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Art Crime Provision Elements Offenders N.B.
124 Arbitrary Detention Any public officer or employee 1. Offender is a public Public officer or Arbitrary detention may be who, without legal grounds, officer or employee; employee vested with committed through detains a person, shall suffer: 2. He Detained a person; authority to detain or imprudence. 1. The penalty of AM in its max 3. Detention is without order detention of person to PC in its min., if the legal ground. accused. detention has exceeded 3 days; 2. PC in its med. And max Legal ground: periods, if detention has a. upon commission of a continued more than 3 but not crime; more than 15 days; b. violent insanity; 3. PM, if the detention has c. any other ailment continued for more than 15 requiring compulsory days but not more than 6 confinement of the patient months; and in a hospital 4. RT if detention exceeded 6 months. The commission of a crime, or violent insanity or any other ailment requiring compulsory confinement of the patient in a hospital, shall be considered legal grounds for the detention of any person. 125 Delay in the The penalties provided in the 1. Offender is a Public Public officer or Delivery also means delivery of detained next preceding articles shall be officer or employee; employee vested with constructive delivery. persons in the imposed upon the public officer 2. He detains a person for authority to detain or Purpose is to determine proper judicial or employee who shall detain some legal ground (include order detention of person whether offense is bailable authorities any person for some legal valid warrantless arrests); accused. or not. ground and shall fail to deliver 3. He fails to deliver such When a judge is not such person to the proper person to the proper available, duty bound to judicial authorities within the judicial authorities within: release if the period of det period of: 12 hours, for crimes a. 12 hours for light expired or offenses punishable by light penalties; penalties, or their equivalent; b. 18 hours for EXN: Charged or suspected 18 hours, for crimes or offenses correctional; of terrorism: 14 days punishable by correctional c. 36 hours for afflictive or extendable by 10 calendar CRIMES AGAINST FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE STATE Art Crime Provision Elements Offenders N.B. penalties, or their equivalent; capital penalties days. and 36 hour, for crimes or offenses punishable by Waiver: before the afflictive or capital penalties or complaint or information is their equivalent filed, the person arrested may ask for PI in accordance with R122 ROC, but must sign a waiver of the provision of Article 125, RPC in the presence of his counsel. 126 Delaying release The penalties provided for in 1. Offender is a Public Public officer or Article 124 shall be imposed officer or employee; employee vested with upon any public officer or 2. Offender without good authority to detain or employee who delays for the reason Delays the: order detention of person period of time specified therein a. Service of the notice of accused. in the performance of any the judicial or executive judicial or executive order for order for the release of the the release of a prisoner or prisoner or detention detention prisoner, or unduly prisoner; delays the service of the notice b. Performance of such of such order to said prisoner judicial or executive order or the proceedings upon any for the release of the petition for the liberation of prisoner or detention such prisoner. prisoner; or c. Proceedings upon a petition for the release of such person 127 Expulsion The penalty of PC shall be 1. Offender is a Public Public officer or Only a court by final imposed upon any public officer or employee; employee vested with judgement can compel a officer or employee who, not 2. He either: authority to detain or person to legally change his being thereunto authorized by a. Expels any person from order detention of person residence. law, shall expel any person the PH; or accused. The city mayor of Manila from the PH or shall compel b. Compels a person to committed the crime of such person to change his change residence; expulsion when he ordered residence. 3. Offender is NOT certain prostitutes to be CRIMES AGAINST FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE STATE Art Crime Provision Elements Offenders N.B. authorized to do so by law. transferred to Davao WITHOUT observing due process since they have not been charged with any crime. 128 Violation of The penalty of PC in its min 1. Offender is a public Public officer or Qualifying Circumstances: Domicile period shall be imposed upon officer or employee; employee 1. Nighttime; any public officer or employee, 2. He is not authorized by 2. Papers or effects not who, not being authorized by judicial order; constituting evidence of a judicial order, shall enter any 3. He performed the crime are NOT returned dwelling against the will of the following acts: immediately after the owner thereof, search papers, a. Entered the dwelling search. or other effects found therein against the will of the Mode a: dwelling – without the previous consent of owner; exclusively used for rest such owner, or, having b. Searched for papers or and comfort; surreptitiously entered said other effects therein Against the will – opposition dwelling, and being required to without the previous or prohibition, express or leave the premises, shall refuse consent of such owner; or implied, not merely absence to do so. c. Refused to leave the of consent; If the offense be committed in premises after having Mode b: purpose of finding the nighttime, or if any papers surreptitiously entered evidence; silence may show or effects not constituting such dwelling and having implied waiver. evidence of a crime be not been required to leave the Mode c: refusal of the returned immediately after the same. offender to leave when search made by the offender, required to do so, not the the penalty shall be PC in its entrance to dwelling that med and max periods. constitutes the crime 129 Search warrants In addition to the liability Mode 1: Procuring Search Offender is a public True test of lack of just maliciously attaching to the offender for Warrant without Just officer or employee cause – affidavit filed in obtained and abuse the commission of any other Cause: support of application for in the service of offense, the penalty of AM in its 1. Offender is a public search warrant may perjury those legally max period to PC in its min. officer or employee; be charged. obtained period and a fine not exceeding 2. He procures a Search 200k shall be imposed upon warrant; Exceeding authority – any public officer or employee 3. There is no just Cause. seizing property without who shall procure a search warrant or executing CRIMES AGAINST FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE STATE Art Crime Provision Elements Offenders N.B. warrant without just cause or, Mode 2: Exceeding warrant during nighttime having legally procured the Authority or Using without express permission same, shall exceed his Unnecessary Severity in from court. authority, or use unnecessary the Execution: severity in executing the same. 1. Offender is a public Unnecessary Severity – use officer or employee; of force to cause undue 2. He has already legally damage to property. procured a Search warrant; 3. He Exceeds his authority or uses unnecessary severity in executing the same. 130 Searching domicile The penalty of AM in its med 1. Offender is a public Offender is a public Witnesses – must be of without witnesses and max periods shall be officer or employee; officer or employee; sufficient age and discretion imposed upon a public officer 2. Armed with search residing within the same or employee who, in cases warrant legally procured; locality. where a search is proper, shall 3. Searches the domicile, search the domicile, papers, or papers or other belongings Two witnesses be resorted other belongings of any person of any person; to only in the absence of in the absence of the latter, any 4. Owner, any members of lawful occupants or member of his family, or in his family or two witnesses members of the family. their default, without the residing in the same presence of two witnesses locality are not present. residing in the same locality. 131 Prohibition, The penalty of PC in its min 1. Offender is a public Offender is a public Interrupting and dissolving interruption of period shall be imposed upon officer or employee; officer or employee; the meeting of a municipal peaceful meetings any public officer or employee 2. He Performs any of the council by a public officer is who, without legal ground, ff acts: a crime against a legislative shall prohibit or interrupt the a. Prohibiting, body, which is a violation of holding of a peaceful meeting, interrupting, or dissolving, Sec. 1 of Act No. 1755. or shall dissolve the same. without legal ground, the The penalty shall be imposed holding of a peaceful upon any public officer or meeting; employee who shall hinder any b. Hindering any person person from joining any lawful from: CRIMES AGAINST FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE STATE Art Crime Provision Elements Offenders N.B. association or from attending i. Joining any lawful any of its meetings. association; or The penalty shall be imposed ii. Attending any of its upon any public officer or meetings employee who shall prohibit or c. Prohibiting or hindering hinder any person from any person from addressing, either alone or Addressing, either alone or together with others, any together with others, any petition to the authorities for petition to the authorities the correction of abuses or for the: redress of grievances. i. Correction of abuses; ii. Redress of grievances 132 Interruption of The penalty of PC in its min 1. Offender is a public Offender is a public Qualifying Circumstance: religious worship period shall be imposed upon officer or employee; officer or employee; If crime is committed with any public officer or employee 2. Religious ceremonies or violence or threats. who shall prevent or disturb manifestations of any the ceremonies or religion are about to take Actual religious ceremony manifestations of any religion. place or are going on; must be conducted. If the crime shall have been 3. Offender prevents or If the offense was committed with violence or disturbs the same. committed only in a threats, the penalty shall be PC meeting or rally of a sect, it in its medium and max periods. would be punishable under Art. 131. 133 Offending the The penalty of AM in its max 1. Acts complained of were Any person, whether a Acts Notoriously Offensive religious feelings period to PC in its min period performed: public officer or private to Feelings: shall be imposed upon anyone a. In a Place devoted to individual. 1. Ridicules or makes light who, in a place devoted to religious worship, or of anything constituting religious worship or during the b. During the celebration religious dogma; celebration of any religious of any religious ceremony; 2. Works or scoffs at ceremony shall perform acts 2. The acts must be anything devoted to notoriously offensive to the Notoriously Offensive to religious ceremonies; feelings of the faithful. the feelings of the faithful. 3. Plays with or damages or destroys any object of veneration of the faithful.