Watal ImplementingTRIPSAgreement 1997
Watal ImplementingTRIPSAgreement 1997
Watal ImplementingTRIPSAgreement 1997
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This paper sets out India 's obligations under the TRIPS Agreenment and shows that the options before the country
are tIot as stark as they seem. It is possible for India to coniply with the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement while
retaininig a balance between puiblic initerest and the private interest of the hlolders of intellectual property rights.
The immediate task before the govertnment of India is to mcake the acceptance of product patent applications
in pharmaceuticals atid agricultural chemicals legal and transparent and then begin the more comprehensive
legislative exercises. Given the time constraint int complying with a majority of the TRIPS provisions within two
years or so, it would seem prudent nIot to lose an)' more time and to beginz the process of weighing all the available
options immediately.
THE Agreement on Trade Related aspects with the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement To comply with certain TRIPS provisions
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the while retaining a balance between public on trademarks, geographical indications and
Worldc Trade Organisation (WTO) is an interest and the private interest of holders of protection of undisclosed information,'0 the
integral part of the WTO Agreement which intellectual property rights.' As long as this existing laws will need marginal amendments.
was concluded amongst 1 17 countries, includ- is so, leaving the WTO may be too high a For instance, although Indian jurisprudence
ing India, in April 1994 at Marrakesh. The price for the country to pay. protects a distinctive sign or combination of
WTO Agreement was the culmination of the The philosophy underlying India's already signs as a trademark, including service marks,
longest and most comprehensive 'round' of extensiveexistinglegislation and jurisprudence the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958
multilateral trade negotiations held under the on intellectual property matters in India, needs amendment to allow their registration.
aegis of GATT, known popularlv as the covering copyright, trademarks, patents and Similarly trade secrets are protected through
Uruguay Round. Unlike other rounds, forthe industrial design, is that the protection of contract law and common law but third party
first time in the history of trade negotiations, intellectual property rights is desirable for theinvolvement may need statutory backing."
the results of the Uruguay Round were to be encouragement of beneficial creative and The case of Article 39.3 of TRIPS on
accepted or rejected as a single undertaking innovative activity within the country.2 India protection of test data needs close study as
or as a package deal without any a la carte is also a member of several international it could lead to marketing monopolies in new
picking and choosing of agreements or pro- conventions on intellectual property rights, pharmaceutical and agricultural chemicals by
visions. Also forthe first time all the agreementsnotably the Berne Convention for the originator companies. Protection needs to be
ensuing from the Uruguiay Round were equallyprotection of Literary and Artistic WIrks. limited in time to five years, at best, even
applicable to developing countries. Any special 1971. However, TRIPS extends intellectual though no time limit is specified in the text.
concessions given to these countries were property protection to certain new areas not In the case of geographical indications, the
mainly in terms of longertransitional periods, covered by current international law and lays additional protection forwine and spirits would
i e, delays in the date of implementation of down, for the first time, fairly detailed norms need legislative changes either to the Trade
certain provisions. This is generally the case and standards for the protection and and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958orthrough
in the TRIPS Agreement where the provisions enforcement of intellectual property law in a separate legislation. TRIPS gives an
of the agreement apply equally to all countries general. The focus of this paper is on the opportunity to aggressively protect Indian
with longerdelays allowed forleast developed principal areas of legislativechange, including geographical indications such as 'Darjeeling
countries than for developing countries. provisions that enable the maintenance of the tea' and 'Basmatirice' abroadandtheIndian
The TRIPS Agreement has raised a furore required balance.3 case would beb stronger if these were first
in India and some vociferous opponents of effectively protected at home.'2
the TRIPS Agreement have gone -s far as OVERVIEW OF TRIPS AGREEMENT The changes required to be made to Indian
suggesting that India gi ve up its mevibership law as described above have not been
of the WTO. While this is an option which The TRIPS Agreement lays down norms particularly controversial in India. This is w
exists in theory, given the growing importanceand standards for seven types of intellectual amendments have already been substantially
of international trade to India, the 'act that property, viz, copyright and related rights,4 carried out in the areaof copyright and related
theWTO is and will remain the most important trademarks,5 geographical indications,6 rights in 1994 itself to the Copyright Act,
institution to make and enforce rules of industrial design, patents,7 undisclosed 1957, bringing it in line with TRIPS.'3 It is
international trade and the difficulties faced information' and layout designs of integrated a matter of speculation whether, were it not
by important non-members like China and circuits. The manner of legal compliance is for the controversy on amendments relating
Russia in gaining entr y into the WTO, India left to each individual WTO member.9 India, to the patent law, the remaining changes
could not consider leaving the WTO without through her laws and jurisprudence, is already required for the other intellectual property
adequate and serious cause. On the other substantially in.compliance with the TRIPS rights would have gone through parliament
hand, if India is to remain in the WTO, standards on copyright and related rights, or not.
compliance with the TRIPS Agreement has trademarks, geographical indications, It is in the area of patents that the greatest
to be real, credible and defensible before anyindustrial design, undisclosed information and exist between the current patent
future dispute settlement panel of the WTO.even with some of the provisions on patents. law, viz, Patents Act, 1970, andthe provisions
This paper sets out India's obligations underCompletely new legislation is required only of the TRIPS Agreement. Even in this field
the TRIPS Agreement and shows that the in the area of layout designs for integrated there are already areas of compliance. The
options before the country are not as starkcircuits where this is the case for many, rest of the paper is devoted to the subject of
including OECD countries.
as they seem. It is possible for India to comply patents.