p2 - Stock Market Prediction System A Wavelet Based
p2 - Stock Market Prediction System A Wavelet Based
p2 - Stock Market Prediction System A Wavelet Based
Abstract: This work concentrates on computational approach for predicting the interval (number of trading days), a significant feature
of stock market analysis using Haar Wavelet. A distinct model is proposed for predicting the high value of returns. The prime objective
is to understand the trends using Haar wavelet and use this information to determine the interval for future direction. This model used
85 securities closing price and validated 4355 trading days. The results reported at 200 recent trading days with an average accuracy of
45.88% on 85 securities over a period of 15 years.
Keywords: Haar wavelet, National Stock Exchange (NSE),Stock Market Prediction, Wavelet Transform (WT).
1 Introduction can become more crucial for the recent stock market
changes and increases the need for financial care of
The objective of this work is to capture trends and stock-market. The stock market usually improve
similarities in order to help investors understand the economical well-being of people. The financial market
current trading scenario, aiming the test of system typically generates large amount of fluctuating
data, which might be analyzed for developing a better
hypothesis,‘whether trading intervals have any significant
impact on stock market data’. Studies suggest that, the decision support system. To make a cutting edge on stock
stock analysis is still evolving, and these exist an market, the hidden information in stock-market data is
considered, which is largely untapped and to be identified.
opportunity for developing new evaluation technique and
use of various data mining methods, which involves Financial data including numbers and charts must be
interval based analysis to make inference about the analyzed for effective trading decisions, further assessing
current market. Wavelet function is increasingly applied the feasibility of stock market data analysis using wavelet
and specifically predicting the stock data based on trading
to these stock data sets because it permit experts to focus
on time scale where the trading patterns would be intervals. This work introduces wavelets as a technique
important. Wavelets can be very much useful for for stock prediction, the development and characterization
distinguish trading patterns from other price movements. of a method to assess repetitive stock patterns for
detecting basic stock characteristics from NSE data set.
This work presents an interval based stock market
analysis using Haar wavelet in NSE data set which can
identify significant informative financial characteristics.
This method can be opted as an alternative to analyze
financial data which involves the effective use of stock This paper first survey on the related work, introduce
market data and assist investors to make better decisions wavelets and describe the main stock market
based on intervals. characteristics. We then detail the stock processing
Since lesser models are present to predict the state of required to detect basic characteristics in stock market
stock market based on trading intervals, the efficient data and describe the extracted features and elaborate on
diagnosis of current stock market and its relationship with the experiment. Finally, discuss the results with future
various financial trades will be available. These models work.
∗ Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]
c 2018 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
580 S. Saravanan, S. Mala: Stock market prediction system: a wavelet based...
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Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 12, No. 3, 579-585 (2018) / www.naturalspublishing.com/Journals.asp 581
hold the shares. This work attempts to design simple 3.3 Daily Returns From Closing Price
wavelet-based model for stock prediction in the future in
terms of interval based on trading days. Issues in data The input to processing chain is the closing price of stock
preprocessing technique, architectural design, wavelet market historical data for a particular security. In the first
selection and performance measures have been stage, the rate of returns from closing price are calculated
considered carefully. The methods were all implemented by the following formula depicted in (1). Returns from
off-line using MATLAB. The framework for stock Closing price quotes the ith return of an asset from the
prediction is illustrated in Fig. 1. The daily returns period T(i)to T(i+1) and normalizes it with time interval,
calculated from closing price are the significant input for which is 1 between successive price observations.
this processing chain. Firstly, the noise from returns are
removed by using Haar wavelet. The denoised-returns are
given as input to the next stage, where intervals for times(i + 1)
Return(i) = log (1)
positive stock market prediction is calculated using Haar (times(i + 1) − times(i))
wavelet. The results are further evaluated using confusion
matrix. The sample returns calculated using MATLAB for
NSE RCF security from March 1998 to June 2016 is
shown in Fig. 2.
Close Price
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Trading Days
Return NSE-RCF
Close Price returns
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Trading Days
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582 S. Saravanan, S. Mala: Stock market prediction system: a wavelet based...
mother wavelet. The wavelet coefficient Csp (R), at scale s
and position p, is defined as in (2).
Daily Returns
1 (t − p)
R(t) p φ
Csp (R) = dt. (2)
(s) s
0 500 1000 1500 2000
2500 3000 3500 4000
By application of specific threshold th pd on the
coefficients Csp = C10
p (R), CWT-PD creates a vector T
with elements Ti as in (3).
Fig. 3: NSE RCF: Raw Signal and Reconstructed Signal
1, ∀i : Ci (R) > th pd
Ti = (3)
0, otherwise.
The PSNR and MSE for 85 different securities are
analyzed before the detection of basic stock price This step divides returns into profit and non-profit
characteristics (profit/loss) analysis.The results obtained segments. Profit segments greater than the threshold are
for these securities shows the current trading intervals considered. CWT PD checks the return direction of each
playing the significant role in stock market prediction. 39 segment. The direction is derived from the sign of
out of 85 securities show the impact of current 200 corresponding element in T. The Fig. 5 illustrates raw
trading days. Fig. 4 list the highest values of returns (R) and Profit segments with application specific
PSNR(encircled) for 2 different sample securities. threshold 0.05.
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Table 2: Various security features with average intervals. Table 3: Confusion matrix(Actual Vs Calculated Results).
Security PSNR MSE Data Interval AvgPeakDist Actual Results TRUE FALSE TOTAL
1 81.476 0.000463 1-1400 42 Positive 1066(TP) 1134 (FP) 2200
2 77.504 0.001155 1-400 32 Negative 1071(TN) 1085(FN) 2156
3 83.937 0.000263 1-400 55 2137 2219
4 79.928 0.000661 1-200 23 Total (TP+FP+TN+FN) 4356
5 81.978 0.000412 1-200 49 Correct Predictions (TP+FN) 2151
6 80.221 0.000618 1-1600 26 Accuracy ((TP+FN)/Total) 49.38
7 84.013 0.000258 1-200 183
8 81.185 0.000495 1-1200 48
9 80.308 0.000606 1-2400 31 Table 4: Evaluation Results.
1 NumberOfObservations: 4356
2 ControlClasses: 2
3 CorrectRate: Accuracy 0.4938
4 ErrorRate: 0.5062
5 Sensitivity: 0.48455
6 Specificity: 0.50325
7 PositivePredictiveValue: 0.49883
8 NegativePredictiveValue: 0.48896
Peak Marker Vector for NSE RCF Returns (th=0.05) (Average Peak Distance =44)
0.1 Recons Haar Returns
peak Marker-vector
NSE RCF Returns
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