Fujipoly - Thermal Pad Catalog
Fujipoly - Thermal Pad Catalog
Fujipoly - Thermal Pad Catalog
Fuji Polymer Industries Co., Ltd.
Sales Department
175 Kajiyashiki, Toyota,
Aichi 4700533 JAPAN
1 Fujipoly® Introduction
tel: 81-565-65-1729 fax: 81-565-65-1857
e-mail: [email protected]
ISO9001 (Aichi Plant)
2-13 Zebra® Elastomeric Connectors
Complete selection of low resistance, high conductivity,
high density silicone connectors
Fujipoly America Corp.
900 Milik Street
P.O. Box 119
Carteret, NJ 07008-0119
tel: 732.969.0100 fax: 732.969.3311
e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.fujipoly.com
14-15 LCD Bezels and Connectors
Wide assortment of standard sizes for common LCD displays Fujipoly (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
16-35 SARCON Thermal Management Materials
15-33 Kwai Tak Street, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
tel: 852-24283770 fax: 852-24899637
Fusible Tapes e-mail: [email protected]
Insulative and conductive self-fusing tapes
Fujipoly China Ltd. (China Factory)
e-mail: [email protected]
46-48 Engineering Notes
Taipei Liaison Office
Room B, 7F., No. 59, Tiansiang Rd.
Jhongshan District
Taipei City 10452, Taiwan
tel: 886-2-2586-5771 fax: 886-2-2586-5745
We manage a globally responsive, diverse group of facilities. Technologies have been both
developed and acquired. Locations have been established based on a borderless business strategy
to meet the growing trend of internationalization.
Manufacturing and distribution centers located in Europe, North America and Asia keep us close
to our customersʼ needs while giving them convenient access to our increasing technologies.
Less than 5% of silicone potential has been researched to date. And, probably even more
applications than we can now imagine are possible.
The inherent advantages of silicone already seem limitless. There are very few commercial or
industrial products which do not contain some form of it as a molded, extruded or die-cut shape.
The composition of formulations is almost infinite - each offering strong advantages in one
characteristic or another, many with great superiority over other materials.
Fujipolyʼs proprietary research and specific treatments are focused on obtaining the highest
overall performances for the field of electronic packaging. Some of these areas are:
F U J I 1P O L Y
Elastomeric Connectors
0.100mm (0.004”)
Conductive layer
0.254mm (0.010”)
contact area
ZEBRA® Silver Connector in medical instrument display. Typical ZEBRA® Connector with optional silicone
rubber self-support sections on each side.
Carbon Economical general use with contact pitches at 140, 240 or 500 per inch
LCDʼs for aerospace, aircraft,
Low temperature, outdoor applications, specifications as low as -60ºC with military, meters,
Low Temperature Carbon contact pitches at 240 per inch instruments, cameras
300mA current carrying capacity, rugged long-life aging with contact pitches
Silver at 240 per inch
Zero insertion force, tight pitch, low compression force, very low resistance, Electroluminescent displays,
Gold 8000 very high current carrying capacity; contact pitches at 100, 133, 166 per inch component-to-board,
burn-in sockets, PCB to PCB,
Zero insertion force, very low compression force, low resistance, high current chip on glass, LCDʼs,
FG-S carrying capacity, 240 gold-plated contacts per inch in a single row chip on foil, COFʼs
Insulation Barrier or Solid Support (if required)
• LT, CA, Ag only
• IB1 0.05mm Insulation barrier 1 side only
• IB2 0.05mm Insulation barrier 2 sides
• SS1 Solid Support 1 side only (specify ZEBRA® thickness; i.e., SS1-1.5)
• SS2 Solid Support 2 sides (specify ZEBRA® thickness; i.e., SS2-1.5)
• SPG Sponge Support 2 sides (see standards page 6)
• Au only: Wire Pitch (Insulation Barrier component not needed for Au)
• Au-A 0.25mm (0.010”) wire pitch
• Au-B 0.19mm (0.0075”) wire pitch
• Au-C 0.15mm (0.006”) wire pitch
ZEBRA® series: • FG-S for single contact row
• LT for Low Temperature Carbon • CA for Carbon • Ag for Silver • Au for Gold
ordered and used with a ratio of H/W equal to or greater than 1.5.
LCD Sum of the Thickness Conductive
Contact Spacing of an Adjacent Conductive Layers Individual Conductive and Available
Center-to-Center and Non-conductive Layer per inch Insulating Layer Thickness Lengths
Series Minimum Nominal Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum
1002 0.015 in. 0.004 in. 0.006 in. 0.001 in 0.004 in. 9.0 in.
(CZ410/CZ710) 240
0.38 mm 0.10 mm 0.15 mm 0.025 mm 0.10 mm 230 mm
2004 0.020 in. 0.007 in. 0.010 in. 0.002 in. 0.006 in. 9.0 in.
(CZ418) 0.50 mm 0.18mm 0.25 mm 0.050 mm 0.15 mm 230 mm
2005 0.010 in. 0.002 in. 0.004 in. 0.0004 in. 0.0024 in. 9.0 in.
(CZ405/CZ705) 0.25 mm 0.050 mm 0.10 mm 0.010 mm 0.060 mm 230 mm
LT 200 0.015 in. 0.004 in. 0.006 in. 0.001 in. 0.004 in. 5.0 in.
(CZ610) 0.38 mm 0.10 mm 0.15 mm 0.025 mm 0.10 mm 127 mm
Height=H 0.020 in. to 0.750 in. ± 0.005 in. .............../................ 0.50 mm to 19mm ± 0.127 mm
above 0.750 in/19.0 mm consult factory
0.015 in. to 0.039 in. — ± 0.002 in................../................. 0.38 mm to 1.0 mm — ± 0.050 mm
Width=W 0.040 in. to 0.079 in. — ± 0.003 in................../................. 1.01 mm to 2.0 mm — ± 0.076 mm
0.080 in. to 0.118 in. — ± 0.005 in. ................./................. 2.01 mm to 3.0 mm — ± 0.127 mm
above 0.118 in./3.00 mm consult factory.
H contact area
w ± 001”
Figure 2 Recommended Height (H) should be 1.5 x Width (W) dimension Figure 3
for minimum force deflection. Maximum Skewness 2% of Height.
NOMINAL RESISTANCE CALCULATION F(N) = 5806 x D x W x L x 9.8 x 10-3
To calculate the resistance of the ZEBRA connector use
F U J I 5P O L Y
Elastomeric Connectors
The Solid Self-Supporting ZEBRA® connector utilizes a
standard ZEBRA® connector element supported by a soft,
non-conductive silicone rubber on one or two sides. The LCD
silicone rubber creates a larger width that eliminates the need ZEBRA® Contact Spacing Standard Connector Widths
for a holder, and yet the force required for deflection is very Element in/mm
low. The standard Solid Self-Supporting ZEBRA® connector 2004 (CZ418) 0.020/0.50 0.050 in./ 1.27 mm 0.090 in./ 2.3 mm
has a 0.020”/0.50mm wide ZEBRA® connector element and 1002 (CZ410/CZ710) 0.010/0.25 0.060 in./ 1.50 mm 0.100 in./ 2.5 mm
is available in 8 different widths to accommodate LCDʼs with 2005 (CZ405/CZ705) 0.006/0.15 0.070 in./ 1.8 mm 0.120 in./ 3.00 mm
0.080 in./ 2.0 mm 0.140 in./ 3.50 mm
a glass lip overhang of 0.050”/1.27 mm minimum.
Measurement Tolerance (inches/mm)
0.157 in. to 2.40 in. — ± 0.008 in. ................/................ 4.00 mm to 61.00 mm — ± 0.20 mm
2.410 in. to 6.00 in. — ± 0.015 in. ................/................ 61.2 mm to 152.4 mm — ± 0.38 mm
Length=L 6.010 in. to 7.87 in. — ± 0.020 in. ................/................ 152.6 mm to 200.0 mm — ± 0.50 mm
7.880 in. to 9.00 in. — ± 0.039 in. ................/................ 200.1 mm to 230.0 mm — ± 1.00 mm
Height=H 0.039 in. to 0.750 in. ± 0.005 in................/................ 1.0 mm to 19mm ± 0.127 mm
above 0.750 in/19.0 mm consult factory
0.050 in. to 0.079 in. — ±0.006 in. ................./................. 1.27 mm to 2.00 mm — ± 0.15 mm
Width=W 0.080 in. to 0.100 in. — ±0.007 in. ................./................. 2.03 mm to 2.54 mm — ± 0.18 mm
0.101 in. to 0.140 in. — ±0.008 in. ................./................. 2.55 mm to 3.50 mm — ± 0.20 mm
above 0.140 in./3.50 mm and for custom widths consult factory.
The Self Supporting Sponge ZEBRA® connector utilizes
standard ZEBRA® connector elements supported by a
silicone sponge rubber on one or two sides. The silicone LCD
ZEBRA® Contact Spacing Standard Connector Widths
sponge creates a larger width that can eliminate the need
Element in/mm
for a holder, and yet the force required for deflection is very .060 in./ 1.5 mm .087 in./ 2.0 mm .118 in./ 3.0 mm
low. The standard Self Supporting Sponge ZEBRA® 2004 (CZ418) 0.020/0.50 .063 in./ 1.6 mm .091 in./ 2.3 mm .126 in./ 3.2 mm
connector is available in a host of widths to accommodate 1002 (CZ410) 0.010/0.25 .067 in./ 1.7 mm .100 in./ 2.5 mm .138 in./ 3.5 mm
2005 (CZ405) 0.006/0.15 .070 in./ 1.8 mm .102 in./ 2.6 mm .150 in./ 3.8 mm
LCDʼs with a glass lip overhang of 0.060”/1.5 mm .075 in./ 1.9 mm .106 in./ 2.7 mm .157 in./ 4.0 mm
minimum. The Self Supporting Sponge ZEBRA® connector .079 in./ 2.0 mm .110 in./ 2.8 mm
is used to connect LCDʼs to printed circuit boards and
eliminates bowing of the printed circuit board due to the low
force required to make contact.
Measurement Tolerance (inches/mm)
0.157 in. to 2.40 in. — ± 0.008 in. ................/................ 4.00 mm to 61.00 mm — ± 0.20 mm
Length=L 2.410 in. to 6.00 in. — ± 0.015 in. ................/................ 61.2 mm to 152.4 mm — ± 0.38 mm
6.010 in. to 7.87 in. — ± 0.020 in. ................/................ 152.6 mm to 200.0 mm — ± 0.50 mm
Height=H 0.039 in. to 0.750 in. ± 0.005 in................/................ 1.0 mm to 19mm ± 0.127 mm
above 0.750 in/19.0 mm consult factory
Width=W 0.060 in. to 0.157 in. — ±0.004 in................../................. 1.52 mm to 4.0 mm — ± 0.1 mm
above 0.157 in./4.00 mm consult factory.
Connector Dimensions* Minimum Maximum
Note: For good design practice and low deflection force requirements, the height “H” should be twice the width “W”. For other sizes consult factory.
Connector Component Materials Used
Conductive Elements Gold-plated copper wire. gold 0.00025mm (0.00001”), nickel 0.0013mm (0.00005”).
Wire Size and Spacing
A. 0.05mm x 0.127mm (0.002” x 0.005”) flat wire on 0.25mm (0.010”) center-to-center spacing. (Min. 100 wires/ inch.)
(Series 8000 A,B and C)
B. 0.05mm x 0.10mm (0.002” x 0.004”) flat wire on 0.19mm (0.0075”) center-to-center spacing. (Min. 133 wires/inch.)
C. 0.025mm x 0.076mm (0.001” x 0.003”) flat wire on 0.15mm (0.006”) center-to-center spacing. (Min. 166 wires/inch.)
Connector body Non-conductive tan color silicone rubber. UL-94-HB rating, 500 volts/mil dielectric strength.
Film 0.025mm (0.001”) thick polyamide dielectric strength of film ASTM-D-149, 2000 volts/mil.
Parameter Conditions and Performance
Contact Resistance Less than 25 milliohms on 0.025” wide contact pads; 0.100 amperes DC, Kelvin- type four probe test method
Insulation Resistance Minimum 1012 ohms between adjacent conductive elements.
Current Carrying Capacity Series 8000 A and B, 500 mA per wire max.; Series 8000 C, 250 mA per wire max.
Capacitance Maximum 0.100 picofarads per adjacent pad at 1 MHz and 0.100” high (“H”).
Inductance Maximum 7 nanohenries per adjacent pad at 1 MHz and 0.100” high (“H”).
Repeated Actuations 500 actuations without appreciable change in contact resistance (deflection of 15%).
Deflection 8% to 20%. Recommended deflection 10 to 15% of original height.
Deflection Force/Inch 4lbs. per linear inch for 15% deflection for a 0.062” (“W”) x 0.285 (“H”) connector.
Operating Temperature Range -20° C min., 125° C max.
Salt Spray Test MIL-STD-202E, method 101D, condition B. 5% salt solution 95° F, 48 hours. There was no evidence of blistering or
peeling of the contact material.
Temperature Cycling MIL-STD-202E, method 102A, condition D, -55° C, 25° C, 125° C. There was no change in the physical
properties of the specimens.
Humidity (Steady State) MIL-STD-202E, method 103B, condition C modified. 95% RH room temperature. There was no appreciable
change in contact resistance after 500 hours exposure.
Corrosive Environment 1,000 hours exposure at 1 ppm H2S and 1 ppm O2, 60° C AND 75% RH. Slight change in contact
resistance; no evidence of contact peeling or blistering.
The FG-S Connectors have anisotropic conduction Sponge Height
properties. Thin metal wires are embedded with a vertical
orientation within the silicone rubber on 0.10 mm centers. Low
resistance and high current carrying capacity make this series
very versatile for most typical interconnect applications.
End View
20 4.0
FG-S Compression load
W Resistance
10 2.0
5 1.0
Figure 2
Note: Vertical contact wires may appear at each end of the 0 0.0
5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
length dimension, but do not affect performance.
% Compression
Maximum skewness < 2°
H2 contact area
Figure 3
Measurement FG-S Condition Test Method for FG-S Connectors in the charts on this page used the
following physical and electrical parameters:
Continuity Resistance 0.50Ω/pad (0.25mm Width Pad)
– Electrodes: (Upper) Gold-plated PCB (common type electrode)
Current Carrying (Lower) 0.5mm P, 0.25mm Padʼs W, Gold-plated PCB
30 mA/wire
Insulation Resistance > 20 MΩ (Gap=0.25mm)
– Space of electrodes @ 0.25, 50VDC
-40° C to +85° C below – Measurement: Digital ohm meter & Compression load meter
Temperature Range
-40° F to +185° F
– Using Amps: 100mA D.C.
5% to 20% H < 3mm,
Compression Range
0.15 ~ 0.60mm H ≥ 3mm – Condition: Measured at room temperature 30 minutes later
consult factory for application specifics
The low resistance ZEBRA® provides a redundant connection Low resistance ZEBRA® connectors are positioned
with a minimum of two conductive layers recommended per PC between two aligned surfaces and are mechanically
contact pad. The connector is available with insulating barrier or clamped together with a lid or another PC board. The
silicone supports (See page 6). The connectors are used for connectors may be free standing or positioned in a
connecting electroluminescent (EL) and plasma type displays to retainer depending on packaging profiles and design.
PC boards or for connecting hybrid circuits to PC boards, among
other applications.
Sum of the Thickness Conductive
Contact Spacing of an Adjacent Conductive Layers Individual Conductive and Available
Center-to-Center and Non-conductive Layer per inch Insulating Layer Thickness Lengths
Series Minimum Nominal Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum
5002 0.015 in. 0.004 in. 0.006 in. 0.001 in. 0.003 in. 5.00 in.
0.38 mm 240
(SZ100) 0.100 mm 0.152 mm 0.025 mm 0.075 mm 127 mm
Length=L 0.250 ± 0.005 in. to 5.000 ± 0.025 in. .............../................ 6.35 ± 0.12mm to 127.00 ± 0.64mm
Height=H 0.040 ± 0.003 in. to 0.500 ± 0.007 in. .............../................ 1.00 ± 0.08mm to 12.70 ± 0.18mm
Width=W 0.020 ± 0.003 in. to 0.100 ± 0.005 in. .............../................ 0.50 ± 0.08mm to 2.54 ± 0.13mm
-40°F 185°F
Silver ZEBRA® 0.3 amps 1012 ohms
-40°C 85°C
Moisture MIL-202D-103B
40° C 95% RH x Metric:
500 hr (250mA/pad)
F(N) = [(10.0 x D x W1 x L) + {2.2 x D x (W-W1) x L}] x 9.8 x 10-3
• LCD and EL display balancing Two types are available which match the mechanical
• Bezel gasket, environmental seal functions of the active ZEBRA® connectors: extruded and
• Shock, vibration damping closed cell sponge. A range of compression characteristics
are available based on the material durometer selections
shown below.
Typical Dummy ZEBRA® installation as an Custom configurations are also available. For further
environmental seal and as dummy connector. information, contact Customer Service.
0.50mm * ( over
over 0.6 ) ( over 0.7 ) ( over 0.9 )
• •••• • ••••
(1) •••
• • ••• • •
• •••
• •••
• •••• P 0.6 over 0.9 over 0.9 Matrix type
WSC 0.35 •••
( over 0.7 ) ( over 0.7 ) ( over 0.9 ) 50.0mm 50.0mm
• • • •
• ••• • • •••• electrode
• • ••• • • 1.00mm over 0.7 over 0.9 over 0.9
(2) • •••
••• • • •••
• • •••
• ( over 0.6 ) ( over 0.7 ) ( over 0.9 )
• •
P 0.50mm over 0.6 over 0.9 over 0.9 Matrix type
• •••
• •••
• ••••
WBC 0.35 •••
( over 50.0mm 50.0mm
• • • •
• •••
••• • • ••••
1.00mm 0.7 ) ( over 0.7 ) ( over 0.9 ) electrode
• • ••• • • over 0.7 over 0.9 over 0.9
Notes: (1) The WSL and WSC types have straight metal conductors protruding slightly from both top and bottom of the silicone rubber sheet to
ensure perfect connections with slight pressure. Designed for mounting applications.
(2) The WBC type has curved fine metal conductors embedded in a silicone rubber sheet which are flush with the top and bottom planes.
The curved configuration facilitates repeated compressions. Ideal for inspection applications.
* The upper: 12.5mm x 12.5mm product
The lower: 25mm x25mm, 37.5mm x 37.5mm or 50mm x 50mm product )
Part Number Nomenclature:
WSL-102-2.0 x 20.0 x 0.5 WSC-035-5.0 x 20.0 x 0.5
Thickness (mm) Thickness (mm)
Length (mm) Length (mm)
Width (mm) Width (mm)
Number of conductors Pitch • 035 = 0.35
(rows are numbered 1 through 5) Conductor Pattern • C pattern
Pitch Type • WS: Fine metal wire straight
Conductor Pattern • L • WB: Fine metal wire curved
Type • WS: Fine metal wire straight
• Flat Mount Dual Inline LCDʼs
• Clocks, Meters, Calculators, bezel
Appliances, Automotive Dashboards,
Gas Pumps, Industrial Displays, top polarizer dual
Instrumentation, Computing Devices. bottom polarizer inline
connector connector
Flat Mount LCD connectors are designed to mount Dual connector
Inline LCDʼs flat onto printed circuit boards without pins or
soldering. The connectors consist of two ZEBRA® connectors PC board
inserted into a specially designed plastic holder. See pages 2
through 11 for specific connector selection information. The
retainer positions the LCD and aligns it with the printed circuit
board contacts via two locating studs. A gas tight environmental
seal is created when the ZEBRA® connectors are deflected Dual Inline assembly with two ZEBRA® connectors.
between the LCD and the printed circuit board when the bezel
is tightened into position. The connector assembly consists of a retainer, two ZEBRA®
connectors, viewing area mask and, if required, a bezel.
Assembly is simple: place the retainer on the PC board using the
locating studs for alignment, insert the ZEBRA® connectors, LCD,
COMPATIBILITY: and mask and secure the bezel with two screws. The LCD
connectors are available in one basic configuration for Dual Inline
Displays where the viewing area is in the center.
The operating temperature range for the connector assembly
exceeds that for the LCD. The ZEBRA® connectors provide a
A complete range of sizes accommodate LCDʼs up to 1.50” x
gas-tight seal of the contact surfaces to assure reliable
2.75” (38.10 x 69.85 mm). For dimension details, find assembly
operation in hostile environments. The bezel protects the LCD
part number below and match with bezel and retainer
polarizer from scratches and may be used directly in the window
component information on opposite page.
provided in the instrument enclosure.
Assembly Bezel Bezel & Retainer
operating temperature -40˚C to 95˚C (-40˚F to +203˚F) Number For LCD Size Mask Color Information
storage temperature -56˚C to 95˚C (-65˚F to +203˚F) 09-10050 13.72 x 23.88 0.54 x 0.94 none clear
nominal resistance 1000 ohms 09-19137 30.50 x 50.80 1.20 x 2.00 black clear Refer to
humidity range 0 to 100% R.H. 09-10103 30.50 x 50.80 1.20 x 2.00 black clear opposite page
09-19102 30.50 x 50.80 1.20 x 2.00 none black for details
09-19143 30.50 x 69.85 1.20 x 2.75 black clear
09-10067 38.10 x 69.85 1.50 x 2.75 black clear
7.62 (.300") I J
I J 4.06 (0.16")
fig. 1 - mask not required H fig. 3 - includes mask
0.50 (.020")
1.40 (.055") HG
except #09-10187
@ 0.78 (.031")
Bezel for 09-19137 shown. I
1.40 (.055") dia.
Locating Studs (2)
Connector Retainer Details Fits Bezel
for Connector Assembly No. A B C D E F G H I Style Above
09-10050 26.57 1.046 24.02 .946 10.29 .405 13.72 .540 24.02 .946 10.29 .405 2.54 .100 1.65 .065 23.80 .937 fig. 1
09-19137 54.36 2.140 51.30 2.020 24.13 .950 30.50 1.200 47.24 1.860 20.57 .810 3.43 .135 1.78 .070 50.80 2.000 fig. 2
09-10103 54.36 2.140 51.30 2.020 24.13 .950 30.50 1.200 47.24 1.860 20.57 .810 3.43 .135 1.78 .070 50.80 2.000 fig. 2
09-19102 54.40 2.142 51.30 2.020 23.52 .926 30.50 1.200 47.24 1.860 20.57 .810 3.43 .135 1.91 .075 50.80 2.000 fig. 1
09-19143 75.53 2.895 70.71 2.784 24.13 .950 30.50 1.200 65.91 2.595 20.07 .790 6.35 .250 1.91 .075 69.85 2.750 fig. 3
09-10067 75.53 2.895 70.71 2.784 31.87 1.255 38.10 1.500 65.91 2.595 27.69 1.090 6.35 .250 1.91 .075 69.85 2.750 fig. 3
GR and XR Series
Less More
Thermal impedance of semiconductor mounted to substrate
is appreciably increased at junction of porous surfaces.
High GR-H and XR-H Series
Less More
Thermal impedance of semiconductor mounted to substrate with
gap filler pad is eliminated yielding higher temperature gradient.
Applications: • Between chassis wall and other surface • Between semi conductor and heat sink
• Large area heat transfer to heat sin k • Between CPU and heat sink
Same general purpose silicone GR-HFae GR-HFd GR-HFL N/A N/A N/A N/A
compound as above plus additional (G-HFae) (G-HFd) (G-HFL)
hardening of the top surface to
facilitate handling and installation
during complex assemblies, and
mesh reinforcement stiffener to
prevent stretching; i.e., elongation of Applications: Same as GR basic formula, plus specific construction with hardened top
die-cut holes. surface and mesh reinforcement for die-cutting and handling without distortion.
GR-d Series Identifier Test Method 50G-d 100G-d 150G-d 200G-d 250G-d 300G-d 350G-d 400G-d 500G-d 50G-Hd 100G-Hd 150G-Hd 200G-Hd 250G-Hd 300G-Hd 350G-Hd 400G-Hd 500G-Hd
Thickness mm Fujipoly 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3
°C•in2/W 14.5 psi 0.69 1.03 1.39 1.52 2.10 2.35 2.56 3.25 3.52 0.62 1.15 1.64 1.92 2.60 2.59 3.19 3.26 3.64
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa)(4.45) (6.64) (8.96) (9.78) (13.58) (15.15) (16.51) (20.95) (22.70) (3.98) (7.41) (10.60) (12.40) (16.77) (16.72) (20.61) (21.04) (23.51)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.53 0.81 1.16 1.13 1.71 1.77 2.00 2.42 2.58 0.52 1.01 1.39 1.57 2.00 2.26 2.35 2.56 2.95
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (3.44) (5.25) (7.46) (7.31) (11.02) (11.40) (12.93) (15.61) (16.67) (3.36) (6.50) (8.95) (10.14) (12.88) (14.56) (15.13) (16.53) (19.02)
72.5 psi 0.46 0.73 1.02 0.97 1.47 1.48 1.66 2.03 2.17 0.48 0.95 1.22 1.36 1.68 1.89 1.94 2.17 2.50
(500kPa) (2.96) (4.71) (6.59) (6.24) (9.49) (9.58) (10.70) (13.11) (14.03) (3.12) (6.11) (7.88) (8.79) (10.87) (12.18) (12.52) (14.01) (16.14)
Color Visual Fujipoly Gray Gray
Thermal Conductivity Watt/m•K FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 1.5 1.5
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 1x106 1x106
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 14 13
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 2.6 2.6
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 49 49
Elongation % ASTM D412 100 80
psi@10% Fujipoly 30 28 26 23 18 14 13 11 10 48 45 35 28 25 18 16 13 11
Compression (N@10%) (area=25x25mm) (127) (123) (113) (100) (76) (60) (55) (48) (41) (205) (194) (149) (121) (107) (78) (68) (56) (49)
50% sustain after 1 minute 92 89 75 70 62 56 54 46 36 209 136 76 64 57 56 53 47 46
(394) (384) (324) (303) (267) (242) (230) (199) (155) (898) (586) (327) (275) (247) (242) (226) (204) (197)
GR-L Series Identifier Test Method 50G-L 100G-L 150G-L 200G-L 250G-L 300G-L 350G-L 400G-L 500G-L 50G-HL 100G-HL 150G-HL 200G-HL 250G-HL 300G-HL 350G-HL 400G-HL 500G-HL
Thickness mm Fujipoly 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3
°C•in2/W 14.5 psi 0.27 0.44 0.68 0.86 1.12 1.26 1.41 1.56 1.80 0.32 0.55 0.76 1.02 1.21 1.35 1.48 1.79 1.99
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa) (1.77) (2.87) (4.40) (5.57) (7.24) (8.10) (9.12) (10.06) (11.61) (2.05) (3.56) (4.89) (6.56) (7.83) (8.74) (9.56) (11.57) (12.85)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.23 0.39 0.62 0.77 0.98 1.06 1.20 1.32 1.49 0.28 0.47 0.68 0.91 1.06 1.17 1.28 1.54 1.66
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (1.50) (2.50) (3.98) (4.94) (6.31) (6.83) (7.74) (8.51) (9.62) (1.79) (3.06) (4.40) (5.86) (6.84) (7.54) (8.24) (9.92) (10.72)
72.5 psi 0.22 0.35 0.57 0.71 0.89 0.94 1.08 1.17 1.31 0.26 0.44 0.62 0.82 0.96 1.05 1.15 1.38 1.49
(500kPa) (1.39) (2.29) (3.67) (4.45) (5.75) (6.06) (6.99) (7.58) (8.47) (1.70) (2.83) (3.99) (5.30) (6.18) (6.75) (7.44) (8.90) (9.59)
Color Visual Fujipoly Gray gray
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 2.8 2.8
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 3x104 2x104
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 7 10
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 2.7 2.7
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 53 53
Elongation % ASTM D412 64 32
psi @ 10% Fujipoly 27 25 19 15 15 10 9 9 40 37 30 21 20 15 11 9
Compression (N @10%) (area = 25x25mm) (118) (108) (83) (63) (64) (45) (40) (38) (174) (157) (128) (90) (84) (66) (49) (37)
50% sustain after 1 minute 119 101 96 90 81 81 63 60 220 211 184 125 113 103 79 67
(510) (434) (413) (389) (350) (347) (270) (258) (946) (906) (790) (539) (488) (444) (341) (288)
GR-ae Series Identifier Test Method 50G-ae 100G-ae 150G-ae 200G-ae 250G-ae 300G-ae 350G-ae 400G-ae 500G-ae 50G-Hae 100G-Hae 150G-Hae 200G-Hae 250G-Hae 300G-Hae 350G-Hae 400G-Hae 500G-Hae
Thickness mm Fujipoly 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3
°C•in2 /W 14.5 psi 0.63 0.94 1.20 1.51 1.92 1.93 2.13 2.16 2.76 0.67 1.02 1.35 1.81 1.92 2.21 3.14
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa) (4.08) (6.09) (7.74) (9.74) (12.42) (12.47) (13.74) (13.92) (17.83) (4.31) (6.59) (8.72) (11.68) (12.42) (14.28) (20.27)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.50 0.69 0.92 1.07 1.37 1.27 1.48 1.53 1.94 0.54 0.84 1.09 1.42 1.41 1.60 2.20
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (3.21) (4.44) (5.92) (6.88) (8.86) (8.20) (9.55) (9.85) (12.52) (3.47) (5.39) (7.02) (9.14) (9.11) (10.34) (14.20)
72.5 psi 0.43 0.58 0.76 0.86 1.09 1.03 1.21 1.25 1.60 0.46 0.72 0.92 1.12 1.12 1.26 1.76
(500kPa) (2.78) (3.76) (4.93) (5.52) (7.04) (6.67) (7.78) (8.09) (10.33) (2.96) (4.66) (5.92) (7.24) (7.23) (8.11) (11.38)
Color Visual Fujipoly Apricot Apricot
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 1.3 1.3
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 1x106
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 12 13
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 2.0
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 24
Elongation % ASTM D412 300
psi @ 10% Fujipoly 27 30 17 8 4 3 37 40 15 9 6 5
Compression (N @10%) (area = 25x25mm) (118) (131) (72) (36) (17) (12) (158) (174) (65) (39) (24) (21)
50% sustain after 1 minute 89 63 52 27 14 12 141 114 58 46 30 25
(383) (271) (224) (115) (60) (53) (606) (492) (250) (197) (130) (106)
GR-d Series Identifier Test Method 50G-Fd 100G-Fd 150G-Fd 200GF-d 250G-Fd 300G-d (350G-Fd) (400G-Fd) (500G-Fd) 50G-HFd 100G-HFd 150G-HFd 200G-HFd 250G-HFd 300G-HFd (350G-HFd) (400G-HFd) (500G-HFd)
Thickness mm Fujipoly 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3
°C•in2/W 14.5 psi 0.63 1.15 1.68 2.00 2.48 2.97 3.12 3.53 4.20 0.63 1.17 1.59 2.07 2.61 2.89 3.35 3.56 4.22
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa)(4.06) (7.41) (10.81) (12.93) (16.02) (19.18) (20.10) (22.75) (27.12) (4.04) (7.56) (10.27) (13.33) (16.81) (18.66) (21.63) (22.96) (27.23)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.60 1.03 1.44 1.69 2.05 2.42 2.47 2.86 3.17 0.59 1.07 1.40 1.79 2.15 2.39 2.71 2.85 3.33
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (3.89) (6.67) (9.31) (10.92) (13.20) (15.64) (15.92) (18.43) (20.45) (3.82) (6.93) (9.03) (11.55) (13.85) (15.39) (17.48) (18.39) (21.50)
72.5 psi 0.57 0.94 1.30 1.52 1.81 2.13 2.18 2.47 2.63 0.56 1.00 1.28 1.62 1.95 2.13 2.41 2.52 2.99
(500kPa) (3.67) (6.09) (8.41) (9.80) (11.67) (13.77) (14.05) (15.93) (16.95) (3.63) (6.44) (8.25) (10.46) (12.55) (13.74) (15.53) (16.28) (19.27)
Color Visual Fujipoly Gray Gray
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 1.5 1.5
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 1x106 1x106
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 9 9
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 2.6 2.6
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 49 49
Elongation % ASTM D412 60 60
psi@10% Fujipoly 39 35 35 26 19 17 15 12 11 51 47 46 36 34 28 223 21 16
Compression (N@10%) (area=25x25mm) (167) (152) (151) (110) (80) (72) (64) (53) (47) (221) (203) (197) (154) (145) (119) (960) (88) (70)
50% sustain after 1 minute 220 163 114 71 59 46 43 41 41 273 235 181 116 95 89 73 73 57
(945) (702) (489) (306) (253) (196) (185) (178) (175) (1174) (1008) (776) (498) (409) (381) (316) (315) (247)
GR-L Series Identifier Test Method 50G-FL 100G-FL 150G-FL 50G-HFL 100G-HFL 150G-HFL
Thickness mm Fujipoly 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2
°C•in2/W 14.5 psi 0.41 0.66 0.87 0.45 0.67 0.93
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa) (2.64) (4.24) (5.60) (2.88) (4.33) (6.03)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.35 0.58 0.75 0.36 0.59 0.82
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (2.26) (3.71) (4.85) (2.33) (3.78) (5.29)
72.5 psi 0.33 0.52 0.69 0.34 0.54 0.76
(500kPa) (2.11) (3.37) (4.44) (2.17) (3.47) (4.92)
Color Visual Fujipoly Gray Gray
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 2.8 2.8
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 4x104 3x104
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 8 10
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 2.7 2.7
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 53 53
Elongation % ASTM D412 40 30
psi @ 10% Fujipoly 45 40 35 53 43 33
Compression (N @10%) (area = 25x25mm) (194) (173) (152) (226) (184) (140)
50% sustain after 1 minute 263 247 224 290 250 216
(1131) (1064) (965) (1247) (1075) (929)
GR-ae Series Identifier Test Method 50G-Fae 100G-Fae 150G-Fae 200G-Fae 250G-Fae 300G-FAe 350G-Fae 400G-Fae 500G-Fae 50G-HFae 100G-HFae 150G-HFae 200G-HFae 250G-HFae 300G-HFae 350G-HFae 400G-HFae 500G-HFae
Thickness mm Fujipoly 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 3.5±0.3 4.0±0.3 5.0±0.3
°C•in2/W 0.66 1.19 2.00 0.69 1.24 2.03
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) 14.5 psi (4.27) (7.67) (12.88) (4.48) (7.97) (13.07)
FTM P-3050 (100kPa) 0.64 1.06 1.64 0.67 1.10 1.72
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) 43.5 psi (4.13) (6.81) (10.58) (4.35) (7.10) (11.10)
(300kPa) 0.60 0.96 1.41 0.64 0.99 1.5
Color Visual Fujipoly 72.5 psi Apricot Apricot
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) (500kPa) 1.3 1.3
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 12 11
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240
Elongation % ASTM D412
psi @ 10% Fujipoly 30 21 16 31 40 19
Compression (N @10%) (area = 25x25mm) (127) (91) (68) (133) (171) (80)
50% sustain after 1 minute 179 112 58 227 159 83
(771) (482) (248) (978) (682) (359)
GR-m Series Identifier Test Method 50G-m 100G-m 150G-m 200G-m 250G-m 300G-m 50G-Hm 100G-Hm 150G-Hm 200G-Hm 250G-Hm 300G-Hm
Thickness mm Fujipoly 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 2.5±0.3 3.0±0.3
°C•in2/W 14.5 psi 0.20 0.33 0.53 0.61 0.72 0.81 0.21 0.31 0.48 0.62 0.77 0.87
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa) (1.30) (2.11) (3.45) (3.91) (4.67) (5.24) (1.37) (1.99) (3.08) (4.00) (4.96) (5.61)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.16 0.27 0.44 0.53 0.63 0.67 0.18 0.27 0.42 0.55 0.68 0.77
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (1.02) (1.76) (2.87) (3.44) (4.05) (4.32) (1.16) (1.71) (2.71) (3.57) (4.38) (4.94)
72.5 psi 0.14 0.25 0.40 0.49 0.55 0.56 0.16 0.24 0.39 0.51 0.62 0.69
(500kPa) (0.91) (1.63) (2.61) (3.14) (3.55) (3.63) (1.06) (1.56) (2.51) (3.26) (4.00) (4.48)
Color Visual Fujipoly Dark Reddish Gray Dark Reddish Gray
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 6 6
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 1x106 1x105
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 13 13
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 3.2 3.2
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 52 52
Elongation % ASTM D412 80 80
psi @ 10% Fujipoly 19 24 19 18 16 13 32 36 33 21 22 19
Compression (N @10%) (area = 25x25mm) (83) (105) (82) (79) (69) (56) (136) (153) (143) (91) (93) (81)
50% sustain after 1 minute 122 115 106 90 83 69 175 170 157 124 115 97
(526) (496) (456) (387) (358) (296) (751) (733) (674) (531) (493) (417)
XR-e Series Identifier Test Method 100X-e 150X-e 200X-e 30X-He 50X-He 100X-He 150X-He 200X-He
Thickness mm Fujipoly 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 0.3±0.1 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3
°C•in2/W 14.5 psi 0.24 0.35 0.48 0.13 0.17 0.26 0.36 0.47
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa) (1.56) (2.26) (3.09) (0.81) (1.12) (1.66) (2.33) (3.06)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.22 0.32 0.42 0.11 0.14 0.23 0.33 0.44
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (1.43) (2.04) (2.71) (0.71) (0.92) (1.47) (2.11) (2.82)
72.5 psi 0.21 0.29 0.36 0.10 0.13 0.21 0.30 0.41
(500kPa) (1.33) (1.87) (2.35) (0.66) (0.85) (1.38) (1.94) (2.65)
Color Visual Fujipoly Gray Gray
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 11 11
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 7x103 7x103
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 11 11
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 3.3 3.3
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 64 64
Elongation % ASTM D412 40 40
psi @ 10% Fujipoly 20 23 22 5 13 23 23 26
Compression (N @10%) (area = 25x25mm) (84) (98) (93) (24) (58) (100) (99) (113)
50% sustain after 1 minute 186 181 179 120 201 197 192 183
(799) (777) (771) (515) (865) (847) (826) (787)
max size of 30X-He and 50X-He are 50x50mm.
XR-j Series Identifier Test Method 100X-j 150X-j 200X-j 30X-Hj 50X-Hj 100X-Hj 150X-Hj 200X-Hj
Thickness mm Fujipoly 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3 0.3±0.1 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3
°C•in2/W 14.5 psi 0.17 0.25 0.31 0.10 0.12 0.19 0.29 0.35
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa) (1.09) (1.61) (2.00) (0.64) (0.76) (1.20) (1.87) (2.29)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.16 0.23 0.26 0.09 0.10 0.16 0.25 0.31
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (1.01) (1.46) (1.67) (0.59) (0.65) (1.04) (1.62) (2.02)
72.5 psi 0.15 0.21 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.15 0.23 0.29
(500kPa) (0.95) (1.35) (0.76) (0.55) (0.61) (0.95) (1.49) (1.87)
Color Visual Fujipoly Light Gray Light Gray
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 14 14
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 7x103 7x103
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 11 11
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 3.2 3.2
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 64 64
Elongation % ASTM D412 40 40
psi @ 10% Fujipoly 24 28 31 10 29 24 29 30
Compression (N @10%) (area = 25x25mm) (103) (123) (132) (45) (124) (103) (123) (129)
50% sustain after 1 minute 181 178 166 137 204 187 181 172
(778) (767) (713) (591) (876) (805) (776) (741)
max size of 30X-Hj and 50X-Hj are 50x50mm.
XR-m Series Identifier Test Method 30X-m 50X-m 100X-m 150X-m 200X-m
Thickness mm Fujipoly 0.3±0.06 0.5±0.1 1.0±0.2 1.5±0.2 2.0±0.3
°C•in2/W 14.5 psi 0.07 0.08 0.14 0.20 0.27
Thermal Resistance (°C•cm2/W) (100kPa) (0.44) (0.49) (0.92) (1.30) (1.73)
FTM P-3050 43.5 psi 0.06 0.06 0.13 0.18 0.23
(ASTM D5470 Equivalent) (300kPa) (0.38) (0.40) (0.81) (1.14) (1.50)
72.5 psi 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.16 0.21
(500kPa) (0.23) (0.37) (0.75) (1.03) (1.35)
Color Visual Fujipoly Light Gray
Thermal Conductivity watt/m•k FTM P-1620 (ASTM D2326 Equivalent) 17
Volume Resistivity MΩ•m ASTM D257 1x105
Withstand Voltage kV/min ASTM D149 15
Specific Gravity - ASTM D792 3.2
Hardness Shore OO ASTM D2240 80
Elongation % ASTM D412 35
psi @ 10% Fujipoly 109 104 33 29 28
Compression (N @10%) (area = 10x10mm) (75) (72) (23) (20) (19)
50% sustain after 1 minute 626 164 52 42 32
(432) (113) (36) (29) (22)
max size of 30X-m and 50X-m are 150x200mm.
• Semiconductors to heat sink
• Chassis walls to other surfaces High thermal conductive silicone gel
Polyester mesh (#50)
• Component to heat spreader
• CD-Rom, DVD-Rom cooling Thickness 0.25mm
High thermal conductive silicone gel
Heat aging Initial 100hrs 500hrs 1000hrs Initial 100hrs 500hrs 1000hrs
+70˚C Specific gravity ASTM D792 - 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7
Tensile strength ASTM D412 MPa 11 7 7 6 9 9 9 9
Elongation ASTM D412 % 15 15 15 15 25 25 20 15
Tear strength ASTM D624 kN/m 20 14 11 11 14 15 15 14
Volume resistivity ASTM D257 MΩ-m 3 x105 8 x 105 2 x 106 8 x 105 2 x 105 1 x 105 9 x 104 9 x 104
Thermal conductivity FTM P-1620 Watt/m•K 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
+150˚C Specific gravity ASTM D792 - 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.7
Tensile strength ASTM D412 MPa 11 6 5 5 9 9 9 9
Elongation ASTM D412 % 15 15 15 15 25 20 20 15
Tear strength ASTM D624 kN/m 20 14 11 11 14 15 18 19
Volume resistivity ASTM D257 MΩ-m 3x 105 8 x 105 8 x 105 2 x 106 2 x 105 8 x 104 2 x 104 3 x 105
Thermal conductivity FTM P-1612 Watt/m•K 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
Humidity test Specific gravity ASTM D792 - 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7
+60˚C Tensile strength ASTM D412 MPa 11 7 7 7 9 9 9 9
90% RH Elongation ASTM D412 % 15 15 15 15 25 20 20 15
Tear strength ASTM D624 kN/m 20 14 14 14 14 14 16 15
Volume resistivity ASTM D257 MΩ-m 3 x 105 2 x 105 4 x 105 2 x 106 2 x 105 9 x 104 6 x 104 5 x 104
Thermal conductivity FTM P-1620 Watt/m•K 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
To determine the size and volume of SARCON® Specific Gravity - 3.1 3.3 ASTM D792
to be used, follow this helpful example: Volume Resistivity MΩ•m 1 x 10 6
7 x 10 3
Breakdown Voltage kV/mm 13 11 ASTM D149
heat sink compress
Dielectric Constant: 50Hz - 6.4 NA
1kHz 6.4 7.5 ASTM D149
1MHz 6.4 7.5
Dissipation Factor: 50Hz - 0.035 NA
heater original gap SARCON® SARCON® thickness 1kHz 0.005 0.018 ASTM D149
volume (V) GR-Pm / XR-Pe at 100 - 300 μm
1MHz 0.001 0.008
V = 45mm3 (0.2mm H x 15mm W x 15mm L) Compression: 10% N 3.9 7.8
(original thickness 2.0mm) 50% 13.7 19.6 Fujipoly
45 (V) ÷ 2 (thickness) note: allows 50% compression Sustain N
= 4.74mm; use 5mm x 5mm @ 2.0mm thickness
• Sarcon® XR-Um, XR-v: Silicone (Gel) compound
Sarcon® XR-Um, XR-v is the highest
• Sarcon® XR-Um-AL, XR-v-AL: Silicone (Gel) compound with
thermal conductive putty type silicone
Aluminum film (10μmT)
sheet. The materialʼs putty nature greatly
contributes to reduction of contact
APPLICATIONS: resistance and c o n s e q u e n t l y t o i t s
• Thermal transfer from CPU and other heat l o w t h e r m a l resistance. It is a
generating devices to heat sink customer friendly material due to its easy
application by printing.
Compressed Compressed
Part Number Nomenclature:
250 GR-Sd - 200 x 300
Length (mm) • 300 max.
Width (mm) • 200 max.
SARCON® material type • GR-Sd • GR-SL
Thickness (mm) • 2.5
• 5.0
F U J I 29 P O L Y
“Form in Place” Gap Filler
SARCON® SPG-15A is a highly
conformable/thermally conductive,
high viscosity type silicone compound.
It provides a thermal solution for the
recent trends of integrating higher
frequency electronics into smaller
devices. SARCON® SPG-15A easily
forms and adheres to most surfaces,
shapes, and sizes of components.
• No silicone extractions
• Lower thermal resistance
• UL 94V-0
• Very thin 0.5mm thickness
• Available in sheets for scoring
or die-cutting
Thermal Resistance Unit: (˚C•cm2/W)
14.5 psi 43.5 psi 72.5 psi
(100kPa) (300kPa) (500kPa)
UL FILE NUMBER: E58126 100N-c 1.02 0.78 0.61
(6.60) (5.05) (3.96)
(8.01) (6.12) (5.13)
Sheets, Die-cuts
200N-c 1.75 1.32 1.08
(11.26) (8.53) (6.97)
300N-c 2.52 1.93 1.58
TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS: (16.24) (12.45) (10.19)
100N-Hc 1.03 0.86 0.77
Test Property Unit Measure Method (6.62) (5.54) (4.97)
Thermal Conductivity - 150N-Hc 1.58 1.37 1.24
Watt/m•K 1.5 (10.21) (8.85) (7.99)
Flame Retardancy UL94 V–0 -
200N-Hc 2.10 1.71 1.48
Operating Temperature -40˚ to +105˚ - (13.56) (11.02) (9.56)
Color – Light Gray - 300N-Hc 2.88 2.24 1.87
(18.60) (14.43) (12.08)
Specific Gravity - 2.1 A
50N-Tc 0.62 0.59 0.57
Hardness Asker–C 27 B (4.02) (3.81) (3.67)
(Shore–00) (53) 100N-Tc 1.17 1.09 1.06
Tensile Strength MPa 0.2 A (7.55) (7.06) (6.81)
Elongation % 150 200N-Tc 1.69 1.57 1.45
A (10.89) (10.10) (9.34)
Tear Strength kN/m 1.5 A 300N-Tc 2.08 1.90 1.74
Volume Resistivity MΩ-m 2x103 C (13.44) (12.25) (11.23)
Breakdown Voltage kV/mm 11 50N-HTc 0.68 0.66 0.64
C (4.41) (4.26) (4.15)
100N-HTc 1.16 1.09 1.04
Specimen A = 2.0mm thickness (7.50) (7.05) (6.70)
Specimen B = 20mm width x 60mm length x 10mm thickness
Specimen C = 120mm width x 120mm length x 1.0mm thickness 150N-HTc 1.66 1.55 1.45
(10.71) (10.01) (9.38)
200N-HTc 2.16 1.92 1.77
(13.97) (12.39) (11.43)
Part Number Nomenclature: 300N-HTc 3.08
50 N-c 120 x 120
Length (mm) • 300 max.
Width (mm) • 200 max.
• U for SARCON® UR
Thickness (mm) • 15 (0.15 ±0.05) • 30 (0.30 +0.1/-0.0)
• 20 (0.20 ±0.05) • 45 (0.45 ±0.05)
• 85 (0.85 ±0.05)
Case Number
Applicable Transistor
Applicable Transistor
Material Type • T for SARCON® TR • H for SARCON® HR
• Q for SARCON® QR • U for SARCON® UR
2/3 Leads
.430 -189 1.653 1.142 0.122 0.059 0.079
42.00 29.00 3.10 1.50 2.00
D DIA. 1.187
(2/3 PL) (30.15)
-192 0.945 0.787 0.295 0.122
C (TO-3PF) 24.00 20.00 7.50 3.10
By spiral wrapping each successive layer slightly over the Two profiles are available, rectangular and delta shaped. The
previous one, the tape fuses to itself over the component. rectangular is a typical tape shape is used universally for most
Bonding only to itself, the permanent fusion begins within three applications; the delta shape facilitates spiral wrapping around cables
minutes after contact. and harnesses by way of its natural tendency to conform in a helix.
The insulation type can be substituted anywhere other forms PART NUMBER NOMENCLATURE:
of insulating materials are used; such as, in place of custom die- FLAT - 5TV - 8 - 1.0 - 50
cut pads, potting compounds and even over-moldings. Roll Length • 39 feet (10.0m) for Delta Only
• 50 feet (15.2m) for Flat Only
Width - inches • 0.75 in. (19.0mm)
Resiliency and long-term aging properties are excellent; • 1.0 in. (25.4mm)
applicable in a very wide temperature range from -45˚C to Thickness - mils • 8 (0.22mm)
+250˚C (-49˚F to +480˚F). • 10 (0.25mm)
• 12 (0.30mm)
• 20 (0.50mm)
• 40 (1.00mm) Delta Only
Material Series • 5TV - (red color) insulation tape
Tensile Tear Adhesive Withstand Volume Resistivity Typical Thermal Typical Content
Insulation Tape Hardness Strength Elongation Strength Force Voltage (Ω-cm) Weight Loss Siloxane
Part Number Color (Shore A) (kg) (%) (%) (gr) (AC kV) Normal Moist (%) (wt.%)
FLAT-5TV-8-.75 red 50±5 > 1.1 > 400 > 100 > 300 > 4.0 1.0x1015 1.0x1010
FLAT-5TV-8-1.0 red 50±5 > 1.5 > 400 > 100 > 400 > 4.0 1.0x1015 1.0x1010
FLAT-5TV-10-.75 red 50±5 > 1.8 > 400 > 100 > 300 > 4.2 1.0x10 15
FLAT-5TV-10-1.0 red 50±5 > 2.5 > 400 > 100 > 400 > 4.2 1.0x1015 1.0x1010 6.20% D4~D10=0.27
FLAT-5TV-12-.75 red 50±5 > 2.7 > 400 > 100 > 300 > 4.5 1.0x1015 1.0x1010 225˚C(440˚F) D11~D20=0.40
FLAT-5TV-12-1.0 red 50±5 > 3.5 > 400 > 100 > 400 > 4.5 1.0x1015 1.0x1010 x24 Hrs. total=0.67
FLAT-5TV-20-.75 red 50±5 > 4.5 > 400 > 100 > 300 > 5.0 1.0x1015 1.0x1010
FLAT-5TV-20-1.0 red 50±5 > 6.0 > 400 > 100 > 400 > 5.0 1.0x1015 1.0x1010
DELTA-5TV-40-1.0 red 50±5 > 5.6 > 400 > 100 > 400 > 6.0 1.0x10 15
Quick turnaround and cost-effective tooling preparation for your proprietary needs. For
engineering assistance and more detailed information, please contact customer service.
High performance, high quality silicone rubber. Available in standard and custom
material formulations, extruded to your exact requirements.
Quick turnaround and cost-effective tooling preparations for your proprietary needs. For
engineering information, please contact customer service.
BEZEL Positioning device designed to surround the LCD edges while applying force to the ZEBRA® connector. Usually
the decorative portion of the connector package. Plastic or metal cover placed over the LCD.
BRIDGE Rib section on a ZEBRA® connector holder serving to reinforce the holder as well as minimize the length of
individual ZEBRA® connection spans.
COMPRESSION SET Amount by which a compressed ZEBRA® connector will not recover to its original height when compression is
removed within the prescribed deflection limits. (typical maximum of 25%)
GAP Space on a PC board or LCD which does not contain contact pads.
HOLDER / RETAINER Positioning device used to contain the ZEBRA® connector to assure proper alignment between two mating
LIP WIDTH Distance from outside edge of front glass to edge of back glass.
PAD MATERIALS LCD contact pads are normally indium tin oxide. PC board contact pads may be gold, carbon-coated or solder-
coated. Plating methods can result in significant variations in contact pad thickness, but should be kept as flat as
STRESS RELAXATION The function which relates to the loss of back stress of the compressed connector over time. Expressed as a
percent of original stress.
TOLERANCE STACK-UP Minimum and maximum dimensions of separation between LCD contacts and PC board contacts as determined
by consideration of tolerance variations in flatness and parallelism of components.
F U J I 38 P O L Y
Design Guidelines - Connectors
Micro-electronics interconnect packaging applications by their very
nature leave a minimum of space in which to assemble mating
components. High reliability and very small interconnections, with an ever-
increasing number of I/Oʼs, are a must if design objectives are to be met.
ZEBRA® connectors can be found in most product types of this nature, and
continue to gain wider acceptance as product packages decrease in size.
Since each style consists of integral conductors, insulators and self-
support structures, there is generally no added componentry required for
installation – thus a very important by-product of hardware and installation
cost-effectiveness can be realized.
AS EASY AS 1...2...3: Using ZEBRA® elastomeric electronic connectors
requires only a brief orientation in order to assure that the components
provide the finest performance possible. The basic design steps consist
of: 1. Layout of your package
2. Select the proper connector and size
3. Design the bezel or retainer
SOLDERLESS CONNECTIONS Pressure type contact eliminates lead straightening, hole drilling and soldering.
NON-ABRASIVE CONTACTS (Zero insertion force) Contact to the LCD is made by deflecting the ZEBRA® connector
0.127mm (0.005”) between the LCD and PC board. ZEBRA® connectors are non-abrasive and will not
pitch damage indium oxide contact pads on the LCD. Repeated assembly and disassembly of
package components will not affect performance.
ENVIRONMENTAL RELIABILITY The LCD, when mounted with a ZEBRA® rubber connector, creates a gas tight seal at the
contact interface. Assures contact in chemically corrosive atmospheres while at the same
time protecting the glass display from shock and vibrations.
SMALL GLASS OVERHANG With a ZEBRA® connector, LCD terminal overhangs can be as narrow as 0.030”/8mm
0.254mm (0.010”) permitting more efficient use of glass size related to character height. (Metal pins
contact area
normally require a 0.150”/3.9mm glass overhang, reducing character height by as much
as 0.240”/6.1mm for a dual in-line LCD.)
HIGH DENSITY CONTACT ZEBRA® connectors are available in a variety of contact densities.
The most dense allows contact pad spacing as close as 0.010”/0.25mm center-to-center.
This spacing can be compared to 0.050”/1.3mm minimum for pins, allowing for increased
ZEBRA® connectors are composed of alternating
capacity of LCD formats.
layers of conductive and non-conductive silicone rubber.
TEMPERATURE RANGE -55˚ TO +260˚ F/-50˚ C TO +125˚ C (-60˚ TO +125˚ C available on request)
Contact density of the ZEBRA connector is greater than
CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY 40 amps per square inch of contact pad. (0.050A for .035 x .035 pad)
the contact pad density of either the LCD or PC board,
CONNECTION RESISTANCE Typically 500 to 2,500 ohms.
making it an ideal design choice. When placed between
INSULATION RESISTANCE Typically 1012 ohms.
the LCD and PC board at least one conductive layer will
DEFLECTION FORCE REQUIRED 1.5 pounds per linear inch for a 0.020” wide ZEBRA®.
connect matched contact pads and at least one insulating
LIFE 100,000 hours minimum.
layer will isolate adjacent circuits.
CONDUCTIVE LAYERS up to 500 per inch.
pitch Where:
F = Force (N) H1 = Deflected height of connector (mm or inches)
H H - H1 W = Width of connector (mm or inches)
H L = Length of connector (mm or inches)
w H = Height of connector (mm or inches)
RESISTANCE - To calculate the resistance of ZEBRA® connectors, choose one of the following formulas:
DIMENSIONS - The above figure shows the For Carbon ZEBRA®s Inches: Metric:
dimensions of the ZEBRA® connector. For best overall 2.37 x H Where Ew = Electrode pad width (in) 60 x H Where Ew = Electrode pad width (cm)
R= = ohms W = Connector width (in) R= = ohms W = Connector width (cm)
performance ZEBRA® connectors should be designed Ew x W Cw x W
H = Connector height (in) H = Connector height (cm)
with an aspect ratio of H/W equal to or greater than 1.5.
For Silver ZEBRA®s Inches: Metric:
H x 0.0004 Where W = Width of ZEBRA® (in) H x 0.01 Where W = Width of ZEBRA® (mm)
R= + 0.10 = ohms Ew = Electrode pad width (in) R= + 0.10 = ohms Ew = Electrode pad width (mm)
W x EW H = Height of ZEBRA® (in) W x EW H = Height of ZEBRA® (mm)
The ZEBRA® connector will provide a gas tight seal. Adverse effects of temperature, shock and vibration, atmospheric corrosion as well as harsh
chemical environments will not affect LCD or PC board contacts, when sealed through use of a ZEBRA® connector.
F U J I 39 P O L Y
Design Guidelines - Connectors
Shown at left is a typical LCD-to-printed circuit board interconnect using
ZEBRA® elastomeric connectors in a cellular telephone handset. The
components are stacked and consist of only three items to be addressed:
dot matrix
PC board
F U J I 40 P O L Y
Design Guidelines - Connectors
ZEBRA® elastomeric connectors offer a wide variety of application
possibilities, in many cases where no other type of interconnect device is
possible. They require a minimum of installation hardware considerations,
allowing for very small packaging structures to support low profile display
and microelectronic interfacing.
2.1 CONNECTOR PITCH AND LENGTH a.) Select a ZEBRA® connector that will assure that at least one conductive layer connects
100/in. between contact pads, for example, of an LCD and PC board to be interconnected, and at least
one insulating layer is between adjacent contact pads.
b.) ZEBRA® connectors can accommodate applications with contact spacing of .010”/.254 mm
140/in. center-to-center or greater.
Note: The desired pitch 166/in. c.) The overall length should extend a minimum of 0.020” beyond the edge of the contact at each
will dictate the ZEBRA® end of the connector.
style to be used; i.e. FL,
silver, etc. 500/in.
F U J I 41 P O L Y
Design Guidelines - Connectors
self-supporting front plane 3. DESIGNING THE CONNECTOR HOLDER
ZEBRA® of LCD Once the ZEBRA® style and design have been decided upon, two last
considerations should be resolved; namely:
bezel -Support of the ZEBRA® connector in its operating position
-Application of pressure onto connector height dimension to cause
deflection and proper contact to the conductive contact pads.
The most common alternatives are among the following:
A Self-Supporting ZEBRA® connector
A Custom Holder - for your specific configuration
Clamping or fastening devices
PC board PC board optional
contact rubber spacer
3.1 STANDARD SUPPORTED SIZES The supported connector typically contains a thin elastomeric 0.020”/.51mm wide strip attached
Support or to either one or both sides. It is a sponge or solid silicone rubber support medium which allows a
Insulation Barrier
lower compression force over a wide range while also providing a greater width-to-height ratio.
Thus, the free-standing stance is more stable, especially as compression is introduced.
Carbon and Silver Filled Standard Dimensions (in./mm)
min. max.
width 0.050/1.27 0.157/3.44
height 0.050/1.27 1.000/25.4
length 0.250/6.35 9.000/229.0 carbon; 5.000/127.0 silver
b.) holder length c.) The following design considerations should be evaluated:
Plastic Holders: Reinforced plastic is preferable because it affords superior physical and electrical design properties.
lip width Temperature range of LCD should be consistent with temperature specifications of plastic selected. Chamfer the slot in the holder
as shown in the illustration. Add 0.005”/0.13mm to the width of the slot for insertion of the ZEBRA® connector. Allow a minimum
of 0.050”/1.3mm wall thickness or greater as height approaches 0.150”/3.8mm/ Locating pins should be molded to bottom of
ZEBRA® connector holder to provide registration between LCD and the PC board contacts. See Figure #1.
Metal Holders: In designing metal holders, specify an insulating barrier or supports on the sides of the ZEBRA® connector to
assure electrical insulation to eliminate shorting, etc.
Locating pins: Should be provided on the ZEBRA® connector holder to provide registration between LCD and PC board contacts.
Check with the LCD manufacturer regarding the glass seal in designing either plastic or metal holders. Provide room in the
ZEBRA® connector holder for the seal. Provision should be made to accommodate loose polarizers and reflectors if such elements
are included in the design.
In determining design requirements for the bezel, specific design elements should be considered:
a.) Using separation distance factors, determine required height of the bezel. Length and width of the LCD plus
bezel holder tolerances will establish length and width dimensions.
b.) Must the LCD be protected? If so, the bezel should incorporate a cover element.
top polarizer
c.) Is sealing required to prevent dust and/or moisture intrusion? Under what environmental conditions will the LCD
LCD be expected to function?
bottom polarizer d.) What is the LCD viewing area? Be sure that bezel edges do not interfere.
connector e.) Is masking required for any portion of the LCD viewing area?
holder f.) Can the housing or case of the end product be used to provide the necessary pressure and protection
PC board required for the LCD/PC board connection? If so, a bezel may not be necessary.
g.) Will there be a need for clamps or fasteners? Consult Fujipoly as a design reference source for bezel
F U J I 42 P O L Y
Design Guidelines - “W” Matrix Connectors
chip carrier The ZEBRA® W series elastomeric connectors are highly accurate
silicone rubber pads with fine metal wires embedded in the thickness
direction. The wires are gold-plated, providing low resistance and
W Matrix relatively high current flow with anisotropic conduction properties.
Standard pitch patterns offer dense I/Oʼs at closely positioned
centerlines. To specify the appropriate design layout for your application,
the following simple steps are recommended:
1. Determine the pitch
PC board 2. Decide if interconnect is static or repeated compressions
3. Specify overall dimensions
3. DETERMINE EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS a.) Length - allow an additional 0.5mm (.020”) beyond the edge of the conductor at each end of
the row in the length direction. Maximum length is 40.0 mm
thickness b.) Width - allow an additional 0.5mm (.020”) beyond the edge of the conductors at each end of
the row in the width direction. Maximum width is 20.0 mm
c.) Thickness - two thicknesses are available for each style of “W” connector: 0.5 and 1.0mm.
Allow 10% compression of original height to achieve reliable contact. Consider using a
length width compression stop spacer (see drawing) to control compressed height. More than 20%
compression is not recommended.
Connector Results
Test Method Description Live Current No Current No Current
Accelerated Test cycle: -20˚Cʼ23˚Cʼ
Moisture 65˚Cʼ, 95% RH, 1 Test
Resistance MIL-202D-106c cycle/day x 10 days – No change No change
40˚C @ 95% R.H.
Moisture MIL-202D-103B Continuous 1500 hours No change No change No change
Thermal Test cycle: -65˚Cʼ25˚Cʼ
Shock MIL-202E-107D 150˚Cʼ25˚C, 5 cycles – No change No change
SO2 Gas SO2 gas, 25PPM, 25˚C
Corrosion MIL-IEC-68-2-42 75% RH, 21 days – No change 0.20ʼ0.35 Ω-mm2
Resistance MIL-202D-108A 120˚C, 500 hours – No change No change
F U J I 43 P O L Y
Design Guidelines - Thermal Management
SARCON®ʼs versatility in thermal management applications is doubly
enhanced by way of the variety of end-use configurations possible, and the
many standard material formulations available in each.
The silicone rubber based materials offer other useful elements such as
electrical insulation, protective coverings and gasketing as integral
features in most designs.
a.) Consider the most efficient SARCON® materials regarding thermal conductivity. See
SARCON® charts on pages 16 and 17.
b.) Take advantage of the heat transfer characteristics of any nearby sheet metal components
by using the SARCON® component as a thermally conductive bridge from the heat generating
component to the sheet metal. See drawing at left.
a.) Use the SARCON® component also as a functional gasket, seal cushion, insulator or
transistor protective cover. See sketch at left for seal cushion application
b.) Vibration dampening and environmental sealing against outside contaminants can be
SARCON® gasket included in the design elements.
absorbs fastening
pressures leaving c.) Choose from many related product configurations shown on pages 18 to 33.
component undistorted
d.) Custom shapes can be arranged if your design requires a specific treatment.
Mica-type gasket
transmits fastening
pressures causing
component distortion
adhesive mechanical a.) No special preparations are necessary to attach the SARCON® component
mounting clamping
b.) Some of the most common alternatives include:
pressure sensitive adhesive
silicone adhesive
mechanical clamping
hardware attachment - screws, rivets
self-adhering silicone gel
c.) Consider using the self-adhering SARCON® Gap Filler Pads shown on pages 18 to 28 of
the catalog product section.
self-adhering d.) Note also that SARCON® is very elastic, providing a very tight fit over uneven surfaces. This
gap filler pad eliminates the need for gap-filling agents in order to achieve high rates of thermal dissipation
without variation. The sleeves and cases shown on page 31 of the catalog can be designed
as an interference fit which can slip snugly over appropriately configured components.
F U J I 44 P O L Y
Design Guidelines - Thermal Management
a.) Clamping torque of the installed SARCON® material will decrease the
thermal resistance as the torque is increased.
See the chart below for specific measurements of each type of SARCON®
b.) Test method: Fujipoly Test Method FTM P-3010 (ASTM D5470 Equivalent)
Less More
V = 0.2 x 15 x 15
V = 45mm3
45mm3 ÷ 2.0mm original thickness
F U J I 45 P O L Y
F U J I 46 P O L Y
F U J I 47 P O L Y
F U J I 48 P O L Y
Fuji Polymer Industries Co., Ltd. France Compelma S.A.S.
Sales Department Z.A. des GODETS
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tel: 81-565-65-1729 fax: 81-565-65-1857 France
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ISO9001(Aichi Plant) e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.compelma.com
Fujipoly America Corp.
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tel: 732.969.0100 fax: 732.969.3311 Belgium
e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 (0)3 880 07 60 tel: +31 (0)172 436361
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ISO9001-2008 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.mavom.be web: www.mavom.nl
Fujipoly (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
55/8 Moo 13 Navanakorn Industrial Estate Phase 4
Italy Murata Elettronica S.p.A
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20040 Caponago-MI
Pathumthanee 12120 Thailand Italy
tel: 66-2-529-2732 fax: 66-2-529-2223 tel: +39 (0)2 95968 1 fax: +39 (0)2 95968 353
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
ISO9001 ISO14001 web: www.murata.eu
Fujipoly Europe Ltd. Germany Nucletron Technologies GmbH
Avant Business Centre, Unit 8 Gaertnerstr. 60
Third Avenue 80992 Muenchen
Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK1 1DR U.K. Germany
tel: 44-1-908-277800 fax: 44-1-908-277900 tel: +49 89 14 90 02-0 fax: +49 89 14 90 02-11
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.nucletron.de
Fujipoly Singapore Pte, Ltd.
1001 Jalan Bukit Merah #02-17/20 UK Osco Limited
Singapore 159455 Avant Business Centre • Unit 6 Third Avenue
tel: 65-6272 3766 fax: 65-6272 3577 Bletchley • Milton Keynes • MK1 1DR
e-mail: [email protected] U.K.
ISO9001 tel: +44 (0)1908 376 688 fax: +44 (0)1908 379 916
e-mail: [email protected]
Fujipoly Hong Kong Ltd. web site: www.osco.uk.com
Unit F & J, Block 1,4/Fl.
Kwai Tak Industrial Centre Sweden Promoco Scandinavia AB
15-33 Kwai Tak Street, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong tel: +46 (0)8 792 06 90 fax: +46 (0)8 792 20 90
tel: 852-24283770 fax: 852-24899637 e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected] web: www.promoco.se
F U J I 49 P O L Y