Holiday H.W Class 2

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SESSION: 2021-22
Dear students,
‘Summer vacation is the most awaited time for parents and kids alike. However
,this time it is different due to COVID-19 as youngsters are already not going to
school. Thus ,our responsibilities get double to keep our children active.
The objective of holiday homework is to enable our toddlers work
independently and also to improve their academic skills.
We hope your homework and activities will be well managed and presented so
that all of you earn a golden star as a grade.
We wish you a wonderful time ahead!!!
Good habits and good manners are life long assets and manners must be
practiced until they become a habit.
Four magic words that are basic of good manners are :- Please, Thank you,
Excuse me and Sorry. Make these four words a habit and see the difference.
*Brush your teeth twice a day.
*Do trims your nails often.
*Do not waste water and electricity.
*Keep your surrounding and environment clean. It is a bad habit to throw
things out of the window, car or a balcony.
*Make friends having good habits who respect their elders and use good
Class II

Write five sentences about your

favourite season.
Write the plural form of the given nouns:-
Singular Plural
Book _______
Shop _______
Bush _______
Dish _______
Cherry _______
Fox _______
Box _______
Peach ________
Shelf ________

Water is precious! Save every drop.

No water, No life,
No blue, No Green.
To understand the need and importance of water, Create a
pictorial depiction on ways to conserve water on A3 Sheet.
Link for the activity -

Let your creative juices flow..!!!.Create a masterpiece which

is a usable item or an artistic presentation from waste
material at home. Take assistance from your parent to
complete the activity. The list of the items to be prepared is
endless but just a few examples are as follows:-
Eg- Pen holder, wall hanging, file folder, bird feeder etc.
Links for the activity -

The art of parcticing Yoga helps in controlling an

individual's mind ,body and soul. It brings together physical
and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind.
It also helps in increasing flexibility,muscle strength and
body tone.
Yoga is fun
Yoga is fun
Try this pose
Try this pose
The sun salutation
The sun salutation
Just breathe in
Just breathe out....
Likewise...... Write a song/rhyme on Yoga on A4 sheet.
Cursive Writing:-
Do P.N. 5 - P.N. 22 in cursive writing book.
Do P.N.(SKILL SET)- 5 ,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17.
Dear children
Kindly click on the following links given below to listen to
the interesting and moral stories:-
Class II
प्रश्न १ - चित्र दे ख कर तीन - तीन पर्यार्वयिी शब्द लिखो-

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प्रश्न २ लिियन करो- भयषय के रूप
प्रश्न ३ शब्दों को चित्रों से जोड़ कर िुहयवरे बनयओ
1. ननम्नलिखखत िें से ककस वयक्र् के सबसे अचिक शब्दों िें ‘अनुस्वयर’ कय प्रर्ोग हुआ है ?

1. हहिंदी वर्ाियिय िें सिंर्ुक्त व्र्िंजनों की सिंख्र्य ियर है ।

2. िुझे र्े सभी व्र्िंजन पसिंद हैं।
3. सिंर्ुक्त व्र्िंजन दो व्र्िंजनों को जोड़कर बनते हैं।
4. इस वयक्र् िें रे खयिंककत और रिं गीन शब्दों के अर्ा बतयइए।

2. िख
ु से ननकिी ध्वननर्याँ ही ______________ बनती हैं।’ इस वयक्र् िें ररक्तस्र्यन की
पनू ता ननम्नलिखखत िें से ककन शब्दों से की जयएगी?

1. शब्द
2. भयषय
3. अनुनयलसक
4. अनुस्वयर

3. जजस ध्वनन के टुकड़े न हो सकें, उसे ____________ कहते हैं।’ इस वयक्र् िें ररक्तस्र्यन
की पूनता ननम्नलिखखत िें से ककन शब्दों से की जयएगी?

1. वर्ा अर्वय शब्द

2. शब्द अर्वय अक्षर
3. वर्ा अर्वय अक्षर
4. स्वर

4. ‘कल्पनय’ शब्द की रिनय ननम्नलिखखत िें से ककन ध्वननर्ों के प्रर्ोग से हुई है ?

1. क् + अ + ि + प ् + अ + न ् + आ
2. क् + अ + ि ् + प ् + अ + न ् + आ
3. क् + अ + ि ् + प + अ + न ् + आ
4. क् + अ + ि ् + प ् + अ + न + आ

5.‘भयरत’ शब्द की रिनय ननम्नलिखखत िें से ककन ध्वननर्ों के प्रर्ोग से हुई है ? सही ववकल्प
कय िुनयव कीजजए।

1. भ ् + आ + र् + अ + त ् + अ
2. भ + आ + र् + अ + त ् + अ
3. भ ् + आ + र + अ + त ् + अ
4. भ ् + आ + र् + अ + त + अ
रिनयतनयिक कयर्ा
एक रिं गीन ियटा पर हहिंदी िें िहीनो और हदनों के नयि लिखे

उसिे अपने घर वयिो कय जन्िहदन भी लिखे

Link for the activity ideas -

रं गोली सुलेख- अभ्यास पुस्तिका के पेज ७ , ८ , ९ , १० पूरा करे


भाषा का ज्ञान

Class II

Q1. Complete the following questions from the given hints:-

162 328 273 184

680 204 127 95

755 827 951 616

In the table, Can you find?

A number between 100 and 150

A number between 900 and 1000

A number smaller than 100

A number between 300 and 400

A number that has 6 tens

A number that has 5 ones

A number that has 6 hundreds.

A number that has 2 digits the same.

A number with no tens

Q2. Write the smallest and greatest number in each set and Arrange them in Ascending order:-

Smallest Greatest Ascending order






Q3. Fill in the blanks with <,> or =.

a) 116 ____ 142

b) 233 ____ 147

c) 203 ____ 349

d) 382 ____ 209

e) 232 ____. 109

f) 159 ___ 240

g) 304 ____ 110

Q4. Ordinal Numbers. Write the answer and colour them:-

Q5.Write the place value of the underlined digit of the given numbers:-


110 809 436 999 429 545 677 500

390 981 541 234 123 632 549 899

Find the numbers from the grid given above:-

(i ) A number in which all the digits are same.

(ii) A number that has 6 in the hundred's place.

(iii) A number in which the digit in hundreds house and ones house is same.

(iv) A number that comes between 109 and 111.


* Prepare a pattern on any one of the given below:-

i )A picture pattern
ii) A number pattern
iii) A poem on numbers


Record the birthdays of your family members in a scrap book. The birthday should be in
ascending order of age (youngest numbers of the family to the eldest member of the
family.) Also paste pictures of your family member.
Link for the activity -
Class II

Worksheet 1
My Body
Rearrange the letters to find the name of the body parts
A rea……………… E gel………………….
B ahnd……………… F yees………………….
C oens……………… G daeh………………….
D infegsr……………… H cnek………………….

Fill in the blanks

Smell, taste, see, hear, feel
1. I can…………………………. different shapes.
2. I can …………………………sweets.
3. I can………………………... hot milk.
4. I can……………………….. sweet fragrance of flowers.
5. I can……………………… soft music.

Some parts in our body are in pairs. Write their names and draw their pictures.



Worksheet -2

Q 1 Fill in the blanks

1. We should ………………………………………………………………………our elders.

2. A ………………………………………………………. family has one set of parents.
3. We should help each other by……………………………………………the work.
4. A family has common …………………………………………………………….
5. My sister is ……………………………………………………………….. of my parents.
6. My mother`s family is my ……………………………………………… family.
7. My father`s brother is my ……………………………………………………….
8. In a ……………………………………………………. family ever member shares the work.

Q 2. Paste the picture of your mother and write 5 lines about your mother

Q 1. What do you call these relatives:

1.Your mother’s mother……………………….
2.Your mother’s father…………………………
3.Your father’s mother………………………...
4. Your father’s father…………………………
5. Your mother’s sister………………………...
6. Your father’s sister…………………………
Activity 1
The Paper house
Competency- Creativity, Collaboration
Dear Kids
The shape, size and material used in the construction of house has changed
over the years. Spend time with your grandparents and discuss with them
about the difference in the type of house that you live in now and the type of
house , they used to live in ,when they were of your age.
Make an attractive 3D Model of the alloted house by reusing and recycling
materials like newspaper roll, old cardboard sheets, colours etc with the help
of your parents.

Type of House:-
1) Hut
2)House Boat
3)Sky scrapers or Multi story building
4) Tree house
Link for the activity -
Activity 2
Make a 2D or 3D family tree using all possible waste material in the house cardboards, old
plastic glass/plate used gift wraps etc. and paste/draw all the family members picture in
it including grandparents, parents, uncle, aunts and cousins.
Link for the activity -

Note: Make a Video Call to your family members and tell them how much you
love and miss them. Body Parts Sense Organs Internal and External Organs Animal World


Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts which describe the two relative qualities in
present in everything. Yin is more internal ,cooling, passive and downward. Yang
is more external, dynamic, warming and upward. When these terms are applied
in yoga, Yin Yoga is a slower practice where poses are passively held for longer.
Creative Coloring
Draw and colour your favourite yoga postures in stick drawing style in your scrap
file and YIN and YANG symbol on A-3 sheet.
You can take help by clicking on the given link below for different yoga postures :-
Class II

Children, we learn about uses of computer. Here are some questions based
on the various uses of computer. Answer the following questions.
Q1. Choose the correct answer: -

1. Which of the following is true about computer?

(i) Computer can run
(ii) Computer can sing
(iii) Computer can eat
(iv) We can type on a computer

2. The full form of PC is

(i) Process Computer (ii) Private Computer
(iii)Personal Computer (iv) Perfect Computer

Q2. Write True and False: -

1. A desktop computer needs a battery ( )

2. A computer can be used to design clothes ( )

3. A computer can take its own decision ( )

4. Computers are used in banks to keep records

of the customers and their accounts ( )

Q3. Answer in one word or a sentence:-

A. Computer can store a large amount of ………………….

B. A computer can be used to book ………………….
C. We can use a computer to draw ……………………..
D. ………………. are smaller than desktop computers but larger than tablets.
Q4. Look at the pictures and write what are they doing on a computer?

A. ……………………………………………………………….

B. …………………………………………………………………

C. ………………………………………………………………….

Q5. Write two uses of computer at school.


Q6. Write two places where you have seen a computer.

Activity 1: Collect the pictures of computer peripherals and paste them on a A4
size coloured sheet with a Title “Computer peripherals” at the top and a beautiful
border round the edges.

Activity 2


* Holiday Homework needs to be done in neat handwriting.

* Activities should be presented beautifully with excellent creativity.
* Holiday Homework is mandatory to be to done by all the students within
the stipulated time.
* Students who won't be able to take out the print out of the Holiday
Homework can do it in the notebook only by mentioning the question no. and
writing the answers.
* Holiday Homework will be evaluated in overall result.

Happy Holidays !!!

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