Upstream Elem A2 Test 5B
Upstream Elem A2 Test 5B
Upstream Elem A2 Test 5B
1 All the planets in the …… move around the 6 Use the …… to click on the icon.
Sun. A keyboard B mouse C tower
A solar system B Earth C space
7 We need to …… down on the rubbish we
2 Don’t forget to …… your work every few throw away.
minutes, Dan. You don’t want to lose it! A cut B bring C take
A save B print C send
8 How often do you …… the net?
3 I think I forgot to …… the printer on. A surf B read C play
A open B make C switch
9 I like living in a big city, but I hate the …… .
4 The watch …… six AA batteries. A pollution B genetic engineering
A plugs B requires C plays C climate change
5 Do you know who …… post-it notes? 10 Tim is …… that his dreams have meanings.
A made B invented C did A skeptic B believer
C convinced
Marks ____
101 10
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51 5
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51 5
Everyday English
G Read the article about a new invention and fill the missing words (1-8).
Marks ____
82 16
H Listen to a radio interview with a representative from Friends of the Earth. For questions
1-5, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
0 Friends of the Earth was founded in: 4 How much of the world’s carbon dioxide
A 1971 B 1917 C 1901 does the UK produce?
A 20% B 2.3% C 1%
1 How many countries have Friends of the
Earth groups? 5 How do Friends of the Earth encourage
A 70 B 75 C 200 people to help?
A write letters to the government
2 Peter says that the organisation’s most B provide information to scientists
important activity is: C send emails to friends and family
A protecting wildlife
B encouraging recycling
C fighting climate change
C Scientists 52 10
I A teenage magazine has asked for short stories about scary experiences. Your story
should end with: “It was the most frightening experience of my life.” Use the plan to
help you write your story (80-120 words). Write:
(Para 1) – setting the scene (e.g. It was a cold, dark night, stay night in hotel
(Para 2-3) – events in order (e.g. lady tell us hotel haunted, go to bed, wake
up, hear voice, open door, same lady there, in morning can’t find
lady, describe her to owner, lady used to own hotel, died, lady a
(Para 4) – what happened in end, how you felt (e.g. didn’t see lady again,
felt afraid for rest of stay)
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