Crown of Fetters Pirate Borg
Crown of Fetters Pirate Borg
Crown of Fetters Pirate Borg
. Con
by J.C
Characters introduced for the first time in the adven- Driven by greed and a disdain for the treacherous
ture are noted in ALL-CAPS. Ability tests are in Small- voyage to Whispering Cay, Captain Malachi made
Caps. Sections marked with a map are side-quests a habit of cheating on his contracts, callously dis-
and adventure hooks, and not important to the overall carding the governor’s dead into the sea. For years,
plot of the adventure. Sections marked with a person his vile deeds went unnoticed, until one fateful day
are opportunities for specific PCs, notably the pre- when the Devil himself boarded Malachi’s ship as
generated characters from the end of this adventure. a passenger. The Devil, savoring the captain’s sac-
rilege of dumping bodies that had received the holy
Last Rites, decided to curse him for his blasphemy.
From that day forward, Malachi’s ship became known Through investigation, the PCs will discover the source
as the Wraithfetter on dark days, its name a grim re- of the haunting. Through deduction and roleplaying,
minder of the curse that bound him and his crew to or summoning a spirit, they find that the only way to
it. They were forbidden to leave the ship except un- remove the curse on the crew is to find the bodies of
der the cover of night. Both captain and vessel were the three ghosts that the Devil saw thrown overboard
cursed with immortality—each time the ship was de- and bury them properly at Whispering Cay. The re-
stroyed and sank to the ocean’s depths, it would soon mains of the dead, however, have washed ashore the
restore itself and rise again, with Malachi as its sole horrifying Ossuary Reef, a cursed place composed of
crewman. He was condemned to rebuild his crew the bones of ancient titans and monsters.
from scratch, knowing full well that anyone who
joined him would also fall victim to the Devil’s curse. With the remains on the ship, the PCs must now set
sail for Whispering Cay. When they arrive, however,
Resigned to his eternal fate, Malachi has grown bitter they discover that the island is not as it seems. The
and callous. Though he tries to keep his crew safe, his graveyard is not fine and noble, but decaying, with
greed drives him to take on missions for the most wick- most of its graves disturbed. Furthermore, rumors of a
ed denizens of the Caribbean, indifferent to the fact cannibal pirate, Howling Lebendtod, is said to be can-
that he has become a servant to the very worst of them. nibalizing the corpses there.
Forced Into Service!
The PCs are all criminals or lowlife scum who got im-
prisoned for some infraction against the callous British If asked about the letter...
Governor of St. Kitts, WILLIAM WATTS. Their hands “It is a private correspondence between a grandson
bound, they are marched by Royal guards into the gov- and grandmother.”
ernor’s private garden to hear their fates.
Pale Sven shrugs and take the letter, and when he is
Near the governor is PALE SVEN, a stocky, blond- onboard the ship, casually places it in his quarters.
bearded man who studies the PCs carefully. He wears
an unusual sash made from green reptile leather and
stamped with Viking-style runes.
Pale Sven
Pale Sven leads the PCs directly to the Morning Pas-
sage. Pale Sven has a thick Swedish accent and is a
The noble governor is unkempt, tired, and slurs his
man of few words, but is amiable enough to the new
speech as he toys with a hangman’s noose in his hands.
But arrogance leaks through his voice:
If asked about himself...
“I am a man generally renowned for my sagac-
“I’ve sailed these waters for fifteen years, the last three
ity, yet today, I seem bereft of such faculties. It ap-
with Captain Malachi as his first mate. Know that I
pears that my esteemed friend and loyal servant,
always strive to keep my captain and crew safe.”
Captain Theodosius Malachi, finds himself regret-
tably short-handed on his vessel. Moreover, I pos-
sess cargo of utmost importance that must be con- On Captain Malachi...
veyed to the island of Whispering Cay within a mere “Malachi is a talented seaman, and has captained the
span of a few days. My family is hard at work at Morning Passage for over a decade. It is common for
a new manor there, and is desperate for supplies. governors to rely on his services. You’ll find him both
fair and and discreet.”
“Thus, you are faced with a choice: compliance or
the noose. Accompany Pale Sven forthwith to the
Morning Passage and render whatever services Cap-
tain Malachi requires. Should you return with his On the ship’s destination...
commendation, your lives will be spared. However, “We are off to Whispering Cay, three days souh from
should he speak ill of your conduct, you shall face St. Kitts. It is a small privately-owned island. The
punishment or execution.” governor and his grandmother are building an estate
to house his massive family... no doubt in the event
the French take St. Kitt’s from the British.”
The governor is curious as to each PC’s history, and is
willing to chat for a few minutes, but will say nothing
meaningful. The GM should use this as an opportunity On likely danger...
to get each player to speak of their crimes. As they go “Danger is likely. The seas are rough this time of year.
to leave, he remembers something and hands Pale Sven And the French and Spanish have recently raised the
a sealed letter (see Handout A): bounties for British trade ships like ours.”
On his unusual leather sash...
“A gift from Captain Malachi to me, his first mate.
The Morning Passage
The Morning Passage (aka the Wraithfetter) is a 80’,
I wear it with honor so all know that I speak for the
square-rigged brigantine. It has two masts and requires
captain.” about 15 crew to operate, but can carry a full compli-
ment of 30 men. The ship carries 12 cannons – quite a
GM’s Note: The sash is an ancient Viking relic, found
few for a merchant vessel!
on a Spanish treasure ship. It provides AC+1 and lets
the wearer resist the ship’s curse for 24 hours, so that a
single crewman to go ashore for a while.
-d4 +1
40 4
Captain Malachi’s Welcome
At the docks, the dark-haired, unsmiling CAPTAIN
MALACHI welcomes the new crew aboard his vessel. d8
He’s dressed in fine, dark clothes, and has a black hat
with a cyclopean skull embroidered into it.
“Ye can call me Captain or Malachi, makes no differ-
ence to me, but know this—I’ll call ye what I damn
well please. Ye’ve already met my mate, Pale Sven. 30
Do as he tells ye, and he’ll see to it ye stay in one
piece, ‘specially with the rough seas ahead. And if
ye’re thinking of ignoring him, best ask Sven what
befell poor Brummett on our last run. And mind ye,
don’t go spewing on my deck. If ye feel the bile rising,
take yerself up to the sterncastle and let the sea have
it there. We sail within the hour.” If asked about the cargo...
“Three crates of the governor’s fineries and a gagged
Italian. It has been secured, ye best not meddle with
If the PCs ask the captain or Pale Sven about the fate it.”
of Brummett, they will not say any more, just snicker
and trust their index finger inside their cheeks like a
fish-hook. On the Italian in the hold...
“An architect that has refused to begin his contracted
GM’s Note: Brummett disobeyed an order and lit a work on the governor’s manor at the Cay. The gov-
torch from the crow’s nest on a cold night while trying ernor wants him forcefully delivered, where he’ll be
to read a book that he thought might help reverse the made to complete his promises. Do not speak to the
ship’s curse. He accidentally caught the crow’s nest on man.”
fire, as well as a sail, which fell to the deck and singed
it. As punishment, the captain ordered him run through
with a boat hook and used as shark bait. Brummett If asked about the voyage...
was well-liked by the crew, so while the captain and “The seas are rough to the south this time of year.
Pale Sven won’t tell this story, others on the boat will if Don’t expect it to be an easy trip.”
persuaded with good roleplaying.
The captain inquires as to the talents of the new mates, On Whispering Cay...
and assigns them positions, typically as lookouts, deck “A small, cold island where the governor is building
swabbers, or guards for the food stores. He also men- a private estate. I do not enjoy its amenities, and I’ve
tions that he’s also looking for a second cook, since his not been there in some time.”
current one, Bartholomew, has been tired lately.
As planned, the Morning Passage leaves St. Kitts by
noon and heads south.
The Morning Passage
When they aren’t working their duties, the PCs have a A man is gagged and chained to the wall of the hold.
few places to explore aboard the ship: This is BORROMINI, a renowned Italian architect. If
the PCs ungag poor Borromini, he begs for help:
The Swapping Strumpet
The wooden figurehead at the fore of the ship is a “You probably heard that I agreed to help Governor
beautifully carved, well-bosomed woman. However, Watts build his island estate. I did no such thing! His
she bears a single cyclopean eye, rather than two. The men forced me to sign his contract, and when I tried
crew says that kissing her eye and then her lips will to flee the island, they arrested me and forced me on
reverse a man’s bad luck. This is somewhat true. When to this ship. But I am confused, for a crewman told
that player recharges their Devil’s Luck, they don’t me not to worry, for I won’t be arriving at the Cay...”
roll, they take the maximum result. However, kissing
the statue has an ill-effect too. Anyone who has kissed GM’s Note: The crew suspects that Captain Malachi
the figurehead has a 25% chance of having a horrible plans on killing Borromini and dumping his body
nightmare the next night, one where they dream about overboard midway through the journey.
being slowly eaten alive during a feast held by noble
cannibals. Once this horrifying dream occurs, the PC If Asked About Any Ghosts...
will smell delicious to both the sharks in this adven- “I hear things at night. I have nightmares too, dreams
ture, as well as the Howler of Lebendtod, and be their of the Devil showing me caves with fallenangels. I’ve
first target! even seen a skull glowering at me from the corner of
the hold. This ship is cursed.”
Ship Lockers
The aft lockers contain extra sails, nails, and rope. The
forward lockers contain hand weapons (mostly cut- On the Captain...
lasses, knives, and spears) and extra ammunition for “The governor said that Malachi is a loyal man who
the cannons. All the lockers are locked, but at least five asks no questions, charges a reasonable rate, and is
people have keys to them on the ship, including cap- utterly fearless. I find him to be a dark, callous soul.”
tain, Pale Sven, the gunners, and the carpenters.
On Whispering Cay...
Water and Food Stores “I traveled there years ago with Governor Watts’
Barrels of fresh water and rum are kept here, along grandmother, Ingeborg, before the family purchased
with crates of hard tack, salt pork, and onions. Both it from the Dutch. It is a small, cold island, and I
these rooms are tightly secured, with only the captain, heard that it is still wandered by marooned pirates
Pale Sven, and second mate Ben Little having keys. who have become cannibals!”
Crew Cabins Ben Little, Second Mate. “Half the size, double the
While most of the men sleep together on deck or below rules” say the crew. Ben Little is the calmest and most
deck in hammocks, a few key people share a handful of organized man on board the ship. He is a rules fol-
small cabins: Pale Sven (who bunks with Ben Little, the lower, and has the loyalty of the crew.
second mate), Bartholomew the head cook (who has
died, see events below), and Crack Gunner Vineman, Tinky Tom, Mate. New crewman Tinky Tom is
who bunks with his favorite apprentice gunner. skittish and nervous. He recently found out about
the curse, and it is weighing on him, since he has a
A fourth cabin is reserved for Mademoiselle de Veneui, fiance back at St. Kitts that he believes he will never
who the crew calls “Madam V.” She is the captain’s see again.
much younger paramour. She mostly keeps to herself,
though will be occasionally seen on deck sketching the Raggedy Bill, Gunner. A strong, friendly, and healthy
men as they work the ship. On the wall of her cabin is man. He’s quick to make friends and help newcomers
a portrait of a handsome young man, who she says was aboard the ship.
her fiance before he was killed in battle. “The Gover-
nor’s nephew, Pierce Watts. A fine and handsome sol- Jane Suddaby, Carpenter. Anxious Jane is obsessed
dier too.” She confides that the painting makes Captain over keeping the ship in good repair. After all, she
Malachi uncomfortable. knows that if it goes down, it’s likely she and the
whole crew will die... but its captain will not.
Captain’s Quarters Mademoiselle de Veneui. Shy, sweet “Madam V” was
Captain Malachi’s quarters are always locked. At best,
tricked aboard, with the governor telling her that she
the PCs can get a glimpse of them by peaking through
could visit her fiance, Pierce Watts’, grave at Whis-
the keyhole in the door.
pering Cay. While the governor expected Malachi to
give her to his grandmother for her dark purposes,
The room is exquisitely furnished. Since he can’t leave
Malachi became enamored with the young woman
the ship, all of Malachi’s wealth is gathered here. The
and plans to keep her onboard the ship forever.
room contains an expensive bed, a large map table,
several chests, and a fine Italian leather armchair. Se-
cured around the room are dozens of mementos from If the PCs search Malachi’s quarters, they will find
the captain’s voyages, a fine rapier mounted on the a locked chest under his bed with 5,000 gold stored
wall, a mounted hippopotamus head, an albino tiger there. He also keeps a detailed log of his journeys on
fur rug, and an armless Greek marble sculpture of a his table, which the PCs can use to deduce the location
nude woman. of the corpses he disposed of on previous trips (see
Handout C for a key excerpt).
The Voyage: Day 1
Man Overboard! “I am cursed, and the portrait speaks,” is scrawled a
The seas begin to get rough in the late afternoon, and thousand times over in increasingly urgent handwrit-
the captain orders the men tie down important sup- ing.
plies. Suddenly, the ship lists hard to the starboard and
a scream is heard. A young gunner, RAGGEDY BILL, When informed of the death, the captain seems uncon-
falls from the deck, and is quickly pulled away from cerned, and orders the cook’s body dumped into the
the ship. sea without words or ceremony.
Raggedy Bill is a strong swimmer and laughs from his If the PCs have impressed the captain so far (or one
position in the water. As the men (and presumably the has agreed to be the new cook), he assigns two of them
PCs) look for a way to rescue him, suddenly, he gasps to his cabin.
and heaves. Water starts spilling from his mouth. With-
in minutes, he is drowning, though his head remains
above the water the whole time. Pale Sven yells, “Get Little Margaret (Nighttime)
him quickly onboard, lest the curse take him to the bot- Late the first night, when one of the PCs is either alone
tom of the sea!” or with no more than one other companion, they
awaken with a start:
If the PCs can quickly save Bill, they can resuscitate
him with a DR14 Presence test. He mutters only a A small girl, ten or eleven years old, stands just a few
few words before passing out for 2d8 hours. When he feet from you. She’s dressed in a pretty, ruffled gown,
awakens, he will barely remember the event. and her eyes swell with tears.
The Voyage: Day 2
Navigator’s Error? It is up to the players to save Tinky Tom. To save him,
In the morning, anyone with navigation experience can the PCs must perform great roleplaying (and perhaps
make a DR14 Presence test to observe that the ship is Presence rolls) with the crew. Even if they save him,
off-course. It is not heading south towards Whispering he’ll be ordered whipped. Otherwise, Tinky Tom is or-
Cay, but more southeast. This is because the captain dered hanged and keel-hauled, a merciful way to go
plans on sailing to Dominica to secure another con- versus the other way around.
tract, dumping the bodies he is supposed to deliver off
halfway there. If Tinky Tom is saved...
“I would’ve become a spirit like one of them! Like
If the Captain is Confronted... the skull that I see staring at me from the shadows,
“How dare you question me? I’m sailing south by or the little girl who woke me on my first night. Then
southeast to avoid a squall. We’ll get to the cay with- I’d have no chance of ever leaving this cursed brig!”
in a day of our promised time!”
4. ... the winds carry the cries of the damned straight Then, with great apologies, the captain orders one of
to yer soul, drivin’ ye to the brink of madness!” his crewman to murder Borromini (“shoot or stab him,
but make it quick, for mercy’s sake”). He’ll then then
5. ...the specters of drowned sailors haunt yer every dump his body overboard.
step, draggin’ ye to the bottom of the sea!”
If the PCs are present, or hear the commotion, they can
6. ...the sultry witch’s gaze will pierce through yer convince the captain to spare the man’s life. While he
soul, ensnarin’ yer heart and bindin’ ye to her dark argues that he has no use for architect among his crew,
will! good roleplaying and Presence rolls can convince the
Captain that the man will make a strong and loyal
The Voyage: Day 3
The Scourge of Ecclesiasticus “Behold the ship of fools, deluded in your belief that
As the fog lifts after the previous day’s storm, a ship you sail under the name of the Morning Passage. But
suddenly appears out of nowhere, looming nearby, its is you who should mourn, for you traverse the cursed
silhouette cutting through the mist like a ghostly ap- Wraithfetter, a vessel ensnared by the devil’s own in-
parition. Unusually, it is flying the flags of the Vatican. fluence. Your wretched captain has led nine crews to
The crew of the Morning Passage gasps her name: The the very gates of hell, and he alone returns each time,
Scourge of Ecclesiasticus. unscathed and unrepentant. Yet rejoice today, for I,
in my divine madness, shall deliver you to your fate.
The ship is captained by BISHOP ALARICUS CRU- Rejoice, for I shall bless your lifeless bodies after I
CIATUS, along with a crew of armored “holies” – the have slain you!”
animated, skeletal remains of questionably-ordained
saints. The bishop ferociously hunts down cursed pi-
rates and captains in the New World... including Cap- The bishop’s swift ship races to catch up to the Morn-
tain Malachi. ing Passage and board it, killing its crew with aban-
“It’s the mad bishop – he desires our cargo! Prepare the
cannons!” Captain Malachi screams. The crew seems Whether before a boarding action or after, the bishop
terrified, and cannot take action until they pass a Mo- will reveal the ship’s curse to all. Though the bishop
rale test (2d6, roll higher than a 7 for them to act. If understands not the exact reason, he knows the cap-
they roll a 4 or less, they squabble and debate surren- tain and his crew have been forbidden by the Devil to
dering until the captain stabs one of the disloyal crew; never leave the ship. They are doomed forever sail the
reroll next turn). seas in service to help the man’s darkest works, and if
they try to leave, they will be drowned even on land.
-d4 +1
40 4 If Asked How to Remove the Curse...
“Only death by my holy saints will end the curse!
Else you would have to do penance for the original
sin that your captain committed.”
d2 The Skull of Marmaduke
Once again, the skull will appear to one of the PCs in
bed, and speak aloud a dramatic curse.
Pierce and His Portrait
On night three, the PCs again hear loud footsteps on
the deck above them, as if metal boots are clanking on
The 55’ Scourge of Ecclesiasticus tries to close the dis-
the wood of the deck. The rest of the crew seems com-
tance fast – it prefers to try boarding the Morning Pas-
pletely asleep, and are weirdly unable to be awakened.
sage and fight hand to hand, vs. have its undead crew
try to clumsily man its four cannons.
This time, there is a confused man on the deck. He
wears a British naval uniform and has a dashing look
The bishop’s booming voice calls out over the ocean at
to him, but also seems sad and frustrated.
the Morning Passage:
“I can’t seem to get my sollerets on. And I seem to
have lost my knife. It’s a damned shame because it
was a gift from King Charles... ”
Bishop Cruciatus
HP 9 Morale 8
This man is the ghost of PIERCE WATTS, the nephew
of the governor. He was wounded during a naval skir- Inquisitor’s Mitre -d2
mish with the French, and was supposed to be deliv-
ered to Whispering Cay for treatment. Special: The bishop will night not
fight – he believes it is sinful. He will,
He sits on a locker on the deck, trying to put on heavy however, constantly chant prayers and
plate sollerets, but they do not fit. He also seems to be blessings on his host. This improves his
suffering from a nasty head wound, but waves it off if soldiers’ armor from -d2 to -d4.
asked about it. When he sees the PCs, he asks for help
pushing on his sollerets. With some effort, he can get Special: The bishop carries a mitre once
them on his feet. With that, he thanks them profusely, worn by the inquisitor Torquemada him-
says he hopes to see them soon, then leaps overboard self. It provides -d2 protection as long as
and disappears under the waves. There is no sign of the bearer does not wear tier 2 or 3 armor
him. or wield cold iron.
The Wailing Woman of Ballyshannon
If the PCs venture into the damaged crow’s nest, they
will find a mostly-burned copy of The Vile Mari-
ners’ Chronicle by the acclaimed occultist, Tartleton Sea Banshees
Meredoth. Before it was burnt, this tome once held HP 7 Morale 7
many chilling rituals. One ritual, however, remains –
one that claims to summon the “Wailing Woman of No armor.
Ballyshannon,” a sea spirit who knows all the sins of
captains (see Handout B). Special: All banshees act in unison.
Roll each turn:
If the ritual is cast successfully (a DR12 Spirit test, 1. Sing an ancient dirge. All within earshot must
with a failure causing a mystical mishap), the seas grow save Toughness (DR12) or take d3 damage, +1
wild and pound the deck for d8 hull damage. Then, per banshee still alive.
awful, synchronized singing is heard all around, and 2. Summon waves from a deep kraken. The ship
is pounded by tentacle-infested waves for d8
emerging from the waves are four sea banshees. They
damage, +1 per banshee.
leap to the deck of the ship and scream in unison that 3. Horrific transformation. Everyone makes a
the Morning Passage must prove their worth to the Spirit save (DR 12 + 1 per banshee) or else flop
Wailing Woman: to the ground for d3 turns, crawling towards the
water and fighting off a transformation into a
“The cursed band of Malachi, the wretched, foul! 4. Vomit of barnacles. The banshees spit a tor-
They dare invoke the Wailing Woman’s howl. rent of barnacles at a single victim. If it hits, it
She, the she-devil of Ballyshannon’s shores, does 1d6 damage, +1 per banshee.
Holds court with but the bravest, never with the boors. 5. Devil’s Aura. All banshees heal to full HP.
6. Allies from the deep. Another banshee joins
their ranks.
“Oh, prove your worth, ye mortals, if ye dare!
For only those deemed worthy may draw near.
Her presence, sought by few, yet feared by all—
Do you possess the courage to answer her call?”
a few minutes, long enough for her to answer a hand-
ful of questions. Then she fades away with a wail.
With that, the banshees unleash a ferocious attack on
If the PCs ever attack the Wailing Woman, she will
the crew, who run and howl in terror.
scream a wail that seeps one’s very soul. Then, mil-
lions of gallons of sea water poor out of her mouth.
Once the banshees are defeated, the ocean calms, and
This does massive damage to the ship, likely sinking it
fog rolls into from everywhere. Then, hovering twenty
to the bottom of the ocean (only for it to rise again a
feet above the deck appears the WAILING WOMAN
few hours later!). She is not seen again.
OF BALLYSHANNON. She is a blight upon the very
fabric of reality. Her form is a shifting mass of ethereal,
tattered veils, dripping with the shadows of forgotten
eons. Her face, when it can be discerned through the
ever-shifting shroud, is a vision of unspeakable horror
– a visage twisted by centuries of agony, her eyes two
hollow voids, where the remnants of her soul endlessly
If Asked About the Sins of Malachi... If Asked How to Remove the Curse...
“For many a year, Malachi has walked the crooked “Malachi’s curse is a blight that shall never be lifted,
path, his soul tainted by a life of sin, each step bar- not even by the weight of a lifetime steeped in peni-
tered for the glitter of gold. He has made his trade in tence. No amount of contrition can cleanse the stain
the dark dealings of the devil, exchanging the work of his transgressions, for the curse is woven deep into
of perdition for the spoils of earthly riches. The devil the very fabric of his being. Yet, there is a dark hope for
himself once took passage aboard Malachi’s ship. In those who suffer under this grievous burden, a slender
the shadow of night, the devil watched with cruel thread of redemption for the souls of his cursed crew.
amusement as Malachi broke a solemn vow made
to both the governor and the bishop. The promise “It is whispered by those who dare to speak of such
had been simple and sacred: to lay the bodies of the things, that the curse may yet be undone, but only
dead in consecrated ground, that their souls might by a perilous act of reparation. Should one with the
find peace. But Malachi, ever the servant of darkness, courage and resolve to face the wrath of the damned
chose instead to cast the lifeless forms into the cold seek out the bones of those wronged, gathering them
embrace of the sea, believing he could escape the eyes from the cursed reef where they lie in restless tor-
of both God and man. ment. If these remains are brought back and laid to
rest in the sacred earth that was promised to them,
“Yet the ocean was as unforgiving as the sins it bore then and only then, may the curse be lifted from
witness to. The corpses were not lost to its depths, those who suffer under its weight.”
but were carried by the restless tides to a place of
dread—a cursed reef, formed from the bones of an-
cient titans, those mighty beings felled by the righ-
teous fury of the archangels in the days of old. The
bones of the fallen, long since forgotten by time, now
serve as the grim foundation of this unholy place,
where the desecrated dead find no rest.”
Ossuary Reef
Eventually, the PCs will realize that the entire ship and bones that guard the body. GM’s Note: If the PCs car-
its crew – including themselves – are cursed to never ry Marmaduke’s skull, he will call out to his corpse,
leave. And either through deduction, or the Wailing which will untangle itself and climb down on its own!
Woman of Ballyshannon, they will know that the crew
is cursed because the bodies of good souls were cal- Pierce Watt’s remains are more difficult to find. But a
lously thrown overboard by Captain Malachi, despite sharp eyed PC finds them floating in shallow water not
a promise to deliver them to their holy resting places. too far from the reef. His remains still cling to a float-
ing board. It seems that he briefly survived his final
If Captain Malachi is confronted with his sins through injuries, and clung to dear life until he passed away...
evidence, good roleplaying, and the alliance of the
crew, he will relent, and even admit that the source of Getting to the floating bones requires someone to
the curse was that the Devil saw him do his misdeeds. swim or take the dinghy around. However, as the PCs
He is repentant to a point, but knows fully that his own get closer to the remains, his skull gasps weeps, “I can-
curse will never be lifted. But to save the souls of his not see Madam V like this!” He then lets go of his
crew, he agrees to sail in a different direction, so that board, plunging into the deep. The bones settle on the
the bones of the dead may be retrieved. ocean floor, about twenty feet under the surface. The
commotion, however, summons two fossilized sharks!
Fortunately for the PCs’ efforts, the captain dumped
the bodies as he changed course at the same spot in the Still on Pierce’s body is a fine soldier’s knife, given
ocean. While he did not know it, his preferred location to him by Charles II himself. It deals 1d4+1 damage.
was near the Ossuary Reef, a ghastly monument built Also, if the PCs search the island, they can find more
from the bones of ancient titans, leviathans, and elder possessions of dead sailors, such as cutlasses, board-
gods. It is a small island in the sea, a mass of gargan- ing spears, etc. The PCs may spend a Devil’s Luck to
tuan skulls and warped bone spires poking above the find a particularly valuable item (see chart p.23).
waves, often lit with a spectral glow on some nights.
The position of the reef can be derived in the captain’s
quarters from his log books and navigation map, vis-
ible from the place where he committed his sins.
Fossil Hammerheads
HP 9 Morale -
The reef is too dangerous to approach with the Morning
Passage. Instead, a dinghy (with 4 HP) must be rowed No armor.
to the island. Boating here is dangerous business, and Bite d10
a DR9 Agility test must be made to avoid d6 damage
from the sharp bones that surround the reef. Bloodthirsty. If someone is injured, they
defend against DR14 (not DR12).
On the reef, the PCs can track down the remains of the
three ghosts: Margaret, Marmaduke, and Pierce Watts: Undead. If killed, roll a d6. On a 1 or 2,
it reassembles with 1 HP.
Little Margaret’s body is easy to find. Her bones are ly-
ing peacefully on the outskirts of the reef, her dress wet Special. Holy water is particularly effec-
but eerily undamaged. tive against these creatures. If dropped
into their water, nearby sharks take 1d6
Marmaduke’s headless remains are deeper on the reef. damage the first turn, 1d4 the next, then
They are twisted and hanging from a tall spire, tied 1d3 the third and final turn from the dis-
to it with tangles of grotesque seaweed. Climbing the sipating holy water. A shark wounded by
spire requires a DC12 Agility test, else the climber holy water never reassembles.
will either fall or take d4 damage from the razor-sharp
Whispering Cay
Whispering Cay is a small foggy island located three
days south of St. Kitt’s. It has a population of only
The Graveyard
The graveyard is ringed by a sturdy, spiked wrought
about 150 people; most are poor laborers who work iron fence. The soil inside the fence is frozen and
to build the imposing Watt’s Manor, a grand, but half- hard. A hundred gravestones, many of them blank,
finished estate that rises defiantly at the far end of the are scattered in a disorganized fashion throughout
a destitute, seaside village. the area. A black mausoleum lies in the center of the
Only a few ships land at the Cay each year, most
bringing supplies for the construction, or more noble Many members of the Watts family are buried in this
dead being sent by Governor William Watts to further yard, with the oldest going back about nine years.
his grandmother’s necromantic experiments. Empty gravesites with stones for Margaret, Marmad-
uke, and Pierce Watts can easily be found.
As soon as the PC’s disembark on to the island, they
notice that the island’s chill rain makes their teeth Any close inspection of the graveyard, however, finds
chatter. Anyone venturing out without a cloak suffers that many of the gravesites are recently disturbed.
a -1 to all checks. Because of the Wraithfetter’s curse, Fresh, torn earth is visible on many of the sites. In
the PCs can only leave their ship at night. If they leave one, an empty coffin is juts out of the loose earth. A
during the day, within an hour their lungs will fill lone grave-tender, SOILED SIMON, lazily roams the
with seawater, inflicting d4 damage every hour until graveyard, not doing much.
they drown!
If Asked About the Gravesites...
The Docks “We ‘ave a grave robbin’ problem, see? Ingeborg
The Morning Passage is the only ship at the docks this don’t pay me enough to tend too late into the night.
day. The dock workers, however, mention that a sec- Suspect it’s the Howler of Lebendtod unburying the
ond merchant ship, the Arnhem, is due within a day dead. Best case they lay in peace a few days ‘fore be-
or so, “no doubt carrying more stone from Scotland.” ing dug up.”
they thank the PCs for allowing them to finally sleep.
Pierce salutes and then weeps, Margaret gives a hug
to the PCs, and Marmaduke cackles one last joke: “If The Howler
there’s no rum in the afterlife, my skull will be back HP 16 Morale 9
to haunt every last one of ye...”
Fleshy Hide -d2
Then, they join with their remains and vanish. The Claw d6
PCs feel as if a great anchor has been lifted from
their souls. The PCs are fully healed to maximum Bloodthirsty. If someone is injured, they
hit points for the good deed. The world seems more defend against DR14 (not DR12).
colorful, but then a harsh wintery breeze comes from
the manor and the island seems colder. Detachable Head. The Howler of Leb-
endtod can detach his howling head from
GM’s Note: While burying the dead and saying a few his body and whip foes with the guts and
words is enough to lift the Wraithfetter’s curse on entrails still attached to it. The first time
them, if the dead are dug up the ghosts will return to he does this, all who see must make a
DR12 Spirit test or be flee in terror for
haunt this yard and the curse will be restored. They
a turn. Once detached, he gets a second
must truly rest in peace for it to be lifted forever.
attack each turn, for d3 damage.
Watts Manor
Watts Manor, though a grand vision, is yet incom- THURSTAN WYVERSTONE. Trembling and croak-
plete. The great hall and several chambers have al- ing, he will politely greet the PCs and ask what their
ready taken shape, their rough-hewn stones, imported business is with the matron of the manor. As long
all the way from Scotland, joined by the hands of dili- as the PCs are police, and have real business (for
gent masons. Scaffolding still clings to the unfinished example, delivering the letter, or discussing supplies
wings and the second floor, and the echoes of hammer for the manor), Thurstan will escort the PCs into the
and chisel resound through the air night and day. house and ask them to wait in the great hall while he
gets the lady. If it is near a mealtime, he will invite
The PCs may come to the manor for a few reasons. them to dine with Lady Ingeborg, and may ask them
First, they might simply wish to meet the governor’s to come back within an hour or two so that he may
grandmother, Ingeborg Watts. After all, he gave the have time to prepare the meal.
crew a sealed letter to give to her. Pale Sven hates be-
ing an errand boy, and if the PCs don’t already have See p.20 for a description of the encounter with Inge-
the letter, he may ask them to bring it to her. borg, the lady of the manor.
Buttrie On a small nightstand, the PCs may find a draft of the
letter Ingeborg is preparing to send back with Captain
The buttrie filled with casks and barrels. Shelves hold
several good vintages of wines. Malachi (see Handout D), scolding her grandson for
the lack of noble corpses sent her way.
The Lodgeings
Until her room on the second floor is complete, Inge-
borg uses this room as her personal quarters. It is al-
ways locked, only able to be opened by a key that ei-
ther Ingeborg or her butler carries (but it can be picked
with a DR14 Agility test).
Meet Lady Ingeborg
The PCs will eventually meet Lady Ingeborg. There On the Howler of Lebendtod...
are usually two situations that lead to this meeting. “I have heard stories of a marooned smuggler, one
First, they may be invited to meet or dine with her in who turned to cannibalism and other dark hobbies.
a formal fashion. Or, they may stumble or sneak into But that was many years ago, and I believe he is dead
the manor (typically through the tunnels) and observe now.”
her unaware. Both are described here:
Sneaking In Admission and Confrontation
If the PCs sneak into the manor, they will glimpse Eventually, Ingeborg will admit her plot: she is des-
Lady Ingeborg and her butler walking between her perately attempting to resurrect the bodies of nobles
quarters and the Cold & Hexen Chamber. They will and transform them into a new type of sentient un-
hear snippets of their conversation: dead... ones that can live in society, breed, but still be
beholden to her whims.
Lady Ingeborg struts with a languid grace, her raven-
black hair cascading over her shoulders like a silken “You expect perhaps some grand declaration of
waterfall. Her ice blue eyes glint with a sharp, almost conquest? But that, my dears, is the folly of lesser
predatory curiosity as she whispers to her servant, a minds. My ambitions are far more refined, more
hunched and decrepit butler. enduring. I have no desire to sit upon a throne, to
wear a crown that time would tarnish. No, my vi-
“My grandson owes me an explanation for why the sion is subtler, more insidious—a legacy that will
deliveries have been so slow. It has taken months echo through the centuries, unseen and unchallenged.
what should have taken years! I need more corpses!
“My family’s bloodline, noble as it is, shall not
“He should have started a war with the French. That succumb to the whims of mortality. Instead, I will
would have resulted in a great many noble dead. craft an eternal society from the bodies of the noble
dead, a brotherhood of the undying. These nobles,
“He is too cowardly for that,” she hisses. “Send word who in life wielded power and influence, shall in
to Captain Malachi that I need to speak to him about death become the silent architects of a new order.
the delays.”
“Through my revenants, I will pull the strings of
“Yes, my lady.” kings and governors, merchants and soldiers alike,
guiding their fates with a whisper and a shadow.
We will shape the politics, the economies of this
world, ensuring that our influence, our power, re-
The lady will then excuse herself and lock herself in
mains unbroken, untouchable by time. No one will
her “Cold & Hexen Chamber,” or her quarters if it is
know of our existence, and yet they will dance to
very late in the night.
our tune, unaware of the hand that guides them.
With Ingeborg defeated, the island’s chill seems to
diminish. By the next morning, a warm breeze chases Ingeborg Watts
away the cold fog. HP 17 Morale 10
As long as the three ghosts have been put to rest, the No Armor
crew of the Morning Passage leave the ship, rejoicing Unholy stiletto d4
to be free of the curse. Captain Malachi is in a sour
mood, however, for he knows his curse will continue. Poisoned Knife. The first time she hits
Within a day, he’s somehow managed to recruit some a foe with her knife, the victim must
of the locals. He’s even managed to convince Pale make a DR12 Toughness test or else
Sven to stay on as first mate, and the Morning Passage take another d4 damage.
leaves docks in the middle of the night.
Reanimation. If a human dies in front of
her, she will bark out ancient words and
Within a few days, the Arnhem arrives, bringing stone
the person will rise as a zombie with 4
and supplies from Scotland. Its captain can be talked
HP and attack for d3 unarmed damage.
into taking the PCs onboard as crew, allowing them
She can do this only once a day.
to leave the island. His final words, however, send a
shiver through the PCs’ spines:
Adventure Notes
For more free one shot adventures, please
Buried Treasure!
There are many opportunities for the PCs to find valuable
visit If you enjoyed
equipment in the adventure: searching the Ossuary Reef,
this adventure, or ran it for a group, all the
the Graveyard, or even Ingeborg’s quarters. Generally, only
author asks is that you give a shout out and
mundane items can be found. However, at the GM’s discre-
let me know how it went. Post a note on
tion, if the PC rolls a critical success searching, or spends a or tweet @SageThal-
Devil’s Luck, they may find something more precious:
cos on Twitter.
1. The Black Oyster Shell Compass: A tarnished compass
Special Thanks that points not north, but to the nearest hidden treasure,
Thanks to Anne Brown for her original cursed to mislead those with greed in their hearts.
1991 Ship of Horrors adventure, which 2. Kraken’s Fang Dagger: A jagged, coral-encrusted blade
inspired this one. Her adventure so deftly rumored to poison its victims with the venom of the sea’s
combined pirate horror tropes with fan- deadliest creatures (d4+1 damage).
tasy adventure. While this adventure dif- 3. Ghostly Sextant: An ancient navigational tool that reveals
fers quite a bit in many places, it shares the hidden sea routes under the light of a full moon, but at the
same black heart as her AD&D module. cost of a sailor’s sanity.
4. Leviathan’s Eye: A large, sapphire orb that grants its hold-
For more one-shot adventures and VTT er the ability to command sea creatures, though it slowly
assets, visit If turns the user into one of them.
you enjoyed this adventure, or ran it for a 5. Seawraith’s Cutlass: A spectral sword that strikes with the
group, all the author asks is that you give fury of a thousand lost souls, its blade cold enough to freeze
a shout out and let me know how it went. the blood of its victims (d6+1 damage).
Please post a note on www.1shotadventures. 6. Cursed Captain’s Log: A waterlogged journal that, when
com or tweet @SageThalcos. written in, predicts the future of any voyage, though always
in riddles and omens of doom.
Change Log 7. Barnacle-Encrusted Helm: A pirate’s helmet that renders
v1.0 - Original Pirate Borg release. its wearer invulnerable in battle (-1 damage), but slowly
turns their body to stone.
8. Tidecaller’s Amulet: A seashell necklace that controls the
tides, useful for stranding ships or hiding sunken treasure,
but cursed to drown its wearer eventually.
9. Scourge of the Deep: A cannonball forged from abyssal
iron that never misses its mark (and does 2d8 damage), yet
dooms the ship that fires it to a watery grave in d12 days.
10. Bone Reef Lantern: A lantern made from the bones of
drowned sailors, its light reveals the dead lurking beneath
the waves, but also attracts them.
Brass anchor
8 d8 damage, target armor reduced by a tier, 2-handed
Mermaid scales
Breathe underwater for d4 hours. -2
After use, roll Spirit (DC12). On a
failure, you are stunned for 1 round
and the relic can’t be used until next
dawn. A fumble destroys it! 60
Slightly deranged 40 3
Infested with lice
Chroferus Denton
Rapscallion met
avalier’s hel
Rags & c X
Grogbrewer. Brew D4 servings/day. Test Tough-
ness DR8 + [# of drinks in the hour] to heal
d4 HP. Fail and vomit for d2 rounds, -2
Agility -1 for each drink (lasts one hour
per drink). Or, poison a weapon (DR14
Toughness check or lose d6 HP).
1. Large sea chest
+0 2. 4 candles
3. Whetsone
Hedonistic 40 3
Never blinks
Annoyingly religious d8
15 30
Governor of St. Lucia
holds your daughter captive
“Fire Down Below!”
Extinguish all ship fires and repair
d6 HP
Compass (rarely points 4
Musket 2d6 damage, reload 2 actions,
Venetia the Ragdoll 150’, 12 shots
k & wig
Leather jac X
Focused Aim. Attacks at
enemies you’ve already shot at
are at +4 to hit.
1. Pack
+2 2. Pet monkey
3. Wool blanket
Paranoid 40 3
Trigger finger twitches
Cat o’ Nine d4Tdamage,
Amrrique Gaspar 10’ reach
Rags & w X
Knife Knave. Make two
attacks with your knives (DR 10
to hit). If first hits, second is an
automatic hit.
1. Satchel
+0 2. 30’ rope
3. Ink, quill, and
+1 parchment
Lazy 40 3
Broken teeth
Collect knucklebones, d8
sometimes talk to them
15 30
Your father is trying to
kill you
“Drunken Sailor”
Crew skill +4 for d6 rounds
Zealot (of an ancient god)
& no hat
Torn rags X
Prayer of Sanctuary. For an
action, all thy brethren in thy sight
heal d4 HP.
1. Bandolier
+0 2. Small shovel
3. Ratty blanket
Cowardly 40 3
Matted, dreaded hair
Gambling addiction d8
15 30
No memory until a few
days ago
“Leave Her Johnny”
Reroll changing winds
Hedonistic 40 3
Nigh incurable case of
Dagger d4 damage
Frutos Loco
Powder Monkey
o hat
Rags & n X
Rigging Rat. +1 Agility, 40’ move on ships.
Start with 1!
Cocky 40 3
15 30
Last crew was killed by
ghosts... left you alive
“Spanish Ladies”
Ship cannot get lost today
Smuggler (w/Moral Compass) te & wig
q u ist a d o r’ s breastpfeland, don’t sink...
Co n lity tests, -2 to
de X
-4 to Agi
Now You See Me. Once
per day, reroll charm, sneak, or +0
hide attempts.
1. Pack
+4 2. 1 candle
3. Fishing rod
Impulsive 40 3
Hook for a hand
Chroferus Denton
The Rapscallion
Venetia the Ragdoll
The Buccaneer
Amrrique Gaspar
The Swashbuckler
The Zealot
The Sorcerer
Frutos Loco
The Powder Monkey
The Smuggler