Tyszer Full-Scan LBIST Wi
Tyszer Full-Scan LBIST Wi
Tyszer Full-Scan LBIST Wi
The method presented in this work deploys hybrid control Initially, the first pseudorandom test pattern is shifted-in,
points of [15] to facilitate propagation of faults towards and all scan chains (both the regular ones and those work-
test-per-clock-driven observation points inserted at loca- ing with observation points) capture a test response. Next,
tions where they can cast significant groups of faults whose when the response is shifted-out with the subsequent test
effects propagate along these nodes. The next section de- pattern filling gradually both the regular scan chains and
scribes the overall test architecture with the new observa- the control point drivers, the content of these scan cells
tion test points. In the subsequent parts of the paper, we becomes stimuli feeding the circuit every clock cycle. It
will demonstrate that this scheme allows one to achieve a allows the observation-point-scan-chains to capture and to
high quality test, at least matching that of conventional accumulate test responses every clock cycle, as well. Fur-
LBIST schemes, but in a visibly shorter test application thermore, a single bit of the resultant response enters a
time. MISR in a per-cycle regime. It is worth noting that the
scan chains operating in the compaction mode do not drive
3. Test architecture any CUT logic, i.e., the test responses captured in these
scan chains are not fed back to the design, thus greatly
Fig. 1 illustrates a basic architecture of the proposed BIST simplifying fault simulation. Clearly, when the regular
scheme. The vast majority of scan cells form conventional scan chains are fully loaded with a new test pattern, the
scan chains (gray blocks in Fig. 1), i.e., they operate either regular scan chains as well as the compaction chains cap-
in the shift mode (with the asserted scan enable signal) or ture a test response in a conventional manner. As a result,
in the capture mode. Since control test points are used to the circuit is tested in accordance with the test-per-clock
set internal lines to specific logic values, all flip-flops (red paradigm, while preserving all benefits of the test-per-shift
parts in Fig. 1) associated with these points work only in approach intact.
the shift mode and are arranged in two different ways:
either dedicated scan chains host exclusively drivers of
control points (such as the top chain in Fig. 1) or scan cells
driving control points are interspersed among other (regu-
lar) scan cells (the second chain in the figure).
Scan cells serving the observation points (the green part in
Fig. 1) are arranged into separate (independent) scan
chains that operate in a compaction mode, i.e., they accu-
mulate test responses using XOR gates placed in the front
of their successive cells. A scan cell working for the ob-
servation point is shown in Fig. 2. The global test point
enable (TPE) signal is employed to activate observation
points in the test mode, and to disable them in the mission
mode. Test results received from CUT (input D) are XOR- Figure 2 New scan cell for observation point