Class 3 General Knowledge
Class 3 General Knowledge
Class 3 General Knowledge
5) _________________
5) _________________
5) _________________
5) Always end your conversation by saying “it was __________ taking to you good bye”.
5) _________________
G) Recognize the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India by the states name. 1X5=5
5) Agra - ____________
5) _________________
Current Affairs
A) Answer the following question. 1X10=10
1) Moon is a satellite of which planet.
2) What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
3) The National Tree of India is?
4) The highest mountain peak in the world is ?
5) which river is known as the holy river of India?
6) Which is the largest bone in human body?
7) The biggest continent in the world is?
8) Which are the autumn months in India?
9) Which country has only music and no words in its National Anthem?
10) The author of famous book Harry Potter is?
B) Fill in the blanks. 1X5=5
1) _______________ is the first women President of India.
2) Char Minar is located in __________.
3) ___________ is the largest fresh water lake in India.
4) ___________ is the first President of India.
5) Port Blair is the capital of ________________.