Riddles - Beleif in Angels
Riddles - Beleif in Angels
Riddles - Beleif in Angels
2. Riddle:
I'm known as the Angel of 3. Riddle:
I'm the one who will blow the
Revela4on, I'm tasked with wri4ng all your
trumpet's sound,
To Prophets, I bring God's divine
Announcing the Day of Your good and bad, as the Quran
Judgment all around. reads.
Who am I in the angelic
My name means 'The Trumpet' In scrolls, I record your life's story,
in the divine lore, Which angel am I, revealing your
A messenger of God's divine
Who am I, menDoned in the glory?
Quran's sacred score?
4. Riddle: I’m known as the 5. Riddle: Inside paradise, I 6 Riddle : I'm the angel who brings
Angel of ………………, it's true, tend to the delight, Welcoming sustenance from above, Sending
the righteous, shining bright. blessings in the form of rain, food,
CollecDng souls when your
With a name that means and love. Wealth and nourishment
Dme is due.
'pleased' and 'content,' In my are under my command, In God's
I don't discriminate, rich or care, the blessed souls are sent. plan, I provide for the land. Who
poor, am I, fulfilling needs, without
Who am I, with joy and
Which angel am I, forever to warmth, you see, Guarding refrain, Ensuring life's provisions in
endure, unDl I die? heaven's treasures, in eternity? sunshine and rain?
Answer Riddle 3
Answer Riddle 1 Answer Riddle 2
Respected Recorders
Angel Jibraeel (AS) Angel Israfeel (AS)
Raqib Ateed