme's advertisement for the Mirror Tumbler and
receive your Mirror Tumbler and the booklet TOGETHER at the
A crazy gag for the magical compere or
special privilege price of ,.. £3.50, (U.S.A. $9,00). comedian. Outsize spectacles with elec-
trick windscreen wipers!

Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).
Dummy lit cigarettes. You can blow
clouds of smoke from them. These are SIMPLEX FOUR ACE TRICK
perfect dummies packed with a special Very simple method for this great effect
powder. Price, £3.00 per packet of 20. performed without skill or sleight of hand
of any kind. Sealed manuscript.
BEST OF BRITISH - SUPREME Price, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00).
Magician enters smoking a cigarette TRICK CARD 11 Many fake cards can now be ob-
in a long and elegant cigarette holder. tained, either British or American
Holder and cigarette are rolled in a * type cards, and in the 16 pages
piece of tissue paper. Immediately aAijr|
paper is crushed up and tossed aside. VV*’ t • * I of this booklet, DAVID BRITLAND
describes many novel effects using
The cigarette and holder have vanished. Reaching into his inside them and the moves which make the
pocket the Magi produces the . igarette holder - but where is the effects possible.
cigarette ? Reaching into the air, he magically produces the * * 'Instant Printing', the Supersonic
missing cigarette, STILL LIT, and replacing this in the holder Joker, An Oddity, Turncoat and
he is able to continue his smoke! 'Simpossible are the effects detailed.
Very easy to perform. Supplied absolutely complete. Edited and illustrated by KEN de
Many different presentation ideas are given with each outfit, ______________ ___ COURCY, here's a booklet every
including patter ideas. Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Card-man ana those seeking some unusual card mysteries will wish
to add to their collection. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Makes the feat of catching cigars from the air
A ball gets SMALLER and
child's play! Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00).
Hands are shown empty then a cigar appears,
in fact a whole succession of them, one after the iBlOXx
other. Hands held first this way, then that, but still they appear. A simple looking box, yet it produces a
It's so VARIABLE. dove. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
You get the clever gimmick, full instructions and Manuello's
prize-winning routine. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). CARD IN THE RAT TRAP
Bill Stickland's off-beat effect.
A great collection of ideas using a Throw the cards into the air or
popular magical accessory. In typescript into a hat, and Snap! off goes the
form. Printed covers. trap, and there's the chosen card
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). caught under it ... Easy, self-
------ contained, use Lexicon or Happy 7/!^

By Tony Shiels. A Devil's
Family cards to turn this into the
perfect kids' trick. Comedy galore as the trap accidentally (?)
Dozen of Macabre Miracles, goes off on your fingers. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
with which you can flabber-
gast, astound, stupify, dazzle, VANISHING CANE TO
mystify, Baffle, amaze, dis- &
turb, frighten, stun, astonish. PLUME SURPRISE
Magician takes hold of an end of an"^^
startle and entertain!!
Acclaimed by all the Magi- evening cane in each hand voila! the
cal Reviewers as the MOST z cane suddenly changes into a beautiful
UNUSUAL BOOK YET! The yellow feather plume - but more is to
late LESLIE MAY wrote in come. -
1NAL1TY deserves WIDE RECOGNITION ... lifts effects into ATES HIS HANDS AND IT IS SEEN
the realm of the occult". Four sections - BRAIN STORMS ... THAT HE HOLDS TWO PLUMES, ONE
surprising ... sensational ... eerie! THE DEVIL'S PICTURE IN EACH HAND, EACH PLUME OF A
BOOK__ strange happenings ... MAGICK___ a startling dem- DIFFERENT COLOUR!
onstration in technicolour of the magic of fire and water ... The double climax is a certain cue for applause. Price,
dramatic ... representation of Voodooism. Finally section £30.00, (U.S.A. $70.00).
number 4, THE FR1GHTENERS in which the Author's sense of
the grisly dramatic has really run riot!
A SUPREME EXCLUSIVE! If you're seeking the THRILL-
Comedy wands and bits of byplay are
ING and UNUSUAL send for your copy today. ALWAYS in demand ... here's a com-
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). ä edy quickie which will always get a

TRIPLEMULTIPLYING 9, laugh AND MAKE the audience sit up

and take notice.
A cute and colourful little 'quickie'.
The magician displays a regular-look-
ing wand, black with white tips ... it's
A nice little feather flower on a stem a solid wand, no doubt about it, yet in
is shown. Suddenly the flower MULTI- the twinkling of an eye, the wand vanishes AND CHANGES INTO
HAND. One of the flowers is discard- Go to hand it to a child assisting you and WOW! He'll be ama-
I’ ed and AGAIN the flower multiplies,
giving you three in all!
zed at the way the wand changes'. Touch something that is to
vanish - and Woosh! THERE'S THE SNAKE!
I Self-contained and easy to perform. Great as a gag in the kids Reset in a jiffy, always ready, - we supply the Wand to Snake
| show. Price, complete with instructions, £6.50, (U.S. A. $18.00). complete. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
A great continuity gag and piece of entertainment. The old Will Blyth idea.. .but.. .with specially
Four single ropes are shown, they should join to- printed papers, size 13x8 inches, in two colours,
gether but they don't. Finally at the end of the produced from clever art work.
show, the magician once more shows the ropes, The classic plot! Jack and Jill lose their heads
counts the ends, brings them altogether in his hand .. .are torn up.
and the rope is restored to one long length which The papers are restored but a mistake has been
can even be tossed out for examination. No replace made .. .THE HEADS ARE ON THE WRONG WAY , 'fr
ment are ever needed. No snaps. Nothing so com- ROUND! Jack has Jill's head and vice-versa:
plicated as that! This is all so simple. Complete FINALLY ALL IS PUT RIGHT AGAIN BY MAGIC.
with Karrell Fox's own detailed instructions and We supply THIRTY beautifully bold pictures, (enough for 10 shows)
routine together with the necessary ropes. enabling you to give the restored picture away at the end. In addition
Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). we give you a TERRIFIC ROUTINE.
Price, per set, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
QI'S Two cards are show'1 printed with pictures z VELVET CARD BANNER
of telephones, one black, one red. You have v, Three cards are chosen and the performer
one phone, spectator the other. Two sets
rams them into a gun. Gun is fired at a
of nine cards each have different phone num- /7~~^ neat square of velvet held by the performer's
bers on them and when cards are placed
by behind telephones, numbers show through
the cut-out dials.
assistant. Instantly the three cards appear
on the cloth as if affixed there by the shot.
Another presentation is for the three cards
You choose a card from your set and place
y to tie returned to the deck which is thrown,
it behind your phone, then AND ONLY THEN,
by a spectator, at the banner held by the
does a spectator do likewise. DEFINITELY performer. A few pins are thrown with the cards and the actual
NO FORCE: When the phones are shown chosen cards appear PINNED ON TO THE CLOTH: Great for Trade
audience are staggered to find YOU HAVE Shows. Use alphabet cards and have the name of a product appear.
BOTH CHOSEN THE SAME NUMBER! A NEW AND CUNNING PRIN- Price, for the special banner and instructions, £8.50, (U.S.A.
CIPLE: $20.00).
'It's Phoney' comes to you complete with two telephone cards, 18
printed cards, and full routines. ZIPPER EGG BAG
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
An egg bag with a zipper in the bottom. A

INDESTRUCTIBLE LIGHT-WEIGHT great improvement on the traditional type bag
as you can use this for performing all the reg-
BILLIARD BALLS ular moves yet at any time you are able to zip
the bottom open and push your hand and arm
clear through to prove the bag is empty. You
Well, perhaps not quite indestructible, but
can see right through it; it's just a simple
at least extremely hard-wearing and prac-
tical for magical purposes. tube of cloth.
Many variations and routines can be used with the Zipper Egg
The billiard balls are light and easy to Bag. We supply this complete with a special light-weight egg,
handle. Instructions and an audience-tested comedy routine.
Each set of Billiard Balls consists of Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
three plastic balls, and TWO shells - one a tight-fitting one which i
can be pressed on to the ball and is snugly held there. The other
a regular type.
"Silly-Sammy” Seagull
Colourful - White, with a yellow beak, black
Some performers will like to use one shell, some the other. It wobbly eyes, red webbed feet.
is really a matter of individual preference, but now you can try Animated? Sure, for the seagull is made from
both of them, using the one which you yourself prefer. With rout- rubber... the body part is stuffed with a soft mat-
ine. erial, so it doesn't compress in an ungainly manner.
Indestructible Billiard Balls are approx. 1J inches diameter. Full Your hand goes into the back of the head directly
professional size, yet easy to handle. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00) into the beak which opens and closes: Sammy grabs

■BUTTERFLY BOUQUET Ä , hold of your tie, snaps at your fingers, and generally
Tlie famous Japanese paper butterfly Created by DAVID DeVAL especially for us as a
trick. Two butterflies are fanned with Supreme Exclusive. - Something you ought to have? -
a wooden fan and flit here and there, Of course'.
always keeping together. Suddenly they Limited supply!
alight on a bouquet. The magician strikes Price, only, £6.50, (U.S.A. $16.00)._______

the bouquet with the fan, when from the
bouquet dozens of different coloured!
tissue paper butterflies fly out. The mag-
Sue large coins, one by one pass through the Ui K ____ •___
ician fans these so they flutter hither and thither in a kaleidoscope table. There's a surprise at the end with the O) / g
of colour: appearance of a large coin. A trick you'll
Price, includes paper butterflies, (afterwards you can easily cut enjoy learning and mystifying with. No special
out your own), Oriental type wooden fan, special bouquet and rout- fakes. It's all in the special routine.
ine, £40.00, (U.S.A. $100.00). Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). -Ö--
Uncle Henry’s Thimble Trick JUMBO WIMBLE SURpÄt
Ken de Courcy. e—
Excellent climax to the Werry Thimble Routines!
An amusing eye-popping thimble //Ji

[/£ TA
routine which is strong enough to [jf fl II Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). *
stand by itself and is useful for
stage or close-up. *
In performance, a red thimble VANISHES, REAPPEARS, and
A Routine With The Unking
in the process changes to a white one! The red one is re-pro- Hula Hoops By Lewis Ganson.
duced but this ALSO mysteriously changes to WHITE and then
BOTH THIMBLES CHANGE TO RED! A stunning climax! A great routine for Supreme's Unking
The thimbles supplied are the famous Werry-type ones. Hula Hoops, which incorporates moves by
Ken de Courcy has added a GREAT PLOT and some terrific Jack Miller, Herman Webber, and Howard
patter lines to make this a thoroughly ENTERTAINING ITEM Bennett, delightfully blended together into
worthy of a place in any programme. A routine with lots one smooth, easy-to-follow sequence, de-
of laughs and which builds up to an APPLAUSE-COMPELLING scribed as only Lewis Ganson knew how, in a beautifully-produced
CLIMAX. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). 12 page ,8x10 inch printed booklet containing no less than 30
clear photographs of Lewis himself performing this wonderful
Technicolor Thimbles trick.
Imagine showing four Hula Hoops; counting them and then they
A lightning routine with extra large
coloured thimbles. Devised by WERRY link and unlink, form various designs, etc. Finally, the effect
A Supreme Exclusive! The production leads up to a brilliant unexpected climax.
of thimbles at the fingertips has al- You can easily buy four hoops and do the simple faking required.
ways been a popular effect, here it has Lewis Ganson's great routine in booklet form. Price, £1.50,
been given added colour. Each of the (U.S.A. $4.00).

'■ thimbles produced is of a different hue
furthermore all difficult sleights and moves have been eliminated
and the trick made almost self-contained. Livestock Production Cage
In performance the left hand reaches out and an extra-large Made from wood, lacquered black with white
red coloured thimble appears on the little finger, this is re- bars. Cover with a cloth and two or three rab-
moved being transferred to the forefinger. Immediately, with- bits will appear inside it, or half a dozen or
out moves of any kind a second differently coloured (white) more doves Price, £45.00, (U.S.A. $100.00).
thimble appears on the little finger! This thimble is removed
and placed onto the second finger. Suddenly a third (blue) LUCKY NUMBER
thimble appears and then a fourth! (yellow). Each thimble is Werry’s clever routine with numbered
a different colour, giving us the name Technicolour Thimbles. chips and an ordinary deck of cards.
Everything has been made as automatic as possible, no spe- Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
cial holders etc., are used. This is really beautiful magic! An
innovation in Thimble Magic using new techniques and ideas!
The extra-large moulded plastic thimbles are specially produced
A Supreme Exclusive.
and make the trick a delight to work and 100% VISUAL. Easy
A novel notion by Edwin that
and practical! You get all the thimbles and fully detailed, il- can prove to be perfect enter-
lustrated instructions. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). tainment for your kids shows
and which you can use in your
THIMBLES THREE adult performances too!
A nicely made, plain cloth
Three great routines with thim- bag is shown inside and out to
bles that you'll enjoy performing, be empty. Three silks are displayed, one red, one white and one
all with the 'Ken de Courcy touch'. blue. The handkerchiefs go into the bag.
Effect No. 1. A thimble vanishes. Magically they "tie themsleves together" and then "untie them-
multiplies ... a third and fourth selves again!"
thimble appears! - One by one the The audience don't believe you, so "magic passes" and now the
thimbles vanish and then in an in- handkerchiefs REALLY ARE TIED TOGETHER!
stant they are all back again!!! One Now you say you'll do the trick WITHOUT THE BAG. You DO and
thimble hops from hand to hand and then eight thimbles appear! the handkerchiefs magically separate.
Complete illustrated routine. The three silks go back inside the bag again. "Well, that was
Effect No. 2. This is'Thimble to Pocket'. Something different REALLY very good magic" you say, "but you all know what RED,
in Thimble Magic. WHITE AND BLUE MAKES. That's right, it makes OUR FLAG. "
Effect No. 3. This is Multi - Change Thlm ble. A great colour- Straight away you turn the bag inside out, the silks have gone and
change routine. the inside of the bag is decorated on each side with the National
Comes in the form of an illustrated, printed book, easy to read Flag, all in colour.
and foUow. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). We supply this with the 'Union Jack' for British magicians and
THIMBLES THREE, COMPLETE OUTFIT. The book, 'Thimbles Stars and Stripes for our American friends.
Three', PLUS EIGHT SPECIAL MOULDED THIMBLES ideal for You get the beautifully made bag, complete with fla^s, six 12"
this effect, PLUS the simple holder which has been specially de- silks and the fully detailed routine.
signed for this effect. It's not the usual type of holder, but a holder Price, British Model, £14.00, U.S.A. Model, $32.00)._______
which fits into the pocket.
Price for COMPLETE OUTFIT as above including the booklet of
22 printed pages packed with novel illusions
plus hints and information on this type of ‘illusions’
routines, enabling you to incorporate any or all of these delightful magic. A printed book.
sequences into your programme. £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Two Jumbo cards, the Ace of Diamonds A penetration illusion using your own
and the Ace of Spades change places. Then assistants or spectators from the
for a climax, one of the cards changes and audience.
becomes an Ace of HEARTS. Three spectators are invited to as-
Both cards can be examined. sist and they can examine all of the
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). simple properties used. A loop of
ribbon with rings at either end. Two
JAILBREAK lengths of a narrower ribbon of a contrasting colour and a silk
handkerchief of a third colour. The ribbon loop is passed around
Two cards are shown. They are perma- the girl's waist and the girl herself ties the handkerchief around
nently fixed together, top and bottom, form- the ribbons behind the rings making everything secure. The only
ing a sort of flat tube. Through the centre way to remove the loop from around the girl would be to untie
and in line is a small hole through each card. the silk.
Another card with a larger hole is slipped
crossways on between the cards and held in £ Through the rings the other lengths of ribbons are threaded and
men hold the ends of these, one in each hand.
place by a brass paper clip which is pushed Now! On the count of three the two men pull on their ribbons and
through all the holes. A spectator tries to pull the centre card the girl takes a step backwards. The audience gasp with astonish-
free. Owing to the paper clip, this is, of course impossible. ment and surprise as THE RIBBON LOOP VISIBLY PASSES RIGHT
To everyone's amazement the magician pulls on the centre card THROUGH THE GIRL leaving her unharmed!
and it seems to melt through the paper clip like a hot knife through COMPLETE. We supply you with everything to work this right
butter. away. Gorgeous ribbons, ribbon loop and coloured silk. A great
Extremely easy-to-do. Comes complete with full instructions effect you'll be proud to include in your show. The whole outfit,
so that you can work it right away. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). complete with detailed instructions and patter hints. Price,
£4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
CAL EFFECT IN MAGIC; ARNOLD First effect: Magician signs his name
de BIERE featured it on the Music on one side of a blank card, then has a »■%'*'
Halls and it was a bigger hit than spectator sign his name on the other side.
many of the large illusions which he The magician then makes a prediction on
I presented! the side of the card that has the specta- £
Other famous magicians and illu- tor's name on it. The spectator then in- S
sionists have used it with equal suc- serts this card, with the prediction side down, anywhere he wants
cess; notably THE GREAT LEVANTE, in the deck which is face down, (an ordinary deck by the way).
who has toured the world many times, Then the deck is spread face up, the prediction card is removed
never leaving the effect out of his and the cards above and below it. There on the side ... the spec-
programme, whether it be in his full stage Magical Revue Ex- tator's signature is written and the names of two cards.
travaganza, "How's Tricks" or in cabaret spots. Second effect: The performer places a pack of cards shuffled
Name a famous magician - lyle, Goldin, Chefalo, Blackstone, by a spectator behind his l>ack and reverses one card. A second
Dante, Devant, Thurston, Nikola, all have at one time or other pack is spread face down and the spectator freely selects and
featured this great masterpiece of magic. marks one of these cards. He then removes the reversed card
It is a trick which although it has been exposed hundreds of times, from the first pack and it is found to match the marked card.
never fails to completely mystify because It is so impossible- Any cards may be used! No deck supplied! Use your own.
looking ... the real secret of the effect is SHOWMANSHIP! Price for both ... £1.50, (U.S.A. $-1.00).
A great routine Is supplied. - With the assistance of a boy from
the audience, you are all-set for many minutes of hilarious fun. An extraordinary demonstration of "seeing
You require an egg ... so you reach up and magically produce with the fingertips". ALL THE PROPERTIES
one from the boy's nose! CAN BE EXAMINED. They consist of a
The patter supplied is so outrageously "punny" the egg is placed small, opaque cloth bag and six differently
inside the bag, the audience imagine the performer sneaked it out coloured large plastic counters.
and hid it under his arm ... there's loads of sucker "business", ^HIPS The counters are tossed into the bag and a
- the boy feels inside the bag, up your sleeve, but only by re- spectator can shake them about to thoroughly
citing the magic spell is he able to reproduce the egg! mix them together. The magicians hands
Next you pretend to show the boy how the trick is done ... are empty, yet he is able to reach into the bag and to name the col-
there's a big surprise when the egg changes into a real lemon our of a counter BEFORE he removes it'.
and a further one when it changes back into an egg again! Again and again, he repeats this, successfully naming the colours
In addition to the well-made black cloth bag, we supply a du- before they are produced.
plicate which matches exactly but which is unfaked, thus you are His hands are empty, he definitely cannot see into the bag, yet the
able to perform the great Arnold de Biere subtlety of having the fourth colour is detected in the same way. Finally the last two
bag thrown out for examination prior to the appearance of the colours are produced and everything left for examination.
eggs or during the routine; (we tell you how), or you're able A nice effect for pocket or platform use. Please note all the coun-
to use the extra bag for a smashing and unusual climax, for we ters are exactly the same size and texture. Their only difference
present many ideas with each outfit, enabling you to use a Golf is in colour. Easy to do. We supply you all you need, counters,
Ball at Golfing Dinners; a Christmas tree bauble at Christmas well-made bag etc., and routines.
time ... and so on. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
We make no excuses for continuing to offer the Egg Bag to our
clientele. Every magician should have one. Price, £7.50, READ OUR TERMS OF BUSINESS IN THE FRONT SECTION
Suprem« A nice novelty in silk tricks
A large supply of those
marvellous Relight Birth-
Bnlhday-Cake x and a cute addition to any pro-
gramme. A genuine knot is
day Candles (TWENTY
of them'.), but as import-
^2) Candle \
tied in an 18 inch silk. By
merely passing the hand over
ant as the candles them-
selves, with each set sup-
a r^Coniurin£ a 3 the silk the knot vanishes! Pass
the hand over the silk again and
plied we give a MANU- the knot comes back.
SCRIPT detailing A FEW In addition we give you a cute routine that's good magic. A
of the MANY ideas which penny is borrowed and marked. Coin vanishes. Knot appears in
are possible with these, silk and PENNY IS TIED IN THE KNOT. Spectator unties the
and which you will enjoy knot and the coin is securely Inside it! Surprisingly - yet very -
using. easy to do! Amusing! - and it LOOKS skilful.
You'll be surprised and amazed at the number of marvellous We supply the special silk and full routine. Price, £4.50,
gags and magical effects you can use these candles for. Marvel- (U.S.A. $10.00).
lous, of course, on a birthday cake, either real or magically pro-
duced from a dove pan, or with a Burnt and Restored Note routine.
There's a Living and Dead Test. etc. , etc.
Ian Adair's all Laughter Kiddies
- Every time you blow the candle out it relights! - Effect. Routined by Edwin and one
Remember that you get TWENTY of the special candles, PLUS
the manuscript with ALL the different ideas. Price, £2.00,
of his favourite effects.
Something different! 'Just Chance go
(U.S.A. $5.00). slanted at the CHILDREN'S ENTER- öft d a *s Y
Maybe you are able to obtain supplies of these candles from your TERRIFIC NEW SURPRISE FINISH!
local Novelty Store, in which case we will be pleased to supply you First of all a large box, labelled <
with our manuscript on its own. 'First Prize' is shown and the per- '
Price for the manuscript only, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). former enlists four Children from 5
the audience to play a game of
Magical Gardening, and to take part in a Flower Show. Need-
INSTANTO PACKET OF CIGARETTES less to say the children get funny messages (and very nice Con-
TO A FAN OF CARDS solation Prizes) and you get the First Prize.
| Allan Lambie was renowned for the
"'quickie' type of effect. Not necess- FIRST PRIZE AFTER ALL! It's all great FUN and a really big
arily profound mysteries but slick
We supply you with the 'Prize Box', printed cards with names
little items that look clever and en-
of different flowers, five different coloured cards with different
able the magician to nicely blend his tricks so that one logically
funny sayings and the terrific routine, a feature of the recent
leads into the other. Such an item we offer here. Terrific for
l.B.M. Parade! In addition TWO First class ADULT PRESENTA-
a continuous routine for those who perform a lit cigarette pro-
TIONS are included. One of them involves a £1 note, the other
duction as it makes a smooth transition from cigarettes to cards.
a smash 'Black-out' climax that is going to put this trick way
Briefly, a packet of cigarettes is shown and a cigarette is re- up on the list of 'favourites' for after-dinner and club perfor-
moved. Hand is passed over the packet and this Instantly changes
mers. It's great Magical value. YOU'LL BE MORE THAN
to a fan of cards which is shown front and back. DELIGHTED WITH IT! Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
Several ideas for using this are given, in addition to a nice little
routine for the patter merchant that's good comedy, and involves
a Card in Cigarette item that's a nifty as none of the usual ex- ABBOTT’S
changes etc. are made. Altogether a clever little item that every
magician should have. Very easy to do, and always ready. SENSATIONAL CABINET ACT
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Entertaining! Unusual! Strange!
Use any screens! A modern seance,
with a tie that is like lightning for

A spectator is invited onto the stage

to assist and to freely choose any
page from a Newspaper. This he tears
fl ^Äl speed, and yet is the most convincing
of all ties. Each wrist is securely
tied with a length of rope. Any num-
ber of knots can be used and the knots
into small pieces, another spectator can be sealed. The ends of the rope are made secure to the back
making his choice from any one of of the chair. Feet are also tied to chair legs. All ties are thorough-
these torn fragments. DESPITE THE ly inspected.
APPARENT FAIRNESS OF ALL THAI Now for the manifestations. Routine includes a message on slate,
HAS TAKEN PLACE YOU ARE IN- knots appearing and disappearing in borrowed handkerchiefs, a
STANTLY AND CORRECTLY ABLE watch escaping from a sealed bag and appearing in a most unexpec-
TO REVEAL THE WHOLE OF THE ted place, bells ringing, tambourines jingling, the animated walk-
CONTENTS OF THE CHOSEN PIECE OF PAPER! Supreme 'News ing stick and a comedy finish that was original with Percy Abbott
Flash' is a great mental effect giving ample scope for dramatic and one that "Rocks them in their seats". Time of the act, 15 -
'build-up'. You will be able to work it almost immediately and 20 minutes and it's all solid entertainment. No cabinet, screens
yet it is an effect that will make you appear as a skilled mind or accessories included. These are all items easily obtainable.
reader. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). Price, for the secret and full routine, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Five - Four - Three - Two - One
A handsome bound book, 384
- ZERO! HE'S ON THE AIR. The LARGE pages. Two colour photogra-
Cameras swing towards the immacu- phic, laminated dust jacket. Gold
lately clad magician, who walks down titled spine. 132 photographs, 153 il-
the decorated stairway to face Cam- lustrations.
era One. He smiles, then gracefully SECTION ONE is, "AN INDEX TO
removes his white silk evening scarf. THE FEATS OF ORIENTAL CONJUR-
Twisting it and twirling it in the ORS"- Where in his original manu-
air he then bundles it up. Instantly script Mr. Sharpe gave details of some
and despite the camera angles, A of these feats, they have been edited
LIVE DOVE IS PRODUCED FROM THE SCARF! Suddenly flut- from the text to save the reader a
tering into view it sits prettily upon the scarf - BUT THAT'S lot of unnecessary repetition.
NOT ALL! - A SECOND DOVE IS PRODUCED in the same Full details of all items when known
manner. What a perfect way to commence an act. are given in the SECOND SECTION of
Here is one opening trick that you can put into your act the book by Will Ayling.
right away, knowing that it will be a tremendous hit. Scarf The complete work we believe is quite unique, and not only
is of the high-class, white, Evening variety, Beautifully made. presents the most COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE to Oriental Magic
For the performer who wishes to produce only ONE DOVE in print, but entertainingly describes the actual methods used
we have a similar scarf at a lower price. by these magicians and in many instances gives up-dated MO-
Price for Scarf Production of ONE Dove £10.50, U.S.A. $25.00 DERN versions which the conjuror today can use in his pro-
Price of Scarf Production of TWO Doves £15.00, U.S.A. $35.00 grammes. It is hoped that the knowledge of the subtleties
and subterfuge of the Oriental and Indian Mystery workers will
ALLSORTS assist modern performers to ENRICH THEIR OWN PROGRAM-
An original idea by Eric and Margaret TO ENJOY.
Hawkesworth. With gags and ideas by We are grateful to SAM SHARPE and to WILL AYLING
IAN ADAIR. The SPRING liquorice all- whose collaboration has resulted in such a tremendous publica-
sorts box is an innovation in magic, tion. Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
offering so much scope for Comedy and
Children's routines.
Exclusive Rights And the Copyright ,
SORTS (I) YOU EVER SAW. When on this author's publication have
collapsed It takes up very little room.
Springs Instantly into shape when requir- F been purchased from Arthur Saunders .
by Supreme Magic.
ed. Size when expanded is 5| x 5$ x 2 j inches. Colourful and unus-
The book is described as "A Mine .
ual. Produced from a specially printed good quality cloth and top
of Information!" "A Payload of I - (
quality springs. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00). New Magic!" You'll certainly
STRIKE IT RICH with Exciting Pre-
PAGE'S CARDS TO POCKET sen rations! THE MAGIC GUSHER is packed with interesting
Written and described by LEWIS GANSON, and original Magical Creations.
this routine has all the ingredients to de-, The copy is typescript, the illustrations which are beautifully
light the discerning performer. Originally done by the author, (there are over forty of them), are printed.
printed in "The Gen" magaizine (all rights THE MAGIC GUSHER is a good book of good material and
purchased by Supreme Magic), this is now we are delighted to have secured this as a Supreme Exclusive
available as a neatly printed booklet. Four Publication. Price, £4.00, (U.S.A. $10.00).
8 x 10 inch printed pages with illustrated
cover which takes you stage by stage through this great effect. The The title of this books tells you just

cards passing up one sleeve, along the back of the jacket, down the what it is: tricks to amuse and be-
other sleeve and into your trouser pocket. muse your friends. A mixed bag of
Patrick Page has a novel addition to the usual theme in the form tricks with one thing in common, each

of a Six Card Repeat variation and you'll like it. can be performed to a small audience
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). in the home, though one or two are
good for performance to larger audi-
After the magician has
ences too.
Every item has been thoroughly tried
produced a number of doves 1 * out by the author and is practical and
the audience are led to be- entertaining. According to your per-
lieve that another dove is sonality and style, you will find something in this book to en-
on its way, BUT they are tertain YOUR audience.
in for a great surprise! A book you'll enjoy reading and which is set in clear,
The magician reaches clean, easy-to-read type.
into the folds of the silks An attractive two-colour light board cover, containing sixty
he holds and produces an egg, but - wait a moment, - this is large 9} x 7i inch pages with the illustrations beautifully done
no ordinary egg but a real GIANT one. A big laugh which by the author himself.
changes to a gasp of astonishment as the egg is broken open In addition to being an excellent Magician, WILL DEXTER
to reveal a real live dove inside it! is well-known as one of our top professional journalists and his
You'll say it's a splendid prop and, with our manuscript, skill in writing gives an added dimension and pleasure to his
highly versatile. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). book. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
CHINESE FOLDING BOX A Supreme Exclusive.
The box is large - 9" ^Tri- New Model Handwoven.
square - and gorgeously col-
oured in yellow and red.
colour iCo'ds Not to be confused with our "Patriotic
The box is first shown % Ropes" trick ... the effect is the same
ALL ROUND. Then the ... the method different.
lid is opened, permitting First advertised by us in our No. 2
the audience to see RIGHT catalogue! Now in an improved form.
THROUGH. No room to Three pieces of rope, one red, one
conceal a fly! As a further white, and the other blue are tied to-
and final proof of this the box is now folded FLAT. What gether. Wham! Tire ropes are tossed
could be fairer? into the air and come down ... restored into one long TR1-COLOUR
immediately the box is opened up again the production can ROPE, red, white and blue, which can be examined!
commence. No fiddling, fuss or fumble. Just reach into the No snaps or Magnets! No body or sleeve work! No replacements!
box and there is a LIVE DOVE, SILKS or a PROP RABBIT. Ropes are beautiful and handwoven especially for this effect.
Marvellous for the silent performer, as the showing of the Just a simple little trick you’ll enjoy performing, over and over
box needs no explanation. Marvellous for the Children's En- again, anywhere under any conditions, close-up, on stage, surroun-
tertainer. Suggestions are given,and a story about CHINESE ded.
PIRATES. THE BOX CAN ALSO BE USED FOR A VANISH! Comes complete with the three special ropes and fully detailed ins-
Yes, it's really two effects in one. However you use it, you tructions and routine. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
will say it's the TOPS. A magnificent method that is a delight
Watch the Birdie
to work. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Special Nesting CHINESE FOLDING BOXES Yes, ANOTHER dove book ... BUT
We are making our Chinese Folding Boxes in two sizes, one ... one with a remarkable difference, Is?
very slightly smaller than the other, so that the two will nest for here at last is what you kids' per-
together when assembled. The load-capacity of the boxes is formers have been asking for, a book
the same. One box is bright red with a yellow motif and the written for you, a book of Dove Magic J
slanted especially to the ENTERTAIN- I
other yellow with a red motif.
In performance the first box is shown empty and the pro- MENT OF CHILDREN. There is no |
duction made. Then the next box is lifted and shown empty need, now, to leave your dove at
in exactly the same way. This box is then nested inside the home, for he can become the real feature attraction of your
first and the production continues. DOUBLE THE PRODUC- show. HERE'S REAL FUN! CAMERA CAPERS. A dove ap-
TION! DOUBLE THE FLASH! pears in a camera ... but that's not all. A great routine.
For the performer who requires something "extra special". DRAWING DUNCE: A trick that's very easy to make and
Price of the TWO boxes, if purchased together at the same to present. Pictures of doves in a drawing book vanish, and
time, £16.00, (U.S.A. $40.00),__________________________________ then the real dove appears under your Dunce's Hat!
BUNNY DOVE: The cute little rabbit who keeps interrupt-
WINDMILL WAND ing your show is so clever that he turns himself into a dove
at the end!
Sure, you may have read adverts
for the 'Windmill Wand' years ago, DOVE SURPRISE: Only a beautiful picture - but the magic
but have you ever seen one that work- spell brings it to life.
ed? - This one does! - Not only does RUN DOVE RUN ... SEED ... NEW FALL-APART BOX ...
it work but it works EVERYTIME! ... it's a winner! ... A high- THE INVISIBLE BIRD ... AND MANY MORE ... plus HINTS,
spot of fun in any show. TIPS and IDEAS. We say that ALL CHILDREN'S ENTERTAIN-
- Use it with kids or adults. - ERS should have a copy of this book. The ideas in it will
A regular looking wand made from plastic, black with white tips. prove INVALUABLE TO THEM in their work.
You give it to someone to hold. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Imagine their surprise when you walk away and the wand is trans- The performer has two Jokers with
formed into a Revolving Windmill!!!! his prediction card between them.
Well, here's oneway of keeping cool! n ic k t r o s t s ,/s. This packet, is placed IN FULL VIEW.
It's different. It's Zany! ... and of course it must be a HIT with
wiia<P A pack of cards is shuffled and four
heaps of cards are dealt.
ANY audience! Supplied complete, ready to work.
The spectator has a perfectly FREE
Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). CHOICE of ANY heap. Top cards of
SUPREME WIZZO CARDS other heaps are turned over showing
How many times, when performing, have you THREE TWO'S! Jokers on the table
had a wise guy present who wants to spoil are separated and between them is a TWO. The card on the
things for the rest and become the centre of spectator's heap is turned over and THAT'S a TWO ... AND
attraction? Well, Supreme WIZZO CARDS will THE TWO CARDS MATCH.
take care of this type of pest. They are a set We supply you with the special cards. You can use a regu-
of six regular playing cards, but instead of lar deck to match. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
spots, four of the cards have different sayings
printed on their faces. MINIATURE MILK WONDER
Any WIZZO card can be added to the deck you are working It's a glass 2i inches high, made in plas-
with, and we guarantee that from then on the smart-alec will tic. Have it filled with milk, port or any
close up like a clam. Each saying is different according to coloured liquid.
how badly you want to insult the unwelcome pest. The liquid will slowly vanish from the
Cards may not match your own deck but you can easily paste glass. Or liquid poured from the glass into the hand will change
these on cards to match in with the ones you have in regular to something else - a silk, say, or confetti.
use. Price, per set, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
The bulging plastic eyes have a
PREDICT-A-NUMERO syt-as winking movement and each has
a rubber sucker on the back.

A small tirck that's big in effect, way out of Attach one to the middle of your
proportion to the simple but diabolically clever forehead and you look like the
mechanics involved. man from Mars! Fasten one to
Magician holds a small single card in his hands your glass at the bar, when you
and asks spectator to think of a low number, then want to 'keep an eye on your
amazingly he shows that the card in his hands is drink!' Keep an eye on your till!
a prediction revealing that number'. On your girlfriend: On someone else's girlfriend! On the chosen
Only one card is used; the chosen number is bodly printed on the card!
card. The card has no sliding parts etc. It's all very simple... With each set we give you a manuscript full of ideas, 22 of them!
but properly presented, very effective - the ideal opening effect in You're sure to find something to amuse!
a routine of small Mental Magic. You get the three eyes, plus this collection of stunts.
A typically clever Fiedler principle used to bring about a startling Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00).
demonstration of precognition.
Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00). IAN ADAIR'S 'CRINOLINE KATE'
A beautiful knitted sewing bag (or
MICRO-MENTAL PROGRAMS call it a 'hat' if you like), complete
By Joseph M. White. with a long tassel is shown to be empty.
Five complete programs of mental magic, Pieces of felt and wool appear inside, -
each a half hour in length. placed back, a startling transformation
Each program is routined to reach an ef- takes place, then the bag itself changes
fective climax. No special or expensive into a CHARMING DOLL, - obviously a
equipment is required. 60 big pages.. replica of the clever lady who made the
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). hat all those years ago!
Ian Adair's 'Crinoline Kate' is a beautiful hand-

ELEVATOR KNIFE ■igW&E. crafted, knitted product. Absolutely

ready for you to work. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
A plastic letter-opener. You stab at the
deck and a miniature of the chosen-card ap- DAN GARRETT’S
pear ... it's the wrong card. You want the card higher ... O.K.
how about this ? ... and the card shoots up the knife, changing BANANA TRICK
Briefly, a child from the audience

to the correct one in the process'. Price, £0.70, (U.S.A.
is asked to assist and is given a pa-
per bag to hold above their head.
MENTAL MIRACLt Suddenly, the magician produces a

Performer makes a prediction upon a BANANA from his hands. The ba-
piece of paper and this is placed into nana is taken away and put in the
an examined envelope and held by a bag. Then another one pops up in
spectator. Now anyone merely thinks place of the one just removed. This
of any card in a pack and this is is also placed into the bag and then
shown. Envelope is opened and the prediction is read out by another one appears, and so on; A large supply of bananas
spectator - believe it or not you have predicted the actual being caught and placed into the bag.
thought-of card! No sleights, calculations or skill. No pocket Suddenly, the paper bag is torn up and there's nothing
indices. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). there at all!
Or for a comedy climax, the child can reach into the bag
Two silks are produced, one blue and
and instead of bananas there's an orange, a real orange which
they can keep, or a packet of sweets!
one pink. A knot is tied in each as they We supply Dan Garrett's detailed, illustrated instructions and
are placed in glasses on a table. The all you need to present this comedy hit in your programme.
blue silk comes to life as music plays Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
'The Indian Love Call'. It goes into the
bottle which is between the two glasses y EDWIN’S SNAPPY EGG BAG
then out and over to the pink silk, I
which comes to life. They dance in vj The Great Levante
and out of the bottle to the tune of 1 bought one of the first
'Tea for Two', going around the bottle and high !lgl in te air. and was delighted with it. _
They both finally go into the bottle at the command of the Archie Tear said ... I
magician and come out again with ___________________
three baby silks to the tune "I'VE SEEN THEM ALL I ■
of 'My Blue Heaven', Then all return to the bottle, which is ... I'VE HAD THEM
then corked. ALL ... THIS IS THE
It should be understood that what we supply are just the il- BEST!" Supreme SNAPPY EGG BAG is to all intents and pur-
lustrated instructions and routine. This is a FULL-STAGE ef- poses the usual "little black bag" used by the Conjuror when
fect and to work it successfully you must be assured of the performing the classic "Egg and Bag" effect. In fact it IS an
correct background, lighting and the use of two trained as- ordinary Egg Bag, with a pocket, with which you can perform
sistants. Here are the full instructions and routine in prin- your favourite Egg Bag routine if you wish ... until the climax.
ted illustrated form. No props. But the correct know-how SUDDENLY THE BAG SNAPS OPEN INTO A SINGLE LENGTH
for you to present a magical masterpiece. OF CLOTH WHICH IS THROWN TO THE AUDIENCE FOR
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). EXAMINATION. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Two great tricks in one publication. "Think of a Card" -
Discovery of a mentally chosen card. A clean-cut, logical ef- r<C> By Karrell Fox and Edwin, with
fect. "Follow Up" - A truly ingenious method for accomplish- a great routine by Ken de Courcy.
ing what appears to be a miracle. Particularly suited for per- Two identical court cards and a
spot card. Spot card is placed in
formers now performing the "Brain-Wave" or "Ultra-Mental
Deck". This must convince even the most sceptical of spec- SHAKE*? the centre, a simple movement
You get BOTH effects in printed form. Price 75p, (U.S.A.$2).
DOWN ___
and it jumps to the bottom and you
repeat iLagain and again.
Finally, the spot card changes so you have three of a kind! A
“SNOWY” The Magician's White Mouse great routine. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $6.00).

Always a winner. A little furry mouse that Herb Rungay's

jumps all over the place. This lively little
fellow can be introduced into the show in many POLLACK SWITCH BLADE
ways. Our instructions are explicit and com- Herb Rungay has taken a topical gag
prehensive. Price, £3.00,(U.S.A. $8.00). and turned it into a most unusual card
It's surprising, it's funny and there's
Four white pieces of plastic.
a magical climax. Routined by Ken
de Courcy.
/ One by one, four Treasury This is a novelty that's a trick that's
/ Notes appear. Finally there's a novelty. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.(
IS a big surprise when the word
I overdrawn appears in large red
\ letters on one of the previously
By Stuart Robson. No doubt you have often
blank cash cards. wanted to work the treasury note in cigarette
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $14.00). but Just couldn't find a neat method that suit-
ed you. Formerly one had to refer to many
PREMIER BALLOON books to read of different methods. This pub-
lication makes it easy for you.
PENETRATION A collection of twelve methods including a few new ones
The penetration of an airship never before explained. These twelve can be easily inter-
balloon through a tube with an changed so you can work out all sorts of routines. In manu-
examined wooden rod. Easy to script form. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00).
do with the special apparatus we
supply. -2, Stage Size MAGIC MANOR IL1 UJI
Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00). Sid Lorraine's novelty with a picture of a house
(22" x 17") that changes and with amusing results.
y All who have seen and admired the A typical Sid Lorraine gag effectjPrice, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
tremendous pocket picking act of
Gentleman Jack will certainly want
to learn more about this subject. Here SILK IN BALLOON
u is one of the first books - still one
of the best - published on this very
specialised subject.
A Supreme Original.
An inflated absolutely transparent, clear,
round balloon is shown.

On the rare occasions when one Visibly a previously vanished silk or silks

hOlDTOPOPOtrtß sees a magician do a little pocket

picking it usually convulses the audi-
can appear inside the balloon!.. .yes, rea-
lly INSIDE the balloon. Balloon is burst
hr Eddie Joseph ence with laughter and becomes the to get the silks out! If you like, you can
have four coins appear inside the balloon! 4
hit spot of the show. Most magicians have wanted to put some-
thing in this line into their show at some time or another, but Price, for special holder, pin and rout-
just have not had the faintest idea of how to go about it. ine, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
It is all genuine work that he describes, without stooges, and SPECIAL! 1 dozen transparent balloons
amongst other things he tells you how to take Pens, Pencils, now included free with every outfit.
Watches, Handkerchiefs, Tie Pins, Wallets, Sock Suspenders,
Braces, etc., etc., and deal with each pocket in the clothing
separately. Lenz, the Oriental Mystic wrote - Arne JUMBO RisingCards
Specially imported by us from the
"Many magicians who attempt to work this type of act gain
their results solely in trickery. By studying the secrets given A U.S.A, this SPECIAL DECK OF JUMBO
away in this book many would be able to justify the reputation CARDS works ’on the 'Devano' principle.
they seek to acquire. There is nothing else like it in the '// Exactly the same as the Regular Arne
realm of magic." Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $7.00). Rising Cards BUT with A FULL-SIZE
A light-weight plastic egg ideal for the
No threads are used, IT'S ALL SELF-
A spectator can actually hold the
conjuror's requirements. Will match the egg A cards in their case and yer STILL the
with the hole in it for the "Handkerchief to
chosen ones rise.
Egg" trick. Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00) each.
I (3 for £1.50, U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £17.50, (U.S.A. $40.00).
ENGLISH PENNIES A big book of big material by RICHARD
"BmuTS 1 MERRY with guest artists VAL ANDRES
These Six Old English Pennies »wra I
i .am and CLIFFORD DAVIS. PartOne, is
create INTEREST from the start NOTICE TO QUIP. There’s a whole Sec-
1 as these coins are now out of cir- tion on Compere Gags. One on Kids Shows,
culation. on penetrations and releases, and lots more!
Covered with the drawer of a Part Two we call FUNNY MIXTURE. Here
matchbox the pennies change from is a collection of material by several star
English to U.S.Aj currency, or writers.
into new half-pence or into a pile Part Three is ’THE TASK OF THE COM-
of coloured chips or to a dice. PERE' by CLIFFORD DAVIS with hints, tips and gags.
The Stack of Six Old English Pennies is of the Improved pivotted Sixty eight large 10 inch x 8 inch pages, printed on top quality
type and with it we supply six extra unfeked coins. We even in- paper with illustrated photographic two-colour light-board cover.
clude a couple of spare ones in case you should lose any. MERRY BITS AND PATTER QUIPS will enable you to add ENTER-
Lots of coloured plastic chips for you to work a lovely 'Gamb- TAINMENT to your Magic. You are bound to find lines you can
ling theme'. For the sake of authenticity, an English matchbox. use and lines which will garner you LAUGHS AND LAUGHS AND
Plus FIVE detailed routines. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). LAUGHS. Price, for the complete collection is £5.50, (U.S.A.
N new and fantastic aid for the ment-
al ist'. By Aldini. Three dozen fantastic effects which
anyone can do with the aid of the Rough and
A small cloth bag which magician Smooth principle. A Hades Publication.
turns inside out and shows all the Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
way around, proving the bag is solid
7 and made from coloured felt material,
bound around on all edges with a braid
A small bell travels back and for-
wards. Great pocket trick with real-
ly nice apparatus.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).
Here's just a few of the tricks you can do with this great prop.... Ian Adairs «JUMPING Si LlC
EFFECT Number 1. Card Divination;
A genuinely shuffled pack of cards, (even a spectator's own pack), A piece of rope onto which three
is placed into the bag. Magician holds the bag well up. It Is ob- silks arc tied, say two red and a £ 11
vious that he cannot see inside it, yet he is able to name a card, yellow. Yellow silk jumps from
reach into the bag and produce that card. Not only that, he is able top to the bottom. Of course, the
to repeat the effect again and again! audience know that you are really ’'‘'‘V/vV4i£/*vXv-«/
turning the rope end for end, but there's a surprise finish when,
EFFECT Number 2. Joker Surprise. without cover the odd coloured silk APPEARS IN THE CENTRE!
It is just that! A stunning 'twist' which can get a smile and prove A splendid novelty. Easy to work.
that you were right all the time! Price, £4.75, (U.S.A. $12.00).
EFFECT Number 3. Card Divination Climax.
Imagine producing called cards in quick succession from the bag Ken de Courcv's
and then suddenly, in rapid succession producing the four Aces from WHERE’S THE WAND
it!! It's so easy with Supreme 'Miracle Mental Bag'. No skill!!! This latest pocket effect of
No palming! No sleights! It's all in the special construction of the Ken's is a stunner! Two sets
bag supplied. of cards: Set No.l consists of
Five cards, four of them with
EFFECT Number 4. Question Answering. pictures of balls and the fifth
A real reputation-maker. Questions are written on cards and has a picture of a wand. The other five each show A LINE
placed inside the bag. Not only do you reveal the spectator's OF BALLS with a magic wand AT A DIFFERENT POSITION
thoughts but you answer their questions in a dramatic and telling ON EACH. Magician mixes THESE cards about and places one
fashion! I face-downwards to one side. THIS IS HIS PREDICTION.
EFFECT Number 5. Billet Mind Reading. Then whilst the magician has his back turned, the spectator
Here thoughts are written onto slips of paper, - slips are folded moves the other set of cards about this way and that, finally
and mixed in the bag. Yet you are able to fool even knowledgeable turning all his cards FACE DOWNWARDS.
magicians by revealing the spectator's thoughts'. They'll never know how your prediction is 100% correct and
you have located the position of the wand!
EFFECT Number 6. The Perfect Living and Dead Test. The spectator, remember, moves the cards as he wishes,
The greatest yet!! Not only, do you discover the dead name but yet the prediction card, placed down in full view before the
you can dramatically reveal it! effect began, is CORRECT.
- You'll think of other ways of using this bag - We know that you will want to add this stunning little mys-
It comes complete with a manuscript of instructions for all the tery to your repertoire. We supply both sets of cards, together
above tricks. Remember, all are easy-to-do. A simple, subtle with KEN DE COURCY'S illustrated routine.
idea that you'll love using. Remember, no skills or sleights are used, its almost auto-
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). matic. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Originated by Magic Ronnay of Show your trouser pock-
Vienna. Cards are shuffled strange et empty, then two con-
to say the spectator succeeds ih trasting colour balls
MATCHING EVERY CARD'. Complete (about Golf ball size),
with all the necessary E.S.P. cards. quite freely on both sides.
Price, £3.75, (U.S.A. $10.00). Balls are held between
the fingertips and a col-
INDIAN YARN MYSTERY our chosen. A wave ...
The wonder-worker unties the knot joining two lengths of heavy and the chosen one has
wool and, holding the two ends himself he allows two spectators vanished, travelling up the magician's sleeve, across his back,
to each hold one of the other ends. Magician passes his hand down his other sleeve and into his pocket!
over his two ends and to everyone's astonishment the pieces have Immediately show the balls on both sides and immediately re-
joined Into one length and the magician's hands are shown empty. peat it AGAIN and AGAIN. There's COMEDY and BYPLAY as
(No little pieces to get rid of). YES, the yarn CAN be examined. the balls get STUCK half-way but at the end you are left as you
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). started, with just two contrasting colour balls.
Complete with routine and all the necessary balls ready to work
this right away. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
A series of surprises with a jumbo- RONNAY’S
sized Queen and two spot cards.
QUEEN! Then there's a big surprise
when ALL the cards change to
Queens! A FURTHER surprise when
she vanishes completely and a FINAL
PAY-OFF when you produce the
missing card from your pocket!!!
This is the ORIGINAL ROUTINE supplied with the finest
photographic tutor on this trick ever published. EDITED AND
PHOTOGRAPHED BY LEWIS GANSON who carefully takes the The effect is the Classic Four Ace trick BUT with the addition
reader stage by stage through the various phases of the rou- of a number of subtleties which make it EXTREMELY BAFFLING
tine. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00). even to expert card men'.
You'll have to practise to perform this but once you have it,
In 1969 Peter Kane invented a game
you'll have a great version of this wonderful effect..
Complete with all the necessary cards and the illustrated in-
called 'Tetrad'. It was subsequently structions. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
manufactured and published by one of
England's leading suppliers of educa-
tional aids to schools and colleges. THOUGHT GONE
Now Peter Kane has re-released An age-old effect up-dated to become a start-
his special deck. This consists of ling new one! Five [umbo-size playing cards.
thirty cards each with two faces of A spectator thinks of any one. All five cards
different design. are covered with a handkerchief. Four cards
In addition to that he presents with each deck A SERIES OF are removed, the chosen one is named and it's
BAFFLING MYSTERIES using the deck - Impromptu Coinci- gone. Magician produces the thought-of card
dence: A Divination effect; The Tetradic Square; The Sub- from his pocket. Effect is out of all proportion
liminal Force; Unbelievably Stacked and The Tetrad Prediction. to the simple mechanics made.
You get the instructions for ALL these effects in a SPECI- ÖH Jumbo card size, so the effect can be seen
ALLY PRINTED booklet of instructions, PLUS THE SPECIALLY anywhere. A feature'.
PRINTED DECK. Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $15.00).

ABSOLUTE ENCOUNTER Supreme Magic present ... Straight

from the U.S.A, as a SUPREME
A spectator gives BRITISH EXCLUSIVE -
ANY number from 1-6
A great talking point everywhere!
used, there's NO spel-
ling. The card indica- A true to life 3-D image on a
ted by the number is laser pendant. Tilt it up and the
turned, - AND THE rabbit disappears from the hat! Tip
PREDICTION IS it back and it appears again! A
SHOWN TO MATCH!! fascinating and unusual ornament
All the other cards are different. The envelope is unteked. that will excite interest and conversation wherever you go.
In addition, we give you instructions for TWO OTHER EF- Supplied on a gilt chain, the 'with-it' magician or magi-
FECTS, - "A selected card discovered" and "A reversed card". cienne will want this delightful and unusual piece of magical
Price including holder, all necessary cards, envelopes etc., jewellery to wear with informal or formal wear.
£1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00). Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).


A tray with three small
THE CARDS tumblers. First glass

The classic effect as performed by the

world's leading card experts.
2 a liquid you "vanish" by
drinking it! Second glass
by pouring liquid into your
A card is selected by a spectator and hand. Third one changes
placed face down on the table without the ________ from a short drink to a
face being shown. Thenithe performer long one, a glass three times the length of the original! Complete.
endeavours to cut three other cards which Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
match to make four of a kind. He shows
each card as it is found, three Eights and
places them face down on the table. When THIMBLES 8 CORKS
Three thimbles and a small cork. You play
the spectator's card is turned, it is found
'Hunt the cork'.
to be a King, so seemingly a mistake has been made.
However, when the other three cards are turned face up once Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
more, they prove to be all Kings. Even the person with only a
slight interest in cards would like to be able to instantly find any
card in the pack. To be gifted with the skill to cut four high, t/sT X
Made of black plastic and with a sliding cap.
cards of the same value must seem like a gambler's dream. \ This is an ideal fake for the Colour Changing
So first we have an ingredient which will command great in- / Silks through a tube. One by one, three 12"
terest. Next comes an apparent failure causing the emotion of silks can change colour. At the end the pap-
disappointment, sorrow, pity or even pleasure according to how er being unrolled and shown empty. Size
the performer plays his role. This feeling is changed to one of rtyj of the tube is approximately 4 inches long.
an opposite kind when failure is turned into success. J 1 Less than 1 inch in diameter. The cap pas-
Finally, as alllhe cards are turned face up, and it is seen that ses completely from one end to the other,
not only are they 'four of a kind' but three have changed as if by so you ve the whole of the area of the tube for your silks.
MAGIC, we have a really startling climax. Price, for the fake only, no silks or instructions supplied, £2.50
Set down in the beautifully printed pages of this book are tried (U.S.A. $6.00).
and tested routines. Where previously published routines have
been Included, they have been REVISED and where necessary,
No sleights and a Special Magic In-
included at the end with explanations of the sleights used. struction Tutor by LEWIS GANSON
Here then is DAI VERNON'S 'Matching the Cards'; NATE LEIP- makes the working easy. Three cards
ZIG'S Comedy of Errors; HERBERT MILTON'S Rendition of the are shown, one with a regular face,
Matching of the Cards; THE FAUCETT ROSS Version; Impromptu two with blank faces. One at a time
Matching by FAUCETT ROSS; FRED LOWE'S 'Matched Poker the two blank cards change to regular
Deal'; a 'Matching Do As I Do' by LUIS GAVILONDO and LEWIS cards too. Two of the cards are placed in your pocket, they re-
GANSON'S own "Tribute to the Card Stars". appear back in your hand. All the cards can be examined. Yes,
Fully explained are the simple moves which are used in some the Bionic Card reproduces itself over and over again!
of the effects. All made easy for you to understand by the ex- You get everything to work this right away.
cellent photographs, (no less than 35 are used plus five of the Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
performers themselves'!)
Produced in similar format to the other GANSON TEACH-IN
SERIES; 32 pages, printed on top quality paper, two-colour, art- JARDINE ELLIS RING
board illustrated cover. This is the Oat American type Jardine
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). Ellis Ring. The classic effect. A ring
passes on and off a stick or wand which

is being held by a member of the aud-
ience. It comes complete with routines.
A coin held in the hand. A Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
slight up and down flourish, the
coin changes into one of a dif-
ferent value. Immediately the J/•''FourCOLOR DISCS
2$ inch plastic discs are used
procedure is repeated, the coin
f in this baffling divination feat. All
changes again. Now the coin
vanishes. All three coins are' discs are similar in size, shape and
produced from the pocket, material but each is a different col-
Supplied in either British or U.S.A, coins. Price, £4.50, our. The discs are mixed up and
placed into your hand behind your
(U.S.A. $12.00). ______________
back. Spectators are asked for any
By HOWARD P. ALBRIGHT. The colour and you can instantly produce the correct coloured disc!
bfNTiL ETHOS Gypsy Fortune Teller, Perfect Card Di- In another presentation, you perform a clever YOU-DO-AS-I-
vination, Psychological Discernment DO. TWO sets of discs are used. You hold one set of discs be-
and other really good material along hind your back and the spectator holds the other. Spectator lays
psychic lines. - Experiments which, out any colour and you always match it with one of yours, a red
to the average person, savour of the one against a red one, etc., until all the discs have been correctly
supernatural and the occult. paired. You get the two sets of discs made of plastic, full rou-
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). tines etc. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
A routine which Lewis per-
formed many hundreds of times FAN FINALE Another in the FABULOUS GANSON
not only for professional en- i Magic TEACH-IN Series.
gagements but at Magical Gala
jj Written and photographed by LEWIS
Shows in many countries, Ma- GANSON. A booklet which tells you
gische Circle, Germany, The everything you need to know about this

Magic Circle, King George fascinating branch of magic.
Hall, British Ring Gala Show, FANS
’ - A sequence of CARD FANNING in any
Hastings, International Broth- magic programme is always well-received
erhood of Magicians Gala - The formation of decorative fans of
Show, Miami ... PLUS dozens cards is pretty and appears to be skil-
of Magical Convention Shows in this country and abroad. ful in the extreme ... and yet they are
In addition, the sequence was filmed for T.V. and shown on ALL SO EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW.
British I.T.V. and then on most T.V. Networks around the world One design fan changes to another ... a small fan becomes
- so here we have a routine which has been audience-tested. a large one. You make a complete card Rosette. The audi-
Over the years, it is inevitable that changes should be made ence will give you credit for amazing skill ... BUT you can
... experience teaches how to simplify the handling ... New soon learn all about this fascinating facet of magic, taught to
touches are introduced .. . Over-elaboration is cut, - in short you by master-teacher - performer - writer - LEWIS GANSON.
it becomes PROFESSIONAL. It's all HERE in 'A NEW LOOK AT CARD FANS'. A book-
Here then is the up-to-date professional version of 'FAN let which tells you everything you want to know about this
FINALE'. Imagine a short sequence of Card-fanning with a fascinating branch of magic. - The Origin of Card Fans; Form-
single deck, then two packs are interwoven__ then comes ing the Fans; Standard Fans; The Rosette; Magical Standard
GIANT FANS, - UPSIDE-DOWN GIANT FANS! REVERSED Fans; Double Fan Separation; Flash Change; Fan Steal and
FANS! FLASH FANS! Single handed fans! and finally, the ap- Production; Giant Fans; The Rip Off; Waterfall Shuffle; The
plause-compelling GIANT REGENCY CIRCLE, all with the double Spring Fan; Single Handed Fans, and much more.
circle of cards! « Over 80 (EIGHTY) clear, easy to follow photographs accom-
The whole appearance is one of TREMENDOUS SKILL, yet pany the text which concludes with full details of Lewis
the routine is easy to perform, thanks to the special outfit Ganson's full prize-winning routine. Information, advice,
supplied. This is what you receive:- TECHNIQUES ... it's ALL here in the pages of this splendidly
A pack of special Unique Fanning cards, beautiful in colour. produced TEACH-IN, uniform with other booklets in the same
Plus two extra fanning packs specially gimmicked for the series. Two-colour illustrated art-board cover.
Giant Fans. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Plus a special holder for the cards.
Plus a supply of Zinc Stearate. Further, you get a special-
ly printed book with the whole routine, 27 photographs of Lewis
Ganson himself during the performance of his brilliant se- Originated by Stewart James.
Any volunteer isihanded a full pack of cards. He has just THOUGHT
However you look at it, you will say this is great value for
money. You get everything as detailed for only ... £17.50, of any one of the cards. Dealing the cards according to the selected
(U.S.A. $45.00). one's suit and value, he spells it out and the last card dealt is his
freely selected card. You may go right ahead with other card effects
LEWIS GANSON'S FAN FINALE - ROUTINE ONLY as the pack is ordinary. Remember that the assistant has the pack
For those who want to make their own outfit and prepare in his possession before he has divulged what his card is; and the
their own cards, we can supply the copyright book of routines performer does not again touch it. The selection of the card is not
only, - an excellent addition to any working magician's li- influenced in any way whatsoever - IT’S JUST THOUGHT OF.
brary. Book only, price £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). K.O. TORN PAPER TRICK

FANNING POWDER Performer passes a full size sheet news-

Cards treated with this special powder fan
beautifully. Even old cards respond well to treat- paper for examination, tears it up and res-
tores it and throws it out for examination
ment with it. Made to our own formula. With
full instructions for applying. again. A method, with a good sucker finish.
Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). Easy to do.
Designed by Lewis Ganson. The card
THE LATE AND GREAT LEVANTE fooled us with this and we
have föoled others with it.
backs have a bold modern design, in A deck of red-backed cards are fanned out and shown. Every card
brilliant red, black, white and yellow. is separate and none of the cards faked. The top and bottom cards
You can get many beautiful combina- are noted. By way of illustration we will say that the top card is
tions, and designs which blend into the Ace of Hearts and the bottom card is the Three of Hearts. A
lovely patterns of ever-changing colour. card is selected and placed in the pack. Magician makes JUST ONE
Price, per pack £3.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). MOVE and the trick is done. The top and bottom cards are again


The manuscript which tells you how to make
shown to be the Ace and Three of Hearts... Cards are fanned out
and now the cards have changed from red backs with the exception
of the selected card which is still red.
card fans in a quick and easy way. Card Fan- We know that at least you will have a lot of fun fooling around with
ning is an art enjoyed by most audiences and this and we are offering it to you in instruction form, no cards
practised by most manipulative magicians. supplied. "Three in one", Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
It's easy when you know how and this manu-
script will teach you how.
Price, for the illustrated manuscript, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
Now you can do the famous second sight QUICK AS A BLINK MICRO-MAGIC -
Piano Act without practice and using any Don't blink TOO hard or you'll miss it!
| piano player that happens to be at the place A silver coin is balanced on the middle
| you are playing. You can instruct anyone finger, palm uppermost. Apart from this
} in five minutes. coin hands are shown empty. Hand is clo-
You merely copy down on blank cards sed , turned palm DOWN and then up and
the various tunes that the piano player the silver coin has CHANGED to an Orien-
is able to play - no matter how many - tal one WITH A HOLE RIGHT THE WAY
and these do not have to be in any special order - you are all set THROUGH IT!
to work a brain-teasing mystery they will long remember. This coin is immediately dropped into a
You introduce the player, stating that he or she has consented to spectator's hand ... no switching, it practically works itself.
try out an experiment with you and on the cards you have some of British model with a 10p. coin changing to a beautiful Oriental
the tunes he or she is able to play. Then you pass through the aud- one.
ience and let them have their FREE SELECTION of the various U.S.A, model with a half dollar changing to a beautiful Orien-
tunes. They are warned not to let the performer know whicn uines tai one.
they have chosen (and in fact he DOES not know) and yet still the PLEASE STATE MODEL REQUIRED.
piano player is able to play any tune FREELY selected. Price £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
As a finale anyone takes a whole lot of tunes and still the pianist
is able to play them! x JHE f a mo u s ZELLA MIND-READING ACT
Here is an act you can feature in your show. Great for night clubs A one-man mind reading act that is different from
or a feature for your full evening show. all others. Questions are written by the audience
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). and performer starts answering them even before
they are collected. He even answers questions that
SPOOK-a-SPHERE are not turned in, etc. No crystals or special app-

A new Idea in 'Floating Balls'. aratus is required. A real club performer's meth-
Originated by Ian Adair. Copied od that will baffle them. Some of the special points
are that you tell people where they live, telephone

but unequalled. This is a Supreme
Original! numbers, ages, etc. Stand right in the middle of
Seeing is DISBELIEVING when the stage or audience and work - it makes no diff-
you witness this amazing mystery. erence.
/• The special manuscript on this also includes extra tips, a novelty
An 18 inch Japenese silk and a
lij inch plastic ball. The silk is mind-reading act suitable for children. A feature mind-reading
stretched between the hands and stunt for full evening shows, an impromptu stunt for newspaper
the ball placed on it. Magician ap- offices. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).__________________________
pears to perform a difficult jug-
gling feat, balancing the ball on VERSATILITY BRASS BOX
the silk, then he causes the ball to Here is a little metal box standing
run along the silk, back and for- only inches high, which is surely one

wards as he tilts the silk first this of the most versatile gimmicks extant.
way and that! W ith it you can ...
THE BALL FLOATS! +Change a treasury note into coins.
Eerily the ball climbs down over
the front edge of the silk, going back +Cause paper clips to become welded
now and over to the rear. Ball together.
floats this way and that, finishing by Vanish salt, reproducing the same salt from the previously empty
floating in 'sheer space' and return- hands.
ing to the hand when you whistle to
it! Not the usual wire idea. +Vanish or produce a silk.
Properly presented the ball really seems ALIVE and with a will +Cut and restore a string or ribbon.
of its own!
Very versatile and deceptive. You'll like it. +Change Granulated sugar into sugar lumps and do very much more!
Complete with ball, silk and illustrated printed routine. YES, THE BOX CAN BE EXAMINED! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). FOR THE AUDIENCE TO DISCOVER.

Tony took an old paper-folding novelty
An old idea? Yes it is! But practically unknown in this form. If
you perform close-up magic at all you just cannot afford to be with-
out this wonderful box.
and has built around it a terrific seq-
Comes complete with Five methods or working fifteen different
uence. This is the exact outfit as de-
effects.'ll think of dozens more!
tailed in Tony's book "Griff on Close-
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00).
20 beautifully printed papers from the
original art-work by Ken Perks, the ZIM-ZAM
knitted sleeve "body", two packs of Ian Adair's neat silk production.
cards, the special close-up Net-mesh A fancy piece of paper that's
and Tony's detailed explicit instruc- really like a packet, - rolled into
tions, patter and routine. Hew a tube. Magician reaches in and
The Wuffin Puffer succeeds in catching a chosen card in his mouth! *■
and there's fun and business galore before the routine reaches its (fig! produces several silks.
Comes complete with illustrated
applause-pulling climax. Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00). instructions. Use your own silks. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Erle C. Lewis' TRICOLOUR 'Silken Thought’
j Two distinct routines as used by the An astonishing effect brought about by
r originator making a completely new a perfect, precision-made prop.

1© o
trick of the old "Patriotic Billiard
Balls", PLUS a new series of moves
An elegant, slender wand and two con-
trastingly coloured 18 inch silk hand-
ft which make the effect extremely con- kerchiefs. A spectator ties a loose

. vincing. knot in the corner of each silk, and the
s7 In one presentation you use coloured silks are slipped over the wand, the
/ reels of cotton and cloth bags and the knots then being tightened. Two spec-
clever "business" involved with children tators can assist, each holds a corner
from the audience makes this EXCEL- of one of the hanging silks. They can
LENT KIDDIES' ENTERTAINMENT. tug on the silks to ensure they are firm-
In the other you use CRUETS and the story concerns a ly tied around the rod.
mix-up in a Cafe. The simple mechanics are easily mastered Now another spectator is merely asked to concentrate on any
and worked out so as to avoid any snags. Sealed manuscript. one of the colours of his choice. As he does so, suddenly the
__________________ Price, 75p, (U.S.A. $2.00). silk comes free. Yes, the knot is still tied.
The spectator is now asked to concentrate on the second silk,
A utility prop that can be an in-
and again as if by the power of thought, the silk comes free,
seeming to melt right through the wand.
valuable aid to GOOD MAGIC. This Great for kids! Two kids assist - silks are given different

innocent-looking little metal box will names - children call them out - and the silks come free!
hold a pack of cards, and it will en- Great in a serious Mental demonstration. Great for Magic!
able you to perform some real mira- You get routines, ideas, two 18 inch silks PLUS the precision-
cles! TEN effects are included. made wand which works like a dream and which not only makes
BLINDFOLD CARD READING. the effect possible but EASY for you. Price, £18.50, (U.S.A.
MUSICAL MIND-READING and PERFECT REVERSE etc. Bill Pryor'» bold venture

Price, complete with routine, £6.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). Four cards, for example, the Ace to Four
The world's first fully pictorial book of comedy of Hearts. These are shown on both sides.
for entertainers in pocket size 20,4" x 5" printed Two of the cards are reversed and these
pages in an illustrated light board cover. 60 sight cards change and become Spades. Now the
gags compiled and illustrated by VAL ANDREWS. remaining cards are turned over and they
Material to make you and your audience smile! have become Spades too.
UÜBEM Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). The patter concerns A CARD GAME known
as 'BLACK CAT'. Needless to say, the mag-
YOUR CARD ician gets the winning hand!
Here is a trick that is truly excep- Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $4.00).
tional. So easy. So nice. Just listen
to a plain, unembellished report of
what actually happens during the pres- WHAM! BAM!
A comedy prediction plus. Magician states
entation of this trick. Then judge for
that the small folder holds a Jumbo card which
yourself. A prediction is seen on a
matches the spectator's choice, but it doesn't,
neat wooden stand. On the front of this is a large question mark.
so he magically changes it, again and again
A pack of cards is handed out to be EXAMINED and SHUFFLED.
and again. But it's still wrong. Replaced in
The cards are taken back and three cards from the top of the shuf- the folder, suddenly this drops open to show
fled pack are placed into three tumblers. Each of the three cards a giant facsimile of the ACTUAL CHOSEN
is different and a spectator is allowed an absolutely FREE CHOICE ONE. It's silly but the climax is an applause-
of any one of these cards, he can even change his mind if he wishes. puller. Use any deck of cards. We supply
When he has decided upon his card the prediction you made is seen you with everything else. Special Jumbo card, the printed trick
to be correct and in the form of an enormous 8” x 10" card, a dup- folder and the full routine and presentation in printed form.
licate of the chosen card. There are no "ifs" and "buts". The trick Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
is exactly as described. There is no sleights of hand of any kind
involved. No chance of failure. Any pack of cards can be used.
There are no duplicate or extra cards used. Cards are genuinely A booklet for the man who has a knowledge
examined and shuffled. NO FORCE OF A CARD. De-Luxe outfit. of Card Magic and techniques. If you are a
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). card expert and want to increase your reper-
toire, then this is a booklet which you should
TWISTO-BLANKO r ’SS.i have. Vrith
You show four cards in sequence, say ■ Illustrated by FRED HAYWOOD and publish- (^eteA,^n£
an Ace, 2, 3, and 4. By "twisting" the | ed by the author. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
packet the cards magically turn face
down one by one - AND IN NUMERI- GOOFUSPLANT
CAL ORDER! When the last card - I A HIGH SPOT OF COMEDY. Our model
the 4 - is turned face up again - it's F g is giant size. Free-standing on the floor,
face has VANISHED. Not only that j- V Real nower P°t. five snakes jump out and
but the FACES AND BACKS OF ALL L i'^Safe I A ; a scrawny looking plant changes into a
THE CARDS have disappeared. Complete with special cards I ISS | I®1?6 flower growth.
and routine. 1Price, £2.50, (Ü.S.A. $6.00). i Price. £75.00, (U.S.A. $200.00).
trans'fer>o You're on Your Own i
We unhesitatingly say that the subtle-
ness and cleverness of this effect will
If you lose your voice, "dry-up" or force
FOOL YOU! The magician borrows a
coin, places it into a plastic box, covers the wrong card - "You're on your own"! If
it with a handkerchief, and gives it to a you expose a trick, or find the curtains clos-
spectator to hold. He shows another ing on you too early, you're definitely on your
box and gives this to a second spectator. own", but if an animal strays on the stage,
First person opens his box, the coin is the orchestra misses a cue, or the compere
gone. Second spectator opens HIS box and inside is, NO not gives you an over-flowery build-up.. .oh,
the vanished coin, ANOTHER box. And inside that there is brother, are you "on your own"!
ANOTHER box, and so on. FOUR BOXES, NESTING ONE IN- Memorise as much of the material from this book as you can, and
SIDE THE OTHER. INSIDE THE LAST ONE IS THE ACTUAL in that way you will compile a sort of mental card-index system,
as a first line of defence against disaster!
COIN. A marvellous close-up trick but one which is so "big"
in effect you can work it almost anywhere. Included too is a Special Supplement, TWENTY OPENING GAGS.
Price, for the special boxes and full routine, £4.50, ($12.00). How can you go wrong? Typescript printed covers.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).


A self-contained illusion that breaks
A giant ruler is shown. Magician states
down small for packing. Cabinet is just
it's a six foot one. No one believes him,
large enough to accommodate girl in a
suddenly the ruler springs open and shows
sitting position. Sides and top of cab-
inet are pierced with canes, not, as the six large black foot-marks on it.
magician explains, to pierce the young Good for a cut and restored rope routine
because the giant ruler can aid you in your
lady but to show that she has vanished.
And to further prove this statement, magic. You measure a rope, cut it, restore
the back is opened, thus permitting it, and it's still the same length. The ruler
audience to see right through. This up- secretly gives you an extra loop!
sets any ideas of mirrors being used. Again cabinet is closed, Price, with routines, £5.50, (U.S.A.
canes removed and girl makes her appearance. $15.00).
Workshop plans explain every detail so that you can build
your own. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
WINE BOTTLE LABELS A cleverl method for reading a question which has
been sealed by a spectator in an examined envelope,/ I ff'nl”\) /
Labels, specially printed, size 3} x 51 inch- out of sight, in his possession.. .and yet you are '---- x/ j I
I j es, produced on a heavy stock. White let-
-x- able to reveal the question and furthermore to ans-
| tering and design against a Magenta back-
ground. TURN YOUR OLD PASSE-PASSE No chemicals. No switch of questions (spectator can confirm that
FINE OLD I I BOTTLES and other fake Bottles INTO NEW
his actual written question is still sealed in his envelope at the end).
I i
ONES with these smart new labels.
Price, per dozen labels, £1.00, (U.S.A.$3). No clip boards. No stooges. No "one-ahead".
Without envelopes and papers (both of which are the ordinary art-
Roy Baker's. A Supreme Exclusive! icles). Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00).___________________________


In the course of doing a card trick,
Commence with the enlistment of a
young child from the audience.. .there you proceed to show why "people won’t
are several bits of byplay before going play cards with you". Shuffle the deck,
into one whale of a shouting gag, that with riffle or overhand, then ask how
really gets the kids screaming with many draw poker hands they would like
delight, as they apparently continually dealt. (Any number). Deal the cards.
"catch you out telling fibs"! Players buy as many cards as they
Things are never what they seem; nevertheless one at a time four wish, regardless when the hands are
balls appear, are taken away., .there is some further byplay before shown, you have four Kings. Without any hesitation, repeat and this
the routine comes to an end. It’s all an hilarious piece of fun! time you have four Aces. A good impromptu effect that you will use
No 'clever clever' moves are called-for. You use a couple of very often. Price, £0.50, (U.S.A. $1.00).
simple sleights during the routine and these are described in Roy's
own words as he takes you stage-by-stage through the working.
The set of Billiard Balls used is the regular three balls and a shell,
any size, any colour, what does matter is Roy's routine and 'busin-
ess', - that is what we offer here. Harold Taylor's 1975 Lecture. As Sparkling
as Champagne! Here is an Egg Transpo, An
Roy Baker's YELL-UP FOR KIDS is just a manuscript which tells
Egg in a Knot!, "Knotted", The Dancing Egg,
you how to get the maximum fun and entertainment from an age-old
trick. Bamboo Rod Release, "Black Magic Mystery",
Wonder Tray, A Novel Number Force, and
We do not include instructions for the regular Multiplying Ball trick
lots more concluding with ten excellent gags.
as these are enclosed with every set of any type which we sell.
Photos of Harold etc and lots of illustrations.
Price; £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00)._______________________________
If you missed Harold's lecture then you will certainly derive pleas-
Rememaer: All orders under £1O (U.S.A. $20) carry ure and profit from these Lecture Notes, which are more than that,
a £1.50, (U.S.A. $3) postage, packing and handling
charge. almost a book on magic. Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
ANCKNER’SIACES A 4 Ace Trick to beat all other
4 Ace tricks. A MUST for Card BALLOONS
Men! Easy to Do!
Four face-up Aces are placed on 'Van Dyke' is the trade name used exclusiv-
the table and three cards are placed ely by 'Supreme' for selected top-quality
against each. Mysteriously, the Balloons which we import from all over the
Aces move progressively from pac- world. All are in mixed, bright, solid col-
ket to packet until they all end up ours. All as used by Great Britain's leading
in the last packet. entertainer with balloons, ROY VAN DYKE.
This effect, formerly done by a select few, used difficult sleight All prices are fully inclusive as per our
of hand. It has been technically simplified whilst maintaining its Terms of Business.
stunning impact! Because the supply of balloons is erratic, we CANNOT guarantee
As a Bonus Feature, you receive the ST. LOUIS ACES, a routine to always maintain supplies of all balloons, but we do our best.
and handling for 'Anckner's Aces' by WILLIAM ZAVIS. Because of our large turnover, all stocks are fresh from the man-
You get a booklet, seven 8|" x 11" pages, with complete easy to ufacturers.
follow instructions, diagrams and patter along with the necessary All orders of £10.00 (U.S.A. $20.00) post free. Otherwise please
gimmicked cards, PLUS a whole matching deck, so you'll have no add £1.50, ($3.00). packing and handling charge.
difficulty in learning this and performing this right away. Airship shaped. 'Long Johns’. 2" x 60". This is the ideal balloon
Undoubtedly, a first-class 4 Ace Routine and one you will enjoy. for the production of dogs, etc., from one balloon. A very popular
Remember, a MATCHING REGULAR DECK is included with each size. Price per gross pack, £5.00
set. Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00). Airship shaped. 3" x 40". " " " " £6.50
Airship shaped. 3" x 44". .............................. £6.50
FLEXIBLE MIRROR Airship shaped. 4" x 26". ............................. . £5.50
You show a large 7" x 13" picture frame. Airship shaped. 3" x 12". ideal for ears of animals, etc.,
Inside the frame is a mirror, the mirror per gross, £3.50
can be removed from the frame and may Airship shaped. 3|" x 24". Ideal for bodies of animals, etc.
be examined thoroughly. Placed back in- per 200 pack, £6.25
to the frame, the frame is placed into a Airship shaped. 2" x 45". Price per gross pack, £4.50
cloth bag. Now a large knitting needle Airship shaped. Birds 'N Bees. 3" x 10" (plus stinger) Solid col-
is pushed right through the bag, "penet- ours or two colour. per 200 pack, £5.50
rating the mirror"! It can be pushed WHIRLY GIGS ■ This popular spinning balloon blows up into a
through in several places. Catherine Wheel, round and around just like a curly pig's tall.
Next the frame with the mirror is bent When the balloon worker releases the balloon it spins!
right in half!'.! It is as if the mirror had per doz. £1.00
become flexible! NOBBLY BALLOONS. Great to use during a demonstation of blow-
Nevertheless, when the mirror is straightened out and removed ing up a balloon. Balloon worker suddenly gets hiccups., the result
from the bag, there it is seen to be unharmed! is a Nobbly balloon. per doz. £1.00
Again the mirror can be removed from the frame and passed for BALLOON STICKS. For the professional entertainer who wishes
examination if desired. It is TOTALLY SOLID. to commercialise his balloon modelling and presents his balloon
Complete with frame, mirror, cloth, knitting needle and of course animal models to a child on a stick. per gross, £3.00
the complete routine. Price, £22.00, (U.S.A. $50.00). ROUND TRANSPARENT BALLOONS for Borettl's Improved
Bound Volume» of Balloon Penetration, the Silk in Balloon, etc.
per dozen, £0.85
New Pentagram Volume 12 per gross, £7.50
Yes, we have them. Handsome A reminder! Further details appear elsewhere -
bound Volume uniform to our prev- The following BOOK ON BALLOON MODELLING are recommended.
ious ones with The Pentagram title FUN WITH BALLOONS. One of the first books on Balloon Modell-
and motif in gold on the cover and ing published and still one of the most popular. Second edition is
titled with the Volume Number in printed, fully illustrated. It details lots of animals and no less than
gold on the spine. Bound in real 30 different stunts, tricks, hints, bits of by-play.
Black Caxton cloth. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Those who have our previous Volumes will need no coaxing from MORE FUN WITH BALLOONS. Yes, there had to be a sequal and
us to add this fine Volume to their bookshelf. Price, £8.50, here it is, the best book on Balloon Modelling ever. There are
(U.S.A. $23.00). details of lots of different animals in this book but, more than that
ideas for making balloon hats, toys, a balloon bow and arrow,
SPOOKY WALLET priceless routines from the author's own show.
Leather wallet ... The name of a Price, £3.50. (U.S.A. $8.00).
chosen card appears on a blank card
placed under the window of this. * I
A card is chosen, the prediction is
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). opened out and found to be.. .your groc-
ery bill! Somebody boobed! So you SPl?Tj
LU BRENT’S TRICKS try and squeeze the card from out of the
' I
/ I
\ X
Hades says the title stands for "Totally Refresh- It just defies efforts to be disclosed until pressure is brought to
ing Ideas and Carefully Kept Secrets". All mat-
bear. Then it slowly oozes out of the deck, a horrible, twisted
erial as used by Lu Brent in his lifetime as a
distorted thing! Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
pro. Price. £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
A small bag is shown empty in-
by Max Andrews. This second
1 side and out. Magician shows "his
Edition of this much sought-after
bow-tie" covered with spots, a cut-
booklet has been produced with
out which he places inside the bag.
the co-operation of LENZ - we
A balloon is placed on the top, the
are most grateful to him. Those
balloon is burst and all the spots
who have the necessary apparatus
= VANISH from the bow-tie. WHERE will no doubt straight away get
£ ARE THEY. The bag is turned in-
to work trying out some of the
side out AND THE INSIDE IS NOW miraculous routines given. With
COVERED WITH SPOTS! The magi- this booklet and a set of Card
cian states he is a spot missing. Suddenly, the bag changes in- Indexes, you are able to produce some of the greatest repu-
to a DIMENSIONAL model of a dog's head, 'SPOT' the dog, tation-making ideas in Modern Magic.
complete with long red tongue! Comes to you complete. Price, for the booklet only, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $30.00)
THE MAGIC OF PAVEL Great to use in conjunction with the
'Linking Rings' or with a few rings from
Yes, we reprinted it! Ed- your standard set. Hacksaw which you
ited and with a Preface by hand to the spectator "to separate the
Peter Warlock and with il- THE - rings" miraculously becomes joined onto
them! It's just one good belly laugh!
lustrations by Josef Manas
and the author. MAGIC We supply the special Hacksaw and
FORTY first-rate items routine. Price. £7.50, (U.S.A. $20.00),__________
using silks, ropes, cards,
bottles, etc. Material PAVEL — Kaleidoscope Coins
that has made Pavel famous Specially produced for us
all over the world. All by EDDIE GIBSON, here's a
items with directness of precision set of coins which
effect and plot and simpli- enables you to perform some
city of method. No elab- miracle transposition effects.
orate apparatus needed for Two Oriental coins, one coin
any of the items. With the simplest of properties you are is lacquered red on both
taught to present colourful, impressive, startling, visual magic! sides, one black on both
Silks pass through beakers, cleanly vanish, knot together, sides. Miraculously the
transpose, blend - some entirely new concepts are here. Con- coins transpose, again and
fetti appears, separates, ribbons predict, liquids separate - in- again.
deed here is truly GREAT AND UNUSUAL MAGIC! Supplied with TWO excellent routines. Eye-popping magic!
A hard bound book, titled on the spine and with a two-colour Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $30.00).
illustrated, laminated, dust-jacket.
A book which has become a classic in its time. Several of An 8" x 10" printed booklet, containing
the items alone, individually sell for more than the price we two brilliant effects. 'JUST A LITTLE
are asking for the complete book. PREDICTION' - Three visiting cards which
Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). can be left with the spectators at the

Codology which you carry out over the telephone.

Ken in his Foreword writes: "I tried
Kovari's great effect, that's like the Monkey Bar this out the moment I read it. I
except that you have a fish hanging on the rope. worked it on a friend and immediately
The climax is definitely offbeat when there's a it was completed I rang off as instruc-
large fish hanging from EACH rope. Applause is ted. As Jack warned, the man rang
guaranteed when you well present this one! back within seconds!" 1 rn..i>arl», u- *

Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00). subtle magic you'll enjoy this book.
If you enjoy ____________
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $7.00).
A whirlwind of wizardry, in 53
pripted 8" x 10" pages, light-board
illustrated cover. A personal * SUPREME MACK PlIHLK ATION ____ -
Originated by TONNY VAN DOM-
History of John Yeager and no WL_________ Qfc MELEN and exactly as performed
less than 31 great effects and * *^^3jL\by RICHARD ROSS, to whom we
routines covering the whole spec- J, are indebted for his working rou-
trum of sorcery! Each and every tine.
trick is practical and has been Two Double-two and two Double-
used by the author. There are ■ five spots are used. Stacked to-
m ix e d
over one hundred illustrations yAMr gether the dominoes mysteriously
which augment the clear and BAG transpose! Even when a spectator
easy to follow text. —V £ tightly holds the dominoes, the
Delve anywhere into "A MIX- i 1OHN YEAGCR spots change! A trick which you can repeat again and again,
ED BAG" and you will find great and which leaves you with properties which can be rigidly ex-
new magic, much of which is amined without the spectators receiving a hint as to the subtle
sure to appeal to you. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). methods used. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).

TO CANE By Karrell Fox. A sparkling new trick

A startling show stopper. A metal rod that's unbelievable. A ring is borrowed.
which becomes a flaming torch of fire. Someone else is given a paper bag tied with
Suddenly the torch has gone and there in a ribbon. Ring vanishes. Paper bag is
its place is a magician's regular evening opened, inside there's another tied paper
We supply the Torch and instructions
only. You use your own, steel spring,
Appearing Cane.
bag, this is opened, inside there is another
paper bag, this is opened, inside there's a
full-sized tumbler containing a 36 inch silk.
Silk is pulled out of the tumbler and there in

Price, Professional Flaming Torch to the centre of it is a ring box. You do not
Cane, £4.50, (U.S.A. $9.00). touch the ring box. This is taken right away
to the spectator who loaned you the ring. Inside is the actual
Best German Steel Spring Appearing Cane to use with the above. ring. Cbmplete. Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. $30.00).
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $30.00).


One card is shown on both sides and yet a silk makes its appear- The Supreme version of the popular U.S.A
ance. We supply the feke. Use any pack of cards and silk. effect, 'The Card Seal'. A cute variation
on The Card in Balloon! Logical! Self-
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
contained! simple to work!
LIGHTNING SILK A perfect model of a Seal is shown, with
its nose in the air. An unprepared balloon
The fastest silk production in the world! is inflated and balanced on its nose! A sel-
Hands are empty, the magician reaches ected card is returned to the pack, suddenly
out and INSTANTLY a 12 inch or 18 inch the balloon bursts and there's the selected
silk appears at the fingertips! card! Sadie is balancing it on the very
A cleverly made metal fake is respon- tip of her nose. Many other presentations
sible for the production. are possible. Great for the Children's
Price, for the gimmick only, £3.00, Entertainer, using Happy Family or Snap
(U.S.A. $8.00). cards, or cut-out discs representing balls. An excellent routine
for the Children’s Entertainer is given.
Improved N U D I ST DECK Outfit is well-made in wood and metal by our skilled mechanic and
The full deck shown blank, each card back finished to a high degree of perfection. As featured by "Poz" in his
and front. Spots appear on one card. Back great Children's Show. Price. £15.00. (U.S.A. $40.00).
appears on one card, then the full deck RONNAV'S
changes to all regular cards shown back and Another effect on which 'Supreme'
have secured THE EXCLUSIVE BRIT-
front. Again they become all blank. No
skill. Can be done close-up. FULL faces ISH RIGHTS, and with instructions f l u sh
and backs of all cards, either as blanks or written exclusively for us by KEN
regular cards can be shown. No half- DE COURCY.
printed cards etc. Complete with special This is Card Magic of real top
patter story. Price £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). calibre, Magic to fool the experts.
Five cards are counted face down,
one is transferred to the bottom,
SNAPOLA the next card is turned up, it is u \f
the Ace of Clubs. The card itself is turned face up, that too
Steve Dusheck's surprising little trick with a
clear plastic box with a coloured spot in the centred is the Ace of Clubs. Now the cards change and all become
Miraculously the spot penetrates right through! “ I Aces of Clubs. Then suddenly there's a real smash eye-pop-
ping surprise - the cards in the hand are spread out, they
Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00). have changed and now show a complete Running Flush, Ace to
King! We supply you with the special set of cards, plus
By Goodliffe. 108 printed pages,
Supreme's exclusive instructions, complete, £2.50, (U.S.A. $5.00)

Cloth bound, Illustrated dust jacket.
Packed with effects designed to appeal THE MAGIC OF FREDERICA
WIZARD principally to magicians who believe Edited by Lewis Ganson. A hard bound
in giving their audiences something MA£(cofHfK«l,,ci book of 128 large printed pages with illus-

by to look at and something to chuckle trated two-colour, printed and laminated
over. For subtle sleights and ingen- dust jacket. You'll be amazed at the var-
ious moves, you will have to look iety of the contents. Trick sections in-
elsewhere. There's an easy produc- volving Card Magic, Magic for Youngsters,
tion of a model galleon in full sail; a Novel Magic, Money. Silk and Close-Up
clever and capacious production box; a new Goodnight banner and of Ilf- Magic. 36 photographs including ones of
course, the much publicised "Goodliffe's Leg Chopper" is described the author and the editor. 100 Illustrations.
in constructional details. There's a lot more. For instance - This is top quality material, a great book
The Complete BRUNEL WHITE DOVE ACT is fully described here. for you to read, enjoy and profit from.
In amongst the tricks you will find the famous philosophy for which The Magic of Frederica, by Tommy Fredericks, edited by the
Goodliffe was so renowned. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00). one and only Lewis Ganson. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
New Reprint Just Ready. The
ROSS". By Lewis Ganson. r MAGIC GROWING
A small Botania but with the addition f’T L.* uQ
This is the book that was acclaim-
ed the 'Book of the Year' by PETER MAGIC of some wonderful business which
makes for a real high-spot of comedy

WARLOCK, who wrote; 'There is

so much all good in this book as one
WITH and novelty and with a surprising and

would expect. It is a book not only

for reading but for practice and
FAUCfn ROSS colourful climax.
Great for your kids shows with laugh-
ter all through - a feature!
performance; well-written, pro- A metal cover on a green wooden
duced, illustrated and bound". base. Magician states that he planted
The late GOODLIFFE, known to some magic seeds some time ago and
have pertinent pen, wrote the fol- now under the cover there's a beautiful
lowing In 'Abracadabra'. "Edwin bouquet of flowers, - but there's just
is a shrewd cookie, but once in a while he does things I don't a single solitary flower and a flower with no head!
understand. His publicity for this big new book, 227 large pages, Now the laughs come thick and furious for one of the flowers is
hardbound, with a wealth of photos, should have included - but A WILTING FLOWER. When the magician attempts to smell it, it
it didn't - the words: Invaluable, outstanding, superb, enthral- slowly wilts over. A boy blows on the flower... that surely must
ling, splendid, priceless ... you think up superlatives and I'll go revive it but it wilts even further! Finally, a little girl breathes
along with them. on the flower when It immediately straightens itself out!
"Faucett Ross has been a notable name on the magic scene for Repeat it with variations to get SCREAMS!
half a century, a confidante of Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller, Leip- Now the flower stem is shown and a wonderful bit of business takes
zig, Malini and others. The effects in this book show the fruits of place. The magician never can see the flower which has magically
his discussions with them, careful thought, constant experiment bloomed. When he looks at it the flower head promptly disappears
and years of actual performing experience before an audience. again:
As a bonus, one gets Lew Ganson's exceptional ability to explain More hilarity! A great repeat gag!
each move in readily-followed terms. Finally, as a result of some "magic spells”, the flower head
"It took me two days to read every word. Obviously it is im- slowly and visibly blooms on the stem!
possible, in the space at my disposal, to list 100 tricks contained The two magic flowers are placed into the cover which is shown
in the ten chapters, but you can take it that they cover virtually empty. The magician refers to it as "A silly flower-pot" because
the whole spectrum: the last word, or thereabouts, on the Chinese it hasn't got any bottom.
Snowstorm, Cups & Balls, Egg bag, Jap Box, Confetti Bowl, There's more fun, there's more business, - then finally the cover
burnt and resoted hanky, prod, of bowl of goldfish under hat is lifted and there is A MARVELLOUS FLOWER GROWTH in a GAL-
(close-up), Miser's Dream, Eggs from Hat, Chinese Rings, Note AXY OF GLORIOUS COLOURS. ..A climax to get the Oooohs and the
in Lemon, Ring on Stick. Aaaahs.
'There's a lot of interesting material from Nelson Downs: T & The routine is A REAL WINNER. It can be THE FEATURE for
R paper strip, single cig. manips., flag on staff prod., revers- your new season's children's shows. We know that you will be thril-
ing match - nobody could say there wasn't variety there. There's led and delighted with this marvellous effect, which is 100% FUN
a card stab 1 mustn't forget, and a Herbert Milton item, and quite AND EXCITEMENT all the way.
a lot of other card material, all interwoven with anecdotes of the
The base is made in wood; the cover is made in metal; the flowers
greats, advice and reminiscence. Good value in these days at are made from fine-quality feathers and spring-hinged to make
the price asked. I just thought of the one word verdict I was your growth half as high again as the cover. A really great effect!
searching for: Great!" Price, £22.00, (U.S.A. $50.00).
NOW THE BOOK IS BACK AGAIN. Exact to its previous speci-
fications , a handsomely bound book and one which you should HOLIDAY An
c h o ic e
entertaining mental effect
certainly add to your library. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $28.00).
by SEFF SAYE which we are
ape«« JUMBO delighted to have obtained as a
to our customers.
SLIDING PIP CARD - Always timely and topical -
This is the Piatnik Jumbo card A trickwith A HOLIDAY THEME. A number of jumbo-sized
'FOUR TO EIGHT or 'FIVE TO cards are shown. One of these lists various holidays. The other
NINE', which is SPOOKY and a list firms specialising in holidays to those far-flung parts of the
lot of fun! world.
Visibly, the card changes in A spectator mentally chooses a place where he would like to spend
your hand! his holiday. Miraculously you describe the place of his choice, fin-
Just a flick of your fingers and ally naming this.
smoothly and silently, four add- It's all done so easily! A mental trick which can be used as a poc-
itional pips glide into view, two ket trick and yet which is big enough, and with proper presentation,
from the top, two from the bottom, out into the centre of the card. can become a real stage feature.
Great for a COMEDY CARD REVELATION. You state that you - Everyone loves a holiday - Everyone will love 'Holiday Choice!' -
have in the envelope the prediction of a chosen card, but it's the HOLIDAY CHOICE comes to you complete with all the special
WRONG one, but then magically the change occurs. It can work cards and full printed instructions.
the opposite way around just as easily. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $8.00).
In addition to all this, we give you A COMPLETE EXCLUSIVE
MANUSCRIPT detailing an additional EIGHT novel notions with the DUPE PADLOCK
card. You're bound to find some you can use. An Old English brass padlock which you
A sure laughter-maker and made right to work right. can open without a key, WHEN YOU KNOW
Price, £6.00, (U.S.A. $14.00). HOW! Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00).
The serialised version of this GIL-GAN SWINDLE
book "launched" 'Abracadabra' A great effect which combines the
and the magical world has given Okito principle together with magnetic
I TRICKS its unanimous verdict. THIS IS coins and a special plastic sheet.
TRULY GREAT STUFF! Each Supplied in one of either three ways.
TROUPER and every routine was a WINNER A. The full detailed routine only.
r Jack ie Dair . from the authors own programme. | Written by the Master Teacher Lewis
This is the book so highly prai- Ganson, with no less than 15 clear.
sed by KEN BROOKE. Exclusive easy to follow photographs taking you stage by stage through the
reprint rights purchased by The routine. In fully printed form. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. §8.00).
Supreme Magic Company. B. The special photographically illustrated tutor plus the spec-
i 70 packed, well-printed pages ial coins required, (specify British or American coins), plus
with ample illustrations by DEN- the special plastic sheet, (use your own Okito Box). Price,
NIS. Light board cover. £8.50, (U.S.A. §20.00).
AND WHAT OF THE TRICKS? C. The complete outfit. Tutor, special coins, (state whether
There's so MANY excellent items British or American coins are required), the plastic sheet, a
(in NINETEEN chapters!) to polished brass, Okito Coin Box, exactly as per our de-luxe Brass
chose from we can only mention Coin Box advertised elsewhere. Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. §28.00).
« lU’MM «»CtC
a few of them here. SPECIAL A complete and baffling coin routine.
mention though to Le Dair's
CIGARETTE MAKING. A smooth easy-to-do routine which em-
braces the magical fabrication of a smoke, its change to a cigar
At the end of his Zombie routine Dicky
and finally SHOWERS of cigarettes from the air! THE EGG AND ZOMBIE Dean breaks his ball apart and there is
HANDKERCHIEF ROUTINE. ..another piece of pure entertainment FIRE fire burning mysteriously in each half
which for many years was Jack's opening trick. 'Nuff said!' THE of the ball.
VANISHING VIOLIN BOW - a off-beat presentation. Tom Waterman's This is the Climax first introduced into
"ANOTHER FLARE-UP". A burnt and restored paper strip that is Dicky Dean's act in 1954, and which many
quick and showy. magicians will have seen him perform at
THE MISERS DREAM. Jack's own routine - a series of effects Conventions.
presented in such a manner as to emphasise to his audience the In this printed, illustrated booklet he
advantages of being able to make money easily! THE GIANT MAT- tells you how you can prepare any regular
CHES, an outstanding second feature act, or a novelty to include Zombie Ball, which comes apart into two
in your present programme. halves, for this effect.
- - MUCH MORE! - - THE RISING CARDS, THE CARD AND CIG- The mechanics are so simple. batteries or anything of that
THE RICE AND FOUNTAIN, RINGS AND BOXES, Le DAIR COL- 'Zombie' is a really great effect. Here is that little EXTRA you
PHONE TRICK, THREE CARDS AND CELEBRITY, TOPICAL TORN The appearance of the fire captivates any audience.
AND RESTORED, COLOUR HANDKERCHIEF CHANGES. THIS IS The gimmicking of the bowls is so simple, we predict many per-
A BOOK BURSTING WITH PRACTICAL MAGIC AND SOUND ADVICE formers will soon be adding this to their routines.
WITH NO NONSENSE! 8 printed pages, 11 clearly-drawn illustrations, printed cover
If you want SLICK, PROFESSIONAL MAGIC - that you can perform
THE EASY WAY - (for Jack did NOT believe in unnecessary sleights
Aska spectator to check his wallet and to re- | ;
or finger flinging), this book is a definite MUST for you. move the money from this, - spectator can
It's purchase is an INVESTMENT you'll never regret making. place elastic-band around his wallet.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). | Magician takes up a cloth and shows this on
I both sides, - apart from the cloth his hands
JO BERG'S IMPROVED BRAINWAVE DECK. are empty (no gimmicks). He allows the cloth
to drape from a fingertip. He takes the wallet
ULTRA-MENTAL DECK and places this underneath the cloth, holding it through the material.
The trick can provide a high-spot I Now he takes a corner of the cloth, lets go of the wallet, but in-
of mentalism and entertainment. stead of falling-away, the wallet starts to float under the cloth...
Great as an Invisible Deck effect. I it moves here, it moves there, - all the usual 'Zombie type' moves
The spectator freely chooses a I are carried out but - a finger gimmick wire on what-have-you is
card from an Invisible deck, he NOT used. ENTIRELY SELF CONTAINED!
reverses it. He returns the invisi-
Suddenly the cloth is flipped out and shown, the wallet has gone!
ble deck to you. Surprise! when you I Magician now continues with his show, apparently forgetting all
catch it you have a real deck of cards in their case in your hands. I about this 'minor matter’ of the missing borrowed wallet. There
Remove the cards, show these, then turn them over and run thro- I can be some comedy byplay before magician concluding his show,
ugh these face-up towards the audience. Believe it or not, one card I reaches into his inside pocket and produces the wallet from there,
is reversed amongst the face-up ones. The card can be removed I presenting it back to the spectator!
by the spectator who freely nominated any card ... no force of any
In another effect given, a box of candy is covered - it floats -
kind. Yes, the one reversed card is that card! I vanishes - then reappears in a hat previously placed to one side.
You'll delight to the cleverness and subtleties in this routine. Re- I Straight-away candy can be presented to an assisting spectator!
member, the full faces of all the cards are shown. Easy to do and lAsrah! - with a box of chocolates!
a trick which can be a real feature in any programme. I We supply the special 'something' and full instructions.
Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
The famous Linking Ring
Think oi brilliant, subtle ma-
gic and the name ERIC MASON
effect, performed with comes readily to mind.
three lengths of rope! THE PASSING OF A FREE LY
Spectators can assist CHOSEN SUIT OF CARDS IN
and ropes are tied, by NUMERICAL SEQUENCE UP
genuine knots, Into three THE SLEEVE , USING A BOR-
separate circles. Then ROWED PACK!
without fingering the knots The whole routine created
or switching the ropes the and written by Eric Mason LEGACY
magician proceeds to LINK comes in the form of a 16 page tu «KAJri«
THEM TOGETHER and well-printed booklet. No less
UNLINK them in a bewil- than 75 photographs of the author's hands exemplify the text.
dering manner! If you want to add a great classic trick to your repertoire and
Can be performed within touching distance of the spectators who are prepared to spend the necessary time in learning it. then this
are amazed at this wonderful effect. is definitely a 'must' for you.
Loops really are linked one within the other. No fekes, ho gimmicks, just the cards and your hands.
Ropes fold up so small they can be carried In your vest pocket. Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00).
Big enough and sensational enough for performance on any stage.

This is the classic method.
Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. $14.00).
Blank squares encased in rubber bands
CANADIAN LOTA VASE are used. During the presentation only
Especially imported by Su- one card is left under the rubber bands
preme and a British Exclusive. and it proves to be the selected card.
A handsome looking metal This is one of those unbelievable card
vase which the magician has L , tricks - when every part Is fair and
straight forward.
at the side of the stage is emp-
tied after his first trick. Supplied complete with the necessary and special blank cards
"Waters from India" he says, (use your own deck). Price, £1.75, (U.S.A. $5.00).
as he pours the contents of
the vase into a pail; turning EDWIN'S
the vase over and demonstrat-
A really large plaque fabout 141 Inches
Anyone who saw the famous illusionist KALANAG will remem- V square and neatly bound), has a picture of
an Indian arrow on each side. Both the
ber this was used as a continuity stunt throughout his show.
arrows are facing the same way. Magi-
This is repeated again and again and each time the vase refills cally , one of the arrows changes and points
to the opposite direction, now one arrow
The trick is completely self-working. All you have to do is
points across and one points up! Then
pour and pour, yes, and really keep pouring! The supply is both arrows point up, then both arrows
seemingly Inexhaustable! point down!
The vases we supply are made from polished aluminium so It's all very mystifying and amusing.
they will not rust. There's arrows flying everywhere and no
Great for an 'Any drinks called for' routine. wonder, - for suddenly the plaque drops
The Lota Bowl is a classic in magic; used by famous profess- open and there's A LITTU! INDIAN 42"
This Lota is six inches high; has a load capacity of 40 ounces; There a cut-out under the Indian's feath-
it will pour 13 times'. ered head-dress and your own face shows
Comes complete with ideas and routines. through this, - as you ask the audience "HOW?"
Price, £ 10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). - GREAT FOR KIDS, GREAT FOR ADULTS. -
You get six pages of script« instruction together with the col-
CANADIAN JUMBO LOTA BOWL The working of this bowl-fo ourful prop which packs a Wallop in your show, and yet packs
exactly the same as the standard bowl, except that this one is small in your case. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
made JUMBO-SIZED, TWICE as large as the normal model.
It stands 12" high and has a load capacity of 80 ounces ...
POURS 26 TIMES! A great prop for the really BIG shows.
An ideal side-show illusion. Spectators
Price, complete with routines, as per the normal sized bowl see only a living head attached to the body of
£25.00, (U.S.A. $120.00). a spider, all of which is enmeshed in a spi-
der's web on a stairway. Every step Is
An ordinary deck of cards, spectator THINKS of
visible and has the appearance of solidarity.
A most perfect and entertaining illusion.
any card, removes it, marks it. An envelope is If desired the head can be made-up to ap-
examined, initialed, sealed. Chosen card is torn pear gruesome - it's a real human head! Horrible, Startling and
up and pieces wrapped in a borrowed handkerchief. Bizarre.
The pieces vanish... envelope is opened and the An iUusion that can take a lot of money. Breaks down for pack-
same signed card is inside it! ing. Full secret and workshop plans. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). $3.00).
■tkcoir. •


Every pocket trick enthusiast
By PAUL SIEGEL. A new dimension in Men-
should carry one or more of
talism with 26 tested effects from Paul Siegel's ■1
these shell coins, (each is com- - -I
plete with insert coin) at all
own repertoire.
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
times. With this aid you can
perform many famous feats - AL KORAN'S
LJ .
'The Multiplying Coin', 'Pene-
trating Coin'. A coin changes into a coin of a different value, EXTRA SENSORY PLUS
The answer to an addition appears on a coin, A miniature That great mentalist AL KORAN un-
card, the duplicate of a chosen one, appears. doubtedly presented some brilliant ideas
ALL these ideas are fully detailed in the exclusive MANU- to the Magical Fraternity and these were
SCRIPT which we supply with each Shell Coin we sell. You'll released by Harry Stanley's Unique Ma-
say it's a very good buy. gic Studio. Now we present for you, for
your delights, AL KORAN'S 'EXTRA
Shell 10p piece, price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Shell 2p piece, price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00). SENSORY PLUS'. £
Forty different designs are printed on
Twenty Large Jumbo size cards. Cards
leätner are printed on one side in red and on the other in black. Any

CHIP-CASE j I spectator mixes the cards and selects one ... either red or
black, positively no force. You are able instantly to describe
A beautifully-made carrying case for the chosen design!
your 'Tricks with Chips’ routine and other Al Koran devised a new system, enabling you to locate any sel-
similar Chip effects. Made in leather I ected design easily and quickly. Most Ingenious ... fascinating
and to the specifications of the late George to perform and completely baffling to the audience.
Blake. Price, £8.50, (U.S.A. $20.00). We give you the complete routine as worked by AL KORAN ...
and the necessary apparatus.
A popular accessory item. Packed

DAI VERNON came up with a climax to the routine - IT'S IN-
10 sheets in a packet.
CLUDED. EDWIN came up with an EXTENSION to the principle
Price, £5.00, (U.S.A. $12.00).
to make even more baffling effects possible and the effect can
now be presented under CHALLENGE conditions (IT'S INCLUDED).
CWM UNTER CM Finally, a word about the cards. We wanted these to be the very
A cute gag. LIGHTER DOESN'T WORK, then best available, and what we offer is a SUPER DE LUXE outfit.
you produce a MATCH from it. You strike it on Cards are JUMBO card size, printed in black and red and FULLY
the lighter! Price, £1.50, (U.S.A. $4.00). LAMINATED with a clear film on both sides. Not too heavy to
handle and round-cornered, they are designed and destined to
E-BEE-EZEE RISING CARDS give you years of wear in the service of top-flight mentalism.
One of the simplest card rises extant. Cards You get the complete set of cards and ALL the routines in prin-
rise from the positions which they were placed ted booklet form. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
by the spectators.
OARI Price, complete with cards; £4.50, U.S.A $10.
PRODUCT-A-TRAY The most fantastic dove production you
have EVER seen. Based on 'Carnival Rib-
A startling visual effect. Imagine bons', this uses colourful, glittering, tin-
showing some confetti and tossing sel garlands which catch the light as you
this into the air towards a thin tray. swish and swirl them in the air. Gather
Suddenly flowers appear all over the them together and you produce a real live dove.
tray I Many other ideas are possible. Children's entertainers who do not use doves can produce a
You can have a silk vanish from the fairy doll or a load of colourful silks or flowers. Other ideas are
tray or appear on it. We give you no given. Price, £12.50, (U.S.A. $35.00).
less titan TEN NOVEL IDEAS, plus
a supply of Confetti, plus a supply of SLYDA BOX
A small box6j" x 3|" x 1" deep, will
Spring Flowers.
Price, £15.00, (U.S.A. $40.00). change a card into a silk, produce a
silk etc. Not the usual drawer box idea.
WONDER COIN Price, £3.50, (U.S.A, $10.00).
A versatile trick coin you should
What IS 'Wonder Coin?' It's a coin
By Max Andrews. Originally a Vampire
which you are able to show as a SINGLE publication. Even if you work the Thumb
COIN OR as TWO COINS, just as you Tie Trick you will be amazed at the orig-
wish! One moment you hold two coins inality of the material Included. Apart x
in your hand. Place the two coins into from all the known methods collected from
a spectator's hand, when he opens his hand he has one coin obscure sources, there are no less than
only there! With each 'Wonder Coin' we give an exclusive Seven NEW METHODS of working this fas-
manuscript detailing EIGHT great effects. cinating effect.
Price, Ip size ... £6.50, (U.S.A. $14.00). The entire subject of presentation has been .
2p size ... £7.50, (U.S.A. $16.00). thoroughly dealt with. Price, £2.00, (U.S. A. $5.00).
10p size ...£10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
Tap- it-off Table Lifting
A small block is placed inside a tuoe and
turned so die holes correctly line up. Now A classic effect, used for en-
a metal rod is placed through the tube so the tertainment or as an impressive,
ends of the rod protude at each side. spine-chilling, spiritualistic
Magician requests a spectator to just tap stunt.
the top of the tube, when IMMEDIATELY the Members of the audience lightly
block penetrates right through, dropping free of the rod'. Tube rest their hands on top of a small
can be tipped up and the audience can see that the rod is definitely table - suddenly the table begins
passing right through the tube. to move up and about in a truly
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). uncanny fashion, that seems to
defy any explanation, other than
For the Ventriloquist! that supernatural means are in-
By Vai Andrews.
A marvellous publicity stunt. An item audiences talk about and
Three dialogues with the Jumbo Snake We supply you with special apparatus (a gimmick) which makes
in the Basket which will enable the Ven- it possible for a small lightweight table 'to be levitated'. Two or
triloquial Performer to add an unusual more gimmicks are needed to raise a larger table.
novelty to THEIR programme. Price, per gimmick, complete with instructions, £7.50,
Everyone knows how great the Jumbo Snake is for Comedy and (U.S.A. $20.00).
Magic. He is easily animated and capable of many antics. Now,
with a little ability as a 'Vent' you can indulge in some snappy dia-
logue with the snake, creating lots of laughter. Dialogues are'The TALE OF A DONKEY
BORE-Constrictor', 'Cleopatra's Asp'and'The Viper'. Typescript By Charles A. Scott.
text. Printed covers. Price, £2.-50, (U.S.A. $6.00). From the very start
you have the interest
TENKAI’S CARD ROUTINE of your young audi- I
For the individual who appreciates the ence with a game that i

finest and best in manipulative magic. they all love to play.
This is the original routine by Tenkai, The picture of the
a master manipulative performer. With Donkey you show is a
only a deck of cards in hand beautiful comical one, com-
magic is created. The bottom card plete except for a
visibly vanishes, appears in pocket. tail! His tail is a detachable one! In the game you have to try
Cardsappear ngertips. A silk visibly appears. There are and stick it on the Donkey in the right position, but it's no game
card fans. Mailed to you in typescript form, printed covers. you play now, for you are going to do things by magic.
More than 50 hand drawings by Tenkai. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. Tall is removed and placed in the folds of a handkerchief. Ma-
$7.00). gic spells and it's gone - where? Why, on the Donkey of course!
Five wooden balls are produced
from the air and placed along a neat The tail is again removed and again it is vanished, once again
display stand. Then another four it is to appear on the Donkey - and it does - but not quite as the
balls appear between the fingertips. audience expect for it appears DANGLING ON YOUR BACK!
Nine balls from the air, yet no body Yes, you make an ass of yourself - but believe us the children
holders are used and it's all so sim- will love you for it and love every moment of this rollicking rip-
ple! roaring, riotous piece of fun.
We supply you with a standard set A feature children's trick you don't have to carry in an extra
of billiard balls made in wood, plus suitcase! Although it's a BIG effect (the picture is 15| x 11|
the special stand. Price,. £15.00, (U.S.A. $«0.00). inches), it all packs flat and will go into the bottom of your bag.
Plays for a nice long time, depending upon your style of presen-
Pieces of Eight
Edwin's version of the "Magic Washing"
tation, and it's all SOLID ENTERTAINMENT.
Complete with everything. Picture, Tail, Handkerchief for
effect that can be a terrific lot of fun in vanish, etc., plus a detailed routine that you only have to follow
any Kids' entertainers programme. Outfit to be a success. Price, £12.00, (U.S.A. $28.00).
consists of a handsome sword, with a jewel
crusted handle__ looks marvellous ... plus
two silky cords__ plus the 'pieces of
eight' - six large gilded 'coins'. Every- Nine blank-face (UN-Cards) are dealt on
thing you need to present a marvellous bit table in a row, some face up, some face
of fun and magic. Three children help. down. Before starting, performer places
One is the PIRATE CAPTAIN. The other a prediction in full view. Now spectator
two members of his crew. There is MUTINY afoot. The crew rolls an UN-die (invisible die) to FREELY
steal the Captain's gold and tie him up, but all is put right select a number which is then used to
by magic! COUNT to a card in the row. The card
If you. want a real audience-tested WINNER you will want counted to is shown to have a FACE! All
THIS. Just honest to goodness ENTERTAINMENT and honest the other cards are BLANK-FACED! 11 The prediction says: YOU
value for money. You get everything complete for only - IWILL PICK THE ONLY ODD CARD! Effect is now repeated imrncd-
Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00) iately, if desired! Complete, Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
A comedy effect in
which two boys as- \l/// V\l//Z Uf/Zz v\i^

J- J
sist the magician in
the passing of a sel-
ected number of 0D
cards from one boy's on c
pocket to the other
boy's pocket. In the routine supplied, the trick is easy to work. An unusual mystery which has to be seen to be believed ! Slick
It is Just one succession of laughs (and we mean belly-laughs) and Visual! The Magician clearly displays all the properties.
after another. Six large 1" wide flat rings, and a long length of rope. Three
Without any previous preparation, to the boys' amazement, of the rings are bright red in colour, the other three bright
they repeatedly hand the magician cards from their various pock- yellow. The rings are tied along the rope. Flrst.the three yel-
ets. An unprepared wand is used, but the antics created with low ones, then the three red. The Magician brings the ends of
this wand must be seen to be appreciated. the rope together, giving the rope a simple twist when, to the
If you want eight minutes of real honest-goodness comedy, amazement of the onlookers, it is seen that the rings are now
spiced with a cleverly thought-out card transposition, by all mixed along the rope alternatively red and yellow::: Just as ma-
means order "Thirty Card Trick". Sealed manuscript. gically the rings segregate themselves out again, all the yellow
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). coming on one side, all the red on the other. It's amazing:
We know you will be enthusiastic about this trick. Its colour-
By Eddie Joseph. A MAGICIAN GOES ful, bright and definitely unusual.
TO DINNER is Top Material and more Now let us emphasise the following points. The rope Is un-
A MAGICIAN or less of the impromptu type, with sim- prepared. Rings are freely displayed on both sides, no extra
GOES ple dinner table props. rings are used, no removable, loose or sliding fekes. No
TO DINNER CONTENTS INCLUDE: The Flame shells. The trick must appear a near miracle to everyone who
in the Bottle, Rapid Coin Vanish, Slow witnesses it, as everything takes place quite visually. No cover
BY EDDIE JOSEPH Coin Vanish, Hot Money, Crazy Coins, of any kind is used.
Aerial Match, Sensitive Cigarette Touch, We supply the six special rings, rope and fully Illustrated In-
Suspension of Simple Objects, Vanishing structions and routines, Including ADDITIONAL ONES by Ken de
Fruit, Travelling Ring, etc. More than Courcy and Michael Pettitt.
25 complete effects. All can be done Two sizes, large stage size, giant rings 53" diameter, 1" wide,
at the dinner table. The 30 typescript pages are well illus- approx. 6ft cord. A really big flash; Price per set, £4.50,
trated - bound in a printed soft board cover. (U.S.A. $12.00).
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).

PATRIOTIC ROPES Club size. Exactly the same effect but made in a smaller size,
Three lengths of rope are shown coloured rings 3|" diameter, supplied with a silky cord. Ideal for small
respectively red, white and blue. Suddenly stage or drawing room use. Still big enough to be seen under
they change into one length of rope ... a tri- % usual performing conditions. Price, £3.00, (U.S.A. $9.00).
coloured length, red, white and blue'. A
delightful novelty and an effect to Include at
any spot in the programme, ideal for the , PAPER PANTIES
The magician displays a sheet of
Magical Compere, or as a slick opening att J
'coloured and a strip of white tissue
ention-getter. No replacements are ever I
needed and die effect requires no skill. ’ paper. These are placed together and
Complete with patter presentation, and torn up. When papers are opened .out
detailed instructions. they are found to be restored. BUT -
Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Supreme TRIMMED WITH WHITE: Ifs a scream’.
° - ©o “SPOT THE SPOTS” We supply enough papers etc., for 10 shows, also two excellent
patter routines.
A sustained routine that combines
o A perfect hit trick for almost any programme. No skill needed.
MYSTERY, COMEDY and AUDIENCE Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
APPEAL with a Knock-out finish.
o Equally effective for drawing room,
_®o o @® concert platform or stage use.
Three cards, size 7| x 4|. Two of By "The Artix"
• eoO the cards have large (3-inch diameter) In this ten-printed page, pocket size
BLACK spots on them, die third a VIVID RED one. Cards are booklet "The Artix" have detailed a code
freely shown and placed backs outward onto a stand. The audience method of performing the popular "Sec-
is asked to Join in the fun of spotting the red card. ond-sight act".
It's essentially amusing: It's sensationally confusing: Articles are held up by one person and
Try as they may they can never "Spot the Spots." Despite the correctly named by a second, who may be
clearness and straight-forwardness of all you do, the Elusive Red blindfolded.
Spot always eludes them'. The climax Is really good when the red Any number and variety of articles may be names and you
spot changes Into another black one and the missing card turns up will be astonished how soon you can develop this act into a really
elsewhere. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00). remarkable show. Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. §3.00).
Pocket version of the "Magic TRICKY BRICKS
Washing" effect. We supply you One little red brick in one hand, a yel-
with two lengths of cord, that's low in the other, the hands are merely
ALL YOU NEED TO CARRY. closed, opened again, and the bricks have
changed places! After the effect has been
BORROWED. A pencil, rings, repeated the blocks are examined. Then
keyrings, handkerchiefs, etc., are
/7 I one of them disappears from the right to
join the other in the left! Then you per-
all tied to the cords. Miracu-
lously they all penetrate through. form a mental mystery, naming the colour of a brick that is hid-
den away!
The price includes two lengths
of cord and our illustrated instructions, 50p, (U.S.A. $1.00). NO SHELLS or covers employed. Complete, blocks, fakes,
instructions. Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $12.00).__________________
, Spectator takes a strange looking voodoo doll
/Rx zuli. and the magician also takes one. Magician push- ' Stupendous a flat book cover, size
fflöir!j es a pin into the doll and places this in full view. when opened out 20 Inches by 12j
J3 Spectator sticks the pin he holds ANYWHERE HE inches. It is freely shown on both
’jg« 1 \ J LIKES into the doll he holds. When the dolls are sides without moves of any kind. It
,■ M compared, it is found that the pins are in EX- is thin, and there are no attached
ACTLY THE SAME POSITION! bags or gimmicks. Now the performer reaches inside the folded
You will love the very clever principle involved. cover and produces a number of silks. Good ? YES! But the
Comes complete with full patter and presentation ... two Voodoo production has hardly started!
Dolls etc. Excellent Entertainments. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A. Again the folder can be shown if desired, and again the produc-
$14.00). tion commences. Yards of silks, flowers, a bottle of beer, even
a real rabbit or real dove can make their appearance from the
WACKY PACKET «GUlfc« »*:« >1D
cover. A stupendous eye-appealing production that defeats the
Four blue-backed cards are counted. imagination. Where DID it all come from ?
Again they are counted and one has turn- Well, you will know the answer when you purchase this trick.
ed face up! They are counted three more One thing we can assure you ... this is 100 per cent baffling
times and each time another one is found using an ingenious principle. Completely fooling and baffling
face up! from a couple of feet. Big ... BIG enough for any stage.
You repeat the process, they again turn Price, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
over, this time face down and at the same
time the faces VANISH! Wand to Sausages
Since the faces have changed it is tried As used with great success by Ali
with the backs and the backs change one at a time from blue to Bongo, here is a novelty that is es-
a RAINBOW OF ASSORTED COLOURS! pecially invaluable to the comedy per-
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). former and the children's entertainer. r—\
It will be found a ready-made laughter
TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY raiser. Magician taps his wand around,
A clever idea in Vanishing Wands!
waves it in the air - and Voila! - the ' I\\
wand suddenly changes to a long string of sausages! Unexpected-
There are never any replacements ly surprising. Surprisingly unexpected! The change is auto-
to buy ... NO BITS TO LOSE EITHER matic and can be used at anytime in your show.
... and the trick is always ready. Sausages are safely held until required. Change can be made
Performer shows a black plastic as you go to hand the wand to a spectator. A really good laugh.
wand with white tips ... He taps the wand on his table proving Complete with wand, sausages and ideas. Price, £8.50,
solidity. Wand is carefully wrapped in a sheet of paper which is (U.S.A. $20.00).


suddenly crumpled up ... the wand has vanished! Magician reach-
es into his inside pocket and re-produces "the missing wand".
Comes complete with instructions and ideas, PLUS an ungim- An up-to-date model of the "GERMAIN
mlcked wand for you to re-produce from your pocket or trouser WATER VASES".
leg. You get the whole outfit complete ... Price, £6.50, (U.S.A. Performer displays five highly polished
$15.00)._______________________________________ i aluminium vases. The vases are similar
1 in design to cocktail shakers, 7 inches
All are shown empty, then mysteriously
Printed playing cards first spell HOUSE
but, as the story progresses they mysteri- gg’ J one becomes full of water, the water is
ously change to GHOST! HOW CAN IT BE ? jK poured into ariotfier vase, then a second

Yes, the Ghost appears but when you gather fills with water, until at the end all vases
it up and give it to a spectator it fades away are full of water.
again and he is left with just five BLANK jJ Vases stack for easy packing, this is an
CARDS - ALL OF WHICH HE CAN EXAM- " * effect equally effective in a parlour or the largest auditorium.
INE. u t //^- Big MAGIC that packs small. Many performers add food colour-
No skill or sleights! No palming! A trick you can puH out of ' ing for added effect. If you do not wish to use water the effect
your pocket and work anytime - Where does the Ghost come from ? is as strong with confetti, rice or for the kiddies show candy.
- And where does it go? - Are questions they'H aU ask - But they Clever handling and routining make the above possible. By
will never discover the strange secret of THE VANISHING GHOST. simplicity we have created a miracle. DON'T MISS IT!
Price, £2.00, .(U.S.A. $5.00). Price, £25.00, (U.S.A. $55.00).
Johnny Geddes and Edwin
s u pr e m e “ WATCH-OUT ”
A feature routine woven around the
got together at a Convention misadventures of a borrowed pocket or
and this winner was created. wrist watch and a boy from the audi-
A comical caper with col- ence! Watch is placed in an envelope.
ourful cards depicting various The boy is supposed to drop the en-
characters from a circus - velope into an empty black bag, but he
The Ringmaster, Daisy the misses it and the watch crashes to the
Dancing Horse and Dimple floor to the consternation of the boy
the Baby Elephant. The and the lender but to the hilarious
Clown tries his hand at magic and succeeds in making the amusement of the audience. There
ELEPHANT DISAPPEAR ... well ... ALMOST! The kids think must be a hole in the bag! Attempts by the performer to
they have caught him out but he turns out to be a very clever set the watch going only results in further damage and finally
clown after all. A great laugh finish! the watch disappears!
THE STORY is a "natural", appealing and entertaining. The Magician says "Never mind" and he is going to give the boy
kids love it! THE MAGIC is first-rate, building up to a lovely a present for helping him anyway etc.,, and hands boy a sealed
climax. It's the Modern STUNG plus an appealing story, plus parcel. Parcel is opened and inside several wrappings of paper
colourful props plus a great routine and finish. is found a loaf of bread. Showing his hands quite empty ma-
Cards are large, (10" x 7") and in colour. "Circus Tent" is gician cuts through the bread, and there in the centre of the
a nice decorative mat. loaf is the same borrowed watch, none the worse for wear!
Very easy to do ... it might well prove the biggest hit in Easy to do. Not a single sleight is called for in this great
your programme. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). routine. We supply the special Watch-bag, full routine (plus
suggestions for other effects) and instructions.
WRONG LONG CARD Price, £3.50, (U.S.A. $8.00).
Especially imported, we cannot guarantee
A.~:< to stock this as a regular line as supplies are
limited. A spectator chooses the 7 of Spades.
A coin holder with many novel
features to commend it.
The magician states that he will attempt to Holder is made entirely of black Coin Holder
'.'iflteproduce the chosen card, - then from his plastic with no springs to rust or
pocket he produces one card. It appears to jam up. Holder takes a whole
r be the Ace of Hearts. He asks the spectator stack of old English pennies or any
if there are enough pips on the card. The similar sized coins. Pins out of
yJ spectator says that there aren't - so he pulls sight under the edge of the jacket
h MI x' the card out a little farther when a second or in any other position. THE WHOLE STACK OF COINS IS
Heart appears ... the card is pulled from the pocket to be- VERY EASILY TAKEN AWAY WHENEVER REQUIRED.
come LONGER and LONGER until there in a row are SEVEN A recommended accessory. Price, £2.00, (U.S.A. $5.00).
Of course, the spectator states that this WASN'T his card, STEVE DUSHECK’S WASHOUT
and his card was, the 7 of Spades. One of Dusheck's best! A large silver
"Well, what are you arguing about", says the magi, as sud- coin. A solid brass washer which you
denly and VISUALLY the elongated 7 of Hearts changes into show on both sides. Washer has a hole
a 7 of Spades! Made entirely in plastic. Complete with rou- through the centre. Can you push the
tine. Price, £7.50, (U.S.A. $18.00). coin through the washer? Of course you
can, everyone knows that old gag! But
WAND-ERFUL PLUME here's a surprise when suddenly the large
silver coin visibly changes into a smaller
You show a beautiful multi-
coloured feather plume approxi- copper one! IT'S ASTOUNDING!
mately 14 inches long. Plume To follow up, you can take up the small copper coin, push
it into your hand and then change this to a solid silver one
is wrapped in a piece of paper,
placed to one side ... it can be
EXCLUSIVE. No great skill required! Steve Dusheck's
Magician displays a regular
'Washout' is a self-contained trick. Price £15. (U.S.A.$35.).
black and white wand. He
proves it solid and wraps this Kartell Fox's
in a second sheet of paper.
Suddenly, the surprising trans-
Kartell Fox has done it again! A bril-
formation takes place. From the paper tube magician suddenly
liant idea! Performed with amazing,
whips out the plume of feathers. Paper can immediately be
audacious simplicity. An effect that only
crushed or torn-up. Kartell Fox would dream of! GREAT!
The first paper packet is taken and from it out shoots the wand
... still quite solid for the whole of its length , as the magician
Spectator freely chooses any card from
proves. a number of Jumbo ones, He gives the cards to a SECOND spectat-
Again, the paper can be crushed or torn-up.
or who brings them on the stage. Spectator fans them in front of
Plenty of scope for fun and byplay during your kids' show, or
him and drops cards at random, one at a time, until he has ONE
for a "story-line" for the plume can represent one from the
LEFT. Now the first spectator names his chosen card. BELIEVE
head-dress of a dancing horse, or a tickling-stick stolen from
Ken Dodd and a tale of how the 'Magic Diddymen' got it back
HOLDING. You get all the Jumbo cards, printed instructions, plus
again! the "special something" which you require. Price, £5.50, (U.S.A.
Suprising, well-planned magic that you'll enjoy using.
Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00).
A pack of cards can be examined and A Supreme Exclusive!
shuffled by a member of the audience.
Pack is placed into a clear plastic hou- SUPER UNATURAL
By David Davis
One at a time, playing-cards are re- NOW ... a delightful sequence of clever
moved from the houlette, at any time looking card magic performed without
a spectator can call 'Stop'. skill or sleights of any kind. NOT one
You are holding one card - when you trick BUT a whole series of tricks blend-
turn a large slate or blackboard on which you |iad previous!}’ ing one into the other and all depending
made a prediction around, it is seen that your prediction is upon ONE CLEVER SET-UP.
100% correct. WORK IT AT ONCE! You have only to
THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER WAYS OF USING THIS CLEVER learn the routine to be able to present it.
APPARATUS. The working is completely AUTOMATIC.
Use Supreme 'SEE-THROUGH' with Numbered or Alphabet You will be amazed yourself as you do it. At the uncanny way
cards. Use it as a Book Test, as the perfect 'Stop' trick. everything has been thought out so that the performance of one
It's clever - Houlette is hand-made from perspex. trjck leaves you all ready to perform the next.
Supplied complete with a deck of playing-cards plus all the In a succession of surprises the Aces keep turning up in a be-
routines. Price, £10.50, (U.S.A. $25.00). wildering and inexplicable manner, then, to keep them company,
you discover the Kings and Tens from the pack, finally revealing
MYSTERIO SUPERBA a spectator's freely chosen card.
It's a great routine. AU you need are our special instructions
■ One of the most subtle mysteries ever and ANY DECK OF CARDS. You'll soon be "all set" to astound
- offered to the Fraternity. Purchasers everyone with your apparent skill.
s will MARVEL at the ingenious principle Price, £1.00, (U.S.A. $3.00).
’ A sealed envelope is given to anyone to A metal box which can be exam-
j hold. Two slips of paper are shown, one ined. A borrowed coin is placed
pink and the other blue. Anyone writes into the box and you are all-set
anything on pink slip. A second person to perform a series of baffling
writes anything on the blue slip. Anyone decides which slip is to penetrations.
be burned. (Please note there is no forciftg. Whichever slip they The coin passes through the
want burned is the one you actually burn). This is set afire in sight box. Place it on top of a playing
of all and left in full view until completely reduced to ashes. card, coin still passes through!
Spectator brings forward sealed envelope he has been holding from The items used can be examined
the very start. The ashes are scattered over the envelope. Envel- at any time, yet the coin pene-
ope is torn open-and inside is found the missing pink slip with the trates, vanishes, passes from place to place under impossible
same writing to prove it is the original. (NOT AN IMPRESSION OR conditions.
CARBON COPY). The box which we supply is made In BRASS. It will take a 10p.
What could be more of a miracle than this? Yes! A special some- piece or any similar coin, it can be used to vanish a ring.
thing is required which we supply. We know you will like it! You Price, £4.00, (U.S. A $10.00).
can't go wrong!
MYSTERIO SUPERBA, complete with a supply of coloured papers.
Price, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00).
Super Psychic Chips

THOUGHT-RISE A Supreme British Exclusive!

A card trick with a double effect!
Ten cards are shown and one of them
Four black chips and four red
chips, inset with white spots on
one side, but FOUR DIFFER-
is chosen by a spectator (no force).
The card is replaced back with the oth- ENT COLOURED SPOTS on the reverse. The chips are placed
V ers and the cards are Immediately on tjie table, with the different coloured spots on display.
shown and counted singly. There are The four red chips are now turned over so that only the white
now NINE cards only, the selected card spots show, and moved around. The four black chips are placed
has vanished completely! in a row with the coloured spots showing.
Spectator is now asked the name of his card and to THINK Spectator is asked to try and guess which coloured spot is at
"RISE". The actual chosen card then spookily reappears rising the bottom of each red chip, and to place his selection, colour
up from out of the packet! A delightful clean-cut mystery that unseen on top of the corresponding black chip. For example,
can be performed anywhere. No elastics, no threads, wax or he may think that the first chip is blue and place it on the black
Rough and Smooth. chip with the blue spot. The next on the green and so on.
Price, complete with all the cards, £2.50, (U.S.A. $6.00). His chances of having correctly matched all the four colours
by coincidence are almost nil. "However, the magician has
PERFECTO MAGICIAN’S WAX temporarily gifted the spectator with psychic power". When
.The adhesive property of our Magician's wax the red chips are now turned over, the spectator can see that
is unsurpassed, yet it conies away cleanly with- each and every colour is perfectly matched.
The ingenious construction of the special chips supplied makes
out damaging cards, etc. Supplied in plain
this fantastic effect easy for you. A great pocket trick or use it
neutral colour.
in your mental routine.
Price, £0.75, (U.S.A. $2.00). Price, complete, £4.50, (U.S.A. $10.00).
Whatever kind of Magic you do, you are sure to find something to interest you in
the pages which have gone before. Sure, there will have been things we've left out be-
cause they happened to be out of stock when this Catalogue was being compiled. So if
you don't see what you want in these pages, by all means write in and ask us about it.
We will advise you if we stock it and at what price.
Don't forget that all enquiries - ALL ENQUIRIES - must be accompanied by a
stamped addressed envelope. /
Now a word about this Catalogue and how you can help us. First of all, this Catalogue cost a very, very large amount
of money, far more than the charge which is placed on it. We therefore want you to keep it intact and not to cut or muti-
late it in any way.
When ordering from us, it is only necessary to give the name of an item. All items are indexed here in stock under the
names which we have given, so it is not necessary for you to give a description of the effect, just the name and the price will
In order that we can deal with your order promptly and efficiently, wherever possible will you please use the Order Forms
which we supply; some are enclosed with this Catalogue and others will be enclosed with your order. If you do not have an
Order Form, well then keep your order separate from any other correspondence on a plain sheet of paper.
Don't forget to write your name and address clearly at the top in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS.
Please read the Terms of Business which are clearly set out for you in the Introductory pages of this Catalogue, care-
fully. We can only supply under those terms.
We would especially remind you that all prices are subject to change without notice and we do not exchange items. A Iso
that we are not responsible for goods which are lost or broken in the post. Every care is taken; receipts of posting are ob-
tained for all packages which are sent by us, and we will send you a copy of this receipt if you have any query, and on re-
ceipt of a stamped addressed envelope. However, please be patient, remember that the Post Office is not as slick and efficient
as they used to be.
________________________ In the event of an item arriving damaged, then you should notify us and you should noti-
Every care is taken in packing.
fy the Post Office, and you should keep all wrappings intact, for the Post Office Inspector to call and inspect these wrappings.
Having written so ominously about breakages, may I state that of the hundreds and hundreds of parcels we send out each
year, it is unusual for us to receive one single breakage during the year, such is the care which is taken in packing and dis-
patching goods to you.
In the same way, over the last thirty years, I do not believe mere have been more than two or three cases where goods
have gone missing; usually because a customer has given us an incorrect address or has moved in the interim period.
Make your selection wisely. Decide what kind of magic you are going to specialise in and pursue that branch of our art.
Sure, eventually if you can afford it, branch out from it, build yourself up a little Magic Library for the more you know about
magic, the more enjoyment you will derive from it. Conjuring is a very great hobby, one without equal and without end ...
there is always something new and novel and interesting to learn.
The real secret of magic:
As Magic Dealers, we can only supply you with the tools of the trade and instructions on how to use those tools. This
same thing will apply to any supplier supplying any commodity. At the end, you will be a "bodger" or an expert craftsman
and it really will DEPEND ENTIRELY UPON YOU; on the amount of time and effort which you put into the presentation
of your magic.
Magic is, generally speaking, easy to do. The real skill lies in the presentation and any trick can be as Rood as you
make it appear.
However, we like to think of ourselves as more than just "dealers", because we are also inventors and developers of ma-
gical effects. We are in magic because we love it ... we love presenting it and we love the development of new ideas.
LET ME PEN A FEW WORDS FOR THE NEWCOMER INTO MAGIC. I would say to you, read this Catalogue carefully
and make out several lists changing them around and so on, until you have put together what you consider to be a weH-bal-
anced act. Now there are no hard and fast rules about this, what is a perfect "opener" for one man because it's quick and
slick? may not be a perfect opener for another man, who likes to deliver patter lines and prefers a slower opening. It's en-
tirely up to the individual.
Having carefully made up your mind, and wherever possible given alternatives, place your order. Please do allow suffi-
cient time for this to reach you. Remember, even a first-class letter can now take a couple of days internally; if it is sent
from overseas, even by air mail, it can take a week or more.
We will deal with your order right away, In the event of something being sold out we will notify you and send you a
credit note. You can use this credit note as dash against future purchases OR you can redeem it at any time for cash ...
that is entirely up to you. The credit note is sent by us purely as a matter of convenience. We like to think that most ina-
gicians, once they are a 'Supreme' customer are Supreme customers for life.
So your parcel has arrived. It's exciting isn't it, opening parcels, like Christmas all over again.
again, But inevitably when you
see the secret of a trick, you are a little bit disappointed, a little disillusioned ... DON'T BE. Take an item one at a time,
study it carefully, read the effect again, try it, learn the routine given with it, practise it, practise it again, and again, and
If you have a tape recorder, it is a good idea to dictate the instructions and the routine onto the recorder and to have
this playing when you first run through the moves. Don't make the mistake of showing the trick to your wife or girl-friend
or family.
I would say that if you are a complete beginner to Magic, then you should start off by putting a little act together.
Perhaps five or six strong tricks and then you should go out and get yourself some experience by doing some free shows, -
shows for our Senior Citizens, for the hospitals, or Homes for the Disabled, for churches... the thing is to get some experience
and some self-confidence.
Re the latter, this will come as the applause comes and the audience credit you with a greater skill than you actually
possess, and it will be a skill which you really will have because you will not be developing and projecting your own personality.
If there is a good Amateur Dramatic Society Producer nearby, try and make his acquaintance. Ask him to watch your
act and make suggestions for it. Leam how to "walk on" and "off" a stage; how to take a bow. Watch other artistes at
work, not necessarily magicians so as to ape their style, but to learn the essential rudiments of stage-craft.
There are a number of books - we supply a couple of excellent ones on stage technique.
Have you ever been back stage and looked at the props., used by a busy pro? Goodness, how tatty they look - of course
they do. they are props which have been in continual use for years and years. The performer using them knows that they look
good from "out front" and he does renovate them from time to time, but he's not worried about the props, it's the effects
they achieve, thanks to his skilled handling and the showmanship which he injects into their presentation.
Compare the attitude of the pro with that of the novice, who carefully and meticulously inspects every little article.
"Oh, there's a tiny blemish on there, perhaps the audience will notice." "The Thumb Tip doesn't match the colour of my
skin", (they hardly ever do but the Thumb Tip is never seen, it is always partially hidden behind the hand. They are worrying
about trivia, they are forgetting that what Magic is all about is ENTERTAINMENT, it's FUN.
I always remember the story of the young magician who before the war bought one of the old type metal Thumb Tips.
The colour of it was not quite right for him.
When he had seen the dealer performing miracles with a Thumb Tip, obviously his must have been different, because he
hand not seen a single trace of it.
He went back and watched the demonstrator once more, - the demonstrator removed a handkerchief from his pocket,
took his lit cigarette, pushed it in the centre, allowing smoke to rise from it for a few moments before pushing it completely
in and then showing, to the surprise of everyone, that the cigarette had gone.
He saw him take up a salt shaker and pour the salt into his closed hand, Magically the salt vanished and appeared in
the other hand.
He thought it was about time that he made his complaint.
"Excuse me", he said, putting his small package in front of him, "1 don't think that the Thumb Tip I bought is the same
as yours." "No, you're right laddie", said the demonstrator, "it isn't, I'm afraid mine's a bit older than yours." He proudly
displayed his thumb with the Thumb Tip on it, the tip that had been so well-concealed throughout the whole of his demonstra-
tion. Every bit of paint had been chipped off it and there is was, bright metallic I
"You see, laddie", he said, "it hasn't got to be a perfect match because it's never seen and if you use it correctly, it's
never for one moment suspected."
The moral of all this is don't get over-worried about your props. If you look at a Rolls Royce meticulously, you'll find
some little flaw or blemish in it. Remember your props are your working tools of the trade. We make them the best we can
... they all work, otherwise we wouldn't put them out. At the time when we put them out, we demonstrate them and we sell
them at Magical Conventions throughout the country, on demonstration.
The models we use are no different to the models we sell, (perhaps sometimes they are a little worse because if one
has a flaw in it, that's the one we are going to be using!).
Ultimately, everything is as good as you make it.
Many years ago a magician sent back to me a "Snowy Mouse", with a most bitter letter of complaint. "This", he de-
clared, "looks nothing like a mouse, I put it on the table and the wife and family all had a look at it and they agreed it
doesn't look like a mouse. I took it along to the local Magical Society (who at this moment will be nameless), I put it on
the table and members stood back and looked at it. We all agreed it looked nothing like a mouse at all."
"Oh, dear, this was exactly the same as the mouse that we had supplied to the late TOM HARRIS, who made a real
RIOT out of it in his show. It was the same mouse that we had supplied to ERIC WILLIAMS. It was the same mouse that
we had used in our DEMONSTRATIONS.
A week later we were doing a demonstration at this particular Society, so we made a special point of taking his letter
and a supply of mice along.
I read the letter out, showed the mouse, put it on the table, and said, "Well, it doesn't look like a mouse does it, but
this is how you use it and what it looks like when it's properly used."
Taking up the mouse I started to animate it, it jumped up my arm, popped up inside my sleeve, jumped all over the
place. I went to hand it to a lady who literally screamed when it landed on her lapl 1 grabbed hold of it, it had gone again
and was inside my jacket. Up and down and around ... eventually, I took it out of my trouser leg!
It's a whole hilarious bit of business and it got LAUGHS GALORE.
And at the end, I SOLD EVERY SINGLE ONE.
So remember, if you look for faults you will certainly find them. If you use an effect as directed and use it to produce
ENTERTAINMENT, you will not be disappointed.
During a show you should know where everything is so that you do not have to turn to pick up a prop,. Your tables
should be at the correct height so you do not have to bend. LLeam to fill‘ the stage,. .yet 'keeping
.’ .your movements minimal
when you are actually performing magic with your hands.
WE REPEAT, - the real secret of magic is SHOWMANSHIP and PRESENTATION, the projection of your personality
through the medium of the tricks you are presenting.
O.K., so you never intend to become a stage performer and magic perhaps may always be a hobby for you, one you will
use at home, at the Club, etc., for the entertainment of friends. Well, the same rules apply. Learn a trick so thoroughly you
can do it automatically. Then you'll find you'll be able to throw in little sidelines and ad-libs to add to the ENTERTAINMENT
VALUE of the items which you are presenting.
Even if you are only performing pocket tricks, try to routine these together to make a little sequence, so that when you
are asked to do a trick, you can do one and if you are asked to do another one - (and whatever you do, DON'T bore, don't
foist your magic on people), you can do one which follows in natural continuity, or which is a natural 'lead on' for an effect
which you have just shown.
Don't take your magic too seriously. KARRELL FOX, during his show and during his "close-up", often repeats, "Gee,
aren't we having fun." That's his philosophy and it's one which comes over to his audience. They are having fun, they are
' seeing unusual items and because THEY are having fun you are having fun too.

Earn money too!

Magic is a wonderful hobby, a great art and a lucrative living for a great number of people, You can earn back the
complete cost of an act on your first engagement if you are good.
So let's go back to an earlier paragraph and your first show. Lights ... Music ... Curtains ... you're on! 1 know you
will experience a nervous thrill as you walk onto that stage. Take a few deep breaths before _________
you go on; smile; say to your-
self "I'm good", and you'll soon overcome any nervousness as you go into your first trick, one you have practised well, over and
over again and which you are completely confident with.
Having got that one over and received some well-earned applause, the rest of the act seems easy ... one trick following
another until you come to the last one, one selected for its appropriateness and one which you know will garner you a big ova-
And how did it all start? Probably by browsing through a Magic Catalogue such as this one, selecting appropriate items.
Some of which you purcahsed maybe did not fit, - don't worry, they'll find a place in your alternative programme later on for
sure. It is all part of one's magical education to buy effects which one cannot immediately use. It is foolish economy to
dispose of them. Invariably, a few days later you'll think of a way in which you could have used the item in your show, per-
haps incorporating it with another one, - so hang on to those tricks and books, they cost you money; there's knowledge there
and being a magician is more than knowing just a few tricks ... the more background knowledge you have of our art, the bet-
ter magician you will be.
The rest of your preparation was in practice and more practice; the patter was learnt, it should be learnt so well that
in the end you can rattle it off as though it were completely ad-libbed, you can't do this with patter badly learnt, so twist
and adapt the patter story by all means to suit your own style, BUT then learn it and learn it well. Remember that you are
not standing up delivering a recitation, you are using your patter as a means of expressing your own personality.
Practise in front of a full-length mirror if you like, but don't get so used to it that you feel lost when you are per-
forming to a real live audience.
With the continual repetition, perfection has come, smoothness in handling, confidencein knowing that you have the right
props and you know how to use them. The patter which at first seemed parrot-like, should now have become smooth-flowing
and have changed as you |>iit your individuality into it. - A line was altered, a line cut out, you have moulded the presentation
to suit yourself; your personality has gradually emerged and come to the fore, no longer is the trick performed by you, it is
YOU presenting a trick, a very different thing.
You have linked the items you have into an act, one with a good beginning, one to rivet the attention of the audience,
to allow you to "get over", a good middle, to establish the initial good impression which you have created, and a strong finale
to make them applaud and to make them feel that that was a jolly good show. You have done a number of free shows, you
are confident. You are a MAGICIAN.

What Now?
Once you have that jolly good show, don't under-sell yourself. Remember the experience which you have gained has
cost you time and cost you money, and if you work too cheap then you are going to be belittling our art and making it diffi-
cult for those who depend upon it entirely as a livelihood.
By all means, still do charity shows, - preferably for a fee which you donate back to the charity, a gesture which will
be appreciated far more than your just going along and "putting on a little act".
Almost every large town boasts a Magical Society and soon You'll be sharing some of your secrets with some of your
magical friends and discovering the brotherhood which exists between magicians literally all over the world.
Not every magician has to wear the same type of clothes - often looking like a head-waiter - there are thousands of
tricks. Use your IMAGINATION.

Novelty Acts.
Here are a few ideas which you might like. How about an act using just
Jumbo Cards. They are easy to carry, big in effect and can be used on any stage. You will find
it an easy matter to get together an act with Jumbo cards from the material detailed in this
Catalogue. (And none of them are over-expensive.)
How about doing an act in character, for example as A CHEF. All sorts of tricks work-in well
with this theme ... tricks with liquids or for instance with rice, produce flour instead of confetti,
twist, adapt.
Rope Magic is' another popular favourite, it's easy to carry, yet you can build a whole act using
nothing other than ropes. ERDANAC the famous cabaret artiste has been playing the leading night-clubs
in the world with nothing more than a few hanks of rope over the last fifteen or twenty years.

The Classics. Do not neglect the classics. It is important, in my opinion, that every magician
should learn to perform such effects as the Egg Bag, the Chinese Linking Rings, the Sympathetic
Silks, a Cut and Restored routine and so on. You will find the GANSON TEACH-IN SERIES invalu-
able to you here. Lewis, who unfortunately died at the end of 1980, was one of the greatest teach-
ers of magic of all-time.

Why not be a Clown! All the world loves a clown, and we have many comedy effects which the magicaL
clown can use to stunning effect. Don't forget, plenty of miming, a bright costume, an eccentric walk. A
"Magical Clown act" is ideal for children's or adult shows, small circus, variety, etc. Some performers who
are very nervous, find that they can hide their own personality behind the make-up of a Magic Clown.

Children's Parties a Speciality

There is no more rewarding branch of magic than Children's Entertainment. Rewarding in many ways ... the feeling
of a job well done ... the happiness of a bunch of kids enjoying themselves ... a little fantasy becoming reality ... and for
you also, for there is a no more lucrative side of magic. Here there are, and always will be, shows a-plenty with generous, fees
forthe right kind of programme. The conjurer who doesn't do kids' shows is losing the cream of the business!
Kids' shows are EASY ... IF ... you are prepared to 'let your hair down' ... have fun with the kids ... and use the
right kind of material.
That last line is not a 'plug' - there are some excellent Children's effects available elsewhere _. and a lot which are
obviously 'cooked up to sell' and without the real 'know-how' that only actual performing to children can give.
Children do NOT want to watch "clever-clever mysteries". They do NOT want to see how skilful you are. They WANT
to laugh, shout, participate, listen to stories, HAVE FUNII!
We would not recommend if you are a very young man, that you should do shows for children, for you will find that
generally speaking the older person has more control over an audience of children.
Even if the older person is prepared to let his hair down, go down on his knees and come down to their level, neverthe-
less, the children will respect him as an adult and appreciate die clever and funny things which he is doing for their amuse-
If you try and do the same things as a child, then you might be considered "just silly". As an adult you are "playing
a part", and can get away with it.
Notwithstanding the above I know that there are a FEW young men who are very competent kids' conjurers. At the
end of it all it's their ATTITUDE and mode of presentation that has made them such.
Where to do shows.
To get you started, free ones at Hospitals, Children's Homes for ill and handicapped children.
Paid shows (and you can ask for a GOOD fee - you are only worth as much as YOU think you are) at Private Christmas
and Birthday parties, Schools (Breaking-up Parties), Fetes, Parties for Organisations, (R.A.O.B., Women's Institutes, Churches,
Sunday Schools etc., the list is a long one.).
If you decide to become a 'pro' you can try getting work at Holiday Camps, or on a Cruise Ship as resident children's
Where to advertise?
Your local Newspaper, small so-much-a-word adverts in shop windows, (preferably toy shops). Direct mail (your best
medium) writing to Schools, Churches, etc., clearly stating what you can offer and enclosing a stamped addressed or business
reply envelope, together with your publicity matter. If you have a local agent by all means approach him.
Ringing the Oranges. Have a number of programmes each packed in its own case. Then you can easily give a complete
change of programme as required without heartache! There is no shortage of good kids' tricks. A glance through our cata-
logue will prove that!
By-play. Remember - the "business" with a trick is often more important than the trick itself! Play it for all you're
worth. This comedy by-play is ENTERTAINMENT. Aim to incorporate SOME by-play of some kind ... ridiculous situation ...
audience participation ... the false start or false climax ... the magic spell, etc., into each routine.
Try to understand what makes Children laugh. Study the comic papers. Try to instil EXCITEMENT into what you do ...
build up the SUSPENSE. Act the clown! Be the fool! It won't hurt you and YOU'LL BE WELL COMPENSATED WHEN YOU
COLLECT YOUR FEE AT THE END! Turn the 'sucker-gags' against YOURSELF ... NEVER against the children!

For a noisy audience ... have a whistle around your neck and use it at the start to establish order. Quickly get the
children into the routine of CONTROLLED shouting. If you like, "When I blow my whistle once I want you to shout the magic
spell ... ABRACADABRAI When I blow it TWICE 1 want you to keep VERY, VERY quiet so we can HEAR the magic working!
When I blow it quickly, over and over again 1 want you to GIVE YOURSELVES A JOLLY GOOD CLAP FOR BEING SO
(The adults in the next room will hear the applause and think it's all for you ... crafty!)
Seen it before! Don't worry! The kids are only telling you ... they7eally want to see it again so you say, "Oh! You've
ALL SEEN 1 HIS before. What a pity! It's my favourite trick and a jolly good one! Never mind! I'll put that one away, be-
cause you've all seen it before, haven't you? You'd like to see it again? Alright! but you must promise to keep very, very
quiet as we don't want to spoil the lovely SURPRISE for the others, do we!"' And that's it.
And now over to the first of my Guest writers.


Ken de Courcy is known, not only as a brilliant inventor, author, editor of The Magigram, but
also as a top-flight Cabaret Entertainer. There's a lucrative business working 'after-dinner' and Club
shows, so over to Ken -

I've already covered the subject very fully in "After-dinner technique" and in "Magic in Caba-
ret Land". I will, however, reiterate a few things learned from experience. -
Try to start off "clean", with at the most one small table and finish off the same way.
R Ideally, choose Magic that you can work from your pocket and do anywhere.
Pay special attention to your dress; your appearance; your personal hygiene.
Remember to have a few "impromptus" in your pocket that you can show later at the bar and which may well be
responsible for getting you repeat bookings.
Buy the tricks; work-up the presentations and you can earn more on your first engagement than the entire act cost you.

My second Guest writer, is another Magical enthusiast. Author of scores of books, Ian "lives" magic.
Over recent years Magic with Doves has come to the forefront, and this has very largely been due to the very many
splendid books lan has authored. Ian has presented his own Prize-winning Dove act on many T.V. shows.
Dove Magic is not a new trend, neither is it a passing
phase, but it is an accepted branch of magic, just like card
manipulations, Mental magic and Children's entertainment.
Dove Magic is here to stay, and nothing could be finer than
a slick and entertaining dove act for any cabaret or stage
In preparing your dove act try to strike a balance in
the manner you produce your doves, You do not have to
produce every dove via a body load, there are now many ex-
cellent self-contained dove productions available, and these

should be interspersed with your other ’items.. Silk and Flower effects also blend well into a Dove act. Treat your livestock
carefully and with respect. You
' may never achieve the international acclaim that Channing Pollock received, but there is no
reason why you should not be able to present a competent dove act that is colourful, charming and could earn you a lucrative
living for many years to come.

Close-up Magic itself fits into several categories. One magician who has made a name for himself of recent years per-
forming close-up magic "at the table" in restaurants etc., is Tony Griffiths, Tony always puts the accent on Entertainment -
over to him.


ENTERTAINMENT is a big word with thirteen letters in it. If it is treated carefully it will
work wonders; if abused it will turn sour and produce first-rate boredom.
This is true of magic as it is with a book, film, play or television programme. Entertainment
in the field of close-up magic is essentia), otherwise the trick is reduced to a puzzle. I believe
that magic performed at close-quarters is the kind of magic the majority of magicians arc concern-
ed with today, bearing in mind that most of us make a living from a job other than magic. To me,
magic at close-quarters is magic performed in a drawing room, at a party, in a bar, at a dinner
table or, in fact, at any time when people in small groups need entertaining.
The Supreme Magic Company cater most fully for those performing this type of magic. One
has to read the various catalogues, or to visit their Headquarters in Bideford to realise they must
carry the largest stock of magic in this country. In fact, they make it too easy for the magician,
because, with almost every item sold, there is produced comprehensive instructions how to work the
trick plus ideas how to ENTERTAIN with it.
If you turn the pages of this Catalogue you will see many items in the sphere of Close-up
Magic. First of all, there are the many excellent books with wondeiful ideas, routines, gags and
bits of business.
From any of these specialised books, one can get ideas to incorporate into one's close-up magic.
The late BERT ALLERTON was one of the first magicians to make living from close-quarter magic on its own. Quite
in addition to their stage or cabaret acts. Bert Allerton found that it
a few magicians have performed close-quarter magic i
was the bits of business that quite often were remembered when other mysteries were long forgotten.
Manufacturers of
Stage Magic, Close-up Magic,
Children’s Magic, Card Magic,
Mental Magic, Livestock Magic,
Illusions, Escapology Apparatus,
Accessories,Puppets, Vent Novelties,
Punch & Judy Figures,
Modelling Balloons.
Publishers of The Magigram
and The New Pentagram magazines
Books, Plans & Manuscripts

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