1 Soal Pas MGMP Big Kelas 8 2022-2023
1 Soal Pas MGMP Big Kelas 8 2022-2023
1 Soal Pas MGMP Big Kelas 8 2022-2023
Jalan. Protokol-No 01-Desa Maluriwu-Kecamatan Palue
To: Zayn
Be ready for the next
I put your book in your
locker. It may be very
useful for you.
Do your best.
Practice makes perfect.
I wish you all the best.
16. Billy … to the cinema next week, because she has some tasks to do.
A. Can go
B. Can’t go
C. is going to go
D. will go
Aminah is talking about the kitchen rules in her house with her friend.
Aminah : Did you have any kitchen rules at home?
Sumarti : Oh, we don’t have any. What about in your house?
Aminah : We have kitchen rules.
Sumarti : Really? Like what?
Aminah : Well, like when we spill something, we (19) . . . .
Aminah : We have kitchen rules.
Sumarti : Oh, what if you empty a jar?
Aminah : You (20) . . . .
Sumarti : That’s good. What if you cook something?
Aminah : (21) . . . .
Sumarti : And then what if you dirty it.
Aminah : You (22) . . . .
Hi! My name is Lina. I want to decribe briefly a building I have visited recently. The most
incredible thing about the building is the shape. It’s in the shape of a giant turtle. I love
the shape of the building. It’s so realistic. To enter the building. Visitors had to pay Rp
17.500 for adult and Rp 12.500 for children inside the building, we were able to enjoy
facilities, such as a giant aquarium with sharks, turtles and varios fish in it, educational
games, and a 3-dimensions film booth. I also liked the aquarium; the fish inside the
aquarium seemed so close to the visitors. However, I didn’t like the educational games
section because almost all the games didn’t work. The officer in the room was not helpful
at all. He just sat in his cair and did nothing. Even worse, he was smoking, although there
was a “No Smoking” sign in the area.
23. The visitors . . . visit the giant aquarium to see sharks, turtles and various fish.
A. should
B. must not
C. should not
D. don’t have to
34. This room is very hot. What is suitable instruction for the situation.
A. Turn on the fan
B. Open the book
C. Close the door
D. Close the window.
35. What does Rama say to invite his friend come to his party.
A. Let’s go to library
B. Would you come to my birthday party
C. Will you go to the beach.
D. Iwiil come to the party
38. A : I really like the computer exhibition. Would you like...with me?
B: I’m sorry I can’t
A. Come along
B. Coming along
C. Came along
D. To come
From a small girl till I grew up. From knowing nothing till I become smart.
Forms dependent till I’m independent. When I’m good and bad, you are
always there for me. You never leave me alone. I’m so grateful!
For no. 48-50, fill the blank space using the best answer!
50. A huge animal museum. The bold word in the dialog above has similar meaning
a. Tiny B. Small C. Mini D. Big
- Diberikan dialog 4 A
AGVDbNVutgwiep6615bjTJnQkScwWuUEMuU9 5 C
5NredRG5 for understandingdenganbenar 6 A
3.2 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan dari Modal Diberikan teks fungsional berupa L1 C
jenis teks Interaksi transaksional lisan “will” dan Notice peserta didik dapat;
dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan “Can” Menyimpulkan tujuan teks yang disajikan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan PG 13
suatu tindakan sesuai konteks
1. 3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, Obligation a. Disajikan text, siswa dapat memilih jawaban PG 19 D
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi yang tepat sesuai dengan text 20 A
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang 21 B
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan 22 A
meminta informasi terkait keharusan, Suggestio b. Disajikan text, siswa dapat memilih jawaban PG 23 A
larangan, dan himbauan, sesuai dengan n yang tepat sesuai dengan text 24 D
konteks penggunaannya (Perhatikan 25 B
unsur kebahasaan must, should) 26 A
Prohibitio c. Disajikan gambar, siswa dapat memilih PG 27 D
n jawaban yang tepat sesuai dengan text 28 A
29 D
30 A
31 A
32 C
33 B
34 A
35 B
36 A
37 C
38 A
39 C
40 B
41 B
42 A
3.5 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur Greeting Diberikan sebuah kartu ucapan (greeting card),
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa card peserta didik menentukan:
teks khusus dalam bentuk greeting Informasi tersirat C2 43
card, dengan memberi dan meminta Informasi rinci C2 PG 44
informasi terkait dengan hari-hari Menentukan makna kata C3 45
spesial, sesuai dengan konteks
Diberikan sebuah kartu ucapan (greeting card),
peserta didik menentukan
Tujuan komunikatif C1 PG 46 C
Informasi rinci C2 47
3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, There is & Disajikan sebuah dialog. B
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi There are
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang (quantifie Peserta didik menentukan: L1 PG 48
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan r) Unsur kebahasaan “there are” dengan tepat.
meminta informasi terkait keberadaan
orang, benda, binatang, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan there is/are)