Testing For Entailments
Testing For Entailments
Testing For Entailments
• can you imagine a situation in which (1a) and (1b) are both true? YES
• can you imagine a situation in which (1a) is true and (1b) is false? YES
• can you imagine a situation in which (2a) and (2b) are both true? YES
• can you imagine a situation in which (2a) is true, but (2b) is false? NO
• can you imagine a situation in which (3a) and (3b) are both true? YES
• can you imagine a situation in which (3a) is true and (3b) is false? YES
• can you imagine a situation in which (4a) and (4b) are both true? YES
• can you imagine a situation in which (4a) is true, but (4b) is false? NO
What we see:
• in (1) & (3), the truth of the (a)-sentence tells us nothing about whether the
(b)-sentence is true or false
• in (2) & (4), the truth of the (a)-sentence requires that the (b)-sentence be true
• in other words, it’s impossible for (2a)/(4a) to be true while (2b)/(4b) is false
Special term for the relationship that holds between (2a)/(4a) and (2b)/(4b):
(6) Sally tried to leave on time. But, she didn’t leave on time.
(not contradictory)
(7) #Sally managed to leave on time. {But, In fact}, she didn’t leave on time.
When using Test A, but gives the best results, so try it first. If the resulting
sentence doesn’t sound “weird” and contradictory, you can immediately
conclude that the first sentence does not entail the second sentence (as in (6)
above). If using but yields something that sounds “weird” and possibly
contradictory, then try using in fact. If in fact still yields a “weird” result, then
you can safely conclude that there is a contradiction, so the first sentence entails
the second sentence (as in (7) above). On the other hand, if in fact yields an
acceptable, non-contradictory result, then you should conclude that the first
sentence does not entail the second sentence. Here’s an example:
(9) #I have to arrive at work by 7am. But I have to arrive at work before 7am.
Sounds pretty weird, right? So let’s try using in fact instead:
(10) I have to arrive at work by 7am. In fact, I have to arrive at work before 7am.
Now, (10) sounds perfectly acceptable. So we should conclude that (8a) does not
entail (8b).
(11) Kim allegedly kissed Sandy. In fact, she did kiss Sandy.
(not redundant)
(12) #Kim passionately kissed Sandy. {In fact, But}, she did kiss Sandy.
When using Test B, in fact gives the best results, so try it first. If the resulting
sentence doesn’t sound “weird” and redundant, you can immediately conclude
that the first sentence does not entail the second sentence (as in (11) above). The
phrase not only that also works well:
(11’) Kim allegedly kissed Sandy. Not only that, she did kiss Sandy.
(not redundant)
If using in fact or not only that yields something that sounds “weird” and possibly
redundant, then try using but. If but still yields a “weird” result, then you can
safely conclude that there is a reduncancy, and so the first sentence entails the
second sentence (as in (12) above). On the other hand, if but yields an acceptable,
non-redundant result, then you should conclude that the first sentence does not
entail the second sentence. Here’s an example:
Let’s first try our test with in fact (or not only that):
Why does the choice between but or in fact even matter? Perhaps somewhat
surprisingly, but and in fact convey certain meanings of their own, which are
concerned with the amount of “contrast” that exists between the two sentences
that they join together. It’s these extra bits of meaning that sometimes interfere
with our (otherwise quite nifty) tests. (It’s also these extra bits of meaning that
make but the initial choice for Test A, and in fact the initial choice for Test B.) As
the course proceeds, we’ll actually read more about the meaningful contributions
of but (though unfortunately, not in fact).