Safety Policy Letter
Safety Policy Letter
Safety Policy Letter
1. References :
2. I am the Safety Officer for the Garrison and I expect every director, support office
chief, and leader to take personal responsibility for the safety of employees entrusted to
their care. I am committed to protecting people and ensuring readiness by reducing
preventable injuries and illnesses of Army Soldiers and personnel.
3. This Garrison will utilize the Army Safety and Occupational Health Management
System (ASOHMS) framework to enhance mission capabil ities, reduce safety and
health-related mishaps, improve the standards of safety and health within workplaces,
and increase personnel readiness through effective risk management. The six
ASOHMS capability objectives we will focus our efforts on are:
6. The point of contact for this policy is Mr. Doug Huddleston , Garrison Safety, at (254)
287-3323 or email : [email protected].
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Colonel , LG
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