An Efficient Numerical Simulation of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Solid Materials For Advanced Non-Destructive Testing
An Efficient Numerical Simulation of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Solid Materials For Advanced Non-Destructive Testing
An Efficient Numerical Simulation of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Solid Materials For Advanced Non-Destructive Testing
This work proposes a new approach to modeling the normal
incidence ultrasonic signal through a layered structure The transfer matrix method (TMM) is a widely used
immersed in water. The response to the propagation of a technique in mathematics and physics, applied to systems
longitudinal ultrasonic wave in a layered structure is studied represented as a sequence of interconnected subsystems
analytically using the transfer matrix method (TMM), in using transfer matrices. While it finds extensive use in
which the layer is established as a quadrupole formalism various fields like optics, acoustics, and electromagnetics, it
combining stresses and velocities. The transfer matrix is important to acknowledge its limitations. In acoustics, the
method enables us to determine the reflection coefficient of TMM approach, as explored by researchers such as
the layered structure, and the modeled backscattered Thomson [1] and Haskell [2], can encounter stability issues
ultrasound is represented in the time domain. The TMM for certain cases, particularly as the overall thickness of a
method is used to verify the existence of a similar layer or the frequency of waves increases. Additionally, the
agreement to the results obtained experimentally for a TMM becomes more complex and time-consuming. Thus,
transducer with a center frequency of 5MHz. The it is crucial to consider these limitations while applying the
comparison showed perfect agreement between the transfer matrix method to ensure accurate and reliable
modeling results for the time-domain representations of the results [3,4].
backscattered signal in the plates. The numerical simulation The purpose of this paper is to contribute a new and
method established in this work can be proposed as an accurate model for simulating ultrasonic signals
effective complement to experiments and used to backscattered by layered structures immersed in water at
characterize structural materials by simulating ultrasonic normal incidence, even in the presence of different types of
responses for different thicknesses and frequencies, layers, thicknesses, and frequencies. This model is based on
overcoming the problems associated with computational the transfer matrix method (TMM). To address the
instability. numerical instability associated with thickness and
frequency variations, the transfer matrix elements of the
Keywords: Transfer matrix method, Longitudinal layer structures must be robust, simple, and independent
wave, structure Materials, Numerical simulation, [5].
Ultrasonic responses. Analytical calculations are excluded due to the complexity
————————— of the structures and propagation of modes, making purely
Corresponding author: [email protected] numerical calculations necessary to simulate the control
Copyright: ©2023 Mounir Tafkirte et al. This is an open-access system, ultrasonic transmitter, fluid propagation, bulk or
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons guided mode propagation in the structure, and receiver [6].
Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
The continuity of the velocity is: Currently, a number of computer tools are available to
support numerical simulations for modeling the ultrasonic
signal response. In this study, a simulation of ultrasound
wave propagation in layer structures is developed using
MATLAB tools.
The relationship between the state variables on the input In our research, we focused on investigating and
and output side of the layer structure can be written in the demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed numerical
matrix form [9]: simulation approach for different thicknesses of a layer
structure immersed in water (Sound velocity = 1480 m/s
and Density = 1000 Kg/m3) at selected frequency (5 MHz
in our case). To ensure reliable comparisons, we selected
glass material, with sound velocity of 5790 m/s and density
Where called transfer matrix, are parameters of 2300 Kg/m3 for our experiments as we had access to
depending on the thickness and characteristic of elastic specific experimental data for glass. This enabled us to
layer. The coefficient of transfer matrix has property as directly compare the signals generated by our simulations
follows [9]: with the corresponding experimental measurements.
Significantly, our numerical simulation approach can be
(8) extended to analyze layer structures composed of any
material, making it versatile and applicable to various
(9) scenarios [5,9,10].
Figure 2. The simulated signal backscattered by 3
mm thick glass plate with 5 MHz of center frequency
The acoustic impedance of water, denoted as water. In at normal incidence.
order to capture all possible echoes and obtain accurate
0 5 10 15 20
Time (ms)
The availability of experimental data played a crucial role in Figure 4. The simulated signal backscattered by 6
our study. It served as a critical benchmark against which mm thick glass plate with 5 MHz of center frequency
we evaluated the simulated signals. By comparing the at normal incidence.
simulated results with the experimental measurements, we
validated the accuracy of our numerical simulation
approach. This comparison allowed us to assess the
reliability of our model and gain confidence in its predictive 2,0
capabilities. 1,6
we present the results obtained from simulating the 1,2
backscattered ultrasonic signals through 3 mm and 6 mm
Amplitude (V)
thick glass plates immersed in water at 5 MHz of central
frequency. These results, illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 4
respectively, reveal a distinct pattern of regularly spaced 0,0
echoes in the signal. These echoes correspond to -0,4
longitudinal waves bouncing back and forth inside the glass -0,8
plate. In the time domain, these echoes are clearly visible as -1,2
distinct peaks, indicating the presence of multiple -1,6
reflections occurring within the glass plate. -2,0
Importantly, our proposed model demonstrates excellent 0 5 10 15 20
agreement with the experimental results, as demonstrated in Time (ms)
the comparison shown in Figure 3 and Figure 5. This
confirms the accuracy and reliability of our adopted model
in estimating the ultrasonic parameters of the glass plate.
Figure 5. The experimental signal backscattered by 6
The agreement between the simulation and experimental
results validates the reliability and accuracy of the adopted mm thick glass plate with 5 MHz of center frequency
numerical simulation approach. Our model effectively at normal incidence.
estimates the ultrasonic parameters of the glass plate,
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