CHART NO.2888, Dev Card NO. 2B, Tide Table 2000, Variation 5 W
CHART NO.2888, Dev Card NO. 2B, Tide Table 2000, Variation 5 W
CHART NO.2888, Dev Card NO. 2B, Tide Table 2000, Variation 5 W
Q-1 A v/l heading 270º (C) is in position with Bandar-e Jask lt,ho ( Fl.210s.12M, 25° 38'N,057° 48'E )
bearing=045º (C) , distance=8.0 M. Find compass course to steer and SMG from the above position to
Kuh-e Mobarak LT.Ho, FL.10s.44m.18M (25º 50' N, 057º 19'E) bearing =064 º (T) ,distance=6.0M, to
contract the effect of current setting 190(T) x 2.0 kts and leeway of 6 degrees due to NE wind. v/l speed is
10.0 kts ? (20 Marks)
Q-2 From a position with Didamar ( Jazirat Tadmur ) lt.ho (Fl.2.10s.60m.23M, 26° 28'.5N, 056°
32'E) bearing=233º (T) , distance=15.0M ,a v/l steaming 173º(C) with speed=14.0 kts. Tidal stream setting
243 º (T) x 2.0 kts , Leeway is 5 degrees due to Easterly wind. Find course and speed made good?
(20 Marks)
Q-3 A v/l obtained the following lt.ho bearings:
a-Jaz-ye Greater Tunb ( 26º 16' N , 055º 18' E) lt.ho ( Fl.10s.75m.18M ) Brg=011º (C)
b- Jazt Abu-Musa Fl.8s.130m.9M (25° 53'N, 055° 02'.0E) lt.ho Brg=219º (C)
c- Jaz.Lesser Tunb ( 26 º 14.5 'N, 055º 09.2 'E) Lt.Ho ( Fl.10s.25m.12M ) Brg=337º (C)
Find v/l position and deviation for the ship’s head? (20 Marks)
Q-4 Find the shortest distance, and the initial course of the great circle between the following positions?
A 41 °00'S. 175°00'E. To B 33° 00' S. 71 ° 30' W.
(20 Marks)
Q-5 On 23rd Aug 2000 find the earliest time for a vessel at Millport (ATT vol. I) with forward draft of 6.1
meter and aft draft of 6.3 meter, which can safely pass over a patch with a charted depth of 4.6 meters.
Allow 50cm for under keel clearance. (20 Marks)
Good Luck