CHART NO.2888, Dev Card NO. 2B, Tide Table 2000, Variation 5 W

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Candidate’s Name:

Ports and Maritime Organization

Seafarers' Examination and Certification Directorate
Exam Code: 1401-04

Subject: Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation Date: 1401/11/16

Rank: Second officer (GT>500) Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours
( ‫) ﻧﻮﺑﺖ ﺻﺒﺢ‬ (Pass mark: 70)
CHART NO.2888, Dev Card NO. 2B, Tide Table 2000, Variation= 5 º W

Q-1 A v/l heading 270º (C) is in position with Bandar-e Jask lt,ho ( Fl.210s.12M, 25° 38'N,057° 48'E )
bearing=045º (C) , distance=8.0 M. Find compass course to steer and SMG from the above position to
Kuh-e Mobarak LT.Ho, FL.10s.44m.18M (25º 50' N, 057º 19'E) bearing =064 º (T) ,distance=6.0M, to
contract the effect of current setting 190(T) x 2.0 kts and leeway of 6 degrees due to NE wind. v/l speed is
10.0 kts ? (20 Marks)

Q-2 From a position with Didamar ( Jazirat Tadmur ) lt.ho (Fl.2.10s.60m.23M, 26° 28'.5N, 056°
32'E) bearing=233º (T) , distance=15.0M ,a v/l steaming 173º(C) with speed=14.0 kts. Tidal stream setting
243 º (T) x 2.0 kts , Leeway is 5 degrees due to Easterly wind. Find course and speed made good?
(20 Marks)
Q-3 A v/l obtained the following lt.ho bearings:
a-Jaz-ye Greater Tunb ( 26º 16' N , 055º 18' E) lt.ho ( Fl.10s.75m.18M ) Brg=011º (C)
b- Jazt Abu-Musa Fl.8s.130m.9M (25° 53'N, 055° 02'.0E) lt.ho Brg=219º (C)
c- Jaz.Lesser Tunb ( 26 º 14.5 'N, 055º 09.2 'E) Lt.Ho ( Fl.10s.25m.12M ) Brg=337º (C)
Find v/l position and deviation for the ship’s head? (20 Marks)

Q-4 Find the shortest distance, and the initial course of the great circle between the following positions?
A 41 °00'S. 175°00'E. To B 33° 00' S. 71 ° 30' W.
(20 Marks)

Q-5 On 23rd Aug 2000 find the earliest time for a vessel at Millport (ATT vol. I) with forward draft of 6.1
meter and aft draft of 6.3 meter, which can safely pass over a patch with a charted depth of 4.6 meters.
Allow 50cm for under keel clearance. (20 Marks)

Good Luck


000 2.5E 190 3.5W
010 1.5E 200 2.5W
020 0.5E 210 1.5W
030 0.75E 220 0.5W
040 2W 230 0.5E
050 3.75W 240 1.5E
060 4.5W 250 2.5E
070 5.75W 260 3.5E
080 6.0W 270 4.5E
090 6.5W 280 5.5E
100 7.0W 290 6.0E
110 7.5W 300 6.5E
120 8.0W 310 6.5E
130 8.25W 320 6.5E
140 8.05W 330 5.5E
150 7.5W 340 4.5E
160 7.0W 350 3.5E
170 5.75W 360 2.5E
180 4.5W

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