p6 SST Rebellions

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 Chief Awich of Payera
 Kabalega of Bunyoro
 Mkwawa of Hehe
 Chief Kivoi of Chagga
 General China and DedanKimathi of Kenya

Qn.: Why did the Africans resist colonial rule?

 To maintain their military superiority and might
 Enemy tribes had collaborated
 To preserve their independence
 They never wanted to lose their land


The Nandi was resistance
 The Nandi didn’t want the British to take their land
 They never wanted the railway line to pass through their land
 The need for independence

The Mau-Mau Rebellion

Mau-Mau was a Swahili slogan for MuzunguArudiUlayaMwafricaApateUhuru
 The major cause of the rebellion was the Kikuyu wanted to regain their land
 Mau mau rebellion was also known as the land and freedom movement

Military leaders
 DedanKimathi
 General China (WarihioItote)

Political leaders
- Jomo Kenyatta
NB: The main political movement which fought Kenya’s independence was Mau-Mau

Qn.: Why did Mau Mau rebellion take long?

 It had skilled fighters from World War II
 Fighters used to hide in mountains and thick forests
 It united many Kenyans and supported by the police.
Causes of the Mau-Mau rebellion
 Natives wanted to regain their land
 The need for independence
 Un balanced representation in the Legco
 Kenyans wanted to grow cash crops on their own
 Low wages given to workers on plantations.


 Many people lost their lives
 Destruction of property
 Led to displacement of people
 It sped up Kenya’s independence struggle
 White settlers lost hope of dominating Kenya’s politics

 Tanganyika was the most affected country by rebellions in East Africa
 It was under Germans who were harsh to the natives
 Germans used forced labour on plantations and gave them low wages.


 It was staged by the people of Pangani
 It was led by Abushiri Bin Salim and BwanaHeri
 The German soldier defeated Abushiri who was captured and later hanged at


 High taxes were imposed on goods
 Germans were abolishing slave trade
 The Arabs no longer had control over the coastal trade
 The Germans were not respecting Islam and Arabic practices.


 It led to death of people
 Trade came a stand still
 It led displacement of people
 Led to destruction of people’s property


 The rebellion was led by chief Mkwawa against the Germans
 The Germans were defeated by the Hehe fighters at Iringa
 Germans defeated chief Mkwawa in 1894
 Mkwawa hanged himself in 1898
 His head was cut off and taken to Germany for scientific research on African
Causes of the Hehe rebellion
 The taxes on trade caravans
 Need for independence
 Mkwawa wanted to maintain Hehe superiority

Effects of the rebellion

 People lost their lives
 It led to displacement of people
 It led to destruction of property
 Led to famine

The MajiMaji Rebellion 1905 – 1907

 It was called Maji –Maji because fighters behaved in magic waters that would
give them protection against Germany bullets.
 It was staged inKilosa and Morongoro and later spread to the southern parts of
 Prophet KinjekitileNgwale of Ngarambe village provided magic waters mixed with
herbs that would turn German bullets into water.
 They got this water from river Rufigi
 The main cause of Majimaji rebellion was forced cotton growing yet sells were


 The Germans were harsh and corrupt to the natives
 Natives were forced to work on cotton plantations
 High taxes
 Low wages that were paid to natives.
 Need for independence


 A lot of property was destroyed
 People lost their lives
 Led to wide spread famine
 Crops were destroyed
 The spirit of nationalism was raised
 Public facilities were preserved
 Germans made changes in their administration


 In 1921 the Legco was formed to make laws
 It was during the time of governor Robert ThoneCoryndon
 The first three Africans were appointed in 1945
 The first National Political party to be formed was UNC by I . K .Musaazi
 It was to unite people and demand for independence
 1n 1946, the Uganda African Farmers Association was formed to demand for fair
prices of cotton.
 In 1953, Sir Andrew Cohen exiled Sir Edward Muteesa II


 He demanded for Buganda separate independence
 He refused the Lukiiko to send representatives to the Legco.
 He rejected the proposed East African federation
 In 1954, DemocraticParty was formed by Joseph Kasolo and MatayoMugwanya.
 DP won the first election in Uganda under BenedictoKiwanuka (1961)

Qn: Why was the Namirembe agreement signed in 1955?

To bring back Muteesa II from exile

Qn.: Who signed the Namirembe Agreement on behalf:-

 Buganda kingdom - MichealKintu
 The British - Sir Keith Hancock

Qn.: Which political party led Uganda to independence?

Uganda people’s congress.

Write short notes about the following:-

 I K Musaazi
 Dr. Apollo Milton Obote
 BendctoKiwanuka
 Sir Edward Muteesa II

Political Parties in Uganda

Uganda National Congress (UNC)
 It was the first National Political party to be formed in Uganda (1952 March)
 It was formed by Ignatius KangaveMusaazi

Why was UNC formed?

 Too unite Ugandans and demand for independence
 To put the economy in the hands of Ugandans
 To promote democracy
 In 1958, UNC split up into two UNC and UPU (Uganda people’s union)
 In 1960, the two parties joined to form UPC under the leadership of Dr. Apollo
Milton Obote

Democratic Party
It was formed by Joseph Kasolo and MatayoMugwanya in 1954.
In 1956, MatayoMugwanya became its leader
In 1958, BendictoKiwanuka tookover leadership
Objectives of DP
 To fight for independence
 To fight for equal representation in Legco for Catholics

UPC (Uganda’s People’s Congress)

It was formed by Dr. Apollo Milton Obote 1960 to fight for independence.
 The first general elections were held in 1961,
 DP under BenedictoKiwanuka was these elections
 Uganda got self-governance in 1961 and Ben Kiwanuka became the first chief
(Prime) minister of Uganda
 In 1962, second general elections were held
 UPC, DP and KY participated in the elections
 UPC made an alliance with KY and won DP in the elections
 Obote became the first executive prime minister when Uganda got independence
 Sir Edward Muteesa II became the first president of Uganda without executive
 Uganda got independence on Monday 9th Oct. 1962
 In 1966, Milton Obote over threw hispresident who fled to London.
 Milton Obote became the President of Uganda
 In 1967 Obote introduced a new constitution which abolished Kingdoms in
Uganda and declared Uganda a republic.

The struggle for independence in Tanganiyika.

Mwalimu Julius KambarageNyerere
i. He was one of the founders of the Tanganyika African Association which aimed
at fighting for independence.
ii. He changed TAA to TANU - Tanganyika African National Union.
iii. He became a member of the Legislative council of Tanganyika in 1957.
iv. He became the first prime minister of Tanganyika when TANU won the
general elections in 1960.
v. In 1961, Tanganyika became independent and Nyerere became the first executive
prime minister.
vi. Tanganyika was made a republic in 1961 and Nyerere was elected president.
vii. He aimed at creating a united country so encouraged the leaders of Zanzibar-to
join Tanganyika and formed one nation called Tanzania. Nyerere's challenges
1. He was disliked by the British colonial government.
2. He was disliked by the foreign investors because he tried to make Tanzania a
socialist country.

Qtn: What is a socialist country?

A country where the government owns most of the big companies.

Qtn: Why did the British colonial government hate Julius Nyerere?
He used to make strong remarks against the British colonial government during the
United Nations Trusteeship Council (UNTC)
NB: U.N.T.C was the body which supervised over Britain's rule in Tanganyika.
i. He was the secretary general of the Tanganyika African National Union
ii. He worked hard with Julius Nyerere to gain more members for the party
iii. He worked with T.A.N.U until 1967 when he left the country.

i. He was the head of the Zanzibar Afro- Shirazi party which was formed in 1957
ii. Him with the Zanzibar National party demanded for independence.
iii. With NyerereAbeidKarume discussed the joining of Zanzibar with Tanganyika to
form one nation (Tanzania)
He became the first vice president of Tanzania with Rashid Kawawa.

Qtn: State the date when Tanganyika attained independence

Richard Turnbull
1. He was the British governor who granted independence to Tanganyika.
2. He did this because he did not wanted Tanganyika to have the same experience he
had witnessed in Kenya during the MAU MAU rebellion.


MzeeJomo Kenyatta
1. He was one of the founders ofKikuyu central association (K.C.A) formed in 1920.

Aims of the Kikuyu Central Association

a) To make sure that Africans are allowed to grow cash crops.
b) To force the colonial government to translate the colonial laws into kikuyu
language for people to understand.
c) To fight for the return of the fertile land which had been given to the white

2. Jomo Kenyatta owned a newspaper called Mwiguithania (unity) through which he

spread the ideas of the KCA.
3. In 1946, he became the chairman of the Kenya African Union (KAU) which he later
changed to Kenya African National Union (KANU)
4. He was one of the leaders of the MAU MAUrebellion wars of independence.
5. He was arrested and imprisoned from 1952 - 1961.
6. In 1963, General elections were held in Kenya between KANU and KADU where
KANU won making Jomo Kenyatta the first prime minister of Kenya. (12the December
1963) Kenya attained independence.
7. He worked hard to create one unite country with peace and prosperity. He
became president in 1964 when Kenya became republic-
8. He died in 1978 and was replaced by Daniel ArapMoi as president of Kenya.

Harry Thuku
1. He formed the young kikuyu association which was later changed to East African
Association (EAA) to allow members out of the kikuyu tribe to join.
2. He protested about the British were governing Kenya.
3. He was imprisoned from 1922 — 1931.
4. When he was released, he joined KASA, KAU and KANU.
5. He died in 1970. Tom Mboya
1. He was a member of the Trade Union Movement in Kenya.
2. He founded the Kenya Local Government Workers Union (KLGWU)
3. He was also one of the founders of the K.A.N.U.
4. In 1953, he united all the trade unions into a united Kenya federation of labour
5- In 1957, he became the representative of Nairobi to the Legco.
6. After independence, he became the minister of economic planning.
7. He was assassinated in July 1969.

1. In 1945, he founded the Luo Thrift and Trading Corporation which helped African
small business.
2. He founded the Luo Union.
3. As an elect to the legco in 1957, he worked with Mboyato have Kenyatta released
from prison.
4. He was the vice president of K.A.N.U and became Kenya's vice president after
5. He founded the Kenya People's Union in 1967 which opposed KANU the party in
government so he imprisoned for 2 years.
6. In 1992, he was elected to parliament and became the leader of the Ford Kenya

Ronald Ngala
1. He helped to start the Mijikenda union in 1994.
2. He was elected to the legco in 1957.
3. He founded the Kenya African Democratic Union (K.A.D.U) but did not lent long
since its members joined K.A.N.U in 1964.
4. He was a minister in independent Kenya until he died in a in a car accident in

1. He was one of the leaders of the Mau Mau freedom fighters.
2. He fought as a guerrilla in the forest of the Aberdares from 1952 to 1956.
3. He was captures by the British forces in 1956 and was executed on the 151

1. He was commonly known a General China.
2. He was one of the most important military leaders of the Mau Mau rebellion.
3. He was captured by the colonialists, tried and sentenced to death.

1. He was among the founder members of the Kenya African Union (K..A.U) and
became its chairman in 1945.
2. He also became the president of K.A.N.U after its formation.
He was elected to parliament in 1957.
3. He was one of the founder members of K.A.D.U who became minister in the
K.A.N.U government.
4. He became the vice president in 1967.
5. When Jomo Kenyatta died, ArapMoi became the president in 1978.
6. He made K.A.N.U the only political party in Kenya and banned other parties.
7. He was elected as president in 1983, 88, 92 and 1998.

Qtn: Write short notes about:

a) Richard Tumbull
He was British governor who granted independence in Tanzania.

2. List any four contributions of Julius Nyerere to Tanganyika

i) He led Tanganyika to independence.
ii) He united Tanganyika and Zanzibar to form Tanzania.
iii) He was the founder of Tanganyika African National Union (TANU)
iv) He made Kiswahili a national language of Tanzania.
v). He was one of the founder members of EAC and OAU.

NB He retired from being a president of Tanzania in 1995 and was replaced by Ali
Hassan Mwinyi, then Benjamin Mkapa, JakayaKikwete, John PombeMagufuli

Qtn: Identify only one failure of Julius Nyerere

He promoted Ujama villages which led to massive poverty.

Qtn:What do you know about Arusha declaration?

Qtn: Results of the Arusha declaration

i. The government over banks and private business.
ii. People were put in Ujama villages.

Qtn: How did the policy of Ujama come to an end?

Qtn: How is the presence of white settlers affecting the Kenyans?

i. They took their fertile land.
ii. They undermined their cultures.

Qtn: Why did the white settlers dominate the Kenyan highlands?
Presence of fertile soils and reliable rainfall for farming.

Qtn: Why did the people of Kenya fight for independence?

i. To regain their fertile land.
ii. They were over taxed by the colonialists.
iii. Their culture was undermined by the British.
iv. They wanted to regain their economic strength.

Qtn: State two problems the Africans faced during their fight for
i. Loss of lives.
ii. Destruction of property.
iii. Imprisonment of their leaders.

Qtn:-Write the following in fall

Qtn: Why were each of the following rebellions called by their specific
i. MauMau
ii. MajiMaji
iii. Nyangire

Complete the table below;

Country Colonial master Date of independence 1st
Uganda Britain president
^"October, 1962
Kenya Britain \2^ December, 1963
Tanzania Britain 9th December, 1961
Rwanda Belgium
Burundi Belgium

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