Psychological Assessment - Learning Guide 2023
Psychological Assessment - Learning Guide 2023
Psychological Assessment - Learning Guide 2023
Department of Psychology
Learning Guide
Psychological Assessment
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as permitted under the Copyright Act 98 of 1978, no part of this material may be reproduced,
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permission of the University of Johannesburg.
Module name Psychological Assessment
NQF level 8
Contact information
Department administrative Ms Anita Smyth
assistant C Ring 415
011 559-3653
Module coordinator Prof C van Zyl
C Ring 423
011 559-3353
Learning Guide PSY8X07
Welcome to the module on Psychological Assessment. The purpose of this module is firstly to
introduce you to theoretical concepts and issues related to psychological measurement and
assessment. Furthermore, you will learn how to theoretically apply measures of psychological
assessment and use them as part of a decision-making process. On completion of this module, you
will not only have knowledge about psychological assessment theory, but will also be able to apply
this knowledge in the broad discipline of psychology. The purpose of the learning guide is to support
your learning process. It serves as a map of material available in the different resources. It will give
you an overview of the work at the beginning of each learning unit. The expected outcomes after
having studied the various units are also indicated. You will also find all the necessary information
regarding the administration of the module.
Prescribed resources
Foxcroft, C. & Roodt, G. (Eds.). An introduction to psychological assessment in the South African
context (5th ed.). Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Additional reading material may be made available on Blackboard.
Please note that if you use a different edition, the chapter number and content may vary to the
ones in this guide.
Recommended resources
Furr, R. M., & Bacharach, V. R. (2014). Psychometrics: An Introduction. Sage: California.
There is no exam for this module. Your final mark will be based on the following:
Your primary assessment for the module will be one group assignment. The assignment details will
be provided during the first class of the semester and will be posted on Blackboard. The assignment
will contribute 80% towards your final mark for the module.
In addition to the primary assessment, there will be one multiple choice test that covers content
from several chapters in your textbook. The test will contribute 20% to your overall mark.
TBA = to be announced.
Learning Guide PSY8X07
An overall minimum average of 50% is required to pass the course
It’s vital to check Blackboard for this course regularly for important information during the semester.
Lecture notes are supplied at the lecturer’s discretion.
Lecture schedule (schedule is subject to change and some lectures might be presented
electronically, but any and all changes will be confirmed on Blackboard, should they arise)
Learning outcomes
Learning Guide PSY8X07
Apply knowledge about psychological assessment and testing
to the South African context to determine its applicability and
the role it might play in a democratic society
Apply knowledge obtained during the lecture to a practical
Learning Guide PSY8X07
Foxcroft & Roodt individual and group tests/instruments of ability.
Chapter 10 Distinguish between ability and achievement
Chapter 12 tests/instruments.
Chapter 11 Critically assess the role of IQ in the testing of ability.
Identify and comprehensively discuss the ethical issues related
Additional required reading to ability testing.
may be supplied by relevant Critically discuss culture-reduced testing in the assessment of
lecturer (s). ability.
Apply their knowledge to determine whether a measurement
of ability is suitable for use or not.
Critically discuss the following measures of ability:
o The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
o Raven’s Progressive Matrices
o Differential Aptitude Tests
Conceptualise personality and personality assessment.
Differentiate between objective and projective measures of
Critically discuss the objective personality measures used in
the South African context.
Critically discuss the projective personality measures as
applied in South Africa.
Critically differentiate between trait and type approaches to
Understand wellbeing as broad concept in psychology
Understand the impact of wellbeing in the world of work.
Name and describe the assessment tools that can be
utilized to measure various constructs related to
Understand wellbeing as broad concept in psychology
Understand the impact of wellbeing in the world of work.
Name and describe the assessment tools that can be utilized
to measure various constructs related to wellbeing.
Learning Guide PSY8X07
Critically discuss the objective personality measures used in
the South African context.
Critically discuss the projective personality measures as
applied in South Africa.
Critically differentiate between trait and type approaches to
Understand wellbeing as broad concept in psychology
Understand the impact of wellbeing in the world of work.
Name and describe the assessment tools that can be utilized
to measure various constructs related to wellbeing.
Study Unit 11 (Self-study) Provide an overview of the applied contexts discussed in this
Use of assessment measures unit.
in various applied contexts Discuss measuring instruments and possible assessment
Foxcroft & Roodt: batteries within each of these applied contexts.
Chapter 15 Identify an applied context from a case study.
Learning Guide PSY8X07
Chapter 17 Explain how psychological assessment is applied in industry.
Explain what developmental assessment is, what functions are
Additional required reading assessed, and the different types of measures used.
may be supplied by relevant Explain how assessment measures are used in education
lecturer (s). contexts.
Understand how psychological assessment is used for psycho-
diagnostic purposes in a variety of contexts, including psycho-
legal areas.
Discuss assessment in a career counselling context.
Definition of Plagiarism
In simple terms, plagiarism is stealing another person’s ideas or work without permission or
acknowledgement in the form of referencing. These include, images, phrases, article, journal,
assignment, dissertation, or any other formal work that has been published.
Examples of Plagiarism
There are several ways in which one can plagiarise. The table below summarises common types of
A percentage range close to 100% indicates that your work is ‘fully similar’ and 0% indicates that no
similarity has been detected.
An originality report – which identifies each exactly where the match is found and supplies detail of
the original source.
A 20% similarity index is acceptable in the Department of Psychology across undergraduate and
postgraduate degrees.
Learning Guide PSY8X07
Humanities Plagiarism Committee and the Student Disciplinary Committee.
Where the student has been found guilty of If an offence is deemed serious, then this
extensive plagiarism, the FHPC will structure in 3.1. will report the matter to
involve the Student Disciplinary the Faculty of Humanities Plagiarism
Committee, to decide on appropriate Committee (FHPC), where a case will be
disciplinary action. laid.
Responses to Plagiarism
The following factors are usually considered before a student is charged with a plagiarism offence:
The student’s history with plagiarism and other formal academic disciplinary penalties or
academic misconduct.
The level of the student in effort to judge whether the student can be expected to have
understood and avoided the plagiarism that has occurred.
The extent of the plagiarism and consistency with existing practice on such cases and
previous decisions within the Faculty and University.
The recommendation of other committees or academic staff involved in the case.
Consequences of Plagiarism
If the student if found guilty of plagiarism the following may be applied, depending on the severity of
the matter:
A mark of zero for the assignment or work in question.
Deregistration from module.
Suspension for one academic year
In cases where the student has not extensively plagiarised, the department has the right apply the
Learning Guide PSY8X07
Allowing the student to rectify the work and resubmit.
Capping the mark for that assignment at a certain level, e.g., 50% or zero, or whatever the
lecturer deems necessary.
Reasonable Accommodations
We are aware that there are challenges for some students in accessing and using Blackboard with
the continued use of online platforms. While we as a university community are still attempting to
adjust to these new conditions we would like to encourage students with disability requiring
reasonable accommodations to make contact with the module coordinator at the start of the
course. This will ensure that you receive the appropriate support needed throughout the course. For
further support please contact the Diversity & People with Disabilities Centre at PsyCaD
[email protected].
Learning Guide PSY8X07
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ADC Learning Development Unit APK (011) 559 2568
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Learning Guide PSY8X07