Golden Strength

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Vessel Name: Golden Strength NPDES Permit Tracking Number: VPABC081O

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Washington, DC 20460 OMB No.
Annual Report for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation 2040-0004
of a Vessel under the 2013 NPDES Vessel General Permit

NPDES Permit Tracking Number: VPABC081O

Vessel Information
Owner/Operator Information
Vessel Name: Golden Strength
Vessel Owner/Operator: Thome Shipping Pte Ltd.
Vessel Type: Bulk Carrier
IRS Employer Identification Number:
Length: 218 Meters
Company IMO Number: 5441519
Gross Tonnage: 41655 Gross Registered Tons
Mailing Address:
Date of Construction: 02/18/2008
Street: 16 Raffles Quay #43-01 Hong Leong Building
City: Singapore
Annual Report Submission
Zip Code/Postal Code: 048581
Date Submitted: 01/02/2022
Country: Singapore
Calendar Year for which you are submitting the report: 2021
Phone: 065 62207291
Did your vessel operate in waters subject to this permit during the selected
calendar year? Y

1. Report the approximate % of time this vessel was in each US Region during the calendar year
Gulf Coast: 0 Pacific Coast: 0 Atlantic Coast: 2
Mississippi-Ohio River System: 0 Great Lakes: 0 Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands: 0
Other U.S. Region: 0 Identify "Other" US Region:

2a. Is this either (1) a vessel that operated outside of US inland waters or (2) an inland vessel greater than or equal to 300 GT (but not an unmanned,
unpowered barge)? Y

✦ Did you conduct drydock inspections during this calendar year? N

✧ Most Recent drydock inspection date:
✦ Next Scheduled Drydock date: 05/24/2024
✦ Did you conduct an annual inspection during this calendar year? N
✧ Most recent annual inspection date:
✦ Were all required routine inspections performed during this calendar year? Y
✧ If no, how many routine inspections were missed?
✦ Last below water (or drydock) hull inspection date: 06/10/2020

2b. On average, how often did you conduct routine inspections in the last year? Once per week

3a. Did this vessel discharge ballast water into US waters during this calendar year? Y

How many ballast tanks are present on this vessel? 13

✦ For each tank or hold used to carry ballast, list type, capacity, and identifier:

Ballast Tank Identifier Ballast Tank Type Ballast Tank Capacity

Afterpeak Aft peak tank 665 Cubic Meters

Forepeak tank Forepeak tank 1329 Cubic Meters

Hold 4 Cargo holds used as ballast tank 13539 Cubic Meters

WBT 1P Combined double bottom/wing tank 1350 Cubic Meters

WBT 1S Combined double bottom/wing tank 1350 Cubic Meters

WBT 2P Combined double bottom/wing tank 1554 Cubic Meters

WBT 2S Combined double bottom/wing tank 1354 Cubic Meters

WBT 3P Combined double bottom/wing tank 3119 Cubic Meters

WBT 3S Combined double bottom/wing tank 3119 Cubic Meters

WBT 4P Combined double bottom/wing tank 2745 Cubic Meters

WBT 4S Combined double bottom/wing tank 2745 Cubic Meters

WBT 5P Combined double bottom/wing tank 1439 Cubic Meters

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Vessel Name: Golden Strength NPDES Permit Tracking Number: VPABC081O

WBT 5S Combined double bottom/wing tank 1439 Cubic Meters

Does this vessel have a ballast water treatment system? N

Did you collect analytical monitoring data for ballast water discharges from this vessel during this calendar year? N
Did this vessel operate outside the EEZ and more than 200 nm from any shore and enter the Great Lakes via the St. Lawrence Seaway System during
this calendar year? N
✦ Did this vessel discharge ballast water into the Great Lakes during this calendar year?
✧ Did this vessel conduct ballast water exchange and/or flushing for all discharges to the Great Lakes?

3b. Does this vessel have an exhaust gas scrubber? N

✦ Did this vessel discharge exhaust gas scrubber washwater into US waters during this calendar year?
Did you collect analytical monitoring data for exhaust gas scrubber washwater discharges from this vessel during this calendar year? N

3c. Does this vessel have an oily water separator (OWS)? Y

Is your vessel greater than 400 GT? Y
✦ Did this vessel discharge bilgewater into US waters (within 3 nm) during this calendar year? N
✧ Did this vessel discharge bilgewater into any US waters identified in Appendix G of the 2013 VGP during this calendar year?
➞ Why did this vessel discharge bilgewater into US waters identified in Appendix G of the 2013 VGP?
✧ Did this vessel regularly sail outside the territorial sea (at least once a month) during this calendar year?
➞ Did this vessel discharge treated bilgewater within 1 nm of shore during this calendar year?
➝ Why did this vessel discharge bilgewater within 1 nm of shore?
- Why technologically infeasible?
- Describe "other" reason why discharged bilgewater within 1 nm of shore:
✧ Did this vessel discharge treated bilgewater into US waters when the vessel was sailing at speeds less than 6 knots during this calendar year?
➞ Why did this vessel discharge bilgewater when the vessel was sailing at speeds less than 6 knots?
Did you collect analytical monitoring data for bilgewater discharges from this vessel during this calendar year? No

3d. Did this vessel discharge treated or untreated graywater into US waters during this calendar year? No
Does this vessel have and use a treatment system for graywater or graywater mixed with sewage? Y
✦ List the system make and model:

Treatment System Manufacturer Treatment System Type/Design

Hamworthy (Suzhou) ST 2A Super Trident

Is this vessel subject to graywater analytical monitoring requirements in Parts 2.2.15, 5.1, or 5.2 for this calendar year? N
Did you collect analytical monitoring data for graywater discharges from this vessel during the calendar year? N

3e. Does this vessel have an anti-foulant coating? Y

✦ Type of anti-fouling hull coating on this vessel: Copper Based
✦ What anti-fouling coating products are used? Type: Organotin-free self polishing hydrolysing anti fouling system Zineb (CAS no. 12122-67-7);
Copper (1) oxide (CAS no. 1317-39-1); Copper Pyrithione (CAS no. 14915-37-8) Color: SeaMate M (Light Red & Dark Red) Art Shipyard, Istanbul -
✦ Date anti-fouling hull coating last applied? 05/24/2019

4. Did this vessel store any discharges incidental to the normal operation on board for onshore disposal during this calendar year? N
✦ Types of discharges stored:
✦ Disposal method for stored discharges:

5. Does this vessel have any oil to sea interfaces as identified in Part 2.2.9 of the 2013 VGP? N

✦ Oil to sea interface for which lubricants are used on the vessel:
✦ Did this vessel use EALs for this oil to sea interface this calendar year?
✧ Identify the brands of EALS used:
✧ Describe why not using EALs and plans to do so (including timeframe as applicable):

6. Did this vessel have to claim a safety exemption for any discharge and was therefore unable to meet VGP effluent limits during this calendar year? N
✦ Types of discharges for which safety exemption claimed:
✦ Reason claimed for safety exemption:

7. Did you receive any citations or warnings from EPA or the Coast Guard for any environmental violations for this vessel? N
✦ Explain citations or warnings:

8. Any instances of noncompliance this year? N

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Vessel Name: Golden Strength NPDES Permit Tracking Number: VPABC081O

Description of Corrective Action
Date Requirement Description of Noncompliance Cause of Noncompliance

Ballast Water Treatment System Addendum

A. Ballast Water Treatment System Information

Ballast Treatment System Description:

System Supplier:
System Model:
Installation Date:
First Date of Operation:
Technology Type(s):
Is the ballast water treatment system type approved?
✦ Flag administration(s) that approved that system:
All Type Approval Data Available to USEPA/USCG?
System determined by USCG to be an Alternate Management System?

B. Monitoring Information

All applicable BWTS monitoring completed during calendar year?

Monthly Functionality Monitoring Completed?
Calibration Completed at Least Annually?
All Biological Monitoring Completed?
✦ Number of Biological Monitoring Sampling Events:
Residual Biocide/Derivative Monitoring Completed?
✦ Number of Initial Residual Biocide/Derivative Monitoring Events:
✦ Number of Maintenance Residual Biocide/Derivative Monitoring Events:

Certifier Name and Title

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information contained therein. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information contained is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I have no personal knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate, and
complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing

Print Name: Fransiska Ayuningtyas

Title: Ms
Signature: Fransiska Ayuningtyas
Date: 01/02/2022
Email: [email protected]

Preparer (Complete if this document was prepared by someone other than the certifier)

Prepared by: Fransiska Ayuningtyas

Phone: 06562207291
Date: 01/02/2022
Email: [email protected]

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