Carpenter Bees

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Carpenter Bees

Article · January 2001

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2 authors, including:

Noel Troxclair
Texas Citrus Pest and Disease Management Corporation


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Carpenter Bees
Noel N. Troxclair, Jr. and Michael E. Merchant*

C arpenter bees are so named because of their

preference for nesting in pith (the soft tissue
in some plant stems) and wood. Common
throughout Texas, carpenter bees sometimes
damage structural wood.
To control these bees, it is important to be able
to identify them and to know their biology and
behavior. Steps for effective control include pre-
venting damage, locating and applying insecti-
cides to the nesting sites, and taking remedial
action to prevent further damage.

Thirty-five species of carpenter bees can be Carpenter bee: Note the absence of hairs on the top of the abdomen.
found throughout the United States and Canada.
Most species are rather small and nest in pithy
or hollow stems of plants; others prefer rotting
or decaying wood. The largest carpenter bees
belong to the genus Xylocopa and range from 3/4
to 1 inch long.
Seven species in this group nest in sound
wood and can damage structures. Although soft-
wood (such as redwood, cypress, cedar and pine)
is preferred, they can attack hardwood after it
has been softened by decay or exposure to the
Carpenter bees are usually shiny or metallic
blue-black with a greenish to purplish sheen.
Bumble bee: Note the hair covering the top of the abdomen.
Some male carpenter bees have yellow areas on
the face, and males of a few species may be par-
tially to entirely buff or pale yellow. orange or black hairs. Carpenter bees can be
distinguished, however, by the lack of hairs on
Xylocopa carpenter bees closely resemble bum- the top of the abdomen.
blebees in size and color. The bodies of both
types of bees are mostly covered with yellow, On the rear legs, female carpenter bees have a
dense brush of hairs, whereas female bumble-
* Assistant Professor and Extension Entomologist, and Associate bees have large pollen baskets.
Professor and Extension Urban Entomologist; The Texas A&M
University System.
Carpenter bee nests are easily distinguished
from those of other wood-boring insects. Nest
entrances are almost perfectly round and, for the
common carpenter bee, about 1/2 inch in diame-
ter. No other insect produces as large an opening
with a perfectly round shape.

Biology and behavior

Carpenter bees spend the winter in nest tun-
nels built by previous generations. Cold weather
causes many bees to die over the winter.
Surviving adults usually emerge in April and
May and seek nectar for food.
Within a few weeks after emergence, the adult Carpenter bee gallery entrance hole.
bees mate and begin building their nests. During
this time, carpenter bees are most active and Finally, she creates a “brood cell” by sealing off
noticeable. Females are often seen hovering the tunnel end with a disk made from chewed
below a nest entrance, waiting for a mate. wood fibers.
Male carpenter bees may fly aggressively at The process is repeated until a series of six to
and around people as part of their territorial nine cells have been formed. Each cell contains
behavior. This activity is harmless, however, as all the food needed for the developing larva.
males cannot sting. Females can inflict a painful The amount of time it takes for carpenter bees
sting, but do so only if handled or provoked. to mature depends on the temperature, species,
Fertilized female bees generally prepare the geographical location and weather conditions.
nest site. They may clean out and reuse an old The normal development time from egg to adult
tunnel with no additional boring; lengthen an old ranges from 35 days to longer than 3 months.
gallery; create a new tunnel from an existing As the adult carpenter bees emerge, they bore
entrance used by several bees; or bore an entire- through the other cell partitions and crawl over
ly new gallery. less-mature siblings to escape from the nest.
After emergence, carpenter bees
feed on the nectar and pollen of many
types of flowers, often cutting into the
flower to enter well-protected nec-
taries. Favored flower types include
mints, honeysuckles, passion flower,
bluebonnets and various other
There are two or more generations
per year of carpenter bees in much of
Wood damage caused by carpenter bee gallery construction. Texas. In warmer areas of south
Texas, carpenter bee activity and breeding may
New galleries are formed by boring into the continue throughout the year.
wood at a right angle to the surface. The clean-
cut entrance hole is about half an inch in diame-
ter and extends vertically into the wood, up to
an inch deep. The nest tunnel is then excavated
Economic importance
in either direction at right angles to the entrance and damage
hole. Galleries average 4 to 6 inches long, but Carpenter bees become pests when they:
may be up to 12 inches long.
■ Weaken the structural strength of lumber;
After a gallery has been prepared, the female
■ Cause costly leaks in wooden cisterns;
prepares a special “bee-bread” to feed her off-
spring. To make it, she mixes collected pollen ■ Cause aesthetic damage to wood by boring
with regurgitated nectar and places it at the end holes and by leaving stains on wood and
of the tunnel. The female then lays her egg—one painted surfaces of buildings;
of the largest in the insect world—on this food.
■ Tunnel in and damage ornamental plants;
■ Threaten and annoy people.
Carpenter bees attack telephone poles, wood-
en fences, eaves, railings, doors, windowsills,
outdoor furniture, wooden siding and shingles,
and other wooden items.
Succeeding generations of carpenter bees con-
tinually expand old tunnels or create new gal-
leries in the same wood. The accumulated dam-
age may be enough to compromise the structural
strength of lumber.
Over several years and generations, average
tunnel lengths may extend more than 3 yards.
When several females use a single entrance hole,
the wood may become completely honeycombed
and seriously weakened.
Sawdust accumulation below carpenter bee entry hole.

Prevention Remove the damaged wood as needed and

Prevention is the first step in managing car- replace it with pressure-treated or painted wood.
penter bees. Problems with carpenter bees usual- Plug newly excavated nests with hardwood dow-
ly arise when preventive measures are not taken, eling or plastic wood to deter additional carpen-
or have failed because of weathering and aging. ter bee activity and to protect the wood from
further deterioration.
Although carpenter bees may attack wood pro-
tected by a good coat of paint, they are particu- For established nests, apply insecticide dusts
larly attracted to unprotected or exposed wood. or sprays into each entrance hole and to the
Unfortunately for those who like the natural wood surface for several inches around the hole.
look of wood, stains provide inadequate protec- Insecticide dusts containing carbaryl (Sevin®),
tion from attack by carpenter bees. Wood pyrethrins, cyfluthrin, or deltamethrin* can be
sealants may deter attack temporarily, but as blown into nest entrances with an insecticide
they deteriorate over time, the wood becomes duster or squeeze bottle.
susceptible. Diatomaceous earth or silica gel* desiccants
Oil-based or polyurethane paints or pressure- may provide temporary control. Also effective in
treated wood is the most effective for discourag- penetrating nest cavities are aerosol insecticides
ing carpenter bees from using structural wood containing pyrethins, resmethrin, or insecticides
for nests. If maintained periodically, latex paints labeled for such use.
usually discourage attacks. When nests are out of reach or too numerous
Covering the wood with metal flashing or a to treat individually, limited control can be
wire screen may be used as a last resort where achieved by treating the wood around entrance
carpenter bee activity recurs. holes with a residual insecticide labeled for use
on or around structures.
Pyrethroid insecticides, such as bifenthrin,
Control cyfluthrin, cypermethrin,* deltamethrin,* esfen-
When control is necessary, find and treat all valerate, lambda-cyhalothrin* and permethrin,
the nest entrances. Because piles of sawdust are are the most effective. Pest management profes-
usually located directly below active nests, look sionals should select wettable powder or
for the perfectly round, dime-sized entry holes microencapsulated formualtions for the best
above sawdust piles. Or, watch to see where the residual control.
bees disappear into the wood. After application, wait 12 to 24 hours before
Carpenter bees usually make their entry holes plugging entry holes. Waiting a short period after
in well-lighted areas with overhead protection. treating with insecticide will eliminate returning
However, if the entry hole is in the open, it will bees that were away from the nest and any oth-
be on the side away from prevailing winds.
* Generally available only to pest management professionals.
ers that might be attracted to the wood. Newly wood pieces are wide and long enough to sup-
emerged carpenter bee adults from a completed port the nest. Pieces 4 by 4 inches wide and at
nest will bore out if the gallery is not treated least 2 to 3 feet long should provide a roomy
with insecticide before plugging. home for your bees.
Female carpenter bees can become aggressive Other wood-destroying insects or their damage
when disturbed during nesting activities, so take may be found when inspecting for carpenter
precautions against being stung when treating bees. For information on those insects, see L-
galleries. 1781, Subterranean Termites; L-1782, Drywood
Bee conservation: For those who prefer to Termites; L-1783, Carpenter Ants; and L-1784,
keep a few carpenter bees around, try providing Structure-Infesting Wood-Boring Beetles.
an acceptable nesting site as an alternative to Insecticide labels are subject to revision, and
your home or deck. A small bundle of softwood changes may have occurred since this publica-
lumber, such as cedar or redwood, placed off the tion was printed. Always read the label of a pes-
ground in a sunny part of the garden can suc- ticide before buying it.
cessfully attract bees. The pesticide USER is always responsible for
Encourage bees to take up residence by start- the effects of pesticides that are applied. Always
ing a few shallow holes, using a 1/2-inch drill bit, read and carefully follow label directions
in the end grain of the wood. Make sure the before using a pesticide.

The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade
names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas
Cooperative Extension or the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station is implied.

Produced by AgriLife Communications and Marketing, The Texas A&M University System
Extension publications can be found on the Web at:

Educational programs of Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or
national origin.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and
June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. Chester P. Fehlis, Deputy Director, Texas Cooperative Extension,
The Texas A&M University System.

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