Kelas 7

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Jalan. Protokol-No 01-Desa Maluriwu-Kecamatan Palue

English Exercise

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal : Senin,03 April 2023

Kelas : VII-C (Tujuh ) Waktu : 120 Menit

I. Complete the blank space in the dialog below by choosing a, b, c or d for the best

This text below is for the questions 1 – 8. This is a …… It comes from Africa. It has
3 black and white stripes. It has four legs and
My Favorite Animal long tail. It eats grass.
My favorite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has two a. Tiger c. Cow
long ears. Its eyes are big and black, but b. Lion d. Zebra
when it is dark its eyes are red. It has two
long teeth. Its nose is small and soft pink. The text below is for questions number 9 –
Its tail is soft, round and small like a cotton 10
ball. Its legs are small. It doesn’t walk, it My House
jumps. It is vegetarian and its favorite food I am Risma. I live in Makassar. My house is
are carrots. Rabbits are very cute. at no.25 Jl.Perintis Kemerdekaan Makassar.
It’s not a big house. It’s medium. It’s
painted blue. It has three floors. I like it
1. How many ears does the rabbit have? anyway. It has a small garden and a palm
a. Four ears c. Five ears and a mango tree in front of the house. It
b. Two ears d. Three ears looks green and nice.
My house has five bedrooms, three living
2. Does it has short teeth? rooms, a dining room, a kitchen and two
a. Yes, it does c. No, it bathrooms. My bedroom is in the front part
doesn’t of the house, next to the living room. My
b. Yes, it doesn’t d. No, it does parents’ room is in the middle part of the
3. What is the title of the text? house next to the dining room. The kitchen
a. Rabbits are very cute and the bathroom are at the back part of
b. My Animal the house. I love my house and my family
c. My Favorite Animal very much.
d. Rabbit
4. This animal lives in the sea and has 8
tentacles. What animal is it? Where does Risma live?
a. Octopus c. Shark a. Makassar c. Medan
b. Falcon d. turtle b. Jakarta d. Manado
5. Alvaro: “I met Mr. Asman Yesterday.”
Boby : “Oh yah? you mean the man … you 10. Where is putri’s bedroom?
the letter of recommendation for a. Next to the living room
your study?” b. Next to the kitchen
The correct grammar to fill the blank is … c. In front of her parents room
a. Give c. To give d. In front of the garden
b. Giving d. Given 11. Wahyuni : Do you like watching movies?
6. Husna : Give me the magazine, please. Sindi : ………………………..
Lutfi : …………………. Wahyuni : What is your favorite movie?
a. Never mind c. It is so Sindi : My favorite movie is Laskar
nice Pelangi
b. No, thanks d. Here you The suitable expression to complete the
are dialogue is?
a. I dislike watching movie
7. Mr. Nurdin always … to his office. b. I love watching movies
a. Driving her car c. It’s not my favorite one
b. Is driving her car d. I hate watching movie
c. Drive his car 12. Ikram : I feel tired and I feel dizzy today.
d. Drives his car Ayu : I think……… and don’t leave the
bed if it is not necessary.
a. I must take some rest too
b. You must sing
c. You should lie down and have some
d. I will take you to the hospital
Kuma : You don’t have to be worried. You
are the winner when choosing the honest
From the dialogue, we know that Dodi feels
very ....
a. sad
13. Arham : How do you feel about this
b. angry
Bowo : It is very tasty. I like this food. c. happy
Arham : I agree with you. d. Hopeless
From the dialogue we know that …
a. Arham dislike the omelet
b. Bowo doesn’t like omelet
c. Bowo loves omelet, while Arham hate
it Teks untuk soal no 21 - 23
d. Bowo and Arham likes omelet
14. Amel : Finally, It’s break time. ………….. a Complete the text with appropriate words
cup of tea?
Anjani : That’s very nice of you. I used to have a beautiful cat named Proudy.
a. May you help me get She had white fluffy fur and
b. Would you like purple eyes and she had a little gray spot on her
c. May you get me head and a black spot on her
d. Shall I have
tail, and she also had small ..... (21) with very
15. (+) He reads a book everyday. cute paws.
(-) ……………………………………
a. He doesn’t read a book everyday. Proudy was a very ... (22) cat too. She knew my
b. Does he read a book everyday? schedule. She would wake
c. He don’t read a book everyday. me up in the morning, a couple of minutes
d. He didn’t read a book everyday. before my alarm clock rang. She
16. Shelin : Do you need any help mom? even knew what time I came home. When I
Mother : Yes, please. I can’t find my opened the door, she would jump
glasses. on me ... (23) as if she was trying to tell me that
The underlined words express? she missed me so much.
a. Apology
b. Preference
21. ...
c. Asking opinion
A. Tail
d. Offering help
17. Dad : Do you enjoy learning in the B. Legs
library? C. Head
Me : ……………………………… D. Body
a. No, I does not enjoy learning in the
b. No, I no enjoy learning in the library 22. ...
c. No, I don’t enjoy learning in the A. Cute
library B. Smart
d. No, I don’t enjoys learning in the C. Funny
library D. Adorable
18. Gita : Reihan, what do you think of the
23. ...
cake I made for you?
A. Quickly
Reihan : It’s really delicious! I like it!
Gita : Thank you. B. Slowly
From the dialogue above, Jane is C. Wildly
a. Requesting an attention D. Lazily
b. Giving an item
c. Asking for an opinion 24. Mrs. Alwi and her daughter, Syntia, have been
d. Asking for help out for shopping at Puri Mall for two hours. Mrs.
19. Lutfi : I had five thousand Rupiah …. my Alwi bought Syntia a new sweater. Now, she has
pocket already put on. She is so happy that she hasn't
Dhila : Poor you. Then, should I treat you even removed the tag yet.
for this time?
a. Below Why didn't Syntia remove the tag of the sweater?
b. In
c. At
A. The tag cannot be removed hide quoted text
d. On
B. The sweater has been put on
C. She was so glad to have it
20. Dodi: I’m very surprised about the test
D. The sweater is really good
Chika was cheating when doing the
test but she
gets better result than me. This is
25. Siti : Good morning, Beni
Beni : Good morning, Siti. How are you
Siti : I'm doing very well
Beni : You arrive very early. Do you always
arrive early every day?
Siti : Yes, I do. I always come to school
early. I always leave home at 6. I
don't want to be late. Beni, why do you
clean the classroom by yourself?
Beni : Dayu is not here. She's late
Siti : Don't worry. I will help you to clean the
Beni : Thank you, Siti. You always help other
Siti : You are welcome, Beni.
Where does the dialog take place?
A. In the garden
B. At Siti's home
C. At Beni's home
D. In the classroom

26. Aura : What does your father usually do in

the morning before going to work?
Raisah : He usually ... the internet to read
recent online news.
A. Creates
B. Browses
C. Uploads
D. Downloads

Jawaban: B. Browses

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