4.2 Electrical Quantities

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IGCSE Physics CIE 

4.2 Electrical Quantities

4.2.1 Electric Fields & Charges
4.2.2 Demonstrating Electric Charges
4.2.3 Electric Fields
4.2.4 Investigating Conductors & Insulators
4.2.5 Current
4.2.6 Electromotive Force & Potential Difference
4.2.7 Resistance
4.2.8 Resistance of a Wire
4.2.9 Electrical Energy
4.2.10 Electrical Power

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4.2.1 Electric Fields & Charges YOUR NOTES

Positive & Negative Charges

Objects can be given one of two types of electric charge:
When two charged objects are brought close together, there will be a force between those

Like charges repel; opposite charges attract

Opposite charges attract
Like charges repel
Electric charge is measured in units called coulombs (C)

 Exam Tip
Whilst electrostatic forces share many similarities with magnetic forces, they are
different phenomena – take care not to confuse the two!

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4.2.2 Demonstrating Electric Charges YOUR NOTES

Demonstrating Electrostatic Charges

Electrostatic repulsion is caused by the force between charges
When these charges are the same as each other, they repel (push apart)
In simple experiments showing the production of electrostatic charges by friction,
insulating solids such as plastics are given a charge
This is done using friction to transfer electrons from the surface
By removing electrons, which have negative charge, the insulator is left with a positive
Suspend one of the insulating materials using a cradle and a length of string so that the
material can rotate freely
Rub one end of the material using a cloth (in order to give it a charge)
Now take a second piece of insulating material and charge that by rubbing with a cloth
Hold the charged end of the second piece close to the charged end of the first piece:
If the first piece rotates away (is repelled) from the second piece then the materials
have the same charge
If the first piece moved towards (is attracted to) the second piece then they have
opposite charges

 Exam Tip
Experimental demonstrations, such as the one above, are different from
experiments in which you have to take measurements. In the case of this
demonstration your results are your observations.
When describing a demonstration you should state a conclusion – in other words,
explain what you expect to happen and what it means.

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4.2.3 Electric Fields YOUR NOTES

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Electric Fields (Extended) YOUR NOTES

A charged object creates an electric field around itself
This is similar to the way in which magnets create magnetic fields
This can be shown by electric field lines
Fields lines always point away from positive charges and towards negative charges

Electric fields are always directed away from positive charges and towards negative

The direction of the field lines in an electric field is described as:

The direction of the force on a positive charge at that point

Field lines show the direction that a positive charge would experience if it was at that point

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Although the definition of the force direction refers to a positive charge, in demonstrations YOUR NOTES
it is always electrons (negative charges) which are free to move according to that force 
The strength of an electric field depends on the distance from the object creating the field:
The field is strongest close to the charged object - this is shown by the field lines being
closer together
The field becomes weaker further away from the charged object - this is shown by the
field lines becoming further apart

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Electric Field Patterns (Extended) YOUR NOTES

Objects in an electric field will experience an electrostatic force
Since force is a vector, the direction of this force depends on whether the charges are
the same or opposite
The force is either attractive or repulsive
If the charges are the same (negative and negative or positive and positive), this force
will be repulsive and the second charged object will move away from the charge
creating the field
If the charges are the opposite (negative and positive), this force will be attractive and
the second charged object will move toward the charge creating the field

Electric field lines show force direction and force strength

The size of the force depends on the strength of the field at that point
This means that the force becomes:
Stronger as the distance between the two charged objects decreases
Weaker as the distance between the two charged objects increases
The relationship between the strength of the force and the distance applies to both the
force of attraction and force of repulsion
Two negative charges brought close together will have a stronger repulsive force than
if they were far apart
Field Lines Around a Point Charge
The electric field is the region in which another charge will experience a force
Fields lines always go away from positive charges and towards negative charges – they
have the same direction as the direction of the force on a positively charged particle at a

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point in that field YOUR NOTES

Electric fields are always directed away from positive charges and towards negative
Field Lines Between Two Oppositely Charged Parallel Conducting Plates
The electric field between two parallel plates is a uniform electric field
The field lines are:
Directed from the positive to the negative plate
Straight lines

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The electric field between two parallel plates

Field Lines Around a Charged Conducting Sphere
The field lines around a charge conducting sphere are symmetrical, as with a point charge
This is because the charges on the surface of the sphere will be evenly distributed
The charges are the same, so they repel
The surface is conducting, allowing them to move

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This field line pattern can be demonstrated using a Van der Graaff Generator
One method using streamers is shown
Other methods often demonstrated in schools include
Small pieces of paper
Polystyrene beads
Aluminium foil containers

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4.2.4 Investigating Conductors & Insulators YOUR NOTES

Conductors, Insulators & Electrons

The key difference between conductors and insulators is that:

Conductors allow charge carriers to freely move
Insulators do not allow charge carriers to move
The reasons for this are to do with their internal structure

A conductor is a material that allows charge (usually electrons) to flow through it easily
Examples of conductors are:
Conductors tend to be metals

Different materials have different properties of conductivity

On the atomic scale, conductors are made up of positively charged metal ions with their
outermost electrons delocalised
This means the electrons are free to move
Metals conduct electricity very well because:
Current is the rate of flow of charged particles
So, the more easily electrons are able to flow, the better the conductor

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The lattice structure of a conductor with positive metal ions and delocalised electrons
An insulator is a material that has no free charges, hence does not allow the flow of charge
through them very easily
Examples of insulators are:
Some non-metals, such as wood, allow some charge to pass through them
Although they are not very good at conducting, they do conduct a little in the form of static
For example, two insulators can build up charge on their surfaces. If those surfaces
touch, this would allow that charge to be conducted away

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Investigating Electrical Conductors & Insulators YOUR NOTES

The Gold-leaf Electroscope (GLE) 
To distinguish between conductors and insulators a Gold-leaf electroscope (GLE) can be

The gold-leaf electroscope is a device used to demonstrate charge

The GLE consists of
A metal plate attached to one end of a metal rod
At the other end of the rod a very thin leaf of gold foil is attached
The rod is held by an insulating collar inside a box with glass sides, allowing the gold
leaf to both be seen and protected from draughts

When the GLE is charged, the plate, rod and gold leaf have the same charge (either positive
or negative)
Since the rod and leaf have the same charge, they repel, and the leaf sticks out to the
When the rod and leaf are discharged (are neutral) the leaf hangs down

To Test Electrical Conductors and insulators

Charge the plate of the GLE so that the gold leaf stands clear of the rod
Carefully touch the plate of the GLE with the items being tested, for example:
Metals, such as: wire, paperclip, scissor blades
Non-metals, such as: paper, fingers, glass, graphite

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Plastics, such as: plastic ruler, the handles of the scissors, finger in a plastic sandwich YOUR NOTES
bag 
Comparisons, such as: wet cloth, dry cloth; finger and finger in a plastic sandwich bag

Record the observations each time

Leaf falls: material is a good conductor
Leaf remains in place: object is a poor conductor (good insulator)
Leaf falls slowly: material is a poor conductor

Alternative method
An electronic charge detector can be used in place of the Gold-leaf Electroscope

Expected Results
Overall, metals are very good conductors whilst non-metals tend to be good insulators
Conductors and Insulators Summary Table

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4.2.5 Current YOUR NOTES

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The current is the amount of charge passing a point in a circuit every second 

(It is helpful to think of current as the charge per second)

Charge, current and time are related by the following equation:

Where the symbols:

Q stands for charge (measured in coulombs, C)
I stands for current (measured in amps, A)

You can rearrange this equation with the help of the formula triangle:

Use the formula triangle to help you rearrange the equation

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Direct & Alternating Current YOUR NOTES

When two oppositely charged conductors are connected together (by a length of wire), 
charge will flow between the two conductors

Charge can flow between two conductors

This flow of charge is called an electric current
The greater the flow of charge, the greater the electric current

Direct Current and Alternating Current

Current can be direct current (dc) or alternating current (ac)
In terms of calculations they can be treated in the same way

Two graphs showing the variation of current with time for alternating current and direct

Direct Current (dc)

Direct current is produced when using dry cells and batteries (and sometimes generators,
although these are usually ac)
The electrons flow in one direction only, from the negative terminal to the positive
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Alternating Current (ac) 

Alternating current typically comes from mains electricity and generators

It is needed for use in transformers in the National Grid (covered later in this topic)
The direction of electron flow changes direction regularly
A typical frequency for the reversal of ac current in mains electricity is 50 Hz

 Exam Tip
If asked to explain the difference between alternating and direct current, sketch the
graphs shown above: a well-sketched (and labelled) graph can earn you full marks.

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Measuring Current YOUR NOTES

Current is measured using an ammeter 
Ammeters should always be connected in series with the part of the circuit you wish to
measure the current through
Ammeters measure the amount of charge passing through them per unit time, so the
ammeter has to be in series so that all the charge flows through it

An ammeter can be used to measure the current around a circuit

Digital or Analogue?
Ammeters can be either
Digital (with an electronic read out)
Analogue (with a needle and scale)
Analogue Ammeters
Typical ranges are 0.1-1.0 A and 1.0-5.0 A for analogue ammeters
Always double check exactly where the marker is before an experiment, if not at zero,
you will need to subtract this from all your measurements. They should be checked for
zero errors before using
They are also subject to parallax error
Always read the meter from a position directly perpendicular to the scale

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Digital Ammeters
Digital ammeters can measure very small currents, in mA or µA
Digital displays show the measured values as digits and are more accurate than analogue
They’re easy to use because they give a specific value and are capable of displaying more
precise values
However digital displays may 'flicker' back and forth between values and a judgement
must be made as to which to write down
Digital ammeters should be checked for zero error
Make sure the reading is zero before starting an experiment, or subtract the “zero”
value from the end results

Digital meter

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Electrical Conduction in Metals YOUR NOTES

In a metal, current is caused by a flow of electrons 

In metals, the current is caused by a flow of free (delocalised) electrons

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Conventional Current YOUR NOTES

Electrons are negatively charged
This means that the electrons flow from negative to positive
Conventional current, however, is still defined as going from positive to negative

By definition, conventional current always goes from positive to negative (even though
electrons go the other way)

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4.2.6 Electromotive Force & Potential Difference YOUR NOTES

Electromotive Force
The electromotive Force (e.m.f.) is the name given to the potential difference of the power
source in a circuit
It is defined as
The electrical work done by a source in moving a unit charge around a complete
Electromotive force (e.m.f.) is measured in volts (V)

The EMF is the voltage supplied by a power supply: 12 V in the above case
The definition of e.m.f. can also be expressed using an equation
E = electromotive force (e.m.f.) (V)
W = energy supplied to the charges from the power source (J)
Q = charge on each charge carrier (C)
Note: in circuits the charge carriers are electrons
This equation should be compared to the definition of potential difference (below) as the
two are closely related

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Potential Difference YOUR NOTES

As charge flows around a circuit energy is transferred from the power source to the charge 
carriers, and then to the components
This is what makes components such as bulbs light up
The potential difference between two points in a circuit is related to the amount of
energy transferred between those points in the circuit
Potential difference is defined as
The work done by a unit charge passing through a component
Potential difference is measure in volts (V)

The potential difference is the difference in the electrical potential across each component:
5 volts for the bulb (on the left) and 7 volts for the resistor (on the right)
The definition of p.d. can also be expressed using an equation
V = potential difference (p.d.) (V)
W = energy transferred to the components from the charge carriers (J)
Q = charge on each charge carrier (C)
In circuits the charge carriers are electrons
This equation should be compared to the definition of e.m.f. as the two are closely related
due to conservation of energy

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Measuring Potential Difference YOUR NOTES

Potential difference is measured using a voltmeter, which can be either 
Digital (with an electronic read out)
Analogue (with a needle and scale)
Voltmeters are connected in parallel with the component being tested
The potential difference is the difference in electrical potential between two points,
therefore the voltmeter has to be connected to two points in the circuit
Analogue or Digital?
Analogue voltmeters are subject to parallax error
Always read the meter from a position directly perpendicular to the scale
Typical ranges are 0.1-1.0 V and 0-5.0 V for analogue voltmeters although they can vary
Always double check exactly where the marker is before an experiment, if not at zero,
you will need to subtract this from all your measurements
They should be checked for zero errors before using

Voltmeters can be either analogue (with a scale and needle) or digital (with electronic read-
Digital voltmeters can measure very small potential differences, in mV or µV
Digital displays show the measured values as digits and are more accurate than analogue
They’re easy to use because they give a specific value and are capable of displaying more
precise values
However digital displays may 'flicker' back and forth between values and a judgement
must be made as to which to write down
Digital voltmeters should be checked for zero error
Make sure the reading is zero before starting an experiment, or subtract the “zero”
value from the end results

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Voltmeters are connected in parallel to the component being tested

 Exam Tip
When you are actually building a circuit in class, always save the voltmeter until
Make the whole circuit first and check it works.
Only then pick up the voltmeter. Connect two leads to your voltmeter. Now connect
the leads so that they are one on each side of the component you are measuring.
This will save you a LOT of time waiting for your teacher to troubleshoot your circuit!

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4.2.7 Resistance YOUR NOTES

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Resistance is the opposition to current 
For a given potential difference, the higher the resistance, the lower the current
Therefore resistors are used in circuits to control the current
The unit of resistance is the ohm, represented by the Greek symbol omega Ω

Ohm's Law
The definition of resistance can be given using the equation
R = resistance (ohms, Ω)
V = potential difference (volts, V)
I = current (amperes, A)

Ohm's Law can be stated in words:

Current is directly proportional to potential difference as long as the temperature remains

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Use the formula triangle to help you rearrange the equation

Consequences of Ohm's Law

Resistors are used in circuits to control either
The current in branches of the circuit (through certain components)
The potential difference across certain components
This is due to the consequences of Ohm's Law
The current in an electrical conductor decreases as its resistance increases (for a
constant p.d.)
The p.d. across an electrical conductor increases as its resistance increases (for a
constant current)

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I-V Graphs for Ohmic Resistors, Filament Lamps & Diodes YOUR NOTES
As the potential difference (voltage) across a component is increased, the current in the 
component also increases
The precise relationship between voltage and current can be different for different types of
components and is shown by an IV graph:

IV graphs for a resistor and a filament lamp

The IV graph for a resistor is very simple:
The current is proportional to the potential difference
This is because the resistor has a constant resistance

For a lamp the relationship is more complicated:

The current increases at a proportionally slower rate than the potential difference
This is because:
The current causes the filament in the lamp to heat up
As the filament gets hot, its resistance increases
This opposes the current, causing it to increase at a slower rate

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4.2.8 Resistance of a Wire YOUR NOTES

Resistance of a Wire
As electrons pass through a wire, they collide with the metal ions in the wire

Electrons collide with ions, which resist their flow

The ions get in the way of the electrons, resisting their flow

If the wire is longer, each electron will collide with more ions and so there will be more
The longer a wire, the greater its resistance
If the wire is thicker (greater diameter) there is more space for the electrons and so more
electrons can flow:
The thicker a wire, the smaller its resistance

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Proportionality Relationships for Electrical Conductors YOUR NOTES

The relationship between resistance, length and cross-sectional area can be represented
Resistance is directly proportional to length
Resistance is inversely proportional to cross-sectional area (width, or thickness)

The mathematical relationship between length and width of the wire and the resistance

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4.2.9 Electrical Energy YOUR NOTES

Electrical Energy Equation
Everyday appliances transfer electrical energy from the mains to other forms of energy in
the appliance
For example, in a heater, this will transfer electrical energy into a thermal energy store
The amount of energy an appliance transfers depends on:
How long the appliance is switched on for
The power of the appliance
A 1 kW iron uses the same amount of energy in 1 hour as a 2 kW iron would use in 30 minutes
A 100 W heater uses the same amount of energy in 30 hours as a 3000 W heater does in 1
Calculating Electrical Energy
To calculate electrical energy use the equation
E = VIt
E = energy ( joules, J)
V = voltage (volts, V)
I = current (amps, A)
t = time (seconds, s)

 Exam Tip
Remember that kilo (k) means 1000, so 1 kW = 1000 W

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Energy Transfer in Electrical Circuits YOUR NOTES

As electricity passes around a circuit, energy is transferred from the power source to the 
various components (which may then transfer energy to the surroundings)
As charge passes through the power supply it is given energy
As it passes through each component it loses some energy (transferring that energy to
the component)

The current transfers electrical energy from the power source and to the components

Different domestic appliances transfer energy from batteries, such as a remote control
Most household appliances transfer energy from the AC mains
This can be to the kinetic energy of an electric motor. Motors are used in:
Vacuum cleaners - to create the suction to suck in dust and dirt off carpets
Washing machines - to rotate the drum to wash (or dry) clothes
Refrigerators - to compress the refrigerant chemical into a liquid to reduce the
Or, in heating devices. Heating is used in:
Toasters - to toast bread
Kettles - to boil hot water
Radiators - hot water is pumped from the boiler so the radiator can heat up a room

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Energy transfers for a washing machine and toaster

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4.2.10 Electrical Power YOUR NOTES

Electrical Power Equation
In mechanics, power P is defined as the rate of doing work
The potential difference is the work done per unit charge
Current is the rate of flow of charge
Therefore, the electrical power is defined as the rate of change of work done:

The work done is the energy transferred so the power is the energy transferred per second
in an electrical component
The power dissipated (produced) by an electrical device can also be written as

Using Ohm's Law V = IR to rearrange for either V or I and substituting into the power
equation, means power can be written in terms of resistance R

This means for a given resistor if the current or voltage doubles the power will be four times
as great.
Which equation to use will depend on whether the value of current or voltage has been
given in the question
Rearranging the energy and power equation, the energy can be written as:

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Where: 
E = energy transferred (J)
V = potential difference (V)
I = current (A)
t = time (s)

 Worked Example
Two lamps are connected in series to a 150 V power supply.

Which statement most accurately describes what happens?

A. Both lamps light normally
B. The 15 V lamp blows
C. Only the 41 W lamp lights
D. Both lamps light at less than their normal brightness


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 Exam Tip
You can use the mnemonic “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Power equals I squared R” to
remember whether to multiply or divide by resistance in the power equations.
When doing calculations involving electrical power, remember the unit is Watts W,
therefore, you should always make sure that the time is in seconds

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Measuring Energy Usage YOUR NOTES

The Kilowatt Hour (kWh) 
Energy usage in homes and businesses is calculated and compared using the kilowatt hour
The kilowatt hour is defined as:
A unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt of power expended for one hour

Appliances are given power ratings, which tell consumers:

The amount of energy transferred (by electrical work) to the device every second

This kettle uses between 2500 and 3000 W of electrical energy

This energy is commonly measured in kilowatt-hour (kW h), which is then used to
calculate the cost of energy used
Calculating with kWh
The kilowatt hour can also be defined using an equation:
E = Pt
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E = energy (kWh) YOUR NOTES

P = power (kW) 
t = time (h)
This equation is unusual because S.I. unit are not used, both energy and power
are × 103, and time is in hours, not seconds
Since the usual unit of energy is joules (J), this is the 1 W in 1 s
1 kW h = 1000 W × 3600 s = 3 . 6 × 106 J
Since 1 kW = 1000 W and 1 h = 3600 s

To convert between Joules and kW h:

kW h × (3 . 6 × 106) = J

J ÷ (3 . 6 × 106) = kW h
The kW h is a large unit of energy, and mostly used for energy in homes, businesses,
factories and so on

 Worked Example
A cooker transfers 1.2 × 109 J of electrical energy to heat. How much will this cost if 1
kW h costs 14.2p?

Step 1: Convert from J to kW h

(1 . 2 × 109) ÷ (3 . 6 × 106) = 333 . 333 kW h
Step 2: Calculate the price
1 kW h = 14. 2 p

333 . 333 × 14. 2 = 4733 p = £ 47. 33

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