The Move Towards A Universal Language

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The Move towards a Universal Language

1) A Universal language for Earth would be a language spoken and

understood by all human race on the earth. To what extent do you think
such a Language is possible or realistic? When do you think such a
language might come to existence?

2) Esperanto is currently the most widely spoken Conlang on the planet

with more than 2 million speakers. Do you think it can ever reach the
levels of English, Chinese or Hindi with 1.3 Billion, 1.1 Billion and 690
Million speakers respectively?

3) If Esperanto were to become the Lingua Franca of Earth. How much of

the world we live in do you think would change especially the Internet
considering it is mainly dominated by English?

4) The Phonology of Esperanto to a large extent is similar to European

Languages considering its roots from Russian, Polish, German, English,
Italian, French, Spanish and other Slavic languages. How much of the
population in Asian, Middle Eastern and African countries do you think
would accept a language not even remotely related to their own

5) If Esperanto were to become the most spoken Language on the planet it

would dethrone English from the position. Is it not possible for the
English-speaking countries to cause hindrance to the idea of Esperanto
as the Lingua Franca?

6) Esperanto is maybe the closest we have come to a universal language

uniting the world. It surely has a lot of potential in the foreseeable
future. So, would you consider learning Esperanto and leading the
movement to a Lingua Franca?

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