M&E Guidelines WFP
M&E Guidelines WFP
M&E Guidelines WFP
United Nations World Food Programme Office of Evaluation
What is an Indicator
How to check the Link between the Operation Design and the M&E elements 6 What is Beneficiary Contact Monitoring 11 Selecting Appropriate Indicators What is meant by Disaggregating or Stratifying and how is It done 14 17
Explain what an indicator is and how it is used in M&E. Describe the critical relationship between M&E and operation design, and explain what steps should be followed in order to ensure that this link is clearly articulated, Define BCM and explain how it is used in M&E, Explain how to select appropriate indicators. Explain what stratifying and disaggregating mean in relation to sampling, data collection, indicators and analysis including the requirements for monitoring and evaluating WFPs Commitments to Women and explain the rationale for stratifying prior to data collection, as well as during analysis.
What is RBM Oriented M&E How to design a Results-Oriented M&E Strategy for EMOPs and PRROs How to design a Results-Oriented M&E Strategy for Development Programmes
How to check the M&E Elements in a Logical Framework An Example of how to check the Design Logic in a Logical Framework An Example of Distinct and Separate Results Hierarchy Levels and Design Elements An Example of SMART Indicators within Each Level of the Results Hierarchy What is Beneficiary Contact Monitoring Introduction What is BCM? BCM and the Logical Framework An Example of BCM Leading Indicators and Their relation to Outcome Indicators in Development Operations, PRROs and EMOPs Selecting Appropriate Indicators Introduction Indicators in WFP How to select Indicators Example of SMART Indicators for a School Feeding Activity Logical Framework What is meant by Disaggregating or Stratifying and how is It done Introduction What is Stratification and what is Disaggregation Stratification Requirements for the M&E of WFPs Commitments to Women Example of Pre-stratification of a Probability Sample Example of Stratification of a Non-probability Sample Examples of the Stratification Factors that are listed in Indicators
What is an Indicator
Introduction. This section explains what an indicator is and how it is used in
monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
What is an Indicator
WFP defines an indicator as a quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement or to reflect the changes connected with a WFP operation. As such, an indicator is simply a measurement. Indicators are compared over time in order to assess change. In the logical framework approach, an operation is broken down into design elements such as inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts. Separate indicators for each of these elements (or levels) are used to measure performance. Indicators play the critical role of informing management as to whether an operation is being implemented as planned and achieving the desired results as articulated in its logical framework. As such, indicators are sometimes referred to as performance indicators.
An indicator may be disaggregated by any number of factors. For WFP, gender and age group are critical factors for the disaggregation of indicators. Other potentially important factors by which indicators may be disaggregated are operation-specific and should be defined in terms of the subgroups that are to be compared with one another. When listing an indicator in the logical framework, be sure to state the factors by which it must be disaggregated (e.g. school enrolment rate by grade and gender). In addition, be sure that the indicator is non-directional (e.g. neither positive nor negative), as it is simply a measure. Target achievements for indicators should be listed in the first column of the logical framework (e.g. the internal logic) or in a separate column.
Means of verification
Indicators (increasingly stand- The programme evaluation ardised) to measure prosystem gramme performance (Outcomes) Measures that describe the accomplishment of the outcome; the value, benefit and return on the investment
People, events, processes Risks regarding programmeand sources of data for organ- level impact ising the operations evaluation system
How to check the Link between the Operation Design and the M&E elements
Introduction. This section clarifies the critical relationship between M&E and operation
design, and provides the steps to follow to ensure that this link is clearly articulated.
Means of verification
The higher objective to which Indicators (increasingly stand- The programme evaluation this operation, along with oth- ardised) to measure prosystem ers, is intended to contribute gramme performance Outcome The outcome of an operation; the changes in beneficiary behaviour, systems or institutional performance caused by the combined output strategy and key assumptions Outputs The actual deliverables; what the operation can be held accountable for producing Activities Output indicators that measure the goods and services finally delivered by the operation Inputs/resources People, events, processes, sources of data monitoring system for validating implementation progress (Outcomes) Measures that describe the accomplishment of the outcome; the value, benefit and return on the investment
People, events, processes Risks regarding programmeand sources of data for organ- level impact ising the operations evaluation system
People, events, processes, Risks regarding design effectsources of data supervision iveness and monitoring system for validating operation design
The main activity clusters that Budget by activity; monetary, must be undertaken in order physical and human reto accomplish the outputs sources required to produce the outputs
Beneficiary contact monitoring (BCM) indicators are identified for the purpose of tracking progress between outputs and outcomes and are noted at the outcome level. 2 levels within 1 logical framework do not share the same indicator (if they do, the indicator at 1 level is not specific enough to that level or the design logic between levels is flawed). The unit of study (e.g. individuals, children, households, organisations) in the numerator and, where applicable, the denominator of each indicator are clearly defined such that there is no ambiguity in calculating the indicator. The means of verification for each indicator (column 3) are sufficiently documented, stating the source of the data needed to assess the indicator (be sure that sources of secondary data are in a useable form).
An Example of Distinct and Separate Results Hierarchy Levels and Design Elements
B. Outcome Increased enrolment of female students by an average of 10% per year over 5 years A.
Increased attendance by enrolled female A. students Output Dry take-home rations distributed (on average per year) to female students who are enrolled and attending classes A.
What is BCM?
BCM is defined as a systematic investigation to monitor beneficiaries womens, mens, girls and boys perceptions of an operation. BCM Focuses on beneficiary access to, use of and satisfaction with outputs by seeking feedback directly from the women, men and children who are the target group for an operation. Concerns the transition between outputs and outcomes. Provides managers with an indication of progress towards the achievement of an operations outcomes. Uses a variety of techniques and data collection methods.
It applies the following logic: If members of the target group do not have access to operation outputs, they will not experience any benefit. If members of the target group have access to, but have chosen not to use, the outputs, they will not experience any benefit. If members of the target group are using operation outputs, but are not satisfied with the services or facilities they are receiving, they are unlikely to use them in the longer term, and therefore their experience of benefits will be limited. In the logical framework matrix, BCM seeks to gauge progress in the transition from service delivery (outputs) to benefits (outcomes). The indicators used in BCM are therefore referred to as leading indicators. BCM indicators should be included in the logical framework at the outcome level. It must be noted that beneficiaries reaction, however positive, is only a proxy indicator of the improved situation that an operation is intended to bring about. A proxy indicator is an indicator that is substituted for another indicator that would be hard to measure directly.
Outcome The benefits derived by the beneficiaries Transition from service delivery to benefit Beneficiary Contact Monitoring Indicators Mens, womens and childrens access to, use of and satisfaction with the outputs provided by the operation
An Example of BCM Leading Indicators and Their relation to Outcome Indicators in Development Operations, PRROs and EMOPs
BCM is concerned with beneficiaries perspectives of access to, use of and satisfaction with outputs. This important qualitative and contextual characteristic of BCM complements more quantitative outcome indicators.
Development School feeding activity desired outcome: Increase access to basic education for boys and girls Outcome indicators: Net enrolment rate disaggregated by gender PRRO Supplementary feeding desired outcome: Reduce mortality and morbidity risk in children under 5 Outcome indicators: EMOP General food distribution desired outcome: Save lives through provision of adequate food Outcome indicators:
Number of children under 5 suffering from malnutrition Mortality rate of children under 5
BCM indicators:
BCM indicators: Access: % of target households aware of supplementary feeding programme Use: % of target households participating in supplementary feeding programme Satisfaction; mothers perception of quality and adequacy of food supplement
BCM indicators: Access: % families registered for food distribution Use: number of registered men, women, girls and boys consuming target ration Satisfaction: mens, womens and childrens opinions about composition and quality of ration
Access: % of parents fathers and mothers aware of value of sending girls to primary school Use: % of target households with girls and boys enrolled in participating schools Satisfaction: degree of girls and boys appreciation of canteen food/dry rations (from very low to very high)
Indicators in WFP
A generic set of indicators cannot be prescribed because indicators must be developed specifically for each operations design and in line with the articulation of the operations design elements (e.g. inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, impact) as shown in the logical framework. However, many WFP operations around the world share a similar design, and the Office of Evaluation (OEDE) has developed a list of potential indicators categorised for each level of the logical framework hierarchy - for many types of operations. There is no need to think up a completely unique and original set of indicators, but rather to pick from the list a concise and focused set and, if required, adjust them to suit the operation that is being monitored and evaluated.
bers and qualitative data it means defining each term within the indicator such that there can be no misunderstanding as to the meaning of that indicator. This is critical for ensuring that the data collected by different people at different times are consistent and comparable. Examples of indicators that are not measurable include the percentage of households that are food-secure (food-secure is not defined precisely) and the percentage of women with increased access to health services (access is not defined precisely). The critical means of ensuring that indicators are measurable is to define all the terms within the indicator, even those for which a general agreement about meaning may be shared among staff members. Accurate Some indicators are more accurate measures than others. For example, measuring the weightfor-height of children under 5 years of age will yield a more accurate figure for the percentage of acutely malnourished (wasted) children than will measuring the mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC). Again, note the need to define clearly what is meant by 'acutely malnourished' in terms of measurement (previous criteria). Similarly, a 7-day dietary recall will yield a more accurate measure of food consumption than will asking the average number of meals that were consumed over the last month. However, the accuracy criteria must be balanced with the other criteria, taking into consideration the resources available for M&E in WFP. Realistic The indicators selected must be realistic in terms of their ability to collect the data with the available resources. Some indicators present major problems for data collection owing to the cost or skills required (e.g. anthropometric surveys, large-scale sample surveys). Being realistic in planning what information can be collected ensures that it will, in fact, be collected. This is an important factor to consider and may lead to compromises on other criteria. Timely Indicators must be timely in several aspects. First, they must be timely in terms of the time spent in data collection. This relates to the resources that are available - staff and partner time being critical. If it takes 2 days to collect dietary recall data from 1 household, this indicator is probably inappropriate. Second, indicators must reflect the timing of collection. For example, a FFW activity constructing water dams may have an indicator of time spent in water collection as a measure of whether or not the desired outcome has been achieved. However, the indicator must reflect the seasonal differences, as well as the operation activities, that affect water availability. An appropriate indicator may disaggregate by dry and wet season. Finally, the time-lag between output delivery and the expected change in outcome and impact indicators must also be reflected in the indicators that are chosen. This time-lag can be significant, especially for Country Programmes (CPs) aimed at poverty reduction. Some more general guidelines for indicator selection, based on commonly found mistakes, include the following: Do not state the target achievement in the indicator itself: The indicator is simply a measurement and, as such, should be non-directional (e.g. neither positive nor negative). Targets should be listed either in the first column of the logical framework - as part of the operation's internal logic - or as a separate column. Do not select too many indicators: Managers have a tendency to ask for too much information, assuming that the more they know the better prepared they will be. The result is often information overload. Instead, information needs must be related directly to decisionmaking roles and levels of management - field managers require more detailed information, while aggregated and summarised data are used at higher levels. The selection of indicators should reflect this through the specification of a minimum set of information. There is a tendency for staff and partners to want to capture every nuance and to identify all the pos15
sible indicators during the design of an operation. A brief reminder about the cost and time needed to collect and analyse the data usually brings the focus back to the minimum set of information needed. Do not select indicators that are unnecessarily complex: Some indicators present major problems for data collection in terms of the skills or resources required. For example, household income data can be complex and expensive to collect. Alternative indicators to consider are patterns of expenditure or household characteristics such as the materials used to construct the house. Qualitative indicators (e.g. wealth ranking) can also convey complex information, perhaps less accurately but accurately enough for most data needs. Do not overconcentrate on physical progress indicators: Information about food stocks and distribution is vitally important within a WFP operation, but it does not provide sufficient information on the performance of the operation. Identifying these indicators is relatively straightforward. However, information about the results of an operation is also needed, and the selection of indicators at these levels is slightly more complex. To some extent, the logical framework mandates the identification of indicators at the outcome and impact levels, making it an ideal shared framework for operation design and M&E. In addition, BCM provides a means of tracking the likelihood of achieving the desired outcomes and impact.
A. A.
Activities Inputs
3 Dry take-home ration distributions held A. per academic year (target 3) 78305 MT Wheat, 4195 MT Vegetable Oil A. B. C.
C. Outcome Increased enrolment of female students by an average of 10% per year over 5 years A.
Increased attendance by enrolled female A. students Output Dry take-home rations distributed (on average per year) to female students who are enrolled and attending classes A.
Module Summary What has been covered in this module? This module defined what an indicator is and explained its function in M&E. It provided concrete guidance on how to ensure that the indicators stated in the Logical Framework are clearly formulated and logically related to operation design a precondition for efficient M&E design. It also defined what BCM is and described how it should be used in the monitoring of WFP operations. WFPs criteria for selecting indicators were outlined, and examples of performance indicators at different levels in the results hierarchy were given.
United Nations World Food Programme Office of Evaluation and Monitoring Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 68/70 - 00148 Rome, Italy Web Site: www.wfp.org E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +39 06 65131