Legal Research Proposal Assignment
Legal Research Proposal Assignment
Legal Research Proposal Assignment
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................1
This paper will be contains the plans for the study of discrepancy of life insurance under
Ethiopian civil code and commercial code. Furthermore Who are the beneficiary of life
insurance under the code and investigating what is judgements of the federal Cassation
Life Insurance generally exist in various form. In Ethiopia context the following type of life Insurance has
been identified. The first type is Term life Insurance, refers to straight life Insurance that is in effect for
specific period of time. And the second type is whole life Insurance policy pertain life Insurance where
by the sum of assured is payable on death only and not expiry of any fixed period.5 The last one is
endowment policy, is a kind of life Insurance where by the primary obligation insured himself where the
survives the beneficiary.
A life insurance is a contract where by the insurer undertakes against the payment of one or more
premiuns to pay to the subscriber or to the beneficiary a specified sum on certain conditions dependent
up on the life or death of the subscriber or third party insured"6from the above definition one can
conclud that
- life insurance is acontract
-the contract is made between the insurer and the subscriber
- the insurer under takes or commits it self to pay the agreed amount of money to the beneficiary up on
death of the subscriber
2 Commercial code of the empire of Ethiopia, 1960, Negarit Gazeta, Extra ordinary issue, Proc. No 166,19 the year, Art 654(3)
“Life Insurance “, online< http.www.the free> [last accessed may 25, 2019]
Supra note 2, Art 691
Ezra L Desalegn, “some issue relating to life insurance under Ethiopian commercial code”,
Journal of Africa law, vol 52 no 2,2008, pp 190
The commercial code of empire of Ethiopia, negarit gazeta,19 the year, proc no.166/1960
1.2 Statement of the problem
recently anumber of Insurance company in our country becomes increase and many peoples are
engaging in Insurance transaction,the Insurance companies protect and give guarantee for individuals
from challenges Many peoples contracting with insurer company to buy life Insurance policy but after a
subscriber died this contraca can be different view from the two laws to whom it should be pay. The
commercial code and the civil code has contradicted idea.The provision of commercial code has
conflicting idea from that of Art 827(1) of the civil code. Under article 827(1) of civil code.
(1) monies due in performance of acontract of life insurance to which the deseased has not determined
the beneficiary or the insurance is made to the benefit of the heirs of the deceased with out any other
(2) in other cases, they shall not form part of the inheritance"7
Art 701 of the comercial code provides for the beneficiary of the life insurance as follows
"Art 701.-- Beneficiary of insurance policy
(1) An insurance policy for the event of death may be made to the benefit of specified beneficiries.
(2) the following persons shall be deemed to be specified beneficiaries not with standing that they are
not mentioned by name
(a) the subscriber's spouse, even where the marriage took place after the policy was enterd in to.
(b) the subscribers children, wheather or not born at the time when the policy is entered"
There is no unanimity in decisions of courts of various level regarding the rule under art 701(2) is
concerned. Some courts make this provision applicable to all cases but other courts do not accept this
argument.The Federal supreme court usually reject decisions on such argument , the husband or the
wife, and children who are born when the Insurance was made are considered as specific beneficiary
according to Art 701(2) of commercial code.8 according to the civil code it is only the person who is
indicated as the beneficiary who is going to collect all money the spouse shall be beneficiary only when
the subscriber makes him beneficiary. The contradiction exists between Art 827(1) of civil code and Art
701(2) of commercial code is not such an apparent contradiction rather than the difference in the two
provision critical that end up with difference outcome. what is more difficult is both the civil code and
commercial code were proclaim at the same time, These two contradict rules create a great problem in
their application. The decision of courts varies from one court to another court. The judges get in
dilemma; which one rule apply for the case related with this issue. The different decisions of various
The civil code of empire of Ethiopia, negarit gazeta, 19th year, proc no.165/1960., article 827
Ali Mohamed, “Law of Succession Distance Program”, Bahirdar, Bahirdar university, pp57
level of courts affect the peoples, who is children, wife or husband, Beneficiary of Insurance and legal
heirs due to the court decide based on the civil code other while on commercial code this create unfair
treatment of law towards peoples, who have similar case but different decisions. This also ultimately
lose the objective of the law create great social crisis.
Who is the beneficiary of life insurance policy according to commercial and civil code of Ethiopia?
Supra note 7, pp 63
Yohhanes Heroui,” the determination of beneficiary of life insurance policy “Ethiopian bar review, vol 1, no 1,2006, pp61
1.7.2 Secondary data
The research data used in the research paper include, Articles, codes, and books.
The study comprises only one chapters. This chapter is about background and essential structure of the
study including the objective, the main and supplementary questions, significance of the study,
Methodology, literature review and others ,specifies the introductory remark on life insurance and the
beneficiary of life Insurance moreover, the chapter also provide the definition and type of life Insurance.
and also analysis of discrepancy of exiting commercial and civil code and other statutes in governing the
beneficiary of life insurance will be discussed.
During conducting this proposal the researcher faces different problem. As you know the
researcher is student, he hardly influenced by shortage of time, and finance. When we say the
researcher influenced by shortage of time because the researcher have other burdens when
he going in learn activities. For instance : the researcher shall to do the given assignments, to
read about test as well as for exam. Conducting research is time taking activities. In addition the
researchers have not any source of income, except the money given by family for maintenance
specially the cost of handout, coffee or tea and the like. The limitation is not only this but also
there are other limitations which negatively influence our activities during the time conducting
research. As researcher unfamiliar with this course and we did not know deeply about law course it
becomes another challenge.
1.10 Scope of the study
The study focus on life Insurance in general beneficiary of life insurance in particular in line with the
commercial code and civil code of Ethiopia and legislation that govern this issue.
1.11 Time frame
The proposal spent one months in doing this research. Two weeks for data collection, one week for data
analysis, one week for writing research proposal.
Data collection………………...50%
Data analysis…………………..25%
Writing research proposal…….25%
1.12 Bibliography
1.A. Mohamed,” law of succession distance program”, Bahirdar university, Bahi rdar.
2.D. Mellese and K. Solomon,” law of succession teaching material”, justice and legal system research
1 The civil code of empire of Ethiopia, negarit gazeta, 19th year, proc no.165/1960.
2 The commercial code of empire of Ethiopia, negarit gazeta,19th year, proc no.166/1960.
1 E. Desalegn, “some issue relating to life insurance under Ethiopia commercial code,
Journal of Africa law, Vol 52, No2,2008
2 Y. Heroui, “the determination of beneficiary of life insurance policy “, Ethiopian Bar
review, Vol 1, No 1,2006, pp61