FactSheet HBACC1 2023 V.3 06012023

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FACT SHEET: Bachelor of Accounting

• Bachelor of Accounting
(Qualification code: HBACC1)
• B.Acc. (Accounting)
• Prospectus 2023 Programme Category: Boston Undergraduate Programme
• SAQA ID 103057, NQF (HEQSF) Level 7, minimum Credits 400
• The majority of credits of this unique professional qualification are in the disciplines of accounting
and external reporting; auditing and assurance; taxation; strategy, risk management and
governance; financial management; management decision making and control; and, ICT
• This undergraduate Degree is accredited by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
(SAICA), and is the first stage of the professional track towards Chartered Accountancy.
• Recognised by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) as Generic under all Categories and
Sub-Categories for occupational/professional purposes.

Minimum Entry Requirements

A minimum requirement for admission into the degree is a:
• National Senior Certificate (NSC), with English, Mathematics and Accounting amongst the modules
passed and with endorsement for admission to Bachelor’s degree study; or
• National Certificate (Vocational) (NC(V)), with English, Mathematics and Accounting amongst the
modules passed and with endorsement for admission to Bachelor’s degree study; or
• Prior to 2009, Senior Certificate with English, Mathematics and Accounting amongst the modules

Guidelines for Alternative Entry Pathways

A number of higher education qualifications may meet the requirements for admission or advanced
placement into the degree, subject to Matriculation Board (MB)* endorsement:
• Diploma in Accounting, NQF Level 6 (OQSF), minimum credits 240; or
• Higher Certificate in Accounting, NQF (HEQSF) Level 5, minimum Credits 120; or
• Advanced Certificate in Accounting, NQF (HEQSF) Level 6, minimum Credits 120; or
• Diploma in Accounting, NQF (HEQSF) Level 6, minimum Credits 360; or an
• Equivalent qualification from an international higher education institution, see section on
International Applicants below.
*Endorsement applies to Higher Certificate and Diploma graduates for entry into Bachelor’s Degree programmes. The
endorsement is facilitated within Boston’s application process online. The endorsement fee is payable directly to the MB.

Important Notes for International Applicants

See sections on Minimum Entry Requirements for International Applicants and Alternative Entry
Pathways for International Applicants on page 11 of the Fact Sheet. Irrespective of meeting the
Minimum Entry Requirements for International Applicants, international students who do not hold a
South African school leaving certificate must present a Grade 12 equivalence verification with
endorsement for admission to Bachelor’s degree study from the South African Matriculation Board.

The Board can be contacted on +27-(0)10-591-4401/2 or [email protected] or visit

https://www.usaf.ac.za/. Also, international applicants may be required to provide proof of
proficiency in English (TOEFL score of 550, or IELTS overall band score of 6.0.) prior to admission to
the qualification. Students who have qualifications from international higher education institutions
must present an equivalence certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) who
can be contacted on +27-(0)12-431-5070 or [email protected] or visit
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Applying to Transfer-in Credits
Boston allows students with completed credits from recognised higher education institutions to apply
for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT). In the case of completed qualifications, a maximum of
50% of the credits may be transferred-in. Credit transfers will only be considered if accompanied by
full academic records with a statement of satisfactory or good conduct. Students interested in applying
will be considered individually by the Academic Committee based at Head Office: see relevant section
in the Prospectus and the ‘Application for Admission Form’ online.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Applicants

Boston admits a small number of students through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Applicants
interested in applying through RPL will be considered individually by the Academic Committee based
at Head Office; see relevant section in the Prospectus and the ‘Application for Admission Form’ online.

What is the Duration of Study?

Based on the credits and notional hours of this qualification, the minimum duration is six (6) semesters
over a period of three (3) years, and the maximum duration is nine (9) years. For more information,
see Table overleaf.

What is the Purpose of the Qualification?

The purpose of the programme is to equip successful students with graduate-level knowledge, specific
skills and applied competence that provide for their continued personal and intellectual growth,
economic activity and valuable contributions to business and broader society in the fields of
accounting and external reporting; auditing and assurance; taxation; strategy, risk management and
governance; financial management; and management decision making and control. Graduates will be
able to join the commercial world-of-work and contribute to public, private or non-profit organisations
in the capacity of general accountants, tax practitioners, financial managers and other similar strategic
roles. The application of principles and theory are emphasised as a basis for entry into the labour
market, professional training, postgraduate study or professional practice in a wide range of careers
and occupations* such as:
• Chartered Accountancy • Credit Analyst
• Accountant in practice • Tax Accountant
• Financial Manager • Budget Analyst
• Management Consultant • Business Manager
• Financial Advisor • Small Business Manager or Owner or
• Internal Auditor Entrepreneur
• Tax Specialist • A variety of non-Banking Financial Services
• Cost and Management Accountant • Banking
*Certain occupational objectives are provided for in foundational form and may require further specialisation.

What are the Programme Outcomes?

On completion of the programme, graduates will have the necessary knowledge and practical skills
required to:
• Operate effectively in the workplace using a number of Windows-based end-user Applications.
• Apply principles, theories and methodology of financial accounting to analyse financial reporting
needs and establish relevant systems, and conduct external financial reporting.
• Develop knowledge and an understanding of the underlying principles and concepts relating to
auditing and assurance and technical proficiency in using auditing techniques.
• Demonstrate knowledge of the general legal framework, and specific legal areas relating to
business including the South African tax system as well as the ability to prepare tax calculations in
accordance with legal requirements.
• Develop knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles and concepts relating to
financial management and management accounting.
• Identify, evaluate, and analyse socio-economic needs of society, display an awareness of
professional ethics and ethical standards, and recognise the need for life-long learning.

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What do I require to Pass a Module?
Students will need an overall mark of fifty percent (50%) to pass a module. Students who do not
achieve a pass mark in a summative assessment (SA1 and/or SA2) may be provided one (1) further
opportunity to retake (supplement) the summative assessment at an additional re-assessment fee.

How is the Overall Mark Calculated?

The overall mark will be calculated from the student’s performance on formative assessments (FAs)
and summative assessments (SAs).

What is the Curriculum and Fee?

The Boston Bachelor of Accounting programme consists of thirty-three (33) compulsory modules. See
Table overleaf. For more information, see pages 30 to 34 for the Catalogue Description of each module.

Please note that Module Fees listed in the Table are for the 2023 academic year.

The Module Fee charged by Boston is a package fee which includes the following:
1. Prescribed textbook and/or courseware;
2. Access to full-time educators to assist with academic support;
3. 24/7 online LMS to access video lectures and teaching and learning; and
4. Support center and student advisor.

As the Module Fee is a package fee, the Module Fee cannot be varied. The Module Fee, therefore,
cannot be varied due to the student being in possession of the prescribed textbook and/or courseware
prior to the commencement of the module and/or re-registration etc.

*For students that have initially registered between 2019 and 2021, please see specific Curriculum at
the end of the Fact Sheet.

How many modules can I take each semester?

The minimum is one (1) module per semester which will ensure that students remain academically active.
The maximum number of modules you can take in any one (1) semester is dependent on the number of
credits per module. It is recommended that full-time working adults consider completing the programme
in a duration exceeding the minimum period of three (3) years, which implies electing to take fewer
modules per semester.

What are the assessment strategies?

See Table below for information on the assessment strategy per module and reference the key list below
to read about each assessment strategy relevant to your programme, in detail.

Assessment Strategy C (ASC): Formative assessments (FA1 and FA2), also known as quizzes, will count
fifty percent (50%) – twenty five percent (25%) each - towards the
overall mark. A summative assessment in the form of a final exam
(SA1), will count fifty percent (50%) towards the overall mark.

Due Performance (DP): This module is not weighted nor credit-bearing. However, the
minimum hours required in continuous professional and career
development must be completed before progressing to the next year
of study or certification. It is vital that students in degree programmes
develop greater breadth of understanding of interrelated disciplines
and practices as mimicked in the world of work, and therefore
participation in opportunities provided in this module is compulsory. A
summative assessment in the form of reflective essay is required.

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Assessment Strategy 1 (AS1): The formative assessment 1 (FA1), formative assessment 2 (FA2),
formative assessment 3 (FA3) and summative assessment 1 (SA1), all in
the form of practical assessments, will each count twenty five percent
(25%) towards the overall mark.

Assessment Strategy 2 (AS2): The formative assessment (FA1), also known as an assignment or test,
will count fifty percent (50%) towards the overall mark. The summative
assessment in the form of a final exam or capstone project (SA1), will
count fifty percent (50%).

Assessment Strategy 3 (AS3): The formative assessment (FA1), also known as an assignment or test,
will count forty percent (40%) towards the overall mark. Summative
assessments in the form of a final exam or capstone project (SA1), will
count fifty percent (50%), and a research or reflective essay (SA2) will
count ten percent (10%) towards the overall mark.

Assessment Strategy 4 (AS4): Formative assessments (FA1 and FA2), also known as assignments or
tests, will count forty percent (40%) - twenty percent (20%) each -
towards the overall mark. Summative assessments in the form of a
final exam or capstone project (SA1), will count fifty percent (50%), and
a research or reflective essay (SA2) will count ten percent (10%)
towards the overall mark.

Assessment Strategy 5 (AS5): Formative assessments (FA1 and FA2), also known as assignments or
tests, will count thirty percent (30%) - fifteen percent (15%) each -
towards the overall mark. Summative assessments in the form of a
final exam or capstone project (SA1), will count sixty percent (60%),
and a research or reflective essay (SA2) will count ten percent (10%)
towards the overall mark.

Assessment Strategy 6 (AS6): Formative Assessments (FA1 & FA2), which may take the form of
assignments, research essays or tests will count forty percent (40%) –
twenty percent (20%) each – towards the overall mark. Summative
Assessments (SA1 & SA2), which may take the form of capstone
projects, tasks, presentations, written or oral exams, or a research
proposal will count sixty percent (60%) – thirty percent (30%) each –
towards the overall mark.

Assessment Strategy IS (ASIS): An integrated summative assessment 1 (SA1) in the form of a final
examination will count 100% towards the overall mark.

Assessment Strategy W (ASW): Formative assessments (FA1 and FA2), also known as assignments, will
count forty percent (40%) - twenty percent (20%) each - towards the
overall mark. Summative assessments in the form of a practicum, will
count forty percent (40%), and a research or reflective essay (SA2) will
count twenty percent (20%) towards the overall mark.

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Bachelor of Accounting (HBACC1)

24/7 online
Educators Support
LMS for
Student to assist Centre
access to
Textbook(s) Advisor to with for

2023 video

NQF Level

Academic and online help keep academic access to

Module lectures,
Module Name Code Year / Pre-requisite learning me support, ICT,
Fees (Cash teaching &
Assessment experiences motivated tuition study &
Fees) learning,
included? and on- planning, exam
track? student venues, if
wellness, required

1 Annual Registration Fee R695.00

1 Annual Library Fee 1 HALIBF1 R280.00
Computer Literacy (Word, Word
1 HCLT101-1 5 16 Yes 1-ASC R4 355.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Advanced, Outlook)
1 Academic Literacy HALT130-1 5 14 Yes 1-AS4 R3 675.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1 Business Management 1 HBMN130-1 5 16 Yes 1-AS4 R3 910.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Financial Accounting Principles, Concepts
1 HFAC131-1 5 20 Yes 1-AS5 R4 355.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
and Procedures
Total Credits: Academic Year 1, Semester

Computer Literacy Advanced

2 (Spreadsheets, Spreadsheets Advanced, HCLT108-1 5 10 Yes 1-AS1 HCLT101-1 R4 885.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Database, Presentation Graphics)
2 Commercial Law HLWC130-1 5 8 Yes 1-AS4 R3 355.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Economics 1 HECO130-1 5 16 Yes 1-AS4 R3 910.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Legal Aspects of Accounting HLAA130-1 5 12 Yes 1-AS5 R3 975.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Financial Accounting Reporting HFAC132-1 5 20 Yes 1-AS5 HFAC131-1 R4 355.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Total Credits: Academic Year 1, Semester
Total Credits: Academic Year 1 132 9 R37 750.00

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Bachelor of Accounting (HBACC1)

24/7 online
Educators Support
LMS for
Student to assist Centre
access to
Textbook(s) Advisor to with for

2023 video

NQF Level

Academic and online help keep academic access to

Module lectures,
Module Name Code Year / Pre-requisite learning me support, ICT,
Fees (Cash teaching &
Assessment experiences motivated tuition study &
Fees) learning,
included? and on- planning, exam
track? student venues, if
wellness, required

3 Annual Registration Fee R695.00

3 Annual Library Fee 1 HALIBF1 R280.00
3 Business Management 2 HBMN233-1 6 10 Yes 2-AS5 HBMN130-1 R4 230.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Computer Literacy: Digital
3 Transformation (Big Data, AI, Machine HCLT106-1 6 4 Yes 2-AS2 HCLT101-1 R3 540.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Auditing Theory and Practice HAUD230-1 6 16 Yes 2-AS5 HLAA130-1 R4 685.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Financial Accounting for Companies
3 HFAC231-1 6 14 Yes 2-AS5 HFAC132-1 R4 360.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Principles of Management Accounting HMAC230-1 6 12 Yes 2-AS5 R4 140.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Taxation of Individuals HTAX230-1 6 12 Yes 2-AS5 R4 140.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Total Credits: Academic Year 2, Semester

4 Ethics in Accountancy HETA231-1 6 14 Yes 2-AS5 R4 360.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Corporate Governance in Accountancy HCGA232-1 6 12 Yes 2-AS5 HAUD230-1 R4 250.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 General Financial Reporting (IFRS) HFAC232-1 6 12 Yes 2-AS5 HFAC231-1 R4 140.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Principles of Strategy, Risk and Financial
4 HFMN230-1 6 12 Yes 2-AS5 R4 140.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Management Techniques
Computer Literacy: Computational HCLT106-1 &
4 HCLT107-1 6 10 Yes 2-AS1 R3 540.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thinking & Programming HCLT108-1
4 Work Integrated Learning HWBAC230-1 6 4 Yes 2-ASW R2 570.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Integrated Examination 1 HBACC230-1 6 2 Yes 2-ASIS Year 2 R620.00 No No No No Yes
Total Credits: Academic Year 2, Semester
Total Credits: Academic Year 2 134 13 R49 690.00

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Bachelor of Accounting (HBACC1)

24/7 online
Educators Support
LMS for
Student to assist Centre
access to
Textbook(s) Advisor to with for

2023 video

NQF Level

Academic and online help keep academic access to

Module lectures,
Module Name Code Year / Pre-requisite learning me support, ICT,
Fees (Cash teaching &
Assessment experiences motivated tuition study &
Fees) learning,
included? and on- planning, exam
track? student venues, if
wellness, required

5 Annual Registration Fee R695.00

5 Annual Library Fee 1 HALIBF1 R280.00
Audit Planning, Tests of Control and
5 HAUD331-1 7 12 Yes 3-AS5 HAUD230-1 R4 620.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Substantive Procedures
Selected Accounting Standards and
5 HFAC331-1 7 12 Yes 3-AS5 HFAC232-1 R4 295.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Simple Group Structures
5 Distinctive Financial Reporting (IFRS) HFAC332-1 7 12 Yes 3-AS5 HFAC232-1 R4 520.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Application of Management Accounting
5 HMAC330-1 7 14 Yes 3-AS5 HMAC230-1 R4 520.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 Taxation of Business Activities HTAX331-1 7 14 Yes 3-AS5 HTAX230-1 R4 520.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Total Credits: Academic Year 3, Semester

6 Procedures in Finalising an Audit HAUD332-1 7 14 Yes 3-AS5 HAUD331-1 R4 520.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Group Financial Reporting HFAC333-1 7 14 Yes 3-AS5 HFAC331-1 R4 295.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Specific Financial Reporting (IFRS) HFAC334-1 7 12 Yes 3-AS5 HFAC332-1 R4 295.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Application of Financial Management
6 HFMN331-1 7 14 Yes 3-AS5 HFMN230-1 R4 595.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Taxation: Specific and Distinctive HTAX332-1 7 14 Yes 3-AS5 HTAX331-1 R4 520.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Integrated Examination 2 HBACC330-1 7 2 Yes 3-ASIS Year 3 R620.00 No No No No Yes
Total Credits: Academic Year 3, Semester
Total Credits: Academic Year 3 134 11 R46 295.00
Total Credits: 400 33

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What is the language of teaching and learning?
English is the language of communication, instruction and assessment at Boston.

What is the mode of provision?

Distance Learning supported by rich-media courseware. For every module, this includes:
• Comprehensive information, consisting of:
o Overview of the qualification, exit level and critical cross field outcomes
o Overview of the teaching, learning and assessment strategies
o Module specific information i.e. overview, credits, notional hours, assessment specifics, etc.
o Tuition plan and academic calendar
• Boston study guide and/or prescribed texts (whichever is applicable)
• The following is hosted/facilitated on our Learning Management System (LMS), ColCampus, which
is available online and/or at the Support Centre:
o Filmed lectures
o Teaching and Learning activities
o Formal Assessment and support
o Electronic library and other resources
o Student wellness@boston
• ColCampus promotes learning anytime, anywhere while connecting students to Educators and
learning resources in a safe and secure online environment.

What materials/resources will I require in order to study?

It is compulsory for students to have access to a computer and internet. Certain course material
and/or notes and assessments will only be accessible online or electronically. ‘Chrome’ web browser
is recommended for accessing ColCampus; additionally Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint are
required software for certain assessments. Registered students may access Office 365 via the Boston
student app.

Boston will provide all study guides and/or prescribed texts, module information, timetables, and
access to ColCampus for filmed lectures, formal assessments, as well as teaching and learning support
for each module. Therefore, there will be no requirement to purchase any additional prescribed

Boston provides resources at its network of Support Centres, including speciality software or technical
equipment, to accommodate programme requirements. However, students who opt not to use the
Support Centres will be required to purchase the necessary software and/or equipment to complete
learning and assessments.

What is a Support Centre?

Boston’s network of Support Centres grants our students access to computers, specialised software
(where required) and ColCampus for assessments, filmed lectures, electronic library facilities, as well
as examination venues and administrative services. Students must select a single Support Centre and
may make use of the facilities for the duration of their studies; see attached list.

Where do I complete my Assessments?

Students must select the same Support Centre for assessment purposes. The venue for formative and
summative assessments will depend on the specific assessment formats of each module.
• Assignments, research reports, essays, etc. will be uploaded onto our online LMS ColCampus,
which can be done from home, or at the selected Support Centre.
• Invigilated tests and examination sittings will be conducted at Support Centres or designated exam
• Research presentations and orals will be conducted via MS Teams from home/work, at Support
Centres or at designated proctored venues.

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Who will provide me with Academic and Tuition Support?
Boston has appointed qualified and experienced Educators and Supervisors to provide support to
learners. Students can contact Educators and/or Supervisors any time via ColCampus, through e-mail,
or alternatively book a telephonic or MS Teams appointment. Face-to-face appointments can also be
arranged but these will be by appointment only and will take place exclusively at Boston’s Head Office.

Can I further my studies when I graduate?

The qualification is registered at NQF (HEQSF) Level 7 and will provide for articulation options into
NQF (HEQSF) Levels 6, 7 or 8 qualifications. Graduates may proceed to Advanced Diplomas,
Postgraduate Diplomas or Honour’s degrees in a variety of disciplines at any number of public
universities, private or international higher education institutions. In order to gain entry into these
programmes students will have to meet the admission and selection criteria of the receiving

Prospectus 2023 Programme Category: Boston Undergraduate Programme.
Upon successful completion of the qualification, students will receive a Bachelor of Accounting (SAQA
ID 103057), NQF (HEQSF) Level 7 (minimum Credits 396) from Boston.

Important dates!
The Academic Calendar Sem A & B 2023 outlines the most important dates for the Boston higher
education offerings and will assist students to plan for success. For more information see Tables
appended. Please note that Sem A 2023 commences on Monday 20 February 2023. Please note that
Sem B 2023 commences on Monday 31 July 2023.

When can I apply and how much are the Application Fees?
Applications are open all year round. There are no application fees payable. Please visit the website
https://www.boston.ac.za/ for regular updates.

For students applying to study at Boston in Semester A 2023:

The closing date for applications for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Year modules is at 17h00 on Friday 17 February 2023
For students applying to study at Boston in Semester B 2023:
The closing date for applications for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Year modules is at 17h00 on Friday 28 July 2023

How do I Apply?
There are two options available for applications, for more information see Diagram overleaf.
Option 1
Visit the website and follow the links provided. Complete the online ‘Application for Admission Form’
and upload all the necessary supporting documentation.
Option 2
Visit a Support Centre to complete the form online and upload all necessary supporting

What do I do if I am accepted?
When you are accepted you will be required to register. In order to register you will need to complete
the ‘Registration Contract’ and pay the registration fee and first instalment or deposit. Once you have
paid and completed the Registration Contract you must return the contract and proof of payment to
your selected Support Centre or Support Centre selected for Assessment purposes. Contracts handed
in at a Support Centre will be captured and submitted online on your behalf to Head Office for
confirmation of your registration and student number.

For students registering at Boston to study in Semester A 2023:

The closing date for registrations for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Year modules is at 13h00 on Saturday 18 February 2023
For students registering at Boston to study in Semester B 2023:
The closing date for registrations for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Year modules is at 13h00 on Saturday 29 July 2023

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Admissions Process

•Option 1: Complete the online 'Application for Admission Form' and upload your
documents from home
•Option 2: Complete the 'Application for Admission Form' online and upload your
documents from your selected Support Centre.


•The submission is checked and all supporting documentation is verified at Head

•The Academic Committee reviews complete applications and notifies applicants of
the outcome
•The online application process incorporates the steps for CAT and/or RPL

Evaluation applications

•Successful applicants will be required to complete the 'Registration Contract' and

pay the registration fee and first installment or deposit to finalise their registration
• The 'Registration Contract' is then handed in at your Support Centre or Support
Centre selected for Assessment purposes (the centre will capture and submit it on
your behalf) following which your student number will be issued

Registration •Unsuccessful applicants will be invited to apply for an alternate programme

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Minimum Entry Requirements for International Applicants
A minimum requirement for admission into a higher education programme is as follows:
• Obtained a pass in a minimum of five (5) subjects, at least two (2) shall be Advanced Level and
remainder Ordinary Level; or
• Obtained a pass in a minimum of four (4) subjects, at least three (3) shall be Advanced Level
subjects and the remainder Ordinary Level; and
• Included in the five (5) or four (4) subjects at least one (1) subject selected from each of the
following groups:
Group I: English Language;
Group II: a first Language other than Group I;
Group III: a first Language other than Group I or II, Biology, Botany,
Chemistry, General Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Physics-
with-Chemistry, Zoology.
• Obtained a pass in a minimum of five (5) different subjects on the Advanced Subsidiary Level
and/or Higher International General Certificate of Education and/or Ordinary Level including one
(1) selected from each of Groups I and II and two (2) from Groups III, IV and V:
Group I: English Language;
Group II: a second Language other than Group I,
Group III: a third Language other than Group I and II, Biology, Chemistry,
Mathematics or Physics;
Group IV: Art, Biology (if not offered under Group III), Chemistry (if not offered under
Group III), Economics, Geography, History, Mathematics (if not offered under
Group III), Music, or Physics (if not offered under Group III)
Group V: Accounting, Business Studies, Computing, Design & Technology, Information
Technology or Further Mathematics
• Obtained a pass in four (4) Advanced Subsidiary Level and/or Higher International General
Certificate of Education subjects, of which at least one (1) shall be from Group I or II and at least
two (2) shall be selected from Groups III, IV or V above, provided that any language subject from
Group III may be recognised as a Group II subject satisfying the grouping requirements of that
group only.
• Advanced International Certificate of Education included in the subjects passed are:
o five (5) full credit pass marks; or
o four (4) full credit pass marks and two half (2,5) credit pass marks; and
o satisfied the following subject requirements:
(i) a full credit pass mark in English; and
(ii) a full credit pass mark in a second language; and
(iii) a full credit pass mark in one (1) of Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History,
Economics or Geography.
Symbols A, B, C and D will be regarded as pass marks only.

Alternative Entry Pathways for International Applicants

A number of other certificates and/or qualifications may meet the requirements for admission or
advanced placement into the degree:
• Bachelor’s degree; or
• Three-year postsecondary diploma after passing five (5) Ordinary Level subject credits including
English Language and Mathematics (pass marks symbol A, B or C); or
• Five (5) approved Ordinary Level subject passes including the English Language and Mathematics
as well as completion of the first year of a three/four year Bachelor's degree.

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Boston Support Centres 2023

• Alberton • Klerksdorp • Randburg

• Bedfordview • Krugersdorp • Richards Bay

• Bellville • Ladysmith • Roodepoort

• Benoni • Mthatha • Rosebank

• Bloemfontein • Nelspruit • Rustenburg

• Braamfontein • Newcastle • Sandton

• Cape Town • Orange Grove • Somerset West

• Centurion • Paarl • Soweto

• Durban City • Pietermaritzburg • Springs

• East London • Polokwane • Stanger

• George • Port Shepstone • Tzaneen

• Germiston • Potchefstroom • Umhlanga

• Gqeberha
• Pretoria Arcadia • Vereeniging
(formerly Port Elizabeth)
• Johannesburg • Pretoria Lynnwood Glen • Welkom

• Kempton Park • Pretoria North • Witbank

• Kimberley • Queenstown

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Academic Calendar Sem A 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
February 17 17:00 Applications Close
February 18 13:00 Registrations Close
1 February 20 Studies Commence - Week 1
HPRM441-1 FA 1 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
1 February 26 23:59 26 February 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 2
HPRM441-1 FA 2 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
2 March 5 23:59 5 March 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 3
HPRM441-1 FA 3 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
3 March 12 23:59 12 March 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 4
HPRM441-1 FA 4 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
4 March 19 23:59 19 March 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 5
HPRM441-1 FA 5 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
5 March 26 23:59 26 March 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 6
FA 1 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
6 March 31 23:59 31 March 2023 23:59
HACP130-1, HADR1181, HADR230-1, HADV100-1,
HADV1181, HADV200-1, HADV300-1, HALL130-1,
HALP1181, HALT130-1, HANT130-1, HAPR300-1,
HAPS1181, HASD200-1, HAUD200-1, HAUD230-1,
HAUD331-1, HAUD332-1, HBFB1181, HBLE300-1,
HBMN100-1, HBMN102-1, HBMN1181, HBMN130-1,
HBMN200-1, HBMN201-1, HBMN230-1, HBMN231-1,
HBMN232-1, HBMN233-1, HBMN300-1, HBMN301-1,
HBMN330-1, HBMN331-1, HBMN333-2, HBMN334-1,
HBMT1181, HBRD1181, HBRD300-1, HBRD330-1,
HBTB1181, HCBB1181, HCGA232-1, HCGE130-1,
HCGE231-1, HCGE232-1, HCHR1181, HCLT106-1,
HCLT107-1, HCLT108-1, HCML330-1, HCMLW230-1,
HCNM1181, HCONL330-1, HCOU1181, HCYLW230-1,
HDBP200-1, HECM1181, HECO130-1, HECO231-1,
HECO232-1, HEMK1181, HENT100-1, HENT1181,
HENT130-1, HENT200-1, HENT230-1, HENT300-1,
HENT330-1, HERL230-1, HERL330-1, HETA231-1,
HEVM100-1, HEVM1181, HEVM200-1, HEVM300-1,
HFAC130-1, HFAC131-1, HFAC132-1, HFAC201-1,
HFAC231-1, HFAC232-1, HFAC301-1, HFAC302-1,
HFAC331-1, HFAC332-1, HFAC333-1, HFAC334-1,
HFMN230-1, HFMN233-1, HFMN300-1, HFMN301-1,
HFMN302-1, HFMN330-1, HFMN331-1, HFOA100-1,
HGOP330-1, HGPLC230-1, HGPLD230-1, HHIVC1181,
HHM1181, HHMP1181, HHRD100-1, HHRD130-1,
HHRD200-1, HHRD230-1, HHRD300-1, HHRF1181,
HHRM100-1, HHRM130-1, HHRM200-1, HHRM230-1,
HHRM300-1, HHRM331-1, HHRM332-1, HHRM333-1,
HHS1181, HHTD1181, HHWPT1181, HIAI1181,

Page 13 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem A 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HIAP1181, HICMA1181, HIMC300-1, HIND1181,
HINT1181, HIPLW130-1, HIPM300-1, HISL130-1,
HISM100-1, HISM200-1, HISM300-1, HIT1181,
HLAA130-1, HLGE330-1, HLLW330-1, HLTX330-1,
HLWC1181, HLWC130-1, HLWC200-1, HLWC230-1,
HLWE230-1, HLWH1181, HLWI230-1, HLWL200-1,
HLWL300-1, HLWM200-1, HLWP130-1, HLWS130-1,
HMAC200-1, HMAC202-1, HMAC230-1, HMAC300-1,
HMAC330-1, HMKR1181, HMKT100-1, HMKT1181,
HMKT130-1, HMKT200-1, HMKT230-1, HMKT300-1,
HMKT330-1, HMLW1181, HNTS221-1, HNTS222-1,
HNTS203-1, HNTS300-1, HODV1181, HPAA200-1,
HPAD1181, HPBM440-1, HPBM441-1, HPBM442-1,
HPBM443-1, HPBM444-1, HPCP440-1, HPDL230-1,
HPFM440-1, HPLM1181, HPLW230-1, HPLW440-1,
HPMK440-1, HPMK442-1, HPPC1181, HPPR1181,
HPPS1181, HPR1181, HPR200-1, HPRM1181,
HPRM440-1, HPSW200-1, HPSW230-1, HPSY131-1,
HPSY132-1, HPSY231-1, HPSY232-1, HPSY331-1,
HPSY332-1, HPX100-1, HPXN200-1, HPXS200-1,
HRDC1181, HRMB330-1, HRML330-1, HRMM330-1,
HRMS230-1, HRMS331-1, HSAD300-1, HSAP1181,
HSCI1181, HSDJ1181, HSEC1181, HSEC200-1,
HSEM1181, HSFT300-1, HSHE1181, HSMB1181,
HSMS1181, HSOC131-1, HSOC132-1, HSOC231-1,
HSOC232-1, HSOC331-1, HSOC332-1, HSOS1181,
HSPM300-1, HSPS1181, HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1,
HSYD202-1, HSYD300-1, HTAX201-1, HTAX202-1,
HTAX230-1, HTAX331-1, HTAX332-1, HTCP300-1,
HTDP1181, HTDS1181, HTDSA1181, HTOP1181,
HTSS100-1, HTTM1181, HWBAC230-1, HWBHR330-1,
HWBLW330-1, HWBMM330-1, HWBSS330-1,
HWCLSP1171, HWCMDM1181, HWCMP1171,
HWCPLP1181, HWCTTMP1181, HWDBM300-1,
HWDEM300-1, HWDFA300-1, HWDHR300-1,
HWDMM300-1, HWDPR300-1, HWFM300-1,
FA 1 – Online Quiz Due
Complete online via ColCampus no later than
6 March 31 23:59 31 March 2023 23:59
HCLT101-1, HCLT103-1, HCLT104-1, HCLT105-1,
HPXN301-1, HPXS301-1
9 April 20 17:00 FA 1 - Results Release
10 April 26 13:00 FA 1 - Results Appeal Close
11 May 3 17:00 FA 1 - Results Appeal Release

Page 14 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem A 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HPRM441-1 FA 6 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
10 April 28 23:59 28 April 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 12
FA 2 - Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
12 May 12 23:59 12 May 2023 23:59
HACP130-1, HALL130-1, HALT130-1, HANT130-1,
HAUD230-1, HAUD331-1, HAUD332-1, HBMN130-1,
HBMN233-1, HBMN330-1, HCGA232-1, HCGE130-1,
HCGE231-1, HCGE232-1, HCLT104-1, HCLT107-1,
HCLT108-1, HECO130-1, HENT130-1, HETA231-1,
HFAC130-1, HFAC131-1, HFAC132-1, HFAC231-1,
HFAC232-1, HFAC331-1, HFAC332-1, HFAC333-1,
HFAC334-1, HFMN230-1, HFMN330-1, HFMN331-1,
HGOP330-1, HHRD130-1, HHRM130-1, HHRM332-1,
HHRM333-1, HISL130-1, HLAA130-1, HLGE330-1,
HLWC130-1, HLWP130-1, HMAC230-1, HMAC330-1,
HMKT130-1, HMKT330-1, HPBM440-1, HPBM441-1,
HPBM442-1, HPBM443-1, HPBM444-1, HPCP440-1,
HPFM440-1, HPLW440-1, HPMK440-1, HPMK442-1,
HPRM440-1, HPSY131-1, HPSY132-1, HPSY331-1,
HPSY332-1, HRMS331-1, HSOC131-1, HSOC132-1,
HSOC231-1, HSOC232-1, HSOC331-1, HSOC332-1,
HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1, HTAX230-1, HTAX331-1,
HTAX332-1, HWBAC230-1, HWBHR330-1,
HWBLW330-1, HWBMM330-1, HWBSS330-1,
HWCLSP1171, HWCMDM1181, HWCMP1171,
HWCPLP1181, HWCTTMP1181, HWDBM300-1,
HWDEM300-1, HWDFA300-1, HWDHR300-1,
HWDMM300-1, HWDPR300-1
FA 2 – Online Quiz Due
Complete online via ColCampus no later than
12 May 12 23:59 12 May 2023 23:59
HADR230-1, HBMN230-1, HBMN231-1, HBMN232-1,
HBMN331-1, HBMN333-2, HBMN334-1, HBRD330-1,
HCLT101-1, HCLT105-1, HCML330-1, HCMLW230-1,
HCONL330-1, HCYLW230-1, HECO231-1, HECO232-1,
HENT230-1, HENT330-1, HERL230-1, HERL330-1,
HFAC201-1, HFMN233-1, HGPLC230-1, HGPLD230-1,
HHRD230-1, HHRM230-1, HHRM331-1, HIPLW130-1,
HLLW330-1, HLTX330-1, HLWC230-1, HLWE230-1,
HLWI230-1, HLWS130-1, HMAC200-1, HMKT230-1,
HPDL230-1, HPLW230-1, HPSW230-1, HPSY231-1,
HPSY232-1, HRMB330-1, HRML330-1, HRMM330-1,

Page 15 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem A 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HPXN302-1 FA 1 Online Quiz and HPXN302-1 Draft
Project Proposal Assignment Due. Submit online via
12 May 12 23:59 ColCampus no later than 12 May 2023 23:59.
HPXS302-1 FA 1 – Online Quiz Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
12 May 12 23:59 12 May 2023 23:59.
13 May 19 13:00 FA 2 - Results Release
14 May 22 17:00 FA 2 - Results Appeal Close
14 May 25 17:00 FA 2 - Results Appeal Release
HCLT107-1, HCLT108-1, HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1
FA 3 – Assignment Due. Submit online via
15 May 29 23:59 ColCampus no later than 29 May 2023 23:59.
SA 1 Time Table for PAPER BASED EXAM
Accompanying SA 2’s to be submitted online via
ColCampus no later than 23:59 on day that SA 1 is
15 to 17 May – June 29 - 12 written
15 May 29 09:00-12:00 HTAX332-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN201-1, HBMN200-1, HLWL300-1, HRMM330-1
12:00-14:00 HBMN230-1, HLWC200-1, HPDL230-1
15:00-17:00 HCMLW230-1, HHRM331-1, HLTX330-1
May 30 09:00-12:00 HFAC132-1, HFAC231-1, HFAC232-1, HFAC332-1
09:00-11:00 HADV300-1, HHRM200-1, HMAC300-1
12:00-14:00 HFAC201-1, HFMN302-1
15:00-17:00 HADV200-1, HCGE232-1, HCML330-1
May 31 09:00-12:00 HAUD332-1, HFAC130-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN231-1, HSOC332-1
12:00-14:00 HCYLW230-1, HFAC301-1
15:00-17:00 HBMN300-1, HENT200-1, HFMN330-1
June 1 09:00-12:00 HTAX230-1, HTAX331-1
09:00-11:00 HHRD200-1, HHRD300-1, HTAX201-1, HTAX202-1
12:00-14:00 HEVM200-1, HEVM300-1, HFMN301-1
15:00-17:00 HECO231-1, HECO232-1
June 2 09:00-12:00 HETA231-1, HFAC333-1
09:00-11:00 HGPLC230-1, HGPLD230-1, HLWC130-1, HPSW200-1
12:00-14:00 HBMN331-1, HERL230-1, HIMC300-1, HLWC230-1
15:00-17:00 HAUD200-1, HBLE300-1, HGOP330-1
16 June 5 09:00-12:00 HBMN233-1, HFAC302-1, HFAC331-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN333-2, HHRM230-1, HMAC202-1
12:00-14:00 HLWM200-1, HPSY231-1, HPSY331-1, HRMB330-1
15:00-17:00 HADR230-1, HENT230-1, HENT330-1, HFMN233-1
June 6 09:00-12:00 HFAC131-1, HFAC334-1, HFMN230-1
09:00-11:00 HBRD300-1, HLWI230-1, HPAA200-1
12:00-14:00 HAPR300-1, HCONL330-1, HMAC200-1
15:00-17:00 HERL330-1, HPR200-1, HSEC200-1
June 7 No scheduled SA1s.
June 8 No scheduled SA1s.

Page 16 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem A 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
16 June 9 09:00-12:00 HAUD230-1, HAUD331-1, HCGA232-1, HFMN331-1
09:00-11:00 HBRD330-1, HRMS230-1, HPLW230-1
12:00-14:00 HLLW330-1, HLWL200-1, HMKT200-1, HMKT230-1
15:00-17:00 HBMN334-1, HPSY232-1, HPSY332-1
17 June 12 09:00-12:00 HMAC230-1, HMAC330-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN232-1, HLWE230-1, HSOC231-1, HSOC232-1
12:00-14:00 HHRD230-1, HPSW230-1, HSOC331-1
15:00-17:00 HBMN301-1, HFMN300-1
ASSESSMENT EVENT which are open book and with
SA 2’s to submit. These exams must be completed
on the stipulated dates as indicated below, and be
invigilated. Remember to upload your SA2 via
ColCampus by the stipulated due date no later than
16 June 5 09:00-12:00 HPBM440-1
16 June 8 09:00-12:00 HPMK440-1
17 June 12 09:00-12:00 HPBM443-1
No SA 2’s to submit. These exams must be
15 to 17 May – June 29 - 12 completed within the exam period.
HADR1181, HADV1181, HALP1181, HAPS1181,
HBFB1181, HBMN1181, HBMT1181, HBRD1181,
HBTB1181, HCBB1181, HCHR1181, HCLT101-1,
HCLT103-1, HCLT105-1, HCLT106-1, HCNM1181,
HCOU1181, HECM1181, HEMK1181, HENT1181,
HEVM1181, HHIVC1181, HHM1181, HHMP1181,
HHRF1181, HHS1181, HHTD1181, HHWPT1181,
HIAI1181, HIAP1181, HICMA1181, HIND1181,
HINT1181, HIT1181, HLWC1181, HLWH1181,
HMKR1181, HMKT1181, HMLW1181, HODV1181,
HPAD1181, HPLM1181, HPPC1181, HPPR1181,
HPPS1181, HPR1181, HPRM1181, HRDC1181,
HSAP1181, HSCI1181, HSDJ1181, HSEC1181,
HSEM1181, HSHE1181, HSMB1181, HSMS1181,
HSOS1181, HSPS1181, HTDP1181, HTDS1181,
HTDSA1181, HTOP1181, HTTM1181, HYFT1181
ASSESSMENT EVENTS with SA 2’s to submit.
These exams must be completed within the exam
period. Remember to upload your SA 2 on
15 to 17 May – June 29 - 12 23:59 ColCampus by the stipulated due date.
HACP130-1, HADV100-1, HALL130-1, HALT130-1,
HANT130-1, HBMN100-1, HBMN102-1, HBMN130-1,
HCGE130-1, HDBP200-1, HECO130-1, HENT100-1,
HENT130-1, HEVM100-1, HFOA100-1, HHRD100-1,
HHRD130-1, HHRM100-1, HHRM130-1, HIPLW130-1,
HIPM300-1, HISL130-1, HISM100-1, HISM200-1,
HISM300-1, HLAA130-1, HLWP130-1, HLWS130-1,

Page 17 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem A 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HMKT100-1, HMKT130-1, HNTS221-1, HNTS222-1,
HNTS203-1, HNTS300-1, HPSY131-1, HPSY132-1,
HPXN200-1, HPXN301-1, HPXS301-1, HSFT300-1,
HSOC131-1, HSOC132-1, HSPM300-1, HSYD202-1,
HTCP300-1, HTSS100-1, HWFM300-1
SA 1 & SA 2 Time Table for projects / internship /
assignments only. Submit online via ColCampus no
15 to 17 May – June 29 - 12 23:59 later than 12 June 2023 23:59
HASD200-1, HBMN330-1, HCGE231-1, HENT300-1,
HHRM300-1, HHRM332-1, HHRM333-1, HLGE330-1,
HMKT300-1, HMKT330-1, HPBM441-1, HPBM442-1,
HPBM444-1, HPCP440-1, HPFM440-1, HPLW440-1,
HPMK442-1, HPRM440-1, HPRM441-1, HPX100-1,
HPXN302-1, HPXS200-1, HPXS302-1, HRML330-1,
HRMS331-1, HSAD300-1, HSYD300-1, HWBAC230-1,
HWBHR330-1, HWBLW330-1, HWBMM330-1,
HWBSS330-1, HWCACP1171, HWCBMP1171,
HWCMP1171, HWCMSM1181, HWCMSP1181,
HWDBM300-1, HWDEM300-1, HWDFA300-1,
HWDHR300-1, HWDMM300-1, HWDPR300-1
HCLT104-1, HCLT107-1, HCLT108-1, HPCPB100-1,
HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1
SA 1 – Assignment Due. Submit online via
17 June 12 23:59 ColCampus no later than 12 June 2023 23:59.
HBACC230-1 and HBACC330-1
18 June 19 09:00-12:30 SA 1 for paper-based sit down exams.
19 June 27 13:00 SA 1 & 2 Results Release
19 June 30 17:00 SA 1 & 2 Results Appeal Close
20 July 4 13:00 SA 1 & 2 Results Appeal Release
Supplementary SA 1 Time Table for PAPER BASED
Supplementary SA 2).
Accompanying Supplementary SA 2’s to be
submitted online via ColCampus no later than 23:59
21 July 10 - 14 on day that SA 1 is written
21 July 10 09:00-12:00 HAUD332-1, HETA231-1, HTAX230-1, HTAX331-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN230-1, HBMN300-1, HLWC130-1, HPSY332-1
HBMN200-1, HBMN334-1, HLWC200-1, HLWC230-1,
HTAX201-1, HTAX202-1
HADV200-1, HCGE232-1, HCMLW230-1, HHRM331-1,
HFAC132-1, HFAC231-1, HFAC232-1, HFAC332-1,
July 11 09:00-12:00
HADV300-1, HBMN201-1, HENT200-1, HENT230-1,
HFMN330-1, HHRM230-1, HLWI230-1, HMAC300-1

Page 18 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem A 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HBMN231-1, HCYLW230-1, HFAC201-1, HFAC301-1,
July 11 12:00-14:00
21 HFMN302-1, HRMS230-1
HECO231-1, HECO232-1, HENT330-1, HEVM200-1,
HEVM300-1, HPSW200-1
HBMN233-1, HFAC130-1, HFAC131-1, HFAC302-1,
July 12 HFAC331-1, HFAC334-1, HFMN230-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN333-2, HGOP330-1
HBMN331-1, HBRD300-1, HERL330-1, HLWM200-1,
HPLW230-1, HPSW230-1, HRMB330-1
HAUD200-1, HHRM200-1, HLWE230-1, HPR200-1,
HPSY231-1, HPSY232-1, HPSY331-1
July 13 09:00-12:00 HFMN331-1, HMAC230-1, HMAC330-1
HGPLC230-1, HGPLD230-1, HMAC200-1, HMAC202-1,
HAPR300-1, HBLE300-1, HCML330-1, HHRD200-1,
HHRD300-1, HIMC300-1, HRMM330-1
HBMN301-1, HERL230-1, HFMN233-1, HFMN300-1,
HFMN301-1, HMKT200-1, HMKT230-1, HPDL230-1
July 14 09:00-12:00 HAUD230-1, HAUD331-1, HCGA232-1, HTAX332-1
HADR230-1, HBMN232-1, HHRD230-1, HLTX330-1,
HBRD330-1, HCONL330-1, HLLW330-1, HLWL200-1,
HLWL300-1, HSOC231-1, HSOC232-1, HSOC331-1
Supplementary SA 1 Time Table for open book
with Supplementary SA 2’s to submit. These exams
must be completed on the stipulated dates as
indicated below, and be invigilated. Remember to
upload your Supplementary SA 2 via ColCampus by
the stipulated due date no later than 23:59.
21 July 10 09:00-12:00 HPBM440-1
21 July 12 09:00-12:00 HPMK440-1
21 July 14 09:00-12:00 HPBM443-1
Supplementary SA 1 & Supplementary SA 2 Time
Table for projects / internship / assignments only.
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
21 July 10 - 14 14 July 2023 23:59
HASD200-1, HBMN330-1, HCGE231-1, HENT300-1,
HHRM300-1, HHRM332-1, HHRM333-1, HLGE330-1,
HMKT300-1, HMKT330-1, HPBM441-1, HPBM442-1,
HPBM444-1, HPCP440-1, HPFM440-1, HPLW440-1,
HPMK442-1, HPRM440-1, HPRM441-1, HPX100-1,
HPXN302-1, HPXS200-1, HPXS302-1, HRML330-1,
HRMS331-1, HSAD300-1, HSYD300-1, HWBAC230-1,
HWBHR330-1, HWBLW330-1, HWBMM330-1,
HWBSS330-1, HWCACP1171, HWCBMP1171,
HWCMP1171, HWCMSM1181, HWCMSP1181,

Page 19 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem A 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HWDBM300-1, HWDEM300-1, HWDFA300-1,
HWDHR300-1, HWDMM300-1, HWDPR300-1
Supplementary SA 1 Time Table for ONLINE EXAM
Supplementary SA 2’s. These exams must be
21 July 10 - 14 completed within the exam period.
HADR1181, HADV1181, HALP1181, HAPS1181,
HBFB1181, HBMN1181, HBMT1181, HBRD1181,
HBTB1181, HCBB1181, HCHR1181, HCLT101-1,
HCLT103-1, HCLT105-1, HCLT106-1, HCNM1181,
HCOU1181, HECM1181, HEMK1181, HENT1181,
HEVM1181, HHIVC1181, HHM1181, HHMP1181,
HHRF1181, HHS1181, HHTD1181, HHWPT1181,
HIAI1181, HIAP1181, HICMA1181, HIND1181,
HINT1181, HIT1181, HLWC1181, HLWH1181,
HMKR1181, HMKT1181, HMLW1181, HODV1181,
HPAD1181, HPLM1181, HPPC1181, HPPR1181,
HPPS1181, HPR1181, HPRM1181, HRDC1181,
HSAP1181, HSCI1181, HSDJ1181, HSEC1181,
HSEM1181, HSHE1181, HSMB1181, HSMS1181,
HSOS1181, HSPS1181, HTDP1181, HTDS1181,
HTDSA1181, HTOP1181, HTTM1181, HYFT1181
Supplementary SA 1 Time Table for ONLINE EXAM
Supplementary SA 2’s to submit. These exams must
be completed within the exam period. Remember
to upload your SA 2 on ColCampus by the stipulated
21 July 10 - 14 due date.
HACP130-1, HADV100-1, HALL130-1, HALT130-1,
HANT130-1, HBMN100-1, HBMN102-1, HBMN130-1,
HCGE130-1, HDBP200-1, HECO130-1, HENT100-1,
HENT130-1, HEVM100-1, HFOA100-1, HHRD100-1,
HHRD130-1, HHRM100-1, HHRM130-1, HIPLW130-1,
HIPM300-1, HISL130-1, HISM100-1, HISM200-1,
HISM300-1, HLAA130-1, HLWP130-1, HLWS130-1,
HMKT100-1, HMKT130-1, HNTS221-1, HNTS222-1,
HNTS203-1, HNTS300-1, HPSY131-1, HPSY132-1,
HPXN200-1, HPXN301-1, HPXS301-1, HSFT300-1,
HSOC131-1, HSOC132-1, HSPM300-1, HSYD202-1,
HTCP300-1, HTSS100-1, HWFM300-1
HCLT104-1, HCLT107-1, HCLT108-1, HPCPB100-1,
HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1
Supplementary SA 1 – Assignment Due. Submit
21 July 10 - 14 23:59 online via ColCampus no later than 4 July 2023.
HBACC230-1 and HBACC330-1 Supplementary SA 1
22 July 19 09:00-12:30 for paper-based sit down exams.
22 July 21 17:00 Supplementary SA 1 & 2 Results Release
23 July 24 13:00 Supplementary SA 1 & 2 Results Appeal Close
23 July 27 17:00 Supplementary SA 1 & 2 Results Appeal Release

Page 20 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
July 28 17:00 Applications Close
July 29 13:00 Registrations Close
1 July 31 Studies Commence - Week 1
HPRM441-1 FA 1 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
1 August 6 23:59 6 August 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 2
HPRM441-1 FA 2 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
2 August 13 23:59 13 August 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 3
HPRM441-1 FA 3 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
3 August 20 23:59 20 August 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 4
HPRM441-1 FA 4 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
4 August 27 23:59 27 August 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 5
HPRM441-1 FA 5 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
5 September 3 23:59 3 September 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 6
FA 1 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
6 September 8 23:59 8 September 2023 23:59
HACP130-1, HADR1181, HADR230-1, HADV100-1,
HADV1181, HADV200-1, HADV300-1, HALL130-1,
HALP1181, HALT130-1, HANT130-1, HAPR300-1,
HAPS1181, HASD200-1, HAUD200-1, HAUD230-1,
HAUD331-1, HAUD332-1, HBFB1181, HBLE300-1,
HBMN100-1, HBMN102-1, HBMN1181, HBMN130-1,
HBMN200-1, HBMN201-1, HBMN230-1, HBMN231-1,
HBMN232-1, HBMN233-1, HBMN300-1, HBMN301-1,
HBMN330-1, HBMN331-1, HBMN333-2, HBMN334-1,
HBMT1181, HBRD1181, HBRD300-1, HBRD330-1,
HBTB1181, HCBB1181, HCGA232-1, HCGE130-1,
HCGE231-1, HCGE232-1, HCHR1181, HCLT106-1,
HCLT107-1, HCLT108-1, HCML330-1, HCMLW230-1,
HCNM1181, HCONL330-1, HCOU1181, HCYLW230-1,
HDBP200-1, HECM1181, HECO130-1, HECO231-1,
HECO232-1, HEMK1181, HENT100-1, HENT1181,
HENT130-1, HENT200-1, HENT230-1, HENT300-1,
HENT330-1, HERL230-1, HERL330-1, HETA231-1,
HEVM100-1, HEVM1181, HEVM200-1, HEVM300-1,
HFAC130-1, HFAC131-1, HFAC132-1, HFAC201-1,
HFAC231-1, HFAC232-1, HFAC301-1, HFAC302-1,
HFAC331-1, HFAC332-1, HFAC333-1, HFAC334-1,
HFMN230-1, HFMN233-1, HFMN300-1, HFMN301-1,
HFMN302-1, HFMN330-1, HFMN331-1, HFOA100-1,
HGOP330-1, HGPLC230-1, HGPLD230-1, HHIVC1181,
HHM1181, HHMP1181, HHRD100-1, HHRD130-1,
HHRD200-1, HHRD230-1, HHRD300-1, HHRF1181,
HHRM100-1, HHRM130-1, HHRM200-1, HHRM230-1,
HHRM300-1, HHRM331-1, HHRM332-1, HHRM333-1,
HHS1181, HHTD1181, HHWPT1181, HIAI1181,

Page 21 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HIAP1181, HICMA1181, HIMC300-1, HIND1181,
HINT1181, HIPLW130-1, HIPM300-1, HISL130-1,
HISM100-1, HISM200-1, HISM300-1, HIT1181,
HLAA130-1, HLGE330-1, HLLW330-1, HLTX330-1,
HLWC1181, HLWC130-1, HLWC200-1, HLWC230-1,
HLWE230-1, HLWH1181, HLWI230-1, HLWL200-1,
HLWL300-1, HLWM200-1, HLWP130-1, HLWS130-1,
HMAC200-1, HMAC202-1, HMAC230-1, HMAC300-1,
HMAC330-1, HMKR1181, HMKT100-1, HMKT1181,
HMKT130-1, HMKT200-1, HMKT230-1, HMKT300-1,
HMKT330-1, HMLW1181, HNTS221-1, HNTS222-1,
HNTS203-1, HNTS300-1, HODV1181, HPAA200-1,
HPAD1181, HPBM440-1, HPBM441-1, HPBM442-1,
HPBM443-1, HPBM444-1, HPCP440-1, HPDL230-1,
HPFM440-1, HPLM1181, HPLW230-1, HPLW440-1,
HPMK440-1, HPMK442-1, HPPC1181, HPPR1181,
HPPS1181, HPR1181, HPR200-1, HPRM1181,
HPRM440-1, HPSW200-1, HPSW230-1, HPSY131-1,
HPSY132-1, HPSY231-1, HPSY232-1, HPSY331-1,
HPSY332-1, HPX100-1, HPXN200-1, HPXS200-1,
HRDC1181, HRMB330-1, HRML330-1, HRMM330-1,
HRMS230-1, HRMS331-1, HSAD300-1, HSAP1181,
HSCI1181, HSDJ1181, HSEC1181, HSEC200-1,
HSEM1181, HSFT300-1, HSHE1181, HSMB1181,
HSMS1181, HSOC131-1, HSOC132-1, HSOC231-1,
HSOC232-1, HSOC331-1, HSOC332-1, HSOS1181,
HSPM300-1, HSPS1181, HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1,
HSYD202-1, HSYD300-1, HTAX201-1, HTAX202-1,
HTAX230-1, HTAX331-1, HTAX332-1, HTCP300-1,
HTDP1181, HTDS1181, HTDSA1181, HTOP1181,
HTSS100-1, HTTM1181, HWBAC230-1, HWBHR330-1,
HWBLW330-1, HWBMM330-1, HWBSS330-1,
HWCLSP1171, HWCMDM1181, HWCMP1171,
HWCPLP1181, HWCTTMP1181, HWDBM300-1,
HWDEM300-1, HWDFA300-1, HWDHR300-1,
HWDMM300-1, HWDPR300-1, HWFM300-1,
FA 1 – Online Quiz Due
Complete online via ColCampus no later than
6 September 8 23:59 8 September 2023 23:59
HCLT101-1, HCLT103-1, HCLT104-1, HCLT105-1,
HPXN301-1, HPXS301-1
9 September 28 17:00 FA 1 - Results Release
10 October 2 13:00 FA 1 - Results Appeal Close
10 October 6 17:00 FA 1 - Results Appeal Release

Page 22 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HPRM441-1 FA 6 – Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
10 October 6 23:59 6 October 2023 23:59. Feedback given in Week 12
FA 2 - Assignment Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
12 October 20 23:59 20 October 2023 23:59
HACP130-1, HALL130-1, HALT130-1, HANT130-1,
HAUD230-1, HAUD331-1, HAUD332-1, HBMN130-1,
HBMN233-1, HBMN330-1, HCGA232-1, HCGE130-1,
HCGE231-1, HCGE232-1, HCLT104-1, HCLT107-1,
HCLT108-1, HECO130-1, HENT130-1, HETA231-1,
HFAC130-1, HFAC131-1, HFAC132-1, HFAC231-1,
HFAC232-1, HFAC331-1, HFAC332-1, HFAC333-1,
HFAC334-1, HFMN230-1, HFMN330-1, HFMN331-1,
HGOP330-1, HHRD130-1, HHRM130-1, HHRM332-1,
HHRM333-1, HISL130-1, HLAA130-1, HLGE330-1,
HLWC130-1, HLWP130-1, HMAC230-1, HMAC330-1,
HMKT130-1, HMKT330-1, HPBM440-1, HPBM441-1,
HPBM442-1, HPBM443-1, HPBM444-1, HPCP440-1,
HPFM440-1, HPLW440-1, HPMK440-1, HPMK442-1,
HPRM440-1, HPSY131-1, HPSY132-1, HPSY331-1,
HPSY332-1, HRMS331-1, HSOC131-1, HSOC132-1,
HSOC231-1, HSOC232-1, HSOC331-1, HSOC332-1,
HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1, HTAX230-1, HTAX331-1,
HTAX332-1, HWBAC230-1, HWBHR330-1,
HWBLW330-1, HWBMM330-1, HWBSS330-1,
HWCLSP1171, HWCMDM1181, HWCMP1171,
HWCPLP1181, HWCTTMP1181, HWDBM300-1,
HWDEM300-1, HWDFA300-1, HWDHR300-1,
HWDMM300-1, HWDPR300-1
FA 2 – Online Quiz Due
Complete online via ColCampus no later than
12 October 20 23:59 20 October 2023 23:59
HADR230-1, HBMN230-1, HBMN231-1, HBMN232-1,
HBMN331-1, HBMN333-2, HBMN334-1, HBRD330-1,
HCLT101-1, HCLT105-1, HCML330-1, HCMLW230-1,
HCONL330-1, HCYLW230-1, HECO231-1, HECO232-1,
HENT230-1, HENT330-1, HERL230-1, HERL330-1,
HFAC201-1, HFMN233-1, HGPLC230-1, HGPLD230-1,
HHRD230-1, HHRM230-1, HHRM331-1, HIPLW130-1,
HLLW330-1, HLTX330-1, HLWC230-1, HLWE230-1,
HLWI230-1, HLWS130-1, HMAC200-1, HMKT230-1,
HPDL230-1, HPLW230-1, HPSW230-1, HPSY231-1,
HPSY232-1, HRMB330-1, HRML330-1, HRMM330-1,

Page 23 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HPXN302-1 FA 1 Online Quiz and HPXN302-1 Draft
Project Proposal Assignment Due. Submit online via
12 October 20 23:59 ColCampus no later than 20 October 2023 23:59.
HPXS302-1 FA 1 – Online Quiz Due
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
12 October 20 23:59 20 October 2023 23:59.
13 October 27 13:00 FA 2 - Results Release
14 October 30 17:00 FA 2 - Results Appeal Close
14 November 2 17:00 FA 2 - Results Appeal Release
HCLT107-1, HCLT108-1, HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1
FA 3 – Assignment Due. Submit online via
15 November 6 23:59 ColCampus no later than 6 November 2023 23:59.
SA 1 Time Table for PAPER BASED EXAM
Accompanying SA 2’s to be submitted online via
ColCampus no later than 23:59 on day that SA 1 is
15 to 17 November 6 - 20 written
15 November 6 09:00-12:00 HTAX332-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN201-1, HBMN200-1
12:00-14:00 HBMN230-1, HLWC200-1
15:00-17:00 HCMLW230-1, HHRM331-1, HLTX330-1
November 7 09:00-12:00 HFAC132-1, HFAC231-1, HFAC232-1, HFAC332-1
09:00-11:00 HADV300-1, HHRM200-1, HMAC300-1
12:00-14:00 HFAC201-1, HFMN302-1
15:00-17:00 HADV200-1, HCGE232-1, HCML330-1
November 8 09:00-12:00 HAUD332-1, HFAC130-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN231-1, HSOC332-1
12:00-14:00 HCYLW230-1, HFAC301-1
15:00-17:00 HBMN300-1, HENT200-1, HFMN330-1
November 9 09:00-12:00 HTAX230-1, HTAX331-1
09:00-11:00 HHRD200-1, HHRD300-1, HTAX201-1, HTAX202-1
12:00-14:00 HEVM200-1, HEVM300-1, HFMN301-1
15:00-17:00 HECO231-1, HECO232-1
November 10 09:00-12:00 HETA231-1, HFAC333-1
09:00-11:00 HGPLC230-1, HGPLD230-1, HLWC130-1, HPSW200-1
12:00-14:00 HBMN331-1, HERL230-1, HIMC300-1, HLWC230-1
15:00-17:00 HAUD200-1, HBLE300-1, HGOP330-1
16 November 13 09:00-12:00 HBMN233-1, HFAC302-1, HFAC331-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN333-2, HHRM230-1
12:00-14:00 HLWM200-1, HPSY231-1, HPSY331-1
15:00-17:00 HADR230-1, HENT230-1, HENT330-1, HFMN233-1
November 14 09:00-12:00 HFAC131-1, HFMN230-1
09:00-11:00 HBRD300-1, HLWI230-1, HPAA200-1
12:00-14:00 HAPR300-1, HCONL330-1
15:00-17:00 HERL330-1, HPR200-1
November 15 09:00-12:00 HFAC334-1, HMAC230-1, HMAC330-1
09:00-11:00 HMAC200-1, HMAC202-1, HPSY332-1
12:00-14:00 HLWL300-1, HPDL230-1

Page 24 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
16 November 15 15:00-17:00 HRMM330-1, HPSY232-1
November 16 09:00-11:00 HBMN301-1, HFMN300-1
12:00-14:00 HHRD230-1, HLLW330-1
15:00-17:00 HLWE230-1, HRMB330-1, HSEC200-1
November 17 09:00-12:00 HAUD230-1, HAUD331-1, HCGA232-1, HFMN331-1
09:00-11:00 HBRD330-1, HRMS230-1, HPLW230-1
12:00-14:00 HMKT200-1, HMKT230-1, HLWL200-1
15:00-17:00 HBMN334-1
17 November 20 09:00-11:00 HBMN232-1, HSOC231-1, HSOC232-1
12:00-14:00 HPSW230-1, HSOC331-1
ASSESSMENT EVENT which are open book and with
SA 2’s to submit. These exams must be completed
on the stipulated dates as indicated below, and be
invigilated. Remember to upload your SA2 via
ColCampus by the stipulated due date no later than
16 November 13 09:00-12:00 HPBM440-1
16 November 16 09:00-12:00 HPMK440-1
17 November 20 09:00-12:00 HPBM443-1
No SA 2’s to submit. These exams must be
15 to 17 November 6 - 20 completed within the exam period.
HADR1181, HADV1181, HALP1181, HAPS1181,
HBFB1181, HBMN1181, HBMT1181, HBRD1181,
HBTB1181, HCBB1181, HCHR1181, HCLT101-1,
HCLT103-1, HCLT105-1, HCLT106-1, HCNM1181,
HCOU1181, HECM1181, HEMK1181, HENT1181,
HEVM1181, HHIVC1181, HHM1181, HHMP1181,
HHRF1181, HHS1181, HHTD1181, HHWPT1181,
HIAI1181, HIAP1181, HICMA1181, HIND1181,
HINT1181, HIT1181, HLWC1181, HLWH1181,
HMKR1181, HMKT1181, HMLW1181, HODV1181,
HPAD1181, HPLM1181, HPPC1181, HPPR1181,
HPPS1181, HPR1181, HPRM1181, HRDC1181,
HSAP1181, HSCI1181, HSDJ1181, HSEC1181,
HSEM1181, HSHE1181, HSMB1181, HSMS1181,
HSOS1181, HSPS1181, HTDP1181, HTDS1181,
HTDSA1181, HTOP1181, HTTM1181, HYFT1181
ASSESSMENT EVENTS with SA 2’s to submit. These
exams must be completed within the exam period.
Remember to upload your SA 2 on ColCampus by
15 to 17 November 6 - 20 the stipulated due date.
HACP130-1, HADV100-1, HALL130-1, HALT130-1,
HANT130-1, HBMN100-1, HBMN102-1, HBMN130-1,
HCGE130-1, HDBP200-1, HECO130-1, HENT100-1,
HENT130-1, HEVM100-1, HFOA100-1, HHRD100-1,
HHRD130-1, HHRM100-1, HHRM130-1, HIPLW130-1,

Page 25 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HIPM300-1, HISL130-1, HISM100-1, HISM200-1,
HISM300-1, HLAA130-1, HLWP130-1, HLWS130-1,
HMKT100-1, HMKT130-1, HNTS221-1, HNTS222-1,
HNTS203-1, HNTS300-1, HPSY131-1, HPSY132-1,
HPXN200-1, HPXN301-1, HPXS301-1, HSFT300-1,
HSOC131-1, HSOC132-1, HSPM300-1, HSYD202-1,
HTCP300-1, HTSS100-1, HWFM300-1
SA 1 & SA 2 Time Table for projects / internship /
assignments only. Submit online via ColCampus no
15 to 17 November 6 - 20 23:59 later than 20 November 2023 23:59
HASD200-1, HBMN330-1, HCGE231-1, HENT300-1,
HHRM300-1, HHRM332-1, HHRM333-1, HLGE330-1,
HMKT300-1, HMKT330-1, HPBM441-1, HPBM442-1,
HPBM444-1, HPCP440-1, HPFM440-1, HPLW440-1,
HPMK442-1, HPRM440-1, HPRM441-1, HPX100-1,
HPXN302-1, HPXS200-1, HPXS302-1, HRML330-1,
HRMS331-1, HSAD300-1, HSYD300-1, HWBAC230-1,
HWBHR330-1, HWBLW330-1, HWBMM330-1,
HWBSS330-1, HWCACP1171, HWCBMP1171,
HWCMP1171, HWCMSM1181, HWCMSP1181,
HWDBM300-1, HWDEM300-1, HWDFA300-1,
HWDHR300-1, HWDMM300-1, HWDPR300-1
HCLT104-1, HCLT107-1, HCLT108-1, HPCPB100-1,
HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1
SA 1 – Assignment Due. Submit online via
17 November 20 23:59 ColCampus no later than 20 November 2023 23:59.
HBACC230-1 and HBACC330-1
17 November 24 09:00-12:30 SA 1 for paper-based sit down exams
19 December 4 13:00 SA 1 & 2 Results Release
19 December 7 17:00 SA 1 & 2 Results Appeal Close



Page 26 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
20 January 2024 3 13:00 SA 1 & 2 Results Appeal Release
Supplementary SA 1 Time Table for PAPER BASED
Supplementary SA2). Accompanying Supplementary
SA 2’s to be submitted online via ColCampus no
21 January 2024 8 - 12 later than 23:59 on day that SA 1 is written
21 January 2024 8 09:00-12:00 HAUD332-1, HETA231-1, HTAX230-1, HTAX331-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN230-1, HBMN300-1, HLWC130-1, HPSY332-1
HBMN200-1, HBMN334-1, HLWC200-1, HLWC230-1,
HTAX201-1, HTAX202-1
HADV200-1, HCGE232-1, HCMLW230-1, HHRM331-1,
HFAC132-1, HFAC231-1, HFAC232-1, HFAC332-1,
January 9 HFAC333-1
HADV300-1, HBMN201-1, HENT200-1, HENT230-1,
HFMN330-1, HHRM230-1, HLWI230-1, HMAC300-1
HBMN231-1, HCYLW230-1, HFAC201-1, HFAC301-1,
HFMN302-1, HRMS230-1
HECO231-1, HECO232-1, HENT330-1, HEVM200-1,
HEVM300-1, HPSW200-1
HBMN233-1, HFAC130-1, HFAC131-1, HFAC302-1,
January 10 HFAC331-1, HFAC334-1, HFMN230-1
09:00-11:00 HBMN333-2, HGOP330-1
HBMN331-1, HBRD300-1, HERL330-1, HLWM200-1,
HPLW230-1, HPSW230-1, HRMB330-1
HAUD200-1, HHRM200-1, HLWE230-1, HPR200-1,
HPSY231-1, HPSY232-1, HPSY331-1
January 11 09:00-12:00 HFMN331-1, HMAC230-1, HMAC330-1
HGPLC230-1, HGPLD230-1, HMAC200-1, HMAC202-1,
HAPR300-1, HBLE300-1, HCML330-1, HHRD200-1,
HHRD300-1, HIMC300-1, HRMM330-1
HBMN301-1, HERL230-1, HFMN233-1, HFMN300-1,
HFMN301-1, HMKT200-1, HMKT230-1, HPDL230-1
January 12 09:00-12:00 HAUD230-1, HAUD331-1, HCGA232-1, HTAX332-1
HADR230-1, HBMN232-1, HHRD230-1, HLTX330-1,
HBRD330-1, HCONL330-1, HLLW330-1, HLWL200-1,
HLWL300-1, HSOC231-1, HSOC232-1, HSOC331-1
Supplementary SA 1 Time Table for open book
with Supplementary SA 2’s to submit. These exams
must be completed on the stipulated dates as
indicated below, and be invigilated. Remember to
upload your Supplementary SA 2 via ColCampus by
the stipulated due date no later than 23:59.
21 January 8 09:00-12:00 HPBM440-1
21 January 10 09:00-12:00 HPMK440-1
21 January 12 09:00-12:00 HPBM443-1

Page 27 of 37 FactSheet-HBACC1-2023-V.3-06012023
Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
Supplementary SA 1 & Supplementary SA 2 Time
Table for projects / internship / assignments only.
Submit online via ColCampus no later than
21 January 2024 8 - 12 23:59 12 January 2024 23:59
HASD200-1, HBMN330-1, HCGE231-1, HENT300-1,
HHRM300-1, HHRM332-1, HHRM333-1, HLGE330-1,
HMKT300-1, HMKT330-1, HPBM441-1, HPBM442-1,
HPBM444-1, HPCP440-1, HPFM440-1, HPLW440-1,
HPMK442-1, HPRM440-1, HPRM441-1, HPX100-1,
HPXN302-1, HPXS200-1, HPXS302-1, HRML330-1,
HRMS331-1, HSAD300-1, HSYD300-1, HWBAC230-1,
HWBHR330-1, HWBLW330-1, HWBMM330-1,
HWBSS330-1, HWCACP1171, HWCBMP1171,
HWCMP1171, HWCMSM1181, HWCMSP1181,
HWDBM300-1, HWDEM300-1, HWDFA300-1,
HWDHR300-1, HWDMM300-1, HWDPR300-1
Supplementary SA 1 Time Table for ONLINE EXAM
Supplementary SA 2’s. These exams must be
21 January 2024 8 - 12 completed within the exam period.
HADR1181, HADV1181, HALP1181, HAPS1181,
HBFB1181, HBMN1181, HBMT1181, HBRD1181,
HBTB1181, HCBB1181, HCHR1181, HCLT101-1,
HCLT103-1, HCLT105-1, HCLT106-1, HCNM1181,
HCOU1181, HECM1181, HEMK1181, HENT1181,
HEVM1181, HHIVC1181, HHM1181, HHMP1181,
HHRF1181, HHS1181, HHTD1181, HHWPT1181,
HIAI1181, HIAP1181, HICMA1181, HIND1181,
HINT1181, HIT1181, HLWC1181, HLWH1181,
HMKR1181, HMKT1181, HMLW1181, HODV1181,
HPAD1181, HPLM1181, HPPC1181, HPPR1181,
HPPS1181, HPR1181, HPRM1181, HRDC1181,
HSAP1181, HSCI1181, HSDJ1181, HSEC1181,
HSEM1181, HSHE1181, HSMB1181, HSMS1181,
HSOS1181, HSPS1181, HTDP1181, HTDS1181,
HTDSA1181, HTOP1181, HTTM1181, HYFT1181
Supplementary SA 1 Time Table for ONLINE EXAM
Supplementary SA 2’s to submit. These exams must
be completed within the exam period. Remember
to upload your SA 2 on ColCampus by the stipulated
21 January 2024 8 - 12 due date.
HACP130-1, HADV100-1, HALL130-1, HALT130-1,
HANT130-1, HBMN100-1, HBMN102-1, HBMN130-1,
HCGE130-1, HDBP200-1, HECO130-1, HENT100-1,
HENT130-1, HEVM100-1, HFOA100-1, HHRD100-1,
HHRD130-1, HHRM100-1, HHRM130-1, HIPLW130-1,

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Academic Calendar Sem B 2023
Week Month Date Time Activity
HIPM300-1, HISL130-1, HISM100-1, HISM200-1,
HISM300-1, HLAA130-1, HLWP130-1, HLWS130-1,
HMKT100-1, HMKT130-1, HNTS221-1, HNTS222-1,
HNTS203-1, HNTS300-1, HPSY131-1, HPSY132-1,
HPXN200-1, HPXN301-1, HPXS301-1, HSFT300-1,
HSOC131-1, HSOC132-1, HSPM300-1, HSYD202-1,
HTCP300-1, HTSS100-1, HWFM300-1
HCLT104-1, HCLT107-1, HCLT108-1, HPCPB100-1,
HSYD100-1, HSYD201-1 Supplementary SA 1 –
Assignment Due. Submit online via ColCampus no
21 January 2024 8 - 12 23:59 later than 23:59.
HBACC230-1 and HBACC330-1 Supplementary SA 1
22 January 17 09:00-12:30 for paper-based sit down exams
23 January 22 17:00 Supplementary SA 1 & 2 Results Release
23 January 24 13:00 Supplementary SA 1 & 2 Results Appeal Close
23 January 26 17:00 Supplementary SA 1 & 2 Results Appeal Release

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Catalogue Descriptions

Computer Literacy (Word, Word Advanced, Outlook) (HCLT101-1)

The learner receives an overview of one of the most sophisticated word-processing programmes
available today, Microsoft Word 2021. The learner will gain capabilities in producing professional
documents and creating letters, memorandums, faxes, annual reports, and newsletters. The learner
is also introduced to advance word-processing applications and will gain the ability to collaborate on
documents via track changes and commenting, insert and format graphics and charts, create
templates and Forms and work with Macros. The learner is introduced to Outlook 2021, a personal
information manager. Although often used mainly as an email application, it includes a calendar, task
manager, contact manager, note-taking, journal, and web browsing.

Academic Literacy (HALT130-1):

The purpose of Academic Literacy is to introduce students to the essential literacies required in the
present academic context. Several factors influence situations in which we can find ourselves, and
this is especially true of the job market – both within South Africa and internationally. While there
may be many opportunities, there are also many demands. As such, it is vital to gain a strong
academic foundation and make these skills work for you. Your learning should not be viewed in
isolation; ultimately, it should enable you to find employment, and even to make a valuable
contribution to society.

Business Management 1 (HBMN130-1):

The purpose of Business Management 1 is to introduce students to the basic concepts and principles
of general management. The module aims to equip students with an understanding of the role of
management in an organization, to evaluate the relationship between management style and the
environment in which a business operates, and to demonstrate and understanding of planning,
organizing, leading and controlling as management functions. By the end of the module, students
are expected to be familiar with concepts and principles of general management.

Financial Accounting Principles, Concepts and Procedures (HFAC131-1):

The purpose of Financial Accounting: Principles, Concepts and Procedures is to Provide students
with knowledge, concepts, methods, calculations and standards on purpose of accounting, the
practice of accounting, accounting adjustments, VAT, bank reconciliations, inventory and the
conceptual framework.

Computer Literacy Advanced (Spreadsheets, Spreadsheets Advanced, Database, Presentation

Graphics) (HCLT108-1)
The learner is offered an in-depth exposure to Microsoft PowerPoint 2021 and Microsoft Excel 2021
by thoroughly covering many vital functions and vital tools used in business. An interactive, hands-on
approach is adopted to keep the learner well-stimulated and engaged and engender a good bond
between theory and practice. Lastly, the learner is introduced to Access 2021, a database
management software that defines, manipulates, retrieves, and manages data stored within a

Commercial Law (HLWC130-1):

The purpose of Commercial Law 2 is to provide a clear and practical introduction to various fields of
commercial law, for students of accounting and other business disciplines. The module provides clear
explanation and extensive illustrative examples, which are drawn from everyday life and the business
environment, to support understanding, as well as a helpful pedagogical structure. This meaningful
context supports understanding of unfamiliar legal concepts, and clearly connects legal principles with
the objectives of the commercial environment.

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Economics 1 (HECO130-1):
The purpose of Economics 1 module is imperative for the proactive and competent manager to
understand the basic principles of macro and microeconomics, which are essential for survival in the
current dynamic and global markets. Students will be able to recognize and understand economics as
a science and be able to discuss the basic problems in economics. They will have gained an
understanding of how different economic systems attempt to solve the basic economic questions, as
well as be able to give a macro- and micro-economic interpretation of the economic cycle and describe
how the various participants in a mixed economy interrelate.

Legal Aspects of Accounting (HLAA130-1):

The purpose of Legal Aspects of Accounting is to provide students with insight into aspects of the
Companies Act No.71 of 2008, Companies Regulations 2011, Company Schedules 2001, Close
Corporations Act 1984 No.69 of 1984, as amended, Auditing Profession Act No. 26 of 2005 and other
legislation that is of importance to accountants. After studying Legal Aspects of Accounting,
students should be able to understand and, most importantly, apply the concept and regulations
discussed in this module to real-life scenarios.

Financial Accounting Reporting (HFAC132-1):

The purpose of Financial Accounting Reporting is to provide students with knowledge on trade
payables, trade receivables, property plant and equipment, companies, partnerships, close
corporations, cash flows, financial analysis, non-profit organizations and club accounting as well as
incomplete records. After studying Financial Accounting Reporting, students should be able to
understand and apply the concepts in this module.

Business Management 2 (HBMN233-1):

The purpose of Business Management 2 is to provide students with an overview of Strategic
Management, and to equip students with the skills required to formulate and implement a strategy
successfully. Furthermore, the module will expose students to Strategic Management as an
experimental activity which involves all managerial levels. Throughout the module, students will be
focusing on Strategic Management in an African context, while exploring topics such as sustainable
strategic practices, strategy formulation, implementation and control, strategizing, organizational
learning, resource management, the external environment’s impact on strategizing, aligning strategy
with the organization and strategic control.

Computer Literacy: Digital Transformation (Big Data, AI, Machine Learning) (HCLT106-1):
The purpose of Computer Literacy: Digital Transformation (Big Data, AI, Machine Learning) is to
provide students with knowledge on digital transformation and the role thereof, understanding data,
artificial intelligence and digital transformation, informing students of data storage technologies such
as data warehouses, data lakes and the Cloud, managing data in a company, understanding machine
learning, creating and testing models with machine learning, managing machine learning in a company
as well as obtaining knowledge on the future of data, machine learning and artificial intelligence

Auditing Theory and Practice (HAUD230-1):

The purpose of Auditing Theory and Practice is to provide students with knowledge on the auditing
practice, professional conduct, general principles of auditing, the audit process and elements of the
audit process. The understanding and application of auditing principles (the doing and being of the
known principles) are key to successfully master this module.

Financial Accounting for Companies (IFRS) (HFAC231-1):

The purpose of Financial Accounting for Companies (IFRS) is to provide students with IFRS and IAS
knowledge on the accounting framework, the presentation, cash flows, inventory, owner’s equity,
financial analysis, related parties and segment accounting.

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Principles of Management Accounting (HMAC230-1):
The purpose of Principles of Management Accounting is to provide students with knowledge on the
context of management accounting, basic cost accounting, cost classification, behavior and
estimation, inventory management and control, labour cost and control Manufacturing overheads,
job costing and the flow of manufacturing cost, construction, contract costing, process costing,
budgets, standard costing, integrated and interlocking accounting systems, direct and absorption
costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, decision making, pricing decisions, investment appraisal and
management Information.

Taxation of Individuals (HTAX230-1):

The purpose of Taxation of Individuals is to provide students with knowledge on General principles of
taxation, Taxation in South Africa, Gross income, Specific inclusions in gross income, Exempt income,
Natural persons, Employment benefits, Retirement benefits, Employees’ tax, Provisional tax, Tax
avoidance and Tax administration.

Ethics in Accountancy (HETA231-1):

The purpose of Ethics in Accountancy is to introduce students to the theoretical underpinnings of the
field of ethics in accountancy. The module explores seven constructs related to the field of ethics. At
the end of this module, students will have detailed knowledge and understanding of important
concepts and distinctions in ethics, various ways in which ethics is ingrained in the concept of business,
classic and contemporary ethical theories, the importance of ethics in business, ethical decision-
making, governing and managing ethics in an organization, and case studies that covers the broad
range of ethics management.

Corporate Governance in Accountancy (HCGA232-1):

The purpose of Corporate Governance in Accountancy is to provide students with knowledge on the
Corporate Governance including the King IV Code and computer audit including general controls,
automated application controls and audit procedures as well as computer assisted audit techniques,
big data and new technology. The understanding and application of auditing principles (the doing and
being of the known principles) are key to successfully master this module.

General Financial Reporting (IFRS) (HFAC232-1):

The purpose of General Financial Reporting (IFRS) is to provide students with IFRS and IAS knowledge
on property, plant and equipment, financial instruments, provisions, contingent liabilities and
contingent assets, revenue from contracts with customers, accounting policies, changes in accounting
estimates and errors, earnings per share and headline earnings per share and events after the
reporting period.

Principles of Strategy, Risk and Financial Management Techniques (HFMN230-1):

The purpose of Strategy, Risk and Financial Management Techniques is to provide students with
knowledge on financial management, the time value of money, risk and return on investments,
portfolio management, sources of finance, valuations, the cost of capital, capital structure and leasing.

Computer Literacy: Computational Thinking & Programming (HCLT107-1):

The purpose of Computer Literacy: Computational Thinking & Programming is to provide students
with knowledge on foundational aspects of computers and systems development using the Java
programming language whilst exposing the learner to integrated development environments. The
module focuses on windows application development foundations and fundamental programming
concepts such as strings, arrays, and file handling are taught. Upon completion of this module, the
student should be proficient in basic Java windows applications.

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Work Integrated Learning Diploma (HWBAC230-1):
The purpose of Work Integrated Learning is a process through which students develop knowledge,
skills, and values from direct experiences outside a traditional academic setting. Experiential learning
encompasses a variety of activities including undergraduate research and other creative and
professional work experiences. Well-planned and assessed work integrated learning programmes can
stimulate academic inquiry by promoting interdisciplinary learning, civic engagement, career
development, cultural awareness, leadership, and other professional and intellectual skills. Learning
that is considered "integrated" contain all the following elements:
Reflection, critical analysis and synthesis, Opportunities for students to take initiative, make decisions,
and be accountable for the results, Opportunities for students to engage intellectually, creatively,
emotionally, socially, or physically, A designed learning experience that includes the possibility to learn
from natural consequences, mistakes, and successes.

Integrated Examination 1 (HBACC230-1):

The Integrated Examination 1 is offered at the end of Year 2. Students can only sit for this exam if they
have registered for all year 2 modules and have therefore obtained sufficient knowledge on all year
2’s modules. The Integrated Examination 1 will be written to ensure students are able to critically think
and integrate their core BACC modules (accounting, auditing, taxation, financial management,
management accounting and business management) to prepare them for their post grad as well as
SAICA examinations.

Audit, Planning, Test of Control and Substantive Procedures (HAUD331-1):

The purpose of Audit, Planning, Test of Control and Substantive Procedures in Accountancy is to
provide students with knowledge on the planning, test of control and substantive procedures on the
revenue and receipts cycle, the acquisitions and payments cycle, the inventory and production cycle,
the payroll and personnel cycle as well as the finance and investment cycle. The understanding and
application of auditing principles (the doing and being of the known principles) are key to successfully
master this module.

Selected Accounting Standards and Simple Group Structures (HFAC331-1):

The purpose of Selected Accounting Standards and Simple Group Structures is to provide students
with IFRS and IAS knowledge on group accounting, business combinations, consolidating a wholly
owned subsidiary, consolidating a partly owned subsidiary, including sundry consolidation aspects,
fair value adjustments to subsidiary assets at acquisition, adjusting for intragroup transactions and
balances, consolidating complex groups and consolidating a subsidiary with preference shares.

Distinctive Financial Reporting (IFRS) (HFAC332-1):

The purpose of Distinctive Financial Reporting (IFRS) is to provide students with IFRS and IAS
knowledge on property, plant and equipment, investment properties, intangible assets, financial
instruments, the impairment of assets, income taxes, non-current assets held for sale and
discontinued operations and foreign exchange transactions.

Application of Management Accounting Techniques (HMAC330-1):

The purpose of Application of Management Accounting Techniques is to provide students with
knowledge on the basic cost accounting, cost classification, behavior and estimation, costing systems
for decision-making, cost-volume-profit analysis, relevant costs and revenues for decision-making,
linear programming, cost and pricing management for competitive advantage, the modern business
environment, activity-based costing and management and costing estimation for forecasting
techniques, budgets, dealing with risk and uncertainty in decision-making, standard costing,
investment appraisal, divisional performance evaluation and transfer pricing, inventory management,
network analysis and environmental management accounting and other developments.

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Taxation of Business Activities (HTAX331-1):
The purpose of Taxation of Business Activates is to provide students with knowledge on General
principles of taxation, Taxation in South Africa, Gross income, Specific inclusions in gross income,
General deductions, Special deductions and assesses losses, Capital allowances and recoupments,
Capital gains tax, VAT, Trading Stock and Partnership, Companies and Dividend tax.

Procedures in Finalising an Audit (HAUD332-1):

The purpose of Procedures in Finalising an Audit is to provide students with knowledge on going
concern, reliance on other parties, the audit report, review engagements and related services,
international regulatory environments, quality audits, fraud and errors, performance indicator, the
future of the audit profession and the internal audit.

Group Financial Reporting (HFAC333-1):

The purpose of Group Financial Reporting is to provide students with IFRS and IAS knowledge on group
accounting, specifically on the advanced aspects of business combinations, the application of the
equity method for associates and joint ventures, joint arrangements, changes in investment
ownership interests through buying and selling shares, as well as changes in investment ownership
interests arising from share issues and share buy-backs, foreign operations, and the Group Statement
of Cash Flows.

Specific Financial Reporting (IFRS) (HFAC334-1):

The purpose of Specific Financial Reporting (IFRS) is to provide students with IFRS and IAS knowledge
on leases, employee benefits and share-based payments, borrowing costs, business combinations,
separate financial statements, consolidated financial statements and accounting for associates, joint
ventures and joint arrangements.

Application of Financial Management Techniques (HFMN331-1):

The purpose of Application of Financial Management Techniques is to provide students with
knowledge on financial statement analysis, capital budgeting, further issues in capital budgeting,
capital budgeting risk analysis, working capital, current asset management and short term financing,
dividends and share buy-backs, mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring, risk management
and derivatives, international financial management, business planning and financial modelling,
corporate strategy and business models.

Taxation: Specific and Distinctive (HTAX332-1):

The purpose of Taxation: Specific and Distinctive is to provide students with knowledge on General
principles of taxation, Taxation in South Africa, Trusts, Donations Tax, Estates, Foreign Exchange, Cross
border transactions, Farming Operations, Transfer Duty, Securities transfer tax, Customs and exercise
duty and COVID-19 tax relief measures.

Integrated Examination 2 (HBACC330-1):

The Integrated Examination 2 is offered at the end of Year 3. Students can only sit for this exam if they
have registered for all year 3 modules and have therefore obtained sufficient knowledge on all year
3’s modules. The Integrated Examination 2 will be written to ensure students are able to critically think
and integrate their core BACC modules (accounting, auditing, taxation, financial management,
management accounting and business management) to prepare them for their post grad as well as
SAICA examinations.

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About the Institution
The Boston City Campus (Pty) Ltd (Boston) Bachelor of Accounting is accredited by the Higher
Education Quality Committee (HEQC) of the Council on Higher Education (CHE). Boston is registered
with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), as a private higher education
institution, No. 2003/HE07/002, in terms of Section 54(1)(c) of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No
101 of 1997), and Regulation 14(4)(a) of the Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher
Education Institutions, 2016.

International Recognition
Boston is accredited as an independent higher education institution with the British Accreditation
Council (BAC). This qualification is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE), is registered
on the NQF (HEQSF) by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the institution is
registered by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as a Private Higher Education
Institution (PHEI) to offer the qualification.

The DHET is a department of National Government, and both the CHE and SAQA are statutory bodies
and as such, these entities are recognised globally. Therefore the qualifications/institutions that are
accredited/licensed by them are accepted/recognised throughout the world by other government
departments and by their respective agencies such as World Educational Services (WES) and other
prominent authorities for purposes of equivalence/articulation i.e. employment/labour certification
or further studies. This is a quid pro quo arrangement amongst United Nations Member States; as the
DHET, CHE and SAQA similarly recognise other nation/states’ qualifications/institutions for
equivalence/transferring into South Africa i.e. a United Kingdom or Zambian Bachelor of Arts awarded
by a public university or private degree granting college which is accredited/licensed in accordance
with the United Kingdom or Zambian legislative and statutory requirements, will be
equivalated/recognised as such in South Africa.

Similarly the SADC Protocol on Education and Training, which is a legal framework for regional
cooperation, provides for the recognition of the equality of all Member States. It must be noted that
qualifications will be recognised and that curricula specific evaluations may lead to additional
requirements for students to meet in order to enter international programmes or professions, which
is the prerogative of the receiving institution/body. For more information pertaining to direct
international linkages/relationships visit the websites of the DHET, CHE, SAQA, CHEA and WES.

Can I become a CA(SA) or Professional Accountant with this qualification?

Yes. The Boston Bachelor of Accounting degree is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE),
the statutory body for all Higher Education Institutions and Programmes in South Africa, and is
registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications
Framework (HEQSF) level 7. This is similar to all undergraduate degrees or national first degree
programmes at South African universities and will provide for articulation options into NQF (HEQSF)
Levels 6, 7 or 8 qualifications.

The Boston Bachelor of Accounting degree is accredited by the South African Institute of Chartered
Accountants (SAICA) as an undergraduate degree:

Graduates may proceed to Advanced Diplomas, Postgraduate Diplomas or Honour’s degrees in a

variety of disciplines at any number of public universities, private or international higher education
institutions. In order to gain entry into these programmes students will have to meet the admission
and selection criteria of the receiving institution.

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If you intend to pursue a career as a Chartered Accountant, you may apply at any South African Public
or Private Higher Education Institution who offers a South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
(SAICA) accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting, subject to their admission requirements. In a
nutshell, successful completion of the PGDip programme within the prescribed SAICA requirements
will enable candidates to enter into a training contract with a SAICA registered training office and write
the Initial Test of Competence (ITC) set by SAICA in addition to other set requirements, for further
details see: https://www.saica.co.za/Training/BecomingaCA/tabid/157/language/en-ZA/Default.aspx

For possible specific articulation agreements between Boston and other institutions, please contact
the Programme Coordinator or Academic & Quality Manager of the programme.

Can I be admitted to the Boston Bachelor of Accounting degree upon completion of either the
Boston Higher Certificate in Accounting or the Boston Diploma in Financial Accounting?
Yes. Apply online with a request for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) for advanced placement,
and await the outcome.

Can I be admitted to the Boston Bachelor of Accounting degree upon completion of either the ICB
National Diploma in Financial Accounting (Certified Financial Accountant) or the ICB National
Diploma in Technical Financial Accounting (Certified Technical Financial Accountant)?
Graduates of the ICB National Diploma in Financial Accounting (Certified Financial Accountant) NQF
(OQSF) Level 6 may apply for admission with advanced placement on the Boston Diploma in Financial
Accounting or the Boston Bachelor of Accounting degree. Apply online with a request for Credit
Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) for advanced placement, and await the outcome.

Graduates of the ICB National Diploma in Technical Financial Accounting (Certified Technical Financial
Accountant) NQF (OQSF) Level 5, may apply for admission with advanced placement on the Boston
Diploma in Financial Accounting only. Apply online with a request for Credit Accumulation and
Transfer (CAT) for advanced placement, and await the outcome.

Disaster Management Act and Academic Services

Boston recognises the need to deploy whatever reasonable measures necessary to obviate any
negative impact on academic provisioning that might attend the invocation of the Disaster
Management Act (Act No. 57, 2002) or any other Act and the consequent gazetting of regulations.
While Boston will attempt to minimise disruption to academic services, this could result in changes to
academic calendars, procedures, processes, services, etc., all of which will be communicated to
students and relevant stakeholders. For the Post-Schooling Sector, HIGHER HEALTH has a dedicated
24-hour toll-free helpline for addressing the mental health and psycho-social support needs of
students and staff: : Toll-free call 0800 36 36 36 or SMS 43336.

This Fact Sheet together with the Prospectus and Student Rulebook are accurate at the time of
publication. Boston City Campus (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to alter any of the content due to changes
in regulations, market requirements and other reasons. Please note that meeting any of the admission
requirements does not necessarily guarantee entry into the qualification. All applications will be
evaluated on an individual basis and acceptance will depend on the decision of the Academic
Committee at Head Office.
Website: www.boston.ac.za
Email: [email protected]

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Bachelor of Accounting (HBACC1)
Applicable to returning Students initially Registered between 2019 and 2021
List of replacement modules
Academic Year 1 Academic Year 2 Academic Year 3

Commercial Law 2 (HLWC230-1)

Commercial Law 1 (HLWC1181) Business Management 2 (HBMN233-1)
Commercial Law (HLWC130-1) Computer Literacy: Digital
Transformation (Big Data, AI, Machine
Learning) (HCLT106-1)
Computerised Accounting (Pastel)
Computer Literacy Advanced (HCLT102-1) (HCLT103-1)
Computer Literacy Advanced (HCLT108-1 Computer Literacy: Computational
Thinking & Programming (HCLT107-1)
In Sem A, Personal and Career In Sem A, Personal and Career
Development (HPCPA100-1) is Development (HPCPA100-1) is
discontinued. discontinued.
In Sem B, an Integrated Examination 1 In Sem B, an Integrated Examination 2
(HBACC230-1) is offered. (HBACC330-1) is offered.

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