IEEE 3004 8 Motor Protection
IEEE 3004 8 Motor Protection
IEEE 3004 8 Motor Protection
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IEEE Std 3004.8™-2016
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Abstract: The protection of motors used in industrial and commercial power systems is covered. It
is likely to be of greatest value to the power-oriented engineer with limited experience in the area
of protection and control. It can also be an aid to all engineers responsible for the electrical design
of industrial and commercial power systems.
Keywords: coordination, IEEE 3004.8, induction motors, inverse-time overcurrent element, motor
protection, motor protection relay, negative sequence characteristics, overcurrent protection,
permanent magnet motors, relay protection, resistive temperature detector, rotors, rotor thermal
protection, stators, stator thermal protection, synchronous motors, temperature detector voting,
temperature sensors, thermal model overload protection, unbalanced protection
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Portions of this standard reprinted with permission from IEEE Std 1349™, © 2011 IEEE.
Portions of this standard reprinted with permission from IEEE Std C37.2™, © 2008 IEEE.
Portions of this standard reprinted with permission from IEEE Std C37.96™, © 2012 IEEE.
Portions of this standard reprinted with permission from NEMA MG-1, © 2011.
Portions of this standard reprinted with permission from NEMA MG-10, © 2013.
Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 17, 18, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 54 courtesy of Schneider Electric.
Figures 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, and D.1 courtesy of Rockwell Automation.
Figures C.1, C.2, and C.3 and Table C.1 courtesy of HVPD.
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At the time this IEEE standard was completed, the Protection and Coordination Working Group of the technical
Books Coordinating Committee of the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department of the Industry
Applications Society Working Group had the following membership:
At the time this IEEE recommended practice was completed, the IEEE 3004.8 Project Working Group had the
following membership:
The following individuals contributed to the development of this recommended practice, but were not working
group members at the time this recommended practice was completed:
The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
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Robert Hoerauf Charles Morse Robert Seitz
Richard Holub Jerry Murphy Nikunj Shah
John Houdek Paul Myers Michael Simon
Umar Khan Dennis Neitzel Jeremy Smith
Yuri Khersonsky Arthur Neubauer Jerry Smith
Royce King Michael Newman Gary Smullin
Jim Kulchisky Joe Nims Wayne Stec
Saumen Kundu T. W. Olsen David Tepen
Mikhail Lagoda Lorraine Padden Michael Thompson
Ed Larsen Richard Paes Wayne Timm
Frank Hien Lau Antony Parsons Steven Turner
Wei-Jen Lee Howard Penrose Marcelo E. Valdes
Duane Leschert Iulian Profir John Vergis
Thaichong Li Daniel Leland Ransom Peter Walsh
Albert Livshitz Samala Santosh Reddy John Wang
John McAlhaney Jr. Charles Rogers Kenneth White
William McBride Ryandi Ryandi Murty V. V. Yalla
John Merando Bartien Sayogo Jian Yu
Hugo Monterrubio Robert Schuerger David Zech
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 7 December 2016, it had the following
*Member Emeritus
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 3000.8–2016, Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems.
This recommended practice was developed by the Technical Books Coordinating Committee of the Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems Department of the Industry Applications Society as part of a project to re-
package the popular IEEE Color Books®. The goal of this project is to speed up the revision process, eliminate
duplicate material, and facilitate use of modern publishing and distribution technologies.
When this project is completed, the technical material in the 13 IEEE Color Books will be included in a
series of new standards—the most significant of which will be a new standard, IEEE Std 3000™, IEEE Rec-
ommended Practice for the Engineering of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. The new standard
will cover the fundamentals of planning, design, analysis, construction, installation, startup, operation, and
maintenance of electrical systems in industrial and commercial facilities. Approximately 60 additional dot
standards, organized into the following categories, will provide in-depth treatment of many of the topics intro-
duced by IEEE Std 3000™:
In many cases, the material in a dot standard comes from a particular chapter of a particular IEEE Color Book.
In other cases, material from several IEEE Color Books has been combined into a new dot standard.
A general update was made to the material from Chapter 10 of the IEEE Buff Book™. Material added or ex-
panded includes details for reduced-voltage motor starting, recommended protection functions using multi-
function motor protection relays for contactor controlled fused starters and breaker controlled starters, along
with single-line and three-line diagrams, adjustable speed drive applications, dc motor protection, motor bus
transfer, partial discharge monitoring, and a detailed example of motor protection using a multifunction motor
protection relay.
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1. Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
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8.4 Fault protection................................................................................................................................... 76
8.5 Monitors ............................................................................................................................................. 81
8.6 Synchronous motor protection ........................................................................................................... 94
8.7 Starting protection .............................................................................................................................. 98
8.8 Rotor winding protection .................................................................................................................... 99
8.9 Lightning and surge protection ......................................................................................................... 100
8.10 Protection against overexcitation from shunt capacitance .............................................................. 102
8.11 Protection against failure to rotate .................................................................................................. 103
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List of Figures
Figure 1—Typical motor-starting and capability curves (specific motor terminal voltage and for cold start) 29
Figure 2—Typical solid-state reduced-voltage motor starter with internal shorting device, schematic.......... 31
Figure 3—Typical solid-state reduced-voltage motor starter with external shorting device controlled
by “End of Start” relay, schematic .................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 7—MV induction motor 1-line diagram, typical minimum protection functions with fuses ............... 42
Figure 8—MV induction motor 3-line diagram, typical minimum protection functions with fuses ............... 43
Figure 9—Device 47 VT locations and Device 46 CT location for motor protection ..................................... 48
Figure 10—Loss-of-phase currents for various transformer and motor winding configurations .................... 48
Figure 12—Multifunction motor bus transfer system, Devices 25, 27, 50, 50BF, 60FL, 81 ........................... 56
Figure 14—Five main areas of LV motor coordination studies (Padden and Pillai [B48]) ............................. 59
Figure 15—Typical LV starter one-line diagrams for industrial applications using MCCs or
combination starters ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 16—Time-current curve for a 100 hp motor with size 4 contactor, Class 10 overload, and an
instantaneous trip circuit breaker with a setting of 12 times full load current ................................................. 62
Figure 19—MV induction motor protection 1-line diagram, Device 11M, critical service protection
functions, with breaker ................................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 20—MV induction motor protection 3-line diagram, Device 11M, critical service protection
functions, with breaker ................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 27—Conventional phase differential protection using three (3) percentage differential relays ........... 76
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Figure 28—Motor differential protection ....................................................................................................... 77
Figure 29—Split-winding motor overcurrent protection used with two windings per phase (one relay
shown) ............................................................................................................................................................ 78
Figure 30—Ground fault overcurrent protection using a zero sequence CT (Dudor and Padden [B12]) ........ 80
Figure 32—Typical proximity transducer system: proximitor, cable, and probe ............................................ 88
Figure 35—Machine vibration limits (Resiliently Mounted) per NEMA MG-1-2011, Part 7 ........................ 92
Figure 36—Shaft vibration limits (relative to bearing housing using non-contact vibration probes):
for all hydrodynamic sleeve-bearing motors; with the motor securely fastened to a massive foundation....... 93
Figure 37—Bearing housing vibration limits: for sleeve and antifriction bearing motors; with the
motor securely fastened to a massive foundation ........................................................................................... 94
Figure 38—MV synchronous motor protection 1-line diagram, Device 11M, critical service
protection functions, with breaker .................................................................................................................. 95
Figure 39—MV synchronous motor protection 3-line diagram, Device 11M, critical service
protection functions, with breaker .................................................................................................................. 96
Figure 41—Excess shunt capacitance from utility line, which is likely to overexcite a large high-
speed motor .................................................................................................................................................. 103
Figure 42—Motor speed versus torque for adjustable speed drive power (NEMA 2007 [B42]) .................. 106
Figure 47—Typical ASD internal overload protection for self-cooled motors ............................................. 110
Figure 49—Zone 1 protection with a transformer and ground fault protection; and without a transformer .. 115
Figure 51—Zone 3 induction and synchronous motor protection with and without differential................... 117
Figure C.1—Three main types of OLPD sensors used for MV motors......................................................... 140
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Figure C.2—HFCT sensor installation—one per phase (permanent and temporary installation)................. 141
Figure C.3—Measurement range for a wideband HFCT sensor connected at the switchgear enclosure
for XLPE cables ........................................................................................................................................... 142
Figure D.2—MV example time current characteristic curve plot, phase faults ............................................ 157
Figure D.3—MV example time current characteristic curve plot, ground faults .......................................... 158
Figure D.4—MV example time current characteristic curve plot, locked rotor function.............................. 159
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List of Tables
Table 5—Examples of 600 V conductor insulation types and their maximum short-circuit temperaturea ...... 39
Table 7—Unfiltered housing vibration limits per NEMA MG-1-2011, Part 7 ................................................ 91
Table 8—The equivalent motor insulation surge withstand voltage by present standard test for
commercially used motor voltages ............................................................................................................... 101
Table B.1—Relationship between IEEE Std C37.2 device function numbers, NEMA designations,
and IEC 61850-7-4 logical nodes ................................................................................................................. 132
Table B.2—Additional protection functions for synchronous motors and field excitation systemsa ............ 134
Table C.1—OLPD guideline levels for MV motors in the 10 kV to 15 kV voltage class .............................. 143
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IEEE Recommended Practice for
Motor Protection in Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems
1. Scope
This recommended practice covers the protection of motors used in industrial and commercial power systems.
It is likely to be of greatest value to the power-oriented engineer with limited experience in the area of pro-
tection and control. It can also be an aid to all engineers responsible for the electrical design of industrial and
commercial power systems.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
API Std 541, Form-Wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors—500 Horsepower and Larger, 5th Edition.1
API Std 546, Brushless Synchronous Machines—500 kVA and Larger, 3rd Edition.
API Std 547, General-Purpose Form-Wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors—250 Horsepower and Larger,
1st Edition.
IEEE Std 43™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Electric Machinery.2,3
IEEE Std 112™, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators.
IEEE Std 115™, IEEE Guide for Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines Part I—Acceptance and Perfor-
mance Testing Part II—Test Procedures and Parameter Determination for Dynamic Analysis.
IEEE Std 141™-1993 (Reaff 1999), IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Indus-
trial Plants (IEEE Red Book™).
API publications are available from the American Petroleum Institute (
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
IEEE Std 241™-1990 (Reaff 1997), IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Systems in Commercial
Buildings (IEEE Gray Book™).
IEEE Std 242™-2001, IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Com-
mercial Power Systems (IEEE Buff Book™).
IEEE Std 519™, IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power
IEEE Std 620™, IEEE Guide for the Presentation of Thermal Limit Curves for Squirrel Cage Induction
IEEE Std 841™, IEEE Standard for Petroleum and Chemical Industry—Premium Efficiency, Severe-Duty,
Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) Squirrel Cage Induction Motors—Up to and Including 370 kW (500 hp).
IEEE Std 1015™-2006, IEEE Recommended Practice for Applying Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers Used in
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Blue Book™).
IEEE Std 1349™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Electric Motors in Class I, Division 2 and Class I, Zone 2
Hazardous (Classified) Locations.
IEEE Std 1683™, IEEE Guide for Motor Control Centers Rated up to and including 600 V AC or 1000 V DC
with Recommendations Intended to Help Reduce Electrical Hazards.
IEEE Std 3001.5™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Application of Power Distribution Apparatus in
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
IEEE Std 3001.8™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Instrumentation and Metering of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems.
IEEE P3001.11 D8, IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Application of Controllers and Automation to
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.4
IEEE Std 3003.2™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Equipment Grounding and Bonding in Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems.
IEEE Std 3004.1™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Application of Instrument Transformers in Industri-
al and Commercial Power Systems.
IEEE Std 3004.5™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Application of Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers in
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
IEEE Std 3006.5™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Use of Probability Methods for Conducting a Reli-
ability Analysis of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
IEEE Std 3006.7™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Reliability of 7×24 Continuous Power
Systems in Industrial and Commercial Facilities.
IEEE Std 3006.9™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Collecting Data for Use in Reliability, Availability, and
Maintainability Assessments of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
Numbers preceded by P are IEEE authorized standards projects that were not approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board at the time this
publication went to press. For information about obtaining drafts, contact the IEEE.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
IEEE Std 3007.1™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Operation and Management of Industrial and Com-
mercial Power Systems.
IEEE Std 3007.2™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Maintenance of Industrial and Commercial Power
IEEE Std 3007.3™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Safety in Industrial and Commercial Power
IEEE Std C37.06™, IEEE Standard for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current
Basis—Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for Voltages Above 1000 V.
IEEE Std C37.2™, IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers and Contact
IEEE Std C37.13™, IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures.
IEEE Std C37.14™, IEEE Standard for DC (3200 V and below) Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures.
IEEE Std C37.17™, IEEE Standard for Trip Systems for Low-Voltage (1000 V and below) and AC and Gener-
al Purpose (1500 V and below) DC Power Circuit Breakers.
IEEE Std C37.46™, IEEE Specifications for High-Voltage (>1000 V) Expulsion and Current-Limiting Power
Class Fuses and Fuse Disconnecting Switches.
IEEE Std C37.110™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Current Transformers Used for Protective Relaying
IEEE Std C62.21™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Surge Voltage Protective Equipment on AC Rotating
Machinery 1000 V and Greater.
NEMA ICS 2, Industrial Control and Systems Controllers, Contactors and Overload Relays Rated 600 Volts.5
NFPA 20-2013, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection.6
UL 347, UL Standard for Safety Medium-Voltage AC Contactors, Controllers, and Control Centers.7
NEMA publications are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, USA (http://
NFPA publications are available from Publications Sales, National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101,
Quincy, MA 02269-9101, USA (
UL standards are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, USA (http://
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
3.1 Definitions
abnormal operating condition: As applied to motors, including, but not limited to, starting, locked rotor,
voltage unbalance, overload, and short-circuit. As applied to equipment in classified locations, equipment
failure is considered to be an abnormal operating condition.
accelerating thermal limit (loci): The time-current relationship limit based on allowable temperature limit of
the rotor during the accelerating (starting) process.
accelerating time-current curve: The characteristic starting current versus time curve representing the motor
acceleration at a given applied voltage.
adjustable speed drive: An electric drive designed to provide easily-operable means for speed adjustment of
the motor, within a specified speed range.
ambient temperature: Ambient temperature is the temperature of the surrounding cooling medium, such as
gas or liquid, which comes into contact with the heated parts of the apparatus. (See NEMA MG-1.)9
approved: Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. (See NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.)
arc flash detector (AFD): A device/function that detects an unintentional electrical arc in air.
autoignition temperature (AIT): The minimum temperature required to initiate or cause self-sustained com-
bustion of a solid, liquid, or gas independently of the heating or heated element. (See NFPA 497-2008 [B47].)10
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ): An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the
requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure. (See
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.)
basic impulse insulation level (BIL): A reference impulse insulation strength expressed in terms of the crest
value of withstand voltage of standard full impulse voltage wave.
bypass contactor: A contactor that is connected in parallel with the drive system or reduced-voltage starter so
as to effectively take the drive system or reduced-voltage equipment out of the circuit, allowing the machine to
run (after starting) in across-the-line mode.
NOTE—Bypass contactors are often used with drive systems. There are two reasons for bypass. The most common is for
maintenance purposes. If the drive is out for maintenance, the bypass contactor is closed to allow the motor to run across-
the-line (ATL). The second reason is to allow the drive to bring one motor to full speed, then bypass the drive after coming
to full speed and switch to another motor. This allows the user to have one drive for many motors. Adjustable speed drive
(ASD) applications also require an isolation contactor on ASD output to prevent the ASD from being in parallel with the
bypass contactor.11
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Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.
Notes to text, tables, and figures are for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement the standard.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Class B rise: Based on a maximum 40 °C ambient, a motor stator temperature rise at 1.0 service factor of
80 °C (measured by resistance) or 80 °C, 85 °C, or 90 °C (measured by embedded detectors) in accordance
with NEMA MG-1 depending on the motor size, motor type, enclosure type, and voltage rating. The rise at 1.0
service factor corresponds to Class B type of insulation system in the NEMA MG-1 temperature rise tables.
clear space (CS): Clear space time margin between time current characteristic curves; and if applicable, the
upstream fuse minimum melting curve is adjusted for preload.
closed-transition transfer (parallel transfer): A motor bus transfer (MBT) designed to close the new source
breaker before tripping the old source breaker with the result that both source breakers are closed briefly at the
same time during the transfer process.
common-mode voltage (CMV): In the context of adjustable speed drives (ASDs), common-mode voltage
is the displacement of the neutral point (and each phase voltage) of the ASD output from ground due to the
switching of the solid-state devices in the drive. It is an alternating voltage whose magnitude and frequency
components are dependent on the drive topology.
NOTE—All present drive topologies create CMV to some extent. CMV can also be created at the motor if phase circuit
conductors, unsymmetrical with respect to the equipment grounding conductor(s) or grounded sheaths or raceways, are
used between the ASD output and the motor.
continuous duty: Operation at a substantially constant load for an indefinitely long time. This is also known
as continuous rating in NEMA MG-1.
corona: A type of localized discharge resulting from transient gaseous ionization on an insulation system when
the voltage stress exceeds a critical value. The ionization is usually localized over a portion of the distance be-
tween the electrodes of the system. (Corona activity can result in surface discharges and surface tracking on
motor windings.) Corona is visible partial discharges in gases adjacent to a conductor. (See IEEE Std 1434™
current-limiting (CL) fuse: A fuse that limits the peak-let-through current to less than the prospective cur-
rent. CL fuses are used on low-voltage and medium-voltage motors as primary fault protection device and on
some small motors as fault and overload protection devices.
exposed surface: A surface that is internal to an enclosure or an external surface of an enclosure which could
be exposed to the surrounding flammable atmosphere, without the benefit of an enclosure that would contain
an explosion or exclude the hazardous gas. (An exposed internal surface may be the rotor, stator, or space heat-
er surfaces of open and totally enclosed fan-cooled [TEFC] motors. An exposed external surface is the exterior
surface, which could be exposed to the surrounding flammable atmosphere such as the exterior surface of
explosionproof, pressurized, or force ventilated enclosures.)
fast transfer–supervised: An open-transition method wherein the close is supervised to check that the volt-
age phase angle difference between the motor bus voltage and the new source voltage is within a predeter-
mined acceptable limit.
fast transfer–unsupervised: An open-transition method wherein the close is implemented without a sync-
check device or implemented with sync-check relays with performance and response time which may be
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
field winding: The rotor circuit on an ac synchronous motor, which consists of winding connected to a dc
source and produces the main electromagnetic field of the motor.
NOTE—It is rare, but there are times when the field winding is stationary. This occurs mostly with brushless exciters.
high-inertia load: A load that has a moment of inertia that exceeds normal values, as described in NEMA MG-
1, and for which the motor needs to be designed to have both thermal and mechanical capability to accelerate
the load to operating speed without exceeding its limits. (See NEMA MG-1-2011 Table 12 through Table 7,
20–1, and 21–6.)
harmonic: A sinusoidal component of a periodic wave or quantity having any frequency within the spectra.
There are three basic classes of harmonics: frequencies with an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency,
frequencies with a non-integer multiple of the fundamental frequency (inter-harmonics), and frequencies that
are below the fundamental frequency (sub-harmonics).
identified (as applied to equipment): Recognizable as suitable for the specific purpose, function, use, envi-
ronment, application, and so forth, where described in a particular Code requirement. (See NFPA 70, National
Electrical Code.)
IC Code: The IC Code designates the method of electrical machine cooling as described in NEMA MG-1, Part
IP Code: The IP Code designates the degree of protection provided by the enclosure of a rotating machine as
described in NEMA MG-1, Part 5.
in-phase transfer: An open-transition method wherein the close command to the new breaker occurs at a
phase angle in advance of phase coincidence between the motor bus and the new source to compensate for the
new breaker’s closing time.
listed: Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to
the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains peri-
odic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose
listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets appropriate designated standards or has been
tested and found suitable for a specified purpose. (See NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code.)
locked rotor thermal limit (permissible locked rotor time): The maximum permissible safe time versus
locked rotor current flowing in the windings at rated voltage and frequency.
locked rotor torque: The minimum torque that a motor will develop at rest, for all angular positions of the
rotor, at rated voltage and frequency.
loss of synchronism (out of step): A condition that exists when the synchronous machine has lost synchro-
nism with respect to the supply system.
motor bus: An auxiliary system bus that primarily supplies power to motor loads.
motor bus transfer (MBT): The process of transferring motor bus loads from one power source to another
multisection motor: A motor whose construction utilizes a component block approach in the assembly of the
enclosure, that is, the enclosure has a number of bolted joints which could connect together the stator frame,
the ventilation hood, the motor base, the bearing supports, and enclosure covers.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
NEMA Frame: This refers to the NEMA MG-1 system of a standardized frame designation for AC machines
including 449 frame size and smaller. NEMA MG-1-2011, Part 4 provides critical mounting dimensions for
each frame size.
normal operating condition: As applied to motors, a normal operating condition is operating at rated full
load steady state conditions. (See NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Section 500.8(B)(5).) Locked rotor,
starting, single-phasing, and operating above base nameplate kilowatt or horsepower are not normal operating
open-transition transfer: A motor bus transfer (MBT) designed to trip the old source breaker before closing
the new source breaker so that the two source breakers are open at the same time during the transfer process.
overload: Loading in excess of normal rating of equipment. For a motor, it is considered overloaded when
operated above its base nameplate kilowatt or horsepower.
partial discharge: A localized electric discharge resulting from ionization in an insulation system when the
voltage stress exceeds the critical value. This discharge partially bridges the insulation in the voids internal to
the motor winding insulation.
residual voltage transfer: An open-transition method wherein the voltage magnitude at the motor bus falls
below a predetermined level before the close command is issued to the new breaker. There is no supervision of
the synchronous condition between the motor bus and the new source.
NOTE—Most rotors have a current-carrying winding arranged in a fashion to generate a magnetic field. The current in the
rotor winding may be induced from the stator or externally supplied, and may be either ac or dc. Certain rotors generate the
magnetic field using permanently-magnetized regions; these typically do not have windings and thus do not carry current.
running thermal capability: A plot of maximum permissible time versus percent of rated current flowing in
the motor winding when the motor is running.
sequential transfer: An open-transition method wherein closing of the new source breaker is supervised by
an auxiliary contact of the old source breaker. Sequential transfer can be applied with the fast, in-phase, and
residual methods of transfer to prevent closing the new source breaker should the old source breaker not open.
service factor: A multiplier that, when applied to the rated power, indicates a permissible power loading that
may be carried under the conditions specified for the service factor.
simultaneous transfer: An open-transition method wherein there is no verification that the bus has been dis-
connected from the old source prior to closing the new source breaker. Simultaneous transfer can be applied
with the fast, in-phase, and residual methods of transfer to prevent damage to equipment.
slow transfer: An open-transition method wherein a time interval, usually in excess of 20 cycles, occurs be-
fore the load is powered from another source. There is no supervision of the synchronous condition between
the motor bus and the new source, or of the voltage magnitude of the motor bus.
spark: A sudden and irreversible transition from a stable corona discharge to a stable arc discharge. It is a lu-
minous electrical discharge of short duration between two electrodes in an insulating medium. It is generally
brighter and carries more current than corona, and its color is mainly determined by the type of insulating me-
dium. It generates radio noise of wider frequency spectrum (extending into hundreds of megahertz) and wider
magnitude range than corona. A spark is not classified as corona. Sparking can also include static discharge,
sparking due to mechanical contact, and capacitive discharges (i.e., across bearing oil film and separating
switch contacts).
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
starting current: The current required by the motor during the starting process to accelerate the motor and
load to operating speed. Maximum starting current at rated voltage is drawn at the time of energizing.
starting time: The time required to accelerate the load to operating speed.
starting torque: The rated motor torque capability during start at rated voltage.
stator: The stationary component of an ac motor that contains the armature winding and stator core.
synchronous bus transfer or reclose: An open-transition motor bus transfer or reclose employing the fast
transfer–supervised or in-phase transfer methods wherein the breaker close is supervised by taking into ac-
count the rapid movement and acceleration of phase angle between the decaying motor bus voltage and fre-
quency and the new source voltage and frequency to determine that the breaker contacts are closed at or near
zero phase coincidence.
thermal limit curve (cold): A plot of maximum permissible time versus percent of rated current flowing in the
motor winding when the motor is started from ambient temperature.
thermal limit curve (hot): A plot of maximum permissible time versus percent of rated current flowing in the
motor winding when the motor is started from rated operating temperature.
trip circuit monitor (TCM): A device/function that monitors an associated circuit breaker’s trip circuit for
continuity and for the presence of tripping voltage, and sets an externally readable alarm when continuity or
tripping voltage is lost (a surrogate for the traditional red light on relay and control panels).
wound rotor winding: The rotor circuit on a wound rotor induction motor, which consists of a polyphase
winding that carries the alternating current produced by induction.
zone of protection: Zones of protection are logical divisions of the power system used to isolated faulted sec-
tions, i.e., generators, transformers, buses, transmission lines, distribution lines or cable circuits, and motors.
Zones are classified as primary and/or backup.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
4. General discussion
4.1 Introduction
This recommended practice applies specifically to ac single-phase and three-phase motors and dc motors.
Many factors should be considered in choosing motor protection: motor importance, load importance and
characteristics, motor rating (from one to several thousand horsepower), thermal limit of rotor or stator, en-
vironment, power system source and system grounding method, type of motor controller, etc. Protection for
each specific motor installation should meet the requirements of the application. Power quality of the plant
distribution system should be given appropriate attention, especially with regard to voltage sags and surges,
harmonics, service interruptions, and operation of distribution line reclosers.
Items in Clause 5 and Clause 6 should be considered as checklists when deciding upon protection for a given
motor installation. After the types of protection have been selected, manufacturers’ bulletins should be studied
to improve proper application of the specific protection chosen.
The selection of the motor protection schemes, starting method, etc. depend on the overall power system. The
information contained in the IEEE Color Book® series and the new replacement IEEE 3000® series docu-
ments provide valuable information for the overall system design and protection. Refer to IEEE Std 3001.5™,
IEEE Std 3001.8™, IEEE P3001.11 D8, IEEE Std 3003.2™, IEEE Std 3004.1™, IEEE Std 3004.5™,
IEEE Std 3006.5™, IEEE Std 3006.7™, IEEE Std 3006.9™, IEEE Std 3007.1™, IEEE Std 3007.2™, and
IEEE Std 3007.3™.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
NOTE—The nominal system voltage is generally rated higher to allow for voltage drop between the source and the termi-
nal of the motor.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Reprinted by permission of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association from NEMA MG10–2013,
Table 1.
Motor-starting conditions include across-the-line (full voltage non-reversing or reversing) or reduced voltage,
adjustable speed drive (ASD), voltage drop and degree of inrush current during starting, repetitive starts, and
frequency and total number of starts. For the number and frequency of starts refer to NEMA MG-1-2011, Sec-
tion 12.54 and NEMA MG-10-2013, Table 7 [B44]. See Figure 1 and Padden and Pillai [B48].
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 1—Typical motor-starting and capability curves (specific motor terminal voltage and
for cold start)
Protection methods and settings are also affected by the starting methods. A comparison of electro-mechanical
reduced-voltage starters is given in Table 4, similar to Table 10–17 in IEEE Std 141-1993 (IEEE Red Book™).
Various starting methods are discussed in 5.2.2 through 5.2.8. In Clause 9 of IEEE Std 399™, motor starting
studies are described in more detail. If for example in Table 4, normal inrush is 6 times full load current and
an 80% tap autotransformer start is applied, the actual inrush multiplier used for determining the appropriate
motor representation in the calculations is (6 × 0.67) × full load current = (4.02) × full load current. Resistor or
reactor starting limits the line starting current by the same amount as motor terminal voltage is reduced (that is,
65% of applied bus voltage gives 65% of normal line starting current). Wye (Y) -start, delta (Δ) -run starting
delivers 33% of normal starting line current with full voltage at the motor terminals. The starting current at any
other voltage is, correspondingly, reduced by the same amount. Part winding starting allows 60% of normal
starting line current at full voltage and reduces inrush according to other voltages. As shown in Table 4, the
starting torque is also affected by the starting method.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
As discussed in more detail in of IEEE Std 141-1993 (IEEE Red Book™), solid-state motor starters
can control the starting cycle and provide reduced-voltage starting for standard ac squirrel-cage induction mo-
tors. They provide an adjustable, controlled acceleration and eliminate high power demands during starting.
These starters are available in standard models for motors rated from fractional sizes to over 4500 kW (6000
hp). One type of reduced-voltage starter uses six thyristors in a full-wave configuration to vary the input volt-
age from zero to full on, so that the motor accelerates smoothly from zero to full running speed. The thyristors
are activated by an electronic control section that has an initial step voltage adjustment. This adjustment, com-
bined with a ramped voltage and current limit override, provides constant current (torque) to the motor until it
reaches full speed. Figure 2 shows a typical solid-state reduced-voltage motor starter schematic with internal
shorting device. Figure 3 shows a typical solid-state reduced-voltage motor starter schematic with external
shorting device controlled by an “End of Start” relay. For short-circuit protection, refer to the manufacturer’s
recommendations and literature, and also to NEC® Article 430 and Section 430.52(C)(5).
a) The solid-state reduced-voltage motor starter maintains a constant level of kilovolt-amperes and re-
duces sudden torque surges to the motor. The current limiter, in conjunction with the acceleration
ramp, holds the current constant at a preset level during the start-up period. When the start cycle is
complete, the motor is running at almost full voltage with, essentially, a sine wave in each phase.
b) Thyristors are used only during the starting phase. At full voltage, a shorting contactor closes and the
circuit operates as a conventional electromechanical starter.
c) A starter with linear-timed acceleration uses a closed-loop feedback system to maintain the motor
acceleration at a constant rate. The required feedback signal is provided by a tachometer (ac, dc, or
encoded) coupled to the motor.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 2—Typical solid-state reduced-voltage motor starter with internal shorting device,
Figure 3—Typical solid-state reduced-voltage motor starter with external shorting device
controlled by “End of Start” relay, schematic
ASDs can also be used as a soft-start with the added features of multiple starts per hour, adjustable acceleration
and deceleration rates, and 100% or higher starting torque. Refer to 9.3.8 for a discussion on using ASDs to
start and operate multiple motors.
An example of ASD starting is detailed in a PCIC paper presented by LeDoux, et al., “Starting Large Synchro-
nous Motors in Weak Power Systems” [B35].
Subclause of IEEE Std 141-1993 (IEEE Red Book™) discusses autotransformer start in more detail.
Autotransformers are used for limiting starting current and torque on polyphase induction motors to comply
with power supply regulations or to avoid excessive shock to the driven machine, or to limit excessive voltage
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
drop. Overload and undervoltage protection are provided. These are equipped with mechanical interlock to
assure proper starting sequence. Taps are provided on the autotransformer for adjusting starting torque and
current. Since the autotransformer controller reduces the voltage by transformation, the starting torque of the
motor will vary almost directly as does the line current, even though the motor current is reduced directly with
the voltage impressed on the motor.
Autotransformer magnetic systems are the same as the manual systems described above, but suitable for re-
mote control. They have a timing relay for adjustment of time at which full voltage is applied.
To overcome the objection of the open-circuit transition associated with an autotransformer starter, a circuit
known as the Korndorfer connection is in common use. This type of starter requires a two-pole and a three-
pole start contactor. The two-pole contactor opens first on the transition from start to run, opening the con-
nections to the neutral of the autotransformer. The windings of the transformer are then momentarily used as
series reactors during the transfer, allowing a closed-circuit transition. Although it is somewhat more compli-
cated, this type of starter is frequently used on high-inertia centrifugal compressors to obtain the advantages of
low line-current surges and closed-circuit transition.
As discussed in of IEEE Std 141-1993 (IEEE Red Book™), automatic reduced-voltage starter de-
signed for geared or belted drive where sudden application of full-voltage torque must be avoided. Inrush
current is limited by the value of the resistor or reactor; starting torque is a function of the square of the applied
voltage. Therefore, if the initial voltage is reduced to 50%, the starting torque of the motor will be 25% of its
full-voltage starting torque. A compromise must be made between the required starting torque and the inrush
current allowed on the system. It provides both overload and undervoltage protection and is suitable for re-
mote control. The resistor or reactor is shorted out as speed approaches rated rpm.
As discussed in more detail in of IEEE Std 141-1993 (IEEE Red Book™), part-winding starters are
used on light or low-inertia loads where the power system requires limitations on the increments of current in-
rush. The torque characteristics are discussed in more detail in section 14.38 of NEMA MG-1-2011. It consists
of two magnetic starters, each selected for one of the two motor windings, and a time-delay relay controlling
the time at which the second winding is energized. It provides overload and undervoltage protection and is
suitable for remote control.
Subclause of IEEE Std 141-1993 (IEEE Red Book™) discusses wye-delta, also known as star-delta,
in more detail. This type starter is most applicable to starting motors that drive high-inertia loads with resulting
long acceleration times, such as a centrifuge that takes 45 minutes to an hour to accelerate to full speed, while
other loads accelerate in seconds. When the motor has accelerated on the wye (or star) connection, it is auto-
matically reconnected by contactors for normal delta operation. This type of starter requires six motor leads.
In selecting the type of reduced-voltage starter, consideration should be given to the motor control transition
from starting to running. In a closed-circuit transition, power to the motor is not interrupted during the starting
sequence as shown in Figure 5, whereas an open-circuit transition power to the motor is interrupted as shown
in Figure 4. Closed-circuit transition, such as Figure 5, is recommended for all wye-delta starter applications
to reduce inrush voltage disturbances and torque pulses.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Subclause of IEEE Std 141-1993 (IEEE Red Book™) discusses this in more detail. Multi-speed mo-
tor controllers are designed for the automatic control of two-, three-, or four-speed squirrel-cage motors of
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
either the consequent-pole or separate-winding types. They are available for constant-horsepower, constant
torque, or variable torque three-phase motors used on fans, blowers, refrigeration compressors, and similar
Caution should be taken when the motor is slowing down to not energize the slow speed winding while the
motor is rotating above synchronous speed because it can cause high torque, voltage spikes, and current
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
tection for conductors in feeder and branch circuits are described in Chapter 5, Chapter 6, and Chapter 7 of
IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff Book™).
NOTE—Fuses and circuit breakers are rated for connection to available fault current sources on the basis of protecting the
conductors on the load side of the circuit breaker or fuse.
In a motor controller, the above philosophy does not necessarily extend to protect the motor controller or its
compartment. For proper protection of the motor controller, the fuse or circuit breaker (or motor circuit pro-
tector) that the controller manufacturer has had tested by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL)
for the rated fault current available at its line terminals should be used. A motor circuit protector has an in-
stantaneous only trip element, similar in construction to a molded-case circuit breaker (MCCB), and is de-
scribed in 7.1.4 of IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff Book™), IEEE Std 1015™-2006 (IEEE Blue Book™), and
IEEE Std 3004.5.
Such motor controllers for best results should bear an NRTL listing for connection to available currents higher
than the currents found in the power supply of the plant system under consideration or projected plant expan-
sion fault duty. The NRTL-listed controller may still be substantially damaged by a load side fault downstream
of the controller. If protection is necessary to reduce damage to the controller itself, the controller manufac-
turer should be consulted, or Type 2 protection should be specified in accordance with IEC 60947-4-1-2012
[B22]. Type 1 protection will reduce major damage but replacement of some motor control center components
may be necessary after a fault occurs.
Controllers should be protected with fuses or circuit breakers where the combination controllers are rat-
ed for the available fault current. This subject is covered more thoroughly under protection of low-voltage
motors in 7.1 of IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff Book™), IEEE Std 1015-2006 (IEEE Blue Book™), and
IEEE Std 3004.5.
Maintenance capability and schedule are important factors. Selection of complex protection that cannot or
will not be appropriately maintained can lead to inadequate protection. Likewise, the selection and setting of
overload protection does not prevent inadvertent setting changes due to normal vibration or ambient condi-
tions, such as low-voltage controllers with non-ambient compensated bi-metallic overloads. Backup protec-
tion should be coordinated to operate if primary protection fails to operate. Maintenance is covered in Chapter
16 of IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff Book™), IEEE 3007 series of standards particularly IEEE Std 3007.2,
NFPA 70B [B45], and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Refer to IEEE Std 1068™-2015 [B28] for repair
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
and rewinding of motors and ANSI/EASA AR100–2015 [B2] for repair of rotating electrical apparatus. Pro-
tective device settings should be verified prior to returning a motor to service that has been repaired.
Motors are rotating machinery and proper condition monitoring should be performed for reliable operation
especially for critical motors.
— Winding insulation resistance test, e.g., IEEE Std 112™ and IEEE Std 115™
— Polarization index, e.g., IEEE Std 43™
— Partial discharge (PD), e.g., ASTM D 1868, British Standards Institution [B9], and Stranges, Dunn,
and Stone [B61]
— Power factor/tip up test for MV motors, e.g., IEEE Std 286™ [B25]
For motors applied in certain applications, the local codes and standards may have specific protection require-
ments such as continuity of power or selective coordination. The following list is a sample of applications and
is not all-inclusive: elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks, platform lifts, and stairway chairlifts
(reference NEC Article 620); emergency systems (reference NEC Article 700); legally required standby sys-
tems (reference NEC Article 701); and fire pumps (reference NEC Article 695).
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
should comply with applicable codes and standards for the AHJ. The conductor size should be selected to
provide adequate voltage during starting and running and adequate ampacity during running (see NEC Arti-
cle 430 II and XI). In addition, during short-circuit the conductor insulation should maintain its integrity and
be protected. For example, consider selecting higher temperature-rated insulation system such as thermoset
with a short-circuit current temperature rating of 250 °C versus thermoplastic with some conductors with a
short-circuit current temperature rating of 150 °C (Padden and Pillai [B48]).
When using the conductor damage curves the designer should know 1) the type of insulation, 2) the maximum
continuous temperature rating of the insulation, and 3) the maximum short-circuit current temperature rating
of the insulation. Table 5 below provides some examples of conductor types and temperature ratings. For Ta-
ble 5, also refer to 2014 NEC Section 310.104. Data should be gathered from the manufacturer for the specific
conductor used. Conductor damage curve data are available from some coordination software programs as
well, but the engineer should know the insulation properties.
Table 5—Examples of 600 V conductor insulation types and their maximum short-circuit
Continuous Continuous Short-circuit
Type of insulation temperature temperature current
Type letter
NEC designation, trade name rating (°C): rating (°C): temperature
Dry Wet rating (°C)
Cross-linked polyethylene RHH 90 dry 90 damp 250
Thermoset XHH 90 dry 90 damp
Moisture-resistant thermoset RHW 75 dry 75 wet
RHW-2 90 dry 90 wet
XHHW 90 dry 90 damp/75 wet
XHHW-2 90 dry 90 wet
Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride XHHW 90 dry 90 damp/75 wet 250
Moisture-resistant thermoset
Chlorinated polyethylene RHH 90 dry 90 damp 250
Thermoset RHW-2 90 dry 90 wet
Moisture-resistant thermoset
Ethylene propylene rubber XHH 90 dry 90 damp 250
Thermoset RHH 90 dry 90 damp
Moisture-resistant thermoset XHHW-2 90 dry 90 wet
RHW-2 90 dry 90 wet
Styrene butadiene rubber RHW 75 dry 75 wet 200
Moisture-resistant thermoset
Butyl rubber RHH 90 dry 90 damp 200
Thermoset RHW 75 dry 75 wet
Moisture-resistant thermoset RHW-2 90 dry 90 wet
Silicone rubber SA 90 dry 90 damp 250
Silicone SA (special) 200 dry 200 damp
Polyvinyl chloride THHN 90 dry 90 damp 150
Heat-resistant thermoplastic THHW 90 dry 75 wet
Moisture and heat-re- THW 75 dry 75 wet
sistant thermoplastic THW-2 90 dry 90 wet
THWN 75 dry 75 wet
THWN-2 90 dry 90 wet
Consult the conductor manufacturer for specific conductor properties. Temperature ratings may also vary with the year of
Courtesy of Padden Engineering, LLC.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The conductor damage curve is plotted on the coordination plot. The damage curve should be above and to
the right of the motor overload and short-circuit protective device curves with clear space (CS) between the
curves. Also refer to IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff Book™).
— Dependent upon the capacitor location, motor overload set point should be adjusted. Refer to 7.2.2 and
Figure 15 for examples.
— Fixed capacitor will extend motor open circuit time constant and will increase the minimum time for
blocking the motor starting to allow for motor residual voltage to reach an acceptable level. Contact
the motor manufacturer for the motor equivalent circuit data with and without the fixed capacitor. Re-
fer to Annex E for sample equations and calculations.
— Many process plants tend to implement motor re-acceleration scheme. Therefore, motor capacitor ap-
plication may not be recommended for re-acceleration motors in the process plants unless there will be
sufficient time to decay motor residual voltages as shown in Annex E. This should be discussed with
plant process engineers.
6. Types of protection
6.1 Purpose of motor protection
6.1.1 Introduction
In a power system, the basic premise is that the delivered power is of acceptable quality to satisfy the needs of
the facility. However, an abnormal condition can exist because of plant or site conditions or the external power
supply. Depending upon the plant size, location, and on-site generation, conditions such as voltage transients,
surges and sags, overfrequency and underfrequency, harmonics, and discontinuity may develop that require
corrective action. For large facilities, the incoming power is likely monitored, and methods have probably
been taken to protect the facility from abnormal conditions. These methods are important, because this recom-
mended practice focuses upon only motor protection. For smaller installations or unusual locations, plant or
site protection may be more integrated with motor protection.
The motor protective devices permit the motor to start and run, and initiate tripping and removal of the motor
circuit from the power system when the motor stalls, does not accelerate, draws excessive current, overheats,
vibrates excessively, and/or shows other symptoms of improper motor conditions. Detection of improper con-
ditions are through measurement of voltage, current, temperature, frequency, harmonics, vibration, and speed,
where appropriate. However, for the majority of small motors (i.e., less than 220 kW [300 hp]), overcurrent is
the most prevalent means of detection.
In the discussion of protective devices in this recommended practice, reference is made to device numbers,
which are described in IEEE Std C37.2™ and Annex B herein. In general, MV protection uses device numbers
(or function numbers) especially because most of those schemes are much more complex than LV schemes, in
lieu of using repetitive descriptions.
Typically, selecting motor protection is based on the motor output rating (hp or kW) and the voltage level
(low or medium voltage). Refer to Table 6 for typical motor protection functions for commercial and indus-
trial applications and refer to Annex B for descriptions of the functions. In Figure 7 and Figure 8, the one-line
and three-line diagrams respectively are provided for the typical fused E2 contactor controlled protection
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
functions for a MV induction motor application using a fused disconnect for short-circuit protection, a vacu-
um contactor for control, and a multifunction motor protection relay (Device 11M) for overload protection.
The multifunction motor protection relay can open the contactor for various conditions except short-circuit
protection which is provided by the fuses. The 51N residually connected ground fault protection or the 50G
zero sequence current transformer (CT) ground fault protection can be used in a MV low resistance grounded
power system where the ground fault current does not exceed the break rating for the vacuum contactor in
this example. For high resistance grounded power systems, ground fault elements typically alarm; however,
for each individual motor, most industrial owners choose to trip the end device (e.g., motor) that has a ground
fault, even if they are maintaining the system during the fault.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 7—MV induction motor 1-line diagram, typical minimum protection functions with
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 8—MV induction motor 3-line diagram, typical minimum protection functions with
Protective relays should have provisions for testing and calibrating the relays using external power supplies
without disconnecting the permanent wiring (e.g., test switches that are used for secondary injection testing
and calibration). The AHJ, site experience, and manufacturer’s recommendations provide information on the
testing interval for electromechanical and solid-state relays.
For critical applications or for personnel considerations, each relay (e.g., 11M device) should have CT, voltage
transformer (VT), and relay digital inputs and outputs wired to a relay test switch to allow for testing the relay
with the motor circuit switching device in service. Testing provisions should include shorting of CT circuits
and consideration for selectively disconnecting the relay from the trip circuits, as well as CTs, VTs, auxiliary
power, and other circuits controlled by the relay. After a microprocessor type relay is commissioned and in
service, some have self-diagnostics or self-testing to alarm if the relay malfunctions.
Although overvoltage conditions have some consideration, that phenomenon draws less attention than under-
voltage because of protection by surge arresters for momentary conditions and by relays for the less-common
sustained overvoltage. Undervoltage conditions for LV and MV systems are discussed in this section. Further
discussions concerning large motors can be found in 8.10.
a) To prevent a motor from automatically restarting when voltage returns following an interruption,
as might happen with single-service arrangements or automatic transfer operations. Consideration
should also be given as to the importance of the motor and whether conditions warrant that the motor
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
ride through voltage sags or drop out at some specific voltage, not to be energized until other condi-
tions may have been met.
b) To avoid excessive inrush to the total motor load on the power system following a voltage sag or when
voltage returns following an interruption.
c) To avoid reaccelerating a motor before the field collapses. Fast reclosing with the source voltage sig-
nificantly out-of-phase with the motor bus voltage has been damaging and can occur if cooperation is
lacking between the industrial plant and its power supplier. Consult the power supplier to learn their
automatic reclosure timing and set the undervoltage relay timing accordingly. This delay is not a pan-
acea, and some other forms of protection might be required, such as underfrequency relaying (Device
Undervoltage protection is either instantaneous (i.e., no intentional delay) or time-delay. Time-delay under-
voltage protection should be used with motors important to continuity of service, providing it is satisfactory in
all respects, to avoid unnecessary tripping on voltage sags that accompany external short-circuits. Examples
follow of non-latching starters where time-delay undervoltage protection is not satisfactory and instantaneous
undervoltage should be used:
NOTE—The limitations in item a) and item b) below could be overcome by using either a separate ac power source for
control or battery control on the contactor to prevent its instantaneous dropout. In other words, the time-delay undervolt-
age feature can be applied directly to the main contactor. In addition, for synchronous machines, a voltage sag can result
in a drop of field voltage when the field voltage is derived from the control power transformer for the magnetically held
starter. This voltage drop can result in a reduction in field voltage to the point where there is a trip of the synchronous motor
on field protection even before the contactor drops out. This situation can be avoided by deriving the field voltage from a
reliable power supply not depended on steady control power transformer, such as from the output of a small uninterruptible
power supply (UPS) included in the synchronous controller.
a) Fusible switch or circuit breaker combination motor starters having ac magnetically held contactors
used on systems of low three-phase fault capacity. With the time-delay undervoltage scheme (without
“off” time-delay), the contactor could drop out because of the low voltage accompanying a fault on
the load side of the contactor before the supply fuse or circuit breaker opens to remove the fault. Un-
less provided with blocking for automatic restart, the contactor could then reclose into the fault. This
problem does not exist if the available fault capacity is high enough to open the external fuse or circuit
breaker before the contactor interrupts the fault current.
b) Synchronous motors used with starters having ac magnetically held contactors. With the time-delay
undervoltage scheme (without “off” time-delay), the contactor could drop out on an externally caused
system voltage sag, then reclose, and reapply the system voltage to an out-of-phase internal voltage in
the motor. The high initial inrush could damage the motor winding, shaft, driven equipment, or foun-
dation. For synchronous motors, an underfrequency relay might be required to avoid an out-of-step
trip on reclose.
c) Induction motors used with starters having ac magnetically held contactors. The high inrush problem
described in b) could also occur for large, two-pole squirrel-cage induction motors. If significantly
out-of-phase reclosing represents a risk to the motor, then undervoltage protection alone might not
suffice and underfrequency relay might be required. Reclosing may not be a problem with the 150 kW
(200 hp) and smaller induction motors with magnetically held contactor starters because the internal
voltages of these motors decay quite rapidly.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
d) Motors used on systems having fast automatic transfer or reclosing where the motor must be tripped
to protect it before the transfer or reclosure takes place. See b) and c) above regarding needing under-
frequency relays also.
e) When the total motor load having time-delay undervoltage protection results in excessive inrush cur-
rent and voltage drop after an interruption, a problem could arise of not having sufficient system
capacity to restart the motors. Options include designing for a larger power capacity than needed
for normal operations, removing some of the motor loads from automatic restarting, and grouping
the auto-restarting motors into several smaller time-sequenced groups, each of which can successful-
ly auto-restart as a group. Less-important motors should use instantaneous undervoltage protection.
Time-delay undervoltage protection with varying time delays could be used on the motors with inrush
that the system can handle. Sequencers are available for selecting the order of motor restarts, thus
reducing the need for oversized transformers or lower transformer impedances. Caution should be ob-
served when placing numerous controls within one device where common-mode failure could negate
the benefits. A more thorough discussion can be found in 6.11.
Motor switching devices, such as latching contactors or circuit breakers, inherently remain closed during peri-
ods of low or zero ac voltage. The following methods are used to trip open the devices:
Item a) through c) are usually used in conjunction with voltage-sensing relays (see 6.2.7). For item d), it could
have the solenoid operating directly, either on the ac system voltage or from a battery, where a relay would
sense loss of ac voltage and de-energize the solenoid. The solenoid could be either instantaneous or time-delay.
Because the ac magnetically held main contactor (which supplies the motor) drops out on a loss of ac power,
it provides an instantaneous undervoltage function. If automatic restart is required because of the process, two
common approaches achieve time-delay undervoltage protection:
a) Permit the main contactor to drop out instantaneously, but provide a timing scheme (that starts timing
when ac voltage is low or zero) to reclose the main contactor when normal ac voltage returns within
some preset timing interval. Some of the timing schemes in use are as follows:
1) Capacitor charged through a rectifier from the ac system. The charge keeps an instantaneous
dropout auxiliary relay energized for an adjustable interval, which is commonly 2 s to 4 s.
2) Standard timer that times when de-energized (e.g., pneumatic or inverse time-undervoltage
b) Use a two-wire control. This control uses a maintained closed start button or operates from an external
contact responsive to some condition such as process pressure, temperature, or level. The main con-
tactor drops out with loss of ac, and recloses when ac voltage returns.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Neither arrangement provides perfect undervoltage protection and should not be used if automatic restarting
could endanger personnel or equipment. Refer to 6.11 and Annex E.
6.2.6 Device 27, with separate control power for main contactor
Separate control power for the main contactor may be a dc magnetically held contactor sourced from a reliable
battery system or ac power supplied from a separate source (i.e., UPS). With a separate control power source,
the main motor contactor remains closed during low or zero ac voltage to the motor. Time-delay undervoltage
protection is achieved using voltage-sensing relays (see 6.2.7). For this scheme, the separate control voltage
should be monitored as well.
A commonly used type of voltage-sensing relay is the single-phase inverse time-undervoltage relay. There are
also definite time undervoltage relays. Because an opened control fuse could cause tripping, two or three such
time-undervoltage relays are sometimes used, connected to different phases, and wired so that all Device 27
relays must operate before tripping occurs or re-energization can be permitted.
Three-phase undervoltage relays are available. Many operate in response to the area of the voltage triangle
formed by the phasors of the three-phase voltages. Alternatively, a voltage-balance relay (Device 60) could be
used for opened fuse protection.
Although many older starters with individual protection relays exist in older facilities, the voltage sensing
relay functions today are normally included in multifunction motor protection relays (Device 11M). These
multifunction relays can provide single-phase inverse time undervoltage functions as well as definite time pro-
tection. Some of these multifunction relays also offer logic that detects one, two, or three open VT fuses. Some
of these multifunction relays operate in response to the area of the voltage triangle formed by the phasors of the
three-phase voltages.
When applying undervoltage protection with time delay, the time-delay setting should be chosen so that
time-delay undervoltage tripping does not occur before all external fault-detecting relays have had an oppor-
tunity to clear faults from the system. This practice recognizes that the most frequent causes of low voltage are
system faults; and when these faults are cleared, most induction motors can continue normal operation. For
inverse time-undervoltage relays, their trip time versus system short-circuit current should be plotted to verify
that these trip only after the system overcurrent protective relays. This procedure should be done for the most
critical coordination condition, which exists when the system short-circuit capacity is minimum. This study
should be included with normal systems studies concerning voltage drop, short-circuits, etc. Typical time de-
lay at zero voltage is 2 s to 5 s.
For motors extremely important to continuity of service, such as some auxiliaries in electric generating plants,
the undervoltage relay functions are used only to alarm. The motors providing fire pump service should be
protected in accordance with applicable standards such as NFPA 20-2013 and NFPA 70-2014.
6.3 Phase unbalance protection (Device 46, current) (Device 47, voltage) (Device
6.3.1 Devices 46, 47, and 60; relays
Several types of relays are available to provide phase unbalance protection, including single phasing. Most of
these relays are described in Chapter 4 of IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff Book™) and in IEEE Std C37.96™-
2012. Further information about specific relays should be obtained from the various manufacturers. Most of
the commonly used relays or functions in Device 11M are classified below. The user should select the protec-
tion functions necessary for the application and disable unused functions.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
a) Phase current unbalance (Device 46). A device in a polyphase circuit that operates when polyphase
currents are unbalanced. Mechanical phase current unbalance relays are induction disk devices that
detect unbalance in the currents in the three phases. As such these devices have an inherent time delay.
Occasionally, a timer is used to obtain additional delay. Because this relay cannot protect for unbal-
ances less than 25%, its selection is questionable except for complete loss of one phase. Unfortunately,
this device shares the same device number as the negative sequence overcurrent relay (Device 46) in
item d).
b) Phase current unbalance high resistance ground (HRG) (Device 46). If users set current unbalance
relay to trip in an HRG system and a ground fault occurs on the system, the Device 46 may initiate an
undesired trip. Some protection relays for LV applications have a blocking function to avoid this situ-
ation. However, if the Device 46 relay does not block this situation, alarm only should be considered.
c) Reverse-phase (Device 46). A device in a polyphase circuit that operates when the polyphase currents
are of reverse phase sequence.
d) Negative sequence overcurrent (Device 46). A negative sequence overcurrent relay is a time over-
current relay with extremely inverse characteristics that operates at very small levels of negative se-
quence current. Settings are available to alarm before trip and to trip upon a limit of I22t.
e) Negative sequence voltage (Device 47). Because negative sequence voltage relays operate instanta-
neously on negative sequence overvoltage, some external time delay might be necessary.
f) Voltage balance (Device 60). The voltage balance (60) element compares voltage sources to deter-
mine if there is a difference in voltage, i.e., for VTs determining if both input sources are present or if
there is an open fuse losing one source. If a source is not present, then the output of this element blocks
(removes permission) from tripping or starting elements. The voltage balance 60 relay is an older
method than voltage-unbalance 47 protection, which is based on sequence components.
The purpose of phase unbalance protection is to prevent motor overheating damage. Motor overheating oc-
curs when the phase voltages are unbalanced. A small voltage unbalance produces a large negative sequence
current flow in both synchronous and induction motors. The per-unit negative sequence impedance of either
motor is approximately equal to the reciprocal of the rated voltage per-unit locked rotor current. When, for
example, a motor has a locked rotor current equal to six times rated current, the motor has a negative sequence
impedance of approximately 0.167 per unit (16.7%) on the motor rated input kilovoltampere base. When
voltages having a 0.05 per-unit negative sequence component are applied to the motor, negative sequence cur-
rents of 0.30 per unit flow in the windings. Thus, a 5% voltage unbalance produces a stator negative sequence
current equal to 30% of full load current. This situation can lead to a 40% to 50% increase in temperature rise.
Current unbalance (46) is measured in the motor feeder and has the advantage of being applied at each motor.
It is easy to implement in multifunction motor protection relays, Device 11M. Measuring algorithms include
the true negative sequence measurement and the difference between the maximum and minimum phase cur-
rents. For a negative sequence type element, the I2 percent setting (20% to 25% of nameplate rated current) is
approximately 4 to 5 times the percent voltage unbalance for the worst case nominal load condition. Refer to
Figure 9 for optional VT locations for Device 47 and CT location for Device 46.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The extreme form of unbalance is the complete loss of voltage in one phase. Under these conditions, a three-
phase motor is unable to start. If the single phasing occurs during full load running conditions, the current in
the two energized phases increases above full load current for a wye connected motor (see Figure 10a). If the
motor is delta connected, the current in the motor phase coils that are connected to the energized phases will
see greater than full load amps and the two phase coils that are bisected by the lost phase will see less than
full load current (see Figure 10b). These figures are applicable if the transformer is wye-wye connected. If the
transformer is wye-delta connected, the same problem exists only the current values are different as shown in
Figure 10c). In each case, adequate phase overcurrent protection is required.
Courtesy of EASA.
Many motors, especially in the higher horsepower ratings, can be seriously damaged by negative sequence
current heating, even though the stator currents are low enough to go undetected by overload (overcurrent)
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
protection. (The standard service factor for large motors is 1.00.) Therefore, phase unbalance protection is
desirable for all motors where the cost can be justified relative to the cost and criticality of the motor. Phase
unbalance protection should be provided in all applications where single phasing is a strong possibility be-
cause of factors such as the presence of fuses, overhead distribution lines subject to conductor breakage, or
disconnect switches (that might not close properly on all three phases). For large facilities, a bus phase-bal-
ance (negative sequence) overvoltage relay (Device 47) could be installed to alarm in a sensitive manner. This
alarm would be set in conjunction with each large motor (phase balance) negative sequence overcurrent relays
(Device 46). For small installations, a single phase balance (negative sequence) overcurrent relay might suf-
fice for a large, critical motor; or alternatively one phase balance (negative sequence) bus overvoltage relay
could be set to protect several motors, by alarming and/or tripping.
A general recommendation is to apply phase unbalance protection to all motors 750 kW (1000 hp) and above.
For motors below 750 kW (1000 hp), the specific requirements should be investigated. Phase unbalance pro-
tection should also be considered for certain critical motors such as hermetic refrigeration chiller motors, air
compressors, and similar motors.
Unbalanced voltages accompany unbalanced system faults. Therefore, phase unbalance protection should in-
clude sufficient delay to permit the system overcurrent protection to clear external faults without unnecessary
tripping of the motor or motors.
Delay is also necessary to avoid the possibility of tripping on motor starting inrush. Therefore, unbalance
protection having an inherent delay should be chosen. Another (high-risk) scheme is to use an auxiliary timer
(Device 62). Its selection is important because the timer probably has a higher failure rate than the protective
relay. If a time delay of more than 2 s or 3 s is used, the motor designer should be consulted.
6.4 Overcurrent protection (Device 51, inverse time) (Device 50, instantaneous)
Overcurrent sensing is the most frequently used method to monitor and protect the many power circuits in a fa-
cility. If a short-circuit occurs, action should be initiated without delay, whereas an overload within the service
factor rating of the motor might not require any action. Under IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff Book™) Chapter
15 guidelines, no delay should occur in the operation of the protection for circuit components (e.g., motors)
upon sensing a fault, with backup protection coordinated by being delayed in time or overcurrent magnitude,
or both.
Motor branch circuit protection is to operate whenever a motor fails to accelerate to designed operating speed,
when the motor-running current exceeds normal limits, and when a short-circuit is detected. Normally, time
overcurrent devices are used to protect against overloads and the failure to accelerate, whereas instantaneous
devices operate without any intentional delay for short-circuit protection. For cyclic loads, the Device 49
thermal model discussed in 8.2 should be considered for motor thermal overload protection (Ransom and
Hamilton [B51]).
Depending upon the motor rating and voltage, the devices for performing these functions are of different
construction. For MV or large motors, the protection can be three phase–overcurrent protective relays or one
multifunction motor protection relay (Device 11M), which would include such other protective functions
as accelerating characteristics, current unbalance, differential overcurrent, ground fault current, and loss of
load. Normally, such complex protection would not be provided for unimportant or inexpensive low-voltage
motors, although capable multifunction relays are available for low-voltage motor protection. In addition,
some motors might be supplied directly from low-voltage switchgear and use the protective characteristics
described in IEEE Std C37.17™ and shown in Chapter 7 of IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff Book™). The de-
cision on whether to use low-voltage switchgear is usually influenced by the frequency of motor starts because
motor controllers are rated for a considerably greater number of operations; and LV switchgear has higher
ampacity and interrupt ratings.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The use of mechanical thermal overload relays is generally limited to LV NEMA Frame motor starters and
legacy MV Class E2 starters. Mechanical thermal overload relays are constructed as either melting alloy (eu-
tectic) or bimetallic. Although three-phase construction-block designs are the most common, single-phase
elements might sometimes be encountered. The relays operate within a current range, as follows:
a) Selection of the heater element should be based upon the relay manufacturer’s tables relating motor
characteristics and ambient temperature conditions and be based on the location of the motor relative
to the relay. This method is employed because only minor adjustments need to be made in the relay
itself to set a trip value to match the motor current.
b) After selecting the heater, the melting alloy unit is considered non-tamperable.
c) Older bimetallic types can have limited adjustment of trip setting intended to compensate for ambient
temperature. Newer relays have a wider adjustment range.
d) The thermal memory of bimetallic overload relays provides somewhat satisfactory protection for cy-
clic overloading and closely repeated motor starts.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
e) A manual reset feature is available and is normally trip free (manual override is not possible).
f) Some relays are available as ambient-temperature-compensated or as noncompensated. Noncompen-
sated is an advantage when the relay and motor are in the same ambient condition because the relay
opening time changes with temperature in a similar manner as the motor overload capability changes
with temperature.
g) NEMA ICS 2-2000 has standardized motor overload relays into three classes denoting time delay to
trip on locked rotor current: Class 10 for fast trip, 10 s at six times the overload rating; Class 20, for
intermediate trip, for 20 s at six times the overload rating; and Class 30 for long-time trip, 30 s at six
times the overload rating. In most applications, the Class 10 relay is applied for hermetic and other
motors with a service factor of 1.00 or 1.05. The Class 20 relay is commonly used for higher service
factor motors, such as NEMA T-frame motors. A Class 30 relay is used in applications where high-in-
ertia loads cause the motor to have a long starting time, such as conveyor belt motors.
h) Electronic devices for overload protection are also available. For LV motor starters, electronic devic-
es, sometimes integral with the contactor, sense the current in all three phases. These can be adjusted
for Class 10, Class 20, or Class 30. Refer to Figure 11 for typical thermal overload curves for cold
condition and warm conditions, a) and b), respectively. For MV motors on NEMA E2 starters and
motors controlled by circuit breakers, the 49 device protection is typically offered through the use of a
multifunction motor protection device (Device 11M).
Automatic transfer: To maintain process continuity upon loss of power supply, motor buses may require trans-
fer from an existing source to a new source. Another case involves the loss of a single source for a motor bus,
and a decision to trip the source breaker, with the possibility of reclosing back into the same source once the
source recovers. In either case, the existing source motor bus breaker is tripped before a motor bus source
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
breaker can be closed or reclosed. Thus, there is a period of time when the motor bus is not connected to any
source, during which the motors connected to the bus begin to slow down and generate a decaying voltage and
frequency onto the bus. For a transfer, if the new source voltage is healthy, or for a reclose, if the single source
voltage recovers, but the source breaker is closed with the source voltage significantly out-of-phase with the
motor bus voltage, then high inrush current can damage the motor windings and produce torques damaging to
the shaft, foundation, drive coupling, driven equipment, and gears. However, the new source breaker can be
closed or the existing source breaker can be reclosed immediately if the phase angle between the motor bus
and the new source is within an acceptable angle near zero degrees or subsequently at the next synchronous
pass through zero degrees.
Reclosing: When the source voltage is interrupted, initially motors continue to rotate and generate a back
electromotive force (emf) which appears as voltage on the motor bus as a result of one or more motors con-
nected to the bus. This voltage decays with motor speed and internal flux. If the source voltage is restored
out-of-phase with the aggregate motor bus voltage, then high inrush current can damage the motor windings
and produce torques damaging to the shaft, foundation, drive coupling, driven equipment, and gears (see 6.2).
ANSI/NEMA Std C50.41–2012, Section 14, identifies fast transfer or reclosing on a motor bus as one in which
the resultant volts per hertz between the motor residual volts per hertz phasor and the incoming source volts
per hertz phasor at the instant of transfer or reclosing is completed does not exceed 1.33 per unit volts per Hz
on the motor rated voltage and frequency basis [B3]. The equation not only looks at the motor residual value,
but also at the value of the system source and the angle between them. According to ANSI Std 50.41–2012,
out-of-phase bus transfers develop transient currents and torques that may range from 2 to 20 times rated,
and yet the pu V/Hz calculation ignores current, and thus cannot possibly address the torques motors are ex-
periencing. Field studies demonstrate that significantly out-of-phase residual voltage slow bus transfers can
result in a pu V/Hz below 1.33, and yet calculated torques at transfer are over 20 times normal running torque.
These studies show that synchronous fast transfers are also below 1.33 pu V/Hz, but that calculated torques
at transfer are consistently under 3 times normal running torque (Yalla and Beckwith [B68]). Subclause 6.4
of IEEE Std C37.96–2012 and Yalla, et al. [B67] discuss in detail how to implement safe reclosing using fast,
permissive synchronizing (Device 25) and fast-closing circuit breakers. The benefit of fast synchronous trans-
fer or reclosing is continued process operation without long, costly downtime. Both 6.4 of IEEE Std C37.96–
2012 and section 14 of ANSI Std 50.41–2012 discuss the motor and connected-load damage and loss-of-life
resulting from a wide range of motor and system parameters [B3]. Introduction
For detailed design information on motor bus transfer (MBT) design and protection, refer to in this
standard and 6.4 and 6.4.1 to 6.4.18 of IEEE Std C37.96–2012.
For detailed design information for design and protection when reclosing from a single source, refer to
in this standard and 6.4.19 of IEEE Std C37.96–2012. When reclosing from a single source, the following pro-
tection should be considered:
a) Delay restoration of system voltage, using a timer (Device 62) for a preset interval sufficient for ade-
quate decay of the motor internal voltage. This method might not be as necessary if the power supplier
cooperates on the reclosing, but could be a backup device.
b) Delay restoring system voltage until the internal voltage fed back from the motor(s) has dropped to a
low enough value. Commonly, this value is considered to be 25% of rated voltage. Refer to
for residual voltage transfer information (ANSI/NEMA Std C50.41–2012 [B3], Beckwith and Yalla
[B7], IEEE PSRC Report [B34], and Zhao, Mouton, and Sevov [B70]). The frequency also decreases
as the voltage decays because of motor deceleration. The undervoltage element (Device 27) and its
setting should be chosen to make the relay dropout independent of frequency. If an ac frequency-sen-
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
sitive relay is used, it should be set (based on motor and system tests) to actually drop out at 25% of
rated voltage and at the frequency that will exist when 25% of rated voltage is reached.
c) Use a high speed underfrequency element (Device 81) to detect the supply outage and trip the motors
before supply voltage is restored.
d) Use single-phase (Device 27) or three-phase undervoltage elements as follows:
1) One element with a sufficiently fast time setting can be connected to the same VT as is the under-
frequency relay [see item c)] and sense the fault condition that results in insufficient voltage to
operate the underfrequency element.
2) One, two, or three relays elements (i.e., each connected to a different phase) can be used to detect
the supply outage and trip the motors when sufficient time delay exists before the supply is
e) Use a loss-of-power (undercurrent) element (Device 37). This element should be sufficiently fast and
sensitive. The Device 37 should be active only in the motor-running state (blocked at startup) when
sufficient load is obtained on the circuit or motor.
f) Use a reverse-power element (Device 32). This relay element detects a separation between motors and
the source. While this approach is suitable in some circumstances, generally the loss-of-power relay
element is more suitable than the reverse-power element because of the following limitations:
1) During the fault when the source is still connected to the motors, net power flow continues into
the motors for low-level faults. Although not true for three-phase bolted faults, low-level faults
have a very low impedance into which reverse power flows.
2) Usually, tripping by reverse power is effective only if a definite load remains to absorb power
from high-inertia motor drives after the source fault-detecting elements isolate the source from
the motors.
3) Reverse-power relays responsive to reactive power (i.e., VARs) instead of real power (i.e., watts)
usually do not provide a suitable means of isolating motors prior to automatic reclosing or auto-
matic transfer operations.
An out-of-phase bus transfer of MV and low voltage (LV) motors from one energized power system to another
energized power system could cause very high motor inrush currents and severe mechanical shock to the mo-
tor. The abnormal inrush currents may be high enough to trip circuit breakers and open fuses and these currents
could damage motor system components. Mechanical damage, which may occur in the motor, the coupling to
the load, or the load itself, is caused primarily by excessive transient torque. Momentary voltage interruptions
followed by out-of-phase reclosing on the same bus expose the motor system to the same effects. Refer to 6.4
of IEEE Std C37.96–2012 and Clause 14 of ANSI/NEMA Std 50.41–2012 for information on this potential
problem [B3].
Methods to reduce this problem are detailed in 6.4 of IEEE Std C37.96–2012. Published in May 2012, a more
comprehensive study of the solution to the problem can be found in the IEEE Power System Relaying Com-
mittee (PSRC) Report, “Motor Bus Transfer Applications Issues and Considerations” [B34]. It defines two
independent methods that may be concurrently employed in open transition transfers, which the IEEE PSRC
Report defines as “The process of transferring motor bus load from one source to another source, designed to
trip the old source breaker before closing the new source breaker so that the two source breakers are open at the
same time during the transfer process.” With the fast transfer method, the close of the new source breaker “is
supervised to ensure that the voltage phase angle difference between the motor bus voltage and the new source
voltage is within a predetermined acceptable limit” [B34]. The fast transfer method sends a breaker close com-
mand when the angle between the motors and the new source is within a phase-angle limit. With the in-phase
transfer method, “the close command to the new breaker occurs at a phase angle in advance of phase coinci-
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
dence between the motor bus and the new source to compensate for the new breaker’s closing time” [B34].
The in-phase method sends a breaker-close command at an advance angle before zero degrees to compensate
for the breaker close time so that the motors are connected to the new source at zero degrees. Both methods
may also be supervised by a frequency difference (slip frequency) limit. The residual voltage transfer method
is not a synchronous method as it only closes at low bus voltage and ignores the phase angle and slip frequency
between the motor bus and the new source. Refer to for residual voltage transfer information (ANSI/
NEMA Std C50.41–2012 [B3], Beckwith and Yalla [B7], IEEE PSRC Report [B34], and Zhao, Mouton, and
Sevov [B70]).
The problem of momentary source voltage interruptions followed by out-of-phase reclosing on the same bus
can also be eliminated using the fast and in-phase transfer methods. Upon voltage interruption on the source,
a local source breaker can be tripped to isolate the motor bus from the source. When the source voltage is
restored, these methods can be used to close the local source breaker at the next pass through zero degrees
between the motor bus and the restored source. Protection from excessive shaft torques during transfer in emergency and standby
power systems
Excessive shaft torques can occur in emergency and standby power systems when a motor(s) is de-energized
and then rapidly reconnected to another (or same) source of power that is out-of-phase with the motor’s regen-
erated voltage. Motors above 37 kW (50 hp) driving high-inertia loads (e.g., crushers, shredders, fans) may
require special consideration.
The problem can be eliminated if the motor circuits can be de-energized long enough to permit the residual
voltage to completely decay before power is again applied to the motor. The residual voltage transfer method
is not a synchronous method as it only closes at low bus voltage and ignores the phase angle and slip frequency
between the motor bus and the new source. Some undervoltage functions, Device 27, used for residual volt-
age transfers, may not be able to maintain its set point accuracy at the low frequencies typically experienced
during residual voltage transfers (Zhao, Mouton, and Sevov [B70]). This could result in voltage transfers at
a higher or lower voltage than anticipated. The residual voltage transfer method exposes motors to a 50%
probability that the close angle at transfer will exceed the 90 degree maximum phase angle specified by ANSI/
NEMA Std C50.41–2012 [B3]. Field results indicate that at 25% voltage, with an out-of-phase close, the mo-
tor rotor flux linkages may not have decayed sufficiently, and that the transient current and torque associated
with the bus transfer or reclosing may not remain within acceptable levels (Beckwith and Yalla [B7]). Addi-
tional information is found in 6.4 of IEEE Std C37.96–2012 and in the IEEE Power System Relaying Commit-
tee Motor Bus Transfer Report [B34].
An open circuit time delay is used to identify when the motor’s voltage has decayed to a level where damaging
torques will not occur, which varies depending on the motor. See Annex E for information on calculating one
open circuit time constant. This step can be done in two ways. In one method, auxiliary contacts or a relay on
the automatic transfer switch can open the motor holding coil circuits, while the transfer is delayed several
open circuit time constants (typically about 3 s to 10 s). This method can be effective and requires interwiring
between the transfer switch and the motor starters and depends upon the reliability of a timing device. Another
method uses a transfer switch with a timed center-off position. The switch opens, goes to the off position, re-
mains off several open circuit time constants (typically about 3 s to 10 s), and then completes the transfer. This
approach eliminates any interwiring to the motors. The required time delay should be set carefully and varies
as system conditions change. A third position (neutral) creates the danger that the transfer switch might remain
indefinitely in the off position in the event of a control circuit or contactor malfunction.
Another solution is to parallel momentarily the two power sources on transfer, connecting both sources togeth-
er, and then dropping one. The two sources may not be derived from the same primary source and might have a
large standing phase angle between them, preventing a hot parallel transfer. This approach is completely effec-
tive because power to the motors is never interrupted. However, it can require new equipment. If one source is
utility power, utilities that permit paralleling another source with their systems will require additional protec-
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
tive relaying per IEEE Std 1547™-2003 IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Elec-
tric Power Systems [B30]. In obtaining permission for the paralleling from the utility, a design review can lead
to additional protective relaying. An additional factor is that the combined available fault current may exceed
the ratings of the connected electrical switching equipment. This is defined as a closed transition (hot parallel)
transfer and is only recommended for manual transfer and not for automatic transfer (emergency) operation
under fault conditions. Exposure to double-fed faults during parallel operation may violate the interrupt rating
of the circuit breakers or the through-fault withstand ratings of source transformers and damage connected
equipment. The design should consider that a parallel condition is temporary and breaker failure is a concern.
When motors are de-energized, the motors’ regenerated voltage may rapidly move out-of-phase with the other
source of power. The combination of the synchronous fast and in-phase transfer methods is another solution
to the problem. These methods are implemented with special-purpose motor bus transfer relays that are able
to track in real time the initial phase angle between the motors and the other source, and immediately after the
motors are de-energized, track the instantaneous phase angle and frequency decay of the motors compared to
the other source. Refer to Figure 12 for an example of a motor bus transfer system. If the initial phase angle is
small, and it is determined that the breaker close time will be able to complete the reconnect before the angle
becomes excessive, the fast transfer method will immediately initiate breaker closure. However, if the initial
angle and subsequent increase in phase angle and frequency decay of the motors exceed set limits, such that a
fast transfer is blocked, then the in-phase method takes over and closes at the next pass through zero degrees.
This method compensates for breaker close time and the frequency decay to ensure that the motors are recon-
nected in phase with the other source of power.
Synch-check relays or automatic synchronizers that monitor the phase-angle difference between two power
sources (Device 25), but are only designed to supervise generator synchronizing or transfer switch operation,
exhibit response times much slower than are required for motor bus transfer (IEEE PSRC Report [B34]). They
are not able to track the rapid phase angle and frequency decay of the de-energized motors, which results in the
out-of-phase re-connect and excessive shaft torques that can occur in emergency and standby power systems.
Furthermore, typical transfer switches with transfer times of 10 cycles (167 ms) are unacceptable for the im-
plementation of a motor bus transfer scheme. Upon motor de-energization, even at a medium inertia frequency
decay of 20 Hz/sec (RS), the angle movement (ΔØ) in 10 cycles (T), per the equation ΔØ = 360 × 0.5RST2, is
100°. So in the optimal case where the initial angle is 0° between the motors and the other source, by the time
the transfer switch finally completes the transfer, the phase angle at close would be a damaging 100°.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 12—Multifunction motor bus transfer system, Devices 25, 27, 50, 50BF, 60FL, 81
Motor contactors should be designed to hold in during automatic synchronous motor bus transfers.
An important development has been the multifunction motor protection relay. Recognized as a powerful tool,
the multifunction relay incorporates many protective functions that normally would be applied through the use
of separate protective relays. With the multifunction relay all protection elements are incorporated into one en-
closure. For example, the multifunction relay provides short-circuit and overcurrent protection for each phase,
all phases together, and for ground fault protection. Depending upon the options selected, the relay could in-
clude protection against stalls, locked rotor, overtemperature alarm and/or trip, current unbalance, metering,
and communication. No detailed discussion of the relay is included in this subclause because the possible
functions are described under other protective relays, such as Device 50 and Device 51.
The 1-line and 3-line diagrams showing protective device functions can use the Filled Box method (as illus-
trated in this standard) or use the List Box method described in IEEE Std C37.2–2008 Figure A.2 and Fig-
ure A.3, respectively.
A multifunction relay can protect a MV motor starter with a vacuum contactor. While a bimetallic thermal
overload relay could be used, as is done for many low-voltage motors, a greater measure of protection is usual-
ly desired for MV motors because of the cost and the critical role of these motors in many applications.
As shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8, fused MV starters with contactors are used in some applications. The MV
starter consists of a contactor (commonly vacuum contactor, others are air, SF6, or oil-filled) protected by
multifunction relay and fuses. For some users, a MV circuit breaker is the preferred device for starting and
stopping motors, particularly for infrequent starting and larger motors as shown in Figure 19 and Figure 20.
Formerly, separate devices may have been used for various protective functions. Several of these are noted
earlier in this document: instantaneous overcurrent Device 50, time overcurrent Device 51, and undervoltage
Device 27. While offering adequate protection, these devices occupied significant space, required consider-
able labor to mount and wire, and required calibration and maintenance for each relay. Whether MV starters or
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
MV breakers are used for motor starting, the same multifunction relay can be used with either device to effect
motor protection.
Modern multifunction relays offer protective and monitoring features impossible in older electro-mechani-
cal devices. Arc flash sensing is now being incorporated into some multifunction relays. Waveform capture,
starts-per-hour protection, fault data logs, broken rotor-bar detection, trending, and motor load profiling are
some of the diagnostic and monitoring functions available. Modern multifunction relays model the thermal
state of the motor (see 8.2) using a thermal model (Device 49). Generally, thermal capacity (TC) calculations
in the relay match the motor damage curves closer than simple overcurrent-protection curves.
Usually, multifunction relays provide operator interface panels, consisting of LCD screens with soft function
keys that are used for setup and for scrolling through the parameters. Figure 13 shows a multifunction motor
protection relay, Device 11M. Most multifunction relays offer configuration software. By using software, a
user can setup motor protection from a computer, upload new setups, download and save files, and monitor the
relay locally and remotely. Most relays have Boolean logic capability (AND, OR, NOR gates) programmable
via the software. Second-generation motor relays have all Boolean functions, and configuration is by dragging
symbols and interconnecting these with a computer mouse.
Additional input/output capacity may be standard or optional for starter auxiliaries. Motor and bearing RTD
inputs, formerly requiring a separate relay, may be available.
Many installations benefit from communications capability incorporated into protective relays. Communi-
cation capabilities allow interfacing with the software package for setup, troubleshooting, and monitoring.
Communication also allows remote monitoring of motors for operating status, operating current, fault history,
and others. Older, separate relays did not generally include communications. Communications can be accom-
plished via RS-232, USB, and Ethernet through fiber ports and copper-wire connections. Protocols can be
Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, IEC 61850, and others.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Historically, protection for LV motors was provided by heaters in bimetallic overload relays or by solid-state
overload relays. Today, many users want greater protection. Multifunction relays are available for this purpose.
In addition to overload protection, multifunction relays provide low-current (and low-power) protection for
pumps to provide cavitation protection, jam and stall protection, frequency-of-start protection, ground fault
protection, and others. Arc flash sensing is now being incorporated into some multifunction relays.
Multifunction relays typically provide a human machine interface (HMI) panel through which setup and mon-
itoring are accomplished. Fault-type, cause of fault, run/stop status, running current, and other parameters
can be read from the display. Remote HMI ports might be offered for mounting in motor control centers and
enclosed starter enclosures.
Multifunction relays can also include, as standard or optionally, RTD inputs and additional analog input/out-
put points. Input/output points can be used to interface with external control, reversing, multi-speed, and re-
duced-voltage starting systems.
Some applications require communications. While traditional overload relays have not included communica-
tion, many multifunction relays either include communication in the standard feature-set or offer it optionally.
Communications available include RS-232, RS-485, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, IEC-61850, Ethernet, and
For LV motor protection, motor coordination studies are broken into five main areas, which are shown in a
simplified flow chart in Figure 14. Data and device selections from each area flow forward and are used to
achieve protection and selectivity at the next area. As each area of protection is analyzed, the protective device
curves are added to the coordination plot, which is a time-current plot on a log-log graph. A typical coordina-
tion plot for a low-voltage motor application is in Figure 16.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 14—Five main areas of LV motor coordination studies (Padden and Pillai [B48])
One-line diagrams of typical LV starters for industrial applications using MCCs or combination starters are
shown in View (a), View (b), View (c), View (d), and View (e) of Figure 15.
Figure 15—Typical LV starter one-line diagrams for industrial applications using MCCs or
combination starters
Overload protection for LV motors is usually provided by thermal overcurrent relays or electronic over-
current devices. In some cases, dual-element fuses or a thermal-magnetic circuit breaker may serve as the
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
primary overload devices, but are normally backup protection for overload relays. Short-circuit protection
for low-voltage motors is usually provided by fuses, a thermal-magnetic circuit breaker, or an instantaneous
trip device (or motor circuit protection) in combination with an overload relay. Ground fault protection for
low-voltage motors is usually provided by the short-circuit protection device, but ground fault relays may be
installed. (See Bradfield and Heath [B8], Gregory and Padden [B14], [B15], Nailen [B41], and Smith [B58].)
Overload relays are sized in accordance with the NEC. NEC Section 430.32 references the motor nameplate
rating. Power factor correction capacitors installed for individual motors may be connected as shown in View
(c) of Figure 15, and no current adjustment need be made to the overload devices. However, this connection
is not the only method of providing individual power factor correction and has been known to cause contac-
tor failures due to resonance with other motor capacitors (see 5.13 and Nailen [B41]). When capacitors are
installed between the overload device and the motor, the overload relay provides circuit impedance, which
generally dampens the resonance problem. However, the overload relay current rating should be adjusted to
account for the reduced current flowing to the motor-capacitor combination (see NEC 460.8 and 460.9). Part
14.43.3 of NEMA MG-1-2011 recommends a bus connection when several motors are connected to the bus to
reduce the potential harmonic resonance.
Overload relays and other devices for motor overload protection that are not capable of opening short-circuits
shall be protected by fuses or circuit breakers with ratings or settings in accordance with NEC Article 430.52
or by a motor short-circuit protector in accordance with NEC Article 430.52 (see NEC 430.40).
Time-delay (dual element) fuses are available from 0.1 A through 600 A. Fuses for short-circuit and ground
fault protection shall be sized in accordance with NEC Article 430.52 and its Table 430.52. The full load cur-
rent values used for that table are in Table 430.248, Table 430.249, and Table 430.250. The rating of a time-de-
lay fuse shall be permitted to be increased, but in no case exceed 225% (400% for Class CC fuses) of full load
current. A one-line diagram of a typical starter with fuses is shown in View (a) of Figure 15. Also available are
fuses without time delay, which can provide short-circuit and ground fault protection, but may not provide any
backup protection.
These circuit breakers (i.e., molded case) are available from 10 A through 3000 A when constructed with ther-
mal-magnetic trip elements, and up to 5000 A when constructed with solid-state trip elements. Both types of
trip devices are referred to in the NEC as inverse-time circuit breakers and shall be sized in accordance with
NEC Article 430.52 and Table 430.52. The full load current values used for that table are in Table 430.248,
Table 430.249, and Table 430.250. The rating of an inverse-time circuit breaker shall be permitted to be in-
creased, but in no case exceed, the following:
A one-line diagram of a typical starter with a circuit breaker is shown in View (b) of Figure 15.
Instantaneous trip circuit breakers (i.e., molded-case) are available from 3 A through 1200 A. The instanta-
neous setting can typically be adjusted in fixed steps to between 3 to 13 or 3 to 10 times the continuous-current
rating. Instantaneous trip circuit breakers are tested under UL 489 [B64]. The trip range of the breaker should
be within +30% or –20% of the set point. On the coordination plot, these devices have a broad bandwidth cor-
responding to these tolerances.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
These breakers are referenced as instantaneous trip breakers and shall be sized in accordance with NEC Article
430.52 and Table 430.52. The full load current values used for that table are in Table 430.248, Table 430.249,
and Table 430.250. Trip settings above 800% for other than Design B energy efficient motors and above 1100%
for Design B energy efficient motors shall be permitted where the need has been demonstrated by engineering
evaluation. In such cases, it shall not be necessary to first apply an instantaneous trip circuit breaker at 800%
or 1100%. An adjustable instantaneous trip circuit breaker shall be used when it is part of a listed combination
controller having coordinated motor overload, short-circuit, and ground fault protection in each conductor and
if it operates at not more than 1300% of full load motor current for other than NEMA Design B energy efficient
motors and no more than 1700% of motor full load current for Design B energy efficient motors. A one-line
diagram of a typical starter with a circuit breaker is shown in View (b) of Figure 15.
Two points should be reviewed by the engineer. First, the overload device is normally the only line of protec-
tion from overloads and high-impedance faults when using instantaneous trip circuit breakers. A failure of the
overload device, the overload wiring, or the contactor can prevent the circuit from being isolated due to over-
load or high-impedance fault conditions. Where backup protection is desired for these abnormal conditions, an
inverse-time circuit breaker or dual-element fuses should be selected.
Second, the selection of the contactor and conductor sizes depends on the setting of the instantaneous trip
function. NEMA rated magnetic contactors are tested to break up to 10 times the full load current values given
in NEC Table 430.248, Table 430.249, and Table 430.250 for the corresponding horsepower rating of the con-
tactor. When an overload device trips, the contactor is called upon to open the circuit. Therefore, the contactor
should be rated to break the circuit. Under high-impedance fault conditions, the current may be in the range
of 10 to 17 times the motor full load current. The instantaneous trip breaker may be set above the 10 times full
load current break test value of the contactor. Refer to Figure 16 for the time-current curves of a 480 V, 100 hp
motor application with a 175 A instantaneous trip breaker, a Class 10 overload, and a NEMA size 4 magnetic
contactor (i.e., 1350 A break rating). Figure 16 illustrates a case where the instantaneous trip is set about 12
times the full load current of 124 A at 460 V (see NEC Table 430.250). The #2/0 AWG XHHW conductor is
rated for 175 A at 75 °C. The contactor is not protected using the setting of about 1500 A. A lower instanta-
neous setting would protect the contactor, but some motors may trip the breaker on starting. Each controller
shall be capable of starting and stopping the motor it controls and interrupting the locked rotor current of the
motor (see NEC 430.82). Controller ratings shall meet NEC 430.83 requirements. The disconnecting means
shall have an ampere rating not less than 115% of the full load current rating of the motor (see NEC 430.110).
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 16—Time-current curve for a 100 hp motor with size 4 contactor, Class 10 overload,
and an instantaneous trip circuit breaker with a setting of 12 times full load current
In Prabhakara, et al. [B50], the authors reveal that some high-efficiency motors draw up to 2.83 times locked
rotor current during starting, and they recommended a 19.2 times full load current on the instantaneous break-
er setting, approximately 3 times locked rotor current in one case. A typical value used in the industrial ap-
plications is 1.76 times locked rotor current for estimating asymmetrical inrush current. To reduce or prevent
false tripping of the instantaneous trip breaker on starting, two options are typically used:
a) Specify a contactor with a higher break rating and set the instantaneous breaker at a higher setting
within the NEC limits.
b) Use an inverse-time circuit breaker in place of the instantaneous trip breaker so that the instantaneous
setting, if available, can be set above the motor inrush current.
NOTE—Thermal magnetic MCCB, insulated case circuit breakers, and LV power circuit breakers can be purchased with
fixed or adjustable trip elements and digital trip units for coordinating closely with the motor capabilities.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Many LV motor applications utilize fuses or MCCBs for ground fault protection. However, the type of protec-
tion selected is dependent upon the type of system grounding.
Fuses and circuit breakers normally provide adequate ground fault protection for motors on solidly grounded
systems. However, for larger motors applications, such as the 100 hp motor shown in Figure 16, miscoor-
dination occurs. For example, this motor is protected by an instantaneous only circuit breaker set at 1500 A
trip. The main breaker ground trip is set at 1200 A, the maximum allowed by NEC Article 230.95, where a
shutdown does not introduce additional hazards. Miscoordination can occur in the region between the ground
trip device on the main low-voltage power circuit breaker (LVPCB) and the instantaneous trip circuit breaker
protecting the motor. LVPCBs, specified with long-time and short-time functions only (i.e., no instantaneous
element), can usually be coordinated selectively.
If selectivity between the individual motor protective device and the main breaker is desired for ground faults,
additional protective devices should be installed for the larger motors or interlocking ground fault devices
should be installed. For solidly grounded systems, the protective devices should be wired to open the breaker,
not the contactor, unless the contactors are rated high enough to interrupt the available fault current. Some
breakers have integral solid-state devices that sense ground faults and open the breaker. Contactors may also
have integral solid-state devices that sense ground faults, but these may open the contactor and the rating must
be verified. Also, zero sequence current transformers (CTs) and trip units can be installed to shunt-trip the
circuit breakers or switch, provided that the circuit breaker or switch has a shunt trip included (shunt trips are
usually special order, not standard).
Low resistance grounded systems are not normally used on LV applications because ground fault currents may
not be high enough to operate the protective devices.
For high resistance grounded systems, where the fault current is usually 5 A to 10 A range, no separate motor
ground fault protection is generally provided. Instead, an alarm at the grounding resistor signals that a ground
fault has occurred. A ground pulsed signal is used to locate the fault. The faulted circuit is then manually
cleared. Caution should be used when selecting conductor insulation materials and ratings for use on high
resistance grounded systems, particularly on smaller conductors (e.g., size 10 AWG and below) because the
small conductor size and insulation thickness are difficult to provide insulation rated for the line-line voltage
stresses for prolonged high resistance ground fault exposure.
Some modern motor controllers provide ground fault sensing in the solid-state (electronic) overload relays or
multifunction motor protection relay. Removal of the first ground fault is important to prevent escalated dam-
age from a second ground fault on a different phase. Protective devices such as MCCBs used in high resistance
grounded systems must be rated for line-to-line voltage (e.g., 480 V not 480/277 V for a 480 nominal system
voltage). Also the single-pole interrupting rating should be checked to clear the second fault on a different
phase: ground as well as line-to-ground faults on two separate phases, one on each side of the breaker. See
Gregory [B13].
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The purpose of stator winding overtemperature protection is to detect excessive stator winding temperature
prior to the occurrence of motor damage. In low-voltage motors in non-critical services, the temperature sen-
sors are normally wired to trip the motor control circuit and open the contactor.
Thermostats are the most common type of stator temperature sensors installed in three-phase industrial service
460 V motors from 11 kW through 150 kW (15 hp through 200 hp). Many manufacturers wind the stators with
the devices installed and cut off the leads if a customer does not specify the protection. Thermostat devices are
bimetallic, normally closed devices (or normally open devices) that operate at one fixed temperature. They are
normally wired in series with the control circuit at 120 V. These devices are normally sealed from the atmo-
sphere, but are not rated as hermetically sealed for hazardous (Classified) NEC Class I, Division 2 areas.
Thermistors are used to operate relays for either alarm or trip functions, or both. They have resistance charac-
teristics that are nonlinear with respect to temperature and thus are not used to indicate temperature. Thermis-
tors must match the control device. Two types of thermistors exist:
Positive temperature coefficient (PTC). The resistance of a positive temperature coefficient thermistor in-
creases with temperature. An open circuit in this thermistor appears as a high-temperature condition and oper-
ates the relay. This arrangement is fail-safe. As shown in Figure 17, at 100 °C, this PTC type thermistor has a
resistance of 1 kΩ.
Negative temperature coefficient (NTC). The resistance of a negative temperature coefficient thermistor de-
creases as temperature increases. An open circuit in this thermistor appears as a low-temperature condition and
does not cause relay operation. This device primarily monitors temperature rather than operating a relay for
protection. Refer to Figure 18 for a typical NTC characteristic thermistor.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
RTDs may be considered in larger or critical service low-voltage motors. In those cases, the RTDs are usually
connected into a device that provides an alarm and/or trip functions. The most common practice is to install six
RTDs, two per phase, of the 100 Ω platinum elements class B to IEC 60751 for small motors and 100 Ω plati-
num element class A to IEC 60751 for large or important motor [B21]. More information on RTDs is contained
Undervoltage protection is used to protect motors from several damaging conditions: low voltage due to a
voltage sag, automatic reclosing or automatic transfer, and power restoration. In a voltage sag, the motor
draws more current than normal and has unusually high heating. Excessive heating can be a serious problem in
hazardous (Classified) locations and is discussed in Clause 11.
When the supply voltage is switched off during automatic reclosing and transfers, the motors initially continue
to rotate and retain an internal voltage. This voltage decays with motor speed and internal flux. If the system
voltage is restored out of phase with a significant motor internal voltage, high inrush can occur. Such current
can damage the motor windings or produce torques damaging to the shaft, foundation, drive coupling, or
gears. IEEE Std C37.96–2012 discusses considerations for the probability of damage occurring for various
motor and system parameters.
When power is restored after an outage, the starting sequence should be programmed so that all motors on
the system are not starting simultaneously. This step is important for the generating equipment, as well as for
transformers and conductors. Undervoltage devices are not normally installed on essential loads such as mo-
tors for fire pumps.
Low-voltage undervoltage relays are typically electronic devices that monitor all three phases. These devices
can be furnished with a time delay to trip, a time delay to restart, or instantaneous for trip and restart. Usually,
the designer sets the device at 85% of line voltage with a time delay off and a time delay for restart. Normally,
the undervoltage relays are wired into the motor control circuit to open the contactor.
Some MCCBs are available with an undervoltage release (UVR) that trips the circuit breaker on a low-voltage
condition. The circuit breakers are required to be reset manually. Where automatic restart is necessary, this
method should not be used.
8. MV motor protection
8.1 Introduction
Conventionally, large motors drive the main process equipment, and typically these motors operate continu-
ously for long periods of time, sometimes years between unit shutdowns. To control stopping and starting, MV
circuit breakers are often used to apply the power to the large motors. MV motor voltage ratings are 2300 V,
4000 V, 6600 V, and 13 200 V per Part 20.5 of NEMA MG 1. When a motor must be started frequently, it might
be necessary (even economical) to use motor contactors in a combination controller with a current-limiting
fuse (illustrated in Figure 7 and Figure 8) rather than a circuit breaker (illustrated in Figure 19 and Figure 20)
because of the greater life of the contactors.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Use care when applying MV fused motor controllers on solidly grounded wye systems because the contactor
may not be rated to interrupt high fault currents, including ground faults. A comparison of the available fault
currents of the power system where the controllers are applied to the fault current capability of the contactor
within the controller should be done. When the contactors are not sufficiently rated to interrupt the fault cur-
rents at the point of application of the controller, ground fault relays and differential relays should not open the
contactor. These protective devices should be time delayed until the fuses ahead of the contactor have time to
clear the fault, or the relays should trip an alternate upstream device that is rated to interrupt the fault current.
Each manufacturer performs short-circuit tests on their combination controller to confirm safe performance of
the components when interrupting faults on the system to prove it will handle faults below its rated level. As
a result, ground fault relays and differential relays should not open the contactor unless rated for the available
fault current.
In principle, protecting MV motors is similar to LV motors, but the requirements are more demanding. Often
being closer to the utility source, MV motors are more susceptible to voltage sags and surges, reclosing, and
higher available fault levels. Because of the higher bus voltage and load currents, instrument transformers
are used to reduce these currents to lower values used with protective relays. The most common instrument
transformer secondary ratings for voltage transformers (VTs) are 120 V (line-to-line) in North America while
other voltages are typical for certain regions for example 100 V (line-to-line) and/or 110 V (line-to-line) in
other parts of the world. The most common instrument transformer secondary ratings for current transform-
ers (CTs) are 5 A in North America while certain other regions use 1 A. Specific facilities can also include
several different ratings, therefore it is critical for the coordination engineer to clearly identify the VTs, CTs,
and relay ratings. CTs should be selected according to specifications of the motor protection relay to improve
precise protection relay performance. The relay manufacturers provide CT specifications in relay manuals;
these should be observed. CTs should provide the saturation-free time needed for relay operation. CT perfor-
mance for distance protection can have very extreme requirements. CT matching (manufactured in the same
batch) and saturation-free time are important for differential protection sensitivity and settings to reduce miso-
peration. CT saturation-free time is also important for overcurrent protection and other protection functions,
especially when direction features are used. For example, because of missing zero crossings the directional
decision might be wrong in case of CT saturation. See IEEE Std 3004.1 and IEEE Std C37.110™ for addition-
al information on CT and VT selection and performance. Typically, the fuses or circuit breakers (i.e., air, sulfur
hexafluoride [SF6], vacuum), instrument transformers, and protective relays are mounted in switchgear. Refer
to IEEE Std C37.46™ for fuse specifications above 1000 V. Refer to UL 347 for contactors, controllers, and
control centers for MV. Refer to IEEE Std C37.06™ for circuit breaker ratings and capabilities above 1000 V.
Refer to IEEE Std C62.21™ for application of surge protection on motors 1000 V and greater.
Refer to Figure 19 and Figure 20 for typical 1-line and 3-line diagrams of MV induction motor protection
using a circuit breaker. The critical service protection functions from Table 6 are illustrated using a multifunc-
tion motor protection relay, Device 11M. Device 11M sends a signal to trip the breaker for various conditions,
including short-circuit protection.
For MV breaker control power, dc power is preferred when applying protective relays that need auxiliary con-
trol power, or apply a UPS to back up relay control power if ac control power is used. Use capacitor trips for
the breaker trip coil when control power is ac.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 19—MV induction motor protection 1-line diagram, Device 11M, critical service
protection functions, with breaker
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 20—MV induction motor protection 3-line diagram, Device 11M, critical service
protection functions, with breaker
NOTE—Primary and secondary coolant flows (i.e., air, water, and other mediums) affect motor temperature. Electric
motors need some type of cooling when they are running to remove heat that is created by losses. The cooling medium of
a running motor depends on the type of motor enclosure that is employed. There are a number of different types of motor
enclosures and the cooling is impacted in various ways depending on the enclosure design. The motor/model cooling time
constant may vary with the cooling media. Information on motor time constant should be available from the manufacturer.
Thermal protection of a motor is vital to motor longevity. Rule of thumb: for every 10 °C rise in temperature,
motor insulation life is cut in half. Older motor protection methods used overcurrent 50 and 51 elements in-
stead of the 49 thermal model (Device 49) and had no backup resistance temperature detector (RTD) devices
(49S). Comparing these two methods of motor protection (Device 50/51 and Device 49), demonstrates the
benefits of the Device 49 thermal model for motor protection versus using an overcurrent method (Ransom
and Hamilton [B51], Schweitzer and Zocholl [B55]). Compromises generally occur when employing over-
current protection because typical 50/51 element curves do not match motor damage curves and do not take
negative sequence current effects into account.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
For cyclic overloads (for example, crushers, conveyor-belt motors), thermal model Device 49 protection is
generally superior to overcurrent-based protection because the thermal-model protection more closely models
the Thermal Capability curves of the motor. During an overload, motor heating is a long-term effect—it takes
time to raise the temperature of the motor mass. The thermal model tracks this heating and allows temporary
overload operation. Overcurrent protection trips too quickly, before the motor has reached a critical tempera-
ture. Once the overload cycles to a less-loaded state, the thermal model tracks the resultant motor cooling.
A motor thermal model uses an equivalent current, Ieq, calculation that represents the actual motor flux dy-
namics. This equivalent motor current accounts for the heating effects of negative sequence and other currents
present in motor applications (IEC 60255-149:2013 [B20]).
Using thermal overload protection may extend motor life and allow efficient usage of motor capabilities.
Figure 21 shows a set of typical motor operational curves for starting (accelerating) and for running (see
IEEE Std 620™, IEEE Guide for the Presentation of Thermal Limit Curves for Squirrel Cage Induction Ma-
chines, for an explanation of the construction of this graph). Generally, with Device 49 protection, the motor
protection curve can be placed directly underneath the starting and running damage curves, replicating the
exact shape of the damage curve. Thermal overload protection using the Device 49 element generally provides
better protection for MV motors than simple overcurrent protection.
Actual motor Thermal Capacity curves or calculations should be available from the motor manufacturer to set
the motor protection relay.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
NOTE—An example of typical Thermal Capacity calculation from a motor manufacturer is shown in Equation (1) and
Equation (2) below:
Equation (1) indicates that the TCU is taken sample by sample, based upon the previous sample over time, t,
and shows motor cooling. Note that the exponential function e–t/τ is a good approximation of the effect (from
In Equation (2), the final thermal capacity calculation uses the motor manufacturers’ hot safe stall time and the
cold safe stall time and shows motor running.
Motors on high-inertia loads take a much longer time to accelerate. Without proper protection this long accel-
eration time could lead to nuisance tripping. In addition, a low-voltage condition at the motor terminals will
result in a longer acceleration time because of reduced acceleration torque. Motor torque is related to voltage
as follows: The value of motor torque is reduced by the square of the actual motor voltage as a percent of rated
motor voltage. If the motor terminal voltage is 80% of rated motor voltage, then the torque the motor produc-
es is reduced by 0.82, and the actual motor torque value is 0.64, or 64% of the available torque at 100% rated
motor voltage. These situations require careful selection of the type of protection relays and settings. A good
practice for these motors is to request motor acceleration curves that are plotted for the cases of 100% and 80%
of rated motor-starting voltage. In 8.4.1, other techniques are described for methods of high-inertia start pro-
tection. In some cases, protective relays might not adequately solve the problem. A turning gear motor can be
applied to start the large-inertia motor.
Motors on high-inertia loads (e.g., reciprocating pumps, reciprocating compressors, and large fans) may re-
quire modifications of the Device 49 thermal overload protection curve. Configuration of the overload protec-
tion curve should include extended starting times and currents, thus reducing nuisance trips upon starting these
In Figure 22, a NEMA Design A or Design B motor curve is shown with protection for starting and running us-
ing a Device 51, a time overcurrent relay element with inverse or very inverse characteristics. Within the over-
current relay is a second element, a Device 50, which operates without delay to protect against a short–circuit;
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Device 50 is recommended only for circuit breaker applications and is not recommended for fused starters.
Normally three overcurrent elements are used, each element is supplied from a separate CT. Some designers
use only two of the three relays for overcurrent protection, and set Device 51 of the third relay relatively low
(110% to 120% of the full load current) to alarm on an overcurrent condition. Codes might not permit this
practice in some cases, and redundancy is lost during relay testing. In this latter scheme, the two protective
phase relays could be set for extreme overcurrent conditions at 125% to 140% of the full load current.
In Figure 23, protection for a high-inertia load allows for the longer accelerating time. A conventional motor
reaches rated speed within 10 s to 15 s, a high-inertia load can take 30 s or longer (for example, centrifuges can
take as much as 40 min to reach rated speed when starting wye/delta). As a result, little time difference exists
between the accelerating current curve and the motor thermal limits. Several approaches are available, as
shown in Figure 23 and Figure 24, and an impedance (Device 21) method is shown in Figure 25. In Figure 23,
Device 51 has long-time inverse or very-inverse characteristics set above the accelerating current. For start-
ing, a time delay of less than 1 s is needed to permit the Device 50 (HDO) to be set at 1.15 pu of locked rotor
current (LRC). This delay reduces false trips caused by asymmetrical starting currents, yet provides short-cir-
cuit protection after the time delay. Device 50 is a high dropout (HDO) element that resets rapidly when the
starting current drops to a magnitude of 85% to 90% of the set current without delay. (Definite time delay is
another term to describe this element.) A second Device 50 element is set at approximately two times the LRC
to protect against short-circuits during starting.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 24 illustrates a second method for protecting a high-inertia motor. This approach also uses two Device
50 elements per phase. The conventional Device 50 is set in the regular way to protect against short-circuits.
The second Device 50BT is used in conjunction with a Device 51 overcurrent element to block tripping by
the Device 51 for overcurrent conditions less than the Device 50BT setting. This scheme offers an overcurrent
alarm, while allowing the motor to continue operating unless the actual overcurrent exceeds a high setting.
The use of this scheme is dependent upon the operating philosophy of the facility.
Large motors should be specified with thermistors or RTDs buried in the windings for high-temperature back-
up protection. Generally, temperature changes detected with RTD/thermistor thermal overload (Device 49S)
are slower to develop than overcurrent increases and the thermal model. Actual faults within the windings
would be detected faster by the current differential protection (Device 87) or a sensitive ground fault current
(Device 51N) protection schemes.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 25 shows a scheme that relies upon the characteristics of an impedance distance element (Device 21) to
permit tripping if the high-inertia motor does not accelerate to a certain speed within a fixed period. Upon mo-
tor circuit energization, the locked rotor current is primarily inductive, because a blocked motor could be con-
sidered a transformer with shorted secondary windings. As the motor accelerates, the current decreases from
a subtransient to a transient value, and the power factor and measured impedance increase. Also used with the
Device 21 are either an overcurrent relay (Device 51) or an overvoltage relay (Device 59) that operates as a
timing device in this case. This scheme guards against a stalled motor. Other schemes exist, such as zero speed
devices used with timers (Device 48). Figure 26 illustrates how the locked rotor protection functions below the
safe stall time.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems General
Motor current differential protection measures the current flow into a load and compares it to the current mea-
sured on the neutral side of the motor. For normal operation, the current going in and the current going out
match and cancel. A current difference is detected as a fault. These schemes can be applied to any motor load,
but often are applied only to large or critical motors where damage could be costly or replacement difficult.
By detecting faults at a low level, damage can be confined to the windings. The general recommendations for
applying differential current protection are as follows:
a) With all motors 750 kW (1000 hp) and larger on ungrounded systems
b) With all motors 750 kW (1000 hp) and larger on grounded systems where the ground fault protection
is considered inadequate without differential protection to protect against phase-to-phase faults
c) Motors 1900 kW (2500 hp) and larger
A conventional phase differential relay senses low-level phase faults and removes power quickly before ex-
tensive motor damage develops. This scheme uses six identical CTs (one pair for each phase) and three relays
(one per phase). The CTs should be sized to carry full load current continuously and to not saturate during an
external or internal fault (see Figure 27). The currents from each pair of CTs circulate through the relay-re-
straining windings under normal (i.e., no-fault) conditions. For a fault in the motor windings or in the cable,
the CT secondary currents have different magnitudes and/or polarities, and the differential current from each
CT adds to the other and operates the Device 87 to trip the motor circuit breaker. This scheme is employed for
both delta connected motors and for wye connected motors. With the wye connected motor, three of the CTs
are normally located at the starter (or motor switchgear) and the other three in the three phases at the motor
winding neutral. For a delta connected motor, differential protection (Device 50GS) shown in Figure 28 b)
should be easier to implement. For conventional differential protection, a large junction box will be required to
install CTs and delta winding connection arrangement.
Figure 27—Conventional phase differential protection using three (3) percentage differential
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
For self-balancing differential protection (Device 87M), three window (or toroidal) CTs are normally installed
at the motor. One CT per phase is used with the motor line and neutral leads of one phase passed through the
CT so that the flux from the two currents normally cancels in the CT. A winding phase-to-phase fault or a
phase-to-ground fault results in an output from the CTs of the associated phases. That current operates the
associated elements [see Figure 28 a)].
Normally in one relay package, the Device 87 CTs and elements in Figure 28 a) would be the same CTs used
for 50GS zero sequence motor differential protection shown in Figure 28 b) and for 50G zero sequence in-
stantaneous ground overcurrent protection (see with the relay set between 0.25 A and 1.0 A pickup.
Therefore, the self-balancing differential scheme shown in Figure 28 a) and the 50GS motor protection shown
in Figure 28 b) usually has a lower primary pickup in amperes than the conventional differential scheme be-
cause the CT ratio is usually greater with the conventional scheme. The differential schemes in Figure 28 a)
and b) have a slight advantage over the scheme in Figure 27 in detecting ground faults. For motors installed on
grounded systems, this difference is significant because most faults begin as ground faults. The usual objective
of motor-fault protection is to remove the fault before the stator iron is damaged significantly.
Application problems have occurred with the schemes in Figure 28 a) and b) when the available fault current is
very high and when high speed differential protection signals open the motor starter contactor before the cur-
rent-limiting fuses clear the fault (thus protecting the starter). Because the starter contactor has such a low fault
rating, some engineers have slowed the operation of the relay, by delay or a different relay type, to distinguish
between a developing low-level fault and a direct short.
With the CTs located at the motor, these schemes do not detect a fault in the cables supplying power to the
motor. Normally, a fault in these cables would be detected by the overcurrent protection. For large motors,
coordinating the supply phase-overcurrent protection with the motor thermal overload and overcurrent protec-
tion is often a problem. The presence of motor differential protection is considered to make this coordination
less essential. In this regard, the current differential is better than the self-balancing differential [Figure 28 a)]
because the motor cables are also included in the differential protection zone. Hence coordination between the
motor differential and supply phase-overcurrent relays is complete.
As with zero sequence ground fault overcurrent protection, testing the overall CT and relay combinations is
important during commissioning. Current in a test conductor should be passed through the window of each
CT. Because normally the relays do not carry current, an open circuit in a CT secondary or wiring to a relay can
be discovered by overall testing.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Purpose
The purpose of the split-winding current unbalance device is to detect quickly a low-magnitude fault condi-
tion. This protection also serves as backup to instantaneous phase-overcurrent and ground fault overcurrent
protection. Normally, this protection is applied only to motors having two (or three) winding paths in parallel
per phase (see Figure 29). This protection type should not be used on part-winding start applications because
the windings are energized at different times during the start sequence. It should be recognized that the CTs are
connected to cancel the current for each phase when the system is operating normally.
Figure 29—Split-winding motor overcurrent protection used with two windings per phase
(one relay shown)
The usual application is with a motor having two or more winding paths in parallel per phase. The six line leads
(i.e., two per phase) of the motor are brought out, and one CT is connected in each of the six leads. Choose the
primary current rating of the CTs to carry full load current (FLC).
The CTs can be installed at the motor. It might be convenient, however, to use six cables to connect the motor
to the starter (or switchgear), and in this case the CTs can be located in the starter.
The currents from each pair of CTs, associated with the same phase, are subtracted, and their difference is
fed to a short-time inverse time overcurrent relay. Three of these relays are required (i.e., one per phase), and
each is set at 1.0 time dial and between 0.5 A and 2.5 A. The relay should be set above the maximum current
unbalance (including CT accuracy) that can occur between the two parallel windings for any motor-loading
The following factors should be considered when evaluating split-winding current unbalance protection:
a) Total cost would be somewhat less than conventional current differential and more than self-balancing
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
b) The primary pickup current for this protection would be about half of the primary pickup current of
conventional phase differential because both schemes require the CT primaries to be rated to carry
normal load currents. Self-balancing differential would usually have a smaller primary pickup current.
c) This protection has a slight time delay compared to the current differential schemes.
d) When the CTs are located in the motor starter, split-winding protection has the same advantage over
self-balancing differential as does current differential, specifically, it detects a fault in the motor cables
and might facilitate coordination with the supply feeder overcurrent relays (see
e) A feature of this protection is the ability to sense short-circuited winding turns. The number of turns
that are short-circuited before detection occurs depends upon the motor winding arrangement, the re-
lay pickup, and CT ratio. An analysis of the specific motor winding would be required to determine the
worth of this feature. Short-circuited turns could cause a ground fault, which could be detected by the
self-balancing differential scheme before this split-winding protection would sense the short-circuited
turns condition.
f) Often a split differential scheme can be effective where one CT is in one of the parallel paths and the
other CT sees the total phase current.
Device 87M split-winding protection is used rarely, but is feasible for important motors that have two or more
winding paths in parallel per phase.
8.4.3 Ground fault protection (Devices 50G, 51G, 50N, and 51N) Purpose
The purpose of ground fault protection is to detect ground fault conditions with no intentional delay and to be
certain that the unbalance current represents a true ground fault (i.e., not current due to asymmetry in the pri-
mary current or current from CT saturation). Upon detecting a ground fault, the protection can trip the motor
circuit or only alarm for high resistance grounded systems, depending upon the facility operating practice.
Using a zero sequence (or window) CT that has been designed for instantaneous ground fault protection and
tested with a specific ground fault relay is recommended (see Figure 30). Refer to Dudor and Padden [B12] for
proper termination diagrams for zero sequence CTs with shielded conductors. For MV applications, the pow-
er system should be low resistance grounded or hybrid grounded. The Device 50G element should be set to
operate for a primary ground fault current in the range of 10 A to 30 A. A time delay should be added when the
installation has old-style, gapped (silicon carbide) surge arrester protection on the motors, but is not necessary
if metal oxide varistor (MOV) type of arresters are applied.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 30—Ground fault overcurrent protection using a zero sequence CT (Dudor and
Padden [B12])
Some older installations have gapped-type (silicon carbide) surge protection at the motor terminals, and a
surge discharge through this type of arrester could cause an instantaneous relay element to have a false trip. To
avoid this event, a Device 51G should be applied, in place of the Device 50G in Figure 30, and set to trip within
a few cycles of the fault-sensing pickup. A time delay is not required if MOV type of arresters are applied.
The following precautions should be observed in applying the relay and zero sequence CT and in installing the
cables through the CT:
a) If the cable passes through the CT window and terminates in a pothead on the source side of the
CT, the pothead should be mounted on a bracket insulated from ground. Then the pothead should be
grounded by passing a ground conductor through the CT window and connecting the ground conduc-
tor to the pothead.
b) If metal-covered cable passes through the CT window, the metal covering should be kept on the source
side of the CT, insulated from ground. The terminator for the metal covering may be grounded by
passing a ground conductor through the CT window and then connecting the ground conductor to the
c) Cable shields should be grounded by passing a ground conductor through the CT window and then
connecting the ground conductor to the shields.
d) The overall CT and ground relay scheme should be tested by passing current in a test conductor
through the CT window. Because normally no current exists in the relay, an open circuit in the CT
secondary or wiring to the relay can be discovered by this overall test. Device 51N, residually connected CTs and ground fault relay
Using the residual connection from three CTs (i.e., one per phase) to supply the ground fault relay is not ideal
because high phase currents (e.g., due from motor starting inrush or phase faults) can cause unequal saturation
of the CTs and produce a false residual current measurement. As a result, undesired tripping of the ground
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
relay can occur. For this reason, a Device 50N is not recommended in the residual connection. A Device 51N
installed in the residual connection would be more appropriate for these installations. A 51N function time
delay of six cycles is often adequate for electromechanical and microprocessor relays, but it should be recog-
nized that the sensitivity and operating time of the relay may be inadequate. Protection using a zero sequence
CT with a 50G relay is preferred.
The purpose of resistance grounding is to provide current sufficient for protective relays to operate upon detec-
tion of a ground fault, but sufficiently small to limit the magnitude and resulting damage to the motor. (In mine
distribution systems, the objective is to limit equipment-frame-to-earth voltages for safety reasons.) However,
the ground fault current should not be so small that the windings near the neutral end are unprotected. In the
past, protection within 5% to 10% of the neutral has often been considered adequate. Selection of the ground
resistor should also consider the number of steps in ground fault overcurrent protection coordination (see Love
[B36] and Love and Hashemi [B37]). On this basis, the ground resistor chosen for the system neutral ground-
ing limits the ground fault current within the range of 100 A to 1000 A, with 400 A being typical (IEC 60288-
149:2013 [B20] and IEEE Std 142™ [B24]). This difference emphasizes the need to coordinate the protection
of a system. Usually, a 10 s time rating is chosen for the resistor.
To avoid excessive transient overvoltages, the resistor should be chosen so that the following zero sequence
impedance ratio is achieved:
A more detailed discussion of the selection of the resistor can be found in Chapter 8 of IEEE Std 242-2001 and
IEEE Std 142-2007 (IEEE Green Book™) [B24].
8.5 Monitors
8.5.1 Introduction
In addition to protection against failures caused by electrical abnormalities, advances in instrumentation and
techniques have enabled protective methods that monitor machinery characteristics and, as a result, can detect
trends of equipment failures during the incipient stage. This development has manifested monitors, sensors,
and detectors that use inputs not related directly to measured electrical quantities of voltage and current. General
The purpose of stator winding overtemperature protection is to detect excessive stator winding temperatures
prior to motor damage. Often, this protection is arranged just to alarm on motors operated with competent
supervision. Sometimes two temperature settings are used, the lower setting for alarm, the higher setting to
trip. The trip setting depends on the type of winding insulation and on the user’s operating requirements. Sta-
tor overtemperature trip is usually set 5 °C to 10 °C below the insulation class maximum temperature rating.
Motor manufacturers may provide recommended alarm and trip settings; and for NEMA motors a maximum
allowed temperature setting might be provided.
Six RTDs (two per phase) should be specified in motors rated 375 kW (500 hp) and greater. These devices are
installed in the winding slots when the motor is being wound. The six RTDs are spaced around the circumfer-
ence of the motor core to monitor all phases. The most commonly used type is three-lead 100 Ω platinum. Oth-
er elements and lead configurations are available. For example, a four-lead RTD is used for applications that
require higher accuracy. The RTD device resistance increases with temperature, and a Wheatstone bridge or
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
similar circuitry is used to provide temperature indication and output operation. The value of the temperature
trip depends on the type of winding insulation used and the operating requirements of the user. The RTD type
and the monitor input type must match.
For safety, RTDs should be grounded, and that ground in turn places a ground on the control module. There-
fore, the control module should not be operated directly from a switchgear dc battery because these dc control
schemes should normally operate ungrounded to achieve better reliability. However, loss of ac control voltage
caused by an opened fuse could remove protection, unless the null point is near the trip setting at which time it
could cause tripping.
An open RTD or an open RTD circuit appears as an infinite resistance and causes a false trip because this cor-
responds to a very high temperature. Some motor protection relays use RTD voting to reduce the threat of a
false temperature reading (and subsequent false alarms and false tripping). To indicate an excess-temperature
condition, the relay must receive high-temperature indications from multiple RTDs (the number of RTD votes
is configurable). In this way damaged and open-circuit RTD inputs are ignored.
a) Monitor all six leads continuously with alarm points and time-delayed higher trip points using one
monitor or a programmable logic controller.
b) Monitor six leads with alarm points and use a manual trip.
c) Configure alarm points and trip points for selected sectors of the motor. Use a selector switch and com-
bination indicator and alarm elements. (Precaution: An open circuit in the switch contact will cause a
false trip. Bridging contacts are required.)
d) Use a selector switch and an indicator only.
e) Use one, two, or three (i.e., one per phase) alarm relays; and use one, two, or three (i.e., one per phase)
trip relays set at a higher temperature.
The arrangement and monitoring of the RTDs should identify damaged RTDs. A damaged RTD or RTD con-
nection circuit will typically exhibit either an open-circuit or a short-circuit. The protection system should be
able to identify these conditions and annunciate an appropriate alarm. An open RTD or an open RTD circuit
will appear as an infinite resistance to the protection system and, if not identified as an open-circuit by the
protection system, will cause a false trip because the measured infinite resistance will be identified as a very
high temperature. A shorted RTD or a shorted RTD circuit will appear as a resistance lower than the range for
a given RTD selection. If not identified as a shorted RTD or a short-circuit by the protection system, a very low
temperature will be recorded and actual RTD temperature will not be valid.
When there are two or more RTDs per phase, RTD voting provides an extra level of thermal feedback reliabil-
ity, for motor thermal protection, in the event of individual RTD or wiring malfunctions. If enabled, a second
(or more) healthy RTD must indicate a temperature in excess of the trip-temperature set point, for any enabled
RTD channels, before a trip command will be issued by the protection system. This feature provides for unin-
terrupted operation when a single damaged or open-circuit RTD input is detected. An alarm protection setting
should be configured to identify the degradation of any given RTD input.
RTD voting typically applies only to RTD channels assigned for winding temperature monitoring.
If RTD voting protection is not enabled, any one winding RTD temperature input, in excess of its trip tempera-
ture setting, will initiate a motor trip if the control scheme is configured to do so.
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Thermocouples are used to indicate temperatures for alarm and trip functions, in a similar manner to RTDs.
However, an open circuit in the thermocouple leads does not cause a trip because the output appears as a
low-temperature condition. Where higher accuracy is required, use of a Class 1 thermocouple is advised. Use
suitable thermocouple extension cable when locating the thermocouple more than 0.5 m from the transducer.
For safety, similar to the RTDs, the thermocouple must have a grounded junction. Usually, thermocouple
grounding is on the sheath at the terminal box. Thermocouple outputs are compatible with conventional tem-
perature-monitoring and data-logging schemes, and some relays have (4 mA to 20 mA and 0 V to 10 V) analog
inputs for inputting thermocouple data via the proper interface.
Thermocouple cable must have a temperature rating for the specific application. Refer to ASTM E230 [B5]
and ASTM E585 [B6].
Thermistors are used as an input to protective devices with alarm or trip functions, or both. These devices may
be used to provide temperature indication. Thermistors may also be combined with thermocouples, which pro-
vide indication, while the thermistor is an input to a relatively inexpensive relay. See 7.4.3 for further details.
The controller specifications must align with the thermistors.
Thermostats and temperature bulbs are used on some motors. For instance, thermostats are bimetallic ele-
ments and are used on random-wound motors (< 1000 V, not MV motors) to detect failure to start. These are
embedded in the end windings and provide a contact opening to trip the motor. Bulb temperature devices are
used to provide measurement and trip contacts for bearing oil temperature in oil-lubricated bearings. See 7.4.2
for further details.
Stator winding temperature protection is commonly specified for motors rated 185 kW (250 hp) and more.
RTDs are commonly specified for motors rated 375 kW (500 hp) and more. In the following situations, apply-
ing stator winding temperature protection should be considered:
Rotor winding overtemperature protection, Device 49R, is available for synchronous motors, although nor-
mally, this protection is not used. One well-known approach is to use a Kelvin bridge-chart recorder with con-
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
tacts adjustable to the needed temperature settings. The Kelvin bridge uses field voltage and field current (from
a shunt) as inputs and measures the field resistance to determine the field winding temperature.
Some form of temperature protection should be applied for wound-rotor induction motor-starting resistors on
motors having severe starting requirements, such as long acceleration intervals or frequent starting. RTDs and
other types of temperature sensors can be used. General
Protection that detects currents that can cause bearing damage should be considered for motors. Recent re-
search in vibration rotor-bar heating has discovered that these conditions exhibit discernible signatures (usual-
ly in the frequency domain). Specialized equipment detects this effect, and is used on large and critical-appli-
cation motors (Gritli, et al. [B17] and Teotrakool, Devany, and Eren [B62]).
Various types of temperature sensors are used on bearings to detect overheating, such as RTDs, thermocou-
ples, thermistors, thermostats, and temperature bulbs. Excessive bearing temperature might not be detected
in time to prevent bearing damage. More serious mechanical damage to the rotor and stator can be reduced
by tripping the motor before complete bearing failure. Thus, for better effectiveness, the following steps are
In lieu of the flow-monitoring recommended in item f) 3), often a suitable arrangement of pressure switches is
used. However, flow monitoring is strongly recommended for important or high-speed machines.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Temperature sensors generally cannot detect impending failure of ball bearings and roller bearings in time to
be effective. Vibration monitors and detectors should be considered (see 8.5.5).
In IEEE Std 1349-2011, “Some motor bearing systems are designed by the motor manufacturer to be insulated
to protect the bearing from developing shaft currents across the oil film. In some applications, one bearing is
insulated. In some other applications, both bearings are insulated and a grounding jumper is installed on one
bearing. Voltage induced on a motor shaft can result in a circulating current with a magnitude limited by the
bearing impedance. This bearing impedance acts as a capacitor with the oil film acting as the dielectric in a
capacitor that is charged by the shaft voltage. When the shaft voltage across the oil-film capacitor reaches its
dielectric-breakdown voltage, a discharge occurs which can cause pitting in the bearing. Experience shows
that the amount of energy discharged across the oil film does not produce a spark that could cause ignition. It is
recommended that the insulation and grounding should be discussed with the motor manufacturer and main-
tained to reduce damage to the bearings (see Costello [B11]). For ASD applications, refer to IEEE Std 1349™-
2011 for CMV calculations showing the amount of energy discharge across the oil film.”
For purged and pressurized enclosures also see NFPA 496-2008 [B46].
On large machines, sometimes liquid detectors are provided to detect liquid (usually water) inside the stator
frame, e.g., because of a leak in the air cooler of a totally enclosed water- and air-cooled motor.
For fire detection and protection, the following items should be considered:
a) Installation of suitable smoke and flame detectors to alert operators to use suitable portable fire
b) Installation of suitable smoke and flame detectors and an automatic system to apply carbon dioxide or
other suppressant into the motor. Some old, large motors have internal piping to apply water for fire
extinguishing. Possible false release of the water is a serious disadvantage.
c) Use of synthetic lubricating oil that does not burn, particularly for drives having large lubricating sys-
tems and reservoirs and for systems in hazardous atmospheres. Lubricating systems, which meet the
hazardous-area classification, of gas compressors or hydrocarbon pumps should be kept separate from
the motor to preclude combustibles and flammables from entering the motor through the oil system.
NOTE 1—“Common lubricating oil systems should be avoided because a pump or compressor process seal
failure can allow flammable material to enter the lubricating oil system. This circulated lubricating oil containing
flammable materials then enters the motor’s bearing housing. Flammable material can pass into the motor en-
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
closure through the seals between the motor’s bearing housing and the motor enclosure. Over time an explosive
accumulation of flammable material can build up in the motor enclosure. This explosive material buildup could
then be ignited by an internal ignition source. Although starting of a motor is not considered a normal operating
condition, if the flammable material accumulated during a running condition, it might also be ignited during a
future start. Refer to Annex J, Table J.1 items 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 [in IEEE Std 1349-2011]. An alternative to total sep-
aration of the two systems is to install degassing equipment to ensure that the lubricating oil is totally gas free at
all times.” (See IEEE Std 1349™-2011.) Another alternative is to use pedestal bearings for the motor; by design,
they are located outside of the motor enclosure.
NOTE 2—For lubricating oil systems, reference API Std 614, Lubrication, Shaft-sealing and Oil-control Systems
and Auxiliaries, 5th Edition (ISO 10438:2008, Modified), Includes Errata (2008) [B4].
There are a variety of PD detection devices and monitors. Refer to Annex C for a more detailed discussion.
These detectors show a pattern of frequencies that are normal for a motor. Abnormal patterns of corona can
indicate insulation degradation. PD detectors should be considered for motors 4000 V and above, particularly
for motors in critical service.
The capacitance (C) and dissipation factor (DF) measurement of motor ground-wall insulation is one of the
standard tests to determine the insulation health. This online monitoring is discussed further in Annex C.
Vibration monitoring is an important startup function and an effective tool during operation of the process.
There are several induction motor problems that result in high vibration at running or operating speed: broken
rotor bars and/or shorting rings, loose rotor bars, mass unbalance coupling lockup, and eccentric bearing jour-
nal (Al-Ali and Dabbousi [B1]). Vibration monitoring and protection increase safety and reliability and can
reduce costs over the life of the plant. The three components of a vibration-monitoring system are transducers,
monitors, and machine diagnostic equipment, although some installations might not have permanent monitors
and diagnostic systems (see Figure 31).
Courtesy of GE Bentley-Nevada.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Transducers
Transducers are a critical part of a vibration monitoring system. Accurate machinery diagnostics depend upon
reliable transducer signals. Two orthogonal, or XY, transducers should be installed at or near each bearing;
and a phase reference probe, such as a once-per-turn event probe, should be installed on each shaft. This con-
figuration provides diagnostic equipment with the information necessary to indicate accurately the vibratory
motion. Transducers should be of rugged construction to withstand the motor’s environment. In general, if
rotor-related malfunctions are anticipated (e.g., unbalance, misalignment, rubbing), vibration transducers that
observe the rotor are preferred. If housing-related malfunctions are anticipated (e.g., piping strains, structural
resonances), transducers mounted on the machine housing are preferred.
As discussed in API 541, for vertical motors axial position probes are normally applied to monitor thrust
loading and hydrodynamic thrust bearing condition. Occasionally, axial position probes are used to monitor a
rotor’s axial vibration. For horizontal motors, axial probes should not generally be applied because no thrust
bearing is present and because axial probes used as vibration sensors will not generally accommodate the
rotor’s relatively large amount of axial motion. For high-speed motors with hydrodynamic radial bearings,
noncontacting vibration systems are generally used to detect vibration. For antifriction bearings that have high
transmissibility of shaft-to-bearing force, accelerometer systems are generally used to detect vibration. For
motors with 14 or more poles, vibration probes are not normally used. General
On motors with fluid-film bearings, such as sleeve bearings, noncontacting proximity transducers provide
the best data and are preferred. Figure 32 shows a typical proximity transducer system and Figure 33 shows
the cross-section installation of proximity transducers and case mounted transducers. Often on these motors,
much of the rotor motion is not transmitted to the housing, therefore transducers mounted on the housing
such as accelerometers and velocity probes provide limited usefulness. Noncontacting proximity transducers
indicate accurately the rotor displacement relative to the housing. These transducers have a broad frequency
response, from dc (i.e., 0 Hz) at the low end up to 10 kHz. However, useful application at high frequencies is
limited because little measurable displacement occurs at high frequencies. Proximity transducers can measure
slow-roll and the shaft’s average position within the bearing. For motors with rolling-element bearings, con-
sider an accelerometer or velocity sensor. See Figure 35 for a vibration limit curve example.
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Courtesy of GE Bentley-Nevada.
Courtesy of GE Bentley-Nevada.
Velocity transducers may be used on motors with rolling-element bearings if virtually all of the shaft motion
is faithfully transmitted to the bearing housing. Velocity transducers are seismic devices (accelerometer with
internal integration to velocity) that measure motion relative to free space, these transducers are useful for
overall vibration measurement, and provide good frequency response in the mid-frequency range (4.5 Hz to 1
kHz). Pay close attention to the frequency response of the prospective sensor to be sure the sensor has a good
frequency response in the frequencies of interest such as: rolling element bearing ball-pass, outer race, etc.
This transducer is self-generating; no power source is required. Traditional velocity transducers are mechani-
cal devices that suffer from a limited life span. Some modern velocity transducers use a piezoelectric sensing
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
element, these transducers do not have a limited life span, and are thus preferred. See Figure 36 for a vibration
limit curve example. Accelerometers
Accelerometers are generally used on motors with rolling-element bearings if virtually all of the shaft motion
is transmitted to the bearing housing. Accelerometers are useful for overall vibration measurements and have
a broad frequency response. It is important to evaluate the frequency response of the prospective sensor to be
sure that the sensor has a good frequency response in the frequencies of interest such as: rolling element bear-
ing ball-pass, outer race, etc. These devices are particularly useful for high-frequency measurements. An ac-
celerometer is virtually the only viable transducer at high frequencies (usually above 5 kHz). Motor vibration
acceleration increases with frequency. Therefore, the acceleration unit of measurement is preferred. However,
at low frequencies, accelerometer usefulness is limited. Accelerometers are sensitive to the method of attach-
ment and the quality of the mounting surface. Monitors
Monitors should detect malfunctions in the transducer system and the transducer power supply. These devices
should provide two levels of alarm and protect against false alarms. Monitors should be constructed so that
both the unprocessed and processed information is available to online and portable diagnostic equipment.
Monitors designed to work with accelerometers or velocity transducers should be able to integrate the signal.
Modern machinery protection systems feature extremely reliable relays that also incorporate advanced relay
logic and time delay capabilities. See Figure 34 for sample monitoring system panels.
Courtesy of GE Bentley-Nevada.
Motors that are critical to a process should be instrumented with continuous monitors, in which each monitor
channel is dedicated to a single transducer. These monitors have the fastest response time and provide the
highest level of motor protection.
General purpose motors can be instrumented with periodic monitors, in which each monitor channel is time-
shared among many transducers. Consequently, the response time is slower than the continuous monitor.
Portable monitors are used widely, primarily when a permanent monitoring system has not been justified.
Often portable monitors are used with infrared scanners to determine whether bearings are overheating. The
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
results are suitable for trending in a condition-based maintenance program. Other types of portable monitors
include ultrasonic probes as a part of a maintenance program.
A diagnostic system is essential to effective machinery management. Using computing technology, the sys-
tem processes the data provided by the transducers and monitors into information that can be used to make
decisions regarding motor operation. A diagnostic system should be capable of simultaneously processing the
data from two orthogonal transducers along with a once-per-turn reference (phase) probe. It should display
data in several plot formats, including orbit, time base, Bode, polar, shaft centerline, trend, spectrum, and full
spectrum. It should reduce operator involvement in motor configuration and data acquisition. It should display
alarms for each monitored channel, trend data over time, and archive data to a storage medium (e.g., computer
disk). It should integrate with computer networks and control systems.
Motors that are critical to a process should be managed by a continuous online diagnostic system. Each chan-
nel in a continuous online diagnostic system is dedicated to the data from a single transducer and monitor
channel. The diagnostic system processes machinery information online, where the data are sampled con-
tinuously and are available to the host computer. A diagnostic system that processes steady state information
during normal operation is a minimum requirement; the diagnostic system should be capable of processing
data both during startups and shutdowns. The system should be capable of displaying information in real time.
The continuous online diagnostic system should be evaluated for protection level, motor and production costs,
time to replace motors, etc. to determine its economic feasibility.
General purpose motors can be managed by an online periodic diagnostic system. Each channel in a periodic
system can be shared among many transducers. The data are sampled periodically and are available continu-
ously to the host computer.
The vibration limits for motor shafts and bearing housings depend mainly on the operating speed. For NEMA
Frame sized motors, examples of vibration limits (unfiltered measurement) are shown in Table 7 for motor
housing and Figure 35 for resiliently mounted motors from NEMA MG-1-2011, Part 7.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
A resilient 2.4 0.15 0.61 2.4 0.15 0.61 2.4 0.15 0.61
rigid 1.9 0.12 0.49 1.9 0.12 0.49 1.9 0.12 0.49
B resilient 1.0 0.06 0.24 1.3 0.08 0.33 1.6 0.10 0.41
rigid 2, 4, N/A 1.3 0.08 0.33 1.6 0.10 0.41
6 pole
8+ pole N/A 1.0 0.06 0.24 1.3 0.08 0.33
NOTE—Rigid mounting is not considered acceptable for NEMA frame sizes 210 and smaller.
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Reprinted by permission of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association from NEMA MG-1-2011, Table 7-1.
Figure 35—Machine vibration limits (Resiliently Mounted) per NEMA MG-1-2011, Part 7
API Std 541–1995 recommends limits for shaft and bearing vibrations, using noncontact vibration probes on
hydrodynamic bearing motors operating at speeds equal to or greater than 1200 r/min. Examples of these lim-
its are shown in Figure 36 and Figure 37 from API Std 541–1995. Updated vibration limits for special purpose
form wound induction motors (500 hp and larger) are described in API Std 541–2014, 5th Edition, Figure 3
and Figure 5, and for large synchronous motors are described in API Std 546, 3rd Edition. Vibration limits
are also provided in API Std 547, 1st Edition, and IEEE Std 841™ for form-wound and totally enclosed fan-
cooled (TEFC) motors, respectively.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Reprinted with permission from Section 3.8 of API 541-1995 (IEEE Std 242-2001, IEEE Buff Book™).
NOTE 1—Vibration displacement at any frequency below running-speed frequency shall not exceed 0.1 mil or 20% of the
measured unfiltered vibration displacement, whichever is greater.
NOTE 2—Vibration displacement at any filtered frequency above running-speed frequency shall not exceed 0.5 mil peak
to peak.
NOTE 3—Vibration displacement filtered at running-speed frequency shall not exceed 80% of the unfiltered limit (runout
Figure 36—Shaft vibration limits (relative to bearing housing using non-contact vibration
probes): for all hydrodynamic sleeve-bearing motors; with the motor securely fastened to a
massive foundation
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Reprinted with permission from Section 3.8 of API 541-1995 (IEEE Std 242-2001, IEEE Buff Book™).
NOTE 1—For unfiltered vibration limits, use motor synchronous or maximum rotational speed in revolutions per minute.
NOTE 2—For filtered limits, use vibration frequency in hertz.
NOTE 3—Limits are for sleeve and antifriction bearing motors.
Figure 37—Bearing housing vibration limits: for sleeve and antifriction bearing motors; with
the motor securely fastened to a massive foundation
Refer to Figure 38 and Figure 39 for typical 1-line and 3-line diagrams of MV synchronous motor protection
using a breaker. Synchronous motors have excitation provided by dc power applied to the machine rotor.
Therefore, additional protection functions are required. These functions are listed in Table B.2. The critical
service protection functions from Table 6 are illustrated using a multifunction motor protection relay, Device
11M. Device 11M signals to trip the breaker for various conditions including short-circuit protection.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 38—MV synchronous motor protection 1-line diagram, Device 11M, critical service
protection functions, with breaker
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Figure 39—MV synchronous motor protection 3-line diagram, Device 11M, critical service
protection functions, with breaker
When a synchronous motor with an amortisseur winding is started across-the-line, high currents are induced in
its rotor amortisseur winding. If the motor accelerating time exceeds specifications, the amortisseur winding
can overheat and be damaged.
Several different electromechanical and electronic protection schemes are available. None of these schemes
senses directly amortisseur-winding temperature. Instead, these schemes simulate the temperature by evaluat-
ing two or more of the following quantities:
a) Magnitude of induced field current that flows through a field discharge resistor. This value is a mea-
sure of the relative magnitude of induced amortisseur-winding current.
b) Frequency of induced field current that flows through the discharge resistor. This value is a measure of
rotor speed and provides an indicator of the increase in amortisseur-winding thermal capability result-
ing from the ventilation effect and the decrease of induced current.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Field current might drop to zero, or to a low value, when a synchronous motor is operating. Some of the rea-
sons for this effect are as follows:
— Tripping of the remote exciter, either motor-generator set or electronic. (Controls for these should be
arranged so that the remote exciter will not drop out on an ac voltage dip.)
— Burnout of the field contactor coil. (The control should be arranged so that the field contactor does not
drop out on an ac voltage dip.)
— Accidental tripping of the field. (Field-circuit overcurrent protection is usually omitted from field
breakers and contactors to avoid unnecessary tripping.) The field circuit is usually ungrounded and
should have ground detection lights or a relay element applied to detect the first ground fault before a
short-circuit occurs (see 8.6).
— High resistance contact or an open circuit between slip ring and brushes from excessive wear and
— Failure of the diode bridge on rotating diodes on a brushless exciter (detected by pullout relays or a
power-factor Device 55 element).
— Undervoltage of supply.
Field-current failure protection is also obtained by the generator loss-of-excitation relay that operates from the
VTs and CTs that monitor motor stator voltages and current (VAR-import Device 40 and power-factor Device
55 protection). This approach has been applied on some large motors (i.e., 3000 kW [4000 hp] and above).
This relay can also provide pullout protection as discussed in 8.6.5.
Device 56 is a relay that has automatic control of field excitation to an ac motor (related to permissive control
function). This device is a frequency relay, but others apply a simple voltage relay as a permissive start to
confirm that voltage is available from the remote exciter. This approach avoids starting and then having to trip
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
because excitation was not available. Loss of excitation voltage is not normally used as a trip; field-current
failure protection is used for this function.
Pulling out of step is detected usually by one of the following relay schemes:
a) A power factor relay (Device 55) responding to motor stator voltage and current with inputs from the
VTs and CTs. Refer to item b) for the discussion on the need to delay actuation of the pullout relay
until the motor has a chance to pull into synchronism during a calculated period.
b) An instantaneous relay connected in the secondary of a transformer with the primary carrying the dc
field current. The normal dc field current is not transformed. When the motor pulls out of step, alter-
nating currents are induced in the field circuit and transformed to operate the pullout relay. This re-
lay, while inexpensive, is sometimes subject to false tripping on ac transients accompanying external
system fault conditions and also ac transients caused by pulsations in reciprocating compressor drive
applications. Device 95 has sometimes been used to designate this relay.
c) The generator loss-of-excitation relay (Device 40).
d) Out-of-step protection (Device 78).
A phase-to-phase or three-phase short-circuit at or near the synchronous motor terminals produces high shaft
torques that can damage the motor or driven machine. Computer programs have been developed for calculat-
ing the torques. Refer to IEEE Std C37.96–2012 for information on this potential problem.
To reduce exposure to damaging torques, a three-phase high-speed undervoltage element (Device 27) can be
applied to detect severe phase-to-phase and three-phase short-circuit conditions for which the motors should
be tripped. A severe reduction in phase-to-phase or three-phase voltage causes tripping. Add additional trip-
ping delay of 15 ms to 150 ms may be satisfactory from a protection point of view and desirable to avoid
unnecessary shutdowns. Consult the suppliers of the motor, driven machine, and protection devices when
determining protection settings.
This section discusses incomplete start sequence protection and excessive starts (within a short time period).
Many types of the protective devices discussed in 8.7.2 through 8.7.3 do not have operation indicators. Sepa-
rate operation indicators should be used with these protective devices. Introduction
A timer, Device 48, is used to monitor the motor start time. A motor that takes too much time to start can be
damaged by excessive heating. The timer is initiated by an auxiliary contact on the motor starter, and it times
for a preset interval (that has been determined during test starting) to be slightly greater than the normal inter-
val from start to reaching normal operation.
For synchronous motor applications, incomplete starting sequence protection (Device 48) is normally a timer
that blocks tripping of the field-current failure protection and the pullout protection during the normal starting
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
interval. The timer is started by an auxiliary contact on the motor starter, and it times for a preset interval that
has been determined during test starting to be slightly greater than the normal interval from start to reaching
full field current. The timer puts the field-current failure and pullout protection in service at the end of its tim-
ing interval. This timer is often a de-energize-to-time device so that it is fail-safe with regard to applying the
field-current failure and pullout protection.
For induction motor applications, incomplete starting sequence protection (Device 48), wound-rotor induc-
tion motors and motors with reduced-voltage starting should have a timer applied to protect against failure to
reach normal running conditions within the normal starting time. Such a de-energized-to-time device is started
by an auxiliary contact on the motor starter and times for a preset interval, which has been determined during
test starting to be slightly greater than the normal starting interval. The timer trip contact is blocked by an
auxiliary contact of the final device that operates to complete the starting sequence. This device would be the
final secondary contactor in the case of a wound-rotor motor, or it would be the device that applies full voltage
to the motor stator. Incomplete sequence protection should also be applied to split-winding and wye-delta mo-
tor-starting control, as well as to pony motor and other reduced-voltage sequential start schemes.
8.7.3 Protection against excessive starting (48, 49, 51LR, and 66)
a) A timer element, started by an auxiliary contact on the motor starter, with contact arranged to block a
second start until the preset timing interval has elapsed (Device 48).
b) Stator thermal overload element (Device 49S). This protection depends upon the following:
1) The normal duration and magnitude of motor inrush
2) Running thermal capacity previously developed
3) The thermal amortisseur-winding protection on synchronous motors
4) Rotor overtemperature protection (49R)
c) Time overcurrent protection for locked rotor protection is set below the expected locked rotor current
with a time delay less than the thermal capability curve of the motor (Device 51LR).
d) Multifunction motor protection relays that have the capability to be programmed to limit the number
of starts during a specific period (jogging protection). Large motors are often provided with name-
plates giving the permissible start frequency (Device 66).
The field and field supply should not be grounded intentionally. While the first ground connection does not
cause damage, a second ground connection will cause damage. Therefore, detecting the first ground is import-
ant. The following methods are used:
a) Connect two lamps in series between field positive and negative with the midpoint between the lamps
connected to ground. A ground condition shows by unequal brilliance of the two lamps.
b) Connect two resistors in series between field positive and negative with the midpoint between the re-
sistors connected through a suitable instantaneous relay to ground. The maximum resistance to ground
that can be detected depends upon the relay sensitivity and the resistance in the two resistors. This
scheme does not detect a ground fault at midpoint in the field winding. If a varistor is used instead
of one of the resistors, then the point in the field winding at which a ground fault cannot be detected
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
changes with the magnitude of the excitation voltage. This approach is used to overcome the limita-
tion of not being able to detect a field midpoint ground fault.
c) Apply low ac voltage signal between the field circuit and ground, and monitor the ac flow to determine
when a field-circuit ground fault occurs. Before using this scheme, a determination should be made
that a damaging ac current will not flow through the field capacitance to the rotor iron and then through
the bearings to ground and thus cause damage to the bearings.
If a portion of the field becomes faulted, damaging vibrations can result. Vibration monitors and sensors
should be considered.
The protection for wound-rotor induction motors is similar to the protection described for synchronous mo-
tors, except the field is three-phase ac instead of a dc field (see Figure 40). Yuen, et al. [B69], describe some
operating experience that confirms the effectiveness of this protection. Wound-rotor motor damage can re-
sult from high-resonant torques during operation with unbalanced impedances in the external rotor circuit on
speed-controlled motors. Protection to detect this fault is available, although it is seldom used.
Surge arresters are often used, one per phase connected between phase and ground, to limit the voltage to
ground impressed upon the motor stator winding from lightning and switching surges. The need for this type
of protection depends upon the exposure of the motor and the related power supply to surges. MV cables
have capacitance in their shields that can attenuate a surge. Like many protection applications, the engineer
should consider motor importance, process downtime and associated costs, and replacement costs. A study is
The coil insulation of the stator winding of ac rotating machines has a relatively low impulse strength. Stator
winding insulation systems of ac machines are exposed to stresses from the steady state operating voltages and
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
from steep wave-front voltage surges of high amplitudes. Both types of voltages stress the ground insulation.
Steep wave-front surges also stress the turn insulation. If the rise time of the surge is sufficiently steep (i.e., 0.1
µs to 0.2 µs), then most of the surge can appear across the first coil and the line-end coil; whereas, its distribu-
tion in the coil can be nonlinear. This phenomenon can damage the turn insulation even though the magnitude
of the surge is limited to a value that can be withstood safely by the ground-wall insulation.
The surge arrester should be selected to limit the magnitude of the surge voltage to a value less than the motor
insulation surge withstand voltage by present standard tests described in Figure 7 of IEEE Std C37.96–2012
and Table 8. The steepness of the surge wave-front at the motor terminals is influenced by two time constants:
— At the supply end, by the effect of system inductance, grounding resistance, and motor cable impedance
— At the motor end, by cable impedance and motor capacitance
Surge capacitors are used, also connected between each phase and ground, to decrease the slope of the wave-
front of lightning and switching surge voltages. As the surge voltage wave-front travels through the motor
winding, the surge voltage between adjacent turns and adjacent coils of the same phase are lower for a wave-
front having a decreased slope. (A less-steep wave-front is another way of designating a wave-front having
a decreased slope.) The recommended practice is to install a surge-protection package consisting of a three
single-phase capacitors and three surge arrestors.
Table 8—The equivalent motor insulation surge withstand voltage by present standard test
for commercially used motor voltages
Rated voltage NEMA IEC
(V) (kV) (kV)
2400 9 15
4160 15 22
13 800 51 60
The steep wave-front surges appearing across the motor terminals are caused by lightning strikes, normal
circuit breaker operation, motor starting, aborted starts, bus transfers, switching windings (or speeds) in two-
speed motors, or switching of power factor correcting capacitors. Turn insulation testing also imposes a high
stress on the insulation system.
The crest value and rise time of the surge at the motor depend on the transient event, on the electrical system
design, and on the number and characteristics of all other devices in the system. These factors include, but
are not limited to, the motor, the cables connecting the motor to the switching device, the conduit and conduit
grounding, the type of switching device, the length of the switchgear bus, and the number of other circuits
connected to the bus.
See IEEE Std C37.96–2012 for additional information on recommendations from the IEEE Surge Protection
The surge protection should be located as close to the motor terminals (in circuit length) as feasible, preferably
with leads of 1 m or less. The supply circuit should connect directly to the surge equipment first and then go to
the motor.
Specifying that the surge protection be supplied in an oversized terminal box on the motor or in a terminal box
adjacent to the motor is becoming more common. When surge protection is supplied in a motor terminal box,
it must be disconnected before high-voltage dielectric testing of the motor begins. This step is a recognized
inconvenience of this arrangement. A separate surge disconnecting device may be required.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
If the motors are within 30 m of their starters or the supply bus, locating the surge arresters, but not capacitors,
in the starters or supply bus switchgear is economical (but not as effective). In the latter case, one set of surge
protection can be used for all the motors within that 30 m of the bus. Alternatively, this approach can be used
for the smaller motors, and separate surge protection installed at each larger motor. Neither of these remote
methods is recommended. Also, locating the surge protection at the line side of the motor disconnect is not
recommended because the disconnect and surge protection might be too distant to be effective.
a) When a MV motor is rated above 375 kW (500 hp), surge arresters and capacitors should be considered.
b) For motors rated 375 kW (500 hp) and below, the need for surge arresters should include consideration
of the higher surge impedance for these motors.
c) When a 150 kW (200 hp) or larger motor or when a critical motor is connected to open overhead lines
at the same voltage level as the motor, surge arrestors and capacitors should be considered.
d) Even when a transformer is connecting the motors to open overhead lines, surge protection is still
required at times to protect against lightning or switching surges. Techniques are available to analyze
this situation. If uncertain, surge protection should be provided. Refer to 8.9.2 for surge protection on
the supply bus for motors located remote from the bus. In addition, refer to Chapter 13 and Chapter 14
of IEEE Std 242-2001, which recommend protection for switchgear and incoming lines.
e) Where certain vacuum or SF6 circuit breakers or vacuum contactors are used, surge protection may be
necessary because of the possibility of restrikes, which can result in voltage spikes.
f) For application in Class I, Division 2 or Class I, Zone 2, nonsparking surge arresters, such as metal
oxide varistor (MOV), sealed type, and specific duty surge protective capacitors can be installed in
general-purpose type enclosures. Surge protection types other than those described above require en-
closures approved for Class I, Division 1 locations or Zone 1 locations (NFPA 497-2008 [B47]). (See
2014 NEC Article 501.35(B) and 505.20(C). Refer to IEEE Std 1349-2011.)
NOTE 1—For a motor application, using three single-phase specific duty surge capacitors avoids phase-phase short-cir-
cuit faults within the capacitor.
NOTE 2—To direct hot gases from an arc flash that may occur in the motor terminal box, rupture panels can be installed
to direct the hot gases away from the front of the motor and away from personnel. See Murfield, Zettervall, and Lockley
When the supply voltage is switched off, an induction motor initially continues to rotate and retain the internal
voltage. If a capacitor bank is left connected to the motor or if a long distribution line having significant shunt
capacitance is left connected to the motor, the possibility of overexcitation exists. Overexcitation results when
the voltage versus current curves of the shunt capacitance and the motor no-load excitation characteristic in-
tersect at a voltage above the rated motor voltage.
The maximum voltage that can occur is the maximum voltage on the motor no-load excitation characteristic
(sometimes called magnetization or saturation characteristic). This voltage, which decays with motor speed,
can be damaging to a motor (see Figure 41 as an example).
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Damaging inrush can occur if automatic reclosing or transfer takes place on a motor that has a significant inter-
nal voltage from overexcitation.
Figure 41—Excess shunt capacitance from utility line, which is likely to overexcite a large
high-speed motor
8.10.2 Protection
When overexcitation is expected, protection can be applied in several ways. Beginning with the simplest
protection, a separate contactor drops out the capacitors when the motor power source is lost. The contactor
could also be dropped out by instantaneous overvoltage relay elements. An alternative is to use a high-speed
underfrequency relay, which, however, might not be sufficiently fast enough on high-inertia or lightly loaded
The underfrequency relay is not suitable for motors when frequency might not decrease following loss of the
supply overcurrent protective disconnecting device. With these applications, a loss-of-power relay could be
used. Examples of these applications are as follows:
a) Mine hoist with overhauling load characteristic at time of loss of supply overcurrent device
b) Motor operating as induction generator on shaft with process gas expander
c) Induction motor with forced commutation from an ASD
A failure to rotate occurs when the supply is single phased or if the motor or driven machine is jammed. The
following protection is available:
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A reversal in phase rotation or a loss of phase can be detected by a reverse-phase voltage element (Device 47)
[see 6.3.1 e) and Figure 10] if the reversal or loss occurs in the system on the supply side of the relay. This relay
element cannot detect a reversal or loss that occurs between the motor and the point at which the relay element
is connected to the system. Set this element for no more than 5% voltage imbalance. Unbalanced voltages cre-
ate large unbalanced currents (approximately six to 10 times the percent voltage unbalance per NEMA MG-1-
2011, 14.36.5); these negative sequence currents can damage motor stator windings.
A backup method for reducing unbalanced power system damage is using a current-unbalance element (De-
vice 46) [see 6.3.1 a) and Figure 10]. Set this element to 0.2 pu negative sequence current.
A directional speed switch mounted on the shaft and a timer can be used to detect starting with reverse rotation.
Some motor loads are equipped with a ratchet arrangement to prevent reverse rotation.
Alternatively a machinery protection system may be used with a speed monitor to detect reverse rotation (see
Motors fed from non-sinusoidal sources require careful consideration of the components of the system
including the motor, cables, adjustable speed drive (ASD), power source, and protection devices and set-
tings. Clause 5 presents factors to consider in protection of motors whereby these factors also apply to ASD
This section covers ASD general information, LV and MV ASD applications. This section covers some basic
information for ASD applications including terminology, motor selection, ASD selection, filters and reactors,
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
regeneration and dynamic braking, and auxiliary monitoring of ASDs. Refer to Chapter 4 of IEEE Std 242-
2001 for a discussion of Zones of Protection.
There is no single industry recognized name for adjustable speed drives (ASDs), which is the IEEE preferred
terminology and will be used in this document. ASDs are ac or dc drives and are also called variable speed
drives (VSDs). Several terms describe ac ASDs only: adjustable frequency controller (AFC), adjustable fre-
quency drive (AFD), variable frequency drive (VFD) and power conversion equipment. A power converter
converts ac to dc; and an inverter inverts dc to ac: ASDs discussed in this section may be current source, volt-
age source, or pulse-width modulation (PWM).
NEMA MG-1-2011 Part 30 covers application considerations for motors operated at constant speed with sinu-
soidal power or with ASDs. A motor should be selected to operate at or below its nameplate power rating over
the entire speed range for the specific application. The power rating (hp or kW) available will be proportional
to the decrease in frequency (directly proportional for constant torque and cubed for variable torque). Above
rated frequency, the motor is capable of the rated nameplate power (hp or kW). Motor design and manufac-
turing standards address issues of concern for motors operating on non-sinusoidal power. A motor on an ASD
will have a speed versus torque characteristic that is different than sinusoidal power. Refer to Figure 42 and
NEMA’s Application Guide for AC Adjustable Speed Drive Systems for an illustration and discussion of the
motor speed versus torque characteristic when operated on an ASD [B42].
Figure 42—Motor speed versus torque for adjustable speed drive power (NEMA 2007 [B42])
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NEMA has recognized the elevated stresses imposed on induction motors by adjustable frequency controls
and has developed a performance standard for motors that are specifically identified as “inverter duty” or “in-
verter rated.” Part 31 of NEMA MG-1-2011 addresses issues of particular concern to ASD-fed motors such as
basis of rating over a speed range, thermal aging of insulation for operation at different loads and speeds, min-
imum breakaway and breakdown torque requirements, overload and overspeed capabilities, voltage spikes,
and vibration, among others. Of unique pertinence to such definite-purpose motors is the ability to better with-
stand the repetitive voltage spikes that are characteristic of modern, fast-switching devices used in adjustable
frequency controls.
An example of a typical LV ASD is shown in Figure 43. In addition to NEMA, other motor standards that
address ASD applications include IEEE Std 841, API Std 541 5th Edition, API Std 546 3rd Edition, and
API Std 547 1st Edition. ASD applications in Classified (hazardous) locations are discussed in Clause 11 of
this standard and in IEEE Std 1349-2011.
Clause 5 presents factors to consider in protection of motors whereby these factors also apply to ASD applica-
tions. Also refer to IEEE Std 1566™ for MV ASD selection and purchasing information [B31]. In Torres, et al.
[B63] examples of motor torque versus speed with ASD applications are given; and in Hickok [B19] examples
of load characteristics for ASD applications are given for pumps, fans, blowers, and compressors. When se-
lecting an ASD, some considerations are also as follows:
— Load characteristics
— Motor nameplate data
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Limiting system harmonics can be a significant factor for selecting a drive. Figure 44 a) is based on a 6-pulse
drive system. Refer to Figure 37 for a more detailed example of a 6-pulse MV ASD. Refer to Figure 44 b)
showing a 12-pulse system. The protection is identical because the 12-pulse consists of two 6-pulse channels
operating simultaneously, with the input source voltage shifted by 30 degrees. In many instances, however,
the input isolation transformer is a three-winding transformer with one secondary winding connected in del-
ta, and the other secondary connected in ungrounded wye to obtain the 30 degree phase shift. This is done to
significantly reduce the formation of harmonics, where the higher the pulse count the lower the harmonics.
The transformer differential scheme would therefore include both secondary windings. The same philosophy
would be used with drive systems with higher than 12-pulse designs. Drives use pulse counts that are multiples
of 6, where a commonly used ASD today is 18-pulse, some are 54-pulse, and some may be higher.
For ASD systems that utilize a bypass device to allow motor operation at rated full load speed, motor overload
protection must be provided in the bypass circuit.
Bypass circuitry is usually accomplished using bypass contactors and are often used with AC drives. There are
two reasons for bypass. The most common is for maintenance purposes. If the drive is out for maintenance, the
bypass contactor is closed to allow the motor to run across the line (ATL). The motor is provided with motor
protection while in bypass mode. To avoid damage to the ASD, the motor field should be allowed to decay for a
minimum of three open-circuit ac time constants after disconnecting from line power and before reconnecting
to the ASD. It also should be determined that the ASD has the capability of restarting a coasting motor before
switching from line power back to ASD power while the motor is still rotating.
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Another purpose for a bypass circuit is to allow the ASD to bring one motor to full speed and then switch to
another motor, where this is known as synchronous transfer. This allows the user to have one drive for many
motors. Refer to Figure 53 for an example of synchronous transfer.
Refer to Figure 45 and Figure 46 for two-contactor and three-contactor bypass systems, respectively. In Zone
1, the LV and MV protection schemes may vary.
These load filters are typically required for long cable lengths and will further reduce the reflected wave ampli-
tude seen on the cable and increase cable life.
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Reflected wave voltage spikes can damage the motor winding, especially the first turns of a winding. NEMA’s
“Application Guide for AC Adjustable Speed Drive Systems” [B42] section 5.2.9 addresses this phenomenon.
Several factors, including pulse rise time, cable length, minimum time between pulses, minimum pulse dura-
tion, transition type (single or double), and the use of multiple motors affect the peak voltage at the motor’s ter-
minals. Some ASDs allow adjustments for the minimum time between pulses and/or minimum pulse durations
in order to reduce the magnitude of the reflected wave voltage spikes.
If the motor cable length is long enough to cause the reflected wave voltage spikes that could damage the
motor, then an output reactor can be used to attenuate the peak voltage. A reactor with impedance of 1.5%
is often sufficient to reduce the voltage spikes although some manufacturers use 3% if the voltage drop can
be tolerated. For longer runs a dV/dt filter can be used. These filters have a 1.5% reactor and an RC snubber
circuit to increase the rise time of the pulses, thereby reducing the dV/dt. For very long cable runs, a sinewave
filter is generally used to attenuate voltage spikes. These have multiple stages of inductors and capacitors and
significantly filter out the PWM leaving a sinusoidal voltage to go to the motor. The reactor filter, dV/dt filter,
and sinewave filter are progressively more costly, respectively.
Overheating of motors can occur even at current levels less than a motor’s rated full load current. Overheating
can be the result of the shaft-mounted fan operating at less than rated nameplate RPM. For motors that utilize
external forced air or liquid cooling systems, overtemperature can occur if the cooling system is not operating.
In these instances, overtemperature protection using direct temperature sensing is recommended, or additional
means should be provided to verify that the cooling system is operating (flow or pressure sensing, interlocking
of ASD system and cooling system, etc.).
ASD systems must protect against motor overtemperature conditions where the motor is not rated to operate at
the nameplate rated current over the speed range required by the application. Such protection may be provided
by the following:
For multiple motor applications, individual motor overtemperature protection shall be provided as required in
NEC Section 430.126(A).
When running an ASD at the rated frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, a standard overload curve can be used as
shown in Figure 6 by the 50 Hz line where the Class 10 overload would trip in 10 s at 6 times rated current. The
starting/maximum current setting for a typical ASD may be in the range of 115% to 170% of nameplate rated
current. Figure 47 expands the main area of interest for the ASD application.
A motor cooled by a separate blower can also be protected by a separate overload such as Class 10 bi-metallic
overload relay or built-in to the software and electronics of the internal overload of the ASD. However, when
running at reduced speeds, self-cooled motors cannot generate as much air flow as they can at rated speed,
and the motor may overheat at lower current levels. Reduced speed overheating is more common for constant
torque applications versus variable torque applications. All applications have minimum time limits at various
speeds to maintain adequate cooling.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Some ASD internal overloads take this reduced cooling at slower speeds (lower frequency) into account and
adapt the overload curves for lower speed operation.
The x axis is the ratio of the actual current to rated current of the motor, the full load current (FLC). The 50 Hz
curve represents the nominal frequency of the motor, either 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The lower speed curves show the
levels at which the electronic overload would trip to protect the slow-turning motor, even though the current
could be less than the rated FLC of the motor.
Where the ASD is marked to indicate that motor overload protection is included, additional overload protec-
tion is not required if the overload protection is sized to protect the motor for a specific application.
If the ASD manufacturer does not provide an overload that can adapt the trip curve depending on the speed
of the self-cooled motor, then direct measurement of the motor winding temperature should be accomplished
by positive temperature coefficient resistors (PTC), thermocouple devices, thermal switches, or RTD sensors
with a relay to trip on overtemperature. Refer to 7.4.3 for more information on PTC devices.
Most adjustable speed drives can provide a controlled speed deceleration of the connected load. However,
for very fast stopping requirements, alternative braking systems may be required. In some applications, the
controlled deceleration time of the motor and load combination can be excessive and can present concerns for
some situations. In the event of an emergency stop, the input and/or output power from the drive are removed.
The connected load may continue to rotate and coast to a stop, after the removal of power, due to the load iner-
tia. If an immediate or emergency stop of rotation of the motor and connected load is required, a braking meth-
od must be used. The most common types of motor braking systems, available with some ASD, are dynamic
braking and dc injection braking systems.
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A dynamic braking system converts the energy being regenerated from the rotating motor and connected load
into heat that is dissipated through a connection to motor-braking resistors suitably sized to the load. Using
dynamic braking stops the motor at the fastest rate allowed by the load but it cannot act as a holding brake.
Dynamic braking should not be considered if the connected load typically operates at slow speeds (generally
at less than 10 Hz) and braking is required. The dynamic braking system or ASD braking parameters should
be configured to limit the application time of the external resistors in the event of a system malfunction as
excessive amounts of heat energy will be generated in the event of an extended overcurrent condition. Alterna-
tive control methods can include braking application contactors, with control circuits configured with resistor
thermal sensors and/or braking current overload protection, which, in the event of an extended overcurrent
condition, would open the connection to the braking resistors. The protection mode in these cases is to protect
the braking resistors from excessive currents or a duty cycle longer than their designed level.
A dc injection braking system applies dc current, sourced from or controlled by the drive, which is quickly
applied to the stator windings of the motor. The ASD typically will include parameters for the control of the
application time and braking current applied. The programmed level of the dc current and application time
determines how fast the motor will decelerate and come to a stop. For slow-speed loads, dc injection will be
the most effective braking method as it does not rely on the regenerative energy, from the motor, to provide the
braking energy. Many dc injection braking systems can be configured to also prevent the rotor from spinning
freely when the main power is removed from the motor; typically, dc injection can’t hold the load, but only
slow it down. It is recommended that some level of overtemperature protection be incorporated in the motor
and tied back to the dc injection system, because the application of the dc current does generate significant heat
within the motor. Because of this, some systems can also be configured to provide a level of motor preheating.
In some applications, vibration and temperature-monitoring devices may be monitored by an auxiliary control
panel; e.g., compressor or pump unit control panel, distributed control system (DCS), or station control panel.
In these applications, permissive to start, alarm, and shutdown signals should be coordinated with the drive to
protect the motor and the driven equipment.
Refer to Figure 44 for the typical zones of protection for a LV ASD application. The LV breaker in Zone 1
protects the cable feeding the ASD and provides short-circuit protection for the ASD. Refer also to NEC Ar-
ticle 430 and Sections 430.52(C)(5) and 430.130. The internal software and electronics of the ASD typically
provide overload and overtemperature protection for the motor. In addition, the ASD has current limit features
providing short-circuit protection and detection, which trips/gates off the insulated-gate bipolar transistors
(IGBTs) and isolates faults downstream. Overtemperature and overload protection is discussed in 9.1.7. It
may be desirable to protect larger LV ac motors with protective relays. The manufacturer’s recommendations
and literature should be used to select protective devices upstream of the ASD.
Zone 3 protection protects the motor and the cable feeding the motor. Conductors for LV ASD applications
should be designed, tested, and installed for the service conditions. PD inception voltage can occur in LV ASD
systems. The materials and methods should consider and mitigate possible PD effects.
If a bypass system is used, motor protection is shown in Figure 44 and Figure 45. The manufacturer’s recom-
mendations and literature should be used to select protective devices upstream of the ASD and for the bypass
circuit. Refer also to NEC Article 430 and Sections 430.52(C)(5) and 430.130.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
For multiple motor applications, individual motor overload protection shall be provided in accordance with
NEC Article 430, including NEC sections 430.130 and 430.131.
9.2.4 LV ASD ground fault protection for high resistance grounded systems
LV ASDs may have built-in ground fault protection; however, it may not be capable of detecting low-level
ground faults and supplemental protection may be needed for reliable ground fault protection for high resis-
tance grounded systems. Using a zero sequence CT connected to a ground overcurrent relay to detect small
values of fault current in ASD circuits is accepted as a reliable approach; but where to locate the CT, upstream
or downstream of the drive, is a matter of some debate. Specialized ac/dc ground fault relays (IEEE Device
50G or 51G and 76G) are available that can detect 0-Hz and higher-frequency faults using zero sequence CTs.
The location of the CTs determines the protection zone. The location of the CTs is discussed in more detail in
Savostianik, et al. [B54].
The high resistance ground should add sufficient neutral-to-ground resistance to limit the ground fault current
to a value slightly higher than the system capacitive charging current (IEEE Std 142-2007 [B24], Skibinski,
et al. [B57]). The zero sequence current flow through the resistor, ground fault-current levels on the load side,
line side, and internal are used to select the protective device settings to trip without experiencing nuisance
alarms. The decision to alarm and/or trip the ASD and a motor when a ground fault condition is detected
should be evaluated for the application (Savostianik, et al. [B54]).
The main objective of this section is to outline the general protection philosophies related to ac drive motor
protection. Most ac drives use transformer-isolated frequency conversion circuitry to drive synchronous and
induction motors and, therefore appear as transformer loads on the electrical system. It should be noted that
these motors operate asynchronously from the electrical power system.
9.3.2 MV protection
Figure 48 illustrates a protection approach from an ASD application and can be used for guidance in the se-
lection of adequate protection for motors used with ac drives. It should be noted that drives can have different
topologies and components, therefore the selection of adequate protection needs to be based on the specific
application and technologies used. Refer to IEEE Std 1566 for the performance of ASDs rated 375 kW and
larger [B31].
The two MV ASD systems in common use are the induction motor drive and the synchronous motor drive.
Both systems may include an input-isolation transformer, source-side converter, dc link reactor (and/or ca-
pacitors), load side inverter, and motor. The synchronous motor drive also includes an excitation system. The
converters employ power electronic devices (such as thyristors) to control voltage and/or current. Other drive
technologies would require similar protection considerations. These include pulse width modulated, voltage
source inverter (VSI), and current source inverter (CSI) systems.
The drive system protection can be divided into the following three zones of protection as shown in Figure 48:
a) Zone 1: input zone (input transformers are included for some systems)
b) Zone 2: power electronics
c) Zone 3: motor
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The protection elements included within the ASD controls vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. As shown
in Figure 48, the protection can be broken down into three major categories, line side protection (Zone 1),
system level protection (Zone 2), and load side protection (Zone 3). The following is the protection most com-
monly included in ASDs:
Typically, ASDs offer a current limiter and torque limiter function. These functions can be programmed in or-
der to keep the current and/or the torque at a maximum allowed limit. If the current or torque demand from the
process or speed controller exceeds the current/torque limit, the actual speed is limited and the current/torque
is kept below the limits. This function can be used to limit the current to the motor.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The feeder breaker supplying the ASD typically is equipped with overload and short-circuit protection for
the input transformer and/or the drive electronics as shown in Figure 49. Typically, a phase time overcurrent
element (51) is applied for overload protection and an instantaneous overcurrent element (50) short-circuit
protection. A 51 element that operates on the fundamental frequency (i.e., not total rms) may be set with a low-
er pickup, as it will not respond to the harmonic components of the load current. If there is an isolation trans-
former, the 50 element is typically set at 140% of the transformer secondary through-fault current and above
the transformer inrush current. In cases where the drive employs an active front-end the 50 element can be set
lower as the drive normally limits the starting current to less than two times rated. Occasionally, a differential
relay has been applied to the primary feeder to provide high speed tripping for faults up to the transformer
high-side winding.
Differential protection for large isolation transformers can be considered, but may not be practical. For in-
stance, in large ASD applications, the ASD isolation transformer typically has multiple secondary windings.
In those cases, it is not practical to have conventional differential protection. The feeder overcurrent relay can
then be relied upon to provide high speed protection for the isolation transformer primary windings. Relays
which do not respond to dc offset currents should be selected to allow for the instantaneous element (50) to be
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
set as sensitive as possible. The feeder overcurrent (51) can provide conventional time-delayed protection. For
multiple secondary winding configurations, the feeder overcurrent relay (51) may not provide protection for
secondary winding faults. Differential protection (87T) may be needed for these applications. In some cases,
the ASD integral protection includes a power differential that compares the transformer input and drive output
Where isolation transformers are used which have not been specifically designed for harmonic loading,
IEEE Std C57.110™, “Recommended Practice for Establishing Transformer Capability when Supplying
Non-sinusoidal Load Currents” [B33] may be used to apply transformer de-rating factors for each harmonic.
Devices exist that will provide thermal protection based on this guide.
There may be additional protection applied for faults on the secondary side of the isolation transformer. This
may include a zero sequence voltage detection circuit if the transformer secondary is ungrounded or a residual
or neutral overcurrent for a grounded wye secondary connection. Some ASD manufacturers employ fuses for
transformer through-fault protection.
Figure 49—Zone 1 protection with a transformer and ground fault protection; and without a
The firing of the thyristors is controlled by the ASD digital control system. The control system uses the input
ac source voltage to determined proper firing angles and magnitudes. The control system is, therefore, sensi-
tive to irregularities in the input voltage source. The control system monitors the ASD input and output volt-
ages typically via voltage transformers and attenuating resistors. The control system includes minimum and
maximum line voltage settings that actuate alarms and/or trips. In addition, under- and overvoltages are also
monitored. Typical alarm settings would be 90% and 110%, respectively. Trip settings will vary depending
on the manufacturer; however, a typical undervoltage trip setting would be in the range of 70% for 30 s, and a
typical overvoltage setting would be in the range of 130% for a few cycles. Some manufacturers recommend
more conservative settings in the range of 80% for 30 s and 120% for a few cycles, respectively. Some drives
may also include dc link reactor overvoltage protection.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The dc link reactor between the input and output converters is subject to overtemperature during abnormal op-
eration or inadequate cooling. Multiple temperature switches are typically provided to monitor reactor ambi-
ent temperatures. Alarm and trip settings are based on the reactor insulation rating. Some ASD systems include
dc overvoltage detection. For example, an overvoltage detection results in the suppression of gate pulses to
reduce dc link voltage. The control system monitors dc link voltage via a resistive divider. The exact setting of
the dc overvoltage detection should be determined by the ASD system manufacturer.
Short-circuit protection is typically provided by fuses installed ahead of the thyristors. Opened fuse detec-
tion is provided by the ASD control system. Upstream protective relays should be coordinated with fuse
Overcurrent protection is provided for the converter electronics and interconnected bus or wiring. Current lev-
els are limited to acceptable levels by control action and the ASD is tripped if current is above these levels for a
preselected time. During speed changes, allowable current levels are determined by the “current limit setting.”
During normal operation, current levels are typically limited to rated current. If currents remain above these
levels for a predetermined time, the ASD is tripped.
Large ASD systems depend heavily on the ASD cooling system. Failure of the cooling system can cause over-
heating of the input and output converter thyristors in a few seconds. ASD can be air cooled or liquid cooled.
In either case, temperature switches should be provided to monitor temperatures in the converter sections. In
air-cooled designs, air-flow switches are usually provided to monitor cooling fan operation. Overtemperature
indication or loss of cooling air flow typically would cause an ASD to trip.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems General
The motor should be provided with the same protection as constant speed motors of the same size. Figure 51
shows the protection functions which may be applied on the motor. In addition, because the motor may be
particularly subject to abnormal voltage and frequency levels, motor protection should include overfrequency
and overvoltage, or overexcitation (V/Hz). Separate V/Hz protection in addition to overvoltage and overfre-
quency is typically not required, because a failure of the V/Hz regulator would result in an overvoltage or
overfrequency condition. The protection is typically provided by the drive control system but could be provid-
ed by discrete or multifunction relays. Motors that are “inverter duty rated” should be considered.
On critical motor installations, the use of a mechanical vibration detector is recommended. Machine harmonic
currents from the drive output can lead to a net increase in repetitive motor vibrations and torque pulsations.
Figure 51—Zone 3 induction and synchronous motor protection with and without differential
ASD manufacturers typically integrate most of the required Zone 3 protection within the ASD internal elec-
tronics. Supplemental motor protection relays (e.g., separate relays), such as overcurrent protection and
self-balancing differential protection (for large motors), may be considered. However, if applied, the off-fre-
quency characteristics of the individual components comprising the supplemental relays should be carefully
scrutinized to reduce false-tripping of Devices 51 or 87M. In particular, attention should be given to the low
frequency saturation point of current transformers and the low frequency response characteristics of protective
relays placed downstream of the ASD. A case study by Torres, et al. [B63] shows an ASD application where a
phase reversal function (Device 47) on the output side of the ASD was counterproductive. Because of issues
surrounding some protection functions, many ASD manufacturers do not recommend supplemental relays and
warn of inadvertent tripping when they are used. In Torres, et al. [B63], a comparison of four vendors LV and
MV ASDs is given in a table showing the Zone 2 protection features that may also protect the motor.
If supplemental relays are used with the ASD system, the items described in through should be
In conventional motor protection, overcurrent curves are set to protect a motor based on its thermal limit
curves. Time overcurrent curves are typically set below and to the left of these motor limit curves and above
the acceleration curve to allow the motor to successfully accelerate.
Modern microprocessor based motor protection relays have thermal models which approximate the heating
effects that various system conditions have on the stator and rotor. However, these thermal models rely on mo-
tor thermal damage curve limits which are typically reported by motor manufacturers at only nominal frequen-
cy 60 Hz. Unless the motor limits are known over the operating frequency range of the ASD, it may be difficult
to fully utilize the thermal model available in many modern motor protective relays.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
If the thermal model cannot be used, it may be more practical to use simple overcurrent relaying to provide
motor overload protection. Either way, in this application, select a pickup based on motor FLC (corresponding
to maximum operating frequency which will be close to nominal frequency). This will then provide overload
current protection when the motor is operating at or near the maximum operating frequency but will provide
reduced protection at lower frequencies.
If motor thermal limits are available at various frequencies, an alternative approach might be to implement
adaptive characteristics which would provide full overload protection at all settings where different over-
current curves are selected based on motor frequencies. Each overload curve would be applied to a band of
frequencies and would be set to match the thermal limits of the motor at the upper range of the frequency band.
Single-phase operation will result in a significant increase in input rms currents, additional heating in the dc
bus capacitors, and higher harmonic currents in the power distribution system. Most controls are equipped
with single-phase protection to either reduce the load on the equipment or shut off the unit. Consult the manu-
facturer for proper guidelines and ratings.
For Zone 1, the drive side of the isolation transformer typically has multiple secondary windings that are un-
grounded, thus dedicated ground fault protection may not be practical. For Zone 2, the ASD provides internal
ground fault protection. For Zone 3, during load side ground fault conditions, the ASD provides ground fault
protection. A supplemental ground fault protection relay is typically not required unless the motor can also be
started or operated across-the-line (bypassing the ASD).
Care should be taken to select CTs that will not saturate over the expected operating frequency range of the
ASD. The CT performance at low frequency/high harmonic content should be evaluated.
At reduced frequencies the CT capability is correspondingly reduced, e.g., at 10% frequency the CT capability
is about 10%. However, the ASD load side fault current is relatively small (because of isolation from the ac
system). Therefore the CT only has to be designed for motor contribution currents (relatively small currents).
The relay performance should be considered over the operating frequency range and harmonic current ex-
hibited on the output of the ASD. The use of a higher ratio CT and a lower nominal current relay (1 A CT and
1 A relay) would be an option to enhance overall CT/relay performance. The settings would be appropriately
adjusted for those conditions.
The most common motor differential is self-balancing and requires one CT per phase located at the motor as
illustrated in For conventional phase differential, one set of CTs is located on the load side of the ASD
and the other set of CTs is located on the neutral side of the motor. Ideally, the CTs are a matched set with the
same ratio and characteristics; otherwise, any differences in ratio or characteristics must be compensated for
during both starting and running. There is a limitation on detecting differential current at lower frequencies
due to the inherent characteristics of current transformers (Torres, et al. [B63]).
When MV motors are switched with circuit breakers, switching may not occur at a natural current-zero point.
If it occurs at natural current-zero, no harm occurs to the motor’s windings. However, if current is interrupted
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Motors can be protected through use of a snubber. A snubber consists of a capacitor in series with a non-induc-
tive resistor placed across the motor’s terminals. The components can be purchased separately and assembled.
Commercially available packages are also available. Some commercially available, packaged units also con-
tain a zinc-oxide varistor placed in parallel with the resistor; the parallel combination is then placed in series
with the capacitor. Note that a surge-capacitor alone will not fulfill this requirement.
Snubbers are connected from each motor lead to ground. For best protection, snubbers should be connected as
close to the motor as possible. Because room is not normally available in the motor’s junction box, snubbers
are often mounted in a separate enclosure which is then mounted adjacent to the motor. The cable connecting
the snubber assembly to the motor should be the same as the cable used to connect the motor to the circuit
breaker. The manufacturers of the motor and ASD should be consulted for the recommended connections to
When planning an installation employing MV motors switched by circuit breakers or other devices, a study
should be considered. The snubber study will yield the need for a snubber, if any, as well as values for the re-
sistance and the capacitance required. Not all installations require snubbers. The closer a breaker is located to
a motor, the more likely will be the need for a snubber.
When motors are applied to ASDs, certain operating characteristics of the motor are modified. The operating
frequency affects how the motor behaves during operation—both starting and running—as well as during
abnormal operation and fault conditions. The areas that will be discussed are pertinent to the protection of the
motor and drive system. The following characteristics are pertinent to the protection of the motor:
2) ASD without input transformer. There is no galvanic isolation between the ASD and the network
in this configuration. A ground fault on the ASD system may trigger the ground fault protection
on the feeder bus. It is recommended to check the ground fault protection scheme of the ASD
with the manufacturer to confirm selectivity of the ground fault protection scheme (ASD ground
fault protection should trip faster than the feeder bus ground fault protection).
b) Motor fault contributions: When a drive is applied to a motor it provides a current-limiting feature
such that it will limit the contribution to the system short-circuit level. In some cases, the contribu-
tion to short-circuit can be eliminated by switching the power electronics in the drive such that any
short-circuit current contribution from the motor will not flow back to the point of fault in the system.
This is a significant benefit with regard to a large motor with a long short-circuit time constant when
considering limits on the system breakers for fault duties.
c) Soft starting: ASDs limit and control motor starting current by the appropriate firing of the power elec-
tronics. This capability is known as soft starting.
d) Reduced frequency operation effects: The frequency of the source to the motor dictates the operating
speed. At lower speed operation the motor is not cooled as efficiently as it is at rated speed. Therefore,
this should be taken into consideration with regard to motor thermal overload protection. For constant
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
torque applications, auxiliary motor cooling may be required. Actual motor full load current (FLC) is a
function of the frequency, as lower FLC is drawn at lower frequency. The actual FLC should be used in
the overload protection. This is particularly important for a sustained motor operation at off-nominal
frequency. Note that motor manufacturers typically state rated FLC at nominal frequency. In addition,
it is important that the protective device accurately measures motor current at off-nominal frequencies
(by frequency tracking or other means) to provide effective overload protection at all frequencies.
e) Harmonics: Harmonics in the load side current will cause additional heating in the motors and other
connected elements (e.g., conductors). This additional harmonic heating needs to be considered when
sizing and protecting the equipment. Near rated load, a typical value to accommodate the additional
heating can be a 15% increase above the fundamental heating effects or more; however with sine
wave filters heating effects may be close to the fundamental heating effects. Refer to NEMA MG-1-
2011 for further details or derating factors. Auxiliary cooling may be considered for constant torque
f) Flux levels: State-of-the-art control algorithms used in ASDs keep the motor flux constant over the
entire speed/frequency range. This results in a V/Hz excitation curve for an induction motor shown
in Figure 52. The voltage is proportional to the frequency (V/Hz = constant) in the upper frequency
range. In the lower frequency range, the voltage is not proportional to the frequency. An extra voltage
boost is applied to compensate for the voltage drop over the stator resistance of the motor. This charac-
teristic should be considered in sizing CTs and VTs.
g) Voltage and dielectric stresses: Overvoltage protection should be considered for drives applied on
long cable runs, where cable capacitance along with fairly high semiconductor switching frequencies
can result in sustained overvoltages. Resonance or transient overvoltages caused by switching should
be mitigated by other means (e.g., dV/dt filters, etc.).
For some ASD applications, the same ASD can be used to start and/or operate multiple motors. The manufac-
turers of the drive and the motors should provide information for these applications.
The protection for an individual motor is typically online for the motor whether it is connected to the main bus
or the ASD starter bus. Reference Figure 53.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
In some applications, ASDs have been found to produce currents in bearings of motors they control.
According to IEEE Std 1349-2011, “Shaft voltages occur on all motors whether fed by sine wave power (fixed
speed) or by ASD power. Shaft voltages increase for motors on inverter duty due to the common-mode voltage
(CMV) imposed by the ASD at the motor terminals. CMV is produced to some extent by all drive topologies
since, at any given instant, only two of three phases are conducting as compared to sine wave power where all
three phases remain connected to the source. The manner and degree to which this CMV is expressed at the
motor terminals is dependent on the specific ASD topology. The resultant magnitude and frequencies of the
CMV that may appear at the motor shaft through capacitive coupling will depend on a number of system de-
sign factors including ASD carrier frequency, motor geometry, cable type and drive train coupling. The max-
imum CMV associated with a particular ASD type should be obtained from the ASD manufacturer. Knowing
the CMV, the resulting shaft voltage can be calculated from the related motor capacitances. Typically, the shaft
voltage will be on the order of 1/10 of the CMV appearing at the motor terminals (Paes, et al. [B49]).” Refer
to IEEE Std 1349-2011 for a discussion of sparking across bearing lubrication and G.3 in IEEE Std 1349-2011
for CMV calculations for ASD applications showing the amount of energy discharge across the oil film.
In IEEE Std 1349-2011, “The shaft voltage can cause bearing damage because of electrical discharge across
the bearings, known as electrical fluting of the bearings. This phenomenon has been considered to be a possi-
ble ignition source. To date, measurements of actual voltage and calculations of available energy indicate that
this issue should be considered for large motors over 3750 kW (5000 hp), voltages in excess of 6.0 kV, and in
conjunction with those instances where the available gas or vapor has a very low minimum ignition energy
(MIE) such as hydrogen or acetylene. For example, on a 6500 hp, 6.6 kV, 2-pole motor, measured voltages and
calculated capacitances gave a maximum stored energy of 0.2 micro joules, versus an MIE of 280 micro joules
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
for methane, 18 micro joules for hydrogen, and 17 micro joules for acetylene. Refer to [G.3 in IEEE Std 1349-
2011] for example capacitive energy calculations.”
In general, the following practices can reduce the detrimental effects of shaft voltages and bearing currents:
— Run the ASD at the lowest carrier frequency that satisfies any audible noise and temperature
— Insulate both bearings and use dedicated ground path such as a shaft grounding brush on the drive end.
Current does not go through the bearing, but is instead conducted directly to ground through the brush.
These brushes are specifically selected to tolerate misalignment and maintain rotating contact through-
out the brush’s life when properly maintained. Insulation for bearings must provide a high impedance
to high frequency signals in order to be effective against common-mode voltage–induced bearing cur-
rents. See API 541.
Other non-insulated bearings connected to the shaft with a conductive coupling may be damaged by bearing
— Use non-conductive couplings for loads or devices which may be damaged by bearings currents.
— Verify that the control and motor are grounded per the manufacturer’s instruction.
— Use a filter that reduces common-mode voltage.
The purpose of dc motor protection is to reduce motor failure by protecting it from conditions that might dam-
age the windings, whether electrically or mechanically. Winding damage can result from any of the following:
— Contamination
— Excessive moisture
— High dielectric stress
— High temperature
While each of these conditions can cause winding damage, the most common failure is thermal degradation
(overheating) of the insulation. Insulation life is halved for each 10 °C increase in winding temperature. To
avoid thermal degradation of the insulation, there are numerous methods that can be used to monitor potential
fault conditions. These devices may be used to alert personnel, and/or to de-energize the motor when these
conditions occur.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
— Motor
— Load
— Environment
— Power source
— Application
Motor failure conditions are internal to the motor. These include, but are not limited to, burned insulation, bad
bearings, field loss, and those related to the external blower (e.g., blower not operating, operating in the incor-
rect direction of rotation, or covers not secured). In addition, the same wiring failure conditions that can affect
an ac motor can also cause failure of dc motors.
Load failure conditions may either be due to prolonged overloading, or sudden, rapid faults caused when some
(usually mechanical) part of the driven load undergoes a mechanical failure. This most often takes the form of
jammed parts due to wear, material being processed that is outside the normal condition required for process-
ing, or worn parts. In an extruder or pump application, fluid or material that is cold or highly viscous may cause
an overload. Another potential overload example is external equipment, such as a non-functioning heating
element meant to warm the pumped fluid to a workable viscosity.
Environmental conditions include high ambient temperature, debris buildup on the exterior (or interior) of the
motor, a wet environment, or blocked ventilation. These conditions can cause corrosions of the commutator,
inhibiting commutation; reduce the insulation resistance value below specified levels, increase the operating
temperature, or otherwise shorten the motor life. It should be recognized that bearing lubricant is often the
thermal “weak link” of the motor. Increased operating temperature can shorten the life of bearing lubricant.
Application related failures may result from operating conditions such as rapid cycling or reversing applica-
tions, overspeed operation, or loss of fields (resulting in near-instantaneous overspeed).
Thermal overload relays alert the operator of sudden or gradual increases in temperature, which may be caused
by blower malfunction as well as overload conditions. These devices may be internal or external. Internal ther-
mal overloads are thermostats (bimetallic elements), embedded in or attached to the motor windings. They are
normally affixed to the interpoles, as the interpoles are stationary and subject to the same current as the arma-
ture (i.e., load-dependent). These thermostats will open (or close, depending on the designation) at a specific
temperature. Thermostats are available in an assortment of temperature-operating points and can be selected
to suit the application and insulation class of the motor. They can be affixed to the fields to sense restricted
ventilation, ac ripple in the field supply, or overcurrent operation of the fields. The thermostat is normally
connected to the control circuitry to de-energize the motor and alert the operator (e.g., sound an alarm, or turn
on a warning light). For some applications additional thermostats are installed at lower settings to alarm only.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
External thermal overload protection may be heaters connected in series with the armature circuit; they are
normally installed directly on the motor contactor. Some of these are single-use (e.g., fuses), while others are
resettable. Electronic or magnetic overload protection can also be used. These overloads can be current sen-
sors that sense actual motor current and operate when the current reaches a predetermined level, which then
trips a relay to disconnect the motor.
Fuses and circuit breakers are short-circuit protection devices and in some cases can be sized to provide over-
load protection. The protection, as shown in Figure 54, generally includes the rectifier, power conductors,
motor, and the field. Device 52 protects the power circuit and Device 72 protects the field circuit.
Ground fault relays are another type of overcurrent protection detecting a short-circuit between the motor
windings and ground. For dc motors, a ground fault is possible in the fields, the armature, or interpoles, as well
as the brush rigging and wiring to the motor. DC motors have been known to operate at extremely low insula-
tion resistance values, but doing so is not recommended.
For dc motors, the loss-of-field flux during operation can cause nearly instantaneous acceleration into a dan-
gerous overspeed condition. Within a fraction of a second, the armature and commutator can disintegrate due
to very high speeds. The loss-of-field relay, Device 40, is connected in the field circuit and monitors the field
current. If the field current is reduced below a preset limit, the Device 40 opens the magnetic contactor of the
armature circuit, de-energizing the motor to prevent a runaway speed condition.
When a dc motor stalls, either during acceleration or normal operation, the current-carrying brushes remain in
contact with only a few commutator bars. The damage, in this case, is directly to the commutator. The dc motor
can be protected from this stall condition by an overcurrent relay set for permissible I2t times and currents.
With large dc motors, another solution is to integrate a zero speed switch into the motor. This switch is often
mechanical, with counterweights opposing a spring device. If the zero speed switch does not open, the power
supply is de-energized. The switch will also operate when the motor speed decelerates below the preset speed,
which may make it less desirable for applications where very low speeds are sometimes required.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
— Mechanical
— Electrical
— Auxiliary contact
Mechanical interlocks prevent two motor contactors (e.g., forward and reverse) from closing simultaneously.
Electrical interlocks incorporate a pushbutton control or auxiliary contact to electrically prevent one contactor
from closing while the other contactor is energized. The electrical contactors are either normally closed (NC)
or normally open (NO). In a reversing circuit, an NC auxiliary contact is wired in series with the opposing
motor contactor coil, and vice versa. Neither contactor can close when the other is energized, thus preventing a
direct short-circuit between the two devices.
For hazardous (Classified) locations, additional caution should be used when selecting and setting motor
protection. Refer to the NEC.
Class I, Division 1, Class I, Zone 1, Class I, Zone 0, and Class III locations are beyond the scope of this
11.2 Motor protection for Class I, Division 2, and Class I, Zone 2 areas
The motor should be selected to avoid overload conditions. The overload protection requirements are in the
NEC, Sections 430.32 (Continuous-Duty Motors), 430.124 (Adjustable Speed Drive overload protection) and
430.225(B) (motors over 600 V nominal). In some locations, similar requirements with some variations may
be stipulated by the authority having jurisdiction over the installation. Refer to Padden and Pillai for informa-
tion on overload types and selection [B48]. Overload conditions affect the typical operating rotor temperatures
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
shown in IEEE Std 1349-2011. See IEEE Std 1349-2011 for operating temperatures at 1.15 service factor (SF)
in TEFC motors.
Sound engineering judgment should be used for setting overload devices considering the motor rating, load,
AIT, and operation (NFPA 497-2008 [B47]). For sine wave applications, overload device settings should be
115% or less of motor nameplate rated current for 1.0 SF and 1.15 SF motors. For ASD applications, current
setting should be 100% of motor nameplate rated current and overload device settings should be 115% or less
of motor nameplate rated current (see IEEE Std 1349-2011).
Auxiliary devices located in Class I, Division 2 or Zone 2 must meet the area classification requirements (Grif-
fith, et al. [B16], IEEE Std 303-2004 [B26]).
There are no additional short-circuit, ground fault, or overload protection requirements given in the National
Electrical Code for motors in Class II areas beyond those for motors in ordinary areas. However, motors rated
for use in Class II areas need to be operated below the ignition temperatures of the hazardous materials in-
volved. Therefore, care should be taken in selecting the motor starting and control equipment and especially
the motor itself when applying motors in Class II areas.
Motors in Class II, Division 1 areas are required to be identified or listed for the location and have a maximum
external temperature that is less than the ignition temperature of the specific dust to be encountered. The NEC,
500.8(D)(2), states for motors the abnormal temperature should not exceed 200 °C for Groups E and F and
165 °C for Group G. UL 674 further states that this marking include overload, locked rotor, and single-phasing
operation. Consider the following:
a) Internal thermal protection is often needed to comply with the temperature limitations and these tem-
perature controls will need to be wired back to the motor controller in addition to the power wiring.
When the thermal protection operates, the motor must stop and cannot be allowed to restart until the
thermal protection resets.
b) When dry Group F (e.g., coal) and Group G (e.g., grains and flours) dusts cake on motors and dry out,
the ignition temperature can be lowered below the normal ignition temperature of the dust in air.
c) Unless specifically listed by the motor manufacturer, the motor frequency is assumed to be sinusoidal.
Use of a solid-state starter (soft start) or an adjustable speed drive can affect the operating temperature
of a motor.
A consideration in Class II, Division 2 areas is whether to use general-purpose totally enclosed three-phase
induction motors as allowed by Article 502 of the NEC. Consider the following:
NEMA MG 2-2014 recommends that manufacturers be consulted for a number of unusual operating condi-
tions, including the presence of combustible dusts [B43]. Consult with the particular motor supplier being
used for the maximum operating temperature of the motor and for the sizes of openings in the motor housing,
among other features, to determine if a general-purpose totally enclosed motor is suitable for use in a particu-
lar application.
For above NEMA Frame and MV motors in Class II, Division 2 areas, users should work closely with the man-
ufacturer to select appropriate enclosures and cooling method for the specific dusts to be encountered.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Annex A
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be un-
derstood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use only.
[B1] Al-Ali, S., and R. Dabbousi, “Rotor Hot Spot Detection and Resolution in Large Oil and Gas Industry
Motors,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, Chicago, Paper No. 2013–38, Sep. 2013,
[B2] ANSI/EASA AR100–2015, Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus.13
[B3] ANSI/NEMA Std C50.41–2012, Polyphase Induction Motors for Power Generating Stations.
[B4] API Std 614, Lubrication, Shaft-sealing and Oil-control Systems and Auxiliaries, 5th Edition (ISO
10438:2008, Modified), Includes Errata (2008).14
[B5] ASTM E230/E230M–12, Standard Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for
Standardized Thermocouples, 2012.15
[B7] Beckwith, T. R. and M. V. V. S. Yalla, “Motor Bus Transfer System Performance Testing and the Search
for a New Transfer Success Criterion,” 2015 Georgia Tech Protective Relaying Conference, Apr. 2015,
[B8] Bradfield, H. L. and D. W. Heath, “Short-Circuit Protection of Energy-Efficient Motors,” IEEE Indus-
try Applications Magazine, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 41–44, January/February 1997. Available at:
[B9] British Standards Institution, BS EN: 60034–27. London: Off-Line Partial Discharge Measurements on
the Stator Winding Insulation of Rotating Electrical Machines, 2011.
[B10] CIGRE Task Force, 15.11/33.03.02, Knowledge Rules for Partial Discharge Diagnosis in Service, Apr.
[B11] Costello, M., “Shaft Voltages and Rotating Machinery,” PCIC Conference Record, pp. 71–78, 1991.
[B12] Dudor, J. S., and L. K. Padden, “Protective Relaying on Medium and High Voltage Systems,” IEEE IAS
Magazine, Feb./Mar. 1996,
[B13] Gregory, G. D., “Single-Pole Short-Circuit Interruption of Molded-Case Circuit Breakers,” IEEE
I&CPS Conference Record, Section 5, Paper 1, pp. 1–8, May 1999,
ANSI publications are available from the American National Standards Institute (
API publications are available from the American Petroleum Institute (
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials (
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
[B14] Gregory, G. D. and L. K. Padden, “Application Guidelines for Instantaneous Trip Circuit Breakers in
Combination Starters,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 697–704, July/August
[B15] Gregory, G. D., and L. K. Padden, “Testing and Applying Instantaneous Trip Circuit Breakers in Combi-
nation Motor Starters,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, Indianapolis, IN, pp. 41–49, Sep. 1998.
[B16] Griffith, T., G. D’Alleva, B. Lockley, and B. Wood, “Division 2/Zone 2 Auxiliary Devices—Under-
standing Global Hazardous Location Requirements,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, Denver, CO, Paper No.
2005–1, Sep. 2005.
[B17] Gritli, Y., A. O. Di Tommaso, R. Miceli, F. Filippetti, and C. Rossi, “Vibration Signature Analysis for
Rotor Broken Bar Diagnosis in Double Cage Induction Motor Drives,” 2013 Fourth International Conference
on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, pp. 1814, 1820, 13–17 May 2013. doi: 10.1109/Pow-
[B18] Haq, S., B. Mistry, and R. Omranipour, “How Safe Is the Insulation of Rotating Machines Operating in
Gas Groups B, C & D?” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2011.
[B19] Hickok, H. N., “Adjustable Speed—A Tool for Saving Energy Losses in Pumps, Fans, Blowers, and
Compressors,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. IA-21, no. 1, p. •••, January/February 1985,
[B20] IEC 60255-149:2013 Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment—Part 149: Functional Require-
ments for Thermal Electrical Relays.17
[B21] IEC 60751-2008, Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers and Temperature Sensors.
[B22] IEC 60947-4-1-2012, Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear, Part 4–1: Contactors and Motor-Start-
ers, Electromechanical Contactors and Motor-Starters.
[B23] IEC 61850, Communications Networks in Substations, Part 7–4 and Part 8–1.
[B24] IEEE Std 142™-2007 (IEEE Green Book™), IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems.18
[B25] IEEE Std 286™-2000, Recommended Practice for Measurement of Power Factor Tip-Up of Electric
Machinery Stator Coil Insulation.
[B26] IEEE 303™-2004 (Reaff 2011), IEEE Recommended Practice for Auxiliary Devices for Rotating Elec-
trical Machines in Class I, Division 2 and Zone 2 Locations.
[B27] IEEE Std 399™ (IEEE Brown Book™), IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial
Power Systems Analysis, 1997.
[B28] IEEE 1068™-2015, IEEE Standard for the Repair and Rewinding of AC Electric Motors in the Petro-
leum, Chemical, and Process Industries.
[B29] IEEE Std 1434™-2014, IEEE Guide for the Measurement of Partial Discharges in AC Electric Rotating
IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical Commission, Case Postale 131, 3, rue
de Varembé, CH-1211, Genève 20, Switzerland/Suisse ( IEC publications are also available in the United States
from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
[B30] IEEE Std 1547™-2003, IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power
[B31] IEEE Std 1566™-2015, IEEE Standard for Performance of Adjustable-Speed AC Drives Rated 375 kW
and Larger.
[B32] IEEE Std C37.119™-2005, IEEE Guide for Breaker Failure Protection of Power Circuit Breakers.
[B33] IEEE Std C57.110™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Establishing Transformer Capability when
Supplying Non-sinusoidal Load Currents.
[B34] IEEE Power System Relaying Committee (PSRC) Report, “Motor Bus Transfer Applications Issues and
Considerations,” 2012.
[B35] LeDoux, K., P. Visser, D. Hulin, and H. Nguyen, “Starting Large Synchronous Motors in Weak Power
Systems,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, Paper No. 2013–14, Chicago, 2013,
[B36] Love, D. J., “Ground Fault Protection of Electric Utility Generating Station Medium-Voltage Auxil-
iary Power System,” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-97, no. 2, pp. 583–586,
March/April 1978,
[B37] Love, D. J., and N. Hashemi, “Considerations for Ground Fault Protection, Medium-Voltage Industrial
and Co-Generating Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. IA-24, July/Aug. 1988, pp.
[B38] Mackinlay, R. and C. Walton, “Diagnostics for MV Cables and Switchgear as a Tool for Effective Asset
Management,” Proceedings CIRED, June 2001.
[B39] Murfield, N., E. Zettervall, and B. Lockley, “Design, Testing, and Simulation of Main Terminal Box
and Rupture Panels for an Electric Motor,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 52, no. 5, p. •••,
September/October 2016,
[B40] Nailen, R. L., Managing Motors. Chicago: Barks Publications, 1991, pp. 4–61 and 4–62.
[B41] Nailen, R. L., “Motor Inrush Current: What Does It Really Mean?” Electrical Apparatus Magazine, pp.
56–60, June 1986.
[B42] NEMA, “Application Guide for AC Adjustable Speed Drive Systems,” 2007.
[B43] NEMA MG 2-2014, Safety Standard and Guide for Selection, Installation, and Use of Electric Motors
and Generators.
[B44] NEMA MG 10-2013, Energy Management Guide for Selection and Use of Fixed Frequency Medium
AC Squirrel-Cage Polyphase Induction Motors.
[B46] NFPA 496-2008, Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment.
[B47] NFPA 497-2008, Recommended Practice for the Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, or Vapors
and of Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
[B48] Padden, L. K. and P. Pillai, “Simplifying Motor Coordination Studies,” IEEE Industry Applications
Magazine, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 38–52, March/April 1999,
[B49] Paes, R., T. Driscoll, B. Lockley, M. Melfi, S. Rizzo, and V. Rowe, “Application Considerations for
Class I, Div 2 Inverter-Fed Motors,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, San Francisco, pp. 289–296, Sep. 2004,
[B50] Prabhakara, F. S., R. L. Smith Jr., and R. P. Stratford, Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Hand-
book. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1995, pp. 8–46.
[B51] Ransom, D. L. and R. Hamilton, “Extending Motor Life with Updated Thermal Model Overload Pro-
tection,” 64th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, pp. 230, 238, 11–14 Apr. 2011, http://dx.doi
[B52] Renforth, L. A., P. S. Hamer, D. Clark, S. Goodfellow, and R. Armstrong, “A New Technique for the
Remote Partial Discharge Monitoring of the Stator Insulation of High-Voltage Motors Located in ‘Ex’ (Haz-
ardous Gas) Locations,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, New Orleans, Paper No. 2012–067, Sep. 2012.
[B53] Renforth, L. A., P. S. Hamer, D. Clark, S. Goodfellow, and R. Tower, “Continuous, Remote On-Line
Partial Discharge (OLPD) Monitoring of HV EX/ATEX Motors in the Oil & Gas Industry,” IEEE PCIC Con-
ference Record, Chicago, Paper No. 2013–9, Sep. 2013,
[B54] Savostianik, M., M. Noonan, R. George, and M. Vangool, “Considerations for Ground-Fault Protection
for Low-Voltage Variable Frequency Drive Circuits Supplied by High Resistance-Grounded Power-Distribu-
tion Systems,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, Chicago, Paper No. 2013–13, Sep. 2013,
[B55] Schweitzer, E. O. III and S. E. Zocholl, “Aspects of Overcurrent Protection for Feeders and Motors,”
IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, 1994. Conference Record, Papers
Presented at the 1994 Annual Meeting, pp. 245, 251, 1–5 May 1994,
[B56] Seltzer-Grant, M., D. Denissov, R. Mackinlay, F. Petzold, L. Renforth, and H. Schlapp, “On-Line Con-
tinuous Monitoring for In Service Distribution Class Cables and Switchgears,” Proceedings of the 21st Inter-
national Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Frankfurt, Germany, 6–9 June 2011.
[B57] Skibinski, G. L., B. M. Wood, J. J. Nichols, and L. A. Barrios, “Effect of Adjustable Speed Drives on the
Operation of Low Voltage Ground Fault Indicators,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, San Diego, CA, Paper
No. 99–04, Sep. 1999,
[B58] Smith III, A. J., “Short Circuit Ratings, Labels and Fault Withstandability of Molded-Case and Insulat-
ed-Case Circuit Breakers and Combination Motor Starters,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, Toronto, Cana-
da, pp. 9–18, Sep. 1991,
[B59] Stone, G. C. and J. Kapler, “Stator Winding Monitoring,” IEEE Cement Industry Conference, 1997.
[B60] Stone, G. C. and V. Warren, “Objective Methods to Interpret Partial Discharge Data on Rotating-Ma-
chine Stator Windings,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 42, no. 1, p. •••, January 2006,
[B61] Stranges, M., D. Dunn, and G. Stone, “Recent Developments in IEEE and IEC Standards for Off-Line
and On-Line Partial Discharge Testing of Motor and Generator Stator Windings,” IEEE PCIC Conference
Record, San Francisco, Paper No. 2014–9, Sep. 2014.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
[B62] Teotrakool, K., M. J. Devaney, and L. Eren, “Adjustable Speed Drive Bearing Fault Detection via
Wavelet Packet Decomposition,” 2006 Proceedings of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technolo-
gy Conference, pp. 22, 25, 24–27 Apr. 2006. doi:
[B63] Torres, R., A. Hagphanah, T. Bower, R. Delay, and R. Paes, “Adjustable Speed Drives and Motor Pro-
tection,” IEEE PCIC Conference Record, San Francisco, Paper 2014–14, Sep. 2014,
[B64] UL 489, Standard for Molded Case Circuit Breaker and Circuit Breaker Enclosure.19
[B65] Warren, V., G. C. Stone, and M. Fenger, “Advancements in Partial Discharge Analysis to Diagnose Sta-
tor Winding Problems,” IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Anaheim, CA, April 2000,
[B66] Wen Shu, E., and S. Boggs, “Dispersion and PD Detection in Shielded Power Cable,” Dielectrics and
Electrical Insulation Society, vol. 24, no. 1, Jan. 2008.
[B67] Yalla, M. V. V. S., “Design of a High-Speed Motor Bus Transfer System,” IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 612–619, March/April 2010,
[B68] Yalla, M. V. V. S. and T. R. Beckwith, “A New Torque-Based Motor Bus Transfer Success Criterion,”
presented at the PAC World Americas Conference, Raleigh, NC, Sep. 2015.
[B69] Yuen, M. H., J. D. Rittenhouse, and F. K. Fox, “Large Wound-Rotor Motor with Liquid Rheostat for
Refinery Compressor Drive,” IEEE Transactions on Industry and General Applications, vol. IGA-1, pp. 140–
149, March/April 1965,
[B70] Zhao, T., C. Mouton, and L. Sevov, “Accurate Performance of Residual Voltage Transfer Schemes,”
IEEE PCIC Conference Record, San Francisco, Paper 2014–33, Sep. 2014,
UL publications are available from Underwriters Laboratories (
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Annex B
Table B.1—Relationship between IEEE Std C37.2 device function numbers, NEMA
designations, and IEC 61850-7-4 logical nodes
IEEE device NEMA Modeled in
Protective function
function number designation IEC 61850-7-4
Time-delay relay 2 TR
Multifunction relay 11 —
Multifunction motor protection relay 11M
Overspeed device 12 —
Synchronous-speed check (centrifu-
13 FR
gal switch), or ac field current
Zero speed and underspeed device 14 — PZSU
Distance relay (impedance, admittance, or reactance relay) 21 —
Volts per Hz 24 PVPH
Synchronism-check 25 RSYN
Undervoltage, instantaneous, or inverse-time relay 27 UV PTUV
PDOP, or
Directional power/reverse power relay 32 —
Undercurrent or underpower relay 37
Bearing protecting device 38 —
Mechanical condition monitor, vibration 39 —
Atmospheric condition monitor 45 —
Reverse phase or phase balance current relay
(phase time overcurrent [PTOC] with three-phase
46 — PTOC
information with sequence current as an input or even
ratio of negative and positive sequence currents)
Phase sequence voltage relay
47 — PTOV
Negative sequence voltage relay
Motor start-up:
48, 51LR PMSS
Incomplete sequence; Motor starting-time supervision; —
49, 66 PMRI
Motor restart inhibition
Thermal overload relay
Overload operated by motor current (replica) 49
Rotor thermal overload 49R OL PTTR
Stator winding thermal overload 49S
(also embedded detectors)
Overcurrent relay — OC
Table continues
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
All motors may have some protection functions as described in Table B.1, however, synchronous motors typi-
cally have additional protection that is unique to the application. Protection functions for synchronous motors
and field excitation systems are shown in Table B.2.
Table B.2—Additional protection functions for synchronous motors and field excitation
IEEE device
NEMA Modeled in
Protective function function
designation IEC 61850-7-4
Synchronous-speed device 13 —
Loss-of-field/underexcitation protec-
tion for synchronous motors
Field contactor or circuit breaker 41 FC
Field-discharge resistor — —
Incomplete sequence relay 48 —
Excitation check relay for synchronous motors 53 —
Power factor relay (over-, under-power factor) 55 PF POPF,PUPF
Field application relay 56 —
Phase angle measuring or out-of-step protective relay 78 — PPAM
Relationship between IEEE Std C37.2 device function numbers, NEMA designations, and IEC 61850-7-4 logical nodes.
Electronic, solid state, and microprocessor based relays in many cases have security, communication, and oth-
er functions as described in Table B.3 below.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
BK brake
BL block (valve)
BP bypass
BT bus tie
C capacitor/condenser/compensator/carrier current/case/compressor
CA cathode
CH check (valve)
D discharge (valve)
DC direct current
E exciter
F feeder/field/filament/filter/fan
G generator or ground20
H heater/housing
L line/logic
M motor/metering
MOC mechanism operated contact21
N neutral/network22
P pump/phase comparisone
R reactor/rectifier/room/rotor
S secondary/stator/strainer/sump/suction (valve), synchronizing
T transformer/thyratron
TC trip coil
TH transformer (high-voltage side)
TL transformer (low-voltage side)
TM telemeter
TOC truck-operated contact23
TT transformer (tertiary-voltage side)
U unit or under
The suffix N is preferred when the device is connected in the residual of a polyphase circuit, is connected across a broken delta, or is
internally derived from the polyphase current or voltage quantities. The suffix G is preferred where the measured quantity is in the path to
ground, or, in the case of ground fault detectors, is the current flowing to ground. See Figure C.2 in IEEE Std C37.2-2008, for examples.
MOC denotes a circuit breaker mechanism-operated auxiliary switch that is mounted on the stationary housing of a removable circuit
The suffix N is preferred when the device is connected in the residual of a polyphase circuit, is connected across a broken delta, or is
internally derived from the polyphase current or voltage quantities. The suffix G is preferred where the measured quantity is in the path to
ground, or, in the case of ground fault detectors, is the current flowing to ground. See Figure C.2 in IEEE Std C37.2-2008, for examples.
TOC denotes a circuit breaker truck-operated auxiliary switch that is mounted on the stationary housing of a removable circuit breaker.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
X auxiliary relay24
Y auxiliary relay25
Z auxiliary relay
— The letters a and b shall be used for all auxiliary, position, and limit switch contacts for such devices
and equipment as circuit breakers, contactors, valves and rheostats, and contacts of relays as follows:
— a: Contact that is open when the main device is in the standard reference position, commonly referred
to as the nonoperated or de-energized position, and that closes when the device assumes the opposite
— b: Contact that is closed when the main device is in the standard reference position, commonly referred
to as the nonoperated or de-energized position, and that opens when the device assumes the opposite
When controlling circuit breakers with an “X-Y” relay control scheme, the X relay is the device whose main contacts are used to
energize the closing coil or the device which in some other manner, such as by the release of stored energy, causes the breaker to close.
The contacts of the Y relay provide the anti-pump feature for the circuit breaker.
When controlling circuit breakers with an “X-Y” relay control scheme, the X relay is the device whose main contacts are used to
energize the closing coil or the device which in some other manner, such as by the release of stored energy, causes the breaker to close.
The contacts of the Y relay provide the anti-pump feature for the circuit breaker.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Annex C
While PD monitoring is not in its infancy, this technology is still rapidly developing and the latest technologies
should be considered.
C.1.2 PD background
The condition assessment of stator insulation using online partial discharge (OLPD) testing and monitoring
has been used for over 50 years. Pioneering developments in Canada/United States (using high-voltage cou-
pling capacitor [HVCC] sensors, resistive temperature detector [RTD] sensors, and stator slot couplers [SSC]
sensors) and in the UK/Europe (using both HVCC and air-cored, Rogowski coil [RC] sensors) in the 1960s
showed that it was possible to make effective measurements of PD activity in the medium voltage (MV) stator
windings of the machines (Stone and Kapler [B59]). Over the past 50 years, the OLPD testing and monitoring
of rotating machines has been discussed by many authors as a key tool to understanding the causes of stator
insulation failure (Stone and Kapler [B59]). Today, the continuous monitoring of PD activity in rotating ma-
chines is an effective method to identify sites of localized damage or degradation ahead of scheduled preven-
tative maintenance outages.
The relevance of OLPD monitoring within rotating machines is discussed by Stone, et al. [B60] and Warren,
Stone, and Fenger [B65] as an effective technique to determine the condition of the MV stator winding insu-
lation. The authors used pre-installed 80 pF, HVCC sensors, one or more per phase, to monitor both phase-to-
phase and phase-to-earth PD activity within the rotating machine.
Interpretation of the severity of any PD activity has traditionally been carried out by considering the peak PD
level (typically given in mV or pC) and also the number of PD pulses across the 50/60 Hz power cycle.
With regards to the application of the OLPD monitoring of MV motors located in Ex/ATEX hazardous gas
zones, a recent study by S. Haq, et al. [B18] discussed minimum discharge levels required to produce a possi-
ble spark risk. This study was made on rotating machines operating within different gas groups and reports that
static charge within the stator winding, if related to surface activity, should be kept below 10 nC for a motor
operating in gas group B (hydrogen) to reduce the risk of gas ignition (10 nC equates to a minimum ignition
energy of approximately 0.019 mJ). This provides a benchmark, maximum level for static charge in motors
exposed to flammable atmospheres, emphasizing the benefit of continuous monitoring of PD activity.
NOTE—PD is not a purely static charge in this sense; it is known that PD activity can lead to active charge surface tracking
of 100 nC+ (100 000 pC+) in extreme cases.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
pacitor (HVCC), high frequency current transformer (HFCT), Rogowski coil (RC), and transient earth voltage
(TEV) sensors. The three main types of OLPD sensors used for MV motors (HVCC, HFCT, and RC sensors)
are shown below in Figure C.1.
It can be noted from Figure C.1 that at 10 MHz, the HVCC sensor is the most sensitive, followed by the HFCT
sensor, and then the RC sensor. The most suitable sensor solution for any application will depend on the motor
to be tested and the most suitable point of attachment (POA) for the sensor on the network, either in the motor
terminal box or at the switchgear feeder cable enclosure.
Courtesy of HVPD.
While the HVCC sensor is the most widely applied sensor for OLPD monitoring of MV motors, split-core,
ferrite HFCT sensors have now been implemented (after over 15 years of industrial application) for the online
PD testing of in-service MV cables and motors. The HFCT sensor works inductively to detect PD currents that
propagate from the motor winding to the connected power cables. Due to the wideband frequency response of
the HFCT sensor (from around 100 kHz to 30 MHz) it is suitable for permanent installation within either the
motor terminal box or switchgear cable enclosure at the remote end of the cable as shown in Figure C.2.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Courtesy of HVPD.
The dimensions of the MV power cable are important as they determine the inductance and capacitance per
meter (or per foot) of the cable, which effects the distortion of transient PD pulses as they travel along it. For
example, polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-insulated cables usually cause the most PD pulse attenuation, followed by
paper-insulated lead-covered (PILC) and ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) cables while cross-linked polyeth-
ylene (XLPE) cables cause the least attenuation of the traveling pulse. This is related to the different values of
relative permittivity of the dielectrics (εr) used in the different cable types and the geometry/dimensions of the
cable. On-line PD measurements on XLPE cables (in the voltage range 3.3 kV to 15 kV) have been shown to
have an effective measurement range for the HFCT sensors of up to 2.5 km/1.5 miles from the motor under test
(Renforth, et al. [B52]), as illustrated below in Figure C.3.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Courtesy of HVPD.
Figure C.3—Measurement range for a wideband HFCT sensor connected at the switchgear
enclosure for XLPE cables
Table C.1 gives guideline OLPD levels for MV stator winding insulation condition assessment against “Peak
PD” levels (in nC—nanocoulombs) and cumulative “PD Activity” (in nC/cycle—nanocoulombs per power
cycle) on motors in the 10 kV to 15 kV voltage range. The peak PD level and PD activity guidelines shown
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
in Table C.1 are based on Renforth, et al. [B53]. While these guideline PD levels provide a good basis for the
initial condition assessment of a MV motor’s stator insulation, it should be noted that the OLPD condition
assessment should not be based on PD magnitude and activity levels alone. It is the trend and variation in the
OLPD activity over time which is generally considered as being more important in terms of a diagnostic tool.
Therefore, it is also important to closely monitor the trends in both the “Peak PD” level and, more importantly,
“PD Activity” over time, using continuous OLPD monitoring systems.
Monitoring motor insulation online using specialized differential current transformers and monitoring equip-
ment can be used to provide an online (while the motor is running and under load) characterization of the
motor stator insulation capacitance (C) and the dissipation factor (DF). The specialized differential current
transformer enables accurate online measurement of small insulation leakage currents (mA) in the presence
of large motor load currents (kA). Using these measurements, both capacitive and resistive components of
insulation leakage current can be computed. This provides the user the ability to track the insulation degrada-
tion online over the life of the motor and take actions to schedule a repair/replacement at a convenient time,
resulting in improved safety, reduced lost production, and reduced unplanned maintenance costs. The data can
be collected in a machinery protection or monitoring system, exported to the plant distributed control system
(DCS), and other devices for trending. This technology is limited to externally wye connected motors.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Annex D
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
For a detailed example of a MV induction motor in critical service, the reference example from
IEEE Std C37.96–2012, including the motor data sheet, was used. Refer to Table D.2. Figure D.1 is a 1-line
diagram for this example as used in this document and uses a motor protection relay, Device 11M, with full dif-
ferential protection (87M). The settings are for example only and should not be considered recommendations
for all applications.
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The induction motor is protected by a multifunction relay GE Multilin type 869. Some protection settings are
based on IEEE Std C37.96–2012 and information contained in this document. Short-circuit, power flow, mo-
tor starting, arc flash, and other studies are usually required to set protective devices. Refer to Figure D.3 for
relay Device 11M model and relay properties, CT ratio and characteristics, and VT ratio and characteristics.
See Table D.4 for recommended settings for this particular example.
See Table D.5 for typical inputs to Device 11M to trip the breaker and block motor start for this particular
See Table D.6 for typical output relays from Device 11M to send alarm, trip, and transfer trip signals for this
particular example.
The time current characteristic curves for phase faults are shown in Figure D.2.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
27 alarm ALARM Alarm will be chosen at about 90% × rated nameplate of
(Phase UV 1) definite time 3 s motor for alarm with definite time delay set at 3 s.
AUX RY1: Trips breaker
The trip is set at 85% × rated nameplate of motor with
inverse time curve set at D = 1 (1 s at 0% voltage pick-
up). Undervoltage setting depends on stiffness of the
power system, motor bus transfer, load shed schemes,
Relay setting:
5610 V Alarm = 0.90 × 6600 V/6900 = 0.86
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Pickup delay: Alarm will be chosen at about 110% × rated nameplate
59 alarm 7260 V 126 V ALARM
definite time of motor for alarm with definite time delay set at 3 s.
(Phase OV)
3.0 s AUX RY1: Trips breaker
The trip is set at 115% × rated nameplate of motor for
alarm with definite time delay set at 0.5 s. Overvoltage
setting depends on overexcitation characteristics of the
motor; where this data should be given by the motor
Relay setting:
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
38 alarm 90 °C ALARM AUX RY1: Trip
(RTD alarm) Pickup delay: 3 s AUX RY11: 86-LOR1 Locks out motor breaker
Bearing temperature Temperature: Bearing temperatures should be set with an alarm of
TRIP 90 °C and trip at 95 °C (unless lower temperature values
38 trip 95 °C
86 LOR1
(RDT trip) Pickup delay: 5 s are indicated in the motor data sheet or outline diagram).
AUX RY4: Any alarm
Phase current balance alarm Pickup: 10%
46 ALARM The alarm level will be set at 10% of FLC with
(current unbalance) Pickup delay: 10 s
time delay of 10 s. FLC is FLA in the 869 relay.
Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Phase sequence voltage are greater than 50% of VT, if the phase rotation
47 relay trip Pickup delay: 5 s TRIP of the three phase voltages is not same as the pro-
(phase reversal) grammed phase rotation and there is no fuse fail-
ure, either an alarm or a trip and a start inhibit will
occur within programmed pickup delay time.
AUX RY1: Trips breaker
Detect asymmetrical system voltage conditions. Loss of
Negative sequence 324 V 5.64 V 1 phase or 2 phases or reversed phase sequence.
0.047 × VT
47 trip (negative (negative TRIP A 5% voltage unbalance results in about 20% to 25%
Pickup delay: 10 s
(negative sequence OV1) sequence) sequence) current unbalance.
6600 V × 0.05 = 330 V
330 ÷ 6900 = 0.047
AUX RY1: Trips breaker
Used to detect clear unbalance in the system, i.e., heavy
Negative sequence Pickup: 0.175 × 70 A 0.875 A
load; CTs; 3-phase faults; fault inception; switch off
46 Overcurrent trip CT (negative (negative TRIP
during 3 phase faults.
(negative sequence IOC1) Pickup delay: 5 s sequence) sequence)
FLC × 20% = 349.6 × 0.20 = 69.92 A
69.92 ÷ 400 = 0.175
Table continues
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
49 current (replica) alarm 75% of ther- ALARM AUX RY1: Trips breaker
(thermal model) mal capacity Notes:
—The standard overload curves will be selected to
Overload curve: match the motor thermal limit curves for hot running
motor overload. This approach will protect the motor under
TD multiplier: 6 overload and starting conditions.
Cool time con- —Do not choose a very conservative curve.
Thermal overload, motor stant running: 75 —A custom curve may have to be developed in the relay
49 current (replica) trip min TRIP depending on the available standard overload curves in
Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
(thermal model) Cool time con- the relay and if there is less margin between the motor
stant stopped: thermal and accelerating limit curves.
441 min —Optional settings for the thermal capaci-
Hot/cold safe ty calculations include: unbalance bias K fac-
49S RTDs 1 through 6 ALARM Set above the normal operating temperature; typ-
130 °C
Stator temperature alarm ically about 10 °C below the trip setting.
(RTD temperature alarm)
AUX RY1: Trips breaker
Stator winding temperature
Set 5 °C to 10 °C below the insulation class maximum
Trip temperature: temperature rating. This setting depends on motor
RTDs 1 through 6
49S 155 °C TRIP temperature rise design. If a motor is designed for Class
Stator temperature
2s B temperature rise with Class F insulation, which is a
normal case, trip setting would be 145 °C to 150 °C.
(RTD temperature trip)
RTD Voting can reduce nuisance tripping.
AUX RY1: Trips breaker
TRIP AUX RY16: Transfer trip other source breakers
Breaker failure trip 0.1 × CT
50BF 40 A 0.5 A Transfer trip AUX RY11: 86-LOR1 locks out motor breaker
(breaker failure) 300 ms
86 LOR1 The time delay may be different for motor bus.
Transfer applications and other considerations.
Table continues
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
AUX RY11:86-LOR1, locks out motor breaker
As shown in Figure 18, motor feeder has zero se-
Ground overcurrent trip Pickup:
quence CT with a ratio of 50/5 A, which will provide
(line side) 0.4 × CT TRIP
50G 20 A 2A independent ground source signal to motor protection
(ground instantaneous Pickup delay: 86 LOR1
relay. The neutral ground overcurrent will be set at
overcurrent protection) 0.2 s
20 A with a time delay of 0.2 s to avoid any spurious
tripping during motor starting. These setting need to be
coordinated with upstream device ground fault settings.
AUX RY1: Trips breaker
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
AUX RY11:86-LOR1, locks out motor breaker
Maximum trip setting for 1.15 SF motor is 125% FLC.
1.25 × 349.6 A = 437 A
Phase overcurrent trip Pickup: 1.09 × CT
TRIP Notes:
51 (phase time over- Inverse curve 436A 5.45 A
86 LOR1 —Proper time-current characteristics (curve) will be set
current TOC2) or flexcurve
for coordination with motor-starting characteristics and
thermal limits.
—This device typically protects the motor branch
circuit conductor and it should be sized accordingly.
Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Number of starts Blocks Start/ jogging block function will be used as backup pro-
Maximum num-
66 Jogging protection blocks Breaker tection. The maximum number of starts per hour
ber of starts: 2 (or
(maximum starting rate) close or minimum time between starts (typically avail-
3 if cold start)
able from the manufacturer’s data) can be entered
directly in the relay to protect the motor from ex-
cessive heating due to starting too frequently.
Breaker status
Trip circuit monitor alarm ALARM AUX RY4: Any alarm
TCM closed
(trip coil monitor) WARNING AUX RY9: Warns operator to shutdown motor
52 open/closed
Pickup: 59 Hz
81U alarm ALARM AUX RY4: Any alarm
Pickup delay: 10 s
(underfrequency 1)
Pickup: 57.9 Hz
trip TRIP
Pickup delay: 15 s
(underfrequency 2) AUX RY1: Trips breaker
Underfrequency NEMA MG-1 has underfrequency limit of 5%
Pickup: 57.5 Hz
trip TRIP
Pickup delay: 2 s
(underfrequency 2)
Table continues
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
81O alarm ALARM AUX RY4: Any alarm
Pickup delay: 10 s
(overfrequency 1)
Pickup: 61 Hz
trip TRIP
Pickup delay: 15 s
(overfrequency 2) AUX RY1: Trips breaker
Overfrequency NEMA MG-1 has overfrequency limit of 5%
Pickup: 61.5 Hz
trip TRIP
Pickup delay: 2 s
(overfrequency 3)
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
auxiliary contacts Normally open 52a: terminals F13 and F21
52b enabled Contact input 2
status Normally closed 52a: terminals F14 and F21
Bounce 10 ms Input to 11M: terminal block F:
OPEN Open breaker Contact input 3
enabled terminals F15 and F21
Bounce 10 ms Input to 11M: terminal block F:
CLOSE Close breaker Contact input 4
enabled terminals F16 and F21
Input to 11M: terminal block F: terminal 17 and 21
(normal-closed contact; vibration-opens contact) 11M output AUX RY4: Any
Vibration protection Bounce 10 ms Contact input 5
Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
39 alarm
alarm enabled dry contact
—Analog signals may be sent from some devices for tracking
Input to 11M: terminal block A: Terminal 18 and 21
—Analog signals may be sent from some devices for tracking/trip
Input to 11M; terminal block F: terminal 19 and 21
Emergency shutdown (normal-closed contact; ESD-opens contact)
Bounce 10 ms Contact input 7
ESD trip (input) 11M output TRIP: trips breaker
enabled dry contact
(switching device control) 11M output relay11: 86-locks out motor breaker
trips breaker and shuts off the motor during plant emergency shutdown
Alarm: 130 °C AUX RY4: any alarm
RTDs stator RTD inputs
49S Trip: 155 °C 11M output TRIP: trips breaker
RTD 1 to RTD 6 B1-B18
5s (Also see 49S settings in Table D.4)
Alarm: 90 °C AUX RY4: Any alarm
RTDs bearings RTD inputs
38 Trip: 95 °C 11M output TRIP: trips breaker
RTD 7 and RTD 8 C1-C18
5s (Also see 38 settings in Table D.4)
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Self-reset; Non-failsafe
Contacts close to start motor
Block-relay 16: 86 lock out Output Output from 11M: Terminals F4 and F5
CLOSE Closes motor breaker
Contact input 4 (close) Relay 2: CLOSE Closes breaker, starts motor
Self-reset; Non-failsafe
Pre-programmed for blocking motor restart 11M: Terminals F7 and F8
on thermal capacity Output Jumper F7 to F4
START Blocks motor start
Normally closed contact Relay 3: START F8 is + voltage for close circuit
INHIBIT and breaker close
Non-failsafe INHIBIT 11M output START INHIBIT: Blocks mo-
Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Opens to block motor start tor start and prevents breaker close
Opens to alarm
Output Output from 11M: Terminals F10 and F11
ALARM Any alarm Any alarm
RELAY Opens to alarm; Non-failsafe FAILURE RELAY ure and warns operator to shutdown motor
Warns operator to Opens for warning Output Output from 11M: Terminals G1 and G2
shutdown motor Self-reset; Non-failsafe Relay 9: WARNING Sends warning to operator to shutdown motor
86 lock-out relay
Output from 11M: Terminals G8 and G9
Blocks motor from starting; Output
86 LOCK LOCK OUT RELAY Energizes 86 lock-out relay
Blocks breaker close Relay 11: 86
OUT 86-LOR1 (internal and/or external)
Closes to energize 86 LO relay lock out relay
Blocks motor from starting and blocks breaker close
Latched; Non-failsafe
Transfer trip upstream breaker
Closes to trip
Breaker fail 1 52B Superv OP Output
Output from 11M: Terminals G23 and G24
50BF 50 BF breaker failure Latched Relay 16: 52B
Transfer trips upstream breaker
Blocks breaker close Breaker fail
Seal-in time: 0.10 s
Pulsed; Non-failsafe
IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Courtesy of DC Water.
Figure D.2—MV example time current characteristic curve plot, phase faults
The time current characteristic curves for ground faults are shown in Figure D.3.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Courtesy of DC Water.
Figure D.3—MV example time current characteristic curve plot, ground faults
The time current characteristic curves for the locked rotor function is shown in Figure D.4. This function is
time delayed on start.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Courtesy of DC Water.
Figure D.4—MV example time current characteristic curve plot, locked rotor function
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IEEE Std 3004.8-2016
IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Annex E
Using the motor equivalent circuit (Figure E.1) values, we can calculate the open circuit time constant. The
formula for this is Equation (E.1):
Xm + X2
c = (E.1)
2π fr2
Xm is magnetizing reactance
X2 is rotor leakage reactance per phase at rated speed
f is line power frequency
r2 is rotor resistance per phase at rated speed
c is open circuit time constant
Where c is the open circuit time constant, the voltage of the decay at any time t can be calculated by
Equation (E.2):
V (t) = t
×V (E.2)
When t = c, the voltage will be 36.8% of the rated voltage since the base of the natural log (e) is 2.718 and
1/2.718 = 0.368. Therefore, c is one open circuit time constant in seconds (ANSI/EASA AR100–2015 [B2]).
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
The values for the equivalent circuit are available from the motor manufacturer. They cannot be measured or
calculated without specific information about the motor’s design. For a particular 75 horsepower motor, the
values are:
Xm = 30.74 Ω
X2 = 0.309 Ω
f = 60 Hz
r2 = 0.258 Ω
Substituting these values in the open circuit time constant from Equation (E.1), results are shown in
Equation (E.3):
30.74 + 0.309
c = = 0.319 (E.3)
2π (60 × 0.258)
As before, if t = c, the voltage at the motor terminals will be 36.8% of the applied voltage. If the applied voltage
is 480 V and t = 0.319 s, we can show this by Equation (E.4):
V (t ) = 0.319
× 480 = 177 V (E.4)
The residual voltage transfer method is not a synchronous method as it only closes at low bus voltage and
ignores the phase angle and slip frequency between the motor bus and the new source. The residual voltage
transfer method exposes motors to a 50% probability that the close angle at transfer will exceed the 90° maxi-
mum phase angle specified by ANSI/NEMA Std C50.41–2012 [B3]. Field results indicate that at 25% voltage,
with an out-of-phase close, the motor rotor flux linkages may not have decayed sufficiently, and that the tran-
sient current and torque associated with the bus transfer or reclosing may not remain within acceptable levels
(Beckwith and Yalla [B7]). Additional information is found in 6.4 of IEEE Std C37.96–2012, and in the IEEE
Power System Relaying Committee Motor Bus Transfer Report [B34].
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Authorized licensed use limited to: STATE UNIV NY BINGHAMTON. Downloaded on May 18,2017 at 09:46:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: STATE UNIV NY BINGHAMTON. Downloaded on May 18,2017 at 09:46:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.