Critical Line of Exponents, Scattering Theories For A Weighted Gradient System of Semilinear Wave Equations
Critical Line of Exponents, Scattering Theories For A Weighted Gradient System of Semilinear Wave Equations
Critical Line of Exponents, Scattering Theories For A Weighted Gradient System of Semilinear Wave Equations
January 2, 2024
In this paper, we consider the following Cauchy problem of a weighted gradient
system of semilinear wave equations
utt − ∆u = λ|u|α |v|β+2 u, vtt − ∆v = µ|u|α+2 |v|β v, x ∈ Rd , t ∈ R,
u(x, 0) = u10 (x), ut (x, 0) = u20 (x), v(x, 0) = v10 (x), vt (x, 0) = v20 (x), x ∈ Rd .
1 Introduction
In this paper, we consider the following Cauchy problem
Here d ≥ 2, λ, µ ∈ R, α, β ≥ 0, (u10 , u20 ) and (v10 , v20 ) belong to H 1 (Rd ) ⊕ L2 (Rd ) or Ḣ 1 (Rd ) ⊕
L2 (Rd ) or Ḣ γ (Rd ) ⊕ H γ−1(Rd ) for some γ > 1. Besides the local wellposedness of the solution,
∗ E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
we are concerned with the global existence, regularity, asymptotic behavior and scattering
theory for (1.1) in this paper.
A large amount of work had been devoted to the scattering theory for the following Cauchy
utt − ∆u = ±|u|p u, x ∈ Rd , t ∈ R,
u(x, 0) = u10 (x), ut (x, 0) = u20 (x), x ∈ Rd .
It is well known that p = n−2 is said to be a critical exponent of the H 1 solution of (1.2).
The global existence and scattering theory in different energy space in subcritical case can be
seen in [12, 14, 19, 21, 45, 46, 52, 55, 58]), while parallel results on (1.2) in the critical case
can be seen in [2, 15, 16, 29, 33] and those on (1.2) in the super-critical case can be seen in
[7, 17, 30, 32]. For the existence and scattering of solutions with small data at lower regularity,
we can refer to [26, 38, 44, 62]. For almost–sure scattering for the radial energy–critical nonlinear
wave equation, we can refer to [6, 12]. Some authors dealt with the regularity and asymptotic
behavior for the wave equation with a critical nonlinearity(see [23, 38, 50, 51]).
There are also many lectures on scattering theory for Klein-Gordon equation, see [5, 18, 19,
43, 46, 47, 59]. Meanwhile, the asymptotic behavior for Klein-Gordon equation in Schwarzschild
metric can be seen in [1, 11].
Some results on the wave equations with other type of nonlinearities were established.
Global solutions to the wave equations with nonlinearity of exponential growth in the critical
Sobolev space was established in [41]. Unique global existence and asymptotic behavior for
solutions to wave equations with non-coercive nonlinearity was established in [42]. Wave equa-
tions with time-dependent dissipation was discussed in [63]. Random data Cauchy theory for
nonlinear wave equations was studied in [39].
To analyze the behavior for the solutions to wave equations, different type of estimates were
established(see [3, 8, 22, 40, 48, 49, 56, 57, 61]). We can refer to these books [9, 25, 36, 54, 60]
and see more information on wave equations.
About the results on the global solution and scattering theory for a system of wave equa-
tions, we can refer to [10, 28, 34, 35] and the references therein. Differing to the equations have
the forms of utt − ∆u = Hv (u, v) and vtt − ∆v = Hu (u, v) in these references above, the equa-
tions in (1.1) have their special structure as follows: There exist two constants A = µ(α + 2),
B = λ(β + 2) and a function F (u, v) = λµ|u|α+2 |v|β+2 such that
∂F (u, v) ∂F (u, v)
= Aλ|u|α |v|β+2 u, = Bµ|u|α+2 |v|β v, (1.3)
∂u ∂v
which will be called as a weighted(essential) gradient system of wave equations below. We
will show an interesting phenomenon on (1.1) below. There exists a critical line of exponents
α+β = 2 when d = 3 in the following sense: The system always has a unique bounded H 1 ⊕H 1 -
solution for any initial data (u10 , u20 ), (v10 , v20 ) ∈ H 1 (R3 ) ⊕ L2 (R3 ) if α + β ≤ 2, while it fails to
be well-posed in H 1 (R3 )⊕H 1 (R3 ) for some (α, β) satisfying α+β > 2. While when d = 4, we call
(α, β) = (0, 0) is the critical point of exponents in the following sense: The system always has a
unique bounded H 1 ⊕ H 1 -solution for any initial data (u10 , u20 ), (v10 , v20 ) ∈ H 1 (R4 ) ⊕ L2 (R4 )
if (α, β) = (0, 0), while it fails to be well-posed in H 1 (R4 ) ⊕ H 1 (R4 ) if α + β > 0. We can define
the weighted energy of (1.1) as follows.
Ew (u, v) = A(k∇uk22 + kut k22 ) + B(k∇vk22 + kvt k22 ) + λµ |u|α+2 |v|β+2 dx. (1.4)
Based on the conservation of weighted energy, we first get the global existence result, which is
one of main purposes in this paper. Our second goal is to obtain the regularity results on (1.1).
Last, we will establish scattering theory for (1.1) in supercritical case.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give some notations and
useful lemmas. In Section 3, we will consider the global wellposedness of (1.1) when d = 2 and
d = 3. In Section 4, we will get the regularity results on (1.1). In Section 5, we will eatablish
Ḣ 1 ⊕ Ḣ 1 scattering theory for (1.1) in some special cases. In the last section, we will establish
scattering theory for (1.1) in supercritical case.
2 Preliminaries
In this section, we give some notations and lemmas.
Definition 2.1. If there exist two constants A, B and a function F (u, v) such that
∂F (u, v) ∂F (u, v)
= Af1 (u, v), = Bf2 (u, v), (2.1)
∂u ∂v
then we call the system
utt − ∆u = f1 (u, v), vtt − ∆v = f2 (u, v) (2.2)
as a weighted(essential) gradient system of wave equations.
Let F (u, v) = λµ|u|α+2 |v|β+2 , A = µ(α + 2) and B = λ(β + 2). Then
∂F (u, v) ∂F (u, v)
= Af1 (u, v) = Aλ|u|α |v|β+2 u, = Bf2 (u, v) = Bµ|u|α+2 |v|β v, (2.3)
∂u ∂u
which means that the system utt −∆u = λ|u|α |v|β+2 u, vtt −∆v = µ|u|α+2 |v|β v is a weighted(essential)
gradient system of wave equations.
We denote by F Fourier transform, and we write v̂ = F v for any v ∈ J ′ (Rd ). Define the
function spaces
Hps = Hps (Rd ) = {f ∈ J ′ (Rd ) : F −1 [(1 + |ξ|2 ) 2 fˆ] ∈ Lp (Rd )} (2.4)
2η(r) γ(r) δ(r) 1 1
= = = − . (2.8)
(d + 1) (d − 1) d 2 r
We will recall some properties for the operators ω and K(t) below(see [40, 49, 56]).
Lemma 2.1. (i) For any ψ ∈ C0∞ (Rd ) and t > 0, 1 < p ≤ 2 ≤ q < ∞,
1 1
kK(t)ψkLq (Rd ) ≤ ct−(d−1)( 2 − q ) kψk d−1 − d+1 ,p . (2.9)
Ḣ 2 q (Rd )
0 ≤ δ(r) − δ(s) ≤ min{1 + γ(r), d(1 − γ(r))},
1 < s, r < ∞ if d = 2,
A fact on the estimates for the operator K(t) acting in homogeneous Besov spaces below(see
Lemma 2.2 in [19]).
Lemma 2.2. (i) For 2 ≤ r ≤ ∞ and r1 + r̄1 = 1,
kK(t)ϕ; Ḃrρ k ≤ C|t|−γ(r) kϕ; Ḃr̄ k, (2.12)
where kϕ; Ḃr̄ k is the norm of ϕ in Besov space.
(ii) For d ≥ 2, 0 ≤ γ(r) ≤ 1,
0 ≤ 1 + µ = ρ + δ(r) − ρ1 − δ(r1 )
1 1
≤ [γ(r) − γ(r1 )][1 + ] ≤ 1 + γ(r). (2.14)
2 γ(r)
1 d d 1 d
+ = −s= + − 2. (2.15)
q1 r1 2 q̄2 r̄2
Then for any I ⊂ R,
The next lemmas are about product rule and fractional chain rules, we can see [4, 31, 37]
for more details.
Lemma 2.5. Assume that s ∈ (0, 1], 1 < r, r1 , r2 , q1 , q2 < +∞ and satisfy 1r = r11 + q11 =
1 1
r2 + q2 . Then
Lemma 2.7. Assume that G is a Hölder continuous function of order 0 < p < 1. Then
s s
k|∇|s G(u)kLqx . k|u|p− σ kLqx1 k|∇|σ uk σ sq2
Lx σ
for every 0 < s < p, 1 < q < ∞ and ps < σ < 1 satisfying 1q = q11 + q12 and (1 − pσ
)q1 > 1.
Lemma 2.8. Assume that G is a Hölder continuous function of order 0 < p ≤ 1, 0 < s <
σp < p, 1 < q, q1 , q2 , r1 , r2 , r3 < ∞ and satisfy
(1 − p)r1 > 1, (p −
)r2 > 1,
1 1 1 1 1 1
= + = + + .
q q1 q2 r1 r2 r3
The following lemma shows some form of equivalence between the system of partial dif-
ferential equations (1.1) and the system of integral equations (2.7) and gives the uniqueness of
the solution to (2.7).
Lemma 3.1. Let d ≥ 2, I be a bounded interval containing 0, u10 ∈ X0 (I) ∩ X1 (I) and
v10 ∈ X0 (I) ∩ X1 (I). Then
(1) For any t0 ∈ I, F1 (t0 ; u, v) and F2 (t0 ; u, v) ∈ X1 (I) are continuous functions of t0
with values F1 (t0 ; u, v) ∈ X1 (I) and F2 (t0 ; u, v) ∈ X1 (I). And for any (u1 , v1 ), (u2 , v2 ) ∈
[X1 (I) ∩ X0 (I)]2 , there holds
kF1 (t0 ; u1 , v1 ) − F1 (t0 ; u2 , v2 ); X1 (I)k + kF2 (t0 ; u1 , v1 ) − F2 (t0 ; u2 , v2 ); X1 (I)k
≤ C[ku1 − u2 ; X1 (I)k + kv1 − v2 ; X1 (I)k]
( !)
2 η1 α+β+2 α+β+2
× |I| + |I| [kui ; X0 (I)k + kvi ; X0 (I)k ] . (3.3)
(3) For any t0 ∈ I, F1 (t0 ; u, v) and F2 (t0 ; u, v) satisfy F1 (t0 ; u, v) = λ|u|α |v|β+2 u and
F2 (t0 ; u, v) = µ|u|α+2 |v|β v in D′ (I ×Rd ) respectively, and for any t1 , t2 ∈ I, G1 (t1 , t2 ; u, v) =
0 and G2 (t1 , t2 ; u, v) = 0 in D′ (Rd+1 ).
(4) Let u10 , v10 ∈ X1loc (I). Then the system (2.7) has at most one solution in X1loc (I) ∩
X2loc (I).
Proof: (1) and (2)
By (2.10) and (2.11), using Hölder inequality, we have
kK(t − τ )[f1 (u1 (τ ), v1 (τ )) − f1 (u2 (τ ), v2 (τ ))]kr + kK(t − τ )[f2 (u1 (τ ), v1 (τ )) − f2 (u2 (τ ), v2 (τ ))]kr
≤ C|t − s|1−δ(r)+δ(s) (k[f1 (u1 (τ ), v1 (τ )) − f1 (u2 (τ ), v2 (τ ))]ks + k[f2 (u1 (τ ), v1 (τ )) − f2 (u2 (τ ), v2 (τ ))]ks )
≤ C|t − s|1−δ(r)+δ(s) [ku1 (τ ) − u2 (τ )kr + kv1 (τ ) − v2 (τ )kr ]
× {ku1(τ )kα+β+2
l + ku2 (τ )kα+β+2
l + kv1 (τ )kα+β+2
l + kv2 (τ )kα+β+2
l } (3.5)
(α + β + 2)d
δ(r) − δ(s) = . (3.6)
By the expressions of F1 (u, v), F2 (u, v), G1 (u, v) and G2 (u, v), using (3.5) and Young’s inequal-
ity for the integral, we can obtain (3.3) and (3.4).
(3) can be obtained by the standard duality argument and some elementary computations,
we omit the details here.
(4) Assume that (u1 , v1 ) and (u2 , v2 ) be two solutions of (2.7) with the same initial data
(u0 , v0 ). Then
u1 − u2 = F1 (u1 , v1 ) − F1 (u2 , v2 ), v1 − v2 = F2 (u1 , v1 ) − F2 (u2 , v2 ).
Replacing I in (3.3) by a sufficient small interval J containing 0 such that
( !)
2 η1
α+β+2 α+β+2 1
C |J| + |J| [kui ; X0 (J)k + kvi ; X0 (J)k ] ≤ ,
we can get
[ku1 − u2 ; X1 (J)k + kv1 − v2 ; X1 (J)k] ≤ [ku1 − u2 ; X1 (J)k + kv1 − v2 ; X1 (J)k],
which means that (u1 , v1 ) = (u2 , v2 ) in J. Iterating the process, we know that (u1 , v1 ) = (u2 , v2 )
everywhere in I.
For any interval I ⊂ R and for suitable values of ρ, r and q, we will introduce the notations
X2 (I) = Lq (I, Ḃrρ ) and let Bi (I, R) be the closed ball of radius R in Xi (I), i = 1, 2. We have
the following estimate
Lemma 3.2. Let d ≥ 2, ρ and r satisfy q ≥ (α + β + 3) and 0 ≤ ρ < 1,
(d − 1) d
0 ≤ γ(r) ≤ (α + β + 2)( − ρ) ≤ 1 + γ(r),
, (3.7)
(d + 1) r
d 1
η2 = 2 − (α + β + 2)( − ρ + ) > 0. (3.8)
r q
(2) For any bounded interval J ⊃ I and for any t1 , t2 ∈ I, G1 (t1 , t2 ; u, v) and G2 (t1 , t2 ; u, v)
are continuous functions of t1 , t2 with values in X2 (J), and there holds
Here ϕ is the completion of S(Rd ), S(Rd ) is the set of all complex-valued rapidly decreasing
infinitely differentiable functions defined on the d-dimension real Euclidean space Rd .
Let τy be the space translation by y ∈ Rd . Then
|τy f1 (u, v) − f1 (u, v)| ≤ |τy u − u| [| ((ϑ1 τy u + (1 − ϑ1 )u), τy v)|]dϑ1
0 ∂u
Z 1
+ |τy v − v| [| (u, (ϑ2 τy v + (1 − ϑ2 )v))|]dϑ2 , (3.14)
0 ∂v
Z 1
|τy f2 (u, v) − f2 (u, v)| ≤ |τy u − u| [| ((ϑ3 τy u + (1 − ϑ3 )u), τy v)|]dϑ3
0 ∂u
Z 1
+ |τy v − v| [| (u, (ϑ4 τy v + (1 − ϑ4 )v))|]dϑ4 . (3.15)
0 ∂v
kK(t − τ )f1 (u, v); Ḃrρ k + kK(t − τ )f2 (u, v); Ḃrρ k
′ ′
≤ C|t − τ |−µ [ku; Ḃrρ kα+β+3 + kv; Ḃrρ kα+β+3 ] (3.17)
for ρ′ ≤ ρ and
d d
(α + β + 3)( − ρ) = ′ − ρ′ = ρ + δ(r) − ρ′ − δ(r′ ) = 1 + µ.
r r
For given r in range (3.7), if (3.8) holds, then r′ satisfies (2.14) and (2.13) holds for these
ρ, r, ρ′ , r′ and µ. Applying (2.13) to f1 (u, v) and f2 (u, v), then estimating the time integral by
Young’s inequality, we can obtain (3.9) and (3.10).
Now we will prove the local existence and uniqueness of the solution to (2.7).
Proposition 3.1. Let d ≥ 2, ρ, r, q and q1 satisfy 0 ≤ ρ < 1, 1 ≤ q ≤ q1 ≤ ∞, (3.7)
and (3.8) hold. Then for any R > 0, there exists T (R) > 0 such that for any u10 , v10 ∈
B2 (I, R) ∩ X1 (I) with I = [−T (R), T (R)], (2.7) possesses a solution (u, v) satisfying u, v ∈
B2 (I, 2R) ∩ X1 (I) and
then apply the estimates of Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 3.2 to the operators A1 (u10 , u20 ) and
A2 (v10 , v20 ), we find that they make the set S = B2 (I, 2R) ∩ X1 (I) invariant and they are
contracting on S in the norm of X1 (I). Since B1 (I, R1 ) ∩ B2 (I, 2R) is w∗ -compact in X1 (I) ∩
X2 (I) for any R1 > 0, especially, it is compact in the w∗ -topology of X1 (I), therefore, it is
w∗ -closed and strongly closed in X1 (I) and consequently S is strongly closed in X1 (I). By the
contraction mapping theorem, we obtain the existence and uniqueness of a solution to (2.7) in
S. While the uniqueness result is the directly following from Lemma 3.1 (3).
To establish the existence of the solution to (2.7) corresponding to initial data with finite
energy, we will recall some facts below.
Fact 1: Let d ≥ 2,
Xe = {(ϕ, ψ) : ϕ ∈ H 1 , ψ ∈ L2 } = H 1 ⊕ L2 , (3.19)
Fact 2: Let d ≥ 2. There exist ρ, r and q such that 0 ≤ ρ < 1, (3.7), (3.8) and (3.22) hold.
By Fact 1, Fact 2, using Lemma 3.1 with dl = dr − ρ and Lemma 3.2, we can obtain the
results on the existence of the solution to (2.7) corresponding to initial data with finite energy
as follows.
Proposition 3.2. Let d ≥ 2. X1 and X2 correspond to values of ρ, r, q provided by Fact 2
and q1 ≥ q. Then
(1) For any (u10 , u20 ) ∈ Xe and (v10 , v20 ) ∈ Xe , there exists T > 0 depending only on
k(u10 , u20 ); Xe k and k(v10 , v20 ); Xe k such that (2.7) has a unique solution in X1 (I) ∩ X2 (I)
with I = [−T, T ].
(2) For any (u10 , u20 ) ∈ Xe and (v10 , v20 ) ∈ Xe , and any interval I, (2.7) has at most one
solution (u, v) with u, v ∈ X1loc (I) ∩ X2loc (I).
For (u, v) ∈ X1 (I) ∩ X2 (I), we define the weighted energy
Ew (u, v) = µ(k∇uk22 + kut k22 ) + λ(k∇vk22 + kvt k22 ) + λµ |u|α+2 |v|β+2 dx. (3.23)
Choosing an even nonnegative function h1 ∈ L∞ (Rd ) with compact support and such that
kh1 k1 = 1, we can define hj (x) = j d h1 (jx),
Ejw (u, v) = µ(k∇uk22 + kut k22 ) + λ(k∇vk22 + kvt k22 ) + λµ |hj ∗ u|α+2 |hj ∗ v|β+2 dx. (3.24)
Consider the regularized system
where F1j and F2j are defined by (2.7) with f1 , f2 replaced by f1j , f2j .
Noticing the fact that the convolution with hj is a contraction in the spaces Lr and Ḃrρ , all
the estimates above hold with f replaced by fj , we know that Proposition 3.2, part (1) holds
for the system (3.25) with the same T , independently of j, and the solution (uj , vj ) to (3.25)
obtained in part (1) converges to the solution of (2.7) in X1 (I) when j → ∞. Moreover, the
following properties hold
(1) For any nonnegative integer k, (uj , u̇jt ), (vj , v̇jt ) ∈ L1 (I, H k+1 ⊕H k and (uj , vj ) satisfies
the system
e(Ew , τ ) = ku0 k2 cosh(a|τ |) + (Ew + a2 ku0 k22 ) 2 a−1 sinh(a|τ |)
+ kv0 k2 cosh(a|τ |) + (Ew + a2 kv0 k22 ) 2 a−1 sinh(a|τ |). (3.30)
Particularly, (uj , u̇jt ) and (vj , v̇jt ) are locally bounded in H 1 ⊕ L2 uniformly in j.
The global existence and uniqueness results for finite energy solutions of (2.7) are based
on the following conservation of energy for these solutions with finite energy initial data.
Proposition 3.3. Let d ≥ 2, (u10 , u20 ), (v10 , v20 ) ∈ Xe and I be an open interval con-
taining 0. Let ρ, r and q satisfy 0 ≤ ρ < 1, (3.7), (3.8), (3.22) and q1 = ∞. Assume
that (u(0) , v (0) ) satisfies (3.20) and (u, v) is a solution of (2.7) in X1 (I) ∩ X2 (I). Then
(u, ut ), (v, vt ) ∈ L(I, H 1 ⊕ L2 and (u, v) satisfies the conservation of energy
for all t ∈ I.
Proof: We just need to prove the result in any bounded subinterval I ′ ⊂⊂ I containing 0.
By (3.4), R is finite. Let T = T (R) be defined as in the proof of Proposition 2.1. By the results
of Proposition 2.1, for any t ∈ I ′ , solving (2.7) with initial time t by contraction, the solution
(u, v) can be recovered in the interval I ′ ∩ [t − T, t + T ]. If we cover I ′ by a finite number of
intervals Ik of length 2T and centers at tk = (1 − ǫ)kT for some ǫ > 0, then we can deduce the
result in I ′ by the corresponding one in Ik for successive values of k = 0, ±1, ±2,.... Therefore,
we only need to prove this proposition in the special case where I is a small interval containing
0 where (2.7) can be solved by the contraction method of Proposition 2.1 below.
Approximating (u, v) in I by the regularized solutions (uj , vj ) of (3.25), using (3.28), (3.30)
and standard compactness arguments, it follows that (uj , vj ) converges to (u, v) in the w∗ -sense
in L∞ (I, H 1 ) and (ujt , vjt ) converges to (ut , vt ) in the w∗ -sense in L∞ (I, L2 ). Moreover, (u, ut )
and (v, vt ) satisfy (3.32) and (3.33) for almost all t in I. Here ut and vt are the derivatives of
u and v in D′ (I, L2 ). Hence (u, v) ∈ C(I, Ls ) because u, v ∈ C(I, Lr ) ∩ L∞ (I, H 1 ) and ut , vt ∈
L∞ (I, L2 ). By Corollary 2.1, (u, v) satisfies (1.1) in D′ (I × Rd ) and utt , vtt ∈ L∞ (I, H −1 ).
Consequently, ut , vt ∈ C(I, H −1 ) and ut , vt ∈ Cw (I, L2 ). (3.32) and (3.33) hold for all t ∈ I by
the continuity properties of (u, ut ) and (v, vt ).
By uniform boundedness in H 1 and convergence in C(I, Lr ), using interpolation, we know
that uj and vj respectively converge to u and v in C(I, Ls ) for all s satisfying 2 < s < d−2 .
Similar to (3.63) and (3.64) in [18], it is easy to show that uj and vj respectively converge to
u and v in C(I, L2 ), ujt and vjt respectively converge to ut and vt weakly in L2 for each t ∈ I.
Consequently, uj (t) and vj (t) respectively converge to u(t) and v(t) weakly in H 1 for each t ∈ I.
Letting the limit j → ∞ in (3.26), by the convergence of uj , vj to u, v in C(I, Ls ) for
2 ≤ s ≤ α + β + 4, we can directly show that
α+2 β+2
|hj ∗ u| |hj ∗ v| dx → |u|α+2 |v|β+2 dx, Ejw (u(t), v(t)) → Ew (u0 , v0 ).
R3 R3
Since (uj (t), ujt (t)) and (vj (t), vjt (t)) converge to (u(t), ut (t)) and (v(t), vt (t)) in H 1 ⊕ L2 , we
The time reversal invariance of (1.1) and the results of Proposition 2.1 imply (3.31) for all t ∈ I.
Since u, v ∈ C(I, Ls ) for 2 ≤ s ≤ α + β + 4, we know that ku(t)k22 + k∇u(t)k22 + kut (t)k22 and
kv(t)k22 + k∇v(t)k22 + kvt (t)k22 are continuous functions of time, and the weak continuity implies
strong continuity of (u, ut ) as well as (v, vt ) in H 1 ⊕ L2 as a function of time.
Similar to the arguments above, it is easy to show that (uj (t), ujt (t)) and (vj (t), vjt (t))
respectively converge to (u(t), ut (t)) and (v(t), vt (t)) in H 1 ⊕ L2 for each t ∈ I.
Now we can establish the global existence and uniqueness result for finite energy solutions.
Theorem 3.1. Let d = 2 or d = 3, (u10 , u20 ) ∈ Xe and (v10 , v20 ) ∈ Xe . Then (2.7)
with (3.20) has a unique solution (u, v) such that (u, ut ) ∈ C(R, Xe ), (v, vt ) ∈ C(R, Xe ) and
(3.31)–(3.33) hold.
Suppose that ρ, r, q and q1 satisfy 0 ≤ ρ < 1, q1 ≥ q, (3.7), (3.8) and (3.22). Then the
solution (u, v) is unique and u, v ∈ X1loc (R) ∩ X2loc (R).
Proof: Under the assumptions on ρ, r, q and q1 , by Proposition 3.2, (2.7) with initial
data (u10 , u20 ), (v10 , v20 ) ∈ Xe can be solved locally in time with u(t), v(t) ∈ X1 (I) ∩ X2 (I).
Here the length of the interval I depends on the norms of (u10 , u20 ) and (v10 , v20 ) in Xe .
By Proposition 3.3, the local solutions thereby obtained satisfy u(t), v(t) ∈ C(I, Xe ), (3.31),
(3.32) and (3.33), which imply the global existence of the solution (u(t), v(t)) with u(t), v(t) ∈
X1loc (R) ∩ X2loc (R) ∩ C(R, Xe ).
Note that a function in L∞loc (R, Xe ) belongs to X1loc (R) ∩ X2loc (R). We obtain the unique-
ness of the solution to (2.7) with u, v in C(R, Xe ), actually in L∞loc (R, Xe ).
Lemma 4.1. Let (u, v) be a regular solution of (1.1) on K(z0 ). Then
Ew (u, v, D(T ; z0 )) + √ F lux(u, v, MST (z0 )) = Ew (u, v, D(S; z0 )) (4.1)
for 0 < S ≤ T ≤ t0 .
Proof: Multiplying the equation of u by µ(α + 2)ut and that of v by λ(β + 2)vt in (1.1),
we get
µ(α + 2)(utt − ∆u + λ|u|α |v|β+2 u)ut + λ(β + 2)(vtt − ∆v + µ|u|α+2 |v|β v)vt
= ew (u, v) − div[µ(α + 2)∇uut + λ(β + 2)∇vvt ] = 0. (4.2)
Let y = x − x0 and
1 y
η = √ ( , 1)
2 |y|
be the outward unit normal on M (z0 ). Then the weighted energy flux through M (z0 ) is given
η · [(−µ(α + 2)∇uut − λ(β + 2)∇vvt ), ew (u, v)]
1 µ(α + 2) 2y λ(β + 2) 2y
= √ { [|∂t u|2 − · ∇uut + |∇u|2 ] + [|∂t v|2 − · ∇vvt + |∇v|2 ]
2 2 |y| 2 |y|
+ λµ|u|α+2 |v|β+2 }
= √ dz0 (u, v). (4.3)
Integrating (4.2) over Kts (z0 ) and using (4.3), we obtain (4.1).
Lemma 4.2. Let (u, v) be a regular solution of (1.1) on K(z0 ) \ {z0 }. Then
|u|α+2 |v|β+2 dx → 0 as S → t0 . (4.4)
D(S;z0 )
Proof: We can shift z0 to the origin and use Morawetz identity to prove the lemma.
Multiplying the equation of u by µ(α + 2)[tut + x · ∇u + (d−1)u
2 ] and that of v by λ(β + 2)[tvt +
x · ∇v + 2 ], summing them up, we get
d−1 λµ α+2 β+2
∂t tQ0 + [µ(α + 2)uut + λ(β + 2)vvt ] − div(tP0 ) + |u| |v| = 0, (4.5)
2 d
x x
Q0 = ew (u, v) + [µ(α + 2)( · ∇u)ut + λ(β + 2)( · ∇v)vt ],
t t
x µ(α + 2)(|ut |2 − |∇u|2 ) + λ(β + 2)(|vt |2 − |∇v|2 )
α+2 β+2
P0 = − λµ|u| |v|
t 2
x (d − 1)u x (d − 1)v
+ µ(α + 2)∇u ut + · ∇u + + λ(β + 2)∇v vt + · ∇v + .
t 2t t 2t
Integrating (4.5) over the truncated cone KST and letting T → 0, we get
(d − 1)
0=− SQ0 + [µ(α + 2)uut + λ(β + 2)vvt ] dx + λµ|u|α+2 |v|β+2 dxdt
D(S) 2 KS
1 (d − 1)
+√ tQ0 + x · P0 + [µ(α + 2)uut + λ(β + 2)vvt ] do
2 MS 2
:= (I) + (II) + (III). (4.6)
(II) ≥ 0. (4.7)
That is,
−(III) ≤ −So(1) − (u2 + v 2 )do. (4.8)
4 ∂D(S)
" #
2 2
1 1 (d − 1) (d − 1) · ∇u 1 − 1
xu x d u
(I) = − S |ut |2 + ∇u + − u− ( )2 2 dx
D(S) 2 2 2 |x|2 2 |x|2 2 2 |x|
" #
1 1 (d − 1) xv (d − 1) x · ∇v 1 d − 1 2 v2
− S |vt | + ∇v + − v− ( ) dx
D(S) 2 2 2 |x|2 2 |x|2 2 2 |x|2
(d − 1) (d − 1)
α+2 β+2
− λµ|u| |v| dx − [ut (x · ∇u + u) + vt (x · ∇v + v)]dx
D(S) D(S) 2 2
" #
1 1 (d − 1) xu (d − 1)(d − 3) u2
=− S |ut |2 + ∇u + + dx
D(S) 2 2 2 |x|2 8 |x|2
" #
1 1 (d − 1) xv (d − 1)(d − 3) v 2
− S |vt | + ∇v + + dx
D(S) 2 2 2 |x|2 8 |x|2
(d − 1) (d − 1)
− [ut (x · ∇u + u) + vt (x · ∇v + v)]dx − λµ|u|α+2 |v|β+2 dx
D(S) 2 2 D(S)
− (u2 + v 2 )do
4 ∂D(S)
≥− Sλµ|u|α+2 |v|β+2 dx − (u2 + v 2 )do. (4.9)
D(S) 4 ∂D(S)
1 1
Let k · kq,s,τ denote the norm in the space Lq ([s, τ ]; Ḃq2 (D(t; Z0 ))), Ḃq2 (Rd ) be Besov space
and Ḃq2 (D(t)) be the local Besov space, q < 2d.
Proposition 4.3 Suppose that (u, v) is a classical solution to equations (1.1) on K(z0 ) \
{z0 }. Then (u, v) is bounded in Lq ([O, t0 ]; Ḃq2 (D(t; z0 ))) and
kuk 1 + kvk 1
Lq ([s,τ ];Ḃq2 (D(t,z0 ))) Lq ([s,τ ];Ḃq2 (D(t,z0 )))
≤ C[Ew (u, v; D(s, z0 ))] 2 + k|u|α |v|β+2 uk 1
Lp ([s,τ ];Ḃp2 (D(t,z0 )))
kukq,s,τ + kvkq,s,τ . [Ew (u, v; D(s, z0 ))] 2 + k|u|α+β+3 kp,s,τ + k|v|α+β+3 kp,s,τ , (4.12)
α+β+3 α+β+3 α+β+2
k|u| kp,s,τ . k|ũ| kp,s,τ . k|ũ| kLp1 kũkq,s,τ
. k|u| kLp1 (Ksτ (z0 )) kukq,s,τ (4.13)
α+β+3 α+β+3 α+β+2
k|v| kp,s,τ . k|ṽ| kp,s,τ . k|ṽ| kLp1 kṽkq,s,τ
. k|v| kLp1 (Ksτ (z0 )) kvkq,s,τ (4.14)
k|u| α+β+2
k L p1 = kukα+β+2
L p2 , k|v|α+β+2 kLp1 = kvkα+β+2
L p2 . (4.15)
(d + 1) 2(d + 1)
p1 = , p2 = . (4.16)
2 d−2
By Sobolev embedding,
kukLp2 (D(t;z0 )) . kukθ 1 kuk1−θ
Lα+β+4 (D(t;z0 ))
, θ=
Ḃq2 (D(t;z0 )) d−1
kvk Lp2 (D(t;z 0 ))
. kvkθ 1 kvk1−θ
Lα+β+4 (D(t;z0 ))
Ḃq2 (D(t;z0 ))
Note that Ew (u, v; D(s; z0 )) is bounded by the initial energy Ew (u0 , v0 ). This implies that for
any ǫ > 0, and s close to t0 and s < r < t0 , we have
kukq,s,τ + kvkq,s,τ ≤ C(Ew (u0 , v0 )) + ǫkukγq,s,τ + kvkγq,s,τ . (4.19)
Choosing ǫ < ǫ0 2−γ [C(Ew (u0 , v0 ))]1−γ , we can obtain (4.10).
Theorem 4.4. Suppose that (u, v) is a solution to equations (1.1) with smooth initial data.
If d = 3, (α, β) = (0, 2) or d = 4, (α, β) = (0, 0), then (u, v) is regular.
Proof: Without loss of generality, we suppose that (u10 , u20 ) and (v10 , v20 ) have compact
supports by finite propagation speed. Let (u, v) ∈ C ∞ (Rd × [0, t0 ]) be the unique maximal
solution of (1.1) and consider x0 ∈ Rd . Then (u, v) may be extended smoothly to a neighborhood
of z0 = (x0 , t0 ). By differentiating equations (1.1) and using Strichartz estimate
kukLq (Rd+1 ) . ku10 k 1 + ku20 k 1 + k|u|α |v|β+2 ukLp(Rd+1 ) ,
H 2 ,2 (Rd ) H − 2 ,2 (Rd )
Similar to the computations in the proof of Proposition 4.3, we can get
(I) + (II) + (III) + (IV ) . [kDukLq + kDvkLq ][kukα+β+2 α+β+2
Lp2 (K τ (z0 )) + kvkLp2 (K τ (z0 )) ]
s s
sup[kukL4(D(s;z̄)) + kvkL4 (D(s;z̄)) ] < ǫ when d = 4 (4.28)
keep true for z̄ in a neighborhood of z0 . By the standard argument similar to Remark 3.4 in
[58], (u, v) can be smoothly extended to this neighborhood.
First, we prove the following local wellposedness result.
Theorem 5.1. Let (α, β) = (0, 2), ρ = 5 when d = 3 and (α, β) = (0, 0), ρ = 3 when
d = 4, (u10 , u20 ), (v10 , v20 ) ∈ Ḣ 1 (Rd ) × L2 (Rd ) satisfying
where δ > 0 is sufficiently small. Then there exists a unique solution (u, v) of (2.7) and satisfies
(u, ut ), (v, vt ) ∈ V ⊕ L∞ (R, L2 (Rd )), where V := Lρ (R, Ḣ s,r (Rd )) ∩ L∞ (R, Ḣ 1 (Rd )) with
For (u1 , v1 ), (u2 , v2 ) ∈ V ⊕ V , using the decay estimate as that of Theorem 0(a) in [?], we have
sin[ω(t − τ )]
k [λ|u1 |α |v1 |β+2 u1 (τ ) − λ|u2 |α |v2 |β+2 u2 (τ )]dτ kḢ s,r
−∞ ω
sin[ω(t − τ )]
+k [µ|u1 |α+2 |v1 |β v1 (τ ) − µ|u2 |α+2 |v2 |β v2 (τ )]dτ kḢ s,r
−∞ ω
Z t
≤c (t − τ )− ρ k[λ|u1 |α |v1 |β+2 u1 (τ ) − λ|u2 |α |v2 |β+2 u2 (τ )]kḢ s̄,r′ dτ
Z t
+c (t − τ )− ρ k[µ|u1 |α+2 |v1 |β v1 (τ ) − µ|u2 |α+2 |v2 |β v2 (τ )]kḢ s̄,r′ dτ, (5.3)
λk[|u1 |α |v1 |β+2 u1 (τ ) − |u2 |α |v2 |β+2 u2 (τ )]kḢ s̄,r′ + µk[|u1 |α+2 |v1 |β v1 (τ ) − |u2 |α+2 |v2 |β v2 (τ )]kḢ s̄,r′
≤c k|v1 |4 Dk u1 + u1 |v1 |3 Dk v1 − |v2 |4 Dk u2 − u2 |v2 |3 Dk v2 kLr̃′
+c k|u1 |4 Dk v1 + v1 |u1 |3 Dk u1 − |u2 |4 Dk v2 − v2 |u2 |3 Dk u2 kLr̃′
≤c k|v1 − v2 |(|v1 |3 + |v2 |3 )Dk u1 kLr̃′ + k|u1 − u2 ||v1 |3 Dk v1 kLr̃′
+ k|v1 − v2 ||u2 |(|v1 |2 + |v2 |2 )Dk v2 kLr̃′ + k|v2 |4 (Dk u1 − Dk u2 )kLr̃′ + k|u2 ||v2 |3 (Dk v1 − Dk v2 )kLr̃′
+c k|u1 − u2 |(|u1 |3 + |u2 |3 )Dk v1 kLr̃′ + k|v1 − v2 ||u1 |3 Dk u1 kLr̃′
+ k|u1 − u2 ||v2 |(|u1 |2 + |u2 |2 )Dk u2 kLr̃′ + k|u2 |4 (Dk v1 − Dk v2 )kLr̃′ + k|v2 ||u2 |3 (Dk u1 − Dk u2 )kLr̃′
:= (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) + (8) + (9) + (10). (5.4)
If d = 4, then
λk[|u1 |α |v1 |β+2 u1 (τ ) − |u2 |α |v2 |β+2 u2 (τ )]kḢ s̄,r′ + µk[|u1 |α+2 |v1 |β v1 (τ ) − |u2 |α+2 |v2 |β v2 (τ )]kḢ s̄,r′
≤c k|v1 |2 Dk u1 + u1 v1 Dk v1 − |v2 |2 Dk u2 − u2 v2 Dk v2 kLr̃′
+c k|u1 |2 Dk v1 + v1 u1 Dk u1 − |u2 |2 Dk v2 − v2 u2 Dk u2 kLr̃′
≤c k|v1 − v2 |(|v1 | + |v2 |)Dk u1 kLr̃′ + k|u1 − u2 ||v1 |Dk v1 kLr̃′
+ k|v1 − v2 ||u2 |Dk v2 kLr̃′ + k|v2 |2 (Dk u1 − Dk u2 )kLr̃′ + k|u2 ||v2 |(Dk v1 − Dk v2 )kLr̃′
+c k|u1 − u2 |(|u1 | + |u2 |)Dk v1 kLr̃′ + k|v1 − v2 ||u1 |Dk u1 kLr̃′
+ k|u1 − u2 ||v2 |Dk u2 kLr̃′ + k|u2 |2 (Dk v1 − Dk v2 )kLr̃′ + k|v2 ||u2 |(Dk u1 − Dk u2 )kLr̃′
:= (1)′ + (2)′ + (3)′ + (4)′ + (5)′ + (6)′ + (7)′ + (8)′ + (9)′ + (10)′ . (5.5)
Using Hölder’s inequality, (1), (2), (3), (6),(7) and (8) in (5.4), as well as (1)′ , (2)′ , (3)′ , (6)′ , (7)′
and (8)′ in (5.5) can be estimated by
2 dρ(ρ−1)
Since the choice r̂ = r̃ ′ and p̂ = (ρ − 2)q̂ can lead to r̃′ p̂ = r̃′ (ρ − 2)q̂ = ρ+1 , and the
embedding Ḣ s,r ⊂ L ρ+1 holds if and only if ρ = d−2 , we get
λk[|u1 |α |v1 |β+2 u1 (τ ) − |u2 |α |v2 |β+2 u2 (τ )]kḢ s̄,r′ + µk[|u1 |α+2 |v1 |β v1 (τ ) − |u2 |α+2 |v2 |β v2 (τ )]kḢ s̄,r′
ρ−2 ρ−2
≤ c[ku1 − u2 kḢ s,r + kv1 − v2 kḢ s,r ][ku1 kḢ s,r
+ ku2 kḢ s,r
+ kv1 kρ−2
Ḣ s,r
+ kv2 kḢ s,r
× [ku1 kḢ 1,2 + ku2 kḢ 1,2 + kv1 kḢ 1,2 + kv2 kḢ 1,2 ]
ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1
+ c[ku1 kḢ s,r
+ ku2 kḢ s,r
+ kv1 kḢ s,r
+ kv2 kḢ s,r
][ku1 − u2 kḢ 1,2 + kv1 − v2 kḢ 1,2 ]. (5.7)
Then we can obtain the estimate for the left hand side of (5.3) as follows:
Z t
2 ρ−2
≤c (t − τ )− ρ [ku1 − u2 kḢ s,r + kv1 − v2 kḢ s,r ][ku1 kḢ s,r
+ ku2 kρ−2
Ḣ s,r
+ kv1 kḢ s,r
+ kv2 kḢ s,r
× [ku1 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + ku2 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv1 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv2 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) ]dτ
Z t
+c (t − τ )− ρ [ku1 kḢ ρ−1
+ ku2 kḢ s,r
+ kv1 kḢρ−1
+ kv2 kḢ s,r
× [ku1 − u2 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv1 − v2 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) ]dτ. (5.8)
1 1 1 1
Note that for 0 < θ < 1, ρ̃ = θ and p = q + ρ̃′ , the following general Young’s inequality holds
k ∗ gkLq (R) ≤ ckgkLp(R) .
Taking ρ̃ = ρ2 , q = ρ and p = ρ
ρ−1 , we have
sin[ω(t − τ )]
k [λ|u1 |α |v1 |β+2 u1 (τ ) − λ|u2 |α |v2 |β+2 u2 (τ )]dτ kLρ (R,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
−∞ ω
sin[ω(t − τ )]
+k [µ|u1 |α+2 |v1 |β v1 (τ ) − µ|u2 |α+2 |v2 |β v2 (τ )]dτ kLρ (R,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
−∞ ω
≤ c[ku1 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + ku2 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv1 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv2 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) ]
Z +∞ ρ ρ ρ(ρ−2) ρ(ρ−2) ρ(ρ−2) ρ(ρ−2)
ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1
[ku1 − u2 kḢ s,r + kv1 − v2 kḢ s,r ][ku1 kḢ s,r + ku2 kḢ s,r + kv1 kḢ s,r + kv2 kḢ s,r ]dτ
+ c[ku1 − u2 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv1 − v2 kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) ]
Z +∞ ρ−1
ρ ρ ρ ρ
× [ku1 kḢ s,r + ku2 kḢ s,r + kv1 kḢ s,r + kv2 kḢ s,r ]dτ
sin[ω(t − τ )]
k [λ|u1 |α |v1 |β+2 u1 (τ ) − λ|u2 |α |v2 |β+2 u2 (τ )]dτ kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd ))
−∞ ω
sin[ω(t − τ )]
+k [µ|u1 |α+2 |v1 |β v1 (τ ) − µ|u2 |α+2 |v2 |β v2 (τ )]dτ kL∞ (R,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd ))
−∞ ω
Z +∞
≤c k[|u1 |α |v1 |β+2 u1 (τ ) − |u2 |α |v2 |β+2 u2 (τ )]kL2 (Rd ) dτ
Z +∞
+c k[|u1 |α+2 |v1 |β v1 (τ ) − |u2 |α+2 |v2 |β v2 (τ )]kL2 (Rd ) dτ
Z +∞
≤c [ku1 kρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1
L2ρ + ku2 kL2ρ + kv1 kL2ρ + kv2 kL2ρ ][ku1 − u2 kL + kv1 − v2 kL ]dτ
2ρ 2ρ
≤ c[ku1 kρ−1
V + ku2 kρ−1
V + kv1 kρ−1
V + kv2 kρ−1
V ][ku1 − u2 kV + kv1 − v2 kV ]. (5.10)
Denoting the transformations which map (u, v) into the right hand sides of the equations in
(2.7) respectively by T1 and T2 , we have shown
kT1 (u, v)kV + kT2 (u, v)kV ≤ cδ + c[kukρV + kvkρV ].
If cδ ≤ 41 δ1 and 4cδ1ρ−1 ≤ 21 , then ku1 kV , ku2 kV , kv1 kV , kv2 kV ≤ δ1 , and
kT1 (u1 , v1 ) − T1 (u2 , v2 )kV + kT2 (u1 , v1 ) − T2 (u2 , v2 )kV ≤ [ku1 − u2 kV + kv1 − v2 kV ]
kT1 (u, v)kV + kT2 (u, v)kV ≤ δ1 .
By the contraction mapping principle, there exists a unique solution (u, v) within the ball
kukV + kvkV ≤ δ1 . To show the uniqueness within the whole of V , we give the following
ku1 − u2 kLρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd )) + kv1 − v2 kLρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
≤ c[ku1 kL∞ (I,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + ku2 kL∞ (I,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv1 kL∞ (I,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv2 kL∞ (I,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) ]
× [ku1 kρ−2
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ ku2 kρ−2
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ kv1 kρ−2
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ kv2 kρ−2
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
× [ku1 − u2 kLρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd )) + kv1 − v2 kLρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd )) ]
+ [ku1 kρ−1
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ ku2 kρ−1
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ kv1 kρ−1
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ kv2 kρ−1
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
× [ku1 − u2 kL∞ (I,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) + kv1 − v2 kL∞ (I,Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )) ]
ku1 − u2 kL∞ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd )) + kv1 − v2 kL∞ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
≤ [ku1 kρ−1
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ ku2 kρ−1
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ kv1 kρ−1
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
+ kv2 kρ−1
Lρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd ))
× [ku1 − u2 kLρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd )) + kv1 − v2 kLρ (I,Ḣ s,r (Rd )) ],
where I = (−∞, T̄ ).
Since u1 , u2 , v1 , v2 ∈ Lρ (R, Ḣ s,r (Rd )), we can choose |T̄ | large enough such that
ku1 − u2 kVT̄ + kv1 − v2 kVT̄ ≤ [ku1 − u2 kVT̄ + kv1 − v2 kVT̄ ]
VT̄ = Lρ (I, Ḣ s,r (Rd )) ∩ L∞ (I, L∞ (I, Ḣ 1,2 (Rd )),
hence u1 = u2 , v1 = v2 in VT̄ . Step by step, it is possible to replace T̄ by T̄ + ǫ with ǫ possibly
depending on u1 , u2 , v1 , v2 , just like the arguments above, we can obtain u1 = u2 , v1 = v2 in
As a direct result of this theorem, we have the following corollary
Corollary 5.2
ku(t) − u− −
0 (t)ke + kv(t) − v0 (t)ke → 0 as t → −∞. (5.11)
Proof: Note that Lρ (R, Ḣ s,r (Rd )) ⊂ Lρ (R, L2ρ (Rd )), we have
Z t
ku(t) − u− −
0 (t)ke + kv(t) − v0 (t)ke ≤ c [k|u|α |v|β+2 u(τ )kL2 + k|u|α+2 |v|β v(τ )kL2 ]dτ
Z t
≤c [ku(τ )kρL2ρ + kv(τ )kρL2ρ ]dτ → 0
as t → −∞.
Z ∞
1 1
0 (t) := u(t) + (−∆)− 2 sin[(−∆) 2 (t − τ )](λ|u|α |v|β+2 u)dτ, u+ + +
0 (0) = u , u0t (0) = ũ
Z ∞
1 1
v0+ (t) := v(t) + (−∆)− 2 sin[(−∆) 2 (t − τ )](µ|u|α+2 |v|β v)dτ, v0+ (0) = v + , v0t
(0) = ṽ + .
L2 (Rd ).
ku10 kḢ sc (Rd ) + ku20 kḢ sc −1 (Rd ) + kv10 kḢ sc (Rd ) + kv20 kḢ sc −1 (Rd ) ≤ δ0 ,
there exist functions pairs (u1± , u2± ) ∈ Ḣ sc (Rd ) × Ḣ sc −1 (Rd ) and (v1± , v2± ) ∈ Ḣ sc (Rd ) ×
Ḣ sc −1 (Rd ) such that
|∇|−1 sin(t − t0 )|∇|
v(t) cos((t − t0 )|∇| v1±
− → 0. (6.2)
vt (t) −|∇| sin(t − t0 )|∇| cos(t − t0 )|∇| v2± Ḣ sc ×Ḣ sc −1
as t → ±∞.
Proof: First, applying Strichartz’s estimate to (2.7), we have
kukL∞Ḣxsc + kvkL∞ Ḣxsc . ku10 kḢxsc + ku20 kḢxsc −1 + k|∇|sc −1 (|u|α |v|β+2 u)kL1t L2x
t t
+ kv10 kḢxsc + kv20 kḢxsc −1 + k|∇|sc −1 (|u|α+2 |v|β v)kL1t L2x . (6.3)
By Lemma 2.5 and Lemma 2.6, we obtain
k|∇|sc −1 (|u|α |v|β+2 u)kL1t L2x + k|∇|sc −1 (|u|α+2 |v|β v)kL1t L2x
. [kukα+β+2 α+β+2
2(α+β+2)+ + kvk 2(α+β+2)+ ][k|∇|
sc −1
ukL∞− + k|∇|sc −1 vkL∞− ]
Lx Lx x x
. [kukα+β+2
2(α+β+2)− 2(α+β+2)+ + kvkα+β+2
2(α+β+2)− 2(α+β+2)+ ][k|∇|
sc −1
ukL2+L∞− + k|∇|sc −1 vkL2+ L∞− ]
Lt Lx Lt Lx t x t x
. kukα+β+3
XT + kvkα+β+3
XT . (6.5)
+ ku10 kḢxsc + ku20 kḢxsc −1 + k|∇|sc −1 (|u|α+2 |v|β v)kL1t L2x . (6.7)
kukXT + kvkXT . ku10 kḢxsc + ku20 kḢxsc −1 + kv10 kḢxsc + kv20 kḢxsc −1 + kukα+β+3
XT + kvkα+β+3
XT .
kukXT + kvkXT ≤ C[ku10 kḢxsc + ku20 kḢxsc −1 + kv10 kḢxsc + kv20 kḢxsc −1 ] := M (6.8)
k|∇|sc −1 (|u|α |v|β+2 u)kL1t L2x + k|∇|sc −1 (|u|α+2 |v|β v)kL1t L2x
. [kukα+β+2 α+β+2
8(α+β+2) + kvk 8(α+β+2) ][k|∇|
sc −1
ukL8x + k|∇|sc −1 vkL8x ]
Lx 3 Lx 3
α+β+2 α+β+2
. [kuk 8(α+β+2) + kvk 8(α+β+2) ][k|∇|sc −1 ukL2t L8x + k|∇|sc −1 vkL2t L8x ]
2(α+β+2) 3 2(α+β+2) 3
Lt Lx Lt Lx
. kukα+β+3
XT + kvkα+β+3
XT . (6.10)
kuk 2(α+β+2)
8(α+β+2) + k|vk 2(α+β+2)
Lt Lx 3 Lt Lx 3
kukXT + kvkXT . ku10 kḢxsc + ku20 kḢxsc −1 + kv10 kḢxsc + kv20 kḢxsc −1 + kukα+β+3
XT + kvkα+β+3
XT .
kukXT + kvkXT ≤ C[ku10 kḢxsc + ku20 kḢxsc −1 + kv10 kḢxsc + kv20 kḢxsc −1 ] := M (6.13)
kukX∞ + kvkX∞ . δ0 .
|∇|−1 sin(−s|∇|)
v1± v10
= − (|u(s)|α+2 |v(s)|β v(s)ds (6.16)
v2± v20 0 cos(−s|∇|)
Using Strichartz estimate, we can obtain
. kukα+β+3
X(t,+∞) + α+β+3
→ 0 as t → +∞, (6.19)
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