Ae21 History Computer
Ae21 History Computer
Ae21 History Computer
● First computing device was the Abacus which was invented 4000 years ago by the
Chinese. It is made of wood that has beads that are used to operate computations.
● Napier’s Bone which was made by John Napier which is a calculating tool that
uses 9 ivory strips that function as the bones and marked with numerals to
multiply and divide.
● Pascaline was invented by Biaise Pascal in 1642 which was the first mechanical
and automated calculator.
● Stepped Reckoner was developed in 1673 by the German mathematician and
philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who built upon Pascal's original idea.
Because it employed fluted drums rather than gears, the digital mechanical
calculator was dubbed the "stepped reckoner."
● Analog computers are constructed without any electrical components, using a
variety of parts such as gears and levers. Analog computing has the benefit that
creating an analog computer to solve a particular issue can be quite simple.
● Digital computers store information in discrete form, which is commonly
represented as binary digits, or bits, which are sequences of 0s and 1s. It is also
capable of processing any kind of data in a handful of seconds.
● An inventor named Joseph Marie Jacquard, invented a simple loom that uses
punched wooden cards to automatically weave fabric designs. Those punch cards
were also used in early computers.
● A project named “Difference Engine” made by Charles Babbage that was
supposed to compute tables of numbers failed due to lack of technology.
● The world’s first computer program was made by an English mathematician, Ada
Lovelace. She made the Bernoulli numbers which are sequences of rational
numbers often used in computation.
● Herman Hollerith established International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
which is now a global technology innovator.
● Alan Turing made the “Turing Machine” that is capable of computing anything
that is computable.
● John Vincent Atanasoff submits a proposal to build the first electric only
● Atanasoff and his student Clifford BErry designed the first digital electronic
computer in the U.S. called ABC (1941)
● The transistor was created by Bell Laboratories' Walter Brattain, John Bardeen,
and William Shockley. They learn how to create an electric switch without a
vacuum and using solid materials.
● The first computer language was created by Grace Hopper and is later referred to
as COBOL, or COmmon, Business-Oriented Language.
● IBM programmers John Backus and his group release a paper outlining their
recently developed FORTRAN programming language, which stands for
FORmula TRANslation.
● Ethernet is developed by Xerox research staff member Robert Metcalfe to connect
several computers and other hardware.
● On April Fool's Day, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak joined together to form Apple
Computer. The first computer with a single circuit board and read-only memory, or
ROM, is introduced as the Apple I.
● The utilization of graphics and music on PCs is improved by the Pentium chip.
● The first 64-bit CPU for personal computers, the AMD Athlon 64, was made
available to consumers in 2003.
● The Frontier supercomputer is the most potent computer in existence. The
machine went online in Tennessee's Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility
(OLCF) in 2022, ushering in the era of exascale computing with a performance
level of up to 1.102 exaFLOPS.