Syst Rev - Meta An Cubitan 2016
Syst Rev - Meta An Cubitan 2016
Syst Rev - Meta An Cubitan 2016
Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this systematic review was to summarize the evidence on the efficacy of
high-calorie, high-protein nutritional formula enriched with arginine, zinc, and antioxidants (disease-specific
support) in patients with pressure ulcers (PUs). Methods: Randomized controlled trials in English published
from January 1997 until October 2015 were searched for in electronic databases (EMBASE, Medline, PubMed,
and CINAHL). Studies comparing a disease-specific nutritional support (oral supplements or tube feeding)
to a control nutritional intervention enabling the satisfaction of energy requirements regardless of the use of
high-calorie formula or placebo or no support for at least 4 weeks were considered eligible. Study outcomes
were the percentage of change in PU area, complete healing and reduction in the PU area ≥40% at 8 weeks,
and the percentage of change in area at 4 weeks. Results: A total of 3 studies could be included in the meta-
analysis. Compared with control interventions, formulas enriched with arginine, zinc and antioxidants resulted
in significantly higher reduction in ulcer area (-15.7% [95%CI, -29.9, -1.5]; P=0.030; I2=58.6%) and a higher
proportion of participants having a 40% or greater reduction in PU size (OR=1.72 [95%CI, 1.04, 2.84]; P=0.033;
I2=0.0%) at 8 weeks. A nearly significant difference in complete healing at 8 weeks (OR=1.72 [95%CI, 0.86,
3.45]; P=0.127; I2=0.0%) and the percentage of change in the area at 4 weeks (-7.1% [95%CI, -17.4, 3.3];
P=0.180; I2=0.0%) was also observed. Conclusions: This systematic review shows that the use of formulas
enriched with arginine, zinc and antioxidants as oral supplements and tube feeds for at least 8 weeks are
associated with improved PU healing compared with standard formulas.
Table 1
Characteristics of the studies included in quantitative synthesis
Reference Country; setting Study size Malnutrition(%) Study duration Active Control Method used Results *
(active / control) (weeks) intervention intervention in outcome - Mean difference in
[energy ; [energy and assessment reduction in area at 8
proteins] proteins] weeks (%)
- Reduction in area
≥40% at 8 weeks (n)
- Complete healing at
8 weeks (n)
- Mean difference in
reduction in area at 4
weeks (%)
Cereda, 2009 Italy (multi-cen- N=30 (15/15) 90% 12 Oral: standard oral Oral: standard oral Tracing the peri- -24.4% (95%CI, -37.5,
ter); diet + 2 specific diet + 2 standard meter onto sterile, -11.3) ‡
long-term care ONS § per day ONS/day transparent block Active, n=10; Control,
institutions Tube: specific Tube: standard paper and counting n=8
formula # (1000 and high-protein the blocks Active, n=2; Control,
mL/day) + stan- formula as ne- n=0
dard formula as cessary -6.5% (95%CI, -22.8,
necessary [29.5 kcal/kg/day; 9.8) ‡
[30 kcal/kg/day; 1.2 g/kg/day]
1.5 g/kg/day]
Van Anholt, Multi-country; N=43 (22/21) 0% 12 Standard oral diet Standard oral Measuring the 7.3% (95%CI, -18.7,
2010 hospitals + 3 specific ONS diet + 3 bottles maximum length 33.2) †
and § per day [not of non-caloric and width of the Active, n=15; Control,
long-term care reported] placebo/day ulcer with a ruler n=15
institutions [not reported] and assuming the Active, n=6; Control,
surface area of the n=5
ulcer has an ellipse -1.6% (95%CI, -26.7,
form 23.5) †
Cereda, 2015 Italy (multi-cen- N=200 100% 8 Standard oral diet Standard oral diet Tracing the -18.7% (95%CI,
ter); (101/99) + 2 specific ONS + 2 isocaloric, perimeter onto -31.8, -5.7) ‡
long-term care § per day isonitrogenous sterile, transparent Active, n=71; Control,
institutions [27.5 kcal/kg/day; ONS/day paper and using n=54
and 1.5 g/kg/day] [27.0 kcal/kg/day; the VISITRAKTM Active, n=17; Control,
home-care 1.5 g/kg/day] system (resolution n=10
services 0.1 cm2; precision -10.2% (95%CI, -27.0,
of -0.2%–3.3%) 6.5) ‡
Abbreviations: ONS, oral nutritional supplements; 95%CI, 95% confidence interval; * According to multiple imputation of missing outcomes; ‡ Estimates adjusted for pressure ulcer (PU)
area at baseline, PU stage, setting of care, and recruiting center.; † Estimates adjusted for pressure ulcer (PU) area at baseline, PU stage, and recruiting center; § Approximate additional
amount of specific nutrients per each ONS: arginine 3 g; zinc, 4 mcg; copper, 600 mcg; manganese, 1.2 mg; selenium, 40 mcg; vitamin E, 30 mg; vitamin C, 200 mg; # Approximate
additional amount of specific nutrients per 1 litre of formula: arginine 8.5 g; zinc, 8 mcg; copper, 200 mcg; manganese, 0.5 mg; selenium, 40 mcg; vitamin E, 60 mg; vitamin C, 250 mg.
J Nutr Health Aging
Statistical Analysis
The meta-analysis was performed using the software
Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, version 2.2.064 (Biostat,
Englewood, NJ -,
establishing the level of significance at a 2-tailed P<0.05.
For continuous end points (the percentage of reduction
in area at 8 and 4 weeks) we computed the pooled mean
difference between interventions using fully-adjusted estimates.
However, for categorical outcomes (reduction in the area ≥ 40%
and complete healing at 8 weeks) risk ratios were calculated
using the number of events. For all the outcomes we pooled
estimates calculated using according to the multiple imputation
of missing outcomes. All estimates were provided along with
95% confidence interval (95%CI).
The search identified 1249 non duplicate potentially eligible Study outcomes
studies. After excluding 1225 papers through title and abstract For all the trials fulfilling inclusion criteria for quantitative
review, 24 full text articles were examined. Altogether, 9 synthesis it was possible to collect data on the outcomes
studies were included in the qualitative synthesis and 3 in considered. In primary analysis, based on all trials, the use
meta-analysis (Figure 1) (15-17). A description of the articles of a disease specific nutritional support was associated with
excluded (13,14,24-27) is provided in the Supplementary a significantly higher reduction in ulcer area (Figure 1) and
Table 1. Particularly, study were excluded due to the following a higher proportion of participants having a 40% or greater
reasons: short duration (n=2) (14, 29); outcome data not reduction in PU size at 8 weeks (Table 3). Besides, we observed
available (n=2) (13, 24); inclusion of patients with different a nearly significant difference in complete healing at 8 weeks
types of chronic wounds (n=1) (26); lack of a control group and the percentage of change in the area at 4 weeks with
J Nutr Health Aging
Table 2
Risk of bias of RCTs included in quantitative synthesis
Reference Evaluation of the Random sequence Allocation conceal- Blinding of Incomplete Selective outcome Differences
study based on generation ment (selection patients and outcome data reporting in baseline
(selection bias) bias) outcome assessors (attrition bias) (reporting bias) characteristics
(performance and between arms
detection bias)
Cereda, 2009 Manuscript review ↑ ? ↑ ↑ ↑ More patients with
multiple PUs in
the disease-specific
Request to the ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Van Anholt, 2010 Manuscript review ? ? ↑ ↑ ↑ None
Request to the ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Cereda, 2015 Manuscript review ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ None
Request to the ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Risk of bias - rating: ↑ low; ↓ high; ?, unclear.
Table 3
Secondary efficacy end points
no heterogeneity (I2=0.0% for all). These findings were of a disease-specific formula enriched with arginine, zinc
substantially confirmed by sensitivity analysis (Table 3) and antioxidants in the nutritional support of PU patients.
refitted on studies including malnourished patients (15, 17). Accordingly, it strengthens the recent recommendations
Particularly, in respect to the primary outcome we observed an included in the NPUAP-EPUAP-PPPIA international guidelines
increase in the pooled effect size with no heterogeneity (Figure released in 2014 (11). Interestingly, the use of this formula has
1). been found to be also cost-effective, as it enables reducing the
intensity of local care (18).
Publication Bias Results on efficacy are consistent with and expand
Visual inspection of funnel plots showed that publication those of a previous meta-analysis (31) reporting a trend to
bias was unlikely. improved healing from the use of a disease-specific formula.
Unfortunately, the analysis was based on the findings
Discussion of small trials (13-16, 26) and did not consider those of the
OligoElement Sore Trial (OEST), a large trial with a low risk
Despite the wide availability of nutritional formulae, many of bias specifically addressing the independent role of specific
of which are marketed for specific disease conditions, there is nutrients in wound healing (18). Arginine is a semiessential
limited evidence supporting their efficacy and use in clinical amino acid contributing to protein anabolism (e.g collagen
practice (28-30). This is an important issue as these formula synthesis), cellular growth. As a donor of nitric oxide, it can
are usually more expensive than standard ones. Our meta- also increase tissue blood flow, improve immune response and
analysis reasonably supports as Grade A evidence for the use induce the mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells from
J Nutr Health Aging
Figure 2
Forest plot of the percentage of change in ulcer area at 8 weeks in participants receiving disease-specific vs control nutritional
support. In the plots, the squares indicate point estimates of effect (mean difference), with the size of the square representing
the weight attributed to each study and the horizontal bars indicating 95%CI. Sensitivity analysis is based on studies including
malnourished participants
the bone marrow. Zinc is an important co-enzyme of enzymes size due to unavailability of non-malnourished patients. In
involved in protein and DNA synthesis, immune function, agreement with this, the OEST study has found that about 90%
and cellular proliferation. Antioxidants are also relevant in of PU patients are malnourished (17). Therefore, PU patients
any chronic inflammatory condition. Particulalry, vitamin are likely malnourished and nutritional support should be
C plays an important role in cellular immunity, fibroblast systematically considered.
proliferation and the synthesis of collagen (32, 33). Previous The following limitations are acknowledged. First, despite
trials were not able to demonstrate a positive effect for these using multiple database we searched only for English-language
single micronutrients and the failure was likely due to the lack full-text articles. Second, only 3 high-quality trials have been
of concomitant energy supply (17, 31). included in the present meta-analysis. Other studies have
The present meta-analysis has shown that nutritional considered the use of a disease-specific nutritional support
support should be at least 8-week long and primarily directed in PU patients (13, 14, 24-27). Although they did not fulfill
to malnourished patients as these reasonably more likely to criteria for inclusion in quantitative synthesis they have all
be characterized by low values of several nutrients. Although shown a positive effect of supplementation with nutrients
van Anholt et al. have reported a significant difference in PU playing a role in wound healing (arginine + different
healing over time (faster improvement in the initial phases combination of other nutrients) on mixed healing outcomes
of the study with a reduction in the intensity of care) in non- (Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing [PUSH]; complete healing;
malnourished patients, at 8 weeks the reduction in PU area time to complete healing; improved tissue viability). On
appeared to be comparable to that obtained in the placebo the other hand, the limited number of studies included in
group (16). Interestingly, this was the only trial – among those quantitative synthesis highlights the important methodological
included in quantitative synthesis – in which a significant limitations in this research area. Besides, we cannot exclude
difference in protein-calorie support between treatment arms that multiple separate micronutrient supplements provided in
was present. Besides, a less accurate method of assessment of combination with a high-calorie, high-protein formula have the
ulcer area was used and not description of how pressure (a key same effectiveness of a all-in-one oral nutritional supplement.
estrinsic factor for PU) was managed (e.g. mattresses/overlays, Third, complete healing is an important outcome in wound care.
repositioning protocol, etc...). It is also worth mentioning that However, most available studies did not consider a support
the study was stopped before reaching the estimated sample until complete healing and have included it as a secondary
J Nutr Health Aging
Ethical standard: The study did not required the approval of the Ethics Committee.
Supplementary Table 1
Characteristics of the randomized trials undergoing qualitative review and excluded from quantitative synthesis
J Nutr Health Aging
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