Ie Sci
Ie Sci
Ie Sci
General information
Pt.'s name: J.W
Age: 20 yrs. old
Sex: M
Address: Gatchalian, Las Pinas
Civil status: Single
Handedness: R
Occupation: College Student
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Date of consultation: September 20, 2021
Referring M.D: Dr. Sam
Referring unit: Emergency Room
Date of referral: September 22, 2021
Rehab MD: Dr. Pangilinan
Date of IE: October 2, 2021
Informant/Reliability: Pt./Good
Type of Pt.: out-pt.
Dx: Paraplegia 2° complete SCI ASIA A (NL: T11, SL: T11, ML: T11) 2° grade 3 T12 traumatic
c/c: Pt. complains of poor posture, balance, the need of maximum 2+ assist. in some aspects of
ADLs such as ambulation, bed mobility, transfers, bathing, dressing, and toileting.
Pt.’s goal: To achieve the functional level of independence and ambulate with or without
assistance. improve ROM and balance, strengthen B UE be able to perform transfers and daily
activities, as well as wheelchair training.
A 20 years old college student and his friends were involved in a high impact injury, a car
accident. September 20, 2021, the patient was in a passenger seat and was not aware that his
seatbelt was not properly worn and left his seatbelt off. The incident happened, when his friend
Ana (driver) approached an intersection with a green light, so she continued driving at the speed
limit without any need to slow down. However, a driver from the left failed to notice the red light
and collided with her car on the driver's side. The collision propelled the car onto the right
median, leading it to overturn and end up in an upside-down position. Ana was buckled in and is
not badly hurt, but the pt. was unconscious. Ambulance came and he was brought to the
hospital immediately. He was immediately treated, and given an x-ray, MRI, CT scan ordered by
Dr. Sam ; a "Scotty dog decapitated" sign was seen on T12 and "Scotty dog with collar" sign on
L1. And no brain haemorrhage and cervical herniated disc was found.
September 21, 2021, the pt. woke up, and could not move his legs, he also notes that he can’t
feel his legs. The pt. has a complaint of intermittent dull aching pain on his low back c̅ 8/10 PS.
Pt. can move both his upper arms. The pt. was able to breathe on his own and could not control
his bowels or bladder. Dr. Sam performed Bulbocavernosus Reflex to test if there was spinal
shock d/t the accident and the test resulted negative. Pt was diagnosed with paraplegia 2°
complete SCI ASIA A (NL: T11, SL: T11, ML: T11) 2° grade 3 T12 traumatic spondylolisthesis;
and underwent a spinal fusion surgery. Pt. also uses a condom catheter for urinary
September 24, 2021, pt. was referred to Dr. Pangilinan for further A:. & eval., & finally r eferred
to PT for execution of rehab P: & mx. In the post-operative ward constant monitoring of the
patient for 72 hours was done to counter unwanted complications such as AD, DVT, edema,
and pneumonia and proceeded to early mobilization, and PT for rehab P & progression mx.
once cleared.
Ancillary Procedure:
September 20, 2021 Oblique view & Lateral view of (+) "Scotty dog with collar" sign
the Spine X-Ray on T12
(+) "Scotty dog decapitated" sign
on T1
head and neck head and neck MRI (-) brain hemorrhage
(-) cervical herniated disc
(-) Previous hospitalisation
(-) Htn
(-) DM
(-) Cardiac problems
(-) CA
(-) Previous trauma
(-) Neurological ds
(-) Pulmonary problems
(-) Obesity
(-) Drugs
Maternal Paternal
CA (-) (-)
DM (-) (-)
● Type B personality
● Only child
● Caffeine beverage drinker (3 cups of coffee/day)
● Non-alcoholic beverage drinker
● Non-cigarette smoker
● Lives with parent
● Loves to travel
● Loves reading and playing table tennis (3x/week)
● Loves to eat fruits such as apple, mango and strawberries
● Lives in a bungalow house
● Has a solo room and 10 steps from the main door
● Distance of bedroom ↔ bathroom ~ 10 steps, bedroom ↔ kitchen ~ 10 steps, bedroom ↔
living room ~ 10 steps, bedroom ↔ entrance door ~ 15 steps, living room ↔ gate ~ 20 steps. No
stair steps on the front
a p
RR 16 cpm 18 cpm
PR 80 bpm 80 bpm
● In wheelchair
● A/C/C
● Ectomorph
● (+) Diaper
● (+) Urinary Catheters
● (+) Bowel Catheters
● (+) orthotic device - taylor brace
● (+) atrophy on B LE
● (-) swelling on B UE and LE
● (-) erythema on B UE and LE
● (-) ecchymosis on B UE and LE
● (-) deformities on B UE and LE
● (-) wounds on B UE and LE
● (-) skin trophic on all exposed areas
● (-) skin discoloration on all exposed areas
● Normothermic on B UE and LE
● Normotonic on B UE, Hypertonic on B LE
● (+) LOM on B LE -> all planes
● (+) Grade 3 spasticity on B LE
● (+) Muscle spasm
● (+) Muscle weakness on B LE
● (-) Muscle guarding
● (-) Tenderness on B UE and LE
● (-) Edema on B UE and LE
● (-) Nodules on B UE and LE
● (-) Taut bands on B UE and LE
● (-) Crepitus on B UE and LE
ROM All major joints of B UE and neck are WNL actively and passively done c N end feel
except for the ff
Sig. (+) LOM on B LE AROM -> all planes d/t paralysis 2 UMNL and B LE PROM d/t spasticity 2
UMNL, thoracolumbar -> all planes d/t pain and instability 2 spondylolisthesis
MMT All major muscles of B UE and neck are grossly assessed graded 5/5 except for the ff
Action Grade
B Hip IR 0/5
B Hip ER 0/5
B Ankle DF 0/5
B Ankle PF 0/5
Neuro Evaluation
Sig. (+) Hyperreflexia on B LE d/t UMNL
Sensory A
0% intact superficial sensation on B LE as to pain, light touch, and deep pressure sensation
0% intact deep sensation on B LE as to proprioception and kinesthesia
STDs used: pin, brush for light touch, and thumb for deep pressure
Sig.: Impaired superficial and deep sensation on B LE (See ASIA scale)
CN Testing:
Mental Status:
Procedure Response Significance
Judgement Pt. was asked “What would you Pt. was able to answer Ⓝ
do if you found a stamped, with correct judgment
addressed envelope on the based on the situation
Orientation The examiner asked the pt. the Pt. was able to provide Ⓝ
following questions: the correct answers
● What is your name?
● Where are you right
● What time is the date
Memory Immediate recall: Pt. was asked Pt. was able to recall Ⓝ
to repeat the following words: immediate, short and
“Lemon, apple, banana” long term memories
Pathologic Reflex:
Reflex Procedure Response Significance
Babinski Stroking the sole of foot The pt respond c flexion of (+) UMN lesion
Ⓑ big toe
Postural Assessment: Pt. was assessed on sitting position both AP and lateral view outside //
A/P View Lateral View
Sig: (+) Kyphotic Posture d/t upper spine falling off the lower 2° grade 3 spondylolisthesis
Special test:
Foraminal The pt. is in sitting Pt did not respond (-) Cervical Nerve root
Compression position and the PT c̅ pain that radiates Compression
Test compress the head in to arm.
neutral position, then c̅
head extended and c̅
headed extended and
rotated to unaffected
Jackson’s Pt. is positioned in a The pt did not (-) Cervical Nerve root
Compression sitting position and the responds c̅ pain Compression
test PT rotates the pt’s head that radiates into
to one side and appies a his arm.
downward pressure on
the head
Tone Assessment:
1 Slight ↑ in mm tone; manifested by a catch and release; min resistance at the end
of ROM
2 More marked ↑ in mm tone through most of ROM but affected part easily moved
LE Region
Muscle/s Ⓛ Ⓡ
Hip Flexors 3 3
Hip Extensors 3 3
Hip Abductors 3 3
Hip adductors 3 3
Knee Flexors 3 3
Knee Extensors 3 3
Ankle Dorsiflexors 3 3
Ankle Plantarflexors 3 3
Ankle evertors 3 3
Ankle invertors 3 3
B/T Assessment:
Balance assessed in sitting position inside // bars c assist.
Poor: <15mins
Poor+: 15-30mins
Fair: 30-45mins
Fair+: 45mins-1hr
Good: 1hr
Sig: Pt. demonstrate fair+ tolerance
Functional Independence Measurement (FIM)
Score Definition
7 Complete Independence
6 Modified Independence
5 Supervision
3 Moderate Assistance
2 Maximal Assistance
1 Total Assistance
Eating 2 7 7
Grooming 3 7 7
Bathing 1 7 7
Dressing - Upper 4 7 7
Dressing - Lower 1 2 7
Toileting 1 6 7
Bladder 1 6 7
Bowel 1 6 7
Bed, 1 3 7
Toilet 1 3 7
Tub, Shower 1 5 7
Walk - - 7
Stairs - - 7
Comprehension 7 7 7
Expression 7 7 7
Social Interaction 7 7 7
Problem Solving 7 7 7
Memory 7 7 7
Anthropometric Measurement:
Muscle Bulk Measurement (MBM)
R L Difference
14 cm 12 cm 2 cm
15 cm (6 inches) below the apex of the patella
15 cm 13 cm 2 cm
Apex of the patella or joint line
20 cm 19 cm 1 cm
5 cm (2 inches) above the base of the patella
20 cm 22 cm 2 cm
10 cm (4 inches) above the base of the patella
24 cm 20 cm 4 cm
15 cm (6 inches) above the base of the patella
25 cm 28 cm 3 cm
23 cm (9 inches) above the base of the patella
Sig: (+) muscle atrophy on B LE quadriceps and tibialis anterior 2° to disuse atrophy
Sensory Analysis:
Functional Analysis:
Pt. is dependent on some ADLs c̅ max +2 assist in ambulation, bed mobility, transfers. +1
moderate assist in undressing and dressing of lower garments and toileting. Pt. is unable to do
weight bearing activities such as standing and walking on B LE
PT Impression:
Pt. was diagnosed c̅ Paraplegia 2° complete SCI ASIA A (NL: T11, SL: T11, ML: T11) 2° grade 3
T12 traumatic spondylolisthesis, is cooperative and willing to undergo PT mx. Has a good rehab
potential d/t his optimistic nature & good motivation. PT mx will focus on strengthening of Ⓑ LE,
improving balance, education of proper transfers and prevention of 2° complications such as
DVT, pressure sores & soft tissue contractures.
● No other comorbidities
● Cooperative ● Fracture
● Willing to undergo PT mx. ● Mental health effect ( anxiety,
● Good motivation depression -> suicide)
● Supportive family ● Complete paralysis on B LE
● Healthy lifestyle ● Long recovery period
● Active person
● Compliance
● Age
● No past medical hx.
Problem list:
P:> Pt. will be treated 3x/wk. for 6 mos. as an out-pt., and will receive the ff mx:
1. US on B LE x 1.5W/cm² x 1 MHz x 10’ to ↑ tissue extensibility
2. PROM on B LE x 10 reps x 3 sets → AP flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, ER,
IR, PF, and DF to ↑ ROM
3. FES on Ⓑ LE x 5Hz x 10’ to ↑ facilitate ROM
4. Rood’s inhibitory techniques to ↓ spasticity
a. Slow stroking along the vertebral musculature x 3’
b. Neutral warmth x 10-20’
c. Prolonged stretch on Ⓑ LE x 20 secs.
d. Light joint compression on Ⓑ LE musculatures
e. Tendon pressure on Ⓑ LE tendons
5. Transfer exercises x 10 reps x 1 set
a. Floor ↔ w/c
b. w/c ↔ floor
c. Bed ↔w/c
d. W/c ↔ Bed
e. Bed ↔ Chair
f. Chair ↔ Bed
6. Bed Mobility Exercises x 10 reps x 1 set
a. Supine ↔ side-lying
b. Side-lying ↔ supine
c. Side-lying ↔ Sitting
d. Sitting ↔ side-lying
e. Supine ↔ Sitting
f. Sitting ↔ supine
g. Supine ↔ prone
h. Prone ↔ supine
i. Log rolling
7. Bicep curls using 10lb. DB x 10 reps x 2 sets to ↑ muscle strength, ↑ 2 lbs every 2 weeks
8. Dumbbell press using 15lbs DB x 10 reps x 2 sets ↑ muscle strength, ↑ 5lbs every 2
9. Assisted chest dips x 10 reps x 2 sets to ↑ muscle strength, ↑ 1 rep every 4 weeks
10. Assisted pull ups x 10 reps x 2 sets to ↑ muscle strength, ↑ 1 rep every 4 weeks
11. Seated balance training 10 reps x 2 sets to ↑ balance
a. Lateral seated weight shift exercise
12. Ambulation training c forearm crutches x 5m x 2 rounds to facilitate ambulation
13. Once patient is able to bear weight // bars walking c̅ use of Scott-Craig Orthosis x 20'
1. W/c transfers x 3 sets
● Floor ↔ w/c
● w/c ↔ floor
Bed ↔w/c
● W/c ↔ Bed
● Bed ↔ Chair
● Chair ↔ Bed
2. Bed Mobility exercises +1 assist
● Supine ↔ side-lying
● Side-lying ↔ supine
● Side-lying ↔ Sitting
● Sitting ↔ side-lying
● Supine ↔ Sitting
● Sitting ↔ supine
● Supine ↔ prone
● Prone ↔ supine
● Log rolling
3. GPS on Ⓑ LE x 30SH x 5 reps x 1 to ↑ flexibility.
4. Seated balance training 10 reps x 1 set to ↑ balance
a. Lateral seated weight shift exercise
5. UE Ergometry x 20’ to ↑ endurance
6. Proper postural training c use of Taylor brace together c use of mirror as feedback
1. Follow the HEP provided.
2. Take prescribed meds. accordingly.
3. Encourage pt. to maintain monthly medical appointments.
4. Inform the pt. to limit coffee consumption.
5. Encourage pt. to observe proper energy conservation techniques for example
scheduling rest
periods between ADLs.
6. Educate pt. and family member/caregiver to change position q 2 hrs. to prevent
formation of pressure ulcer and contractures.
7. Educate pt. to use cushions on pressure sensitive areas to ↓ discomfort.
8. Tell the family member/caregiver to check skin change on the pressure sensitive areas.
9. Encourage pt. to observe proper skin hygiene and apply moisturiser on Ⓑ LE
10. Inform the pt. to get enough rest and do not over exercise.
11. Teach pt. on how to wear a Taylor brace at all times excluding sleeping, eating and