Veaa 030
Veaa 030
Veaa 030
doi: 10.1093/ve/veaa030
Research article
Filamentous phages establish chronic infections in their bacterial hosts, and new phages are secreted by infected bacteria
for multiple generations, typically without causing host death. Often, these viruses integrate in their host’s genome by
co-opting the host’s XerCD recombinase system. In several cases, these viruses also encode genes that increase bacterial
virulence in plants and animals. Here, we describe a new filamentous phage, UP/901, which we originally found inte-
grated in a clinical isolate of Escherichia coli from urine. UP/901 and closely related phages can be found in published
genomes of over 200 other bacteria, including strains of Citrobacter koseri, Salmonella enterica, Yersinia enterocolitica, and
Klebsiella pneumoniae. Its closest relatives are consistently found in urine or in the blood and feces of patients with urinary
tract infections. More distant relatives can be found in isolates from other environments, including sewage, water, soil,
and contaminated food. Each of these phages, which we collectively call ‘UP/ viruses’, also harbors two or more novel
genes of unknown function.
2 | Virus Evolution, 2020, Vol. 6, No. 1
confuse phage DNA for bacterial DNA. After integration, new Table 1. Bacterial strains in this study.
phages are produced at relatively low rates and may be main-
Strain ID Species Has UP/? WGS accession
tained indefinitely within the bacterial population (Val et al.
2005). Other filamentous phages that lack a dif site can also inte- UMB0731 E. coli No NZ_RRWP00000000a
grate elsewhere in the bacterial genome by encoding their own UMB0901 E. coli Yes NZ_PKHH00000000
integrases, as in the Pf bacteriophages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa UMB1220 E. coli Yes NZ_RRVZ00000000
(Mai-Prochnow et al. 2015). UMB1526 E. coli Yes NZ_RRVH00000000
Filamentous phages can have dramatic effects on their UMB5814 E. coli Yes NZ_RRUX00000000
hosts’ phenotypes. In Vibrio cholerae, the phage CTX/ encodes UMB6655 E. coli No NZ_RRUL00000000
the toxin genes responsible for bacterial virulence in humans UMB6890 E. coli No NZ_RRUI00000000
(Waldor and Mekalanos 1996). Similarly, filamentous phages UMB1389 C. koseri No Unsequencedb
have been associated with the virulence of other human patho- UMB7451 C. koseri Yes Unsequenced
gens including hemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Yersinia pestis (the UMB8248 C. koseri No Unsequenced
JE-1 E. coli No Unavailable
cause of plague), and P. aeruginosa in both patients with cystic fi-
local blastn search for the dif site (as identified in Carnoy and shared among each host that also contained a prophage in the
Roten 2009), and stop positions were identified by confirming virus phylogeny. These genes were aligned within Anvi’o using
the first repeat in the BLAST results. These repeats typically MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) and concatenated. We used IQ-TREE as
matched just the first fifteen bases in the dif site, and we ac- above to build the final phylogeny. For the host tree,
cepted putative hits that covered at least fourteen of the ModelFinder identified JTTþFþR10 (Jones–Taylor–Thornton
twenty-eight dif site nucleotides with at least 85 per cent iden- (Jones, Taylor, and Thornton 1992) with empirical state frequen-
tity. Due to varying assembly quality, not all assemblies in- cies and ten rate categories) as the best substitution model by
cluded phage repeats, and some sequences did not include a dif BIC.
repeat as an obvious stopping point. In these instances, we Trees were visualized using iTOL (Letunic and Bork 2019)
could only rely on the end position of the last significant hit in and the ape package (Paradis and Schliep 2019) in R (R Core
the initial tblastx query. Team 2013). Additional metadata for tree visualization were
To confirm the sensitivity of our UP/901 detection, we then obtained from NCBI, EBI, or from the literature. Key metadata
blasted each of the 229 putative UP/901-infected genomes against included the type of material sampled for isolating bacteria (e.g.
a query for the related phage, Ypf/ (from Y. pestis CO92, GenBank: soil, blood, urine, feces) and the more general source of that ma-
positive controls. Positive UP/ PCR products were verified by F-specific filamentous phage, M13. We also compared UP/901
Sanger sequencing using the UPphi_shortFW primer. to Ypf/, a dif-integrating filamentous phage that infects patho-
genic strains of E. coli and Y. pestis. Overall, Ypf/ shares less
2.6 Phage infection assays than 30 per cent amino acid identity with UP/901.
Figure 2 shows how UP/901’s genome compares with these
We tested the potential for UP/901 to infect new hosts using
other inoviruses, with each gene shaded according to its amino
standard plaque assays by spotting 5 ll of filtrate from UMB0901
acid similarity with the homolog in UP/901. UP/901 contains
(as described above) on 0.7 per cent agar LB overlays containing
each of the ‘core’ genes characteristic of filamentous coliphages
candidate bacterial hosts (UMB0731, UMB6655, UMB6890, JE-1).
with gene order preserved. UP/901 and Ypf/ are less than 20
We also tested for new infections using PCR. Colonies of pro-
per cent identical in all genes except for genes II and V, which
spective host strains were added to 5 ml of LB supplemented
are each over 85 per cent identical between these phages. Genes
with 50 ll of filtered supernatant from UMB0901. Uninfected
controls of each strain were also grown. These cultures were in- II and V are both involved in regulating phage DNA replication,
cubated for 18 h. Following growth, 2 ll of each culture were and this conserved module is less than 15 per cent similar in
Figure 1. Phage DNA confirmation. PCR results using (A) UP/ or (B) 16S primers after DNase treatment to remove bacterial genomic DNA from filtrates of UMB0901,
UMB1220, UMB1526, and UMB5814 cultures. The þ control lane was from UMB0901 colony PCR.
J. W. Shapiro and C. Putonti | 5
Table 2. Prevalence of UP/ in GenBank assemblies. We then built a phylogeny for the 229 complete UP/ pro-
phages. Overall, the phylogeny reflects low genetic variation
Host species GenBank assemblies Assemblies with UP/ hit
across the UP/ viruses, and most clades are separated by short
E. coli 12,401 189 branches and include polytomies. Even the more distant phage
S. enterica 9,144 95 relatives found in Y. enterocolitica are 98 per cent identical in
K. pneumoniae 4,647 29 amino acid sequence to the original UP/901 core genes. As a re-
Y. enterocolitica 177 10 sult, the tree has multiple splits with bootstrap support below
C. koseri 28 8 50 per cent. For this reason, we show the tree as a cladogram in
Fig. 3A and will not attempt to over-interpret the tree topology.
(A high-resolution phylogeny with complete bootstrap supports
Using the UP/901 sequence as a BLAST query, we searched is shown in Supplementary Fig. S3.) For each of the genomes in
GenBank for homologous prophages in other bacteria. Prophages the phylogeny, we identified metadata, where available, for the
with over 98 per cent nucleotide identity across the UP/901 query sample source material (e.g. urine, feces, blood) and source en-
sequence could be found in published genomes of E. coli, S. enter- vironment (e.g. human, animal, environmental) and added
ica, C. koseri, K. pneumoniae, and Y. enterocolitica. We then down- these data to the tree visualization.
loaded all available assemblies from GenBank of these five species UP/901 is indicated by an arrow in Fig. 3A and is part of a
(26,397 in total) and used tblastx to identify viruses integrated at clade of sixty-five phages. Fifty-five of these prophages come
dif sites. In all, 331 genomes harbored a potential UP/901 pro- from E. coli, of which thirty-six came from urine (including
phage (see Table 2 for a summary by host). Of these 331 putative fourteen UTI samples). Two large polytomies make up the ma-
phages, 229 contained each gene found in UP/901, excluding the jority of this group, and at least one sample (assembly
three ORFs neighboring the dif site. The third of these ORFs (la- GCA_000457405) was from the blood of a patient with UTI-
beled h3 in Fig. 2) is present in 221 of these 229 putative prophages, induced bacteremia. In addition, each polytomy includes cases
whereas h4 and h5 are found in only 56 and 57 genomes, respec- where identical phages (i.e. 100% amino acid identity across
tively. For the remainder of this paper, we will refer to this collec- the genes used in the phylogeny) were also found within C.
tion of 229 strains as ‘UP/ viruses’. The 102 remaining genomes koseri and K. pneumoniae. This group contains three samples
contained a significant hit to UP/901, but assembly or sequencing from animals. The rest of the tree includes seventy prophages
quality was inadequate to predict full phage genomes reliably. We found in S. enterica (from both animals and humans), though
also checked each of the 229 UP/-infected genomes for Ypf/ to phages infecting each of the other host species are also pre-
rule out possible false-positive results. We found one instance (E. sent. None of these S. enterica samples were isolated from
coli assembly GCA_001519645) of coinfection between a dif-inte- urine, and only ten of the remaining ninety-four sequences
grated UP/ prophage and a putative Ypf/ prophage integrated at came from urine or UTI samples. The total counts for each
a different locus. None of the remaining 228 genomes harbored a host species, sample material, and source are indicated in the
prophage resembling Ypf/. legend for Fig. 3.
6 | Virus Evolution, 2020, Vol. 6, No. 1
Figure 3. Cladograms of UP/ prophages in GenBank assemblies (A) and their hosts (B). The outer ring is the host species, the middle ring is the sample material, and
the inner ring is the source environment. Black arrows indicate (A) UP/901 and (B) UMB0901. Samples sizes shown in parentheses in the legend. Trees are based on
amino acid sequences of core genes. Bootstrap support is shown by the size of black dots with at least 51 per cent support. High-resolution trees with scale bars and
bootstrap supports are in Supplementary Fig. S3.
We next constructed a phylogeny for the host bacteria, using breakdown by host species, with additional structure corre-
a set of conserved single-copy genes identified with Anvi’o sponding to sample material and whether the strain was from
(Eren et al. 2015). The bacterial tree shows the expected human or animal sources. Branch supports are generally higher
J. W. Shapiro and C. Putonti | 7
collection of urinary E.colis (Garretto 2019), contained an IncI Genes II and V are both involved in regulating phage DNA repli-
plasmid, and were not already infected by UP/901. cation, and this modular split in homology between the dispa-
Despite their potential as candidate hosts, UMB0901 filtrates rate viruses likely reflects a deeper history of recombination
that were confirmed to contain the phage did not produce pla- among the phages.
ques on any of these strains. We were also unable to observe Because they infect related hosts and might have a history
plaques on E. coli JE-1, an IncI-bearing strain that is the standard of recombination, we also checked for any instances of co-
host for UP/901’s closest known relative, I2-2 (Bradley, Coetzee, infection between UP/ and Ypf/ in our data. We found one
and Hedges 1983). Last, we used PCR to test for phage integra- such case (GCA_001519645), corresponding to E. coli bacteremia
tion in these candidate hosts but were again unable to confirm in a patient with sepsis. This assembly, unfortunately, consisted
new infections. of 206 contigs, and Ypf/ appears to be split across at least four
different contigs. Notably, Ypf/ is not included on a large contig
4. Discussion containing both dif and UP/, suggesting this Ypf/ prophage in-
tegrated at a different locus using another mechanism or is pre-
We have introduced a new filamentous phage, UP/901, found in
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