A Treatise On Extraordinary Legal Remedies

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A TREATISE EXTRAORDINARY LEGAL REMEDIES, MANDAMUS, QUO WARRANTO, PROHIBITION. By JAMES L. HIOH, Arnon OF 4 ERATINN OM THER LAW OF IETUKORM. OHIOAGO: OALLAGHAN AND OOMPANY. 1874, LIBRARY OF THE LELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITY. Entered scoording to act of Congress, in the year 1874, by Jascxs L. Hrox, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington PREFACE. Ix a pretions volume, the author has attempted to delineate the principles governing courts of equity in administering relief by. the extraordinary remedy of the writ of injunction, The unexpected favor with which that work was at once received, led to the belief that a similar treatise, upon some of the more important extraordinary remedies of courts of law, might prove acceptable to the profession, and the result is the following work, embracing the legal remedies of man- damns, quo warranto and prohibition. In the selection of these topics, the aanthor has by no means intended to exelnde others from the generic class of extraordinary legal remedies. He has rather been governed by the unsatisfactory condition of onr legal literature upon the subjects here included, and by the necessity for a more exhaustive presentation of the law governing these particular remedies, than is to be found in any existing treatise. To a considerable extent his Inbore have covered a field hitherto untrodden, no previous writer having ever attempted a treatise upon either of the subjects here embraced, which should be founded upon and include the result of all the English and American decisions. ‘The author has endeavored to familinrize himeelf with these decisions, from the earliest cases in England, down to and inelnding the latest reported cases in both countries, as well as many which have appeared in the various legal periodicals. Following the inductive method, he has endeavored eo to group and general- ize the resnits of his investigations, as to ascertain the gov- erning principles underlying all the decisions, and to state ® iv PREFACE. these in the text with as much brevity as seemed consistent with clearness. If his generalizations are not always satisfac- tory tc hie readers, they have at least the means of verifying their correctness, since his citations are believed to be as acenrate as patient toil can make them. No ease has been cited upon the authority of a digest, text-writer, or head note, and none without a careful and conscientious study of the entire decision from beginning to end. ‘The anthor ie well aware of a growing prejudice among the bench and bar against the rapid accumulation of law books. He is not disposed to assert that that prejudice ie withont just foundation, nor, upon the other hand, does he qesire to be understood as tendering any apology for his own contributions to the literature of the profession. But if he may be permitted to state what he conceives to be the real need of the profession, it is, not for fewer text-booke, but for better ones. We want Jess thetorie and more law in the hand-books which we are obliged to use in the daily routine of practice. Convenience in analysis and arrangement, clearness and precision in the state- nent of principles, ease of reference and accuracy in citation, are the indispensable requisites of a good law book. Above all else the writer should content himself with stating the law as it is, leaving to legislators and judges the task of determining what it should be. In the attainment of these results, graces of style and diction may well be made @ secondary considera- tion. And while a careful adherence to these conditions may not win for the author an enviable reputation in the domain of belles lettres, it will do something more and better, it will aecure him the gratitude of a profession whose labors he has lightened, and whose just commendation should be his highest and best reward. J.L. H. Omoaco, July 1, 1874. CONTENTS. (THE REFERENCES ARE TO THE SECTIONS. PART FIRST. THE LAW OF MANDAMUS. CHAPTER L soewos, 9 wwe Omom ax Narvne or tae Warr or Max- pay. ee ee 18 CHAPTER II, OF Muxoauvs 10 Postic Orricmms,. . . - 81-146 T—Natore and Grounds of the Jurisdiction, . 31-48 IL.—Election, Title and Possession of Offices, . 49- 66 TIL—Amotion from Public Offices, . . . . 67- 72 TV.—Books, Records and Insignia of Office,. . 73- 79 ‘V.—Ministerial Officers, . 2 2 5... 80-99 VI.—Anditing and Fiscal Officers, So... 100-17 VIL.—Executive Officers, . . . . . . . . 118-134 VIIL- jislative Officers, . . . . . . . . 185-186 TX.—Taxing Officers, . . 2. 2... . 187-146 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. Ov Manpamus ro Isvenior Covers, . + 147-275 .—Principles governing the Jurisdiction, . . 147-198 II—Bills of Exceptions, . . . . . . . . 199-215 Til.—Attorneys, . . . . see ee . 216-224 IV.—State and Federal Courts, sone ee + 925-929 ‘V.—Ministerial Functions of Courts,. . . . 230-238 VI—Justices of the Peace, . . . . . . . 239-245 ‘VII.—Special Illustrations of the Jurisdiction, . 246-275 CHAPTER IV. : Or Manpamva ro Privare Conporarions,. . . . 276-899 I.—Outlines of the Jurisdiction, . . . . . 276-290 II.—Amotion frein Corporation, . . . . . 291-805 I11.—Corporate Bouks and Records, . . . . 306-814 IV.—Railways, Canale and Public Improvements, 315-823 CHAPTER Y. Or Manpaavs 10 Mumrcirat, Corrorarions, . . . 393-499 I—Principles on which the Jurisdiction exercised, 2... oss + 898-887 I.—Anditing and Payment of Municipal Obi » 838-867 ion, and herein of Munici- pal Aid Snbseriptions and Bonds,. . . 368-400 IV.—Municipal Officers and Elections, . . . 401-419 V.—Mnunicipal Improvements, Streets and Highways, 2... 1. 1... 418-499 CHAPTER VI. Or mux Partims to Tue Weit,. . = 480-447 I.—Parties for whom the Writ is granted, . « 430-439 T1.—Parties against whom the Writ is granted, 440-447 CONTENTS. vii aon. OHAPTER VIL Or te Purapmies mx Manpanus, . . . - 48-407 1—General Principles governing the Plead. ings, . - 448-456 U—~The Return to the Altemative Writ, . . 457-487 11—Pleadings subsequent to the Return, . . 488-497 CHAPTER VIII. Orme Praoriog mx Maspamus, . . . . . . . 408-528 “CHAPTER IX. Orme Aurernamive Wrr,, . . 2... . . 529-546 OHAPTER X. Ort Punmurrory Wnit,, . + + BATA564 OHAPTER XI. Ormux Viorariow or tax Wer, . . 2 1... 565-576 CHAPTER XIL Or tx Counts meraverep wirk THe Jugipiovion, . 577-590 PART SECOND. QUO WARRANTO AND PROHIBITION. CHAPTER XIII. Or tae Onomr ann Narunz or ax Junispionon mt Quo Warmanto, . 2. 2. 1... . 501-699 OHAPTER XIV. Or Quo Wareawro scater Pustio Orrioxes, . . 623-646 viii CONTENTS. OHAPTER XV. Szonex. Or Quo Waneanro acarmer Parvare Conronarioms, 647-677 OHAPTER XVI. Or Quo Wanmanto acarser Muwrorrat Corrorations, 678-696 CHAPTER XVIL Or rue Partins mt Quo Wansaxto, . CHAPTER XVII Or max Prnapmes mx Quo Wannanro, CHAPTER XIX. Or tax Pasonioz mr Quo Wannanro, CHAPTER XX. Or maz Jupoumer x Quo Wanzanto, . CHAPTER XXI. Or tur Warr or Prommmox,. . . . I.—Nature and Purpose of the Writ, . I.—Principles governing the Jurisdiction, . I11.—Practice and Procedure in Prohibition, . Avrmspix, 6... Inpex 10 Part Finer, Impex ro Parr Sroomp, 2 2. 2 2 se . 697-709 - 710-7380 « 181-744 . 143-761 + 162-804 + 162-772 . TT8-794 + 795-804 Pao. 585 603 658 TABLE OF CASES CITED. ‘Pea nxvmanxoas aa 50 1x snonioms A Attorney General ». Salem, 690 Actas Dasha County, 82,886 | Attorney Generals, Uice Tnx. Oo, ‘Adams 0. Mathis, 247 Alene Robinaoo, 75 Anditoral Board, Artey, 109 eri Iway Frog Co. #. Ha- | Auditorial Board e. Hendrick, 102 eis Nae Tie ae eee eee Pleas Court, 256 sae Pee et Avvdley 0, Joy, 8,577 Anonymous, 14, 58, 71, 78, 182, 154, B 181, 806, 829, 459, 465, 486, 628, | Bacon and Lyon, Be parte, 24, 156, 125, 74, 795, 100 . Trustees, 851 r Baggs’ Case, 2 Appleford’s Case, 280, 206 Bailey ¢. Stroheoker, 314 Applegate 0. Applegate, 175 Baily, Bz parte, 156, 160, 162 Anberry ©. Beavers, 4, 57, 263 Baker e. Administrator of Backus, Arnold », Bhelds, 705, 779 #00 Argo. Hunt, 774 Baker o. Johnson, 856 Atberton ¢. Sherwood, 78, 75 5 Baker o. Marshall, 818 Asarney General ¢, Barstow, 608, | Batgwin e. Cooley, 710 Of 610, 694, 688, 708, 714, 789, | Betton ». Smith, 245 me 5 Ban{ster ¢. Hopton, 774 Atomey General ». Blossom, 610 aan lceenalstceeene Bank of Columbia «. Sweeny, 108 Atomey General e, Lum, 8, 81,82 | pase of Mount Plonsant, Re, 697, ne 4 706, 781 storey General s.Mtchigan 8tate | este ize part, 2,186, 173 Bank, €61, 710, 719, 720 Barker 0. People, 685 Atorney General e. New Jersey R.| Barksdale e, Cobb, 24, 156,171 &T. Co, 6 Barnett e. Warren Circuit Court, 357 Atorney General e. Petersburg and | Barrows ». Massachusetts Medical Roanoke R. Co,, 648 Bociety, 808 x TABLE OF CASES CITED. (urranexons 122 ro sxori0%8.] Bassett, Bs parte, 100, 162 Bassett e. Barbin, 441 Bassett e. School Directors, 14 Bates 0. Overseers of the Poor, 829 ath County e. Amy, 29,98, 892, 589 ssayne 9, Jenkins, 116 Beaman ¢. Board of Police, 847, 468, 4 Beck #, Jackson, 280, 281 Beebe ». Lockert, 248 Begubl ». Swan, 150 Bellows, Bz parte, 18 Benbow ¢. Towa City, 877, 879, 898, 807 Benjamin ». Prieur, 229, 586 Benson, Bz parte, %, 156, 100 ‘Benson s. Paull, 25, 28 Bininger, Re, 787 Bishop of St David e. Lucy, 704 Bishop of Winchester’s Case, 796, ‘797, 798, 709, 800 Black, Bz parte, 24, 825 Black s. Auditor of Btate, 80, 112,118 Blackburn, Bz porte, 773 Blacquiere ¢. Hawkins, 774 Blakemore ¢. Glamorganshire R. ©o, Bleoker ». St. Louis Law Commis. sioner, 188 ‘Blunt ¢. Greenwood, 156, 168 Board of Commissioners e. Spitler, "782, 784 Board of Police ». Grant, 845, 462, 54 Bonham’s Case, 2 Bonner ». State of Georgia, 49, 78 Booze ». Humbird, 487 Boraim . DaCosta, 188 Boren e. Commissioners of Darke Co, 91. Borough of Caine, Be, 802 Borough of Uniontown », The ‘Commonwealth, 418 Bostwick, Ez parte, 177, 178 Bouton e. Huraler, 778 Boyce o, Russell, 15 Boynton ¢, District Township of Newton, 877, 978 Bracken . Wells, 89 Bradley, Hz parte, 218 Bradley ». Sylvester, 606 Bradstreet, Bz parts, 101, 258, 560, 88 Brashear ¢. Mason, 128, 129 Braudlacht, Ze parte, 769, 770 Brazier o. Tarver, 186 ‘Brem 0. Arkansas Co. Court, 283 Brennan’s Adm’r. e. Harris, 186 ‘Bright 0. Supervisors of Chenango, 848, 848, 349, 535 Britton 6. Platte City, 877 Bromley, Re, 265 Brooke e, Ewer, 295, 249 Brosius 0. Reuter, 71, 297, 461, 471, Bryan 9. Cattell, 80, 104, 105 Buckley e. Palmer, 647 Budd». New Jersey RR & ‘Trans. Co., 250 ‘Buggin o, Bennett, 774, 808 Burger 0, The State, 788 Burnet ¢. Auditor, 839 Burr, Hz porte, 217, 218 Burr ¢. Norton, 78, 76 Butler ». Cobbett, 188 Butz 0. City of Muscatine, 869, 877, 808, 895 Byrne e. Harbison, 15, 177, 179 @. Campbell, Be ports, 150 Campbell ©. Wallen’s Lessee, 225 Canal Trustees ». People, 580, 587, 388 Cannon e. Janvier, 608 TABLE OF CASES CITED. xi [aeraazxces ans to srorioxs, Catiaga », Dryden, 188, 180 Clark 9, McKenzie, 66, 60, 62, 68, Carnochan, Bz parte, 80, 81, 8% 337, 441 ‘Carpenter ¢, Bristol, 191. lark ». People, 620, 712, 716 Carroll ». Board of Police, 848, 847, | Clarke », Company of Proprietor 356, 462, 54 588 Casky 9. Haviland, 186 Clarke ». Leicestershire & North. Castello», 8 Louis Cireult Court, | amptonshire Union Canal, 408 ASL ‘Clayton o. Heidelberg, 782 Catehside ~. Ovington, 774 Cleary e. Delicsseline, 697 (son 6, Baron, 808 Cleaver e. Commonwealth, 685 Chambers, He parte 182,185 | Cole, Hz parte, 272 Chamberlain ». Sibley, 120 Colonial Life Insurance Co. ». Su- Chance #. Temple, 18, 480, 440, 514, pervisors of New York, 14,140 ‘S81, 587, 689, 548 Colt v. Roberts, 882 Chase #. Blackstone Canal Co.,159 Commercial Bank ». Canal Commis. Cheatham, He parte, 15, 177 sioners, 448, 498, 508, 588 Chicago, B. & Q. R. Co. 2. Wilson, | Commercial Bank ». McCas, 669 290,287 Commissioner of Patents ©, White- cago & Northwestera BR. Co, ley, 128, 181, 191 People, 822 Commissioners 2. Auditor, 851 (iekham @. Dickson, 774 Commissioners of Boones. State,429 Chisholm e, MeGehee, 111 Commissioners of Columbia e. Bry: Charhwardens Case, 52 son, 387, 441, 448 Cauchwardens of | Market Bos: | Commissioners of Columbia Co. ». worth o. Rector of Market | King, $83, 884, 519, 369 Bosworth, 774 Commissioners of Crawford ». Lou- Gincinnati Cofege e. La Rue, 41 Isville, New Albany &8t. Louis Cincinnati ete. R. Co, . Commis-| Air Line R. Co., 890 sioners of Clinton Co, 889 Commissioners of Johnson Co. e. Citas Bank of Steubenville . Hicks, 889 ‘Wright, 24, 80, 86 Commissioners of Knox Co. ». As. Ciy Council of Montgomery, Hz | pinwall, 882, 898, 894, 352, 590 ports, 156, 168 Cominissioners of La Grange Co. (iy of Galena ». Amy, 869, 877, 308, | __e, Cutler, 286 m ‘Cominissioners of Public Schools «. Giy of Litte Bock, #e parte, 718 County Commissioners, 12, 144 (ly of Louisville », Kean, 827 Commissioners’ Court. ‘Tarver, (hy of Madison o. Korbly, 418 450, 462, 468, 487 (ly of Oiney #. Harvey, 885 Common Council of Albany, Zz (iy of Ottawa e, People, 4,24, 418, | parte, 824 416,481, 488 Commonwealth », Allegheny Bridge (iy of Zanesville «. Auditor, 96 |, Co, 654, 698 ‘apham », Wray, 779 - | Commonwealth », Allen, 685 Capper, Ze parte, 40, 424 Commonwealth e. Arrison, 658, 664, (Curk e. Board of Directors, 882 685 xii TABLE OF CASES OITED. (aavamaxces axa ro anonons.) Commonwealth e. Birchett, 608, 621 ‘Commonwealth . Bunn, 280 Commonwealth ». Burrell, 609, 614, or Commonwealth ¢, Canal Commis. sloners, 5,9 Commonwealth ». Clty of Pitts Durgh, 680 Commonwealth e. Cluley, 606, 700 Commonwealth e. Cochran, 48, 48 Commonwealth ». Commercial Bank, 648, 787 Commonwealth», Commissioners, 608, 701 Commonwealth ». Commissioners of Allegheny, 5,9, 18, 15, 20, 41, ‘889, 889, 888, 460, 471, 473, 499 ‘Commonwealth v. Commissioners of » 853, 459, 468, 554 ‘Commonwealth e. Commissioners of Philadelphia, 5, 9, 49, 859 Commonwealth 's. Councils of Pittaburg, 220 Commonwealth s. County Commls- sioner, 10, 6, 848 Commonwealth ». Court of See sions, 290, 288 Commonwealth ». Cross Cut R. Co, 78 Commonwealth », Dennison, 8, 4, 5, 194, O81, 588 ‘Commonwealth 9, Dillon, 698 ‘Commonwealth 9. District Court,217 Commonwealth ». Farmers’ Bank, 654, 608 Commonwealth », Fowler, 708 ‘Commonwealth o. Frazier, 694 Commonwealth ©. German Society, 204, 804, 472, 481 Commonwealth ». Gill, 786, 787 Commonwealth ¢, Graham, 658, 664 Commonwealth e. Guardians of the Poor, 804 Commonwealth ¢, Henry, 26, 25 Commonwealth e. James River Co, 660 ‘Commonwealth e. Johnson, 856 Commonwealth ©. Jones, 605, 614, 685, 781 Commonwealth o. Judges, 298 Commonwealth ¢. Judges of the Common Pleas, 188, 247 Commonwealth ». Justices of Fsir- fax Con 290, 287 Commnwealth e. Justices of Kan- ‘awha Co, 290, 287 Commonwealth ¢. M'Closkey, 608, 635 Commonwealth s. Meeser, 685, 701 Commonwealth o. Murray, 600, 665 Commonwealth ©. M'Williams, 718 Commonwealth °. Perkins, 50, 97, 980 Commonwealth ¢. Philadelphia, Germantown & Norristown R. Co,, 654, 698 Commonwealth », Pittsburgh, 882, 888 Commonwealth ». Reigart, 605, 688 Commonwealth ». Rosseter, 10, 15, 288 Commonwealth e. Small, 592, 687 Commonwealth ». Smith, 675 Commonwealth e. Sprenger, 785, 786 Commonwealth . Taylor, 678 Commonwealth . Woelper, 751 Compton ». Airial, 82, 288 Condit 6. Commissioners of Newton Co, 41 Conlin ¢. Aldrich, 49 Conred ¢. Prieur, 299, 586 Conway, Bz parte, 166 Cooper e. Stocker, 770, 73 Corporation ». Paulding, 196 Cortleyou e. Ten Eyck, 285, 584 Coster, Hz parte, 168, Cotten e. Ellis, 119 County of Boone », Todd, 280, 282 County of Calaveras 2, Brockway, 79, 264, 453, County of Pike o. State, 426, 481 County Court ». Robinson, 254 TABLE OF CASES CITED. (asrznmxcas sna 10 ssorom=.] County Court of Macoupin ». Peo- le, 18, 801 County Court of Madison ». People, 301, 625, County Court of Warren ». Daniel, 188, 189 Cone. Backelew, 268, 081 Oo #8 Albans, 778 Coy e. City Council, 877 Crandall ». Amador Co., 889, 240 Crane, Rs parte, 191, 200 Cane «. Judge of Wayne Ctrcult Conrt, 300 Creager. Meeker, 209, 914 Cripps Case, 478 Cneker ¢. Old South Boclety, 800 Cromle, Re, 397, 585 Grncher ¢, Collins, 206, 797, 800 Govt. Lambert, 78, 74, 75 Carer 9, Smith, 250 Curtiss, McCullough, 288 Cothbert 6, Lewis, $80, 289 D. Dual». County Court of Warren, 2,381 Duaey«, Whiteley, 80, 104 Durille & White Lick Plankroad Uo. The Btate, 724 Duty 6. Covens, 731 Duley «. Queen, 698, 596, 509, 696 Dut», Houston, 617, 618 Darenport, #2 parte, 24, 158, 197 Davia, McKeeby, 66 Demon ». Thruston, 980, 984 Day. Callow, 868 Dy». Justices of Fleming Co, Coart, 178 Detar &. Paulding, 198, 199, 180 DeGroot, Hz parte, 188, 195 Delsey *. Neuse River Navigation Co, 204, 205 Delavan ». Boardman, $14 Dennett, He, 120, 191 Dickerson 6. Peters, 418, 420 Dickson . People, 680,759 * Digge ». Prieur, 299, 586 Dinwiddie Justices ». Chesterfield ‘Tustices, 508 Dixon o. Feild, 251 Dixon ». Judge of Second Circuit, 102, 154 Dodd e. Miller, 117, 404 Dolby e. Remington, 800 Dominick ¢. Bayre, 896 Donnelly ©. People, 608, 710, 711 Drew e. Judges of Sweet Springs, 67 Duke of Rutland ¢. Bagshaw, 800 Duncan e. Mayor of Louisville, 868, 366 Dunklin County #, District County Court, 1, 188, 194 Durant ¢. Supervisors of Weshing- ton, 874 gE Earle’s Case, 9,407, 408 Early ». Mannix, 15, 177, 178 Echols, He ports, 185 Edmunds, Ba porte, 100 Edmundson ¢. Walker, 778 Elkins e. Athearn, 188, 180 Ellfeott », Levy Court, 144 Ellis ». County Commissioners of Brlatol, 56, 00, 61, 68, 68 Ellyson, Hz parts, 722 Elaton, Ha parte, 170, 177 Enfield ¢, Hall, 47 Engel o. Spear, 204 Etheridge o. Hall, 17, 310, 619 Evans ¢. Gwyn, 774 Farman ¢. Commissioners of Darke Co, 81

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