Gastro Rnpedia 3
Gastro Rnpedia 3
Gastro Rnpedia 3
46. Which of the following aspects is 54. After a right hemicolectomy for
the priority focus of nursing treatment of colon cancer, a 57-year old
management for a client with peritonitis? client is reluctant to turn while on bed
rest. Which action by the nurse would be
A. Fluid and electrolyte balance appropriate?
B. Gastric irrigation
C. Pain management A. Asking a co-worker to help
D. Psychosocial issues turn the client
B. Explaining to the client why
47. A client with irritable bowel turning is important.
syndrome is being prepared for C. Allowing the client to turn
discharge. Which of the following meal when he’s ready to do so
plans should the nurse give the client? D. Telling the client that the
physician’s order states he
A. Low fiber, low-fat must turn every 2 hours
B. High fiber, low-fat
C. Low fiber, high-fat 60. The nurse is caring for a
D. High-fiber, high-fat hospitalized client with a diagnosis of
ulcerative colitis. Which finding, if
48. A client presents to the emergency noted on assessment of the client, would
room, reporting that he has been the nurse report to the physician?
vomiting every 30 to 40 minutes for the
past 8 hours. Frequent vomiting puts him A. Bloody diarrhea
at risk for which of the following? B. Hypotension
C. A hemoglobin of 12 mg/dL
A. Metabolic acidosis with D. Rebound tenderness
B. Metabolic acidosis with 61. The nurse is reviewing the record of
hypokalemia a client with Crohn’s disease. Which of
the following stool characteristics would
the nurse expect to note documented on 82. A client’s ulcerative colitis
the client’s record? symptoms have been present for longer
than 1 week. The nurse recognizes that
A. Chronic constipation the client should be assessed carefully
B. Diarrhea for signs of which of the following
C. Constipation alternating complications?
with diarrhea
D. Stool constantly oozing A. Heart failure
from the rectum B. DVT
C. Hypokalemia
65. The nurse is doing an admission D. Hypocalcemia
assessment on a client with a history of
duodenal ulcer. To determine whether 83. A client who has ulcerative colitis
the problem is currently active, the nurse has persistent diarrhea. He is thin and
would assess the client for which of the has lost 12 pounds since the
following most frequent symptom(s) of exacerbation of his ulcerative colitis.
duodenal ulcer? The nurse should anticipate that the
physician will order which of the
A. Pain that is relieved by food following treatment approaches to help
intake the client meet his nutritional needs?
B. Pain that radiated down the
right arm A. Initiate continuous enteral
C. N/V feedings
D. Weight loss B. Encourage a high protein,
high-calorie diet
76. The client with Crohn’s disease has C. Implement total parenteral
a nursing diagnosis of acute pain. The nutrition
nurse would teach the client to avoid D. Provide six small meals a
which of the following in managing this day.
90. The nurse would monitor a patient
A. Lying supine with the legs using sodium bicarbonate to treat gastric
straight hyperacidity for signs and symptoms of:
B. Massaging the abdomen
C. Using antispasmodic A. Metabolic alkalosis
medication B. Metabolic acidosis
D. Using relaxation techniques C. Hyperkalemia
D. Hypercalcemia
77. A client with ulcerative colitis has
an order to begin salicylate medication
to reduce inflammation. The nurse
instructs the client to take the