Travel Policy Document

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Singlife Travel

Insurance Policy

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Travel Insurance Policy

Summary of Cover and Limits 01

Your Singlife Travel Policy 07

Definitions 08

Important Information 12

Section 1a Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement & Burns Benefit 15

Section 1b Accidental Death and Permanent Disability due to War 17

Section 1c Double Indemnity for Death in Public Transport 17

Section 2 Family Assistance Benefit 18

Section 3 Child Education Benefit 18

Section 4 Emergency Medical Cover 18

Section 5 Accidental Dental Expenses 20

Section 6 Hospital Income 21

Section 7 Quarantine Allowance due to Infectious Disease 21

Section 8 Repatriation 22

Section 9 Hospital/Compassionate Visit Expenses 22

Section 10 Child Minder 22

Section 11 Personal Liability 23

Section 12a Trip Cancellation 23

Section 12b Trip Cancellation For Any Reason 24

Section 13a Trip Postponement 24

Section 13b Change of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason 25

Section 14 Replacement Traveller (For Business Travel Only) 25

Section 15 Trip Interruption 26

Section 16 Trip Curtailment For Any Reason 27

Section 17 Travel Delay 27

Section 18 Rainfall Protection 28

Section 19 Delayed Baggage 28

Section 20 Loss or Damage of Baggage & Personal Belongings 29

Travel Insurance Policy

Section 21 Loss of Valuables or Personal Money 30

Section 22 Loss of Passport or Travel Documents 31

Section 23 Unauthorised Use of Credit Card 32

Section 24 Hijack, Hostage and Mugging 32

Section 25 Rental Vehicle Excess 32

Section 26 Rental Vehicle Return 33

Section 27 Home Contents 33

Section 28 Domestic Pet Care 34

Section 29 Optional Cover: Overseas Wedding & Wedding Photo Shoot 34

Section 30 Optional Cover: Golf Holiday Cover 36

Section 31 Optional Cover: Winter Sports 36

Section 32 Optional Cover: Adventurous Water Sports 38

Free extensions 40

Aggregate Limit of Liability 43

General Exceptions 44

General Conditions 46

Our Promise of Service 47

Customer Care Policy 47

How to make a claim 47

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme (PPF) 47

Travel Insurance Policy

Summary of Cover and Limits

Maximum amount payable
Section Policy features per insured per trip

Personal Accident Protection Lite Plus Prestige

Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement and Burn Benefit
S$50,000 S$100,000 S$500,000
• Adult up to 70 years old
Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement and Burn Benefit
S$10,000 S$20,000 S$100,000
• Child under Family Package and Adult above 70 years old

Accidental Death and Permanent Disability due to War

S$50,000 S$100,000 S$500,000
• Adult up to 70 years old
Accidental Death and Permanent Disability due to War
S$10,000 S$20,000 S$100,000
• Child under Family Package and Adult above 70 years old

Double Indemnity for Death in Public Transport

Not Covered S$200,000 S$1,000,000
• Adult up to 70 years old
Double Indemnity for Death in Public Transport
Not Covered S$40,000 S$200,000
• Child under Family Package and Adult above 70 years old

2 Family Assistance Benefit Not Covered Not Covered S$8,000

3 Child Education Benefit S$5,000 per year, up to 5 years Not Covered Not Covered S$25,000

Emergency Medical Cover Lite Plus Prestige

S$250,000 S$2,000,000 Unlimited
4a Overseas Medical Expenses (up to (up to (up to
S$100,000 of S$200,000 of S$400,000 of
Overseas Medical Overseas Medical Overseas Medical
Expenses for Expenses for Expenses for
4b Emergency Medical Evacuation Adult above Adult above Adult above
70 years old) 70 years old) 70 years old)

4c Overseas Emergency Medical Expenses – Pregnancy related Not Covered S$5,000 S$8,000

Medical Expenses in Singapore

S$6,000 S$50,000 S$80,000
• Child and Adult up to 70 years old
Medical Expenses in Singapore
S$2,000 S$5,000 S$10,000
• Adult above 70 years old

4e Mobile-Aid Reimbursement S$1,000 S$3,000 S$5,000

S$250 S$500 S$1,000

4f Chiropractor and/or Chinese Physician Treatment (S$50 per visit) (S$75 per visit) (S$100 per visit)

4g Emergency Telephone Expenses S$100 S$250 Actual cost

4h Trauma Counselling Not covered S$1,000 S$3,000

(S$200 per visit) (S$200 per visit)

5a Accidental Dental Expenses While Overseas

S$1,000 S$3,000 S$8,000
5b Accidental Dental Expenses in Singapore

Travel Insurance Policy

Summary of Cover and Limits

Maximum amount payable
Section Policy features per insured per trip

Emergency Medical Cover Lite Plus Prestige

S$5,000 S$50,000 S$50,000
(S$200 for (S$200 for (S$200 for
(i) Overseas Hospital Income every 24 hours every 24 hours every 24 hours
of hospitalisation of hospitalisation of hospitalisation
overseas) overseas) overseas)
(S$400 for
(ii) Overseas Hospital Income in ICU Not covered Not covered every 24 hours
of hospitalisation

S$600 S$1,000 S$6,000

(S$100 for (S$100 for (S$200 for
6b Hospital Income in Singapore every 24 hours every 24 hours every 24 hours
of hospitalisation of hospitalisation of hospitalisation
in Singapore) in Singapore) in Singapore)

S$300 S$500
7a Overseas Quarantine Allowance due to Infectious Disease Not covered (S$50 for every (S$50 for every
24 hours) 24 hours)

S$300 S$500
7b Quarantine Allowance in Singapore due to Infectious Disease Not covered (S$50 for every (S$50 for every
24 hours) 24 hours)

8a Repatriation of Mortal Remains S$30,000 S$500,000 Unlimited

8b Reimbursement of Coffin and Funeral Expenses S$6,000 S$12,000 S$20,000

9a Hospital Visit Expenses

S$3,000 S$10,000 S$25,000
9b Compassionate Visit Expenses

10 Child Minder S$3,000 S$10,000 S$25,000

Personal Liability and Legal Expenses Lite Plus Prestige

11 Personal Liability S$250,000 S$1,000,000 S$2,000,000

Travel Inconvenience Lite Plus Prestige

Trip Cancellation S$5,000 S$15,000 S$20,000
Family Total* S$10,000 S$30,000 S$40,000

Trip Cancellation For Any Reason Not Covered S$5,000 S$7,500

Family Total* Not Covered S$10,000 S$15,000

Trip Postponement S$1,000 S$2,000 S$3,000

Family Total* S$2,000 S$4,000 S$6,000

Change of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason Not Covered S$2,000 S$3,000
Family Total* Not Covered S$4,000 S$6,000

Travel Insurance Policy

Summary of Cover and Limits

Maximum amount payable
Section Policy features per insured per trip

Travel Inconvenience Lite Plus Prestige

14 Replacement Traveller (For Business Travel only) Not Covered S$5,000 S$15,000

Trip Interruption – Back to Singapore S$3,000 S$8,000 S$15,000

Family Total* S$6,000 S$16,000 S$30,000

Trip Interruption – Change of Trip Itinerary S$1,000 S$2,000 S$3,000

Family Total* S$2,000 S$4,000 S$6,000

Trip Curtailment For Any Reason Not Covered S$5,000 S$7,500

Family Total* Not Covered S$10,000 S$15,000

Travel Delay S$500 S$1,000 S$2,000

(S$100 for (S$100 for (S$100 for
(including overbooking, diversion of journey and/or each consecutive each consecutive each consecutive
17 missed departure or connection of flight, voyage or train) 6-hour delay) 6-hour delay) 6-hour delay)

Family Total* S$1,000 S$2,000 S$4,000

Rainfall Protection S$50 S$100 S$150

18 S$100 S$200 S$300

Family Total* (S$50 per (S$100 per (S$150 per
insured adult) insured adult) insured adult)

Delayed Baggage S$300 S$1,000 S$2,000

(S$100 for (S$200 for (S$200 for
each consecutive each consecutive each consecutive
6-hour delay while 6-hour delay while 6-hour delay while
overseas and overseas and overseas and
19 S$150 after S$150 after S$150 after
6 hours of delay 6 hours of delay 6 hours of delay
when arriving in when arriving in when arriving in
Singapore) Singapore) Singapore)

Family Total* S$600 S$2,000 S$4,000

S$3,000 S$5,000 S$8,000

(Up to S$500 (Up to S$700 (Up to S$700
20 Loss or Damage of Baggage & Personal Belongings for any article or for any article or for any article or
set of articles if set of articles if set of articles if
grouped together) grouped together) grouped together)

S$750 S$3,000
(Including (Including
21 Loss of Valuables or Personal Money Not Covered S$300 for cash S$500 for cash
or bank notes) or bank notes)

22 Loss of Passport or Travel Documents S$1,000 S$5,000 S$5,000

23 Unauthorised Use of Credit Card Not Covered Not Covered S$1,000

S$3,000 S$5,000 S$10,000

24 Hijack, Hostage and Mugging (S$250 per (S$250 per (S$250 per
24 hours detained) 24 hours detained) 24 hours detained)

Travel Insurance Policy

Summary of Cover and Limits

Maximum amount payable
Section Policy features per insured per trip

Lifestyle Cover Lite Plus Prestige

25 Rental Vehicle Excess S$500 S$1,500 S$2,500

26 Rental Vehicle Return Not Covered Not Covered S$500

(Up to S$1,000
27 Home Contents Not Covered Not Covered for any one article
or set of articles if
grouped together)

28 Domestic Pet Care (per household) Not Covered Not Covered per 24 hours of
extended stay in a
pet boarding house)

Free Extensions Lite Plus Prestige

Loss of Frequent Flyers Points, Hotel Points and
(a) Not Covered Yes Yes
Credit Card Points

(b) Disappearance Yes Yes Yes

(c) Drowning or Suffocation by Smoke, Poisonous Fumes or Gas Yes Yes Yes

(d) Motorcycling Yes Yes Yes

(e) Pregnancy or Childbirth related conditions Not Covered Yes Yes

Automatic Extension of Cover due to Public Transport delay

(f ) Up to 14 days Up to 30 days
or due to Your Accidental injury, illness or Quarantine

(g) Full Terrorism Cover S$50,000 S$100,000 S$500,000

COVID-19 Cover
i. Emergency Medical Cover And Repatriation Due To COVID-19
( 1) Overseas Medical Expenses due to COVID-19 S$50,000 S$100,000 S$200,000

(2) Emergency Medical Evacuation due to COVID-19 S$250,000 S$2,000,000 Unlimited

(3) Repatriation due to COVID-19 S$30,000 S$500,000 Unlimited

(4) Medical Expenses in Singapore due to COVID-19 Not Covered S$2,000 S$4,000

S$1,000 S$2,000
(h) ii. Overseas Quarantine Allowance due to COVID-19 Not Covered (S$50 for every (S$100 for every
24 hours) 24 hours)

S$1,000 S$2,000
iii. Overseas Hospital Income due to COVID-19 Not Covered (S$50 for every (S$100 for every
24 hours) 24 hours)

iv. Trip Cancellation/Postponement due to COVID-19 S$500 S$5,000 S$7,500

v. (1) Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 – Back to Singapore S$500 S$5,000 S$7,500

(2) Trip Interruption due to COVID-19

– Change of Trip Itinerary S$500 S$1,000 S$1,500

Travel Insurance Policy

Summary of Cover and Limits

Maximum amount payable
Section Policy features per insured per trip

Optional Cover: Overseas Wedding & Photoshoot (Per Couple)

(Up to S$2,000 for any one article or
29a Loss of Ceremonial Attire and Wedding Accessories set of article if grouped together
Excess payable : S$100)

29b Loss of Marriage Certificate S$250

29c Financial Failure of Wedding Service Providers S$15,000

29d Loss of Wedding Photo Album S$500

29e Personal Liability of Invited Guests S$1,000,000

Optional Cover: Golf Holiday

30a Loss of Golfing Equipment (including while in use) (Up to S$1,000 for any one article or
set of article if grouped together
Excess payable : S$100)

30b Hire of Golfing Equipment
(Up to S$100 per day)

30c Hole-In-One S$1,000

30d Damage of Buggy S$500

30e Unused Green Fees S$500

Optional Cover: Winter Sports

31a Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement S$50,000

31b Emergency Medical Cover (Aggregate) S$250,000

31c Personal Liability Extension Up to selected plan’s limit

(Up to S$1,000 for any one article or
31d Loss of Winter Sports Equipment (including while in use) set of article if grouped together
Excess payable : S$250)

31e Hire of Winter Sports Equipment
(Up to S$100 per day)

31f Loss of Deposit due to Ski Track / Piste Closure S$1,000

31g Ski Pass and Ski Lift Pass S$500

31h Delay due to Avalanche S$200

Travel Insurance Policy

Summary of Cover and Limits

Maximum amount payable
Section Policy features per insured per trip

Optional Cover: Adventurous Water Sports

32a Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement S$50,000

32b Emergency Medical Cover (Aggregate) S$250,000

32c Personal Liability Extension Up to selected plan’s limit

(Up to S$1,000 for any one article or
32d Loss of Water Sports Equipment (including while in use) set of article if grouped together
Excess payable : S$250)

32e Hire of Water Sports Equipment
(Up to S$100 per day)

*Family Total means the maximum amount We will pay for each benefit section under the Family Package
during any one Trip. Each insured person is only allowed the maximum benefit per insured person in the
Summary of Cover.

Travel Insurance Policy

Your Singlife Travel Policy

Travel Assistant Travel assistant is a helpline service that helps You sort out all kinds of travel problems.
Before Your travel, and while You are away, Travel Assistant can help You with a wide
range of travel advice, from information on the country or countries You are visiting,
to sorting out emergencies abroad. The Travel Assistant helpline service is available
24 hours a day. To use the service, please call 6460 9391 or +65 6460 9391 from overseas.
For non-emergency claims and general advice on Your policy, please visit

Advice Before You Travel The Travel Assistant helpline service will give You advice on:
• Any visa and entry permits You may need;
• Any necessary vaccination and inoculation requirements, and where You can get
them done;
• What You should take with You regarding first aid and health;
• What currencies and travellers’ cheques to take with You, and what the current
exchange rates are; and
• The languages spoken, the time zones and details of countries You plan to visit.

While Traveling Your Travel assistant will also be able to help You while You are on a Trip by giving
advice and guidance on:
• How to replace lost or stolen passports, driving licences, air tickets or other
travel documents;
• How to trace Your luggage with the airline operator if it is delayed or lost;
• Why, how, where and when You should contact local Embassies or Consulates;
• How and where to cancel Your credit cards if they are lost or stolen;
• How to transfer money out to You if You need it.

Your Travel Assistant will also provide advice and guidance to Your relatives, friends
or employers if You are seeking medical services in a hospital during Your travel.

Other Emergency Services Note: There may be charges for some services and You will have to pay for these,
together with travel costs resulting from the advice You have received.

24-Hour Worldwide The cost of the Medical Emergency Assistance Service will be met under this policy
Medical Emergency within the designated limits. The services provided will be subject to the terms,
conditions and exclusions in this Travel Insurance Policy and will be operated by
Our appointed Medical Emergency Assistance provider.

If You need help, please call +65 6460 9391. An experienced Medical Emergency
Assistance coordinator will deal with Your enquiry and make sure that:
• Where necessary, hospitals are contacted;
• Medical advisers are consulted; and
• Necessary medical fees are guaranteed.

If any illness or injury means that You need to be admitted into hospital as an In-Patient,
You must contact the helpline before You make any admission arrangements. If this
is not reasonably possible due to the seriousness of the situation, You must contact
the helpline as soon as reasonably possible after Your admission.

If You need to return to Singapore for any reason any time during Your treatment, You
must also contact the helpline before You make any return journey arrangements.

Your claim may be affected if You do not contact the Medical Emergency Assistance
Service helpline before seeking any Emergency medical assistance.

Travel Insurance Policy


The words or phrases below have the following meanings wherever they appear in bold font with the first letter
capitalised in this Policy document, words in the singular include the plural or any tense and use of the male gender
includes the female gender and vice-versa.

Accident/Accidental A sudden, unforeseen and unexpected event which happens during the Period of
Insurance which must be the only cause of injury or damage to or loss of property,
whichever applies.

Catastrophic Event Any event or force of nature that has catastrophic consequences in terms of financial,
environmental or human losses, such as avalanche, earthquake, flood, forest fire,
hurricane, landslides, lightning, tornado, tsunami, typhoon or volcanic eruption.

Child Persons under 21 years old or persons from 21 years old up to 23 years old who are
studying full-time in a recognised institute of higher learning and are not married,
who are biologically or legally related to an adult who is named in Your Schedule.

We determine the age as at the start date of Period of Insurance with reference to
the date of birth.

Close Business Associate Someone You work with in Singapore who has to be at work in order for You to be
able to go on or continue a Trip. A senior manager or director of the business must
confirm this.

Close Relative Your mother, father, sister, brother, legal partner, fiancé(e), daughter, son, grandparent,
grandparent-in-law, grandchild, parent-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law,
sister-in-law, step-parent, step-child, step-sister, step-brother, aunt, uncle, cousin,
nephew, niece, legal guardian or foster child.

Credit Card Points Reward points that are accorded to You as a registered customer/member of a credit
card rewards program by any credit/charge card provider. This does not include any
redemption on travel vouchers and gift cards.

Depreciation Scale The depreciation scale set out below which applies for any sports equipment including
Golfing Equipment, Water Sports Equipment and Winter Sports Equipment that
You bring on a Trip.
• Up to one year old, 90% of the purchase price.
• Up to two years old, 70% of the purchase price.
• Up to three years old, 50% of the purchase price.
• Up to four years old, 30% of the purchase price.
• Over four years old, 20% of the purchase price.

Doctor A registered practising member of the medical profession with a recognised degree
in western medicine who is authorised to practise in his country but who is not related
to You or anyone You are travelling with.

Emergency A serious, unexpected situation requiring immediate action and in the case of an Accident,
requiring immediate action within 24 hours of the Accident taking place.

Entertainment Cost Tickets or bookings granting admission during Your Trip to theme parks, musicals,
plays, theatre, drama performances, concerts, sports events, excursions or tours.

Epidemic / Pandemic Any contagious disease which upon outbreak is classified as an Epidemic/Pandemic
by the World Health Organisation or Ministry of Health of the Republic of Singapore.

Frequent Flyer Points Loyalty or reward points that are accorded to You as a registered customer/member
of a frequent flyer program or similar reward program by any commercial airline

Golfing Equipment Golf clubs, golf bags and golf shoes only.

Travel Insurance Policy

DEFINITIONS (continued)

Home Your Home address in Singapore as shown in Your NRIC (for Singaporeans and
Singapore Permanent Residents) or Your Home address in Singapore as shown in
Your utility bill, correspondence with a Singapore government authority or other
document acceptable to Us (for foreigners).

Hotel Points Loyalty or reward points that are accorded to You as a registered customer/member
of a hotel loyalty program or similar reward program by any hotel chain or brand.
This does not include any timeshare, holiday property bond scheme, vacation club point
or other similar scheme.

In-patient Admitted to a hospital for treatment that requires at least one overnight stay.

Insured Events 1. You, Your spouse or Your Child suffering from Serious Injury or Serious Illness,
being Quarantined or dies.
2. One of the following people suffering from life-threatening injury or illness, is
Quarantined or dies:
• Your Travelling Companion
• Any person You were going to stay with during Your Trip
• Your Close Relative
• Your Close Business Associate
All claims resulting from medical reasons, Quarantine or death must be supported
by medical reports or a death certificate (or both) indicating the necessity to cancel
Your Trip.
3. You or Your Travelling Companion being subpoenaed as a witness in a court of law
which was not made known to You prior to taking out this policy.
4. Your Home being badly damaged by fire, storm or a Catastrophic Event.
5. Unexpected outbreak of strike, riot and civil commotions at Your planned destination.
This will only apply when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore
(MFA) has issued a travel notice or travel advisory about travelling to the zone within
the country of Your destination.
6. Catastrophic Event, Epidemic or Pandemic outbreak at Your planned destination.
This will only apply when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore
(MFA) has issued a travel notice or travel advisory about travelling to the zone
within the country of Your destination.
7. Your flight is cancelled by the airline due to closing of airport or airspace that
prevents You from carrying on with Your Trip.
8. Due to You being a Child and forced to cancel Your Trip, because Your parent or
guardian who is Your Travelling Companion has to cancel or change his Trip due
to one of the reasons listed above.
9. Insolvency of airline, licensed transport provider, licensed tour operator or licensed
travel agent directly responsible for Your Trip.

Local Police The police force or any equivalent authority within the country where the event giving
rise to Your claim occurred.

Loss of one or more limbs Loss of Your hand or foot, at or above the wrist or ankle, or the total and permanent
loss of use of Your entire hand, arm, foot or leg.

Travel Insurance Policy

DEFINITIONS (continued)

Manual Work Means work which involves a person undertaking manual labour in connection with
business or trade or active personal participation in any of the following:
(a) Underground work, mining work, military duties, offshore work, construction work,
or outside building or installation work exceeding three meters in height;
(b) Work that involves heavy machinery, explosives or hazardous materials;
(c) Work as a diver, life guard, taxi driver, bus driver, or other commercial vehicle or heavy
vehicle driver, dispatch rider or delivery person;
(d) Work of a manual nature that involves specialist equipment and training, or work
that presents risk of serious injury including but not limited to oil riggers, fishermen,
crane operators or welders; or
(e) Work involved as a staff in a bar, restaurant and hotel, or work as musicians and singers
and fruit pickers if the fruit pickers are operating machinery;
(f) any hazardous occupation including pilot, air crew, ship crew, worker on board vessels,
stevedore, shipbreaker, fisherman, fire fighter, police, naval, military, air force service
or operation and the like (except under section 14 of the Enlistment Act 1970 of the
Republic of Singapore).
but does not include:
• Voluntary work which a person undertakes for a charitable organisation unless he/
she receives remuneration for this work or it involves construction work and usage
of heavy machinery or working more than three meters above the ground.

Period of Insurance The period of insurance shown in the policy Schedule.

Permanent Total A disability which is total and permanent and persists continuously for 104 weeks with
Disablement You incapable of performing any work or engaging in any occupation or profession to
earn or obtain wages, compensation or profit, from the time when the disability started.

Personal Money Cash (including foreign currency), travellers’ cheques, non-refundable pre-paid tickets,
travel tickets and hotel vouchers.

Pre-existing Medical Any allergy, injury, infirmity, symptom, condition, illness or related complication, diagnosed
Condition or undiagnosed, which:
• You reasonably knew about or have been informed of or for which You have received
advice, diagnosis, medication or treatment;
• You are under investigation or awaiting results for;
• You are on a waiting list for, or are aware of the need for, In-Patient treatment; or
• You have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and for which a life expectancy of
less than 12 months as specified by a Doctor;
before the start date of Your Trip.

If You have an annual policy with Us and have made a claim for an allergy, injury, infirmity,
symptom, condition, illness or related complication on a previous Trip, We will treat that
medical condition as a Pre-Existing Medical Condition in any subsequent Trip.

Public Transport Any regularly scheduled land, sea or air conveyance which has fixed and established
routes and is operated by a licensed carrier or operator to transport fare-paying
passengers. This does not include taxis and all other modes of transport that are
chartered or arranged as part of a tour even if they are regularly scheduled.

Quarantine Compulsory isolation to contain the spread of an infectious disease.

Rented Vehicle A car or a campervan You may rent overseas from a licensed rental agency for the
purpose of private use and which are in Your care or custody.

Rules of Nines A system used by Doctors for assessing the percentage of the body surface affected
by burns. In this system, the head and each arm cover 9% of the body; the front of
the body and the back of the body and each leg covers 18% of the body. The groin
covers the remaining 1%.

Travel Insurance Policy

DEFINITIONS (continued)

Schedule The document which gives details of the cover You have.

Serious Injury or Injury or illness which results in one being unfit to travel or continue with the Trip.
Serious Illness This must be certified by a Doctor.

Travelling Companion A person You travel with, without whom You cannot make or continue Your Trip.

Trip(s) Travel outside Singapore during the Period of Insurance as set out in Your itinerary.
Your Trip begins when You leave Your Home and ends when You return to Your Home.

Total Loss of Sight Complete and permanent loss of sight.

Unattended Where You do not watch over or are not in full view of or in a position to prevent
unauthorised taking of Your property unless it is in a locked compartment, safe or in
a locked boot/trunk of a locked vehicle.

Valuables Stamp, coin or medal collections, pictures, other works of art, antiques, curios,
items of gold, silver, platinum or any other precious metal, jewellery, watches, furs
and other collectable property.

Water Sports Equipment Any necessary item designed for a particular water sport, without which You cannot
do the water sport safely.

We, Us, Our Singapore Life Ltd. (Referred to as “Singlife”).

Winter Sports Equipment Skis, snowboard, ski/snowboard boots, helmets, bindings or poles.

You, Your, Yourself The person (or people) named in Your Schedule and Child under family package.

Travel Insurance Policy


This is Your Travel Insurance Policy. This policy booklet and Your policy Schedule form the contract of insurance and
will give You full details of what is covered, what is not covered and the conditions of cover. Please read them carefully,
keep them in a safe place and take them with You when You travel.

Things to remember Please read this information carefully:

• This is not a general health insurance policy.
• It covers You if there is a sudden and unexpected Accident or if You become ill.
• The policyholder named in the Schedule must be at least 16 years old at the
inception of the Policy.
• We do not cover any payment, which You would normally have made during Your
travels and/or which does not fall within the events insured under the terms of
this policy.
• We will only cover You if Your main Home is in Singapore.
• We will only cover if the journey is a round Trip, beginning and ending in Singapore.
• We will only cover You if You bought the policy before You leave Singapore on
Your Trip.
• Except for the coverage under Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover as indicated
in the summary of cover, this policy does not cover for COVID-19 as it is a known

Policy cancellation – A single Trip policy can only be cancelled if You informed Us in writing before the
Single trip policy start date of Your Trip. You will be entitled to a refund of the premium paid provided
You have not travelled, and there has been no claim or incident likely to give rise to
a claim.

If You do not cancel Your policy before the start date of Your Trip, it will continue
in force and You will be required to pay the premium.

We may cancel this policy by sending 7 days’ written notice to Your last known address.
You will be entitled to a refund of the premium paid, subject to a deduction for the
time for which You have been covered.

Policy cancellation – If We are issuing this policy to You for the first time, You have the right to cancel Your
Annual multi-trip policy policy without penalty within 14 calendar days from the day of purchase of the policy,
We call this period the free look period.

If, within this free look period, You inform Us in writing that You wish to cancel the
policy, We will cancel it from its start date and refund You the premium paid in full
provided You have not travelled, and there has been no claim or incident likely to
give rise to a claim.

If, after the free look period or if You are not entitled to the free look period and You
inform Us in writing that You wish to cancel the policy, We will refund You 80% of
the premium less a pro-rated amount for the period for which You have been covered.

You will not be entitled to a refund if a claim has been made or there has been an
incident likely to give rise to a claim during the current Period of Insurance.

If You do not exercise Your right to cancel Your policy, it will continue in force and
You will be required to pay the premium.

We may cancel this policy by sending 7 days’ written notice to Your last known address.

You will be entitled to refund of the premium paid, subject to a deduction for the time
for which You have been covered.

Travel Insurance Policy


Cover Cover will only apply for Trips which begin from the Period of Insurance (Single Trip
policy) or during the Period of Insurance (Annual multi-Trip policy) and provided
the Trips fall entirely within the Period of Insurance.

For Annual multi-Trip policy, We will cover Trips which begins during the current
Period of Insurance and overlaps into the next Period of Insurance if Your policy
has been renewed and is still in force at the time of the incident resulting in a claim.

Please check Your Schedule to see what type of policy You have.

Individual Package A policy issued to You and only Your name is stated in the Schedule.

Family Package A policy issued to You, Your spouse and Your Child. You are not required to name
Your Child, however, proof of relationship will be required at the point of claim.
Under a Single Trip policy, all insured persons must depart and return on the same
day for that Trip.

Under an Annual Multi-Trip policy, insured adults are not required to travel together
for any Trip made during the Period of Insurance. Any insured persons who are below
16 years of age must be accompanied by You or Your spouse for any Trip made during
the Period of Insurance.

Group Package A policy issued to You and up to 19 other travellers named in the Schedule who are
travelling as a group. Under a Single Trip policy, all insured persons must depart
and return on the same day for that Trip.

Any insured persons who are below 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult
named in the Schedule for that Trip.

Region of Travel “ASEAN” covers Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar,
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

“Asia, Australia, New Zealand” covers ASEAN countries, Australia, Bhutan, Hong Kong,
India, Japan, Macau, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, People’s Republic of China,
South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Tibet.

“Worldwide” covers any countries outside Singapore except Afghanistan, Democratic

Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan and Syria. If Your Trip involves travel to
countries in both Asia and Worldwide zones, please choose “Worldwide”.

Single-trip policies Cover under the sections mentioned below begins from the date Your policy is issued
and ends when You depart on Your Trip.

If any of the insured persons make a claim under one of the following sections (including
Trip Cancellation/Postponement due to COVID-19 as indicated in the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover), the cover under all sections for that insured
person under this policy will terminate immediately:
• Section 12a – Trip Cancellation;
• Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason;
• Section 13a – Trip Postponement;
• Section 13b – Change of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason; or
• Section 14 – Replacement Traveller (for Business Travel only).

Otherwise, cover under all other sections under this policy applies for the duration
of Your Trip as shown on Your Schedule. In addition, You will also be covered while
travelling to Your Singapore departure point and returning from Your Singapore
arrival point, so long as each journey does not take more than 3 hours. The maximum
cover is 182 days duration per Trip.

Travel Insurance Policy


Annual multi-trip policies Cover under the sections mentioned below (including Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 as indicated in the summary of cover, Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19
Cover) begins from the date Your policy is issued or the date of booking of each Trip
(whichever is later) and ends when You depart for each booked Trip.
• Section 12a – Trip Cancellation;
• Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason;
• Section 13a – Trip Postponement;
• Section 13b – Change of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason; or
• Section 14 – Replacement Traveller (for Business Travel only).

In addition, You will also be covered while travelling to Your Singapore departure point
and returning from Your Singapore arrival point so long as each journey does not take
more than 3 hours.

Cover only applies to Trips of not more than 90 days duration per Trip.

Policy limits Each section of Your policy has a maximum amount We will pay under that section.
Some sections also include other specific limits, for example, for any one item or limits
for Valuables in total. Please check if Your policy cover is adequate if You want to
take any expensive items along with You.

Law The law of the Republic of Singapore will apply to this policy.

Leisure and sports Please note that Your policy automatically covers You for the usual tourist activities
activities that are accessible to the general public without restriction (other than height or
general health or fitness warnings) and including those organised by a licensed operator,
but always providing that You obey the rules (including wearing appropriate safety
equipment) and are acting under the guidance and supervision of qualified guides
and/or instructors of the operator when carrying out such tourist activities.

For the avoidance of doubt, please refer to General Exceptions for the activities that
We do not cover.

Use of language Unless otherwise agreed, the policy terms and conditions and other information relating
to this policy will be in English.

Please make sure that You read Your policy carefully. You may not receive any cover or cover may be reduced if
You do not comply with to the policy conditions.

Travel Insurance Policy


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will pay the compensation for death or disablement based on table of benefits
below if You suffer an Accidental injury during Your Trip which leads directly to Your death or such disablement.

Table of benefits

% of Policy Limits
Stated in the Summary of Cover

1 Death 100%

2 Permanent Total Disablement 100%

3 Loss of or Total Permanent Loss of use of two limbs 100%

4 Loss of or Total Permanent Loss of use of one limb 100%

5 Permanent Loss of sight for both eyes 100%

6 Permanent Loss of sight for one eye 100%

7 Loss of or Total Permanent Loss of use of one limb and loss of sight for one eye 100%

8 Permanent and independent Loss of Speech and Hearing 100%

9 Permanent and incurable insanity 100%

10 Permanent Loss of Hearing

a) Both ears 100%

b) One ear 30%

11 Permanent Loss of Speech 75%

12 Permanent total loss of the lens of one eye 75%

13 Loss of or Permanent total loss of use of four fingers and thumb of

a) Right Hand 85%

b) Left Hand 65%

14 Loss of or Permanent total loss of use of four fingers of

a) Right Hand 55%

b) Left Hand 45%

15 Loss of or Permanent total loss of use of one thumb

a) Both right phalanges 40%

b) One right phalanx 25%

c) Both left phalanges 30%

d) One left phalanx 20%

Travel Insurance Policy


Table of benefits

% of Policy Limits
Stated in the Summary of Cover

16 Loss of or Permanent total loss of use of fingers

a) Three right phalanges 20%

b) Two right phalanges 15%

c) One right phalanx 10%

d) Three left phalanges 15%

e) Two left phalanges 10%

f) One left phalanx 5%

17 Loss of or Permanent total loss of use of toes

a) All-one foot 25%

b) Great toe-two phalanges 10%

c) Great toe-one phalanx 10%

d) Other than great toe, each toe 2%

18 Fractured leg or patella with established non-union 20%

19 Shortening of leg by at least 5cm 10%

20 Second and Third Degree Burns – Head

a) Third Degree Burns of 20% or more of the total head surface area 100%

b) Second Degree Burns of 10% or more of the total head surface area 50%

21 Second and Third Degree Burns – Head

a) Third Degree Burns of 40% or more of the total body surface area 100%

b) Second Degree Burns of 40% or more of the total body surface area 50%

c) Third Degree Burns of 25% or more,

but less than 40% of the total body surface area

d) Second Degree Burns of 25% or more,

but less than 40% of the total body surface area 40%

e) Third Degree Burns of 15% or more,

but less than 25% of the total body surface area 60%

f) Second Degree Burns of 15% or more,

but less than 25% of the total body surface area 30%

Special conditions • The death or disability must happen within 6 months from the date of the Accident.
• Any diagnosis must be confirmed by Our appointed Doctor.
• We shall in Our absolute discretion determine the percentage payable for any
permanent disablement not otherwise expressly provided in the table of benefits
under Section 1a.
• In case You are left-handed, the compensation percentage in items 13 to 16 shall
be reversed whereby the greater compensation percentage shall apply to the
left hand and parts there of.

Travel Insurance Policy


Special conditions (cont) • Assessment of percentage of body affected by burns will be based on the Rules of
Nines system.
• The total compensation payable due to the same Accident is arrived at by adding
together the various percentages but shall not exceed 100% of the Policy Limit
under Section 1a and there shall be no further liability under this entire policy in
respect of the same insured person for any injury sustained thereafter.
• The benefit payable under this section is reduced to 20% of the maximum amount
payable shown in the summary of cover and limits for Child insured under family
package and any insured person above 70 years old. We determine the age as at
the date of incident with reference to the date of birth.
• In respect of any Accident, where a claim under Section 1a, Section 1b or Section 1c
resulting from the same event is made, this policy will pay under one section only.
• The benefit will be paid to You or Your legal representative, or in accordance with
the applicable law.

What is not covered • Any claim for illness, disease, nervous shock or naturally occurring condition or
degenerative process.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will pay If You suffer death or Permanent Disablement due to war during
Your Trip, provided that:
• At the time of loss, it is proven to Our satisfaction that You were in no way related to such acts, whether direct
or indirect, except taking actions to protect Yourself and Your property.
• No state of war existed in the respective country upon Your arrival and the country is not a Home or
Your home country.
• This cover will not apply 60 days after the initial outbreak of war.

Special conditions • ‘Special conditions’ under Section 1a - Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement
and Burns Benefit.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 1a - Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement
and Burns Benefit.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will pay If You suffer Accidental injury while You are on board Public Transport
during Your Trip, and this Accident is the only cause of Your death.

Special conditions • ‘Special conditions’ under Section 1a - Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement
and Burns Benefit.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 1a - Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement
and Burns Benefit.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


This section applies to Prestige plan only.

Within the stipulated policy limit, We will pay a lump sum benefit if You suffer an Accidental injury during Your Trip,
which within 6 months of its happening is the sole cause of Your death.

The benefit will be paid to Your legal representative, or in accordance with the applicable law.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 1a.

• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


This section applies to Prestige plan only.

If You suffer an Accidental injury during Your Trip, which within 6 months of its happening is the sole cause of
Your death and, at the date of Accident, You have at least one Child, We will pay up to the stipulated policy limit.

Special conditions • This benefit is only payable once every year on Your death anniversary, up to
5 years.
• This benefit is only payable as long as the Child still falls under the definition of
• For Child above 18 years of age, supporting document must be produced yearly
to prove that the Child is studying full-time in a recognised institute of higher
learning and is not married.
• We will pay S$5,000 per year regardless of the number of Children.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 1a.

• Any claim if You are an insured Child in the policy.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits,
(a) Overseas Medical Expenses
If You unexpectedly suffer an Accidental injury or illness during Your Trip and need to get medical treatment
outside Singapore, We will pay for the following:
• The necessary and reasonable costs of medical treatment by a Doctor (including rescue services to take
You to hospital) up to a maximum of 90 days from the date of the initial treatment.
• Any necessary and reasonable extra charges for accommodation expense of a standard room if You have to
stay beyond the intended return date as certified in writing by a Doctor.
• Additional economy-class travel expenses (air, sea or land) which You have to pay to get back to Your Home
if Your return ticket cannot be used.

(b) Emergency Medical Evacuation

If You suffer Serious Injury or Serious Illness while overseas and, in the opinion of Our Appointed Medical
Emergency Assistance provider, it is medically necessary to move You to the nearest registered medical facility
or return to Singapore for medical treatment, We will pay for the following:
• The necessary and reasonable cost of transportation and en-route medical care and supplies including the
assignment of a Doctor and/or nurse to accompany You.
• The cost of getting You Home if You need to return to Singapore for recuperation or continued treatment
and You cannot use Your return ticket.

(c) Overseas Emergency Medical Expenses – Pregnancy related

This benefit applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.
We will pay for Your Emergency medical treatment outside Singapore related to pregnancy or childbirth where
the expected date of delivery is more than 12 weeks (or 16 weeks in the case of a multiple pregnancy) from Your
planned return date.

Travel Insurance Policy


(d) Medical Expenses in Singapore
We will pay for the following:
• Follow-up medical treatment within 31 days upon Your return to Singapore if initial treatment took place
during Your Trip.
• Medical treatment within 3 days upon Your return when initial treatment was not sought during Your Trip,
up to a maximum of 31 days from the initial treatment in Singapore.

(e) Mobile-Aid Reimbursement

Following Your medical treatment, We will reimburse You the reasonable costs of medical equipment and aids
such as crutches, wheelchair, walker and the like that are considered medically necessary for Your recovery
and mobility if recommended by Your Doctor.

(f ) Chiropractor and/or Chinese Physician Treatment (Registered)

If You unexpectedly suffer an Accidental injury or illness during Your Trip and You need to get outpatient
medical treatment overseas by a Chiropractor or Chinese Physician, We will pay for the treatment provided
You are treated by a Chiropractor or Chinese Physician who is officially certified and registered with the
relevant authority in the country where the treatment is received. This benefit also covers You for:
• Follow-up medical treatment by a Chiropractor or Chinese Physician within 31 days upon Your return to
Singapore if initial treatment took place during Your Trip.
• Medical treatment within 3 days upon Your return when initial treatment was not sought during Your Trip,
up to a maximum of 31 days from the initial treatment in Singapore.

The Chiropractor or Chinese Physician must not be a person related to You or anyone You are travelling with.

(g) Emergency Telephone Charges

We will pay for telephone charges You incurred for the sole purpose of contacting Us or Our appointed Medical
Emergency Assistance provider for Emergency medical assistance and for which a medical claim has been
submitted under Section 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d or 4f. You must be able to provide telephone bills for Us to reimburse You.

(h) Trauma Counselling

This benefit applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.
If You suffer Accidental injury during Your Trip that leads directly to Accidental death or Permanent Total
Disablement within 6 months from the date of the Accident as certified in writing by a Doctor, We will pay You,
Your spouse or Your Child for the cost of trauma counselling up to the stipulated policy limit and per visit limit,
and up to a maximum of 365 days from the date of Accident.

Special conditions You must call Our Medical Emergency Assistance helpline at +65 6460 9391
immediately if You need medical attention as a hospital In-Patient or if You need to
return to Singapore. Otherwise, Your claim may be affected.
• If, in the opinion of Our Appointed Medical Emergency Assistance provider, it is
medically necessary to move You to the nearest registered medical facility or
return to Singapore for medical treatment, but You choose not to move, Our
liability will end immediately.
• We will only pay for the necessary and reasonable costs of medical treatment by
a specialist or physiotherapist, only if the specialist medical treatment or
physiotherapy treatment is considered necessary and has been referred by
a Doctor in general practice. The specialist or physiotherapist must not be a
person related to You or anyone You are travelling with.
• Our Medical Emergency Assistance provider will determine the means of
transportation and the appropriate location to transport You to based on the
medical necessity and severity of Your medical condition.
• The benefit payable under Section 4a and 4d is up to the sub-limit specified in the
summary of cover for any insured adult above 70 years old. We determine the
age as at the date of incident with reference to the date of birth.

Travel Insurance Policy


What is not covered • Any claim for a medical condition if any insured person has travelled against the
advice of a Doctor or would be travelling against the advice of a Doctor if they
had taken such advice.
• Any claim that results from a medical condition You were planning to get medical
treatment for during Your Trip.
• Any claim where any other insurance, government or corporate scheme pays for
the claim. If You can only recover part of the medical expenses from other sources,
We will only pay the amount that You cannot recover from these sources.
• Any claim for:
– The cost of In-Patient hospital treatment or going Home early that
Our Medical Emergency Assistance provider has not agreed beforehand.
– The cost of any non-Emergency treatment or surgery including exploratory
tests which are not directly related to the illness or injury that You originally
went to hospital for.
– Any form of treatment that Your treating Doctor and Our Medical Emergency
Assistance provider think can reasonably wait until You get back to Singapore.
• Cosmetic surgery and cosmetic products.
• Medication which, at the time Your Trip started, You knew that You would need
while You were away.
• Any medicines or supplements that are not prescribed by the Doctor.
• Any medical equipment or treatment that is not recommended by the Doctor.
• Any extra cost because You have requested a single or private room.
• Treatment or services provided by a health spa, convalescent or nursing Home
or any rehabilitation centre.
• Costs incurred following Your decision not to move hospital or return to Singapore
after the date when, in the opinion of Our Medical Emergency Assistance provider
it was safe for You to do so.
• Any claim resulting from a tropical disease where You have not had the
recommended inoculations and/or taken the recommended medication.
• Any sexually transmitted infections, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or any
HIV-related illness including acquired immunity deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or any
mutant derivatives or variations of this however they are caused.
• Any claim that results from pregnancy or childbirth (except under Section 4c
and 4g).
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits,
(a) Accidental Dental Expenses While Overseas: If You suffer an Accidental injury to Your sound and natural teeth
during Your Trip and need to get dental treatment, We will pay the necessary and reasonable Emergency pain
relief dental treatment overseas.
(b) Accidental Dental expenses in Singapore: We will pay for the necessary and reasonable Emergency pain relief
dental treatment in Singapore.
• Follow-up Accidental dental treatment to restore Your sound and natural teeth within 31 days upon Your
return to Singapore if initial treatment took place during Your Trip. Dental treatment to restore Your sound
and natural teeth within 3 days upon Your return when initial treatment was not sought during Your Trip,
up to a maximum of 31 days from the initial treatment in Singapore.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover.
• Any claim for dental treatment that result from tooth, gum or oral disease, or
from normal wearing of Your teeth.
• Dental expenses related to unnatural teeth including but not limited to dental
dentures, implants, crowns and bridges.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


Within the stipulated policy limits,
(a) Overseas Hospital Income: If You are making a claim for medical expenses which is claimable in this policy and
You are being treated as an In-Patient in a hospital overseas;
• i) We will pay the following amount for every full consecutive 24 hours of hospitalisation in a standard ward

Lite Plus Prestige

S$200 S$200 S$200

ii) We will pay the following amount for every full consecutive 24 hours of hospitalisation in an Intensive Care
Unit (ICU) overseas.

Lite Plus Prestige

Not covered Not covered S$400

(b) Hospital Income in Singapore: If You are making a claim for medical expenses which is claimable in this policy and
You are being treated as an In-patient in a hospital in Singapore,
• i) We will pay the following amount for every full consecutive 24 hours of hospitalisation in Singapore.

Lite Plus Prestige

S$100 S$100 S$200

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


This section applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.

Within the stipulated policy limits,

(a) Overseas Quarantine Allowance: During Your Trip, if You are placed under Quarantine by the government or
relevant health authority as a result of close contact with confirmed cases of infectious disease or in the event
You are identified by the relevant health authority as a carrier of the infectious disease, We will pay You the
following amount for every full consecutive 24 hours You are detained.

Lite Plus Prestige

Not covered S$50 S$50

(b) Quarantine Allowance in Singapore: During Your Trip, and upon return to Singapore, You are immediately placed
under Quarantine by the Ministry of Health as a result of close contact with confirmed cases of an infectious
disease or in the event You are identified by the Ministry of Health as a carrier of the infectious disease, We will
pay You the following amount for every full consecutive 24 hours You are detained.

Lite Plus Prestige

Not covered S$50 S$50

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy

Within the stipulated policy limits, in the event of Your death while overseas resulting from an Accidental injury or
Illness sustained during Your Trip overseas,
(a) Repatriation of Mortal Remains: We will make all the necessary arrangements and pay for the cost of returning
Your body or ashes to Singapore or Your home country if You are not a Singaporean.

(b) Reimbursement of Coffin and Funeral Expenses: If Your death happens within 12 months due to an Accidental
injury or illness while overseas, We will pay for the cost of burying or cremating You either in the country where
You die, in Singapore or Your home country if You are not a Singaporean.

Special conditions To activate this section, please call Our Emergency Assistance helpline at
+65 6460 9391 for assistance otherwise Your claims may be affected.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits,
(a) Hospital Visit Expenses: If as a result of an Accidental injury or illness overseas and on the written advice of the
Doctor, You become hospitalised overseas for more than 5 consecutive days during Your Trip which is claimable
in this policy, We will pay for any additional economy-class travel expenses (air, land or sea) and accommodation
expense of a standard room reasonably and necessarily incurred by:
• One (1) Travelling Companion who remains with or escorts You until completion of the Period of Insurance
or until You are able to resume Your Trip or return to Singapore, whichever occurs first; or
• One (1) Close Relative or friend who travels to and remains with You until completion of the Period of insurance
or until You are able to resume Your Trip or return to Singapore, whichever occurs first; provided there is
no adult Travelling Companion that is Your Close Relative or friend.

(b) Compassionate Visit Expenses: If You sustain death overseas as a result of an Accidental injury or illness during
Your Trip, We will pay for accommodation and travelling expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred by one (1)
Travelling Companion or one (1) Close Relative or friend who travels to assist in the final arrangement following
Your death and bring Your body or ashes back to Singapore or Your home country if You are not a Singaporean.


Within the stipulated policy limits, if You sustain death or become hospitalised overseas during Your Trip which is
claimable in this policy, We will pay for additional accommodation and travelling expenses for Your Close Relative
or friend to accompany the Child covered under this policy Home provided that there is no other adult to
accompany the Child.

What is not covered • Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for damages, claimants’ costs and expenses that You may legally
have to pay relating to an Accident during Your Trip which causes:
• Death or injury to any person; and/or
• Loss of or damage to any property.

What is not covered • Any fine or exemplary damages (punishing, or aimed at punishing, the person
responsible rather than awarding compensation) You have to pay.
• Any liability arising from wilful, malicious or unlawful act.
• Any liability arising from death or injury of people who work for You or members
of Your household.
• Any liability arising from the transmission of any illness or disease of any kind.
• Loss of or damage to property which belongs to or is under the control of You,
a member of Your household or people who work for You.
• Contractual liability, employer’s liability or any liability related to Your job.
• Any liability arising from the ownership or occupation of land or buildings (except
occupation only of any temporary accommodation).
• You owning or using animals (except domestic animals), firearms, motorised vehicles,
vessels (except manually-propelled watercraft) or aircraft of any description,
including unpowered flight.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for:
• Your travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the licensed provider
provider such as transport provider, accommodation provider, tour operator or travel agent where You have paid
or legally have to pay for Your Trip and which You cannot get back; if, after the date of buying Your policy or
booking a Trip (whichever is later), You unavoidably have to cancel Your entire Trip due to:
i. any of Insured Event numbers 1 to 8 arising within 30 days prior to You departing on Your Trip; or
ii. Insured Event number 9 arising prior to You departing on Your Trip.

Special conditions • You must have bought Your policy more than 3 days before You depart for Your Trip.
• You must notify the relevant service providers of the need to cancel, postpone
or abandon the travel arrangement as soon as reasonably possible if it is found
necessary to do so; and
• We will reduce Your claim by the amount of refund You have obtained regardless
of the form of refund. Examples of form of refund are cash, credit, points or
vouchers. Proof of compensation or denial received from the relevant service
provider must be provided to Us when a claim is made.

What is not covered • Any claim made because You don’t feel like travelling.
• Any claim that results from a medical condition You were planning to get medical
treatment for during Your Trip.
• Any claim for management fees, maintenance costs or exchange fees associated
with timeshares and similar arrangements.
• Any claim for refund of any costs for persons not named on this policy.
• Any failure on Your or adult insured person’s part to notify the airline, transport
provider, licensed tour operator or licensed travel agent the need to cancel,
postpone or abandon the travel arrangement immediately if it is found necessary
to do so.
• Where a claim is made under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation, Section 12b – Trip
Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13a – Trip Postponement, Section 13b – Change
of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason, Section 14 – Replacement Traveller,
Section 15 – Trip Interruption, Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason and
Section 17 – Travel Delay arises from the same event, this policy will only pay for
the claim under one of the sections. This includes Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 and Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 under the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


This section applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.

We will cover You for:

• 50% of Your travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the licensed
provider such as transport provider, accommodation provider, tour operator or travel agent where You have
paid or legally have to pay for Your Trip and which You cannot get back, if You decide to cancel Your entire Trip
for any reason not covered under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation.

Special conditions • Your policy must be purchased before or within 7 days from the date You made
Your initial payment or deposit for Your Trip. For the avoidance of doubt,
this refers to the date You submit Your payment details to the licensed provider
for Your Trip and not the date that the payment transaction is processed.
• If You change Your policy, it must be done before or within 7 days from the date
You made Your initial payment or deposit for Your Trip.
• You must notify the relevant service providers of the need to cancel, postpone
or abandon the travel arrangement as soon as reasonably possible if it is found
necessary to do so.
• We will reduce Your claim by the amount of refund You have obtained regardless
of the form of refund. Examples of form of refund are cash, credit, points or
vouchers. Proof of compensation or denial received from the relevant service
provider must be provided to Us when a claim is made.

What is not covered • Any claim for refund of any costs for persons not named in the policy.
• Any claim for more than one incident per Period of Insurance.
• Where a claim is made under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation, Section 12b – Trip
Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13a – Trip Postponement, Section 13b – Change
of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason, Section 14 – Replacement Traveller,
Section 15 – Trip Interruption, Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason and
Section 17 – Travel Delay arises from the same event, this policy will only pay for
the claim under one of the sections. This includes Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 and Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 under the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for:
• Reasonable administrative fees and/or additional travel expenses for Your travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation
costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the licensed provider such as transport provider, accommodation
provider, tour operator or travel agent which You have to pay, if, after date of buying Your policy or booking a
Trip (whichever is later), You unavoidably need to postpone Your entire Trip due to:
i. Any of Insured Event numbers 1 to 8 arising within 30 days prior to You departing on Your Trip; or
ii. Insured Event number 9 arising prior to You departing on Your Trip.

Special Conditions • Please refer to the section on ‘Special conditions’ under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation.
• Extra costs that result from You selecting better options or upgrading to a better
class or category of transport or accommodation than that in Your original itinerary.
• Extra travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost
that is not included in Your original itinerary.
• Where a claim is made under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation, Section 12b – Trip
Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13a – Trip Postponement, Section 13b – Change
of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason, Section 14 – Replacement Traveller,
Section 15 – Trip Interruption, Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason and
Section 17 – Travel Delay arises from the same event, this policy will only pay for
the claim under one of the sections. This includes Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 and Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 under the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


This section applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.

We will cover You for:

• 50% of the reasonable administrative fees and/or additional travel expenses for Your Travel (air, sea or land) and
accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the licensed provider such as transport provider,
accommodation provider, tour operator or travel agent which You have to pay; if You have to change Your
travelling date or time of Your entire Trip prior to You departing on Your Trip for any reason not covered under
Section 13a – Trip Postponement.

Special conditions • ‘Special conditions’ under Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason.
• Extra costs that result from You selecting better options or upgrading to a better
class or category of transport or accommodation than that in Your original itinerary.
• Extra travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost
that is not included in Your original itinerary.
• Where a claim is made under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation, Section 12b – Trip
Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13a – Trip Postponement, Section 13b – Change
of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason, Section 14 – Replacement Traveller,
Section 15 – Trip Interruption, Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason and
Section 17 – Travel Delay arises from the same event, this policy will only pay for
the claim under one of the sections. This includes Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 and Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 under the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


This section applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.

Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for:

• Any reasonable administrative fees and/or additional travel (air. sea or land) and/or accommodation costs and
Entertainment Cost charged by the licensed provider such as transport provider, accommodation provider,
tour operator or travel agent incurred to replace one traveller to take over Your business Trip; if, after date
of buying Your policy or booking a Trip (whichever is later) You unavoidably have to cancel Your entire Trip due
to any of Insured Event numbers 1 to 4 arising within 30 days prior to You departing on Your Trip.

Special conditions • Please refer to the section on ‘Special conditions’ under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation.
• We will pay for reasonable economy-class transport (air, sea or land travel) and
reasonable accommodation expenses of a standard room for Your replacement

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation.
• Extra costs that result from selecting better options or upgrading to a better class
or category of transport or accommodation than that in Your original itinerary.
• Extra travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost
that is not included in Your original itinerary.
• Any claim for personal Trips.
• Any claim for more than one replacement traveller per insured person.
• Where a claim is made under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation, Section 12b – Trip
Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13a – Trip Postponement, Section 13b – Change
of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason, Section 14 – Replacement Traveller,
Section 15 – Trip Interruption, Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason and
Section 17 – Travel Delay arises from the same event, this policy will only pay for
the claim under one of the sections. This includes Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 and Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 under the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for:
• Your unused travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the licensed
provider such as transport provider, accommodation provider, tour operator or travel agent where You have
paid or legally have to pay for Your Trip and which You cannot get back; or
• Any additional administrative expenses incurred when it is possible to amend the original travel tickets (air, land or
sea) and accommodation; or
• Any additional travel economy-class transport expenses (air, land or sea) You need to pay if it is not possible to
amend the original travel tickets (air, land or sea) and/or any reasonable extra charges for accommodation
expenses of a standard room;
if, after commencement of Your Trip, You unavoidably have to:
(a) cut short Your Trip and return to Singapore; or
(b) change any part of Your Trip’s original itinerary
due to any of the Insured Events.

Special conditions • You must notify the relevant service providers of the need to cancel, postpone
or abandon the travel arrangement as soon as reasonably possible if it is found
necessary to do so; and
• We will reduce Your claim by the amount of refund You have obtained regardless
of the form of refund. Examples of form of refund are cash, credit, points or
vouchers. Proof of compensation or denial received from the relevant service
provider must be provided to Us when a claim is made.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 12a - Trip Cancellation.
• Any claim for a medical condition if any insured person has travelled against the
advice of a Doctor or would be travelling against the advice of a Doctor if they
had taken such advice.
• Any claim not authorised by Our Emergency Assistance provider before You
return Home.
• Any claim resulting from a tropical disease where You have not had the recommended
inoculations and/or taken the recommended medication.
• Any claim for additional travelling expenses if You have not purchased a return
ticket to Singapore prior to departing on Your Trip.
• Any claim for abandonment of Your Trip due to cancellation by the airline,
accommodation or tour operator except for insolvency of airline, licensed tour
operator or travel agent.
• Any claim for costs that are not part of Travel Assistant or Emergency Medical
Assistance instructions.
• Extra costs that result from You selecting better options or upgrading to a better
class or category of transport or accommodation than that in Your original itinerary.
• Extra expenses that result from You extending Your Trip beyond than Your
original itinerary unless it is medically necessary as certified in writing by a Doctor.
• Where a claim is made under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation, Section 12b – Trip
Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13a – Trip Postponement, Section 13b – Change
of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason, Section 14 – Replacement Traveller,
Section 15 – Trip Interruption, Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason and
Section 17 – Travel Delay arises from the same event, this policy will only pay for
the claim under one of the sections. This includes Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 and Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 under the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


This section applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.

We will cover You for:

• 50% of Your unused travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the
licensed provider such as transport provider, accommodation provider, tour operator or travel agent where You
have paid or legally have to pay for Your Trip and which You cannot get back, or
• 50% of the additional administrative expenses incurred when it is possible to amend the original travel tickets
(air, land or sea) and accommodation; or
• 50% of the additional travel economy-class transport expenses (air, land or sea) You need to pay if it is not possible
to amend the original travel tickets (air, land or sea) and/or any reasonable extra charges for accommodation
expenses of a standard room;
if, 48 hours or more after commencement of Your Trip, You decide to cut short Your Trip and return to Singapore
for any reason not covered under Section 15a – Trip Interruption (Back to Singapore).

Special conditions • ‘Special conditions’ under Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason.
• Extra costs that result from You selecting better options or upgrading to a better
class or category of transport or accommodation than that in Your original itinerary.
• Where a claim is made under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation, Section 12b – Trip
Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13a – Trip Postponement, Section 13b – Change
of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason, Section 14 – Replacement Traveller,
Section 15 – Trip Interruption, Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason and
Section 17 – Travel Delay arises from the same event, this policy will only pay for
the claim under one of the sections. This includes Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 and Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 under the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will pay S$100 for every full consecutive 6-hour period You are delayed from
the scheduled time of arrival if:
• The scheduled Public Transport that You are booked to travel on in Your Trip is delayed from the scheduled
time of departure; or
• You are denied boarding of the Public Transport for which confirmed reservation has been received from the
travel agent or operator(s) of the scheduled Public Transport due to overbooking; or
• The scheduled Public Transport that You are booked to travel on in Your Trip is diverted which prevents You
from continuing with the Trip as scheduled and You are delayed from arriving at the planned destination.

Special conditions • There is no other travel arrangement made available to You by the travel agent
or operator(s) of the scheduled Public Transport within 6 hours of the scheduled
departure and You are not the cause of the delay.
• You must do everything You can to get to the departure point for the time specified
on Your ticket/itinerary.
• We will work out the length of the delay from the date and time the scheduled
Public Transport should have arrived till the actual arrival time. You must get
written confirmation from the carrier or their handling agents of the actual date
and time of arrival and the reason for the delay.
• For travel delay that happens at Your Singapore departure point, We will only pay
if You have received written confirmation from the Public Transport provider
within 3 days prior to You departing on Your Trip.

What is not covered • Any claim caused by an event (including Catastrophic event, strike, riot or civil
commotion) that existed, was planned or occurred before You bought Your policy
or booked Your Trip, whichever is later.
• Your failure to check in for the Public Transport according to the original itinerary.
• Any claim for management fees, maintenance costs or exchange fees associated
with timeshares and similar arrangements.
• Any claim if You fail to follow the respective carrier’s revised departure Schedule.

Travel Insurance Policy

SECTION 17 • TRAVEL DELAY (continued)

What is not covered • Where a claim is made under Section 12a – Trip Cancellation, Section 12b – Trip
Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13a – Trip Postponement, Section 13b – Change
of Travelling Date or Time For Any Reason, Section 14 – Replacement Traveller,
Section 15 – Trip Interruption, Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason and
Section 17 – Travel Delay arises from the same event, this policy will only pay for
the claim under one of the sections. This includes Trip Cancellation/Postponement
due to COVID-19 and Trip Interruption due to COVID-19 under the summary of cover,
Free Extensions (h) – COVID-19 Cover.
• Where a claim under Section 17 – Travel delay and Section 24 – Hijack, Hostage
and Mugging, arises from the same event, We will pay the claim under one of
the sections only.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


This section applies to Single-trip policies only.

Within the stipulated policy limits, We will pay the following amount per insured person if the accumulated rainfall
level in the city of Your Trip destination is greater than 6.4 mm for each full 24-hour period and more than 50% of
Your Trip duration is affected due to this rainfall level.

Lite Plus Prestige

S$50 S$100 S$150

Under Family Package policy, We will only pay up to 2 insured adults.

Special conditions • The Period of Insurance of Your Single Trip policy must be at least 3 or more days.
• To claim under this section, You must submit the full details of Your Trip including
but not limited to the country and the city of Your Trip. You can only declare one
city per day in the claim submission.

What is not covered • Any claim if Your Trip falls under an Annual Multi-trip policy.
• Any claim for Child under Family Package policy.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, if Your checked-in baggage is delayed, misdirected or temporarily misplaced at
Your scheduled destination or upon Your return to Singapore, on a scheduled carrier, We will pay:
(a) Up to S$200 for every full consecutive 6-hour period Your baggage is delayed overseas; and
(b) S$150 after 6 hours of delay upon Your return to Singapore.

Special conditions • To claim under this section, You must get written confirmation from the carrier
on the number of hours You were without Your baggage and the reason for the
baggage delay.
• We will only pay for the delay of at most one piece of Your checked-in baggage
that is tagged under Your name per incident.
• We will only pay (a) or (b) above and not for both for the same event.
• Any such payment will be deducted from the amount payable under Section 20 –
Loss or Damage of Baggage & Personal Belongings if the baggage is later proved
to be permanently lost.

What is not covered • Any claim for baggage delayed or detained by customs or other officials.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for loss, theft or Accidental damage to Your personal belongings
or baggage during Your Trip, up to S$700 for any article (or set of articles if grouped together) and subject to the
limits specified in the table below:

Loss, theft or Accidental damage With Receipts Without Receipts

to Your baggage and personal
belongings (not including Valuables)

Mobiles and tablets [(24 - Age) / 24 months] x purchase price;

or Minimum telco trade in value;
or S$50, whichever is higher

Up to S$50 per article or

Laptops and other electronic devices [(36 - Age) / 36 months] x purchase price
pair or set of articles
or S$50, whichever is higher
and up to
a maximum of 5 articles
Personal belongings [(60 - Age) / 60 months] x purchase price
or 5 pairs of articles
(including luggage bags) or S$50, whichever is higher
or 5 sets of articles
Sports Equipment Depreciation Scale
or S$50, whichever is higher

We will also cover loss, theft or Accidental damage to items used in connection with Your job which are not owned
by You.

Special conditions • If Your personal belongings or baggage are lost or stolen, You must take all
reasonable steps to get it back. You must report the loss/theft to the Local Police
where the loss/theft happened, within 24 hours of discovery, and send Us a copy
of the Local Police report with details of the loss/theft. (Where it is not possible
to obtain a Local Police report You must provide other independent proof of
loss/theft such as a letter from Your airline, transport company or hotel).
• If Your personal belongings or baggage are lost or damaged by an authority,
transport company, airline or hotel, You must:
- Report details of the loss or damage to them in writing and get written
- Get a loss or damage report.
- Submit a claim to the authority or service provider responsible for Your loss
or damage first. Proof of compensation or denial received from them must be
provided to Us.
• Keep all travel tickets and tags if You make any claim under this policy.
• Be able to prove that You were responsible for the lost, stolen or damaged items
and how much they are worth. If You are unable to show proof, Your claim may
be affected.
• At Our sole discretion, We will settle any claim by payment or replacement.
We will pay claims for Your personal belongings or baggage based on their value
at the time of loss. We will not pay the cost of replacing them with new items, and
We will not pay more than the original purchase price of any lost or damaged item.
• If You have also made a claim under the Section 19 – Delayed Baggage and the
baggage later proves to be permanently lost, that amount will be deducted from
the amount claimed under this section.

What is not covered • Loss or theft of personal belongings or baggage which You have left Unattended.
• Cracking, scratching or breaking of glass (except lenses in cameras, binoculars,
telescopes or spectacles), china or any fragile articles.
• Scratching, denting, chipping or defacing.
• Musical instruments, contact lenses, medical and dental fittings.
• Wear and tear, inherent defects, loss of value and damage caused by moths and
vermin or any process of cleaning, repairing or restoring.
• Fruits, perishables and consumables.

Travel Insurance Policy


What is not covered • Animals.
• Any motorised vehicles (including motorised bicycle, motorised personal mobility
device (PMD) and other motorised conveyances) and their accessories.
• Any remote controlled devices including drones.
• Any sports equipment and personal mobility device (PMD) that is damaged while
it is being used.
• Any Golfing Equipment, Water Sports Equipment and Winter Sports Equipment
unless otherwise stated on Your policy Schedule.
• Any items delayed, detained or confiscated by customs or other officials.
• Any loss or damage to items not belonging to You except for items used in
connection with Your job.
• Any business goods or samples/prototypes or equipment of any kind or any
products/components meant for trade.
• Personal Money or cash equivalent, bonds, securities, vouchers, credit cards,
identity cards, driving licenses, passports or travel documents.
• Loss or damage to Valuables.
• Claims for loss of, or restoring, lost or damaged information stored in tapes,
cards, discs or other storage devices.
• Deliberate or malicious damage to, or loss of, Your personal belongings or
baggage caused by You or someone You know.
• Any amount for loss, theft or damage that You can claim against the airline,
transport company, hotel or carrier.
• Any amount for loss, theft or damage resulting from Your wilful act, omission,
negligence, recklessness or carelessness.
• Any loss of items resulting from unexplained or mysterious disappearance.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


This section applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.

Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for loss, theft or Accidental damage of Your Valuables and
Personal Money during Your Trip as follows:

Lite Plus Prestige

Not covered Up to S$750 per insured person Up to S$3,000 per insured person
but no more than S$300 but no more than S$500
for cash or bank notes for cash or bank notes

Special conditions • If Your Personal Money and Valuables are lost or stolen, You must take all
reasonable steps to get it back. You must report the loss/theft to the Local Police
where the loss/theft happened, within 24 hours of discovery, and send Us a copy
of the Local Police report with details of the loss/theft. (Where it is not possible
to obtain a Local Police report You must provide other independent proof of
loss/theft such as a letter from Your airline, transport company or hotel).
• If Your Personal Money and Valuables are lost or damaged by an authority,
transport company, airline or hotel, You must:
- Report details of the loss or damage to them in writing and get written
- Get a loss or damage report.
- You should submit a claim to the authority or service provider responsible for
Your loss or damage first. Proof of compensation or denial received from
them must be provided to Us.
• Keep all travel tickets and tags if You make any claim under this policy.
• Be able to prove that You own the stolen Personal Money and Valuables and
their value.
• If You are unable to show proof, Your claim may be affected.
• A reduced limit of S$200 for cash or bank notes applies to insured persons aged
under 16 years.

Travel Insurance Policy


What is not covered • Loss or theft of Personal Money or Valuables which You have left Unattended.
• Cracking, scratching or breaking of glass (except lenses in cameras, binoculars,
telescopes or spectacles), china or any fragile articles.
• Scratching, denting, chipping or defacing.
• Wear and tear, inherent defects, loss of value and damage caused by moths and
vermin, or any process of cleaning, repairing or restoring.
• Any Personal Money or Valuables which is delayed, detained or confiscated by
customs or other officials.
• Any items not listed under the definition of Personal Money or Valuables such
as bonds, securities, credit cards, identity cards, driving licenses, passports or
travel documents.
• Any business goods or samples/prototypes or equipment of any kind or any
products/components meant for trade.
• Deliberate or malicious damage to, or loss of, Your Personal Money or Valuables
caused by You or someone You know.
• Any amount for loss, theft or damage that You can claim against the airline,
transport company, hotel or carrier.
• Any amount for loss, theft or damage resulting from Your willful act, omission,
negligence, recklessness or carelessness.
• Any loss or damage to items not belonging to You.
• Any loss of items resulting from unexplained or mysterious disappearance.
• Shortages due to a mistake, or loss due to a change in exchange rates.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, if Your passport and other travel documents are lost or stolen while You are abroad,
We will cover You for:
• The administrative fees which You have to pay to get a replacement passport or other travel documents required
for Your Trip; and
• Any additional economy-class transport expenses (air, land or sea) and reasonable accommodation expenses of
a standard room incurred for the sole purpose of replacing Your passport or other travel documents.

Contact Our claims assistance helpline at +65 6460 9391 and We will advise You on how to replace lost or stolen
passports and other travel documents.

Special conditions • If Your passport is lost or stolen, You must take all reasonable steps to get it back.
• You must report the loss to the relevant local authorities within 24 hours of discovery
and get a written report.

What is not covered • Loss or theft of passport and other travel documents which You have left
• Your passport and other travel documents which are delayed, detained or
confiscated by customs or other officials.
• Deliberate or malicious damage to, or loss of, Your passport and other travel
documents caused by You or someone You know.
• Any amount for loss, theft or damage that You can claim against the airline,
transport company, hotel or carrier.
• Any transport or other incidental cost incurred while obtaining the replacement
passport or travel document in Singapore.
• Any amount for loss, theft or damage resulting from Your willful act, omission,
negligence, recklessness or carelessness.
• Any loss of items resulting from unexplained or mysterious disappearance.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


This section applies to Prestige plan only.

Within the stipulated policy limit, if You suffer financial loss as a direct result of the fraudulent use of Your
credit card(s) following its loss arising out of robbery, burglary or theft during Your Trip, We will pay for such
unauthorised transactions.

Special conditions • The loss must be reported to the credit card issuer within 24 hours of the
robbery, burglary or theft.
• Any claim must be accompanied by a report issued by the credit card issuer
evidencing the amount of loss and confirming Your liability for the loss.
• We will only pay for such unauthorised charges which You are made liable for,
under the terms and conditions of Your credit card(s).

What is not covered • Loss or theft of credit card which You have left Unattended.
• Any amount for loss, theft or damage resulting from Your willful act, omission
negligence, recklessness or carelessness.
• Any financial loss from credit card not registered under Your name.
• Any cash advances made with Your stolen credit card(s).
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, We will pay S$250 for each full 24-hour period if:
• You cannot reach Your destination or You cannot reach Singapore on the return leg of Your Trip as a result of
the transport on which You are travelling being hijacked or You being taken as hostage; or
• You are in hospital receiving In-Patient treatment required following a mugging.

Special conditions • You must report the mugging to the Local Police within 24 hours and get a
written Local Police report.
• Where a claim under Section 17 – Travel delay and Section 24 – Hijack, Hostage
and Mugging, arises from the same event, We will pay the claim under one of the
sections only.

What is not covered • Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


Within the stipulated policy limits, if You are involved in an Accident as a driver of a Rented Vehicle, We will reimburse
You for any excess or deductible which You become legally liable to pay in respect of loss or damage to the Rented
Vehicle during Your Trip, provided such loss or damage is covered by the insurance policy of the Rented Vehicle.

Special conditions • You must be either a named driver or one of the named drivers of the Rented
Vehicle. The Rented Vehicle must be rented from a licensed vehicle rental business.
• As part of the hiring arrangement, You must take up comprehensive motor
insurance against loss or damage to the Rented Vehicle during the rental period.
• You must comply with all requirements of the licensed car rental company under
the hiring agreement and of the insurer under such insurance, as well as all
applicable laws, rules and regulations of the country in which the Rented Vehicle
is hired and/or driven.

• Any loss or damage arising from operating the Rented Vehicle in violation of any
What is not covered term of the rental agreement or any applicable laws, rules and regulations of the
country in which the Rented Vehicle is hired or driven.
• Any loss or damage arising from operating the Rented Vehicle beyond the limits
of any public roads.
• Any loss or damage while the Rented Vehicle is not in Your custody and control.
• Any loss or damage if You were not licensed to drive the Rented Vehicle or You
were taking part in or practising for speed or time trials of any kind.

Travel Insurance Policy


What is not covered • Any loss or damage arising from wear and tear, gradual deterioration, damage
from insects or vermin, inherent vice, latent defect or damage.
• Any claim for loss or damage to the Rented Vehicle occurring outside the vehicle
rental period or outside the Period of Insurance.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


This section applies to Prestige plan only.

Within the stipulated policy limit, in the event that You are not able to return Your Rented Vehicle during a Trip as
a result of You being treated as an In-Patient in a hospital overseas for an Accidental injury or illness covered under
Section 4, We will pay the reasonable costs for returning the Rented Vehicle to the nearest hire depot.

Special conditions • Please refer to the Section on ‘Special Conditions’ under Section 25 – Rental
Vehicle Excess.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 25 – Rental Vehicle Excess.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.


This section applies to Prestige plan only.

Within the stipulated policy limit, We will cover the loss of or damage to Your Home Contents, caused by fire or theft
accompanied by actual, forcible and violent entry to Your Home in Singapore if Your Home was left vacant during
Your Trip.

Additional Definition Home Contents: All household items and utensils, furniture and furnishing, domestic
appliances, audio and visual equipment, personal computers, personal belongings
(including Valuables) and clothing owned by You or Your immediate family members
permanently residing in Your Home, or for which You are legally responsible.
This excludes deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, traveller’s
cheques, securities for money, documents of any kind, cash, currency notes or
any other legal tender, perishable goods, livestock, motorised vehicle, bicycles, boats,
aircraft and any accessories attaching to them.

Special conditions • We will pay up to S$1,000 for any one article or set or pair of articles.
• The total claim for Valuables or personal belongings shall not exceed 15% of the
limit shown in Your Schedule.
• You must report the loss to the police within 24 hours upon discovery of the theft
and get a written police report.
• We may make payment at Our option to settle any claim by payment, replacement
or repair of any damaged article subject to allowance for wear and tear and
What is not covered
• Any part of the structure or renovation of the Home including ceiling, wallpaper
and the like or any damage to shared or common areas of Your Home.
• Items used for business or work purposes.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


This section applies to Prestige plan only.

Within the stipulated policy limit, We will pay the following amount per 24 hours of extended stay of Your Domestic
Pet in a pet boarding house (per household):

Lite Plus Prestige

Not covered Not covered S$50 for every 24 hours

if, during Your Trip, You are prevented from completing the return leg of Your Trip within the Period of Insurance
as a result of You being treated as an In-patient in a hospital overseas for an Accidental injury or illness covered
under Section 4-Emergency Medical Cover or as a result of a claim payable under Section 17 – Travel Delay.

Additional definition • Domestic Pet: Refers to pets allowed in Singapore as per Animal and Veterinary
Service of Singapore (AVS).

Special conditions • You must provide:

- A written confirmation from the pet boarding house stating (a) the period of
stay of Your Domestic Pet, (b) the collection date arranged prior to Your Trip
and (c) the period of extended stay in the pet boarding house.
- A medical report from Your treating Doctor overseas justifying the need to
delay Your return, or
- A written confirmation from the carrier, or its handling agents, on the actual
date and time of departure and the reason for the delay.


This section applies only when this cover is included as indicated in Your Schedule.
In addition, You must be 18 and above and You must be either the bride or the groom at the overseas wedding
ceremony or wedding photo shoot.

We will extend the cover under the following sections up to the applicable limits under Section 29 - Overseas Wedding
& Photo Shoot as indicated on the summary of cover, for up to one incident per Period of Insurance:

(a) Loss of Ceremonial Attire and Wedding Accessories.

• We will cover You for Accidental loss, theft or Accidental damage to Your Ceremonial Attire And Wedding
Accessories during Your Trip.
• We will not pay the first S$100 of any replacement or repair of Your lost or damaged Ceremonial Attire and
Wedding Accessories.
• We will pay up to S$2,000 for any article (or set of articles if put together).
• If You make a claim under more than one of the following sections for any one event, We will only pay under
one of the sections.
- Loss of Ceremonial Attire and Wedding Accessories.
- Loss or Damage of Baggage & Personal Belongings.
- Loss of Valuables or Personal Money.
• This is subject to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 20 – Loss or Damage of
Baggage & Personal Belongings and 21 – Loss of Valuables or Personal Money.

(b) Loss of marriage certificate

• If Your marriage certificate is Accidentally lost or damaged during Your Trip, We will cover the administrative
fee which You have to pay to get a replacement marriage certificate.
• This is subject to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 22 - Loss of Passport or
Travel Documents.

Travel Insurance Policy


(c) Financial failure of licensed Wedding Service Providers
• Following the insolvency of Your pre-booked licensed Wedding Service Providers directly responsible for
Your overseas wedding ceremony or Your wedding photo shoot occurring after the date You enter into a
contract for its services or buying of this policy (whichever is later), We will pay for Your unused deposit or
wedding costs that You have paid or legally have to pay and cannot get back.
• There must be a written contractual agreement existing between You and the Wedding Service Providers.
• You must ask for a refund of any prepaid expenses from Your Wedding Service Providers first. We will reduce
Your claim by the amount Your Wedding Service Providers have refunded to You. Proof of compensation or
denial received from them must be provided to Us.

(d) Loss of wedding photo album

• If Your wedding photo album is Accidentally lost or damaged during its delivery to Singapore, We will cover
the replacement and delivery cost which You have to pay to get a replaced wedding photo album.
• Cover under this section will apply until delivery of Your photo album or up to 60 days after Your arrival date
in Singapore, whichever is earlier.
• You must ask for a replacement wedding album from Your Wedding Service Providers first. Proof of
compensation or denial received from them must be provided to Us.

(e) Personal liability of invited guests

• We will cover You for damages, claimants’ costs and expenses that You may legally have to pay relating to an
Accident caused by Your invited guests at Your wedding venue on Your Wedding Day during Your Trip which
causes death or injury to any person‚ and/or loss of or damage to any property.
• This is subject to ‘What is not covered’ under Section 11 – Personal Liability.
• We will not cover anyone that represents Your Wedding Service Providers or anyone present at Your
wedding venue for work purpose.
• We will not cover any incident occurring at an area not reserved for Your wedding.

Additional definitions • Ceremonial Attire and Wedding Accessories: Clothing, shoes and wedding
accessories (including jewellery) of the bride or the groom, of a formal nature,
worn or to be worn by the bride or the groom at the overseas wedding ceremony,
reception venue or overseas wedding photo shoot venue, whether hired, on loan
or owned.
• Wedding/Service Providers: The provider of professional photography or
professional video operation, hired cars or transport, venue, wedding cake, food
and drinks catering, wedding favours, bridal make up, Ceremonial Attire and
Wedding Accessories or entertainment contracted directly by You to provide
services at Your wedding ceremony, reception venue or wedding photo shoot
outside of Singapore.
• Wedding Day(s): Date(s) specified on an official document for the wedding ceremony
to take place at a specified venue outside of Singapore.

What is not covered • Any claim for service provided which is not defined under Wedding Service
• Any amount for loss that You can claim from another source.
• Any claim arising from circumstances known to You or in the public domain at the
time of issue of this insurance or before You enter into the contract.
• Any claim for more than one incident per Period of Insurance.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

Travel Insurance Policy


This section is applicable only when this cover is included as indicated in Your Schedule.

We will extend the cover under the following sections up to the applicable limits under Section 30 – Golf Holiday Cover
as indicated on the summary of cover:

(a) Loss of Golfing Equipment

• We will cover You for Accidental loss, theft or Accidental damage to Your Golfing Equipment during
Your Trip, including during the course of actual play or practice at any recognised golf course or golf range.
• We will not pay the first S$100 of any replacement or repair of Your Golfing Equipment. We will pay up to
S$1,000 for any article (or set of articles if put together).
• We will pay for its replacement or repair, whichever is lower, after making an allowance for wear and tear and
loss of value using Our Depreciation Scale.
• This is subjected to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 20 – Loss or Damage of
Baggage & Personal Belongings.

(b) Hire of Golfing Equipment

• We will pay up to S$100 a day for the cost of hiring replacement Golfing Equipment during Your Trip, as a
result of Accidental loss or damage of Your Golfing Equipment as covered under Section 30(a) - Loss of
Golfing Equipment or if Your Golfing Equipment is temporarily delayed for more than 12 hours.
• You must get written confirmation from the carrier of the number of hours You were without Your Golfing

(c) Hole-In-One
• We will cover You for the cost of food and beverages You pay at the golf club house for the purpose of
celebrating a Hole-In-One scored by You while playing golf at any recognised golf course or golf range during
a Trip.
• Any claim must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate for the Hole-In-One issued by the golf club and
original receipts supporting the cost of food and beverages on the date of the Hole-In-One at the golf club.

(d) Damage of buggy

• We will cover the cost of repair for Accidental damage to a buggy on hire while being used by You in the
course of play or practice at any recognised golf course or golf driving range.
• You must comply with the rental agreement of the buggy.
• You must be at least 16 years of age.

(e) Unused green fees

• We will pay You for pre-booked green fees which are not refundable, if You are not able to play golf at any
recognised golf course or golf range due to You sustaining an Accidental injury or illness during Your Trip.
• Any claim due to Your Accidental injury or illness must be accompanied by a Doctor’s memo confirming
Your inability to participate in golf during the period for which the reimbursement is being claimed.


This section is applicable only when this cover is included as indicated in Your Schedule.

Important note • If You take part in winter sports activities that are not listed in Table 31, You will not
be covered for claims arising directly or indirectly from participating in the activity.
• Table 31:

Winter Sports Activities Limitations

Snow tubing
Snow rafting
On recognised piste and within
official areas of a ski resort.
Snow shoeing
Sleigh rides
Snow mobiling

Organised by a licensed operator and

Glacier walking
accompanied by a qualified guide at all times.

Travel Insurance Policy


We will extend the cover under the following sections up to the applicable limits under Section 31 - Winter Sports as
indicated on the summary of cover:

(a) Accidental death and permanent disablement

• We will extend the cover under Section 1a - Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement & Burns Benefits, if,
You suffer an Accidental injury while engaging in winter sports activities listed in Table 31 during Your Trip,
which leads directly to Your death or such disablement.
• This is subject to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 1a - Accidental Death,
Permanent Disablement & Burns Benefit.

(b) Emergency medical cover (aggregate)

• We will extend the cover under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover if You unexpectedly suffer an Accidental
injury while engaging in winter sports activities listed in Table 31 during Your Trip and need to get medical
treatment immediately.
• This is subject to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover.

(c) Personal liability extension

• We will extend the cover under Section 11 - Personal Liability, to cover You for damages claimants’ costs and
expenses that You may legally have to pay relating to an Accident while engaging in winter sports activities
listed in Table 31 during Your Trip which causes death or injury to any person‚ and/or loss of or damage to
any property.
• This is subject to ‘What is not covered’ under Section 11 - Personal Liability.

(d) Loss of Winter Sports Equipment

• We will cover You for Accidental loss, theft or Accidental damage to Your Winter Sports Equipment during
Your Trip, including while engaging in winter sports activities listed in Table 31 during Your Trip.
• We will pay up to S$1,000 for any article (or set of articles if put together).
• We will not pay the first S$250 of any replacement or repair of Your Winter Sports Equipment.
• We will pay for its replacement or repair, whichever is lower, after making an allowance for wear and tear and
loss of value using Our Depreciation Scale.
• This is subject to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 20 – Loss or Damage of
Baggage & Personal Belongings.

(e) Hire of Winter Sport Equipment

• We will pay up to S$100 a day for the cost of hiring replacement Winter Sports Equipment during Your Trip,
as a result of Accidental loss or damage of Your Winter Sports Equipment as covered under Section 31(d) -
Loss of Winter Sports Equipment or if Your Winter Sports Equipment is temporarily delayed for more
than 12 hours.
• You must get written confirmation from the carrier of the number of hours You were without Your Winter
Sports Equipment.

(f ) Loss of Deposit due to Ski Track/Piste Closure

• We will pay You if You are prevented from participation in winter sports activities listed in Table 31 during
Your Trip due to Your Accidental injury, illness or closure of ski track/piste at the pre-booked resort due to
bad weather condition.
• Any claim due to Your Accidental injury or illness must be accompanied by a Doctor’s memo confirming
Your inability to participate in winter sports activities listed in Table 31 during the period for which the
reimbursement is being claimed.
• Any claim due to closure of ski track/piste must be accompanied by a copy of written confirmation from the
resort management confirming the number of days and reason of ski track/piste closure.

(g) Ski pass and Ski lift pass

• We will pay You if You are unable to use Your ski pass and/or ski lift pass due Your Accidental injury, illness,
Accidental loss or damage, theft of ski pass and/or ski lift pass.
• Any claim due to Your Accidental injury or illness must be accompanied by a Doctor’s memo confirming
Your inability to participate in winter sports activities listed in Table 31 during the period for which the
reimbursement is being claimed.
• For loss, theft and malicious act, You must report the loss to the Local Police or relevant authority within
24hours of such loss and provide a copy of the police report or a report issued by the relevant authority
evidencing such loss due to theft.

(h) Delay due to avalanche

• We will pay You if Your arrival at or departure from the booked resort is delayed for at least 6 hours
consecutively due to avalanche.
• Any claim must be accompanied by a copy of written confirmation from the resort management confirming
the delay due to avalanche.
Travel Insurance Policy


This section is applicable only when this cover is included as indicated in Your Schedule.

Important note • If You take part in adventurous water sports activities that are not listed in
Table 32, You will not be covered for claims arising directly or indirectly from
participating in the activity.
• Table 32:

Adventurous Water Limitations

Sports Activities

Diving with the use of artificial Up to 40 metres

breathing apparatus (subject to PADI Certification or
similar recognised diving qualification)*

White and black water rafting Up to Grade 4

(or the equivalent international grade
used by the country You are in)
with a qualified instructor/guide only

Canoeing/Kayaking Up to Grade 4
(or the equivalent international grade
used by the country You are in)

Cave/River Tubing Must be under supervision

of a qualified instructor/guide only

Dinghy sailing No racing and within a 5 mile limit of

the coastline or on inland waters

Yachting No racing and within a 12 mile limit of

the coastline or on inland waters

Jet boating / Kite boating Passenger only and organised

through a licensed operator only

Jet skiing

Sea walking

Sail boarding / Wake boarding /

Body boarding / Kite boarding /
Organised through
a licensed operator only
Wind surfing / Water Surfing /
Flow Riding

Water skiing

Dragon Boating

Deep Sea Fishing

* If You do not hold a diving qualification, We will only cover You to dive to a
maximum depth of 30 metres when accompanied by and under the direct
supervision of a qualified diving instructor as part of an accredited course.

Travel Insurance Policy


We will extend the cover under the following sections up to the applicable limits under Section 32 - Adventurous
Water Sports as indicated on the summary of cover:

(a) Accidental death and permanent disablement

• We will extend the cover under Section 1a - Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement & Burns Benefits, if,
You suffer an Accidental injury while engaging in adventurous water sports activities listed in Table 32 during
Your Trip, which leads directly to Your death or such disablement.
• This is subject to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 1a - Accidental Death,
Permanent Disablement & Burns Benefit.

(b) Emergency medical cover (aggregate)

• We will extend the cover under Section 4-Emergency Medical Cover if You unexpectedly suffer an Accidental
injury while engaging in adventurous water sports activities listed in Table 32 during Your Trip and need to
get medical treatment immediately.
• This is subject to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover.

(c) Personal liability extension

• We will extend the cover under Section 11 - Personal Liability, to cover You for damages claimants’ costs and
expenses that You may legally have to pay relating to an Accident while engaging in adventurous water sports
activities listed in Table 32 during Your Trip which causes death or injury to any person‚ and/or loss of or
damage to any property.
• This is subject to ‘What is now covered’ under Section 11 - Personal Liability.

(d) Loss of Water Sports Equipment

• We will cover You for Accidental loss, theft or Accidental damage to Your Water Sports Equipment during
Your Trip, including while engaging in adventurous water sports activities listed in Table 32 or any water sports
activities which are not excluded in Your policy.
• We will not pay the first S$250 of any replacement or repair of Your Water Sports Equipment.
• We will pay up to S$1,000 for any article (or set of articles if put together).
• We will pay for its replacement or repair, whichever is lower, after making an allowance for wear and tear and
loss of value using Our Depreciation Scale.
• This is subject to the ‘Special Conditions’ and ‘What is not covered’ under Section 20 – Loss or Damage of
Baggage & Personal Belongings.

(e) Hire of Water Sports Equipment

• We will pay up to $100 a day for the cost of hiring replacement Water Sports Equipment during Your Trip
as a result of Accidental loss or damage of Your Water Sports Equipment as covered under Section 32(d) -
Loss of Water Sports Equipment or if Your Water Sports Equipment is temporarily delayed for more than
12 hours.
• You must get written confirmation from the carrier of the number of hours You were without Your Water
Sports Equipment.

Travel Insurance Policy

Free Extensions
The policy is extended to cover the following:

(a) Loss of Frequent Flyer Points, Hotel Points and Credit Card Points
• This benefit applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.
• If You purchase airline ticket or Entertainment Cost or book accommodation using Frequent Flyer Points,
Hotel Points and/or Credit Card Points in full and the airline ticket, Entertainment Cost or booked
accommodation is subsequently cancelled or postponed due to the events for which You are covered under
this policy, We will pay You the retail price for that airline ticket, Entertainment Cost or booked accommodation
at the time it was issued based on Your actual booking details, provided the loss of such points cannot be
recovered from any source.
• For the avoidance of doubt, We will not pay for:
- any costs incurred beyond the retail price of original class or category for the airline ticket,
Entertainment Cost or booked accommodation; and
- any complimentary service or access, free meal or free upgrade from original class to better class
provided by such loyalty or reward program.

(b) Disappearance
• Should the scheduled ship, aircraft or train You travel in during the Trip sink, be wrecked or disappear, We will
deem You as legally dead if Your body cannot be found within one year from the date of Accident provided a
court order or official death certificate has been established accordingly. We will pay for Accidental death
in accordance with the Schedule of compensation under Section 1a, provided that any person to whom the
benefit is paid signs an undertaking to inform and refund Us the amount paid if You are subsequently found
to be living.

(c) Drowning or suffocation by smoke, poisonous fumes or gas

• We will cover You under Section 1a if You suffer Accidental death, Permanent Total Disablement or
Accidental injury caused by drowning or suffocation by smoke, poisonous fumes or gas, provided that such
event did not arise as a result of Your wilful or intentional act.

(d) Motorcycling
• This policy is extended to cover You motorcycling as long as:
- You wear a crash helmet,
- The driver holds a valid motorcycle license, and
- You are not engaged either as a professional or where You would or could earn or receive remuneration,
donation, sponsorship or financial rewards of any kind or practising for speed or time trials, sprints or
racing of any kind.
• No personal liability cover exists under this policy for motorcycling.

(e) Pregnancy or childbirth related conditions

• This benefit applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.
• We will pay for benefits under Section 12a, Section 14 or Section 15a if You are unfit to travel or continue with
Your Trip. Your Doctor must certify that these conditions are not related to any Pre-Existing Medical
Condition and the expected date of delivery is more than 12 weeks (or 16 weeks in the case of a multiple
pregnancy) from Your planned return date.

(f ) Automatic extension of cover

• Your policy will remain in force without any extra premium if You cannot get Home while overseas before
Your Period of Insurance ends due to the following reasons:
- Any Public Transport in which You are travelling as a ticket-holding passenger is delayed and You are not
the cause of the delay‚ or
- You being Accidentally injured, ill or Quarantined
• We will also continue to pay for medical treatment under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover for this period
if it is considered medically necessary by Our Medical Emergency Assistance provider.
• Please refer to Your summary of cover for the extended Period of Insurance.

Travel Insurance Policy

Free Extensions (continued)

(g) Full terrorism cover (aggregate)
• We will pay You under this policy up to the aggregate amount detailed in Your summary of cover for claims
arising directly or indirectly from Terrorism.
• Terrorism is defined as any act or acts including, but not limited to:
- The use or threat of force and/or violence; and/or
- Harm or damage to life or to property (or the threat of such harm or damage) including, but not limited to,
harm or damage by nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological and/or radiological means caused or
occasioned by any person(s) or group(s) of persons in whole or in part for political, religious, ideological or
similar purposes including, but not limited to, the intention to influence any government and/or to put the
public or any Section of the public in fear, or is claimed to be caused or occasioned in whole or in part for
such purposes.

(h) COVID-19 cover

This section extends cover to claims arising due to COVID-19 provided You are not travelling against any travel
advisory issued by Singapore government as per General Exceptions – (20) Travel Advisory and subject to the
terms and conditions below:
i. Emergency Medical Cover and Repatriation due to COVID-19
• Within the stipulated policy limits, if You are diagnosed and tested positive with COVID-19 by an approved
test provider or Doctor during Your Trip, We will pay for the following:
(1) Overseas Medical Expenses due to COVID-19
• The necessary and reasonable costs of medical treatment by a Doctor (including rescue services
to take You to hospital) up to a maximum of 90 days from the date of the initial treatment.
(2) Emergency Medical Evacuation due to COVID-19
In the opinion of Our Appointed Medical Emergency Assistance provider, it is medically necessary to
move You to the nearest registered medical facility or return to Singapore for medical treatment,
We will pay for the following:
• The necessary and reasonable cost of transportation and en-route medical care and supplies
including the assignment of a Doctor and/or nurse to accompany You.
• The cost of getting You Home if You need to return to Singapore for recuperation or continued
treatment and You cannot use Your return ticket.
(3) Repatriation due to COVID-19
In the event of Your death while overseas resulting from COVID-19 sustained during Your Trip overseas,
• Repatriation of Mortal Remains: We will make all the necessary arrangements and pay for the cost
of returning Your body or ashes to Singapore or Your home country if You are not a Singaporean.
• Reimbursement of Coffin and Funeral Expenses: If Your death happens within 12 months due to
COVID-19 while overseas, We will pay for the cost of burying or cremating You either in the country
where You die, in Singapore or Your home country if You are not a Singaporean.
(4) Medical Expenses in Singapore due to COVID-19
• This benefit applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.
• Follow-up medical treatment due to COVID-19 within 31 days upon Your return to Singapore if initial
treatment took place during Your Trip.
• Medical treatment due to COVID-19 if You are diagnosed and tested positive with COVID-19 by
an approved test provider or Doctor within 3 days upon Your return when initial treatment was not
sought during Your Trip, up to a maximum of 31 days from the initial treatment in Singapore.

ii. Overseas Quarantine Allowance Due To COVID-19

• This benefit applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.
Within the stipulated policy limits, if You are unexpectedly diagnosed and tested positive with COVID-19
by an approved test provider or Doctor during Your Trip and are placed under Quarantine by the
government or relevant health authority, We will pay You the following amount for every full consecutive
24 hours You are detained.

Lite Plus Prestige

S$50 S$100
Not covered
(Up to a maximum of 20 days) (Up to a maximum of 20 days)

• For the avoidance of doubt, this policy will only pay under one of these benefits, h(ii) Overseas Quarantine
Allowance Due To COVID-19, h(iii) Overseas Hospital Income Due To COVID-19 or any reasonable extra
charges for accommodation expense of a standard room under section h(v.c) and not all for the same event.

Travel Insurance Policy

Free Extensions (continued)

(h) COVID-19 cover
iii. Overseas Hospital Income Due To COVID-19
• This benefit applies to Plus and Prestige plans only.
Within the stipulated policy limits, if You are unexpectedly diagnosed and tested positive with COVID-19
by an approved test provider or Doctor during Your Trip and are being treated as an In-Patient in a
hospital overseas, We will pay You the following amount for every full consecutive 24 hours of hospitalisation
in overseas.

Lite Plus Prestige

S$50 S$100
Not covered
(Up to a maximum of 20 days) (Up to a maximum of 20 days)

• For the avoidance of doubt, this policy will only pay under one of these benefits, h(ii) Overseas Quarantine
Allowance Due To COVID-19, h(iii) Overseas Hospital Income Due To COVID-19 or any reasonable extra charges
for accommodation expense of a standard room under section h(v.c) and not all for the same event.

Special conditions under • Please refer to the section on 'Special conditions' under Section 4 - Emergency
(h) i, ii & iii Medical Cover.
• You must comply with all the travel requirements imposed by the Singapore
government authority and the country of Your destination relating to COVID-19,
including but not limited to COVID-19 diagnostic tests, vaccination, quarantine or
isolation that are required for Your Trip.

What is not covered • 'What is not covered' under Section 4 - Emergency Medical Cover.
under (h) i, ii & iii • Any claim if You fail to obtain any mandatory COVID-19 diagnostic test required
by Singapore government authority.
• Any claim if Your COVID-19 diagnostic test result is positive prior to Your Trip
(Not applicable for h(iv) - Trip Cancellation/Postponement Due to COVID-19).
• Any claim for the cost of mandatory COVID-19 diagnostic tests or vaccines or
Quarantine expenses that are required for Your Trip.
• Anything mentioned in the General Exceptions.

iv. Trip Cancellation/Postponement Due To COVID-19

• Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for:
a) Your travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the
licensed provider such as transport provider, accommodation provider, tour operator or travel agent
where You have paid or legally have to pay for Your Trip and which You cannot get back; or
b) Reasonable administrative fees and/or additional travel expenses for Your travel (air, sea or land) and
accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the licensed provider such as transport
provider, accommodation provider, tour operator or travel agent which You have to pay;
if, after the date of buying Your policy or booking a Trip (whichever is later), You unavoidably have to cancel
or postpone Your entire Trip within 30 days prior to You departing on Your Trip due to You,
Your Travelling Companion or Your Close Relative being diagnosed and tested positive with COVID-19
by an approved test provider or Doctor.
• For the avoidance of doubt, this policy will only pay for a claim under this section for either Trip Cancellation
or Trip Postponement.

Special conditions under • Please refer to the section on ‘Special conditions’ under Section 12a - Trip Cancellation.
(h) iv • You must comply with all the travel requirements imposed by the Singapore
government authority and the country of Your destination relating to COVID-19,
including but not limited to COVID-19 diagnostic tests, vaccination, quarantine or
isolation that are required for Your Trip.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 12a - Trip Cancellation and Section 13a - Trip
under (h) iv Postponement.
• ‘What is not covered’ under (h) i, ii & iii under Free extensions.

Travel Insurance Policy

Free Extensions (continued)

(h) COVID-19 cover
v. Trip Interruption Due To COVID-19
• Within the stipulated policy limits, We will cover You for:
a) Your unused travel (air, sea or land) and accommodation costs, and Entertainment Cost charged by the
licensed provider such as transport provider, accommodation provider, tour operator or travel agent
where You have paid or legally have to pay for Your Trip and which You cannot get back; or
b) Any additional administrative expenses incurred when it is possible to amend the original travel tickets
(air, land or sea) and accommodation; or
c) Any additional travel economy-class transport expenses (air, land or sea) You need to pay if it is not
possible to amend the original travel expenses (air, land or sea) and/or any reasonable extra charges for
accommodation expense of a standard room if You have to stay beyond the intended return date;
if, after commencement of Your Trip, You unavoidably have to
(1) cut short Your Trip and return to Singapore; or
(2) change any part of Your Trip’s original itinerary;
due to You, Your Travelling Companion or Your Close Relative being diagnosed and tested positive with
COVID-19 by an approved test provider or Doctor during Your Trip.
• For the avoidance of doubt, this policy will only pay under one of these benefits, h(ii) Overseas Quarantine
Allowance Due To COVID-19, h(iii) Overseas Hospital Income Due To COVID-19 or any reasonable extra charges
for accommodation expense of a standard room under section h(v.c) and not all for the same event.

Special conditions under • Please refer to the section on ‘Special conditions’ under Section 15 - Trip Interruption.
(h) v • You must comply with all the travel requirements imposed by the Singapore
government authority and the country of Your destination relating to COVID-19,
including but not limited to COVID-19 diagnostic tests, vaccination, quarantine
or isolation that are required for Your Trip.

What is not covered • ‘What is not covered’ under Section 15 - Trip Interruption.
under (h) v • ‘What is not covered’ under (h) i, ii & iii under Free extensions.

Aggregate Limit of Liability

The total compensation payable in respect of death, disablement or burns for all insured persons shall not exceed
S$15,000,000 under this policy for each Period of Insurance per conveyance.

In the event compensation exceeds S$15,000,000, the amount shall be apportioned among the insured persons
subject to the maximum of the sum insured of each person.

Travel Insurance Policy

General Exceptions
These apply to all sections of the policy unless stipulated otherwise. This policy does not cover:

(1) War and other excluded events

Any consequence whatsoever which is the direct or indirect result of any of the following, or anything connected
with any of the following, whether or not such consequence has been contributed to by any other cause or event:
• War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or a war-like operation or operations (whether war be declared
or not), civil war, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, military rising, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the
proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power.

This does not apply for Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13b – Change of Travelling Date
or Time For Any Reason and Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason.

(2) Other actions

Any consequence whatsoever which is the direct or indirect result of any of the following, or anything connected
with any of the following, whether or not such consequence has been contributed to by any other cause or event:
• Any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to (1) War or Terrorism above.

(3) Radioactivity
Loss, damage or liability which involves:
• Ionising radiation or radioactive contamination from nuclear fuel or nuclear waste; or
• The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of explosive nuclear equipment.

This does not apply for Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13b – Change of Travelling Date
or Time For Any Reason and Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason.

(4) Sonic bangs

Loss of or damage to property caused by pressure waves from aircraft travelling at or above the speed of sound.

(5) Pollution or contamination

Loss, damage or liability arising from pollution or contamination unless caused by:
• A sudden and unexpected Accident which can be identified; or
• Oil leaking from a domestic oil installation at Home.

This does not apply for Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13b – Change of Travelling Date
or Time For Any Reason and Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason.

(6) Wilful act or negligence

Any loss or damage or liability caused by Your willful act or negligence.

(7) Unattended
Any loss where You do not watch over or are not in full view of or in a position to prevent unauthorised taking of
Your property unless it is in a locked compartment, safe or in a locked boot/trunk of a locked vehicle.

(8) Pre-existing Medical Condition

Any loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly arising as a result of any Pre-existing Medical Condition.

This does not apply for Section 12b – Trip Cancellation For Any Reason, Section 13b – Change of Travelling Date
or Time For Any Reason and Section 16 – Trip Curtailment For Any Reason.

(9) Manual Work

Any loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly arising as a result of Your involvement in Manual Work.

(10) Restricted countries

Any loss, injury, damage or legal liability arising directly or indirectly from travel in, to, or through Afghanistan,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan, or Syria.

(11) Sanction limitation and exclusion

We shall not be deemed to provide cover and We shall not be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit
hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit
would expose Us to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or
economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union or United Kingdom or United States of America.

Travel Insurance Policy

General Exceptions (continued)

(12) Alcohol and drugs
Any loss, injury or damage due to the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs or medications.

(13) Insanity
Any loss, injury or damage due to mental problem or insanity.

(14) Suicide
Suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane.

(15) Dangerous Sports and Leisure Activities

We will not cover You while You are taking part in any sport or leisure activities with a high inherent level of risk
(i.e. involve a high level of expertise, exceptional physical exertion, highly specialised gear or stunts) or any sport
or leisure activity done in a manner, location or terrain that is far from what reasonable people consider to be
normal. Such a sport or activity is likely to injure or harm the person doing it. This includes but is not limited to:
• You travelling in air (except while travelling as a fare-paying passenger in a properly licensed,
regularly scheduled commercial airline or helicopter for sight-seeing by a licensed operator);
• You taking part in any other aerial activities (except hot air ballooning) including bungee jumping, parachuting,
free flying, wingsuit flying, wing walking, heli-skiing, zip lining and flying fox;
• Any leisure or sports activities either as a professional or where You would or could earn or receive
remuneration, donation, sponsorship or financial rewards of any kind;
• You taking part in any leisure or sports activities where You are competing in or practicing for speed or
time trials, sprint or racing of any kind;
• Big wave surfing, B.A.S.E jumping, cliff jumping, canyoning, horse jumping, polo, marathons, biathlons, triathlon,
racing or motor rallies/cross, stunt riding, potholing, cave diving and private hunting Trip;
• Outdoor rock climbing, ice climbing, volcano boarding, highlining, abseiling, coasteering and mountain biking;
• Trekking (including mountain trekking) above 3000 metres;
• Canoeing, kayaking and rafting (above Grade 2).

(16) Winter sports and adventurous water sports activities

We will not cover You while You are taking part in winter sports activities listed in Table 31 and adventurous
water sports activities listed in Table 32, unless otherwise stated on Your policy Schedule.

(17) Expedition
You taking part in expeditions or being a crew member on a vessel travelling from one country to another.

(18) Known circumstances or events

Any claim arising from circumstances known to You or in the public domain at the time of the issue of this
insurance or before You booked Your Trip (for example: Your Close Relative is being treated as an In-Patient
or any known/on-going risk event at Your planned destination).

(19) Mysterious disappearance

Any loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly arising as a result of unexplained or mysterious disappearance.

(20) Travel Advisory

If You are travelling against the travel advisory issued by Singapore government (regardless of Your nationality)
for non-essential travel or all travel, You will not be covered under any section of the policy for the known
circumstances, facts or risks at Your planned destination.

(21) Trip
We will only cover claims for Trip that begins during the Period of Insurance. Trip that begins before or after
the Period of Insurance will not be covered, even if the Insured Event, loss or damage takes place during the
Period of Insurance.

(22) Excluding third party rights

Anyone not a party to Your policy cannot enforce it under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001 or
any subsequent revisions of this Act to enforce any of its terms.

Travel Insurance Policy

General Conditions
These apply to the whole policy.

(1) Claims
• You must pay Us back any amount which We have paid which You are not covered for.
• You must tell Us as soon as possible after any injury, illness, incident, or loss, or if You discover any loss or
damage which may lead to a claim under this policy. You must also tell Us if You are aware of any writ,
summons or prosecution. You must send Us every communication relating to a claim immediately.
• You, or any person acting for You, must not negotiate, admit or reject any claim without Our permission
in writing.
• You must, at Your own expense, provide to support Your claims:
- medical evidence, certificates, reports,
- original invoices and receipts,
- proof of ownership,
- police, airline, transport, hotel reports,
- Trip invoices, ticket confirmation, boarding passes, photocopy of passport and visa,
- Any other documentary proof that We may require to support Your claim.
• In the case of a foreign language document, You shall at Your expense provide Us with an English translation
of such document if We require.
• We may refuse to pay any claims for which You cannot provide receipts, bills or other supporting documents
that We may require.
• You or Your legal representative must pay for any certificates, information and evidence, which We may need.
When there is a claim for injury or illness, We may ask for, and will pay for, any insured person to be medically
examined on Our behalf. We may also ask for, and will pay for, a post-mortem examination if any insured
person dies.
• All claims will be paid in Singapore dollars. For claims incurred in a foreign currency, We will convert the
foreign currency amount into Singapore dollars at a foreign currency exchange rate to be determined by Us.
• We shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings or the settlement of any claim.
• Any person who is seeking indemnity under this policy shall give Us all the information, documents and
assistance We require to enable any claim to be validated for Us to achieve a settlement.
• If You are making a claim under the policy, You must submit such a claim to Us with all relevant facts and
documents within 30 days upon Your return to Singapore, otherwise, We will not be liable for claims that
are submitted more than 30 days from Your return to Singapore.

(2) Other policies

If, at the time of an incident which results in a claim under this policy, there is any other insurance covering
reimbursement for the same loss, damage, expense or liability, We are entitled to approach that insurer for a
contribution towards the claim, and will only pay Our share.

If You have more than one policy with Us that covers the same benefit, We will only pay from one policy. If the
benefit amounts are different under Your different policies, We will pay the highest benefit amount.

(3) Our rights

We are entitled to take over and carry out in Your name the defence or settlement of any legal action. We may
also take proceedings at Our own expense and for Our own benefit, in Your name, to recover any payment We
have made under this policy to anyone else.

(4) Access to and Your Doctor

If You make a medical or dental claim You may be asked to supply Your Doctor’s name to enable Us to access
Your medical records. This will help the treating Doctors, and Us, to provide You with the most appropriate
treatment and assess whether the cover applies. If You do not agree to provide this We may not deal with
Your claim.

(5) Fraud
If You, or anyone acting for You, make a claim under this policy knowing the claim to be dishonest or intentionally
exaggerated or fraudulent in any way, or if You give any false declaration or statement to support the claim,
We will not pay the claim and all cover under the policy will end.

We reserve the right to lodge a report with the Local Police about any dishonest claim.

Travel Insurance Policy

General Conditions (continued)

(6) Your duty to take precautions

You must at all times take reasonable precautions to prevent and avoid losses, damages, Accident, Accidental
injuries and minimise claims under the policy.

(7) Arbitration
Where We have accepted a claim and there is disagreement over the amount to be paid, the dispute must be
referred to an arbitrator in Singapore in accordance with the Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration
Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time in force in English. When this happens, a decision must be made before You
can take any legal action against Us.

(8) Your duty to comply with policy conditions

Our provision of insurance under this policy is conditional upon You observing and fulfilling the terms, provisions,
conditions and clauses of this policy.

(9) Burden of proof

The burden of proving the validity of any claim is upon You. If We deny any claim by reason of any exclusion, the
burden of proving that We are legally responsible for the claim is also upon You.

(10) False declaration

If You did not declare truthfully when buying this policy, this policy shall be cancelled immediately and all
benefits and premiums under this policy shall be forfeited.

(11) Rights of recovery

In the event authorisation for payment and/or payment is made by Us or an authorised service provider
appointed by Us for any medical or non-medical claim for which policy liability is not engaged, We reserve the
right to recover against You for the full sum.

(12) Payment before & cover warranty

The total premium due must be paid and actually received in full by Us on or before the effective date of the
policy or renewal certificate or endorsement. Otherwise there will be no cover under this policy and no benefits
shall be payable by Us.

Travel Insurance Policy

Our Promise of Service

If You have any comments or suggestions about Our cover, services or any other feedback please write to:
The Head of General Insurance
Singapore life Ltd.
4 Shenton Way #0-101 SGX Centre 2
Singapore 068807

We always welcome feedback so We can improve Our products and services.

Customer Care Policy

At Singlife We will make every effort to provide the high level of service expected by all Our policyholders.

If on any occasion Our service falls below the standard of Your expectation, the procedure detailed below explains
what You can do:

• Your first point of contact should always be to Our Customer Services Department. You can email Us at
[email protected]. We will acknowledge receipt of Your feedback within 3 working days whilst
We look into the matter You raised. We will contact You for further information if required within 7 working days
and provide You with a full reply within 14 working days.

• If You are dissatisfied with Our response, We will refer You to an independent dispute resolution organisation,
the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC). FIDReC’s contact details are:
Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd.
36 Robinson Road #15-01
City House Singapore 068877
Telephone: 6327 8878
Fax: 6327 8488
Email: [email protected]

Important: Please remember to quote Your policy reference in Your communication.

How To Make a Claim

To make a claim, please call +65 6460 9391 for Our claims assistance helpline or alternatively go to to
access Our online claims form.

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme (PPF)

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit
Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for Your policy is automatic and no further action is required from You.
For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage,
where applicable, please contact Us or visit the GIA or SDIC website ( or

Learn more about our other products and services at

May 2024

Singapore Life Ltd.
4 Shenton Way, #01-01, SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807
Tel: (65) 6827 9933
Company Reg. No. 196900499K
GST Reg. No. MR-8500166-8

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