4401 Iii - Carb
4401 Iii - Carb
4401 Iii - Carb
The SKF brand now stands for more than ever before, Why CARB® bearings? .................................................. 3
and means more to you as a valued customer.
While SKF maintains its leadership as the hallmark of Demanding environment ............................................... 4
quality bearings throughout the world, new dimensions Drying cylinder ................................................................. 4
in technical advances, product support and services Yankee cylinder ................................................................ 4
have evolved SKF into a truly solutions-oriented supplier,
creating greater value for customers.
Solutions – up to now .................................................... 6
These solutions encompass ways to bring greater Spherical roller bearing with axially free
productivity to customers, not only with breakthrough outer ring .......................................................................... 6
application-specific products, but also through leading- Cylindrical roller bearing................................................... 6
edge design simulation tools and consultancy services, Self-aligning double row cylindrical roller
plant asset efficiency maintenance programs, and the bearing ............................................................................. 6
industry’s most advanced supply management Spherical roller bearing in a housing mounted
techniques. on rockers......................................................................... 7
The SKF brand still stands for the very best in rolling
bearings, but it now stands for much more. The CARB bearing – the better solution ...................... 8
The design ....................................................................... 8
SKF – The knowledge engineering company Load carrying capacity ..................................................... 8
Friction ............................................................................. 9
Axial displacement..........................................................10
Comparison and summary .............................................12
Application ....................................................................13
Bearing life and reliability................................................13
Nuts ................................................................................13
Steam joint on front side .................................................14
Condition monitoring.......................................................14
Lubrication ......................................................................15
Mounting .........................................................................16
Axial mounting position...................................................16
Rebuild to CARB bearing arrangement! .........................18
Why CARB bearings?
“Why is the CARB bearing a better “So CARB gives better bearing
non-locating bearing solution for function and longer service life?”
drying and Yankee cylinders in
papermaking machines?” “Yes, and for you this means:
lower bearing consumption, fewer
“Because CARB can handle cylinder planned and unplanned stops, the
elongation, shaft and housing mis- possibility to increase the loads or
alignment, increased loads, increased select a smaller bearing and the pos-
speeds, high journal temperatures etc. sibility to increase the speed with an
better than any other solution.” equal or improved vibration level.”
Demanding environment
Drive side
Fig 1 Table 1
Drying cylinder Yankee cylinder
Press rolls
Yankee cylinder.
The major difference for the bearings
in Yankee cylinders compared to those
in drying cylinders, is the resultant
bearing load, FRes , caused by the
Yankee press rolls
Front side
Solutions – up to now ...
Spherical roller bearing Example: 15 % axial load on bearing Example: 0,15° misalignment on a
23052 reduces calculated bearing life cylindrical roller bearing with logarith-
with axially free outer by 70 %. mic profile reduces calculated bearing
ring life by 90 %.
stresses and further reduction of bear- To sum up: with this solution there
ing life. is a risk of axial forces and increased
Example: 30 % lower load carrying maintenance costs caused by malfunc-
capacity reduces calculated bearing tioning rockers as well as restrictions
life by about 70 %. in the speed capability of the machine.
Vibrations and tilting forces may cause There has to be a better solution...
Fig 5
A better solution with CARB
toroidal roller bearings
In 1995 SKF introduced a new bearing
– the CARB bearing. It was a major
breakthrough in bearing technology
– the greatest in over 50 years (SKF
introduced the spherical roller
thrust bearing in 1939).
This new bearing is in accordance with
the increasing demand for high load
carrying capacity, robustness and low
friction. Like a spherical roller bearing,
CARB toroidal roller bearings can accom-
modate misalignment and heavy radial
loads, but it is also able to take axial
displacement like a cylindrical roller
bearing. Similar to the needle roller
bearing, a CARB bearing has the
potential of a compact design.
CARB bearing provides a unique
combination of accommodating misalign-
ment and axial displacement.
This was the main reason why the front
side of drying cylinders was one of the
main applications considered when
developing CARB toroidal roller bearing.
Tests made at a number of paper mills
have proved that CARB bearing mounted
in a fixed housing is the ideal bearing
arrangement for this application.
CARB bearing gives the potential and minimum friction. Roller self-
of using interference fits for both guidance is obtained by well-matched
inner and outer rings and to make a roller and ring raceway geometries,
design with low sectional height. long rollers and zero contact angle.
These features are mainly intended
for other applications than drying
cylinders. Load carrying capacity
The radial load carrying capacity of
CARB bearing is high due to the long
The design rollers. This can be achieved within a
The rollers are long and barrel-shaped low sectional height. The dynamic load
with a profile radius much larger than rating C given in catalogues is usually
that of rollers in single or double row used as a basis for the selection of type
spherical roller bearings. and size of bearing. However, the ability
This means that the centre of curva- of most bearing types to carry load and
ture of the outer ring raceway is not still reach expected life can be reduced
located on the bearing axis as is the if there is misalignment involved.
case for spherical roller bearings Misalignment can occur in two ways
( fig 6 ). ( fig 7 ). When mounting the bearing
Raceway profile radii are optimized housing it should be well aligned around
to achieve favourable load distribution the vertical axis. This can easily be
achieved by measuring with
a feeler gauge between shaft
Friction Diagram 1
and housing cover. CARB bear- CARB bearing has about the same CARB bearing has the same high load
ing accepts 0,5° misalignment in friction as cylindrical roller bearings carrying capacity and is practically as
insensitive to misalignment around a
this direction but in most cases and double row spherical roller bear- horizontal axis as spherical roller bearings
the misalignment is only about ings. The friction depends on the
0,1° and is not likely to change misalignment as the rollers adjust
over time. It is therefore neglected their axial position to avoid edge load.
in the following text. CARB bearing can be misaligned Effective load ratings
The other misalignment direction, up to 1,0° around a horizontal axis. CARB
around the horizontal axis, is often For this type of misalignment up to bearing
substantial as the bearings are 0,5°, the increase in bearing friction
mounted in separate housings, is negligible. As mentioned before, Spherical roller
sometimes more than 10 metres misalignments up to 0,3° are common bearings
apart. Due to deflection and settling for drying cylinder bearings.
of the foundation this misalignment Measurements in cases where a
may increase over time and CARB bearing in a fixed housing has Cylindrical roller
replaced a spherical roller bearing in bearings, logarithmic
accordingly up to 0,3° misalignment profile
is common for drying cylinder a housing on rockers have shown that
bearings. the temperature has dropped.
Diagram 1 shows a comparison
between CARB toroidal roller Misalignment, degrees
bearing, spherical roller bearings
and cylindrical roller bearings.
The high load carrying capacity,
the mis-alignment ability and the
ability to accommodate axial dis-
placement without causing axial
loads are characteristic of CARB
bearing design. These properties
can either be used for downsizing,
that is selection of a smaller bearing
size, or for increased reliability
depending on which is considered
more valuable.
The raceway profile radius of CARB bearing is much larger Misalignment can occur in two directions
than that of a spherical roller bearing RCARB >> RSRB – around a vertical axis or around a
horizontal axis
Fig 6 Fig 7
The CARB bearing – the better solution
0,3 roller
0,1 bearing
–20 –10 0 10 20
Axial displacement, % of bearing width
In diagram 3 the available axial dis- Diagram 4
placement of a CARB bearing is com-
pared with corresponding displacement CARB bearings have a much greater “working area” than spherical roller
of cylindrical and spherical roller bear- bearings or cylindrical roller bearings. The diagram is valid for misalignments
ings. Just like for a CARB bearing the around a horizontal axis ( fig 7 , page 9)
available axial displacement of spheric-
al roller bearings depends on the radial
clearance. For cylindrical roller bear- Misalignment, degrees
ings the available axial displacement is 1,6
independent of the radial clearance but
is limited by the width of the raceways.
Because of the ability to take both
misalignment and axial displacement,
the CARB bearing has a much greater 1,2
“working area” than spherical roller spherical
roller bearing
bearings or cylindrical roller bearings 1,0
diagram 4 . Within the dark blue area
(axial displacement up to 8 % of bear-
ing width) for a CARB bearing in the 0,8
diagram the risk of radial preload oc- CARB
curring is less than or equal to that for 0,6
spherical roller bearings with C4 clear-
ance. To what extent the light blue area 0,4
(above 8 % of bearing width) for a CARB cylindrical
bearing is available depends on the roller bearing
operating clearance. 0,2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
The CARB bearing – the better solution
Table 2
Bearing life friction between outer ring and housing. nuts have four or eight equally spaced
Operating conditions may change slots around the outside diameter to
and reliability over time, for example increased mis- take hook or impact spanners.
A typical bearing arrangement incorpor- alignment due to settling of the founda- For more information and product
ating a CARB bearing is shown in fig tion. This means that the increase in range reference should be made to the
8 . The requirements for journal and real service life for a CARB bearing SKF catalogue ”Bearing accessories”.
housing tolerances as well as the compared to other solutions may be
requirements on the calculated bearing higher than the calculated one.
lives L10h and L10mh are the same as Even more important than a long Housings
for other bearing types ( SKF publica- bearing service life is to avoid un-
Historically all papermaking machines
tion 4690 “Rolling bearings in paper planned stops. For this reason the
have been equipped with specially
machines”). CARB inner ring is case-hardened
designed bearing housings. The
As the load carrying capacity for a (HA3 execution), as standard for max-
manufacturer has designed a special
CARB bearing is somewhat higher than imum resistance to ring cracking.
housing for more or less every indi-
for spherical roller bearings and sub- vidual machine which has involved a
stantially higher than for other bearing lot of cost of pattern equipment and
types used in this application ( figs Nuts design time. Specially made housings
3 and 4 , page 6), the calculated To secure the bearing in the right posi- have also been very difficult to find
bearing lives will be up to three times tion a good locking device is needed. when a replacement has been
higher for a CARB bearing . SKF has designed a wide selection required at the paper mill.
Compared to solutions with spher- of nuts which can be used in paper- SKF stepped into the lead position in
ical roller bearings ( figs 2 and 5 , making machines. the early nineties by introducing a
pages 6 and 7), the major increase in The KML and HM nuts are used in standard range of bearing housings for
calculated bearing lives is due to the conjunction with an MBL or MS locking the felt rolls in the dryer section, drying
elimination of axial loads from the steam washer. This gives a simple, stable, cylinders and Yankee cylinders.
joint, malfunctioning housing rockers, and reliable fastening element. The
and, in the case of a fixed housing,
Fig 8 Fig 9
These housings have a compact As the CARB bearing is mounted in sufficient space in the axial direction
optimal design for the pulp and paper a fixed housing, the axial expansion of inside the cylinder as the cylinder
industry that gives advantages for both the cylinder will be taken up within the expands.
the manufacturers and the paper mills. bearing. This means that if the steam
Today paper mills worldwide wish to joint is mounted directly on the cover of Condition monitoring
increase production, for example by the housing, it has to be designed to
speeding up the papermaking machine. take up all the axial cylinder expansion Condition monitoring can be used to
That requires in many cases an in- inside the joint. This is no problem if increase machine uptime and paper
creased oil flow to maintain good lubri- the expansion sleeve can accommodate quality.
cation. The SKF range of housings is this displacement with regard to space The technique developed for this by
designed for high flow circulating oil and spring preload ( fig 10 ). Otherwise SKF is called multi-parameter monitoring.
lubrication. some rework and new springs might Multiparameter monitoring is based on
The new CARB bearing eliminates be required. The joint is usually equip- measurements of several parameters,
the need for the rocker housing, as the ped with some sort of spherical wear including traditional vibration, enveloping
bearing itself will take up the thermal washer. This wear washer is designed techniques and SEE® spectral emitted
expansion of the cylinder. Instead to prevent steam leakage and to min- energy measurements.
the bearing can be mounted in a imize bending forces. It is normally Some of the main areas of condition
monitoring in papermaking machines are:
more robust and rigid, fixed housing changed at regular maintenance
( fig 9 , page 13). This gives a periods. The total distance the sleeve • Bearing condition to find possible
more stable arrangement and reduced moves axially due to wear of the problems at a very early stage.
vibration level which is especially washer is roughly 5 mm. To accept • General machine condition to find
important at increased speeds. Lower both expansion and washer wear, the defects which may cause bearing
vibration level also means less risk of sleeve may have to be extended. problems later on. Some typical
component wear. Different manufacturers of steam problems are imbalance, misalignment,
joints have of course their own solution resonance, mechanical looseness and
or design. As the CARB bearing electrical problems.
Steam joint on front side arrangement is more rigid and stable • Felt monitoring for improved paper
Sometimes drying cylinders are equip- than a rocker housing arrangement it quality and increased felt life.
ped with a steam joint for condensate is much easier to adjust the siphon in
outlet on the front side. Steam joints a correct position. When a CARB bear- Defect frequencies for CARB bearings
are used on both rocker housings and ing arrangement is used it is neces- are shown in table 3 .
plummer block housings (fixed). sary to check that the siphon has
Fig 10
space for
space for wear expansion
When rebuilding from a rocker hous- Several SKF condition monitoring Table 3
ing arrangement to a CARB bearing systems are already operating with
arrangement with fixed housing, the Defect frequencies for CARB
CARB bearing arrangements in the bearings when inner ring rota-
vibration level will most probably be dryer section of papermaking machines, tional frequency = 1Hz = 60 r/min
reduced. Condition monitoring meas- with very good results.
urements have shown that the axial Please contact SKF for references Bearing Frequencies
vibrations can be reduced by up to and for more information. size BPFI BPFO BSF FTF
85 % ( diagram 5 ). – Hz
SKF provides a complete condition
monitoring programme. The product Lubrication C 2234 10,33 7,67 3,30 0,43
range includes everything from hand- C 3036 13,80 11,20 4,75 0,45
held vibration pens to advanced on- Concerning lubrication of CARB C 3136 11,35 8,65 3,63 0,43
line systems for continuous monitoring, bearings for drying cylinders, the same
C 3038 14,82 12,18 5,07 0,45
all prepared for multi-parameter moni- guidelines can be used as for spherical C 2238 9,82 7,18 3,14 0,42
toring. roller bearings ( SKF publication 4690 C 3040 13,29 10,71 4,59 0,45
The instruments are supported by “Rolling bearings in paper machines”).
C 3140 11,84 9,16 3,86 0,44
a full range software platform for admin- As CARB bearing has only one C 3044 13,29 10,71 4,60 0,45
istration and analysis of measurement roller row it is lubricated from the side C 3144 11,81 9,19 3,95 0,44
data. Training and support can be given ( fig 11 ).
C 2244 9,31 6,69 2,98 0,42
by SKF local representatives. In most cases when cylindrical roller C 3048 13,76 11,24 4,91 0,45
CARB bearing arrangements for the bearings are used for drying cylinders C 3148 11,35 8,65 3,62 0,43
dryer section can be supplied to special the oil inlet is on the inner side (towards
C 3052 13,80 11,20 4,75 0,45
order already prepared for multi-para- the cylinder) of the bearing ( fig 3 , C 3152 11,30 8,70 3,78 0,44
meter monitoring. The measurement page 6). If the shaft diameter on this C 3056 14,82 12,18 5,07 0,45
points can be provided with everything side of the bearing is very large, this C 3156 12,35 9,66 4,03 0,44
from a quick-connector to a complete may result in a lower maximum C 3160 11,81 9,19 3,95 0,44
oil flow compared to a design according C 3164 10,84 8,16 3,46 0,43
sensor arrangement fitted to the hous-
ing. Different solutions are available to fig 11 . However, the pressed steel C 3168 10,84 8,16 3,46 0,43
depending on the position in the dryer cage used in CARB bearing allows C 3172 11,35 8,65 3,63 0,43
higher oil flows than the brass cage C 3084 14,35 11,65 4,75 0,45
usually used in cylindrical roller C 3184 12,27 9,73 4,27 0,44
bearings. C 3092 15,76 13,24 5,71 0,46
C 3192 12,83 10,17 4,27 0,44
1 CARB bearing
Mounting tables are needed to achieve the The dotted lines in diagram 6 show
proper drive-up distance. what happens to the available clear-
When mounting CARB bearings in ance during start-up with or without
drying cylinders the use of the SKF For detailed information about SKF initial displacement. Remember that
drive-up method is strongly recom- drive-up method and SensorMount available clearance has its minimum
mended. This is a more precise and please contact your local SKF sales at start-up. It increases when all parts
less subjective method than measur- unit. are warmed up, shown in the diagram
ing clearance reduction with a feeler Additional information can be found as “running”.
gauge. • in the handbook “Rolling bearings
This method is preferable for mount- in paper machines”, Publ. No. 4690, A Without initial displacement position
ing larger bearings for example on drying A is reached at start-up. In this
cylinders, suction rolls and press rolls.
• in the handbook “SKF Drive-up position the axial clearance is 3 mm
Method” on CD-ROM,
This method is preferable for smaller outwards (from the cylinder) and
bearings as well. • in the “SKF Interactive Engineering 17 mm inwards.
SKF can supply suitable tools Catalogue” online at www.skf.com, B With 10 mm initial displacement
( fig 12 ) and mounting instructions or position B is reached at start-up.
for general applications as well as • online at www.skf.com/mount. In this position the axial clearance
specific applications like drying and is 13 mm outwards (from the cylin-
Yankee cylinders. SKF can also supply der) and 7 mm inwards.
the software program “SKF Drive-up” Axial mounting position
making it possible to make your own SKF experience shows that the
calculations. Note that the drive-up In diagram 2 , page 10, the axial cylinder thermal elongation is about
values obtained are only valid for SKF clearance was shown in relation to the one millimetre per metre cylinder
bearings. radial clearance. However, the oper- length at a steam temperature of
The most precise, reliable and also ating radial clearance depends on the 150 °C. To compensate for this
the simplest way to mount larger temperature distribution in the bearing elongation it is possible to displace
bearings is the SensorMount® arrangement, which in turn depends the housing outwards from the
method. SensorMount uses electron- on the design and the operating con- cylinder ( fig 14 ).
ics to control the inner ring drive-up. ditions. To achieve an equal or higher safety
The system comprises a bearing Diagram 6 shows the axial to radial margin against preload as for spher-
with a sensor and a hand-held clearance relation estimated for bear- ical roller bearings with C4 clearance,
indicator ( fig 13 ). The indicator ing C 3052 K/HA3C4 and 150 –160 °C the axial mounting positions shown
reads the actual radial expansion and steam temperature without journal in table 4 are recommended (valid
therefore no calculations or drive-up insulation. for cold machine).
Fig 12 Fig 13
In many cases, especially for insul- Diagram 6
ated journals with negligible risk of
steam leakage, these values for initial Example: C 3052 K/HA3C4 with radial clearances estimated for 150–160 °C steam
temperature and no journal insulation. Cylinder thermal expansion 7 mm
axial displacement of the housing may
be reduced. In such cases please
Radial clearance, mm
consult SKF.
Initial axial clearance
Initial displacement can be used to increase the Schematic sketch of tool for removal of
available axial clearance for cylinder expansion CARB bearings from a non-split housing
m °C mm
0 4 <160 0±1
0 4 160–200 2–4
4 7 <160 2–4
4 7 160–200 4–6
7 11 <160 4–6
7 11 160–200 6–8
Fig 16
Product range
d D B d2 D1 r1,2 da Da Ca1) C C0
min max min min
mm mm kN –
170 310 86 209 274 4 230 255 3 1 270 1 630 C 2234 K/HA3C4
180 280 74 209 251 2,1 220 240 2 880 1 340 C 3036 K/HA3C4
300 96 210 266 3 230 255 2,2 1 250 1 730 C 3136 K/HA3C4
190 290 75 225 266 2,1 235 255 1,9 930 1 460 C 3038 K/HA3C4
340 92 224 296 4 250 275 1,6 1 370 1 730 C 2238 K/HA3C4
200 310 82 235 285 2,1 250 275 2,9 1 120 1 730 C 3040 K/HA3C4
340 112 245 305 3 260 307 – 1 600 2 320 C 3140 K/HA3C4
220 340 90 257 310 3 270 295 3,1 1 320 2 040 C 3044 K/HA3C4
370 120 268 333 4 290 315 3,5 1 900 2 900 C 3144 K/HA3C4
400 108 259 350 4 295 320 1,7 2 000 2 500 C 2244 K/HA3C4
240 360 92 276 329 3 290 315 1,3 1 340 2 160 C 3048 K/HA3C4
400 128 281 357 4 305 335 3,7 2 320 3 450 C 3148 K/HA3C4
260 400 104 305 367 4 325 350 3,4 1 760 2 850 C 3052 K/HA3C4
440 144 314 394 4 340 375 4,1 2 650 4 050 C 3152 K/HA3C4
280 420 106 328 389 4 350 375 1,8 1 860 3 100 C 3056 K/HA3C4
460 146 336 416 5 360 395 4,1 2 850 4 500 C 3156 K/HA3C4
300 500 160 362 448 5 390 425 4,9 3 250 5 200 C 3160 K/HA3C4
320 540 176 372 476 5 410 455 3,9 4 150 6 300 C 3164 KM/HA3C4
Minimum width of free space for bearings with cage in normal position; for a displaced bearing, half the displacement should be added to the table value
For sizes not shown, please contact SKF
Dimensions Abutment and fillet Basic load ratings Designation2)
dimensions dynamic static
d D B d2 D1 r1,2 da Da Ca1) C C0
min max min min
mm mm kN –
340 580 190 405 517 5 445 490 4,2 4 900 7 500 C 3168 KM/HA3C4
360 600 192 423 537 5 460 510 3,9 5 000 8 000 C 3172 KM/HA3C4
420 620 150 475 570 5 510 550 2,2 3 800 6 400 C 3084 KM/HA3C4
700 224 508 618 6 540 595 3,8 6 000 10 400 C 3184 KM/HA3C4
460 680 163 539 624 6 565 605 2,3 4 000 7 500 C 3092 KM/HA3C4
760 240 559 679 7,5 570 655 4,2 6 800 12 000 C 3192 KM/HA3C4
480 700 165 555 640 6 580 625 2,3 4 050 7 800 C 3096 KM/HA3C4
500 720 167 572 656 6 600 640 2,3 4 250 8 300 C 30/500 KM/HA3C4
830 264 605 738 7,5 655 705 – 7 500 12 700 C 31/500 KM/HA3C4
530 780 185 601 704 6 635 685 2,5 5 100 9 500 C 30/530 KM/HA3C4
870 272 635 781 7,5 680 745 4,8 8 800 15 600 C 31/530 KM/HA3C4
560 820 195 660 761 6 695 740 2,7 5 600 11 000 C 30/560 KM/HA3C4
600 870 200 692 805 6 725 775 2,7 6 300 12 200 C 30/600 KM/HA3C4
630 920 212 717 840 7,5 755 810 2,9 6 800 12 900 C 30/630 KM/HA3C4
670 980 230 775 904 7,5 820 875 2,9 8 150 16 300 C 30/670 KM/HA3C4
710 1 030 236 807 945 7,5 850 910 3,2 8 800 17 300 C 30/710 KM/HA3C4
Minimum width of free space for bearings with cage in normal position; for a displaced bearing, half the displacement should be added to the table value
For sizes not shown, please contact SKF
SKF – the knowledge
engineering company
From the company that invented the self- The SKF Group is globally certified to ISO
aligning ball bearing 100 years ago, SKF has 14001, the international standard for envi-
evolved into a knowledge engineering com- ronmental management, as well as OHSAS
pany that is able to draw on five platforms 18001, the health and safety management
to create unique solutions for its customers. standard. Individual divisions have been ap-
These platforms include bearings, bearing proved for quality certification in accordance
units and seals, of course, but extend to other with either ISO 9000 or QS 9000.
areas including: lubricants and lubrication With some 100 manufacturing sites world-
systems, critical for long bearing life in many wide and sales companies in 70 countries,
applications; mechatronics that combine SKF is a truly international corporation. In
© Airbus – photo: exm company, H. Goussé
mechanical and electronics knowledge into addition, our distributors and dealers in
Evolving by-wire technology
systems for more effective linear motion and SKF has a unique expertise in fast-growing by-wire
some 15 000 locations around the world, technology, from fly-by-wire, to drive-by-wire, to
sensorized solutions; and a full range of ser- an e-business marketplace and a global distri- work-by-wire. SKF pioneered practical fly-by-wire
vices, from design and logistics support to con- bution system put SKF close to customers for technology and is a close working partner with all
ditioning monitoring and reliability systems. the supply of both products and services. In aerospace industry leaders. As an example, virtually
all aircraft of the Airbus design use SKF by-wire
Though the scope has broadened, SKF essence, SKF solutions are available wherever systems for cockpit flight control.
continues to maintain the world’s leadership and whenever customers need them. Over-
in the design, manufacture and marketing of all, the SKF brand and the corporation are
rolling bearings, as well as complementary stronger than ever. As the knowledge engin-
products such as radial seals. SKF also holds eering company, we stand ready to serve
an increasingly important position in the mar- you with world-class product competencies,
ket for linear motion products, high-precision intellectual resources, and the vision to help
aerospace bearings, machine tool spindles you succeed.
and plant maintenance services.
Bearings Lubrication
and units systems
Mechatronics Services
Harnessing wind power
The growing industry of wind-generated electric power provides a source of
clean, green electricity. SKF is working closely with global industry leaders to
develop efficient and trouble-free turbines, providing a wide range of large, highly
specialized bearings and condition monitoring systems to extend equipment life
of wind farms located in even the most remote and inhospitable environments.