19-K-Nearest Neighbor Learning.-22-08-2024

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K-Nearest Neighbor learning

Module Training Models/ Regression and classification

No. 2

Linear Regression, Multivariate Regression, Subset Selection, Shrinkage

Methods, Principal Component Regression, Partial Least squares, Linear
Classification, Logistic Regression, LDA, K-Nearest Neighbor learning.
Learning from nearest neighbors
Eager Learners vs Lazy Learners
Eager learners, when given a set of training tuples, will construct
a generalization model before receiving new (e.g., test) tuples to

Lazy learners simply store data (or do only a little minor

processing) and wait until it is given a test tuple.

Lazy learners store the training tuples or “instances,” they are

also referred to as instance-based learners, even though all
learning is essentially based on instances.

Lazy learner: less time in training but more inpredicting.

-k- Nearest Neighbor Classifier
-case based Classifier
What is k- NN??

K nearest neighbors is a simple algorithm

that stores all available cases and classifies
new cases based on a similarity measure
(e.g., distance functions).

KNN has been used in statistical estimation

and pattern recognition already at the
beginning of the 1970’s as a non-parametric
When K is small, we are restraining the region of a
given prediction and forcing our classifier to be “more
blind” to the overall distribution.

A small value for K provides the most flexible fit,

which will have low bias but high variance.

Larger values of K will have smoother decision

boundaries which mean lower variance but increased
Similarity Function-Based.

Choose an odd value of k for 2 class problems.

K must not be multiple of a number of classes.


The Euclidean distance between two points or

tuples, say,
X1 = (x11,x12,...,x1n) and X2 =(x21,x22,...,x2n), is

Min-max normalization can be used to transform a

value v of a numeric attribute A to v0 in the
range [0,1] by computing
How to determine a good value for k?

Starting with k = 1, we use a test set to estimate

the error rate of the classifier.

The k value that gives the minimum error rate

may be selected.
KNN Algorithm and
Distance Measures

Which distance measure to use?

We use standard Euclidean Distance as it treats
each feature as equally important.
The KNN Algorithm
1. Load the data
2. Initialize K to your chosen number of neighbors
3. For each example in the data
3.1 Calculate the distance between the query example and the
current example from the data.
3.2 Add the distance and the index of the example to an ordered
4. Sort the ordered collection of distances and indices from
smallest to largest (in ascending order) by the distances
5. Pick the first K entries from the sorted collection
6. Get the labels of the selected K entries
7. If regression, return the mean of the K labels
8. If classification, return the mode of the K labels
KNN Classifier Algorithm
We have data from the questionnaires survey and
objective testing with two attributes (acid durability and
strength) to classify whether a special paper tissue is
good or not. Here are four training samples :
X1 = Acid Durability X2 = Strength Y = Classification
(seconds) (kg/square meter)
7 7 Bad

7 4 Bad

3 4 Good

1 4 Good

Now the factory produces a new paper tissue that passes the
laboratory test with X1 = 3 and X2 = 7. Guess the classification of
this new tissue.
Step 1 : Initialize and Define k.
Lets say, k = 3
(Always choose k as an odd number if the number of
attributes is even to avoid a tie in the class prediction)
Step 2 : Compute the distance between input sample and
Training sample
- Co-ordinate of the input sample is (3,7).
- Instead of calculating the Euclidean distance, we
calculate the Squared Euclidean distance.
X1 = Acid Durability X2 = Strength Squared Euclidean distance
(seconds) (kg/square meter)
7 7 (7-3)2 + (7-7)2 =16

7 4 (7-3)2 + (4-7)2 =25

3 4 (3-3)2 + (4-7)2 =09

1 4 (1-3)2 + (4-7)2 =13

Step 3 : Sort the distance and determine the nearest
neighbours based of the Kth minimum distance :

X1 = Acid X2 = Strength Squared Rank Is it included

Durability (kg/square Euclidean minimum in 3-Nearest
(seconds) meter) distance distance Neighbour?
7 7 16 3 Yes

7 4 25 4 No

3 4 09 1 Yes

1 4 13 2 Yes
Step 4 : Take 3-Nearest Neighbours:
Gather the category Y of the nearest neighbours.

X1 = Acid X2 = Squared Rank Is it Y=

Durability Strength Euclidean minimum included in Category of
(seconds) (kg/square distance distance 3-Nearest the nearest
meter) Neighbour? neighbour
7 7 16 3 Yes Bad

7 4 25 4 No -

3 4 09 1 Yes Good

1 4 13 2 Yes Good
Step 5 : Apply simple majority

Use simple majority of the category of the nearest

neighbours as the prediction value of the query

We have 2 “good” and 1 “bad”. Thus we conclude that

the new paper tissue that passes the laboratory test
with X1 = 3 and X2 = 7 is included in the “good”
• No assumptions about data—useful, for example, for
nonlinear data
• Simple algorithm—to explain and understand/interpret
• There’s no need to build a model, tune several parameters
• Versatile—useful for classification or regression
• Computationally expensive—because the algorithm stores
all of the training data
• High memory requirement
• Stores all (or almost all) of the training data
• The prediction stage might be slow (with big N)
• Sensitive to irrelevant features and the scale of the data
Applications of KNN Classifier

Used in classification
Used to get missing values
Used in pattern recognition
Used in gene expression
Used in protein-protein prediction
Used to get 3D structure of protein
Used to measure document similarity
Comparison of various classifiers
Algorithm Features Limitations

C4.5 - Models built can be easily - Small variation in data can lead
Algorithm interpreted to different decision trees
- Easy to implement - Does not work very well on
- Can use both discrete and small training dataset
continuous values - Over-fitting
- Deals with noise
ID3 - It produces more accuracy - Requires large searching time
Algorithm than C4.5 - Sometimes it may generate
- Detection rate is increased very long rules which are
and space consumption is difficult to prune
reduced - Requires large amount of
memory to store tree
K-Nearest - Classes need not be linearly - Time to find the nearest
Neighbour separable neighbours in a large training
Algorithm - Zero cost of the learning dataset can be excessive
process - It is sensitive to noisy or
- Sometimes it is robust with irrelevant attributes
regard to noisy training data - Performance of the algorithm
- Well suited for multimodal depends on the number of
Naïve Bayes - Simple to implement - The precision of the
Algorithm - Great computational efficiency algorithm decreases if the
and classification rate amount of data is less
- It predicts accurate results for - For obtaining good results,
most of the classification and it requires a very large
prediction problems number of records

Support vector - High accuracy - Speed and size

machine - Work well even if the data is requirement both in training
Algorithm not linearly separable in the and testing is more
base feature space - High complexity and
extensive memory
requirements for
classification in many
Artificial Neural - It is easy to use with few - Requires high processing
Networks parameters to adjust time if neural network is
Algorithm - A neural network learns and large
reprogramming is not needed. - Difficult to know how many
- Easy to implement neurons and layers are
- Applicable to a wide range of necessary
problems in real life. - Learning can be slow
KNN is what we call lazy learning (vs. eager
Conceptually simple, easy to understand and
Very flexible decision boundaries
Not much learning at all!
It can be hard to find a good distance measure
Irrelevant features and noise can be very
Typically can not handle more than afew dozen
Computational cost: requires a lot computation

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