Han 2018
Han 2018
Han 2018
A polyimide covalent organic framework (PI-COF) with high thermal and chemical stabilities has been
readily prepared from commercially available and inexpensive reagents and was employed as an effective
support for heterogeneous copper. It was demonstrated that the obtained Cu@PI-COF is a highly active
Received 17th August 2018, heterogeneous catalyst which can effectively promote the Chan–Lam coupling reaction of aryl boronic
Accepted 2nd October 2018
acids and amines in an open flask without the aid of any base or additive. In addition, the catalyst could be
DOI: 10.1039/c8gc02611d readily recovered from the reaction mixture by simple filtration and reused for at least eight cycles without
rsc.li/greenchem any observable change in structure and catalytic activity.
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show any apparent change in PI, which indicated that the pres-
ence of Cu(OAc)2 did not affect the structure of PI.
The XRD characterization of PI-COF exhibited some rela-
tively strong diffraction peaks at 2θ = 18.9 and 29.6°, indicating
that the crystallinities of the materials were acceptable (Fig. 2).
The well maintained XRD patterns of Cu@PI-COF with
additional peaks at 12.8° (2θ) and 15.2° (2θ) compared to
PI-COF demonstrated the successful loading of Cu with reten-
tion of the COF integrity and minimal loss of crystallinity.61
The morphologies of PI-COF and Cu@PI-COF were investi-
gated by SEM and TEM (Fig. 3). The PI-COF and Cu@PI-COF Fig. 3 SEM images of PI-COF (a), Cu@PI-COF (b), and the recovered
materials displayed good crystallinity and a regular structure. Cu@PI-COF (c) and TEM images of PI-COF (d), Cu@PI-COF (e), and the
The SEM images indicated that PI-COF and Cu@PI-COF have a recovered Cu@PI-COF (f ).
spherical flower-like morphology with an average size of
50 nm. After the incorporation of Cu, the flowerlike mor-
phology of the original PI-COF in the Cu@PI-COF was
The stability of the catalyst is an important parameter for
its practical applications. The thermogravimetric analysis
(TGA) displayed excellent thermal stability of PI-COF and
Cu@PI-COF with thermal decomposition temperatures exceed-
ing 297 and 401 °C, respectively (Fig. 4).
To investigate the chemical stability of Cu@PI-COF, we dis-
persed the samples in different organic solvents such as
MeOH, EtOH, CH3CN, DMSO, DMF, CH2Cl2, THF and toluene
for two days at room temperature. The sample was then col-
lected by filtration, washed with methanol and dried under
vacuum. To our delight, all samples also showed strong peaks
in the XRD pattern and had similar backbone connections in Fig. 4 TGA profiles of PI-COF and Cu@PI-COF.
the FT-IR profile. Therefore, the experimental results clearly
show that Cu@PI-COF has excellent thermal and chemical
stabilities. mixture was stirred for 12 h in ethyl acetate or ethyl lactate
Cu@PI-COF offers a high crystallinity and an exceptional (EL) in the presence of 20 mg Cu@PI-COF at ambient
stability, and it can serve as a heterogeneous catalyst for temperature in the absence of any bases (Table 1, entries 1
organic transformations. In order to validate our hypothesis, and 2). Gratifyingly, the reaction indeed occurred in THF,
we conducted the Chan–Lam coupling reaction of aryl water, toluene, acetonitrile or dichloromethane, giving the
boronic acids and amines using this catalyst. Initially, phenyl- desired product 3n in 31%, 41%, 43%, 51% and 56% yields,
boronic acid and aniline were selected as model substrates to respectively. The yield of 3n was improved when the reaction
optimize reaction conditions. As demonstrated in Table 1, was performed in EtOH, MeOH, DMSO, or DMF. A further
almost no target product was detected when the reaction study found that the MeOH/H2O solvent system was better for
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Table 1 Optimization of reaction conditions for the coupling reaction no substantial improvement in the yield, whereas the reaction
of phenylboronic acid and anilinea took a longer time and was not completed by decreasing the
amount of catalyst to 10 mg. In addition, in order to show-
1 20 CH3COOEt 12 Trace
2 20 EL 12 Trace
3 20 THF 12 31
4 20 H2O 8.0 41
5 20 Toluene 12 43
6 20 CH3CN 8.0 51
7 20 CH2Cl2 8.0 56 Time Yield
8 20 EtOH 8.0 82 Entry R1 R2 Product (h) (%) m.p.(°C)
9 20 MeOH 8.0 85
1 H 2-OMe 3a 8.0 81 36–37 (ref. 19)
10 20 DMSO 8.0 86
2 H 3-OMe 3b 8.0 90 73–74 (ref. 62)
11 20 DMF 8.0 88
3 H 4-OMe 3c 8.0 92 104–105 (ref. 19)
12 20 EtOH–H2O (1 : 1) 8.0 76
4 H 2,4-(OMe)2 3d 8.0 82 Oil63
13 20 MeOH–H2O (1 : 1) 8.0 91
5 H 2-OEt 3e 8.0 80 47–48(ref. 64)
14 20 MeOH–H2O (1 : 2) 8.0 81
6 H 4-OEt 3f 8.0 93 73–74(ref. 19)
15 20 MeOH–H2O (2 : 1) 8.0 86
7 H 3-Me 3g 8.0 87 31–32 (ref. 34)
16 0 MeOH–H2O (1 : 1) 24.0 NR
8 H 4-Me 3h 8.0 90 88–89 (ref. 20)
17 10 MeOH–H2O (1 : 1) 10.0 71
9 H 3,4-Me2 3i 8.0 92 136–137 (ref. 62)
18 15 MeOH–H2O (1 : 1) 8.0 86
10 H 2,5-Me2 3j 8.0 83 Oil65
19 25 MeOH–H2O (1 : 1) 8.0 91
11 H 2,4,6-Me3 3k 8.0 81 56–57 (ref. 63)
20c 20 MeOH–H2O (1 : 1) 8.0 92
12 H 2-Et 3l 8.0 81 Oil4
Reaction conditions: Phenylboronic acid (1.25 mmol), aniline 13 H 4-CMe3 3m 8.0 90 66–67 (ref. 19)
(1 mmol), solvent (2 ml), room temperature. b Isolated yield based on 14 H H 3n 8.0 91 53–54 (ref. 19)
the amount of aniline. c The reaction was carried out on a 20 mmol 15 H 2-F 3o 12 73 60–61 (ref. 35)
scale in aniline. 16 H 4-F 3p 10 83 35–36 (ref. 19)
17 H 3-Cl 3q 8.0 87 112–113 (ref. 20)
18 H 4-Cl 3r 8.0 91 73–74 (ref. 20)
19 H 3-Cl-4-Me 3s 8.0 92 74–75 (ref. 66)
20 H 3-Cl-4-F 3t 10.0 85 Oil31
enhancing the yield of the corresponding product. Its ratio of 21 H 3,4-Cl2 3u 8.0 84 150–151 (ref. 67)
1 : 1 was found to be suitable for this transformation, giving 22 H 2,4,5-Cl3 3v 8.0 89 43–44 (ref. 69)
the expected product in 91% yield (Table 1, entry 13). The 23 H 2-Br 3w 8.0 81 48–49 (ref. 67)
24 H 3-Br 3x 8.0 88 Oil (ref. 68)
effect of catalyst loading was also tested by varying the 25 H 4-Br 3y 8.0 90 88–89 (ref. 19)
loading amount. It is noteworthy that no conversion took 26 H 4-I 3z 8.0 92 103–104 (ref. 67)
place when the reaction was performed in the absence of the 27 H 3-CF3 3aa 12 76 61–62 (ref. 69)
28 H 4-COMe 3ab 8.0 83 118–119 (ref. 33)
catalyst (Table 1, entry 16). The results showed that 20 mg of 29 H 4-NO2 3ac 12 0 —
catalyst was the best choice for completing the reaction. 30 2-OMe H 3ad 8.0 76 36–37 (ref. 19)
Increasing the amount of catalyst to more than 25 mg showed 31 3-OMe H 3ae 8.0 87 73–74 (ref. 62)
32 3-Me H 3af 8.0 85 31–32 (ref. 34)
33 4-Me H 3ag 8.0 89 88–89 (ref. 20)
34 4-Et H 3ah 8.0 87 85–86 (ref. 15)
35 4-CMe3 H 3ai 8.0 90 66–67 (ref. 20)
36 4-F H 3aj 12 81 35–36 (ref. 33)
37 4-Cl H 3ak 8.0 90 73–74 (ref. 33)
38 4-Br H 3al 8.0 91 88–89 (ref. 33)
39 2-OMe 4-Me 3am 8.0 83 36–37 (ref. 27)
40 3-OMe 4-Me 3an 8.0 89 70–71 (ref. 70)
41 3-Me 4-Me 3ao 8.0 87 134–135 (ref. 71)
42 4-Me 4-OMe 3ap 8.0 91 178–179 (ref. 33)
43 4-Me 4-Me 3aq 8.0 87 79–80 (ref. 63)
44 4-Me 4-F 3ar 10 81 51–52 (ref. 71)
45 4-Me 4-Cl 3as 8.0 92 83–84 (ref. 33)
46 4-Me 4-Br 3at 8.0 91 101–102 (ref. 71)
47 4-Et 4-Me 3au 8.0 90 85–86
48 4-CMe3 4-Me 3av 8.0 89 Oil2
49 4-Br 4-OMe 3aw 8.0 92 88–89 (ref. 68)
50 4-Br 4-Me 3ax 10.0 87 99–100 (ref. 68)
51 4-Br 4-F 3ay 10.0 84 49–50 (ref. 68)
52 4-Br 4-Cl 3az 8.0 93 91–92 (ref. 33)
53 4-Br 4-Br 3ba 8.0 92 107–108 (ref. 68)
Fig. 5 The recyclability of the catalyst. 54 4-BiPh 4-Me 3bb 8.0 86 133–134 (ref. 71)
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Table 3 Substrate scope for the Cu/PI-COF catalyzed Chan–Lam coupling reaction of aryl boronic acids and various amines
Entry Boronic acids Amines Product Time (h) Yield (%) m.p.(°C)
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Table 3 (Contd.)
Entry Boronic acids Amines Product Time (h) Yield (%) m.p.(°C)
Published on 03 October 2018. Downloaded by Cornell University Library on 9/2/2020 9:09:20 AM.
case the practical applicability of this developed method, we 8 hours. As expected, an excellent yield (92%) was obtained in
also investigated the possibility of using phenylboronic acid the amplified reaction (entry 20).
(25 mmol) and aniline (20 mmol) as substrates for scale syn- In addition to the catalytic activity, the recyclability of the
thesis in 40 mL of methanol/H2O at room temperature for catalyst is the most critical advantage in the practical appli-
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cation of heterogeneous reactions. The catalyst was easy to sep- conversion to give the desired N1-selective arylated products
arate from the reaction mixture by filtration. The recovered 6j–6p in high yields. Furthermore, the coupling reaction of 1H-
catalyst was washed with methanol, then dried and reused for imidazole with various boronic acids bearing both electron-
subsequent reactions without further purification. The catalyst donating and electron-withdrawing groups proceeded well
was recycled and reused eight times without any significant with a high yield of the expected products 6q–6w. A further
loss in its catalytic activity and original structure for the model evaluation of the scope of this methodology revealed that the
reaction (Fig. 5). This is mainly due to the excellent stability of reaction also proceeded smoothly with heteroaromatic boronic
Cu@PI-COF. In addition, we separated Cu@PI-COF from the acids such as 4-pyridylboronic acid to provide the corres-
reaction mixture at a conversion of 65% and the solution was ponding product 6x in 77% yield although the coupling reac-
Published on 03 October 2018. Downloaded by Cornell University Library on 9/2/2020 9:09:20 AM.
again stirred for 1 h. The reaction solution showed no further tion requires a long reaction time. Obviously, this protocol
reactivity, which clearly indicated the heterogeneous character- with a broad substrate applicability afforded a general and
istics of the Cu@PI-COF catalyst. The inductively coupled practical method for the construction of N-arylated products
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis showed that the from N-containing heterocycles by the Chan–Lam reaction
amount of Cu leaching into the reaction mixture is very low using arylboronic acids as an aryl source.
(0.5 ppm). The SEM and TEM images of the fresh and recov-
ered catalysts indicated that little morphological changes
occurred (Fig. 3). Conclusions
Having identified the optimal reaction conditions, the
scope and limitations of the Cu@PI-COF catalysed aerobic In summary, copper supported on a COF was successfully pre-
coupling reaction between substituted anilines and phenyl- pared and employed as an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of
boronic acid were further explored and the experimental data N-arylated products by the Chan–Lam coupling reaction of
are given in Table 2. Generally, these reactions proceeded arylboronic acids with various amines in MeOH–H2O at room
smoothly, leading to the formation of N,N-diaryl amines in temperature under air without the aid of any base or additive.
high to excellent yields. Anilines bearing an electron-donating New heterogeneous copper catalysts can be readily prepared
group showed a slightly better result than those with an elec- from commercially available and inexpensive reagents.
tron-withdrawing substituent. ortho-Substituted anilines Moreover, the process provides the competitiveness of the
reacted well under our reaction conditions, even though recyclability of the catalyst without any loss of catalytic activity,
slightly lower yields were obtained. However, no product for- and the catalyst can be easily recovered and reused for at least
mation was observed for the reaction of aniline bearing the 8 cycles, thus making the process more environmentally
strong electron withdrawing –NO2 group with phenylboronic acceptable.
acid even after a long time (Table 2, entry 29). We then investi-
gated the reactivity of different phenylboronic acids.
Pleasingly, a variety of arylboronic acids bearing electron- Experimental
neutral, -donating, and -withdrawing groups underwent clean
conversion under these optimized conditions and furnished
the desired N,N-diaryl amines in good to excellent yields. Both All solvents and chemicals were obtained commercially and
bromo and chloro groups were well-tolerated under these con- were used without further purification. X-ray diffraction ana-
ditions and amenable for further functional group lysis was carried out using a PANalytical X’Pert Pro X-ray diffr-
transformation. actometer. The surface morphology and particle size were
To further exploit the potential of this method, different studied using a Hitachi S-4800 SEM instrument. Transmission
amines were examined with aryl boronic acids. As shown in electron microscopy (TEM) observation was performed using a
Table 3, aliphatic amines were also successfully transformed Hitachi H-7650 microscope at 80 kV. Melting points were
to the corresponding cross-coupling products in excellent con- determined on X-5 apparatus and were uncorrected. IR spectra
versions. Meanwhile, allylic amines were reactive and under- were obtained with KBr pellets in the range of 400–4000 cm−1
went the title reaction to afford expected products in high using a Thermo Fisher iS50 spectrometer. 1H NMR and 13C
yields. Additionally, heteroaromatic amines, such as pyridin-2- NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker AV III-500 or Zhongke
amine, benzo[d]thiazol-2-amine and furan-2-ylmethanamine, Niujin AS 400 spectrometer using TMS as an internal standard.
were also efficiently transformed, affording the potentially bio- Mass spectra were recorded on a 3200 Qtrap instrument with
important N-arylated products in good yield (Table 3, entries an ESI source. ICP-MS analyses were carried out with an X
5–7). The reactions worked also well when 9H-fluoren-2-amine Series 2 spectrometer.
was used as a substrate (Table 3, entry 8). Benzamide could
also be transferred into the desired product 6i in good yield. Synthesis of PI-COF
Next, we focused our attention on the selective N-arylation MA and PMDA with equal molar ratios (10 mmol) were ground
of 1H-indazol-3-amine for the first time because it possesses in an agate mortar for 30 min, and the obtained mixture was
two different nucleophilic sites. It is interesting to observe that finally transferred into an alumina crucible with a cover and
all the electronically diverse boronic acids underwent clean heated to 325 °C for 4 h using a 5 °C min−1 heating rate. After
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