Cybersecurity Strategies23

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approach that embraced rigorous internal procedures, the adoption of external

professional support and the use of proper insurance cover is in place (Camillo, 2017).

For business leaders, a central responsibility is to ensure that the institutions

maintain written policies and procedures related to cybersecurity (Blank et al., 2016;

Herath et al., 2014). To mitigate the risk of a collapse in the global financial system

caused by a succession of successful cyberattacks, regulators indicated that financial

organizations integrate a cybersecurity framework in their information technology

governance process (Terlizzi et al., 2017). Although a cybersecurity framework is a set of

industry best practices and standards leaders used to aid cybersecurity risks and defend

digital assets from adversaries, information technology governance consists of

information technology leadership and procedures to ensure compliance with an

enterprise’s principles (Terlizzi et al., 2017). Stechyshyn (2015) conducted research to

propose the implementation of a security system engineering discipline by financial

institutions. Stechyshyn noted that leaders of financial institutions must comply with the

requirements of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. Tabassum,

Mustafa, and Maadeed (2018) explored the effects of cybercrime to understand the force

of damage caused to businesses. Tabassum et al. used Qatar as a case study emphasizing

the difficulty of securing cyberspace. Tabassum et al. noted the need for a global response

to curb cybercrime. Past cyberattacks in Qatar caused leaders to increase consciousness

and start actions for improving cybersecurity (Tabassum et al., 2018). Abdul-Wahab and

Haron (2017) conducted an empirical investigation collecting data from 15 Islamic

conventional and foreign banks that examined the efficiency of the banking sector in

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