Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 (Worksheet)

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Some Natural Phenomena


Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Very Short

Answer Questions
Question 1.
What are the two natural calamities?

Question 2.
Name other natural calamities except lightning and earthquake.

Question 3.
Name the two types of charges.

Question 4.
Mention the interactions of two types of charges.

Question 5.
Name the device used to protect buildings from lightning.

Question 6.
In which direction does the shock waves produced by an earthquake travel?

Question 7.
What happens when two clouds with unlike charges approach each other?

Question 8.
Who discovered the static electricity or lightning in clouds and when?

Question 9.
What actually causes lightning?

Question 10.
What happens when amber is rubbed with fur?

Question 11.
What is static electricity?

Question 12.
What happens when a glass rod and silk cloth are rubbed with each other?

Question 13.
What is lightning?

Question 14.
What are weak zones called?

Question 15.
How are most earthquakes caused?

Question 16.
What is a plate?

Question 17.
What is the uppermost layer of the earth called?

Question 18.
How is an earthquake caused?

Question 19.
What are seismic waves?

Question 20.
When and where a major tsunami took place in India?

Question 21.
What are the natural calamities caused by earthquakes?

Question 22.
Which kind of material is used to transfer charges from one body to another?

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Short
Answer Questions
Question 1.
What is lightning? What causes lightning?

Question 2.
What is an electric charge? What are charged objects?

Question 3.
What is static charge? How does it differ from electric current?

Question 4.
What do you mean by electric discharge? How does it occurs?

Question 5.
What is earthing? What is the application of earthing?

Question 6.
How does electric discharge occur in clouds?

Question 7.
What is lightning conductor? Where is it fixed?

Question 8.
What is an earthquake? How is it caused?

Question 9.
What are fault zones? Name the fault zones in India.

Question 10.
In India the most threatened areas or fault zones are Kashmir, Western and
Central Himalayas, the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Rann of Kutch, etc.

Question 11.
What are seismic waves? How are these waves recorded?

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Long
Answer Questions
Question 1.
What is lightning? How does lightning strike?

Question 2.
Explain the process of electric discharge.

Question 3.
What safety measures should be taken during lightning and thunderstorm?

Question 4.
What is a lightning conductor? How does it work?

Question 5.
What is an earthquake? What causes an earthquake?

Question 6.
What are the measures we should adopt to protect against an earthquake?

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Higher

Order Thinking Skills
Question 1.
If aluminium strips of an electroscope are replaced by plastic strips and a
charged body is brought in contact with the metal clip. What will happen?

Question 2.
If a charged plastic straw is brought near another uncharged plastic straw, what
will happen?

Question 3.
During construction of a building, the lightning conductor was a little shorter
and cannot be buried in the ground. Would the lightning conductor be still
effective? Explain.

Question 4.
If air and cloud were good conductors of electricity, do you think lightning
could occur? Explain.

Question 5.
The strips of an electroscope diverge when a charged body is brought in contact
with the metal clip.
What will happen to the strips if we gently touch the metal clip with hands?

Question 6.
On a dry day why do you get a slight shock on touching the screen of a
television or computer monitor (with picture tube)?

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 MCQ Questions

1. Like charges
(a) attract each other
(b) repel each other
(c) no interaction takes place
(d) none of these
2. Earthquake of which magnitude of the following cause the maximum
(a) 3.0
(b) 8.0
(c) 5.0
(d) 4.0

3. Lightning occurs due to

(a) wind
(b) rain
(c) electric discharge
(d) earthquake

4. The shaking and trembling of earth is called

(a) tsunami
(b) volcano
(c) earthquake
(d) none of these

5. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured ii

(a) Kelvin scale
(b) Celsius scale

(c) Decibel scale
(d) Richter scale

6. Which is the sure test of charge on a body?

(a) Lightning
(b) Combination
(c) Repulsion
(d) Insulation

7. Major earthquakes are less likely to occur in

(a) North-East India
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Rann of Kutch
(d) Odisha

8. Tsunami means
(a) floods
(b) earthquake
(c) earthquake under sea
(d) volcanic eruption under sea

9. Lightning always follows

(a) rain
(b) thunder
(c) the easiest path
(d) a straight path

10. The outermost layer of the earth is called

(a) mantle
(b) outer core
(c) crust
(d) inner core

11. Lightning conductor is used

(a) to destroy the buildings
(b) to protect the buildings
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

12. Types of charges gained by rubbing objects are

(a) 3

(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 1

13. The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth is
(a) lightning
(b) oscillation
(c) earthing
(d) electron movement

14. Where is the lightning conductor located?

(a) In the bottom of the building
(c) In the middle of the building
(b) On the top of the building
(d) Anywhere can be installed

15. The point from where the shock waves of an earthquake originate is called
(a) epicentre
(b) seismic focus
(c) focal depth
(d) none of these

16. The epicentre of an earthquake is

(a) in the core of earth
(b) on the surface of earth
(c) in the middle of earth
(d) none of these

17. Which of the following is not likely to cause tsunami?

(a) Nuclear explosion under sea
(b) Earthquake
(c) Volcanic eruption
(d) Lightning

18. The process of electric discharge can occur between

(a) two or more clouds
(b) clouds and the earth
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

19. During lightning air is normally
(a) a good conductor
(b) a bad conductor
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

20. If two charged objects are brought close to each other then
(a) they will attract each other.
(b) they will repel each other.
(c) they may attract or repel depending on the charges they carry.
(d) there will be no effect between them.

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