SOCI1001A L06 Deviance and Social Control 2024 - 25 - A
SOCI1001A L06 Deviance and Social Control 2024 - 25 - A
SOCI1001A L06 Deviance and Social Control 2024 - 25 - A
Who do you
think is possibly
a deviant in
the photo?
Image source: Macionis (2018, p. 241)
social groups create deviance by making rules whose infraction creates
deviance, and by applying those roles to particular people and labeling
them as outsiders… deviance is not a quality of the act the person
commits, but rather a consequence of the application by other of rules
and sanctions to an "offender." The deviant is one to whom that label has
been successfully applied; deviant behavior is behavior that people so
label… ‘ (Becker, 1973, p .9)
Outline of the lecture
Introduction XYY
“behavior that violates the standards of conduct
or expectations of a group or society” (Schaefer,
2022, p.145)
Social control
“techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any
society” (Schaefer, 2022, p. 146)
of the formal and informal mechanisms and internal and external
controls that operate to produce conformity” (Giddens & Sutton, 2021, p.
Involves sanction
“penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm” (Schaefer, 2022, p.
Functionalist perspective
Theprofound change may render social control ineffective and may result in a
higher rate of deviant and criminal behavior
Cultural goals
When the two are incompatible with each other, individual may
experience strain, which then lead to various ways of response and
adaptation by individuals
Whether individuals will accept the cultural goals as well as the institutionalized
Image source: Macionis (2018, p. 244)
Labeling theory
Tryto explain “why some people are viewed as deviants while others
engaged in the same behavior are not” (Schaefer, 2022, p. 156)
Labels are meaningful symbols that affect the self-concept and social
identity of an individual (Ballentine & Korgen, 2022)
Stigma: “a label used to devalue members of certain social groups” (Schaefer,
2022, p. 146)
affect individuals through becoming one’s master status and
eventually incorporated into one’s identity
These are referred to as agents of social control, which may include but
are not limited to the police, psychiatrists, judges, and teachers etc.
They play a significant role in creating the deviant identity and designating
certain people as deviant
Conflict perspective
Even if the behaviors of the rich and powerful are called into question,
they have more resources to resist and challenge the deviant label
Belief that norms and laws are natural and good obscures its political and
conflictual nature, yet is useful to justify and stabilize the system for
smooth operation
Power differential among social groups also implies that those coming
from a subordinate minority group often face unequal treatment when
engaging in deviant behavior defined by the dominant social group
Differential justice
Differences in the way social control is exercised over different groups
(Schaefer, 2022, p. 157)
Ballentine, J. H., & Korgen, K. O. (2022). Our social world: Introduction to sociology (8th ed.). US: Sage Publications.
Becker, H. S. (1973). Outsiders: Studies in the sociology of deviance. New York: The Free Press.
Giddens, A., & Sutton, P. W. (Eds.). (2021). Essential Concepts in Sociology (3rd ed.). Cambridge, UK: Polity.
Schaefer, R. T. (2022). Sociology: A Brief Introduction (14th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hall.