Safety Policy Letter

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FORT CAVAZOS TX 76544-5002

AMIM-CAG-SO (385) 0 8 AUG 2023

MEMORANDUM FOR Directors and Support Office Chiefs/Managers

SUBJECT: Safety Policy

1. References :

a. Army Regulation 385-10, the Army Safety Program , 24 February 2017 .

b. DA PAM 385-30 , Risk Management, 2 December 2014 .

c. OPORD 21-068 , IMCOM Army Safety and Occupational Health Management

System (ASOHMS) Implementation Plan , 29 September 2021 .

2. I am the Safety Officer for the Garrison and I expect every director, support office
chief, and leader to take personal responsibility for the safety of employees entrusted to
their care. I am committed to protecting people and ensuring readiness by reducing
preventable injuries and illnesses of Army Soldiers and personnel.

3. This Garrison will utilize the Army Safety and Occupational Health Management
System (ASOHMS) framework to enhance mission capabil ities, reduce safety and
health-related mishaps, improve the standards of safety and health within workplaces,
and increase personnel readiness through effective risk management. The six
ASOHMS capability objectives we will focus our efforts on are:

a. Leadership Engagement and Employee/Soldier Participation .

b. Investigate and Report Mishaps, Incidents, and Illnesses.

c. Conduct Safety and Occupational Health Training and Promotion .

d. Conduct Inspections and Assessments.

e. Conduct Hazard Analysis and Develop Countermeasures .

f. Health Protection and Readiness.

SUBJECT: Safety Policy

4. One of the foundations of an excellent safety and occupational health management

system is the risk management process. Supervisors must identify all workplace
hazards and develop control measures to minimize risks . These risks and control
measures must then be communicated to employees during the onboarding process.
During operations , leaders at each level manage risk and ensure employees conduct all
activities safely. Every Army operation to include special events , public events, and
Ammunition and Explosives activities will have a DD Form 2977, Deliberate Risk
Assessment Worksheet (DRAW) completed to determine that risks are identified and
min imized . Risk decisions will be made IAW DA PAM 385-30 .

5. A key element of ASOHMS is active leadership engagement and personnel/Soldier

participation . Leaders at all levels must enable and encourage effective employee
participation in safety and occupational health (SOH) program planning and operations,
such as reporting hazards without fear of reprisal , serving on organizational SOH
committees , participating in the development of risk assessments, and performing
worksite inspections. Ultimately, our goal as a Garrison is to create a robust safety
culture in which all personnel take responsibility for workplace safety.

6. The point of contact for this policy is Mr. Doug Huddleston , Garrison Safety, at (254)
287-3323 or email : [email protected].

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Colonel , LG
Command ing

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