ENGL1002 Lecture Notes 07b (Syllable) 2024students
ENGL1002 Lecture Notes 07b (Syllable) 2024students
ENGL1002 Lecture Notes 07b (Syllable) 2024students
English words may have 1 syllable or more syllables.
Consonant cluster
(A) stop skip spin please black flat Consonant cluster in onset
consonant cluster in onset; one C in coda
CC V C Example
(B) post wind bind width Syllable
consonant cluster in coda; one C in onset
1.please Onset Rhyme
(C) spring string strong scream
consonant cluster in onset; one C in coda
CCC V C (The CCC onset is not universal) Nucleus Coda
(D) strange twelve (“monosyllabic” words)
/p l i z /
consonant cluster in onset AND in coda
CC(C) V CC (This cluster pattern is rare in other
Important: When we study syllable structures, we focus
on the sounds, NOT the letters or letter sequences.
Many spoken languages show constraints
Find 2 English words for each of the following initial prohibiting certain sequences of speech sounds.
consonant clusters. Use examples of your own. You In a given language, some sounds do NOT go
may use your dictionary or talk with a classmate. together in a sequence.
1. /pr/ a. b. These constraints can be called Phonotactic
2. /kl/ a. b. Constraints (or simply “phonotactics”), which
3. /gl/ a. b. limit the permissible sequences or positions of
4. /mj/ a. b.
5. /fl/ a. b.
e.g. rbging dmlap ngbzim
6. /spl/ a. b.
Such consonant sequences as /rbg-/, /dml-/, and
/ŋbz-/ don’t seem to occur in the languages of
the world.
Phonotactics Phonotactics
Each language also has some specific preferences Each language has its own phonotactics. English
and constraints about acceptable and unacceptable consonant clusters show special ordering restrictions.
sequences of speech sounds. print proud *rpint *rpoud
e.g. psychology /s-/ tsunami /s-/ blend black *lbend *lback
pneumonia /n-/ string street *ztring *ztreet
spring spread *zbread
These words occur in English. They are from Greek splash splendid
and from Japanese. squeeze squash /skw-/
Speakers of English do not pronounce these words A phonological constraint in one language may not be a
according to Greek and Japanese pronunciation. constraint in another language.
Rather, the initial consonants for the first word is The following are not English words. They are foreign
/s-/, not /ps-/; the initial consonant for the names. English speakers would adapt the pronunciation
second word is /s-/, not /ts-/, as the spelling when they read these words.
might suggest. Mbeki Ngan Sri Lanka
Review: Review:
Consonant cluster in onset Consonant cluster in coda
Example Example
Syllable Syllable
/p l i z /
/ θ I ŋ k/
2. Proud
2. most
3. Glad
3. Rest
4. */ lp i z / 4.*/ŋ k I t/
Syllabification Syllabification
In this course, when we discuss syllabification, we
Many words in English are disyllabic (e.g., arrive, will not use the dictionary criteria since they
action) and polysyllabic (reaction, arrival). focus more on spelling than on speech sounds (or
Words may have more than 1 syllable. How to
break up two syllables (or 3 syllables) in a word? In phonology, syllabification focuses on speech
This is the issue of syllabification. sounds and pronunciation, rather than on spelling
(since it's often unreliable).
It is important to note how syllables are separated
from each other in a word.
Summary Practice
A consonant cluster may occur at the onset First, transcribe the following words using IPA
and/or coda. according to BBC English pronunciation. Second,
syllabify them by putting a dot to indicate a
The sequencing of consonants is constrained by
language-specific phonotactics. break between syllable. There is no need to mark
the stress.
English onsets do not allow /mp-/, /nt-/ or /ps-/
for example. 1. announce 2. respect
3. foolish 4. chapter
Syllables are separated by syllable break(s).
Again, we should not be copying the answers
Syllabification observes the Maximal Onset from the dictionaries. Many dictionaries simply
Principle and the Phonotactic Constraints. focus on spelling, not on sounds.