GB 115 Syllabus With Outcomes Fall 2024
GB 115 Syllabus With Outcomes Fall 2024
GB 115 Syllabus With Outcomes Fall 2024
Hour Exam II will be comprehensive and have 70 questions; at least half will be Systems Level questions.
While the newest lectures (Cell Cycle through and including DNA Technology) will be emphasized,
students will be expected to make connections between the new material and the older material.
The Final Exam is comprehensive and will have 140 questions; at least half will be Systems
Level questions; students will be expected to make connections between all the material.
65 questions will emphasize the material from the Bio/Learn through DNA Technology lectures.
75 questions will emphasize the material from Human Genetics through Conservation Biology
lectures but will also include questions connecting the new material with the older material.
Hour Exam II will be comprehensive and have 70 questions; at least half will be Systems Level questions.
While the newest lectures (Cell Cycle through and including DNA Technology) will be emphasized,
students will be expected to make connections between the new material and the older material.
The Final Exam is comprehensive and will have 140 questions; at least half will be Systems
Level questions; students will be expected to make connections between all the material.
65 questions will emphasize the material from the Bio/Learn through DNA Technology lectures.
75 questions will emphasize the material from Human Genetics through Conservation Biology
lectures but will also include questions connecting the new material with the older material.
Hour Exam II will be comprehensive and have 70 questions; at least half will be Systems Level
While the newest lectures (Cell Cycle through and including DNA Technology) will be emphasized,
students will be expected to make connections between the new material and the older material.
The Final Exam is comprehensive and will have 140 questions; at least half will be Systems
Level questions; students will be expected to make connections between all the material.
65 questions will emphasize the material from the Bio/Learn through DNA Technology lectures.
75 questions will emphasize the material from Human Genetics through Conservation Biology
lectures but will also include questions connecting the new material with the older material.
Hour Exam II will be comprehensive and have 70 questions; at least half will be Systems Level
While the newest lectures (Cell Cycle through and including DNA Technology) will be emphasized,
students will be expected to make connections between the new material and the older material.
Nov. 18 – 22 Speciation Phylogenetics
Tuesday 11/26=Thursday Schedule Thursday 11/28 No lecture
Nov. 25 – 29
Population Ecology Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2 - 6 Community Ecology Ecosystem Ecology
Dec. 9 -13 Conservation Biology No class
The Final Exam is comprehensive and will have 140 questions; at least half will be Systems
Level questions; students will be expected to make connections between all the material.
65 questions will emphasize the material from the Bio/Learn through DNA Technology lectures.
75 questions will emphasize the material from Human Genetics through Conservation Biology
lectures but will also include questions connecting the new material with the older material.
Please watch the introduction video on Canvas – Skimming and General Biology prior to starting the course.
We provide you with a “Skimming” list rather than a “Reading” list because we want you to skim the book
rather than read it. A textbook like Biology is written so that as many instructors will adopt the book (think
sales!) and thus any textbook contains more information in any chapter than an individual lecturer would attempt
to ask students to learn. Rather than spending your time and energy reading an entire section, much of which
you will not be tested on, we want to guide you to the specific concepts that will be addressed and what
specifically we expect you to be able to do with this content when you are finished learning. Within a Topic
area, the covered concepts are the Outline on your BiOs form and what you will need to do are the Outcomes on
your BiOs forms. The Organizer is a visual tool to help you see how all the components relate to each other.
The Organizer will also help you recall this organized group of ideas together as a “chunk” during examinations.
Skimming rather than reading will help you better align with your lecturer and what you will need to do with that
topic on an exam. Skimming is the very being of the learning process; if you feel that reading will help you,
read after you have attended lecture so that you are very clear on your instructor’s expectations.
1. Before the lecture, review the outcomes provided for each topic as shown below;
2. then skim the sections indicated before the lecture using the outcome to guide you to the appropriate
parts of the assigned sections;
3. complete a BiOs form as you skim. BiOs form files are available on Sakai with copies included at the
end of this skimming list as well.
For example: An outcome for Ch. 1.1 is to sequence the scientific method:
At the beginning of the semester, we understand that you might not be familiar with this type of structuring
in the terminology, but after a couple lectures and workshops, we are confident that you will find both
skimming and this way of structuring material to be very helpful. For example, “key terms” (often bold
printed terms) are Outcome Details, but by structuring the content this way, one can better understand
how different terms relate to each other in hierarchies, systems, and cycles.
Ready for Lecture: With your Skimming complete and a draft BiOs form in hand, you are now well prepared to
take notes during lecture. We recommend students actively take hand-written notes. While there are some
advantages to taking notes on a computer, research indicates that hand-writing notes leads to:
1. Better Retention: because the process of writing by hand involves more cognitive processing resulting in
better long-term comprehension and retention of information.
We also recommend that you take notes in an outline format so that the structure of the content is reinforced.
Use the headings and subheadings provided by your lecturers and indent your notes accordingly as you write
them. Paraphrase what your lecturer says, don’t just copy the PowerPoint slide; they only give structure and
key terms. Work to capture what your lecturer says. Certainly, don’t just take a picture; that is completely
passive and does not lead to understanding or retention.
After Lecture: If you do not feel your written notes are complete after a lecture, work with a classmate to add
what you are worried having missed. Also make sure you have the same organization/structure, the same key
terms and figures and then either update the BiOs form you made while skimming or make a new BiOs form
using both the one you made while skimming and your reviewed notes together. With this new BiOs form, you
are both well prepared to “do workshop before workshop” and workshop itself. After workshop, reevaluate
your BiOs form to make sure your materials and preparation are well aligned with your lecturers’ expectation
(recall the headings and subheadings they provide). And then, practice, practice, practice recalling the Outcomes
and making your Organizers. Recall the RU Learning pathway from page 2 and plan your week so that you
have time for all activities. Remember, original notes are a requirement for workshop and the more complete
your notes, the better you will be able to prepare yourself for both workshops and examinations.
Note: Topics may change during the semester; you are responsible for any changes announced in lecture.
Lecturers may not cover all topics within the assigned sections; content reviewed in lecture is the source of exam
questions. To help you prepare for lecture, the major outcomes for each lecture are given. Outcomes are what
you are expected to be able to do to be prepared for examinations and practice questions.
2. Scientific Process/Chemistry Ch. 1.1, 1.2 and Ch. 2.1 and 2.2
• compare and contrast, sequence levels of biological organization
• sequence the process of science
• compare and contrast the types of chemical bonds
General Biology Office - Ms. Freeman, Program Coordinator
Dr. Gregg Transue, Director of General Biology; Dr. Daniel Stern Cardinale, Workshop Coordinator
E-mail address: [email protected]
Copyright 2024 Rutgers University General Biology Program
GENERAL BIOLOGY 01:119:115– Fall 2024 Page 7 of 11
• compare and contrast the emergent properties of water
17. DNA Technology Ch. 14.2 and Ch. 17.1 and 17.3
• sequence PCR
• hypothesize and diagnose the impact of variability on PCR
• sequence dideoxy sequencing
• hypothesize and diagnose the impact of variability on dideoxy sequencing
• apply and hypothesize and diagnose the impact of variability on DNA technologies
• compare and contrast DNA replication, transcription, PCR, and DNA sequencing
18. Human Genetics Ch. 12.2 Ch. 13.2, and Ch. 14.6
• apply pedigree analysis
• compare and contrast Mendelian inheritance in human traits
• compare and contrast non-Mendelian inheritance in human traits