P - Science Mark Scheme 2023
P - Science Mark Scheme 2023
P - Science Mark Scheme 2023
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. C
24. A
25. D
26. B
27. C
28. A
29. C
30. C
Question Model Answer Additional guidance Marks
1(a)(i) Q – Thermometer 2
Y – Stopwatch
(a) (ii) 23 1
(a) (iii) 9 Not: 9 : 00 : 00 1
(a) (iv) Error of parallax 1
(b) Solid – (particles) do not move/ they vibrate in fixed position 2
Liquid – (particles) slide past each other/ move short
(c) They gain (kinetic) energy / The particles vibrate faster 1
(d) Six circles in the box
Irregular arrangement
At least two circles
touching each other
2 (a) J – Sodium / Na
M – Oxygen / O 2
(b)(i) M Accept oxygen/O 1
(b)(ii) R Accept calcium/Ca 1
(b)(iii) E/Q Accept Helium/He, 1
(b)(iv) V Accept Copper/Cu 1
(c)(i) Ionic / Electrovalent 1
(c)(ii) J loses one electron and forms a positive charge and 1 mark for the first two
chlorine gains one electron and forms a negative charge
An attraction forms between the positive and negative
charge 2
(c)(iii) nucleus 20p + 20n
4 shells
All electrons placed
correctly (2, 8, 8,2)
Question Model Answer Additional guidance Marks
3 (a)(i) (Bright) white flame or white light 1
(a)(ii) Magnesium + Oxygen → Magnesium oxide Reject equation when 1
equal sign is given
(b) Exothermic – a reaction where energy is given out OWTTE
Endothermic – a reaction where energy is taken in 2
(c) Chemical change
A new substance is produced / cannot be reversed 2
(d) (i) Decomposition 1
(d) (ii) Carbon dioxide 1
4(a)(i) acidic 1
(a)(ii) remains blue Both terms 1
(a)(iii) turns blue Both terms 1
(a)(iv) basic/alkaline 1
(a)(v) remains red Both terms 1
(b)(i) 1–3 1
(b)(ii) The measure of (degree of) acidity or alkalinity of a solution 1
(c)(i) sulfuric acid 1
Question Model Answer Additional
5 (a) Copper / Zinc/ Uranium/ Tin Any two correct
metals mined in 2
(b) Physical property Metal Non – metals One mark for each 2
Density High density Low density
correct row
Conductivity of heat Good (conductor) Poor (conductor)
and electricity
Question Model Answer Additional
6 (a) w=m×g c.a.o
= 140 kg × 10 N/kg
= 1400 1
(b) Mass – the amount of matter in an object / measured in kg 2
Weight – force acting on an object due to gravity/ measured
in N
(c)(i) 250÷100 c.a.o
=2.5 1
(c)(ii) W=F×d correct formula
= 1400 N × 2.5 m ()
= 3500 ecf from part (a) ×
(d)(i) Force exerted per unit area / Force ÷ area 1
(d)(ii) P = F ÷ A () ecf (a) ÷ 0.5 m
= 1400N ÷ 0.5m2 () 3
= 2800 Pa or N/m2
7 (a) (i) B
sea water is denser than fresh water (therefore higher 2
(a)(ii) depth 1
(b)(i) Barometer 1
(b)(ii) ̵ Atmospheric pressure inland is lower/ Inland areas are at
a higher altitude
̵ making water to boil faster/lower boiling point
or vice versa 2
(c)(i) ρ = m ÷ V ()
= 8g ÷ 5cm3 ()
= 1.6 2
(c)(ii) Float
It has less density than the liquid 2
8 (a) Correct circuit symbols
ammeter in series
2 bulbs in series
voltmeter in parallel to
one bulb
switch in series 6
(closed or open)
4.Type of material
Good conductors have low resistance, poor conductors
have high resistance 4
decrease or no Reason
current No change Current in series is OWTTE for the reason
equal/ the same 4
resistance Increases Resistance in series
adds up
9(a)(i) Iron / Nickel / Cobalt Any one 1
Accept steel
9(a)(ii) Copper / Zinc Any other apart from 1
those in (a)(i)
9(b) Correct direction from
north to south
3 lines at the top and
3 lines at the bottom
Correctly drawn