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CBT -I CBT-II Document Verification/ Medical Examination

• CBT-I = Screening nature { marks not counted in final marks}

• CBT-II = Selection is made as per CBT-II merit.
• Negative Marking – 1/3rd
Subject No. of Questions Marks for Each Section
Mathematics 30 30
General Intelligence & 25 25
General Awareness 15 15
General Science 30 30
Total 100 100
Time in Minutes 90


Mathematics : Number systems, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM and HCF, Ratio and
Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and
Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics,
Square Root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern.
General Intelligence and Reasoning : Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and
Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data
Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making, Similarities and Differences,
Analytical reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc.
General Awareness : Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture and history of
India including freedom struggle, Indian Polity and constitution, Indian Economy,
Environmental issues concerning India and the World, Sports, General scientific and
technological developments etc.
General Science : Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences (up to 10th Standard CBSE syllabus).
Subjects No. of Questions Marks for each Section
General Awareness 15 15
Physics & Chemistry 15 15
Basics of Computers and Applications 10 10
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control 10 10
Technical Abilities 100 100
Total 150 150
Time in Minutes 120

General Awareness : Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture and history of India including
freedom struggle, Indian Polity and constitution, Indian Economy, Environmental issues concerning India and the
World, Sports, General scientific and technological developments etc.

Physics and Chemistry: Up to 10th standard CBSE syllabus.


Basics of Computers and Applications: Architecture of Computers; input and Output devices; Storage

devices, Networking, Operating System like Windows, Unix, Linux; MS Office; Various data representation;

Internet and Email; Websites & Web Browsers; Computer Virus.

Basics of Environment and Pollution Control: Basics of Environment; Adverse effect of environmental
pollution and control strategies; Air, water and Noise pollution, their effect and control; Waste Management,
Global warming; Acid rain; Ozone depletion.

CIVIL Engineering :-

1. Engineering Mechanics- Force (resolution of force, moment of force, force system,

composition of forces), Equilibrium, Friction, Centroid and Center of gravity, Simple machines.

2. Building Construction- Building components (substructure, superstructure), type of structure

(load bearing, framed and composite structures).

3. Building materials- Masonry materials (stones, bricks, and mortars), Timber and miscellaneous
materials (glass, plastic,fiber, aluminum steel, galvanized iron, bitumen, PVC, CPVC, and PPF).

4. Construction of substructure- job layout, earthwork, foundation (types, dewatering, coffer

dams, bearing capacity).
5. Construction of superstructure- stone masonry, brick masonry, Hollow concrete block
masonry, composite masonry, cavity wall, doors and windows, vertical communication (stairs,
lifts, escalators), scaffolding and shoring.
6. Building finishes- Floors (finishes, process of laying), walls (plastering, pointing, painting) and
roofs (roofing materials including RCC).
7. Building maintenance- Cracks (causes, type, repairs- grouting, guniting, epoxy etc.),
settlement (causes and remedial measures), and re-baring techniques.
8. Building drawing- Conventions (type of lines, symbols), planning of building (principles of
planning for residential and public buildings, rules and byelaws), drawings (plan, elevation,
section, site plan, location plan, foundation plan, working drawing), perspective drawing.
9. Concrete Technology- Properties of various types/grades of cement, properties of coarse
and fine aggregates, properties of concrete (water cement ratio, properties of fresh and
hardened concrete), Concrete mix design, testing of concrete, quality control of concrete
(batching, formwork, transportation, placing, compaction, curing, waterproofing), extreme
weather concreting and chemical admixtures, properties of special concrete (ready mix, RCC,
pre-stressed, fiber reinforced, precast, high performance).
10. Surveying- Types of survey, chain and cross staff survey (principle, ranging, triangulation,
chaining, errors, finding area), compass survey (principle, bearing of line, prismatic compass,
traversing, local attraction, calculation of bearings, angles and local attraction) leveling (dumpy
level, recording in level book, temporary adjustment, methods of reduction of levels,
classification of leveling, tilting level, auto level, sources of errors, precautions and difficulties
in leveling), contouring (contour interval, characteristics, method of locating, interpolation,
establishing grade contours, uses of contour maps), area and volume measurements, plane
table survey (principles, setting, method), theodolite survey (components, adjustments,
measurements, traversing), Tacheometric survey, curves (types, setting out), advanced survey
equipment, aerial survey and remote sensing.
11. Computer Aided Design- CAD Software (AutoCAD, Auto Civil, 3D Max etc.), CAD commands,
generation of plan, elevation, section, site plan, area statement, 3D view.
12. Geo Technical Engineering- Application of Geo Technical Engineering in design of
foundation, pavement, earth retaining structures, earthen dams etc., physical properties of
soil, permeability of soil and seepage analysis, shear strength of soil, bearing capacity of soil,
compaction and stabilization of soil, site investigation and sub soil exploration.
13. Hydraulics- properties of fluid, hydrostatic pressure, measurement of liquid pressure in
pipes, fundamentals of fluid flow, flow of liquid through pipes, flow through open channel,
flow measuring devices, hydraulic machines.
14. Irrigation Engineering- Hydrology, investigation and reservoir planning, percolation tanks,
diversion head works.
15. Mechanics of Structures- Stress and strain, shear force and bending moment, moment of
inertia, stresses in beams, analysis of trusses, strain energy.
16. Theory of structures- Direct and bending stresses, slope and deflection, fixed beam,
continuous beam, moment distribution method, columns.
17. Design of Concrete Structures- Working Stress method, Limit State method, analysis and design of
singly reinforced and doubly reinforced sections, shear, bond and development length, analysis and
design of T Beam, slab, axially loaded column and footings.

18. Design of Steel Structures- Types of sections, grades of steel, strength characteristics, IS Code,
Connections, Design of tension and compression members, steel roof truss, beams, column bases.

19. Transportation Engineering- Railway Engineering (alignment and gauges, permanent way, railway
track geometrics, branching of tracks, stations and yards, track maintenance), Bridge engineering (site
selection, investigation, component parts of bridge, permanent and temporary bridges, inspection and
maintenance), Tunnel engineering (classification, shape and sizes, tunnel investigation and surveying,
method of tunneling in various strata, precautions, equipment, explosives, lining and ventilation).

20. Highway Engineering- Road Engineering, investigation for road project, geometric design of
highways, construction of road pavements and materials, traffic engineering, hill roads, drainage of
roads, maintenance and repair of roads.

21. Environmental Engineering- Environmental pollution and control, public water supply, domestic
sewage, solid waste management, environmental sanitation, and plumbing.

22. Advanced Construction Techniques and Equipment- Fibers and plastics, artificial timber, advanced
concreting methods (under water concreting, ready mix concrete, tremix concreting, special concretes),
formwork, pre-fabricated construction, soil reinforcing techniques, hoisting and conveying equipment,
earth moving machinery (exaction and compaction equipment), concrete mixers, stone crushers, pile
driving equipment, working of hot mix bitumen plant, bitumen paver, floor polishing machines.

23. Estimating and Costing- Types of estimates (approximate, detailed), mode of measurements and

rate analysis.

24. Contracts and Accounts- Types of engineering contracts, Tender and tender documents, payment,


General Awareness WEIGHTAGE: General Science WEIGHTAGE:

Topic Marks
History 2-3 Topic Marks
Geography 1-2 Physics 10-12
Polity 3-4 Chemistry 8-10
Current Affairs 4-5 Biology 8-10
Technology 1-2
Sports 1-2
Arts and Culture 2-3
Miscellaneous 1-2

Topic Marks Topic Marks

Number System 1-2 Coding Decoding 3-4

Ratio and Proportion 1-2 Series 3-4

Average 0-1 Blood Relation 1-2

LCM & HCF 1-2 Analogies 2-3

Percentage 1-2 Seating Arrangement 1-2

Time & Work 1-2 Mathematical 1-2

Profit and Loss 1-2
Syllogism 1-2
Time and Distance 1-2
Jumbling 0-1
Simple and Compound Interest 2-3
Venn Diagram 1
Trigonometry 3-4
Data Interpretation and 0-1
Elementary Statistics 0-1 Sufficiency
BODMAS 1 Conclusions and 1-2
Decision Making
Decimals 1
Similarities and 0-1
Fraction 1-2 Differences
Analytical reasoning 0-1
Mensuration 0-1
Classification 1-2
Algebra 1-2
Directions 1-2
Geometry 2
Statement – Arguments 1-2
Square Root 0-1
and Assumptions
Age Calculations 1
Calendar & Clock 1-2
Pipes & Cistern 1
Subject 28.08.2019 28.08.2019 29.08.2019 19.09.2019(Re-
Shift-I Shift-II Shift-II Exam)
BMC+CT 28 26 22 25
Estimation-Costing 5 4 1 5
Soil Mechanics 8 8 9 9
Highway Engineering 4 4 6 3
Railway Engineering 3 - 2 3
Solid Mechanics 6 9 6 9
RCC 7 8 7 3
Steel Structure 6 5 6 8
Fluid Mechanics 5 4 6 5
Surveying 3 2 2 6
Applied Mechanics 2 5 3 4
CPM & PERT - - - -
Auto-Cad 1 - 3 1
Irrigation Engineering 3 2 2 4
Environmental Engineering 8 6 6 8
Engineering Drawing 7 4 6 4
Tunnel Engineering - - - 1
Structure Analysis 4 2 3 2

Airport 2 3 1 -

Contract & Account 1 3 3 -


Bridge - 1 - -

Engineering Economy - 1 - -
Hydrology - - 2 -
S.N. Exam Year
1 RRB JE Works 2023 (P)
2 RRB JE Works 2023 (P)
3 RRB JE P.Way 2023 (P)
4 RRB JE Bridge 2023 (P)
5 RRB JE Work 2023 (P)
6 RRB AE 2022 (P)
7 RRB JE Works 2022 (P)
8 RRB JE P.Way 2022 (P)
9 RRB JE Works 2022 (P)
10 RRB JE Works 2021 (P)
11 RRB JE P.Way 2021 (P)
12 RRB JE Works 2021
13 RRB JE WORKS 2021
14 RRB JE P.Way 2020 (P)
15 RRB JE Works 2020 (P)
16 RRB AE 2020 (P)
17 RRB JE P.Way 2020 (P)
18 RRB JE P.Way 2020 (P)
19 RRB AE 2020 (P)
20 RRB JE CBT 2, 19/09/2019
21 RRB JE CBT 2, 28/08/2019 Morning Shift
22 RRB JE CBT 2, 28/08/2019 Evening Shift
23 RRB JE CBT 2, 29/08/2019 Evening Shift
24 RRB AE 2018 (P)
25 Konkan Railway STA 2017
26 RRB ADEN 2016 (P)
28 Konkan Railway SSE 2015
29 RRB JE 26 Aug 2015 - Shift 1
30 RRB JE 26 Aug 2015 - Shift 2
31 RRB JE 26 Aug 2015 - Shift 3
32 RRB JE 27 Aug 2015 - Shift 1
33 RRB JE 27 Aug 2015 - Shift 2
34 RRB JE 27 Aug 2015 - Shift 3
35 RRB JE 28 Aug 2015 - Shift 1
36 RRB JE 28 Aug 2015 - Shift 2
37 RRB JE 28 Aug 2015 - Shift 3
38 RRB JE 29 Aug 2015 - Shift 1
39 RRB JE 29 Aug 2015 - Shift 2
40 RRB JE 29 Aug 2015 - Shift 3
41 RRB JE 30 Aug 2015
42 RRB SSE 1 Sep 2015 - Shift 1
43 RRB SSE 1 Sep 2015 - Shift 2
44 RRB SSE 1 Sep 2015 - Shift 3
45 RRB SSE 2 Sep 2015 - Shift 1
46 RRB SSE 2 Sep 2015 - Shift 2
47 RRB SSE 3 Sep 2015 - Shift 1
48 RRB SSE 3 Sep 2015 - Shift 2
49 RRB SSE 3 Sep 2015 - Shift 3
50 RRB JE 2014 - Green Paper
51 RRB SSE 2014 - Green Paper
52 RRB JE 2014 - Red Paper
53 RRB SSE 2014 - Yellow Paper
54 RRB JE P.Way 2013 (P)
55 RRB Jammu Section Eng. 2013
56 RRB Chandigarh SSE 09.09.2012
57 RRB Jammu SSE 09.09.2012
58 RRB Allahabad JE 09.09.2012
59 RRB JE P.Way 2012 (P)
60 RRB Chennai Section Engineer, 12.02.2012
61 RRB Chandigarh Section Engineer (Civil), 26.02.2012
62 RRB RRB Patna/Allahabad ESM-II, 30.01.2011
63 RRB Bhubneshwar JE-II 19.12.2010
64 RRB Allahabad JE 19.12.2010
65 RRB Mumbai JE 19.12.2010
66 RRB Mumbai SSE 19.12.2010
67 RRB Chandigarh Section Engineer, 15.03.2009
68 RRB Banglore Section Engineer (Civil) 01.02.2009
69 RRB Thiruvananthapuram Section Eng. (Civil), 04.01.2009
70 RRB Mumbai C&G JE 25.10.2009
71 RRB Gorakhpur RDSO SSE 25.10.2009
72 RRB Jammu JE 25.10.2009
73 RRB Malda SSE 25.10.2009
74 RRB Allahabad JE 25.10.2009
75 RRB Bhopal TM SSE 25.10.2009
76 RRB Patna JE 25.10.2009
77 RRB Bhopal TM SSE 25.10.2009
78 RRB Secunderabad Section Engineer (Civil) 29.06.2008

79 RRB Bhubneshwar JE II 29.11.2008


80 RRB Patna Technical Eng., 27.07.2008


81 RRB Mumbai JE 05.10.2008


82 RRB Chennai Technical (Eng.) 15.04.2007

83 RRB Secunderabad Technical (Eng.) 20.05.2007
84 RRB Bangalore 20.05.2007
85 RRB Allahabad Signal Maintainer-II, 22.01.2006
86 RRB Allahabad Junior Engineer-II [Civil DSL (C&W)], 08.01.2006
87 RRB Kolkata Jr.Engineer-II Civil DRG & Design, 11.06.2006
88 RRB Kolkata Technical-III, 20.08.2006
89 RRB Kolkata Civil Ass., 06.02.2005
90 RRB Kolkata Technical- III, 20.08.2005
91 RRB Ranchi Signal Maintainer Group-III, 20.11.2005
92 RRB Bangalore Material Engg. 21.11.2004
93 RRB Bhopal & Mumbai Apprentice Section Eng. 23.03.2003
94 RRB Bhopal Section Engineer 24.11.2002
95 RRB Bhubaneswar Section Engineer 19.08.2001
96 RRB Kolkata Apprentice Engg. 14.10.2001
97 RRB Kolkata Engg. (P.Way) 20.02.2000

(c) 48-210% (d) 27-35%
RRB JE CE 28 Aug 2019 Ans. (a) Seasoning of timber is the process by which
Shift 1 CBT-II Paper moisture content in the timber is reduced to required
Q.01. To comply with current building regulations, the
minimum cavity width in an external wall is ____ By reducing moisture content, the strength, elasticity
and durability properties are developed.
(a) 70 mm (b) 50 mm
A well-seasoned timber has 10-12% moisture content
(c) 100 mm (d) 60 mm
in it.
Ans. (b) A cavity wall consists of two distinct walls for
Q.04. Which of the following is Quicklime?
a single-wall purpose, with a space or cavity existing
between them. These two individual walls are referred (a) CaCO3 (b) CaO
to as the leaves of the cavity wall, with the inner wall (c) Ca(OH)2 (d) CaCl2
known as the internal leaf and the outer wall as the
external leaf. Another term for a cavity wall is a hollow Ans. (b)
• Quicklime (CaO) reacts with water to form slaked
lime {Ca(OH)2}.
• The addition of a limited amount of water to quick
lime is called slacking of lime.
• When Calcium oxide is mixed with water it forms
Calcium Hydroxide.
• The above reaction can be written as
⇒ CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2
The recommended cavity size falls within the range of
Calcium Hydroxide is used in the preparation of
4 to 10 cm, with both the internal and external leaves
having a minimum thickness of at least 10 mm.
∴ The most appropriate answer would be 50 mm. Common Name
formula/Compound name
Advantage of having cavity in external walls : Lime Stone CaCO3/Calcium Carbonate
1. To give better thermal insulation. It is because of the Chloride of Lime Ca(OCl)2/Calcium
space provided between two leaves of cavity walls is Hypochlorite
full of air and reduces heat transmission into the Chalk Powder CaCO3/Calcium Carbonate
building from outside. Q.05. Maximum principal stress failure theory is also
2. Moisture content in outer atmosphere is does not called _________ theory.
allowed to enter because of hollow space between (a) Rankine (b) Tresca
leaves. So, prevent dampness. (c) Tsai-Wu (d) Tsai Hill
3. They also act as good sound insulators.
Ans. (a) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine
Q.02. Mild steel is used in the manufacture of _____ Theory):
(a) Compression members • A material fails by fracturing when the largest
(b) Cutting tools principal stress exceeds the ultimate strength in a
(c) Rolled steel Sections simple tension test.
(d) Tension members • The crack will start at the most highly stressed point
Ans. (c) Due to the presence of low carbon content in in a brittle material when the largest Principal stress at
mild steel, it can be forged and welded easily. that point reaches ultimate strength.
• Mild steel is ductile which makes it good in absorbing • This theory of yielding has very poor agreement with
tensile stresses. Hence, It is used in beams, joints, and the experiment. However, the theory has been used
girders. successfully for brittle materials.
• It can be used for manufacturing rolled steel sections. • It is used to describe the fracture of brittle materials
It can also be used for the manufacturing of such as cast iron.
reinforcing bars, sheet piles, and roof coverings.
Theories of Failure Other Name Shape
• For making tools and machine parts high carbon steel
having carbon content – 0.55-1.5 % is used. Maximum Principal RANKINE'S THEORY Square
Q.03. The moisture content of a well seasoned wood is Stress Theory
in the range- Maximum Principal St. VENANT'S Rhombus
(a) 10-12% (b) 60-65% Strain Theory THEORY


Total Strain Energy HAIGH'S THEORY Ellipse Q.09. DPC means-
Theory (a) Damp Plain Concrete
Maximum Shear GUEST AND Hexagon (b) Damp Proof Course
Stress Theory TRESCA'S THEORY (c) Dampness Permeable Concrete
(d) Damp Prevention Course
Maximum VON MISES AND Ellipse
Distortion Energy HENCKY'S THEORY Ans. (b) Damp proof course (DPC) is generally applied
Theory at basement levels which restricts the movement of
moisture through walls and floors
Q.06. ______ is the ratio of the volume of voids to the
total volume of the given soil. • DPC is generally measured in a square meter
• DPC usually of 2.5 cm thick rich cement concrete is 1
(a) Degree of saturation
: 1.5 : 3 or 2 cm thick rich cement mortar 1 : 2 mixed
(b) Void ratio
with standard waterproofing material is provided at
(c) Porosity
the plinth level to full width of plinth wall
(d) Air content
Usually, DPC is not provided at the sills of doors and
Ans. (c) Degree of saturation (S): It is the ratio of verandah openings
volume of water to the volume of voids present in soil.
Q.10. If the harmful salt present in the soil is Sodium
Void ratio (e) : Void ratio is usually defined as the ratio
carbonate, it can be neutralized by the addition of
of the volume of voids to the total volume of soil solid.
(a) Magnesium carbonate
Porosity(n) : Porosity is defined as the ratio of the
(b) Magnesium sulphate
volume of voids to the total volume of the soil.
(c) Calcium carbonate
Air Content: It is the ratio of volume of air to the (d) Calcium sulphate
volume of voids present in soil.
Ans. (d) When Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) is present in
Q.07. According to which theory of failure does the the saline soil, gypsum (CaSO4) is added to soil before
ductile material begin to yield, when the maximum leaching and thoroughly mixed with water.
principal strain reaches the strain? Na2CO3 reacts with gypsum and leads to formation of

(a) Rankine's theory (b) Haigh's theory


sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) which can be leached out


(c) St. Venant's theory (d) Guest theory easily.


Ans. (c) Maximum principal strain theory (St. Venant The chemical reaction is:

theory): Na𝟐 CO𝟑 + CaSO𝟒 → Na 𝟐 SO𝟒 + CaCO𝟑(↓)

• According to this theory, yielding will occur when the Q.11. Which of the following wall is constructed to
maximum principal strain just exceeds the strain at the resist the pressure of an earth filling?
tensile yield point in either simple tension or (a) Retaining wall (b) Breast wall
(c) Parapet wall (d) Buttress
• This theory overestimates the behavior of ductile
material. Ans. (a) Retaining walls: The walls constructed for
retaining or supporting earth against their back are
• The theory does not fit well with the experimental
called retaining walls. Earth cannot remain vertical but
results except for brittle material's biaxial tension.
would be in a state of equilibrium when it assumes a
Q.08. According to the Indian Standard Institution (ISI), natural angle which is called angle of repose.
what is the size of a A3 sheet in mm? If it is desired to retain the earth vertically, that portion
(a) 1189 x 841 of the earth will have to be supported by a wall called
(b) 297 x 210 retaining wall.
(c) 841 x 594 Breast Walls : A breast wall is constructed to protect
(d) 420 x 297 the natural sloping ground from the cutting action of
Ans. (d) The preferred sizes of the trimmed sheets as natural agents.
selected from the main ISO - A series are given in table Parapet walls : Parapet walls are used to prevent the
spread of fires. Hence, also called fire walls.
Buttress Wall : Buttress wall is a type of the retaining
wall. It is similar to the counter fort retaining wall, but
the difference is that it is provided on the opposite side
of the retained material. Buttresses walls act as
compression members.


Q.12. M10 grade of concrete mixing ratio is Q.14. Which of the following characteristics of ballast
approximately- makes it unsuitable for use?
(a) 1 : 5 : 10 (b) 1 : 1 : 2 (a) High modulus (b) High stability
(c) 1 : 3 : 6 (d) 1 : 2 : 4 (c) High resilience (d) High water absorption
Ans. (c) The nominal mixes of fixed cement-aggregate Ans. (d) High water absorption makes ballast weak and
ratio (by volume) vary widely in strength and may reduces its crushing strength.
result in under- or over-rich mixes. For this reason, the • As per IS 2386 -1963: Water Absorption should not be
minimum compressive strength has been included in more than 1 %.
many specifications. These mixes are termed standard • For higher modulus value, the ballast will provide
mixes. better elasticity to the railway track and increased
IS 456-2000 has designated the concrete mixes into a ability to bear loads.
number of grades as M10, M15, M20, M25, M30, M35, • For the higher stability, the ballast can hold sleeper in
and M40. In this designation, the letter M refers to the position and will provide better resistance to
mix and the number to the specified 28-day cube vibrations, shocks, and impact loading.
strength of mix in N/mm2. • Due to high resilience, ballast can resist the dynamic
The mixes of grades are as follows : behaviour of train i.e. it can store or withstand high
Strength Nominal Mix Design impact energy.
M5 1 : 5 : 10 Q.15. What is the coefficient of restitution (e) for
M 7.5 1:4:8 elastic impact?
(a) 0 (b) >1 (c) 1 (d) < 0
M10 1:3:6
M15 1:2:4
Ans. (c) Coefficient of restitution is the ratio of Relative
M20 1 : 1.5 : 3 velocity after impact to the relative velocity before
M25 1:1:2 impact. The value of e = 0, for the perfectly inelastic
Q.13. The type of valve which allows water to flow in bodies and e = 1 for perfectly elastic bodies. In case the
one direction but prevents its flow in the reverse bodies are neither perfectly inelastic nor perfectly
direction is elastic, then the value of e lies between 0 and 1.
(a) Sluice valve (b) Pressure relief valve Q.16. In roofing sheet terminology, CGI means -
(c) Air relief valve (d) Reflux valve (a) Corrugated Grating Iron
Ans. (d) Check valves or reflux valves : It prevent water (b) Corrugated Galvanized Iron
to flow back to opposite directions. They are provided (c) Coated Galvanized Iron
on the delivery side of the pumping set and at (d) Coated Grating Iron
interconnections between a polluted water system and Ans. (b) CGI stands for Corrugated Galvanized Iron :
a potable water system. These are generally provided Corrugated Galvanized Iron (CGI) sheets are commonly
on the delivery side of the pump. These valves work used for roofing applications and have a wavy,
automatically. corrugation pattern that helps increase the sheet's
Pressure reducing valve : In hydraulics, a pressure structural rigidity, which is especially useful in roofing
reducing valve serves the same purpose as a "pressure applications since this can help support the weight of
regulator" valve in a compressed air system. It is one of snow, for example.
a variety of pressure control valves available for
• The term galvanized refers to a process where steel
hydraulic circuits. It is always used in a branch circuit
or iron is coated with a layer of zinc in order to inhibit
and never in the full pump flow line.
rusting or corrosion. Galvanized steel or iron is the
Air Relief Valve : it is a type of safety valve used to result of the zinc galvanization process, rendering it
control or limit the pressure in a system, pressure more resilient to harsh weather conditions.
might otherwise build up and create a process upset,
Q.17. A flow is called hyper-sonic, if the Mach number
instrument or equipment failure, or fire. The pressure
is relieved by allowing the pressurised fluid to flow
from an auxiliary passage out of the system. (a) Less than unity (b) More than 6
Scour valve : This valve is used to drain the water out (c) Unity (d) Between 1 and 4
of the pipe system. Ans. (b) Mach number is the ratio of velocity of fluid in
Sluice valve : These valves are used to regulate the flow an undisturbed stream to the velocity of sound wave
of water in the pipe system by dividing into number of • When the mach number is less than unity, it is called
sections. sub – sonic flow
• When the mach number is equal to unity, it is called • Overall construction costs of this kind of sewers are
sonic flow high as compared to separate sewers.
• When the mach number between 1 and 5, it is called • Easy cleaning because of large diameter.
supersonic flow • The strength of sewerage is reduced due to the
• When the mach number is more than 5, it is called dilution of sewage due to storm water.
hyper sonic flow
∴ we will go with most appropriate option i.e More
than 6
Q.18. Which of the following statements is NOT
(a) In combined sewerage system, one set of sewers is
laid for both sanitary sewage and storm water
(b) In separate system, the design of sewage system is
(c) As the sewage is diluted by storm water in Q.19. The rate of construction of a hospital is expressed
combined sewage system, cost of treatment is low in terms of cost per head. This type of Estimate is called
(d) In separate system, self cleaning velocities are as _______
easily available and occasional flushing is required (a) Plinth area estimate
Ans. (c) Separate sewerage system (b) Functional unit estimate
• Two sets of sewers are required. one for carrying (c) Approximate quantity estimate
sanitary sewage and the other (d) Cubical content estimate
for storm water. Ans. (b) Plinth area method, Cubical contents method
• The quantity of sewerage to be treated is less. and Unit base method are approximate construction
because no treatment of storm water is done. cost estimates :
• This system is very useful where there is more rain Plinth area method : Cost of Construction = Plinth

fall. Area Plinth area rate


• As the two sets of lines are to be laid this system is Here, area is measured using outer dimensions of the

cheaper because sewage is carried out in underground buildings.


sewers and storms.


Cubical Contents Method:

• In narrow streets, this system is difficult to use. 1. Relevant for multi-storeyed buildings.
• In this system, less degree of sanitation is achieved 2. Cost of Construction = Volume of Buildings Local
storm water is deposited without treatment. Cube Rate
• This system is most suitable for rocky areas 3. It is more accurate than plinth area or unit base
• circular-shaped sewers are used. method.
Unit Base Method :
1. Cost of Construction = Total no of units unit rate of
each item
2. For schools and colleges, the unit is ‘one student’
and for hospital, th e unit is ‘one bed’.
Q.20. Drop panel is a structural component in:
(a) Grid floor
(b) Flat plate
(c) Slab-beam system of floor
(d) Flat slab
Combined sewerage system
Ans. (d) Flat slabs: The flat slab is a two-way reinforced
• only one set of sewers is laid for carrying sanitary
concrete slab that usually does not have beams and
sewage and storm water.
girders, and the loads are transferred directly to the
• This system is applicable for narrow streets.
supporting concrete columns.
• The maintenance cost of these sewers is very less.
The flat slabs may be supported by three methods:
• It provides automatic flushing of sewers because self-
cleaning velocity is easily achieved. a) Using a drop panel and a column capital in flat slab
• Egg-shaped sewers are used in combined sewers.


b) Using a drop panel without a column capital in flat (d) Partition block
slab Ans. (a)
c) Using a column capital without drop panel in flat slab Block
Characteristic When to Use
Drop panel: type
The thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting Concrete stretcher
Concrete They are laid with
blocks are used to
column is technically known as drop panel as can be stretcher their length parallel to
join the corner in the
observed in the figure below: blocks the face of the wall.
They are arranged in a Corner blocks are
manner that their used at the ends or
plane ends visible to corners of masonry.
the outside and other The ends may be
end is locked with the window or door
stretcher block. openings etc.
These are used when
Q.21. The test conducted by Vicat's apparatus is- two ends of the
Concrete Pillar block is also
corner are visible. In
(a) Consistency (b) Compression strength Pillar called as double
case of piers or pillars
Blocks corner block
(c) Tensile Strength (d) Fineness these blocks are
widely used.
Ans. (a) Vicat’s Apparatus is used to find out the
Jamb blocks are used
consistency, initial setting time and final setting time of They are connected to
Jamb when there is an
the cement. stretcher and corner
blocks elaborated window
In the normal consistency test, we have to find out the opening in the wall.
amount of water to be added to the cement to form a Partition blocks have
Partition concrete
cement paste of normal consistency. Partition larger height than its
blocks are generally
Vicat's apparatus consists of an arrangement to hold Concrete breadth. Hollow part
used to build
Block is divided into two to
the plunger of 10 mm diameter and two other needles partition walls.
three components.
which are made to freely fall into a mould filled with Lintel beam is
the cement paste and the amount of penetration of the Lintel block or beam
generally provided on
needles of plunder can be noted using the vertical block is used for the
Lintel the top portion of
graduations from 0 mm to 50 mm. purpose of provision
Blocks doors and windows,
of beam or lintel
The needle of diameter 1 mm is used and the center which bears the load
needle of the attachment of the Vicat plunger projects coming from top.
the circular cutting edge by 0.5 mm as can be observed Frogged brick block
To hold mortar and to
Frogged contains a frog on its
in the figure below: develop the strong
Brick top along with header
bond with top laying
Blocks and stretcher like
frogged brick.
When we want
Bullnose Bullnose blocks are
rounded edges at
Concrete similar to corner
corner bullnose bricks
Block blocks.
are preferred.
Q.23. The maximum eccentricity to be considered in a
R.C. column of length L is
(a) (L/500) + (lateral dimension/30)
(b) (L/500) + (lateral dimension/25)
(c) (L/400) + (lateral dimension/25)
(d) (L/400) + (lateral dimension/30)
Ans. (a) Minimum eccentricity to be considered along
a lateral dimension as per Clause 25.4 of IS 456:2000 is
equal to the unsupported length of
Q.22. The type of hollow used when there is an columns/500 plus lateral dimension/30, subject to
elaborated window opening in the wall is - a minimum of 20 mm.
(a) Jamb block Minimum eccentricities :
(b) Pillar block ℓ𝒙 𝑫
𝒆𝒙 𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝒎𝒂𝒙 {𝟓𝟎𝟎 + 𝟑𝟎
(c) Lintel block
𝟐𝟎 𝒎𝒎
(a) 20 years (b) 5 years
ℓ𝒚 𝒃 (c) 100 years (d) 1 year
𝒆𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝒎𝒂𝒙 {𝟓𝟎𝟎 + 𝟑𝟎
𝟐𝟎 𝒎𝒎 Ans. (a) The design life period for different types of
ℓx, ℓy = Unsupported length of the column road are as follows :
D and b = lateral dimension of the column National Highways or State Highways - 15 years
Express ways or Urban Roads - 20 Years
Q.24. A ________ is the person responsible for
verifying that the drawings in a project set are free of Other roads like MDR - 10 to 15 Years
mistakes. Rail transport - 3 to 100 Years
(a) Client (b) Receptionist Aerial transport - 20 years
(c) CAD trainee (d) Checker Airport Pavements /Runways - 20 years
Ans. (d) Checker : A "checker" is a person who verifies Q.27. Castigliano's theorem falls under the category of-
that the drawings or blueprints in a project set are free (a) Displacement method
of mistakes. (b) Stiffness method
• Their role is to ensure accuracy, coherence, and (c) Force method
compliance with standards and guidelines. This (d) Equilibrium method
includes checking for dimension errors, incorrect
symbols or codes, and ensuring all relevant Ans. (c) In the force method of analysis : Primary
information is included. unknown are forces in the members, and compatibility
• It is a critical role in architectural or engineering equations are written for displacement and rotations
projects to avoid potential costly or even dangerous (which are calculated by force displacement equations)
mistakes later in build or production stages. in this method.

Q.25. When an owner can borrow money against the Force Methods Displacement Methods
security of property and interest is paid, then it is called Types of indeterminacy: Types of indeterminacy:
as _____ Static Indeterminacy Kinematic Indeterminacy
Governing equation: Governing equations:

(a) Leasehold property (b) Mortgage


Compatibility Equations Equilibrium Equations


(c) Freehold Property (d) Lease


Force displacement Force displacement


Ans. (b) Mortgage : A mortgage is a debt instrument, relations: Flexibility relations: Stiffness matrix

secured by the collateral of specified real estate matrix

property, which the borrower is obliged to pay back Example: Example:
with a predetermined set of payments. 1. Method of consistent 1. Slope deflection
Mortgages are also known as "liens against property" deformation method
or "claims on property." With a fixed-rate mortgage, 2. Theorem of least work 2. Moment distribution
the borrower pays the same interest rate for the life of 3. Column analogy method
the loan. method 3. Kani’s method
4. Flexibility matrix 4. Stiffness matrix method
Leasehold Freehold
Land belongs to the
5. Castigliano’s Theorem
state, leased to owner
Land belongs to the owner Q.28. Which soil will take years and decades to
for a certain number of
years undergo full settlement after the new building is
At the end of the lease constructed?
period, owners must Ownership is indefinite (a) Sand (b) Gravel
pay to extend the lease
(c) Silt (d) Clay
Does not require state
Requires state consent
consent to transfer Ans. (d) The rate of settlement of consolidation is
(obtained at the land
ownership (except in certain depends on the permeability of soil i.e. higher the
office) to transfer
specially earmarked permeability, higher the settlement and also the
properties) amount of water retained by soil.
Most banks will not
Among Sand, Clay, Gravel, Silt – Clay has maximum
finance a property if the Banks finance freehold
lease period is less than properties easily porosity i.e. it can hold large amount of water and clay
30 years also has minimum permeability due to less void size.
Q.26. The life expectancy of aerial transport system ∴ Clay will take maximum time to undergo full
(rope or cable way) is usually- settlement.


Q.29. When the quantities of the work items are area. It means that between building line and control
difficult to be quantified and the rate analysis is also a line, no structure exceeding 13m can be constructed.
complex issue, but still the contractor is willing to Plinth area is the covered built-up area measured at
undertake a work, then the type of Contract best suited the floor level of any storey or at the floor level of the
is: basement. Plinth area is also called as built-up area and
(a) Turn Key Contract (b) Labour Contract is the entire area occupied by the building including
(c) Lump Sum Contract (d) Item Rate Contract internal and external walls. Plinth area is generally 10-
20% more than carpet area.
Ans. (c) Lump Sum or Fixed Price Contract : A lump sum
or fixed price contract is the type of contract where all Carpet area the covered area of the usable spaces of
construction-related activities are regulated with a rooms at any floor. It is measured between walls to
total fixed price agreement. walls within the building and is the sum of the actual
areas of the rooms.
• Lump sum contracts are favored in situations when a
clear scope and a defined schedule is negotiated and Q.32. Bar A and bar B are made up of the same material
accepted. and are of same length. But bar A has diameter ’d’
• A Turnkey Contract is one under which the contractor while bar B has diameter '2d'. If both are subjected to
is responsible for both the design and construction of same axial load, the ratio of strain energy of bar A to
a facility. The basic concept is that in a Turnkey strain energy of bar B is:
Contract the contractor shall provide the works ready (a) 8 (b) 4
for use at the agreed price and by a fixed date. (c) 2 (d) 1
• An item rate/Unit price/Schedule contract is a type of Ans. (b) Strain Energy stored in a material is given by :
contract which is undertaken on per piece or item 𝟏
basis. Simply, it is a type of contract where the 𝐔= × 𝝈 ×∈× 𝑽𝒐𝒍
contractor works and gets paid on 'per item basis'. 𝟏 𝑷 𝑷
𝐔= × × × 𝑨𝑳
𝟐 𝑨 𝑨𝑬
The quote rate is based on the quantity
𝑷𝟐 𝑳
manufactured or work done by them. 𝐔=
• A labour contract is an agreement with specific terms Where,
& conditions between two or more persons or
P = Axial Load,
entities or between the owner & the contractor in
which there is a promise to execute or do some work L = Length of member,
where in all materials required for the construction A = Cross sectional Area, and
are supplied by the owner. E – Modulus of Elasticity
Q.30. Modular ratio is the ratio between the Young's It is given that
modulus of- Both bars are made of same material i.e. EA = EB
(a) Sand and steel (b) Concrete and cement Same Axial Load i.e. PA = PB and same length i.e. LA = LB
(c) Steel and concrete (d) Steel and cement Now,
Ans. (c) As per IS 456:2000, Modular ratio of concrete 𝐔∝
is the ratio of young's modulus of elasticity of steel to 𝑼𝑨 × 𝑨𝑨 = 𝑼𝑩 × 𝑨𝑩
modulus of elasticity of concrete. 𝛑
𝐔𝐀 𝐀𝐁 ×(𝟐𝐝)𝟐
𝑬𝒔 × = 𝟒𝛑 =𝟒
𝐔𝐁 𝐀𝐀 ×(𝐝)𝟐
𝑬𝒄 𝟒
𝒎= Q.33. Out of the four processes listed, which is the last
(a) Hardening (b) Compaction
σcbc = permissible compressive stress in concrete.
(c) Setting (d) Evaporation
Q.31. Line up to which the plinth of a building adjoining
Ans. (a) The correct order of process in concrete is :
a street may be lawfully extended is called -
Setting -> Compaction -> Evaporation -> Hardening
(a) Building carpet (b) Building plan
Steps involved in concreting process are :
(c) Building line (d) Building extend
Batching-> Mixing-> Transportation -> Setting->
Ans. (c) Building line is a restricted boundary up to Compaction -> Curing-> Evaporation -> Hardening
which, one cannot construct plinth or structure
exceeding 13 meters. Q.34. Which of the following air pollution control
devices has maximum efficiency?
Control line is the restricted boundary behind which,
one can construct building as per the regulation of the (a) Dynamic precipitator


(b) Spray tower
(c) Wet cyclonic scrubber
(d) Electrostatic precipitator
Ans. (d) Electrostatic precipitator
• The electrostatic precipitator is one of the most
widely used collection devices for particulates.
• An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is a particulate
collection device that removes particles from a
flowing gaseous stream (such as air) using the force
of an induced electrostatic charge.
• ESP can be operated at high temperatures and
pressures, and its power requirement is low.
• An electrostatic precipitator is a type of filter (dry Fixed end moment, for fixed beam subjected to UDL is
scrubber) that uses static electricity to remove soot given by, M = 10 × 102/12 = 83.33
and ash from exhaust fumes before they exit the
Q.36. The main function of a diversion head works of a
canal from a river is-
(a) To raise water level (b) To store water
(c) To control floods (d) To remove silt
Ans. (a) Diversion head works like Weir or barrage is
constructed across a perennial river to raise water level
and to divert the water to canal, is known as diversion
head work Flow of water in the canal is controlled
by canal head regulator. It controls the entry of silt into
canals and provides some poundage by creating small
pond. However, the most appropriate will be option


The efficiency of different types of air-filtering devices


is as follows :

Gravitational Settling Chambers → < 50 %

Collectors including cyclone or dynamic → 50-90 %
Wet Scrubbers including spray tower, Venturi scrubber
→ 80-99 %
Electrostatic Precipitators → 95-99 %
Fabric Filters → > 99%
Q.35. A beam 10 m long, fixed at it ends, is subjected
to a UDL of 10 kN/m. The fixed end moment is: Q.37. The stability of sub-grade in a pavement is
(a) 83.33 kNm (b) 125 kNm influenced by-
(c) 166.67 kNm (d) 100 kNm (a) Compaction (b) Water content
Ans. (a) Fixed End Moment for different loading (c) Rigidity (d) Materials used
condition are as follows : Ans. (b) Subgrade stability refers to a soil's strength
Loading Fixed End Moment and deformation properties, which significantly
̅ AB ̅ BA influence
Condition 𝐌 𝐌
(a) The response of a sub grade to the heavy repeated
loading of construction traffic and operations,
(b) The future success of placement and compaction of
overlying layers, and
(c) The long-term performance of the pavement sub
Ideally, the sub grade should be strong enough to
prevent excessive rutting and shoving and sufficiently
stiff to minimize resilient deflection.


The most significant factor influencing the strength and Ans. (c) Harder pencils like 3H or 4H are often used for
stiffness of any fine-grained soil is moisture content. technical drawings where precision is important. These
Q.38. Combining two or more plots as a single plot is pencils leave a lighter, finer line which is ideal for
called - precise details like centre lines and section lines.
(a) Amalgamation (b) Building setback Grades of pencils :
(c) Frontage (d) Bifurcation • Pencils are graded according to the hardness or
softness of the lead.
Ans. (a) Setbacks are required at the front, rear and
sides of buildings and the specifications vary from one • The hardest pencil is 9H grade and the softest pencil
is 7B grade.
area to another. The purpose of setbacks is to ensure
one building does not infringe on • Selection of the grade of pencils depends on the type
another building's right to sunlight, ventilation, of line work required and the paper on which it is
greenery and vehicular access. used.
• Softer lead pencils are used to produce thicker and
Amalgamation means combination of two or more
darker line work, but they wear out quickly.
things. These things may be plots, buildings etc.
• Medium grades of H, and 2H are used for general line
Bifurcation is just opposite to amalgamation.
work as well as for lettering.
Frontage is the boundary between a plot of land or • Harder grade leads produce lighter and thinner lines.
a building and the road onto which the plot • Most construction line work is done with 4H, 5H, and
or building fronts. Frontage may also refer to the full 6H pencil leads, producing thin but also sufficiently
length of this boundary. dark by exerting pressure.
Q.39. Keeping in view, the feasibility order of • Depending upon the individual's touch and the style
magnitude, the preliminary, conceptual or budget of writing, the right pencil may be selected.
estimates, are prepared by -
(a) Construction manager
(b) Owner himself/herself
(c) Architect/engineer
(d) All of the options
Ans. (b)
Type of Level of Expected Prepared Other
Estimate Details Error by names
0 - 30 % of Owner Rough
constructio estimate
n ,
Q.41. Which of the following statements is correct
documents prelimin
are ary about remote sensing?

10 - 20 %

available. estimate (a) The surface from which emergent radiance is

, constant in all directions is called Lambertian
y surface
estimate (b) The ratio of the reflected flux to incident flux is
, called reflectance which varies from 0 to 1
analogy (c) All of the options
30 - 80 % of Engineer Engineer (d) The basic property used to identify objects is called

constructio s
± 5 - 10 %

n Estimate
Ans. (c) A Lambertian surface for reflection is a surface
are that appears uniformly bright from all directions of
available. view and reflects the entire incident light. So, option 1
80 - 100 % Contractor Contract is true.
constructio or’s


n Estimate Reflectance is the ratio of the amount of light leaving a

documents target (reflected light) to the amount of light striking
are the target (incident light). It is obvious that reflected
available. light cannot be greater than incident light, so
Q.40. Centre lines, section lines are drawn using _____ reflectance is always less than or equal to 1. So, option
Pencil 2 is also true.
(a) H (b) 2H
Spectral signature is the variation of reflectance or
(c) 3H or 4H (d) HB
emittance of a material with respect to wavelengths. It
can be used to identify the objects because every
object has unique reflectance or emittance finely grained, homogeneous, metamorphic rock, it is
characteristics (just like human fingerprints). So, named for the way the material forms in plains, like
option 4 is also true. sheets resting on top of the other, compressed under
Q.42. The chloride content of public water supplies great pressure to create a strong bond.
should NOT exceed- Concrete tiles - are made from concrete. They are
(a) 150 mg/L (b) 50 mg/L highly durable and easy to maintain. The main
drawback of these tiles is that since these tiles are
(c) 250 mg/L (d) 80 mg/L
heavy they can increase the dead load on structure.
Ans. (c) Permissible limits for different compounds are
as follows : Q.44. Honeycombing defect in RCC members is caused
by -
Property Permissible Limits
Physical Analysis (a) Poor curing
(b) Inadequate compaction
Colour 15 ppm (Tintometer)
(c) Shock waves
Odour 3 PON (Osmoscope)
(d) Chemical reaction
Taste 5 FTN
Specific 2500 μmhos/cm (Potable Ionic Ans. (b) Honeycombing : Honeycombing refers to voids
Conductance Water Tester) in concrete caused by the mortar not filling the spaces
5 ppm (Jackon’s between the coarse aggregate particles. It usually
Turbidity becomes apparent when the formwork is stripped,
Chemical Analysis revealing a rough and 'stony' concrete surface with air
Dissolved O2 ≥ 4 mg/l voids between the coarse aggregate.
Fluorides 1 – 1.5 mg/l Honeycombing is always an aesthetic problem, and
500 mg/l – Allowable, ≥ 2000 depending on the depth and extent may reduce both
Total Solids the durability performance and the structural strength
mg/l - Rejected
6.5 to 8.5 (pH meter, of the member.
pH Causes of Honey combing :
• Holes and gaps in the formwork allowing some of the

0 mg/l – Domestic, 50 mg/l -



Construction mortar to drain out of the concrete.


250 mg/l – Allowable, ≥ 600 mg/l • Inadequate compaction


• Improper placement of the reinforcement.


- Rejected

75 ppm – Industrial, 115 ppm – To minimise the honeycombed concrete :

Hardness Domestic • Ensure the mix has sufficient fines to fill the voids
600 ppm – Rejected between the coarse aggregate.
250 mg/l – Allowable, ≥ 600 mg/l • Use a mix with appropriate workability for the
- Rejected situation in which it is to be placed.
Ammonia 0.5 ppm • Ensure the concrete is fully compacted and the
Albuminoid placing methods minimise the risk of segregation.
0.5 ppm
Nitrogen • Ensure the reinforcement layout and the section
Nitrites Not allowable shape will permit the concrete to flow around the
Nitrates 45 ppm reinforcement and completely fill the forms.
Q.43. Mangalore Tiles belong to the category of - • Check that the formwork is rigid and well braced, the
(a) Concrete tiles (b) Burnt clay tiles joints are watertight.
(c) Mosaic tiles (d) Slate tiles Q.45. Cavity wall is generally provided for-
Ans. (b) Mangalore tiles - are a type of tile native to the (a) Sound insulation
city of Mangalore, India. These red coloured clay tiles, (b) Heat insulation
unique in shape and size. Since these clay tiles are (c) All of the options
molded under extreme heat, they are resistant to (d) Prevention of dampnes
damage or destruction from fire. Ans. (c)
Mosaic tile - is any combination of materials such as Hollow or Cellular or Cavity bricks :
glass, ceramic, porcelain or stone, usually set in a small
• They are light in weight about one-third the weight of
format and set on a mesh sheet for easy installation.
the ordinary brick of the same size.
They are used in backsplash, shower, bath or floor.
• They also reduce the transmission of heat, sound and
Slate tile - is a type of natural stone which is quarried damp.
from the side of mountains or taken from the earth. A


• Such bricks have wall thickness of about 20 mm to 25 (d) 19 cm × 9 cm × 9 cm
mm. Ans. (d) The nominal and actual size of the brick is
• They are prepared from special homogeneous clay. taken as :
• These bricks can be laid almost about four times as Type of Brick Actual size Nominal size
fast as the ordinary bricks.
• They are used in the construction of brick Standard 19 cm × 9 cm 20 cm × 10 cm × 10
partitioning. modular brick × 9 cm cm
Q.46. In the slope deflection method, the equations are Standard
19 cm × 9 cm 20 cm × 10 cm × 5
derived using- modular brick
× 4 cm cm
(a) Method of joints tile
(b) Moment area theorems Q.48. The common type of staircase in buildings with
(c) Castigliano theorems two consecutive 90° direction changes at mid-landing
(d) Double integration method slab level is:
Ans. (b) Moment Area Theorems are as follows : (a) Straight Flight Staircase
Theorem 1 : The change in slope between any two (b) Ramp
points on the elastic curve equals the area of the M/EI (c) Spiral Staircase
diagram between two points. (d) Dog-legged Staircase
Ans. (d) A dog-legged stairs is called from its being bent
or crooked suddenly round in fancied resemblance to
dog’s hind leg.
It consists of two flights of steps which run in opposite
direction. No space is provided between the flights in
plan. Usually a half space landing placed across the two
Theorem 2 : The vertical deviation of the tangent at a flights at change of direction. This type to
point A on the elastic curve with respect to the tangent accommodate two widths of flights of stair is useful
extended from another B equals the moment of the where width of the stair hall is just sufficient.
area under the M/EI diagram between the two points Spiral Staircase : These stairs consist of same sized
A and B. This moment computed about point A where winders provided at a constant deflecting angle to offer
the deviation is to be determine. continuous change in direction along within elevation.
Using the above theorems the slope deflection They radiate around a central newel post and occupy
equation is derived where slope and deflections are the least space.
taken as unknowns. Overall diameter of such stairs (winders) may range
The general slope deflection equation for a beam is from 1 m to 2.5 m. The stairs are not comfortable as
given as, they are full of winders and continuously change the
Ramp : A sloping surface joining two different levels, as
at the entrance or between floors of a building is
𝟐𝐄𝐈 𝟑𝚫
known as Ramp.
𝐌𝐀𝐁 = 𝐌𝐅𝐀𝐁 + (𝟐𝛉𝐀 + 𝛉𝐁 − )
𝐥 𝐥 Q.49. What is the conveyor system used for
𝟐𝐄𝐈 𝟑𝚫 transporting loose materials like soil, ores, coal,
𝐌𝐁𝐀 = 𝐌𝐅𝐁𝐀 + (𝟐𝛉𝐁 + 𝛉𝐀 − )
𝐥 𝐥 concrete, etc. without the need for full total enclosure?
MFAB, MFBA – Fixed end moments at A and B respectively (a) Belt conveyor (b) Screw conveyor
(c) Bucket conveyor (d) Roller conveyor
due to the given loading.
Ans. (a) A conveyor belt is the carrying medium of a
θA, θB – Slopes A and B respectively belt conveyor system.
A belt conveyor system consists of two or more pulleys
Δ – Sinking of support A with respect to B
(sometimes referred to as drums), with an endless loop
Q.47. As per Indian Standard, the modular size of bricks of carrying medium—the conveyor belt—that rotates
is- about them. One or both of the pulleys are powered,
moving the belt and the material on the belt forward.
(a) 25 cm × 22 cm × 22 cm
The powered pulley is called the drive pulley while the
(b) 21 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm
unpowered pulley is called the idler pulley.
(c) 18 cm × 9 cm × 9 cm


By screw conveyors, the material is transported by (c) 75 mm (d) 7.5 mm
rotation of helical screws which moves material is Ans. (c)
forward direction in tube from feed point to discharge
K = Multiplying Constant
C = additive constant
A bucket conveyor is s mechanism of hauling flow able
bulk materials vertically. Anallactic lens is a special case in which k = 100 and c =
0. The type of lens used in anallactic telescope is convex
Q.50. According to the concept of limit state design as lens.
per IS-456 : 2000, the probability of failure of a
Horizontal distance, D = ks + c
structure is:
D = 0.75 × 100 + 0 = 75 m
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.9
(c) 0.0975 (d) 0.08 Q.53. In an aircraft, the fuselage includes
(a) Passenger's chamber
Ans. (c) The probability of failure of a structure as per
IS: 456-2000 is 0.0975, probability of not failing under (b) Tail of aircraft
loads = 95% = 0.095. (c) All of the options
Probability of not failing under material strength (d) Pilot's cabin
criteria = 95% = 0.95 Ans. (c) In an aircraft, the fuselage is the main body of
Overall probability of not failing is 0.95 × 0.95 = 0.9025 the machine, excluding the wings, tail, engines, and
Overall probability of failure = 1 – 0.9025 = 0.0975 other appendages. It is generally a long, slender
≈ 0.098 structure that houses the following:
Q.51. The crossing angle at the level crossing of road- Passenger's chamber - This is the area where
rail crossing should NOT be less than- passengers sit and is contained within the fuselage.
Tail of aircraft - Although the tail is often considered
(a) 20° (b) 30°
separately when discussing the components of an
(c) 25° (d) 45° aircraft, it is struc turally integrated with (and
Ans. (d) The angle of crossing between the centre line therefore

of the road and that of the railway track should


Part of) The fuselage.


ordinarily not be lower than 45 degrees* in the case of Pilot's cabin - Also known as the cockpit, this is where

Class I, Class II and Class III roads. For Class IV roads, the the pilot controls the aircraft from, and it is located at

angle of crossing should be 90 degrees.


the front of the fuselage.

So, all of the options listed contribute to the structure
of the fuselage.
Q.54. Total distance covered in total time is termed as
(a) Average speed (b) Variable speed
(c) Uniform speed (d) Instantaneous speed
Ans. (a) Speed is the scalar measure of the rate of
movement of a body expressed either as the distance
traveled divided by the time taken.
• Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to "how much
ground an object has covered" during its motion.
• Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to "how
far out of place an object is".
It is the object's overall change in position.
• Average speed is the average of all instantaneous
speeds. It is found simply by a distance/time ratio.
• Velocity is defined as a vector measurement of the
rate and direction of motion of an object.
LEVEL CROSSING Velocity formula when an object moving in a straight
line: r = d / t.
Q.52. If the intercept on a vertical staff is observed as
r is the rate or speed, d is the distance moved, t is the
0.75 m from a tacheometer, the horizontal distance
time it takes to complete the movement.
between tacheometer and staff station is:
(a) 50 mm (b) 25 mm • A body moving with a constant speed has velocity
without acceleration.


Q.55. Which of the following metals are mixed with northern end
chromium to make stainless steel? of the needle
(a) Copper and Chromium Tripod Not essential Essential
(b) Nickel and iron Q.57. In building estimation, the specifications are
(c) Copper and Nickel classified as-
(d) Copper and Silver (a) General and valued specifications
Ans. (b) Stainless steel is formed by alloying iron with (b) General and secondary Specifications
nickel and chromium in order to prevent rusting of (c) General and preliminary specifications
iron. (d) General and detailed specifications
Q.56. The zero of the graduated circle of a prismatic Ans. (d) Specifications describe the nature and the
compass is located at- class of the work, materials to be used in the work,
(a) South end (b) East end workmanship etc. and is very important for the
(c) West end (d) North end execution of the work.
Specification should be clear to estimate the cost of
Ans. (a) A prismatic compass is a navigation and
surveying instrument which is extensively used to find
out the bearing of the traversing. It is the most There are two types of specifications :
convenient and portable form of magnetic compass 1. General specifications : General specifications
which can either be used as a hand instrument or can provide a very brief explanation about construction
be fitted on a tripod. materials and construction work. Generally, Architect
The graduated circle of a prismatic compass and mentioned these specifications on a drawing, which
surveyor compass is shown in the figure below: helps for estimating the construction work.
These specifications are not a part of contract. These
specifications help about knowing the name of
different materials, their ratios, and quantities.
2. Detailed Specifications : The detailed specifications
form a part of a contract document. They specify the
qualities, quantities and proportions of materials and
the method of preparation and execution for a
particular item of works in a project.
From observation : The detailed specifications of the different items of the
The zero of a graduated circle is marked at the south work are prepared separately and they describe what
end for the prismatic compass. the work should be and how they shall be executed.
Some other differences between the two compass are While writing the detailed specifications, the same
as follows : order sequence as the work is to be carried out is to be

Prismatic Surveyor’s
Item Q.58. Engine Sheds are used for
Compass Compass
Needle Broad type Edge bar type (a) Help to change direction
Free to float (b) To help for sideway shifting
along with broad Attached to (c) Maintenance and repair
Scale (d) Help to change engine
type magnetic the box
needle Ans. (c) Engine sheds, also known as locomotive sheds,
Whole circle Quadrantal roundhouses, or depots, are buildings used for the
bearing bearing storage and maintenance of locomotives.
Inverted (as • They are equipped with the necessary infrastructure,
graduation have like inspection pits, cranes, and large doors, to allow
Graduations Direct
to be observed for easy access, service, and repair of the engines.
through a prism)
Sighting is to
be done first
Sighting & Can be done
and then the
Reading simultaneously
surveyor has
to read the


1. Plastic - Cross-sections, which can develop plastic
hinges and have, the rotation capacity required for the
failure of the structure by formation of a plastic
mechanism, are called plastic sections. The stress
distribution for these sections is rectangular.
2. Compact - Cross-sections, which can develop the
plastic moment of resistance, but have inadequate
plastic hinge rotation capacity for the formation of a
plastic mechanism before buckling classed as compact
sections. These cross-sections may develop fully plastic
stress distribution across the entire cross-section but
do not have adequate ductility. The stress distributions
Q.59. The fall which is used to minimise the for these sections are rectangular.
disturbance and water impact at the fall is - 3. Semi-compact – Cross sections, in which the extreme
(a) Inglis falls (b) Rapid falls fiber in compression can reach yield stress but cannot
(c) Sarda Type falls (d) Ogee falls develop the plastic moment of resistance due to local
Ans. (d) Ogee Fall: buckling are called semi-compact or non-compact
sections. These sections are used in the elastic design
• In this type of fall, an ogee curve (a combination of
and the stress distribution for such sections is
convex curve and concave curve) is provided for
carrying the canal water from higher level to lower
level. 4. Slender – Cross sections in which the elements
buckle locally even before the attainment of yield
• The gradual convex and concave profiles of the ogee
stress are classed as slender sections.
fall help in reducing the impact of water and minimize
The cross-section which may develop plastic stress
disturbance, ensuring the stability of the canal bed and
banks. distribution fully but does not have adequate ductility
is classified as a compact section.
• This fall is recommended when the natural ground

surface suddenly changes to a steeper slope along the Q.61. Which of the following lines are used to show

that the object is cut and then viewed?


alignment of the canal.


• There is a heavy drawdown on the u/s side resulting (a) Hidden lines (b) Centre lines

in lower depth, higher velocities and consequent bed (c) Hatching lines (d) Leader lines
erosion. Ans. (c) Hidden lines : These are used to represent
• Kinetic energy is not well dissipated due to smooth features that can't be seen in the current view.
transition. Centre lines : These are used to indicate the axial
symmetry of a component or to represent a path of
Hatching lines : These are used in sectional views to
indicate the surface that is cut during the sectioning
process. Hatching, or cross hatching, represents the
area of the object that has been "cut away" to reveal
interior details of the object in the drawing.
Leader lines : Leader lines are lines that connect an
annotation to a feature on a drawing. They help in
Q.60. To ensure that compression flange of a beam is
organizing the drawing and guide the reader to the
restrained from moving laterally, the cross section
correct annotation.
must be ____
(a) Semi-compact (b) Slender Q.62. Which method is adopted to develop an
approximate or conceptual estimate for perimeter
(c) Plastic (d) Thin
works for buildings from the following?
Ans. (c) To ensure that the compression flange of the (a) Cost per square metre method
beam is restrained from moving laterally, the cross- (b) Cost per linear metre method
section must be plastic or compact. If significant (c) Base unit method
ductility is required, the section must invariably be (d) Cost per function method
Ans. (b) Perimeter is a linear quantity, so any
The different types of the section are as follows :
task/works based on perimeter quantity is


best/conceptually estimated by cost per linear meter l = length of the wheel base = 6.1 m, and R = mean
method. radius of a horizontal curve
Similarly, works involving measurement in area may be Q.66. Reverse Osmosis is a type of
best estimated by cost per square metre method. (a) Micro filtration
Base unit method is ideal for project involving (b) Dead end filtration system
repetitive work, wherein the detailed cost of one
(c) Cross flow filtration system
unit/function is estimated and multiplied to obtain the
total cost. (d) Ion exchange method
For project involving very different nature of work may Ans. (c) Reverse osmosis (RO) is a typical cross-flow
be estimated by cost per function method. filtration methods that use membranes with different
pore sizes to effect separation based on size and shape.
Q.63. The hardest among the natural stones listed here
is- • RO has a membrane with the smallest pores and is
used to separate water from other solutes.
(a) Limestone (b) Marble
• Cross flow filtration system shares the most
(c) Slate (d) Granite
similarities with reverse osmosis, as both utilize
Ans. (d) Granite is hard, coarse-grained rocks of pressurized flow and semipermeable membranes to
crystalline structure. achieve separation while minimizing clogging.
• It is a type of igneous rocks (plutonic rocks). Q.67. If the soil is of expansive type, like in Black Cotton
• Granites can be predominantly white, pink, or grey in Soil, then the best foundation type is -
colour, depending on their mineralogy. (a) End bearing pile (b) Batter pile
• These rocks mainly consist of feldspar, quartz, mica,
(c) Friction pile (d) Under-reamed pile
and amphibole minerals.
• It contains 20% and 60% quartz by volume, and at Ans. (d) Black cotton soil is an expansive soil having
least 35% of the total feldspar. clay mineral (montmorillonite) which is responsible for
the excessive swelling and shrinkage characteristics of
Q.64. In horizontal curves of Railway Tracks, Negative the soil.
Super elevation means-
To construct the structure under this type of soil, an
(a) Negative super elevation is not at all possible in any under-reamed pile is been provided. These piles are
curve taken to depths below the zone of seasonal variation in
(b) Both the outer and inner rails are at the same level moisture content.
(c) Outer rail is at a higher level than the inner rail
Under-reamed pile
(d) Outer rail is at a lower level than the inner rail
• An under-reamed pile is a special type of bored pile
Ans. (d) Cant or Superelevation : It is the amount by
which is provided with a bulb at the end.
which one rail is raised above the other rail.
• The usual size of such piles is 150 to 200 mm shaft
It is positive when the outer rail on a curved track is diameter and 3 to 4 m long.
raised above inner rail and is negative when the inner
Q.68. The head of water over the centre of an orifice of
rail on a curved track is raised above the outer rail.
diameter 20 mm is 1 m. The actual discharge through
Q.65. The rear wheels do not follow the same path as the orifice is 0.85 litre/s. Find the coefficient of
that of the front wheels. This phenomenon is called: discharge.
(a) Extra widening (b) Coning of wheel (a) 1.4 (b) 0.61
(c) Transition curve (d) Off tracking (c) 0.2 (d) 1
Ans. (d) On a horizontal curve, the pavement is Ans. (b) Discharge through the orifice is given by :
widened slightly more than the normal width. The Qtheo = A x V
prime objective of widening the pavement is that when
Area of orifice is given by:
a vehicle takes a turn to negotiate a horizontal curve, 𝝅
the rear wheels do not follow the same path as that of 𝑨 = × 𝑫𝟐
the front wheels. This phenomenon is known as off
D = diameter of orifice = 0.020 m
Off tracking can be calculated as :
𝐥𝟐 𝑽 = √𝟐𝒈𝒉
𝐎𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 = h = head of water over the orifice = 1 m
Where, 𝑨 = × 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟎𝟐 = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟒 𝒎𝟐
𝑽 = √𝟐 × 𝟗. 𝟖𝟏 × 𝟏 = 𝟒. 𝟒𝟐
Qtheo = 3.14 x 10-4 x 4.42 = 1.39 litres/sec 𝟏 𝐖𝟐 𝐋
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 = ×
𝟐 𝐀𝐄
Discharge coefficient = Qactual / Qtheoretical = 0.85 / 1.39 =
0.61 This work done is stored in the form of strain energy in
Q.69. If a beam or column becomes weak or found to the member, Therefore, Strain energy per unit volume
be insufficient, the most effective way to increase its is equals to the,
strength is by ____ 𝟏 𝐖𝟐 𝑳
Strain Energy per unit volume = ×
𝟐 𝑨𝑬×𝑨×𝑳
(a) Grouting (b) Plate Bonding
𝟏 𝐖𝟐
(c) Jacketing (d) Micro concreting Strain Energy per unit volume = ×
𝟐 𝑨𝟐 𝑬
Ans. (c) Jacketing : It is a technique used to increase
the strength of existing structural members (e.g. W/A is equal to the stress developed,
Columns, Beams, etc.) by providing a “Jacket” of
additional material around the existing member. This 𝟏 𝝈𝟐
Strain Energy per unit volume = ×
additional material can be of several types e.g. 𝟐 𝑬

concrete, steel or FRP, etc. In case of suddenly applied loads,

Grouting : Grout is a dense fluid which is used to fill Strain Energy stored = W x δ
gaps or used as reinforcement in existing structures. It Hence,
is generally a mixture of water, cement, and sand and
is employed in pressure grouting, embedding rebar in 𝐖𝟐 𝐋
Strain Energy per unit volume
masonry walls, connecting sections of pre-cast 𝐀𝐄×𝐀×𝐋
concrete, filling voids, and sealing joints such as those 𝛔𝟐
between tiles. Strain Energy per unit volume =
Process of grout application is known as grouting.
Comparing both the equations, we get stress
Plate Bonding : Carbon fibre fabric/ steel plates used to developed due to application of a load suddenly is two
strengthen the columns and beams using a wrapping times that due to same load being applied gradually.
technique is known as plate bonding. It requires
Q.71. The ratio of the moment of inertia to the span

detailed structural engineering and skilled works and


length is called-


Single or multiple layers of uni or bi-directional fabric (a) Relative stiffness


are impregnated with resin adhesive are applied to (b) Distribution factor

sections such as beams and columns to improve (c) Stiffness of the member
strength. (d) Carry over factor
Micro concreting : Micro concrete is a dry ready mix Ans. (a) Stiffness : Stiffness of a member at a joint is
Cementitious based composition formulated for use in equal to moment required to produce unit rotation at
repairs of areas where the concrete is damaged & the that joint. Mathematically it can be represented as:
area is restricted in movement making the placement 𝐄𝐈
of conventional concrete difficult., It is supplied as a 𝐋
ready to use dry powder which requires only addition Relative stiffness: The ratio of stiffness of a member at
of clean water at site to produce a free flowing non a joint to its elastic modulus of material is known as
shrink repair micro concrete. Relative stiffness or it is the ratio of the moment of
Q.70. Stress developed due to application of a load inertia to the span length. Mathematically it can be
represented as:
suddenly is ______ times that due to same load Being
applied gradually. 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 = =
(a) 0.5 (b) 2.0 Carry over factor : The ratio of carry over moment at
(c) 4.0 (d) 1.0 far end to the applied moment at the near end is called
carry over factor.
Ans. (b) In case of gradually applied loads, the
magnitude of load is increased gradually from zero to Distribution factor : It is the ratio of stiffness of a
the value of that the load say “W”, Hence the work member at a joint to the total stiffness of all members
done by the load on the member in stretching it equals at that joint.
the product of the average load and the displacement Q.73. The value of the toughness index of most of soils
δ. lies between -
𝐖𝐋 (a) 0 to 3 (b) 1 to 3.5
𝛅 =
(c) 31 to 3 (d) 0 to 3.5
Work done = 0.5 x W x δ


Ans. (a) Toughness Index (It) : It is the ratio of plasticity (c) nature of the force, i. e., whether the force is push
index and flow index. or pull
Toughness index signifies the shear strength of soil at (d) All of the above
plastic limit. Ans. (d) The effects of force, acting on the body, we
𝑰𝒑 must know these details are as follows :
∴ 𝑰𝒕 =
• the magnitude of the force
Where, Ip = Plasticity Index = (wL - wp), and
• line of action of the force
• nature of the force, i. e., whether the force is push or
𝐖𝟏 −𝐖𝟐
𝐈𝐅 = 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 = 𝐍 pull
𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎 ( 𝟐 )
Q.77. According to Archimedes principle, the upward
force experienced by a body immersed in a fluid is
wL = moisture content at liquid limit, wp = moisture equal to which of the following?
content at plastic limit, and N = Number of blows
(a) Total weight of the body and the fluid
For most of the soil, toughness index lies between 0-3. (b) Weight of the body
For friable soil, toughness, index is less than 1 it means (c) Weight of the fluid displaced by the body
at can be easily crushed at plastic limit. (d) Weight of the total fluid
Q.74. The default position of the UCS icon is positioned Ans. (c) Archimedes' principle states that the upward
at _____ on the AutoCAD grid. buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a
(a) 0, 0, 0 (b) 10, 10, 10 fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to
(c) 20, 20, 20 (d) 30, 30, 30 the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and acts
in the upward direction at the center of mass of the
Ans. (a) The UCS (User Coordinate System) in AutoCAD
displaced fluid.
is the system that allows a user to determine an
object's position in 3D space. By default, the UCS icon Q.78. Match the following.
— which visually represents the orientation of the UCS List – I List – II
axes in the drawing area — is located at the origin of A) Type of beam 1. Connecting
the workspace/grid, which is at the coordinates (0, 0, connection members used
0). B) Framed Connection 2. Flange cleats only
Q.75. Which of the following is the dimensional C) Un-stiffened seated 3. Flange and web
formula for the specific speed of a turbine? connection clips
𝟏 𝟑

𝟓 D) Stiffened seated 4. Web cleat only
(a) 𝐌 𝟐 𝐋𝟒 𝐓 𝟐
𝟏 𝟏 𝟓
− (a) A – 1, B – 3, C – 2, D - 4
(b) 𝑴𝟐 𝑳 𝟒 𝑻−𝟐
𝟑 𝟑 (b) A – 4, B – 3, C – 2, D - 1
(c) 𝑳𝟒 𝑻−𝟐 (c) A – 3, B – 1, C – 4, D - 2
𝟏 𝟑 𝟓
(d) 𝑴𝟐 𝑳−𝟒 𝑻−𝟐 (d) A – 3, B – 4, C – 2, D - 1
Ans. (d) Types of beam connection : Two or more
beams at a junction are connected each other using
Ans. (b)
either flange or web clips.
𝐍𝐬 = 𝟓 Framed Connection : Framed connection are usually
connected through web cleats only as shown in the
Where N = speed in rpm, P = Power in kW, H = Head in figure below:
[𝐓 −𝟏 ][𝐌 𝟏 𝐋𝟐 𝐓 −𝟑 ]
𝐍𝐬 =

𝟏 −𝟏 −𝟓
𝐍𝐬 [𝑴𝟐 𝑳 𝟒 𝑻 𝟒 ]

Q.76. In order to determine the effects of force, acting

on body, we must know Stiffened and unstiffened beam seated connections are
(a) magnitude of the force depicted in the figure below :
(b) line of action of the force


Q.80. The restoring force per unit area set up inside a
body is called
(a) Stress (b) Mass
(c) Strain (d) Elasticity
Ans. (a) Stress : The restoring force per unit area set up
inside a body produced by the application of a
deforming force.
It can be clearly observed, the unstiffened connection Strain : The relative change in the shape of the body
requires flange cleat only, and an additional connecting due to the stress.
member is used for stiffened connection. Elasticity : The property of a body by virtue of which
Q.79. When an object is viewed from different the body can recover its original shape and size after
directions and from different distances, the removal of the deforming force.
appearance of the object will be different. Such a view Scientist Hooke has given a law regarding this. The law
is called___________. is "Under elastic limit, stress is proportional to strain".
(a) Perspective view As per this law, we get the Elastic constant or modulus
(b) Axonometric projection of elasticity and it is denoted by the symbol E.
(c) Oblique projection Value of this modulus of elasticity is different for
(d) Isometric projection different material.
Ans. (a) Perspective View : These are most realistic The SI unit of this is Nm-2 or Pascal.
drawings. Our eyes see objects in perspective. There Elasticity constant is of three types :
are three types of perspective projections: one, two-
and three-point perspective projections.
constant Symbol Formula
Oblique Projection : These are least realistic. Only one name
or two faces in oblique projections have true shape and Longitudinal
size. There are three types of oblique projections: Young's
Y stress/Longitudinal


cabinet, cavalier and general. strain


Axonometric Projection : These are more realistic than


Bulk Volume stress/Volume

oblique. Horizontal edges of an object in axonometric K

Modulus strain

projections are parallel to each other and inclined to Rigidity Tangential stress/
the plane. There are three types of axonometric η
modulus Tangential strain
projections: isometric, dimetric and trimetric.
Q.81. The densification of a soil by means of
Isometric (meaning “equal measure”) is a type of mechanical manipulation is called
parallel (axonometric) projection, where the X and Z
(a) Compressibility
axes are inclined to the horizontal plane at the angle of
30⁰. The angle between axonometric axes equals 120⁰. (b) Soil stabilization
(c) Compression
(d) Compaction
Ans. (d) Compaction : It is the process in which the soil
particles are forced into a denser state by mechanical
means, thus decreasing the air voids and hence
porosity also reduces.
• It is an instantaneous phenomenon. Commonly used
equipment is rammer, roller, etc.
Consolidation : It is a gradual reduction in the volume
of the fully saturated soil due to the dissipation of
excess pore water pressure, set up due to an increase
in effective stress. It is a time-dependent phenomenon.
Consolidation is believed to occur in three stages:-
(a) Immediate consolidation : It occurs if the soil is
initially partially saturated and expulsion of air and
lateral expansion of soil takes place.
(b) Primary consolidation : It occurs due to the
expulsion of pore water pressure and depends on the
magnitude of stress increase, the compressibility and (c) Chimney (d) Pavements
thickness of the soil layer. Ans. (d) Slipform paving is a method constructed with
(c) Secondary consolidation : It is thought to occur due the use of slipform pavers. These machines are used for
to the gradual readjustment of clay particles into a the rapid and continuous placing of a wide variety of
more stable configuration following the structural concrete structures, including roads and pavements,
disturbance caused due to decrease in void ratio. It though they can be used for other applications such as
occurs in a very long time. barriers and gutters.
Q.82. The cheapest way to prevent the formation of • The big advantage of using slipform pavers is that
diagonal bottom corner cracks in windows can be they can work to tight margins and create a smooth,
prevented by - finished product without the need for any hand
(a) Providing RCC frame all round the rectangular finishing, increasing productivity, and efficiency.
opening • The machine works by spreading, consolidating, and
(b) Providing Sill Beam finishing the concrete in one continuous operation,
(c) Using Concrete blocks for wall instead of bricks and are typically used when high-production paving
(d) Providing circular shaped window openings instead rates and/or pavement quality are the main job
of rectangular openings requirements.
Ans. (b) Sill is the bottom surface of a door or a window • The slipform paver spreads the concrete out,
opening. It is thus a horizontal member of brick, stone, essentially 'slipping' over the finished product. A
concrete or wood provided to give support for the constant amount of concrete is then supplied to the
vertical members of the opening, and also to shed off paver, which shapes the concrete to the correct
the rain water from the face of the wall. shape and surface level using vibrators or oscillators
to compact the material. After this, a finishing beam
Sills tone when provided, are so dressed that they
smooths out any small irregularities, and finally, a
prevent the entry of water to the interior of
texture is applied to the concrete before it
building. The main functioning of the sill is to prevent
completely hardens.
the formation of diagonal bottom corner cracks in
doors and windows. Q.84. Medium thickness line-group of 2 mm are not
The typical cross sections for the wall is depicted below used for
: (a) Dotted lines (b) Out lines
(c) Cutting plane -lines (d) Dimension lines
Ans. (d) Outlines, dotted lines and cutting plane lines
are drawn using 2-mm thickness lines. Whereas centre
lines, section lines dimension lines, Extension line,
construction line are drawn using 1 mm thickness lines.
Q.85. Which finishing covers with a new protective
layer over the whole surface area of walls constructed
by brick or block Masonry?
(a) Plastering (b) False Ceiling
(c) Grouting (d) Pointing
Ans. (a) Plaster : It is a thin layer of mortar applied over
the masonry (brick or block) surface and it acts as a
damp-proof coat over the brick masonry work.
• Plastering also provides a finished surface over the
masonry that is firm and smooth hence it enhances
the appearance of the building.
Pointing : It is the finishing of mortar joints in brick or
stone masonry construction.
Circular shaped window is less susceptible to cracks but Grouting : It is refers to the injection of pumpable
it’s costlier as compare to the rectangular framework materials into a soil or rock formation to change its
due to skilled labour and form work requirement. physical characteristics.
Q.83. Slipform Paver is an equipment used for False ceilings : They are often secondary ceilings that
constructing - are hung below the main ceiling with the help of
(a) Walls (b) Precast suspension cords or struts.
Q.86. Long narrow diameter steel pipes are used for Q.88. The height of the pilot's eye above the runway
conveying fresh concrete down to deep depths, surface is assumed as
especially below water bodies. (a) 4 m (b) 3 m
These pipes are called as - (c) 1 m (d) 5 m
(a) Pumping Pipes (b) Transaction Pipe Ans. (b) The height of the pilot's eye above the runway
(c) Tremie Pipe (d) Down Pipe surface is assumed as 3 meters.
Ans. (c) Tremie pipe is a long narrow diameter steel The height of the driver’s eye above the road surface is
pipes which are used for conveying fresh concrete assumed as 1.2 meters.
down to deep depths, especially below water bodies. Eye’s level of the driver/pilot is very essential factor in
Tremie Pipe Concreting : It is suitable for underwater deciding the various geometric design factor for
concreting. A tremie pipe is fitted with a funnel at the highway and runway respectively.
top to facilitate pouring of concrete. The bottom end is Q.89. The ratio of the head recovered to the head put
closed with a plug or thick polyethylene sheet and in, is known as
made to rest at the point where concrete is going to be (a) Modular limit (b) Flexibility
(c) Efficiency (d) Sensitivity
Pumping Pipe : It is the pipe carrying the pumped
Ans. (c) Modular limit : It is related to the energy
concrete to a particular concrete placing site.
dissipation required for obtaining modular flow in weir
Q.87. The beam outside a wall up to the floor level and flumes. It is defined as the value of the
above it is known as submergence ratio at which the real discharge deviates
(a) Purlin (b) Lintel by 1% from the discharge calculated by the head-
(c) Spandrel (d) Rafter discharge equation.
Ans. (c) Spandrel : The exterior beam in steel or The modular limit of weirs and flumes depends
concrete construction that marks the floor level basically on the degree of streamline curvature at the
between stories. control section and on the reduction of losses of kinetic
energy if any, in the downstream expansion.

• In buildings of more than one story, the spandrel is


Efficiency : In irrigation engineering, it is defined as the


the area between the sill of a window and the head


of the window below it. ratio of the head recovered to the head put in. Lesser

• In steel or reinforced concrete structures there will is the head required for the functioning of the outlet;

sometimes be a spandrel beam extending more efficient the outlet will be. Efficiency is the
horizontally from one column to another and measure of the conversation of the head by the outlet.
supporting a section of wall. Flexibility is the ratio of the rate of change of discharge
Purlin and rafter are the basic members of any roof at an outlet to the rate of change of discharge of the
structure. They are the load transmitting members of distributary channel.
the steel roof. They transmit the live load, dead load, (
wind load and other loads acting on them to the roof Flexibility, 𝐅= 𝒅𝝔
( )
truss situated below them which eventually transfers 𝝔

the load to the columns and then eventually to the where,

foundation. q = discharge passing through the outlet = C1yn
Q = flow rates in the distributary channels = C2Hm
y = depth of flow in the channel, H = Head on the outlet
m = outlet index, n = channel index
C1 and C2 = constant
( )
𝐝𝛠 =𝐦
× 𝐇𝐲 × 𝐝𝐇
( )
F = 0 for modular outlet
𝒎 𝒚
𝐅= × for semi-modular channel, dy = dH
𝒏 𝑯
Sensitivity is the ratio of the rate of change of
Lintel : A lintel is a structural horizontal support used
discharge through an outlet to the rate of change in the
to span an opening in a wall or between two vertical
water surface level of distributary channel with respect
to the normal depth of the flow in the channel.


( )
Sensitivity = 𝒅𝑺 where, S = Gauge reading
( )

Proportionality is the property of the channel and an

outlet is said to be proportional when the rate of
change of outlet discharge equals to the rate of change
of channel discharge.

( ) 𝒎 𝑯 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙
Proportionality = 𝒅𝝔 =𝟏= = ==
( ) 𝒏 𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒍 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙

• It shows a couple of welded gusset bases used

Q.90. If the soil has a very low bearing capacity and still commonly for moderate loads.
if piles are not a feasible option, then the best choice is • In case welded connections are used, gusset angles
(a) Mat raft (b) Individual footings will not be required.
(c) Strap foundation (d) Combined footings • Gusset materials used in the base increase the
bearing area, consequently reducing the thickness of
Ans. (a) Raft Foundation : Raft foundation is generally the base plate as compared to the slab base.
a thick concrete slab resting on a large area of soil • Also, the gusset material supports the base plate
reinforced with steel rods and is used to support against bending and consequently results in still less
columns or walls and transfer loads from the structure thicker base plate. This kind of base may be
to the soil. considered to be rigid.
Raft foundation may be used under the following
Q.92. As per IS codes, the characteristic yield strength
conditions :
for hot rolled high yield strength deformed bars is
• The soil has a low bearing capacity
(a) 50 N/mm2 (b) 500 N/mm2
• Load of the structure has to be distributed over a 2
(c) 415 N/mm (d) 250 N/mm2
large area
• Individual or any other foundation area would Ans. (c) Steel commonly used in the construction
approximately cover 50% of the total ground area industry are :
beneath the structure (a) Mild Steel (MS) bars conforming to IS-432, Part-I.
• The columns or walls are placed so closely that the (b) High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD) bars.
individual footings would overlap Two types of HYSD bars are :
• Stress on soil needs to be reduced
(i) Hot Rolled HYSD bars conforming to IS-1139 and
• There is a possibility of differential settlement in case
(ii) Cold Worked HYSD bars conforming to IS-1786.
individual footing is used
• When soil strata are unpredictable and contain • These are also known as Cold Twisted Deformed
pockets of compressible soil (CTD) bars or Tor steel. The most commonly used
• The basement is to be constructed HYSD bars for RCC work are the CTD bars.
• Any other type of footing cannot be used As per Table Number 22 of IS 456:2000, the minimum
advantageously characteristic yield strength for hot rolled high yield
strength deformed bar is 415 N/mm2.

Q.91. Under what situation will a gusseted base be Q.93. Non-colloidal liquids are:
provided in a column? (a) Newtonian fluids (b) Ideal fluids
(a) Column size is larger (c) Dilatant fluids (d) Plastic fluids
(b) Column size is smaller Ans. (b) A fluid having zero viscosity (i.e. it cannot
(c) Column carries higher load offers any fluid friction) is known as ideal fluids. In
(d) Column carries lesser load general, an ideal fluid is one that is incompressible.
Ans. (c) When the load on the column section is too • Non colloidal liquids are ideal fluids
large or when the axial load is accompanied by bending • Colloidal solutions, or colloidal suspensions, are
moments, usually a gusset base is provided. nothing but a mixture in which the substances are
It consists of a base plate, two gusset plates and two regularly suspended in a fluid. A colloid is a very tiny
gusset angles when bolted connections are made. and small material that is spread out uniformly all
through another substance.
Newtonian Fluids : These are the fluids that obey
Newton law of viscosity are known as Newtonian
Fluids. Newton law of viscosity states that the shear Compressive Strength (Cube) > Compressive Strength
stress on a fluid element layer is directly proportional (Cylinder) > Two point tensile strength > Splitting
to the rate of shear strain. tensile strength
Examples of Newtonian fluids : water, air, Q.96. Which of the following members is/are subjected
kerosene. to compressive stress?
• Dilatant fluids (shear thickening fluids) are fluids (a) Pillars (b) All of the options
whose viscosity increases as stress is applied. (c) Struts (d) Columns
Q.94. Minimum voids in aggregates can be obtained by Ans. (b) Strut : A strut is defined as a structural member
using subjected to compression in a direction parallel to its
(a) Aggregates of varying sizes longitudinal axis. Strut is generally used in a roof truss
(b) Manufactured aggregates as a compression member. The main purpose of strut
(c) Aggregates of the same shape is to maintain the rigidity of the structure and to take
(d) Aggregates all of the same size compressive forces (axial). It is not designed to take
any gravity loads.
Ans. (a) To minimize voids in aggregates - that is,
Columns : It is the main structural member designed to
minimizing the empty spaces between the particles,
take gravity loads (axial), bending and shear. It fails in
use: Aggregates of varying sizes
compression and buckling. It is generally used in RCC
Aggregates of different sizes allow for the smaller buildings.
particles to fill in the gaps or voids between the larger
Pillar : A tall vertical structure of stone, wood, or metal,
particles. This concept is similar to the effect achieved
used as a support for a building, or as an ornament or
when you fill a container with large and small rocks; the
monument is known as Pillar. It is also used to carry
smaller rocks fill the spaces between the large rocks,
compressive force.
resulting in less empty space overall.
This technique is often used in the field of Civil Q.97. PIEV represents -
Engineering, especially in concrete mix design, where (a) Perception - Intellection – Emotion – Volition
the goal is to achieve a dense and strong mix. A well- (b) Passenger Information for Emergency Vehicle

graded aggregate - that is, an aggregate with a good (c) Process - Intimation - Execution - Valuation

representation of all size classes - is often sought for (d) Passenger – Intersection – Entry / Exit - Velocity

this purpose.

Ans. (a) According to PIEV. Theory, the total time of the


Q.95. In split tension test, the nature of testing is - driver is split into four parts
(a) Cylindrical specimen is subjected to axial (1) Perception : Time to send sensation from Eye to
compression on its longitudinal curved surface area Brain
(b) Cylindrical Specimen is subjected to axial tension on (2) Intellection : Time to rearrange different thoughts
its longitudinal curved surface area analysis the situation by brain
(c) Cubical specimen is subjected to axial compression (3) Emotion : Time elapsed in Emotional sensation
on its diagonal axis (4) Volition : Time for final decision
(d) Cylindrical Specimen is subjected to axial
compression on its cross sectional circular surface Q.98. Steam curing is used in-
area (a) Columns only
(b) All of the options
Ans. (b) Split tensile test : In this test, length to dia ratio
(c) Long slabs and columns
of 2:1 is taken and placed in between horizontal plates
(d) Mass production of precast concrete
in UTM. This leads to develop compressive stress at
certain depth below the point of application of load Ans. (d) Steam curing is advantageous where early
whereas substantial portion is subjected to tensile strength gain in concrete is important or where
stress causing splitting of cylinder along the vertical additional heat is required to accomplish hydration, as
diameter. in cold weather.
Curing of concrete by steam under pressure :
• Increases the rate of gain of compressive strength of
• Reduces the shear strength of concrete
• Increases the speed of chemical reaction
Steam curing substantially reduces the time for
attaining strength for any concrete.


For pre-casting, the time for concrete to attain strength and prediction of settlement for a certain load, Time
is considered as idling time. If this time is minimized, and cost efficient, Easy to perform.
we can have more precast elements produced in less Direct shear test is used to measure the shear strength
time using the same set of moulds. of soil.
Hence steam curing is mostly adopted for pre-cast Cone penetration test is a method used to determine
structures. the geotechnical engineering properties of soils.
Q.99. The short height wall constructed above Roof
Slab in open terrace is called as
(a) Boundary Wall (b) Partition Wall
(c) Plinth Wall (d) Parapet Wall
Ans. (d) Parapet wall : A parapet wall is a low wall,
usually enclosing a roof, or a protective barrier at the
edge of a terrace or on the side of a bridge.
The primary uses of Parapet walls are :
(i) Fall Protection for men, machinery and also the
debris that accumulates on rooftop/ balconies and
avoid possible injury to the people below
(ii) Fire Protection
(iii) Defence measure
Plinth of a building can also be described as the lowest
part of the wall of a building that appears above the
ground level.
The wall which is constructed at the plinth level is
known as Plinth wall.
Partition wall may be defined as the wall which is
provided for the purpose of dividing one room or
portion of room from another. These are designed as
non-load bearing walls.
Boundary wall : The wall which is constructed all
around the building to show the limits of the plot is
called a boundary wall
Q.100. The most reliable field test to determine the
bearing capacity of a soil is -
(a) Plate load test (b) Direct shear test
(c) Sounding test (d) Cone penetration test
Ans. (a) Plate load test is a field test, which is
performed to determine the ultimate bearing capacity
of soil and the probable settlement under a given load.
This test is very popular for selection and design of
shallow foundation.
This test is performed at the level of foundation by
putting a test plate of size 30 cm or 45 cm which may
be circular or square (made of mild steel). The load is
applied on the test plate with hydraulic jack and
settlement is recorded which is further used to
calculate the bearing capacity of soil.
This test is most reliable as this test is done under insitu
Other advantages - Being able to understand the
foundation behaviour under loading condition,
Evaluation of bearing capacity of soil at a certain depth


Ans. (a) The quantity of heat required to raise the
RRB JE 28 Aug 2019 temperature of the unit mass of a material by one
Shift 2 CBT-II Paper degree Celsius is called specific heat.
• Specific heat is often denoted by the symbol "C" and
Q.01. In which of the classes of lever is fulcrum placed
is expressed in units such as joules per gram per
between effort and load?
degree Celsius (J/g°C) or calories per gram per degree
(a) Class 3 (b) Class 1 Celsius (cal/g°C).
(c) Class 4 (d) Class 2 • Materials with higher specific heat require more heat
Ans. (b) Levers are simple machines consisting of a energy to raise their temperature, and they tend to
rigid bar that pivots around a fixed point called the retain heat for longer periods.
fulcrum. • Water, for example, has a relatively high specific
• The three classes of levers, designated as Class 1, heat, making it effective for storing and moderating
Class 2, and Class 3, are categorized based on the temperature changes in various systems.
relative positions of the fulcrum, the applied force Q.03. What is the unit of refractive index?
(effort), and the resistance (load). (a) m/s (b) No unit
Class 1 Lever : The fulcrum is placed between the effort (c) m -1
(d) Dioptre
and the load.
Ans. (b) Refractive index (n) : The ratio of the speed of
• Examples: Seesaw, crowbar, scissors. light in a vacuum to speed of light in a medium is called
Class 2 Lever : The load is between the fulcrum and the the refractive index of that medium. it has no unit.
effort. Speed oflight in vacuum (c)
• Mechanical Advantage: The load arm is always longer
n = Speed oflight in medium (v)
than the effort arm, providing a mechanical Q.04. When one body rolls over the surface of another
advantage. body, the resistance to its motion is called
• Examples: Wheelbarrow, nutcracker.
(a) Rolling friction (b) Electrostatic friction
Class 3 Lever : Effort is between the fulcrum and the
(c) Sliding friction (d) Static friction


Ans. (a) For a moving solid body, there are 2 principal


• Mechanical Advantage: The effort arm is always


types of friction are following

shorter than the load arm, providing a mechanical

disadvantage. • Rolling friction


• Examples : Human arm (elbow joint), tweezers. • Sliding friction

 On a surface, The force resisting the motion of a
rolling body is known as Rolling resistance or Rolling
• The Rolling of a wheel or ball on the ground is an
example of Rolling friction.
 In Sliding friction, there is a restriction on the
movement of the body as only one side of the body
is in contact with the surface.
• An example of Sliding friction is Pushing a box across
the table.
 Rolling resistance is weaker than sliding friction.
Q.05. A passive sensor uses:
(a) Signals emitted from transmission towers
(b) Its own source of energy
(c) Sun as the source of energy
(d) Flash light as a source of energy
Q.02. The quantity of heat required to raise the Ans. (c) There are two types of sensors in remote
temperature of unit mass of a material by one degree sensing :
centigrade is called (1) Passive remote sensing (Sensor) :
(a) Specific Heat • It depends on a natural source to provide energy for
(b) Thermal expansion data collection. Sun is the most commonly used
(c) Temperature stress source of energy for passive remote sensing.
(d) Heat of hydration


• However, passive remote sensing can be done in Ans. (b) The strength of winds is measured with the
absence of the Sun. In this case, the target material help of Beaufort scale. This empirical measure was
itself is the source of energy, and the sensor records created by Sir Francis Beaufort in 1805.
primarily emitted radiation. • It uses observed conditions at sea or on land to
• Examples : Return bram vidicon, Electro-optical estimate wind speed.
scanner, and Electro-optical radiometer use light as Barometers : These devices are used to measure
the primary source. atmospheric pressure. They are commonly used in
(2) Active remote sensing (Sensor) : weather forecasting, as changes in atmospheric
• It uses a man-made source of energy. In this case, pressure can indicate changes in weather.
humans can manipulate the nature of source energy • However, they do not directly measure wind speed.
(wavelength, power, duration). Examples : Radar Wind Indicator : This is a general term that could refer
Q.06. Why are moorings provided? to any device used to show the direction of the wind,
(a) For anchoring of ships such as a weather vane or windsock.
(b) For washing of ships and ship boards • Some of these might give a rough indication of wind
(c) For towing the ships to the sea strength, but they're not precise tools for measuring
(d) For repair of ships wind speed.
Ans. (a) Moorings : Moorings are used to anchor ships Tintometer : A Tintometer is an instrument that's used
and vessels, preventing them from drifting or moving to measure the color or opacity of liquids.
in open water. • The term is most commonly associated with the
• This ensures stability and safety, especially in ports, Lovibond Tintometer, which was invented in the late
harbours, or offshore locations where vessels need to 19th century to test the color of beer.
remain stationary. • They're not used for anything weather-related, so
• In marinas and coastal areas, moorings serve as they definitely don't measure wind speed.
secure points for boats and smaller vessels to dock. Q.09. The vibrating of the concrete before grouting
• This provides a convenient and controlled makes the quality of concrete -
environment for loading, unloading, and boarding. (a) Better (b) Slow
• Moorings help maintain the buoyancy and stability of (c) Low (d) Fair
floating structures, such as floating docks, platforms,
or buoys. Ans. (a) vibrating of the concrete: It is the process in
• They prevent these structures from drifting away or which dry hard mixed concrete is placed in small thin
being affected by currents and tides. areas such as cracks.
• To ensure the grout is filled, the vibration of concrete
Q.07. The minimum grades for PCC and RCC structures
before grouting makes the quality of concrete
as per IS code is:
(a) M 10 and M 20 respectively
• Vibrating concrete before grouting is a crucial step in
(b) M 10 and M 15 respectively
the construction process, particularly when casting
(c) M 15 and M 20 respectively
concrete structures such as foundations, walls, or
(d) M 15 and M 30 respectively
Ans. (c) According to IS 456:2000, the minimum grade • This process is commonly known as concrete
of concrete for Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) is M15, consolidation or compaction.
and for Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) is M20. This • The purpose of vibrating concrete is to eliminate air
is to ensure adequate strength and durability for both voids, ensure proper placement of the concrete mix,
types of structures. and improve the overall quality and strength of the
Grade of concrete is designated as “M – x”, where M finished product.
refers to the mix and “x” refers to the specified • Vibrating concrete before grouting is a critical step in
compressive strength of 150 mm size cube at 28 days achieving a high-quality and durable concrete
expressed in N/mm2. structure.
Q.08. The strength of winds is measured with the help • It helps eliminate air voids, enhances density and
of bonding, ensures a smoother finish, and contributes
(a) Barometers (b) Beaufort scale to overall structural integrity.
• Proper compaction is essential for meeting the design
(c) Wind indicator (d) Tintometer
specifications and ensuring the long-term
performance of the concrete


Q.10. The distance between centres of rivet holes (a) To introduce tensile stresses
should not be less than - (b) To introduce compressive stresses in the zone
(a) 3 times the diameter of the holes wherever tensile stresses are expected
(b) 2.5 times the diameter of the holes (c) To introduce deflection
(c) 2 times the diameter of the holes (d) To introduce shear stress
(d) 3.5 times the diameter of the holes Ans. (b) Pre-stressed concrete is a form of concrete
Ans. (b) The distance between the centres of rivet where initial compression is given in the concrete
holes measured along the applied stress is known as before applying the external load so that stress from
Pitch, whereas the distance the centre of rivet holes external loads are counteracted in the desired way
measured perpendicular to the direction of applied during the service period.
stress is known as Gauge. This initial compression is introduced by high strength
steel wire known as tendon located in the concrete
The principle behind prestressed concrete is that
compressive stresses induced by high-strength steel
tendons in a concrete member before loads are applied
will balance the tensile stresses imposed in the
member during service.
Q.14. The number of independent elastic constants for
As per IS 800, the minimum pitch specified is 2.5 times a linear elastic isotropic and homogeneous material is-
nominal diameter of rivet. (a) 4 (b) 1
Q.11. The point of contraflexure is the point at which (c) 3 (d) 2
___________ changes its sign. Ans. (d) Number of Elastic Constant for various
(a) Torsional moment (b) Shear force Materials
(c) All of the options (d) Bending moment Types of Total number of No. of

Ans. (d) Point of contraflexure : In a bending beam, a Material dependent Independent


point of contraflexure is a location where the bending Elastic Constants Elastic Constant

moment is zero (changes its sign). In a bending moment (E.G.K & μ)


diagram, it is the point at which the bending moment

Homogeneous 4 2
curve intersects with the zero lines.
and Isotropic
Point of Inflexion : Inflection point is a point where a
function turns from concave to convex, i.e it is point Orthotropic 12 9
shown on the curvature diagram of the structure
Anisotropic ∞ 21
where the curvature changes from concave to convex.
Q.12. In a trussed bridge, the maximum limit of span is Q.15. Which of the following is a waterborne disease?
(a) 50 to 150 m (b) 3 to 7.5 m (a) Tuberculosis (b) Small pox
(c) 30 to 80 m (d) 18 to 30 m (c) Anthrax (d) Cholera
Ans. (c) In a truss bridge, the superstructure is provided Ans. (d) Waterborne disease : Waterborne Diseases
with the trusses that are made up of steel. Steel bridges are diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms
are very common for small as well as long spans in that are transmitted in water.
railways. Fabricated components of a steel bridge can • For example cholera, Diarrhea, and Hepatitis A.
be easily transported to the site and assembled, thus
Q.16. The structure which is used to divide the stages
considerably reducing the construction time.
in different levels is termed as-
• In a truss girder bridges, generally riveted trusses of (a) Damp proof course (b) Roof
Warren or Pratt type are used for spans between 30
(c) Lintels (d) Floor
to 50m.
• In general, truss bridges are used for spans up to 150 Ans. (d) Floor : The structure which divide a building
m. For spans more than 150 m, it has been a general into stages or storeys to give the space to live at
practice to recommend an arch, cantilever or different levels are termed as floors.
suspension bridge. Different types of floors are Timber floors, cement tile
Q.13. What is the main principle of Prestressed concrete flooring, cement concrete flooring, Mosaic
Concrete Structures? floor, brick floor etc.


Roof : The horizontal surface used over most part of the Q.19. Imhoff cone is used to measure-
building to keep out rain, sun and wind and to preserve (a) Dissolved solids (b) Settleable solids
the interior from exposure is known as Roof. (c) Suspended solids (d) Colloidal solids
Lintels : A lintel is one type of beam which used to
Ans. (b) Imhoff cone is used to determine the quantity
support the above wall when openings like doors,
of settleable solids. It is a conical glass vessel of
windows, etc. are necessary to provide a building
capacity 1 liter and graduated up to 50 ml.
structure. The main function of the lintel is to take
loads coming from the above wall and transfer its load Sewage is allowed to stand in this cone for 2 hours, and
to the side walls. the quantity of solids settled can be directly observed.
Damp Proofing course : A layer provided to prevent
entry of unwanted moisture inside the building either
by seepage or by leakage is known as Damp Proofing
Q.17. The surface of painting is measured in -
(a) Tonnes (b) Sq.m
(c) Cu.m (d) Cu.ft
Ans. (b) The principle of units of measurements
normally consists of the following :
(a) Single units work like doors, windows, trusses, etc., Q.20. For limit state of collapse, the partial safety
are expressed in numbers. factors recommended by IS 456 : 2000 for estimating
(b) Works consists of linear measurements involve the design strength of concrete and reinforcing steel
length like cornice, fencing, handrail, bands of specified are respectively-
width, etc., are expressed in running meters (m). (a) 1.5 and 1.15 (b) 1.0 and 1.0
(c) Works consist of areal surface measurements (c) 1.15 and 1.5 (d) 1.5 and 1.0
involve area like plastering, painting whitewashing,
Ans. (a) Partial factor of safety for concrete and steel
partitions of specified thickness, Formworks, Concrete
should be taken as 1.5 and 1.15, respectively when
Jeffries, Damp proof course, etc. are expressed in
assessing the strength of the structures or structural
square meters (m2)
members employing limit state of collapse.
(d) Works consists of cubical contents which involve
In Limit state method , partially safety factor
volume like earthwork, cement concrete work e.g. R.C.
Chhajja, Masonry, etc. are expressed in Cubic meters Material Collapse Deflection Cracking
(m3). Concrete 1.5 1 1.3
Q.18. Which of the following is the ratio of absolute
Steel 1.15 1 1
viscosity to mass density?
(a) Specific viscosity
(b) Coefficient of viscosity
(c) Viscosity index
(d) Kinematic viscosity
Ans. (d) Viscosity: The property that represents the
internal resistance of a fluid to motion (i.e. fluidity) is
called viscosity. There are two ways to write viscosities:
Kinematic viscosity: It is defined as the ratio between
the dynamic or absolute viscosity and density of the
Where, Q.21. What is the ratio of rate of back-washing to that
μ = dynamic viscosity of the fluid (kg/m-s) of filtration in a typical rapid sand filter?
ρ = density of the fluid (kg/m 3) (a) 4 (b) 2
Sl unit of kinematic viscosity is m²/s and the C.G.S unit (c) 6 (d) 20
of kinematic viscosity is cm²/s or 'Stoke'. Ans. (c) In Rapid sand filtration process, rate of
1 Stoke = 10 m²/s. backwashing varies between 15 to 90 cm/min, or


normally taken to be 45 cm/min whereas the rate of not stagnate in the median. All median drains shall be
filtration is 3000 to 6000 litres/m2/hr. of cement concrete.
The rate of backwashing is about 6 to 16 times rate of Q.24. A phreatic line is defined as the line within a dam
filtration and the entire process of backwashing is section below which there is/are-
completed in 15 to 30 minutes. (a) Negative equipotential lines
Bacterial removal efficiency of this filter is 80 to 90 % (b) Positive hydrostatic pressure
for rapid sand filtration. (c) Positive equipotential lines
Q.22. The equation of continuity of flow is applicable (d) Negative hydrostatic pressure
when the- Ans. (b) The top flow line of a saturated soil mass
(a) Flow is steady below which seepage takes place, is called the Phreatic
(b) All of the options line.
(c) Flow is one dimensional • Hydrostatic pressure acts below the phreatic line
(d) Velocity is uniform over the cross section whereas atmospheric pressure exists above the
Ans. (b) Continuity Equation in One-Dimensional Case phreatic line
:The continuity equation states that when fluid is in • This line separates a saturated soil mass from an
motion, then it should move in such a way that mass is unsaturated soil mass
conserved. • It is not an equipotential line, but a flow line
Rate of flow in section 1 - 1 = Rate of flow at section 2 - Q.25. The bracing provided in the plane of end posts is
2 called ____
𝛒 𝟏 × 𝑨𝟏 × 𝑽 𝟏 = 𝛒 𝟐 × 𝑨𝟐 × 𝑽 𝟐 (a) Sway bracing
This equation is applicable to the compressible as well (b) Bottom lateral bracing
as incompressible fluid and is called a continuity (c) Top lateral bracing
equation. (d) Portal bracing
This is a statement of the principle of mass Ans. (d) In addition to dead load, live load and impact
conservation for a steady, one-dimensional flow, load, the truss girder bridge are also subjected to

velocity is uniform over cross section, with one inlet lateral and longitudinal forces.

and one outlet. This equation is called the continuity


In order to provide lateral stability and torsional

equation for steady one-dimensional flow.

rigidity, the truss girder bridges are suitably braced.


Q.23. Kerb and median are two elements in a highway Portal bracing is basically a combination of struts and
cross - section. Choose the correct match. ties which lie in the plane of the inclined braces at a
(a) 1 Kerb at the middle and 2 medians at the side portal. It transfers wind pressure from the upper parts
edges of the trusses to an abutment or pier of the bridge.
(b) Kerb and median classification names are not based ∴ The bracing provided in the plane of end posts is
on position in pavement cross-section but based on called portal bracing.
their shape
Q.26. The member which is subjected to bending is
(c) Kerb for both the side edges of the pavement and 1
median at the centre line of the pavement
(d) Median is a longitudinal element and kerb is a (a) Footing (b) Slab
lateral element (c) Column (d) Beam
Ans. (c) Kerbs indicate the boundary between the Ans. (d) Footing : This is the lowest part of the
carriageway and the shoulder or footpaths. It is foundation of a structure, which is in direct contact
desirable to provide kerbs on urban roads. The height with the ground.
of this kerb is about 10 cm above the pavement edge • It distributes the load of the structure over a large
with a slope that allows the vehicle to climb easily. surface area. It is not primarily subjected to bending
Kerbs are mainly divided into three types: but to compression loads from the structure above
1. Low or mountable type kerbs and the reaction of the soil below.
2. Semi barrier type kerb Slab : This is a flat piece of concrete that is used to
construct floors and ceilings of buildings.
3. Barrier type kerb
Median : A median is the portion of the roadway • Although they can experience some bending under
separating opposing directions of the roadway, or local loads (for example loads not applied directly
lanes from through travel lanes. The median shall be perpendicular to its plane), they are usually not
either raised or depressed. The median shall have a primarily subjected to bending moments.
suitably designed drainage system so that water does
Column : This is a vertical structural member that Ans. (d) Fibre reinforced concrete is a composite
transmits the load from the beams (or slabs) to the material consisting of mixtures of cement, mortar or
footing or foundation. concrete and discontinuous, discrete, uniformly
• It is primarily subjected to compression and can dispersed suitable fibres.
experience some bending (known as buckling) under Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is concrete containing
certain conditions, but the main members designed fibrous material which increases its structural integrity.
to resist bending are the beams. It contains short discrete fibres that are uniformly
Beam : This is a horizontal or inclined structural distributed and randomly oriented. Different types of
member spanning across one or more supports and is fibres include steel fibres, glass fibres, synthetic fibres
primarily designed to resist bending and shear. and natural fibres.
• Loads applied to the beam result in reaction forces at Following are the benefits one can obtain of a fibre
the beam's support points and bending moments and reinforced concrete:
shear forces along the length of the beam. (i) It increases the tensile strength of the concrete.
Q.27. Terzaghi's bearing capacity factors depend on- (ii) It reduce the air voids and water voids the inherent
(a) Uniformity coefficient of soil and dry density of soil porosity of gel.
(b) Coefficient of curvature of soil and bulk density of (iii) It increases the durability of the concrete.
soil (iv) Fibres such as graphite and glass have excellent
(c) Angle of internal friction of soil only resistance to creep. Therefore, the orientation and
(d) Angle of internal friction of soil and depth of volume of fibres have a significant influence on the
foundation creep performance of reinforcement.
Ans. (c) Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors - Nc, Nq, Nγ (v) It has been recognized that the addition of small,
depend on the angle of internal friction only and are closely spaced and uniformly dispersed fibres to
dimensionless. concrete would act as crack arrester and would
substantially improve its static and dynamic
𝑵𝒒 = [ 𝛟 ] properties.
𝟐𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟐 (𝟒𝟓+ )
Balling is one of the problems encountered during
𝟑𝛑 𝛟
− )𝐭𝐚 𝐧 𝛟 mixing and compacting SFRC. This should be avoided
Here 𝒂 = 𝒆 𝟒 𝟐
for uniform distribution of fibres.
Nc = (Nq - 1) cot ϕ Q.30. Which of the following forms of land degradation
is more prevalent in India?
𝟏 𝑲𝒑
𝑵𝛄 = [ − 𝟏] 𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝝓 (a) Soil erosion (b) Soil subsidence
𝟐 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟐 𝛟
(c ) Landslide (d) Desertification
𝟏+𝐬𝐢 𝐧 𝛟
𝑲𝒑 = Ans. (a) Soil erosion :
𝟏−𝐬𝐢 𝐧 𝛟

• It is a process in which the top fertile layer of soil is

Q.28. The effective length of fillet should be less than-
lost. Due to soil erosion, the soil becomes less fertile.
(a) Four times the size of weld The top layer of soil is very light which is easily carried
(b) One time the size of the weld away by wind and water. The removal of topsoil by
(c) Three times the size of weld the natural forces is known as soil erosion.
(d) Two times the size of weld • Various agents like wind, water, deforestation,
Ans. (a) The effective length of the weld is the length overgrazing by cattle, etc. cause soil erosion.
of the weld for which specified size and throat • Soil subsidence means a process characterized by
thickness exist. In drawings only effective length is downward displacement of surface material caused
shown, while welding length made equal to effective by natural phenomena such as removal of
length plus twice the size of the weld. underground fluids, natural consolidation, or
• Effective length should not be less than 4 times the dissolution of underground minerals, or by man-
size of weld. made phenomena such as underground mining.
• Landslide, also called landslip, is the downslope
Q.29. In fibre reinforced concrete, if the fibres are not
movement of a mass of rock, debris, earth, or soil.
dispersed properly, then the resulting problem is called
• Landslides occur when gravitational and other types
as ________
of shear stresses within a slope exceed the shear
(a) Spalling (b) Segregation
strength of the materials that form the slope.
(c) Congestion (d) Balling
Q.31. If the initial setting time of cement is 10 minutes,
it can be classified as -


(a) Quick setting cement Ans. (d) Let a continuous beam ABCD as follows:
(b) Sulphate resisting cement
(c) Rapid hardening cement
(d) Low heat cement
Let the support B takes by ' 𝜹 ' mm
Ans. (a) Quick setting cement : It is produced by adding
Clockwise moment is considered negative and
a small percentage of aluminium sulphate and by finely anticlockwise moment is considered positive.
grinding the cement. The percentage of gypsum or
Moment due to loading without sink of support B is
retarder for setting action is also greatly reduced. The
depicted as below:
addition of aluminium sulphate and fineness of
grinding are responsible for accelerating the setting
action of cement. The setting of cement starts within 5
minutes after addition of water and it becomes hard Moment produced due to downward sink of the
like stone in less than 30 minutes or so. support B is as below:
Sulphate resisting cement : This is non-OPC cement has
resistance against frequent freezing and thawing. The
percentage of C2S and C3S are the same and of the order
of 40%.
Rapid Hardening cement : It is similar to OPC except
that it has more C3S (upto 50%).
Low Heat Cement : This cement is manufactured by
reducing the proportion of C3A and C3S and increasing
the proportion of C2S. This cement shows a low rate of Considering the resultant, moments at the supports,
development of strength (Due to increasing C 2S). This negative moment is reduced as positive moment
cement is used in mass concreting. developed due to sink is added and hence overall
reduction in moment.
Q.32. Analysis of continuous beam can be done by
It also increases to positive moment at the center of
(a) Three Moment Theorem

the span.

(b) Slope Deflection Method


∴ The statement 1 and 4 are correct.


(c) Moment Distribution Method


(d) All of the options Q.34. If there is any obstruction to the uniform

settlement of hardened concrete, it forms a crack

Ans. (d) Methods used to analyze continuous beams:
known as
I. Three Moment Theorem: This method calculates the
(a) Settlement crack (b) Longitudinal crack
reactions at the supports of a continuous beam.
(c) Shear crack (d) Random crack
II. Slope Deflection Method: This method gives us the
end moments and rotations of a beam, allowing for Ans. (a) Settlement crack : Settlement cracks in
better understanding of how a structure behaves structures result from uneven or differential settling of
under certain load conditions. the foundation or supporting soil, causing the
III.Moment Distribution Method: This is a simplified formation of cracks as the structure adjusts to varying
structural analysis method for statically elevations.
indeterminate beams and frames. It calculates the • These cracks are often observed in buildings and can
bending moments in a structure by using the vary in size and orientation based on the extent of
principles of equilibrium. settlement.
Q.33. Consider the following statements: Sinking of an Longitudinal crack:
intermediate support of a continuous beam • A longitudinal crack is a fissure that runs parallel to
(i) reduces the negative moment at support. the length of an object or structure.
• These cracks are commonly observed in materials
(ii) increases the negative moment at support.
and surfaces, indicating stress or movement along
(iii) reduces the positive moment at support. the longitudinal axis.
(iv) increases the positive moment at the center of • It may occur due to poorly constructed joints,
span. thermal shrinkage, inadequate support, etc.
Of these statements: Shear crack :
(a) (ii) and (iii) are correct • This crack in hardened concrete beams. It is caused
(b) (ii) and (iv) are correct by structural (self-weight), loading, or movement.
(c) and (iii) are correct • It is known as a diagonal tension crack.
(d) and (iv) are correct
Random Crack : overcomes the downward direction pressure due to
• It is a fissure or fracture that does not follow a specific submerged weight of soil, and the sand grains are
pattern or alignment. forced apart. The result is that the soil has no capability
• It may appear in various directions, making their to support a load.
occurrence less predictable in shape or orientation. Q.38. RE wall means -
Q.35. What is the volume of a 6 m deep tank having (a) Reinforced Earth Wall (b) Resistant Earth Wall
rectangular shaped top 6 m x 4 m and bottom 4 m x 2m (c) Revetment Earth Wall (d) Retaining Earth Wall
(computed through the use of prismoidal formula)? Ans. (d) "RE Wall", or "Retaining Earth Wall", is a
(a) 92 m3 (b) 96 m3 structure that is designed and constructed to resist the
(c) 90 m3 (d) 94 m3 lateral pressure of soil when there is a desired change
Ans. (a) Given: L = 6m in ground elevation that exceeds the angle of repose of
the soil.
Top area = 6 × 4 = 24 m2 = A1
Q.39. Soundness of cement is tested by-
Bottom area = 4 × 2 = 8 m2 = A2
𝟔+𝟒 𝟒+𝟐
(a) Izod apparatus
Am = (
)×( 𝟐
) = 𝟏𝟓 m𝟐 (b) Vicat apparatus
L (c) Le-chatelier apparatus
Volume = (A𝟏 + 𝟒A m + A 𝟐 )
𝟔 (d) Hopper apparatus
Volume = (𝟐𝟒 + 𝟒 × 𝟏𝟓 + 𝟖) = 𝟗𝟐 m𝟑 Ans. (c) Table showing different tests to find different
property :
Q.36. _______ is the process of inviting bids or
proposal in response to an invitation. Test Apparatus Property
Vicat’s Apparatus Consistency
(a) Scheduling (b) Starting
Le Chatelier’s Apparatus Soundness
(c) Tendering (d) Planning Compression Testing Compressive Strength
Ans. (c) Scheduling : This often refers to the process of Machine
deciding how to commit resources between a variety Standard briquette Test Tensile Strength
of possible tasks, not the process of inviting bids or Q.40. Mass moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod of
proposals. mass (m) and length (l) about its mid-point and
• In project management, scheduling involves perpendicular to its length is
allocating resources, defining start and end times, (a) 2/3 ml2 (b) ml2 /12
and sequencing the tasks of the project. (c) ml2/3 (d) 3/4 ml2
Starting : This is a general term that could mean the Ans. (b) Mass moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod
beginning of many different processes, but it doesn't of mass (m) and length (l) about its mid-point and
specifically refer to inviting bids or proposals. perpendicular to its length is ml2 /12.
Tendering : This is the correct answer. It's a process
where bids are invited from interested contractors to
carry out specific packages of construction work.
• It begins with providing detailed specifications of the
project to potential contractors and ends when a
contract is awarded.
Planning: This process involves setting project goals,
detailing the project scope, identifying required tasks 𝟏 𝟏
and timelines, making plans for executing, controlling, 𝐈𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 = 𝐦𝐋𝟐 𝐈𝐞𝐧𝐝 = 𝐦𝐋𝟐
𝟏𝟐 𝟑
and closing the project. It isn't specifically about
inviting bids or proposals. Q.41. According to the ICAO specification for field
runway length, take off run available is known as
Q.37. When does a quick sand condition is developed
(a) LDA (b) TODA
in soil?
(c) TORA (d) ASDA
(a) Head causing downward flow is decreased
(b) Head causing upward flow is increased Ans. (c) The specified distance available for a particular
(c) Head causing upward flow is decreased operation such as landing may be different in each
(d) Head causing downward flow is increased direction on the same runway pavement. There are
four declared distances:
Ans. (b) Quicksand condition occurs when seepage
pressure, which acts in the upward direction, • Takeoff Run Available (TORA): The length of runway
declared and suitable ground run of an aircraft taking
off. The TORA is measured from the start of • This mixture undergoes precise temperature control
takeoff to a point 200 feet from the beginning of the to ensure optimal binding and consistency.
departure Runway Protection Zone. • Various grades and types of asphalt can be produced
• Takeoff Distance Available (TODA): This distance is to meet specific project requirements.
the addition of the TORA and the length of any • The final product, hot mix asphalt, is then
remaining runway or clearway beyond the far end of transported to construction sites for paving roads,
the TORA. highways, and other infrastructure.
• Accelerate Stop Distance Available (ASDA): The Uses:
runway plus stopway length declared available and
• Asphalt pavement refers to any paved road surfaced
suitable for the acceleration and deceleration of an
with asphalt. HMA pavement provides some
aircraft that must abort its takeoff.
characteristics in pavement such as friction,
• Landing Distance Available (LDA): The length of the smoothness, noise control, rut and shoving
runway which is declared available and suitable for resistance, and drainage.
the ground run of an aircraft for landing
• It also prevents excessive surface water from
• A stopway is an area beyond the takeoff runway able entering the underlying HMA layers, bases, and
to support the airplane during an aborted takeoff, subgrade.
without causing structural damage to the airplane.
• ICAO is the International Civil Aviation Organization. Q.44. The critical load for a long column with both ends
It manages international air navigation and civil fixed is 160 kN. If the same section is to be used for
aviation operations. another column of double the length, the critical load
Q.42. The distance of a point where the whole area of
(a) 80 kN (b) 320 kN
a body is assumed to be concentrated from a given axis
is called- (c) 160 kN (d) 40 kN
(a) Radius of gyration Ans. (d) The critical load on a column is given by,
(b) Second moment of area 𝛑𝟐 𝑬𝑰𝒎𝒊𝒏
(c) Moment of inertia 𝑷𝒆 =

(d) Mass moment of inertia



Ans. (a) The radius of gyration may be defined as the


L is the effective length of the column which depends

distance from the axis of rotation at which, if the whole

upon the end conditions of the column.


mass of the body is concentrated, its moment of inertia

E is the modulus of elasticity of the material of the
about the axis is the same as that with the actual
distribution of mass.
I = mk2 I is a minimum moment of inertia. \
From the given equation,
𝒌=√ Crippling load Pcr is inversely proportional to the
square of effective length. When length increases 2
Q.43. In Highway Construction engineering, the times the crippling load decrease by 4 times.
equipment HMA means -
Pcr = 160/4 = 40 kN
(a) Hard Mix Asphalt Plant
(b) Hot Mix Asphalt Plant Q.45. Which of the following is the most reliable
(c) Hot Mix Admixture estimate?
(d) Hot Mix Aggregate Plant (a) Detailed estimate
(b) Plinth area estimate
Ans. (b) Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA).
(c) Cube rate estimate
• It is a combination of approximately 95% stone, sand, (d) Preliminary estimate
or gravel bound together by asphalt cement, a
Ans. (a) Detailed estimate :
product of crude oil.
• A Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) plant is a facility used in the • A detailed estimate should have documents such as
production of asphalt pavement through the report, specifications, drawings/plans, design charts
blending of aggregates, asphalt binder, and filler and schedule of rates.
materials at elevated temperatures. • Factors such as, material quantity, transportation of
• The process begins with the heating of raw materials materials, location of site, labour charges, cost of
in a rotary drum, where aggregates (such as gravel equipment (commonly allowed: - 2% of the
and sand) are combined with liquid asphalt binder. estimated cost), overhead charges (commonly
allowed: - 2% of the estimated cost), contingencies &
unforeseen (commonly allowed:- 4% of the
estimated cost) items are needed to consider well L = length of pipe,
while preparing the detailed estimate. V = Average velocity,
Q.46. Tintometer is used to measure D = Diameter of pipe,
(a) Colour (b) Temperature g = Acceleration due to gravity.
(c) Odour (d) Hardness Q.49. The financial analysis helps to judge:
Ans. (a) Tintometer is a device to determine colour in (a) The financial position of the firm
water. The unit of colour measurement is TCU. 1 TCU is (b) The operational efficiency of the firm
the colour produced by 1 mg of platinum cobalt in the (c) Both the operational efficiency of the firm and the
form of chloroplatinate ions dissolved in 1 litre of financial position of the firm
distilled water. (d) Neither operational efficiency of the firm nor
Q.47. The stresses caused by the bending moment is financial position of the firm
called - Ans. (b)
(a) Shear stress (b) Compressive stress • Financial analysis of a firm involves evaluating its
(c) Flexural stress (d) Tensile stress financial statements and performance metrics to
assess profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency.
Ans. (c) Shear Stress : This arises when two anti-
• It aids stakeholders in making informed decisions,
parallel forces act on an object, causing layers of the
object to slide relative to each other. assessing the firm's health, and guiding strategies for
sustainable growth and financial stability.
• It's commonly experienced in beam loading
• Operational efficiency refers to how well a company
situations, especially near support connections or in
utilizes its resources to produce goods and services.
bolted/welded/connected sections.
• It's a measure of the effectiveness and productivity of
Compressive Stress : This is experienced by an object the firm's operations.
when forces act towards it from opposite sides, causing • Operational efficiency measured by financial
the object to compress or shorten. analysis involves analyzing key performance
• This is common in columns or struts in buildings, as indicators (KPIs) such as production output, cost per
well as the top half of a beam when subjected to unit, cycle times, and resource utilization.
bending. • Continuous improvement strategies, like Lean or Six
Flexural Stress : Flexural stress is induced by a bending Sigma methodologies, are often employed to
moment. When a structural element is subjected to enhance operational efficiency over time.
bending, one side of the element experiences tension,
while the other side experiences compression.
Q.50. In a simply supported beam of span L subjected
• This is common in elements such as beams, where the to central concentrated load, the central deflection is
mix of tension and compression due to bending 24 mm. Then the slope at supports is:
moments is managed by flexural stress.
(a) (48/L) radians (b) (36/L) radians
Tensile Stress : This is experienced by an object when
(c) (24/L) radians (d) (72/L) radians
forces pull it apart, causing it to elongate or lengthen.
• This is common in elements such as wires, cables, or Ans. (d) In a simply supported beam of span L
subjected to central concentrated load,
the bottom half of a beam when subjected to
bending. then the slope at supports is
Q.48. The loss of head in pipe due to friction is 𝒘𝑳𝟐
calculated by- 𝟏𝟔𝑬𝑰
(a) Darcy's law
(b) Darcy–Weisbach equation 𝚫 = 𝟐𝟒𝒎𝒎
(c) Energy loss 𝒘𝑳𝟑
So, Deflection 𝚫 =
(d) Chezy's law 𝟒𝟖𝑬𝑰
Ans. (b) The Darcy - Weisbach equation is one of the 𝟐𝟒 =
most commonly used equations for estimating 𝟐𝟒×𝟒𝟖𝑬𝑰
𝒘𝑳𝟐 =
frictional pressure drops in internal pipe flows. 𝑳
𝟐 𝒘𝑳𝟐
𝒇𝑳𝑽 We know slope at supports is 𝛉 =
𝒉𝒇 = 𝟏𝟔𝑬𝑰
𝟐𝒈𝑫 𝟐𝟒×𝟒𝟖𝑬𝑰 𝟕𝟐
𝛉= 𝟏𝟔𝑬𝑰×𝑳
= 𝑳
f = friction factor,


Q.51. According to ICAO recommendations, what is the
rate of elevation correction for the runway above MSL?
(a) 2% for every 300 m of elevation above MSL
(b) 1% for every 100 m of elevation above MSL
(c) 2% for every 500 m of elevation above MSL
(d) 7% of every 300 m of elevation above MSL
Ans. (d) Correction for basic Runway length (l)
(i) Elevation correction : For every 300-meter rise
above MSL, the length will be increased by 7%
x 𝟕
Corrected length ⇒ l𝟏 = l + ( × 𝟏𝟎𝟎) × l
𝟑𝟎𝟎 Q.53. For a constant aggregate cement ratio, if the
(ii) Temperature correction : Airport reference coarse aggregate is increased at the expense of sand,
Temperature (ART) maintaining total aggregate cement ratio constant,
Tm − Ta then the total surface area of the aggregate is -
T = Ta +
𝟑 (a) Reduced
Tm → monthly mean of maximum daily temp of hottest (b) Depends on Other factor
month (c) Remains Unchanged
Ta → monthly mean of average daily temp of hottest (d) Increased
month Ans. (a) Aggregate cement ratio :
For energy 1°C rise of ART above (SATx i.e. Standard • It is the ratio of the weights of aggregates to the
Airport Temperature) length will be increased by 1% weight of cement.
Corrected length ⇒ l𝟐 = l𝟏 + ( ) l𝟏 • When the weight of the cement is more, the
Aggregate cement ratio is less. The concrete has more
Note: As per ICAO, the cumulative connection for cement paste required to coat aggregates and fill the
elevation and temperature together should not voids between them.

be ≯ 35%. • The aggregate cement ratio is inversely proportional


l𝟐 −l𝟏
Cumulative (%) correction = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 ≯ 𝟑𝟓 % to workability.

• The surface area of coarse aggregate is less than fine

If exceeds modify, l2 = 1.35 × l


aggregate. So, with increasing coarse aggregate


(iii) Gradient correction proportion, the surface area has been reduced.
For every 1% effective gradient, runway length will be
Q.54. Which of the following is NOT a flood proofing
increased by 20%
measure for houses?
Final length (l𝟑 ) = l𝟐 + (𝟐𝟎 × \%) l𝟐 (a) Dry flood proofing
(b) Flood walls
RLhighest point −RLlower point (c) Detention basins
Geffective (\%) = (d) Elevation
Runway unit (l𝟐 )

Ans. (c) Flood-proofing measures for houses involve

Q.52. If two individual footings are too close as per elevating structures, installing barriers like levees or
design, then they should be converted as floodwalls, waterproofing foundations, and using
(a) Mat raft (b) Strap footing flood-resistant materials.
(c) Strip raft (d) Combined footing • Proper drainage, elevated utilities, and designing
openings to minimize water entry enhance resilience,
Ans. (d) When to or more heavily loaded columns are reducing the impact of flooding on homes and
located close to each other resting on soil with low safeguarding inhabitants and property.
bearing capacity, the area of isolated footing overlap
• A detention basin, also known as a stormwater
on each other hence it is advantageous to provide a
detention pond, is a constructed area designed to
single combined footing contributing to the improved
temporarily hold and control stormwater runoff.
integral behaviour of the columns with the footing.
• It helps manage peak flow rates, reduce flooding, and
• If the loads are equal then it is constructed in a control erosion by detaining excess water during
rectangular shape. heavy rainfall and gradually releasing it into the
• For unequal loading its constructed in a trapezoidal drainage system.
shape. • It is not used for flood proofing rather it is used for
flood control.


Q.55. Mini drafter combines the functions of Slip forming is used for tall structures (bridges, towers,
T-square and Set squares buildings, and dams), as well as horizontal structures,
Divider and Compass such as roadways.
FrenchCurve and Procircle There are 6 different types of slip formwork according
to the direction of work. (1) Vertical slip forming (2)
All of the options
Horizontal slip forming (3) Tapered slip forming (4)
Ans. (d) A mini-drafter is a compact drafting Cantilever forming (5) Egg-shaped slip forming (6)
instrument used in engineering, architecture, and Conical slip forming
technical drawing.
• It typically consists of a scaled-down drafting board,
Q.59. The main factor to be considered first in town
a ruler or straightedge, and a protractor.
planning is
• Users can secure paper on the board, allowing precise
(a) Topography
drawing of straight lines, angles, and geometric
(b) Governing body and cultural heritage
shapes for accurate technical illustrations.
(c) Ecology of land
• The mini drafter is a modern piece of equipment that
(d) Society needs
combines the advantages of T-square, set square,
protractor, scale, etc. Ans. (a) Some of the contributions of geography to
• It is used for different drafting operations like town planning are :
drawing horizontal vertical and inclined lines parallel • Understanding the topography: Geography guides
and perpendicular lines, measuring length and town planners by revealing the terrain, natural
angles. features, and resources in an area, aiding decisions
Q.56. Local attraction in compass surveying may exist on optimal town location and urban layout.
due to- • Analyzing the land use patterns: Geography analyzes
(a) Presence of magnetic substances near the land use, encompassing economic activities, housing,
instrument open spaces, and transportation. This data informs
(b) Incorrect levelling of the magnetic needle town design for residents' and visitors' needs.
(c) Friction of the needle at the pivot • Identifying environmental risks: Geography aids
(d) Loss of magnetism of the needle planners in spotting environmental risks (like floods
or earthquakes), enabling them to plan and
Ans. (a) Local attraction refers to the phenomenon
implement measures for mitigation.
where the magnetic needle of a compass is influenced
• Considering social and cultural factors: Geography is
by nearby magnetic substances, resulting in inaccurate
crucial for town planners to grasp social and cultural
aspects like demographics and heritage. This insight
Q.57. Superplasticizer increases slump of concrete due helps design towns aligned with residents' needs and
to which phenomenon? values.
(a) Densification of cement particles • Planning for sustainable development: Geography
(b) Drying of cement particles aids in sustainable development planning, addressing
(c) Dispersion and deflocculation of cement particles urbanization impacts. It involves creating green
(d) Deterioration of cement particles spaces, endorsing eco-friendly transportation, and
Ans. (c) Super-plasticizers are the admixture and work minimizing energy use in buildings.
on surfactant property, in which it disperses and Q.60. Special types of glazed tiles or bricks are used as
deflocculates cement particles thus making concrete facing material for the rubble or concrete or brick
flowing, pourable, and easily placed. backing in
Q.58. The special formwork without support from (a) Brick facing with Rubble or Concrete backing
ground, used for constructing tall structures and which masonry
moves up continuously is called as (b) Brick backed Ashlar masonry
(a) Slipform (b) Myvan form (c) Random Rubble masonry
(d) Stone facing with Brick, Rubble or Concrete backing
(c) Lost forms (d) Tunnel form
Ans. (a) Slip-form construction involves pouring
Ans. (a) In the composite masonry,
concrete into the top of a continuously moving
formwork. As the concrete is poured, the formwork is 1. Brick facing with Rubble or Concrete backing:
raised vertically at a speed (5 to 30 cm/ hour as per • Special types of glazed tiles are used as facing
requirement) that allows the concrete to harden material and rubble concrete or brick is used as
before it is free from the formwork at the bottom. backing


• Terra-cotta tiles and similar glazed tiles are Q.63. Which of the following is the type of roof which
commonly used in Lavatory blocks slopes in two directions with a break in the slope on
2. Brick-Backed Ashlar Facing: The facing stones are each side?
rough-tooled and chamfered (a) Gambrel roof (b) Mansard roof
3. Stone facing with Brick, Rubble, or Concrete
(c) Hip roof (d) Gable roof
backing: Combination of Ashlar masonry
(aesthetic) & Rubble masonry (Cheap). So, Ashlar Ans. (a) Gambrel roof : It is also known as a barn roof.
facing and Rubble backing. It is similar to mansard, the difference between the two
4. Random rubble masonry: It is a construction is that the Gambrel only has two sides, while the
method that uses rough, uneven stones to build mansard has four.
foundations and walls. It's considered the cheapest Shed roof : It is also referred to as a skillion. It is a
and roughest type of stone masonry. single, sloping roof, usually attached to a taller wall.
Q.61. Gypsum used in cement manufacturing acts as Gable end roof : It is also known as pitched or peaked
a/an- roof and is recognized by triangular shape.
(a) Plasticizer (b) Air entraining agent Hipped roof : It has slopes on all four sides. The sides
(c) Retarder (d) Accelerator are all equal length and come together at the top to
form a ridge.
Ans. (c) Retarder :- Retarders are the admixture that
The lower side of the Gambrel roof has an almost
slows down the chemical reaction of hydration so that
vertical, steep slope, while the upper slope is much
concentration can remain plastic and workable for
more duration in comparison to the concentration in
which retarders not added. Different Types of roofs is depicted in the diagram
Example: calcium sulphate (Gypsum), tartaric acid,
starch, sugar cellulose
Q.62. Pick up the correct statement from the

(a) Engineering economy is a collection of


mathematical techniques which simplify economic



(b) All of the options


(c) Engineering economy is a decision assistance tool

by which one method will be chosen as the most
economical one
(d) For understanding the engineering economy, one
should be able to classify the basic terminology
and fundamental concepts of economy
Ans. (b) Engineering economy :
• It is a collection of mathematical techniques that
make economic comparison easier.
• This includes formulating, estimating, and evaluating
economic outcomes when there are some
alternatives to accomplish a defined purpose.
• The term engineering economic decision refers to all
investment decisions relating to engineering
The five main types of engineering economic decisions
are →
1. Service improvement
2. Equipment and process selection
3. Equipment replacement
4. New product and product expansion Q.64. Foundation plan will show -
5. Cost reduction. (a) Size and depth of foundation
(b) Carpet area
(c) Height of foundation
(d) Length of plinth level
Ans. (a) A foundation plan is a detailed architectural 3. Column analogy method 3. Kani’s method
drawing that illustrates the layout and specifications of 4. Flexibility matrix 4. Stiffness matrix method
a building's foundation.
5. Castigliano’s Theorem
It typically includes the following information :
Q.66. The water in the soil which is in excess of the
Footings : Details about the size, type, and location of hygroscopic and capillary water and which can move
footings that support the building's load-bearing walls. freely downwards when the soil is porous and drainage
Footing distributes the structure's weight to the soil. available is called
Foundation Walls : Depiction of the foundation walls (a) Hygrosopic water (b) Free water
that enclose the building's perimeter. These walls may
(c) Firing water (d) Capillary water
vary in thickness and depth based on the structural
requirements and local building codes. Ans. (b) The water in the soil which is more than the
Piers or Columns : If the building design includes piers hygroscopic and capillary water and which can move
or columns for additional support, their size, spacing, freely downwards when the soil is porous and drainage
and locations will be specified on the foundation plan. is available is called "gravitational water or free
Materials : Information about the materials to be used
in the foundation, such as concrete mix design, • Gravitational water moves under the influence of
reinforcing steel details, and any other relevant gravity through the soil profile and eventually
specifications. contributes to groundwater recharge or runoff.
Dimensions : Exact measurements and dimensions for • Gravitational water is part of the soil water content
all elements, ensuring that the foundation aligns that exceeds the water retained by hygroscopic and
accurately with the architectural and structural plans. capillary forces.
Utilities and Openings : Placement of utility openings • Hygroscopic water is tightly held by soil particles,
(such as for plumbing) and any other necessary while capillary water is held against gravity in the
openings in the foundation walls. soil's small pores.
Elevations : Sometimes, foundation plans include • Gravitational water freely moves downward through
elevation views to provide a vertical representation of the soil due to gravity, especially in well-drained and
the foundation structure. porous soils.
Q.65. The moment distribution method in structural • Adequate drainage allows this water to percolate
analysis is also called as- into the groundwater or contribute to surface runoff,
depending on the soil's characteristics and
(a) Displacement method
(b) Unit method
(c) Flexibility method • Managing gravitational water is crucial for preventing
(d) Force method waterlogging and promoting healthy plant growth.
Ans. (a) Moment distribution method Q.67. In pre-stressed concrete, high-grade concrete is
• It is a displacement method of analysis of used for -
kinematically indeterminate structures given by Hardy (a) Having concrete of low ductility
Cross. (b) Having Low creep
• It is the most suitable manual method for the analysis (c) Having concrete of high brittleness
of continuous beams and rigid plane frames. (d) Controlling the pre-stress loss
• It is based on the stiffness approach. Ans. (b) High strength concrete for prestressing is
• It is not an exact method but a method of successive required due to the following reasons:
approximation where any degree of accuracy can be (i) Due to the large prestressing force to be applied by
achieved by repeated iteration . tendons, large bearing stresses get developed in
concrete at the end by anchoring devices.
Force Methods Displacement Methods
Types of indeterminacy: Types of indeterminacy: (ii) Bursting stresses at the ends can not be effectively
Static Indeterminacy Kinematic Indeterminacy resisted by low-strength concrete.
Governing equation: Governing equations: (iii) With the use of high-strength concrete, shrinkage
Compatibility Equations Equilibrium Equations cracks are low.
Force displacement Force displacement (iv) High strength concrete will have high modulus of
relations: Flexibility matrix relations: Stiffness matrix
elasticity of concrete and hence elastic and cracks
Example: Example:
1. Method of consistent 1. Slope deflection method
strains are very low means creep strains are low,
deformation 2. Moment distribution resulting in smaller loss of prestressing force.
2. Theorem of least work method


Note :-In this question, many options are correct i.e. • Varnishing is the process of applying a transparent
both option a and option d are correct. But the most protective coating to surfaces, typically wood or
appropriate answer is option b because lesser creep paintings, to enhance aesthetics, provide durability,
deformation causes less stress loss. and shield against environmental factors like
Q.68. Which of the following areas is/are NOT included moisture and UV rays.
in the Carpet area? Q.70. The rain waterholes in the parapet or in edging is
(a) Entrance gate called as
(b) All of the options (a) Water proofing (b) Weep hole
(c) The walls along with doors and other openings (c) Edge hole (d) Hole
(d) Verandah, corridor and passage
Ans. (b) Weep holes:
Ans. (b) Carpet area is the usable area within the walls
• Weep holes are small openings left in the exterior
of the property unit where we can lay carpet.
wall of a building during construction to allow water
The carpet area shall be the area shall be excluding the to escape from within the wall.
area of the following portion :
• They are located in masonry structures, typically in a
• Verandah, Corridor and passage, Entrance hall and brick or stone veneer, at the level of flashing (barrier
porch, Staircase and stair-cover (Mumty), Shaft and installed to prevent water from seeping into the
machine room for lift, Bathroom and structure).
lavatory, Kitchen and pantry, Store, and Canteen.
• These holes allow rainwater that has entered into the
• Air-conditioning duct and plant room, Shaft for
wall to exit and evaporate.
sanitary/water supply installations and garbage
chute, electrical and fire fighting, air-conditioning, Q.71. Compressibility is the reciprocal of -
telecommunication, and lift. (a) Bulk modulus of elasticity
(b) Rigidity Modulus of elasticity
Q.69. A method in which mortar conveyed through a
(c) Shear modulus of elasticity
hose and pneumatically projected at a high velocity
(d) Young's modulus of elasticity
onto a surface is called

Ans. (a) Bulk modulus : The ratio of hydrostatic stress


(a) Ferrocement (b) Varnishing


to the volumetric strain within the elastic range is

(c) Concreting (d) Gunite

called bulk modulus.


Ans. (d) Gunite/Shotcrete : Gunite is a construction



material used in building concrete structures, 𝒅𝑽

particularly for swimming pools and retaining walls. SI unit of the bulk modulus is the same as that of
• It consists of a dry mix of cement and sand, propelled pressure i.e., Nm–2 or Pa.
through a hose by compressed air, and mixed with Compressibility : The reciprocal of the Bulk modulus of
water at the nozzle before being sprayed onto the material of a body is called the compressibility of
surfaces. that material.
• This process results in a strong and durable concrete 𝟏
application that adheres well to various shapes and 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 ∝
𝑩𝒖𝒍𝒌 𝑴𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒖𝒔
contours, providing a versatile and efficient Unit of compressibility ∝ 1/Unit of Bulk Modulus ∝
construction method. 1/Nm–2 ∝ m2N-1 ∝ m2/N
Ferrocement : Q.72. The ratio of current assets to current liabilities is
• Ferrocement is a construction technique involving a known as:
mesh of metal or metal and fiber-reinforced mortar, (a) Acid-test (or quick) ratio
forming a thin, strong shell. (b) Debts ratio
• It's commonly used in building boat hulls, water (c) Current ratio
tanks, and structures, offering durability and (d) Liquidity ratio
flexibility in design due to its versatile composition. Ans. (c) Current ratio :
Concreting : • The current ratio is defined as a financial metric that
• Concreting is the process of pouring, placing, and measures a company's ability to cover its short-term
finishing concrete, a mixture of cement, aggregates, liabilities with its short-term assets.
and water, to create durable structures for • It is calculated by dividing the total current assets by
construction and infrastructure projects. the total current liabilities.
Varnishing : • It can be defined as,
Total Current Assets
Current Ratio =
Total Current Liabilities
Q.76. In a compaction factor test of concrete, if the
compaction value is less than 0.95 and greater than
0.85, then the standard of the workability is:
Q.73. A line joining the vertices of the trusses is called
(a) Very good (b) Fair
(a) Sky line (b) Ridge line
(c) Medium (d) Good
(c) Top line (d) Peak line
Ans. (c)
Ans. (b) In a truss structure, the term "ridge line" refers
Workability Compacting Factor Slump Value
to the topmost horizontal member of the truss, which
(CF) (mm)
runs along the apex or peak of the roof.
Very Low CF < 0.78 0-25
• The ridge line is a critical structural element in roofing
Low 0.78 < CF < 0.85 25-50
trusses, as it helps to distribute loads and provides
Medium 0.85 < CF < 0.95 50-100
stability to the overall roof structure.
High CF > 0.95 100-175
• It is often a horizontal beam that connects the upper
More is the compacting factor more will be the
ends of the sloping or diagonal members (rafters) in
workability and more will be slump value.
the truss.
Q.77. The penetration value of residue from distillation
• The ridge line is essential for maintaining the shape
upto 360°C of rapid curing cutbacks bitumen is -
and integrity of the roof.
(a) 80 to 120 (b) 30 to 120
Q.74. For a vertical stiffened web of a plate girder, the
(c) 40 to 80 (d) 100 to 160
lesser clear dimension of the panel should not exceed:
(a) 180 t (b) 85 t Ans. (a)
(c) 250 t (d) 200 t MC- Medium Curing Cutback Bitumen
RC- Rapid Curing Cutback Bitumen
Ans. (a) As per IS 800:2007 In the case of plate girder
with vertical stiffeners and horizontal stiffeners the Viscosity Penetration Residue
Grade Speed
(Centistokes) (mm)
lesser and greater unsupported clear dimension of web
MC- 30 Medium 30-60
panel should not exceed 180 t and 270 t respectively. MC- 70 Medium 70-140
• Theoretically, intermediate transverse stiffener are MC -
Medium 250-500 120-150
not required when the calculated shear stress in the 250
web is less than the critical shear stress of the web of 800
Medium 800-1600
the plate girder since the web will not buckle and RC-70 Rapid 70-140
failure of web will occur due to shear yielding of the RC-250 Rapid 250-500 80-120
web. Here tension field will not develop and RC- 800 Rapid 800-1600
stiffeners are not required and the web completely Q.78. The property of the soil due to which a decrease
be shear resistant. in volume occurs under compressive force is known as?
• minimum spacing of vertical stiffener = 0.33d (a) Consolidation of soil
• maximum spacing of vertical stiffener = 1.5d (b) Compressibility of soil
• Lesser clear panel dimension is less than 180tw (c) Compression strength of soil
• Greater clear panel dimension is less than 270tw (d) Initial consolidation of soil
Q.75. A cantilever beam of size 230 × 400 mm Ans. (b) The gradual decrease in volume of soil due to
(effective) has a clear span of 25 m and is supported on application of load is called compressibility of soil. The
a 400 × 400 mm column. The effective span of the decrease in volume of soil is due to the following
cantilever is- factors:
(a) 25.2 m (b) 33 m 1. Compression and expulsion of air - (Initial
(c) 15 m (d) 9 m Compression and also called soil compaction)
Ans. (a) Effective span = minimum {Clear Span + ½ 2. Compression pore water - Generally neglected as we
(Effective depth) : Clear Span + ½ (Width of Support)} assume water is incompressible.
Clear Span = 25 m 3. Expulsion of Pore Water-(Primary Consolidation)
Effective depth = 400 mm 3. Compression of soil solids – Generally neglected as
we assume soil solids are in compressible.
Width of support = 400 mm
4. Plastic rearrangement of soil solids – (Secondary
Effective span = min (25 + 0.2 ; 25 + 0.2) = 25.2 m
∴ Effective span = 25.2 m


Q.79. Which of the following is the appropriate triaxial (b) End Open Type
test to assess the immediate stability of an unloading (c) Easy Operation Type
problem, such as an excavation of a clay slope? (d) Earth moving Overhand Truck type
(a) CU test Ans. (a) EOT crane stands for "Electric Overhead
(b) Unconsolidated drained test Traveling Crane."
(c) UU test • It is a type of crane that is electrically powered and is
(d) CD test mounted on an overhead track or runway for
horizontal movement.
Ans. (a) Unconsolidated Un-drained (UU) Test: In this
• EOT cranes are commonly used in industrial settings,
test expulsion of pore water is not permitted in both
the stages. It is used for clays in short term analysis for warehouses, and manufacturing facilities for lifting
clays under un-drained conditions at fast loading rate. and moving heavy loads with precision.
Consolidated Drained (CD) Test: In this test expulsion • An Electric Overhead Traveling (EOT) Crane is a
of pore water is permitted in both the stages. It is used powerful industrial lifting equipment designed for
for short term and long-term stability analysis in handling heavy materials.
saturated sands and long-term stability analysis in • It consists of a bridge with a horizontal beam (hoist)
clays. that can move along elevated runways.
• The crane is electrically powered and controlled,
Consolidated Un-drained (CU) Test: In this test,
allowing it to efficiently lift, lower, and transport
expulsion of pore water is permitted in 1st stage but
loads within a specified area.
not in second stage. It is used for investigation of safety
of earthen dam which may occur due to sudden • EOT cranes are versatile, offering high lifting
drawdown of water table. It is used to assess the capacities and precise material handling in
immediate stability of an unloading problem, such as manufacturing, construction, and logistics
excavation of a clay slope. environments.
• They contribute to increased efficiency, improved
Unconsolidated Drained (UD) Test: This test is not
safety, and streamlined operations in various
performed practically because confining pressure acts
for long time and if soil is unconsolidated for long time,

then it cannot be drained in a small period of shear Q.82. Find the deflection of the free end of a cantilever

loading. beam carrying a concentrated load P at the free end.


Q.80. In case public drainage system is not available in δ = PL / 34EI δ = PL / 3EI


a locality, then the structure used to store waste water δ = PL / 5EI δ = PL / 365EI
from toilets is: Ans. (b) Type of beam and there deflection
(a) Overhead tank (b) Septic Tank
(c) Sump (d) Storage Tank
Ans. (b)
Type of tank Usage
Overhead Domestic water storage and commercial
Tank water storage purposes.
To maintain flow of water to the general
usage in bathrooms and the other water
requiring appliances like washing
machine and purifiers.
Septic Tank To treat wastewater from household
plumbing produced by bathrooms,
kitchen drains, and laundry.
Sump Tank It is an underground (or partially
underground) tank is usually used as
large water tank storage and can be built
cheaply using cement-like materials. It is
usually part of a rainwater harvesting
system, where the rainwater gets into the
tank, then pumped out for use.
Storage Tank It is multipurpose use. It can store liquids
as well as compressed gases.
Q.81. EOT crane means Q.83. Name the drawing instruments and aids.
(a) Electric Overhead Travelling (a) Set squares (b) All of the options


(c) Templates (d)Drawing sheet Q.85. The highest point on a carriage way is known as
Ans. (b) (a) Super elevation (b) Crown
• Drawing instruments and aids are tools used in (c) Camber (d) Gradient
various fields, such as engineering, architecture, and Ans. (b) Crown : The highest point of the camber is
design, to create accurate and precise drawings. called the crown of the road.
• These tools assist in producing detailed and scaled Camber : It is the slope provided to the road surface in
representations of objects or plans. the transverse direction to drain off the rainwater from
• Common drawing instruments and aids include: the road surface. It is also known as the cross slope of
1. Drawing Board: A flat surface on which paper is the road. Camber can be written as 1 in n or x%.
placed for drawing. It often has a parallel motion There are generally three types of the cambers :
or drafting machine for straight lines. (a) Straight Camber
2. T-Square: A T-shaped ruler is used in combination (b) Parabolic Camber
with a drawing board to create horizontal and (c) Mixed Camber.
vertical lines. Gradient : It is the slope provided to the surface of the
3. Drafting Compass: A tool for drawing circles and road in the longitudinal direction for the vertical
arcs with a fixed or adjustable radius. alignment of the road. There are three kinds of
4. Set Square (Triangle): Triangular rulers used for gradients:
drawing angled lines. They come in various angles, (a) Ruling Gradient
such as 30°, 45°, and 60°. (b) Limiting Gradient
5. Protractor: A circular tool for measuring and (c) Exceptional Gradient
drawing angles.
Super elevation is the amount by which the outer edge
6. Scale Rule: A ruler with multiple scales for of a curve on a road or railway is raised above the inner
measuring distances on drawings and making edge to counteract the effect of centrifugal force.
scaled drawings.
Q.86. Which of the following is the process of removal
7. Templates: Pre-drawn shapes (circles, rectangles,
of permanent hardness of water?
etc.) that can be traced for consistency in technical
drawings. (a) Boiling of water
(b) Filtration process
8. Drawing Pencils, sheets, and Erasers: Different
(c) Lime treatment
pencils for various line weights, different sizes of
(d) Zeolite process
sheets, and erasers for corrections.
9. French Curves: Templates with curved edges for Ans. (d) Zeolite process for water softening has become
drawing complex curves. a commercial success for the reason that zeolite can be
easily regenerated. When Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions
Q.84. For night landing, the runway threshold lights are containing hard water is passes through a bed of
lighted sodium zeolite, the sodium ions are replace by the
(a) Yellow (b) White calcium and magnesium ions. Zeolite process is the
(c) Red (d) Green best process to remove permanent hardness from the
Ans. (d) Yellow : Yellow lights are used to indicate a water.
cautionary status in many applications, but they're not Note : Temporary hardness can be removed by simply
typically used for runway threshold lights. boiling
White : White is used along the length of the runway to Q.87. A project construction cost estimate includes the
guide the plane's path for taking off or landing but not (a) All of the options
specifically for the threshold. (b) Equipment and overhead cost
Red : Red is often used in aviation to indicate danger or (c) Labour and material cost
areas that should not be entered, usually situated at (d) Profit of the contractor
the end of the runway to indicate its limit from the Ans. (a) The project construction cost can be
opposite landing direction. categorized into two parts :
Green : Green lights are used for threshold lighting. 1. Initial capital cost
According to the International Civil Aviation
2. Subsequent operation and maintenance costs
Organization (ICAO) Annex 14, runway threshold lights
should be green. Initial Capital cost : The capital cost for a construction
project includes the expenses related to the initial
They indicate the start of the runway that is available
establishment of the facility:
for landing when seen from the air.


• Land acquisition, including assembly, holding and (a) Mixer (b) Screw Conveyor
improvement (c) Silo (d) Scraper
• Planning and feasibility studies
Ans. (c)
• Architectural and engineering design
Name Purpose
• Construction, including materials, equipment and
Concrete mixer Homogeneously combines
cement, aggregate such
• Field supervision of construction as sand or gravel, and water
• Construction financing to form concrete
• Insurance and taxes during construction Screw Conveyors / To move powder or granular
• Owner's general office overhead auger conveyor materials.
• Equipment and furnishings Scraper (Wheel- Tractor) It is heavy equipment used
• Inspection and testing for earthmoving.
Silos Silos are structures built for
• Contractors , consultant and architecture’s profit
storing different
Operation and maintenance costs: The operation and materials such as Cement,
maintenance cost in subsequent years over the project Aggregates, fly ash and
life cycle includes the following expenses: other constituents.
• Land rent, if applicable Q.90. The space between two adjacent trusses is called
• Operating staff (a) Span (b) Panel
• Labor and material for maintenance and repairs (c) Pitch (d)Bay
• Periodic renovations
Ans. (d) Bay : The space between two adjacent trusses
• Insurance and taxes
is commonly referred to as a "bay."
• Financing costs
• Trusses are structural elements that consist of
• Utilities
triangular units, and they are often used in the
• Owner's other expenses
construction of roofs and bridges.
Q.88. Soil at a site consists of two layers. The top layer
• The distance between two trusses is considered a

has permeability k units and bottom layer has


bay, and this term is commonly used in structural


permeability 5k units. If the thickness of both the layers

engineering and architecture.

is equal, then what is the average permeability in the


Q.91. A flexible curve consists of a lead bar inside


vertical direction?

rubber which bends conveniently to draw a smooth

(a) 3k units (b) (5/3)k units
curve through any set of points. Which of the following
(c) (5/6)k units (d) (6/5)k units
drawing aid is this?
Ans. (b) (a) Set square (b) French curves
(c) Scale (d) Divider
Ans. (b)
• The drawing aid you're describing is commonly
known as a French curve.
• It is a flexible drawing tool used in graphic design,
drafting, and illustration to draw smooth curves and
Vertical Direction implies that flow of water is shapes.
perpendicular to the bedding plane. • The lead bar inside the rubber allows it to bend easily,
∴ The average permeability is the harmonic mean of making it a versatile tool for creating freehand
depth and permeability of individual layers. curves.
𝒛𝟏 +𝒛𝟐 Q.92. The best type of crusher for manufacturing M
𝒌𝒂𝒗𝒈 = 𝒛𝟏 𝒛𝟐
+ Sand is -
𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟐

𝑯+𝑯 (a) Jaw Crusher (b) VSI Crusher

𝒌𝒂𝒗𝒈 = 𝑯 𝑯 (b) Roll Crusher (d) Cone Crusher
𝒌 𝟓𝒌

Ans. (b) The best type of crusher for manufacturing M
𝒌𝒂𝒗𝒈 = 𝒌 Sand (manufactured sand) depends on the specific
requirements and characteristics of the raw material.
Q.89. The large steel cylindrical metal containers used • Common types include cone crushers and vertical
in RMC plants used for storing cement and/or fly ash shaft impactors (VSI).
and such cementitious materials are named as -


• Cone crushers are suitable for hard and abrasive depending on the type of sub-soil from a rig attached
materials, while VSI crushers are effective for shaping and suspended by a rope. Due to the impact blow to
and producing fine aggregates. the top of pile, excessive noises are produced. These
Jaw Crusher : are mostly used for piling in loose sands as this method
also creates a lot of vibration.
• A jaw crusher is a primary crushing machine that
compresses and breaks down materials by exerting Q.95. The girders having two or more than two webs
pressure on movable jaws. are called -
• It is commonly used for coarse crushing of hard (a) Plate girder (b) Box girder
materials in the production of construction-grade (c) Gantry girder (d) Balanced girder
sand, such as concrete and asphalt aggregates.
Ans. (b) Plate Girder : A plate girder is a built-up I-
Roll Crusher: beam section, used to carry heavy loads which cannot
• A roll crusher is a type of compression crusher, be carried economically by rolled I-sections. It is made
comprising a pair of large rolls rotating in opposite by riveting or welding the steel plates in the I-beam
directions. shape. It has only one web which is continuous
• Material is fed between the rolls, and crushing occurs throughout the length of a plate girder.
when the rolls compress the material, producing a A box girder comprises two concrete slabs — top and
consistent-sized product. bottom. The slabs are connected by an array of vertical
Cone Crusher : bridge stems, also known as webs. These webs can be
• A cone crusher is a crushing machine that utilizes a vertical or inclined, as per requirement. They are
cone-shaped crushing surface suspended within a formed by joining two web plates by a common flange
bowl. at both ends and they many intermediate web plates
• It gyrates rapidly, compressing material against the which makes a closed cell that has enough strength and
walls, and breaking it down into smaller particles. torsional stiffness than that of an open section.
• Used in mining and aggregate industries for efficient Gantry Girder : Gantry Girder is similar to Plate girder
secondary and tertiary crushing. in shape-wise but there capacities and usage are
Q.93. Fibres used in FRC are also called as - different according to the different elements
connected. Gantry girders are laterally unsupported
(a) Secondary reinforcements
beams to carry heavy loads from place to place at the
(b) Slim reinforcements
construction sites. The gantry girders are used to
(c) Slender reinforcements
support the loads that are transmitted through the
(d) Super reinforcements
traveling wheels of the crane in factories and
Ans. (a) Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC), the fibers workshops
used are often referred to as "secondary Balanced Girder : It is not any type of girder rather it is
reinforcements" or "secondary fibers." a method to the construction of balanced Cantilever
• These fibers are typically added to concrete to Bridge. It is most efficient method of building bridges
enhance its mechanical properties, such as tensile without the need for false work.
strength, toughness, and ductility.
Q.96. If Reynolds number is _______, then the flow of
• Common types of fibers used in FRC include steel fluid through a pipe is laminar.
fibers, synthetic fibers (like polypropylene or nylon),
(a) > 2000 (b) < 4000
and glass fibers.
• While the primary reinforcement in concrete is (c) > 4000 (b) < 2000
typically provided by steel bars or mesh, the addition Ans. (d) The Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial
of secondary fibers helps improve characteristics forces to viscous forces in a fluid.
such as tensile strength, toughness, and crack For flow in circular pipes :
resistance. • Laminar: Re ≤ 2000
Q.94. The old type of Pile Driving Equipment which is • Transitional: 2000 < Re < 4000
banned in most countries due to heavy sound and • Turbulent: Re ≥ 4000
vibration is called as -
Q.97. The interaction of the electromagnetic radiation
(a) Hammer Driven Pile Driver produced with a specific wave length to illuminate a
(b) Augur Boring Pile Driver target on the terrain for studying its scattered radiance,
(c) Hydraulic Pile Driver is called:
(d) CFA - Continuous Flight Augur
(a) Neutral remote sensing
Ans. (a) Hammer Driven Pile Driver: An iron block of (b) Remote sensing
standard size is dropped from a standard height
(c) Active remote sensing Ans. (a) If we ignore the affect of earthquake which
(d) Passive remote sensing generates lateral motion/vibration then the column
Ans. (c) Remote Sensing : It is an art and science of may be considered pinned from both ends.
obtaining information about an object without physical But if we consider the Earthquake effects and other
contact with that object. effects such as slenderness effects, irregularities in
Depending on the source of electromagnetic structures, eccentric loading then both ends may be
energy, remote sensing can be classified as passive or considered as fixed.
active remote sensing. If in this case pile cap is also provided and pile cap is
In the case of passive remote sensing, the source of generally designed as rigid structure i.e. it cannot bend
energy is naturally available such as the Sun. Solar so we need to consider upper end as pinned so that no
energy reflected by the targets at specific wavelength bending occurred in pile cap and lower end remains
bands is recorded using sensors. As a simple fixed.
analogy, passive remote sensing is similar to taking a In reality, mostly pile has a pile cap and there is always
picture with an ordinary camera. the possibility of eccentric loading and irregularities in
In the case of active remote sensing, energy is structures, so the most appropriate answer would be
generated and sent from the remote sensing platform option ‘1’.
towards the targets. The energy reflected back from Q.100. The heading up of water above its normal level
the targets are recorded using sensors located on the while passing under the bridge is known as
remote sensing platform. (a) Afflux (b) Free board
Most of the microwave remote sensing is done through (c) Scour (d) Clearance
active remote sensing. Active remote sensing
Ans. (a) Afflux : Afflux is an increase in water level that
is analogous to taking a picture with the camera having
can occur at upstream of a structure, such as a dam,
a built-in flash.
bridge or culvert, that creates an obstruction in the
On the upstream side of the dam, the depth of the

water will be rising due to the obstruction/barrier. If


there had not been any obstruction (such as dam) in


the path of flow of water in the channel, the depth of


water would have been constant parallel to the bed of


the channel. Due to obstruction, the water level rises,

and it has maximum depth from the bed in some
This rise of water level on the upstream end is termed
as afflux.
Q.98. The strength of timber ?
(a) Is maximum in the direction 45° to the grain
(b) Is maximum in the direction parallel to the grain
(c) Remains same in all directions
(d) Is maximum in the direction perpendicular to the
Ans. (b) The timber shows high strength in the direction
parallel to grains.
Compressive strength along grain > Compressive
strength across grain
Tensile strength along grain > Tensile strength across
Q.99. While designing the pile as a column, the end
conditions adopted is -
(a) One end fixed and other end hinged
(b) Both ends fixed
(c) One end fixed and other end free
(d) Both ends hinged


• It is used to treat acidic or basic radioactive waste
RRB JE CIVIL streams.
29 AUGUST 2019 Shift 2 Paper • However, neutralization does not make high-level
waste safe because radioactivity is not affected by
Solution chemical reactions.
Q.01. The product of either force of couple with the • Therefore, even after neutralization, the waste
arm of the couple is called would remain hazardous due to its radioactivity.
(a) Resulting couple Q.03. Smog is a combination of
(b) Resultant couple (a) Air and water vapour (b) Smoke and fog
(c) Moment of the couple (c) Fire and water (d) Water and smoke
(d) Moment of the forces
Ans. (b) SMOG is a combination of smoke & fog : Smog
Ans. (c) A couple is a pair of forces, equal in magnitude, is a harmful mixture of fog, dust, and air pollutants
whose line of action of force is not the same. such as nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds,
Moment of couple is equal to the product of either of etc. which combine with sunlight to form a dense layer
forces and the perpendicular distance between the of ground-level ozone.
forces. Its SI unit is Nm. • Ozone present high in the atmosphere is good, but
when nearer to the ground, it can cause irritating
health effects.
• Smog is the result of the reaction of emissions from
automobiles, factories, and industries with the
sunlight and atmosphere.
Moment of couple = force × couple arm.
• Smog is air pollution that reduces visibility. The term
Q.02. High level radioactive waste can be managed in "smog" was first used in the early 1900s to describe a
which of the following ways? mix of smoke and fog.
(a) Composting (b) Store indefinitely • The smoke usually came from burning coal. Smog was
(c) Incineration (d) Neutralization common in industrial areas, and remains a familiar
Ans. (b) Store indefinitely : This is the most common sight in some cities today.
method used for the management of high-level • Photochemical smog is produced when sunlight
radioactive waste. reacts with nitrogen oxides and at least one volatile
organic compound (VOC) in the atmosphere.
• The waste is stored in specially designed facilities,
• Nitrogen oxides come from car exhaust, coal power
often deep underground, where it cannot harm
plants, and factory emissions. VOCs are released
humans or the environment.
from gasoline, paints, and many cleaning solvents.
• Still, managing how to store it indefinitely to prevent
• Smog is unhealthy for humans and animals, and it can
contamination is a challenging issue for many
kill plants.
Composting : This is a process typically used for organic Q.04. To prevent corrosion of steel reinforcement in
waste, like food scraps and yard trimmings. RCC structures, the pH value of concrete should be -
(a) Acidic (b) Highly alkaline
• Bacteria and fungi break down the waste into
nutrient-rich soil. (c) Neutral (d) Just alkaline
• High-level radioactive waste cannot be composted Ans. (b) Steel reinforcement in RCC (Reinforced Cement
because this process cannot eliminate or reduce the Concrete) structures is often embedded in concrete,
radiation hazard. which provides an alkaline environment that helps to
Incineration : This process involves the combustion of protect the steel from corrosion.
waste material in the presence of oxygen. • A higher pH value, typically above 12, creates a highly
• Although incineration can be used for some types of alkaline condition that promotes passivity, a state
low-level radioactive waste, it is not used for high- where the steel reinforcement forms a dense, tightly
level waste. adherent surface oxide layer.
• The process does not reduce the radioactivity of the • This oxide layer is highly resistant to further
waste, and the combustion process could potentially corrosion, helping to extend the life and maintain the
spread radioactive materials into the environment. strength of the structure.
Neutralization: Neutralization is a chemical reaction Q.05. Dimension text is generally placed above the
between an acid and a base, resulting in water and a ________ line.
salt. (a) Leader (b) Center
(c) Dimension (d) Extension • Systems lines (structural metal engineering)
Ans. (c) There are different types of lines used in
engineering drawing : Dashed narrow line :
1. Visible outline or object line : The outline or object • Hidden edges
line is represented by thick line and is used to show the • Hidden outlines
outer visible feature of the object in the drawing.
2. Section line or hatching line : It is a thin continuous Dashed wide line : An indication of permissible areas of
line and is used for the purpose of sectioning an object. surface treatment
3. Centre line, locus line : These lines are represented
by long and short dashes in proportion ranging from 6:
Long-dashed dotted narrow line :
1 to 4 : 1, closely and evenly spaced in any drawing.
4. Hidden line : The hidden line is represented by • Centre lines
closely and evenly spaced short dashes. It is used to • Lines of symmetry
show the invisible or hidden parts on the drawing. • Pitch circle of gears
• Pitch circle of holes
5. Dimension line : It is thin continuous line for giving
dimensions. This line terminates in arrow head where Long-dashed dotted wide line : An indication of
the dimension lines meet the extension lines. (limited) required areas of surface treatment, e.g. heat
6. Extension line : It is a thin continuous line used for
dimensioning an object. It projects from an object for • indication of cutting planes
the express purpose of locating a dimension
7. Cutting plane line : The cutting plane line is
represented by thick long line at the ends with thin Q.06. What is the superelevation for a horizontal
(long and short) lines at the centre. It is used to show highway curve of radius 500 m and speed 100 kmph in
the edge of the cutting plane. mixed traffic condition?
Some other important lines and their applications are: (a) 0% (b) 7%

Continuous narrow line : (c) 6.2% (d) 8.9%


Ans. (d) Given,

• Imaginary lines of intersection

V = 100 kmph, R = 500 m


• Dimension lines
We know that
• Extension lines
• Leader lines and reference lines 𝒆=
• Hatching Where V in (kmph), R in (m)
• Outlines of revolved sections (𝟏𝟎𝟎)𝟐
• Dimension line terminations 𝒆=
• Diagonals for the indication of flat surfaces e = 0.0889 OR 8.9 %
• Projection lines Q.07. The common name for all doors, windows and
• Grid lines such units are called as
Continues freehand line : Preferably manually (a) Shuttering (b) Furniture
represented the termination of partial or interrupted
(c) Joinery (d) Ventilators
views, cuts 8. sections, if the limit is not a line of
symmetry or a centre line Ans. (c) Joinery : In the construction industry, joinery
refers to the part of woodworking that involves joining
together pieces of timber or lumber, to produce more
Continues narrow line with zigzags : Preferably
complex items such as doors, windows, stairs,
mechanically represented the termination of partial or
bookshelves, and cabinets.
interrupted views, cuts and sections, if the limit is not
a line of symmetry or a centre line. • The key concepts of joinery include creating accurate
joints, cutting, fitting, and measuring.

Continues wide line :

Q.08. The density of ash produced in the municipal
• Visible edge
solid waste is
• Visible outlines
(a) 700 kg/m3 (b) 1000 kg/m3
• Crests of screw threads
• Main representation in diagrams, maps, flow chats (c) 450 kg/m (d) 100 kg/m3


Ans. (a) Municipal wastes: These include food wastes, (d) Circular, hexagonal and other geometric shapes
rubbish, ashes and residues, demolition and Ans. (d) Two methods of estimation are as follows :
construction waste, treatment plant waste and some 1. The centreline method : The centreline method is
special wastes. suitable for walls of similar cross-sections. Here the
MSW includes both putrescible (biodegradable, such total centerline length is multiplied by breadth and
as food waste) and non-putrescible (non- depth of respective item to get the total quantity at a
biodegradable, such as plastics and metals) solid time.
wastes. • When cross walls or partitions walls join with the
• When MSW is incinerated, it produces ash as a main wall, the centerline length gets reduced by half
residue. The density of ash produced in the municipal of the breadth for each junction i.e. (2 × half of the
solid waste is an important parameter in waste thickness of the wall = thickness of the wall).
management, as it affects the volume and weight of • Such junction or joints are studied carefully while
the ash that needs to be disposed of. calculating total centerline length. The estimates
• The density of ash can vary depending on several prepared by this method are the most accurate and
factors, such as the composition of the waste, the quick and it can be used any shape of the structure.
incineration temperature, and the type of incinerator 2. Long Wall and Short Wall method : In this method,
used the wall along the length of the room is considered to
• However, on average, the density of ash produced in be a long wall while the wall perpendicular to the
MSW is around 700 kg/m3 longwall is said to be a short wall.
Q.09. The old type of wall foundation consisting of • To get the length of longwall or short wall, calculate
multiple steps of bricks or stone layers of gradually first the centerline lengths of individual walls. Then
increasing width is called as the length of longwall, (out to out) may be calculated
after adding half breadth at each end to its centerline
(a) Line Footing or Wall Footing
(b) Linear Footing
• Thus the length of the short wall measured into in
(c) Stepped Footing
and may be found by deducting half breadth from its
(d) Running Footing
centerline length at each end. The length of the
longwall usually decreases from earthwork to
Ans. (c) Stepped footing for a wall : The masonry wall brickwork in superstructure while the short wall
has a stepped footing with a concrete base. increases.
This type of foundation is provided in hilly places or in • These lengths are multiplied by breadth and depth to
those situations where the ground is sloppy. get quantities
It consisting of multiple steps of bricks or stone layers Q.11. In AAC blocks, the lightweight property is
of gradually increasing width. achieved by -
(a) Accelerated curing
(b) Autoclaving
(c) Aeration
(d) By using light weight coarse aggregates
Ans. (c) AAC blocks are made from a mixture of sand,
cement, lime, gypsum, water, and an aerating agent.
• The aerating agent is typically aluminium powder or
paste, which reacts with the other ingredients to
release hydrogen gas.
• This gas expands and forms bubbles within the
mixture, resulting in a foam-like substance. The
mixture is then poured into a mold and cured under
steam pressure and temperature, resulting in
hardened blocks.
AAC Block Properties : -
Q.10. The ‘centre line method’ is specially adopted for 1. AAC Blocks contain 60% to 85% air by volume.
estimating -
2. Resistant: Fire resistant, Pest resistant, Sound
(a) Circular buildings only resistant, Earthquake resistant and Moisture
(b) Polygonal Buildings only Resistance.
(c) Hexagonal buildings only
3. Faster construction - Large in size. (d) Black bolt
4. Thermal Insulation. Ans. (c) A bolt is a metal pin at one end and shank at
5. Environment Friendly – Non toxic, No organic the other end which is threaded to receive a nut.
matter. Various types of bolts are:
6. Light Weight- Density of AAC block = 600–700 1) High strength bolt
kg/cum while Density of red bricks = 1600–1920 2) Turned bolts (close Tolerance bolts)
kg/cum. 3) Ordinary bolts.
7. High compressive Strength. Friction grip Bolt -
8. Requires less Mortar. • The bolts that are tightened to develop some initial
Q.12. The distance of vena contracta from the orifice is tension are known as high-strength friction grip bolts.
approximately • The bolts are tightened until they have very high
(a) 3/4 diameter of the orifice tensile stresses so that the connected parts are
(b) 1/4 diameter of the orifice tightly clamped together between the bolt head and
(c) 2/3 diameter of the orifice nut.
(d) 1/2 diameter of the orifice • Friction develops between the plate surfaces
Ans. (d) Vena contracta : The section of least cross- subjected to clamping forces and thus in HSFG bolts
section and hence of maximum contraction is called load is primarily transferred through friction.
vena contracta. • Such connections are called no-slip conditions or slip-
critical connections. The induced initial tension is
• Since the area is minimum, the velocity is
called the proof load.
maximum at the vena contracta.
• These are used in bridges or where stress reversal
• It occurs about one half orifice diameter away from
may occur.
the downstream edge of the orifice.
Ordinary bolt -
• Formation of vena contracta is caused by the change
in direction of motion of the liquid particles • Unfinished bolts are also called ordinary, common,
approaching the orifice. rough, or black bolts.

• There are used for light structures (purlins, bracings,


• Beyond vena contracta, the streamline becomes


parallel to each other. etc.) under static loads.


• They are not recommended for connections


subjected to impact load, vibrations, and fatigue.


• Bolts are forged from low-carbon rolled steel circular

rods, permitting large tolerances.
Turned bolts -
These are similar to unfinished bolts, with the
difference that the shank of these bolts is formed from
a hexagonal rod.
• The surfaces of the bolts are prepared carefully and
Q.13. Fixed beam is also known as _______. machined to fit in the hole.
(a) Constressed beam (b) Spandrel beam • Tolerances allowed are very small. These bolts have
(c) Encaster beam (d) Constricted beam high shear and bearing resistance as compared to
Ans. (c) Fixed beam is also called Encaster beam or unfinished bolts
Constraint beam or Built in beam. In a fixed beam the Q.15. The dynamic viscosity of an oil, used for
fixed end moments develop at the end supports. In lubrication between a shaft and sleeve is 6 poise.The
these beams, the supports should be kept at the same shaft is of diameter 0.4 m and rotates at 190 r.p.m.
level. Calculate the power lost in the bearing for a sleeve
length of 90 mm.The thickness of the oil film is 1.5 mm.
(a) 800 KW (b) 886.5 KW
(c) 809.5 KW (d) 716.48 KW
Ans. (d) Given:
D = 0.4 m, L = 90 mm,
Q.14. Which of the following is a type of bolt? N = 190 rpm,
(a) High strength friction grip bolt μ=0.6poise,
(b) Turned bolt
(c) All of the options
𝑫 𝑫 𝟐𝛑𝑵
Velocity =
×𝛚= 𝟐
× 𝟔𝟎 (e) Grid roller Used for weathered rock Ex.
𝟐𝛑×𝟏𝟗𝟎 𝟎.𝟒 Sand stone
𝑽= × = 𝟑. 𝟗𝟖𝒎/𝒔
𝟔𝟎 𝟐
Q.18. Pick up the correct statement from the
Shear stress 𝛕 = 𝛍 following.
𝟑.𝟗𝟖 (a) The receipts and disbursements in a given time
Shear stress 𝛕 = 𝟎. 𝟔 × = 𝟏𝟓𝟗𝟐𝑵/𝒎𝟐 interval are referred to as cash flow
Force 𝑭 = 𝛕𝑨 = 𝛕 × (𝛑𝑫𝑳) (b) The assumptions that all cash flows occur at the end
of the interest period, is known as the end of period
Force F = 1592×(π×0.4×0.09)=180.5N
Torque T = Fr (c) All of the options
𝑻 = 𝟏𝟖𝟎. 𝟎𝟓 × = 𝟑𝟔. 𝟎𝟏𝑵𝒎 (d) A cash flow diagram is a graphical representation of
𝟐𝛑𝑵𝑻 cash flows drawn on a time scale
Power lost 𝑷 =
𝟔𝟎 Ans. (c) Cash flow and cash flow diagram:
= 𝟕𝟏𝟔. 𝟒𝟖𝑲𝑾 • A cash flow statement displays inflows (receipts) and
outflows (payments) of cash during a specific period.
Q.16. Bar A has diameter 'd' and length 'L'. Bar B has
• In other words, it is a summary of sources and
diameter '2d' and length '2L'. If both the bars are made
applications of cash during a specific span of time.
up of same material and subjected to same load. The
• Cash Flow Diagrams are simple graphical
ratio of change in length of A to change in length of B
representations of financial transactions.
• The diagrams consist of arrows, such as in the
(a) 0.25 (b)0.50
diagram shown below.
(c) 4.00 (d) 2.00
Ans. (d) The expression to calculate the change in
length due to axial loading is given by 𝚫 =
where, P = load, l = length,
A = cross-section area, E = modulus of elasticity.
Bar A : 𝚫𝑨 =
𝝅×𝒅𝟐 ×𝑬
Bar A : 𝚫𝑨 =
𝛑×𝟒𝒅𝟐 ×𝑬

The ratio of Bar A to Bar B is 2.

Q.17. Sheep-foot-roller is most suitable for compacting • Time is represented by a horizontal line marked with
(a) Cohesion-less soil the number of periods in the analysis.
(b) Gravel • The choice of time interval will reflect the project or
(c) Coarse grained soil transactions being considered.The horizontal
(d) Cohesive soil position of each arrow indicates the timing of that
cash flow.
Ans. (d) Types of rollers used are :
End-of-Period Convention
Types of Rollers Properties • In practice, cash flows can occur at any time within a
(a) Sheep's foot roller Cohesive soil. Ex. Silty soil, period.
Clayey soil, Clayey silt. • However, for simplicity, we commonly assume the
end-of-period convention – the assumption that all
(b) Smooth wheel roller Coarse grain soil. Ex. cash flows occurring within a period are moved to the
(compact by the action Crushed rocks, Gravels, end of the period.
of kneading) Sand
Q.19. In AutoCAD, the 3-D commands on the Modeling
(c) Pneumatic tyred All type of soil (Mainly toolbar include
rollers cohesive soil). Ex. Sand, (a) Sphere (b) Extrude
gravel, Silt and Clayey soil. (c) All of the options (d) Box
(d) Tamping foot roller Fine Grained soils Ex. Silt, Ans. (c) Sphere command : You can create a sphere by
Clay specifying a center point and a point on the radius. You
can control the smoothness of curved 3D solids, such as


a sphere, in a shaded or hidden visual style with the
facetres system variable.
BOX – The BOX command will allow you to create a 3D
box by selecting 3 points in the X, Y, and Z axes.
Extrude (ext) – The extrude command will extrude a 2d
object into a 3d object. when using the extrude
command, the original 2d object will be removed from
the drawing.
Q.20. Which one of the following is not the assumption
in deriving Euler’s theory for long columns? In the diagram total 8 number of bolts required for
(a) The column is initially straight and is loaded axially connection. If all the bolts are provided in the member
(b) The columns are having hinged ends only only, then the length of the gusset plate would increase
(c) The column fails by buckling alone greatly. Instead 3 bolts are used on lug angle such that
(d) The section of the column is uniform throughout the length of the gusset plate reduced.
Ans. (b) According to Euler's column theory, the Q.22. The discharge through a trapezoidal channel is
crippling load for a column of length L, maximum when
𝛑𝟐 𝑬𝑨
𝑷𝒄𝒓 = (a) Half of top width = one of the sloping sides
𝑳𝒆𝒒 𝟐
) (b) Top width = 1.5 x sloping side
Where Leq is the effective length of the column. (c) Top width= Half of sloping side
(d) Half of top width = Half of the sloping side
The following assumptions are made in Euler's column
theory : Ans. (a) Trapezoidal channel
• The column is initially straight and load is applied A Trapezoidal channel will be most efficient if
axially 1. Length of sloping side = Half of top width
• The cross-section of the column is 𝒊. 𝒆 𝒅√𝒏𝟐 + 𝟏 =
uniform throughout its length

• The column material is perfectly elastic, 2. Hydraulic mean depth = Half of depth of flow

i.e., m = d/2

homogeneous and isotropic and obeys Hooke’s law


• The length of the column is very large as compared to 3. The three sides of the trapezoidal section are the

its lateral dimensions tangential to the semi-circle described on the water-

• The direct stress is very small as compared to the line.
bending stress
• The column will fail by buckling alone
• The self-weight of the column is negligible
Q.21. The following are the statements about lug angle
used to connect heavily loaded tension member to
gusset plates.
(i) The length of end connection is reduced
(ii) By using lug angles there will be saving in the gusset
plate Q.23. The average velocity of flow that will take place
through the total cross-sectional area of soil under unit
(iii) Cost of connection increases due to additional
hydraulic gradient is known as
fasteners and angle required.
(a) Stoke's coefficient
(a) Only (i) and (ii) statements are correct
(b) Uniformity coefficient
(b) All the (i),(ii) and (iii) statements are correct (c) Coefficient of permeability
(c) Only (ii) and (iii) statements are correct (d) Darcy’s coefficient
(d) Only (i) and (iii) statements are correct Ans. (c) Coefficient of permeability : It can be defined
Ans. (d) Lug angle is small piece of angle used to as The average velocity of flow that will occur through
connect outstand legs of the members to the gusset the soil cross-section under a unit hydraulic gradient.
plate. The purpose of lug angle is to reduce the length The unit is the same as the unit of velocity and can be
of connection to the gusset plate and to reduce shear expressed as cm/sec or m/day.
lag effect.


Q.24. Which of the following is NOT a type of page • Asphalt emulsions generally consist of about two-
margin? thirds asphalt cement, with the remainder being
(a) Center (b) Top water and emulsifier.
(c) Left (d) Right Q.27. The length of sedimentation tank should be
Ans. (a) Microsoft created the word processing atleast _______ the breadth of the tank.
programme known as Microsoft Word. (a) Four times (b) One time
Margins are the blank spaces around the edges of a (c) Three times (d) Two times
page, and common types of page margins include top, Ans. (a) A typical long rectangular tank has a length
bottom, left, and right. "Center" is not a type of margin. ranging from 4 times their width. The bottom is slightly
➢ Microsoft Word was initially made available on sloped to facilitate sludge scraping.
October 25, 1983. The general dimension of a sedimentation tank are as
➢ Microsoft Word is indicated by either a.doc or.docx follows :
filename extension. Length = 4 × Width
Q.25. When two roofing sheets meet at a lower level Height = 3.5 m to 5 m
from opposite directions forming an acute angled Slide depth = 0.8 m to 1.2 m
junction, it is called as -
Freeboard = 0.5 m
(a) Gutters (b) Summit
Q.28. Evaporation losses depend upon
(c) Valley (d) Ridge
(a) Nature of precipitation and type of vegetation
Ans. (c) Valley : The name for the intersection between (b) All of the options
two sloping surfaces, forming an internal angle (the (c) Area of the water surface and depth of the water
opposite of a hip). (d) Humidity and wind velocity
Learn-to-roof : The simplest form of sloping roof,
Ans. (b) Evaporation:- Evaporation is the process in
typically provided for a room with a small span or a
verandah. It slopes on only one side. which water is converted into vapour from the water
surface like River, Ocean, Lake. After evaporation
Dormer : A vertical window that extends through a
sloping roof. water vapour carried by the air in the form of cloud into
atmosphere and condensed there.
Soffit : A horizontal board fixed to the underside of the
rafters, located outside the building. Evaporation depends upon temperature, pressure,
Fascia : A vertically fixed board attached to the ends of humidity, surface area of water body, salt
rafters, providing an additional fixing point for gutters. concentration etc.
Purlin : A horizontal roof member that supports the The higher the precipitation, the lesser would be the
rafters, usually at right angles to them, allowing rate of evaporation.
smaller section timbers to be used. • The larger the water surface and depth of the water,
Hangers : Timbers suspended from purlins to provide the more would be the rate of evaporation.
additional support to ceiling joist binders.
• The higher the humidity, the slower would be the
Ridge : A horizontal board set on edge, to which rafters
rate of evaporation.
are attached. Not required in trussed rafters.
Hip Rafter : A rafter running from the wall plate to the • The higher the presence of wind, the faster would be
ridge, forming the external angle of a sloping roof. the rate of evaporation.
Bargeboard : Also known as a verge or gable board, • The higher the temperature, the faster would be the
attached along the edge of a roof. rate of evaporation.
Q.26. What is the percentage content of asphalt in the Q.29. The failure of a material under varying load after
cut-back asphalt? a number of cycles of such load is known as
(a) 30% (b) 50% (a) Fatigue failure (b) Impact failure
(c) 10% (d) 85% (c) Hysteresis failure (d) Ductile failure
Ans. (d) Cutback asphalts generally consist of about 85 Ans. (a) Fatigue : - It is a failure mechanism that
percent asphalt cement and 15 percent cutter, by involves the cracking of materials and structural
weight. components due to cyclic (or fluctuating) stress. The
• Since the specific gravity of asphalt is very close to applied stresses may be tensile, compressive or
1.0, this works out to about 85 percent asphalt torsional, crack initiation and propagation are due to
cement and 15 percent cutter by volume. the tensile component.


• One of the intriguing factors about fatigue The bending moment at A,
development is that fatigue cracks can be initiated 𝑴𝑨 = 𝑾(𝑳 + 𝒂) − 𝑹𝒃 × 𝑳
and propagated at stresses well below the yield
strength of the material of construction (these 𝑴𝑨 = 𝑾(𝑳 + 𝒂) − × 𝑳
stresses are usually thought to be related to elastic
deformation, not plastic deformation). MA=0
The bending moment diagram is given below

Q.32. To find which of the following is consistency test

(a) Fineness of cement
(b) Tensile strength
(c) Compressive strength
(d) Correct water cement ratio
Ans. (d) Standard consistency is the consistency of the
cement paste that permits the Vicat's plunger of
Q.30. The process of water being lost from the leaves diameter 10 mm and height 50 mm to penetrate the
of the plants from the pores is known as mould up to a depth of 33 to 35 mm from the top.
(a) Run off (b) Transpiration In the normal consistency test, we have to find out the
(c) Precipitation (d) Evaporation amount of water to be added to the cement to form a
cement paste of normal consistency.
Ans. (b) Transpiration : It is process by which the
plants expels/lost the water/moisture from its leaves Type of test Water Content

through stomata (Microscopic Pores) into the Initial and Final Setting Time 0.85 p

atmosphere. Transpiration is of three types- Compressive Strength


(i) Stomatal transpiration (ii) Lenticular transpiration 𝒑


Tensile Strength + 𝟐. 𝟓

(iii) Cuticular transpiration 𝟓

Soundness Test 0.78 p
Transpiration will be more rapid in high temperature
region and measured by phytometer. Q.33. The key to profitable operation for project cost
control is
Q.31. In a overhanging beam ABC, AB = L and BC = a, C
(a) To keep the project cost equal to subsequent
being the free end. If it is subjected to a vertical load W
construction budget
at free end, maximum moment occurs at
(b) To keep the project cost higher than the cost
(a) A (b) B estimate
(c) C (d) Between A and B (c) To keep the project cost within the cost budget and
Ans. (b) As support A is simply supported, the moment knowing when and where job costs are deviating
at A will be zero. (d) To keep the project cost equal to original cost
Ans. (c) The key to profitable operation for project cost
control is to keep the project cost within the cost
budget and knowing when and where job costs are
• The budget serves as a financial plan, outlining the
∑ 𝑴𝑨 = 𝟎
expected costs for various aspects of the project.
𝑹𝒃 × 𝑳 = 𝑾(𝑳 + 𝒂) • Staying within this budget is crucial for ensuring that
𝑾(𝑳 + 𝒂) the project remains financially viable and profitable.
𝑹𝒃 =
𝑳 • By regularly assessing costs and comparing them to
As the nature of the moment produced by W and Rb is the budget, project managers can identify any
different, the maximum moment could be possible at B deviations or discrepancies.
only. • Understanding when and where these deviations
The bending moment at B, MB=Wa occur allows for proactive decision-making and


corrective actions to bring costs back in line with the Ans. (d) Trusses are structural frameworks made up of
budget. interconnected triangular units. In the context of
Q.34. Name the structural member connecting all the trusses, pin-jointed connections allow for rotation at
trusses and also supporting the roofing sheets the joints without resistance. When a truss is in
(a) Gutters (b) Bracings equilibrium, the triangular configuration ensures
(c) Tie Rods (d) Purlins
Q.37. A prestressed concrete beam 150 mm x 300 mm
Ans. (d) Purlins : These are the members which are
supports a live load 5 KN/m over a simply supported
spanning on the roof frames to support the roof
span of 8 m.It has a parabolic cable having an
coverings and runs parallel to ridge to connect different
eccentricity of 75 mm at mid span and zero at the ends.
trusses situated in the longitudinal direction.
The prestressing force required to maintain the net
Rafters : These are a series of sloped structural resultant stress at the bottom fibre at mid span as zero
members that extend from the ridge to the downslope under the action of D.L (Dead Load) + L.L (Live load) +
perimeter or to the bottom chords and are designed to prestress is -
support the roof deck and its associated loads.
(a) 302 KN (b) 392 KN
The principal rafter is the top chord member of the
(c) 293 KN (d) 239 KN
truss and is subjected to compressive forces from loads
transferred by purlins at the nodes. The rafters act as Ans. (b) The bottom fibre stress is calculated by
simply supported beams between the purlins. 𝑷 𝑷𝒆 𝑴𝑫𝑳 +𝑴𝑳𝑳
+ =
where P = prestressing force,
e = eccentricity,
A = cross section of beam,
Z= section modulus of beam,
MDL= bending moment due to dead load,
MLL=bending moment due to live load.
Given: e =75 mm, A= 150 mm x 300 mm = 45000 mm2,
𝒃𝒅𝟐 𝟏𝟓𝟎×𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟐
𝒁= = = 𝟐. 𝟐𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝒎𝒎𝟑
𝟔 𝟔
Dead load = 0.15 x 0.30 x 25 = 1.125 kN/m
Q.35. Which of the following grades of leads is the Live load = 5 kN/m
hardest? MDL+ MLL = 𝟖
= 𝟒𝟗 × 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝑵 − 𝒎𝒎
(a) 4B (b) 6H 𝟒𝟗×𝟏𝟎𝟔
(c) 5H (d) 6B So, 𝑷 = 𝟏 𝟏
𝟐.𝟐𝟓×𝟏𝟎𝟔 [ + ]
𝟒𝟓×𝟏𝟎𝟑 𝟐.𝟐𝟓×𝟏𝟎𝟔
Ans. (b) 6H has the hardest graphite lead. P = 392 kN
• The letter “H” is used to indicate the hardness of a Q.38. The aquatic animals can breathe under water due
pencil's mark. to the presence of dissolved _____ in water.
• The letter “B” is used to indicate the blackness of a
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Oxygen
pencil's mark (a darker mark means a softer lead).
(c) Nitrogen (d) Hydrogen
• The Higher the number next to the 'H', harder the
pencil lead. Ans. (b) The aquatic animals can breathe under water
• The Higher the number next to the 'B', softer the due to the presence of dissolved oxygen in water.
pencil lead. • Dissolved oxygen (DO) in water refers to the amount
• Pencil Lead is a mixture of graphite and clay. of oxygen gas (O2) that is present in water.
Q.36. Assertion (A): Trusses comprise triangular • Oxygen dissolves in water through the process of
figures. aeration, which can occur naturally through the
Reason (R): A pin-jointed stable figure is a triangle. atmosphere or be influenced by processes like
(a) A is false but R is true
(b) A is true but R is false • Respiration is the act or process of breathing which
(c) Both A and R are true and R is the correct includes inhaling oxygen and releasing carbon
explanation of A dioxide.
(d) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct • For the survival of fish in a river stream, the minimum
explanation of A dissolved oxygen is prescribed 4 mg/l.


Q.39. On which of the following factors, does strength Q.41. A square column section of size 350 mm is
of concrete depend primarily? reinforced with four bars of 25 mm diameter and four
(a) Fineness of cement bars of 16 mm diameter. Then the transverse steel
(b) Quality of fine aggregate should be:
(c) Water-cement ratio (a) 8 mm diameter @ 250 mm c/c
(d) Quality of coarse aggregate (b) 8 mm diameter @ 350 mm c/c
Ans. (c) Abram's law: Abrams water/cement ratio law (c) 6 mm diameter @ 250 mm c/c
states that the strength of concrete is primarily (d) 5 mm diameter @ 240 mm c/c
dependent upon the water/cement ratio provided the Ans. (a) As per IS 456:2000, the design of transverse
mix is workable. reinforcement is as:
• It says that the strength of a concrete mix is inversely The diameter of transverse reinforcement:
related to the mass ratio of water to cement. As the 𝟏 𝟏
𝛟𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 = × 𝟐𝟓 = 𝟔. 𝟐𝟓𝐦𝐦
water content increases, the strength of concrete 𝟐 𝟒

decreases. ii. 6 mm
𝑨 whichever is maximum,
𝑺= 𝒘
𝑩 ⁄𝒄 Let us take 8 mm diameter bar as transverse
Where, reinforcement.
S is the strength of concrete The spacing of transverse reinforcement
A and B are constants i. Least lateral dimension = 350 mm
w/c is the water-cement ratio, which varies from 0.3 to ii. 16d=16×16=256mm
iii. 300 mm
whichever is the minimum, so the spacing will be 250
Hence overall use 8 mm diameter @ 250 mm c/c.
Q.42. The centre of gravity of a uniform lamina lies at

(a) The midpoint of its axis


(b) The bottom surface


(c) All of the options


(d) The centre of the heavy portion

Ans. (a) The center of gravity of a uniform lamina is a
point on the axis of symmetry of the lamina where the
whole weight of the lamina can be considered to act.
This point is also called the centroid or center of mass.
• The centroid of a uniform lamina lies on its axis of
Q.40. What is the very first crack that occurs in any RCC symmetry.
member, especially if constructed during summer?
• The axis of symmetry is the line that divides the
(a) Settlement crack (b) Corrosion spalling crack lamina into two equal parts, such that each part is a
(c) Shrinkage crack (d) Flexural crack mirror image of the other.
Ans. (c) Shrinkage crack : Shrinkage cracks happen • The centroid of a uniform lamina is located at the
during the drying and curing process of concrete. midpoint of its axis. This is because the weight of the
lamina is distributed uniformly throughout its area,
• In hot weather conditions, the rate of evaporation of
and the center of gravity of each small element of the
water from the surface of the concrete can be higher,
leading to faster drying. area lies on the axis of symmetry.
• As the concrete dries and loses moisture, it • Therefore, the centroid of the whole lamina must lie
undergoes shrinkage, resulting in the formation of on the axis of symmetry, and at its midpoint.
shrinkage cracks. • The center of a heavy portion is not necessarily the
same as the center of gravity or centroid of the
• These cracks are common and often appear as fine,
lamina. The center of a heavy portion is the point
hairline cracks on the surface of the concrete.
where the weight of the portion can be considered to
• They are a natural part of the curing process and are
usually not structurally significant but can be visually
• This point depends on the distribution of mass within
the portion, and may not coincide with the centroid
of the whole lamina.


• The center of gravity or centroid of a lamina does not Tri- 5-11% Celite 865 J/g Flash set
necessarily lie on its bottom surface. The location of calcium
the centroid depends on the shape and symmetry of Aluminate
the lamina, and may not coincide with any particular (C3A)
Tetra- 8-14% Felite 420 J/g Poorest
Q.43. A layer provided to prevent entry of unwanted
calcium cementing
moisture inside the building either by seepage or by
Alumino value
leakage is known as
(a) Roof (b) Sunshade
(c) Damp proof course (d) Lintel
Q.46. Field vane shear is the appropriate field test for
Ans. (c) Damp Proofing course : A layer provided to obtaining the shear strength of which of the following?
prevent entry of unwanted moisture inside the
(a) Sand (b) Gravel
building either by seepage or by leakage is known as
Damp Proofing course. (c) Clay (d) Weathered rock
Q.44. At critical flow conditions in a rectangular Ans. (c) Vane shear test : It is used to determine the
channel, the value of Froude number is- undrained shear strength of soils, especially soft
clays. This test can be done in a laboratory or in the
(a) Unity (b) Infinity
field directly on the ground. Vane shear test gives
(c) Two (d) Zero
accurate results for soils of low shear strength (less
Ans. (a) 1. Subcritical Flow (Fr < 1): In subcritical flow, than 0.3 kg/cm2).
the Froude number is less than 1. This indicates that Direct shear test or Box shear test : It is used to
the gravitational forces dominate, and the flow determine the shear strength of the soil. It is more
behaves in a relatively calm and stable manner. In suitable for cohesionless soils. Using a direct shear test,
open-channel flows, subcritical flow typically occurs in one can find out the cohesion and angle of internal
tranquil conditions, with smooth water surfaces. friction of soil. This test can be done only in
2. Critical Flow (Fr = 1): When the Froude number is the laboratory.
exactly 1, it represents critical flow. Critical flow is a The triaxial test : It is one of the most versatile and
transitional state between subcritical and supercritical widely performed geotechnical laboratory tests,
flow. In open channels, critical flow often occurs at allowing us to assess the mechanical property of soli.
specific points such as weirs and hydraulic jumps. These mechanical properties include shear strength,
3. Supercritical Flow (Fr> 1): In supercritical flow, the cohesion, and dilatancy stress. This test is suitable for
Froude number is greater than 1, indicating that all types of soli. Advantages over simpler procedures,
inertial forces are dominant. Supercritical flow is such as the direct shear test, include the ability to
associated with rapid and often turbulent flow control specimen drainage and take measurements of
conditions. It is more likely to occur in steep, fast- pore water pressures.
flowing rivers or when a fluid is rapidly accelerated. The Unconfined Compression Test : It is a laboratory
Q.45. Which of the following four Bogue's Compounds test used to derive the Unconfirmed Compressive
has the maximum percentage by volume in the Strength (UCS) of saturated, cohesive soils recovered
hydration of cement? from thin-walled sampling tubes and rock specimens.
(a) Felite C4AF (b) Celite C3A Unconfirmed Compressive Strength (UCS) stands for
(c) Belite C2S (d) Alite C3S the maximum axial compressive stress that a specimen
can bear under zero confining stress. Due to the fact
Ans. (d) Bogue's Compounds
that stress is applied along the longitudinal axis, the
Name of Percentage Other Heat of Function Unconfined Compression Test is also known as Uniaxial
Compound Name Hydration Compression Test.

Tri- 25-50% Alite 500 J/g 7 Days Q.47. What is the minimum number of longitudinal
calcium hardness bars provided in a reinforced concrete column of
Silicate and circular cross section?
(C3S) strength (a) 8 (b) 6
(c) 4 (d) 5
Di-calcium 25-40% Belite 260 J/g Ultimate
Silicate strength Ans. (b) As per IS 456: 2000, clause,
(C₂S) Longitudinal reinforcement in a column :


The minimum number of longitudinal bar : The to some scale, the influence lines for that stress or the
minimum number of the longitudinal bar provided in reaction component.”
column shall be Application : Muller-Breslau's Principle is applicable to
• four in rectangular columns all structures, determinate or indeterminate.
• six in circular columns
• In the case of determinate systems, the ILD can be
The minimum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement
obtained directly by allowing unit deformation
corresponding to the constraint.
The main longitudinal reinforcement bars used in
column shall not be less than 12 mm in diameter. • For indeterminate structure, it is applicable only
when the material is within the elastic limit and
Q.48. If the hard rock strata is very great depth, then
obeys Hook's law so that the law of superposition
the feasible economical pile type is -
holds good.
(a) Under-reamed pile (b) End bearing pile
(c) Friction pile (d) Batter pile This principle gives an excellent experiment approach
to determine the influence lines for indeterminate
Ans. (c) Friction Pile : Friction piles are useful when the
strong strata are very deep and it is becoming
economically unfeasible to have end-bearing piles. In ∴ Influence lines can be drawn for all structures,
such cases, friction piles can effectively perform the determinate or indeterminate.
function by resisting the acting load through the skin For example, to draw the influence line diagram for a
friction. The use of friction piles would be more vertical reaction at A in a simply supported beam as
effective when clayey soils are encountered. This is shown below.
because clayey soils have more adhesion coefficient.

Remove the ability to resist movement in the vertical

direction at A by using a guided roller

Q.50. Liquidity ratios are used:

(a) To obtain much insight into the present cash
solvency of the firm and the firm's ability to remain
Q.49. Mullers Breslau's principle can be applied to- solvent in the event of adversity
(a) To draw the phreatic line diagram to statically (b) All of the options
determinate and indeterminate structures (c) To measure a firm's ability to meet shortcut
(b) To draw the influence line diagram to statically obligations
indeterminate structures only (d) To compare short term obligations to shortterm
(c) To draw the influence line diagram to statically resources available to meet these obligations
determinate and indeterminate structures
Ans. (b) Liquidity ratios are financial metrics that assess
(d) To draw the influence line diagram to statically
a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations
determinate structures only
using its short-term assets.
Ans. (c) The principle used to draw the ILD of
• These ratios provide insight into the company's
indeterminate beams is Muller-Breslau’s theorem.
liquidity or its ability to convert assets into cash
According to Muller Breslau Principle : “If an internal quickly to cover short-term liabilities
stress component (shear force, bending moment etc) • This is a very important criterion that creditors check
or reaction component is allowed to act through a before offering short-term loans to the business.
small distance thereby causing deformation of the • An organisation which is unable to clear dues results
structure, the curve of the deformed shape represents in creating an impact on the creditworthiness and
also affects the credit rating of the company.


There are following types of liquidity ratios : • It is used when space for 2 separate cross over is not
• Current Ratio or Working Capital Ratio available.
• Quick Ratio also known as Acid Test Ratio • It is the combination of one cross over the other cross
• Cash Ratio also known as Cash Asset Ratio or over in the opposite direction.
Absolute Liquidity Ratio
• Net Working Capital Ratio
Q.51. The double lacing shall be designed to resist
transverse shear Vt equal to - (where P is total load
acting on the column)
(a) 3.75% of P (b )5.0 % of P
(c) 2.5 % of P (d) 1.25% of P
Ans. (c) The lacing shall be proportioned to resist a
total transverse shear, (Vt), at any point in the member,
equals to at least 2.5 percent of the axial force in the Turn-Table : Turn table or wheel house is a device for
member and shall be divided equally among all turning railway rolling stock, usually locomotives, so
transverse lacing systems in parallel planes. that they can be moved back in the direction from
which they came.
For a single lacing system on two parallel faces, the
force (compressive or tensile) in each bar, Q.54. The working stress method is also known as-
𝑽 (a) All of the options (b) Elastic method
𝟐𝐬𝐢 𝐧 𝛉
(c) Critical method (d) Load factor method
For double lacing system on two parallel planes, the
force (compressive or tensile) in each bar, Ans. (b) Working stress method : working stress
𝑽 method is based on elastic theory. Concrete and steel
𝑭= are assumed to act together elastically and follow
𝟒𝐬𝐢 𝐧 𝛉
Q.52. The combined name for the two tests - hook’s law. This method follows a deterministic
elongation index and flakiness index is approach as it assumes that the loads, factor of safety
(a) Stability test (b) Strength test and permissible stresses are accurately known. In this
method material strengths are not fully utilised in
(c) Shape test (d) Surface test
designing the member.
Ans. (c) A combined value of flakiness index and Limit state method : This method follows a non-
flakiness index is to be determined for a sample of deterministic approach as it adopts probable loads and
aggregates which is called Shape test. probable strengths of materials as per actual or based
Flakiness Index[As per IS 2386 (Part 1):1963]: on experience or observations depending upon the
• The flakiness index of an aggregate is the percentage situations. Material strengths are fully utilised in
by weight of particles in it whose least dimension is designing the member.
less than 0.60 times their mean dimension. Q.55. HDF board means -
• It is measured by a thickness gauge.
(a) Hardened dry fibre board
Elongation Index[As per IS 2386 (Part 1):1963]: (b) High density fibre board
• The elongation index of an aggregate is the (c) High density flat board
percentage by weight of particles in it whose greatest (d) Hardened dense fibre board
dimension is more than 1.80 times their mean Ans. (b) HDF stands for High Density Fibre Board.
Important Characteristics of HDF are :
• It is measured by a length gauge.
1. Manufactured from wood fiber obtained from wood
Q.53. A scissors cross over consists of one diamond and chips and wood waste.
(a) Four turn outs (b) Three turn outs
2. Density = 800 kg/m3.
(c) Two turn outs (d) One turn out
3. Provide resistance against moisture and hence, used
Ans. (a) Scissor Cross Over or Double Cross Over for laminate flooring.
• It enables the trains to change the track from either 4. Used as furniture in places having heavy traffic like
direction along the main track. cinemas, hotels and other commercial places.
• It consists 4 pairs of points, 6 acute angle crossings, 2
Q.56. Which device is used to measure the force acting
obtuse angle crossings, check rails and straight
on an object?
(a) Manometer (b) Thermometer
(c) Barometer (d) Spring balance
Ans. (d) A spring scale or spring balance is a type of (c) Establishing grades
weighing scale. (d) Determining the difference in elevation
• It consists of a spring fixed at one end with a hook to Ans. (b) Theodolite is the most precise instrument
attach an object at the other. designed for the measurement of horizontal and
• It works by Hooke's Law, which states that the force vertical angles. It has wide applicability in surveying
needed to extend a spring is proportional to the such as laying off horizontal angles, locating points on
distance that spring is extended from its rest position. line, prolonging survey lines, establishing grades,
determining the difference in elevation, setting out
curves etc.
Note:-Area is not determined with the help of
Q.60. In load bearing structures, if a wall is not bearing
the load from slab, that wall is also called as
(a) Tension wall (b) Retaining wall
(c) Partition wall (d) Intermediate wall
Ans. (c) The different types of walls are explained
Q.57. The command which is used to make a regional Type of Wall Meaning
geometry in the AutoCAD is This wall divides the entire area of
(a) REG (b) Array building into a number of
(c) CO (d) Trim component or segments to provide
Ans. (a) The various commands along with its usage are privacy. These are non-load bearing
as tabulated below: wall i.e. they do not resist any load.
A breast wall is constructed to
Command Used in protect the natural sloping ground

REG To make a regional geometry


Breast Walls from the cutting action of natural


Array Creates an array of rows and columns agents. Breast walls also prevent

of copies of the selected objects slides of unreliable soils.


CO Copies objects a specified distance in


Gravity retaining walls use

a specified direction Retaining
their weight to resist earth
Trim To trim and finish the objects Walls
∴ The command which is used to make a regional Parapet walls are used to prevent
geometry in the AutoCAD is REG. Parapet walls the spread of fires. Hence, also
Q.58. Tendons are steel reinforcements mandatorily called fire walls.
required for It is semi gravity type wall used to
Tension Wall
resist tension developed in walls.
(a) Precast concrete elements
(b) Prefabricated concrete elements It is load bearing wall constructed
(c) Prestressed concrete elements in between the columns to transfer
(d) Pressed steel elements load from slab to foundation.
Q.61. The process of marking the positions of various
Ans. (c) Tendons are the high tensile strength
foundations and other elements on to the ground as
steel wires used in prestressed concrete structural
per the drawings is called as
elements like beam, column, etc. These are the
medium through which the tensile stresses are induced (a) Settlement of foundations
into the concrete. It maybe one single steel wire or a (b) Settling of foundations
group of wires twisted together to develop required (c) Siting of foundations
tensile stresses. (d) Setting out of foundations
For precast or prefabricated concrete elements, steel Ans. (d) Setting out of foundations : It is the process in
bars of diameter 18 mm, 20 mm, 24 mm, 28 mm, 32 which excavated line and centreline on ground are
mm, etc. are used. marked or laid down on ground level on the basis of
available ‘Good for Construction’ drawings for
Q.59. Which of the following cannot be done with help
foundation works.
of theodolite in surveying?
Steps for Setting out of Foundation for Building Work
(a) Setting out curves
(b) Determining the area of ground
Marking of Corners of Building ⇒ Marking of Centre • Anthrax infection can occur through contact with
lines of trenches ⇒ Measuring of Offsets from centre infected animals or their products, ingestion of
lines ⇒ marking of frontage lines as per requirement ⇒ contaminated meat, or inhalation of spores.
Positioning of cross walls by taking measurement along • The disease can manifest in different forms, including
the main walls cutaneous (skin), inhalation, and gastrointestinal
Q.62. The lorry or truck bringing RMC from factory to anthrax.
construction site is called as - Q.65. The specific gravity of commonly available
(a) Concrete Truck (b) Transit Mixer ordinary Portland Cement is-
(c) Concrete Mixer (d) RMC Truck (a) 2.05 (b) 3.15
Ans. (b) Transit Mixer : Ready-mixed refers to concrete (c) 1.83 (d) 4.92
that is batched for delivery from a central mixing plant Ans. (b) The specific gravity is normally defined as the
instead of being mixed on the job site. ratio between the weight of a given volume of material
• Each batch of ready-mixed concrete is tailormade and weight of an equal volume of water. To determine
according to the specifications of the contractor or the specific gravity of cement, kerosene which does not
concrete mix design and is delivered to the site in a react with cement is used. Le Chatelier’s flask is used to
green or plastic condition, usually in the cylindrical determine the specific gravity of cement which comes
trucks often known as “Transit mixers.” out to be 3.15.
• The real advantage for the construction industry Q.66. Drawing pencils are graded according to increase
accrues from the quality of the concrete because of in relative -
the expertise and experience of the batching plant QC (a) Hardness (b) Diameter
(c) Sharpness (d) Length
• However, the quality of the structure made using
RMC largely depends on close coordination between Ans. (a) Pencil lead is made of graphite and kaolin
the supplier of RMC and the builder at the site at all (clay). Higher the kaolin, higher the hardness.
stages starting from ordering concrete to discharging • The hardest pencil is 9H.
and placing of the concrete. • The softest pencil is 7B.
• Transit Mixers can drive directly onto the site and can • For construction lines chose 2H or 3H.
mechanically control the positioning of the discharge • For lettering and object line chose H pencil.
chute without the help of the contractor's personnel.
Q.63. Coefficient of earth pressure at rest is given by:(μ
- Poisson's Ratio)
(a) (1 - μ) / μ (b) μ / (1 + μ)
(c) (1 + μ) / μ (d) μ / (1 - μ)
Ans. (d) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure
𝟏−𝐬𝐢 𝐧(𝛟) 𝛟
𝑲𝒂 = = 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝟐 (𝟒𝟓 − ) Q.67. One cubic meter of mild steel weighs about-
𝟏+𝐬𝐢 𝐧(𝛟) 𝟐
Coefficient of Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient: (a) 3625 kg (b) 12560 kg
𝟏+𝐬𝐢 𝐧(𝛟) 𝛟 (c) 7850 kg (d) 1000 kg
𝑲𝒑 = = 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝟐 (𝟒𝟓 + )
𝟏−𝐬𝐢 𝐧(𝛟) 𝟐 Ans. (c) As per of IS 800:2007 Physical
Coefficient of Earth Pressure at rest: properties of structural steel irrespective of its grade
μ may be taken as:
k r=
(i) Unit mass of steel (p) = 7850 kg/m³
(ii) Modulus of elasticity, E = 2.0 x 105 N/mm² (MPa) =
μ is the coefficient is the Poisson ratio. 200 kN/mm²
Q.64. Anthrax is caused by a type of (iii) Poisson ratio, μ = 0.3
(a) Fungi (b) Virus (iv) Modulus of rigidity, G = 0.769 x 105 N/mm² (MPa)
(c) Bacteria (d) Protozoa (v) Co-efficient of thermal expansion (a)=12x 10-6 per °C
Ans. (c) Anthrax is caused by the bacterium Bacillus Q.68. Grades of Cement and Concrete is expressed in
anthracis. which SI units?
• This bacterium produces spores that can survive in (a) Kg/cm2 (b) MPa (or) N/mm2
the environment for long periods. (c) Psi (d) Pa (or) n / m2


Ans. (b)IS 456-2000 has designated the concrete mixes • Filling up cracks in masonry is an example of
into a number of grades as M10, M15, M20, M25, M30, preventive maintenance.
M35 and M40. In this designation the letter M refers to • By addressing cracks early on, before they lead to
the mix and the number to the specified 28 day cube more significant structural issues, this activity helps
strength of mix in N/mm2 or MPa. prevent further deterioration, ensuring the longevity
The mixes of grades are as follows: and stability of the masonry.
Renewal of flooring :
Strength Nominal Mix Design
• Type of Repair: Corrective Maintenance or Planned
M10 1:3:6
M15 1:2:4
• Renewal of flooring can fall into both corrective and
M20 1:1.5:3 planned maintenance categories.
M25 1:1:2 • If the renewal is done in response to existing issues
Q.69. The process of separation of coarse aggregates (e.g., worn-out or damaged flooring), it is corrective
from concrete during transportation is called maintenance.
(a) Creeping (b) Bleeding • However, if the renewal is part of a scheduled and
(c) Segregation (d) Workability proactive maintenance plan to replace aging or
outdated flooring, it can be considered planned or
Ans. (c) Segregation: Segregation can be defined as preventive maintenance.
the separation of the constituent materials of
concrete. Q.71. For dust free flooring ,the floor finish material
should have which property mainly?
• It results in the honeycomb structure, porous layer in
concrete, and presence of sand streak also. (a) Impact resistance
• Insufficiently mixed concrete with excess (b) Abrasion resistance
water content shows a higher tendency for (c) Compressive strength
segregation. (d) Flexural strength
• In the wetter mix as the water, content is Ans. (b) Abrasion resistance

more chances of segregation is more. • Abrasion resistance is crucial in preventing the


• If there is a large proportion of maximum size


surface from wearing down due to friction, foot


aggregate or coarse grading, segregation may occur. traffic, or other mechanical actions.

Q.70. Identify the repair type related to preventive • A finish with good abrasion resistance will be more

maintenance. durable and less likely to generate dust over time.

(a) Repairing pot holes in roads • Abrasion resistance is the ability of a material to
(b) Filling up cracks in masonry withstand wear and erosion caused by friction,
(c) Painting of doors and windows rubbing, or scraping.
(d) Renewal of flooring • It measures how well a material can maintain its
surface integrity when subjected to repeated contact
Ans. (c) Painting of doors and windows with abrasive substances.
• Type of Repair: Preventive Maintenance
Q.72. After fixing the plane table to the tripod, the
• Filling up cracks in masonry is an example of
main operations which are needed at each plane table
preventive maintenance.
station are:
• By addressing cracks early on, before they lead to
(i) leveling
more significant structural issues, this activity helps
prevent further deterioration, ensuring the longevity (ii) orientation
and stability of the masonry. (iii) centering
Repairing pot holes in roads : The correct sequence of these operations is-
• Type of Repair: Corrective Maintenance (a) (ii), (iii), (i) (b) (i), (ii), (iii)
• Repairing potholes in roads is typically a corrective (c) (i), (iii), (ii) (d) (iii), (i), (ii)
maintenance activity. Ans. (c) At each station, the plane table is required to
• It involves fixing a problem (potholes) after it has get set up before carrying out any plotting work. It
occurred to restore the road to its proper condition. basically consists of three operations: fixing, centering
• Preventive maintenance, on the other hand, focuses and levelling.
on activities that prevent such issues from occurring (a) Fixing : The top of the tripod stand is fixed in level
in the first place. by eye estimation at a convenient height with its legs
Filling up cracks in masonry : uniformly spread and shoes fixed firmly into the
• Type of Repair: Preventive Maintenance ground.
(b) Centering : There are two types of operations (c) 1.5 and 1.5 (d) 1.10 and 1.25
involved in the centring of the plane table. Ans. (b) As per IS 800 : 2007 codal provisions partial
• Centering with reference to the already plotted factor safety kept for shop welding is 1.25 and for filed
position of the station: The pointed end of the upper welding is 1.5. The reason for considering more partial
arm of a U-fork is held at the plotted position of the factor of safety for field welding is that in field quality
station and the table is shifted and adjusted in such a control in welding is less as compared to welding done
way that the tip of the plumb bob points exactly over at factories or shops.
the ground station
Q.75. _______ are lines drawn on a map to locate, in
• Centering with reference to the ground location of the plan view, points of equal ground elevation.
the station: The tip of the plumb bob attached to a U-
(a) Profiles (b) Contours
frame is placed exactly over the ground point which
is required to be transferred; The point (c) Elevations (d) Hatches
corresponding to the tip of the pointed arm of the U- Ans. (b) The line joining the points of equal elevation
frame provides the transferred position on the table on ground called contour line and the difference of
(c) Levelling : The top of the table is levelled by moving elevation between two consecutive contours is called
the legs of the tripod. contour intervals.
(d) Orientation : It is the process of plane table survey Important points about Contour Line :
of setting position of board at survey staion. 1. Contour line never cross each other and never joins
For plane table surveying, Levelling is performed first, at one location except Vertical Cliff or overhang.
followed by centering and then orientation. 2. All contours on earth surface are always closed
For dumpy level, theodolite and other instruments, contours.
centering is done first. 3. Contours of small spacing indicate steep slope and
Q.73. In soil compaction, if the MDD (Maximum Dry contour of large spacing indicate mild or gentle
Density) has to be increased and that too at all lower slope.
OMC (Optimum Moisture Content), then the method 4. If some contours are found in small map or small
required is area then it indicates a pond or hill in that area.
(a) Increase the weight of rammer Q.76. A divide wall is provided-
(b) Increase the height of fall of rammer (a) Parallel to the axis of weir and upstream of it
(c) Mix more cohesionless soil (b) At an inclination to the axis of weir
(d) Increase the surface area of rammer contact plate (c) At right angle to the axis of weir
Ans. (a) Maximum Dry Density (MDD) with minimum (d) Parallel to the axis of weir and downstream of it
moisture content (OMC) means Minimum voids, Ans. (c) Divide wall : These is much like a pier and is
Minimum permeability and maximum Bearing Capacity provided between the sets of under sluice or river
due to an increase in strength of the soil. sluice or spill bays.
• MDD and OMC depend on impact energy The main functions of a divide wall :
(compactive effort) given to soil specimens. Higher • It separates the turbulent floodwaters from the
the impact energy, higher will be MDD and lower pocket in front of the canal head.
• It helps in checking parallel flow (to the axis of the
• Here, the impact energy is the gravitational potential barrage) which would be caused by the formation of
energy i.e. mgh; where m is mass of rammer, h is the deep channels leading from the river to the pocket in
height of fall. The impact energy can be increased front of the sluices.
either by increasing the weight of rammer or by
increasing the height of the fall.
• On increasing the surface area of rammer contact
plate, stresses induced on the soil get reduced which
in turn reduces the compactive effort. Hence, less
MDD and Higher OMC.
• Addition of more cohesionless soil, the percentage of
fines in soil increases which in turn increases the
surface area of soil mass and higher surface area
demands higher water. Hence OMC will be increased.
Q.74. Partial safety factor for shop welding and field
welding are
(a) 1.25 and 1.25 (b) 1.25 and 1.5
∴ The main functions of a divide wall is to separate the Q.78. The portions of the structure below the ground
under sluices. level are called as
(a) Submerged Structures (b) Sub-structures
(c) Sustainable Structures (d) Super-structures
Ans. (b) The portion of structure above the ground
level is called superstructure and portion of structure
below the ground level called sub structure.
A substructure generally consists of foundations o r
underground basements. The main functions of sub
structure is to resist the load upto certain extent
coming from superstructure and transfer the remaining
load to soil and soil has to bear this load as per its
bearing capacity.
The structure which are designed in such a way that
they have minimum impact on human health and
surrounding environment and constructed using
Q.77. The locus of reaction of a two hinged semi- modern green materials like Portland Pozzolanic
circular arch is- Cement, AAC Blocks and Energy saving devices like
(a) Straight line (b) Parabola LEDs are called sustainable structures. These are also
(c) Circle (d) Hyperbola Green buildings or structures.
Ans. (a) The locus of the reaction of a two hinged semi- The structures which are constructed under water and
circular arch is a straight line whereas the locus of the either partially or fully submerged in water are
reaction of a two-hinged parabolic arch is a parabolic called submerged structures.
For two Hinged Semi-circular Arch :

Reaction locus is straight line parallel to the line joining

abutments and height at πR/2. Q.79. In AutoCAD, the Free Orbit tool is found on the
For two Hinged Parabolic Arch : ___ toolbar.
(a) Move (b) Modify
(c) 3-D Move (d) Rotate
Ans. (b) In AutoCAD, the Free Orbit tool is found on the
Modify toolbar.
The Modify toolbar contains:
Move Copy Fillet Trim Mirror

𝒚 = 𝑷𝑬 =
𝑳𝟐 +𝑳𝒙−𝒙𝟐

Q.80. Which of the following is the correct statement?


In beam to column connections in steel construction, if radius of the horizontal curve, W = weight of the
torsion is permitted at the ends of simply supported vehicle,G = Universal gravitational constant)
beams by not providing the cleats, the: (a) e = v3 /gR (b) e = h / GR
(a) Effective length of the beam increases by 20% 2
(c) e = v /gR (d) e = W / GR
(b) Joint has to be designed for torsion
Ans. (c) Superelevation is expressed as,
(c) Effective length remains same as the actual length
(d) Permissible bending stresses are increased by 𝑽𝟐
𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏 =
around 10% 𝒈𝑹
Ans. (a) In steel beam connection, joints are designed Design superelevation is calculated considering the
by considering the effect of torsion to equivalent shear. 75% of design speed.
𝟓 𝟐
Hence, total design shear which is to be resisted by (𝟎.𝟕𝟓𝒗)𝟐 (𝟎.𝟕𝟓×
connection will be increased but there is no increase in 𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏 = =
𝒈𝑹 𝒈𝑹
permissible bending stress because torsion at joints 𝑽𝟐
makes connection weak. =
Further, there is increase in effective length of the Where v is design speed in m/sec
beam because one end is fully fixed against rotation and V is in kmph
and translation and other end is partially rotated or
twisted because of torsion. The effective length for this Q.83. While representing the diameter in dimensioning
situation as per IS 800: 2007 is 1.2 times the it is represented as
unsupported length. (a) Ø (b) d
∴ In beam to column connections in steel construction, (c) Dia (d) D
if torsion is permitted at the ends of simply supported Ans. (a) When representing the diameter in
beams by not providing the cleats, the effective length dimensioning, it is typically denoted by the "⌀" symbol,
of the beam increases by 20%. followed by the numerical value of the diameter.
Q.81. A combined footing may be rectangular in shape For example, "⌀50 mm" means the diameter of the
if - circular object is 50 millimeters. This symbol is
(a) Both the columns carry equal loads universally used in technical drawings, engineering
(b) One column is loaded and the other column is a blueprints, and CAD designs to indicate circular or
tension column cylindrical features.
(c) Rectangular shape of combined footing depends Q.84. Mud pumping is a problem occurring in which
not on column loads but on soil type type of pavement?
(d) Both the columns carry unequal loads (a) Rigid concrete roads (b) Flexible bitumen roads
Ans. (a) In the case of isolated footing, the shape and (c) Earthen roads (d) Moorum roads
size of footing depend on the type of soil but in case of
Ans. (a) Mud pumping recognized when the soil slurry
combined footing, only the size of footing depends on
ejects out through the joints and cracks of cement
the type of soil.
concrete pavement caused during the downward
movement of the slab under the heavy wheel loads.
Shape Conditions When to Use Pumping is noticed just after the rains in cement
When only one concrete pavements that are placed on clayey soil

projection of footing is subgrade.

Columns Carry
restricted i.e. either Q.85. What is the curve resistance for a 50 tonnes train
equal Loads.
length or width of on a BG track on a 4°curve?
footing limited.
(a) 0.06 tonne (b) 0.01 tonne
Space Limitation
(c) 0.05 tonne (d) 0.08 tonne
and when on Both projections of the
Ans. (d) Curve Resistance on BG track is given by

column carries footing beyond the

more load than faces of the columns following formula :
that of other are restricted i.e. both R = 0.0004 × W × D
column Columns length and width of Where
i.e. Carry unequal footing are limited. W = Weight of train in tonnes and D = Degree of curve
In this case: D = 4 and W = 50 tonnes
Q.82. The superelevation 'e' is expressed as - (where v
We get, Curve resistance, R = 0.0004 × 50 × 4 = 0.08
= speed of vehicle,g = Acceleration due to gravity,R =


Curve Resistance formula for other type of Gauges : • The forces, which do not meet at one point, but their
For MG: R = 0.0003 × W × D lines of action lie on the same plane, are known as
For NG: R = 0.0002 × W × D coplanar non-concurrent forces.
Where, Non-coplanar concurrent forces:
W = Weight of train in tonnes and • The forces, which meet at one point, but their lines of
action do not lie on the same plane, are known as non-
D = Degree of curve in all above cases.
coplanar concurrent forces.he forces meet at one point
Q.86. The minimum area required for the isolated but their lines of action do not lie in one plane:
footing to carry a factored load of 1000 kN constructed • If the two vectors lie on the same plane, then, they
over the soil of safe bearing capacity 150 kN/m2 is are called coplanar vectors. If the vectors meet, then,
(a) 4.4 m2 (b) 6.7 m2 they are called concurrent vectors. The force is a
(c) 4.9 m2 (d) 7.3 m2 vector quantity.
Ans. (d) To calculate factored load, consider 10% of • As the forces meet at one point. Thus, these forces
dead load as the self-weight of footing. So, Design Load can be called concurrent. The lines of actions of these
= 1.1 x Factored load. forces do not lie in one plane, thus, these forces can
Area required for footing = be called non-coplanar.
Design axial load on footing including self weight of footing • The forces, which meet at one point but their lines of
Safe bearing capacity of soil action do not lie in one plane, are called non-coplanar
Factored load, P = 1000 kN concurrent forces.
For safe , self-weight is considered as 10 % of load Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces:
Adding 10 % of load as self weight = 0.1 × 1000 = 100 • The forces, which do not meet at one point and their
kN lines of action do not lie on the same plane, are called
Design load = 1000 + 100 = 1100 kN non-coplanar non-concurrent forces.
Safe bearing capacity of Soil, q = 150 kN/m2
Area required = = 𝟕. 𝟑𝟑 𝒎𝟐


Q.87. The forces which meet at one point and have


their line of action in different planes are called


(a) Intersecting forces

(b) Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces
(c) Coplanar non-concurrent forces
(d) Non-coplanar concurrent forces
Ans. (d) When two or more forces act on a body, they
are called to form a system of forces.
Coplanar forces:
• The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same
plane, are known as coplanar forces.
Colinear forces: Q.88. In any good staircase, the maximum and
• The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same line, minimum pitch should be
are known as colinear forces. (a) 90° and 0° (b) 75° and 30°
Concurrent forces: (c) 40° and 25° (d) 60° and 10°
• The forces, which meet at one point, are known as Ans. (c) There are no direct specification for maximum
concurrent forces. The concurrent forces may or may pitch and minimum pitch in IS 456, however, maximum
not be colinear. and minimum pitch can be calculated as follows:
Coplanar concurrent forces: 𝐭𝐚𝐧 θ =
• The forces, which meet at one point and their lines of
action also lie on the same plane, are known as
coplanar concurrent forces.
Coplanar non-concurrent forces:


Q.90. Bending moment at any section in a conjugate
beam gives the actual beam's -
(a) Curvature (b) Bending moment
(c) Deflection (d) Slope
Ans. (c) Properties of conjugate beam method:
• The length of a conjugate beam is always equal to the
length of the actual beam.
As per IS Code: • The load on the conjugate beam is the M/EI diagram
Stair case cross-section of the loads on the actual beam.
Tread : For residential building: 220 – 250 mm, Public: • Simple support for the real beam remains simple
250 – 300 mm, Riser: For Residential building: 150 – 180 support for the conjugate beam.
mm, and Public Building: 120 – 150 mm. • A fixed end for the real beam becomes free end for
Now, Maximum pitch: the conjugate beam.
Maximum Riser 𝟏𝟖𝟎 • The point of zero shear force for the conjugate beam
𝐭𝐚𝐧 θ = = = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟐
Minimum Tread 𝟐𝟐𝟎 corresponds to a point of zero slope for the real
∴ θ = 39.35° beam.
Minimum pitch : • The point of maximum moment for the conjugate
Minimum riser 𝟏𝟐𝟎 beam corresponds to a point of maximum deflection
𝐭𝐚𝐧 θ = = = 𝟎. 𝟒
Maximum tread 𝟑𝟎𝟎 for the real beam.
∴ θ = 22° • The conjugate beam must be satisfied static
Hence, most appropriate option is ‘3’ is 40° and 25°. equilibrium condition.
• No other loading should be applied to the conjugate
Q.89. Consider the following statements : In solid beam other than the elastic weight.
waste management • The original beam (Real beam) must be statically
1. Density separation of solid wastes can be
accomplished by air classifiers.
2. Iron recovery from solid wastes can be done by Q.91. In Contractual payments, RA Bill means:
magnetic separators. (a) Received Amount Bill
3. Aluminium separation from solid wastes can be (b) Receipts and Accounts Bill
accomplished by eddy current separators. (c) Recurring Amount Bill
Which of the statements given above are correct? (d) Running Account Bill
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans. (d) Running Account Bill – Form A : It is a type of
Ans. (d) Density separation of solid wastes can indeed form which is used for advance payment without any
be accomplished by air classifiers. measurement. It may be used for advance running bill
• These machines use a method of separation that payment for unmeasured work only. It may also be
exploits the differences in densities of the materials used for combination of unmeasured work and
in the solid wastes. measured work or if ‘on account’ payment is to be
• Iron is a ferrous metal and can be recovered from made but an advance payment already made for the
solid waste using magnetic separators. same work is outstanding.
• These devices utilize the magnetic properties of iron Running Account Bill – Form C : It is a type of form
to pull it out from a mixed waste stream. which is used for contracts both for works executed on
• Aluminium, being a non-ferrous metal but having piece work system. This form is widely used specially
electrical conductivity, can be separated from solid for medium sized works executed through K2 contract
wastes using an eddy current separator. or split up works or projects entrusted on nomination
• Eddy currents are created by applying a powerful to a number of contractors.
magnetic field, which induces currents and Q.92. Pick up the correct statement from the following
consequently magnetic fields in conductive materials (a) Runway edge from the landing side is called
like aluminium. threshold
• The created magnetic fields interact with the original (b) Localizer indicates to the pilot his position with
one, causing a force that ejects the aluminium from respect to the proposed alignment
the mixed waste stream.
(c) The glide slope indicates the correct angle of • Distance between the standards is about 2 to 2.5 m.
descent Ledgers connect the standards at vertical interval of
(d) All of the options 1.2 to 1.5 m.
Ans. (c) Instrument Landing System • Putlogs are taken out from the hole left in the wall to
one end of the ledgers. Putlogs are placed at an
There are several components that make up an ILS
interval of 1.2 to 1.5 m.
➢ Localizer for horizontal guidance Steel scaffolding : Steel scaffolding is constructed by
➢ Glideslope for vertical guidance steel tubes which are fixed together by steel couplers
or fittings.
➢ Approach lights (optional)
➢ Marker beacons (optional) • It is very easy to construct or dismantle. It has greater
• The localizer antenna is used for horizontal guidance, strength, greater durability and higher fire resistance.
and it's positioned on the far end of the runway. The • It is not economical but will give more safety for
localizer transmits signals on 108.1 MHz, up to and workers. So, it is used extensively nowadays.
including 111.95 MHz (odd tenths only). Trestle scaffolding : In Trestle scaffolding, the working
• Localizers have an adjusted course width so the platform is supported on movable tripods or ladders.
course is 700 feet wide at the runway threshold (full • This is generally used for work inside the room, such
scale fly-left to a full scale fly-right). as paintings, repairs etc., up to a height of 5m.
• The glideslope provides vertical guidance, and the Suspended scaffolding : In suspended scaffolding, the
antenna is typically located 750 to 1250 feet down working platform is suspended from roofs with the
the runway, and 400 to 600 feet from the side of a help of wire ropes or chains etc., it can be raised or
runway's centerline. lowered to our required level.
Q.93. Which of the following concepts is the basic • This type of scaffolding is used for repair works,
principle of structural design? pointing, paintings etc.
(a) Partial Weak column-beam Q.95. The particle size of an aggregate bigger than 4.75
(b) Equally Strong column-beam mm but smaller than 75 mm is known as-
(c) Strong-column Weak-beam

(a) Course aggregate

(d) Weak-column Strong-beam

(b) Silt

Ans. (c) The main principle of structural design is based

(c) Clay

on the fact that if any one or two beams fails in any


building, the whole building will not collapse rather (d) Fine aggregate
there is redistribution of building load on remaining Ans. (a) According to the ISSC system size of coarse
beams which is further transformed to column. aggregates starts from 0.075 mm or 75 microns and
Obviously, now columns have to bear more loads ends at 80 mm. So sieve of 4.75 mm and 10 mm are
hence, column must be strong enough to bear that normally used for classification in coarse aggregates.
load. Based on this concept we use Strong Column and The table below shows the tabular data for different
weak beam in which first the beams are designed and sieve suitable for different sizes of aggregates : -
then the column to ensure that the columns are
designed for higher moment resisting capacity than
Very Boulder size > 300 mm
that of beams.
coarse 80 – 300
Q.94. The most common type of scaffolding which is Cobble size
soils mm
widely used in the construction of brickwork is - Coarse 20 – 80 mm
(a) Suspended scaffolding Gravel size
4.75 – 20
(G) Fine
(b) Trestle scaffolding mm
(c) Steel scaffolding 2 – 4.75
Coarse Coarse
(d) Single scaffolding mm
0.425 – 2
Ans. (d) Single scaffolding : Single scaffolding is Sand size (S) Medium
generally used for brick masonry and is also called as
0.075 –
brick layer’s scaffolding. Fine
0.425 mm
• Single scaffolding consists of standards, ledgers, 0.002 –
putlogs etc., which is parallel to the wall at a distance Silt size (M)
Fine soils 0.075 mm
of about 1.2 m. Clay size (C) < 0.002 mm
Q.96. Coning of train wheels is done for the purpose of-


(a) For reducing the self-weight of wheels Piezometer Measurement of low pressure at
(b) Enabling the train wheels to cover different any point in pipe flow
distances along the inner and outer curves Single Measurement of high pressure at
simultaneously column any point in pipe flow
(c) For reducing the frictional contact surface area with manometer
the rails Differential Measurement of the difference in
(d) For decorative purposes manometer pressures between two points in a
Ans. (b) The below diagram show cross-section of the pipe
permanent way as per Indian Railway Standard : Q.98. The trap efficiency of a reservoir after
commissioning will -
(a) Decrease initially for some time and increase later
(b) Increase with time
(c) Increase initially for some time and decrease later
(d) Decrease with time
Ans. (d) Trap efficiency of a reservoir is the ratio of
total sediments retained by reservoir to the total
sediments entering into reservoir (inflow sediments).
Trap efficiency of reservoir is the function of ratio of
reservoir capacity and total inflow.
The reservoir capacity is inversely related to the
Coning : Inward provision of the slope of 1:20 on the amount of sediments deposited. As the time
wheels of the railway wagon to counteract the passes, rate of silting or rate of deposition of sediments
centrifugal force acting the on the train. So, it enables reduces but amount of sediments deposited will be
the train wheels to cover different distances along the increased which in turn reduces the capacity of
inner and outer curves simultaneously. reservoir. Hence, trap efficiency also gets reduced.
Other factors affecting trap efficiency :
1. Size of reservoir and stream : A larger reservoir on
small stream has less capacity inflow ratio and hence
having higher trap efficiency.
2. Velocity of flow of stream : Higher velocity less
deposition of sediments, lower is the trap efficiency.

Q.99. To design the deep beam, the factors that are

taken into account are
(a) Non-linear distribution of stress
(b) Temperature stresses
(c) All of the options
Q.97. Which of the following is used to measure the (d) Lateral buckling
difference in pressures between two points in a pipe or
Ans. (c) Factors considered in design of deep beams:
in two different pipes?
(a) Orifice meter • The deep beam is considered as vertical plate
subjected to loading in its own plane due to which it
(b) Piezometer
can bend or buckle laterally. For analysis purpose, it
(c) Differential manometer is treated as 2D plane stress problem.
(d) Single column manometer • Due higher depth of deep beams, shear deformations
Ans. (c) The various types of devices and its application cannot be neglected and their contribution becomes
are as follows : significant which in turn results non uniform strain
Device Purpose and stress distribution along the depth of deep beam.
Pitot tube Velocity of flow in rivers or Open • The effect of temperature stresses are also
channel flow velocity measurement considered in designing of deep beam because when
Orifice Meter Discharge in pipe deep beams subjected to high heat and then rapidly
Venturimeter Discharge in pipe cooling reduces the strength and increases the


Q.100. When the soil layer surrounding a portion of the
pile shaft settles more than the pile, a downward drag
occurs in pile, then the drag is known as -
(a) Negative vibration (b) Negative skin friction
(c) Friction piles (d) Single acting hammer
Ans. (b) Negative skin friction : It is usually a
downward shear drag acting on a pile or pile group
because of downward movement of surrounding soil
relative to the piles. Such a force can exist under one of
the following conditions:
1. If a fill of clay soil is placed over a granular soil layer
into which a pile is driven, the fill will exert a
downward drag force on the pile due to
2. If a fill of granular soil is placed over a layer of soft
clay, it will induce the process of consolidation in
the clay layer and thus exert a downward drag on
the pile.
3. Lowering of the water table will increase the
vertical effective stress on the soil at any depth, so
it can induce negative skin friction on piles.
Now axial capacity of a pile is summation of upward
reaction due to bearing at base and net upward skin
frictional resistance. As, the negative skin friction
(acting downward) lowers the net skin resistance, it in
turn reduces the axial capacity of piles.

A schematic diagram of negative skin friction on piles is


shown below:


(c) Wet clay (d) Coal run of mine
RRB JE Civil CBT-II RE- Ans. (b) The permissible incline in a belt conveyor is the
EXAM 19 September 2019 maximum angle at which the conveyor can operate
Q.01. Which of the following apparatus is used to without the material sliding back down the belt. The
determine the specific gravity of the soil? angle of incline depends on several factors, including
the type of material being conveyed, the belt speed,
(a) Penetrometer (b) Tachometer
and the surface characteristics of the belt.
(c) Pycnometer (d) Graphometer
• Dry silica sand has a high angle of repose, which
Ans. (c) Pycnometer method : is used to determine means that it can be conveyed at a steeper angle
specific gravity and water content both. This method is without sliding back. However, foundry sand is more
suitable for cohesionless soils. cohesive and has a lower angle of repose. This means
Pycnometer is a glass jar of 1-liter capacity that is fitted that it is more likely to slide back down the belt if the
at its top by a conical cap made of brass. It has a screw incline is too steep.
type cover and there is a small hole at its apex of 6 mm • Wet clay has a very low angle of repose and is difficult
diameter. to convey on a belt conveyor. It is often necessary to
use a screw conveyor or other type of conveyor for
wet clay.
• Coal run of mine has a moderate angle of repose and
can be conveyed on a belt conveyor at a relatively
steep angle. However, it is important to ensure that
the belt speed is not too high, as this can cause the
coal to slide back down the belt.
• Therefore, the permissible incline in a belt conveyor
will be maximum for foundry sand, which has a lower
W1 = Mass of empty volume of pycnometer angle of repose and is less likely to slide back down
W2 = Mass of pycnometer + Mass of moist sample the belt.
W3 = Mass of pycnometer + soil + water Q.04. In which method of disposal of municipal solid
W4 = Mass of pycnometer full of water waste, the waste is dumped in the soil?
Gs = Specific gravity of soil solids (a) Incineration (b) Land filing
Water content of the soil sample is given by: (c) Composting (d) Shredding
𝑾𝟐 −𝑾𝟏 𝑮−𝟏
𝒘=( )( )−𝟏 Ans. (b) Landfilling : Landfilling is a method of waste
𝑾𝟑 −𝑾𝟒 𝑮
disposal in which waste is buried in the ground in a
Specific gravity is usually reported at 27°C and it is
specially designed and engineered facility called a
given by:
𝑾𝟐 −𝑾𝟏
𝑮𝒔 = (𝑾 • Landfills are typically located in remote areas to
𝟐 −𝑾𝟏 )−(𝑾𝟑 −𝑾𝟒 )

Q.02. What is the permissible tensile stress in bolts minimize the impact on surrounding communities.
used for column bases? The waste is compacted and covered with soil to
prevent it from being exposed to the environment.
(a) 120 N/mm2 (c) 150 N/mm2
• Landfills are also designed to collect and manage the
(c) 0.4 N/mm (d) 0.6 N/mm2
leachate and gases produced by the decomposition
of waste. This helps to protect groundwater and air
Ans. (a) Permissible tensile stresses in bolts used for quality.
column bases is 120 N/mm2. Q.05. What is a 'Coping'?
Permissible Maximum Stress Stress Value (a) Ornamental moulded course placed on the top of
Permissible average shear stress 0.40 fy wall
Permissible maximum shear stress 0.45 fy (b) A projecting piece usually provided to support a
Permissible axial tensile stress 0.60 fy truss
(c) A projecting piece usually provided to support a
Permissible compressive or tensile 0.66 fy
bending Stress
(d) A covering of concrete placed on the exposed top of
Permissible bearing stress 0.75 fy
an external wall
Q.03. In which case will the permissible incline in belt
conveyor be maximum?
(a) Dry silica sand (b) Foundry sand
Ans. (d) Coping: It is a course placed upon the exposed (c) 45° (d) 10°
top of an external wall to prevent the seepage of Ans. (a) Web Crippling : It occurs due to a concentrated
water. load on the beam, due to reaction at support, high
Various components of the building are given in below compressive stresses are produced in the web near to
figure : the upper flange or lower flange.
Web crippling result in stress concentration and
bearing failure.
If the beam section is safe in crippling, it will also safe
in buckling.
Load dispersion angle from bearing plate -30o

Q.08. The area covered by all floors of the building is

(a) Floor area (b) Built up area
(c) Floor space index (d) Carpet area
Ans. (b) Plinth area : It is the covered built-
up area measured at the floor level of any storey or at
the floor level of the basement.

• The plinth area is also called a built-up area and is the


entire area occupied by the building including


internal and external walls. It is generally 10-20%


more than the carpet area.

Q.09. The point where the alignment changes from a
straight line or tangent to a circular curve is called as-
(a) Point of commencement
(b) Point of curvature
(c) Point of tangency
(d) Finishing mark
Q.06. Bench mark is established by -
Ans. (b)
(a) Spirit levelling
(b) Hypsometric levelling Term Definition
(c) Barometric levelling
Back Tangent (First The tangent line preceding the
(d) Trigonometrical levelling
Tangent) curve.
Ans. (a) A benchmark is a point of reference by which
something can be measured. In surveying. Forward Tangent The tangent line following the
(Second Tangent) curve.
A "benchmark" is a post or other permanent mark
established at a known elevation that is used as the Point of The point where the back tangent
basis for measuring the elevation of other Intersection (PI) and forward tangent intersect.
topographical points.
Benchmark is established by spirit levelling in which it Point of Curve (PC) The beginning point of the curve
consists of a telescope with a crosshair and a tube level where the alignment changes
or bubble level used to indicate whether a surface is from straight to curved.
horizontal. Point of Tangency The ending point of the curve
Q.07. In case of web crippling, the dispersion of load (PT) where the alignment changes
from bearing plate takes place at: from curved to straight.
(a) 30° (b) 60°
Average Size of
Type of soil Permeability (k)
80 mm - 4.75
Gravel > 1 cm/sec
4.75 mm -
Sand 1-10-3 cm/sec
0.075 mm
0.075 mm -
Silt 10-3 -10-7 cm/sec
0.002 mm
Clay < 0.002 mm < 10-7 cm/sec
T1 = Point of curve or point of commencement (or) Q.12. A longitudinal crack which is usually normal to
Tangent point the annual rings in wood is called-
T2 = End of the curve (or) point of tangency (a) Star shakes (b) Heart shakes
B = Point of intersection (c) Cup shakes (d) Checks
T1FT2 = Length of a curve Ans. (d) Various forms of defects in timber due to
OF = Radius of curve Abnormal growth or rupture of tissues due to natural
T1T2 = Length of the long chord forces are as follows :
Q.10. An increase in load at the free end of a cantilever Checks : It is a longitudinal crack which is usually
is likely to cause failure- normal to the annual rings. These adversely affect the
(a) At the free end durability of timber because they readily admit
(b) Anywhere in the beam moisture and air.
(c) At the mid of its length Shakes : These are longitudinal separations in the
wood between the annual rings. These lengthwise
(d) At the fixed support end
separations reduce the allowable shear strength
Ans. (d) A cantilever beam subjected to point load on without much effect on compressive and tensile
free end will have a maximum bending moment at the values. The separations make the wood undesirable
fixed end and constant shear force throughout the when appearance is important.
length. • Both the shakes and checks if present near the
So maximum stress will be at the fixed end (σ=My/I) neutral plane of a beam they may materially weaken
and failure will occur at that point. its resistance to horizontal shear.
Maximum Bending moment will occur at a fixed end. Heart Shake : These occurs due to shrinkage of heart
Mmax = -WL wood, when tree is overmatured. Cracks start from pith
∴ A beam is loaded as a cantilever. If the load at the and run towards sap wood. These are wider at center
end is increased, the failure will occur at the support. and diminish outwards.

• Cup Shake appears as curved split which partly or

wholly separates annual rings from one another. It is
caused due to excessive frost action on the sap
Q.11. The coefficient of permeability of gravel is-
present in the tree, especially when the tree is young.
(a) Less than 10–6 cm/sec
Star Shake : These are radial splits or cracks wide at
(b) Between 1 and 100 cm/sec
circumference and diminishing towards the center of
(c) Between 1 × 10–6 and 1 × 10–3 cm/sec
the tree. This defect may arise from severe frost and
(d) Between 0.001 and 1 cm/sec
fierce heat of sun. Star shakes appear as the wood dries
Ans. (b) Permeability (k) of soil depends on the average below the fiber saturation point. It is a serious fault
size of the pores and is related to the distribution of leading to separated log when sawn.
particle sizes, particle shape, and soil structure. • Shakes are most harmful to strength when they
Different type of soil and their standard permeability follow neutral plane of a beam or run diagonally
rate : across the tension side of it. In the first case, they


weaken the resistance to horizontal shear, and in the the bed. They are cleaned by backwashing water
second, they reduce the tensile strength. through the bed to 'lift out' the particles.
Rind gall : It is characterized by swelling caused by the Cleaning :
growth of layers of sapwood over wounds after the • Cleaning of filter can also be done using surface wash
branch has been cut off in an irregular manner. The but it should be accompanied by back wash.
newly developed layers do not unite properly with the • Washing period = 24 to 48 hrs.
old rot, thereby leaving cavities, from where decay
Q.15. The significant property of CPVC, which differs it
from PVC is-
Knots are bases of twigs or branches buried by cambial
(a) Improved heat resistance
activity of the mother branch. The root of the branch is
(b) Higher scrap value
embedded in the stem, with the formation of annual
(c) Heavy weight
rings at right angles to those of the stem. The knots
(d) Decreased heat resistance
interrupt the basic grain direction of the wood,
resulting in a reduction of its strength. Ans. (a) The significant property of CPVC, which differs
A dead knot can be separated from the body of the it from PVC, is improved heat resistance.
wood, whereas live knot cannot be separated. Knots CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) is a type of PVC
reduce the strength of the timber and affect that has been modified to have a higher chlorine
workability and cleavability as fibers get curved. Knots content. This gives CPVC a higher heat resistance than
are classified on the basis of size, form, quality and PVC. CPVC can withstand temperatures up to 200
occurrence. degrees Fahrenheit, while PVC can only withstand
temperatures up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Q.13. Mortar or concrete conveyed through pressure
hose and applied pneumatically at high velocity on PVC has a higher scrap value than CPVC because it is
structural surfaces is called- more common and easier to recycle. PVC is also heavier
than CPVC because it has a higher density.
(a) Sealing (b) Grouting
(c) Guniting (d) Spraying Q.16. The point within the cross sectional plane of a
beam, through which the resultant of the external

Ans. (c) Shotcrete or Gunite : Shotcrete or Gunite is


loading on the beam has to pass through to ensure


mortar or concrete conveyed through a pressure hose

pure bending without twisting of the cross section of

and applied pneumatically at high velocity onto a

the beam is called as-


(a) Elastic centre (b) Moment centre

• This material has found wide applications in several
(c) Shear centre (d) Centroid
major repair works as it can be applied on vertical,
horizontal, or overhead surfaces, with the area to be Ans. (c) Shear centre : Shear centre is a point from
repaired being either reinforced or unreinforced. which a concentrated load passes then there will be
only bending and no twisting.
Q.14. The period of cleaning of a slow sand filter, is
usually- • It is also called centre of twist.
(a) 5 to 10 days • It is that point through which the resultant of shear
(b) Three months to six months passes.
(c) One month to three months • To avoid twisting and only cause bending, it is
(d) Two weeks to three weeks necessary for the forces to act through a particular
point, which may not coincide with the centroid.
Ans. (c) Slow sand filter : They consist of fine sand,
supported by gravel. They capture particles near the Q.17. In AutoCAD, a cylinder can be created by drawing
surface of the bed and are usually cleaned by scraping a rectangular shape using _________ tool.
away the top layer of sand that contains the particles. (a) Extrude (b) Polysolid
Cleaning : (c) Revolve (d) Sweep
• For cleaning, the top layer of sand is scrapped and 1.5 Ans. (c) To create a cylinder in AutoCAD using the
to 3 cm of sand is removed in each cleaning. Revolve command, follow these steps :
• The frequency of cleaning is 1 to 3 months. • Draw a rectangular shape using the Rectangle
• Rate of filtration is 100-200 l/hr/m2 of filter area. command.
• Select the rectangle and click on the Revolve
• It is used for smaller plants in villages.
command from the 3D Modeling panel.
Rapid sand Filter : They consist of larger sand grains
• Specify the axis of revolution by clicking on two
supported by gravel and capture particles throughout
points on the drawing.


• Specify the angle of revolution by entering a value in Ans. (a) Normal Consistency test : - The Normal
the Angle of revolution field. consistency or standard consistency of a cement paste
• Click on the OK button to create the cylinder. is defined as that consistency which will permit the
Q.18. The bearing capacity factors Nc, Nq and Nr are vicat plunger to penetrate to a point 5 to 7 mm
function of- from the bottom of the vicat mould. (or 33-35 mm from
top of vicat mould).
(a) Width and depth of footing
(b) Angle of internal friction of soil • For finding out initial setting time, final setting
(c) Density of soil time, soundness of cement and compressive strength
(d) Cohesion of soil of cement, it is necessary to fix the quantity of water
to be mixed in cement in each case.
Ans. (b) Bearing capacity factors : Terzaghi's bearing
capacity factors - Nc, Nq, Nγ depend on the angle of
internal friction only and are dimensionless.
Nq = Nϕ × eπ.tanϕ
𝐍𝛟 = 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝟐 (𝟒𝟓𝒐 + ) = 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
𝐍𝛄 = 𝟏. 𝟖 𝐭𝐚𝒏 𝛟 (𝐍𝐪 − 𝟏)
[𝐍𝐜 = 𝐜𝐨𝐭 𝛟 (𝐍𝐪 − 𝟏)]
Q.19. In case concrete is to be transported by pumping,
the slump of the concrete should be-
(a) More than 1 cm
(b) Between 5 to 7.5 cm
(c) More than 2.5 cm
(d) Between 2.5 to 5 cm
Ans. (b) Slump test : The slump test is the most
commonly used method of measuring the consistency
of concrete which can be employed either in the For initial and final setting time test water required is
laboratory or at the field. 0.85 times that required for normal consistency.
Slump value is the amount (depth) by which the Q.21. Eutrophication of water bodies is caused by the-
concrete settles down after removing the slump cone. (a) Excessive discharge of suspended solids
(b) Excessive discharge of nutrients
Placing condition Degree of Slump (c) Excessive discharge of chlorides
workability (mm) (d) Discharge of toxic substance
Blinding concrete; Shallow Very low - Ans. (b) Eutrophication is an accelerated growth of
sections; Pavements using algae on higher forms of plant life caused by the
pavers enrichment of water by nutrients, especially
Mass concrete; Lightly low 25-75 compounds of nitrogen and phosphorous.
reinforced sections in slabs,
It induce an undesirable disturbance to the balance of
beams, walls, columns; Floors;
organisms present in the water and to the quality of
Hand placed pavements;
water concerned.
Canallining; Strip footings
Heavily reinforced sections in Medium 50- The main cause of eutrophication is the large input of
slabs, beams, walls, columns; 100 nutrients to a water body and the main effect is the
Slipform work; Pumped 75- imbalance in the food web that results in high levels of
concrete 100 phytoplankton biomass in stratified water bodies. This
Trench fill; In-situ piling High 100- can lead to algal blooms.
150 Q.22. The purpose of a Well Point System is-
Tremie concrete Very high - (a) Desilting
Q.20. In Vicat apparatus, the paste is said to be of (b) Dewatering
'Normal consistency' if the rod penetrates- (c) Resisting Soil Pressures
(a) 33 to 35 mm (b) 23 to 25 mm (d) Forming underwater foundation
(c) 5 to 10 mm (d) 1 mm


Ans. (b) The purpose of a Well Point System is Ans. (b) Capital Cost : Capital cost refers to the total
dewatering. cost incurred from the beginning to the completion of
• A well point system is a system of wells that is used a construction project. It includes all expenditures
to lower the water table in the ground. related to the project, from planning and design to
This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to : construction and finishing.
Other Type of cost : -
• Prepare a construction site for excavation
• Approximate cost:
• Repair or replace underground utilities
• Labor cost:
• Stabilize a slope
• Material cost:
• Dewater a flooded area
Q.26. If the particles of a fluid attain such velocities
➢ Well point systems typically consist of a series of
that vary from point to point in magnitude and
small-diameter wells that are installed around the
direction as well as from instant to instant, the flow is
perimeter of the area to be dewatered. The wells
said to be-
are connected to a pump, which removes water
(a) Uniform flow (b) Laminar flow
from the wells and lowers the water table.
➢ Desilting is the process of removing silt from water. (c) Non-uniform flow (d) Turbulent flow
➢ Resisting soil pressures is the ability of a structure Ans. (d) In fluid dynamics, turbulent flow is
to withstand the forces exerted by the soil. characterized by the irregular movement of particles of
➢ Forming underwater foundation is the process of the fluid. In contrast to laminar flow the fluid does not
constructing a foundation underwater. flow in parallel layers, the lateral mixing is very high,
Q.23. ___________ is the collective term for the and there is a disruption between the layers. In
physical manifestations of the defects like cracks, turbulent flow the speed of the fluid at a point is
spalling, pop out, staining and corrosion. continuously undergoing changes in both magnitude
and direction.
(a) Preservation (b) Distress
(c) Defects (d) Failure

Ans. (b) Distress:- It is a collective term for the physical


manifestation of problems such as cracks, spalls, pop-


outs, staining, decay or corrosion.


• Distress can be thought of as the symptoms


indicating that the defects are present.

Q.27. In which type of plan is space left around the
Q.24. A railway yard in which wagons are received,
construction of the building?
sorted and new goods trains are formed is called -
(a) Landscape plan (b) Line plan
(a) Shunting yard (b) Marshalling yard
(c) Detailed plan (d) Foundation plan
(c) Station yard (d) Goods yard
Ans. (a) Landscape plan : In a landscape plan, space is
Ans. (b) Marshalling : Marshalling Yard is a place where
goods trains are received, sorted, reformed and left around the construction of the building.
dispatched. • A landscape plan is a plan that shows the
• This yard is provided with distributing machine with arrangement of natural and man-made features on a
facilities for receiving, sorting and dispatching piece of land.
wagons to their various destinations onwards. • It typically includes the location of trees, shrubs,
• Marshalling yard has a network of tracks, divided into flowers, walkways, patios, and other features.
several grids for receiving, sorting, forming and Type of Plan : -
dispatching of trains. Line plans → are simple plans that show the outline of
Types of Marshalling Yards : a building or other structure.
1. Flat Yards Detailed plans → are more detailed than line plans and
2. Hump yard show the layout of the building, including the location
3. Gravity Yards of rooms, doors, and windows.
Q.25. The cost of construction including all the Foundation plans → show the layout of the foundation
expenditure incurred from beginning to the completion of a building.
of work is called as- Q.28. The temporary all round enclosure which keeps
(a) Approximate cost (b) Capital cost the water away from the working area by using vertical
(c) Labour cost (d) Material cost barriers is called-


(a) Arch dam (b) Gravity dam • If the magnetic north is to the west of the true north,
(c) Coffer dam (d) Earthen dam the declination is said to be west or negative and if
the magnetic north is to the east of the true north,
Ans. (c) Coffer Dam : A coffer dam is a temporary all-
the declination is said to be east or positive.
round enclosure constructed to keep water away from
a working area, allowing construction or repair work to
be carried out in dry conditions. It is typically used in Q.30. The strength of compression members subjected
water-filled environments, such as rivers, lakes, or to axial compression is defined by curves
coastal areas. corresponding to _______ classes.
Type Of Dams : (a) e, f, g (b) b, e, f
Arch dam : An arch dam is a curved structure that relies (c) a, b, c and d (d) a, d
on the arch action to transfer the water load to the Ans. (c) IS 800: 2007 gives buckling curves a, b. c, d in
abutments (side supports) of the dam. non-dimensional form for different cross-sections of
• Arch dams are typically constructed in narrow valleys columns.
with steep sides. • Curve 'a' represents quasi-perfect shapes such as hot
Gravity dam: A gravity dam is a massive structure that rolled I section if buckling is perpendicular to the
relies on its own weight to resist the water load. major axis
• Gravity dams are typically constructed of concrete or • Curve 'b' represents shapes with medium
masonry. imperfections, it defines the behavior of rolled I
Earthen dam: An earthen dam is a structure sections buckling about the minor axis, welded I
constructed from compacted soil, rock, or other natural sections of thin flanges, and of rolled I sections with
materials. medium flanges if buckling is about the major axis;
• Earthen dams are commonly used for water storage, and most welded box sections.
flood control, and irrigation purposes. • Curve 'c' represents a lot of imperfections such as
channels, angles, Tee Shaped sections, thick welded
Q.29. The smaller horizontal angle between the true box sections, hot rolled sections rolled about the
meridian and a survey line, is known as- minor axis, I sections buckling about the major axis.
(a) True bearing (b) Arbitrary meridian • Curve 'd' represents shapes with maximum
(c) Azimuth (d) Magnetic bearing imperfections. It is to be used for hot-rolled I sections
Ans. (c) Azimuth : The horizontal angle made by a true with very thick flangs and welded I sections if
meridian with the survey line is called as azimuth. buckling occurs about a minor axis.
Azimuths are generally observed from north. Azimuths • Table 10 of IS 800:2007 shows the 'buckling class of
may be geodetic, astronomic, magnetic, grid, record, or Cross-sections" along with their uses.
assumed, depending on the reference meridian used • For Built-up Member Buckling Class C is used.
Magnetic bearing :
• Magnetic bearing of a line is the horizontal
angle which the line makes with the magnetic north.
It changes with time. It is used for small areas and it
is measured with the magnetic compass.
Dip :
• It is the inclination of the magnetic needle with
the horizontal. The dip is zero at the equator and the
needle will remain horizontal.
• At a place near 70° north latitude and 96° west
longitude, the dip will be 90°. This area is called the
magnetic north pole. Similarly, near the south
magnetic pole, the dip is 90°.
Magnetic declination :
• The magnetic declination and the true meridian at a
place generally do not coincide.
• The horizontal angle which the magnetic
meridian makes with the true meridian is called the
magnetic declination.


approximately equal to the weight of the soil
excavated during the construction of the foundation. In
other words, the foundation neither settles nor exerts
significant pressure on the underlying soil.
Q.34. Which of these methods of tunnel construction is
not suitable in rocks?
(a) Drift method
(b) Compressed air method
(c) Heading and benching method
(d) Full face method
Ans. (b) Compressed air method : The essential
principle of this method is the use of compressed air
Q.31. Quadrennial repair is done in-
and is very well suited for soft or water-bearing
(a) Twice a year (b) Four times a year ground.
(c) Alternate year (d) Once in four years
• It consists of forcing air under suitable pressure into
Ans. (d) Quadrennial repair is done once in four years. an enclosed space like tunnel heading, to force back
The word "quadrennial" means "occurring once every percolating water or water mixed soil and thus
four years". stabilize the area of excavation.
Semi-annual: Occurring twice a year. Method of tunneling in hard rocks -
Annual: Occurring once a year. • Full face method
Biennial: Occurring once every two years. • Heading and bench method
Q.32. Full architectural and structural drawings are • Pilot tunnel method
required for which type of estimate? • Perimeter method of tunneling
(a) Detailed estimate • Drift method
(b) Functional unit estimate Method of tunneling in running ground

(c) Rough or preliminary estimate • Forepoling method


(d) Supplementary estimate • Linear plate method


• Needle beam method


Ans. (a) Full architectural and structural drawings are


• American method

required for a detailed estimate : A detailed estimate

is a comprehensive estimate of the cost of a • English method
construction project. It is based on a detailed analysis • Austrian method
of the project drawings and specifications. Detailed • Belgian method
estimates are typically used for bidding purposes and • Flying arch
for cost control during construction Q.35. Plaster of Paris is obtained from the calcination
Functional unit estimate : An estimate based on the of-
unit cost of similar projects. (a) Bauxite (b) Dolomite
Rough or preliminary estimate : An estimate based on (c) Gypsum (d) Lime stone
the estimated cost of major components of the project,
such as the cost of materials and labor. Ans. (c) Calcination or calcining is a thermal treatment
process to bring about a thermal decomposition. The
Supplementary estimate : An estimate of the cost of
process takes place below the melting point of the
changes to a project after the original estimate has
product. The name calcination is derived from the Latin
been prepared.
word ‘Calcinare’ which mean to burn lime.
Q.33. Floating foundation means- 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭
𝐂𝐚𝐂𝐎𝟑 → 𝐂𝐚𝟎 + 𝐂𝐎𝟐 (𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞) → (𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐞) +
(a) A normal foundation which can raise and float (𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐝𝐞)
during floods
Calcination of Limestone results in Lime and of bauxite
(b) A foundation floating on water like barges
results in Alumina.
(c) A foundation in which new loads due to the
structure are equal to the weight of the soil ✓ The gypsum so obtained is added while cement
removed by excavation manufacturing to prevent its flash setting.
(d) A foundation cannot be floating type under any Q.36. If a body is acted upon by a set of mutually
condition perpendicular shear stresses, the diagonal planes are
Ans. (c) A floating foundation is a type of foundation in likely to have-
which the new loads introduced by the structure are (a) Tension only
(b) Compression only Leader lines are used to connect a note or dimension to
(c) Tension and Compression a feature on a drawing.
(d) No tension or compression Section lines are used to indicate where a section view
is taken.
Ans. (c) If a body is acted upon by a set of mutually
perpendicular shear stresses, the diagonal planes are Hidden lines are used to represent features of an object
likely to have both tension and compression. This is that are not visible from the current viewing direction.
because shear stresses cause the body to deform in a Q.38. A column with highest equivalent length has-
way that creates both tensile and compressive stresses (a) One end fixed, the other entirely free
on the diagonal planes. (b) Both ends hinged or pin-joined
To understand why this happens, consider a (c) One end fixed, the other end hinged
rectangular block of material subjected to shear (d) Both ends fixed
stresses on two opposite faces. The shear stresses Ans. (a) A column with maximum equivalent length has
cause the block to deform in a way that it becomes one end fixed and the other end is free.
parallelogram-shaped. This deformation creates
tensile stresses on the diagonal planes that are Support Condition
oriented in the direction of the shear stresses, and
Both ends hinged Le=L
compressive stresses on the diagonal planes that are 𝑳
oriented perpendicular to the shear stresses. Both ends fixed Le=
The following diagram shows the stress distribution on One end is fixed other end hinged Le=
the diagonal planes of the block : One end is fixed other end free Le=2L
Q.39. The ratio of the inertia and viscous forces acting
in any flow, ignoring other forces is called as
(a) Froude number (b) Reynold number
(c) Weber number (d) Euler number
Ans. (b) Forces encountered in flowing fluids include
those due to inertia, viscosity, pressure, gravity,
surface tension and compressibility.
These forces can be written as follows :
Reynolds number (Re) :
• The magnitude of the tensile and compressive It is defined as the ratio of inertia force to viscous force.
stresses on the diagonal planes depends on the Re=
magnitude of the shear stresses and the material
properties of the block. In general, the higher the Froude number (Fr):
shear stresses, the greater the tensile and It is defined as the ratio of inertia force to gravity force.
compressive stresses on the diagonal planes. Fr =
• It is important to note that the tensile and
compressive stresses on the diagonal planes are not Weber number (We):
always equal in magnitude. This is because the It is defined as the ratio of the inertia force to surface
material properties of the block may be different in tension force.
different directions. For example, a material may be ρV 2 l
stronger in tension than in compression, or vice σ

versa. Mach number (M):

It is defined as the ratio of inertia force to velocity of
Q.37. By which of the following lines is the axis of the
cylinder or sphere denoted?
(a) Leader line (b) Section line M= =
c dP

(c) Hidden line (d) Centre line
Ans. (d) The axis of a cylinder or sphere is denoted by a Q.40. Which type of surface finishing in Brick Masonry
centre line. / Block Masonry / Stone Masonry treats only the joints
edges and not the full wall surface?
A centre line is a line that passes through the center of
a circular or cylindrical object. It is used to indicate the (a) Plastering (b) False ceiling
symmetry of the object and to show the direction of (c) Grouting (d) Pointing
the axis of rotation. Ans. (d) Pointing :
• It is a type of surface finishing in brick masonry, block Q.42. A rapid test to indicate the intensity of pollution
masonry, and stone masonry that treats only the of water is-
joints edges and not the full wall surface. (a) Total Dissolved Solids
• It involves applying a mortar mix to the joints (b) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
between the masonry units to create a smooth and (c) Most Probable Number
uniform appearance. (d) Dissolved Oxygen
• Pointing can also help to protect the joints from Ans. (d) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) : A measure of the
moisture and weathering. total amount of dissolved solids in water.
Plastering : Plastering is the application of a mixture of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) : A measure of the
sand, cement, and water to a wall surface to create a amount of oxygen required by microorganisms to
smooth and even finish. decompose organic matter in water.
False ceiling : A false ceiling is a secondary ceiling that Most Probable Number (MPN) : A method for
is suspended below the main ceiling. It is typically used estimating the number of coliform bacteria in water.
to conceal unsightly pipes and wires, or to improve the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) : A measure of the amount of
acoustics of a room. oxygen dissolved in water.
Grouting : Grouting is the filling of gaps or voids in ➢ DO is a rapid test that can be used to indicate the
masonry joints with a mortar mix. It is often used to intensity of pollution of water. It is a simple and
strengthen and stabilize masonry structures. inexpensive test that can be performed in the field.
Q.41. To avoid vapourisation, pipe lines are laid over
the ridge so that they are not more than _________ Q.43. The shape factor for a solid circular section of
above the hydraulic gradient line. diameter D is equal to:
(a) 6.4 m (b) 2.4 m (a) D/2π (b) 16/3π
(c) 5 m (d) 10 m (c) πD/8 (d) 15/2π
Ans. (a) Hydraulic Gradient Line (H.G.L) : It is defined as Ans. (b)
the line which gives the sum of pressure head (P/ρg)

and datum (z).



𝑯. 𝑮. 𝑳 = +𝒛

∴ H.G.L line lies below T.E.L with a difference

of Velocity head (V2/2g).
In order to avoid vaporization in the pipeline, the
pipeline over the ridge is laid in such a way that it is not Solid circular section is shown below.
more than 6.4 m above the hydraulic gradient.
Moment of area A1 and A2 about neutral axis gives Zp.

𝑨 𝝅𝑫𝟐
Also, A1 = A2 = =
𝟐 𝟖

𝝅𝑫𝟐 𝟒 𝑫 𝑫𝟑
Hence, 𝒁𝒑 = 𝟐 × ( )× × =
𝟖 𝟑𝝅 𝟐 𝟔

Now Z about neutral axis is given by

𝒁𝒑 𝟏𝟔
So, shape factor = =
𝒁 𝟑𝝅

Q.44. What is the shear area of a rolled steel I-section

for minor axis bending?
(Where h-overall depth; b-breadth; tw-thickness of
web; tf-thickness of flange)
(a) htw (b) 2btf
(c) btf (d) htf


Ans. (b) The shear area Av for different sections is given
below :
(i) The major axis bending of I and channel sections
Av = htw (Hot rolled)
Av = dtw (Welded)
(ii) The minor axis bending of I and channel sections
Av = 2btf (Hot rolled or welded)
(iii) Rectangular hollow tubes of uniform thickness
Av = Ah/(b+h) (Loaded parallel to depth h) Q.46. A hipped roof is-
Av = Ab/(b+h) (Loaded parallel to width b) (a) One which has at least two different types of
covering materials
(iv) Circular hollow tubes of uniform thickness
(b) One which has at least two different slopes
Av = 2A/π (c) One which slopes in four directions
(v) Plates and solid bars (d) One which slopes in two directions
Av = A Ans. (c) Hipped Roof : This roof is formed by four
A = cross-sectional area sloping surface is four directions. At the end faces
b = overall breadth of the tubular section, the breadth sloping triangle are formed.
of I section flanges
d = clear depth of the web between the flanges
Q.45. Which type of beam, freely supported at two
points, has one or both ends extending beyond these
(a) Simply supported beam
(b) Cantilever beam
(c) Fixed beam
(d) Overhang beam
Ans. (d) Overhanging beam : Q.47. A simply supported beam is subjected to a
linearly varying load from one end to other end. The
nature of variation of shear force diagram is-
(a) Elliptic (b) Parabolic
(c) 3rd degree curve (d) Linear
Ans. (b) The general relationship between the shear
• If the end portion of a beam extends beyond the force diagram, bending moment diagram, and loading
support, then the beam is known as overhanging diagram will be :
beam. Overhanging may be on one of the supports or 1. Shear force diagram is 1o higher than the loading
on both sides. diagram.
• In the case of an overhanging beam, the bending 2. Bending moment diagram is 1o higher than the shear
moment is positive between the supports, whereas force diagram.
the bending moment is negative for the overhanging Degree of SFD & BMD Diagram for various loading
• At the same point on the beam, the bending moment
is zero or changes sign from a positive to a negative
value or vice versa. This point where the bending
moment changes sign is called the point of contra
flexure or point of inflection.

Q.48. The unit of viscosity is-

(a) m-kg/hr
(b) kg/m-hr2
(c) kg/m-hr Q.50. The yield strength and ultimate strength of 4.6
(d) kg/m2 grade bolts are-
Ans. (c) The S.I. and C.G.S. units are discussed below. (a) 240 N/mm2 and 400 N/mm2
(b) 20 N/mm2 and 28 N/mm2
Units of Viscosity
(c) 200 N/mm2 and 400 N/mm2
S.I. System Pascal Second or Kilograms (d) 200 N/mm2 and 280 N/mm2
per meter per second or
Ans. (a) Bolts are classified as grade x. y where
Kg/m-s, kg/m-hr
• x represents 1/100th of ultimate tensile strength and
C.G.S. System Poise (P) or Grams per • y represents the ratio of yield stress to ultimate
centimeter per second or tensile stress.
g/m-s. For a bolt of grade 4.6 implies that:
Q.49. At a point in a steel member, major and minor Ultimate strength, f = 4 x 100 = 400 N/mm²
principal stress in 1000 kg/cm2, and minor principal Yield strength, f, = 0.6 x ultimate strength
stress is compressive. If uniaxial tensile yield stress is
= 0.6 x 400 = 240 N/mm²
1500 kg/cm2,then magnitude of minor principal stress
at which yielding will commence, according to Q.51. Which type of gate is generally used for low
maximum shearing stress theory is- navigation dams?
(a) 200 (b) 500 (a) Bear trap gate (b) Vertical lift gate
(c) 600 (d) 1000 (c) Rolling gate (d) Drum gate
Ans. (b) Maximum shear stress theory Ans. (a) Bear trap gates :
(Guest & Tresca’s Theory) According to this theory, • Bear trap gates are also known as movable drum
failure of the specimen subjected to any combination gates.
of a load when the maximum shearing stress at any • A bear trap gate consists of two leaves of steel, with
point reaches the failure value equal to that developed one leaf hinged on the upstream side and the other
at the yielding in an axial tensile or compressive test of on the downstream side over the crest.

the same material. • The bear trap gates are suitable for low navigation


• These gates have a wide base but a deep recess is not



• These gates may be designed to operate

Q.52. _________ testing is probably the most
frequently used means of NDT.
(a) Rebound hammer
σy (b) Acoustic mapping
τmax ≤ For no failure
𝟐 (c) Radar
(d) Ultrasonic pulse velocity
σ 𝟏 − σ𝟐 ≤ ( ) For design Ans. (d) Non-destructive tests are used to find the
σ1 and σ2 are maximum and minimum principal stress strength of existing concrete elements. They are
respectively. classified as follows.
Here, τmax = Maximum shear stress 1. Half-cell electrical potential method:
σy = permissible stress It is used to detect the corrosion potential of
reinforcing bars in concrete.
This theory is well justified for ductile materials.
2. Schmidt or Rebound hammer test:
σ2 = 1000 kg/cm2 and σy = 1500 kg/cm2
It is used to evaluate the surface hardness of concrete.
σy 3. Carbonation depth measurement test:
τmax ≤
𝟐 It is used to determine whether moisture has reached
the depth of the reinforcing bars.
𝝈𝟏 −(−𝝈𝟐 ) σy
≤ 4. Permeability test:
𝟐 𝟐
1000+σ2 = 1500 It is used to measure the flow of water through the
σ2 = 500 kg/cm2
5. Penetration resistance or Windsor probe test:


It is used to measure the surface hardness and hence Level surface Parallel to the mean spheroid surface
the strength of the surface and near-surface layers. of the earth. It is water level surface of
6. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test: still lake.
It is mainly used to measure the time of travel of
ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete and Horizontal A surface tangential to the level
hence concrete quality. Surface surface at any point.
• This method deals with the noting of time of travel of Datum The surface to which elevations are
electronically generated mechanical pulse which is referred.
further used to analyse the velocity of the pulse
through the structure that represents its quality. Bench mark It is a fixed reference point of known
elevation. It is established by spirit
• This test is used to establish uniformity of concrete,
Pressure of cracks and voids, Quality of concrete in
relation to standard requirements, estimation of Reduced It is height of any point w.r.t. either
pulse modulus of elasticity, estimation of the level M.S.L. on any bench mark of known
strength of concrete, determination of setting R.L.
characteristics of concrete, estimation of crack depth,
measurement of the thickness of concrete pavement.
• This test calculates the dynamic modulus of elasticity
of concrete. Q.54. ________ are much larger than capillary pores.
Velocity of Pulse (a) Air voids (b) Micro cracks
Quality of concrete
(km/sec) (c) Blow holes (d) Macro cracks
> 4.5 Excellent Ans. (a) Air voids are essentially empty spaces within a
3.5 to 4.5 Good material that are not filled with solid material or water.
3 to 3.5 reasonable • These voids can be formed during the mixing and
<3 Doubtful placing of concrete, as a result of entrapped air.
Q.53. A 'level line' is a- • Capillary pores, on the other hand, are much smaller
(a) Horizontal line pores within the material, often filled with water due
(b) Line passing through the center of cross hairs and to capillary action.
the center of eye piece • They are a result of the spaces left between particles
(c) Line parallel to the mean spheriodal surface of of the material when it sets or cures.
• The size difference is significant because air voids are
(d) Line passing through the objective lens and the eye-
intentionally incorporated or can occur naturally in
piece of a dumpy or tilting level
the material to improve its characteristics, such as
Ans. (c) freeze-thaw resistance in concrete, whereas capillary
pores occur on a microscopic level.
• The presence of air voids influences the material's
durability, strength, and permeability in a different
way than capillary pores, due to their size disparity.
Q.55. The distance between the running faces of the
stock rail and gauge face of tongue rail measured at the
heel of the switch is known as -
(a) Flangeway clearance (b) Heel divergence
(c) Throw of switch (d) Flare
Ans. (b) Heel Clearance or Heel Divergence
Term Definition
• It is the distance between the running faces of the
Level line Line lying on level surface, normal to switches rail and the stock rail measured
(curved line) the plumb line or a line parallel to the perpendicular to the latter at the heel of the switch.
mean spherical surface of the earth. • Indian standard specifies heel clearance for BG track
Horizontal It is tangential to the level line lying in as 13.7 cm – 13.9 cm.
line the horizontal plane.


• To capture ideas and concepts
• To communicate ideas to others
• To develop design ideas
• To solve problems
Drafting is a more formal drawing technique that uses
Flange way Clearance : The distance between the
drafting equipment, such as rulers , protractors, and
adjacent faces of the running rail and the guard or the
compasses. Drafting is used to create precise and
check rails provides clearance for passage of wheel
accurate drawings, such as blueprints and schematics.
Angular lines and parallel lines are types of lines that
are used in drafting. Angular lines are lines that are not
parallel to the axes of the drawing. Parallel lines are
lines that are parallel to the axes of the drawing.
Q.58. The scale of a drawing is given as 1 : 20. What is
the representative fraction?
(a) 1/200 (b) 1/20
(c) 5/20 (d) 20/2
Ans. (b) Representative fraction : It is the ratio of map
distance to the corresponding ground distance
independent of units of measurement is called
Throw of Switch representative factor (RF).
• The gap through which the toe of the gauge rail Mathematically,
moves sideways to provide a path for the required Distance on Map
RF =
direction over the turnout. Actual corresponding distance on the ground
• Throw of switch according to Indian standard: BG = Scale = 1:20
9.5 cm, MG/NG = 8.9 cm RF =

Switch angle

• The angle between the gauge face of stock rail and


tongue rail. Q.59. Name the pile type best suited for resisting

horizontal and inclined loads in the soil.


Q.56. Loss of stress with time at constant strain in steel

(a) Anchor pile (b) Under-reamed pile
is called as-
(c) Batter pile (d) Friction pile
(a) Ductility (b) Relaxation
(c) Creep (d) Shrinkage Ans. (c) Batter Pile : Batter piles are commonly used to
support offshore structures, towers, and bridges since
Ans. (b) Loss of stress due to relaxation of steel these kinds of structures are subjected to overturning
Relaxation is assumed to mean the loss of stress in moments due to wind, waves, and ship impact. In order
steel under nearly constant strain at constant to transfer the over-turning moment to compression
temperature. and tension forces, a combination of vertical and batter
It is similar to creep of concrete. Loss due to relaxation piles is used.
varies widely for different steels and the steel • A batter pile shall be used to transfer inclined load
manufacturers based on test data may supply its and horizontal forces. In the preliminary design, the
magnitude. load on the batter pile is generally considered to be
This loss is generally of the order of 2 to 8% of the initial axial.
stress. This is generally - 1000 hours of referred to at End bearing Pile : Piles which acts as columns and
loading at 27˚ C. transfer the structural load to a hard and relatively
Q.57. ___________ is a freehand drawing technique incompressible stratum at a greater depth such as rock
that uses no drafting equipment. or dense sand are known as end-bearing piles. These
(a) Drafting (b) Angular lines piles derive the required bearing capacity from end
bearing at the tip of the pile.
(c) Parallel lines (d) Sketching
Under-reamed pile : Under reamed piles are bored
Ans. (d) Sketching : Sketching is a freehand drawing
cast-in-situ concrete piles having one or more bulbs
technique that uses no drafting equipment. It is a quick formed by enlarging the pile stem.
and easy way to represent ideas and concepts on
paper. • These piles are best suited in soils where
considerable ground movements i.e. expansive soils,
Sketches can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:
occur due to seasonal variations, filled up grounds, or piece between the centre of one end and the centre of
in soft soil strata. the adjacent side. It has half header and half stretcher
Friction Pile : Friction piles are useful when the strong face.
strata are very deep and it is becoming economically
unfeasible to have end-bearing piles. In such cases,
friction piles can effectively perform the function by
resisting the acting load through the skin friction. The
use of friction piles would be more effective when
clayey soils are encountered. This is because clayey
soils have more adhesion coefficient. Mitred closer : It is a portion of a brick whose one end
is cut splayed or mitred for full width. The angel of
splay may vary from 45⁰ to 60⁰. Thus, one longer face
of the mitred closer is of full length of the brick while
the other longer face is smaller in length.

Q.61. The type of shore which is preferably inclined at

Q.60. A portion of a brick cut across the width is known 45° with the ground is -
as- (a) Horizontal shore
(a) Closer (b) Base (b) Raking shore
(c) Half brick (d) Bat (c) Vertical shore
(d) Dead shore
Ans. (d) Bat: It is the portion of the brick cut across the
width. Thus, a bat is smaller in length than the full Ans. (b) Raking Shore or Inclined Shore :
brick. If the length of bat is equal to the half the length • A Raking shore or Inclined shore consists of a wall
of original brick, it is known as half bat. A three quarter plate, needles, plates, cleats, bracing, and sole
bat is the one having its length equal to three quarters plate. In actual practice, the angle of inclination in
of the length of a full brick. Raking or Inclined shore may vary from 45° to 75°.
• The top raker should not be inclined steeper than 75°
with the horizontal.
• The wall plate is placed against the wall and is
secured by the means of needles that penetrate into
the wall for a distance of about 150 mm.
• The wall plate distributes the pressure evenly.
Queen closer : It is the portion of brick obtained by
cutting a brick lengthwise into two portions. Thus, a
queen closer is a brick which is half as wide as the full
brick. This is also known as queen closer half. When a
queen closer is broken into two pieces, it is known as
queen closer quarter.

King closer: It is the portion of a brick which is so cut

that the width of one of its end is half that of a full
brick, while the width at the other end is equal to the Q.62. SSD condition of fine or coarse aggregates
full width. It is thus obtained by cutting the triangular means-


(a) Saturated Surface Densified condition Overtaking sight distance is important for ensuring that
(b) Super Saturated Dry condition drivers have enough time to complete the overtaking
(c) Self Saturating and Densification condition maneuver before they reach oncoming traffic or other
(d) Saturated Surface Dry condition hazards.
Ans. (d) Depending upon the moisture content, the Illumination sight distance, stopping sight distance,
aggregate may be classified as : and intersection sight distance are all shorter than
1. Dry aggregate : The aggregate which may contain overtaking sight distance.
some moisture content in the pores but having dry Illumination sight distance : This is the distance
surface is known as Dry aggregate. required for a driver to see objects illuminated by the
2. Very Dry aggregate : The aggregate which does not headlights of their vehicle. It is important for ensuring
contain any moisture either in the pores or on the that drivers can see pedestrians, cyclists, and other
surface is known as Very Dry aggregate. hazards at night.
3. Saturated surface dry aggregate : The aggregate Stopping sight distance : This is the distance required
having all the pores completely filled with water but for a driver to bring their vehicle to a stop from a given
having its surface just dry is known as a saturated speed. It is important for ensuring that drivers have
surface dry aggregate. SSD should be used in concrete enough time to react to hazards and stop their vehicle
for aggregates. before they reach them.
4. Moist aggregate : The aggregate having all the pores Intersection sight distance : This is the distance
are filled with water and also having its surface wet is required for a driver to see oncoming traffic and
known as Moist aggregate. pedestrians at an intersection. It is important for
ensuring that drivers can safely enter or cross an
Q.63. In cohesive soil, if the active earth pressure is intersection.
zero, then the depth (z) is given by-
Q.65. Which of the following is not considered as an
(a) (2C/γ) tanα (b) (C/γ) cotα
error due to natural causes in tachometric surveying?
(c) (2C/γ) cotα (d) (C/γ) tanα
(a) Bad visibility
Ans. (a) Rankine’s Active earth Pressure theory in (b) Unequal refraction

cohesive Soil : (c) Unequal expansion


Pa =K a γZ-2c ' √K a (d) Inaccurate levelling of instrument


Ans. (d) The sources of errors in stadia measurements


So, at Z =0, are as follows:

Pa =-2c' √K a ● Instrument errors ● Personal errors
Negative sign shows that the pressure is negative. Errors due to Natural Causes :
For the stress to reverse its nature, a point will reach • Unequal expansion of the instrument parts
where the earth pressure value will be zero, • Unequal refraction and
Therefore, Pa = 0, • Bad visibility
• Due to wind
K a γZ-2c ' √K a =0
Errors due to Instruments:
• Imperfect permanent adjustments in the instrument
2c ' √K a 2c '
Zc = = = (2C'/γ) tanα where α = 45+ϕ/2 • Incorrect graduations on the stadia rod
K aγ γ√K a
The above depth is known as the depth of tensile crack Errors due to Manipulation and Sighting or personal
(Zc). errors :
• These errors depend on the efficiency and skill of the
surveyor and due to inaccurate leveling and centering
Q.64. Which of the following sight distances is the of the instrument
longest of all? • These errors may occur and by these incorrect stadia,
(a) Overtaking sight distance readings are taken.
(b) Illumination sight distance
Q.66. The movement of modern architecture started in
(c) Stopping sight distance
the year of-
(d) Intersection sight distance
(a) 1932 (b) 1920
Ans. (a) Overtaking Sight Distance : Overtaking sight
(c) 1922 (d) 1930
distance is the longest of all sight distances. It is the
distance required for a driver to safely overtake
another vehicle while traveling at a specified speed.


Ans. (b) Modern Architecture Movement : -The modern III. Shear strength of concrete increases with increase
architecture movement was a global phenomenon that in compressive strength of concrete.
started in 1920. Which of the following statements are TRUE?
• It was a radical departure from traditional styles, (a) I and II (b) I, II and III
characterized by its emphasis on functionality, (c) II and III (d) I and III
minimalism, and the use of new technologies and
Ans. (d) Modulus of elasticity : The modulus of
elasticity of concrete is a measure of its stiffness, or
Key characteristics of modern architecture : - resistance to deformation under load. It is typically
Form follows function : The design of a building should measured in gigapascals (GPa). The modulus of
be determined by its intended purpose, rather than elasticity of concrete increases with increasing
being dictated by historical styles or ornamentation. compressive strength. This is because the higher the
Open floor plans : Walls and partitions are minimized compressive strength of the concrete, the more force it
to create more spacious and flexible interiors. can withstand before it starts to deform.
Large windows : Extensive use of glass to provide Brittleness : Brittleness is a measure of a material's
natural light and connect the building to its tendency to break without deforming. Concrete is a
surroundings. brittle material, meaning that it has a low tensile
New materials : Steel, concrete, and glass became the strength and tends to break suddenly under load.
preferred materials for construction, allowing for Brittleness of concrete increases with an increase in
innovative forms and structures. compressive strength of concrete. Brittleness of high
Minimalism : Emphasis on clean lines, simple forms, strength concrete is generally very high. Low strength
and the absence of unnecessary decoration. concrete is less brittle than high strength concrete.
Shear strength : The shear strength of concrete is its
Q.67. Which piles are formed by driving a steel tube
resistance to forces that cause it to slide along a plane.
and shoe, filling with concrete, using upward extracting
The shear strength of concrete increases with
and downward tamping blows alternatively?
increasing compressive strength. This is because the
(a) Duplex pile (b) Franky pile higher the compressive strength of the concrete, the
(c) Vibro pile (d) Mac Arthur pile more force it can withstand before it starts to slide.
Ans. (c) Vibro pile:- These piles are made by pushing a Q.69. NIT is the abbreviation of-
steel tube and shoe, filling it with concrete, and (a) Notice Inviting Trading
removing the steel tube. (b) Notice Inviting Tender
• Standard Vibro piles are made in the size of 45 and 50 (c) Notice Inviting Training
cm in diameter for loads of 60 to 70 tonnes. They can (d) Notice Inviting Transaction
be formed in lengths of 25 m and over.
Ans. (b) NIT stands for Notice Inviting Tender.
• A steel tube containing a cast-iron shoe included at
A tender is a formal offer to supply goods or services at
the bottom is pushed by a 2 to 2.5 tonnes hammer
a certain price. NITs are typically issued by government
run by steam or compressed air providing up to 40
agencies or private companies to solicit bids from
blows per minute, with a stroke of approximately 1.4
potential suppliers or contractors. The NIT will specify
the requirements of the goods or services being
procured, the deadline for submitting bids, and the
evaluation criteria that will be used to select the
winning bid.
Q.70. The necessary condition of equilibrium of a body
(a)∑Fy = 0, ∑Μ = 0
(b)∑Fx = 0, ∑Μ = 0
(c)∑Fx = 0, ∑Fy = 0
Q.68. Consider the following statements: (d)∑Fx = 0, ∑Εy = 0, ∑Μ = 0
I. Modulus of elasticity of concrete increases with Ans. (d) Equilibrium refers to a condition where all the
increase in compressive strength of concrete. forces acting on an object are balanced. An object is
said to be in equilibrium when either it remains at rest
II. Brittleness of concrete increases with decrease in
(static equilibrium) or it continues to move at a
compressive strength of concrete.
constant velocity (dynamic equilibrium).


There are two primary conditions for equilibrium :
• The sum of all external forces acting on an object, in
all possible directions, must be zero. This is known as
the first or translational equilibrium condition. This
results in the object's center of mass either remaining
static or continuing to move at a constant velocity.
• The sum of all external torques (moments of force)
acting on the object, about any point, must be zero.
This is the second or rotational equilibrium condition.
This causes the object to have no angular
acceleration, i.e., to either remain with a constant
angular velocity or in a state of rest.
Q.71. The minimum percentage of secondary steel in
slabs for Fe-415 grade steel should be __________ of
Q.73. The product of moment of inertia about the
gross cross-section area.
principal axes is-
(a) 0.25% (b) 0.15%
(a) 0 (b) Infinite (c) <1 (d)1
(c) 0.12% (d) 0.20%
Ans. (a) Moment of Inertia : Moment of inertia of a
Ans. (c) As per IS 456 : 2000, plane area with respect to x and y-axis respectively is
1. 0.15 % of the gross area if a mild steel bar is used. defined by the integrals
2. 0.12 % of the gross area if the HYSD bar is used Ix = ∫y2 dA and Iy = ∫x2 dA
Diameter : Maximum dia of reinforcement, Moments of inertia of a plane area is also called
𝛟𝒎𝒂𝒙 < the second moment of area. If axis xc and yc are
𝟖 centroidal axes then the moment of inertia about those
Spacing :
axis Ixc and Iyc are called centroidal moments of inertia
(i) Main Bars are spaced at 𝒎𝒊𝒏 { or self moment of inertia.

𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝒎𝒎

𝟓𝒅 MOI about any axis is non-zero and non-negative


(ii) Distribution Bars are spaced at 𝒎𝒊𝒏 {

𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝒎𝒎 quantity because term y2 and x2 can never be negative

or zero.

Q.72. The specific gravity of tar ranges from Product of Inertia : The product of inertia of a plane
(a) 1.1 to 1.25 (b) 3.15 to 3.5 area is defined by the following integral.
(c) 2.7 to 2.8 (d) 4 to 5 Ixy = ∫xy dA
Ans. (a) Difference between Bitumen and Tar: if xc and yc are the centroidal axes then Ixcyc is called
the self product of inertia about the centroidal axis.
Bitumen Tar
1. Manufactured 1. Manufactured Product of inertia depends upon the co-ordinate
by fractional distillation of by Destructive distillation of system. So, it can be positive, negative or zero.
petroleum (in presence of coal and wood (in absence of If the two axes about which the product of inertia is
air) air) found, are such that the product of inertia becomes
2. Soluble in CS2 and CCl4 2. Soluble in toluene zero, the two axes are called as principal axes.
3. More resistant to water 3. Less resistant to water
For the areas shown above have an axis of symmetry,
4. Less temperature 4. More temperature
susceptibility susceptibility hence, the product of inertial will be zero.
5. Free carbon content is 5. More free carbon content
6. Specific gravity = 0.97 to 6. Specific gravity = 1.10 to
1.02 1.25

Q.74. The window which opens outside a room of a

building for admitting more light and air, is known as-
(a) Bay window (b) Casement window
(c) Lantern window (d) Dormer window


Ans. (a) Bay windows : Bay windows project outside • In this method, the lengths and breadths of walls at
the external walls of a room. plinth level (the base on which a column is raised) are
• This projection may be triangular, circular, included.
rectangular or polygonal in plan. Such a window is • The internal dimension of the room and the thickness
provided to get an increased area of opening for of the walls are also important to caloulate the
admitting more light and air. quantities. Symmetrical offsets should be counted as
they play a major role in the calculation of quantity
of materials.
3. Out to out and in to in method : This method follows
P.W.D system for computing materials and this seems
to be the most accurate method among all.
4. Bay method : This bay method is applicable in
garages, factory, and railway platform where identical
structures are visible. Bay in a construction term means
Q.75. The person who enjoys the easement right is a compartment of a building. The cost of one room is
called as- calculated first and it is multiplied by the number of
(a) Lessee (b) Servient owner bays.
(c) Leaser (d) Dominant owner 6. Service unit method : The term service unit method
Ans. (d) Dominant owner : is designed for building with identical rooms. This
• The person who enjoys the easement right is called method is applicable in the construction of college,
the dominant owner. An easement is a right to use hospital, cinemas, prison, and more. When it is a
the land of another person for a specific purpose. construction of a hospital, the service unit will be a bed.
• The land that is burdened by the easement is called Likewise, for cinema/ stadium, it is seats.
the servient estate, and the land that benefits from Q.77. In general shear failure, continuous failure is
the easement is called the dominant estate. developed between:
• The owner of the dominant estate is the dominant (a) Edge of the footing and ground surface
owner. (b) Below the ground surface
Lessee : A lessee is someone who rents property from (c) Foundation and the ground surface
a landlord. (d) Ground surface and footing
Servient owner : The servient owner is the owner of the Ans. (a) General shear failure - This type of failure is
land that is burdened by the easement. seen in dense and stiff soil. The following are some
Leaser : A leaser is someone who grants a lease to a characteristics of general shear failure.
tenant. • Continuous, well-defined, and distinct failure surface
Q.76. In which method are the length and breadth of develops between the edge of the footing and the
the masonry walls at plinth level taken for the ground surface.
calculation of quantities? • Dense or stiff soil that undergoes low compressibility
(a) Centre line method experiences this failure.
(b) Service unit method • Continuous bulging of shear mass adjacent to footing
(c) Crossing method is visible.
(d) Bay method Local shear failure - This type of failure is seen in
relatively loose and soft soil. The following are some
Ans. (c) Methods of Estimation :
characteristics of general shear failure.
1. Centre Line Method : The Centre line method is
applicable to the square building with symmetrical • A significant compression of soil below the footing
offsets. To calculate the quantities of materials, you and partial development of plastic equilibrium is
need to multiply the total centre line length with observed.
breadth and depth of the construction. • Failure is not sudden and there is no tilting of footing.
• The failure surface does not reach the ground surface
• The junctions must be taken into consideration while
and a slight bulging of soil around the footing is
calculating the centre line length of a wall. The
quantity estimation brought out by this method is
accurate and fast. Punching Shear Failure - This type of failure is seen in
loose and soft soil and at deeper elevations. The
2. Crossing method : Crossing method is designed for
following are some characteristics of general shear
calculating materials needed for masonry walls.


• This type of failure occurs in soil of very high Q.80. In _______ arrangement, the horizontal supports
compressibility. are given two adjacent parallel walls which have
• A failure pattern is not observed. become unsafe due to the removal or collapse of the
• Bulging of soil around the footing is absent. intermediate building.
Q.78. The retained wall in continuation of abutments (a) Flying shore (b) Dead shore
both upstream and downstream is called as - (c) Inclined shore (d) Raking shore
(a) Border wall (b) Flank wall Ans. (a) Shoring : Shoring is a general term used in
(c) Base wall (d) Parapet wall construction to describe the process of supporting a
structure in order to prevent collapse so that
Ans. (b) Flank Walls : Retaining wall in continuation of
construction can proceed.
abutments both upstream and downstream.
Types of shoring : →
Curtain Wall, Cut-Off Wall : A wall-like structure, of
masonry, plain or reinforced cement concrete or sheet 1. Dead Shoring : This type of shoring is used to support
pile, under the floor of a hydraulic structure with the dead loads that act vertically downwards. Its simplest
object of: a) dividing the work into suitable form consists of a vertical prop or shore leg with a head
compartments, b) to reduce the percolation of water plate, sole plate, and some means of adjustment for
through permeable strata, c) to minimize the likelihood tightening and easing the shore.
of undermining of the foundation by increasing the
path of percolation and reducing the exit gradient, d)
as a safeguard against erosion and undermining of the
structures by scour, e) to intercept permeable strata in
the foundation and/or, and f) to increase the resistance
of the structure against sliding.
Flared Wall : Retaining wall with its profile gradually
changing from one slope to another as required. Flared
walls may be straight or curved.
(a) Section (b) Front Elevation

Staunching Wall : Embankment connecting a groyne


2. Raking shoring : Raking Shoring is also called inclined


head to the river bank or marginal bund.


Toe-Wall : A shallow wall constructed below the bed or shoring.


floor level to provide footing for the sloped pitching or • It can be defined as the shoring in which the inclined

the face of an embankment. members are used to provide lateral support to the
Training Wall : A structure built along or connected to unsafe structure. Such inclined members are known
the bank of a river substantially along the direction of as the rakers or the inclined shores.
flow, for example, an extension to a flank wall,
intended to direct fast flow from a sluice or spillway
away from erodible banks of a river or canal.
Wing Walls : Walls joining the abutment of a structure
to earth dyke or the banks to retain and protect the
earth fill behind and provide a longer path of
percolation around the end of a structure or for
improving the flow conditions upstream and
downstream of the controlling section.
Q.79. Weed growth in a canal invariably leads to-
(a) Reduction in discharge
(b) Reduction in silting
(c) Increase in velocity of flow
(d) Increase in discharge 3. Flying shoring :
Ans. (a) Reduction in discharge : Weed growth in a • Flying shoring is also commonly referred to as
canal invariably leads to a reduction in discharge. horizontal shoring.
Weeds obstruct the flow of water and create • It can be defined as the shoring which is used to
resistance, which reduces the velocity of the flow and provide temporary support to the party walls of the
the overall discharge capacity of the canal. Weeds can two buildings where the intermediate building is to
also cause the canal to become silted up, which further be pulled down and rebuilt.
reduces the discharge capacity.


• This type of shoring includes all the arrangements for 5. With the gunny bags, the surface should be covered
supporting the unsafe structure in which the shores and left undisturbed for 2 days. A coat of slurry is
do not reach the ground. Hence, the name flying applied and left for 6 days and then curing is done.
shoring has been given. 6. After 6 days we ground a surface with carborundum
• The shore used for this purpose is known as the flying stone of different grades with coarse to finer ones.
shore. and after rubbing should be done in order to get a
clear and uniform granular appearance. We will
keep the surface wet during all these days.
7. After that surface is rubbed with oxalic acid powder
so as to get a glossy finish.
Q.83. U1 and U2 are the strain energies stored in a
prismatic bar due to axial tensile forces P1 and P2
respectively. The strain energy U stored in the same bar
due to combined action of P1 and P2 will be
(a) U < U1 + U2 (b) U = U1U2
(c) U = U1 + U2 (d) U > U1 + U2
Ans. (d) Strain energy stored in prismatic bar due to
Q.81. The standard size of A0 sheet in mm is-
axial load is :
(a) 594 × 841 (b) 297 × 420 𝐏𝟐 𝐋
(c) 420 × 594 (d) 841 × 1189 U=

Ans. (d) The standard size as per Bureau of Indian 𝐏𝟏𝟐 𝐋

standard (B.I.S) 𝐔𝟏 (𝐏𝟏 ) =

Trimmed Untrimmed size 𝐏𝟐𝟐 𝐋

Designation 𝐔𝟐 (𝐏𝟐 ) =
size (mm) (mm) 𝟐𝐀𝐄
A0 841 x 1189 880 x 1230 (𝐏𝟏 +𝐏𝟐 )𝟐 𝐋 (𝐏𝟏𝟐 +𝐏𝟐𝟐 +𝟐𝐏𝟏 𝐏𝟐 )𝐋
A1 594 x 841 625 x 880 𝐔(𝐏𝟏 + 𝐏𝟐 ) = =
A2 420 x 594 450 x 625 𝐏𝟏𝟐 𝐋 𝐏𝟐𝟐 𝐋 𝟐𝐏𝟏 𝐏𝟐 𝐋 𝐏𝟏 𝐏𝟐 𝐋
A3 297 x 420 330 x 450 𝐔(𝐏𝟏 + 𝐏𝟐 ) = + + = 𝐔𝟏 + 𝐔𝟐 +
A4 210 x 297 240 x 330
A5 148 x 210 165 x 240 U > U1 + U 2
Q.82. In order to make the floor glossy, it is rubbed Q.84. Which of the following is NOT a type of building?
with- (a) Educational building
(a) Sodium silicate (b) Oxalic acid (b) Mercantile building
(c) Sodium carbonate (d) Sodium hydroxide (c) Institutional building
Ans. (b) Mosaic or Terrazzo Flooring : (d) Domestic building
→ Method of Construction : Ans. (d) Types of Buildings : -
1. The preparation of sub-base and laying of base • Agricultural buildings
concrete will be carried out as same we have • Educational buildings
constructed cement concrete flooring. • Industrial building
2. As similar to cement concrete flooring the entire • Commercial building
area is divided into panels with aluminum or glass • Military building
strips. These panels are provided so that there will • Parking structure and storage
be no crack to develop in the future due to • Religious building
shrinkage. • Transport building
3. The surface of the cement concrete base should be Classification of Public buildings :
clean of all dirt, mortar, dust plastics, etc. then we
• Dependent buildings
put a wash of neat cement slurry
• Independent buildings
4. The bottom layer of cement concrete of ratio 1:2:4
is laid to a thickness of 20 to 25mm compacted and • Institutional buildings
leveled .when this surface becomes hard the Q.85. In case of deep beam or in thin webbed R.C.C
wearing layer of cement and marble chips are members, the first crack formed is-
mixed. (a) Flexural crack
(b) Diagonal crack due to compression
(c) Shear crack
(d) Diagonal crack due to tension
Ans. (d) In case of deep beams or thin webbed RCC
members, the first crack that forms is a diagonal crack
due to tension. This crack occurs due to the tensile
forces acting on the member.

Q.86. _________ mode is used whenever either end of Circumferential stress/Hoop stress, 𝛔𝐡 =
the security association is a security gateway. 𝑷𝑫
Longitudinal stress 𝛔𝑳 =
(a) Gateway (b) Tunnel 𝟒𝒕
(c) Encapsulating (d) Transport
Where P = pressure due to flowing fluid,
Ans. (b) Tunnel mode is deployed whenever one end of
a security association involves a gateway. D = diameter, and
• This mode is mandatory between two firewalls to t = thickness of shell
𝛔𝒍 𝑷𝑫/𝟒𝒕 𝟏
ensure secure communication. = = = 𝟎. 𝟓
𝛔𝒉 𝑷𝑫/𝟐𝒕 𝟐
• For instance, two security gateways can establish an
ESP (Encapsulated Security Payload) tunnel.
• The purpose of this tunnel is to safeguard all data Q.88. To apply Simpson’s rule for computation of
transferred between the networks linked by the irregular area, number of segments should be-
gateways. (a) Of equal width and even number
• Essentially, tunnel mode encrypts the entire IP

(b) May be of varying width also


(c) Of equal width and odd number


packet, including the original headers, for secure


transit between networks. (d) May be even or odd


• As a result, tunnel mode is a cornerstone for securing


Ans. (a) Simpson's rule : Simpson's rule is also known


inter-network communications. as Parabolic Rule.

Q.87. If the thin cylindrical shell whose diameter is 'd' • For calculation of volume, this formula is known as
is subjected to an internal pressure 'p', then the ratio the Prismoidal rule
of longitudinal stress to the hoop stress is- • This rule is used when the ends of ordinates or
(a) 1 (b) 2 straight to form an arc of a parabola.
(c) ½ (d) ¾ • This rule is applicable only when the number of
divisions is even, i.e. the number of ordinates is odd.
Ans. (c)
• This rule can be stated as follows: One-third of
• Circumferential stress is the stress acting along the common distance multiplied by the sum of last and
circumferential direction, it is generally tensile in first ordinate, four times the sum of even ordinates,
nature. and twice the sum of the remaining odd ordinates are
• Longitudinal stress is the stress which acts along the added.
length and it is also tensile in nature whereas radial
stress which acts in the direction of the radius is Q.89. If the member of a structure connected does NOT
compressive in nature. lie in the same plane, then the structure is called as-
(a) Plane Truss (b) Main Truss
(c) Foot Truss (d) Space Truss
Ans. (d) Space truss : A truss in which the members do
not all lie in the same plane.
Plane truss : A truss in which all of the members lie in
the same plane.
Main truss : The primary load-bearing members of a
truss structure.

RRB JE Civil SOLVED PAPERS 100 Civil KI Goli

Foot truss : Trusses that are located at the bottom of a 4th Five year Plan 1969-1974
truss structure and support the weight of the structure. 5th Five year Plan 1974-1978
Q.90. A column of size 450 mm × 600 mm has 6th Five year Plan 1980-1985
unsupported length of 3.0 m and is braced against side 7th Five year Plan 1985-1990
sway in both directions. According to IS 456 : 2000, the 8th Five year Plan 1992-1997
minimum eccentrics (in mm) with respect to major and
9th Five year Plan 1997-2002
minor principle axes are:
10th Five year Plan 2002-2007
(a) 26.0 and 21.0 (b) 20.0 and 20.0
11th Five year Plan 2007-2012
(c) 26.0 and 20.0 (d) 21.0 and 15.0
12th Five year Plan 2012-2017
Ans. (a) Minimum eccentricities
𝐥𝐱 𝐃
Q.92. Which of the following types of sleepers has the
+ best shock absorbing capacity as well as damping
𝐞 𝐱 𝐦𝐢𝐧 = 𝐦𝐚 𝐱 {𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝟑𝟎
𝟐𝟎,mm property?
𝐱 𝐥 𝐛 (a) CST sleeper (b) Steel sleeper
𝐞 𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧 = 𝐦𝐚 𝐱 {𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝟑𝟎
𝟐𝟎,mm (c) Concrete sleeper (d) Wooden sleeper
where lx = ly = Unsupported length Ans. (c) Concrete sleepers : Concrete sleepers have the
best shock absorbing capacity as well as damping
property among the given options. This is because
concrete is a very dense and heavy material, which
helps to absorb and dissipate vibrations.
In addition, concrete sleepers are often designed with
a variety of features that help to improve their shock
absorption and damping properties, such as :
Given, • A thick, solid base that helps to distribute loads
l = 3 m = 3000 mm,
• A ribbed or grooved surface that helps to create
b = 450 mm, d = 600 mm
friction and reduce noise
𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝟒𝟓𝟎
𝐞𝐲 =
= 𝟐𝟏 𝐦𝐦 • A layer of rubber or other resilient material between
the sleeper and the rail that helps to absorb
𝐥 𝐝 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝟔𝟎𝟎
𝐞𝐱 = + = + = 𝟐𝟔 𝐦𝐦 vibrations.
𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝟑𝟎 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝟑𝟎
Q.93. What is the maximum theoretical possible value
The maximum eccentricity with respect to major axis =
of Poisson's ratio for a non-dilatant material?
ex = 26 mm
(a) 0.50 (b) 0.67
The maximum eccentricity with respect to minor axis =
ey = 21 mm (c) 0.25 (d) 0.33

Q.91. The period of the first five year plan in India was Ans. (a) For an ideal material (non-dilatant, frictionless,
from- etc.) the theoretical value for Poisson's ratio is 0.5, for
natural, non-cohesive sands it may be taken as 0.2-0.3.
(a) 1951 – 1956 (b) 1949 – 1954
The engineering range of Poisson's ratio 0 ≤ μ ≤ 0.5
(c) 1950 – 1955 (d) 1947 – 1952
while the theoretical range is -1 ≤ μ ≤ 0.50.
Ans. (a) First Plan (1951-1956) : - The First Five-year Material μ (Poisson’s Ratio)
Plan was launched in 1951 which mainly focused on the
Rubber 0.5
development of the primary sector.
Copper 0.33
• The First Five-Year Plan was based on the Harrod–
Domar model with few modifications. Steel 0.27 – 0.30
• This then Prime Minister was Jawaharlal Nehru and Glass 0.18 – 0.30
Gulzarilal Nanda was the vice-president. Concrete 0.1 – 0.2
• It mainly addressed the agrarian sector, including Cork 0.0
investment in large dams and irrigation. Q.94. The quick lime as it comes from kilns is called as-
Five years plans and their duration are following : - (a) Hydraulic lime (b) Lump lime
1st Five year Plan 1951-1956 (c) Milk lime (d) Hydrated lime
2nd Five year Plan 1956-1961
Ans. (b) Lump Lime : Calcination or calcining is a
3rd Five year Plan 1961-1966 thermal treatment process to bring about a thermal

RRB JE Civil SOLVED PAPERS 101 Civil KI Goli

decomposition. The process takes place below the (a) Rectangle (b) Square
melting point of the product. The name calcination is (c) Right angle triangle (d) Parabola
derived from the Latin word ‘Calcinare’ which means to
Ans. (d) Degree of SFD & BMD Diagram for various
burn lime.
CaCO3 → CaO+CO2 (Limestone)→(Lime)+(Carbondioxide)
The lime which is obtained by the calcination of
comparatively pure limestone is known as quick lime
or caustic lime. Its chemical composition is (CaO) oxide
of calcium and it has great affinity for moisture.
The quick lime as it comes out from kiln is also known
as lump lime.
Q.95. The second stage of survey to examine the Q.97. What is the best temperature for burning of
general character of the area for deciding the most bricks?
feasible routes is known as- (a) 1000°C - 1200°C (b) 1300°C - 1400°C
(a) Preliminary survey (b) Trace-out (c) 1500°C - 1700°C (d) 1800°C - 1900°C
(c) Detailed survey (d) Reconnaissance
Ans. (a) The temperature at which the bricks are burnt
Ans. (d) The sequence of a survey in the highway in a kiln varies from 800°C to 1200°C, depending upon
alignment is as follows : the type of brick clay.
The sequence of the survey in a project is Q.98. Which of the following ingredients of cement,
i. Topographic survey or map study when added in excess quantity, causes the cement to
ii. Reconnaissance set slowly?
iii. Preliminary survey (a) Lime (b) Silica
iv. Final location and detailed survey (c) Iron oxide (d) Alumina

(a) Map study : It reveals all the details of all existing


Ans. (b) Silica : Silica provides strength to the cement.


road networks and important intermediate places to Silica in excess causes the cement to set slowly.

be connected in that area. Lime : Lime is the major ingredient of cement. It makes

It will also provide insight into the general topography


the cement sound and also provides strength to the

of the area along with the obligatory points if any cement. Lime in excess makes the cement unsound and
present. causes the cement to expand and disintegrate. The
(b) Reconnaissance Survey : This survey involves deficiency of lime will decrease the strength and cause
understanding the feasibility of different alternate the cement to set quickly.
routes, so to select the most fitted one. Analysis of Alumina : Alumina lowers the clinkering temperature.
each route for its missing details, the required number It provides quick setting property to the cement.
of curves, tunnels, etc is performed. An approximate Alumina in excess weakens the strength of the cement.
levelling profile is plotted for each route for computing
the cost and work required for the project.
Iron Oxide : Iron oxide provides colour, hardness and
(c) Preliminary Survey : It is composed of multiple strength to the cement. It helps the fusion of material
survey/studies such as construction material at lower temperature during the manufacturing of
availability survey, soil profile survey, earthwork study, cement.
drainage studies, traffic survey, etc.
Magnesium Oxide : Magnesium oxide provides colour
This survey plays a significant role in finalizing the most and hardness to the cement. Excess magnesium oxide
suited route for the project while satisfying all remains in free state and makes the cement unsound.
financial, material and labour requirements.
Sulphur Trioxide : Sulphur trioxide makes the cement
(d) Final location or Detailed Survey : In this study, the sound if present in very small quantity. Excess sulphur
alignment will be transferred from map to field. The trioxide makes the cement unsound.
Centre line and grade line will be marked on the field.
Alkalies : Alkalies may be present in a very small
All estimation and costing for the project will be
quantiy. Alkalies in excess cause efflorescence.
Q.99. A canal which is used for irrigation all year round
Q.96. The bending moment diagram of a simply is called-
supported beam carrying uniformly distributed load
(a) Ditch canal (b) Continuous canal
over the entire span is-
(c) Perennial canal (d) Seasonal canal
RRB JE Civil SOLVED PAPERS 102 Civil KI Goli
Ans. (c) Classification of the canal on the basis of nature
of the source of supply is as follows :
1. Perennial Canals : These canals flow all year round
and thus they are known as perennial canals.
• They draw water from perennial rivers or from
artificial lakes which maintain a high level of water on
the upstream side.
2. Inundation Canal : These canals are directly taken
out of rivers without building any barrage or dams.
When the rivers are in flood, excess water flows into
these canals.
• These canals are not useful during the dry months.
Q.100. The coefficient of curvature for a well graded
soil, must be from-
(a) 0.5 to 1.0 (b) 3.0 to 4.0
(c) 4.0 to 5.0 (d) 1.0 to 3.0
Ans. (d) Coefficient of Uniformity / Uniformity
Coefficient : It is defined as the ratio of D60 and
D10 sieve sizes in sieve analysis of granular material.
Higher is the value of Cu larger is the range of the
particle size.
𝑪𝒖 =

For uniformly graded soil, Cu = 1

For well graded sand, Cu > 6
For well graded gravel Cu > 4
Coefficient of Curvature / Curvature Coefficient :
𝑪𝒄 =
𝑫𝟔𝟎 ×𝑫𝟏𝟎
For well graded soil, 1 < Cc < 3
For gap graded soil, 1 < Cc or Cc > 3
D60 = size at 60% finer by weight
D30 = size at 30% finer by weight
D10 = size at 10% finer by weight = Effective size


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