Approach To Bleeding Disorder
Approach To Bleeding Disorder
Approach To Bleeding Disorder
• Approach to bleeding disorder
- Symptoms & definition
- History
- Sample collection & transport
- Variables
- Lab tests
platelet count
bleeding time
• Primary hemostasis
- Vascular
- Platelets
• Secondary hemostasis
- Coagulation factors
• Presents with hemorrhagic symptoms.
-range from easy bruisability to life-
threatening hemorrhage.
• Severity of blees is generally proportional to
severity and type of hemostatic defect.
• Bleeding from subcutaneous blood vessels
(capillaries) into intact skin can be visualized
- Petechiae,
- Purpura, ecchymoses, or
- Hematomas
Types of Bleeding in Disorders
of Primary Hemostasis
• Type of bleeding can indicate which
component of the hemostatic system is
• Defect in a component of primary hemostasis
vasculature, platelets- bleeding from the skin
or mucous membranes, such as epistaxis
(nose bleeds), gingival mucosa (gums), or
menorrhagia (abnormal menstrual bleeding).
• Bleeding symptoms in patients with
coagulation factor abnormalities - internal,
involving deeper tissues and joints.
• Petechiae are small red to purple spots skin < 3 mm in
-resulting from blood leakage through endothelial lining of