Endocrine MCQs

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Two month old child has presented with constipation, umblical hernia,
hypotonia, and feeding difficulty. There is history of prolonged jaundice,.
Most likely diagnosis is:

● Down syndrome.
Congenital hypothyroidism.
● Pyloric Stenosis.
● Duodenal atresia.
● Congenital Myopathy
09. 4 years old known hypothyroid child has come for follow up. What single
investigation you will perform:

TSH level.
● T3 level.
● T4 level.
● Anti thyroid antibodies.
● Thyroid Scan

10. Most common cause of acquired hypothyroidism is.

● Thyroid agenesis
● Thyroid peroxidase defect
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
● Iodine deficiency.

11. A 8 year old known diabetic child on insulin treatment has presented in
emergency with severe abdominal pain, vomiting and breathing difficulty.
What complication he has developed.
● Hypoglycemia
● Hyperosmolar coma
Diabetic ketoacidosis
● Peritonitis.
● Intestinal obstruction

12. In a child under 5 years of age, most likely cause of Cushing syndrome is:
● Pituitary Tumour
Exogenous steroids
● Adrenal tumour
● Hypothalamic tumour.

13. Most sever complication of untreated congenital hypothyroidism is.

● Constipation
Mental Retardation
● Dwarfism
● Hoarseness of voice

1. A mother has brought a 4 years old child with the concern that he is not growing
well compared to his peers. His height is less than 5 th centile. Weight is at 5 th
centile. Bone age is according to chronological age. Systemic examination is
unremarkable. Most likely diagnosis is:

○ Hypothyroidism

○ Rickets

Genetic short stature

○ Constitutional short stature

○ Chronic renal failure

2. A 4 months old infant is brought to you with the complaint that he has a hoarse cry
but otherwise he is a good baby and sleeps most of the time. Which other clinical
feature would you expect in this patient:

○ Tachycardia

○ Sweaty palms

Constipation and hypotonia

○ Diarrhoea

○ Exophthalmos

Q.16 Two month old child has presented with constipation, umblical hernia,
hypotonia, and feeding difficulty. There is history of prolonged jaundice.
Most likely diagnosis is:
● Down syndrome.

Congenital hypothyroidism.

● Pyloric Stenosis.
● Duodenal atresia.

● Congenital Myopathy

Q.26. A 8 year old known diabetic child on insulin treatment has presented in
emergency with severe abdominal pain, vomiting and breathing difficulty.
What complication he has developed.
● Hypoglycemia

● Hyperosmolar coma

Diabetic ketoacidosis

● Peritonitis.

● Pneumonitis

Parents brought their 9 month old baby having mongol facies. You suspect Down’s
syndrome and request karyotyping. What is the expected result?
● Monosomy 13
● Trisomy 18
Trisomy 21
● Trisomy 19
● Monosomy 21
Parents brought their 8 months baby with C/O constipation for 4 days. They report that
the baby had prolonged jaundice in neonatal period. O/E baby has coarse facies,
hoarse cry, umbilical hernia, flat nasal bridge and sluggish reflexes. What is the
Down’s syndrome
● Nephrotic syndrome
● Hypothyroidism
● Kwashiorkor
● Cushing syndrome

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