Med 2012 6265751
Med 2012 6265751
Med 2012 6265751
Abstract— In this article a switching model predictive control the effect of the slip angles, as the complexity of the overall
scheme for an articulated vehicle under varying slip angles is problem is being increased and it is more difficult to proceed
being presented. For the non–holonomic articulated vehicle, to the next stage of the control scheme design based on
the non–linear kinematic model that is able to take under
consideration the effect of the slip angles is extracted. This highly non–linear articulated vehicle’s dynamics.
model is transformed into an error dynamics model, which in From a control point of view, there have been proposed
the sequence is linearized around multiple nominal slip angle many traditional techniques for non–holonomic vehicles,
cases. The existence of the slip angles has a significant effect
on the vehicle’s path tracking capability and can significantly based on error dynamics models without the presence of slip
deteriorate the performance of the overall control scheme. angles. More analytically, in [6, 8] linear control feedback
Based on the derived multiple error dynamic models, the has been applied, while in [9] a Lyapunov based approach
varying slip angle is being considered as the switching rule and has been presented. In [10] a control scheme based on
a corresponding switching mode predictive control scheme is LMIs has been presented and in [11] a pole placement
being designed that it is also able to take under consideration: a)
the constrains on the control signals and b) the state constraints. technique has been applied. Moreover, in [12] the authors
Multiple simulation results are being presented that prove the have presented a path tracking controller based on error
efficacy of the overall suggested scheme. dynamics, while in [13] the problem of designing a path
following controller for a n–trailer vehicle, based on non–
I. INTRODUCTION linear adaptive control has been derived. Finally, classical
Among the current vehicle types utilized in a mine field, fundamental problems of motion control for articulated ve-
articulated ones are the most characteristic vehicle’s type that hicles have been presented in [7, 14, 15].
can be found most frequently, such as the Load Haul Dump The main contribution of this article is dual. First, to the
(LHD) vehicles. In general the articulated vehicles consist author’s best knowledge, this is the first time that an error
of two parts, a tractor and a trailer, linked with a rigid free dynamics modeling framework will be derived for the case of
joint. Each body has a single axle and the wheels are all non– an articulated vehicle operating under slip angles. Until now
steerable, while the steering action is performed on the joint, and mainly due to the increasing complexity of the problem,
by changing the corresponding articulated angle, between the only the case of non–slip angles affecting the movement
front and the rear parts of the vehicle. of the vehicle has been considered. Secondly, the problem
During the operation of an articulated vehicle, there are of controling the articulated vehicle, under the presence of
various external factors that degrade the overall system varying slip angles, is being addressed by a switching Model
performance and introduce errors in the model that could be Predictive Control (MPC) scheme.
propagated with the time. Such deteriorating factors are: a) Multiple MPC controllers are being fine tuned for specific
the generic interaction between the vehicle and its surround- slippage operating conditions, while the proposed control
ing environment [1], b) the noise and bias in the positioning scheme has the ability to take under consideration the effect
and driving sensors [2], c) the dynamic effects resulting from of real life constraints on the control input (articulated angle)
acceleration and braking [3], and d) the existence of variation and the environmental restrictions. In this control design
of slip angles among the trailer and the tractor, which are approach the current estimated slip angle of the tractor is
also being influenced by the type of the driving ground, the considered as the mode selector for the switching MPC. The
fatigue and the tyres’ type [4]. resulting control scheme provides the optimal control for
Among the aforementioned factors that degrade the overall each region of slip angles, while ensuring smooth transition
performance of the articulated vehicle, the existence of of the control effort as the articulated vehicle is driven over
slip angles is one of the most significant problem that the regions of different slippage.
modeling and control approaches should face. In the relative The rest of this article is structured as it follows. In
literature there have been several research approaches for the Section II the error dynamics modeling framework for the
problem of modeling articulated vehicles, based on the theory cases of with and without the effect of the slip angles is
of multiple body dynamics [5–7]. Most of these methods being presented. In Section III the switching model predictive
contain simple models that are not taking under consideration controller is being analyzed, while in Section IV multiple
simulation results are being presented that prove the efficacy
The authors are with the Department of Computer, Electrical and Space
Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, SE–97187, Luleå, Sweden of the proposed scheme. Finally the conclusions are draw in
Corresponding Author’s email: [email protected] Section V.
By taking the derivative of the equations (3–4) with respect In this case, the vehicle motion depends not only on vehicle’s
to time, substituting the results in equations (5-6), and by speeds, the articulated angle and the vehicle’s lengths, but
further simplifying the results, the time derivative of the also on the slip angles, while the resulting vehicle’s heading
tractor’s orientation angle is being defined as: is provided by a combination of the slip angles with the
orientation angles. The rate of the orientation θ̇rs can be
v f sinγ + lr γ̇
θ̇ f = (7) defined as function of the steering angle γ and both slip
l f cosγ + lr angles. Based on the assumption that the vehicle develops a
The angular velocities for the tractor and the trailer, which steady–state motion turning, this rate can be provided by the
are being defined as θ̇ f and θ̇r respectively, have different utilization of a virtual center of rotation, depending on the
an appropriate model should be initially derived. In the measures the difference between the vehicle’s path circle and
sequel, the error dynamics modeling procedure will be the curvature of the trajectory path, and it can be defined as:
presented. while it should be highlighted that this is the first ec = ( 1r − R1 ). By utilizing the relations in above equations,
time in the relevant scientific literature that such a modeling the curvature error is being defined as:
framework, with the ability to take under consideration the ėh = v ec (16)
effect of slip angles, is being presented.
Based on the assumption that the vehicle develops a With the assumption that the velocity and the curvature of
the trajectory are constant and by differentiating the curvature
steady–state motion turning, or γ̇ = 0, the rates of the orien- equation with respect to time, the rate of the curvature error
tation change are being provided by: r1 = θ̇ f and r2 = θv˙r . In is being defined as:
f r
Figure 3 it is depicted an overview of how the displacement, γ̇ lr cos(γ + β − α )cos α + γ̇ l f cos(γ + β − α ) cos(γ − α )
ėc = + (17)
heading and curvature errors are being defined, between the (lr cosα + l f cos(γ − α ))2
actual path of the articulated vehicle and the desired one. γ̇ v l f sin(γ + β − α ) sin(γ − α ) − γ̇ l f lr cos α ) sin(γ − α )
v(lr cosα + l f cos(γ − α ))2
In this figure, the distance from the vehicle to the reference
γ̈ l f lr cos(γ − α ) sin(α )α̇ + (lr2 cosα sinα α̇ )
path displacement, as the angle between the vehicle and the v(lr cosα + l f cos(γ − α ))2
reference are also being displayed.
In the following derivation, three errors are defined as: a) Linearizing the error dynamics in equation (17) around the
ed is the displacement error, b) eh is the heading error, and c) reference path γ yields:
ec is the curvature error. Based on [5], the displacement error (l f + lr ) + l f (γ 2 + γβ − 2γα ) + l f (α 2 − αβ )
ed is the difference between the coordinates of the tractor ėc = γ̇ (18)
(lr + l f )2
and the coordinates of the desired circular path. From the
triangle (abd), it can be defined that θ = arctan rl and from where it can be observed that e˙c is dependant on the slippage
the triangle (dbc) eh = arctan( eld ). If it is assumed that φ and and the rate of change of articulation angles. By performing
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Slip angle