Cloud Computing Semester-VI CS Syllabus

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(NOTE: Exercise extra caution while performing these exercises and codes)

1. Perform various Virtual Machine based exercises on

2. Perform exercises from
3. Follow the lessons and activities from
4. Activities on Google site for hacking
5. ACtivities on OWASP WebGoat


Credit distribution, Eligibility and Pre-requisites of the Course

Course title & Credits Credit distribution of the course Eligibility Pre-requisite
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical/ criteria of the course
Cloud 4 3 0 1 Pass in NIL
Computing Class XII

Learning Objectives

The objective of an undergraduate cloud computing course is to provide students with a

comprehensive understanding of cloud computing technologies, services, and applications.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

• Knowledge of the fundamental concepts and principles of cloud computing,
including virtualization, scalability, reliability, and security.
• Ability to design, develop, and deploy cloud-based applications using popular cloud
platforms and services.
• Familiarity with cloud computing architectures, including Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
• Understanding of the economic, legal, and ethical implications of cloud computing,
including issues related to data privacy, ownership, and security.
• Ability to evaluate and select cloud-based solutions based on their technical,
economic, and business requirements.
• Understanding of the broader societal and environmental impacts of cloud-based
services and applications.

Unit 1
Overview of Computing Paradigm: Recent trends in Computing : Grid Computing, Cluster
Computing, Distributed Computing, Utility Computing, Cloud Computing,

Unit 2

Introduction to Cloud Computing: Introduction to Cloud Computing, History of Cloud
Computing, Cloud service providers, Benefits and limitations of Cloud Computing,

Unit 3
Cloud Computing Architecture: Comparison with traditional computing architecture
(client/server), Services provided at various levels, Service Models- Infrastructure as a
Service(IaaS), Platform as a Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS), How Cloud
Computing Works, Deployment Models- Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud,
Community cloud, Case study of NIST architecture.

Unit 4

Case Studies: Case study of Service model using Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon
Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Eucalyptus.

Unit 5

Cloud Computing Management: Service Level Agreements(SLAs), Billing & Accounting,

Comparing Scaling Hardware: Traditional vs. Cloud, Economics of scaling.

Unit 6
Cloud Computing Security: Infrastructure Security- Network level security, Host level
security, Application level security, Data security and Storage- Data privacy and security
Issues, Jurisdictional issues raised by Data location, Authentication in cloud computing.

Essential/recommended readings
1. Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini and Zaigham Mahmood, Cloud Computing: Concepts,
Technology and Architecture, Publisher: PHI, 2013.
2. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, and Andrzej Goscinski, Cloud Computing:
Principles and Paradigms, Wiley, 2013.
3. Boris Scholl, Trent Swanson, and Peter Jausovec, Cloud Native: Using Containers,
Functions, and Data to Build Next-Generation Applications, Publisher :
Shroff/O'Reilly, 2019.

Additional References
1. Cloud Computing Bible, Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley-India, 2010
2. Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Editors: Rajkumar Buyya, James
Broberg, Andrzej M. Goscinski, Wile, 2011
3. Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications, Editors: Nikos
Antonopoulos, Lee Gillam, Springer, 2012
4. Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing, Ronald L.
Krutz, Russell Dean Vines, Wiley-India, 2010

Suggested Practical List:

Practical exercises such as

1. Create virtual machines that access different programs on same platform.

2. Create virtual machines that access different programs on different platforms

3. Working on tools used in cloud computing online:
a. Storage
b. Sharing of data
c. manage your calendar, to-do lists,
d. a document editing tool
4. Exploring Google cloud
5. Exploring Microsoft cloud
6. Exploring Amazon cloud


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